HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 2006-02 Model Traffic Code Commissioner)/t" ) _a imoved adoption 411 of the following Ordinance: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO ORDINANCE NO. 2006- 6v AN ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF TRAFFIC BY THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE 2003 EDITION OF THE "MODEL TRAFFIC CODE" AS AMENDED BY THIS ORDINANCE AND REPEALING ALL RESOLUTIONS OR ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF. WHEREAS, The purpose of this Ordinance is to provide a system of traffic regulations consistent with state law and generally conforming to similar regulations throughout the state and the nation, and to provide additional regulations in the interest of safety on county roads; and WHEREAS, C.R.S. § 42-4-110 grants counties the authority to regulate and enforce all 0 traffic and parking restrictions on streets that are state highways and to enact and enforce traffic regulations on other roads and streets within their respective jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, conditions in Eagle County such as the steep, mountainous topography of the area, a longer season of cold weather, rain, snow and icy roads, and the large numbers of wildlife crossing local roadways necessitate the establishment of additional traffic regulations; and WHEREAS, the motor vehicle crash death rate in Eagle County is 25% higher than the motor vehicle crash death rate Colorado in general and such motor vehicle crashes are extremely costly to the community; and WHEREAS, research by the National Transportation Safety Board indicates that seat belt usage is the most significant factor in surviving a motor vehicle crash; and WHEREAS, according to the National Safety Council, seat belts are effective in significantly reducing the severity of motor vehicle crash related injuries such that the average cost of medical care when a person is wearing a seat belt is $5,685 but the average cost without seat belt use is $297,380; and WHEREAS, motorists who lack health insurance are treated at the expense of others who use the health care system and it is estimated that between 18% and 25% of Eagle County 0 residents do not have health care insurance; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has determined that the best interests and the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Eagle County will be served by the adoption, with certain modification, of the 2003 edition of the "Model Traffic Code for Colorado" as follows. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado: Part 1. Adoption. Pursuant to Section 30-15-401, C.R.S., and Section 42-4-110, C.R.S., there is hereby adopted by reference Articles I and II, inclusive, of the 2003 edition of the "Model Traffic Code for Colorado" promulgated and published as of the date hereof by the Colorado Department of Transportation, Staff Traffic and Safety Projects Branch, 4201 East Arkansas Ave., Denver, CO 80222, and the amendments thereto as written in this ordinance (hereinafter "Model Traffic Code"). The subject matter of the Model Traffic Code relates primarily to comprehensive traffic control regulations for the County. The purpose of this Ordinance is to provide a system of traffic regulations consistent with state law and generally conforming to similar regulations throughout the state and the nation, and to provide additional regulations in the interest of safety on county roads. One (1) copy of the Model Traffic Code adopted herein is now filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Eagle, Colorado, and may be inspected during regular business hours Part 2. Deletions. The 2003 edition of the Model Traffic Code is adopted as if set out at length, save and except Article I, Part 5, Size — Weight — Load, which is declared to be inapplicable to this County and therefore is expressly deleted. Part 3. Modifications. The following sections of the Model Traffic Code are modified as follows: A. Article I, Section 105, "Local traffic control devices," is hereby revised by adding thereto: The County Engineer is responsible for authorizing the placement of traffic control devices upon highways under the jurisdiction of Eagle County in consultation with the Road and Bridge Supervisor and the Sheriff's Office. Placement and maintenance of such devices is the responsibility of the Road and Bridge Supervisor. B. Article I, Section 236, "Child restraint systems required — definitions — exemptions," is hereby modified and supplemented as follows: §236 (6) On state highways, including those that are part of the national system of interstate highways, no driver in a motor vehicle shall be cited for a violation of