HomeMy WebLinkAbout1074Colorado Deportment of Transportation 222 S. 6th Street - Room 317 Grand Junction, CO 81501 Ai-elvW1 Phone: 970-683-6233 FAX: 970-683-6249 Region 3 Right of Way LED # 0 0 0 SECTION CORNER QUARTER AND SIXTEENTH SECTION CORNERS O 0 SET EASEMENT TEMPORARY RIGHT OF WAY MONUMENT EASEMENT POINT MARKER e0 p0p N0 O QUARTER AND SIXTEENTH BLU MARKER PROPERTY PIN NOAA MARKER SECTION CORNERS (TOPO POINT) FED WOC WC BM USOGS FEDERAL MONUMENT WITNESS CORNER BENCH MARK USGS MARKER TRIANGULATION Q® (\ PQINT 9 ROW ()/� LOCAL MONUMENT SECONDARY CONTROL RIGHT OF WAY PANEL POINT MONUMENT MARKER �N 9.88 ON 10.13 WN 10.38 E 3.81 E 3.81 E 3.81 EL 0.00 EL 0.00 EL 0.00 PROJECT CONTROL DENSIFICATION HIGH ACCURACY REFERENCE MONUMENT CONTROL MONUMENT NETWORK CONTROL MONUMENT PERMANENT, PROPERTY, SLOPE,& UTILITY EASEMENT LINE (PROPOSED AND EXISTING) m TEMPORARY EASEMENT LINE (PROPOSED AND EXISTING) e e e e PROPERTY BOUNDARY LINE (PROPOSED AND EXISTING) -A--- A- -- A- -- A- -' A- - A-- A-- A--- ACCESS CONTROL LINE (PROPOSED AND EXISTING) nl u� lu m II II II II BARRIER ACCESS CONTROL LINE (PROPOSED AND EXISTING) RIGHT OF WAY LINE (PROPOSED AND EXISTING) r- -- v- -- v- -- _V_ VIRGINRIGHT OF WAY LINE (PROPOSED AND EXISTING) CITY LIMIT LINE COUNTY LINE - - - - - - - - - - - - QUARTER SECTION LINE SECTION LINE --------------------- SIXTEENTH SECTION LINE STATE LINE TOWNSHIP LINE TOP OF CUT_.-,-.-..-.-.-_-.-.-.-< TOIEOFF0.L-_._-_.._--- ---__-----_-_._._._-_.. Sheet Revisions Sheet RevisionsSheet Revisions _ Right of Way Plans Description Initials Date Description Initials Date Description InitialsLUND Title Sheet Revised sheets 2,01 & 5.01 GFS Project Number: C SW01-916 12265 W. Bayaud Avenue, Suite 130 Lakewood, Colorado 80228 Project Location: US 24 /BATTLE MOUNTAIN PASS -EAGLE COUNTY P:303.989.1461 F: 303.989.4094 & .S9;RVEYltdf, Project Code: I Last Mod. Date I Subset I Sheet No. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Begin ROW Project M.P. 148.5 End ROW Project M.P. 149.0 STATE OF COLORADO RIGHT OF WAY PLANS OF PROPOSED PROJECT NO. C SWO1-916 U.S. HIGHWAY NO. 24 SECTION 1, T6S, R81W, 6TH P.M. EAGLE COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY PROJECT LOCATION MAP N Note: For a complete listing of symbology used within this set of INDEXING STATEMENT P Deposited This .Z Day of I r_.,#- 20 20 , at4&M in plans, please refer to the M-100-1 Standard Symbols of the i3 Colorado Department of Transportation M&S Standards Book _ of the County Surveyor's Land Survey/Right of Way Publication. Existing topo features are shown as screened weight reds at Page(s) ftO1 u , Reception No. 0' 0.5 MILE 1 MILE 2 MILES (gray scale). Proposed or new features are shown as full weight Q M v 1 INCH = 1 MILE without screening, except as noted with the word (proposed). L& ` I' ► V�J�(�^u Countv St�ftir / Denuty Cnunty Survavnr SHEET NO 1.01 2.01 3.01-3.OX 4.01-4.07 5.01 6.01-6.OX 7.01 8.01 INDEX OF SHEETS (1) Title Sheet (1) Tabulation of Properties (NA) Project Control Diagram (7) Project Control/Land Survey Control Diagram (1) Monumentation Sheet (NA) Tabulation of Road Approach Sheets (1) Plan Sheet (1) Ownership Map (12) Total Sheets Scales of Original 11 "x17" Drawings Plan Sheets 1"=300' Ownership Map 1"=2000' BASIS OF BEARINGS: All bearings are based on the line connecting CM -MP 148.4 to CM -MP 148.7, being a GRID bearing of N. 32°35'09" E. as obtained from a global positioning system (GPS) survey. Said grid bearing is NAD 83 (2011) Colorado State Plane - Central Zone 502. Both monuments are CDOT Type II, marked appropriately for their milepost location and control position. 