HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019 Transparency NoticeThe Village Metropolitan District
Pursuant to section 32-1-809, Colorado Revised Statutes for Transparency Notices may be
filed with Special District Association of Colorado. This information must be provided
annually to the eligible electors of the district no later than January 15 of each year.
*Note that some information provided herein may be subject to change after the notice is
District's Principal Business Office
Name CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
Address 8390 E. Crescent Parkway, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111
Phone 303-779-4525
District's Physical Location
Counties Eagle County
Regular Board Meeting Information
Location Traer Creek Plaza
Address 0101 Fawcett Road, Suite 120, Avon, Colorado
Day(s)3rd Wednesday of Jan., Mar., May, Jul., Sep., and Oct. 2018
Time 11:00 a.m.
Posting Place for Meeting Notice
Location On three power poles on the Rodeo Parking Lot
Address Town of Avon, Colorado
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Notice of Proposed Action to Fix or Increase Fees, Rates, Tolls, Penalties or Charges
for Domestic Water or Sanitary Sewer Services
Current District Mill Levy
Mills 50.000
Ad Valorem Tax Revenue
Revenue reported may be incomplete or unaudited as of the date this Notice was
Amount($)692,855 (estimated/unaudited)
Date of Next Regular Election
Date 05/05/2020
Pursuant to 24-72-205 C.R.S
The district's research and retrieval fee is $20.00 per hour
District Policy
Pursuant to Resolution No. 2013-12-01, which was adopted by The Village
Metropolitan District Board of Directors on December 18, 2013, the District's Official
Custodian is authorized to impose fees of $0.25 per standard page copied and
$20.00 per hour for all costs incurred after the first hour of staff time spent on the
research and retrieval of public records requested under the Colorado Open
Records Act. Copies, printouts, and/or photographs of public records in a format
other than a standard page will be charged at actual cost. All requests for copies or
inspection of public records must be submitted in writing to the Official Custodian.
Upon receipt of a written request, the Official Custodian shall notify the requester if
the records are readily available for inspection. If the records are in active use, in
storage, or are otherwise not readily available at the time of the request, the Official
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Official Custodian shall notify the requester of this fact in writing within the initial
three (3) working day-period and shall make the records available within seven (7)
working days thereafter. Inspections of public records shall take place during regular
business hours at the office of the Official Custodian and may not preempt or take
priority over previously scheduled official District-related business activities. Copies
of public records will be delivered by the Official Custodian to the requester via
United States mail, other delivery service, or facsimile only upon receipt of payment
for all costs associated with records transmission, or upon making arrangements for
receiving payment, unless recovery of all or any portion of such costs or fees has
been waived by the Official Custodian. The District may not charge any transmission
fees for records delivered via electronic mail. Upon receiving payment or making
arrangements for payment, the Official Custodian shall send the records to the
requester as soon as practicable, but not more than three (3) working days after
receipt of such payment.
Names of District Board Members
Board President
Board Member 2
Board Member 3
Board Member 4
Name Daniel J. Leary, Chairman
Contact Info wendi.mclaughlin@claconnect.com
Election Yes, this office will be on the next regular election ballot
Name Eric E. Applegate
Contact Info wendi.mclaughlin@claconnect.com
Election Yes, this office will be on the next regular election ballot
Name Harvey Robertson
Contact Info wendi.mclaughlin@claconnect.com
Election Yes, this office will be on the next regular election ballot
Name Vacant
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Board Member 5
Name Vacant
Contact Info
Election Yes, this office will be on the next regular election ballot
Board Candidate Self-Nomination Forms
Any eligible elector of the special district who desires to be a candidate for the office
of special district director must file a self-nomination and acceptance form or letter
with the designated election official.
Deadline for Self-Nomination Forms
Self-nomination and acceptance forms or letters must be filed not less than 67 days
before the date of the regular election.
District Election Results
The district's election results will be posted on the website of the Colorado Secretary
of State (www.sos.state.co.us) and the website indicated below, if any.
Website https://dola.colorado.gov/lgis/
Permanent Mail-In Voter Status
Absentee voting and Permanent absentee voter status (formerly Permanent Mail-In
voter status): Where to obtain and return forms.
Designated Election Official, Spencer Fane 1700 Lincoln Street, Suite 2000, Denver,
CO 80203
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Applications for absentee voting or for permanent absentee voter status are
available from and must be returned to the Designated Election Official.
c/o CliftonLarsonAllen LLP, 8390 East Crescent Parkway, Suite 300, Greenwood
Village, CO 80111
Notice Completed By
Name Sandy Brandenburger
Title District Administrator
Email sandy.brandenburger@claconnect.com
Dated 2019-01-08
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