HomeMy WebLinkAbout1155Improvement Survey Plat Part of NW 1/4, Section 13, Township 5 South, Range 82 West of the 6th Principal Meridian COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO Notes: 1) Recorded information and the legal description was provided by Land Title Guarantee Co.. The easements listed on Order No. V50050935-3 that lie within the subject property and are described in a way that allows them to be drawn, are shown on the drawing. 2) The bearings are based upon a line connecting the monuments found at the most southerly and most westerly corners of Lot 22 being N 56°40'45" W. The monuments found and set are described on the drawing. 3) The lineal units are in U.S. survey feet. 4 13S9Frain�grate \ of steps \ J \ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Legal description: Lot 22, Tract I, Beaver Creek Subdivision, Fifth Amendment to the Fourth Filing - Tract I, Lot 22, according to the plat recorded February 19, 1997, under Reception No. 614924, Eagle County, Colorado. Those Easement Rights created by instrument recorded September 15, 1997 in Book 737 at Page 139 and as Amended in instrument recorded April 15,1998 under Reception No. 652670. Those Easement Rights created by instrument recorded February 11, 1998 under Reception No. 646940 and as Amended in instrument recorded April 15, 1998 inder Reception No. 652670. SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT I, Leland Lechner, do hereby certify to Stoney B. Barton, Staci L. Barton and Land Title Guarantee Co. that I am a Professional Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this Improvement Survey Plat is based upon a field survey under my direct supervision and correctly shows the location and dimensions of the improvements and parcel as the same are staked upon the ground in compliance with applicable regulations governing the surveying of land. Specifically I further certify that this Improvement Survey Plat meets all of the requirements of CRS 38-51-102(9). In Witness Whereof, I have set my hand and seal this 25th day of September, 2018. aoe�® ,• x 09/25/1 Pr6 wooallI�.4h 4f eyor No. 23506 a'a..aaaes.a6ca'a g2°52'30" W 39.25 indicates a 5/8" rebar with a 1 112" blue plastic cap stamped LS 23506 set transformer Autility pedestals S 1• —drain grate / J lawn edge — ' — /, _ \ Cz 100 s6 Skier, Pedestrian, Utility and Access Easments c / Book 336, Page 620 and Book 708, Page 502 ) 9 01 - \ house Creek SIC SIL Ia nas, line of large rocks/ Drive Building Envelope /I per Encroachment Easement at Reception No. 854811 ) boulder wall I drain grate _ Lot 21 / /wooden dp,\>, i^ upper level deck bridge L—I X86010'38" ,II// improvements located onto the 10' Utility and Drainage Ea)ement ( allowed per document at Reception No. 646940, amended at Reception No. 652670) / R=85.00' L=127.85' LC=116.13' / LCB=S 60056'00" E ',drainage flow line Lot 22 0.430 Ac. t(/ / 10' Utility and Drainage Easement � / (Book 382, Page 899 &Book 578, Page 750 Address: 122 Beaver Creek Drive / �• & Book 632, Page 199) 6.61 4 13S9Frain�grate \ of steps \ J \ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Legal description: Lot 22, Tract I, Beaver Creek Subdivision, Fifth Amendment to the Fourth Filing - Tract I, Lot 22, according to the plat recorded February 19, 1997, under Reception No. 614924, Eagle County, Colorado. Those Easement Rights created by instrument recorded September 15, 1997 in Book 737 at Page 139 and as Amended in instrument recorded April 15,1998 under Reception No. 652670. Those Easement Rights created by instrument recorded February 11, 1998 under Reception No. 646940 and as Amended in instrument recorded April 15, 1998 inder Reception No. 652670. SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT I, Leland Lechner, do hereby certify to Stoney B. Barton, Staci L. Barton and Land Title Guarantee Co. that I am a Professional Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this Improvement Survey Plat is based upon a field survey under my direct supervision and correctly shows the location and dimensions of the improvements and parcel as the same are staked upon the ground in compliance with applicable regulations governing the surveying of land. Specifically I further certify that this Improvement Survey Plat meets all of the requirements of CRS 38-51-102(9). In Witness Whereof, I have set my hand and seal this 25th day of September, 2018. aoe�® ,• x 09/25/1 Pr6 wooallI�.4h 4f eyor No. 23506 a'a..aaaes.a6ca'a g2°52'30" W 39.25 14P S 1• / lawn edge — ' — /, _ \ ° s6 Skier, Pedestrian, Utility and Access Easments Book 336, Page 620 and Book 708, Page 502 ) \ house �& SIC SIL Ia nas, Building Envelope CP Parcel 3\ dp,\>, i^ upper level deck 6S ,II// improvements located onto the 10' Utility and Drainage Ea)ement ( allowed per document at Reception No. 646940, amended at Reception No. 652670) Parcel deck overhang and landscaping approved by document at Book 737, Page 139, Amended at Recept No. 652670 Tract S Golf Course line of large rocks Im \ \ steps/deck Lot 23 address rock 5 �✓ Lot 23 6' , / °` C) indicates a 5/8" rebar with a 1 1/2" aluminum cap stamped LS 11204 ( original monument set per plat referenced in the legal description ) 1 1/2" steel washer stamped LS 23506 set in pavement Scale 1 "=20' 0 10 20 30 40 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Deposited this iEclay of 20,1, at : 3 Al.m. in sooe,�._of the Eagle Count Surveyor's Land Survey Plats/Rights- of-Way Surveys at Page This Land Survey Plat complies with Section 38-51-102, of the Colorado Revised Statutes. EAGLE COUNTY RECORDS STATEMENT This Improvement Survey Plat was deposited with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder on this day of , 2018. By: Note: According to Colorado law, you must commence any legal action based upon any defect on this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of certification shown hereon. Leland Lechner PLS 30946 County Rd. 356, Buena Vista, Co. 81211 ( 719 ) 395-9160