HomeMy WebLinkAbout1086Colorado Deportment of Transportation Sheet Revisions I Sheet Revisions I Sheet Revisions I —VAN Land Survey Control Diogrom Date I Description Initials Date Description Initials Date Description Initials Title Sheet mm/dd/yy XXXXXXXX XXX mm/ yy xxxxxxxx xxx mm/ yy Xxxxxxxx xxx 222 South 6th Street, Room 100 WOO L P E R T -Project Number: C 702-278 Grand Junction, CO 81501 116 INVERNESS DRIVE EAST #105 Project Location: 1-70 Eagle Interchange Upgrade Phone: 970-683-6279 FAX: 970-248-7294 ENGLEWOOD COLORADO 80112 (303) 925.14100 PHONE Eagle County, Eagle, CO Region 3 JEM (303) 925-1401 FAX IlPro iect Coded Lost Mod. Date! Subs2l.,,, Sheet Na. 3�01 F, ISIL 1 16594 1 05-21-2012 1 3 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO. INDEX OF SHEETS SECTION CORNER OUARTER, SIXTEENTH, AND SECTION CORNERS 11D G Im QL) I I I <1 SET EASMENT TEMPORARY RIGHT OF WAY MONLIMIENT EASMENT POINT MARKER 0 0 0 0 BILM PIP NIDAA OUARTIER, SIXTEENTH, OLM MARKER PROPERTY PIN NOAA MARKER AND SECTION CORNERS 0 0 0 FED wc WC RM Us0Gs FEDERAL NOWNT WITNESS CORNER BENCH MARK USGS MARKER 0 ROW LOCAL OR PLSS SECONDARY CONTROL RIGHT OF WAY MONUMENT MONUMENT MARKER N 9.88 ON 10.13 ON 10.38 E 3.81 E 3.81 E 3.81 EL 0.00 EL 0.00 EL 0.00 PROJECT CONTROL DENSIFICATION HIGH ACCURACY REFERENCE MOINUMENIT CONTROL MONUMENT NETWORK CONTROL MOINUMIENT Note: For a complete listing of symbolo1gy used within this set of plans, please refer to the M-100-1 Standard Symbols of the Colorado Deportment of Transportation M&S Standards Publication doted July 2006. Existing features ore shown as screened weight (groy scale). Proposed or new features ore shown as full weight without screening. b General Notes: 1. This Land Survey Control Diagram is not a boundary survey of the adjoining property and is prepared for the Colorado Deportment of Transportation purposes only. No determination has been mode to determine if the found monuments as shown ore in their proper position 15 1 or if they ore at the corners they are intended to monument. 2. Title policy, title commitment, and title research ore not port of this survey, therefore easements, rights, and restrictions of record were not researched and ore not shown on this diagram. The verification of 0 the physical evidence with relotion to easements, rights of ways, property E boundaries, and restrictions, as described in the instruments of record, were not included in this control survey. 3. This plan set is subject to change and may not be the most current set. It is the user's responsibility to verify with COOT that this set is the most current. The information contained on the attached drawing is not valid unless this copy bears on original signature of the Professional Land Surveyor hereon named. a c 4. Refer to the M-629-1 Survey Monuments of the Standard Plans doted July, 2006 found in The Colorado Deportment of Transportation, M & S Standards for typicol survey monument descriptions. IR 0 STATE OF COLORADO LAND SURVEY CONTROL DIAGRAM PROJECT NO. C 702-278 STATE HIGHWAY NO. 1-70F (EBY CR. RD.) EAGLE COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY PROJECT CODE NO, 16594 Sections 32 and 33 and Tracts 45 and 68, Township 4 South, Range 84 West of the 6th Principle Meridian . .. ....... 