1. This Right -of -Way Plan is not a boundary survey of the adjoining property and is prepared for the Colorado Department of Transportation purposes only. 2. For research and title information The Colorado Department of Transportation, and The Lund Partnership, Inc. relied solely on the title commitment prepared by H.G. Peck & Associates, Inc. For detailed title commitment information see sheet 2.01 herein. 3. This plan set is subject to change and may not be the most current set. It is the user's responsibility to verify with CDOT that this set is the most current. The information contained on the attached drawing is not valid unless this copy bears an original signature of the Professional Land Surveyor hereon named. NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE HIGHWAY PROJECT ROW PLANS AUTHORIZED: DA TE CHIEFENGINEER 145 SURVEYOR STATEMENT (ROW PLAN) p) RFc!l/!f�//s/ IS 30 ` -"00 I, Geoffrey F. Stephenson, a professional land surveyor licensed in the State TOWN OF R.O.W. Length of Project = 0.5 Miles ' o°� j t9 �0 (y'`` �0 <� that based upon my knowledge, information and belief, research, calculations MINTURN and evaluation of the survey evidence were performed and this Right -of -Way ow 23 1 °' o° Plan was prepared under my responsible charge in accordance with 28 applicable standards of practice defined by Colorado Department of Transportation publications. This statement is not a or warranty, 146 guaranty 0 0 either expressed or implied. ,� 000000 \�� PLS No. 23521 ��{ L L 147 I 31 32 33 H Continuously Operating Reference Station (PID DL2035) SE01* Project Code: Last Mod. Date Subset Sheet No. T5S.RWW 6166.91 - 21767 10-20-2017 1 2.01 of 2.01 1 2.01 1575264.70 2516219.90 H 148 GPS 004 39° 33' 18.65757" 3 2 TJT6S.R OW -00° 34' 06.8" 6 5 H 148 H 47 39'30'09."' 3 2� 8758.76 . _.1 6 5 AREA Found brass disk setflush in boulder (PID KLO177) S280 39'34'51.17095" PROJECT 7853.46 7894.20 -00° 34' 51.6" 1637780.69 149 AREA Found brass cap setflush in boulder (PID KL0008) T 280* 39'36'33.30981" 106° 26' 58.52274" 1 7690.20 1 7731.29 1 -00'35'56.0" 150 0 0Qo Found 3 1/2" diameter brass disk setflush in abutment (PID KL0004) 2753046.74 2" d iameter Aluminum Cap on No.5 Rebarstamped "L.P.I. SURVEY CONTROL POINT" setatcenterof Panel Point 10 39°32'41.06656" 11 15012 -00°32'47.9" 12 P4 04 7 10 8 11 10474.57 -00'32'55.4" 1624345.74 aai 7 11 g 106°22' 04.62636" 10477.25 -00'32'50.7" 1623601.03 2755228.65 2" d iameter Aluminum Cap on No.5 Rebarstamped "L.P.I. SURVEY CONTROL POINT" set at center of Panel Point C/� r/1 106°22' 17.97739"10432.12 -00°32' 59.1" 1622354.58 2754170.75 2" diameterAluminum Ca on No.5 Rebarstam ed "L.P.I. SURVEY CONTROL POINT" set at f p p a entero Panel Point 13 39'32'05.37459" 106'22'35.77111" 10408.21 -00'33' 10.3" 1620881.83 _ F- F-+ 39'31'53.35173" 106'22'46.49963" 151 [--+ F -t 2751910.22 2" diameter Aluminum Cap on No.5 Rebarstamped "L.P.I. SURVEY CONTROL POINT" setatcenterof Panel Point GILMAN 39°31' 19.17212" 106°22' 43.84895" 10062.82 GILMAt��! 15 2752084.44 14 16 39° 31' 08.85847" 15 9077.39 14 17 2749829.84 13 I- 18 106'22'40.19229" 17 -00° 33' 13.1" 1613528.91 1 PROJECT 2" diamete rAlum inum Cap on No.5 Re barstamped "L.P.1. SURVEY CONTROL POINT" setatcenterof Panel Point 152 --- 152 AREA TOWN OF TOWN OF - RED CLIFF RED CLIFF 23 2 24 23 15319 20 24 15319. 