HomeMy WebLinkAbout Minutes 1989 All 410 D�1 • December 19, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney Don Welch Commissioner James Fritze County Manager George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. The first item on the agenda was Mid Vail Restaurant. Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, presented the first license from Vail Food Liq License Services, Inc. dba Mid Vail, Inc., for a manager change. An application was submitted Mid Vail naming Beth Marie Sloan as the manager. He advised the completed application and necessary fees are on file. He recommended approval. Chairman Gustafson questioned Ms. Sloan regarding prior management jobs. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the change of manager to Beth Marie Sloan for Vail Food Services, Inc. dba Hid Vail Restaurant. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote . was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch was at a meeting and will appear later. Mr. Bigler presented a liquor license application for a manager change for Vail Liq License Food Services, Inc. dba Eagle's Nest Restaurant. The new manager is Stephen Ray Adki- Eagle's Nest son. He stated the Sheriff's office reported no history on Mr. Adkison. Mr. Adkison answered questions from the Board regarding management positions. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the change of manager to Stephen Ray Adkison for Vail Food Services, Inc. dba Eagle's Nest Restaurant. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a renewal application for a hotel and restaurant liquor Liq License license with optional premises and extended hours and a manager change for Beaver Spruce Saddle Creek Food Services, Inc. dba Spruce Saddle Restaurant. The new manager will be Jeffrey Whiteside. He stated the necessary papers and fees are on file. He recom- mended approval. Chairman Gustafson questioned Mr. Whiteside regarding his previous experience as a manager. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal of a hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours and optional premises for Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc. dba Spruce Saddle Restaurant. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the manager change for Beaver Creek Food Ser- vices, Inc. dba Spruce Saddle Restaurant. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented the next item, an application for a manager change for Vail Liq License Food Services, Inc. dba Wildwood Shelter. The new manager is Robern William Russ. He Wildwood stated the application and fees are on file. He recommended approval. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the change of manager to Robern William Russ for Vail Food Services, Inc. dba Wildwood Shelter. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented an application for a manager change from Beaver Creek Food Liq License Services, Inc. dba Trapper's Cabin. The new manager is R.G. Jacobs. He advised all Trapper's Cabin fees have been paid and the completed application is on file. He recommended approval. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the change of Manager to R.G. Jacobs for Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc. dba Trapper's Cabin. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented an application for a manager change at Beaver Creek Food Liq License Services, Inc. dba Beano's Cabin. The new manager is Catherine A. Luc. He stated the Beano's Cabin application is complete and fees are on file in the Eagle County Clerk's office. He recommended approval. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the change of manager for Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc. dba Beano's Cabin. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a change in corporate trade name from Beaver Creek Facili- Liq License ties, Inc. to Beaver Creek Corporate Center, Inc. He stated the applicant registered Name Change property with the Secretary of State and the application and fees are on file. He BSC Corp Ctr recommended approval. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the change in corporate trade name from Beaver Creek Facilities, Inc. to Beaver. Creek Corporate Center, Inc. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. 041/1 Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, brought to the Board several expiring letters of Draw on Letter credit that will expire prior to the first meeting in January, 1990. The first Letter of Credit from of Credit to expire on December 31, 1989 is Peter Schlesinger for Colorow Lots 5 and Colorow 6. He explained the Letter of Credit secures payment of offsite road impact fees. He stated the amount due on December 31, 1989 is $3,015.68 in cash, and $6,031.42 should remain to secure future payments. He advised the bank would have a letter of credit submitted to Eagle County at least a week prior to December 31. Commissioner Welch moved the Board of County Commissioners adopt the resolution appointing Kevin Lindahl and Thomas Bigler attorneys in fact to draw on Letter of Credit Number 73-G1055 relative to the Colorow Subdivision. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented the next Letter of Credit relative to Filing #1 of the Blue Blue Lake Lake Subdivision from Alpine Federal Savings and Loan Association in the amount not to Letter/Credit exceed $10,000. Extended Larry Metternick, County Engineer, reported that J.W. Drive extension is incom- plete. He stated Blue Lake seemed unaware that there was some work to be completed. He added it would be summer before this type of work can be done. Mr. Lindahl advised a notice was sent on November 27, 1989 that the Letter of Credit was due to expire. Commissioner Welch suggested to give Blue Lake an opportunity to extend the Letter of Credit through another institution. Commissioner Gates moved to extend the Letter of Credit for Blue Lake and to re-issue the Letter of Credit from a bank of good standing in Colorado. He further moved that Mr. Lindahl and Mr. Bigler be appointed as attorneys in fact to draw on the Letter of Credit if a new Letter of Credit is not obtained. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl stated that a letter was submitted by Ray Mosher, developer of Lady- Mosher belle View subdivision, on December 14, 1989, requesting an extension on the Subdivi- Letter/Credit sion Improvements Agreement. Mr. Mosher stated in his letter that some seeding and Extended smoothing of the subdivision roads is remaining, and submitted a new Letter of Credit that would expire on June 30, 1990. Mr. Metternick agreed that Mr. Mosher had completed much of the work in the fall but did need to complete some items. Mr. Lindahl advised the Letter of Credit was previously extended in July. Bill Noel, property owner in the Mosher Subdivision, stated the road is unsafe and unmaintained. He requested the extension be denied as three extensions have already been granted. Mr. Metternick stated the shoulders of the roads need to be shaped and he believed Mr. Mosher had put down gravel. Bob Bellefeulle, property owner, stated he snowplows the road at a charge to the property owners. Discussion followed on the road maintenance and lack of maintenance. Mr. Mosher asked if someone would inspect the road to see how dangerous it is. Tom Brown, Engineer, stated the road has been designed by an engineer. Commissioner Welch moved to extend the Subdivision Improvements Agreement to June 1, 1990, and accept the current Letter of Credit; if the roadwork has not been com- pleted the County will foreclose on the Letter of Credit and complete the work to the extend the Letter of Credit covers the work. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented the next Letter of Credit for F.J. Glassier Subdivision, Weinreis, J. Joseph Weinreis. He stated an 8' fence should be installed on the property by Draw on Letter December 1, 1989 and the Letter of Credit expires December 31, 1989. He stated the of Credit Board granted an extension to January 28, 1990. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize Kevin Lindahl or Thomas Bigler to draw on the Letter of Credit if the Subdivision Improvements Agreement is not signed and a new Letter of Credit is not substituted by December 31, 1989. Mr. Lindahl presented a Subdivision Improvements Agreement relating to Filing #1 Homestead and #3 of the Homestead. He stated the promissory notes securing the collateral on SIA Extended both filings will expire on December 31, 1989. He recommended the notes and the Subdi- vision Improvements Agreement be extended through October 15, 1990. He stated it is not clear what improvements remain to be completed. Discussion followed on changing the deed of trust to a letter of credit. Bob Warner stated he believed it is in the best interest to leave the collateral as a Deed of Trust . Discussion continued on the developed subdivision and promissory note that is due on December 31, 1989. Mr. Warner told the Board he could not verify what work has not been completed. Commissioner Welch moved to extend the Subdivision Improvements Agreement to July 16, 1990 with the condition that Mr. Warner cannot sell any of the undeveloped prop- erty until the improvements have a different form of collateral or the improvements are completed and accepted. He further moved that Mr. Warner execute a renewal note extending the promissory note. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, Mr. warner stated he has a problem with signing a 2 1/2 million dollar note since 75% of the work has been completed. Commissioner Welch withdrew the motion. Commissioner Gates withdrew the second to the motion. { 4111 Commissioner Welch moved to extend the Subdivision Improvements Agreement to Febru- ary 6, 1990 to discuss collateralization. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gustafson advised Mr. Warner to consider substituting a Letter of Credit for the promissory note. Don Fessler, Road and Bridge Supervisor, reviewed a resolution establishing new Resolution rates at the Eagle County Landfill. He noted all towns were notified of the rate Landfill Rates increases. He stated the Town of Minturn was notified but did not respond to the notification. Commissioner Gates moved the Board adopt a resolution establishing new rates for the Eagle County Landfill effective January 1, 1990. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch was out of the room. Mr. Metternick brought a Certification of Intent to Proceed for a bridge grant. Certification Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize of Intent for the Chairman to sign a Certification of Intent to Proceed with the CCI Bridge Grants Bridge Grant Structures EAG-301-08.2, EAG-307-27.7 and EAG-301-15.6. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Jerry Davis appeared to discuss the Eagle Valley TV Translator System. He E/V Translator requested a question be put to the vote at some election. He discussed how a proposed System mill levy would be distributed. He discussed what area would be covered and what the mill levy would be. James Fritze, County Manager, stated the time of the election would be up to the County Clerk and Recorder. He added he would like to review the mill amount to assure the project could be funded. Discussion followed on the purpose of the TV system and areas to be included. Jay Peterson, representing Heritage Cable Television, related that the Board should not look for ways to provide additional services that are currently being pro- vided by the private sector. He elaborated on raising the ■ill levy and the County duplicating services. Kevin Rice, President of Heritage Communications, spoke regarding cable TV rates and deregulation of cable TV. He proposed to create a lifeline service for persons that qualify for $1.95 per month. He believe this proposal would solve the problem of certain people who could not pay. He offered to talk with other companies in Eagle County. He stated he does not believe Vail could receive a quality signal. Mr. Davis told the Board of different ways to get a signal to Vail and disagreed with Mr. Rice's statement of coverage to television viewers. Commissioner Welch stated his concerns that all county residents receive televi- sion and be assured of good quality signals. Discussion followed on concerns of the Board regarding signal, service and ways signals are received. Chairman Gustafson suggested to take this item under advisement and resolve some contradictions. He stated there are no engineering funds available. Commissioner Welch expressed his reluctance to take on another service for the County. Commissioner Gates would like to see a vote on the translator system but he does not want to be responsible for it. Chairman Gustafson stated his willingness to build whatever the public will pay for. He stated he would rather see a mill levy for other services than a possibly questionable service. The Board determined to return with a decision at a later date. Mr. Fritze presented a proposed resolution to set the 1990 fiscal budget mill Res 89-129 levy. He stated a tax levy of 6.020 mills for the General Fund, 2.049 for the Road 1990 Mill Levy and Bridge Fund, .337 for Social Services Fund, .243 for the Capital Expenditures Fund, .262 for the Retirement Fund, .253 for the Contingency Reserve Fund, .395 for the Insurance Reserve Fund, for a total of 9.559 mills for a total of all funds. He stated this is an increase in income and in increase due to a decrease in assessed valuation. He compared the new mill levy with neighboring counties. Commissioner Welch moved to approve and adopt Resolution 89-129 setting the mill levy at 9.559 mills to operate all the services and capital improvements for 1990 based on the completed budgeting process. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze presented a certification of ■ill levy for all special districts. He Certification explained what might happen if the library fund is overcertified. of Mill Levies Commissioner Gates moved to certify all mill levies and revenues of all municipali- ties and special districts in Eagle County. A copy of Certifications of Levies and Revenue by the County Commissioners is on film in the Clerk and Recorder's office. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a proposed resolution to reflect the revised 1989 budget and Res 89-130 changes made through the budget process. 1989 Supple- Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners approve mentary Budget and adopt Resolution 89-130 adopting a supplementary budget and authorizing the trans- fer of budgeted and appropriated moneys between various spending agencies. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a proposed resolution authorizing expenditures from the Res 89-131 contingency fund for the payment of unanticipated contingencies. Contingencies Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and adopt Reso- lution 89-131 authorizing expenditures from the contingency fund for the payment of unanticipated contingencies. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. b41105-11'\ Mr. Lindahl presented an agreement with Peter Jamar Associates, Inc. to provide Agreement consulting services and plan development for Berry Creek 5th Filing in the amount of Peter Jamar $7,500. This amount is to be split evenly between the Town of Vail, the Town of Avon Associates and Eagle County. Commissioner Welch moved to approve the agreement in the amount of $7,500 between Peter Jamar Associates, Inc. and Eagle County. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a contract between Eagle County and Regents of University of Agreement Colorado authorizing the School of Nursing to assign a student nurse to the County CU Nursing Nursing Service. There is no money involved in this contract and Eagle County does School not assume any liability or insurance concerns. He stated the contract runs from January 1, 1990 through December 31, 1991. The contract allows Marge Gates to have final authority on whether the student remains. Commissioner Gates moved to sign the contract and addendum for placement of a student nurse as presented by Mr. Bigler. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to January 2, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 4110 1111 4 December 18, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney Don Welch Commissioner James Fritze County Manager George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Thomas Bigler Asst. County Atty. Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting with Allen Sartin presenting a resolution. Res 89-127 Allen Sartin, Director of Budget and Information System, reviewed the resolution Contingency for authorization of expenditures from the contingency fund. He stated the total Fund amount was approximately $152,000. Commissioner Welch moved the Board adopt Resolution 89-127 authorizing expenditure from the contingency fund for payment of unanticipated contingencies. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and recon- vene as the Board of Equalization. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The next items were approval of stipulations between various taxpayers and the Assessor's office. Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, presented Schedule #9699, Kenneth D. Abatement Wilson and Joyce O'Leary. He reviewed the schedule number and stated the Board of Wilson, Kenneth Equalization had adjusted the property and improvements to $268,650. He stated the taxpayer appealed to EAA and the improvements were adjusted down for a total valuation of $239,160. He recommended approval of the stipulation. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the stipulation on Schedule #9699. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Bob Haefliger, Appraiser in the Assessor's office, explained the property on Sched- Abatement ule 9698, Peter G. Kaltman, is a duplex and had been appraised as one unit, as is Kaltman, Peter Kenneth D. Wilson's property. Commissioner Welch moved to approve the stipulation on Schedule #9698, the total valuation of the property is $271,860. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a stipulation between Vail Investment Company, Schedule Stipulation #21835. Vail Invest- John Sternig, Appraiser in the Assessor's office, explained the overall buildable sent Company area in the structure was less than the present value placed on the property. Chairman Gustafson explained to the Board the changes in the building structure from storage to office space and from a concert hall to storage. Mr. Bigler stated the owner intended to expand upward but the Town of Vail has not approved the construction. The Assessor's office assessed the intended expansion. Commissioner Welch moved on Schedule #21835, Vail Investment Company, to accept the stipulated revision to $196,520. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved to adjourn as the Board of Equalization and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, brought a request from Joseph Weinreis to extend Weinreis, J. the time required to build a sight-obscuring fence around property at 1010 Valley Road Extension to he purchased from Fred Glassier. Build Fence Commissioner Welch moved to give Mr. Weinreis an extension to the January 28, 1990 to complete a sight obscuring fence. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Johnnette Phillips, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, explained the changes in Res 89-128 Precinct 15 in Avon to Precinct 15A and 15B. Precincts Commissioner Welch moved to approve Resolution 89-128 establishing election pre- 15A & 15B cincts in Eagle County around the Town of Avon split into Precincts 15A and 15B. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates was not present for this item. The Board signed Resolution 89-128 establishing Precincts 15A and 15B and signed the new precinct map. Mr. Lindahl brought up a letter to Jerry Sibley regarding a plumbing contract not Sibley Contract funded in the 1990 budget. The Board determined to notify Mr. Sibley there are no funds in the 1990 budget for a plumbing contract. Commissioner Welch moved to approve a revised letter to Mr. Sibley regarding the contract termination and authorize the County Manager to sign it. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a contract for Employee Assistance Services between Eagle Contract County and Colorado West Regional Mental Health Center. Colo West Commissioner Gates moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the con- Mental Health tract for Employee Assistance Services as presented by Mr. Lindahl. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. • 4110 Mr. Bradley appeared to discuss possible energy savings on the heating and cooling Justice Center system at the Justice Center. He explained the information he received. He requested HVAC a contract be drawn up to start later in the year. James Fritze, County Manager, asked that all bids be rejected and rebid in spring. Discussion on the bids and time schedule to do the work was held. Commissioner Gates moved to direct Mr. Bradley to accept the low bid and negotiate with the low bidder to remove winter costs. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and recon- vene as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority, Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a license by Joe David Cowan dba Beaver Creek Restaurant Liq License Management, The Terrace Restaurant. He asked the application be tabled to January 8, B/C Restaurant 1990 due to the application being incomplete. Commissioner Welch moved to table this application to January 8, 1990 for the lack of completeness of the application. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a renewal application for a retail liquor license from Lynne Liq License A. Lindsay dba Pier 13 Liquor. He stated the complete application and necessary fees Pier 13 Liquors are on file. He recommended approval. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the renewal application for a retail liquor license for Pier 13 Liquor. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a petition for abatement, Schedule #9624, Wexler and Oliff, Abatement Beaver Creek Subdivision, 7th Filing, Block 2, Lot 4, Tract I. Wexler/Oliff Jody Caruthers, County Assessor, explained the reason for the need for an abate- ment in the amount of $2,008.28. Commissioner Gates moved the petition of Phillip & Patricia Wexler and Mark & Jennifer Oliff for refund of taxes for schedule #9624 be partially approved for the tax year 1988 in the amount of $2,008.28. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers explained the petition for abatement, Schedule #25008, Darwin J. & Abatement Donna S. Becker. She stated the residential property was erroneously assessed at Becker, D. 29%. She recommended approval of the abatement in the amount of $427.04. Commissioner Welch moved to approve the petition for abatement for Darwin J. & Donna S. Becker, Schedule #25008, in the amount of $427.04. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented the next petition for abatement, Schedule #27351, Dorle M. Abatement & Ludwig Ritsch. She recommended denial since the request was based on a valuation Ritsch, D. question rather than an error. Frank Soderberg, petitioner, explained the owners were not notified of the increase in valuation. Discussion followed on the increase in taxes from approximately $400 to $2000. The Board determined to get more information. Commissioner Welch moved to table Schedule #27351 until Ms. Caruthers can return with additional information. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a petition for abatement from Gary T. Cornwell, Schedule Abatement 16114. He stated Ms. Caruthers recommended approval of an abatement in the amount of Cornwell, G. $980.42 Commissioner Welch moved to approve the abatement from Gary T. Cornwell, Schedule #16114, in the amount of $980.42. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented petitions for abatement from Beaver Valley Lodge Associa- Abatement tion, Schedule #18 15715, 21752 and 16605. She recommended approval of the abatement Beaver Velley on Schedule #15715 in the amount of $2,821.02 due to a neighborhood code being input Lodge Assoc. incorrectly. Kenneth Merica presented a map of the area. Commissioner Gates moved the approval of the petition for abatement for Beaver Valley Lodge Association, Schedule #15715, for the tax year 1987 in the amount of $2,821.02. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented a petition for abatement from Beaver Valley Lodge Associa- Abatement tion, Schedule #21752, and recommended approval. The property was taxed at 29% when Beaver Valley it should have been taxed at 18%. Lodge Assoc. The Board argued there is not a house on the lot. It was determined to get the file of Schedule #21752. Commissioner Welch moved to table Schedule #21752 until additional information is received. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 4 4 51d Ms. Caruthers presented a petition for abatement for Schedule #166605, Beaver Abatement Valley Lodge Association. She recommended approval since the property was assessed at Beaver Valley 29% instead of 18%. Lodge Assoc. Commissioner Welch moved to approve the petition for abatement in the amount of $199.07, Schedule #166605, Beaver Valley Lodge Association, based on the evidence presented by the Assessor. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The Board returned to Schedule #21752. Ms. Caruthers explained the petition for Abatement abatement and recommended approval. Beaver Valley Commissioner Gates moved to approve the petition for abatement in the amount of Lodge Assoc. $249.19 for Schedule #21752, Beaver Valley Lodge Association, due to the incorrect assessment. The Board returned to Schedule #15715. It was agreed to stand by the motion made in an earlier discussion. Discussion continued on Schedule #27351, Dorle & Ludwig Ritsch. Abatement Ms. Caruthers stated there was a change in valuation of the property, a notice of Ritsch, D. value was mailed to the previous owner, and the new owner did not receive a notice of change in valuation. Ms. Caruthers asked if the petitioner could appeal at State level. Mr. Lindahl agreed they could appeal to the State of Colorado Board of Equaliza- tion. Discussion continued on the application for the abatement and the reason for the petition. Commissioner Welch moved to deny the petition for abatement on Schedule #27351 for a refund of taxes. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The next petition for abatement was Fallridge Community Association, Schedule Abatement #12157. Fallridge Ms. Caruthers pointed out on a map the property requesting abatement. She dis- cussed the petition. Marta Cadmus, petitioner, made a presentation regarding her petition. Mr. Lindahl questioned Ms. Cadmus regarding the association members and amenities in the building. He stated if the property in question is owned by the association, it may not be taxable. He recommended tabling to acquire additional information. Commissioner Welch moved to table Schedule #12157, Fallridge Community Association to get additional information. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented a petition for abatement for Schedule #27177, Peachblow Abatement PUD Homeowners Association. She stated the value of the common property is inherent Peachblow in each lot and should have a value of $0. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the petition for abatement for Schedule #27177, Peachblow PUD Homeowners Association, for the tax year 1988 in the amount of $2,369.21. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers explained the petition for abatement for Schedule #19374, Jeannette Abatement G. Wilcox. She told the Board the vacant lot assessment erroneously included a Wilcox, J. house. She recommended approval of the abatement in the amount of $1,637.74. Commissioner Welch moved on Schedule #19374 to approve the petition for abatement in the amount of $1,637.74. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and recon- vene as the Board of Health. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Sid Fox, Acting Director of Community Development, passed out a form that was Board/Health requested by Marge Gates for a jail inspection checklist. Jail Inspection The Board discussed their concerns with using the form. Ray Merry, Health Officer, suggested the form be used only as a checklist. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to December 19, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman December 12, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney Don Welch Commissioner James Fritze County Manager George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Allen Sartin Director of Budget Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board • This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting as the Board of County Commissioners and Res 89-125 stated the first item was to approve the 1990 Budget. 1990 Budget James Fritze, County Manager, stated the proposed budget reflects the changes that • were made up to December 12, 1989. He reviewed the changes and reductions in the 1990 budget. He pointed out the budget was reduced in excess of Si million. He explained the deficit spending of the Administrative Building and Motor Pool Fund. Allen Sartin, Director of Budget and Information System, pointed out budget fig- ures regarding the net deficit spending. • Chairman Gustafson commended Mr. Sartin and his staff for doing a good job during budget. Mr. Fritze advised the Board of the funds being used for the County bus system and addition to the Justice Center. Commissioner Gates asked Mr. Fritze to explain the fund balance at the end of the year. Mr. Fritze stated the property taxes do not become available for several months, therefore, the County must operate without revenue coining in. He explained Debt Reve- . nue Fund and Motor Pool Fund. Commissioner Welch moved to approve Resolution 89-125 adopting the budget and making the appropriations for the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, for the fiscal year 1990. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, Commissioner Gates explained the problems he has with some budget cuts and funding the bus system. Question was called for on the motion. The motion passed two votes to one. Chair- man Gustafson and Commissioner Welch voted in favor of the budget adoption resolution; Commissioner Gates voted against it. Mr. Fritze introduced the next item, the 1990 fiscal budget and mill levy for the Res 89-126 Public Library Fund. He explained the proposed resolution. Library Fund Commissioner Gates moved to approve Resolution 89-126, 1990 fiscal budget and mill levy for the Public Library Fund. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Jim Curnutte, Planner, opened the afternoon meeting with a Special Use Permit Permission to request to add three temporary buildings on the Fairgrounds property and a gravel pit. Apply for SUP Discussion on the gravel pit was held. Western Mobile Ray Schmahl explained the buildings that are being requested and the uses of the buildings. Commissioner Welch moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the applica- tion for a Special Use Permit by (Western Mobile, Inc. ) Flatiron Structures, Inc. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates was not present for the afternoon session as he had an appointment. • Jeremy McMahan, Planner, introduced File ZC-238-89, Dillon Zone Change located at ZC-238-89 the Edwards Interchange. He pointed out on a plat the location of the zone change Dillon request. He reviewed the project description and gave some background. He reviewed Zone Change Staff findings for the Board of County Commissioners. He read commercial uses in the Commercial General Zone District. Commissioner Welch asked about limiting uses in the Commercial General Zone District. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, advised the Board they could only use stated uses and could change specific uses to require a special use permit. Terrill Knight, Knight Planning representing the applicant, presented a proposal for the zone change and mentioned landscaping could enhance the area. He stated he believes the Commercial General uses are appropriate and the applicant would not use the property inappropriately. Discussion on eliminating noxious uses and changing the regulations. Gerald Dillon, applicant, told the Board he wanted to build in the spring and to get a loan. Mr. Knight asked that the file be tabled until changes of the regulations are made. Discussion followed on the regulation amendments and changes made through public hearings. Commissioner Welch moved to table File ZC-238-89, Dillon Zone Change, for 60 days at the applicant's request. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. 