HomeMy WebLinkAbout1078Colorado Department of Transportation i 222 S. 6th Street - Room 317 Grand Junction, CO 81501 Phone: 970-683-6233 FAX: 970-683-6249 Region 3 Right of Way LED 4 0 A A SECTION CORNER QUARTER AND SIXTEENTH, • • SECTION CORNERS ■ O1I O SET EASEMENT TEMPORARY RIGHT OF WAY MONUMENT EASEMENT POINT MARKER 0 0 0 PP NOAA BLM QUARTER, SIXTEENTH, BLM MARKER PROPERTY PIN NOAA MARKER AND SECTION CORNERS 0 0 • 0 0 FED WC WC FIM USGS FEDERAL MONUMENT WITNESS CORNER BENCH MARK USGS MARKER ® o El ROW LOCAL OR PLSS SECONDARY CONTROL RIGHT OF WAY MONUMENT MONUMENT MARKER N 9.88 CN 10.13 '&N 10.38 ♦ E 3.81 E 3.81 E 3.81 EL 0.00 EL 0.00 EL 0.00 PROJECT CONTROL DENSIFICATION HIGH ACCURACY REFERENCE MONUMENT CONTROL MONUMENT NETWORK CONTROL MONUMENT PERMANENT, PROPERTY, SLOPE, & UTILITY EASEMENT LINE ------------------- TEMPORARY EASEMENT LINE (EXISTING) R -t R PROPERTY BOUNDARY LINE (EXISTING AND PROPOSED) A- -- A--- -A- - A- - A- - -A- ACCESS CONTROL LINE 111 111 111 II II II BARRIER ACCESS CONTROL LINE RIGHT OF WAY LINE V__ - -V__e V____ VIRGIN RIGHT OF WAY LINE (PROPOSED) CITY LIMIT LINE (EXISTING) COUNTY LINE (EXISTING) QUARTER SECTION LINE SECTION LINE ----------------- ----------------- SIXTEENTH __-v_--__---__--SIXTEENTH SECTION LINE STATE LINE (EXISTING) TOWNSHIP LINE (EXISTING) Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Right of Way Plans Description Initials Date Description Initials LUND Title Sheet led Sheets 2.01, 5.01. 7.03,7.04 & 7.06 GFS Project Number: STA 0702-327 p1'2265W Bayaud Avenue, Suite 130 Lakewood, Colorado 80228 Project Location: I-70 VAIL UNDERPASS P 303 989.1461 F 303.989 4094 TOWN TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY OF IL,x �.� � t Pro ed Code: Last Mod. Date Subset Sheet N 19094 11-22-2017 i 1.01 to 1.01 1 1.01 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET NO. INDEX OF SHEETS `��\�4(.00 f Q/`�t��`''� 1'01 (1) Title Sheet STATE OF COLORADO 2.01 (1) Tabulation of Properties _ = 0c) i O "rs ° 23. 3.OX (N/A) Project Control Diagram RIGHT OF WAY PLANS OF PROPOSED 4.01-4.03 (3) Land Survey Control Diagram FEDERAL AID PROJECT NO. STA 0702-327 5.01 (1) Monumentation Sheets 106° 22'25.48726" W 6.OX (NA) Tabulation of Road Approach Sheets INTERSTATE 70 - VAIL UNDERPASS Scales of Original 11x17 Drawings 7.01-7.07 (7) Plan Sheets TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY Plan Sheets 1"=50' 8.01 (1) Ownership Map Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West Ownership Map 1"=300' (14) Total Sheets of the 6th Principal Meridian BASIS OF BEARINGS: All bearings are based on the line connecting R.O.W. Length of Project = 0.41 Miles "WOODMAN" to "SPRADDLE" being a GRID bearing of N. 72°26'53" E. as Const. Length of Project = 0.41 Miles obtained from a global positioning system (GPS) survey based on the Colorado Mile Posts 174.55 to 174.96 Hi h Accurac Reference Network (CHARN) Said Grid bearin is NAD 83 STA. 113+29.55 12 175 cll J» 13 rn cn O O>O J72... TOP OF CUT FILING CERTIFICATION: A DEPOSITED THIS 4 DAY OF .., 201J, AT.M., rOE OF FILL c IN BOOK OF THE COUNTY LAND SURVEYS/RIGHT OF WAY Note: For a complete listing of symbology used within this set of SURVEYS AT PAGE RECEPTION NUMBER plans, please refer to the M-100-1 Standard Symbols of the Colorado o Department of Transportation M&S Standards Publication dated July SIGNED LQ 2012. Existing features are shown as screened weight (gray scale), except as noted with the word (existing). Proposed or new features DEPT. are shown as full weight without screening, except as noted with the word (proposed). 