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N 6,9 � (111 FOUND NORTHWEST SURVEY MONUMENT CORNER LOT 3 h 9 1,34 8 W N. 1.5" ALUMINUM CAPCAP ON W COR �0 TO\ I REBAR STAMPED LS 9337 ° G i3 EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SAN DISTRICT EASEMENT RECEPTION FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT 1.25 YELLOW PLASTIC CAP ON Lb%[M[D p No. 4 REBAR STAMPED PEAK 1 \ 201121535 z SO'02'E 0.37' FROM CORNER °G WOOD LATTICE\ DURAN SUBDIVISION o FENCE J0 No o CA w 1 FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT NORTHEAST CORNER SEC. 35 LOTS I AND 2 1 G AVEL ( ° 2.5" BRASS USGLO CAP ON 1" OAD G IRON PIPE 1942 Town of Minturn, County of Eagle, State of Colorado SET SURVEY MONUMENT 1.5" ALUMINUM CAP ON No. 5 REBAR STAMPED LS 34998 l LOT 3 6'00' DURAN SUBDIVISION °G W I RECEPTION No. 553188 o �) bo 5' O / l l 210 2S 44' •"' 0)S N rn O o/ I z S 0 °39 J, / > / cam/co rn I UTILITY POLE LEGAL DESCRIPTION (0/l :;I'D/ o z 3/ 1 (TYP) Lots 1 and 2, Duran Subdivision, Town of Minturn, Colorado, Z/ W C according to the Final Plat thereof as recorded December 14, / 1 �0 1,3336 1994 as Reception No. 553188 in the Office of the Eagle / 1 I SURVEYOR'S NOTES: County Clerk and Recorder, Eagle County Colorado. / M / 1 m0 l; / � / 1 1 1) Survey Date: August 02, 2018. K �1� N w / 0 1 2) Basis of Bearing: S 00°02'00" E between found survey W l� M 0 o — o tz / monuments marking the East line of Section 35, as shown and LOT 29 0) 0 (I o 0) C5 described hereon. This Bearing is based off the Annexation RECEPTION No. 221612 1 0)1 M D °'-lo Plat of the South Minturn Addition as recorded March 01, 1978 P_I Cn 1 M to C 1 l m1.5" FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT ALUMINUM CAP ON as Reception No. 163774. 1 0)1 O D 1 REBAR STAMPED LS 9337 - z� I l 3) Posted Address: 048 and 078 Vista Barranco Lane. N l I l O Z 1 Z 4) Location of Improvements, Lot lines, and Easements are l 1 1 0y based upon the Final Plat of Duran Subdivision as Recorded 1 l LOT 2 0 —j m cn December 14, 1994 at Reception No. 553188 and the Old 1 c� D 0.18 ACRES D o m = N u) republic National Title Insurance Company title commitment 0o z 1 046 X o o 0 D --► O Order No. V50051174, dated July 17, 2018 and provided by 1 I 00 I 1 z o 71 N r O -i Land Title Guarantee Company, along with Survey Monuments 1 1 o Iv p Z Z� shown hereon. 1 o p W�mD SET SURVEY MONUMENTI I I 1 UTILITY EASEMENT y O m cn > oO Z 5) This Land Survey Plat was prepared for the exclusive use of 1.5" ALUMINUM CAP ON 1 1201121533 RECEPTION No.s Mm G7 Manuel and Diana Duran, and is Valid only if print has original No. 5 REBAR STAMPED LS 34998 1�� AND 201121534 cn seal and signature of surveyor. I IZ0I 01 I �5 D 1 l D 6) Lineal Units of the U.S. Survey Foot were used herein. 0 z 01�� o N N 4.34'47„ N rri o l r- o l o l 0 1 w oIm D 01mo o l ml J 89'58'00" W c� D -+ � Ln 00 �lm Ci Z — — I I —S — — 31.00' m� d% Imp O 1 O ( :0 1 z 10 r d� _z <D 1= o • O I 10 10 X30.45 � �J m cn 1 I= 1 TURN AROUND oo M 1� w 1 rn No 201ON 11 993 I� SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE � 11� 1 I ❑ 0 0l m m lz a? ry I 1 to SET SURVEY MONUMENT 1, Matthew S. Slagle a Licensed Professional Land Surveyor in the State Q w N Cn CO 0) 1 l0 1.5" ALUMINUM CAP ON No. 5 REBAR STAMPED LS 34998 of Colorado, hereby certify that this Land Survey Plat was done b me y y Y Y W , Im M m o 11 N 89'58'00" E J or under my responsible charge, and that it was performed using the 1 n Z w o r- — — — — �— — — — — — — — --- standard care and practice used in the area at the time of the 0 1 D W -lm 1 1 0 31.00' survey, and is based upon the my knowledge, information and belief . 0 V O LOT 32 This certification is not a guarantee or warranty, either expressed or 1°zo 1 15' I 1 N MINTURN ADDITION implied. The Notes hereon are a part of this certification. ( o M 0)SOUTH 1 WOOD F RIVACY O RECEPTION No. 163774 0 1 I,, v FE CE 100 �I 1 1 —Z 1 JI 1 Ct I � < -� 1 l 1 LOT 1 U' . `� �' �6',V t o 1 11 l 0.19 ACRES o 'rt , =`4 ire 1 I 1 078 0 FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT 1 I 2'83' ( l _'if7� 4114 1.5" BRASS CAP ON REBAR i El M LS ILLEGIBLE I 1 1 1 IL 10.00' — S 89'58'00" W ( 14-36' 1 l Matthew S. Slagle PLS 34998 Professional Land Surveyor CD ? 90, State of Colorado N �4'4g� DO (BEq R� Nc oisT 4NCE) � rn Revision: Drafting Edits 06-24-19 MSS Cn 0 LOT 31 W DIMENSADDITION� Revision: Drafting Edits 04-23-19 MSS SOUTH R U MI l0 N UN o. 63 7 7 WIRE FENCE EC E P N� 4 4 7'S �„w ONS OF RE 1 30.29) COR© SLAGLE S SERVICES O M 10 0 5 10 20 40 "30.24. 800 Castle Drive - P.O. Box 751 Eagle, Colorado 81631 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE C7 970.471.1499 Office matthew@slaglesurvey.com S� Deposited this _I =_ day Of—�U�--�---__, 20—\ , at FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT .5” ALUMINUM CAP ON Www.SlagleSurVey.COm 1 INCH = 10 FEET ___—.M In Book County of the Eagle Count Surveyor's Land No. 5 REBAR STAMPED LS 34998 �Q�� ������ p�Q� Survey Plats/Rights—of—Way Surveys at Page 8� , Reception FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT Number —}— SOUTH MINTURN ADDITION, 2.5" BRASS CAP ON 1" PIPE ------------- STAMPED SW COR GATES TRACT LOTS 31 AND 32 NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal c� r 1--—`------------- M m ❑ S 07'28'03" E 720.11' (S 07'27'10" E 721.11') ' Town of Minturn, Coup of Ea le, State of Colorado action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you --- Z DRAWN BY: JOB NUMBER: DRAWING NAME: first discovered such defect. In no event, may any action based upon m FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT MSS 18029 18029 LSP.dwg any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the County Su�eyor p 2.5" BRASS USGLO CAP ON date of certification shown hereon. 1" IRON PIPE 1942 SHEET 1 OF 1 DATE: 08-06-2018