subparagraph (I) of paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of this section unless such • driver was stopped by a law enforcement officer for an alleged violation of this Code or other than a violation of this section or section 237. • §236 (7) On roads other than state highways as described in subsection (6) of this section within the jurisdiction of Eagle County, a driver of a motor vehicle may be cited for a violation of subparagraph (I) of paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of this section where the driver was stopped solely for a violation of this section or section 237. C. Article I, Section 237, "Safety belt systems —mandatory use—exemptions —penalty," is hereby modified and supplemented as follows: §237 (5) On state highways, including those that are part of the national system of interstate highways, no driver in a motor vehicle shall be cited for a violation of subsection(2) of this section unless such driver was stopped by a law enforcement officer for an alleged violation of this Code or state law other than a violation of this section. §237 (6) On roads other than state highways as described in subsection(5) of this section within the jurisdiction of Eagle County, a driver of a motor vehicle may be cited for a violation of subsection (2) of this section where the driver was stopped solely for a violation of this section. D. The following paragraph is added to Article I, Section 606, "Display of unauthorized signs or devices": • §606 (3) The County Engineer is responsible for authorizing and maintaining a traffic sign inventory. The County Engineer and/or the Road and Bridge Supervisor are empowered to remove or cause prohibited signs, signals, or markings to be removed without notice. E. The following paragraph is added to Article I, Part 6, "Signals—Signs —Markings": § 616 Speeding in Residential Areas. Any person who commits a speeding violation in a Residential Area that is designated pursuant to the provisions of this section is subject to doubled penalties. For purposes of this section, Residential Area means an area that is designated as a Residential Area and has appropriate signs posted indicating that the penalties will be doubled. The County Engineer, in consultation, where necessary, with the Road and Bridge Supervisor and Sheriff's Office, may designate portions of the highway as being in a Residential Area, considering, among other things he deems relevant, the numbers of residences, the amount of neighborhood vehicle traffic, and the amount of pedestrian traffic and recreation activity within or nearby the highway. The doubled penalty shall not be applicable until appropriate signs notifying the public of increased penalties for speeding are erected, along with signs notifying the public that the increased penalties are no longer in effect. F. The following paragraph is added to Article I, Section 1102 "Altering of speed limits - when": • §1102 (6) The County Engineer is responsible for conducting traffic investigations or • surveys, and evaluating appropriate design standards and projected traffic volumes necessary for declaring the reasonable and safe speed limits. G. The following paragraph is added to Article I, Section 1103 "Minimum Speed Regulation": §1103 (5) The County Engineer is responsible for conducting traffic investigations or surveys, and evaluating appropriate design standards and projected traffic volumes necessary for declaring the reasonable and safe speed limits. H. The following paragraph is added to Article 1, Section 1210, "Designated areas on private property for authorized vehicles—county—unincorporated areas": §1210 (3) Any person who violates the provisions of subsection(2) of this section is guilty of a class 2 petty offense and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of twenty-five dollars. The disposition of fines and forfeitures shall be paid into the treasury. I. Article I, Section 1702, "Counties — traffic offenses classified — schedule of fines," is hereby revised by adding thereto: III §1702 (7) The Eagle County Board of Commissioners hereby adopts the penalty assessment and fine schedule set forth in Exhibit A which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. If no penalty or surcharge is listed on Exhibit A, the penalty shall be $15 and the surcharge shall be $10. Where it appears in Exhibit A, "P.A." is an abbreviation for penalty assessment. The letters SUM are an abbreviation for summons in the P.A. column on Exhibit A, meaning a court appearance is required. Points on Exhibit A are indicative of the points to be assessed upon conviction or penalty assessments as provided in C.R.S. § 42-2- 127. §1702 (8) If a person receives a penalty assessment