HomeMy WebLinkAbout1076Colorado Department of Transportation Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Project and Land Survey Control Diagram Date Description Initials Date Description Initials Date Description Initials LUND Plan Sheet , 222 S. 6th Street - Room 317 Project Number: C SW01-916 Grand Junction, CO 81501 R12266wLakew oAAd,venue,, Sus 13s Project Location: L'S 24 / BATTLE MOUNTAIN PASS - EAGLE COUNTY Phone: 970-683-6233 FAX: 970-683-6249 P:303.989.1461 F:303.989.4094 Region 3 Right of W a y LED IProject Code: I Last Mod Date Subset Sheet No. 917117 Ot-nr-9n17 a n1 117 a n7 a m SEC.24 6TH P.M. 217 0-.... �..--_ _ _ - - - - Row U . S. 24 262 SECTION LINE /PROTRACTED r ROW RANGE LINE RANGE LINE " r / Qv 263 A. �L��❑Ll Om\ V gUC� P. C0tl ❑ I � f 7'0 MINrURN 216 215, -'ROW RW z 1� J 261 260 ROW BROW _ ROW _-. A � J 259�%� El7 /1`258/ wo ❑ 71 R wVOno Lr�7 ° Ll IJV SUS p❑H❑ �16 j f 1 � IM �O7 1 f ,pyy SECTION LINE (PROT RANGE LINE G3 gV FL -11 FE) O� 0' 150' 300' 600' SCALE: 1" = 300' Colorado Department of Transportation Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Right of Way Plans Date Description Initials Date Description Initials Date Description Initial:' LUND 6 Plan Sheet 222 S. 6th Street -Room 317 -j, ;, 1r,;, -F-',;, i-°' Project Number: C SW01-916 Grand Junction, CO 81501 12265 W Lakewood, Colorado 80228 Project Location: US 24 / BATTLE MOUNTAIN PASS - EAGLE COUNTY Phone: 970-683-6233 FAX:970-683-6249 P:303.989.1461 F: 303 989 4094 t;fL't7. rhit>SNE�; Region 3 Right of Way LED Pro ed Code: Last Mod Date Subset Sheet No. 91767 01-06-2017 1 7.01 l0 7.01 1 701 712 531° 03'08"E 6310 0 �R O O 7�) 5580 53'08"E 711 714 S48° 13'08"E 7- N700 47'22"E 715,51.09' O710 S3 2° 07'08"E J 151.69' o 9, 716 o; o �S24°06'08"E QD �q V N \ 133.04' �6 U, os / E-lA \ 717 S190 34'08"E 101.26' 2 18 soJ P O lg P.O.B. 3"62 „E� 709 ' 7� /-142.2800'08"E 207 ° N 2,1� 703 I 1719 ° S_89 03'15"E N590 20'30"W S20 33'08"E 261.16' 202.27' S82°13'56"E 470.81 N�_59.13' } cv W ROW 216.60' NB2° 46 20 E - o \ 720 S440 50'08"E CMMP 148.7 P O.C. 58.12' /�-' -♦- h PE -1 209 701 �0 721 79.41' ° o V' ♦ CV' RO 02 \, �O S62 11'08"E o (b O rr'� N62° 23'55"E 702 0 0 \ 234.0 Rr /N P.RO O.B. PE -1 700 .r 216.60' t*t 722 S49° 55'08"E 2062/ o Sg7° \ \ � 197.85' R® 2 N30°81 2'20"W 210 704 \OI I,F �( 7��23/, S45° 58'08"E Lr s'o pE_1 f 253.98' cv r S a) O 7D O, o 600 21� V� \0 tJ \ 724 S090 59'08"E 90.00` -110.86' 706 7 725 ♦ GPS 004 205 SET 90' 601 728 OW WITNESS O EXISTING ROCK S05° 57'56"W/I o 72' 6\_ 133.70' 33 �So6'S2"W CORNER N 159.84' j 185.36' N FALL FENCE _ -fir S310 37'52"W _ 727 32.35' ;r 1010 707 °j� O C14 )o 1350.2 4 218.0 COO FED S61° 05'05"E LO U) S � 3 f9� _ _ N8 g4 208r,� \ �, 1019 114.26' o \ x ^� 212 °fig �O. PP N y1 /O� P I �j °❑ \ \ ? /� 12019 LJ ��g Lfl l Ll �JIJ \ r rote � �� 602 n-I��`� ��' ary PFED��� p Llvu 50' OIL/GAS EASEMENT o zoo �/ N ° ° ° (BOOK 201, PAGE 93) / o ct 203/�.... ROW h � .r /'noir / DC } / o C I j � ROW C;� / Z 202 BEGIN R.O.W. / 256 H i 2010 PROJECT 2/13 ROW ROW M.P. 148.5 f �- ROW CMMP 148.4 r� Qt ' f END R.O.W. PROJECT 6 M.P. 149.0 co 0' 150' 300' 600'40 \ \ oSCALE: I" = 300' \ CMMP, 149.1 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Deposited this -day of -" 20p(at S m. in Book of the Eagle County Surveyor's Land Survey Plats/Rights- of-WylSurveys at Page VM This Land Survey Plat cornplies with Section 38-51-102, of the Colorado Revised Statutes. Colorado Department of Transportation P P 222 S. 6th Street -Room 317 Grand Junc tion CO 81501 A'V' Sheet Revisions Date _ Description Initials 10-20-2017 Added Type 6 Monument Detail GFS Date Sheet Revisions Description Initials Sheet Revisions Date Descri tion Initias LUND Right of WayPlans Tabulation of Monuments Not Set - Point falls in steep unstable slope - - _ Project Number: C SW01-916 Set point number 601 as witness corner FOR INFORMATION ONLY =" 12266 W. eayaud Avenue Suite 130 Lakewood, Colorado 80228 Project Location: US 24 / BATTLE MOUNTAIN PASS - EAGLE COUNTY 748898.64 Phone: 970-683-6233 FAX: 970-683-6249 703 629681.33 749365.71 FOR INFORMATION ONLY P:303.989.1461 F: 303.989.4094 629457.14 Region 3 Right of Way LED 705 629314.28 749689.29 FOR INFORMATION ONLY FYi f3 Pro ProjectCode: I Last Mod.Date I Subset Sheet No. 21767 1 10-20-2017 1 5.01 to 5.01 5.01 0 TABULATION OF R.O.W. POINTS FOR INFORMATION ONLY Point No. Northing(ft) Easting(ft) Description 601 629098.90 748422.30 Not Set - Point falls in steep unstable slope - 600 629188.50 748430.82 Set point number 601 as witness