24 g Y g (2011) Colorado State Plane - Central Zone 502. "WOODMAN" (PID AB2085) is a National Geodetic Survey (NGS) first order horizontal mark monumented with a 3.5" diameter brass cap set flush in a boulder, cap stamped in part "WOODMAN 1994". "SPRADDLE" (PID AB2083) is a National Geodetic Survey (NGS) first order horizontal mark monumented with a 3.5" diameter brass cap set flush in a boulder, cap stamped in part "SPRADDLE 1994". 1. This Right -of -Way Pian is not a boundary survey of the adjoining property and is prepared for the Town of Vail and Colorado Department of Transportation purposes only. 2. For title information the Town of Vail, and the Colorado Department of Transportation relied on Title Commitments prepared by Heritage Title Company. See Sheet 2.01 for specific title information. 3. This plan set is subject to change and may not be the most current set. It is the user's responsibility to verify with the Town of Vail and CDOT that this set is the most current. The information contained on the attached drawing is not valid unless this copy bears an original signature of the Professional Land Surveyor hereon named. NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. 17 16 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL A/D H/GHWA YPROJECT 19 ROW PLANS AUTHORIZED.' DATE 20 21 CDOT RIGHT OF WAY PROGRAM MANAGER PROJECT LOCATION MAP SCALE: 1" = 6,000' 0' 3000' 6000' 12000' SURVEYOR STATEMENT ����t41t11iitrut/1>i (ROW PLAN) `��\�4(.00 f Q/`�t��`''� /, Geoffrey F. Stephenson, a professional /and surveyor licensed in the �� p� �°°y t - ,'� °O0 State of Colorado, do hereby state to the Town of Vail, and the Colorado or �` a G7 Department of Transportation, that based upon my knowledge, information o°O I t iv d I - • o and belief, research, calculations and evaluation of the survey evidence were _ = 0c) i O "rs ° 23. performed, and this Right -of -Way Plan was prepared under my responsible 0 a° cc charge in accordance with applicable standards of practice defined by 0 0 , Colorado Department of Transportation pub/ications. This statement is not a 00° ° guaranty or warranty, either expressed or implied. U 0 o ��rr�7rf//1li PLS No. 23521 \• Ft i l l i������� Colorado De artment of Trans ortation Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Pro'ect and Land Survey Control Diagram P P Date Description Initials Date Description Initials Title Sheet LUND ect Number: STA 0702-327 222 S. 6th Street -Room 317 � 1 �>-�_�.t .,>�.rs- Pro 1 Grand Junction,CO 81501 12265wSayaudAvenue, Suite 130 Project Location: 1-70 VAIL UNDERPASS nAv�- Lakewood C01Mdo 80228 Phone: 970-683-6233 FAX: 970-683-6249 P303989148/ F 303989.4094 TOWN O F UA I L ux1^,°r; TOWN e VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY Region 3 Right of Way LED i;r s t rr Pro'ect Code: Lasl9Q-9nite Subset Sheet No. lonaa ns-9QI a m t� a na In n� 0 0 A A SECTION CORNER QUARTER AND SIXTEENTH SECTION CORNERS O D o SET EASEMENT TEMPORARY RIGHT OF WAY MONUMENT EASEMENT POINT MARKER 0 0 0 0 BLM PP NOAA QUARTER, SIXTEENTH, BLM MARKER PROPERTY PIN NOAA MARKER AND SECTION