HomeMy WebLinkAbout1098Ginn Battle South LLC Property Boundary - Legal Description A parcel of land located in Sections 12 and 13, Township 6 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado. Beginning at a point on the 3-4 line of the Coolidge Lode (MS #20293); also being the 1-2 line of the Cave Lode (MS #20293); and the western boundary of the U.S. Highway 24 right-of-way as described in the Boundary Agreement recorded July 27, 2018 in the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's office at reception number 201812787, whence the South Quarter Corner of Section 36, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th P.M., being a 2-1/2 inch GLO Brass Cap found in place bears N 08°25'46" W a distance of 9988.76 feet; and from whence the Southwest corner of said Section 36, being a 2-1/2 inch GLO Brass Cap found in place bears S 89°58'35" W a distance of 2694.09 feet; thence along said right-of-way the following twenty-three (23) courses: 1. S 22°20'58" E a distance of 265.88 feet; 2. S 47°00'56" E a distance of 294.43 feet; 3. S 1236'07" E a distance of 369.21 feet; 4. S 08°55'00" W a distance of 424.02 feet; 5. S 12°06'21" E a distance of 306.40 feet; 6. S 64°26'53" E a distance of 317.25 feet; 7. N 75°03'03" E a distance of 289.94 feet; 8. N 48°44'48" E a distance of 372.35 feet; 9. N 6136'41" E a distance of 850.71 feet; 10. S 64°09'19" E a distance of 292.05 feet; 11. S 17°39'35" W a distance of 626.41 feet; 12. S 04°01'16" E a distance of 527.58 feet; 13. S 2035'11" W a distance of 385.25 feet; 14. S 20°57'40" W a distance of 406.86 feet; 15. S 17°58'17" W a distance of 105.50 feet; 16. S 11°28'50" W a distance of 152.15 feet; 17. S 03°47'09" E a distance of 171.58 feet; 18. S 04°41'56" E a distance of 351.99 feet; 19. S 44°03'55" E a distance of 480.77 feet; 20. S 78°00'57" E a distance of 496.76 feet; 21. S 50°06'29" E a distance of 205.43 feet; 22. S 12'46'19" W a distance of 522.84 feet; 23. S 04'14'48" W a distance of 80.72 feet; To the intersection of said right-of-way and the 2-3 line of the Mamie Lode (MS #781); thence departing said point S 89°53'50" W a distance of 235.86 feet; thence continuing the following seventeen (17) courses: 1. N 2913'18" E a distance of 293.41 feet; 2. N 04°18'55" E a distance of 427.87 feet; 3. N 79°06'52" W a distance of 796.21 feet; 4. N 04°21'10" W a distance of 361.84 feet; 5. S 67'13'01" W a distance of 626.85 feet; 6. S 81°30'30" W a distance of 569.84 feet; 7. S 69°30'35" W a distance of 702.54 feet; 8. N 20'25'12" W a distance of 200.64 feet; 9. N 00°06'47" E a distance of 307.43 feet; 10. N 46°57'32" E a distance of 1044.73 feet; 11. N 42°03'38" E a distance of 889.41 feet; 12. N 3531'47" W a distance of 675.33 feet; 13. S 54°00'31" W a distance of 975.90 feet; 14. N 08°51'48" W a distance of 394.02 feet; 15. N 14°09'10" E a distance of 1014.80 feet; 16. N 28'42'12" W a distance of 241.37 feet; 17. N 03°03'58" W a distance of 239.97 feet; To corner No. 2 of the Coolidge Lode (MS #20293); thence along the 2-3 line of the said Coolidge Lode N 45°07'27" W a distance of 712.37 feet to Corner No. 3 of said Coolidge Lode also being Comer No. 2 of the Cave Lode (MS #20293); thence along the 3-4 line of said Coolidge Lode also being the 1-2 line of said Cave Lode N 7736'39" E a distance of 363.34 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said parcel containing 100.159 acres more or less. SURVEY NOTES: 1. The unit of measure for this survey is the U.S. Survey Foot. 2. The bearings shown heron are based on a bearing of N 89°58'35"E along the South line of Section 36, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th Principal Meridian as measured between the Southwest comer of said Section 36 being a 2-1/2 inch GLO Brass Cap found in place and the South Quarter corner of said Section 36 being a 2-1/2 inch GLO Brass Cap found in place. The measured distance between the Southwest corner and the South Quarter corner of said Section 36 is 2,694.09 feet. 3. The field measurements and observations for this survey were performed between June 2011 and April 2018 4. This survey is not based on a Commitment for Title Insurance. 5. This survey is based on the Quit Claim Deed recorded December 14, 2004 at Reception Number 900520. 