corner TABULATION OF R.O.W. MONUMENTS SET Point No. Northing(ft) Easting(ft) Description 601 629098.90 748422.30 Set CDOT Type 1 Monument (90' W.C. to Pt.600) 602 628607.42 748375.55 Set CDOT Type 1 Monument pF T R4 OOceQ�c, NO 23S I, AOS 0 z Off, pR0 J N), TYPICAL SET CDOT TYPE I R.O.W. MONUMENT 3 1/4" ALUMINUM CAP QUANTITY OF MONUMENTS SET CAP I MONUMENT TYPE TYPE REFERENCE ROW CONTROL ALIOUOT CORNER PERMANENT EASEMENT PROJECT POINTS WITNESS POST (REOUIREO) 2 a TYPICAL SET CDOT TYPE 6 EASEMENT MONUMENT 1 1/2" ALUMINUM CAP 'Permanent Easement Monuments set only where Easement Lines intersect the Right -of -Way. General Notes: 1. Refer to the M-629-1 Survey Monuments of the Standard Plans dated July, 2012 found in The Colorado Department of Transportation, M & S Standards for survey monument descriptions. 2. This plan set is subject to change and may not be the most current set. It is the user's responsibility to verify with CDOT that 6 this set is the most current. The information contained on the attached drawing is not valid unless this copy bears an original signature of the Professional Land Surveyor hereon named. 3. COORDINATE DATUM: For coordinate system details refer to sheet 4.01 of this plan set. 4. Existing right of way lines were retraced and monumented per a compilation of surveyed field evidence, available public record and the Department of Highways Project Number 78(2). 5. Existing right of way monumentation found and shown as accepted herein were determined to be harmonious with the 2 preponderance of evidence of found monuments, deeds and the calculated alignment of the existing right of way lines. 6. Right of way lines resolved from existing field monumentation and evidence were fixed in position over deed ties. 7. The project area lies in Zone D of FIRM number 08037CO670D, dated December 4, 2007. Zone D is defined as "Areas in which flood hazards are undetermined, but possible." NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. SURVEYOR STATEMENT R.O.W. MONUMENTS `,,\\\��00 REGISi I, Geoffrey F. Stephenson, a professional land surveyor licensed in �� Q cp p..Ono r the State of Colorado, do hereby state to the Colorado Department - 00°t S 00 of Transportation that based upon my knowledge, information and = �' o ° r j %�� /l r�°°o <V belief, adequate research, calculations and evaluation of survey _ ( tt evidence was performed and the Right -of -Way monuments depicted q OW 1 `', o° on this Right -of -Way Plan were set under my responsible charge in °o ° accordance with applicable standards of practice defined by the Colorado Department of Transportation publications. This statement % 0 100 is not a guaranty or warranty, either expressed or implied. rrij G 0p 00 PLS No. 23521 '////011 II! 100A��`���� Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Right of Way Plans Colorado Department of Transportation -- 6LUND Ownership Map P P Data Description Initials Date Description Initials Date Description Initials 222 S. 6th Street -Room 317 Project Number: C SW01-916 Grand Junction CO 81501 12265 w. Lakewood, d, Colorado 80228 Project ' P:303989.1461 F: 303.989.4094 Location: US 24 /BATTLE MOUNTAIN PASS -EAGLE COUNTY Phone: 970-683-6233 FAX: 970-683-6249 Region 3 Right of Way LED Project Cade: Last Mod. Date Subset Sheet1 2,767 0,-06-20,7 8.01 to 8.01 8.01 a-+ z 0' 1000' 2000' 4000' SCALE: 1" = 2000' TABULATION OF PERMANENT EASEMENT POINTS Point No. Northing(ft) Easting(ft) Description 700' 629551.01 748492.08 Set Cdot Type 6 Monument 701 629651.37 748684.03 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 702 629622.09 748898.64 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 703 629681.33 749365.71 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 704 629457.14 749423.44 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 705 629314.28 749689.29 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 706 629157.71 749740.02 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 707 628998.73 749723.40 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 708` 628776.12 748391.60 Set Cdot Type 6 Monument 709 629783.24 748555.12 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 710 630155.38 748661.04 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 711 630420.17 748974.36 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 712 630436.98 749022.60 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 713 630380.72 749056.47 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 714 630268.83 749241.86 