20 PROJECT LOCATION MAP N Note: For a complete listing of symbology used within this set of INDEXING STATEMENT P Deposited This .Z Day of I r_.,#- 20 20 , at4&M in plans, please refer to the M-100-1 Standard Symbols of the i3 Colorado Department of Transportation M&S Standards Book _ of the County Surveyor's Land Survey/Right of Way Publication. Existing topo features are shown as screened weight reds at Page(s) ftO1 u , Reception No. 0' 0.5 MILE 1 MILE 2 MILES (gray scale). Proposed or new features are shown as full weight Q M v 1 INCH = 1 MILE without screening, except as noted with the word (proposed). L& ` I' ► V�J�(�^u Countv St�ftir / Denuty Cnunty Survavnr SHEET NO 1.01 2.01 3.01-3.OX 4.01-4.07 5.01 6.01-6.OX 7.01 8.01 INDEX OF SHEETS (1) Title Sheet (1) Tabulation of Properties (NA) Project Control Diagram (7) Project Control/Land Survey Control Diagram (1) Monumentation Sheet (NA) Tabulation of Road Approach Sheets (1) Plan Sheet (1) Ownership Map (12) Total Sheets Scales of Original 11 "x17" Drawings Plan Sheets 1"=300' Ownership Map 1"=2000' BASIS OF BEARINGS: All bearings are based on the line connecting CM -MP 148.4 to CM -MP 148.7, being a GRID bearing of N. 32°35'09" E. as obtained from a global positioning system (GPS) survey. Said grid bearing is NAD 83 (2011) Colorado State Plane - Central Zone 502. Both monuments are CDOT Type II, marked appropriately for their milepost location and control position. 1. This Right -of -Way Plan is not a boundary survey of the adjoining property and is prepared for the Colorado Department of Transportation purposes only. 2. For research and title information The Colorado Department of Transportation, and The Lund Partnership, Inc. relied solely on the title commitment prepared by H.G. Peck & Associates, Inc. For detailed title commitment information see sheet 2.01 herein. 3. This plan set is subject to change and may not be the most current set. It is the user's responsibility to verify with CDOT that this set is the most current. The information contained on the attached drawing is not valid unless this copy bears an original signature of the Professional Land Surveyor hereon named. NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE HIGHWAY PROJECT ROW PLANS AUTHORIZED: DA TE CHIEFENGINEER Colorado Deportment of Transportation Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Project and Land SurveyControl Diagram Date Description Initials Date Description Initials Date Description InitialsLUND Title Sheet 6 • 222 S. 6th Street - Room 317 FIARTNER Project Number: C SW01-916 Grand Junction CO 81501 12266 W. Bayaud Avenue Suite 130 • r Lakewood Colorado 80228 Project Location: US 24 / BATTLE MOUNTAIN PASS - EAGLE COUNTY Phone: 970-683-6233 FAX: 970-683-6249 P:303.999.1461 F: 303.989.4094 Region 3 Right of Way LED .SL; R.y,fv[; ed Code Last Mod. Date Subset Sheet No. 21767 Ot-O6-2017 4.01 to 4.07 4.01 Pro 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECTION CORNER QUARTER AND SIXTEENTH SECTION CORNERS O � O SET EASEMENT TEMPORARY RIGHT OF WAY MONUMENT EASEMENT POINT MARKER B0 0 O PP N0 QUARTER AND SIXTEENTH BLM MARKER PROPERTY PIN NOAA MARKER SECTION CORNERS (TOPO POINT) FED 0• WC BM US0GS FEDERAL MONUMENT WITNESS CORNER BENCH MARK USGS MARKER TRIANGULATION 06M(� POINT 0 ROW ()/`�- LOCAL MONUMENT SECONDARY CONTROL RIGHT OF WAY AERIAL MONUMENT MARKER PANEL POINT Al. N9.88 ON 10.13 WN 10.38 E 3.81 E 3.81 E 3.81 EL 0.00 EL 0.00 EL 0.00 PROJECT CONTROL DENSIFICATION HIGH ACCURACY REFERENCE MONUMENT CONTROL MONUMENT NETWORK CONTROL MONUMENT QMCI)A Typical Control Monument Cap Not to Scale CM -MP - Control Point Monuments set by CDOT. They are CDOT type 2, 3Y," dia. aluminum security rod on a Tx 3/4" dia. aluminum rod. Note: For a complete listing of symbololgy used within this set of plans, please refer to the M-100-1 Standard Symbols of the Colorado Department of Transportation M&S Standards Publication. Existing features are shown as screened weight (gray scale). Proposed or new features are shown as full weight without screening. General Notes: 1. Date of Field Survey: 10/28/2015, 10i29/2015, & 11/03/2015 2. This Project & Land Survey Control Diagram is not a boundary survey of the adjoining property, and is prepared for the Colorado Department of Transportation purposes only. No determination has been made to determine if the found monuments as shown are in their proper position, or if they are at the corners they are intended to monument. 