11/1 r 111 Mr. Curnutte presented the next item, File SM-614-89, Leto Minor Subdivision. He SM-614-89 stated there was a problem with bank financing and the applicant requested tabling to Leto Minos Sub. January 9, 1990. Commissioner Welch moved to table File SM-614-89 at the applicant's request to • January 9, 1990. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Curnutte presented File BE-42-89, Selby Sullivan Building Envelope Amendment, BE-42-89 Lot 5, Block 4, Tract H. He reviewed the requested building envelope change. He Selby Sullivan advised all letters received from adjacent property owners requested approval of the change. Commissioner Welch moved to approve File BE-42-89, Selby Sullivan as presented by Mr. Curnutte. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. McMahan presented File PD-286-89-S, Tucker Subdivision PUD Sketch Plan, PD-286-89-S requested tabling to January 9, 1990. Tucker Subdiv. Commissioner Welch moved to table File PD-286-89-S, Tucker Subdivision, to January 9, 1990, at the applicant's request. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. • Mr. McMahan presented File SU-117-89-F, Aspen Mountain View, Filing 3, and stated SU-117-89-F the applicant is requesting tabling. Aspen Mtn View Mr. Knight of Knight Planning stated the applicant is requesting the file be tabled to February 27, 1990, to allow to clean up existing Aspen Mountain View files before continuing with this project. Commissioner Welch moved to table File SU-117-89-F, Aspen Mountain View, Filing 3, at the applicant's request to February 27, 1990. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Curnutte brought before the Board a map for certification of the County's Certification boundaries for the census. for County's Discussion was held on the map. Boundaries Mr. Lindahi suggested the Engineering Department review the map. Commissioner Welch moved to approve the boundary and annexation survey for the U.S. Department of Commerce subject to the review by the Engineering Department. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Sid Fox, Acting Director of Community Development, presented a final plat for a Final Plat Type B Subdivision, Lot 1, Cordillera Subdivision Filing 2, Building Envelope Changes. Cordillera Commissioner Welch moved to approve the final plat for Lot 1, Cordillera Subdivi- sion Filing 2. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented a final plat for a resubdivision of Lot 18, Block 2, Berry Creek Final Plat Ranch Filing 2. Berry Creek Commissioner Welch moved to approve the final plat for a resubdivision of Lot 18, Lot 18 Block 2, Berry Creek Ranch Filing 2. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented a final plat for a Type B Minor Subdivision for Lot 5, Block 4, Final Plat Tract H, 1st Amendment to the 5th Filing Beaver Creek Subdivision. B/C 5th Filing Commissioner Welch moved to approve the final plat as presented by Mr. Fox. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented a final plat for a Type A Minor Subdivision, Willoughby, Thomas Final Plat and Phillips Subdivision. Willoughby etc. Commissioner Welch moved to approve the final plat as presented by Mr. Fox. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to December 18, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • 4111 December 11, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney Don Welch Commissioner James Fritze County Manager George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting and stated John Donovan of Honey Wagon was Landfill here to discuss trash dumping at the County landfill during the holiday schedule. Holiday Mr. Donovan complained that the County being closed on the holidays of Christmas Schedule Day and New Year's Day caused a problem for his trash trucks. Don Fessler, Road and Bridge Supervisor, read amounts of trash dumped by Honey Wagon from a report of the landfill for the last three years during Christmas and New Year's Day. Further discussion on the problem with the County Landfill being closed for the Christmas and New Year's holidays. James Fritze, County Manager, asked if Mr. Donovan would be willing to pay over- time for an employee to be at the landfill on Christmas and New Year's. • Mr. Donovan agreed to pay overtime for someone to work overtime during the holidays. Chairman Gustafson directed Staff to meet with Mr. Donovan and determine times the landfill will be open on Christmas and New Year's and the overtime cost. Mike Bradley, Building and Grounds Supervisor, appeared and passed out bids regard- HVAC Upgrade ing the Justice Center HVAC upgrade. He reviewed the three bids for the Board of Bids for County Commissioners. Justice Ctr Commissioner Welch asked about using an inhouse plumber could that adjust the Justice Center heating and cooling systems and delaying the HVAC upgrade for two or three years. Mr. Bradley stated the problem is an ongoing every day problem. Discussion followed on costs and how the money could be found in the budget. Mr. Bradley stated he would review the costs involved and return on December 12. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, introduced the next item, a request for reduction Blue Lake in collateral for Blue Lake Subdivision. Collateral Tom Brown, Engineer, explained he did not have enough information and was recom- Reduction Req. mending the release of collateral not be made. Commissioner Welch moved to accept the recommendation of Staff to deny the request to reduce the collateral for Blue Lake and Vantex. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze presented a proposed resolution establishing the 1990 meeting and holi- Res 89-122 day schedule for Eagle County. 1990 Schedule Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 89-122 establishing the meetings of the Board, legal holidays, and office hours for 1990. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a proposed resolution appointing Edward J. Poehlmann to the Res 89-123 Board of Directors of the Minturn Cemetery Association District. Poehlmann, E. Commissioner Welch moved the Board adopt and approve Resolution 89-123 appointing Edward J. Poehlmann to the Board of Directors of the Minturn Cemetery Association District to fill the term ending July 28, 1994. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Judy White House, Director of Human Resources, appeared to discuss a contract for Contract: Colorado West Mental Health Employee Assistance Services. She explained the services Colo. West provided to County employees and their dependents. She stated a building for Colorado Mental Health West's use was remodelled at a cost of $13,800 for Rent and utilities are provided in exchange for services provided to employees. She reviewed the costs incurred by Colo- rado West and Eagle County and stated by the time the building is demolished for the new County Administration building. Colorado West would owe Eagle County $22,000. She stated Colorado West had requested $18,000 from Eagle County and only $10,000 was approved. They are asking that the $8,000 of the balance be written off. Discussion followed on the contract and in-kind services from Colorado West Mental Health. Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the contract for Employee Assistance Services between Eagle County and Colorado West Regional Mental Health Center, Inc. , relating to the balance owed by Colorado West Mental Health will be reduced by additional ser- vices provided to Eagle County, and the possibility of re-writing the contract per the agreement at a later date'. Mr. Fritze mentioned that an amendment to the contract should include that no repairs be made to the building occupied by Colorado West. Commissioner Welch added Mr. Fritze's statement to his motion. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, Commissioner Gates stated he was uncomfortable with subsidizing Colorado West Mental Health. Question was called for on the motion. The motion passed with two yes votes and one no vote. Commissioner Gates voted against the motion. In discussion, Chairman Gustafson stated the County should make every effort to obtain the amount of $22,000 in in-kind services from Colorado West Regional Mental Health Center. ! Jim Curnutte, Planner, brought before the Board a Letter of Credit for Thomas S. Carlin, T. Carlin. He advised the Board the vegetation is dead at the Carlin PUD. Letter of • Commissioner Welch moved to approve and adopt Resolution 89-124 authorizing the Credit drawing of collateral for the Thomas S. Carlin Minor PUD, and appoint the County Attor- ney as attorney-in-fact to draw on the collateral. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates was out of the room for this item. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to December 12, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman tow3 December 5, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney Don Welch Commissioner James Fritze County Manager George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, a pro- Res .89-121 posed resolution regarding Eagle County Airport landing fees. Landing Fees Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, presented the proposed resolution regarding the landing fees. He explained the proposed fee for scheduled commercial air carries would be $0.65/1000 pounds of maximum landing weight per landing, and for non- scheduled or charter commercial air carriers the fee would $0.95/1000 pounds of maximum landing weight. Commissioner Welch moved to approve and adopt Resolution 89-121 regarding landing fees for commercial aircraft at Eagle County Regional Airport. In discussion, Commissioner Gates asked about private aircraft. Mr. Lindahl replied private aircraft are assessed a ramp fee and fuel tax. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gustafson asked a FAX copy of this resolution be sent to America West Airlines. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to December 11, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman III/ 1110 . ()n555 ' Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 4th Day December Tenn,19 89 19- , PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman James Fritze County Manager Don Welch Commissio Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George Gates Commissio Johnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following bills were examined, approved and warrants drawn upon the proper funds in payment thereof: GENERAL FUND • ABBOTT LABORATORIES STREP SCREEN KITS 460.00 ADJUSTMENT BUREAU INC 16087/PIETSCH 35.00 ALEY MAXWELL 16004/CHARTIER 30.80 ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL PROF VET SERVICES 68.75 AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP 30.00 AMERICAN EXPRESS PARKING 961.79 AMERICAN INSTITUTE CERTIFIED LODGING/TRAVEL 681.00 4NDREE KIM SUPPLIES 50.23 ANIMAL HOSPITAL OF VAIL VALLEY VACCINATION REIM. 201.00 ARROW GAS COMPANY GAS/LANDFILL 46.20 j, ASPEN TIMES THE SUBSCRIPTION 9.00 AT AND T PHONE SERVICE 119.53 AV TECH ELECTRONICS AVT LIGHT KIT 26.48 AVERY LABEL BUSINESS SYSTEMS LABELS/RECORDING DOC. 604.56 AVON BEAVER CREEK TIMES SAFETY ADS 25.00 AVON TOWN OF XEROX COPIES/SEPT 60.45 SACO'S GLENWOOD FLORAL GIFTS FLOWERS/SCHLEGEL 22.00 BARNES SUSAN DVM VACCINATION REIM. 24.00 BASALT SANITATION DISTRICT 206701/SANITATION 69.90 BASALT TOWN OF 891001/WATER 48.00 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS KLEENEX 22.61 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS SUPPLIES FOR JAIL 79.81 BEEP WEST INCORPORATED PAGER SYSTEM 30.00 BEST GERALD REIMBURSEMENT 432.75 BEST WE TERN EAGLE LODGE RECRUITING EXP/BAKER 41 .25 BEVERIDGE RICK MEALS 77.75 BISHOPS TRASH SERVICE COM0048 34.00 BLACK ALLEN REIMBURSEMENT 172.25 , . BLACK ALLEN MEALS 47.85 BLISS AGENCY 16089/FIRST BANK 24.10 BROADMOOR HOTEL CONFERENCE/CCAA 391.00 BUHR RAYMOND E MEALS 19.98 BUHR RAYMOND E MEALS 16.76 CALLAGHAN AND COMPANY LAW SUPPLEMENT 44.05 CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS FILM PUSHERS 57.98 / CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 188.36 II ' CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS LAMP PROTECTION 67.47 y i CARUTHERS GENNY_ JO REIMBURSEMENT 111.06 CASTLE PEAK VETERINARY SERVICE DOG FOOD 67.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/GENERAL 4,068.80 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/GENERAL 4,077.67 CENTER DRUGS FILM PROCESSING 36.58 4 CF HOECKEL COMPANY SUPPLIES 157.18 CF HOECKEL COMPANY MISC SUPPLIES 422.40 CLUTTER LAURA LODGE/MEALS/CLUTTER 8.36 II COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY WATER/10-19-89 76.68 �I CODEL NOVEMBER RENT 2,550.00 COLLETT ENTERPRISES 15996/CAIRNS 32.40 COLORADO ASSESSORS ASSOCIATION REGISTRATION 10.00 COLORADO ASSESSORS ASSOCIATION 1990 CAA DUES 1,070.00 COLORADO ASSESSORS ASSOCIATION REGISTRATIONS 30.00 COLORADO COUNTIES INCORPORATED CCI REGISTRATION 260.00 COLORADO COUNTIES INCORPORATED CCI REGISTRATION 210.00 COLORADO COUNTY ATTORNEYS REGISTRATION FEE/CCAA 120.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF LABOR UNEMPLOYMENT INS. 1,397.34 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL 5,524.67 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL 5,528.79 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY SALARY/SWENSON 2,095.54 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY SALARY/BENEFITS/EADS 3,993.34 COLORADO WEST INSURANCE GROUP PUBLIC SERVICE POLICY 286.00 COLWELL SYSTEMS INCORPORATED FIRST CLASS MAIL LABEL 40.55 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS PREM/11-89 16,626.39 II CONTINENTAL ELEVATOR SERVICE CONT MAINT/JC 110.00 II CREDIT BUREAU OF GUNNISON 16035/WESTIN 7.50 CURNUTTE JIM ADVANCE/LODGE/MEALS 82.65 DARRAH CHARLES 16002/HOWER 18.40 DATA FILMS INC FCS LAMPS 43.47 DAUDILL BOONE PERC TEST REFUND 125.00 �I I+ 00,556 • 110 Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 4th Day neie.ep= Tenn, 19A9_. 19_- TML C.I.MOLCKLL CO..CLOVER DAVIS JEREMY SERVICES/FAIR 89 85.00 DEEP ROCK WATER NOV/WATER CHARGE 22.50 . DENIS M GROTE 16083/CHRISTIE LODGE 18.40 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY RETURN FED FUNDS/LAWG 3,592.33 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCH COSTS 2,233.83 DON WELCH 1373 MILES/REIM TRAVEL 451.60 DRAPHIX INCORPORATED DRAFTING SUPPLIES 35.28 DRAPHIX INCORPORATED MAPPING SUPPLIES 70.42 DUGGAN GARRY SERVICES/11-89 100.00 DUROUX ALMEDA COORDINATOR REIM 15.00 EADS TONI L TRAVEL 127.14 EADS TONI L MEALS/REIM 115.95 EAGLE AUTO PARTS AIR FILTER 52.83 EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER REIM/POSTAGE PAID 20.20 EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER REIM POSTAGE 18.80 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS REP.CABLE/SWITCHBOARD 112.50 EAGLE COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER DEC 89/SHELTER CONT. 4,933.39 EAGLE COUNTY ECONOMIC MILK CREEK PROJ.EXP 10,247.05 EAGLE COUNTY NURSING SERVICE POSTAGE 25.00 EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING POSTAGE CHARGE 86.60 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER REIM/POSTAGE/NOTICES 1,603.76 EAGLE PHARMACY 2 FILMS 629.58 EAGLE SALVAGE AND TOWING TOWING 45.00 EAGLE TOWN OF 040SENIORC 622.75 EAGLE TOWN OF 0205221501 724.75 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE 2 YR SUBSCRIPTION 132.99 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE ADV/EMPLOYMENT 513.83 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE 14052/PUBLICATIONS 25,062.75 EAGLE VALLEY GLASS AND MIRROR REPLACE WINDOW CO WEST 53.04 EAGLE VALLEY HOME BUILDERS MEMBERSHIP DUES 225.00 EASTMAN INCORPORATED SUPPLIES 355.39 EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY SEPT/MAINT/IBM COPIER 678.57 EDEEN ERIK FILM 16.86 FARMER BROTHERS COFFEE 156.66 FEDRIZZI GERALD J DMD PC INMATE MEDICAL 60.00 FERRELLGAS GAS/FAIRGROUNDS 98.75 FERRELLGAS REPAIR FURNACE 38.40 FIDELITY CREDIT SERVICES 15955/JOLLY 27.20 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 38,899.65 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/GENERAL 35,318.30 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 38,861.19 FORTUNES RESTAURANT LUNCH.CO RIVER DIST. 20.30 FRANKLIN DAVID N 16019/JALBERT 1.60 FRASCONA JOINER SMITTKAMP 15993/ENGLER 22.40 FREE WEEKLY THE PUBLIC NOTICE/EL JEBEL 50.00 FULLER ROBERT 861 MILES/REIM 206.64 GATES GEORGE A TRAVEL 73.13 .t GATES GEORGE A TRAVEL 320.59 GLENWOOD VET CLINIC SPAY/NEUTER REIM 36.00 GLYNN KATHLEEN TRAVEL REIM. 483.71 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS MEMBERSHIP 125.00 GREATER EAGLE FIRE PROTECTION 911 SERVICES 18.00 GREEN CLAIRE H 15936/WOORWORTH 10.40 GUINNEE DAVID VACCINATION REIM. 11.00 GYPSUM CREEK SHEETMETAL AND FABRICATED ROOF PANEL 85.00 HAGGART CHARLES SUBSCRIPTION 29.00 HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING PLAT CHECK 220.00 HL MOORE INMATE SUPPLIES 12.78 HOLLERMAN KIRK B 16000/REY 14.90 HOLMAN JONES 16033/BEST WESTERN 12.10 HOLMAN JONES 15995/ROCKY MT CAST 12.10 HOLME ROBERT AND OWEN LEGAL SERV/BLACK LKS 68.17 HOLME ROBERT AND OWEN LEGAL SERVICE 101.25 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICE 6,051.71 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY SUPPLIES 182.58 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY JAIL SUPPLIES 227.93 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY INMATE SUPPLIES 135.35 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE REIM/TRAVEL 355.77 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE LODGE/CONFERENCE 165.00 HUSKEY STEVEN W ASP INSTRUCTOR CLASS 11.29 INMAC LAZER CART 126.19 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CODE BOOKS/RESALE 478.80 INTERNATIONAL MAILING SYSTEMS POSTAGE METER RENTAL 69.75 JEMS SUBSCRIPTION 17.95 JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING JC MAINTENANCE 71.25 JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING WINTERIZE/F.G.BLDGS 1,820.25 JOEL WIGMAN MOVING EXPENSE 500.00 JOEL WIGMAN 1/2 AIRLINE EXPENSE 271.50 JOHNSON JACK W CIVIL DEF SERV/NOV 700.00 JOHNSON KUNKEL AND ASSOCIATES SM61889/PLAT CHECK 1,585.97 JONES CLINTON MEALS 18.36 . • 09557t Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 4th Day Decesber Tenn,19 89 19- JONES CLINTON MEALS 12.09 JUSTIN H HAYNES AND COMPANY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 4,513.50 KESSLER MARY J PARTY SUPPLIES/EDEEN 15.45 KOHLER JEAN 302 MILES 60.40 LEAVENWORTH LOCHHEAD AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 752.79 LEFFERDINK BULLOCK 15975/STIBERNICK 20.40 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES RECORDER REPAIR 54.00 LEYHE MEYER LEYHE 16008/MORGAN 30.00 LINDA STROTHERS KEY/BLANK OFFICE 1.26 LINDAHL KEVIN MEAL REIM/LINDAHL 178.75 LK SURVEY INSTRUMENTS MYLAR PAPER 107.83 LK SURVEY INSTRUMENTS REELS 11.06 LOGAN ALISA 15968/MCDONALD 3.20 LOWER LAMBLOWERY 15932/SERNA 10.40 MARTINEZ JANITORIAL OCT/JANITORIAL SERV 6,545.00 MARTINEZ WALTER K 16081/VASQUEZ 7.50 MCHUGH JAN KENNEL CARDS 4.00 MCHUGH JAN UNIFORM PANTS 54.97 MEINEKE DONNA PHONE 102.56 MERRICK LYN LODGE/MEAL/MERRICK 17.71 MERRY RAY FILM/REIM. 725.13 MERRY RAY RECRUITING EXP 678.00 MID VALLEY KENNELS KENNEL CONTRACT 700.00 MILE HIGH OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 60.63 MILE HIGH OFFICE SUPPLY AUTOMATIC ERASERS 38.91 MOORE BUSINESS PRODUCTS PAPER 245.90 MOTOR POOL FUND MP HEAVY/ENGINEERING 2,219.38 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL/SHERIFF 18,536.67 MOTOROLA INCORPORATED COMPLETE RADIO CHECK 230.00 MOUNTAIN MOBILE MIX CEMENT/CASTLE/SR CTR. 106.50 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION RADIO SERVICE 25.00 MOUNTAIN TOP MANAGEMENT CASTLE/BELLYACHE RENT 250.00 MOUNTAIN TYPEWRITER CLINIC RECONDITION/4 CALC. 100.00 NASCO WEST CUTTING TIP 62.62 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER REPAIRS 287.00 NATIONAL FOUR H SUPPLY SERVICE WALNUT PLAQUE 83.20 NEBS BUSINESS FORMS JOB FOLDERS 263.00 NEVES UNIFORMS UNIFORM PANTS 67.60 NOLAN NINA COORDINATOR REIM 15.00 NUNN NORMAN TRAVEL/PARKING FEE 8.00 NUSZ WILLIAM DVM PROF. VET SERVICES 47.00 ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY PEST CONTROL SERV/JC 98.00 PACIFIC TELECOM TELEPHONE SERVICE 6,794.43 PAINT BUCKET THE GAL PAINT 19.50 PAYCO GENERAL 15976/WEBER 4.60 PC COMPUTING SUBSCRIPTION 14.97 PENNY SAVER MEDICAL SUPPLY LAB SUPPLIES 25.11 PENNY SAVER MEDICAL SUPPLY MEDICAL SUPPLIES 148.90 PENNY SAVER MEDICAL SUPPLY EAR SYRINGES 63.00 PET HEALTH NEWS SUBSCRIPTION 17.97 PFC PRODUCTS DOCUMENT FOLDER 130.16 PHILLIP E LOWERY 16056/SALAZAR 16.80 PHILLIP E LOWERY 16049/ARNOLD 32.40 PHILLIPS JOHNNETTE LODGING/TRAVEL 881.42 PRIME COMPUTER INCORPORATED MAINT 1,559.80 PRIME COMPUTER INCORPORATED MAINT/10-31-89 215.57 PRIME COMPUTER INCORPORATED MAINT 1 ,606.00 PROFILES IN INNOVATION DESC. AWARD RECIPIENTS 10.00 PTL ELECTRIC REPLACE/SWITCH 32.49 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPLY COMPANY BATON HOLDERS 305.59 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPLY COMPANY FLASHLIGHT JAIL 27.84 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 062576310710018 111.62 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 6068576610400017 9.41 QUILL CORPORATION SUPPLIES 692.40 REUBENS RESTAURANT PLANNING COMM. MEETING 119.25 REUBENS RESTAURANT INMATE FOOD 14,835.00 REVA MILLER 82DR30/521803850 161.55 REVA MILLER 82DR30/521803850 161.55 REYNOLDS NETTIE TRAVEL REIM 167.80 REYNOLDS NETTIE TRAVEL/REIM 115.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS 330731100020.0 21.21 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS 332940110520.1 4,032.73 ROCKY MOUNTAIN REPROGRAPHICS MAP PAGER/BOND 203.62 ROCKY MOUNTAIN REPROGRAPHICS MAP REPRODUCTIONS 284.70 ROPIR CABLEVISION CABLE VISION 31.45 SACHS LAWLOR RUBBER STAMPS 133.20 �I SANTANA GEORGE PRESTON 16074/SANTANA 22.40 SCHMIDT CECELIA TRAVEL REIM 23.00 �I SCHMIDT ELOISE COORDINATOR REIM 15.00 , SHAINHOLTZ TODD H DDS DENTAL/INMATE 45.00 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING RABIES VACC CERT. 388.00 Q!)558411/ 411/ Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 4th Day December Term, 19 89 19-_ THE C.F.NOCCKCL CO..DENVER 2224E2 SKYLINE SIX AREA AGENCY ON THE SUPPLEMENTAL SALARY 441.10 SPECTAPE RED POLY TAPE 75.87 SPECTAPE TAPES 38.60 STEINBERG THOMAS I CTY HEALTH OFF/OCT 272.00 STRAWBERRY PATCH FLOWERS/ONEILS 29.00 SUMMIT LUMBER KEYS 9.00 SUMMIT LUMBER SPRAY PAINT 74.78 SUMMIT LUMBER PINE 139.78 TELESPHERE NETWORK BILLING/328-6611 22.28 TERRILL M GAINES 15990/CLEGHORN 3.20 THE CITY COUNTY RECRUITER ADV/EMPLOYMENT 27.63 THREAD CONNECTION PATCHES/UNIFORMS 18.00 THREAD CONNECTION PATCHES FOR UNIFORMS 30.00 THURMAN T B 15954/SUTHERS 2.90 TRAVEL VAIL TRAVEL/AICP TRIP 584.00 TRAVEL VAIL TRANSPORT PRISIONERS 1,732.00 TUXALL UNIFORM COMPANY UNIFORM EQUIPMENT 218.54 TYREE AND ASSOCIATES ARCH REV 975.00 UNISYS CORPORATION MAINTENANCE 346.00 UNITED LABORATORIES DETERGENT 253.22 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SHIPPING CHARES 61.34 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SHIPPING CHG/SHERIFF 12.75 US DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR INSTALL GAGING STATION 5,000.00 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE SERVICE 1,528.67 VAIL CLINIC PHARMACY ACRENOLIN 9.92 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC PRENATAL/2 PATIENTS 890.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC 22475/INMATE EXAMS 350.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC 27964/SERNA 334.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC INMATE EXAMS 325.00 VAIL SIGN CORPORATION UNIFORM NAME TAGS 32.00 VAIL TOWN OF ANIMAL CONT/CONT SERV 827.10 VAIL VALLEY FOUNDATION EAGLE GRANT WC/1-89 36,360.00 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 8986127/VETTER 334.75 VALLEY JOURNAL SUBSCRIPTION 18.00 VALLEY LUMBER BOILER DRAIN 21.35 VALLEY LUMBER TUBULAR PLASTIC 12.66 • VALLEY VIEW HOSPITAL PROF FEES/INVEST. 243.45 VISA LODGE/MEALS/MILEAGE/TRAVEL 3,012.97 WAHRER JENNIE RN 198 MILES/REIM. 39.60 / WALCK LINDA REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSE 10.13 WALKER MARY E AIRFARE/REIM 839.00 WALMART /AVON FILM 592.88 WALMART /AVON UTILITY MIRROR 13.82 _ WARREN STEPHEN D DVM PROF VET SERVICE 28.00 WEARGUARD UNIFORMS/BLDG INSP. 775.28 WEGHER ASSOCIATES 16006/CARTMILL 5.00 WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY WESTLAW CHARGES 632.50 .t WESTERN EAGLE COUNTY AMBULANCE MEDICAL SERVICES 75.00 WITT MARY PAT TRAINING 30.00 WOODWORTH JOAN MEALS/SEMINAR 134.10 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY SNOW SHOVEL 17.20 YAMPA VALLEY ELECTRIC 0050010001 26.65 PAYROLL FOR NOVEMBER PR * 22, 23, 24 329,171.75 693,610.01 ROAD & BRIDGE FUND ADARAND CONSTRUCTORS FINAL/GUARDRAIL PROJ. 715.88 AMERICAN TRAFFIC SAFETY CERTIFICATION 60.00 AVON TOWN OF 3RD QTR RD&BR PAYMT 9,813.16 BASALT TOWN OF 3RD QTR RD&BR PAYMT 1,143.42 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/RD&BR 693.58 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/RD&BR 697.88 CHEN NORTHERN INCORPORATED COMPACTION TESTING 921.40 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/RD&BR 860.40 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/RD&BR 813.96 DEVER NANCY SETTLEMENT 5,000.00 EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING POSTAGE CHARGE 78.76 EAGLE PHARMACY CARDS 8.60 EAGLE TOWN OF 3RD QTR/RD&BR PAYMT 2,582.62 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE PUBLIC NOTICE 32.50 ELAM CONSTRUCTION INCORPORATED COLD MIX ASPHALT 74.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/RD&BR 5,726.54 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/RD&BR 8,074.28 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/RD&BR 5,421.47 FONES WEST RENTAL PAGERS 120.00 GARFIELD STEEL FABRICATING FLAT STEEL 10.35 i. GYPSUM TOWN OF 3RD QTR/RD&BR PAYMT 1,000.56 MINTURN TOWN OF 3RD QTR/RD&BR PAYMT 1,082.84 • • 01559 Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 4th Bay December Tenn,19 89 19- ,i MOBILE PREMIX COMPANY 79517/GRAVEL&HAULING 39,400.17 MOBILE PREMIX COMPANY ROAD BASE 1,570.22 MOBILE PREMIX COMPANY ROAD BASE 221.37 MOTOR POOL FUND MP HEAVY/OCT USAGE 40,191.57 - MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION ANTENNA 34.45 NATIONAL PRESS PUBLICATIONS PUBLICATION/BOOK 12.95 OUR HOUSE MEALS 10.45 PETTY CASH ROAD AND BRIDGE STAMPS 49.00 ROARING FORK RENTALS CLEANER RENTAL 50.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN SAFETY SERVICE HIDDEN DRIVEWAY SIGNS 330.58 ROCKY MOUNTAIN SAFETY SERVICE AMBER REFLECTORS 71.09 SUMMIT LUMBER RIVETS 76.17 VAIL TOWN OF 3RD QTR/RD&BR PAYMT 41 ,972.42 VALLEY LUMBER DOUGLAS FIR 30.73 VISA MEALS 125.18 VULCAN SIGNS TAMPER WRENCH 70.81 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY FOAM EAR PLUGS 107.47 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY FLOAT 102.66 PAYROLL FOR NOVEMBER PR * 22, 23, 24 47,594.01 216,953.50 LIBRARY FUND BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY BOOK/TR 57.36 BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY VIDEOS 540.77 BOUND TO STAY BOUND BOOKS/J 462.15 BRODART INCORPORATED VIDEO-J 23.96 BRYANT ROBYN REIM/TRAVEL 134.00 1 CATALOG CARD CORPORATION OF CATALOGING 21.58 I CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LIBRARY 152.34 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LIBRARY 157.30 COLBORNS CONST PAPER/GLUE 44.99 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LIBRARY 157.14 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LIBRARY 177.40 I COLORADO FILM NETWORK FILM SERIES 175.00 EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING POSTAGE CHARGE 386.64 EAGLE PHARMACY CASSETTE TAPES 16.17 i / EARLE GREG TRAVEL 130.00 i FARMER BROTHERS CO TEA/COCOA 18.20 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LIBRARY 1,240.50 L FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/LIBRARY 1,860.34 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LIBRARY 1,391.44 GENERAL FUND OFFICE SUPPLIES/3RD 8.54 GORDONS BOOKS/PB 1,713.34 GORDONS BOOKS 361.32 II ,! HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY WASTEBASKET 8.10 JOHNSON BOOKS BOOK 11.59 KAPCO BIND TAPE 12.91 KODAK VIDEO PROGRAMS VIDEO 380.77 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES TONER 76.50 LIBRARY VIDEO COMPANY VIDEO 22.63 LISTENING LIBRARY CASSETTE/FILMSTRIP-J 32.95 MILE HIGH OFFICE SUPPLY CALENDARS 16.20 Ij MINTURN BRANCH LIBRARY REIM/POSTAGE/PC 18.14 MOTOR POOL FUND MP CHARGES 90.06 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USAGE/LIBRARY 90.06 II NISWANGER AMY LODGE/MEALS/REIM 248.86 II PACIFIC TELECOM PHONE/COMPUTER 139.14 l) PARKER PUBLISHING COMPANY BOOK/MV 26.58 jI PATHFINDER LIBRARY SYSTEM MARMOT SERVICE 3,562.50 PETERSONS BOOK/IN STUDY 15.51 II PETTY CASH LIBRARY JS103189/REIM/GLUE 31.95 ,I PROFESSIONAL MEDIA SERVICE VIDEO-J 58.15 1 RENAISSANCE HOUSE BOOKS 127.50 �� SIMON AND SCHUSTER CREDIT/3539226/BOOKS 173.90 U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS 827-4240 53.23 UMI DE PUERTO RICO CREDIT 1,470.64 . UPSTART POSTERS/BOOKMARK-J 38.50 II I PAYROLL FOR NOVEMBER PR 0 22, 23, 24 13,300.78 it 29,237.63 I 1 I 11 O 5uO 0 • Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 4th Day December Term, 19 B9 19- THE C.I.HOCCKCL CO.,DCNVEN MOTOR POOL FUND ACE BRUSH MANUFACTURING SPINNER CLOCKWISE 546.75 AMERICAN EAGLE TIRE TUBE 42.76 - APPROVED OIL SERVICE REMOVAL WASTE OIL 94.00 BERTHOD MOTORS SPEED SENCER 42.87 BEST GERALD GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE 13.81 CARBONDALE AUTO SUPPLY SEALANT 125.90 CASE POWER AND EQUIPMENT VALVE ASSEMBLY 562.19 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/MP 130.59 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/MP 157.06 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/MP 173.50 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/MP 199.04 DAWSON ROBERT GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE 10.00 DESIGN GLASS INCORPORATED REPLACEMENT WINDSHIELD 365.43 DORIO DISTRIBUTING FLEET OIL 4,702.33 DORIO DISTRIBUTING POWER IRAN OIL 199.10 EAGLE AUTO PARTS PARTS/SUPPLIES 1,776.69 EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE 7.50 EAGLE PHARMACY FILM 25.50 EAGLE VALLEY GLASS AND MIRROR SAFETY GLASS 109.26 EMPIRE CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GASKET 744.73 EMPIRE CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT SHAFT BIT 401.53 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/MP 1,260.66 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/MOTOR POOL 2,325.42 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/MP 1,505.50 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD CABLE 20.40 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY ROLL TOWEL/2PLY SHOP 20.99 IBERIA SPREADER COMPANY CHAIN COUPLING 460.75 J I CASE CREDIT CORPORATION DRUM DRIVE ROLLER 2,020.14 MACDONALD EQUIPMENT COMPANY WIPER BLADES 49.46 MACDONALD EQUIPMENT COMPANY FREIGHT CHARGES 2,901.18 MESA MACK CABLE 41.04 MID STATES LABORATORIES ENGINE DEGREASER 79.95 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL HEAVY 307.06 MOUNTAIN HOTSY EQUIPMENT 80 GALLONS CAR SOAP 425.70 NISWANGER AMY FUEL/COUNTY MP VEH. 8.80 PHILLIPS 66 COMPANY FUEL 48.18 PITKIN IRON CORPORATION HYDRAULIC HOSE/FITTING 14.04 POWER MOTIVE KNIFES 63.00 • QUALITY MOBILE WINDSHIELD REPAIR WINDSHIELD 25.00 REY MOTORS INCORPORATED LUG NUTS 21.48 _ STEPHENSON MARILYNN GAS/SR VAN 14.50 THREAD CONNECTION REPAIR TRUCK SEATS 111.00 VALLEY GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY WELDING SUPPLIES 66.50 VISA FUEL/COUNTY VEHICLE 99.90 VISA GAS/CO VEHICL;E 67.87 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY HOSE ASSEMBLY/CREDIT 1,479.62 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY COLLAR 2,394.36 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY SHIM 13,387.12 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY CAT TRACTOR SCRAPER 2,546.55 WALCK LINDA GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE 9.45 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY SCREWPIN SHACKLE 34.84 PAYROLL FOR NOVEMBER PR 0 22, 23, 24 12,437.48 54,678.48 CAPTIAL EXPENDITURE FUND DSLF FREIGHT/TREAS. VAULT 78.55 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES TRANSCRIBER 275.00 MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT SHELVING TREAS VAULT 1,008.00 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CONTROLLER 1,507.48 NECIS INC GOVERNMENT MARKETING COMPUTER/DP 3,713.00 6,582.03 1 RETIREMENT FUND CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 4,037.33 CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 4,101.46 8,138.79 CONTINGENT FUND GREENGARD SENTER GOLDFARB RICE PROF LEGAL FEES 5,511.79 JAMES FRED S AND COMPANY OF OCT 89/CONSULTING FEES 1,000.00 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY REPAIR CAT/LOADER 25,482.27 31,994.06 • • 0561 Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 4th Day December Term,19 S9 19- INSURANCE RESERVE FUND EAGLE VALLEY GLASS AND MIRROR LEXAN-BARN WINDOWS 512.00 , EVANCHO PAINTING PRIME SIDING/EC BARN 800.00 EZ WAY RENTAL RENT POWER WASHER 60.00 EZ WAY RENTAL RENT/POWER WASHER 95.00 PTL ELECTRIC UPGRADE ELEC SERV 383.37 1,850.37 CONSTRUCION FUND CABELL CHILDRESS ARCHITECTS ARCHITECTURAL SERV. 24,250.00 EAGLE TOWN OF APP. FOR DEV. 600.00 1 JOHNSON KUNKEL AND ASSOCIATES LOCATE UTILITIES 490.75 LINCOLN DEVORE INCORPORATED SOILS TEST/CTY BLDG 1,500.00 26,840.75 AIRPORT FUND AIXTEX PRODUCTS INCORPORATED ' LETTERS FOR EQUIP. 