3.01 (1) Title Sheet 3.02 (1) Control Coordinate Tables 3.03 (1) Monument Coordinate Tables 3.04 (1) Pion Sheet (4) Toto[Sheets BASIS OF BEARING: Basis of Bearings: All bearings are based on line 1-2 of Tract 45 of Sections 32 & 33. Said line bears S. 89* 06'56" W. and is monumented at corner No.1 by a 2 1/2 inch standard GLO Bross Cap and stomped -T4S R84W, I-TR45, TR71, 1918-. Said line is monumented at corner No. 2 by a Witness Corner lying 46 feet west and online from corner No.2, said monument being a 2 1/2 inch Aluminum Cop and stomped -MEYER LAND SYSTEMS, T4S R84W, S32 46WC, 5-TR68, I-TR67, 2-TR45, PLS 26967,1999-. BASIS OF ELEVATION: Differential levels were run between oll set control points shown hereon holding Verticol NGS point F 480, o stonclard NGS Disk set in the northwest end of the southwest abutment for the U.S. Highway 24 Bridge over Hockett Gulch, COORDINATE DATUM: See Project Control Diagram - Sheet 3.02 NOTICE: According to Colorado low you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. in no event may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the dote of the certification shown hereon. SURVEYOR STATEMENT (LAND SURVEY CONTROL DIAGRAM) I, Brandon D. Lee, a professionolland surveyor licensed in the State of Colorado, do hereby state to the Colorado Deportment of Transportation this Land Survey Co fo/Ologrorr my was prepared and the field survey it represents was performed under my sA Iible charge based upon knowledge, information and belief is in accordance with opp, tondards a �P�k practice defined by Colorado Deportment of Transportation publications. event is not a guaranty or warranty, either expressed or implied. v/ k N PLS No. 37894 Date Colorado Department of Transportation Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions %A I Land Survey Control Diagrom Date Description Initials Date Description Initiols Date Description Initials Title Sheet 222 South 6th Street, Room 100 Mrn/dd/yy xxxxxxxx XXX mm/ yy xxxxxxxx xxx mm/ yy xxxxxxxx xxx WOOLPEPTProject Number: C 702-278 Grand Junction, CO 81501 116 INVERNESS DRIVE EAST #105 Project Location: 1-70 Eagle Interchange Upgrade Phone: 970-683-6279 FAX: 970-248-7294 ENGLEWOOD COLORADO 80112 ) 925-1400 PHONE e County, Eagle, Colorado (303) 925-1401 FAX gL Region 3 JEM Project Code: Lost Mod e I Subset 1 Sheet No. 1 !IF F-1 ROW 0 PP TABULATION OF BOUNDARY EVIDENCE FOUND ALIQUOT MONUMENT COORDINATE TABLE Point No. Northiril Easting(sft) Description 11001 121494,15 CORNER NO. 1, TRACT 45,-2 1/2" STANDARD GLO BRASS CAP STAMPED 6523 121755.66 121177,71 74S R84W, I -TR45, TR7 1. 1918" 121642,16 120672,41 CORNER NO, 5, TRACT 63; 2 1/2' STANDARD GLO BRASS CAP STAMPED 9000 124383.66 121130.15 74S R84W, S33 5-TR63,2-TR68,1918" 1 112- ALUM CAP, RLS 14109 6019 CORNER NO. 2, TRACT 45-2 1/2" ALUM. CAP STAN"M "MEY ER LAND 9001 121714,94 11853933 SYSTEMS, T4S WW. $32 46WC5-TR68, 11-71W57, 2-TR45, PLS 26967,1999 -.' 121658,46 120290,04 CORNER NO, 6, TRACT 63; PER ARCHIBEOLE LANA CONSULTING, RECORDED 9002 119906.32 12438410 AS A 2 1/2' STANDARD GLO BRASS CAP STAMPED 74S R84W, S32 6-TR63, 1 1/2' A LUN4 CAP, PLS 24325 6024 1918" FOUND R.O.W. MONUMENT COORDINATE TABLE Point No. Northirl Easting(sft) I Description 11001 121494,15 1 120298,58 13` BRASS CAPSTATE WvY DEPT RO,W. MARKER 0 PP FOUND BOUNDARY MONUMENT COORDINATE TABLE Point No. Northing(sft) Easting(sft) Description 6003 121623.61 120999-88 1 112" ALUM CAP, ILLEGIBLE 6010 121642,16 120672,41 1 1112" ALUM CAP, ILLEGIBLE 6012 121874.81 120574,20 1 112- ALUM CAP, RLS 14109 6019 121675.51 120289,85 1 112" ALUM CAP, PLS 26967 6020 121658,46 120290,04 1 112' ALUM CAP, ILLEGIBLE 6023 122197,65 120601,19 1 1/2' A LUN4 CAP, PLS 24325 6024 122163.47 12045105 1 1/2' ALL" CAP, RLS 22599 6027 6028 12247123 122418,99 120044.93 120332.00 RAIL WITH FLAGGING 1 1/2' SLAW PED PLASTIC CAP 6030 122610,55 120652.85 1 1/2" ALUM CAP, ILLEGIBLE 6031 122579,23 120212-46 #5 REBAR, NO CAP 6035 122957,59 120465.41 11/2" ALUM CAP..ILLEGIBLE 6037 123034,57 119819,50 1 1/2'ALUM CAP, ILLEGIBLE 6038 123217,66 119481-34 2 