notice for a violation hereunder and such person pays the fine and surcharge for the violation on or before the date the payment is due, the points assessed for the violation are reduced as follows: (I) For a violation having an assessment of three or more points, the points are reduced by two points; (II) For a violation having an assessment of two points, the points are reduced by one point. J. Sec. 1801. Authority for impoundment and/or immobilization is added to Article 0 I, Part 18, "Towing and Storage": §1801 (1) Any person, at the direction of the Sheriff, Board of County • Commissioners, County Administrator, Engineer or their designee, is hereby authorized to remove, or have removed at his direction, a vehicle, automobile hulk or junker from any public or private way or place, under any of the circumstances hereinafter enumerated, the Sheriff or designee hereby finding and determining such vehicles under such circumstances to be obstructions to traffic or public nuisances. A junker is a vehicle having the attributes of an automobile hulk, except that a junker has an apparent value of three hundred dollars ($300.00)but less than five hundred dollars ($500.00). (I) When any vehicle is left unattended upon any bridge, viaduct, subway or tunnel, or where such vehicle constitutes an obstruction to traffic; (II) When a vehicle upon a public way is so disabled as to constitute an obstruction to traffic and the person in charge of the vehicle is by reason of physical injury incapacitated to such an extent as to be unable to provide for its custody or removal; (III) When any vehicle is left unattended upon a street or parked illegally so as to constitute a definite hazard or obstruction to the normal movement of traffic, or left unattended on any public street with engine running or with keys in the ignition switch or lock; (IV) When any vehicle is parked or left standing upon any area or portion of a public street in violation of or contrary to a parking limitation or prohibition established by the county engineer, provided such area or portion of such public street has been posted with an official sign giving notice both of such limitation or prohibition and of the fact that such area or portion of such street is a "Tow Away" area; (V) When a vehicle is parked in violation of any traffic ordinance and is an obstruction or hazard or potential obstruction or hazard to any lawful function, street maintenance or snow removal, or limits the normal access to or use of any public or private property; (VI) When a vehicle is left on a public way or place and appears to be abandoned or a complaint is received that it is abandoned and remains there continuously for a period of twenty-four (24) hours after notice is posted on the windshield that it may be impounded, or when an automobile hulk or junker is left on public or private property; (VII) When the driver of such vehicle is taken into custody by a peace officer and the vehicle would thereby be left unattended upon a street, highway or restricted parking area, or other public or private way; 410 (VIII) When a vehicle is found being driven upon the streets or other public way of the county and the same is not equipped with all of the necessary parts and equipment as required, or does not meet the standards for the parts or equipment • required therein; (IX) When the driver of a vehicle is reasonably suspected of using license plates or a license permit unlawfully, misusing the license plates or license permit issued to the driver, or a vehicle is driven or parked without proper license plates or license permit, or with no license plates or license permit, or driven or parked with an invalid or expired license permit; (X) When the driver of a vehicle is driving without an operator's license or chauffeur's license which is current and valid, or does not have such license in the drivers immediate possession, or drives a vehicle contrary to restrictions imposed upon the license, or drives a vehicle while their operator's or chauffeur's license has been denied, suspended, canceled or revoked by the state; (XI) When a vehicle is found parked on or so near to any railroad track as to block the same in any manner; (XII) When the driver of any vehicle, or the vehicle which the driver is driving, is reasonably suspected of having been involved in any hit and run accident; (XIII) When any vehicle is reasonably suspected of being a stolen vehicle, or parts thereof to be stolen parts; (XIV) When the driver of any vehicle is taken into custody for a suspected felony or misdemeanor, or when the vehicle is suspected of containing stolen goods, or other contraband; (XV) When a driver, owner or person in charge of a vehicle has failed