23.20 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION AIRPORT MEMBERSHIP DUES 250.00 4 AVIATION SYSTEMS INCORPORATED VOR/DME/LDA MAINT. 2,150.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT 69.63 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT 72.03 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY WATER DISP RENTAL 12.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/AIRPORT 89.64 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/AIRPORT 93.53 4 COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE COMPUTER CLASS/REYNOLD 67.85 CRICH MICHAEL HANGAR RENT/DEC 89 500.00 DICKS WELDING WELDING/VOR AT SITE 135.00 EAGLE AUTO PARTS GLUE REDUCER 10.35 EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING COPIER CHARGE 1.71 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT 859.81 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/AIRPORT 775.14 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT 683.51 I. FRIENDSHIP INN LODGE/HURD 61.20 FRONT RANGE FIRE APPARATUS ADAPTER-FIRE TRUCK 124.25 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 213502900 346.90 j, / HURD HARRY CFR SCHOOL 15.67 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF AIR ICAS DUES/1990 675.00 ISBILL ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED $1/AIP 12/REIM 110,448.35 MACKOWN SURVEYING AND MAPPING N RAMP LEASE 276.00 ;I MOBILE PREMIX COMPANY ROAD BASE/FILL 3,576.65 I, MOTOR POOL FUND MP HEAVY/AIRPORT 2,867.56 �I MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL/AIRPORT 374.10 PACIFIC TELECOM 524-9490 301.64 REUBENS RESTAURANT COMMISSION LUNCH/NOV 91.00 REYNOLDS DANIEL MILEAGE/REIM/CAOA CONF 54.20 REYNOLDS DANIEL TRAVEL ADVANCE/ICAS 100.00 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND CONTRACT SERV/OCT 89 4,562.07 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS GAS/OCT 89 13.05 SUMMIT LUMBER KEYS/LDA GATES 3.96 VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY KEYS/LDA GATE 1.98 VISA MEALS 484.13 PAYROLL FOR NOVEMBER PR * 22, 23, 24 4,218.50 134,189.61 LANDFILL FUND • ANDERSON SEED COMPANY WESTERN WHEAT GRASS 669.11 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL 81.20 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL 98.31 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LANDFILL 111.57 I COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE; STATE TAX/LANDFILL 142.16 ' DEEP ROCK WATER BOTTLED WATER 16.25 ! EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING COPIER CHARGE 0.80 ' FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL 804.03 I' FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/LANDFILL 920.58 , FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL 1,014.72 'MOTOR POOL FUND MP HEAVY/LANDFILL 15,416.57 VALLEY GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY OXYGEN/ACETYLENE 24.00 i 1 PAYROLL FOR NOVEMBER PR $ 22, 23, 24 7,020.93 • I 28,320.23 • TRANSPORTATION FUND GREYHOUND LINES INCORPORATED ADDITIONAL HRS SERV 48,243.34 • 48,243.34 $1,278,638.80 • • s,.. The morning being spent paying bills, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration in the afternoon: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting with the approval of the minutes of November Minutes 6, 1989 through November 28, 1989. 11/6-11/28/89 Commissioner Gates noted one typographical error to be corrected. With that cor- rection, he moved to approve the minutes as submitted. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ken Heller, Road and Bridge Assistant Supervisor, presented a final settlement for Final Settlmnt gravel supplied for Brush Creek Road. He stated the original contract was $44,000 and Mobil Premix reduced by a change order to $42,000. Kevin Lindahl , County Attorney, advised this final settlement was advertised and he added he has received no claims under this contract. Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve the final settlement of the contract between Eagle County and Mobile Premix Company for gravel hauling. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Tom Brown, Engineer, presented Change Order #1 to the contract between Eagle C.O. County and B&B Excavating for the paving of Brush Creek Road from milepost 5.3 to B&B Excay. 6.2. He explained the changes in the contract and stated the contract was reduced from $82,655.75 to $71,441.05, and extended the completion date from October 18, 1989 to November 15, 1989. Commissioner Gates asked why asphalt was used instead of a chip and seal . Mr. Brown explained rather than reconstructing the bridge at a later date, the change was made at this time to accommodate the possibility of Adams Rib Ski Area. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and the Chairman be authorized to sign the Change Order #1 for the Brush Creek Road paving contract, P.P. 5.3 to 6.2 decreas- ing the final contract price to B&B Excavating, Inc. from $82,655.75 to $71,441.05. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl brought to the attention of the Board that $592.40 remaining in an Interest Ck account at Thatcher Bank for Kensington Land & Investment Partners. He stated this is Kensington an interest payment that was deposited in this account. He advised there is suffi- cient collateral for the remaining improvements at Cordillera in Vail National Bank. He recommended the Chairman and Board members sign a letter to Thatcher Bank authoriz- ing the release of the monies to Kensington Land & Investment Partners. . Commissioner Welch moved to notify Thatcher Bank to release interest to Kensington Land & Investment Partners. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Allan Nottingham, Mayor of the Town of Avon, appeared to discuss the proposed Avon Avon Road Road Railroad Underpass. He gave the chronology of the proposed underpass. He Underpass requested assistance from the Board of County Commissioners as he believes the County should be involved. Dave Mott began his presentation by pointing out that there is not a spur road in Avon as there is in Edwards, Eagle and Gypsum. He gave the Board numbers of the expo- sure factor to the railroad crossing. He discussed the contributions to build the project and asked for County participation. Chairman Gates asked about contributions from other entities and what was expected of Eagle County. Mr. Mott passed out a handout on proposed cost sharing and discussed the ways the $650,000 request from the Board could be raised. Commissioner Welch told Mr. Mott that a cash contribution was a problem but he believes in-kind contributions by Eagle County could work. The Board explained that Eagle County was agreeable to a commitment of in-kind help in support of the project. Jerry Davis, Avon Town Council Member, asked the Board to look in the budget and see where some money could be brought from. The Board concurred to review the County budget to see what is possible for the project. Gene Lorig, local citizen and attorney, appeared to request the Board of County NW Colo Commissioners reconsider a $1,500 contribution for the Northwest Colorado Legal Legal Svcs Services. Chairman Gustafson responded that the Board would consider his request. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to December 5, 1989. • Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 11/0 S • 553 November 28. 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney Don Welch Commissioner Thomas Bigler Asst County Attorney George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, a LEAP LEAP Aar,* Vendor Acreement with Ferrellgas. w/Ferrellaas Thom hiailer, Assistant County Attorney, reviewed the grant which was awarded under the Low Income Energy Assistance Program. He explained the contract for employers assistance services to eligible households. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and the Chair- man be authorized to sign the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program Vendor Agreement between the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle, acting by and through the Eagle County Department of Social Services and Ferrellgas, Inc. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gustafson brought up the next item, an agreement with Eagle Telecorm'.n:ic.s- tit.`. . Inc. for a telephone line for navigational equipment at Eagle County Airport, at a cost of 21 . 72 . Kevin I_._..:...:l . ....ty Attorney, , presented a contraAssociateswith Ishill foo Contract :reject _-- t prouide engineering ser ices .. _ the Eagle County ?.irpo: _. He explained Isbell Assoc the contract. for Airport Cimmissiomer Welch moved tc approve a revised contract with 'still Associates . Cemmiesiener F,. __ seconded the ..,.t__... The vete wes declared unanimous. Contract ..___: the Couuty Att:rney's review. Commissioner dates =_d to approve the ETI, Inc t:ac.. with Eagle __ec_riouneca_i011s . Inc. to install telephone lines to theecationstienal seconded e mati7n. The Ste declared BE-41-99 -17 Turnntte . Blanner, presented the first item fo a_f neo- meet- Anjou Corp inc. 1115 F2-41-17 'cu ldi. - envelope ace....,.,._..__ _ req 2�_:..ted 11 =-- .-': 1 . Tract F, end r_1m. '- Creek. He explained the project description and the appli- cant's ppl_ca.._ _ reqnest . Co ii, c-_.___ welch declared a potential conflict of inter 3s he wo far the EstatePeal E2_ =_ I-_ artoent in Beaver Creek. He stated he does net have a financial inter- est in this l^_. Mr. Lindahl advised he did not perceive this as a c.-inti - --..f. interest. Carni' ion__ moved the Board of County Commissionersapprove the bei .di_ envelope -prlicat_o... Fol_ No. BE-41-89. Anjou l.rp. , N. V. missi:ne'. welch seconded the notion. The vets was declared unanirons. Final Plat C:mmi.-21-iner Sates moved to approve of signing the plat for Block _ . -eat 11 . Tract Anjou Corp F. :..d Filing. :eaver == ibdi. Ekon. =. stafs7n seconded the notion. Of the two voting7orrissioners. tte vete . ewes declared =3=== . .won m _`Goner He ch wasout .f the roem at this tire, PD-58-89-A. -_. ..-.._.._-... Plenner, presented File P-- ---- ram_e._ --l PUB Amendment, EAPUD _-. _ . --- " Trait T.. a.:, er :erpanyin75 Tile .._ . -- -- - e Amendment He vo= ws_, he description and cave_ ' - . .:nd _.:torr _.__on. He stated the Starz"- only concern was rem oval of e:;is ..-. `_'r'_- - is .-- - .:_.. e negative on theemployee ho-.Is_np . arke_. He stated Staff= ren',=d appreval . :._ read litter._ reeeived =r-.. -__man Birz_n. Helen Mane_ and Randolph opposed to the project: and letters fr m John Tay Lowe and Jehn Pailten, loath in sv000rt of the project. Ies_mss -n • _s held an the impact of the .ace.- Highway Z . :'o;1, deo el lanes . reved to approve File _-_ .-_^ . vail -hle �`hu:_ tc hang_ the zon_'a from a multi-familyle- a church and � ^fol -f incorporate the i" �'1"' findings : The preposed amendment is consistent with the efficient development and preservation of the entire .77 . The ed amendmentdoesaffecti a substantiallyadverse manner heeither . _ _ "y': en_ ofthe land abutting upon or afros. the street from the -.;i. or the puhlii interest. C . The oroposed amendment is not err=:lt=d solely to confer a special benefit to any .� The rezoning is consistentwith the Master Plan and the area _11 .. _i_ ^_OF:. awls - al . pysical and other environmental conditions compatible with the ,:terTct_:_.-___s ef the use macnested and the advantages of the proposed use out- weigh di ad :nt aele . The _and has access and can be serviced with water and sewage disp_;al .ys- =p=rat- with the zone district being sought. _ The _ : __ rezoning is necessary in order to provide lend for a demon- strated trated _._:i need. Jhairmen lost-_.- _.. .. _ sanded the motion. Cf the two •oti _.emmiss-oners. the vote 110 1 Com-hissicner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the PUT Amend- ment onelicatien. File ?D-58-78-A. EagleiVail, subject to receipt of a permit from the .tate .. Colorado for tho access permitsand lanes on Highway ,, and the staff's find- , _nd- Inas: 1. Sueh use is appropriate to the physiographic and general environmental char- acter ef the district to which it is added. Such use doses not create any more hazard to, or alteration of, the natural environment than the minimum amount normally resulting from other uses permitted in the district to which it is added. 3. Such nso does not create any more offensive noise, vibration, dust heat. smoky odor. glare. or other objectionable influences more traffic hazards than the minimum amount normally _sulting from the other uses permitted in the district to which __ i.-_ added. 4. Such. use is compatible with the existing uses permitted in the district to which it is added. Chairnan Gestafsen seconded the motion. _f the two voting Commissioners. the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch was not available for this item. Sid .._.. Aetino Ti. __tor of Community Development, presented a proposed resolution Res 89-119 for File 33-534-?? Myers Estates for a zone change. Myers Estates Commissioner welch moved to approve and adopt Resolution -119. Filo PD-284-99. appro':ino the preliminary plan for a planned unit development. Commissioner Gats seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented a proposed resolution for File 2S-292:-999. Vail Associates. Inc. Res 89-120 Da_: Care Fs_ility. granting a Special Use Permit in Beaver Creek. Vail Assoc Comnissiener Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 89-120 approving a Spe- :15.1 Fe:mit far _ ray Cars_ Facility for Vail Associates. C-r,rissl_.._r welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Torretlaner w=lek moved to table File PD-283-99-S. Tucker Subdivision. at the PD-286-89-S epolloent' a _ _ to u__ember 12. 1989. Tucker Subdiv 7.Ft21 t!le ot_^n. The sots was declared _,:lam imous =_:- --- --..__an an the temporary rate. stem _ . tors c'=._ Airport Water the = : r _ -`I from the Town of -.-p. -•.2- et 32 .73/173'2 alk. , oed .,_ Line System rola - epe - t - extend_ _ e pipe for supplying water from Echo Ren_.. _ t'as i - Corns ... _a _u_r vat_._ moved to y direct the CountyMenaccer .. d iJ~t this instcllet_ n. ,._mniasion_r welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unenim':;s. Mr. McMahan presented rile SM-593-8 ^, Willoughby Thomas S Phillips. He pointed SM-593-89 out loeat _n of the Type A MinorSubdivision. He mentioned a letter from Mrs. Willoughby etc Phill,p~ - sing to violations within 33 days. Staff recommended approval with conditions. Corot ss' _'nor Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the Type A Minor Set-division - Nlication, File No. SM-593-8?. Willoughby. Thomas & Phillips, with the follow:no conditions: 1 . The rroaosed subdivision has adequate access. water and sewage disposal. `proposed ubdivision is in with the Eagle County Land. Use �. The � conformance .,, Pecela- -- - . and ether applicable regulations, Prlic_es and gIidel_tes. with l till esiepti_n of the secondary unit on the Phillips parcel. All property on the Willoughby .and. Thomas parcels north of the Roaring F,r'; ?.i;ver he d'.edi.cated to the Division of Wildlife. The secondary unit on the Phillips parcel be removed. _. The changing of the duplex dwelling to a single dwelling unit violation must be corrected. Chairman Geetafson seconded the motion. :n dis:uasaon. Mr. McMahan asked if the Countertops and kitchen appliances and sink to removed from the secondary unit. Chairman Gustafson withdrew the second to the motion. Commissioner Gats amended the motion to include Mrs. Phillips to correct the dwelling unit to _ompl-, with Section 2 .05.34 of the Building Regulations. Chaieman Gustafson seconded the motion. Cf~the two voting Commissioners. the vote was - e.� '4' d=c:..:_ _ _._.a21i22'..^t2S. Commissioner welch abstained from voting as he was net present for the entire presentation. Thee being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjeerned te veeember 4 . 1939. Attest: Clerk to tae Board Chairman 4111 1 November 27, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present;: Dick Gustafson Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George "Bud" Gates Commissioner James Fritze County Manager Sid Fox Acting Dir Comm Dev • Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board • • Absent: Don Welch Commissioner This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting as the Board of Health. Ray Merry, Health Officer, told the Board that Dick Parachini wanted to meet with Board of Health • the Board regarding changes that have taken place at the Eagle Mine. Chairman Gustafson advised he could appear at any time during a regularly sched- uled meeting. James Fritze, County Manager, asked about an article he read about in the paper regarding the water in the river being polluted by seepage from New Jersey Zinc Mine tailings. Mr.' Merry explained the seepage problems how they are being dealt with. Chairman Gustafson directed Mr. Merry to notify Mr. Parachini they want to discuss the seepage and why Vail Associates was not notified to shut down snowmaking proce- dures. ' He told Mr. Merry to document all information regarding this incident. Mr Merry reported an outcry from citizens of adjoining properties being an eye- sore. He told the Board of public nuisance ordinances which may be applied in various cases. ' He reported to the Board some of the problems in the area. He suggested stron- ger public nuisance county powers. Chairman Gustafson directed Environmental Health to meet with the County Attorney arid determine a county . public nuisance resolution. He also told Mr. Merry to look into Isidoro Quintana's offensive "storage" area. Mr. Merry mentioned added involvement in the landfill by Environmental Health. Sid Fox, Acting Director of Community Development, brought up some site specific problems that might help solve landfill and solid waste problems. Mr., Merry discussed underground storage tanks owned by the County and possible leakage from them. The Board concurred the need to upgrade the tanks to comply with Federal regula- tions and suggested this be discussed in more detail after a recommendation from Staff. , There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to November 28, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman � I • • • 4111 November 21, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney Don Welch Commissioner Sid Fox Acting Dir Comm Dev George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting with the Floyd Crawford 1041 Permit hearing. Floyd Crawford Sid Fox, Acting Director of Community Development, explained the reason for the 1041 Hearing hearing and mentioned a letter from Allen E. Schwartz, attorney for Mr. Crawford, asking the hearing be tabled pending a ruling on the appeal of Mr. Crawford's Site Application Permit. Commissioner Welch moved to table the Floyd Crawford 1041 Permit hearing at the request of the applicant's attorney to January 9, 1990. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to November 27, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 1110 0 • 114) November VD, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman Thomas Bigler Asst. County Atty Don Welch Commissioner Sid Fox Acting Dir Comm Dev George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Liq License Authority. LeRoy's Commissioner Welch stated for the record he is a leaseholder with Vail Associates and he is an independent contractor in the real estate department for Vail Associates, however he believes there is no conflict of interest regarding the following liquor license. Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, agreed with Commissioner Welch there is no conflict of interest. He presented an application from Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc. dba LeRoy's Restaurant for an optional premises license. He explained the loca- tion of the optional premise. He stated the complete application and necessary fees are on file. He recommended approval. Chairman Gustafson asked why so much of an area is included in the optional premise. ' Sandy Davies, representing Vail Associates, explained why there are changes in the optional premise. She discussed the area and functions to be held in the licensed premises. The control of the premised area was discussed. Ms. Davies stated VA would be willing to put up a perimeter and signage limiting the licensed area. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the optional premises with the limitations being the doublewide trailer be roped off, and the unplatted area and lots 12 & 14 only be used for special events. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented an application for Diamond Five Ltd. , dba Coyote Cafe for Liq License extended hours. He stated the fees are on file and no incidents have been reported. Coyote Cafe He recommended approval. Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the application for extended hours only for Diamond Five Ltd. , dba Coyote Cafe. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a renewal application for a hotel and restaurant liquor Liq License • license with extended hours from Legends Restaurant. He advised no incidents have Legends been reported and he recommended approval of the application. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal of a hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for Robert Y. Priamore dba Legends Restaurant. Commissioner welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner welch moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Sid Fox, Acting Director of Community Development, presented a request to continue Avon STOLport a Special Use Permit for the Avon STOLport beyond the expiration date of December 6, 1989. He reviewed the request for extension to June 1, 1990 and explained Rocky Moun- tain Airways has amended the Special Use Permit. He stated the request could not be heard until January 9, 1990. , Commissioner Welch asked whether the hearing today is the public hearing. Mr. Fox explained the process today would continue the Special Use Permit and prevent the expiration of the permit until a regular public hearing could be held. Commissioner Welch moved to approve the continuation of the Special Use Permit beyond its expiration date of December 6, 1989, to allow a public hearing to be held on j the Special Use Permit for the purpose of deciding whether or not an extension should be granted to Rocky Mountain Airways at the Avon STOLport. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Jud - White House, Director of Human :Resources, appeared to discuss insurance James Company plans. She discussed the James Company as a consultant regarding the employee bene- Benefit Svcs fits services. Discussion followed on the services provided by the James Company. Commissioner Welch moved to approve the contract between Eagle County and Fred S. James Company of Colorado, Inc. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. , White House presented a proposed resolution authorizing the James Company to Res 89-118 negotiate various benefits on behalf of Eagle County. She explained the Board changes James Company proposed in the Resolution. She reviewed savings to be realized by the County due to employee contributions. Commissioner Welch moved to approve and adopt Resolution 89-118 concerning the negotiation by Fred S. James & Company of insurance benefits for Eagle County employees. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 4111 Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, presented a proposed agreement to allow Colorado Agreement/Colo West Regional Mental Health Center to use the Senior Center for counseling. He Mental Health explained the resolution. TheBoard stressed they did not want Colorado Mental Health to use the Senior Center for an office. Mr. Lindahl assured the Board this was not the intent. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the agreement between Eagle County and Colo- rado West Mental Health Center for use of the Senior Center when servicing the seniors. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Don Fessler, Road & Bridge Supervisor, appeared to discuss establishing rates at Landfill Rates the County landfill. Discussion was held on the amount of increase and the possibil- ity of a graduated increase. The . Board determined to raise the landfill fees to Sll per ton for trash and 515 per ton for sludge. Mr. Fessler told the Board he is charging $.50 per tire if they are separated from trash and S1.00 per tire if they are not. It was determined to charge a minimum of t3.00 per load. Commissioner Gates moved to table the rate increase discussion until the resolu- tion is corrected. commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Jeremy McMahan, Planner, presented File SU-276-89-F, River Ranch. He explained Final Plat the final plat for 27 single family lots. River Ranch Commissioner Welch moved to approve the final plat and sign the Subdivision Improvements Agreement for 27 single family lots, File SU-276-89-F. River Ranch. Comtissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the final Final Plat plat for Lot 18, Berry Creek Ranch, Filing al, Type B Minor Subdivision. Berry Crk L18 Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to November 21, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman a • • cth November 13, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney Don Welch Commissioner James Fritze County Manager George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, File zs-286-89 ZS-286-89, Vail Associates, Inc. Vail Assoc. Jeremy McMahan, Planner, explained the Special Use request to operate a day care facility. He reviewed the project description, staff findings and recommendations. Commissioner Welch declared a potential conflict as he holds two leases with Vail Associates, Inc. , and is an independent contractor in the real estate department. He Also stated he does not plan to use the day care facility. Nancy Nottingham, representing Vail Associates, pointed out the location of the proposed center. She answered questions of the number of children and the uses of the facilities. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the Special Use Permit application, File No. ZS-286-89, Vail Associates, with the condition that state license be annually reviewed through the Eagle County Department of Social Services, and the Special Use Permit shall expire with this license. He further moved the Staff's findings be incorporated in his motion. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, presented a Colorado Division of Criminal Justice Subgrant Narrative Report. Crim. Justice Discussion was held on the cash seized through the Task Force. Grant Report Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and the Chair- man be authorized to sign the Colorado Division of Criminal Justice Subgrant Narrative Report for the High Country Drug Task Force. • Commissioner Welch seconded thnotetion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a Grant of Easement to Holy Cross Electric Association for utility maintenance at the County Airport. He reviewed the easement for the Board's Easement to information. Holy Cross at Commissioner Welch moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize Airport the Chairman to sign a Grant of Easement to Holy cross Electric Association for util- ity maintenance and operations at the Eagle County Regional Airport. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Dan Reynolds, Airport Manager, presented Change Order »1 for Isbill Associates, C.O. Project No. 3-08-0029-12, Eagle Schedule No. 1. He reviewed the change order and Isbill Assoc. stated a displaced threshold was not authorized by the FAA, and the FAA is requesting the threshold be taken out. Gene Murphy explained the displaced threshold and the changes required by the FAA's request. The cost above the appropriated funds is S9,120.13 which the County is required to advance. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Tricon Kent Change Order »1, Airport Improvement Project »12, for work associated with removal of the displaced threshold at the approach end of Runway 7. ' Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Larry Metternick, County Engineer, made a presentation regarding right-of-way on rams, Al Brush Creek Road adjacent to Al Abrams residence. He pointed out on a plat the loca- Right of way tion of the 15' strip dedicated to the County. He stated his belief the strip should Brush Crk Rd be, returned to Abrams ownership. Discussion followed on the vacation of the road. Mr. , Abrams stated he would like to have the property returned 30 feet from the centerline of Brush Creek Road. Mrs. Abrams addressed the property and access to their properties. She mentioned they wanted to purchase the 1.16 acres where the old Brush Creek Road was and maintain aslopen,space. Further discussion was held on the property and access to Abram's property. Chair- man Gustafson told Mr. & Mrs. Abrams further information was needed before he could make a decision. Commissioner Welch moved to table discussion on Al Abram's property and right-of- way to January 9, 1990. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a confidentiality agreement between Eagle County and Vail Associates relating to negotiations regarding purchasing vacant land in the Edwards Agreement area. He advised George Gillett, owner of Vail Associates, has agreed to release Vail Assoc. certain information regarding his purchase agreement of this property on the condition George Gillett the County sign the confidentiality agreement. He stated he has no objections to the Board signing that agreement. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and sign the confidentiality agreement between Vail Associates and Eagle County regarding land in the Edwards area. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The applicant requested tabling of File SU-117-89-F, Aspen Mountain View, Filing SU-117-89-F 3, to December 12, 1989. Commissioner Gates moved to table at the applicant's request File SU-117-89-F, Aspen Mtn View Aspen Mountain View. Filing 3, to December 12, 1989. Commissioner welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 1110 f Commissioner Gates moved to table File SU-276-89-F, River Ranch, to November 20, SU-276-89-F 1989. at the applicant's request. River Ranch Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Jim' Curnutte, Planner, presented File SM-595-89, Soderberg Subdivision, Filing 2. SM-595-89 He discussed the Type A Minor Subdivision. Soderberg Commissioner Welch moved to approve the Type A Minor Subdivision, File SM-595-89, Soderberg Subdivision Filing 2. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. Mr. Lindahl made a statement regarding the Letter of Credit that it meets with his approval. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. • Commissioner Gates moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the final Final Plat plat for the Soderberg Subdivision, Filing 42. Soderberg Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. ! Commissioner welch moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the final Final Plat plat for Eagle/Vail, Lot 86, Block 4. E/V L-86, B4 Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved to adopt and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution Res 89-117 89i-117 approving a Special Use Permit for Craig and Diane Colby, File ZS-285-89. Colby Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to November 20, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • • • i i . , , . . . , , • . , , 537 , . . , November 6, 1989 ' PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Commissioner Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Thomas Bigler Asst County Attorney Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board . Absent: Dick Gustafson Chairman This being a scheduled public hearing, the following warrants were brought before the Board for their consideration: GENERAL FUND Al CUSTOM TROPHIES PLAQUE 60.72 ABBEY DOUGLAS SEMINAR 20.00 ABBOTT LABORATORIES STREP SCREEN KIT 310.00 ABC REPROGRAPHICS INCORPORATED NEG/WASHOFF 440.84 AILI B FOSS REIM/DOCUMENTS 4.50 ALL: PRO FORMS INCORPORATED MOBILE HOME POSTCARDS 848.27 ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL SPAY/NEUTER REIM 177.00 AMERICAN EXPRESS MILEAGE/TRAVEL 659.84 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION ADV/EMPLOYMENT 75.00 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL MEMBERSHIP FEES 166.00 AMERICAN.TITLE ABSTRACT/EBY CREEK 780.00 AMICH AND JENKS INCORPORATED PRE-EMP POLYGRAPHS 130.00 AMICH AND JENKS INCORPORATED POLYGRAPH MOUNT 65.00 ANIMAL HOSPITAL OF VAIL VALLEY PROF VET SERVICES 173.50 APTUS LABEL CORPORTION LABELS 61.70 ARROW GAS COMPANY PROPANE TANK FILL 26.88 ARROW GAS COMPANY TANK RENT/LANDFILL 48.00 AT AND T TELEPHONE 96.84 ATA AMERICAN COMPANY PRINTOUT RACK 222.79 AVON BEAVER CREEK TIMES LAW ENF CLK-ADV 8.90 AVON TOWN OF 4TH QTR NURSING CONT. 1,136.10 BALLYS CASION RESORT LODGE 12.60 BANCROFT WHITNEY COMPANY REAL ESTATE SUPP. 50.10 BARNES SUSAN DVM SPAY/NEUTER REIM 25.00 BASALT 66 TOWING/6025 201.00 i BASALT TRADE ASSOCIATES HEARING FEE REFUND 50.00 BATTLE MOUNTAIN BRONZE REIM/APP FEE 200.00 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS SUPPLIES 79.25 BEEP WEST INCORPORATED PAGER SYS/EL JEBEL 90.00 BERTHOD MOTORS KEY 1.48 BEST GERALD LODGING 604.00 BEST WESTERN EAGLE LODGE RECRUITING EXP/WIGMAN 46.03 BEVERIDGE RICK TRAVEL 50.60 BIGLER THOM TRAVEL 116.40 BILL COMPTON 15933/KURZ 28.80 BISHOPS TRASH SERVICE COM0048/TRASH 34.00 BLACK ALLEN TRAVEL 15.00 BLANCHARD TRAINING VIDEO TRAINING 65.50 BLISS AGENCY 15882/WILKINSON 2.40 BMC WEST FLASHLIGHT/BATTERIES 19.97 BOB BARKER COMPANY SUPPLIES 764.46 . BOISE CASCADE OPERATING SUPPLIES 0.69 BOOTH MS 15846/ARMSTRONG 6.40 BOSLEY MIKE REIM-MEALS 8.70 ' BRADLEY MIKE J AIRPORT SHUTTLE/TRAVEL 347.00 BROWNLEE SANDY MAIL/STAMPS/CERT. 8.50 BUFFALOS ORIENTATION LUNCH 38.45 BUFFALOS MEALS/BOCC 14.00 CAMERA SHOP AT CROSSROADS THE FILM PROCESING 6.11 CAMERA SHOP AT CROSSROADS THE DEVELOP PICTURES 13.22 CANON USA INCORPORATED INSTRUCTION BOOK 5.00 CAPITAL :BUSINESS SYSTEMS SUPPLIES 863.32 CASTLE PEAK VETERINARY SERVICE PROF VET SERVICES 502.50 CCO AND :ERA RET ANN/GENERAL 8,045.80 CENTER DRUGS FILM PROCESSING 11.28 CENTRAL 'STORES INCORPORATED PHONE DIRECTORY 10.50 CF HOECKEL COMPANY SUPPLIES 295.71 CHENEY BROCK SAUDEK 15927/JOHNSON 1.20 CLALLAM COUNTY COURT 15931/JOWELL 28.80 CLETA BOOKSTORE AMMUNITION/CLETA 117.50 CLEVER LARRY TRAINING REIMBURSEMENT 200.00 CLUTTER LAURA TRAINING REIMBURSEMENT 183.40 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY BOTTLED WATER SERVICE 75.71 CODEL OCT RENT/EAGLE PK CENT 2,550.00 COLLEGE OF FORESTRY AND 4TH QTR CONTRIBUTION 875.00 COLORADO ASSESSORS ASSOCIATION TRAINING 145.00 . COLORADO ASSOCIATION OF CHIEFS SUPERVISORY SCHOOL 550.00 COLORADO ASSOCIATION OF HOME 1989 DUES/CAHAA 150.00 COLORADO AVALANCHE INFORMATION 4TH QTR CONTRIBUTION 750.00 COLORADO CORONERS ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION FEE 25.00 III 4111 Say i COLORADO;COUNTIES INC CCI CONF REGISTRATION 105.00 COLORADO! COUNTY ATTORNEYS CCAA REG FEE 60.00 • COLORADOjDEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL 11,620.41 . COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE INSPECT THERMOPAK/JC 100.00 COLORADO!MUNICIPAL LEAGUE REG FEE/BIGLER 40.00 COLORADOIMUNICIPAL LEAGUE 89-90 DIRECTORY 17.50 H COLORADO; SAFETY ASSOCIATION 1 YR MEMBERSHIP 389.00 COLORADO SECRETARY OF STATE SIGNATURE CERT. 10.00 COLORADO STATE PATROL 4TH QTR CONTRIBUTION 3,5.00 i , COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY TRAINING/PURCHASING 315.00 COLORADO WATER CONGRESS REGISTRATION/LINDAHL 111.50 ' COLORADO WEST PROFESSIONAL 4TH QTR CONTRIBUTION 4,500.00 COLORADO; WEST PROFESSIONAL INMATE HEALTH CARE 4,244.00 COLORADO' WEST RECOVERY CENTER 4TH QTR CONTRIBUTION 2,500.00 COMSISSION ON ACCREDITATION ACCREDITATION MANUAL 20.50 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS/GENERAL 16,715.06 CONSOLIDATED COLLECTIONS 15820/VERHEY 11.00 CONTINENTAL ELEVATOR SERVICE CONT MAINT/OCT 89 110.00 COUNTRY I SUBSCRIPTION 12.98 CRAWFORDDFLOYD 4TH QTR OFFICE RENT 1,472.52 CREDIT BUREAU GRAND JUNCTION 15782/GRIFFITH 32.40 CURNUTTEiJIM LODGING/MEALS 878.39 DATA FILMS INC FUJI PAPER 153.00 DAVID L WELSH 15897/BERRA 22.40 DEEP ROCK WATER DRINKING WATER/AUG 25.85 DEEP ROCK WATER OCTOBER COOLER RENT 10.75 • DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCH SERV/AUG 2,233.84 DIAGNOSTIC MARKETING NEEDLE-SUPPLIES 21.59 DIAMOND MICRO SOLUTIONS WORPERFECT 504.17 DISTRICT; ATTORNEY 54620/HISEL 10.00 ' DISTRICT, ATTORNEYS OFFICE 15841/POBLANO 5.00 DORIS E GOWAN TRAVEL 9.40 DRAPERIES BY DEBBIE MINI BLINDS/JC 123.00 DRAPHIX INCORPORATED SUPPLIES 41.82 • DUROUX ALMEDA COORD REIM/SEPT 89 15.00 EAGLE AUTO PARTS TERMINALS 15.93 EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER REIM/POSTAGE PAID 3,431.86 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS LOANER/BD OF APPEALS 1,324.33 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS SUPPORT/MAINTENANCE 834.05 EAdLE COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER NOV 89/SHELTER CONT. 4,933.39 EAdLE COUNTY COMBINED COURTS COURT DOCUMENTS/COPIED 6.00 ' EAGLE COUNTY CRIME STOPPERS 4TH QTR CONTRIBUTION 125.00 EAGLE COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY 15831/AMBRUSTER 5.00 EAGLE COUNTY EXTENSION OFFICE 1 GAL 2,4D 9.41 EAGLE COUNTY NURSING SERVICE POSTAGE 27.05 EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING CASIO CALCULATOR 238.00 EAGLE LIQUOR STORE SODA/FOR MEALS 4.62 EAGLE PHARMACY SUPPLIES 216.71 EAGLE SALVAGE AND TOWING TOWING 70.00 EAGLE SANITATION DISTRICT SANITATION/CP/SS/CH 903.00 EAGLE TOWN OF UTILITIES 3,512.67 EAGLE VAIL ANIMAL HOSPITAL SPAY/NEUTER REIM 161.00 EAGLE VALLEY CHAMBER COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP/DUES 700.00 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE ADVERTISING 360.36 EAGLE VALLEY YOUTH TASK 4TH QTR CONTRIBUTION 125.00 EASTMAN =INCORPORATED SUPPLIES 588.16 EASTMANIKODAK COMPANY MDL/MAR 89 USAGE 2,554.14 EELLIOT HJEAN VACCINATION REIM. 11.00 ER SQUIBB & SONS VACCINE 1,225.00 EVANCHOIPAINTING PAINTING/JC 905.00 FALCON AIR MAPS COMPANY DUPLICATE NEGATIVE 20.00 FARMER BROTHERS SUPPLIES 296.68 FEDRIZZI GERALD J DMD PC DENTAL SERV/INMATES 98.00 FERRELLGAS GAS TANKS/FAIRGROUNDS 118.50 FIDELITY CREDIT SERVICES 15843/BAKER 32.20 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 76,023.41 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/GENERAL 35,805.15 FORD PUBLISHING COMPANY TRIAL OBJECTIONS BOOK 37.85 FORTUNES RESTAURANT LUNCH/WORK SESSION 32.65 FOWLER SCHIMBERG 15874/FOWLER 11.60 FOX SIDNEY N MEALS 114.26 FRANK BISHOP CONSTRUCTION RD&BR SERVICES 2,375.00 FRITZE JAMES R TRAVEL 437.22 GALLOWAY BEN MD PROF SERVICES 465.00 GARFIELD YOUTH SERVICE 4TH QTR CONTRIBUTION 250.00 GATES GEORGE A TRAVEL/GATES 242.00 GAPES MARGE PHN STATE BOARD TEST FEE 60.00 GEORGE LEWIS MEALS 94.95 GERNER ROBERT MD INMATE MEDICAL 105.00 GIL LYND P H REIM/PLUMBING PERMIT 71.00 GLENWOOD VET CLINIC VACCINATION/REIM. 11.00 GOERKE JAMES RECRUITING/GOERKE 84.29 GREATERIEAGLE FIRE PROTECTION 911 SERVICE 36.00 GREEN CLAIRE H 15899/ENGLAND 17.40 GREENBERG EDW S 15895/KOLLENBERG 15.00 GUILDEM$ISTER BRIAN CARCASS JUDGE-EXPENSE 184.63 i f S31 GUSTAFSON RICHARD TRAVEL 158.80 HAEFLIGER GLENN R JR MEALS 147.48 HAGGART CHARLES AUG-SEPT SUBS. 58.00 HALL KYLE MEALS/KYLE HALL 10.81 HARRISON COMPANY THE WESSON CRIME DEF/BOOK 62.70 HELMER DAVID A 15750/HELMER 17.00 HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING PLAT 131.50 HL MOORE MEDICAL SUPPLIES 197.25 HOBSON DAVID W WORK LOAD STUDY SET-UP 120.00 HOLIDAY INN NORTHGLEN LODGE/WOODWORTH 42.00 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC • ELECTRIC 6,123.21 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY SUPPLIES 1,047.37 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE TRAINING 398.06 HOY JOSPEH' UNIFORM ALTERATIONS 15.00 HOY JOSPEH 854 MILES/CLETA 170.80 IAFE CONVENTION HOTEL REGISTRATION 344.00 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CLASS/WILSON 350.00 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MEMBERSHIP 80.00 JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING WKLY MAINT/JC 5,666.67 JOEL WIGMAN RECRUITING EXPENSE 36.69 JOHNSON AJ REIM/PETTY CASH 18.50 JOHNSON AJ SPECIAL OPERATIONS 5,000.00 JOHNSON JACK W CIVIL DEF/OCT 89 739.28 JOHNSON KUNKEL AND ASSOCIATES PLAT CHECK 1,750.00 JOHNSON KUNKEL AND ASSOCIATES 3 MYLARS/PRECINCT MAP 30.00 • JOST THOMAS DDS MEDICAL/DENTAL/INMATE 191.00 KANTOLA PRODUCTIONS TRAINING TAPE 84.45 • KENNEDYS CAREER STRATEGIST SUBSCRIPTIONS 59.00 KIDS KLINIK THE PROF SERV/MEDICAL 45.00 KOHRMANN BOB MEALS/19 PPL/MEETING 190.00 LANDMARK INN LODGE/MEALS 212.04 LEARS SUBSCRIPTION 18.00 LEAVENWORTH LOCHHEAD AND SAC RESP/AP WATER 247.50 LEGAL DIRECTORIES PUBLISHING 1990 CO LEGAL DIRECT. 28.61 LEGAL PROFESSIONAL SUBSCRIPTION 25.00 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES TONER/FAX 114.00 LINDAHL KEVIN TRAVEL/REIM 94.00 LK SURVEY INSTRUMENTS BOND PAPER 92.10 LK SURVEY INSTRUMENTS RENTAL/SR GA-52B 89.09 LOTUS SUBSCRIPTION DEPARTMENT LOTUS MAGAZINE 18.00 MACHOL AND MACHOL 15824/MIRES 20.00 MARTINEZ JANITORIAL SEPT/JANITORIAL SERV 6,545.00 MCHUGH JAN REIMBURSEMENT TRAINING 209.10 MCMAHAN ARMSTRONG & ASSOCIATES PROF SERV 800.00 MEINEKE DONNA REIM POSTAGE 51.38 MERRICK LYN REIMBURSE TRAVEL 128.25 METTERNICK LARRY MINERAL RULES/REG. 81.97 MID VALLEY ECONOMIC 4TH QTR CONTRIBUTION 1,250.00 MID VALLEY KENNELS SEPT 89/KENNEL CONT. 700.00 MILE HIGH OFFICE SUPPLY SUPPLIES 372.44 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/COUNTY FAIR 834.23 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/NURSING 13,804.57 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/ANIMAL CONTROL 5,657.59 MOTOROLA INCORPORATED RADIO REPAIR 96.28 MOUNTAIN BELL TELEPHONE 60.00 MOUNTAIN ENGINEERING AND LAND BLUELINES-RESEARCH 52.35 MOUNTAIN MICROFILM MAP/PLAT FICHE PROCESS 101.50 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION REPEATER USAGE 170.06 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION MONTHLY RADAR SERV 25:00 MOUNTAIN TOP MANAGEMENT RADIO 250.00 MOUNTAIN VALLEY DEVELOPMENTAL 4TH QTR CONTRIBUTION 3,000.00 MULSON CAROL REIM EXPENSES 99.00 MUTUAL GRAPHICS MOBILE HOME BROCHURES 134.38 NASCO WEST LEG BANDS 43.60 NATIONAL 4H COUNCIL WALNUT PLAQUE 183.28 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER COMPUTER PROGRAMMING 287.00 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER PRINTER RIBBON 101.65 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER BUSINESS FLEX TAPE 37.00 NATIONWIDE CREDIT HEURING 30.30 NOLAN NINA COORD REIM 15.00 NORTHWEST LEGAL SERVICE 4TH QTR CONTRIBUTION 250.00 NUNN JEAN TRAVEL 74.40 NUSZ WILLIAM DVM PROF VET SERVICES 55.00 OMARK INDUSTRIES AMMO 1,744.57 OREILLY BRIAN 15838/GEVEN 4.00 OREILLY BRIAN 15925/CARLSON 16.80 ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY PEST CONTROL/JC 98.00 ' OVERLAND AND EXPRESS COMPANY TRAVEL/M. BRADLEY 188.00 PACIFIC TELECOM TELEPHONE 9,774.74 PACKARD PRESS BOND OFF. STATEMENTS 14,338.84 PENNY SAVER MEDICAL SUPPLY SUPPLIES 140.97 PETTY CASH COMMUNITY POSTAGE 1.75 PHILLIPS JOHNNETTE TRAVEL/MEALS/CONF. REG FOR 3 680.13 PITNEY BOWES COPIER MAINT-11-30-89 535.74 PITNEY BOWES COPIER/EMA 535.74 PITNEY BOWES COPIER MAINTENANCE CHG 396.00 • II, sqo PITNEY BOWES COPIER SUPPLIES 145.00 PITNEY BOWES RENTAL/POSTAGE METER 109.50 POSTMASTER POSTAGE 9,000.00 POWERS LLOYD TRAVEL 31.92 PTL ELECTRIC • REPAIR SERV/ATTORNEYS 62.02 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPLY COMPANY BATTERY PACKS/LAMPS 182.29 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY UTILITIES 122.40 QUILL CORPORATION SUPPLIES 802.74 RAFFLES HOTEL CCI CONF REG 80.00 RAYMOND THE PRINTER DIR CARDS 204.40 REHAK SUSAN WORKSHOP FEES 30.00 REUBENS RESTAURANT INMATE MEALS 26,912.94 REVA MILLER 82DR30/521803850 161.55 REVA MILLER 82DR30/521803850 161.55 RICHARD YOUNG PRODUCTS .OF RIBBONS 1,447.43 ROAD AND:BRIDGE FUND EQUIP/LABOR-AUG 89 1,448.21 ROAD AND,BRIDGE FUND EQUIP/LABOR SEPT 89 717.55 ROARING FORK TRANSIT AGENCY 4TH QTR CONTRIBUTION 5,250.00 ROCCO LORIE TRAVEL REIM. 21.20 ROCHE BIOMEDICAL LABORATORIES 90805601045/LAB FEES 507.75 ROCHE BIOMEDICAL LABORATORIES LAB TESTS 144.86 ROCKY MOUNTAIN AUDIO VISUAL CASSETTE INSERTS 7.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS 5,257.68 ROCKY MOUNTAIN RECORDS LEGAL FOLDERS 25.76 ROPIR CABLEVISION CABLE TV/INMATES 31.45 RUBY RICHARDSON TRAVEL/PROF SERV 360.00 SACHS LAWLOR RUBBER DEPOSIT STAMP 7.00 SANDRA VASQUEZ 15918/VASQUEZ 16.80 SARTIN ALLEN RELOCATING EXPENSE 1,285.07 SCHMIDT CECELIA TRAVEL 31.40 SCHMIDT ELOISE COORDINATOR REIM/SEPT 15.00 SCHREKINGER FREDERICK W 15827/MASCIOTRO 2.80 SCHULTZ LINDA M INVESTIGATION/MEDICAL 88.00 SCULLYS ART OFFICE AND FOLDER 20.50 • SECURUS i REPAIR VIDEO EQUIP 305.70 SEXTON GAIL REFUND/MH-HOOPKUP 30.00 SHEPARDS MCGRAW HILL LAWYERS PC NEWSLETTER 97.20 SKI: COUNTRY PRINTING CUSTOM PRINTED FORMS 596.80 STEINBERG THOMAS I CTY HEALTH OFFICER 272.00 STEINBRECHER JERRY MD PROF FEE 495.00 STONE SUSAN DR SPAY/NEUTER REIM 25.00 ' STONE SUSAN DR SPAY/NEUTER REIM 25.00 STRAWBERRY PATCH FLOWERS/REYNOLDS 38.25 SUMMIT LUMBER SUPPLIES 575.68 TALBOT TOM PROF FEE 80.00 TAYLOR WYN T 15883/GUTUERREZ 11.10 TAYLOR WYN T 15916/SERNA 9.40 TERRANCE E KELLY INMATE MEDICAL 68.00 TERRILL M GAINES 15941/CODY 9.60 THE PEARL FRIEDLAND COMPANY SUMMONS/COMPLAINT FORM 161.18 THOMAS E HENRY 15830/HERSDALE 1.60 TOP DRAWER OFFICE SUPPLIES ROLLED PLATE HOLDER 37.95 TRAVEL VAIL 4803/PRISIONER TRAVEL 964.00 TRINIDAD STATE JUNIOR COLLEGE TRAINING/VANBEEK 410.00 TUTALL UNIFORM COMPANY UNIFORMS 402.07 TYREE AND ASSOCIATES ARCH, ENGINEERING SVCS 19,300.00 UARCO MODEM SPIKE PROTECTOR 64.81 UNITED AGRI SERVICES ROUND-UP/RESALE 284.55 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SHIPPING CHARGES 45.74 UNITED SUPPLY TONER/MITA COPIER 103.15 US;WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 1,569.92 VAIL BOARD OF REALTORS MLS SOLD BOOK 15.00 VAIL COMMUNITY THEATRE 4TH QTR CONTRIBUTION 750.00 VAIL DAILY THE PUBLIC MEETING 84.35 VAIL ELECTRONICS FIRE ALARM MONITOR 45.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC 24455/EMP PHYSICAL 416.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC PROF SERV/MEDICAL 381.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC 26285/HIGHT 566.00 VAIL SIGN CORPORATION NAME TAGS 27.00 VAIL TOWN OF SEPT/ANIMAL CT SERV 827.10 VAIL TRAIL THE ADV/EMPLOYMENT 13.20 ' VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER PRE EMP/MEDICAL 567.00 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 9894379/MEDICAL 104.00 VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY BOLTS/NUTS 22.73 VALLEY JOURNAL NOTICE/PUBLIC MEETING 69.12 VALLEY JOURNAL 1 YR SUBSCRIPTION 18.00 VALLEY JOURNAL ADV 72.00 VALLEY NISSAN 15904/VALLEY NISSAN 7.90 VAN METER ASSOCIATES TUITION 295.00 VISA LODGING/MEALS/TRAVEL 3,164.51 VOGELMAN WEST REPAIRS/JC 445.00 WALBERG' DAGNER LOYD 15845/HISEL 10.00 WALMART AVON WINDOW SHADES 196.29 WARZON PAULA TRAVEL 11.80 WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY JULY 89/WESTLAW CHG 141.58 WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY PERSONAL INJURY BOOK 157.25 • • sto WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY WESTLAW CHARGES/SEPT 720.52 WESTERN COLORADO ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DUES 25.00 WESTERN SLOPE UNIFORM COMPANY SUPPLIES 33.90 WESTERN SLOPE UNIFORM COMPANY 24386/SUPPLIES 60.60 WHITESIDE TOM MEAL REIM. 85.99 WILLIAM SHAPIRO 15902/PINTOWSKI 22.40 WILSON KEN PROF SERVICE FEES 120.00 WILSON KEN MEALS 13.61 WISZENBUAP.G AND LEFF 15868/ARROWHEAD 22.40 WOEHRMYER BUSINESS FORMS GREEN BAR PAPER 263.64 WOMENS RESOURCE CENTER 4TH QTR CONTRIBUTION 750.00 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY EVERREADY BATTERIES 5.90 ' XEROX CORPORATION MONTHLY MAINT CHARGE 106.25 YAMPA VALLEY ELECTRIC 0050010001 27.39 PAYROLL PAYROLLS 20 & 21 214,870.14 GENERAL FUND GRAND TOTAL 605,240.74 ROAD & BRIDGE FUND ADARAND CONSTRUCTORS GUARDRAIL PROJECT 13,601.62 AMERICAN TITLE OWNERSHIP REPORTS 100.00 ARROW GAS COMPANY TANK RENT 38.07 B AND B EXCAVATING ASPHALT/DERBY CR BR. 686.42 BECO RENT TRUCK/TIRE DAMAGE 73.70 BIG R MANUFACTURING SPIRAL STEEL 929.25 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/RD&BR 654.93 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/RD&BR 680.62 COLORADO CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION DIR. 42.00 COLORADO COUNTIES INC ANNUAL CONFERENCE 105.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/RD&BR 964.25 COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE LOTUS CLASS 30.00 DOTSERO BLOCK INCORPORATED RENTAL OF SCREEN 640.00 EAGLE AUTO PARTS PARTS 13.60 EAGLE PHARMACY BATTERIES 13.99 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE 4250/PURCHASE ORDERS 81.90 FACTORY SURPLUS TARPAULIN 39.96 FESSLER DON MEALS 82.01 FIRST BANE OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/RD&BP, 12,362.95 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/RD&BF. 7,828.80 FONES WEST OCT RENT 4-PAGERS 120.00 GA WESTERN CONSTRUCTION BRUSH CREEK BRIDGE 45,485.95 GMCO CORPORATION SAND SEAL/FERRY CREEK 3,539.70 HELLER KENNETH MEALS 47.20 HILTON INN COLORADO SPRINGS LODGE/MEALS/HIGGINS 283.55 HOLIDAY INN PUEBLO LODGE/K. O'NEILL 292.57 HOLIDAY INN TRADE CENTER MEALS 113.67 MATERIAL SALES INCCORPORATED SIGNS 375.23 CGRUDER SEPTIC SERVICE SEPTIC SERV/EL JEBEL 50.00 MOBILE PREMIX COMPANY ROAD BASE 218.93 MOSHER ROY ROAD BASE 975.00 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/RD&BR 77,172.50 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/RD&BR 79,387.92 MOUNTAIN MOBILE MIX WASHED ROCK 170.50 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION ANTENNA 9.20 ONEILL KERRY CREDIT/MEALS 107.16 PETE SHERWOOD FENCE CONSTRUCTION 4,959.00 PETTY CASH ROAD AND BRIDGE MEALS 50.17 ROARING FORK VALLEY COOP HOSE 48.71 ROBILLARD AND ASSOCIATES PAYMENT 4/BR CR BRIDGE 4,900.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN SAFETY SERVICE SIGNS 30.80 ROCKY MOUNTAIN SAFETY SERVICE AMBER RELFECTORS 210.95 SUMMIT LUMBER SUPPLIES 101.96 TRI STATE COMMODITIES SALT 1,339.00 VISA MEALS 43.35 WEAR GUARD CORPORATION UNIFORMS 604.62 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY MILL HOSE 190.49 PAYROLL PAYROLLS 20 & 21 34,862.03 ROAD & BRIDGE GRAND TOTAL 294,659.23 LIBRARY FUND AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION BOOK-BLDG 16.20 BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY BOOK 70.19 BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY VIDEOS 498.27 BOUND TO STAY BOUND BOOKS/J 1,403.36 BRODART INCORPORATED COVERS/CS CASE 156.40 BRYANT ROBYN REIM/CONF/J 15.00 CATALOG CARD CORPORATION OF CATALOGING 64.16 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LIBRARY 308.42 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LIBRARY 336.16 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY BOOK/EC DATA 40.00 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEM REPAIR 112.50 EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY FARMER BROS/TEA/MO 43.77 EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RENT/OCTOBER 89 900.00 4110 • . syt . , , •, : ; , ; .. EAGLE PHARMACY SUPPLIES/J 9.20 EAGLE TOWN OF BROCHURE/SUM 89 50.00 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE PUBLIC NOTICE 8.58 EARLE GREG REIM/CONFERENCE 50.00 EDUCATIONAL EQUIPMENT REPAIR 16MM MAINTENANCE 50.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LIBRARY 2,628.30 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS PREM/OCT 89 1,860.34 GORDONS ! BOOKS 1,341.33 GRAY SUPPLY COMPANY BULB 40.95 GRUNKO VIDEO 33.95 HASLEE LORRAINE MALL TRAVEL REIM 24.00 HIGHSMITH COMPANY INCORPORATED BOOK COVERS 45.17 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES TONER/DRUM/DEVELOPER 277.48 MARQUIS WHOS WHO BOOK/AMERICA 129.00 MIDVALLEY BRANCH LIBRARY POSTAGE/PC 27.00 MINTURN BRANCH LIBRARY POSTAGE/PC 8.27 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USAGE 236.22 NATIONAL REGISTER PUBLISHING BOOK/REF 134.50 NISWANGEIR AMY LODGE/MARMOT MEETING 45.00 ' PACIFIC TELECOM PHONE/COMPUTER 142.02 PROFESSIONAL MEDIA SERVICE VIDEOS 73.98 QUALITY BOOKS INCORPORATED BOOKS 29.53 RR EOWKER BOOKS/BIP 534.56 SHARYN SMITH TRAVEL REIM 76.00 SIMON AND SCHUSTER BOOKS 68.97 STRAWBERRY PATCH BALLOONS 7.00 SUMMIT LUMBER CREDIT/SUPPLIES 7.40 THREE RIVERS LIBRARY SYSTEMS MEAL EXPENSES 75.48 U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS 827-4240-130B 52.68 UNIVERSITY PRODUCTS LABELS 16.40 • VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS SUPPLIES/MV 39.03 ' PAYROLL • PAYROLL 20 & 21 9,049.19 ' LIBRARY FUND GRAND TOTAL 21,133.96 MOTOR POOL FUND • ' AMERICAN EAGLE TIRE GRADER TIRES/2436 97.30 • BAKER MINE SERVICE PRESSING OF BUSHINGS 152.00 BERTHOD MOTORS LUG NUTS 31.97 BITTERMAN KATHY GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE 5.00 BRODERICK KELLY A REIM/GAS/CO VEHICLE 14.20 BROWNLEE SANDY TIRE REPAIR 4.00 CARBONDALE AUTO SUPPLY TIRE VALVES 18.28 CCC) AND ERA RET ANN/MP 129.10 CCC) AND .ERA RET ANN/MP 129.40 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/MP 164.05 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/MP 167.71 DORIO DISTRIBUTING FLEET OIL 11,463.58 DORIO DISTRIBUTING REGULAR 1,079.90 DORIO DISTRIBUTING CURB HOSE 7,054.24 DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES PARTS 223.35 EAGLE AUTO PARTS SPARK PLUGS 2,664.41 • EAGLE SALVAGE AND TOWING TOP HEADER REPAIR 617.60 • EAGLE VALLEY GLASS AND MIRROR REAR WINDOW GLASS 95.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/MP 2,429.49 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/MP 2,325.42 FOX SIDNEY N GAS/CO VEHICLE 2.10 GAY JOHNSON TIRE 996.96 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD TOWING 100.00 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD REPAIR BILL 91.08 GOODYEAR TIRE TIRES 822.94 HANSON EQUIPMENT CREDIT/SEAL 3.80 HARRY SAIRS GAS/SR TRIP-DENVER 10.00 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY SUPPLIES 64.46 INCENTIVE MARKETING INC NUMBERS 104.73 J I CASE CREDIT CORPORATION DRIVE DRUM ROLLER 2,020.14 JC!STEWART ENTERPRISES SNOW PLOW MARKERS 90.89 JOHN HAINES CHEVROLET OIL PAN 130.31 KAR PRODUCTS INCORPORATED MISC SHOP SUPPLIES 991.63 KEMP AND COMPANY INCORPORATED HYD HOSE/FITTINGS 62.72 KUBAT EQUIPMENT AND UNPUNCHED FUEL KARELS 99.31 MACDONALD EQUIPMENT COMPANY HEATER MOTOR 272.66 MESA MACK SPACER 68.60 MEtTERNICK LARRY REIM/GAS/COUNTY VEH 15.35 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/MP HEAVY 209.52 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/MP . 207.12 MOUNTAIN HIGH AUTO SUPPLY FUEL FILTER 7.44 MOUNTAIN RADIATOR SERVICE REBUILT RADIATOR 1,023.90 PETTY CASH MOTOR POOL FREIGHT CHARGES 99.54 PHILLIPS 66 COMPANY FUEL CHARGE/CO VEH. 105.15 PUBLIC. SAFETY SUPPLY COMPANY UNITROL FLASHER 73.28 QUALITY MOBILE WINDSHIELD REPAIR WINDSHIELD 25.00 • ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND WORK PERFORMED RD&BR 1,680.02 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING CARBONLESS P.O'S 81.90 SLATER DON GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE 5.97 . 1110 4110 rij SOUTHWESTERN PETROLEUM TUBE GREASE 206.61 SUMMIT LUMBER POSTS 36.21 VAIL VALLEY PLUMBING AND NW FUEL STORAGE 19.95 VALLEY GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY MEDIUM OXYGEN 100.00 VISA CO VEHICLE FUEL 227.22 VISA GAS/CO VEHICLE 31.06 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY LEVER ASSEMBLY 6,016.54 WATSON OJ DIODE ASSEMBLY 270.43 WEAR GUARD CORPORATION TRIM KNIT SHIRTS 158.90 . WESTERN HYDRAULICS RING 75.94 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY STARTER 283.85 • WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY CLEVIS HOOK 332.97 ZEP' MANUFACTURING COMPANY GLASS CLEANER 158.00 PAYROLL PAYROLL 20 & 21 7,766.01 MOTOR POOL FUND GRAND TOTAL 54,016.21 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE FUND ARLINGTON COMPUTER SUPPLY VIDEO CARD 998.00 CONTINGENT FUND FUNDS TRANSFER 16,003.00 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE CORRECTION 140.00 HEWLETT PACKARD CORPORATION WORDPERFECT/CARTRIDGE 130.65 MOTOROLA INCORPORATED RADIO EQUIPMENT 5,156.60 MOUNTAIN TOP MANAGEMENT RADIO EQUIP/120341 1,800.00 TSE TV SALES AND SERVICE TV 19 INCH 249.00 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE FUND GRAND TOTAL 24,477.25 RETIREMENT FUND CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 4,047.24 CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 3,997.04 RETIREMENT FUND GRAND TOTAL 8,044.28 INUSRANCE RESERVE FUND EC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMPUTER REPAIRS 75.00 INTERNATIONAL RISK MANAGEMENT RISK FINANCING 123.00 JAMES FRED S AND COMPANY OF AUG 89/CONSULTING FEE 2,000.00 INSURANCE RESERVE FUND GRAND TOTAL 2,198.00 , CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND SUMMIT LUMBER PAINT 23.76 SUMMIT LUMBER BLDG MATERIAL 118.64 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND GRAND TOTAL 142.40 • CONSTRUCTION FUND CABELL CHILDRESS ARCHITECTS 5TH PAYMT/ARCH 24,250.00 JOHNSON KUNKEL AND ASSOCIATES LOCATE UTILITIES 3,250.50 CONSTRUCTION FUND GRAND TOTAL 27,500.50 AIRPORT FUND AVIATION SYSTEMS INCORPORATED VOR/DME/LDA MAINT-NOV 2,150.00 BMC WEST ADHESIVE/CAULK GUN 10.66 BRENT SERVICE REPAIR REILS 146.51 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT 70.53 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT 71.56 CHARLES WILLIS AND ASSOCIATES FINAL/AIRPORT 7,508.08 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY WATER DISP/OCT 89 12.00 COLORADO AIRPORT OPERATORS REG/CAOA CONF 50.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/AIRPORT 186.75 CRICH MICHAEL HANGAR RENT/NOV 89 500.00 EAGLE AIR SERVICE REFUND/TIE DOWN LEASE 210.00 EAGLE AUTO PARTS TIRE GAUGE 5.59 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE PUBLIC NOTICE 35.75 ' FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT 1,365.11 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/AIRPORT 775.14 FLATIRON PAVING COMPANY PAYMENTS/FINAL PAYMT 84,105.34 • HOLME ROBERT AND OWEN LEGAL FEES 955.93 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 805.80 HURD HARRY REIM/TRAVEL 8.03 INSIGHT MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION 25.50 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF AIR ICAS DUES/1990 850.00 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF AIR ICAS DUES 1990 675.00 LEAVENWORTH LOCHHEAD AND LEGAL SERV/AP WATER 599.45 . MOTOR POOL FUND MP HEAVY/AIRPORT 283.50 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/AIRPORT 153.44 MOUNTAIN SIGN SYSTEM NOISE ABATEMENT SIGNS 75.00 1111 4111 Pig NATIONAL AIRPORT EQUIPMENT LIGHT BULBS-RUNWAY 178.15 PACIFIC TELECOM 524-9490/PHONE 238.52 REUBENS RESTAURANT MEAL/AIRPORT COMM. 97.50 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS 332003100930.0 8.00 VAIL SIGN CORPORATION DISPLAY SIGN 100.00 ) VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY PRAMITOL 73.50 , VISA MEALS/REYNOLDS 19.73 WRIGHT WATER ENGINEERS PRE-WATER SYS. DESIGN 1,160.91 PAYROLL PAYROLL 20 & 21 2,872.16 AIRPORT FUND GRAND TOTAL 106,383.14 LANDFILL FUND AVON BEAVER CREEK TIMES LANDFILL DISPLAY 42.00 • CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL 161.37 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 3RD QTR/LANDFILL FEE 4,814.83 • COLORADOADEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LANDFILL 242.15 DEEP ROC* WATER BOTTLED WATER 21.00 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE DISPLAY AD 39.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL 1,722.43 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/SOCIAL SERV 920.58 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY TISSUE 37.90 MCCARGARFRED MEALS 19.16 MCGRUDERiSEPTIC SERVICE SEPTIC SERV/LANDFILL 25.00 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/LANDFILL 34,352.18 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/LANDFILL 17,041.40 US DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR LEASE RENEWAL ARP. 100.00 , VAIL DAILY THE LANDFILL/DISPLAY AD 459.40 VALLEY GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY WELDING SUPPLIES 24.00 VALLEY SIGNS SIGN/NEW HRS/LANDFILL 10.50 WEAR GUARD CORPORATION TRIM KNIT SHIRTS 34.98 WESTERN SLOPE SCALE SERVICE MATRIX PRINTER RIBBON 35.50 PAYROLL PAYROLL 20 & 21 4,710.37 LANDFILL FUND GRAND TOTAL 64,413.75 TRANSPORTATION FUND • GREYHOUND LINES INCORPORATED AUG/BUS PAYMENT 30,854.00 REUBENS RESTAURANT MEALS/BUG MGT INT. 32.50 ° TRANSPORTATION FUND GRAND TOTAL 30,886.50 ' The , morning being spent paying bills, the following items were brought before the Board fdr their consideration: ; Chairman Pro-tem Welch opened the meeting and introduced Bill James. Chairman Committee for Gustafson was not present. STOLport Bill James, Manager of the Town of Avon, related to the Board he was asked by the Citizens Committee regarding the STOLport. He asked the STOLport permit be extended in order to allow the committee time to explore other possibilities. ' Chairman Pro-tem Welch asked if the time constraints would permit an extension of the Special Use Permit. He stated his belief that the Board should accommodate the request.; Mr. Lindahl advised the Board the Special Use Permit should be amended and the committee has been instructed to contact the Planning Department. He also advised the Board could extend the permit pending the outcome of the application for an exten- sion. He stated the application for an extension should be received before the cur- rent permit expires. Commissioner Gates made the statement he was not opposed to the extension of the permit. i He added that radar should be in place to control the air space and the air traffic; Mr. James agreed and stated he would support acquiring radar. There was discussion on submitting the application for an extension of the Special Use Permit. There was a work session on the airport gas line easement. Easement for Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners and staff work Rocky Rocky Mtn Mountain Natural Gas to install a gas line in the easement at the airport on County Natural Gas , property. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and recon- vene as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Pro-tem Welch declared a possible conflict of interest for three of the following liquor licenses as he is an independent contractor for Vail Associates, and he is ' a leaseholder from Vail Associates in Beaver Creek. He further stated he does not believe this will cause a conflict on these next items as he is not involved with any of the establishments. Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, agreed with Chairman Pro-tem Welch that there is not a conflict and the rule of necessity is not applicable now. I Mr. Bigler presented a renewal application for a hotel and restaurant liquor Liq License license for Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc. , dba Trappers Cabin. He stated there are Trappers Cabin not changes from the last application and the completed renewal application is on file and the fees have been submitted to the County Clerk's office. He advised there was one incident reported by the Sheriff's office, however, he could see no reason not to approve the renewal application. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal for a hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc. , dba Trappers Cabin. Chairman Pro-tem welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a renewal application for a hotel and restaurant liquor Liq License license from Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc. , dba Beano's Cabin. He stated a corn- Beano's Cabin plete application has been submitted and the fees are on file in the County Clerk's office. He recommended renewal of the application. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal for a hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc. , dba Beano's Cabin. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a renewal application for a hotel and restaurant liquor Liq License license for Vail Food Services dba Far East Shelter. He advised there are no changes FarEast Shelter reflected on the application, all necessary fees have been paid, and there are no incidents reported. He recommended approval. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal for a hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours and optional premises for Vail Food Services dba Far East Shelter. Chairman Pro-tem welch seconded the motion. In discussion, Commissioner Gates asked about the optional premises. Sandy Davies, representing Vail Associates, answered that maps of the optional premises have been submitted with the actual license premise. Question was called for on the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a renewal application for a hotel and restaurant liquor Liq License license for the Charter Restaurant Company dba The Charter at Beaver Creek. He Charter at BC advised the completed application and necessary fees are on file. He recommended approval. . Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal for a hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for Charter Restaurant Company dba The Charter at Beaver Creek. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. . Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. The next item was the approval of minutes from September 25, 1989 through October Minutes 24, 1989. There was one typographical error on page 530 to change "if" to "is." 9/25-10/24/89 Commissioner Gates moved to approve the minutes with the above correction. Chairman Pro-tem welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Dan Reynolds, Airport Manager, presented a lease agreement between Eagle County and Michael Crich dba Pilotair Associates, with two ten year lease options. Mr. Lindahl asked this item be postponed until later in the day. Rob Wheeler and Joe Bennett, Deputy District Attorneys, appeared to discuss an District Atty additional appropriation of expenses in the amount of $23,000 for the District Attor- Budget ney's office. James Fritze, County Manager, explained the request for appropriation, and that Eagle County's share was $7,000. Mr. Wheeler told the Board the reason for the appropriation of $23,000. Discussion followed on the appropriation. Commissioner Gates moved. on the 1989 Special Budget Appropriation for the District Attorney to approve Eagle County's portion in the amount of $7,940 with the condition the other counties approve the appropriation. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. The discussion continued regarding the lease agreement between Eagle County and Leas.. w/ Pilotair Associates. Pilotair Mr. Lindahl explained the lease of the hangar is for crash and snow removal equip- ment. He discussed the terms of the lease. The Board determined more information is needed. Commissioner Gates moved to table this lease to November 13, 1989. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. 1110 1110 7 vY Mr. Lindahl presented the final settlement with Adarand Constructors. He advised Final Settlmnt notices were properly published and no claims were received against this project. He Adarand Constr. ' recommended approval of the final settlement. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the final settlement of the contract with Adarand Constructors for the 1989 guard rail project on Frying Pan Road. The final payment is $715.88. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a stipulation of settlement with Nancy Dever regarding the Settlement w/ right of way on El Jebel Hill Road. He explained the settlement calls for a $5,000 Nancy Dever payment in exchange for a quit claim deed to that property, and a general release of Eagle County for all claims that may arise in the future. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve the stipulation settlement with Nancy Dever regarding her lawsuit over the El Jebel Hill Road Improvement Project. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a resolution in support of the RE50J school bond election. Res 89-115 Commissioner Gates moved the Board adopt Resolution 89-115 in support of the Eagle School Bond County School District Special Election. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr.1 Lindahl presented a resolution acknowledging the completion of the improve- Res 89-116 ments required on the River Oaks on the Roaring Fork Subdivision and collateralizing River Oaks the work for the two-year warranty period. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve Resolution 89-116 accepting the public improvements of the River Oaks on the Roaring Fork Subdivision, and collateralization of the Work for the two-year warranty period. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Jeremy McMahan, Planner, presented a petition for vacation of road easement by Harris, Charles Charles Harris. He reviewed the item for the Board. Road Vacation Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the vacation of road easement for Charles Harris. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the plat for Lot 44, Block 5, Berry Creek Ranch, Filing 4. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a change order from Mobile Premix reducing the amount of the Change Order contract for gravel hauling by $2,776.14. Mobile Premix Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign Change Order =1 reducing the total amount of Contract C89-116-50 with Mobile Premix Company to $41,473.86 from $44,250.00. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented an abatement for Streamside at Vail, Schedule 24976, for the Streamside years 1983 through 1988 due to misclassification. He stated that after investigating Abatement this further he would recommend approval of the abatement as recommended by the County Assessor. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve an abatement on Schedule 24976 for the years 1983 through 1988, changing the erroneous commercial classification to residen- tial classification, authorizing a refund in the total amount of $28,732.07 which includes interest. ; Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the, vote was declared unanimous. David Williams appeared to discuss a sign application at the Eagle County Airport, Sign at Vail two signs 8'x8' in size. He explained the reason for two signs is to balance out the BC Jet Center building. Mr. McMahan stated he would prefer one sign. Discussion followed on the location and number of signs. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve a sign permit for Vail Beaver Creek Jet Center for one 8'x8' lighted sign on the north side of the building at the County Airport. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to November 13, 1989. • Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman IIIM . • October 24, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Commissioner Thomas Bigler Asst County Attorney George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Sid Fox Acting Dir Comm Dev. Jim Curnutte Planner Jeremy McMahan Planner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Absent: Dick Gustafson Chairman Chairman Pro-tem Welch opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, File SM-595-89 SM-595-89, Soderberg Subdivision, Filing 2. Soderberg Jim Curnutte, Planner, advised the Board the applicants were tabling the item due to a problem with getting a Letter of Credit from the bank. Commissioner Gates moved to table File 5M-595-89, Soderberg Subdivision, Filing 2, to November 13, 1989, at 3:00 p.m., at the applicants request. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gustafson was not present for this meeting. - Sid Fox, Acting Director of Community Development, presented the next application, ZS-28489 File ZS-284-89, Francis Turgeon, Oma Cunningham, Jack Riggan, Eileen & Daniel Lister, Turgeon et al .... John Lutke, Ray Lutke, Joan Ritchie and Phyllis NcNeal, a Special Use Permit to extend the water line in the townsite of Fulford. He discussed the process of the water system and the standards for the extension of the water system. Tom Brown, Engineer, reported on his review of the water system. He detailed his comments regarding the construction of the water system. Mr. Fox stated there are twelve existing taps and 22 paid tap fees. Discussion was held on water taps in Fulford and tap usage and the 1041 process. Mr. Turgeon requested that Francis Turgeon and Jack Riggan's names be removed from the submitted application. Commissioner Gates moved to eliminate Francis Turgeon and Jack Riggan's names from the application for Special Use Permit with the condition that letters from both par- ties are placed in the file. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Turgeon asked questions on the Staff's recommendations. Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, gave his opinion that the Staff and Mr. Turgeon should meet to discuss amendments to regulations for Fulford taps and mains. Mr. Turgeon agreed to table the application. Commissioner Gates moved to table File ZS-284-89, Cunningham/Turgeon, at the appli- cant's request to the first planning meeting in April 1990. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Turgeon stated he would like to get the ground work completed before April 1990. The Board concurred. Jeremy McMahan, Planner, presented Files ZC-237-89 and SU-286-89-S, Tucker Subdivi- ZC-237-89 sion, a zone change and subdivision sketch plan. He pointed out the location on a SU-286-89-S map. He reviewed the project description and site data. He read a letter from the Tucker Colorado Geological Survey that spoke of the geological reports and stated this is a concern of the staff. He addressed concerns of access and a plan for a PUD. He reviewed staff findings. Staff and the Planning Commission recommended approval with no more than ten dwelling units. He read a letter from the Soils Conservation Dis- trict, and a letter from R.P. Fitzgerald against the application. Steve Isom, i-plan, inc. , representing applicant, explained the development request. He discussed the access and community need for commercial property. Discussion on the demand for the change of the zone to commercial was held. The need for a buffer to the highway was also held. Chairman Pro-tem Welch asked for more proof of a demonstrated need and perhaps a PUD plan. He stated he does not believe the property should be developed as it is not appropriate at this time. Mr. Isom requested tabling of this application. Commissioner Gates moved to table Files ZC-237-89 and SU-286-89-S, Tucker Subdivi- sion, until November 28, 1989 at 9:00 a.m. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a contract for the donated surplus food wherein the Depart- Donated Food ment of Social Services will act as a local agency for administrating this program. Administrator Commissioner Gates moved to approve the contract for donated food program. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Curnutte presented File SU-276-89-F, River Ranch Subdivision. He advised the SU-276-89-F Board all processes have been completed, but he cannot recommend signing final plat or River Ranch SIA as there are problems with the water supply. Michael Fuller, applicant, asked the Board for confirmation of approval of the final plat. Chairman Pro-tem Welch explained the Board would not conditionally sign a final plat. Mr. Bigler advised he felt the approval of a third party agreement was the major problem. Discussion was held on the Mid-Valley Metro District and water supply to the development. • • • • 531, Mr. Curnutte gave the Board alternatives to getting water to the project if the !, agreement with Mid-Valley Metro District failed. Mr. Bigler advised the Board he was uncomfortable with the discussion as the Board should not be involved in the third party agreement. Commissioner Gates moved to table File SU-276-89-F, River Ranch Subdivision, be tabled until November 13, 1989 at the applicant's request. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. • Mr. Fox presented final plats for the Chairman Pro-tern's signature and planning resolutions for the Board's signature. Commissioner Gates moved the Chairman Pro-tem be authorized to sign the final plat Final Plat for the resubdivision of Lot 44, Homestead Filing #3. Homestead L44 Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved the Chairman Pro-tem be authorized to sign the final plat Final Plat for the Trail Ridge Townhouses Condominiums Phase 4. Trail Ridge Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 89-109, File ZC-232-89, Res ,'89-109 Norman & Margaret Wirkler. Wirkler Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 89-110, File PD-256-89, Res 89-110 Oak Grove Townhouses, Phase III, PUD. Oak Grove Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 89-111, File PD-231-89-A, Res 89-111 Creamery Gulch Ranch. Creamery Gulch Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 89-112, File ZC-235-89, Res 89-111 Valley Business Center. Valley Bus Ctr Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the i vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 89-113, File ZC-236-89, Res 89-113 Butler/MacCready. Butler/MacReady Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented the next item, a resolution to appoint Kevin Lindahl and/or Resi89-114 Thomas Bigler as attorneys-in-fact and authorizing them to draw upon the Letter of Attorney in Credit No. 640 in the amount of $4,523,55 from Colorow Subdivision. Fact Appointed Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 89-114 to appoint and authorize either Kevin Lindahl or Thomas Bigler as attorneys-in-fact to draw on the Katzman letter of credit for Colorow Subdivision, provided a new letter is not received by October 27, 1989. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to October 30, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • ' I ' 01 . . • October 23, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Commissioner James Fritze County Manager George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Thomas Bigler Asst County Attorney Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Absent: Dick Gustafson Chairman . Chairman Pro-tem Welch opened the meeting as the Board of County Commissioners Lease: Colo with the first item in the agenda, an agreement between Eagle County and Colorado West Mental Health Regional Mental Health Center. Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, presented an agreement to lease space at the Golden Eagle Senior Center between Colorado West Regional Mental Health Center and Eagle County. , James Fritze, County Manager, explained the lease and reimbursement available from Medicare for senior citizens. Commissioner Gates moved to table this item to a later time. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gustafson is on vacation this week. Mr. Bigler presented a request of release of collateral from Cliffside Village Release of - Condominiums in the amount of $12,000. He stated the County Attorney recommended Collateral approval of the release of collateral. Cliffside Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 89-108 authorizing the release of collateral for Cliffside Village in the amount of $12,000. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the i 1 vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented an agreement between Eagle County and Gulf + Western concern- the gaging Agreement: a station. He stated the County Attorney recommended approval of the Gulf+Western g , contract. Mr. Fritze explained Eagle County will receive reimbursement from Gulf + Western for the gaging station. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and the Chair- man Pro-tem be authorized to sign the agreement between Eagle County and Gulf + Western, Inc. ! Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented the next contract between Eagle County and the Colorado Agreement: Department of Health for the prenatal program. He advised there is a cap of $6,086 Colo Dept reimbursement to the County. He stated the County Attorney recommended approval. of Health Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and the Chair- Prenatal man Pro-tem be authorized to sign the contract between Eagle County and the Colorado Department of Health for the prenatal program. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented an award of a grant to the County for the Skyline Six Area Skyline f Agency on Aging. He stated the grant is in the amount of $32,924. Area Agency Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and the Chair- Grant Award man Pro-tem be authorized to sign the Skyline Six Area Agency on Aging Notification of , Grant Award for Older Americans Act Title III funds. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the , vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners an recon- LiqlLic vene as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Chet's Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the „ vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a renewal of a hotel and restaurant liquor license with • extended hours for Kordasz and Pellon, Inc. dba Chet's. He stated application is on file and the County Clerk has received appropriate fees. He advised there have no incidents reported and no changes to the license during the past. He recommended approval of the renewal application. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve , the hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for Kordasz and Pellon, Inc. dba Chet's. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the , vote was declared unanimous. • Chairman Pro-tem Welch stated for the record that he is a leaseholder of two leases with Vail Associates in Beaver Creek, and that he is an independent contractor , for the real estate department. He further stated he has no financial interest in any of the next three liquor licenses. Mr. Bigler presented a liquor license for Vail Food Services, Inc. dba Mid Vail. Liq. Lic He stated the completed application is on file. He stated the Sheriff's office Mid Vail, reported no incidents during the past year. He recommended approval of the renewal application. 11 ' S . • • 53`-I Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours and optional premises for Vail Food Services, Inc. dba Mid Vail. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Liq Lic Mr. Bigler presented a renewal application for a hotel and restaurant liquor Eagle's Nest license for Vail Food Services, Inc. dba Eagle's Nest. He stated the completed appli- cation is on file. He stated the Sheriff's office reported no incidents during the past year. He recommended approval of the renewal application. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for Vail Food Services, Inc. dba Eagle's Nest. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Liq Lic Mr. Bigler presented a liquor license application hotel and restaurant liquorLeroy's license with extended hours for Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc. dba Leroy's. He told . the Board there is an application for new optional premises but this has not been advertised properly. He advised the optional premises will be completed at a later date. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for Beaver Creek Food 1 Services, Inc. dba Leroy's. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. , Mr. Bigler presented the next liquor license, the Lodge at Cordillera. He Cordillera explained this is . a renewal for a hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours. He stated the completed application is on file and the proper fees have been paid. He stated there was a report of an intoxicated individual at Cordillera but the application should not be denied as the applicant followed proper procedures by notify- ing the Sheriff's office. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for the Lodge At Cordillera. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. i Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. 1041 Fee. The next item was for the Board was to set the fee for a 1041 application for Crawford, F. Floyd Crawford. Sid Fox, Acting Director of Community Development, explained he estimated the fee to be in the amount of $4,150. He stated this is a preliminary amount and if the time involved exceeds that amount, Mr. Crawford will be billed on an hourly basis, and if the fee is over estimated, Mr. Crawford will be rebated. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners, acting as the permit authority, set a fee of $4,150 to cover the cost incurred in the review and processing ' of the 1041 permit application for Floyd Crawford. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. ' Eagle Mine Dick Parachini gave the Board an update on the cleanup of the Eagle Mine. He Update reported the clean up has slowed and the tailings pile removal will be completed in 1990. He advised pea gravel will be spread this week. He stated the roaster piles will be removed. He mentioned the air monitoring. Further discussion was held. The Board of County Commissioners invited Mr. Parachini to return in November if j there is additional information to be reported. I Plan Dept Goals Mr. Fox reviewed the goals of Community Development, Environmental Health Depart- ment and the Building Department for 1990. He discussed the proposed projects. Cert of jProj Larry Metternick, County Engineer, requested the Board sign a Certification of Completion Project Completion for the Yarmony Bridge project. Yarmony Bridge Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Certification of Project Completion in order to release the remaining 10% of the Special Bridge Account monies allocated to the Bridge Project No. EAG-028-08.5A. 1 Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. . There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was ' adjourned to October 24, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 1110 4111 61 October 16, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Commissioner James Fritze County Manager George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Thomas Bigler Asst County Attorney Earlene Roach Dep. Clerk to the Board Absent: Dick Gustafson Chairman This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Pro-tem Welch convened the meeting as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Chairman Gustafson is on vacation. Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, presented the first item for the Board's Liq`Lic consideration, a hotel and restaurant liquor license with optional premises and Hyatt Regency ' extended hours for Hyatt Regency at Beaver Creek. He stated the completed application and necessary fees are on file. He presented a map which indicates the premises to be used for this license. He explained the license application. Earlene Roach, Deputy Clerk to the Board, swore in all who were present to testify regarding this application. ,. Cindy Rudder, counsel for East West Properties Limited, questioned Jim Telling, vice president of East West Properties, regarding the liquor license application, the partnerships involved in the application, and the optional premises in Village Hall. Ross Bowker explained the Coyote Cafe is not included in the application. Ms. Rudder continued questioning Mr. Telling regarding the neighborhood. She presented a petition with over 100 signatures requesting approval of the liquor license application. Commissioner Gates moved to establish the neighborhood as the Beaver Creek PUD. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Rudder questioned Mr. Telling regarding the manager of the premises, posting of the premises, and the lease with Beaver Creek Hotel Company. Chairman Pro-tem Welch asked Mr. Telling is he can sublease any of the premises. Mr. Telling replied with the permission of Vail Associates. Mr. Bigler questioned Mr. Telling regarding the application and the location of the optional premises, and the operating manager of the establishment. Commissioner Gates moved to establish the need for the liquor license based on the petition submitted by the applicant and the testimony heard today. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. In discussion, Chairman Pro-tem Welch commented that it would be highly impractical for a major hotel to operate in a resort area without having a liquor license. Question was called for on the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to approve Steve Dwyer as the manager of the Hyatt Regency application. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Pro-tem Welch declared a potential conflict of interest as he is a leaseholder in the Beaver Creek PUD. He stated he does not feel there is a conflict. Mr. Bigler advised he did not believe there is a'conflict of interest. He stated the Sheriff's office has reported no arrests or convictions of any parties involved with this application. He recommended approval of the application. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the new hotel and restaurant liquor license with optional premises and extended hours for East West Properties, Ltd. dba Hyatt Regency Beaver Creek. ' Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a transfer of a retail liquor license from Cassel Wine Liq Lic Company to The Viking Investment Corporation, dba Beaver Creek Wine & Spirits. He B/C Wine F stated this must be treated as a new license. He stated the application is complete & Spirits' and all fees have been collected. F Fred Butler, attorney representing the applicant, questioned John Radberg, after being sworn to testify by Ms. Roach, Deputy Clerk to the Board, regarding the premises, and any changes from the Cassel Wine Company to Beaver Creek Wine & Spirits. Mr. Bigler asked the Board to establish the neighborhood as the Beaver Creek PUD. Chairman Pro-tem Welch stated this is the only package store in the Beaver Creek area and that establishes the need for this license. Commissioner Gates moved to establish the neighborhood as being the Beaver Creek • PUD as there was a previous license in the same premises. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to establish the need for this liquor license as it is the only package store in the area. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to approve John Radberg as the manager of the Beaver F 7. Creek Wine & Spirits. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the i vote was declared unanimous. I , I ' I/ 1111f -' 5o Commissioner Gates moved the .Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the transfer of ownership from Cassel Wine Company of Colorado, Inc. dba The French Wine Merchant to Viking Investment Corporation dba Beaver Creek Wines & Spirits, and also approve a retail liquor store license for Viking Investment Corporation dba Beaver Creek Wine & Spirits. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a renewal application for a hotel and restaurant liquor Liq' License license with extended hours for The Gashouse. He stated the application and fees have The Gashpuse been received and the Sheriff's office reported no incidents. Mr. Bigler recommended approval. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal of a hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for The Gashouse, Inc. dba The Gashouse Restaurant. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a renewal application for a hotel and restaurant liquor Liq! Lic license with extended hours for The Lodge at Cordillera. He requested the file be Cordillera tabled to next week. Commissioner Gates moved the application for a hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for The Lodge at Cordillera be tabled for one week. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates mentioned a typographical error in the minutes of September 5, Minutes 1989, and asked that it be corrected from "to" to "no." 8/28-9/20/89 Commissioner Gates moved to approve the minutes of August 28, 1989 through September 20, 1989, with the above correction. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. James Fritze, County Manager, presented the State Abstract of Assessment and State Abstract stated the Assessor requested the Board certify the assessment roll in the amount of of Assessment $547,444,920. Commissioner Gates moved to table this item to 4:00 p.m. today. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. I' I Larry Metternick, County Engineer, stated Basalt Trade Associates has requested a SIAExtension 6 month extension on Basalt Industrial Park Filing #2, Subdivision Improvements Basalt Trade Agreement. He requested the Board approve the extension. Associates Commissioner Gates moved to extend the Subdivision Improvements Agreement for Basalt Industrial Park Filing #2 to March, 1990. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Tom Brown, from the County Engineering Department, presented an agreement with Agreement Eagle Telecommunications for the relocation of phone lines on Brush Creek Road. The ETI, Inc.i amount of the contract is $2,572. He stated the money would come from supplemental appropriation. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign a construction agreement with Eagle Telecommunications, Inc. for the removal/ replacement of facilities on Brush Creek Road as requested by Eagle County. The agreement is in the amount of $2,572. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Brown presented a proposal for the testing of the subgrade on Brush Creek Road Contract in the amount not to exceed $1,440 with Chen Northern Inc. Chen Northern Commissioner Gates moved to approve and authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the agreement with Chen Northern Inc. for sub-base and base testing for Brush Creek Road from mileposts 5.3 to 6.2. The amount of the contract is not to exceed $1,440. The motion is subject to review and review by the County Attorney. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. The next item for the Board's consideration was an intergovernmental agreement Agreement'' between the County of Eagle and the Town of Vail for snow removal in West Vail for West' Vail, five months. The amount of the agreement is $4,216. Snow Removal Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the agreement with the Town of Vail providing for snow and ice removal in West Vail. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. ! Mr. Lindahl presented an acceptance of a grant previously applied for by the Grant County. The amount of the grant if $19,951. He recommended the Board sign the Acceptance Statement of Award. • • 4111 Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and the Chairman Pro-tem be authorized to sign the Statement of Grant award for the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Program concerning the Eagle County Juvenile Jail Removal Program. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Ruth Bergland, Appraiser in the County Assessor's office, presented petitions for abatement for Schedule Numbers 15145, 12991 and 19472. She stated that during 1987 Abatements: Various and 1988, the property was assessed 29% and should have been 18% Commissioner Gates moved to approve the petition of Genny Jo Caruthers for the benefit of various owners for abatement or refund of taxes for: Schedule No. 15145, Arthur & Mary McDole, be approved for the tax year of 1987 in the amount of $59.75, and 1988 in the amount of $81.46. Schedule No. 12991, G.J. Doyle & C.K. Jaeger, be approved for the tax year of 1987 in the amount of $352.78, and 1988 in the amount of $484.12. Schedule No. 19472, Thomas W. & Nancy H. Hill, be approved for the tax year 1987 in the amount of $127.34, 1988 in the amount of $179.06. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl indicated that G.J. Doyle and Nancy H. Hill were present for this hearing. Mr. Fritze presented a proposed resolution for the County to participate in a Res ,89-107 national campaign and declare October 20-29, 1989 as Red Ribbon Week in Eagle County. Red ,Ribbon Week Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 89-107 and authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the resolution regarding a drug-free Colorado and the Red Ribbon Campaign. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented an abatement for Streamside at Vail. Abatement) Commissioner Gates moved to approve the abatement for the change in square footage Streamside but deny the abatement for the reclassification, Schedule No. 24976. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Sid Fox, Acting Director of Community Development, introduced the El Jebel 1041 El Jebel 1041 Completeness Review. He stated the Board must determine if the application submitted Completeness is complete. He advised the County hired McLaughlin Water Engineers to provide Review consulting services for this application. He stated the consultants feel the application as submitted is complete. He informed the Board he is concerned about the site application which has been approved by the Water Quality Control Division is in a state of appeal by the Mid-Valley Metro District. Community Development staff is recommending the application is incomplete. Scott Pfiffer, representing McLaughlin Engineers, stated the Department of Health approved the site application. Allen Schwarts, counsel for applicant, reiterated that the Department of Health has approved the site application regardless of the application being appealed by the Mid-Valley Metro District. He argued the application is complete. Mr. Lindahl gave his opinion that the governing agency of the Department of Health has given a preliminary review and comments. Chairman Pro-tem Welch commented that as this is a preliminary acceptance of completion, this application meets the requirements for completeness. Commissioner Gates agreed that he also believes the application is complete. Commissioner Gates move Board of County Commissioners approve the El Jebel 1041 Application Completeness Review, Floyd Crawford. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox stated a request for a waiver of a special use permit requirement has been made. He explained this activity requires a special use permit. Staff recommended the request to waive this permit be denied as the criteria for a special use permit varies somewhat from the 1041 criteria. Mr. Schwarts stated that requiring a special use permit would be redundant. Chairman Pro-tem Welch stated this process requires public comment which is important in this situation. He stated that waiving the special use permit requirement would be inappropriate at this time. Mr. Schwarts withdrew the request for waiving the special use permit. Mr. Fox presented a final plat for a resubdivision of Lot 21, Block 1, Eagle/Vail Final Plat Subdivision, Filing 32. E/V Lot 21 Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to • sign the final plat for a resubdivision of Lot 21, Block 1, Eagle/Vail Subdivision, Filing 32. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented a final plat for a resubdivision of Lot 54, Block 1, Eagle/Vail Final Plat Subdivision, Filing 2. E/V Lot 54 Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the final plat for a resubdivision of Lot 54, Block 1, Eagle/Vail Subdivision, Filing 2. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. • 11 4111/ i • • 63�- Mr. Fox presented the next item, Basalt Sanitation District 1041. He stated the Basalt San. District is proposing to replace an existing 12" waste water collection line with an 1041 18" line. He stated the Board needs to determine if the Eagle County 1041 requirements concerning existing lines would require a 1041 permit. Staff feels a 1041 permit is required. Mr. Lindahl read the pertinent section of the Eagle County 1041 requirements. Dean Derosier stated all but the last 150 feet of the sewer line is in Pitkin County. Heexplained the area that is serviced by this line. Jerry L'Estrange told the Board Basalt Sanitation District is planning to expand the system and will be going through a 1041 process and the same 150 feet of the line will be included during that process. Discussion was held on whether or not the 1041 applies at this time. Chairman Pro-tem Welch stated he did not feel the 1041 permit could be waived. Mr. Lindahl gave his opinion that the improvements as described falls within the 1041 regulations and the Board of County Commissioners should enforce the regulations. The Board determined the applicant must go through a 1041 permit process. The applicant made a decision to go through the 1041 permit process at a later date. Commissioner Gates moved to set a 1041 hearing for Floyd Crawford for November 21, Crawford 1041 1989 at 9:00 a.m. in the Board of County Commissioners hearing room. Hearing Set Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Board of Equalization. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze presented for approval by the Board of Equalization, the State Abstract State Abstract of Assessment in the amount of $547,444,920. of Assessment Commissioner Gates moved to approve the State Abstract of Assessment certifying the taxable amount in Eagle County in the amount of $547,444,920. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to October 23, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • • . • • . , .s- 1 October 11 , 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman Pro-tem Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George "Bud" Gates Commissioner James Fritze County Manager Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Absent: Dick Gustafson Chairman , Chairman Pro-tem Welch called the hearing to order with the first item on the RE50J Bond agenda, a bond issue for RE50J School District. Issue Pat Conran, Superintendent of Eagle County School District, appeared at a work session regarding the bond issue. Commissioner Gates moved the Board adopt a resolution in support of the bond issue and referendum contained therein. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the , vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gustafson was on vacation. Mike Bradley, Building and Grounds Supervisor, appeared to discuss offers to pur- Agreement chase a shed on County property, one offer in the amount of $30 and one in the amount Nunn, Norman , of $125 from Norman Nunn. Commissioner Gates moved to accept the offer in the amount of $125, from Norman , ... Nunn to purchase the shed. , . . Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the . , vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bradley presented a renewal of the lease of the Fairground property. He Fairgrounds stated the barn is in no leases. He added that water is no problem. Lease Discussion was held on the advertising for bids. • Commissioner Gates stated he knows some people who would like to bid in the spring. • ! . i Commissioner Gates moved to renew the lease as presented by Mr. Bradley, and bi.d 1 ' out all county leases in June of 1990. , Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. James Fritze, County Manager, brought the next item before the Board, a resolution Res ;89-105 adopting a supplementary budget and appropriation on unanticipated revenues for fiscal Unanticipated year 1989, and authorizing the transfer of budgeted and appropriated monies between Revenues various spending agencies. He discussed the resolution. , . Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 89-105 as presented by . . Mr. Fritze. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. 1 , . Tom Brown, from the County Engineering Department, appeared to ask the Board to Contract ! award of Brush Creek Road realignment paving contract between Eagle County and B&B B&B Excavating Excavating Inc. in the amount of $82,655.75 and approve the Notice of Award. . . Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize 1 the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the Notice of Award for the Brush Creek Road Realignment Milepost 5.3 to 6.2 paving contract to B&B Excavating Inc. in the amount of . . $82,655.75, and authorize the Chairman to sign the contract after review by the County Attorney. 1 . Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. , . , Mr. Brown brought up the next item, a Certificate of Project Completion for the Certificate of ' Special Bridge Account. Completion for Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize Bridge Acct the Chairman to sign the Certification of 40% Project Completion in order to release 1 • 40% of the Special Bridge Account monies allocated to the Bridge Project No. EAG-307-06.1. . . Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. I 1 , • Commissioner Gates moved the Board authorize Stan Bernstein & Associates and Contract! Ballard, Spahr, Ingersoll & Andrews to proceed with the development of financing and Bernstein, Stan structural alternatives for recreational facilities, and transportation system, and employee housing facilities. The cost of both consultants is not to exceed $15,000, ., with an understanding the cost will be split equally between Eagle County, the Town of I . Vail and the Town of Avon. I ' Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the ' vote was declared unanimous. I . , 1 Commissioner Gates moved to approve the agreement Eagle County and the Beaver Intergov't ' Creek Resort Company and the Town of Avon for the transportation system. Agreement for Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the Bus System vote was declared unanimous. 1 1 . • Mr. Lindahl presented a contract between Eagle County and Dave Systems, Inc. to Contract; operate the County bus system through September 30, 1990. The total cost is not to Dave Systems exceed $931,835. He discussed the contract for the Board's information. . Mr. Fritze explained this was not the low bidder but recommended this bid be accepted as the system offered is a much better system than the low bidder. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the contract between Eagle County and Dave Systems, Inc. for the operation of the bus system. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the . , . vote was declared unanimous. • . , II ' 4110 4111 410 94/ Mr. Lindahl presented a resolution re-establishing the Eagle County Transit Res 89-106 Commission. Transit Commissioner Gates moved to adopt and approve Resolution 89-106 concerning the Commission Eagle County Transit Commission. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. In discussion, Commissioner Gates mentioned the hours of operation should be deter- mined by ridership. Question was called for on the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to October 16, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • • • 1 4 I 1111 • s 0 - ' ' 0 , October 10, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman Pro-tem Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Absent: Dick Gustafson Chairman This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following warrants were brought before -the Board for their consideration: GENERAL FUND AAB JAMES L 15725/GREAVES 12.60 AIR AND SPACE SMITHSONIAN SUBSCRIPTION 18.00 ALL PETS ANIMAL HOSPITAL REIM/VACC 11.00 ALL PRO FORMS INCORPORATED LETTERHEAD 92.70 ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL PROF FEES 177.75 AMERICAN EXPRES CAR RENTAL/COMM 1,311.51 AMERICAN OFFICE EQUIPMENT TONER/FUSER OIL 93.00 AMERICAN POULTRY ASSOCIATION BK/AM STANDARD PERF. 37.00 AMERICAN TRAFFIC SAFETY ATSSA DUES/SCOTT 25.00 AMICH AND JENKS INCORPORATED POLYGRAPH/RAMSEY 65.00 AMICH AND JENKS INCORPORATED POLYGRAPH EXAMS 65.00 AMSTERDAM PRINTING LITHO MAILING LABELS 24.35 ANIMAL HOSPITAL HIGH COUNTRY SPAY REIM 25.00 ARROW GAS COMPANY GAS/LANDFILL 50.40 ASHEN GEORGE 15778/GRUBBS 20.00 ' ASPEN TIMES THE DISPLAY AD/BOCC MTG 32.10 AT AND T 963-3491 38.25 AT AND T 3123099098 54.38 AT AND T 949-7026 9.65 • AT AND T 3123099294 10.93 AUTOMATED COMMUNICATIONS PHONE SERVICE 4.22 AV TECH ELECTRONICS REPLACEMENT LIGHTBAR 322.50 BALLARD SPAHR ANDREWS PROFESSIONAL SERV 25,742.96 BANCROFT WHITNEY COMPANY 89 SUPPLEMENTS 32.90 BARNES SUSAN DVM VACC/REIM 108.00 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS BEVERAGES/MISC SUPPLIES 78.10 BEAVER CREEK TRANSIT GREYHOUND SHUTTLE TRANS 1,173.90 BEEP WEST INCORPORATED PAGER/EL JEBEL 90.00 BELCOM INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED AIDS PROTECTION KITS 122.90 , BERGLUND RUTH MEALS 50.32 BEST GERALD REIMBURSEMENT 279.16 BEST WESTERN EAGLE LODGE RECRUITING EXPENSE 59.51 BEST WESTERN EAGLE LODGE LODGE/FAIR JUDGES 316.68 ' BETSY ROSS FLAG GIRLS FLAGS 68.71 BEVERIDGE RICK TRAVEL 87.45 BEVERIDGE RICK TRAVEL 97.20 BIGLER THOM REIM/BOOKCASES 37.16 BISHOPS TRASH SERVICE COM048 34.00 BLACK ALLEN SUPPLIES 323.59 BLOCK & COMPANY INCORPORATED EVIDENCE TUBES 16.70 BRENT SERVICE CHECK A/C/RD&BR 70.00 • BUFFALOS PLAN COMM/MEALS 42.00 BUFFALOS DONUTS FOR JUDGES 29.80 BUFFALOS MUFFINS/CCI SEMINAR 7.00 BURGERT PAUL H MD INMATE MEDICAL 57.00 .• BUSINESS RECORDS CORPORATION SOFTWARE AGREEMENT 1,700.00 , CALENDARS MINDER PLANNER 9.00 CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS SUPPLIES 841.63 CARTER LINDA MEMBERSHIPS 193.00 CARUTHERS GENNY JO TRAVEL 38.36 CARUTHERS GENNY JO IAAO SCHOOL 59.80 CARUTHERS GENNY JO REIM/MEALS-INSTALL. 25.00 CASTLE PEAK VETERINARY SERVICE K-9 EXAM 46.50 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/GENERAL 4,114.89 • CCO AND ERA RET ANN/GENERAL 4,148.79 j CENTER DRUGS BATTERIES 11.96 i CENTER DRUG FILM/BATTERIES 132.22 CENTER DRUGS FILM PROCESSING 24.77 CF HOECKEL COMPANY FORMS 50.56 CF HOECKEL COMPANY SUPPLIES 73.33 CHAPMAN BRUCE D 15806/BELSON 7.50 CLARK BOARDMAN COMPANY LTD SUPPLEMENTS 64.75 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY BOTTLED WATER SERVICE 18.00 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY BOTTLED WATER SERV 54.36 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY BOTTLE WATER SERVICE 32.58 CODEL SEPT 89 RENT 2,550.00 ' COLORADO ASSESSORS ASSOCIATION REGISTRATION 15.00 COLORADO ASSOCIATION OF CHIEFS C.T. SEMINAR 450.00 COLORADO BADGE AND TROPHY OPERATING SUPPLIES 11.05 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH HIV TESTS/INMATE 20.00 ' • ;, 11110 • • � 11 ' COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL 5,363.79 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL 5,358.75 COLORADO DEPT AGRICULTURE 1080 OATS/RESALE 540.00 COLORADO LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING CONFERENCE 40.00 COLORADO MUNICIPAL LEAGUE SUBSCRIPTION 13.50 , COLORADO SESSION REPORTS SUBSCRIPTION 315.00 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CSU LETTERHEAD-1000 46.14 COM SYSTEMS PHONE SERVICE 37.80 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS/SEPT 89 14,003.11 CONSTANTINE ANDERSON AND TOBEY 15781/OYLER 7.50 CONTINENTAL ELEVATOR SERVICE CONT.MAINT-AUG 89 110.00 CONTINENTAL ELEVATOR SERVICE CONT MAINT/JC 110.00 CORNBELT CHEMICAL COMPANY ARSENAL/RESALE 361.76 CREDIT BUREAU GRAND JUNCTION 15783/SCOTT 12.80 CREDIT BUREAU OF GUNNISON 15776/MONK 7.50 CREDIT BUREAU OF GUNNISON 15799/AVILA 7.50 CRIME STOPPERS INTERNATIONAL CSI CONFERENCE 300.00 D A 4TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT 15790/MONTOYA 7.50 DARDEN JOHN TRANSPORT/INMATE 22.50 DARTEK COMPUTER SUPPLY SUPPLIES 754.30 DAY TIMERS INCORPORATED SUPPLIES 78.85 DELPHIE MORALES 15695/RUYBAL 10.40 DENVER POST THE ADV/EMPLOYMENT 132.96 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCH COST/JULY 2,183.28 DORIS E GOWAN MEALS 139.88 DOUGLAS COUNTY INSURANCE ADDITIONAL INS PREM 197.00 DUGGAN GARRY SERVICE 9-89 100.00 ' DUROUX ALMEDA COORD REIM/AUG 89 15.00 EAGLE AUTO PARTS OIL 9.27 EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER REIM/POSTAGE PAID 25.00 EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER REIM/POSTAGE/SEPT 242.14 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS MAINT CONTRACT 606.00 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS NCR RENTAL/JULY 89 228.05 EAGLE COMPaTER SYSTEMS SUPPORT 834.05 EAGLE COUNTY ACCOUNTING CALCULATOR/CASIO 79.00 EAGLE COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER PROF FEES 40.00 EAGLE COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER OCT 89 SHELTER CONT. 4,933.39 EAGLE COUNTY NURSING SERVICE POST OFFICE BOX RENT 10.00 EAGLE COUNTY NURSING SERVICE POSTAGE 17.46 EAGLE PHARMACY OPERATING SUPPLIES 53.25 EAGLE PHARMACY 34/FILM 269.37 EAGLE PHARMACY 17/JUICE 9.39 EAGLE SALVAGE AND TOWING VEHICLE TOWING 298.00 EAGLE TOWN OF RANGE LUNCHEON 862.10 EAGLE TOWN OF 0207017602 1,775.25 , EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE 13927/ADV 494.00 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE AF13966/ADV 194.61 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE FAIR CONCERT AD 416.05 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE PUBLIC NOTICE 271.45 EAGLE VALLEY PHYSICAL THERAPY PHYS THERAPY/W.COMP 110.00 EASTMAN INCORPORATED SUPPLIES 979.25 ELLIS KEVIN 15815/YAEMAN 7.50 ENDICOTT AND MONSON 15761/CHILDS 10.00 ESTES TINA REGISTRATION 50.00 EZ WAY RENTAL RENT/FLATBED TRAILER 40.00 EZ WAY RENTAL SCAFFOLD/CONCERT 685.00 FARMER BROTHERS COFFEE SUPPLIES 44.93 FARMER BROTHERS COFFEE SUPPLIES 195.45 FEDERAL EXPRESS EXPRESS CHARGE 12.00 FEDRIZZI GERALD J DMD PC INMATE DENTAL 40.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY CASH DRAWER/AUCTION 634.50 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 38,440.32 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/GENERAL 26,142.50 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 38,198.21 FORD PUBLISHING COMPANY PARALEGAL PREP 34.97 FORTUNES RESTAURANT LUNCH MEETING 32.65 FORTUNES RESTAURANT LUNCHES/WORK SESSION 49.10 FRANCIS ROBERT A 15823/MANZANARES 22.50 FREMONT COUNTY SHERIFFS PRISIONER BOARDING 105.00 FRENCH AND STONE 15676/ATHLETES CHOICE 10.00 FREUND CAN COMPANY MAP TUBES/END CAPS 68.06 ' FRITZE JAMES R TRAVEL 89.45 FRITZE JAMES R MISC TRAVEL EXPENSE 89.52 FULLER ROBERT TRAVEL 430.08 G AND M INSURANCE AGENCY 15752/BOYD 12.00 GALLOWAY BEN MD PROF SERVICES 1,395.00 GARFIELD COUNTY SHERIFFS SERVICE OF PROCESS 11.10 GASP OF COLORADO MEMBERSHIP FEES 20.00 GATES MARGE PHN REGISTRATION 725.57 GEORGE LEWIS MEALS 40.00 GIRARD THOMAS A TRAVEL 84.26 GIRARD THOMAS A DESIGN-APPLY CHEMICAL 60.00 GLENWOOD LOCK AND KEY KEYS 129,90 GLENWOOD POST THE ADV/EMPLOYMENT 19.15 ! GLENWOOD POST THE FAIR ADV 275.00 1 10 • • � GLENWOOD VET CLINIC SPAY REIM 25.00 GLOBAL COMPUTER SUPPLIES DATA VAC/FILTER BAGS 68.07 GOULD PUBLICATIONS REPORT WRITING BOOK 32.95 , GUSTAFSON RICHARD TRAVEL 335.52 HAPPY HANGER UNIFORM CLEANING 15.50 ' HAWLEY VANDERWERF 15739/REY 3.20 , HECKLER KOCH INCORPORATED REPAIR OF GUN 59.00 HELD LILA M 15764/ALLEN 10.00 HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING PLAT REVIEW 324.00 ; HIGHLANDS RESORT REAL ESTATE REFUND/PLAN CHECK FEE 10,750.68 HOBBS RANCH COMPANY 4 TONS HAY/RODEO STOCK 400.00 • HOLME ROBERT AND OWEN LEGAL SERV/BLACK LK 67.50 HOLMES STARR 15759/COLE 30.00 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 215013900 4.64 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 318105100 96.65 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 459053800 42.48 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 112502400 4,891.94 , HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 111013200 404.42 ' HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY STYRO CUPS 20.80 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY AUTO CLEAN CAR WASH 1,211.49 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE LUNCHEON/EMP.SEMINAR 52.29 INKELL MARY REIM TRAVEL/CHAPERON 88.00 . INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE MEMBERSHIP 150.00 • INTERNATIONAL CONFRENCE OF BOOK/ELECTRICAL CODES 45.00 JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING MAINT/JC 57.00 JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING MAINT/JC 370.00 JOHNSON AJ REIM/LIGHTER FOR VEH 12.78 JOHNSON AJ MEALS 25.12 JOHNSON AJ REIM/PETTY CASH 2.31 JOHNSON JACK W CIVIL DEF SERV/SEPT 718.80 JOHNSON KUNKEL AND ASSOCIATES OVERSIZE MAP 12.75 JOHNSON KUNKEL AND ASSOCIATES PLAT CHECK/RIVER RANCH 1,405.00 . JONES CHERRY REGISTRATION 50.00 JUSTIN H HAYNES AND COMPANY PROF SERV/APPRAISAL 3,009.00 KESSLER MARY J SUPPLIES 31.70 KFMU RADIO ADS/FAIR 300.00 KIRBY ANABELL J TRAVEL 44.00 ' KIRBY ANABELL J TRAVEL 12.80 , KLITE RADIO BAL/RADIO ADS 353.51 KMTS RADIO ADS 200.00 KOHRMANN BOB MEALS 11.34 KRAI AM RADIO/SPOTS FOR FAIR 189.00 KVMT RADIO ADS/FAIR 304.00 ! LABREE ROBERT W 15794/FROYLAND 20.00 ; LAJOLLA ATTORNEY SERVICE 15666/BALOON 30.00 ' LANDMARK INN LODGING 392.00 . LEARS SUBSCRIPTION 18.00 ' LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES BOND PAPER 7.65 LIFE LITE UNIFORM EQUIPMENT RETABS 28.50 LINDAHL KEVIN REIMBURSEMENT 263.00 LIPPERT THOMAS R 15723/HART 20.00 . LK SURVEY INSTRUMENTS RED PLOTTER PENS 7.98 LK SURVEY INSTRUMENTS SUPPLIES 177.19 LK SURVEY INSTRUMENTS MAP COPY PAPER/BOND 160.30 MARTINEZ JANITORIAL AUGUST/JANITORIAL SERV 6,545.00 MCGILL PROFESSIONAL LAW 15567/PARR 15.00 , MCKIE ASSOCIATES 15792/ALLEN 12.40 MCMAHAN ARMSTRONG & ASSOCIATES PROF SERV-JULY 89 250.00 MCMAHAN JEREMY MEALS 23.28 MCWILLIAM MIKE FILM PROCESSING 3.48 MERRICK LYN REIMBURSEMENT 434.91 MID VALLEY KENNELS KENNEL CONTRACT/AUG 700.00 MILE HIGH ENGINEERING KROY TAPE 51.29 MILE HIGH OFFICE SUPPLY PACKING TAPE DISPENSER 17.55 MILE HIGH OFFICE SUPPLY INK 28.86 MOTOR POOL FUND MP/ADMIN 7,670.06 1 MOTOR POOL FUND MP/NURSING 10,112.30 MOUNTAIN MICROFILM MAP/PLAT PROCESSING 130.50 l MOUNTAIN T{P MANAGEMENT RADIO SITE RENT/SEPT 100.00 . • MOUNTAIN TOP MANAGEMENT RADIO SITE RENT/SEPT 150.00 MOVE N MOW INCORPORATED VOTER SIGNS 358.00 MY FLOWERS INCORPORATED FLOWERS 43.50 ' NATIONAL CASH REGISTER UPDATE TAPES/COMP.SYS 124.50 ' NATIONAL CASH REGISTER MAINT/TERMINAL PRINTER 3,845.05 ' NATIONAL CASH REGISTER SOFTWARE MAINT/10-89 37.00 NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION LAW REG/LINDAHL 1,145.00 NATIONWIDE CREDIT 15801/HEURING 15.00 NELSON HASKIN GROVER PRINSTER 15813/MEGHANS 10.00 • NESTOR LINDA TRAVEL 40.32 NOLAN NINA COORD REIM/AUG 89 15.00 , NORTHWEST COLORADO COUNCIL OF NWCCOG/MEET-MEALS 28.10 ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY PEST CONTROL/JC 98.00 ! PACER MAINT/PC LINK 400.00 PACIFIC TELECOM 085-0039 3,644.87 PACIFIC TELECOM 085-0034 2,284.56 1 all • 410 4111 . PACIFIC TELECOM 328-7426 908.33 PACIFIC TELECOM 328-6611 932.50 PACIFIC TELECOM PAGER/328-7514 32.76 1 PENNY SAVER MEDICAL SUPPLY MEDICAL SUPPLIES 88.16 PENNY SAVER MEDICAL SUPPLY MEDICAL SUPPLIES 67.34 PETTY CASH COMMUNITY REIM/FULFORD MAP 2.50 PHILLIP E LOWERY 15789/CROSBY 10.00 PHILLIPS JOHNNETTE TRAVEL 250.35 PITNEY BOWES MAINT CHARGE/COPIER 405.21 PRATT ELECTRIC INCORPORATED 15651/LAMPIRIS 2.00 PREFERRED OFFICE PRODUCTS LEDGER SHEETS 25.08 PRIME COMPUTER INCORPORATED MAINT-9-30-89 1,559.80 PRINTERY AT VAIL BUSINESS CARDS 107.02 PTL ELECTRIC NEW LINE 474.38 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPLY COMPANY MAG-LITE LAMP 28.92 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPLY COMPANY LIGHT MODULES 282.08 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 6062576310710018 50.59 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 6068576610400017 10.67 QUILL CORPORATION SUPPLIES 385.72 QUINN TERRANCE 15731/MAHER 15.50 QUINN TERRANCE TRANSCRIPT FEES 34.25 QUINN TERRANCE 15788/COUGHLIN 5.60 RADAKOVICH EYLER 15683/LECK 15.00 i RADAKOVICH KAREN J 15774/WELLS 2.50 REUBENS RESTAURANT MEALS/CABIN CONST. . 16.35 REUBENS RESTAURANT MEALS 106.52 REVA MILLER 82DR30/521803850 161.55 REVA MILLER GARNISHMT/M.MILLER 161.55 REYNOLDS NETTIE TRAVEL 49.40 REYNOLDS NETTIE REG FEE 50.00 REYNOLDS NETTIE REIMBURSEMENT 348.28 RIPPY CONTRACTORS INCORPORATED 15734/LOVATO 6.40 ROCHE BIOMEDICAL LABORATORIES BAC TESTS 49.62 ROCKY MOUNTAIN EMBROIDERY UNIFORM EMBLEMS 231.06 ROD OLINGER REIM/TRAVEL 60.00 ROPIR CABLEVISION CABLE TV SERVICE 31.45 RUSTY CANNON MOTEL FAIR JUDGE/LODGE 76.00 SACHS LAWLOR REPAIR DATER STAMP 8.00 SATTERFIELD RHODORA TRAVEL 41.60 SCHEID NAD HORLBECK 15721/WALKER 10.00 SCHMALE EDWIN H BD OF EQUALIZATION 500.00 SCHMIDT CECELIA TRAVEL 26.00 SCHMIDT ELOISE COORD REIM 15.00 SCHOENWALDAND LEWIS 15791/TUCKER 10.00 SCHULTZ PAMELA J MEALS/SCHOOL 85.54 SCHULTZ PAMELA J MEALS/ADMIN SCHOOL 79.54 SCHUTZMAN NBS INCORPORATED BAL ON FORMS 3.62 SCIORTINO THOMAS P 15775/BURNS 2.00 SCULLYS ART OFFICE AND SUPPLIES 79.58 SCULLYS ART OFFICE AND CALCULATOR 108.59 SHELTON STATE COMMUNITY K-9 PROGRAM 25.00 SHERATON HOTEL LODGE/BERGLUND 180.00 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING PRINTED MATERIALS 8,430.10 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING BUSINESS CARDS 42.50 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING SERVICES FORMS 360.50 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING ENVELOPES 620.20 SMITH EDWARD IAAO SCHOOL 5.83 SMITH EDWARD MEALS/WORKSHOP 93.22 STAN BERNSTEIN AND ASSOCIATES PROF SERV/FEB-JULY 10,500.00 STEELE BONITA 141 RECORD BOOKS 282.00 STEINBERG THOMAS I COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER 272.00 STERNIG JOHN P REIMBURSEMENT 280.15 , STRAWBERRY PATCH FLOWERS 98.80 SUHAYDA MARTHA A 15540/TROCKMORTON 10.10 SUMMIT LUMBER BUILDING MATERIALS 1,008.60 TAYLOR WYN T 15826/GISH 10.00 TERRILL H GAINES 15777/PETERSON 20.00 TERRILL M GAINES 15797/SADLER 10.00 THOMAS JANET REIMBURSEMENT 304.03 THOMPSON PUBLISHING GROUP SUBSCRIPTIONS 163.00 THOMPSON PUBLISHING GROUP SUBSCRIPTION 181.00 TOP DRAWER OFFICE SUPPLIES HAND HELD CALCULATORS 43.52 TOP DRAWER OFFICE SUPPLIES CHART SCHEDULE BOARD 42.30 TRI COUNTY FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 161.00 TUXALL UNIFORM COMPANY UNIFORM 100.35 TUXALL UNIFORM COMPANY UNIFORMS/GOODWIN, 104.85 UNITED LABORATORIES DISINFECTANT DET. 237.00 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE FREIGHT CHARGES 21.75 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SHIPPING CHARGES 11.58 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SHIPPING CHG/SHERIFF 29.54 UNITED SUPPLY MITA COPIER TONER 86.50 j , URBAN TROY REIM/MILES 60.00 i US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 949-4292-229B 1,273.63 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 476-3597-700M 28.76 VAIL APOTHECARY INC INMATE PRESCRIPTIONS 15.95 VAIL BOARD OF REALTORS MEMBERSHIP DUES 100.00 VAIL DAILY THE ADV/PUBLIC NOTICE 35.70 VAIL DAILY THE FAIR ADV. 355.00 VAIL INTERNAL MEDICINE PRE EMP/PHYSICAL 35.00 VAIL INTERNAL MEDICINE INMATE MEDICAL/KEENE 205.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC 15043/MED-WALKER 474.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC INMATE MEDICAL 1,514.00 VAIL TRAIL THE FAIR ADV 264.00 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER INMATE MEDICAL 301.75 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER EMPLOYMENT MEDICAL 1,905.80 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER MED.EXAM/INVESTIGATION 67.96 VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY SUPPLIES 146.11 VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY GRAIN/RODEO STOCK 199.00 VALLEY JOURNAL DISPLAY AD/BOCC MTG 40.00 VISA TRAVEL 2,278.99 VISIBLE COMPUTER SUPPLY CORP W2'S 130.72 WARREN GORHAM LAMONT OPERATING SUPPLIES 32.50 WARREN STEPHEN D DVM RABIES VACC 34.00 WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY WESTLAW SERVICES 191.83 WESTERN EAGLE COUNTY AMBULANCE INMATE AMBULANCE 75.00 WESTERN EAGLE COUNTY AMBULANCE AMBULANCE/RODEO 200.00 WESTERN EAGLE COUNTY AMBULANCE INMATE AMBULANCE 150.00 WESTERN SLOPE UNIFORM COMPANY 33438/LAUNDRY SERV 75.00 ` WINZENBURG JEFF 15671/MEILE 11.60 WRIGHT WATER ENGINEERS PROF ENGINEERING SERV 150.00 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY FLO ORANGE PAINT 58.80 XEROX CORPORATION IMAGING CARTRIDGES 268.00 YAMPA VALLEY ELECTRIC 0050010001 13.29 ZABROSKI JOY REIM/NOTARY FEE 2.00 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE MEDICAL SUPPLIES 131.25 , SEPTEMBER PAYROLL 212,817.74 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 518,444.15 I , ROAD & BRIDGE FUND AMERICAN TRAFFIC SAFETY TRAINING COURSE 550.00 . AMERICAN TRAFFIC SAFETY WORK ZONE STANDARD BK 42.00 APWA WESTERN SLOPE SNOW/ICE REGISTRATION 35.00 B AND B EXCAVATING HOT ASPHALT MIX 73.03 BECO RENT/WATER TRUCK 3,950.00 BS AND W ENERGY CORPORATION FINAL/DUST CONT.MAT. 2,558.50 CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS MAINT CONTRACT 350.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/RD&BR 612.55 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/RD & BR 639.40 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/RD&BR 1,043.62 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/RD & BR 1,158.28 COPELAND CONCRETE CATTLE GUARD SUPPORT 684.00 CTL THOMPSON INCORPORATED PAYMENT 2/FIELD INSP. 294.00 CTL THOMPSON INCORPORATED FIELD INSP/BR CREEK BR 791.00 DOTSERO BLOCK INCORPORATED ROAD CINDERS 2,870.00 EAGLE AUTO PARTS GARB CLEANER 2.68 EAGLE AUTO PARTS CARBURATOR CLEANER 3.77 EAGLE AUTO PARTS HEAVY DUTY OIL 8.63 EAGLE AUTO PARTS SMALL ENGINE 3.05 EAGLE PHARMACY FILM 69.18 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE PUBLIC NOTICE/BID 23.66 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE 14006/CENTER LINE MARK 54.21 ELAM CONSTRUCTION INCORPORATED HOT MIX 222.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/RD&BR 6,977.70 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/RD&BR 7,441.23 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/RD & BR 7,694.77 FONES WEST FIRST MONTH BILLING 320.00 FONES WEST SEPT/PAGERS 68.80 GMCO CORPORATION FINAL-CHIP SEAL 16,682.27 GOODYEAR TIRE UNISTEEL TIRE 186.63 HELLER KENNETH REIM FOR MEALS 89.86 HOLIDAY INN PUEBLO LODGE/MEALS/KELLER 288.59 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY STYRO CUPS 40.75 MOBILE PREMIX COMPANY ROAD BASE 629.90 MOTOR POOL FUND MP/RD&BRIDGE 4,203.38 PITKIN IRON CORPORATION FINAL/GRAVEL-HAULING 3,622.75 RESPOND FIRST AID SYSTEMS FIRST AID SUPPLIES 110.75 ROARING FORK VALLEY COOP CHAIN LINK FENCE 48.63 ROBILLARD AND ASSOCIATES REVISE EXHIBIT MAPS 152.00 RODE$ FRANK CHAIN SAW REPAIR ' 10.00 SLADKY DAWN M TRAVEL 53.86 STRIJPE WRIGHT FINAL PAYMENT/STRIPING 925.66 SUMMIT LUMBER KEYS 34.65 TRI STATE COMMODITIES SALT 1,346.03 VISA MEMBERSHIP/FESSLER 30.00 WEAR GUARD CORPORATION KNIT SHIRT 136.26 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY WHITE HIGHWAY PAINT 80.29 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY FILTER 48.30 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY REAL TELEDYNE 274.52 " YAMPA VALLEY ELECTRIC RELOCATE POWER LINE 7,083.00 SEPTEMBER PAYROLL 40,367.49 TOTAL ROAD & BRIDGE FUND 114,986.63 I 3 1 I . • • 011111 AL1 5 LIBRARY FUND j BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY H076016/BOOKS 692.92 BANTAM DOUBLEDAY DELL BOOKS/ROM 208.00 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS LUNCH BAGS 14.33 BOOKMEN INCORPORATED THE BOOKS/J 82.24 BRODART INCORPORATED BOOKS 259.16 CAMBRIDGE INFORMATION GROUP BOOK 97.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LIBRARY 160.30 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LIBRARY 146.05 CHAMPION BOOKS BOOKS/J 145.36 CLA 1989 CONVENTION TRAINING/AN 233.00 COLORADO BADGE AND TROPHY CO STICKONS/COLORADO 39.57 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LIBRARY 175.91 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAS/LIBRARY 154.52 COLORADO LIBRARY ASSOCIATION DUES/AN 86.00 DENVER POST SUBSCRIPTION JU-DE 43.50 EAGLE PHARMACY PICTURES 7.79 EBSCO SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE VANIDADES/MV 46.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAS/LIBRARY 1,337.87 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAS/LIBRARY 1,219.92 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS. PREMIUM 1,860.34 , GALE RESEARCH CO BOOKS 104.30 ' GORDONS 10597790/BOOKS-H-PB 1,087.45 GORDONS 10084480/BOOKS-H 1,846.86 r GROLIER EDUCATIONAL BOOKS-J 116.00 HASLEE LORRAINE MALL TRAVEL 84.00 HIGHSMITH COMPANY INCORPORATED 1858221001/LABEL 106.27 HW WILSON COMPANY BOOK/ETYMOLOGY 59.00 INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA COMPANY VIDEO 31.45 JOHNSON BOOKS BOOKS 28.72 LIBRARY ADMINISTRATORS DIGEST SUBSCRIPTION 89-90 32.00 MIDVALLEY BRANCH LIBRARY POSTAGE 42.82 MINTURN BRANCH LIBRARY POSTAGE/PC 8.60 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY BOOK 28.70 NISWANGER AMY BOOKS/VIDEOS 75.90 OLLIS BOOK CORPORATION BOOKS/J 212.97 ' PACIFIC TELECOM PHONE/MB 139.38 ' PETTY CASH LIBRARY REIM PATRON 29.90 READ WELL MEDIA INCORPORATED BOOKS 21.93 RENAISSANCE HOUSE 20888/BOOKS 45.85 REUBENS MEALS/STAFF 33.00 THE STATIONERY TRAVELER TYPEWRITING RIBBON 32.13 THREE RIVERS LIBRARY SYSTEMS CATALOGING SERVICE 1,400.00 U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS 827-4240-130B 64.91 SEPTEMBER PAYROLL 8,783.36 TOTAL LIBRARY FUND 21,425.28 , • MOTOR POOL FUND Al AUTO ELECTRIC COMPANY REBUILT ALTERNATOR 307.50 AMERICAN EAGLE TIRE TIRES 426.44 , AMERICAN EAGLE TIRE SHIMS ALIGN FRONT END 145.00 � AMERICAN EXPRESS GAS 22.00 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS MEMBERSHIP/B. SMITH 70.00 BAKER MINE SERVICE REBUILT HYDRAULIC CYL 689.07 BERGLUND RUTH GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE 5.M0 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/MP 128.12 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/MOTOR POOL 128.12 COLLETT ENTERPRISES TRUCK ALIGNMENT 90.81 ' COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/MP 181.23 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/MOTOR POOL 191.52 CUMMINS POWER INCORPORATED SERVICE PARTS 18.00 , CUMMINS POWER INCORPORATED PUMP 106.97 DORIO DISTRIBUTING FUEL/LUBRICANTS 2,077.97 DORIO DISTRIBUTING POWER TRAN 610.35 DORIO DISTRIBUTING FLEET OIL/EAGLE YARD 1,784.54 DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES REBUILD DRIVE SHAFT 115.69 :., EAGLE AUTO PARTS PARTS & SUPPLIES 2,213.39 EAGLE SALVAGE AND TOWING TOWING 120.00 EAGLE SALVAGE AND TOWING TOW CHARGE 140.00 EARLE GREG GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE 8.98 i .. EMPIRE CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT FILTERS 28.70 FENDER TRUCKING REBUILT JAKE RAKE 1,000.