112" ALUM CAP, LS 23506 6039 123356 =33 120387-13 2' ALUM CAP, LS 23506 0 PP o Colorado Deportment of Transportation Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions ILAI Land Survey Control Dia qram Date Description Initials Date Description Initials Date I Description Initials Title Sheet 222 South 6th Street, Room 100 mm/dd/y xxxxxxxx XXX mm/ yy xxxxxxxx xxx mm/ yy xxxxxxxx xxx W 0 0 L P E A T Project Number: C 702-278 Grand Junction, CO 81501 116 INVERNESS DRIVE EAST #105 Project Location: 1-70 Eagle Interchange Upgrade Phone: 970-683-6279 FAX: 970-248-7294 ENGLEWOOD COLORADO 80112 (303) 92b-1400 PHONE Ea le County, Eagle, Colorado Region 3 JEM i (303) 925-1401 FAX Pro iect Code:[ Lost Mod. Date I Subset 1 Sheet . I—, 1-1 1 � — -1 � — . Vo. 1 TRgNs xQ<PSE HWY CZ) O Z�s CD RSL MOND Typical Control Monument Not to Scale A CM- All Control Monuments are CDOT Type 2 Control Monuments, (As shown) on a Type 2 finned aluminum security rod. COORDINATE SYSTEM: A coordinate system for this project has been established by Archibeque Land Services, and this system has been perpetuated in this surve measurements coordinates accuracy GNSS were taken on many monuments with known coor a s within the Archibeque Land Service system. These measurements were used to create the following procedure to convert from the Colorado State Plane (Central Zone) coordinate system to the project coordinate system established by Archibeque Land Services. I) Subtract 1,545 139.76 (sft) from the State Plane northing and subtract 2,506,157.31 (Sft) from the State Plane easting - 2) Rotate the drawing by 00 54'24" about the following � origin point: N: 121566.23 E: 120735.30 3 Scale the drawing by a scale factor of 1.0003, 1 656 from the origin point above GEODETIC CONTROL COORDINATE SUMMARY TABLE (ADJUSTED FIELD DATA) 0 0 0 Z� SECTION CORNER QUARTER,SIXTEENTH, AND SECTION CORNERS SET EASMENT TEMPORARY RIGHT OF WAY MONUMENT EASMENT POINT MARKER 0 0 0 0 BO Pp NOAA QUARTER SIXTEENTH BLIA MARKER PROPERTY PIN NOAA MARKER AND SEPIGN CORNERS 0 0•0 0 FED WC WC BM USGS FEDERAL MONUMENT WITNESS CORNER BENCH MARK USGS MARKER El Row LOCAL OR PLSS SECONDARY CONTROL RIGHT OF WAY MONUMENT MONUMENT MARKER AN 9 88 ON 10.13 QD N 10.38 E 3�81E 3.81 E 3.81 EL 0.00 EL 0.00 EL 0.00 PROJECT CONTROL DENSIFICATION HIGH ACCURACY REFERENCE MONUMENT CONTROL MONUMENT NETWORK CONTROL MONUMENT Note: For a complete listing of symbololgy used within this set of plans, please refer to the M-100-1 Standard Symbols of the Colorado Department of Transportation M&S Standards Publication doted July 2006. Existing features are shown as screened weight (gray scale). Proposed or new features are shown as full weight without screening, NOTE: According to Colorado low you must commence any legal action based upon oy defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect, In no event may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the statement shown. CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING AND MONUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS 1) This Control Survey Diagram represents the horizontal and vertical control for the project established by the Division. It is possible that some of the survey control monuments listed hove been disturbed or obliterated. It is the Contractor's Responsibility to verify the existence and stability of the control monuments before submitting a bid price. 2) All Type I and Type 2 monuments shall be set flush with the ground. Witness posts shall be installed 1 foot from and facing all Type I and Type 2 monuments, or as directed by the Project Engineer. 