to respond to a notice of illegal parking; (XVI) When any vehicle is parked or stopped in any emergency access lane provided that such emergency access lane has been posted with an authorized sign giving notice both of such prohibition and of the fact that such area or portion of such public roadway or private property is a "tow away" area; §1801 (2) When any person or vehicle is found in violation of the aforementioned subsections of Section 1801(a), and said violation constitutes an immediate and dangerous traffic hazard, the vehicle may be impounded immediately without any notice at the discretion of the officer. §1801 (3) When any person or vehicle is found in violation of the aforementioned subsections of Section 1801(a), officers of the County, acting in their official capacity may, and are hereby authorized to, temporarily and for a period of twenty-four (24) hours immobilize such vehicle by installing on, or • attaching to, such vehicle a device designed to restrict the normal movement of such vehicle, and if such vehicle is so immobilized, the officers of the county by so installing or attaching such device shall conspicuously affix to such vehicle a notice, in writing, on a form provided by the Sheriff's Office, advising the owner, driver or person in charge of such vehicle, that such vehicle has been immobilized by the county for violation of one or more of the provisions of this chapter; that release from such immobilization may be obtained at a designated place; that unless arrangements are made for the release of such vehicle within twenty-four (24) hours the vehicle may be removed from the streets or private area at the direction of officers of the county, acting in their official capacity; and that removing or attempting to remove the device before a release is obtained is unlawful. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove or attempt to remove any such device before a release is obtained as herein provided or to move any such vehicle before the same is released by the Sheriff's Office. If the vehicle has remained immobilized for a period of twenty-four (24) hours and release has not been obtained, officers or an employee of the county may have the vehicle impounded. K. Article II, Section 102, "Definitions," is hereby modified in the following particulars only: §102 (34) [delete existing and replace with:] "Local Authority(ies)" as used herein refers to Eagle County, Colorado unless the context requires otherwise. • §102 (43-B) [new:] "Municipality(ies)" and "Municipal Authority(ies)" as used herein refer to Eagle County, Colorado unless the context requires otherwise. The Remaining language of Section 102 is to remain unchanged. Part 4. Application. With the exception of Part 3, Sections 236(7) and 237(6), this ordinance shall apply to every street, alley, sidewalk area, driveway, park, and to every other public way or public place or public parking area or designated private area as authorized, either within the unincorporated areas of this County or within the incorporated areas of this County as provided for in intergovernmental agreements, wherein this County has jurisdiction and authority to regulate. Part 3, Sections 236(7) and 237(6) of this ordinance shall apply only to roadways within the jurisdiction of Eagle County that are not state highways or part of the national system of interstate highways. The provisions of Sections 1401, 1402, 1413, and part 16 of the adopted Model Traffic Code, respectively, concerning reckless driving, careless driving, and eluding a police officer, shall apply not only to public and private places and ways but also throughout this county. Part 5.Effective Date. This ordinance shall be effective beginning at 12:01 a.m. on January 1, 2007. Part 6. Validity. 0 If any part or parts of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of this ordinance. The Board of County Commissioners hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each part thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one part or parts be declared invalid. Part 7. Repeal. All existing resolutions and ordinances covering the same matters as embraced in this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent that they cover such matters, and all existing resolutions and ordinances, to the extent they are inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed, except that this repeal shall not affect or prevent the prosecution or punishment of any person for any act done or committed in violation of any resolution or ordinance which is hereby repealed prior to the taking effect of this ordinance. Part 8. Interpretation. This ordinance shall be so interpreted and construed as to effectuate its general purpose