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAS/MP 1,309.21 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/MP 2,325.42 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/MOTOR POOL 1,390.16 GAY JOHNSON TIRES 3,218.88 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD SWITCHING VALVE 92.93 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD SUPPLIES 145.10 • HANSON EQUIPMENT OIL PRESSURE GAUGE 99.47 HARRY SAIRS GAS/SR TRIP 10.00 HOLIDAY INN TRADE CENTER LODGE/SMITH 270.00 HOLIDAY INN TRADE CENTER ' MEALS 75.78 • 11. - . , '. , • • • 4111 , co... HOLLAND AUTO PARTS HYDRAULIC HOSE 81.51 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY TISSUE/2PLY 49.90 HONNEN EQUIPMENT COMPANY WASHER 23.28 . HONNEN EQUIPMENT COMPANY WASHER 208.89 HONNEN EQUIPMENT COMPANY PIN • 168.38 . J I CASE CREDIT CORPORATION DRUM DRIVE ROLLER 2,020.14 MARK CHEVROLET EMERGENCY REPAIR 62.01 • MCHUGH JAN GAS/VEHICLE 4870 18.02 . MESA MACK COVER 13.57 . MILLER AUTO AND MACHINE SHAFT/KEYWAY 75.00 MOTOR POOL FUND MP/MOTOR POOL 248.88 PITKIN IRON CORPORATION HYDRAULIC HOSE/FITTING 12.64 POWER MOTIVE KNIFE 501.32 RESPOND FIRST AID SYSTEMS FIRST AID SUPPLIES 110.75 REY MOTORS INCORPORATED BOLTS 23.65 REYNOLDS DANIEL FUEL-COUNTY VAN 28.35 • ROCKING R GALLERY DECALS/LIBRARY VAN 64.81 SCHUMUS AUTO REPAIR COMPRESSOR 201.00 SUMMIT LUMBER MASON BIT 6.24 SUMMIT LUMBER SILICA SAND 37.08 THREAD CONNECTION REPAIR OF SEAT 50.00 VISA FUEL/CO VEHICLES 184.08 VISA FUEL/COUNTY VEHICLE 22.00 , WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY BOLT 243.03 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY LOCKWASH 278.08 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY FREIGHT 1,107.43 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY FREIGHT 330.39 . WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY COVER 100.31 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY TRACTOR SCRAPER 2,546.55 WEAR GUARD CORPORATION KNIT SHIRT 26.98 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY NUTS 9.86 ' WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY TEETH 289.25 ' SEPTEMBER PAYROLL 8,336.68 TOTAL MOTOR POOL FUND 37,026.41 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE FUND EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS EQUIP FOR FINANCE 10,648.00 J GARLIN COMMERCIAL FURNISHING DOUBLE PEDESTAL DESK 390.00 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES TYPEWRITER 399.00 j TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURE FUND 11,437.00 RETIREMENT FUND , j CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 3,966.01 CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 3% 3,989.41 TOTAL RETIREMENT FUND 7,955.42 INSURANCE RESERVE FUND DESIGN GLASS INCORPORATED REPLACE WINDSHIELD 482.53 i DUDDY VIELE CONSTRUCTION ENG SERV/MCDONALD BLDG 735.00 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY REPAIRS/JC 24,867.48 SHERRELL LARRY REIM/PRES SUNGLASSES 110.24 ' TOTAL INSURANCE RESERVE FUND 26,195.25 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND I OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY INSTALL PANIC BARS 1,383.15 SUMMIT LUMBER STUDS 395.46 • SUMMIT LUMBER STUDS/HANGERS/SCREWS 324.05 SUMMIT LUMBER BLDG MATERIAL MODULAR 82.01 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 2,184.67 CONSTRUCTION FUND j CABELL CHILDRESS ARCHITECTS ARCHITECTURAL SERV 24,250.00 JOHNSON KUNKEL AND ASSOCIATES MCDONALD TOPO 4,347.00 LEIGH SCOTT CLEARY CONSULTING 750.00 j TOTAL CONSTRUCTION FUND 29,347.00 AIRPORT FUND A AND S ENTERPRISES REFUND/TIE DOWN LEASE 240.00 AGREN BLANDO AND ASSOCIATES COURT REPORTING 668.50 AVIATION SYSTEMS INCORPORATED VOR/DME/LDA MAINT 2,150.00 AVON BEAVER CREEK TIMES ADV 48.00 B HALL PRODUCTIONS AIR SHOW ADV 84.50 BEST WESTERN EAGLE LODGE LODGE/MILITARY-AIRSHOW 1,590.00 ! 1 t IIIIII ..z.;-.23 • BRENT SERVICE REPAIR PUMP/AIRPORT 227.53 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AP 73.54 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT 70.53 CHUTIN STARS AIR SHOW CONT/BAL. 200.00 ! • COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY WATER DISPENSER RENT 12.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/AIRPORT 96.71 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/AIRPORT 91.10 CRICH MICHAEL HANGAR RENT OCT 89 495.00 DAILY JOURNAL THE AIP 12/ADV-BIDS 104.30 EAGLE AUTO PARTS PARTS/CFR TRUCK 40.46 . EAGLE AUTO PARTS AIR HOSE FITTINGS 5.11 EAGLE PHARMACY PHOTOS OF AIRPORT 17.59 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE ADV/INVITATION TO BID 59.80 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE AF13931/DISPLAY AD 65.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT 703.83 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/AIRPORT 775.14 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT 668.70 ' HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 3903014 444.10 , HURD HARRY REIM/MEALS 13.93 JACKSON DAVE PHOTOS 5.00 ' MACKOWN SURVEYING AND MAPPING/N RAMP LEASE 243.50 ' MOTOR POOL FUND MP/AIRPORT 279.90 PACIFIC TELECOM 086-0016 185.92 REUBENS RESTAURANT MEALS/MILITARY 1,435.78 ! REYNOLDS DANIEL DINNER/ATTENDEES 534.84 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS 332003100930.0 8.00 THRIFTY RENT A CAR RENTAL CARS AIR SHOW 336.46 VAIL ASSOCIATES VIP TENT CATERING 5,331.00 VAIL BEAVER CREEK JET CENTER TERMINAL RENT/OCT 89 4,000.00 VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY CABLE CLAMPS 14.00 VISA MEMBERSHIP/REYNOLDS 30.00 WRIGHT WATER ENGINEERS PRE. WATER SYS DESIGN 1,433.07 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY RENT/AIR COMP 401.60 SEPTEMBER PAYROLL 2,866.71 TOTAL AIRPORT FUND 26,051.15 LANDFILL FUND CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL 57.39 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL 57.39 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LANDFILL 116.44 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LANDFILL 116.96 DEEP ROCK WATER BOTTLE WATER 36.75 EXCAVATING INCORPORATED CLOSE LANDFILL ACCT 115.32 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL 573.97 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FICA TAX/EMPLOYER 247.89 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/LANDFILL 920.58 • FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL 833.16 MCGRUDER SEPTIC SERVICE SEPTIC SERV/LANDFILL 25.00 MCGRUDER SEPTIC SERVICE SEPTIC SERVICE 25.00 MOTOR POOL FUND MP/LANDFILL 257.32 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION BATTERY 44.00 VALLEY GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY OXYGEN 24.00 WEAR GUARD CORPORATION KNIT SHIRT 94.94 SEPTEMBER PAYROLL 4,647.59 , TOTAL LANDFILL FUND 8,193.70 • . TRANSPORTATION FUND AMERICAN PUBLIC TRANSIT ADV/BUS RFP 84.00 i VAIL ASSOCIATES BUS MEETING/MEALS 407.03 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION FUND 491.03 I � The morning being spent paying bills, the following items were brought before the j board for the afternoon session. Chairman Pro-tem Welch opened the meeting with File SM-501-89, Yakely Estates. Yakely Estates Chairman Gustafson is on vacation. SM-501-89 Jim Curnutte, Planner, made a presentation on a Type A Minor Subdivision to allow 1 for one single family dwelling on 19 acres. He reviewed the chronology and asked that a plat note be added which assures access through the Yakely property to existing property owners using the 20 foot wide dirt road. Susan Vaughn, representing the applicant, discussed the map and the Board asked questions regarding the Tenderwild Subdivision. Mrs. Vaughn explained that in 1977 the Board determined any subdivision could be subdivided. She pointed out other subdi- . vision of lots in the area. Chairman Pro-tem Welch stressed he believes the zoning of the surrounding area should not be changed because of this project, but this project should be changed in order to allow the owner use of the property. i Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the Type A i Minor Subdivision application, File SM-601-89, Yakely Estates, with the following conditions: 1 4 4 1 • 5,H 1. The applicants agree to provide the required payment in lieu of school land dedication and off-site road impact fees. Said fees are $72.48 and $1,000 respectively. 2. A note should be added to the plat which assures access through the Yakely property to existing owners using the 20 foot wide dirt road. 3. Evidence has been provided to show the land has adequate access, water and a sewage disposal system. 4. Staff has determined the proposed subdivision does conform to the Eagle County Final Plat requirements and other applicable regulations, policies and guidelines. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. In discussion, Mrs. Vaughn asked when the fees should be paid. Mr. Curnutte replied after approval and before recording of the plat. Question was called for on the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. The next item to be heard was File ZS-285-89, Colby Special Use Permit. Jeremy Colby SUPP McMahan, Planner, explained the request and reviewed the project proposal. He men- ZS-285-89 tioned major concerns and staff findings. He read five letters from adjacent property owners, one is opposition and four in favor. He stated Staff recommended approval with several conditions. Discussion was held on the standards for the pens for animals and the impact of additional traffic on Salt Creek Road. Greg Caretto, adjacent property owner, stated he believes there is a need for a kennel, but he would be against breeding. His major concern is the increased traffic on the road. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the Special Use Permit application, File ZS-285-89, Craig and Diane Colby with the following conditions: 1. The proposed use would appear to be compatible with existing uses in the area. 2. The proposed use would not appear to negatively affect the character of the neighborhood. 3. The area has adequate access along Salt Creek Road. 4. The property has adequate water and sanitation services. 5. The physical arrangement of the proposed use is appropriate. 6. The proposed use is compatible with the Eagle County Master Plan. 7. An Environmental Impact Report is not required. 8. The operation be limited to 12 pens for 12 animals in a 24x24 foot building. 9. An annual review of this permit would be conducted by the Department of Community Development with the assistance of Eagle County Animal Control. 10. Any of the following conditions shall constitute non-compliance with the conditions of this Special Use Permit: a. Animals running at large. b. Excessive noise outside the boundaries of the property on which the use is located. c. Offensive odors outside the boundaries of the property on which the use is located. d. Any negative impacts on the health, safety, and welfare of nearby property owners. e. Any legitimate complaint by nearby property owners, substantiated by the Eagle County Zoning Administrator. f. Any complaints filed by the Eagle County Department of Community Devel- opment or Eagle County Animal Control. g. Sign shall be less than 12 square feet. h. Animals shall be kept inside at night (in the structure and not in the pens) . Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Curnutte presented the next item, File BE-40-89, H.H. Rothell, Jr., a building H.H. Rothell envelope amendment. BD-40-89 Chairman Pro-tem Welch declared a potential conflict of interest as he is a lease- holder with Vail Associates. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, advised there is not a conflict of interest. Craig Snowden, representing the applicant, made a statement regarding the proposal of moving the building envelope and requested approval of the change. Bill Post, representing owner of the adjacent lot, related the owner of the adja- cent lot has had plans for his building and could not move it at this point. He stated his client would be substantially impacted. Mr. Curnutte stated his belief there would be no substantial impact to the adja- cent property owners. Mr. Post asked what the definition is of a substantial impact. Mr. Snowden discussed building envelopes set by Vail Associates and view corridors. Chairman Pro-tem Welch commented on the information regarding building envelopes given to the property buyers at the time of the land purchase. He stated he has a problem with granting a change in the building envelope without the concurrence of adjacent property. Discussion followed on the adjacent properties and building envelopes. Commission Gates moved to deny the request for an amendment to the building enve- lope, File BE-40-89-, H.H. Rothell, Jr. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. / • . i 1� i S • The next item to be heard was File PD-281-89-F, Elliott Ranch Minor PUD. Mr. Final Plat Curnutte explained this is a final plat approval for three primary/secondary lots and Elliott Ranch one multi-unit lodge lot. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the PUD applica • - tion, File PD-281-89-F, Elliott Ranch, Minor PUD. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Aspen Mti View Mr. McMahan presented File SU-117-89-F, Aspen Mountain View, and explained the SU-117-89-F need for tabling of this item. Commissioner Gates moved to table File SU-117-89-F, Aspen Mountain View, to November 14, 1989, at the applicant's request. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. The next items for the Board's consideration were final plats. Final Plat Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the final plat McKearney/Hamina for McKearney/Hamina Duplex, Lot 29, Block 2, Berry Creek Ranch, Filing #3. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the final plat Final Plat for Oak Grove Townhouses Supplemental plat, Lob 26B, amended plat of Lots 26 and 27, oak ,Grove Basalt Industrial Park, Filing #2. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the final plat Final Plat and the Subdivision Improvements Agreement for Silverado Estates, Filing #1, resubdivi- Silverado sion of Block 4, Aspen Junction Subdivision Tract 59, Section 11 and 12, Township 8, South Range 87 West, 6 PM. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the final plat Final Plat for Lot 37, Homestead Filing #3• Homestead L37 Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the final plat Final Plat for the 13th Amendment to the 5th Filing, Beaver Creek Subdivision, Tract E. B/C 5th Filing Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the Tract E vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the final plat Final Plat for 7th Amendment to the 1st Filing, Beaver Creek Subdivision, Lot 21 Block 1 Tract A. B/C 1st Filing . Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the Lot .31 vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the final plat Final Plat for Lot 19, Block 6, Eagle/Vail Subdivision, Filing #1. E/V L19, B6 Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. • Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the final plat Final Plat for a Resubdivision of Lot 2, Arrowhead, Filing #11. Arrowhead'' Lot 2, Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the final plat Final Plat for the Villas at Singletree Phase 2. Villas Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the ! vote was declared unanimous. 1 Commissioner Gates ' moved to authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the final plat Final Plat for Yakely Estates. Yakely Estates Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. 1 Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the Elliott PUD '& SIA' Ranch PUD and Subdivision Improvements Agreement. Elliot Ranch Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the I vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the final plat Final Plat and the Subdivision Improvements Agreement for Valley Business Center. Valley Bus Ctr Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the final plat Final Plat for Peters Subdivision. Peters Subdiv Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the ; vote was declared unanimous. • • ' I I ' 11110 • Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the Meyers PUD Guide • Estates PUD Guide. Meyers Estates Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Tom Brown, from the County Engineering Department, presented a contract between Contract Eagle County and Mobile Pre-mix Company, for gravel and gravel haul for Brush Creek Mobile Premix Road Phase IIB, in the amount of $44,250. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the gravel and gravel hauling contract with Mobile Pre-mix Company for Brush Creek Road Phase IIB in the amount of $44,250. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, presented an agreement between Eagle County, Bea- Agreement for ver Creek Company and the Town of Avon regarding funding of the bus system. He Bus System explained the total cost is $1,240,674. He reviewed the contract and funding. Discussion on funding was held. Commissioner Gates moved to table this discussion until 9:00 a.m. on October 11, 1989. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Ruth Bergland, Appraiser in the Assessor's office, presented a petition for abate- Abatement ment for Sandstone Creek Club clubhouse. She stated the property was erroneously Sandstone Creep assessed as a separate parcel and should be part of the common element. She recom- Clubhouse mended abatement. Brad Richdale, representing petitioner, agreed with the recommendation. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the petition for abatement on Schedule Number 19278, Sandstone Creek Club Condos, for the year 1983 in the amount of $15,403.73, 1984 in the amount of $15,225.75, 1985 in the amount of $16,021.93, 1986 in the amount of $16,232.24, 1987 in the amount of $12,237,73, and 1988 in the amount of $12,192.49, plus interest. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. In discussion, Mary Walker, Eagle County Treasurer, asked about redeeming Vail • transfer tax. Discussion followed tax liens against units in the complex. Mr. Lin- • dahl agreed to meet with Mrs. Walker to determine what action to take. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Berglund presented a petition for abatement of taxes on Schedule Number 24976, Abatement Streamside at Vail. She stated there was an error in the square footage, and the Streamside project was coded as commercial and should have been coded as residential. Discussion on the reason for abatement was held. • Mr. Lindahl stated his belief this was not an issue of abatement as this should have been protested during equalization. Discussion followed on the whether or not this should be treated as an abatement. Mr. Richdale read the State statute regarding abatement on the clubhouse. Commissioner Gates moved to take under advisement Schedule Number 24976. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Allen Black, Chief Appraiser in the Assessor's office, presented the next petition Aabtement for abatement, Schedule Numbers 9324 and 9327, Serendipity Limited. He explained Serendipity there is an error in the square footage. Commissioner Gates moved on Schedule Numbers 9324 and 9327 to approve the petition for abatement in the total amount of $2,656.80, plus interest. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Black presented the next petition for abatement, Schedule Number 10009, Dou- Abatement glas William Walker. He stated taxes were charged for the Town of Vail's underground Walker, Douglas water tank. Commissioner Gates moved on Schedule Number 10009 to approve the petition for abatement for the tax year 1987 in the amount of $817.54, and 1988 in the amount of $925.82, plus interest. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to October 11, 1989. •' I Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • ' I i 0 ' • 41110 4110 1110 1 ; L September 26, 1989 I 1 1 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman Thomas Bigler Asst. County Atty Don Welch Commissioner James Fritze County Manager George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: A work session was held regarding the airport water and joining a consolidated Work Session • district. The Board determined to make a resolution regarding same. Airport Water Commissioner Welch moved to direct the County Attorney to prepare a resolution I . indicating the intent of the County Commissioners to include the airport community in , the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, the Board reiterated the decision was made for the benefit of commu- nities involved. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. , Jim Curnutte, Planner, asked that File SU-117-89-F, Aspen Mountain View, Filing 3, SU-117-89F be tabled for two weeks. Aspen Mill View Commissioner Gates moved to table File SU-117-89-F to October 10, 1989 at the applicant's request. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Curnutte presented File ZC-235-89, Valley Business Center, a request for a ZC-235-89 zone change from resource to industrial. He pointed out the location on a map. He SM-588-89', stated this file was submitted with a Type A Minor Subdivision, File SM-588-89. He Valley Business reviewed the chronology and staff findings. Staff and the Planning Commission both Center recommended approval of the zone change. Commissioner Welch asked questions regarding surrounding property zoning. The Board reviewed a map of the area. Mr. Curnutte presented the companion file, *SM-588-89. He reviewed the project description and discussed the site data and chronology of the plan. He pointed out the major concerns and issues. Staff recommended approval of the minor subdivision • with the followi g conditions: , 1. The final plat should not be signed until Eagle County has received a deed . for the 15 foot right-of-way south of Willits Lane. 2. The final plat must contain a note requiring a site specific drainage study to be submitted with all future building permit applications. The drainage study must detail on-site stormwater runoff retention. The Planning Commission recommended approval with the above two conditions. 1 Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, advised h,e received a copy of a Letter of Credit from the Pitkin County Bank. He stated there is some language in the letter which he cannot recommend the Board accept until the language can be removed. Commissioner Welch stated he would like to see a heavily vegetated buffer between I the right-of-way on Willits Land and the first property line. Bob Gilman, applicant's representative, presented a site plan and discussed it with the Board. i Commissioner Welch moved to approve the zone change, File ZC-235-89, Valley Busi- ness Center, from resource to industrial as it is consistent with the Master Plan for 1 the area, and geological, physical and other environmental conditions are compatible with the characteristics of the use requested. The advantages outweigh the disadvan- tages. He further moved that it appears it is a piece of property that is surrounded by industrial, and based on the comments regarding the existing industrial land in , use, it indicates more industrial land is needed. He added there is adequate water and sewer. He further moved the area where the zone change is requested has changed •, to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage this use. , Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, Commissioner Welch asked if the land use could be tied in with the I zone change. Mr. Bigler advised no. , Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved to approve the Type A Minor Subdivision, File SM-588-89, creating four lots in the Basalt Industrial Park area with the following conditions: 1. The final plat should not be signed until Eagle County has received a deed for the 15 foot right-of-way south of Willits Lane. ! 2. The 'final plat must contain a note requiring a site specific drainage study i to be submitted with all future building permit applications. The drainage study must detail on-site stormwater runoff retention. • 3. The final plat will not be signed until a written agreement has been received for the use of the property on the south side of Willits Lane, and a more • detailed landscaping to create a site-obscuring buffer from Willits Lane to the south property line, and includes a shrub-type of vegetation. 4. An acceptable irrevocable Letter of Credit should be provided to the County Attorney. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, the offsite road improvements were mentioned. Increased traffic on i Willits Land and Highway 82 was discussed. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Janice Duroux spoke to the Board regarding a bike path along the road. i Mr. Bigler presented a Skyline Six Area Agency for the Aged application for Title Skyline 6 'Area }, III of the Older Americans Act for a continuing grant. Agency Grant Commissioner Gates moved to approve the application for the grant as presented by Mr. Bigler. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. II . , O ! 4 III . Mr. Curnutte presented File PD-285-89-S, Red Rock Ranch. He reviewed the project PD-285-897S and site data and discussed the chronology of the project. He explained the applicant Red Rock Manch : is requesting PUD Sketch Plan approval to create 10 single family lots on approxi- mately 69 acres. He reviewed Master Plan statements regarding the preservation of the rural character of Eagle County. He pointed out major concerns and issues and read staff findings. Staff recommended approval with several conditions. He read letters from Christine & Richard Kemp, David & Elizabeth Floria, Leslie & Gregory Stasnos, Tish Bartlett all in opposition of the project. He mentioned petitions of area resi- dents opposing the development. Commissioner Welch spoke regarding a regional forum or planning commission to help address regional questions. Glen Horn, representing applicants, introduced the applicants and gave some back- ground on each one. He discussed the reasons the application was withdrawn and stated he believes he has addressed the reasons the application was denied. He presented Exhibit #1, a list of approved dwelling units in the area. He pointed out the char- acter of the area is changing and he is trying to present a plan to meet the needs of the area. He showed the Board a site plan that included maintenance of the pasture. He discussed various alternatives to the proposed development. Wendy Glassier and Hugh Glassier were present and in support of the project. Tom Blake, Tish Bartlett, Jean Perrow, Lou Dequine and Charlie Cole were present and • • opposed the project. , , Tom Blake spoke regarding the mid-valley area growth and asked the Board to pro- pose a moratorium on growth and activity in the mid-valley area. i Lou Dequine spoke in opposition of the project as more and more agricultural land is being lost to development. Charlie Cole, Hooks Spur Road resident, spoke in opposition of the project as he ' believes the public interest is not being served. Jean Perrow, area resident, spoke in opposition of the development as she believes there is not a need for this subdivision. Hugh Glassier spoke in favor of the project and pointed out the need for limited development. ' Wendy Glassier reminded Ms. Perrow that the area where she lives was once a hay • field. Janice Duroux spoke of the development in the area and her support of the proposed , development. Mr. Horn showed the Board a drawing of how the units will be placed on the subdivision. Commissioner Gates expressed concern on the leach fields and the future use in the , area. Commissioner Welch stated that although this is in the sub-area plat it does not mean the project should be developed at this point in time. He stated he believes the plan should leave open space in front of the structures. He questioned if now is the time for this development. Greg Baker, applicant, objected to the comments of there being no need. He stated there is also a demand for this type of housing. John Buchanan, developer, gave the Board his comments on the proposal. Chairman Gustafson stated that developing this area would change the character of the area. He stated he believes Eagle County is becoming the safety valve for Pitkin County's no growth policy. He stated Eagle County must maintain open space. Commissioner Gates expressed his belief that property owners should not be penal- ized in order for Eagle County to maintain open space. Commissioner Gates moved on File PD-285-89, Red Rock Ranch, to approve the sketch plan application with the following conditions: 1. The railroad crossing located immediately north of this property only be used as emergency access. 2. The preliminary plan application must contain more detailed information regarding the feasibility of creating a central water system or common wells for the development. 3. The protective covenants required to be submitted along with the preliminary plan must contain as a minimum the following information: provision for the continued irrigation and maintenance of all common open space and roads; architectural controls; guidelines for outdoor storage; animal and mosquito controls; and fencing guidelines. 4. This proposal appears to be sensitive to the goals and objectives of the Eagle County Master Plan, the El Jebel Sub-Area Master Plan, and the Eagle County Open Space Plan. , 5. The land does appear to be suitable for subdivision. The vast majority of the existing irrigated hay meadow will be preserved forever. The soils in this area are classified by the Soils Conservation Service as "soils of statewide importance." A consulting geologist has performed a geologic investigation of the property and ' concluded that the property can accommodate the proposed development including the proposed individual septic systems and leach fields. 6. Referral agencies listed in Section 2.17.02(1) of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations have been sent a copy of this application for their review and comment. 7. This proposal has access to the State Highway system. ! 8. The area around the development can be planned to be in substantial harmony with the proposed PUD. 9. It does not appear that adjacent and nearby communities will be detrimen- tally affected by the proposed PUD. However, the office of Community Development has received two letters from neighbors opposed to the proposed PUD. 10. The PUD can be completed within a reasonable period of time. 11. There is no commercial or industrial development proposed in conjunction with this PUD. • 12. The proposed streets are adequate to support the anticipated traffic and the development will not overload the streets outside the PUD. 13. The proposed utility and drainage facilities are adequate for the population densities and type of development proposed. . O 1111 4111 • 5"/ v 14. An employee housing plan is not applicable to this PUD. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. Chairman Gustafson and Commissioner Welch voted against; Commissioner Gates voted in favor of the motion. The motion did not pass. Chairman Gustafson explained he does not object to the project but he does not believe the time is right for this project. Mr. Curnutte presented File PD-231-89-A, Creamery Gulch Ranch PUD Amendment, and CPD-231-89r r pointed out on a map the location of the development. He reviewed the chronology, Creamery Gulch major concerns, issues, and staff findings. Staff and the Planning Commission recom- mended denial. David Duncan, applicant, gave the Board of County Commissioners the history of events to the lots that have been developed. He told the Board he believes if Lots 1 and 2 are divided into two lots, perhaps duplex lots would fit into the development in the neighborhood. Discussion was held on the surrounding properties. Commissioner Welch moved the Board of County Commissioners deny the PUD Amendment application for File PD-231-89-A, Creamery Gulch Ranch, based on Staff's findings. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. ZC-236-89 Mr. Curnutte presented the next item, File ZC-236-89, Butler/MacCready zone change request. He reviewed the project description. Btitltle er/MaMacCready Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the zone change application, File ZC-236-89, Butler/MacCready. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Curnutte presented File BE-40-89, H.H. Rothell, Jr. a building envelope amend- BC-40-89 H.H. Rothell ment. He explained the relocation of the building envelope, reviewed project descrip- tion, site data and major concerns and issues. Staff and the Planning Commission recommended approval. Craig Snowden, applicant's representative, made a presentation regarding the move of the building envelope of Lot 10. He showed photos of the adjoining lots. Bill Post, representing Mr. Mills, owner of Lot 9, questioned the procedures fol- lowed by the Beaver Creek Design Review Board and Planning Commission approval based on the Design Review Board's approval. He commented the change in the building enve- lope was solely for the benefit of Lot 10. He requested this application be denied as he feels it does adversely impact Lot 9. Mr. Snowden asked the application be tabled for two weeks. Commissioner Welch moved to table File BE-40-89, H.H. Rothell, Jr. at the appli- cant's request. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Jeremy McMahan, Planner, presented File PD-256-89-P, Oak Grove Townhouses, Phase PD-256-89=P III. He reviewed the project description, site data and chronology. He discussed Oakgrove excerpts from the housing goals, objectives and policies of the Eagle County Master Plan. He reviewed major concerns and issues and staff findings. Staff recommended denial. The Planning Commission recommended approval. Susan Vaughn, representing Basalt Trade Associates, gave basic criteria for a zone change. She elaborated on the reasons for need and demand for employee housing at a modest cost. She continued with her presentation and addressed the fencing. Commissioner Welch asked about the 14 units being impacted more than the units in Phase I. Sid Fox, Acting Director of Community Development, answered since Phase I and Phase II were approved, other multi-family housing has been approved. Paul Adams stated the project should be finished as it looks unfinished now. Chairman Gustafson stated he has no argument against development although communi- ties should build from one center. Mr. Curnutte reiterated the property was a residential development in an indus- trial area and pointed out there is no recreation. Ms. Vaughn replied the river is a major recreational amenity, a play area for children, a volleyball court, and an open area. Commissioner Welch mentioned he would like to see more recreation amenities for the residents. Clay Crossland told the Board extra parking spaces were included instead of leav- ing it open space. Staff pointed out uses by right on the lot next to the development. Mr. Fox suggested to extend the PUD to the next lot and put specific uses on the lots. Discussion followed on possible specific uses for the adjoining lots. Commissioner Gates moved to approve File PD-256-89-P, Oak Grove Townhouses, Phase II, with the following findings: 1. An environmental impact statement is not required. 