3) Installation of Type 3 and Type 3-A monuments shall be completed in the some day that installation is commenced. Under no circumstances shall holes in the roadway be left open overnight. 4) When installing Type 3-A monuments, the aluminum access cover shall be positively secured to the PVC pipe with screws or glue. The access cover shall be colked with asphalt calking between the cover and the edges of the roadway surface to proved a positive moisture barrier around the access cover. 5) Control survey procedures, statistical analysis, and accuracy obtained for horizontal and vertical control shall be documented in the field book, 6) Legible copies of the field books shall be submitted to the Project Engineer for review on a monthly basis. 7) It is ultimately the price Contractor's responsibility to insure that these requirements, as well as any contained in the CDOT specifications, project special provisions, and CDOT Survey Manual are fulfilled under this contract. 8) The minimum staking intervals for each item are described on the plans or in the CDOT Survey Manual. If the contractor wishes to reduce the minimum intervals, a Contract Modification Order must be negotiated and the cost of the item reduced accordingly. POINT NAME FOUND BOUNDARY MONUMENT COORDINATE TABLE Point No. Northirl Easting(sft) Description 6040 123308.34 119585,41 2 1/2" ALUM CAP, LS 9337 6041 12320832 119867.81 2 1/2" ALUM CAP, ARCHIBEQUE LAND CONSULTING PLS 37902 6042 123356.68 119739,64 2 1/2" ALUM CAP. ARCHIBEQUE LAND CONSULTING PLS 37902 6043 123369-05 119754,07 2 112" ALUM CAP. ARCHIBEQUE LAND CONSULTING PLS 37902 6044 123381,70 119770.72 PK & SHINER. ARCHIBEQUE LAND CONSULTING PLS 37902 6045 12343317 11984839 PK & SHINER, ARCHISEQUE LAND CONSULTING PLS 37902 6046 123437,34 119845,60 PK & SHINER, ARCHIBEQUE LAND CONSULTING FLS 37902 6048 123472,22 119897.92 1 1/2" YELLOW PLASTIC CAP, LS 19598 6049 12331332 120013.14 #5 REBAR BROKEN CAP 6504 123533,72 119899,12 1 112' ALUM CAP, LS 19692 6505 6508 122786.28 122606,47 120300.32 120388-58 1 1/2" ALUM CAP, ILLEGIBLE #5 REBAR NO CAP 6509 122312,00 120164,19 #5 RERAR NO CAP 6510 122259.60 120236.15 1 1/2" ALUM CAP, ILLEGIBLE 6511 122318.01 120387-13 1 114" YELLOW PLASTIC CAP, LS 19598 6512 122446,58 120585.24 1 112" ALUM CAP. PLS 24325 6513 122389,64 120519.09 1 1/2' ALUM CAP, PLS 24325 6514 6515 122339.61 122281 .35 120541.55 120403,40 1 1/2' ALUM CAP, PLS 24325 #5 REBAR NO CAP 6517 122102.45 120308-19 1 112" ALUIA CAP. RLS 22599 6518 121967,88 120535.41 1 112' ALUM CAP, PLS 26967 6519 12204311 120666,29 1 1/2" ALUM CAP, PLS 24326 6520 121949.91 120704.96 1 112" ALUM CAP, RLS 455? 6521 121870.97 120775.25 1 1/2' ALUM CAP, PLS 25630 6522 121792,19 120772,03 1 112' ALUM CAP, PLS 26967 6525 121413.31 120352.27 1 1/2' ALUM CAP. LS 20089 6526 121415,92 120618,38 1 1/2' ALUM CAP. RE & LS 23089 11000 122195,07 120918.63 1 1121' ALUM CAP, PLS 24325 o Colorado Deportment of Transportation Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions ILAI Land Survey Control Dia qram Date Description Initials Date Description Initials Date I Description Initials Title Sheet 222 South 6th Street, Room 100 mm/dd/y xxxxxxxx XXX mm/ yy xxxxxxxx xxx mm/ yy xxxxxxxx xxx W 0 0 L P E A T Project Number: C 702-278 Grand Junction, CO 81501 116 INVERNESS DRIVE EAST #105 Project Location: 1-70 Eagle Interchange Upgrade Phone: 970-683-6279 FAX: 970-248-7294 ENGLEWOOD COLORADO 80112 (303) 92b-1400 PHONE Ea le County, Eagle, Colorado Region 3 JEM i (303) 925-1401 FAX Pro iect Code:[ Lost Mod. Date I Subset 1 Sheet . I—, 1-1 1 � — -1 � — . Vo. 1 TRgNs xQ<PSE HWY CZ) O Z�s CD RSL MOND Typical Control Monument Not to Scale A CM- All Control Monuments are CDOT Type 2 Control Monuments, (As