CORNERS 0 0 • 0 0 FED WC WC BM USGS FEDERAL MONUMENT WITNESS CORNER BENCH MARK USGS MARKER ® ROW❑ LOCAL OR PLSS SECONDARY CONTROL RIGHT OF WAY MONUMENT MONUMENT MARKER AN 9.88 ON 10.13 '*N 10.38 E 3.81 E 3.81 E 3.81 EL 0.00 EL 0.00 EL 0.00 PROJECT CONTROL DENSIFICATION HIGH ACCURACY REFERENCE MONUMENT CONTROL MONUMENT NETWORK CONTROL MONUMENT Note: For a complete listing of symbology used within this set of plans, please refer to the M-100-1 Standard Symbols of the Colorado Department of Transportation M&S Standards Publication dated July 2012. Existing features are shown as screened weight (gray scale). Proposed or new features are shown as full weight without screening. General Notes: I �" , • , , A , / , A 1. This Land Survey Control Diagram is not a boundary survey of the adjoining property and is prepared for the Town of Vail and the Colorado Department of Transportation purposes only. No determination has been made to determine if the found monuments as shown are in their proper position or if they are at the corners they are intended to monument. 2. This plan set is subject to change and may not be the most current set- It is the user's responsibility to verify with the Town of Vail and CDOT that this set is the most current. The information contained on the attached drawing is not valid unless this copy bears an original signature of the Professional Land Surveyor hereon named. 3. Refer to the M-629-1 Survey Monuments of the Standard Plans dated July, 2012 found in The Colorado Department of Transportation, M & S Standards for typical survey monument descriptions. FILING CERTIFICATION: DEPOSITED THIS'tDAY OF6-0A 20JYATA-•M•, IN BOOK A-- OF THE COUNTY LAND SURVEYS/RIGHT OF WAY SURVEYS T P GE 'R2EC PTION NUMBER SIGNED DEPT. STATE OF COLORADO LAND SURVEY CONTROL DIAGRAM 1-70 Vail Underpass Sections 6 and 7 Township 5 South, Range 80 West AND Sections 1 and 12 Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th Principal Meridian Eagle County, Colorado PROJECT LOCATION MAP N SCALE: 1" = 6,000' 0' 3000' 6000' 12000' SHEET NO. INDEX OF SHEETS 4.01 (1) Title Sheet 4.02 (1) Monument Coordinate Tables 4.03 (1) Plan Sheet (3) 35 36 Parcel No. Owner &Mailing Address 31 32 33 T4S.R81 W Remarks Area Of Existing 754816.13 T4S.R80 Remainder T5S.R81 W 39° 38'38.53811" N 106° 22'25.48726" W Range 81 West 6th P.M. Parcel T5S.R80 Net Area Left Right 1 8287. FOUND 3 1/2" NGS BRASS DISK IN BOULDER (PID AB2083) 6 5 106° 26'58.52274" W 4 PROJECT LOCATION 1648196.95 2732461.42 - TOWN 733566.32 7731.29 FOUND 3 1/2" NGS BRASS DISK IN CONCRETE ABUTMENT (PID KI -0004) VAIL PASS * Association, Inc. 1209 Interstate 70 Frontage Road Savoy Villas Condominiums O 1618330.13 6,755 PRISCO 618984.52 798735.61 454-H0419655-610-ETO VAIL 1-70 1180 N. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO Vail, Colorado 12 1652149.01 (0.155) 7 652817.07 728168.05 Amendment No. 2 I 746219.65 Vail, CO 81657 362 8 9 FOUND 11/2" ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED "PLS 26598" l- 659131.02 tj, FOUND 11/2" ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED "PLS 26598" 2624 ....._ ..... (-h Malia Nobrega (970)476-4300 13 00 00 18 17 16 24 Simba Run Condominium Association, 19 Inc., a Colorado non-profitcorporation 1312 Interstate 70 Frontage Road Simba Run Condominiums 4,450 20 21 PROJECT LOCATION MAP