to conform with Colorado's uniform system for the regulation of vehicles and traffic. Article and section headings of the ordinance and adopted Model Traffic Code shall not be deemed to govern, limit, modify or in any manner affect the scope, meaning or extent of the provisions of any article or section thereof. Part 9. Certification. The Eagle County Clerk and Recorder shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and make not 0 less than one copy of the adopted Code available for inspection by the public during regular business hours. //THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK// • i INTRODUCED, FIRST READ AND SET FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON THE 16th DAY OF OCTOBER, 2006. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PUBLISHED IN THE EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE ON THE 26th DAY OF OCTOBER, 2006. APPROVED AND ADOPTED UPON SECOND READING AND AFTER PUBLIC HEARING ON THE 14th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2006. PUBLISHED AFTER ADOPTION IN THE EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE ON THE 23rd DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2006. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the county of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the 14th day of NOVEMBER, 2006. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST AS TO SIGNATURE, INTRODUCTION, AND PUBLICATION VAGLZ Clerk to till r:oard of o°tot�A�o County Commissioners Peter F. Runyon, Chairm. Tom . Stone, Commissioner Am M. Menconi, Commissioner • EXHIBIT A EAGLE COUNTY PENALTY ASSESSMENT & BOND SCHEDULE SUR. SECTION VIOLATION BOND PA POINTS CHG. PART 1-TRAFFIC REGULATION GENERALLY 107 Disobeying police officer $200 SUM $10 109 Motorized bicycles, animals, skis, skates, toy vehicles & all terrain recreational vehicles on hwys. $100 $15 $10 PART 2 - EQUIPMENT 201 Obstruction of view or driving mechanism- $100 $35 2 $10 hazardous situation 202 Unsafe vehicles. $100 $35 2 $10 203 Unsafe vehicles - spot inspections. $100 SUM 2 $10 204 When lighted lamps are required. (1) $100 $15 2 $10 205 Head lamps on motor vehicles. $100 $15 $10 206 Tail lamps and reflectors $100 $15 $10 207 Clearance and identification. $100 $15 $10 208 Stop lamps and turn signals. $100 $15 $10 209 Lamp or flag on projecting load. $100 $15 $10 210 Lamps on Parked vehicles. $100 $15 $10 211 Lamps on farm equipment&other vehicles & equipment. $100 $15 $10 212 Spot lamps & auxiliary lamps. $100 $15 $10 SUR. 0 SECTION VIOLATION BOND PA POINTS CHG. 213 Audible& visual signals on emergency vehicles. $100 $15 $10 214 Visual signals on service vehicles. $100 $15 $10 215 Signal lamps & devices additional lighting equipment. $100 $15 2 $10 216 Multiple-beam road lights. $100 $15 $10 217 Use of multiple-beam lights.(1)(a)(b) $100 $15 2 $10 218 Single-beam road lighting equipment. $100 $15 $10 219 Number of lamps permitted. $100 $15 $10 220 Motorized bicycles- motor-driven cycles- lighting. $100 $15 $10 221 Bicycle equipment. $100 $15 $10 ill222 Volunteer fireman- volunteer ambulance attendants - special lights and alarm systems. $100 $15 $10 223 Brakes $100 $15 $10 224 Horns or warning devices. $100 $15 $!0 225 Mufflers- prevention of noise. $100 $15 $10 226 Mirrors-exterior placements. $100 $15 $10 227 Windows unobstructed-certain materials prohibited-windshield, wiper requirements. $100 $15 2 $10 228 Restrictions on tire requirements. $100 $15 $10 229 Safety glazing material in motor vehicles. $100 $15 $10 230 Emergency lighting equipment- who must carry. $100 $15 $10 2 SUR. ill SECTION VIOLATION BOND PA POINTS CHG. 231 Parking lights. $100 $15 $10 232 Minimum safety standards for motorcycles & motor-driven cycles. $100 $15 3 $10 233 Alterations of suspension system. $100 $75 $10 234 Slow-moving vehicles- display of emblem. $100 $15 $10 235 Minimum safety standards for commercial vehicles $100 $50 $10 236 Child restraint system required-definitions- exemptions. $100 $50 $10 237 Safety belt systems-mandatory use-exemptions. $100 $15 $10 PART 6- SIGNALS-SIGNS-MARKINGS 411) 603 Obedience to official traffic control devices. $100 $35 4 $10 604 Traffic control signal legend. $100 $35 4 $10 605 Flashing signals. $100 $35 4 $10 606 Display of unauthorized signs or devices. $100 $15 4 $10 607 Interference with official devices. $100 $50 $10 608 Signals by hand or signal device. $100 $15 $10 609 Method of giving hand and arm signals. $100 $15 $10 610 Unauthorized insignia. $100 $15 $10 611 Paraplegic persons or person with disabilities- distress flag. $100 $35 $10 612 When signals are inoperative or malfunctioning. $100 $35 4 $10 • 613 Designation of highway maintenance, repair, or - 3 - SUR. 4110 