shown) on a Type 2 finned aluminum security rod. COORDINATE SYSTEM: A coordinate system for this project has been established by Archibeque Land Services, and this system has been perpetuated in this surve measurements coordinates accuracy GNSS were taken on many monuments with known coor a s within the Archibeque Land Service system. These measurements were used to create the following procedure to convert from the Colorado State Plane (Central Zone) coordinate system to the project coordinate system established by Archibeque Land Services. I) Subtract 1,545 139.76 (sft) from the State Plane northing and subtract 2,506,157.31 (Sft) from the State Plane easting - 2) Rotate the drawing by 00 54'24" about the following � origin point: N: 121566.23 E: 120735.30 3 Scale the drawing by a scale factor of 1.0003, 1 656 from the origin point above GEODETIC CONTROL COORDINATE SUMMARY TABLE (ADJUSTED FIELD DATA) 0 0 0 Z� SECTION CORNER QUARTER,SIXTEENTH, AND SECTION CORNERS SET EASMENT TEMPORARY RIGHT OF WAY MONUMENT EASMENT POINT MARKER 0 0 0 0 BO Pp NOAA QUARTER SIXTEENTH BLIA MARKER PROPERTY PIN NOAA MARKER AND SEPIGN CORNERS 0 0•0 0 FED WC WC BM USGS FEDERAL MONUMENT WITNESS CORNER BENCH MARK USGS MARKER El Row LOCAL OR PLSS SECONDARY CONTROL RIGHT OF WAY MONUMENT MONUMENT MARKER AN 9 88 ON 10.13 QD N 10.38 E 3�81E 3.81 E 3.81 EL 0.00 EL 0.00 EL 0.00 PROJECT CONTROL DENSIFICATION HIGH ACCURACY REFERENCE MONUMENT CONTROL MONUMENT NETWORK CONTROL MONUMENT Note: For a complete listing of symbololgy used within this set of plans, please refer to the M-100-1 Standard Symbols of the Colorado Department of Transportation M&S Standards Publication doted July 2006. Existing features are shown as screened weight (gray scale). Proposed or new features are shown as full weight without screening, NOTE: According to Colorado low you must commence any legal action based upon oy defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect, In no event may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the statement shown. CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING AND MONUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS 1) This Control Survey Diagram represents the horizontal and vertical control for the project established by the Division. It is possible that some of the survey control monuments listed hove been disturbed or obliterated. It is the Contractor's Responsibility to verify the existence and stability of the control monuments before submitting a bid price. 2) All Type I and Type 2 monuments shall be set flush with the ground. Witness posts shall be installed 1 foot from and facing all Type I and Type 2 monuments, or as directed by the Project Engineer. 3) Installation of Type 3 and Type 3-A monuments shall be completed in the some day that installation is commenced. Under no circumstances shall holes in the roadway be left open overnight. 4) When installing Type 3-A monuments, the aluminum access cover shall be positively secured to the PVC pipe with screws or glue. The access cover shall be colked with asphalt calking between the cover and the edges of the roadway surface to proved a positive moisture barrier around the access cover. 5) Control survey procedures, statistical analysis, and accuracy obtained for horizontal and vertical control shall be documented in the field book, 6) Legible copies of the field books shall be submitted to the Project Engineer for review on a monthly basis. 7) It is ultimately the price Contractor's responsibility to insure that these requirements, as well as any contained in the CDOT specifications, project special provisions, and CDOT Survey Manual are fulfilled under this contract. 