N SCALE: 1" = 6,000' 0' 3000' 6000' 12000' SHEET NO. INDEX OF SHEETS 4.01 (1) Title Sheet 4.02 (1) Monument Coordinate Tables 4.03 (1) Plan Sheet (3) Total Sheets BASIS OF BEARINGS: All bearings are based on the line connecting "WOODMAN" to "SPRADDLE" being a GRID bearing of N. 72°26'53" E. as obtained from a global positioning system (GPS) survey based on the Colorado High Accuracy Reference Network (CHARN). Said Grid bearing is NAD 83 (2011) Colorado State Plane - Central Zone 502. "WOODMAN" (PID AB2085) is a National Geodetic Survey (NGS) first order horizontal mark monumented with a 3.5" diameter brass cap set flush in a boulder, cap stamped in part"WOODMAN 1994". "SPRADDLE" (PID AB2083) is a National Geodetic Survey (NGS) first order horizontal mark monumented with a 3.5" diameter brass cap set flush in a boulder, cap stamped in part "SPRADDLE 1994". BASIS OF ELEVATIONS: Project elevations are GPS derived heights based Geoid 12A as published by the NGS. The GPS network was constrained to NGS Second Order bench mark'T 280" (PID KI -0004) with a published NAVD 88 elevation of 7731.29 feet. Differential digital levels were run between the listed set secondary project control points as shown herein to establish precise vertical control within the project limits. Datum is NAVD88. COORDINATE DATUM: Project coordinates are modified Colorado State Plane Central Zone NAD '83/(2011) coordinates. The combined elevation/scale factor used to modify the coordinates from state plane to project coordinates is 1.000404360. The resulting project coordinates are truncated by 1,000,000ft in the Northing and 2,000,000ft in the Easting after converting from state plane coordinates to project coordinates. Project Coordinates Northing US Survey Feet = (State Plane Coordinate Northing * 1.0004043600 - 1,000,000) Project Coordinates Easting US Survey Feet = (State Plane Coordinate Easting * 1.0004043600 - 2,000,000). The horizontal positional accuracy tolerance for this land survey control diagram meets the CDOT Class "B" secondary tolerance as defined in the CDOT survey manual chapter 5, paragraph 5.2.2 and 5.5,3. The vertical accuracy tolerance for this land survey control diagram meets the minimum vertical accuracy tolerance as defined in the CDOT survey manual chapter 5, paragraph 5.8.6. The CDOT survey manual can be viewed at HTTP://WWW.COLORADODOT.INFO/BUSINESS/MANUALS/SURVEY NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. SURVEYOR STATEMENT �\\���tlltliii+irrrrllf�7r� (LAND SURVEY CONTROL DIAGRAM) ��` Ot P�O oEG/S�r��/f, 1, Geoffrey F. Stephenson, a professional land surveyorlicensed in �CJ` 00°,v° : r/110 the State of Colorado, do hereby state to the Town of Vail and the ° o Colorado Department of Transportation this Land Survey Control Diagram was prepared and the field survey it represents was performed under my responsible charge and, based upon my w ° 23 0° knowledge, information and belief is in accordance with applicable 0f ° a standards of practice defined by the Colorado Department of Transportation publications. This statement is not a guaranty or 00°® PLS No. 2352texpressed orimplied. ",11,1141;L j1t171Is41�t1�t������ Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Ri to Wa Plans Colorado Deportment of Transportation Date Description Inivais Date Description Initials �y LUND