HomeMy WebLinkAbout0945cc W z z cc 0 cc j m z z cc W M 0 z Q � D cc W M 5A5 40 z o zzrb 0 w z z Ln cc a L, o m wz z • a r C �Cr 0 0 LL U) C LU z 0- w O m = 5 W� z rY .Q Uw O Q Q LL a U a 0 w z z �Ln Wcc n o m wz ri z� Uo UJ 0 �a a r 0 w Cc z C = m �2 w z .Q z r U) co Ucc UJ UJ cr Cr C- 0 C4f) PLAT for the WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST Parts of Sec's. 4, S, 6, 8 and 9, T. 8 S., R. 84 W., and parts of Sec. 1, T. 8 S., R. 85 W., and parts of Sec's. 31 and 32, T. 7 S., R. 84 W., and parts of Sec. 36, T. 7 S., R. 85 W., all in the 6th. Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado 36 Corner 1 Tract 37 1 Corner 2 Tract 37 j Fd. a 2 GLO BC on Fd. a 2 1" GLO BC on a a 1" iron pipe, 1914. I1" iron pipe, 1914. I { Township 7 South -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- T Ut his section line projected for graphical purposes only Township 8 South Tract 37 1 Corner 6 Tract 37 1 Fd. a 2 4" GLO BC on I corner Sec's 1 & 36 I a 1" iron pipe, 1914. Fd. a 2 1" GLO BC on a 1" iron post, 1914. 1 I I WHI TE R /VER O - - - -- 1 NATIONAL FOREST I�� - - - - - - O _ _ _ _ 1324.55' �- �: 1 LANDS 1 N 87'35'01 5.61' " W 273 ' � I 1 1 ° Corner Sec's 6 & 31, T. 7 & 8 S., R. 84 W. 1 i Fd. a 3" GLO BC on a 3" iron pipe, 1914. Q 1 � I 1 Tract 38 I � I 1 ° I Q 1 I1 4 O 4 O 1 2 Q1 Corner 3 Tract 37 Fd. a 2 1" GLO BC on a 1" iron pipe, 1914. Corners 2, 3 & 4 Tracts 37, 38 & 39 1 Fd. a 2 1" GLO BC on a 1" iron pipe, 1914. I 1 I 1 � 1 Tract 39 1 o' 400' soo' 1 I1 m m Scale: P=400 survey feet 3 13 II BASIS OF BEARING: (� The line from the t corner of Sec's. 5 and 6 and the 4 corner of Sec's. 5, 6, 7 and 8 is assumed to bear N. 0 °26'27" W. and is monumented as shown hereon. 0 ® All other bearings are relative thereto. 1 LEGEND Corner 3 Tract 39 PLAT REFERENCES Original GLO and BLM notes and plats for sectional and Tract Surveys. NOTICE 13- 84105CR.S, as amended ACCORDING 727 COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANYLEGAL ACTION BASED UPONANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVERED SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MA YANYAC71ONBASED UPONANYDEFECT IN THIS SURVEYBE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 31 Note: Corner 6 of Tract 37 was found to bear N. 0'03'38" W., 59.78' from the monumented North line of Section 6, T. 8 S., R. 84 W. which is in agreement with the record BLM field notes from 1963 (North, 59.4'). Corner Sec's 31 and 32 Fd. a 3 J" BLM BC on a 2 J" iron pipe, 1963. 2520.38' N J corner Sec. 6 109.20'— Fd. a 2" AC on a #6 rebar by LS 5933, 2001. Witness Corner 78.54' Fd. a 3 4" BLM BC on a 2 iron post, 1963. I I, � I O t rn N � W �I M I N O i of z i I I I -_ S 89'00'30" E 2587.72' � Center I corner Sec.6 Fd. a 3 4" AC on a #6 rebar by LS 28643, 2008. I VICINITY MAP I Corner Sec's 6 & 7 4 corner Sec's 6 & 7 N.T.S. 1 Fd. 3 4" BLM BC Fd. 3 4" USDA AC on a 2 J" iron post 1963. on a 2 J" AL post GENERAL NOTES: All fence lines shown hereon are for graphical purposes only. They may not be relied upon to establish property boundaries. This survey was performed without the benefit of a title policy or commitment and does not constitute a title search by E. Schaaf & Associates, Inc. U.S.D.A. — Forest Service requested that easements not be shown on this plat. LAND SURVEY DEPOSIT Date ,� „Q /3 , To t3 Book Page Q Deposit No. I, Charles H. Dubs, a Registered Land Surveyor in the State of Colorado, do hereby certify that this plat accurately represents a survey made by me or under my direction and supervision. I further certify that the monuments shown hereon actually exist, and that their positions are as shown. Signature PLS No. 38016 Date :v 38016 i ssfaUAl LPN�� corner Sec's 5 & 6 Fd. a 3 4” BLM BC on a 2" iron post, 1963. a e a Q c a O co l l0 Corner Sec's 5, 6, 7 and 8 Fd. 3 4" BLM BC on a 2 J" iron post 1963 \ 32 WHI TE R/ VER NA TIONAL FOREST LANDS Calculated corner Sec's 5 & 6 Township 7 South Township 8 South 5 WHI TE R /VER NATIONAL FOREST LANDS D Control Point 1 – a found 1" plastic cap on a #5 rebar marked "Control Pt." WGS84 Coordinates: N: 39'22'56.46125" W: 106'48'06.21263" Hgt: 8306.069sft