HomeMy WebLinkAbout10850 N N 2 0 U, N 0 SECTION CORNER QUARTER, SIXTEENTH, AND SECTION CORNERS C) E] O SET EASMENT TEMPORARY RIGHT OF WAY MONUMENT EASMENT POINT MARKER 60 O 0 O PP NO BLM MARKER PROPERTY PIN NOAA MARKER AND SECTION O NER AND SECTION CORNERS 0 0 0 0 FED WC WC BM USGS FEDERAL MONUMENT WITNESS CORNER BENCH MARK USGS MARKER O ROW LOCAL OR PLSS SECONDARY CONTROL RIGHT OF WAY MONUMENT MONUMENT MARKER •E 3.88 ON 10.13 ON 10.38 E 3.81 E 3.81 EL 0.00 EL 0.00 EL 0.00 PROJECT CONTROL DENSIFICATION HIGH ACCURACY REFERENCE MONUMENT CONTROL MONUMENT NETWORK CONTROL MONUMENT PERMANENT, PROPERTY, SLOPE,& UTILITY EASEMENT LINE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- TEMPORARY EASEMENT LINE (EXISTING) mm IIt PROPERTY B UNDARY LINE (EXISTING AND PROPOSED) 'L A-_ A- - - ACCESS CONTROL LINE A- - AI- IIII I 1111 III BARRIER ACCESS CONTROL LINE - - - - RIGHT OF WAY LINE - V--- V --- VIRGIN RIGHT OF WAY LINE (PROPOSED) CITY LIMIT LINE (EXISTING COUNTY LINE (EXISTING) QUARTER SECTION LINE SECTION LINE - - - - - - - - - - - - - SIXTEENTH SECTION LINE STATE LINE (EXISTING) TOWNSHIP LINE (EXISTING) SURVEY/ROW TOP OF CUT ) TOE OF FILL DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION End Const Project C 702-278 Station: 23+70.03 M.P. 0.45 (I -70F) Begin Const Project C 702-278 Station: 0+00.00 M.P. 0.00 (I -70F) STATE OF COLORADO RIGHT OF WAY PLAN OF PROPOSED PROJECT NO. C 702-278 STATE HIGHWAY NO. I -70F EAGLE COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY PROJECT CODE NO. 16594 31 148 Length of R.O.W. Project = 0.45 Miles i PROJECT LOCATION MAP N Note: For a complete listing of s mbolol used within this set of P 9 Y 9Y plans, please refer to the M-100-1 Standard Symbols of the Colorado Department of Transportation M&S Standards Publication dated July NUMMI 2006. Existing features are shown as screened weight (gray scale), 0. 1500' 3000, 6000' except as noted with the word (existing). Proposed or new features SCALE: t" - 3000' are shown as full weight without screening, except as noted with the word (proposed). SHEET NO. INDEX OF SHEETS 1.01 (1) Sheet Revisions I Sheet Revisions I Sheet Revisions Tabulation of Properties Right of Way Plans Colorado Department of Transportation Project Control Diagram 5.01-5.02 (2) Monumentation Sheets 7.01-7.06 `AS Plan Sheets 8.01 (1) Date Description Initials Date Description Initials Date Description Initials -- T TITLE SHEET Surveyor hereon named. 222 South 6th Street 01/27/16 Add recording information _06/13/12 CHANGES Shts 2.01 2.02 7.01 DA mm dd XXXXXXXX XXX mm dd XXXXXXXX XXX Eagle County, Eagle, CO Eagle County, Eagle, CO % Room 317 Code:l Last Mod. Date I Subset Sheet No. 06/28/12 CHANGES Shts 2.02 5.01 DA 16594 1 01-27-2016 1 2.02 of 2.03 2.02 R.O.W. TABULATION OF PROPERTIES IN EAGLE COUNTY WOO L P E R T Project Number: C 702-278 S.H. NO. I -70F Grand Junction CO 81501 Owner Nattre (fromtrtle correlatntents J 7.04 7.05 8.01 