3. Title policy, title commitment, and title research are not part of this survey, therefore easements, rights, and restrictions of record were not researched and are not shown on this diagram. The verification of the physical evidence with relation to easements, rights of ways, property boundaries, and restrictions, as described in the instruments of record, were not included in this control survey. 4. ThisIan set is subject to change and may p j g y not be the most current set. It is the user's responsibility to verify with CDOT that this set is the most current. The information contained on the attached drawing is not valid unless this copy bears an original signature of the Professional Land Surveyor hereon named. 5. Refer to the M-629-1 Survey Monuments of the Standard Plans found in The Colorado Department of Transportation, M & S Standards for typical survey monument descriptions. STATE OF COLORADO PROJECT & LAND SURVEY CONTROL DIAGRAM U.S. Highway 24 MP 148.4 to 149.1 & MP 152.1 to 152.5 Sections 1, 13 & 24 Township 6 South, Range 81 West of the 6th Principal Meridian County of Eagle I I SURVEYOR STATEMENT (ROW PLAN) p) RFc!l/!f�//s/ IS 30 ` -"00 I, Geoffrey F. Stephenson, a professional land surveyor licensed in the State r 09 o o of Colorado, do hereby state to the Colorado Department of Transportation ' o°� j t9 �0 (y'`` �0 <� that based upon my knowledge, information and belief, research, calculations o and evaluation of the survey evidence were performed and this Right -of -Way ow 23 1 °' o° Plan was prepared under my responsible charge in accordance with o v applicable standards of practice defined by Colorado Department of Transportation publications. This statement is not a or warranty, o r0 guaranty 0 0 either expressed or implied. ,� 000000 \�� PLS No. 23521 ��{ L L 2746923.90 -01'09'09.4" Colorado Deportment of Transportation Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Project and Land SurveyControl Diagram Date Description Initials Date Description Initials Date Description InitialsLUND Title Sheet 6 • 222 S. 6th Street - Room 317 FIARTNER Project Number: C SW01-916 Grand Junction CO 81501 12266 W. Bayaud Avenue Suite 130 • r Lakewood Colorado 80228 Project Location: US 24 / BATTLE MOUNTAIN PASS - EAGLE COUNTY Phone: 970-683-6233 FAX: 970-683-6249 P:303.999.1461 F: 303.989.4094 Region 3 Right of Way LED .SL; R.y,fv[; ed Code Last Mod. Date Subset Sheet No. 21767 Ot-O6-2017 4.01 to 4.07 4.01 Pro 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECTION CORNER QUARTER AND SIXTEENTH SECTION CORNERS O � O SET EASEMENT TEMPORARY RIGHT OF WAY MONUMENT EASEMENT POINT MARKER B0 0 O PP N0 QUARTER AND SIXTEENTH BLM MARKER PROPERTY PIN NOAA MARKER SECTION CORNERS (TOPO POINT) FED 0• WC BM US0GS FEDERAL MONUMENT WITNESS CORNER BENCH MARK USGS MARKER TRIANGULATION 06M(� POINT 0 ROW ()/`�- LOCAL MONUMENT SECONDARY CONTROL RIGHT OF WAY AERIAL MONUMENT MARKER PANEL POINT Al. N9.88 ON 10.13 WN 10.38 E 3.81 E 3.81 E 3.81 EL 0.00 EL 0.00 EL 0.00 PROJECT CONTROL DENSIFICATION HIGH ACCURACY REFERENCE MONUMENT CONTROL MONUMENT NETWORK CONTROL MONUMENT QMCI)A Typical Control Monument Cap Not to Scale CM -MP - Control Point Monuments set by CDOT. They are CDOT type 2, 3Y," dia. aluminum security rod on a Tx 3/4" dia. aluminum rod. Note: For a complete listing of symbololgy