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 715 630175.90 749345.86 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 716 630047.43 749426.51 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 717 629925.98 749480.84 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 718 629830.57 749514.76 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 719 629689.07 749529.63 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 720 629633.70 749550.39 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 721 629577.39 749606.38 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 722 629468.17 749813.41 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 723 629405.17 749888.27 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 724 1 629228.64 750070.88 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 725 629119.46 750090.10 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 726 629048.51 749976.78 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 727 629020.96 749959.82 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 728 629029.29 749906.22 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 'Permanent Easement Monuments set only where Easement Lines intersect the Right -of -Way. General Notes: 1. Refer to the M-629-1 Survey Monuments of the Standard Plans dated July, 2012 found in The Colorado Department of Transportation, M & S Standards for survey monument descriptions. 2. This plan set is subject to change and may not be the most current set. It is the user's responsibility to verify with CDOT that 6 this set is the most current. The information contained on the attached drawing is not valid unless this copy bears an original signature of the Professional Land Surveyor hereon named. 3. COORDINATE DATUM: For coordinate system details refer to sheet 4.01 of this plan set. 4. Existing right of way lines were retraced and monumented per a compilation of surveyed field evidence, available public record and the Department of Highways Project Number 78(2). 5. Existing right of way monumentation found and shown as accepted herein were determined to be harmonious with the 2 preponderance of evidence of found monuments, deeds and the calculated alignment of the existing right of way lines. 6. Right of way lines resolved from existing field monumentation and evidence were fixed in position over deed ties. 7. The project area lies in Zone D of FIRM number 08037CO670D, dated December 4, 2007. Zone D is defined as "Areas in which flood hazards are undetermined, but possible." NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. SURVEYOR STATEMENT R.O.W. MONUMENTS `,,\\\��00 REGISi I, Geoffrey F. Stephenson, a professional land surveyor licensed in �� Q cp p..Ono r the State of Colorado, do hereby state to the Colorado Department - 00°t S 00 of Transportation that based upon my knowledge, information and = �' o ° r j %�� /l r�°°o <V belief, adequate research, calculations and evaluation of survey _ ( tt evidence was performed and the Right -of -Way monuments depicted q OW 1 `', o° on this Right -of -Way Plan were set under my responsible charge in °o ° accordance with applicable standards of practice defined by the Colorado Department of Transportation publications. This statement % 0 100 is not a guaranty or warranty, either expressed or implied. rrij G 0p 00 PLS No. 23521 '////011 II! 100A��`���� Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Right of Way Plans Colorado Department of Transportation -- 6LUND Ownership Map P P Data Description Initials Date Description Initials Date Description Initials 222 S. 6th Street -Room 317 Project Number: C SW01-916 Grand Junction CO 81501 12265 w. Lakewood, d, Colorado 80228 Project ' P:303989.1461 F: 303.989.4094 Location: US 24 /BATTLE MOUNTAIN PASS -EAGLE COUNTY Phone: 970-683-6233 FAX: 970-683-6249 Region 3 Right of Way LED Project Cade: Last Mod. Date Subset Sheet1 2,767 0,-06-20,7 8.01 to 8.01 8.01 a-+ z 0' 1000' 2000' 4000' SCALE: 1" = 2000' PE -1 TO MINT URN4. PE -1 I� ugo, g4m P.M. g4m [PON. °P.M.post]❑ 0/ � A gum P.M. t MOM PE PE -1 -1 Battle One Developer, LLLP, a Georgia limited liability limited partnership formerly known as Ginn -La Battle One Ltd., LLLP, \O a Georgia limited liability limited partnership 0C�C� 10 °° �I��7 Q31F(�o.1 ^b / � / 4C�� Lil �VV VM'q W � nR gum poNo new ur�g n � 0W gum [P. [a. n���t1�i7 R ��o)g W o IOJVU a � gum po C�4G� polo 1Mty O �r I ( n 4l°J�g W MVV uL°Jgg nsoww ugg Ln] ° loJl'JV g now ua�q W o 0VU a �4G[] [�o�/tlo L- �4G� G�nGut]o � 64G[] Lr'nIJVIJo PON. C�4G;] polo R� IN