Location Area 1n Square Feet (Acttis) Area Net Area Rerrramder No. Relttarks Area Oflganel F.,isting RONV Remainder Left Richt ChvrarrNaare(fralmtitN:cnnn7utrzatntz;) 116 INVERNESS DRIVE EAST #105 Project Location: I-70 Eagle Interchange Upgrade T4S, R94NN, 6TH P.M. 01/29/13 CHANGES Shts 2.01 5.01 7.01-7.04 & 8.01 BDL 109 Phone: 970-683-6233 FAX: 970-683-6249 clo Eagle Amoco 01/27/16 CHANGES Shts 5.01 7.01 7.03 7.04 & 7.06 SKV 1,147 35.829 201317343 To be conveyed to tlic T"own of Eagle ENGLEWOOD COLORADO 80112 (303) 9215-1400 PHONE Ea le Count Ea le CO Region 3 JEM (0.026) (0.026 M823) ,, EaL� CO 80631 (303) 925-1401 FAX Pro'ect Code: Last Mod. Date Subset Sheet No. Total No. of Sheets 0 SECTION CORNER QUARTER, SIXTEENTH, AND SECTION CORNERS C) E] O SET EASMENT TEMPORARY RIGHT OF WAY MONUMENT EASMENT POINT MARKER 60 O 0 O PP NO BLM MARKER PROPERTY PIN NOAA MARKER AND SECTION O NER AND SECTION CORNERS 0 0 0 0 FED WC WC BM USGS FEDERAL MONUMENT WITNESS CORNER BENCH MARK USGS MARKER O ROW LOCAL OR PLSS SECONDARY CONTROL RIGHT OF WAY MONUMENT MONUMENT MARKER •E 3.88 ON 10.13 ON 10.38 E 3.81 E 3.81 EL 0.00 EL 0.00 EL 0.00 PROJECT CONTROL DENSIFICATION HIGH ACCURACY REFERENCE MONUMENT CONTROL MONUMENT NETWORK CONTROL MONUMENT PERMANENT, PROPERTY, SLOPE,& UTILITY EASEMENT LINE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- TEMPORARY EASEMENT LINE (EXISTING) mm IIt PROPERTY B UNDARY LINE (EXISTING AND PROPOSED) 'L A-_ A- - - ACCESS CONTROL LINE A- - AI- IIII I 1111 III BARRIER ACCESS CONTROL LINE - - - - RIGHT OF WAY LINE - V--- V --- VIRGIN RIGHT OF WAY LINE (PROPOSED) CITY LIMIT LINE (EXISTING COUNTY LINE (EXISTING) QUARTER SECTION LINE SECTION LINE - - - - - - - - - - - - - SIXTEENTH SECTION LINE STATE LINE (EXISTING) TOWNSHIP LINE (EXISTING) SURVEY/ROW TOP OF CUT ) TOE OF FILL DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION End Const Project C 702-278 Station: 23+70.03 M.P. 0.45 (I -70F) Begin Const Project C 702-278 Station: 0+00.00 M.P. 0.00 (I -70F) STATE OF COLORADO RIGHT OF WAY PLAN OF PROPOSED PROJECT NO. C 702-278 STATE HIGHWAY NO. I -70F EAGLE COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY PROJECT CODE NO. 16594 31 148 Length of R.O.W. Project = 0.45 Miles i PROJECT LOCATION MAP N Note: For a complete listing of s mbolol used within this set of P 9 Y 9Y plans, please refer to the M-100-1 Standard Symbols of the Colorado Department of Transportation M&S Standards Publication dated July NUMMI 2006. Existing features are shown as screened weight (gray scale), 0. 