Tabulation of Properties 11/2212017 Added Reception Numbers to RW -2, PE -2 & PE -2A GFS q-` 222 S. 6th Street - Room 31712265 W. Baaud AvenueSuite 130 Project Number: STA 0702-327 , • Grand Junction, CO 81501 Lakeywood Colorado 80228 Project Location: 1-70 VAIL UNDERPASS Phone: 970-683-6233 FAX: 970-683-6249P'303.989.1461 F'303.989.4094 TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY Region 3 Ri ht of Wa TOWN OF Mod. g g Y LED L � Pro 19094 de: L 11-22 2_017fetos2.01 SheeOt No. R.O.W. Tabulation of Properties in Eagle County - 1-70 Vail Underpass GEODETIC COORDINATES - NAD 83 (2011) LATITUDE LONGITUDE ELLIPSOID HEIGHT MAPPINGANGLE Location Area In Square Feet (Acres) Book and NAVD 88 ELEVATION DESCRIPTION Parcel No. Owner &Mailing Address Parcel Address Township 5 South Page No. AndlOr Title Commitment No. Remarks Area Of Existing 754816.13 Remainder Remainder SPRADDLE 39° 38'38.53811" N 106° 22'25.48726" W Range 81 West 6th P.M. Parcel ROW Net Area Left Right Reception No. 8287. FOUND 3 1/2" NGS BRASS DISK IN BOULDER (PID AB2083) T 280 * Savoy Villas Condominium 106° 26'58.52274" W 7690.18 0°35'56" 1648196.95 2732461.42 T 280 * 648863.41 733566.32 7731.29 FOUND 3 1/2" NGS BRASS DISK IN CONCRETE ABUTMENT (PID KI -0004) VAIL PASS * Association, Inc. 1209 Interstate 70 Frontage Road Savoy Villas Condominiums 6,755 1618330.13 6,755 VAIL PASS* 618984.52 798735.61 454-H0419655-610-ETO For construction and grading, including reconstruction of TE -1 1180 N. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO Vail, Colorado (0.155) 1652149.01 (0.155) 1 WOODMANI 652817.07 728168.05 Amendment No. 2 condominium enVanceand installation oflandscaping 746219.65 Vail, CO 81657 362 NE 1/4 Section 12, T5S, R81W, 6th P.M. 746356.72 FOUND 11/2" ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED "PLS 26598" 363 659131.02 746477.51 FOUND 11/2" ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED "PLS 26598" 2624 660945.82 748452.58 Malia Nobrega (970)476-4300 Simba Run Condominium Association, Inc., a Colorado non-profitcorporation 1312 Interstate 70 Frontage Road Simba Run Condominiums 4,450 4,450 201,974 Rec.No. 454-H0419695-610-ETO, RW -2 1100 N. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Vail, Colorado (0.102) (0.102) (4.637) 201614679 Amendment No. 3 Vail, CO 81657 NE 1/4 Section 12, T5S, R81W, 6th P.M. Anne Nelson (303) 690-6038 18,855 18,855 Rec.No. Forconstruction, use and maintenance of roadway slopes, PE -2 Same as Above Same as Above Same as Above (0.433) (0.433) 201614679 Same as Above subsurface reinforcing elements for retaining walls, and drainage facilities 2,270 2,270 Rec.No. For construction, use and maintenance of roadway slopes, PE -2A Same as Above Same as Above Same as Above (0.052) (0.052) 201614679 Same as Above subsurface reinforcing elements for retaining walls, utilities and drainage facilities For construction and grading, including installation of TE 2 Same as Above Same as Above Same as Above 35,182 35,182 Same as Above landscaping, reconstruction of roadway, lighting,and (0.808) (0.808) associated appurtenances for condominium entrance and removal of recreation path SOHO Development LLC, a Colorado TE -3 limited liability company 1031 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 759 759 454-HO419930-610-ETO Forconstruction and grading 390 