6. The legal description for the natural gas pipeline easement recorded on book 201 page 93 contains errors of up to 60 -feet with respect to dimensional ties to mineral claim boundaries. Due to the legal description errors, we are unable to accurately determine the precise location of this easement. A gas pipeline locate was not performed as part of this survey. Therefore, we are unable to determine the precise location of the easement and we are unable to confirm whether the physical gas pipeline is located within that easement. 7. The Highway 24 Right of Way depicted hereon is based on the Colorado Department of Transportation U.S. Highway 24 Boundary Agreement approved July 20, 2018 and recorded in the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's office July 27, 2018 at reception number 201812787, which amends FAP 292-B revised plat date January 29, 1929, FAP 78-R Right of Way Map No. 1A revised plat date September 11, 1929, FAP No. BRF 024-1(24) revised plat date July 28, 1989, FAP No. 78(2) revised plat date July 10, 1939, and FAP No 182-A(2) revised plat date September 29, 1939. 8. This survey is based on research regading the seniority or priority of the mineral claims relative to one another. Following is a table which provides a list of the mineral claims researched for this survey which have been sorted in order of priority. COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I Deposited this day of � 2q�, at .m. in Book5-1of the Eagle County Surveyor's Land Survey Plats/Rights- of-Way Surveys at Paged This Land Survey Plat complies with Section 38-51-102, of the Colorado Revised Statutes. U.S. MINERAL z MINERAL LOCATION SURVEY U.S PATENT DATE (IF U.S. MINERAL CLAIM NUMBER DATE KNOWN) Belden Lode 602 April 01, 1881 Mamie Lode 781 July 31, 1882 �>- W •�> Little Nellie Lode 827 February 28, 1882 z W Little Ofiie Lode 839 May 31, 1882 HigMmW Chief Lode 840 July 26, 1882 IQs Eagle Bird Lode 898 January 16, 1882 July 28, 1881 Cleopatra Lode 899 January 16, 1882 u J Silver Wave Lode 900 January 16, 1882 AZ Spirit Lode 1138 April 19, 1882 d Clinton Lode 1241 May 15, 1882 Florence Lode 1242 May 15, 1882 Iron Mask Lode 1272 July 15, 1882 N N Little Belle Lode 1273 July 15, 1882 Crown Point Lode 1291 February 12, 1884 �U Polar Lode 1432A November 15, 1882 Accidental Lode 1433A June 20, 1887 a Little Chief Lode 1638 March 16, 1882 R.L.R. Lode 1849A May 22, 1891 July 2, 1881 Kingfisher Lode 1852 January 15, 1883 Golden Terra Lode 1969 October 04, 1883 0 U Eclipse Lode 2004 January 21, 1884 Hope Lode 2321 October 07, 1886 agog LLJ Heckley Lode 2380 January 31, 1884 O o. Combined Discovery Lode 3114 May 07, 1886 N a ^I Cliff Lode 3239 May 28, 1885 Saint Joseph Lode 3240 May 28, 1885 LL; 1 F- o �` Rocky Point Lode 4205 November 05, 1889 November 21, 1885 Bleak Home Lode 4283 May 21, 1890 March 4, 1886 Middle March Lode 4284 October 12, 1889 March 4, 1886 Davey Copperfield Lode 4286 November 19, 1889 March 6, 1886 Galatia Lode 4287 October 12, 1889 March 6, 1886 Leah 4285 October 12, 1889 March 4,1886 Charles Dickens Lode 5249 May 21, 1892 February 19, 1888 Rock Creek Lode 5260 April 18, 1894 February 21, 1888 Bob Ingersoll Lode 6497 March 17, 1892 July 7, 1890 Saint Elmo 6497 March 17, 1892 July 7, 1890 Uncle Sam Lode 6661 October 26, 1895 September 13, 1890 Ella Lode 7637 August 01, 1893 June 27, 1892 Lilly Lode 7637 August 01, 1893 June 27, 1892 Prince Lode 17820 October 31, 1906 October 20, 1905 Gilman Lode 19617 September 27, 1915 April 11, 1905 Hudson Lode 19706 February 05, 1917 September 27, 1915 Coolidge Lode 20293 March 31, 1926 October 18, 1924 Zinc Lode 20441 September 23, 1931 May 24, 1929 Calcite Lode 20462 October 12, 1931 October 14, 1929 Dolomite Lode 20462 October 12, 1931 October 14, 1929 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I Deposited this day of � 2q�, at .m. in Book5-1of the Eagle County Surveyor's Land Survey Plats/Rights- of-Way Surveys at Paged This Land Survey Plat complies with Section 38-51-102, of the Colorado Revised Statutes. O z LU W LU N • N Z U U �>- W •�> 6 z � VJ,� z W --� �jj Ul a W m j" z 0 30 IQs zz VCd a� u J �m AZ d W �U >S a_ ". OZ in W NN W `l N N �O z nz �U �e W �\ \\ MW EIIi� 0 a % d rrnn V� m X r m 5- z m 0 U agog LLJ N o ag O o. o d a N a ^I aa N d I U W c C y, _ LL; 1 F- o �` O e m Q O d p a 9 O — y z O w � J W ?� UW U W af la� 0 0. 0 �r � m Q a S m U w Q Q m z 0 snLLJ w H Q wb af Z ,