1500' 3000, 6000' except as noted with the word (existing). Proposed or new features SCALE: t" - 3000' are shown as full weight without screening, except as noted with the word (proposed). SHEET NO. INDEX OF SHEETS 1.01 (1) Title Sheet 2.01-2.03 (3) Tabulation of Properties 3.01-3.04 (4) Project Control Diagram 5.01-5.02 (2) Monumentation Sheets 7.01-7.06 (6) Plan Sheets 8.01 (1) Ownership Map (17) Total Sheets BASIS OF BEARINGS Bearings are based on the "State Plane" grid bearing from CDOT CM -MP 170.30 to CDOT CM -MP 170.45 being S 11° 35' 47" E. Both monuments are standard CDOT 31/4" aluminum caps on 5/8" aluminum rods. M.P. -0.02 (I -70F) NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OF COLORADO AUTHORIZED: DATE RIGHT OF WAY MANAGER SURVEYOR STATEMENT (ROW PLAN) OD REGIS jF9„ pQ�.0, DAVj�• ;� • I Brandon D. Lee a rotes i • p s onallond surveyor licensed in the v O � • fate of Colorado, do hereby state to the Colorado De ortment of O i Q / • transportation that based upon my knowledge, information and belief, V research calculations and evaluation of the survey evidence were • � Y e • performed and this Right -of -Way Plan was prepared under my • responsible charge In accordance with applicable standards of A • ) practice defined by Colorado Department of Transportation publications. �J This statement is not a guaranty or warranty, either expressed or implied. • e c. PLS No. 37894 1.10 Colorado Deportment of Transportation Room 317WOO 999222 South 6th Street Grand Junction CO 81501 Phone: 970-683-6233 FAX: 970-683-6249 Region 3 JEM 1. This Right -of -Way Plan is not a boundary survey of the adjoining property and was prepared for the Colorado Department of Transportation purposes only. End ROW Project 2. For title information, Title Commitments were prepared No. C 702-278 by Heritage Title Company. Station: 22+61.76 TabUlatlan of Properties M.P. 0.43 (I-700) 3. This plan set is subject to change and may not be the mm/dd/yyXXXXXXXX XXX most current set. It is the user's responsibility to verify nnnn/dd/yy XXXXXXXX XXX with CDOT that this set is the most current. The information Begin ROW Project contained on the attached drawing is not valid unless this No. C 702-278 copy bears an original signature of the Professional Land Station: -1+29.57 Surveyor hereon named. M.P. -0.02 (I -70F) NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OF COLORADO AUTHORIZED: DATE RIGHT OF WAY MANAGER SURVEYOR STATEMENT (ROW PLAN) OD REGIS jF9„ pQ�.0, DAVj�• ;� • I Brandon D. Lee a rotes i • p s onallond surveyor licensed in the v O � • fate of Colorado, do hereby state to the Colorado De ortment of O i Q / • transportation that based upon my knowledge, information and belief, V research calculations and evaluation of the survey evidence were • � Y e • performed and this Right -of -Way Plan was prepared under my • responsible charge In accordance with applicable standards of A • ) practice defined by Colorado Department of Transportation publications. �J This statement is not a guaranty or warranty, either expressed or implied. • e c. PLS No. 37894 1.10 Colorado Deportment of Transportation Room 317WOO 999222 South 6th Street Grand Junction CO 81501 Phone: 970-683-6233 FAX: 970-683-6249 Region 3 JEM Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions VAAI L P E R T 116 INVERNESS DRIVE EAST #105 ENGLEWOOD COLORADO 80112 (303) 92(5-1400 PHONE (303) 925-1401 FAX Right of Way Plans Date Description Initials Dote Description Initials Date Description Initials TabUlatlan of Properties 06/13/12 Chane Remrider Area PorcelIIOA DA mm/dd/ XXXXXXXX XXX mm/dd/yyXXXXXXXX XXX nnnn/dd/yy XXXXXXXX XXX nnnn/dd/yy XXXXXXXX XXX Added Note to 106 Project Number: C 702-278 06/28/12 Revise Parcel111 AND AC -111 DA Project Number: C 702-278 01/25/13 Revised 102 Deleted 102R Added PE -102 BDL Project9 9 P9 Location: I-70 Eagle Interchange Upgrade 06/27/16 Added Recording Information Porce1109 Project Location I-70 Eagle Interchange Upgrade 1 9 9 P9 01/27/16 Add recording information 110 IIOA, 111 Rev AC -111 Rev. SKV 102 Rev PE -102 106 106 and IOBA. SKV and I BA Eagle County, Eagle, CO Eagle County, Eagle, CO Eagle County, Eagle, CO Pro'ect Code:1 Last Mod. Date 1 Subset lSheet No. Code:l Last Mod. Date I Subset Sheet No. IlPro'ect Code:I Last Mod. Date Subset I Sheet No. 16594 1 01-27-2016 1 2.02 of 2.03 2.02 R.O.W. TABULATION OF PROPERTIES IN EAGLE COUNTY S.H. NO. 1-70F R.O.W. TABULATION OF PROPERTIES IN EAGLE COUNTY S.H. NO. I -70F Parcel Na. Owner Nattre (fromtrtle correlatntents J Mailing Address (froinAssessoes office) Location Area 1n Square Feet (Acttis) Area Net Area Rerrramder No. Relttarks Area Oflganel F.,isting RONV Remainder Left Richt ChvrarrNaare(fralmtitN:cnnn7utrzatntz;) Mailing Address (from Assessor's Office) l.faa:atican T4S,1184NV, _ T4S, R94NN, 6TH P.M. Reception No. Remarks Remarks 109 Eby Creek Subdi-visicin, a Colorado Partnership clo Eagle Amoco Section 32, Tract 68 1.147 1,147 35.829 201317343 To be conveyed to tlic T"own of Eagle P.O, Box 1898 Lot 4, Bir ck 1, Eby Creek 51b (0.026) (0.026 M823) ,, EaL� CO 80631 100 Town of Eagle P.O. Box 609 Eagle, CO 81631 TE -109 Same as Parcel 109 Same as Parcel 109 Section 32. Tract 68 let t 4 BkK.k ts Eby Creek ?41(0,()')2) 4,018 4,018 Purpose is for construction of'sidewalk, wall, and iirama ge inlet ( ) To be conveyed to the Town of Eagle West Des Moines, IA 50260 Lot 2, Eagle lntercltange Sub (0.007) 0.007) (0.837) 110 Allah M. Medsker c,,o Savage, Savage. & Brown Section 32. Tract 68 436 436 39.4-01 20131-3988 6,177 1,724 lstf. E P O. Box ..2845 Oklatoma City, OK 73123 t tit ��ed p O.OI{7 ( ) 0 7 0.010 .90 ( ) t 110A Same as Parcel 110 Same as Parcel 110 Section 32, Tract 68 529 529 Same As 20131-1988 To be conveyed to the Town of Eagle oxvner water quality pond modifications unplatted (0.012) (0.012) Abcve 1008 Sant: as Parcel 100 Same as Parcel 100 Section 32, Tract 68 TE -1 10 Same as Parcel 110 Sane as Parcel 110 Section 32. Tract 68 unplatted p 3 299 (0;076) 3,299 Purpose is for access ror construction of sideway. slope (0.075) grading, and larxlscapttlL, TE -1 I0A Sam(. a5 Parcel 110 Sank. as Parcel 110 tsccttort 3:., Tract 68 585 585 Purpose is for inlet cottstnlctlf)t1 and by deed at Reception No. 699314 TE -114 unplatted (0.013) (0.013) 603 603 101 Mcry, m La ut, Trustee of the Mervyn Lapin 232 'A,, Meadow Dr, TE- I 1013 Sante as Parcel 110 Same as Parcel 110 Section 12, Tract 68 unpbued 3,336 0.077) 3-136 Purpose is for access construction (0.077) Revocable Trust dated January l2, 2008 Vail, CO 81657 unplatted (0.141) (0. 