HomeMy WebLinkAbout1082MPROWEMENT D PLAT I � 0� I T i _ ITE g � HEAD SUB REQ � �0 `MONUMENTS HOZA PARCELS FOUND SURVEY ! NOR 2 ALUMINUM CAP ON REBAR STAMPED LS 37902ON Lots 1 thru 7 and Lots 13 thru 19' Block 9 NN -- 0< MINETown of Eagle,Coun State of Colorado ty of Eale g, c > � D o Z o o 0 C � THIRD STREET �- =m "'• N 80' RIGHT OF WAY =m SET SURVEY MONUMENT 2.0' WITNESS CORNER PORTION OF SE 1 /4 SEC. 32 AND 1.5" ALUMINUM CAP ON TELE. SW 4 SEC. J�3 T 4 S, R 84W, 6th P.M. No 5 REBAR CONCRETE CURB PED, STAMPED PLS 34998LJ CONCRETE APRON SCALE 1" = 800' SURVEYED LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT CONCRETE WALK 1.5" ALUMINUM CAP ON REBAR ILLEGIBLE STAMPING Lots 1 thru 7, Block 9, Town of Eagle, County of Eagle, State PAVED PARKING = (N 89'27'00" E 125.00') 0.6' E 125.00' NORTH SURVEYOR'S NOTES: of Colorado according to the Plat thereof and being the some S89'27'00"W 2.00 N 89'27'00" E 125.00' 86470011"E N 89'24'25" 0.6' 51.5 19.0 SET SURVEY MONUMENT 1) Purpose of this Improvement Survey Plat is to depict lands as described in that portion of the deed recorded as 60.20' TIE P FOUND SURVEY MONUMENTS NORTH D< 1.5" ALUMINUM CAP ON improvements relative to the established boundaries of the Rece ion No. 201325364 in the Office of the Eagle Count ClerkandRecorder, Count Eagle, State Colorado, E' 1 1 n Z �m D= 1.5" ALUMINUM CAP ON REBAR STAMPED LS 20695 2 STORY WOODEN BARN No 5 REBAR STAMPED PLS 34998 { subject Parcels, in accordance with CRS 38-51-102(9). of of and Y 9 oo 13 m (TYPICAL) N 1 0000 more particularly described as follows: �? a ° n Zo -� N N 2) Survey Date: April 17, 2018. Commencing at a point being the Northeast Corner of Lot 13, a D XC Block 9, said Town of Eagle, from which the Northwest Corner a Z � r me Cn „ of Lot 1, Block 10, of said Town of Eagle bears, and all g M 51.5 3) Basis of Bearing: S 02°57 42 E between found survey 0 bearings contained herein being based upon, S02°57 42 E, w �1 o - a I �F �y zr o �Z (n monuments marking the Northeast Corner Lot 13, Block 9, > 0 380.36 feet; thence N89°4711 E 16.00 feet to the Point of o ' w 0 a, _ N F o mZ o and the Northwest Corner Lot 1, Block 10, Town of Eagle, as Beginning being the Northwest Corner of said Lot 1, Block 9; 2 STORY G DWELLING 'y�,2j14 W w oo 2 o shown and described hereon. thence N89°24'25"E. 125.00 feet to the Northeast Corner of '6 CANTILEVER//A��� o O C,J FENCE TYP ( � X 4) Posted Address: 0306 Howard Street. said Lot 1; thence S00°33 00 E, 175.00 feet to the Southeast \ V ,p �= W 0 o Corner said Lot 7; thence S89°27'00"W, 125.00 feet to the ` 47.2 0 m oo rn c, 5 Location of Improvements, ) p Lot lines, and Easements are Southwest Corner of said Lot 7; thence N00°33'00"W, 174.91 • 14.5' I CLOTHESLINE m/ m based upon the Plat of Town of Eagle, as deposited at the P 9 P feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 0.502 Acres less. ENCLOSED DECK�y POLES P ENTRY I I s `' RETAINING 3 0 '' N Eagle County Clerk and Recorders Office and Survey more or 155 WALL Monuments, shown hereon. Along with: �' L - -I i tis 00 i Lots 13 thru 19, Block 9, said Town of Eagle, County of Z o 6) This Improvement Survey Plat was prepared for the Eagle, State of Colorado according to the Plat thereof and being the same lands as described in that portion of the — "R"ET"AI"N"ING "WA"L"L 22,2 1 HC I tis 2 o 21 exclusive use of Jay Taylor, and is valid only if print has original seal and signature of surveyor. deed recorded as Reception No. 201325364 In the Office of 1 STORY I o N GARAGE N RAMP ys . o the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, and more particularly described as follows: `: =CONC. ADRIiVLT 