used within this set of plans, please refer to the M-100-1 Standard Symbols of the Colorado Department of Transportation M&S Standards Publication. Existing features are shown as screened weight (gray scale). Proposed or new features are shown as full weight without screening. General Notes: 1. Date of Field Survey: 10/28/2015, 10i29/2015, & 11/03/2015 2. This Project & Land Survey Control Diagram is not a boundary survey of the adjoining property, and is prepared for the Colorado Department of Transportation purposes only. No determination has been made to determine if the found monuments as shown are in their proper position, or if they are at the corners they are intended to monument. 3. Title policy, title commitment, and title research are not part of this survey, therefore easements, rights, and restrictions of record were not researched and are not shown on this diagram. The verification of the physical evidence with relation to easements, rights of ways, property boundaries, and restrictions, as described in the instruments of record, were not included in this control survey. 4. ThisIan set is subject to change and may p j g y not be the most current set. It is the user's responsibility to verify with CDOT that this set is the most current. The information contained on the attached drawing is not valid unless this copy bears an original signature of the Professional Land Surveyor hereon named. 5. Refer to the M-629-1 Survey Monuments of the Standard Plans found in The Colorado Department of Transportation, M & S Standards for typical survey monument descriptions. STATE OF COLORADO PROJECT & LAND SURVEY CONTROL DIAGRAM U.S. Highway 24 MP 148.4 to 149.1 & MP 152.1 to 152.5 Sections 1, 13 & 24 Township 6 South, Range 81 West of the 6th Principal Meridian County of Eagle N PROJECT LOCATION MAP 0' 0.5 Mae 1 Mie 2 Miles Scale: 1 Inch = 1 Mile SHEET NO. 145 4.01 (1) Title Sheet 30 (3) Monument Coordinate Tables 4.05-4.07 TOWN OF MINTURN and Land SurveyControl Diagram was prepared and the field survey It represents 9 P P Y P o� ` j 19 '�f7117 2"o 29 28 information and belief is in accordance with applicable standards of practice defined 146 by Colorado Department of Transportation publications. This statement is not a or warranty, either expressed or implied. o s y guaranty 0 00 'i 000000 H �r Q 147 `// C 31 32 33 2746923.90 -01'09'09.4" GcP 2484680.57 H Continuously Operating Reference Station (PID DL2035) SE01* Project Code: Last Mod. Date Subset Sheet No. T- 6166.91 - 21767 10-20-2017 1 2.01 of 2.01 1 2.01 1575264.70 2516219.90 H 148 GPS 004 39° 33' 18.65757" 3 2 8115. -00° 34' 06.8" 6 5 H Found Eagle County survey disk in retaining wall (PID AH7730) H 47 39'30'09."' PROJECT 8718.05 8758.76 1627801.79 2749362.98 149 AREA Found brass disk setflush in boulder (PID KLO177) S280 39'34'51.17095" 106'25' 16.38781" 7853.46 7894.20 -00° 34' 51.6" 1637780.69 2740349.58 H,V Found brass cap setflush in boulder (PID KL0008) T 280* 39'36'33.30981" 106° 26' 58.52274" 1 7690.20 1 7731.29 1 -00'35'56.0" 150 0 0Qo Found 3 1/2" diameter brass disk setflush in abutment (PID KL0004) 2753046.74 2" d iameter Aluminum Cap on No.5 Rebarstamped "L.P.I. SURVEY CONTROL POINT" setatcenterof Panel Point 10 39°32'41.06656" 11 10529.04 -00°32'47.9" 12 P4 04 7 10 8 106°22' 12.13227" 10474.57 -00'32'55.4" 1624345.74 2754647.76 2" diameter Aluminum Cap on No.5 Rebarstamped "L.P.I. SURVEY CONTROL POINT" setatcenterof Panel Point 11 39°32' 32.48248" 106°22' 04.62636" 10477.25 -00'32'50.7" 1623601.03 2755228.65 2" d iameter Aluminum Cap on No.5 Rebarstamped "L.P.I. SURVEY CONTROL POINT" set at center of Panel Point 12 39°32' 20.06376" 106°22' 17.97739"10432.12 -00°32' 59.1" 1622354.58 2754170.75 2" diameterAluminum Ca on No.5 Rebarstam ed "L.P.I. SURVEY CONTROL POINT" set at f p p a entero Panel Point 13 39'32'05.37459" 106'22'35.77111" 10408.21 -00'33' 10.3" 1620881.83 151 F- F-+ 39'31'53.35173" 106'22'46.49963" 10334.46 -00° 33' 17.1" 1619673.55 2751910.22 2" diameter Aluminum Cap on No.5 Rebarstamped "L.P.I. SURVEY CONTROL POINT" setatcenterof Panel Point GILMAN 39°31' 19.17212" 106°22' 43.84895" 10062.82 -00°33' 15.4" 15 2752084.44 14 16 39° 31' 08.85847" 13 9077.39 18 17 2749829.84 2" dia meter Aluminum Cap on No.5 Rebar stamped "L.P.I. SURVEY CONTROL POINT" setatcenterof Panel Point I- 39°30' 52.66537" 106'22'40.19229" 1 9693.07 -00° 33' 13.1" 1613528.91 1 PROJECT 2" diamete rAlum inum Cap on No.5 Re barstamped "L.P.1. SURVEY CONTROL POINT" setatcenterof Panel Point 152 AREA TOWN OF RED CLIFF 2 23 24 15319 20 N PROJECT LOCATION MAP 0' 0.5 Mae 1 Mie 2 Miles Scale: 1 Inch = 1 Mile SHEET NO. INDEX OF SHEETS 4.01 (1) Title Sheet 4.02-4.04 (3) Monument Coordinate Tables 4.05-4.07 (3) Plan Sheets (7) Total Sheets BASIS OF BEARINGS: All bearings are based on the line connecting CM -MP 148.4 to CM -MP 148.7 being a GRID bearing of N. 32°35'09" E. as obtained from a global positioning system (GPS) survey. Said grid bearing is NAD 83 (2011) Colorado State Plane - Central Zone 502. Both monuments are CDOT Type Il, marked appropriately for their milepost location and control position. Basis of Elevations: Project elevations are based on Bench Mark S 280, PID: KL0008, a standard bench mark disk set on top of a concrete monument, with a published NAVD 88 elevation of 7894.20 feet. S 280 is a 2nd order, Class 0 benchmark. Elevations shown herein were derived by GPS Fast Static Survey, using Geoid model 12B (CONUS). COORDINATE DATUM: Project coordinates are modified Colorado State Plane Central Zone NAD '83/(2011) coordinates. The combined elevation/scale factor used to modify the coordinates from state plane to ground coordinates is 1.0004603028. The resulting ground coordinates are truncated by 1,0000,000ft in the Northing and 2,000,000ft in the Easting after multiplying state plane coordinates by scale factor to get project coordinates. Project Coordinates Northing US Survey Feet = State Plane Coordinate Northing * 1.0004603028 - 1,000,000. Project Coordinates Easting US Survey Feet = State Plane Coordinate Easting * 1.0004603028 - 2,000,000. NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. Colorado Department of Transportation P P s 222 S. 6th Street -Room 317 Grand Junction, CO 81501 • Phone: 970-683-6233 FAX: 970-683-6249 Reion 3 R 1 ht o f W o LED g g Y \Q Jl I SURVEYOR STATEMENT (PROJECT & LAND SURVEY CONTROL DIAGRAM)\��\\\` REGIS I, Geoffrey F. Stephenson, a professional land surveyor licensed in the State of , �� y4 o°pOO°°°o TF ` CS oo F . S !`E 0 r� Colorado, do hereby state to the Colorado Department of Transportation this Project 0 � C� ter, oA�*�� // and Land SurveyControl Diagram was prepared and the field survey It represents 9 P P Y P o� ` j 19 '�f7117 2"o was performed under my responsible charge and, based upon my knowledge, _ 0 0 ( 00 - e1 2 1 ' 0 information and belief is in accordance with applicable standards of practice defined _ 0 � , by Colorado Department of Transportation publications. This statement is not a or warranty, either expressed or implied. o s y guaranty 0 00 'i 000000 H �r Q PLS No. 23521 `// C 107'19'39.07940" L! Colorado Department of Transportation P P s 222 S. 6th Street -Room 317 Grand Junction, CO 81501 • Phone: 970-683-6233 FAX: 970-683-6249 Reion 3 R 1 ht o f W o LED g g Y Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions LUND ....... " .TNt