HomeMy WebLinkAbout1173Colorado Department SET EASEMENT MONUMENT r BLM MARKER FEDERAL MONUMENT LOCAL OR PLSS MONUMENT SECTION CORNER of Transportation Survey Unit. - QUARTER, SIXTEENTH, AND SECTION CORNERS TEMPORARY EASEMENT POINT -.i - 'AA PROPERTY PIN NOAA MARKER •4•S WITNESS CORNER SECONDARY CONTROL MONUMENT UTILITIES -WESTERN UNION TEL. (EXISTING) UTILTIES-PUBLIC SERVICE (EXISTING) RIGHT OF WAY MARKER QUARTER, SIXTEENTH, AND SECTION CORNERS W_ BENCH MARK USGS MARKER RIGHT OF WAY MARKER HIGH ACCURACY REFERENCE NETWORK CONTROL MONUMENT TTT i i -T 7 1IiLJL17-i4++ iTTl TTT (EfIT1CTTi�'T RIALROAD (EXISTING) ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- PERMANENT, PROPERTY, SLOPE, & UTILITY EASEMENT LINE TEMPORARY EASEMENT LINE (EXISTING) PROPERTY BOUNDARY LINE (EXISTING AND PROPOSED) ACCESS CONTROL LINE —tH I I IIF— I+I-- --I-1 1 I I l "' l_1______ BARRIER ACCESS CONTROL LINE RIGHT OF WAY LINE VIRGIN RIGHT OF WAY LINE (PROPOSED) CITY LIMIT LINE (EXISTING) . .�........... __ _ w� � ____ _ ------- COUNTY _COUNTY LINE (EXISTING) QUARTER SECTION LINE SECTION LINE ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- SIXTEENTH SECTION LINE Sheet Revisions Date Description 07/25/171 INITIAL SHEETS/CAD WORK Sheet Revisions Initials Date Description BTK 12/10/18— BEGIN FINAL REVISIONS Sheet Revisions Initials Date Description BTK mm /dd /vvl XXXXXXXX DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 9 Iva I 1X01KI RIGHT OF WAY PLANS OF EXISTING PROJECT NO. 0701-215 INTERSTATE 70 COUNTY OF EAGLE LOCATED IN SECTIONS 31&32, T4S, R85W; SECTIONS 5&61 TSS, R85W; SECTION 36, T4S, R86W; SECTIONS 1-6,T5S,R86W; 6th P.M., EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO R.O.W.Length of Project — 6.8 ` Right of Way Plans Initials Title Sheet XXX Project Number: SHE 0701-215 Project Location: EAGLE COUNTY 1-70 Project Code: Last Mod. Date _ Sheet No. 18841 01-11-19 1.01 SHEET NO. INDEX OF SHEETS 1.01 (1) Title Sheet 3.01-3.OX (X) Project Control Diagram 4.01-4.OX (X) Land Survey Control Diagram 5.0-1-5.0X (X) Monumentation Sheets 7.01-7.OX (X) Plan Sheets (XX) Total Sheets Scales of Original 11x17 Drawings Plan Sheets 1 "=200' Basis of Bearings: Bearings used in the calculations of coordinates are based on a ggrid bearing of N85°5509"E from CM—MP 133.0 to CM—MP 139.0. Both monuments are CDOT Type II, marked appropriately for their milepost location and control position. The survey data was obtained from a Global PositioningSystem GPS) survey based on the Colorado High Accuracy eference Network (CHARM). 1. This Right—of—Way Plan is not a boundary survey of the adjoining property and is prepared for the Colorado Department of Transportation purposes only. 2. For title information, The Colorado Department of Transportation relied on No Title or Easement was performed by either CDOT, BTK Surveys, Inc. or Brian T. Kelly, PES. 3. This plan set is subject to change and may not be the most current set. It Is the users responsiblllt to verify with CDOT that this set is the most current. rhe information contained -on the attached drawing is not valid unless this copy bears an original signature of the Professional Land Surveyor hereon named. NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. SUR VEYOR'S CER TIFICA TE c-ILED AND INDEXED AS FILE NO. SP _________ON _______ 2019 A T _ __M. IN THE LAND SURVEY PLA T VD INDEX SYSTEM MAINTAINED IN THE OFFICE OF THE ROUTT IND RECORDER PURSUANT TO C.R.S. SEC. 38-50-101. •UR I/EYOR SURVEYOR STATEMENT (ROW PLAN) STATE LINE (EXISTING) 1, BRIAN T K11 Y , a professional land surveyor licensed in the State of Colorado, do hereby s a e o e Colorado Department of Transportation that TOWNSHIP LINE (EXISTING) based upon my knowledge information and belief, research, calculations and evaluation of PROJECT LOCATI0N MAP the survey evidence were performed and this Right -of -Way Plan was prepared under my Note: Fora complete listing of symbology used within this set of responsible charge in accordance with applicable standards- of practice defined by SURVEY ROW plans, please refer to the M-100-1 Standard Symbols of the Colorado Department of Transportation publications. This statement is not a guaranty or ColoradoDepartment of Transportation M&S Standards Publication warranty, either expressed orim lied. dated July 2006. Existing features are shown as screened weight (gray scale),except as noted with the word (existing). Proposed or Lineal Units = ALL new featuresare shown as full weight without screening, except as MEASUREMENTS IN U.S. Survey FCS` N0,,.., ...,. noted with the word (proposed). Feet. It