Interlocken Crescent Vail, CO 81657 NE 1/4 Section 12, T5S, R81W, 6th P.M. (0.017) (0.017) Amendment No. 2 Broomfield, CO 80021 Vail Run Resort Community Association, Inc., a Colorado non-profit Vail Run Resort Community corporation 1218 Interstate 70 Frontage Road 3,117 3,117 454-H041 97 1 7-6 1 0 ETO Forconstruction and grading, including TE 4 1000 Lions Ridge Loop Vail, CO 81657 Vail, Colorado (0.072) (0.072) Amendment No. 2 removal of recreation path NE 1/4 Section 12, TSS, R81W, 6th P.M. Vail, CO 81657 Alan McLean (970) 476-1500 Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Colorado Department of Transportation Date Description Initials Date Description Initials ' 222 S. 6th Street - Room 317 Grand Junction, CO 81501 Phone:970-683-6233 FAX:970-683-6249 0"", Region 3 Right of Way LED TOWN OF 1L.10 L ® GEODETIC COORDINATE SUMMARY TABLE OF FOUND NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY (NGS) CONTROL POINTS (HELD FIXED U.S. FEET) LLUND 12265 Wwood. Bayaud Ave,nue , Swte 130 LakeColorado 80228 P.303.989.1461 F' ---- an 4094 and an Survey Control Diagram Monumentation Sheet Project Number: STA 0702-327 Project Location: 1-70 VAIL UNDERPASS TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY POINT NO. GEODETIC COORDINATES - NAD 83 (2011) LATITUDE LONGITUDE ELLIPSOID HEIGHT MAPPINGANGLE NAD 83 (2011) ZONE 502 NORTHING EASTING POINT NO. PROJECT COORDINATES NORTHING EASTING NAVD 88 ELEVATION DESCRIPTION GPS 005 * 39° 38'35.22804" N 106° 22'28.61797" W 8165.73 0°33'06" 1660320.21 2753702.64 GPS 005 * 660991.57 754816.13 8207. FOUND 3 1/4" ALUMINUM CAP IN BOULDER (PID AH7731) SPRADDLE 39° 38'38.53811" N 106° 22'25.48726" W 8246.58 0°33'04" 1660652.75 2753950.75 SPRADDLE 661324.26 755064.34 8287. FOUND 3 1/2" NGS BRASS DISK IN BOULDER (PID AB2083) T 280 * 39'36'33.30981" N 106° 26'58.52274" W 7690.18 0°35'56" 1648196.95 2732461.42 T 280 * 648863.41 733566.32 7731.29 FOUND 3 1/2" NGS BRASS DISK IN CONCRETE ABUTMENT (PID KI -0004) VAIL PASS * 39'31'44,04431" N 106° 13'03.17284" W 10570.03 0°27'09" 1618330.13 2797604.37 VAIL PASS* 618984.52 798735.61 10611.00 FOUND 3 1/2" NGS BRASS DISK IN BOULDER (PID AB2084) WOODMAN 39° 37' 11.80369" N 106° 28' 08.00559" W 7607.01 0°3640" 1652149.01 2727065.33 1 WOODMANI 652817.07 728168.05 7648.7 FOUND 3 1/2" NGS BRASS DISK IN BOULDER (PID AB2085) *Denotes Control Points Not Shown On Diagram PROJECT COORDINATE SUMMARY TABLE OF SET SECONDARY SURVEY CONTROL POINTS (ADJUSTED FIELD DATA U.S. FEET): POINT NO. PROJECT COORDINATES NORTHING EASTING NAVD 88 ELEVATION DESCRIPTION 1 661237.01 749022.54 8143.22 SET 2" ALUMINUM CAP ON #5 REBAR STAMPED "L.P.I. SURVEY CONTROL POINT 1" 2 660435.72 747718.64 8116.01 SET 2" ALUMINUM CAPON #5 REBAR STAMPED "L.P.1. SURVEY CONTROL POINT 2" 3 659537.17 746513.60 8086.47 SET 2" ALUMINUM CAPON #5 REBAR STAMPED "L.P.1. SURVEY CONTROL POINT 3" 4 660489.80 748805.60 8105.85 SET 2" ALUMINUM CAPON #5 REBAR STAMPED "L.P.1. SURVEY CONTROL POINT 4" 5 660207.80 747834.04 8102.00 SET 2" ALUMINUM CAPON #5 REBAR STAMPED "L.P.I. SURVEY CONTROL POINT 5" 6 659342.69 746615.91 8078.72 SET 2" ALUMINUM CAPON #5 REBAR STAMPED "L.P.I. SURVEY CONTROL POINT 6" ® ® ALIQUOT CORNERS TABULATION PROJECT SPECIFIC COORDINATES (U.S. FEET): O POINT NO. PROJECT COORDINATES NORTHING FASTING LOCATION DESCRIPTION 200 659681.53 747586.38 NORTHEAST 