t IP 130 12265 -Lakewood, Coioradoaud Avenue. t 0228 P:303.989.1461 F: 303.989.4094 5fs Vr Right of WayPlans Date Descri non Initials Date Description Initials Date Description Initials Tabulation of Properties 10-20-2017 Added Reception Numbers GFS 39'39'06.55179" 106'50'51.73275" 6521.25 -00°34'05.2" -00,50, 59.9" Project Number: C SWOT -916 2620533.34 H Continuously Operating Reference Station (PID DN2107) Project Location: US 24 / BATTLE MOUNTAIN PASS - EAGLE COUNTY 39'32'49.05082" 107'19'39.07940" 5765.23 2746923.90 -01'09'09.4" 1629291.53 2484680.57 H Continuously Operating Reference Station (PID DL2035) SE01* Project Code: Last Mod. Date Subset Sheet No. 107'12'43.51794" 6166.91 - 21767 10-20-2017 1 2.01 of 2.01 1 2.01 R.O.W. TABULATION OF PROPERTIES IN EAGLE COUNTY - U.S. HIGHWAY NO. 24 GEODETIC COORDINATE SUMMARY TABLE OF FOUND NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY (NGS) CONTROL POINTS - (HELD FIXED U.S. FEET) Point No. Geodetic Coordinates NAD -83 (2011) Latitude N Longitude(W)Elip ( ) Area In Square Feet (Acres) a__. - r,___ Mapping Angle 9 NAD 83(2011) Colorado Central Zone 502 SP Northing (ft) SP Easting(ft) Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Project and Land SurveyControl Diagram Date Description Initials Date Description Initials Date Description Initials Colorado DeP ortment of Transportation "- LUND Project Control -Monument Coordinate Tables P 222 S. 6th Street - Room 317 Project Number: C SWOT -916 12265 W Bayaud Avenue, Suite 130 Grand Junction, CO 81501 Lakewood, Colorado 80228 Project Location: US 24 / BATTLE MOUNTAIN PASS - EAGLE COUNTY ,&V Phone: 970-683-6233 FAX: 970-683-6249 P:303.989.1461 F: 303.989.4094 Region 3 Right of Way LED Pro21 lode Last 01062017e 40Subset o4.07 Sn402 o. I A * = Location not shown graphically on maps herein. GEODETIC COORDINATE SUMMARY TABLE OF FOUND NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY (NGS) CONTROL POINTS - (HELD FIXED U.S. FEET) Point No. Geodetic Coordinates NAD -83 (2011) Latitude N Longitude(W)Elip ( ) Height (ft) Ortho Height (NAVD88 ft )() Mapping Angle 9 NAD 83(2011) Colorado Central Zone 502 SP Northing (ft) SP Easting(ft) Constraint (H=Horizontal, V=Vertical) Description EC01* 39'39'06.55179" 106'50'51.73275" 6521.25 -00°34'05.2" -00,50, 59.9" 1665118.75 2620533.34 H Continuously Operating Reference Station (PID DN2107) GSC1* 39'32'49.05082" 107'19'39.07940" 5765.23 2746923.90 -01'09'09.4" 1629291.53 2484680.57 H Continuously Operating Reference Station (PID DL2035) SE01* 39'24'01.24152" 107'12'43.51794" 6166.91 - -01'04'47.3" 1575264.70 2516219.90 H Continuously Operating Reference Station (PID DL6159) GPS 004 39° 33' 18.65757" 106'24'05.31080" 8074.42 8115. -00° 34' 06.8" 1628364.83 2745821.35 H Found Eagle County survey disk in retaining wall (PID AH7730) H 47 39'30'09."' 106° 21' 50." 8718.05 8758.76 1627801.79 2749362.98 2" diameter Aluminum Cap on No.5 Rebarstamped "L.P.]. SURVEY CONTROL POINT" setatcenterof Panel Point V Found brass disk setflush in boulder (PID KLO177) S280 39'34'51.17095" 106'25' 16.38781" 7853.46 7894.20 -00° 34' 51.6" 1637780.69 2740349.58 H,V Found brass cap setflush in boulder (PID KL0008) T 280* 39'36'33.30981" 106° 26' 58.52274" 1 7690.20 1 7731.29 1 -00'35'56.0" 1648196.95 2732461.42 H,V Found 3 1/2" diameter brass disk setflush in abutment (PID KL0004) * = Location not shown graphically on maps herein. A �G ## CONTRO- Typical L.P.I. Control Cap 2" Diameter Aluminum Cap on #5 rebar Not to Scale QS "F T R,4, A ok' tc �r 0 0 U Q Z it f � cO,rROL T ma twoF, Typical CDOT Type 2 3 1/4" Diameter Aluminum Survey Control Monument Cap Not to Scale NOTE: See sheet 4.03 herein for project specific