141 (1.376) 11 lRev Ross E. Chambers Associates, LLP, 209 N. CountyRoad 23 Section 32, Tract 68 1396 1,396 42,651 201317278 a Colorado 1lnuted Itabilav rtnersh o Berthoud. CO 80513 Lot 1, 8kxk 1, Eby Creek Stab0.032 (0.032 0.979 TE -111 Sante as Parcel I I I Rev Sarre as Parcel I I I Ree- Section 32. `tract 68 273 273 Purpose is for sidewalk construction Lot 1, Block 1, Eby Creek Sub ' (0.006) (0,006) 1028 (Del) Deleted TE -I I IA Sante as Parcel I l IRev Same as Parcel I I IRev Section 32, Tract 68 1;444 1444 Purpose is for access for construction of fence and trail grading Lot 1. Bllock 1. Eby Creek Stab (0.033) (11.033) PE3-102 Same as Parcel 1021kev Same as Parcel 102Rev Section 32, Tract 45 Lett 2, Nock Subdiyiiion AC. -I I i Rev Same as Parcel I I l Rev Same as Parcel I I I Rev Section 32, Tract 68 Pu e is for construction and maintenance ofa retaining wall and st€nitt pqx 103 201317280 Lot 1, 8kx k 1, Eby Creek Sub TE -112 Donna M. Giordano 1109 Vail Valley Dr, Section 32, Tract 63 113 113 Pwl"c is for wall construction bail. CO 81657 Lot 2, Block 3, Eby Creek. Sub 0.003) (0.003) TE -I 12A Sante as TE- 112 Sainte as TE -712 Section 32, Tract 63 3,786 3,786 Purpose is for access construction Purpose is for construction ofdraulatle nkat I.ot 2, Block 3.. Eby Creek Sub (0.087) (0.087) (0.200) (0.200) 106 A ale Lurn.3c,r Company, a Colorado Corp2ration 1120 W. 122 Ave_- Ste. 301 Section 32, "1 ract 68 1,466 1,466 87,784 2014(4634 To be conveyed to the `Fovv it of Eagle Westminster, CO 80234 Lot 6, Bk)ck 1, Eby Creek Sub (0,034) !Q04) (2,()15) Remainder area includes Lot:, 6 & 7, 8k)ck I Eby Creek Sub a. co 0 E m 0 0 a Colorado Deportment of Trans ortotion P p 222 South 6th Street Room 317 Grand Junction CO 81501 W._*-_=�Qr Phone: 970-683-6233 FAX: 970-683-6249 Region 3 JEM Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions A W O 0 L P E R T 116 INVERNESS DRIVE EAST #105 ENGLEWOOD COLORADO 80112 (303) 9215-1400 PHONE (303) 925.1401 FAX IlPro'ect ®A/ W O O L P E R T 116 INVERNESS DRIVE EAST #105 ENGLEWOOD COLORADO 80112 (303) 9215-1400 PHONE (303) 925-1401 FAX Right of Wo Plans Date Description Initials Date Description Initials Dote Description Initials Tabulation of Properties 06/13/12 Changed Remainder Areas 102 102R 108A DA nnnn/dd/yy XXXXXXXX XXX nnnn/dd/yy XXXXXXXX XXX Added Note to 106 Project Number: C 702-278 Project Number: C 702-278 01/25/13 Revised 102 Deleted 102R Added PE -102 BDL Project Location: I-70 Eagle Interchange Upgrade Project Location I-70 Eagle Interchange Upgrade 1 9 9 P9 01/27/16 Add recording information 102 Rev PE -102 106 106 and IOBA. SKV and I BA