34.4' I ALUMINUM 22.2 I—_J SHED WALK 1 4 �n Z 7) This survey was completed without the aid of a title commitment or policy. Easement and other title searches Beginning at a point being the Northeast Corner of said Lot CAR PORT C were not performed by surveyor for this product. There 13, Block 9, from the x X which Northwest Corner of said Lot 1, 0 6! may be other encumbrances, or easements affecting the Block 10, bears, S02°57'42"E, 380.36 feet; thence -7 Z subject properties that are not shown. S00°33'00"E, 175.00 feet to the Southeast Corner said Lot 19; thence S89°27'00"W, 125.00 feet to the Southwest Corner of 0 . 8) Lineal Units of the U.S. Survey Foot were used herein. said Lot 19; thence N00°33'00"W, 175.00 feet to the northwest Corner of said Lot 13; thence N89°27'00"E, 125.00 -' �� GRAVEL LIMITS OF 17 J AREA WESTERN LIMIT OF STEEP GRADE feet to the Point of Beginning. 'C o 0 o �V g o ,.` - SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Containing 0.502 Acres more or less. LOTS 13 — 19 LOTS 1 - 7 . I, Matthew S. Slagle a Licensed Professional Land Surveyor in the State BLOCK 9 o BLOCK 9 ��/ of Colorado, hereby certify that this Improvement Survey Plat was 18 0.502 ACRES D N A 6 0.502 ACRES done by me or under my responsible charge, and that it was FOUND SURVEY MONUMENTS 30 v7 � 306 =�� performed using the standard care and practice used in the area at the time of the survey, and is based upon the my knowledge, 1.25" WHITE PLASTIC CAP o 1" J IN CONCRETE m information and belief . This certification is not a guarantee or STAMPED LS 4551 M °M warrant either expressed or implied. The Notes hereon are a art of Y� P P P D � this certification. Ng�4s 6S 19 FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT FOUND SURVEY R (CAP LEANING 0.15 SOUTH, G) w o F 76 LOCATED BASET LOCATED ( ) LOCATED AT BASE) 1.5" ALUMINUM CAP ON REBAR 1.5" ALUMINUM CAP ON REBAR l o rn = - FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT 1.5" ALUMINUM CAP ON REBAR 4���� fCtsrF ;.• O ° STAMPED LS 9337 STAMPED LS 9337 C: STAMPED LS 30084 O ��" 1cw :',+� `• •._ X S 89'27'00" W 125.00' LOG S89°27'00"W BUILDING 16.00' S 89'27'00" W 125.00'''', FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT C Al c ���NZ 20— �1 ��C ` � � � �„��� g � a ,..,,.��.���.� �T AN 1.5" ALUMINUM CAP ON REBAR � � STAMPED LS 30084 • � ,k '�� .CE S 200610,235 �, ��� a " e� TYPICAL *l� •M `t�J Matthew S. Slagle PLS 34998 Professional Land Surveyor State of Colorado 20 0 10 20 40 80 SLAGLE SURVEY SERVICES 800 Castle Drive - P.O. Boz 751 Eagle, Colorado 81631 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIF'ICAT'E 970.471.1499 Office matthew@slaglesurvey.com 1 INCH = 20 FEET - ° B e Deposited this day of �' . 20 0 , at , . .M in Book of the www.SlagleSurvey.com Eagle County Surveyor's Land Survey Plats/Rights-of-Way Surveys at Page Reception Number z- IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT HOZA PARCELS, i4ilw=22. ty Surveyor LOTS i 'T'HRu 7 AND LOTS 13 THRU 19, BLACK 9 ( BEARING DISTANCE) = PLATTED NOTICE. According to Colorado law you must commence any legal DIMENSION FOURTH STREET FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT 'TOWN OF EAGLE, COUNTY OF EAGLE, ST'AT'E OF COLORADO action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you BEARING DISTANCE = MEASURED 80' RIGHT OF WAY NW COR. LOT 1 BLOCK 10 1.5" ALUMINUM CAP ON REBAR ortAwN ar: ]OB NUd�t: DRAWDdG NAME first discovered such defect. In no event, may any action based upon ILLEGIBLE STAMPING MSS 18015 18015ISP.dwg any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of certification shown hereon. SiM7 1 of 1 OAT; 04-20-2018