coordinate information. GEODETIC COORDINATE SUMMARY TABLE OF SET PROJECT CONTROL POINTS - (U.S. FEET) Paint No. Geodetic Coordinates NAD -83 (2011) Latitude(N) Longitude(W) Elip Height (NAVD88)(ft) Mapping Angle NAD 83(2011) Colorado Central Zone 502 SP Northing(ft) SP Easting(ft) Description CMMP148.4 39°33'09.19683" 106°24'02.74130" 8140.47 -00°34'05.2" 1627405.65 2746013.10 CDOT Type 2 Monument set at center of Panel Point CMMP 148.7 39°33' 23.36868" 106'23'51.29329" 8262,21 -00°33' 57.9" 1628830.60 2746923.90 CDOT Type 2 Monument set at center of Panel Point CMMP 149.1 39'33'05.47967" 106'23'55.50757" 8381.38 -00°34' 00.6" 1627023.95 2746575.94 Set CDOT Type 2 Monument 1 39'33'38.84467" 106'24'06.16797" 8039.25 -00°34' 07.3" 1630407.92 2745774.49 2" dia meter Aluminum Cap on No.5 Rebarstamped "L.P.I. SURVEY CONTROL POINT" set at center of Panel Point 2 39°33' 30.55387" 106'23'39,45703" 8984.23 -00°33' 50.5" 1629548.42 2747858.05 60D Spike setatcenterof Panel Point 4 39°33' 13.43797" 106'23'20.02446" 9701,24 -00'33'38.2" 1627801.79 2749362.98 2" diameter Aluminum Cap on No.5 Rebarstamped "L.P.]. SURVEY CONTROL POINT" setatcenterof Panel Point 6 39'33'07.82131 " 106'23'34.86300" 959$.23 -00'33'47.6" 1627244.92 2748195.22 2" diameter Aluminum Cap on No.5 Rebarstamped "L.P.]. SURVEY CONTROL POINT" setatcenterof Panel Point 7 39° 33'00.20191" 106'22'54.21882" 10302.66 -00'33'21.9" 1626442.94 2751371."10 2" diameter Aluminum Cap on No.5 Rebarstamped "L.P.I. SURVEY CONTROL POINT" setatcenterof Panel Point 8 39° 32' 53.74946" 106'22'32.74509" 10385.31 -00'33'08.4" 1625773.84 2753046.74 2" d iameter Aluminum Cap on No.5 Rebarstamped "L.P.I. SURVEY CONTROL POINT" setatcenterof Panel Point 9 39°32'41.06656" 106°22'00.16803" 10529.04 -00°32'47.9" 1624466.18 2755586.17 2" d iameter Aluminum Cap on No.5 Reba r sta mped "L.P.I. SURVEY CONTROL POINT" set at center of Panel Point 10 39°32' 39.78757" 106°22' 12.13227" 10474.57 -00'32'55.4" 1624345.74 2754647.76 2" diameter Aluminum Cap on No.5 Rebarstamped "L.P.I. SURVEY CONTROL POINT" setatcenterof Panel Point 11 39°32' 32.48248" 106°22' 04.62636" 10477.25 -00'32'50.7" 1623601.03 2755228.65 2" d iameter Aluminum Cap on No.5 Rebarstamped "L.P.I. SURVEY CONTROL POINT" set at center of Panel Point 12 39°32' 20.06376" 106°22' 17.97739"10432.12 -00°32' 59.1" 1622354.58 2754170.75 2" diameterAluminum Ca on No.5 Rebarstam ed "L.P.I. SURVEY CONTROL POINT" set at f p p a entero Panel Point 13 39'32'05.37459" 106'22'35.77111" 10408.21 -00'33' 10.3" 1620881.83 2752762.49 2" diameter Aluminum Cap on No.5 Rebarstamped "L.P.I. SURVEY CONTROL POINT" setatcenterof Panel Point 14 39'31'53.35173" 106'22'46.49963" 10334.46 -00° 33' 17.1" 1619673.55 2751910.22 2" diameter Aluminum Cap on No.5 Rebarstamped "L.P.I. SURVEY CONTROL POINT" setatcenterof Panel Point 15 39°31' 19.17212" 106°22' 43.84895" 10062.82 -00°33' 15.4" 1616213.46 2752084.44 2" diameter Aluminum Cap on No.5 Rebarstamped "L.P.I. SURVEY CONTROL POINT" setatcenterof Panel Point 16 39° 31' 08.85847" 106°23' 12.49256" 9077.39 -00° 33' 33.5" 1615191.80 2749829.84 2" dia meter Aluminum Cap on No.5 Rebar stamped "L.P.I. SURVEY CONTROL POINT" setatcenterof Panel Point 17 39°30' 52.66537" 106'22'40.19229" 1 9693.07 -00° 33' 13.1" 1613528.91 1 2752345.05 2" diamete rAlum inum Cap on No.5 Re barstamped "L.P.1. SURVEY CONTROL POINT" setatcenterof Panel Point A �G ## CONTRO- Typical L.P.I. Control Cap 2" Diameter Aluminum Cap on #5 rebar Not to Scale QS "F T R,4, A ok' tc �r 0 0 U Q Z it f � cO,rROL T ma twoF, Typical CDOT Type 2 3 1/4" Diameter Aluminum Survey Control Monument Cap Not to Scale NOTE: See sheet 4.03 herein for project specific coordinate information.