8) The minimum staking intervals for each item are described on the plans or in the CDOT Survey Manual. If the contractor wishes to reduce the minimum intervals, a Contract Modification Order must be negotiated and the cost of the item reduced accordingly. POINT NAME GEODETIC COORDINATES NAD -83(92) (HARN) L LONGITUDE LATITUDE STATE PLANE COORDINATES NORTHING (sft) EAST­ING (sft) PROJECT COORDINATES ORTHING (Sft) FASTING (Sft) ELEV (NAND 88)sft CONVERGENCE SCALEFACTOR DESCRIPTION 4666 54668 39'3923,23061"N 106°49'30,48611"W 1666705,98 2626892,61 121566,23 120735.30 6591-98 -0'50'08,69576" 1-000000587 SET COOT TYPE 2 MONUMENT 4667 39�39'30,68293"N 106'49'33,20161 1667466,14 262670126 12232154 12053188 6600,92 -0'50'10- 40840" 1,000000510 SET COOT TYPE 2 MONUMENT 39'39'36.01514"N 106'49'35.80545"W 1668011.61 2626516.13 12286617 120338.07 6617,89 -0'5012.65062" 0-999999954 SET COOT TYPE 2 MONUMENT 4669 39'39'34,76515"N 106'49'38,95788"W 1667892.70 2626265,85 12274126 120089.63 6615,82 -0'50'14,03882" 0.999999993 SET CDOT TYPE 2 MONUMENT 4670 4671 39'39'38,88651"N 39'3941.67271"N 106"49'41,48531" 1/V 106'4947.642911"W 1668315,53 1668611,98 2626080,97 2625608,23 123163-26 123452.28 119898-02 119420.49 6629,24 6628,97 -0'50'15.63284" -0'50'19,51637" 0,999999548 0.999999693 SET COOT TYPE 2 MONUMENT SET CDOT TYPE 2 MONUMENT F 280 GPS 006 N/A 39'394234916"N NIA 106'48'52,338117"VV N/A 1668549.02 N/A 209-933.39 N/A 123457.78 NIA 123747,53 6535,15 661516 N/A 7Y_49'44,63625" N/A 1.000000381 STANDARD NGS DISK SET IN NW END OF SW BRIDGE ABUTMENT EAGLE COUNTY SURVEY DISK IN MONUMENT BOX COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Deposited ay of ft, -b , 20fl , at 0,t,0 A.m. in Bo k County Surveyor's Land Survey Plats/Rights- of-Way eZ%p, This Land Survey Plat complies with Section 38-51-102, of the Colorado Revised Statutes. Colorado Deportment of Transportation Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions IL A I Land Survey Control Diagrom Date Description Initials Dote I Description Initials Dote I Description Initials Pion Sheet 222 South 6th Street, Room 100 mm/dd/yy XXXXXXXX xxx rnrn/vv xxxxxxxx xxx mm/ yy xxxxxxxx 'x' W 0 0 L P E P T Project Number: C 702-278 Grand Junction, CO 81501 116 INVERNESS DRIVE EAST #105 Project Location: 1-70 Eagle Interchange Upgrade Phone: 970-683-6279 FAX: 970-248-7294 ENGLEW000,COLORADO80112 (303)925- 1400 PHONE Eagle Count L Eagle, Colorado Region 3 JEM (303)925-1401 FAX Pro iect Coded Last I S111 \� g LANDSys —, T4S R84W S3J, 46 WC 5 2 TR67 TR45 1999 \_ "'a 1 PL Sl 9001 PND D 0 j45 R84W TR63 1 S"12 \_ P" ' 4 D R '4 W T L R63 S3 2 6 U-1 0 1918 TRACT 63 ZBooz SECTION 32 N 11 E EL TRACT 68 SECTION 32 A 6042 4669 N 122743.26 E 120089.63 EL 6615.82 2592.30' S890 06'56''W (BASIS OF BEARINGS) Tract 45 TRACT 45 SECTION 32 T. 4 S., R. 84 W., 6th P.M. Z CD r <L, (-) Z 0- _J _J LLJ Z �T 0 Of D 0 a- "�& 'C�e,\ R84W L'i S33 52 F c_ 1118' TR63 T 68 LD 9000 651 ROW TRACT 6 ECTION 13 TR T 45 ECfIJN 3 TRACT 68 SECTION 33 N D OF 4S R84W 0 �,TT 11 Q� Z C/) W TR45 T 71 0 SURVEYOR STATEMENT (LAND SURVEY CONTROL DIAGRAM) `I'0 1, Brandon D. Lee, a professionalland surveyor licensed in the State of Colorado, do 1918 hereby state to the Colorado Department of Transportation this Land Survey Control Diogrom D was prepared and the field survey it represents was performed under my responsible charge and, 6523 based upon my knowledge, information and belief is in accordance with applicable standards of practice defined by Colorado Deportment of Transportation publications. This statement is not a guaranty or warranty, either expressed or implied. TRACT 71 SECTION 33 PLS No. 37894 Date