1/16TH CORNER SECTION 12, T5S, R81W, 6TH P.M. FOUND 2 1/2" ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED "U.S. DEPT OF AGRICULTURE - FOREST SERVICE - LS 12457 - NE 1/16 - S12 - 2004" 201 658302.32 747565.56 CENTER EAST 1/16TH CORNER SECTION 12, T5S, R81W, 6TH P.M. FOUND 2 1/2" ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED "U.S. DEPT OF AGRICULTURE - FOREST SERVICE - CADASTRAL SURVEY - CE 1/16- S12" 202 661035.67 746233.25 NORTH 1/4 CORNER SECTION 12, T5S, R81W, 6TH P.M. FOUND 2 1/2" BRASS CAP STAMPED "U.S. GENERAL LAND OFFICE SURVEY - 1942 Sl -SIT - 220 658296.10 743379.58 WEST 1/4 CORNER SECTION 12, T5S, R81W, 6TH P.M. FOUND 2 1/2" BRASS CAP STAMPED "U.S. GENERAL LAND OFFICE SURVEY- 19112 S111 S12" 221 661093.25 748985.48 NORTHEAST CORNER SECTION 12, T5S, R81W, 6TH P.M. CALCULATAED LOCATION OF CORNER PER RECORDED DISTANCES FROM REFERENCE MONUMENTS 1209 661063.91 748968.49 33.9' R.M. TO NORTHEAST CORNER SECTION 12, TSS, R81W, 6TH P.M. FOUND 3 1/2" ALUMINUM CAP ON PIPE STAMPED "U.S. DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR BLM 1986 33.9' TO COR RM T5S R81W" 1211 661086.25 749006.54 22.2' R.M. TO NORTHWEST CORNER SECTION 7, T5S, R80W, 6TH P.M. FOUND 3 1/2" ALUMINUM CAP ON PIPE STAMPED "U.S. DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR BLM 1984 22.2' TO COR RM T5S R80W" FOUND PROPERTY EVIDENCE TABULATION - PROJECT SPECIFIC COORDINATES (U.S. FEET) POINT NO. PROJECT COORDINATES NORTHING (SFT) EASTING (SFT) DESCRIPTION 320 660487.41 747733.43 FOUND 1 1/2" ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED "PLS 1684" 322 659493.56 746394.86 FOUND 1 1/2" ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED "PROP COR" 324 659691.06 747369.34 FOUND 11/2" YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "HCE- PLS 19598- PROP COR" 327 660057.11 747888.08 FOUND 1 1/2" ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED "PLS 16306" 329 660189.21 748029.79 FOUND PK NAIL IN ASPHALT SIDEWALK 331 660290.37 748001.30 FOUND 1 1/2" ILLEGIBLE ALUMINUM CAP 335 660433.13 748201.85 FOUND 1 1/2" ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED "PLS 30091" 337 660558.05 748415.12 FOUND 1 1/2" ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED "PLS 30091" 339 660582.50 748457.79 FOUND 1 1/2" ILLEGIBLE ALUMINUM CAP 341 660631.09 749142.37 FOUND 11/2" ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED "PLS 21598" 343 661605.81 749603.05 FOUND 11/2" ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED "PLS 26598" 345 661631.64 749649.56 FOUND 11/2" ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED "PLS 26598" 347 659224.40 745848.49 FOUND 11/2" ILLEGIBLE ALUMINUM CAP 349 659338.55 746001.73 FOUND 11/2" ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED "PLS 20895" 351 659403.46 746089.15 FOUND 11/2" ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED "PLS 26598" 353 661878.61 750203.65 FOUND 11/2" ILLEGIBLE ALUMINUM CAP 361 658890.92 746219.65 FOUND 11/2" ILLEGIBLE ALUMINUM CAP 362 659041.86 746356.72 FOUND 11/2" ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED "PLS 26598" 363 659131.02 746477.51 FOUND 11/2" ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED "PLS 26598" 2624 660945.82 748452.58 I FOUND #5 REBAR NO CAP s ## C�NTRO� PO�� TYPICAL LUND PARTNERSHIP tK�7►��:ZiIA►�Li \Piq�f�f��i 2" DIAMETER ALUMINUM CAP