SECTION VIOLATION BOND PA POINTS CHG. construction zones - signs - increase in penalties for speeding violations. $100 Double $10 615 Speeding In Residential Areas $100 Double $10 PART 7- RIGHT OF WAY 701 Vehicles approaching or entering intersection. $100 $35 3 $10 702 Vehicle turning left. $100 $35 3 $10 703 Entering through highway- stop or yield intersection. $100 $35 3 $10 704 Vehicle entering roadway. $100 $35 3 $10 705 Operation on approach of emergency vehicles. $200 $50 $10 III706 Obedience to railroad signal. $100 $35 4 $10 707 Certain vehicles must stop at railroad grade crossing. $100 $35 4 $10 708 Moving heavy equipment at railroad grade crossing $100 $35 $10 709 Stop when traffic is obstructed. $100 $35 $10 710 Emerging from or entering, alley, driveway, or building. $100 $35 4 $10 711 Driving on Mountain highways. $100 $35 $10 712 Driving in highway work area. $100 $35 3 $10 PART 8- PEDESTRIANS 801 Pedestrians obedience to traffic control devices & traffic regulations. $100 $15 $10 0 802 Pedestrians right of way in crosswalks. $100 $15 4 $10 - 4 - SUR. • SECTION VIOLATION BOND PA POINTS CHG. 803 Crossing at other than crosswalks. $100 $15 $10 805 Pedestrians walking or traveling in a wheelchair on highway. $100 $15 $10 806 Driving through safety zone prohibited. $100 $35 3 $10 807 Drivers to exercise due care. $100 $35 4 $10 808 Drivers &pedestrians, other than persons in wheelchairs, to yield to persons with disabilities. $100 $35 $10 PART 9- TURNING- STOPPING 901 Required position&method of turning. $100 $35 3 $10 4111) 902 Limitations on turning around. $100 $35 3 $10 903 Turning movements &required signals. $100 $35 3 $10 PART 10- OVERTAKING-PASSING 1001 Drive on right side -exceptions. $100 $35 4 $10 1002 Passing oncoming vehicles. $100 $35 4 $10 1003 Overtaking vehicle on the left. $100 $35 4 $10 1004 When overtaking on the right is permitted. $100 $35 4 $10 1005 Limitations on overtaking on the left. $100 $35 4 $10 1006 One-way roadways and rotary traffic islands. $100 $35 3 $10 1007 Driving on roadways laned for traffic. $100 $35 4 $10 ii1008 Following too closely. $100 $35 4 $10 - 5 - S SUR. SECTION VIOLATION BOND PA POINTS CHG. 1009 Coasting prohibited. $100 $35 3 $10 1010 Driving on divided or controlled-access highways. $100 $35 3 $10 1011 Use of runaway vehicle ramps. $100 $100 3 $10 1012 High occupancy vehicle lanes. $100 $50 3 $10 PART 11- SPEED REGULATIONS 1101 Speeding 1-4 mph over limit. $100 $15 1 $10 Speeding 5-9mph over limit. $100 $35 3 $10 Speeding 10-19 mph over limit. $100 $50 4 $10 Speeding 20 mph or more over limit. $100 SUM 6 $10 1103 Minimum speed regulation. $100 $15 3 $10 • 1104 Speed limit on elevated structures. $100 $15 3 $10 1105 Speed contests. $100 SUM 12 $10 PART 12-PARKING 1201 Starting parked vehicles. $100 $15 3 $10 1202 Parking or abandonment of vehicles. $100 $15 $10 1204 Stopping, standing, or parking prohibited in $100 $15 $10 specified places. 1205 Parking at curb or edge of roadway. $100 $15 $10 1206 Unattended motor vehicles. $100 $15 $10 1207 Opening and closing vehicle doors. $100 $15 $10 1208 Parking privileges for persons with disabilities. $100 $50 $10 • 1210 Parking on private property. $100 $25 $10 - 6 - SUR. • SECTION VIOLATION BOND PA POINTS CHG. 1211 Limitations on backing. $100 $15 2 $10 PART 14- OTHER OFFENSES 1401 Reckless driving - penalty $200 SUM 8 $10 1402 Careless driving- penalty. $100 $50 4 $10 1403 Following fire apparatus prohibited. $100 $15 3 $10 1404 Crossing fire hose. $100 $15 $10 1405 Riding in trailers. $100 $35 $10 1406 Foreign matter on highway prohibited. $100 $35 $10 1407 Spilling loads on highway prohibited. $100 $35 $10 1408 Operations of motor vehicles on property under control of or owned by parked and recreation districts. $100 $15 $10 1409 Compulsory insurance- penalty. $200 SUM 4 $10 1410 1411 Use of earphones while driving. $100 $15 $10 1412 Operation of bicycles & other human-powered vehicles. $100 $15 $10 1413 Eluding or attempting to elude a police officer. $200 SUM $10 1414 Moving construction related equipment. $100 $15 $10 PART 15- MOTORCYCLES • 1502 Riding on motorcycles $100 $15 3 $10 - 7 - S SUR. SECTION VIOLATION BOND PA POINTS CHG. 1503 Operating motorcycles on roadways laned for traffic. $100 $15 3 $10 1504 Clinging to other vehicles. $100 $15 3 $10 PART 18- TOWING & STORAGE 1801 Impoundment and/or Immobilization $300 SUM $10 PART 19-SCHOOL BUSES 1901 School buses- equipment with supplementary brake retarders. $100 $25 $10 1902 School bus drivers- special training required $100 $25 $10 1903 School buses- stops- signs-passing. $200 SUM 6 $10 1904 Regulations for school buses- regulations on discharge of passengers-penalty-exception. $100 SUM $100 • - 8 -