Eagle County, Eagle, CO Eagle County, Eagle, CO Code:l Last Mod. Date I Subset Sheet No. IlPro'ect Code:I Last Mod. Date Subset I Sheet No. 16594 01-27-2016 2.03 of 2.03 2.03 16594 1 01-27-2016 1 2.01 of 2.03 1 2.01 R.O.W. TABULATION OF PROPERTIES IN EAGLE COUNTY S.H. NO. I -70F Parcel No. Parcel No. ChvrarrNaare(fralmtitN:cnnn7utrzatntz;) Mailing Address (from Assessor's Office) l.faa:atican T4S,1184NV, _ Area In Square Feat (Acres) Reltuaiadcr Net Ansa Area OI Pareet l;xistin g ROW Remainder Left R. aht Reception No. Remarks Remarks 6TH P.M. T4S. R84W, 6TH P.M. 100 Town of Eagle P.O. Box 609 Eagle, CO 81631 Section 32 & 33. Tract 45 unplatted 099 (0.223) 9.699 0.223) 309 36;464 NA Dedicated Road R.O.W., Est Street, Ea* Town Plat To be conveyed to the Town of Eagle West Des Moines, IA 50260 Lot 2, Eagle lntercltange Sub (0.007) 0.007) (0.837) 100A Satre as Parcel 100 Sarre as Parcel I00 Section 32, Tract 45 6,177 6,177 1,724 NA Dedicated Road WO.W., Nock Subdivision Putlx)se is for construction ofsidewalk and Tract A. Nock Subdivision (0.1=12) (0.142) (0.040) oxvner water quality pond modifications 1008 Sant: as Parcel 100 Same as Parcel 100 Section 32, Tract 68 4,233 4,233 (,176 (0.027) NA Dedicated Read R.O.W., ft}? Creek Subtrlv-iskon „- To be c.onv€ yf.d to the Toxon of Eagl Fairgrounds Rind 0,097) (0.093) and by deed at Reception No. 699314 TE -114 Same as Parcel 114 Same as Parcel 114 Suction 32, Tract 63 603 603 101 Mcry, m La ut, Trustee of the Mervyn Lapin 232 'A,, Meadow Dr, Scction 33. Tract 45 0,134 6.131 59.919 201403117 Revocable Trust dated January l2, 2008 Vail, CO 81657 unplatted (0.141) (0. 141 (1.376) 102Rev Robert J. Neck and Walter J. Nock P.O. Box 130 1:a Tie, CO 81631 Section 32, Tract 45 Lot 2. Nock Subdivision 3,277 0.075 3,277 (11.(175 12,2361 (0.29S) 201401459 1028 (Del) Deleted Deleted PE3-102 Same as Parcel 1021kev Same as Parcel 102Rev Section 32, Tract 45 Lett 2, Nock Subdiyiiion 4,967 0.114 4.967 (0.114) 20/401578 Pu e is for construction and maintenance ofa retaining wall and st€nitt pqx 103 NOT USED 104 ............................... ............ ....._._........................... TE-105 NOT USED -----................................ s..._...._.. .............. --._...-----...._... NOT USED ._........ _..._.. --- -------................................_.._._.......----.._._...................._........_.._.........------- TE -105A Union Pacific Railroad )400 Douglas Street Section 32,&, 33, Tract 68 8,704 8.704 Purpose is for construction ofdraulatle nkat Omaha. NF 68179 (0.200) (0.200) 106 A ale Lurn.3c,r Company, a Colorado Corp2ration 1120 W. 122 Ave_- Ste. 301 Section 32, "1 ract 68 1,466 1,466 87,784 2014(4634 To be conveyed to the `Fovv it of Eagle Westminster, CO 80234 Lot 6, Bk)ck 1, Eby Creek Sub (0,034) !Q04) (2,()15) Remainder area includes Lot:, 6 & 7, 8k)ck I Eby Creek Sub TE -106 Salve as Parcel to() Same as Parcel 106 Section 32, T1aet 68 1:392 1392 Purpose is for construction of sidewalk, wall and drainage inlet Leat 6, Block 1, Eby Creek Sub (0.032) (0.032) 107 NOT USED 108 Eagle Diner, LLC, a Colorado limited liability colts , i!y P.O. Box 1363 Section 32, Tract 68 1,745 1,795 25,530 201312608 Carbondale, Co 8162:3 Lot 1, Eagle Intl rchartge Sotrtl) ((1.041 0.1141 0.5$6 I 08 $antic as Palce: 108 Sante as Parcel 108 Section 32, Tract 68 4:19 499 Same eAs 21312608 To be conveyed to the T€vt of Eagle k ff)r 1 air Carnun;Ls Road R.O.W. Lot 1, Eagle intercluange South (0.011) (0.011) Above TE -108 Satin. as Parcu''- 108 Sarre as Parcel 108 Section 32, Tract 681283 2283 Purpose is for construction and sidmalk Lot 1, Eagle tnterchan ge South 0.052 0.052 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Deposited this ' day of d, 204,at , (S1 &m. in Bookil%._of the Eagle County Surveyor's Land Survey Plats/Rights- of-Way Surveys at Page. This Land Survey Plat complies with Section 38-51-102, of the Colorado Revised Statutes. Colorado Deportment of Transportation 222 South 6th Street 0 Room 317 Grand Junction, CO 81501 Phone: 970-683-6233 FAX: 970-683-6249 Region 3 JEM Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions A W O 0 L P E R T 116 INVERNESS DRIVE EAST #105 ENGLEWOOD COLORADO 80112 (303) 9215-1400 PHONE (303) 925.1401 FAX IlPro'ect Right of Wo Plans Dote Description Initials Date Description Initials Date Description Initials Tabulation of Properties 01/27/16 Add RecordingInformation Parcel 113 and 114 SKV mm/dd/yyXXXXXXXX XXX mm/dd/ XXXXXXXX XXX Project Number: C 702-278 Project Location: I-70 Eagle Interchange Upgrade Eagle County, Eagle, CO Code:l Last Mod. Date I Subset Sheet No. 16594 01-27-2016 2.03 of 2.03 2.03 R.O.W. TABULATION OF PROPERTIES IN EAGLE COUNTY S.H. NO. 1-70F Parcel No. Owr_erName (f orntitte conviiiinx nts) Assessors Mailing Address (f7Y(Winf`SS Qi S office) Location Area In Square Feet f,Acres) ANet Area Area C7f1'arcel tyyistin ROW l.efi Remainder ft1rt Reception No. Remarks T4S. R84W, 6TH P.M. 113 Kura & Go L.C., an lovva limited liability company 6400 Westown Pkwy Section 32, Tract 63 309 309 36;464 201402430 To be conveyed to the Town of Eagle West Des Moines, IA 50260 Lot 2, Eagle lntercltange Sub (0.007) 0.007) (0.837) T%-113 :Same as Parcel 113 Sartre as Parcel 113 Section 32. Tract 63 1.724 1,724 Putlx)se is for construction ofsidewalk and Lot 2, Eagle Interchange Sub (0.041)) (0.040) oxvner water quality pond modifications 114 Firstbank. a C°okarado co tion as successor b • merger of First Bank of Avon PO Box 1500197 Lakem CO 80215 ot1sJ, Section 32 Tract 63 , Lot 1, Eagle Interchange Sub 6 14 171 1. t" 0.07) 2 (,176 (0.027) 3,760 7 0.d�1 2:: n ..(7131.,873 „- To be c.onv€ yf.d to the Toxon of Eagl TE -114 Same as Parcel 114 Same as Parcel 114 Suction 32, Tract 63 603 603 Pu.r..pase. is for construction of si > v ak and wall Lot 1, Eagle Interchange Sub 0.014) (0.014) Its N07 USED