2. Information required by the Board of County Commissioners upon approving the sketch plan is not applicable. 3. The proposed PUD Control Document appears to be satisfactory. 4. Staff has received the appropriate zone change application. 5. The rezoning is consistent with the Eagle County Master Plan and the El Jebel Sub-Area Master Plan. 6. The area in question possesses the geological, physical and other environ- mental conditions compatible with the characteristics of the use requested. 7. The advantages of the use requested outweigh the disadvantages. 8. The land has access and can be serviced with water and sewage disposal sys- tems appropriate with the zone district being sought. 9. The area for which rezoning is requested has changed to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage a new use or density in the area. 10. The rezoning is necessary in order to provide land for a demonstrated commu- nity need. 11. The final plat be signed when Lot 28 is brought in with certain limitations. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 11 • SI Mr. Fox made a presentation of File PD-284-89, Myers Estates. He reviewed project PD-284-891 description, site data and chronology. He addressed major concerns and issues. Staff Myerfs Estates recommended approval. Commissioner Welch asked about three mobile homes on the property. Mr. Fox stated the PUD Guide calls for two houses and three mobile homes. Commissioner Welch moved to approve File PD-284-89-P, Myers Estates, with the • following findings: 1. The rezoning is consistent with the Master Plan and the area in question possesses the geological, physical and other environmental conditions compatible with the characteristics of the use requested and the advantages outweigh the disadvan- tages. 2. The applicant has provided evidence that the land has access and can be serviced with water and sewage disposal systems appropriate with the zone district being sought. 3. The area for which rezoning is requested has changed or is changing to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage a new use or density in the area. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Curnutte presented the next item for the Board's consideration, File SM-535-86 SM-535-86, Peters Subdivision. He pointed out on a map the location of the project. Peters Subdiv. Commissioner Welch moved to deny the request for an extension to record the final plat on File SM-535-89, Peters Subdivision. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gustafson was out of the room for the plat signings. Mr. Fox presented final plats for the Chairman's signature. Final Plats Commissioner Gates moved to approve and authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the Blue Lake final plat and PUD Guide for Blue Lake Filing III. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. I Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the final plat for the 11th Fairway Townhouses. 11th Fairway Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the Townhouses vote was declared unanimous. 1 Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the final plat for resubdivision of Lot 35, Block 3, Eagle/Vail Subdivision, Filing I. Lot 35, IB-2 Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the E/V Subdiv. vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the final plat for Lot 6, Block 1, Tract J, Beaver Creek Subdivision, 2nd Filing. L-4, B-6 Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the B/C Subdiv. vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the final plat of the resubdivision of Lot 19, Arrowhead at Vail, Filing 10. Lot 19 Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the Arrowhead! vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the final plat of the resubdivision of Lot 42, Block 1, Eagle/Vail Filing 2. L-42, B-11 Chairman Pro.-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the E/V Filing 2 vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to October 10, 1989. Attest: • Clerk to the Board Chairman • • I I • 411/ 4111 S7/ September 25, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney Don Welch Commissioner James Fritze County Manager George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. The first item on the agenda, permission for the Eagle Valley Chamber of Commerce to sell malt, vinous and spirituous liquor at the Eagle County Fairgrounds on October 7, 1989. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, stated that approval to use the County Fairgrounds should be given from the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl stated the Eagle Valley Chamber of Commerce has requested permission E/V Chamber to use the Fairgrounds facilities between 5:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. beginning October 7, of Commerce 1989, for the Oktoberfest celebration. Oktoberfest Commissioner Gates moved to grant permission to the Eagle Valley Chamber of Com- merce to use the County Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall for the Oktoberfest Celebration. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. In discussion, waiving the fee for use of the facilities was brought up. It was determined to make sure that operation costs will be covered in the future. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. I , Commissioner Welch moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Board of County Commission- ers and reconvene as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a Special Events Permit for Eagle Valley Chamber of Commerce E/V Chamber for October 7, 1989 for the Oktoberfest celebration. He stated the application is of Commerce complete and he recommended approval. Special Events ' Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve Liq. License the Special Events Permit for the Eagle Valley Chamber of Commerce to sell malt, vinous and spirituous liquor in the Exhibition Hall, Eagle County Fairgrounds on October 7, 1989 between 5:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Board of Authority and reconvene as the Board of Social Services. Soc. , Services Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. A work session was held as the Board of Social Services. Chairman Gustafson opened the afternoon meeting as the Board of Health. Board of Health Dick Parachine, Department of Health, reported on the air monitoring around the tailings piles and dust pollution at the Eagle Mine. He advised the Board of other monitoring. He discussed the construction and the removal of roaster piles and reseeding in the area. He mentioned the pumpback system of the contaminated water became operation on September 4 and will be fully operational by the end of the year. Marge Gates, Director on Nursing, introduced Jenny Ware, the new nurse. She asked Ware, Jenny if the Board would complete a check list when inspecting the jail which would comply Introduction with the state statutes. The Board agreed to fill out the form during jail inspection. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to September 26, 1989. li Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • 1111 41/0 1110 September 20, 1989 SPECIAL HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman Pro-tem James Fritze County Manager George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Earlene Roach Dep. Clerk to the Board Absent: Dick Gustafson Chairman This being a Special Hearing called to review FAA grant documents regarding of the FAA Grant expansion of the runway at the County Airport: for runway James Fritze, County Manager, stated he spoke with Chairman Gustafson who encour- aged this meeting to be held as soon as possible. He told the present Board members, Chairman Gustafson stated he was in favor of accepting the grant. He explained the grant agreement from the FAA for improvements to the Airport. The amount of federal funds offered is $1,435,000. Linda Becerra, adjacent property owner, requested the Board of County Commission- ers not act at this time. She stated she was not notified. She explained she is 900 feet from the runway and feels her health and safety is being put at risk. She charged she was got given equal opportunity to be heard at the public hearing on July 26, 1989. She reiterated her concerns and requested the Board not accept the grant until her concerns have been addressed. Mr. Fritze responded that experts conducted a study and found no significant envi- ronmental impacts. He added that everyone was afforded an equal opportunity to speak at the public hearing and have written comments considered. Commissioner Gates asked Ms. Becerra about the airport being there when she pur- chased property. Ms. Becerra stated the layout of the airport in 1983 is not the same layout now. She contended the scope of the project has changed and shifted to the north. Commissioner Gates responded the airport is not something new and has been in process for many years. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners accept the FAA Grant 7;3-08-0020-12 and the Chairman Pro-tem be authorized to execute the grant agreement and assurances on the County's behalf. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gustafson was not present for this Special Hearing. Mr. Fritze brought up a prior motion authorizing the Chairman to sign the con- EIAF 2167 tract. He suggested to clarify the matter a motion be made to authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign EIAF 2167 contract. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the contract. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze stated the next item of business is the Notice to Proceed to be issued Notice to to the contractor, Tricon Kent for asphalt and extension of the runway at the County Proceed to Airport. Tricon Kent Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman Pro-tem execute the Notice to Proceed to Tricon Kent for work at the Eagle County Regional Airport. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to September 25, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 1 • i • 50 September 18, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman James Fritze County Manager Don Welch Commissioner Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Thomas Bigler Asst. County Atty. Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, various Res 89-103 resolutions. B/C Metro Fire Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, explained a resolution amending the Beaver District Codes Creek Metro District Fire Code. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners adopt and approve Resolution 89-103 approving certain amendments to the Beaver Creek Metropoli- tan District Fire Code and accepting restated fire safety rules and regulations. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented the next resolution, a housekeeping item regarding the ful- Res 89-104 fillment of Eagle/Vail Subdivision Improvements Agreement obligations. He advised he Eagle/Vail researched the SIA and stated the agreement was released in March, 1981. SIA Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners adopt and approve Resolution 89-104 regarding the fulfillment of Eagle Vail Subdivision Improve- ments Agreement obligations. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, presented a license agreement between Eagle County Agreement Trap Club. He reviewed the agreement for the Board's information and requested the Eagle County Board sign the agreement. Trap Club Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and the Chair- man be authorized to sign the license agreement between Eagle County and Eagle Valley Trap Club. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a contract with Aviation Systems, Inc. for the establishment Contract of an airport approach facility. He reviewed the contract for the Board of County ASI, Inc. Commissioners. James Fritze, County Manager, told the Board regarding the proposed grant for the airport the State of Colorado has set a condition that a formal public bid process be followed. He stated his concern with this grant might be violating the agreement discussed by Mr. Lindahl. He requested tabling to later in the day. Commissioner Welch moved to table this contract to later in the day. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl explained a contract between Eagle County and the State Health Depart- Contract ment for the WIC program. He stated the amount of this contract is $2,500 more than WIC Program last year. He recommended approval. Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve and the Chairman be authorized to sign the contract between Eagle County and the State Health Department for a grant for the Women, Infants and Children Program. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze requested the State of Colorado Impact Assistance Contract EIAF ;2167 EIAF ;2167 be tabled to later in the day. Contract Commissioner Gates moved to table the contract to later in the day. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze presented a proposed agreement between Eagle County and the U.S. Geolog- Agreement ical Department to install a gauge in the Eagle River in Minturn. He explained the U.S. Geolog agreement and the back up agreement with Dames and Moore. He recommended the Board Survey authorize the Chairman or the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the agreement. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and authorize the Chairman or Chairman Pro-tem sign the agreement between Eagle County and the U.S. Geological Survey, upon receipt of an agreement from Dames and Moore. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze requested the Chairman be authorized to sign an agreement between Eagle Contract County and Gulf + Western by Dames and Moore. He stated Dames and Moore would pay all Gulf & Western costs of the gauging station except $1,500 which Eagle County will pay. Commissioner Welch moved to authorize the Chairman or Chairman Pro-tem to sign the agreement with Gulf + Western by Dames and Moore. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved to adjourn as Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a transfer of liquor license application from the Rumrunner Liq. Lic. to The Shortshop. This must be treated as a new application for a liquor license. Shortstop Johnnette Phillips, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, swore in Michael Peter Stascavage. Mr. Bigler questioned Mr. Stascavage regarding the liquor license application, the location of the establishment and names of officers of the corporation. He requested the Board establish the neighborhood. 1 • 411 • • cal Commissioner Gates moved to establish the neighborhood as being the same as The Rumrunner. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Stascavage presented a petition with approximately one hundred signatures from area people all in favor of the establishment of The Shortstop. Commissioner Gates moved to establish the need for this liquor license in the area as represented by the petition. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gustafson accepted the petition as Exhibit ;1. Mr. Bigler continued to question Mr. Stascavage the establishment, the management of the bar, DWAI and DUIs received in 1982, 1983 and 1988. Mr. Stascavage presented some photos of the remodelling and painting being done to establish a family restaurant atmosphere. These photos were accepted as Exhibit ;2. He discussed the changes being made on the premises and gave his background and experi- ence. Charles Moore testified to his education and experience in the hotel business. Chairman Gustafson questioned Mr. Stascavage regarding the DWIA and DUIs. Mr. Stascavage assured Chairman Gustafson this is not a recurring problem. Mr. Bigler advised the application is in order and has received no incident reports from the Sheriff's office. He recommended approval of this liquor license. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the transfer of ownership of a hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for Stasmore, Inc. dba The Shortstop. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a renewal application for a hotel and restaurant liquor Liq. Lic. license for Mirabelle's. He advised the Sheriff's office reported no incidents during Mirabelle's the past year. He recommended approval. Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for Mirabelle's at Beaver Creek, Inc. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a renewal application for a hotel and restaurant liquor Liq. Lic. license for The Inn at Beaver Creek. He recommended approval. Inn at BC Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal application of a hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for Beaver Creek Food Services, dba The Inn at Beaver Creek. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved to adjourn as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze appeared with Contract EIAF ;2167 and requested the Board's approval. Contract Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and the Chairman be authorized to sign EIAF 42167 the contract with the State of Colorado for the Impact Assistance Grant EIAF ;2167. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl discussed the contract with Aviation Systems, Inc. and recommended Contract approval of the contract and authorization for the Chairman to sign upon receipt from ASI the Division of Local Affairs a contract for the funding. Commissioner Welch moved to approve the contract subject to the receipt of written approval from the state. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to September 25, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 11 • • • • s0-7 September 12, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman James Fritze County Manager Don Welch Commissioner Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners with SU-117-89-F the first item on the agenda, File SU-117-89-F, Aspen Mountain View. Aspen Mtn Jim Curnutte, Planner, stated the applicant has requested this item be tabled until a signed Subdivision Improvements Agreement and a Letter of Credit. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners table the final plat application on File SU-117-89-F, Aspen Mountain View, to September 26, 1989. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Curnutte presented File BE-38-89-Pun II Partners, Beaver Creek. He explained BE-38-99 the applicant is requesting a building envelope amendment which would allow the exist- Pun II ing building envelope to be shifted approximately 35 feet to the east. He spoke of notifying adjacent property owners. Don Unkefer, partner in Pun II Partners, told the Board the primary residences of the adjacent property owners and discussed the request of locating the building enve- lope at 110 Wayne Creek Road. Discussion followed on the owner of Lot 7, the lot which would be most affected by the change in building envelope. The Board determined to try tocontact via telephone the owner of Lot 7 and return later in the day for discussion. Sid Fox, Acting Director of Community Development, presented a resolution regard- Res 89-99 ing the denial of the zone change request by Randy and Wendy Glassier. Glassier Commissioner Welch moved to sign and adopt Resolution 89-99 regarding File 2C-234-89, Glassier. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented a resolution approving the zone change on Lot 18 from Single Res 89-100 Family to Primary/Secondary and a minor adjustment of the lot line. Commissioner Welch moved to sign and adopt Resolution 89-100 for Pilgrim Downs, File PD-152-89-A9, as presented by Mr. Fox. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented a resolution approving a time share project, St. James Club, in Res 89-101 the Beaver Creek Planned Unit Development. St James Club Commissioner Gates moved to sign and adopt Resolution 89-101 on File PD-100-89-A. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented a resolution approving the zone change from RSM to PUD for Res 89-102 Elliot Ranch, File ZC-233-89, David and Jessie Edeen. Elliot Ranch Commissioner Gates moved to sign and adopt Resolution 89-102 approving the zone change for File 2C-233-89. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented a final plat for a resubdivision of Lot 71, Block 1, Eagle/Vail, Final Plat Filing =2, a Type B Minor Subdivision creating a property line splitting a duplex. E/V Lot 71 Commissioner Welch moved to sign the plat as presented by Mr. Fox. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and recon- vene as the Board of Equalization. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, presented a resolution regarding Schedule ;,28418. BOE He explained the adjustment was necessary to equalize this property associated with Res 89-E-11 Singletree Golf Course. Commissioner Gates moved to sign and adopt Resolution 89-E-11 as presented by Mr. Lindahl. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of Equalization and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Discussion continued on File BE-38-89, Pun II Partners. Mr. Unkefer advised he BE-38-89 spoke with the owner of Lot 7 who agreed with the change in the building envelope. Pun II Commissioner Welch moved to approve File BE-38-89, building envelope change, based on the information just received and contingent upon the letter of approval being received from the owner of Lot 7. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to September 12, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 0 , 4111 • I • y September 11, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman James Fritze County Manager Dan Welch Commissioner Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following warrants were brought before the Board for their consideration: GENERAL FUND AAA PROCESS SERVERS 15579/SHEP.MAN/WATSON 30.00 ABBEY DOUGLAS SEMINAR 20.00 ABBOTT LABORATORIES STREP KIT 310.00 \BC REPROGRAPHICS INCORPORATED NEG/MYLARS 404.00 ADDISON DAVID C 15697/HIGH 10.00 AIRBORN FAIR ENTERTAINMENT 850.00 ALLEN TRICIA FAIR ENTERTAINMENT 500.00 ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL VET SVCS/VACCINATIONS 203.50 ALPINE BANK FAIR-RODEO ACCOUNT 6,000.00 AMERICAN CREDIT COMP 15546/CANADA 2.60 AMERICAN EXPRESS LODGE/MEALS/TRAVEL 1,328.00 AMICH AND JENKS INCORPORATED POLYGRAPHS 195.00 ANIMAL HOSPITAL OF VAIL VALLEY REIM/SPAY-NEUTER 1,000.00 APPLIED ELECTRONICS REPAIR RADIO EQUIP 217.72 ASPEN TIMES THE LEGAL NOTICE 15.08 AT AND T TELEPHONE SERVICE 100.46 AURORA MARKETING COMPANY POWERSONIC BATTERIES 73.00 AV TECH ELECTRONICS REPAIR RADIO-SIRENS 410.50 AVON BEAVER CREEK TIMES PUBLIC SAFETY ADV 82.00 B HALL PRODUCTIONS TV ADV 89.00 BANCROFT WHITNEY COMPANY OFFICE SUPPLIES 196.75 BAR W SLASH ROUGHSTOCK ROUGH STOCK CHANGE 11,700.00 BARTELL AND BARTELL PSYCH. ASSESSMENTS 1,112.40 BASALT TOWN OF THIRD QTR RENT 1,200.00 BAUER RANDY M TRAINING SEMINAR 850.00 BEARDEN AMANDA MILEAGE/TRAVEL 37.00 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS OPERATING SUPPLIES 707.80 BEAVER CREEK CHILDRENS THEATER FAIR ENTERTAINMENT 500.00 BEEP WEST INCORPORATED PAGERS/RENTAL 90.00 BELCHER CURTIS BOARD OF EQUALIZATION 4,474.36 BEVERIDGE RICK LODGING/MEALS 197.53 BISHOPS TRASH SERVICE TRASH SERVICE 34.00 BOB BARKER COMPANY INMATE SUPPLIES 899.90 BONDED ADJUSTING SERVICE 15537/ARNOLD 12.08 BOYD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY REPAIR SUPPLIES 120.10 BRIGADE QUARTERMASTERS LIMITED UNIFORM PANTS 127.32 BRITTANY ENTERTAINMENT CANOPY FOR CONCERT 500.00 BROWN TOM LODGING/MEALS 63.38 BUFFALOS LODGING/MEALS 47.75 BURKI ROSIE FAIR ENTERTAINMENT 100.00 BUSINESS AND LEGAL REPORTS TRAINING POSTERS 31.80 BUSINESS CLUE COMPUTER PAPER 655.20 C JEAN SMOLLETT 15711/1ST TRUST 9.50 C S VIDEO PRODUCTION FREE STAGE SAOUND 750.00 CALDWELL WILLIAM 15555/GALSTON 10.00 CAMERA SHOP AT CROSSROADS THE FILM PROCESSING 6.02 CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS MAINT CONTRACTS/SUPPLIES 1,499.88 CARRIAGE RIDES OF VAIL EAGLE/VAIL PARADES 200.00 CARTER LINDA LODGING/MEALS 46.78 CARTER ZANE R DVM RABIES REIM/BLAGG 11.00 CARUTHERS GENNY JO MILEAGE/TRAVEL 26.80 CARVER NORMA 4-H JUDGE 90.80 CASTLE PEAK VETERINARY SERVICE VET SERVICE/EXAM 622.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/GENERAL 12,570.03 CENTER DRUGS FILM PROCESSING 10.01 CERTIFIED SEMEN SERVICE REGULATION/BEEF BREED 2.55 CF HOECKEL COMPANY PRINTED MATERIALS 1,028.18 CHICAGO CREEK CLINIC MEDICAL/X-RAY-TRACY 248.00 CHRISTIE LODGE LODGE/MAKARSKI 164.93 CLICK. HORNING FAIR ENTERTAINMENT 220.00 CLUTTER LAURA TRAINING/MILEAGE 213.00 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY BOTTLED WATER 54.00 CODEL RENT/EAGLE PK CENTRAL 2,689.35 COGBURN RAY GARDEN JUDGE 53.00 COLLETT ENTERPRISES OPERATING SUPPLIES 88.58 COLORADO ASSESSORS ASSOCIATION IAAO COURSE 1,600.00 COLORADO ASSOCIATION ANIMAL CAACO/TRAINING 275.00 COLORADO ASSOCIATION LAW TRAINING CONFERENCE 40.00 COLORADO ASSOCIATION OF CHIEFS MEMBERSHIP DUES 50.00 COLORADO BADGE AND TROPHY NAME BARS/SS 26.23 COLORADO COUNTIES INC CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 210.00 4111 4110 4111 1111 ' . 01 , . . COLORADO COUNTRY CONNECTION ADVERTISING 117.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT HIGHWAYS MAPS 2.50 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH NOTE PAPER 50.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF LABOR INSURANCE PREMIUM 2,608.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL 16,559.55 COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE TRAINING/TUITION 50.00 COLORADO QUARTER HORSE SHOW HORSE MAILING LABELS 10.00 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY OTHER PRINTED MATERIALS 120.28 COLORADO WEST PROFESSIONAL PROF SERV/INMATES 2,295.00 CONOLLY PHILLIPS 15517/DUNHAM 8.80 CORDILLERA LODGING/MEALS 213.96 COSGRIFF DUNN AND ABPLANALP 15589/HAUSER 0.05 CREDIT BUREAU OF GUNNISON 15470/MARTINEZ 35.50 CSU LIVESTOCK TEAM LIVESTOCK TEAM JUDGE 450.00 D SHACKELFORD SHIPP 15582/FRY 2.50 DATA FILMS INC FUJI PAPER 143.70 DAVIS ROSS JR 15530/COLE 8.40 DAY TIMERS INCORPORATED OFFICE SUPPLIES 96.33 DELANEY AND BALCOMB PC 15675/ALPEN BANK 43.20 DENVER POST THE ADVERTISING 547.04 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCH COST 6,632.50 DINN BROTHERS INCORPORATED TROPHIES 363.39 DODSON ENGINEERED PRODUCTS PARTS/SPRINKLER 60.96 DONOVAN RICHARD C 15641/EURICH 10.00 DRAKE BETH FLOWER JUDGE 112.26 DRAPHIX INCORPORATED KOH PENS 45.65 DREIER DOUGLAS INMATE TRANSPORT 14.00 DUGGAN GARRY SERVICES/8-89 100.00 DUROUX ALMEDA COORD REIM 15.00 EAGLE AUTO PARTS OPERATING SUPPLIES 29.88 EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER REIM/POSTAGE PD 585.63 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS SUPPORT/MAINT FEE 718.50 EAGLE COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER SEPT SHELTER 4,933.39 EAGLE COUNTY NURSING SERVICE POSTAGE • 63.56 EAGLE PHARMACY OPERATING SUPPLIES 372.26 EAGLE TOWN OF WATER SERVICE 3,147 .54 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE ADVERTISING 1,524.80 EAGLE VALLEY GLASS AND MIRROR PLEXIGLASS/B&G 83.56 EAST WEST PARTNERS REFUND PLAN CK FEE 10,750.68 EASTMAN INCORPORATED OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,009.55 ECLAT DESIGN 15655/BANNER 4.00 ELECTION CENTER THE CCI CONFERENCE 390.00 ELLIS KEVIN 15600/JERRINGER 10.00 EQUUS SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 19.97 ESIMOL MERRIT 4-H JUDGE 145.80 FAHRENHOLTZ JAMES 15621/REID 27 .40 FARMER BROTHERS COFFEE SUPPLIES 265.98 FEDRIZZI GERALD J DMD PC INMATE DENTAL 56.00 FERRELLGAS GAS/FAIRGROUNDS 79.79 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 118,815.37 FOOLS GOLD FAIR ENTERTAINMENT 375.00 FORTUNES RESTAURANT LODGING/MEALS 115.55 FRANCIS ROBERT A 15660/MANZANARES 5.60 FRENCH AND STONE 15629/STEVENS 30.00 G AND M INSURANCE AGENCY POCKET SEAL/NOTARY 16.00 GALAXY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY LIGHT BULBS 398.90 GARFIELD VISION ASSOCIATES INMATE EXAM/GLASSES 171.00 GATES GEORGE A MILEAGE/TRAVEL 124.20 GENERAL FUND REIM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 13.45 GILDEMEISTER BRYAN CARCASS CONTEST 100.00 GIRARD THOMAS A LODGING/HEALS/TRAVEL 300.34 GLENWOOD POST THE ADVERTISING 41.40 GLENWOOD VET CLINIC RABIES REIM 11.00 GLYNN KATHLEEN LODGING/MEALS 357.15 GMA ASSOCIATES REFUND/PLAN CHECK 1,847.18 GOLDSMITH AND LUBY 15601/TURNER 1.60 GRAND JUNCTION STEEL 15594.ROMAN 9.10 GRAND JUNCTION WESTERN WEAR ROYALTY TIERRAS 120.25 GRAY SUPPLY COMPANY OVERHEAD PROJ BULBS 50.32 GREATER EAGLE FIRE PROTECTION 911 BILLING 36.00 GREEN CLAIRE H 15479/PIATT 10.00 GREEN KIMBER JUDGE/TRAVEL EXPENSES 50.00 GREENBERG EDW S 15538/BINDNER 10.00 GRIZZLY GLASS 15587/EAGLE RIVER 1.60 GS EDWARDS HAINT/JC 999.00 GUSTAFSON RICHARD MILEAGE/TRAVEL 198.29 GYPSUM AUTOBODY AND FRAME VEHICLE TOW 78.00 HAGGART CHARLES SUBSCRIPTION 29.00 HAVENER VONETTE FASHION REVUE JUDGE 15.00 HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING PLAT CHECK 97.50 HL MOORE INMATE SUPPLIES 117.20 HOBBS BETTIE DUCKS/DUCK POND 37.95 HODGES BADGE COMPANY FAIR RIBBONS 1,183.76 HOLME ROBERT AND OWEN LEGAL SERVICE/BL LAKE 70.95 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICE 7,332.70 II1111 III • • 6p6 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,318.10 HORSEMAN SUBSCRIPTION 15.00 HOSPICE CARE OF CHICAGO LAND MEMORIAL/J.WARZON 25.00 HOTSY EQUIPMENT CORPORATION REPAIR CAR WASH 91.10 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE LODGE/MEALS/TRAVEL 133.48 HOZA LAURIE FASHION CLINIC PRES. 15.00 HUENINK KELLY TRAVEL/FAIR SUPPLIES 143.70 ICS INMATE SUPPLIES 167.29 INTERNATIONAL MAILING SYSTEMS POSTAGE METER RENTAL 69.75 INTERNATIONAL TELECHARGE TELEPHONE SERVICE 7.75 J GARLIN COMMERCIAL FURNISHING MECHANISM FOR CHAIR 40.00 JAMES FRED S AND COMPANY OF SERVICES-JULY 89 1,450.00 JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY TRIAL EVIDENCE SUPP. 37.95 JD PEARSON 15627/SCHRUPP 0.80 JEFFERSON COUNTY COOP RABBIT JUDGE MANUAL 5.00 JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING REPAIRS/MAINT/JC 5,092.63 JOHNSON JACK W CIVIL DEF SERV/AUG 89 700.00 JOHNSON KUNKEL AND ASSOCIATES PLAT CHECK/MYLAR PLOTS 525.00 JOY OF WINNING THE TROPHIES/RIBBONS 77.55 KARET IRA M 15529/MASTRIOANNI 18.30 KELLING NORTHCROSS NOBRIGA INC PROF FEE/BOND 11,679.95 KKGD RADIO RADIO ADS 200.00 KLITE RADIO RADIO ADS 100.05 LAWTON PRINTING INCORPORATED CODE BOOK TABS 6.45 LEAVENWORTH LOCHHEAD AND PROF SERVICES 1,369.65 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES OFFICE SUPPLIES 193.03 LIRTZMAN AND NEHLS PC 15715/PRINTERY 2.60 LK SURVEY INSTRUMENTS PLOTTER PENS/NAILS 179.23 LOCKARD SAM P 15548/SMITH 30.50 LYONS BETTY FOODS JUDGE 50.00 MARTA THOMPSON HOBBIES/CRAFTS JUDGE 99.00 MARTIN NANCY JUDGE EXPENSES 72.80 MARTINEZ JANITORIAL JULY89-JANITORIAL SERV 6,545.00 MATTHEW BENDER AND COMPANY POLICE LIAB/SUPPLEMENT 39.10 MCHUGH JAN LODGING/MEALS/TRAINING 327.88 MCMAHAN JEREMY LODGING/MEALS 40.80 MEINEKE DONNA PROF SERVICES 94.51 MEINSTER BROWN 15617/SKINNER 10.00 MERRICK LYN LODGING/MEALS 36.78 MIKESELL KEITH 4-H JUDGE 105.80 MILE HIGH OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 41.84 MILLER MAKKAI AND DOWDLE 15547/ERWIN 2.90 MINOLTA OFFICE SYSTEMS INC MINOLTA TONER 91.73 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USAGE 20,259.48 . MOTOROLA INCORPORATED REPAIR SERVICES 23.85 MOUNTAIN BELL SUB STATION 60.00 MOUNTAIN MICROFILM FILMING/FICHE JACKETS 310.20 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION REPAIR/LOCK CONTROL 45.00 MOUNTAIN SIGN SYSTEM NAME PLATES 20.00 MOUNTAIN TOP MANAGEMENT RADIO SITE RENT 200.00 NACANACA TRAINING GUIDE 22.95 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 37.00 NATIONAL POLICE CHIEFS AND NATIONAL DIRECTORY 45.00 NEAL BETTIE 4-H JUDGE 89.00 NEVES UNIFORMS • UNIFORM PINS 33.80 NOLAN NINA COORD REIM/JULY 89 15.00 NORTHERN BANK NOTE COMPANY PRINTING OF BONDS 1,136.29 NUNN JEAN MILEAGE/TRAVEL 37.20 OCHSNER KEVIN JUDGE EXPENSES 80.00 ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY PEST CONTROL/JC 98.00 ORTEN HINDMAN 15613/BYERS 8.00 PACIFIC TELECOM TELEPHONE SERVICES 11,426.64 PC MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION 37.97 PC RESOURCE SUBSCRIPTION 19.97 PENNY SAVER MEDICAL SUPPLY MEDICAL SUPPLIES 41.16 PETERSON LYNN FASHION CLINIC JUDGE 30.00 PETRE AND PETRE 15657/COMERFORD 16.70 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING LODGE/MEALS/MISC 408.10 PHILLIPS JOHNNETTE LODGING/MEALS/TRAINING 538.60 PITNEY BOWES INTEREST/SUPPLIES 292.08 POLK RL UPDATE POLK MANUALS 97.50 POSTMASTER POSTAGE/METER 9,002.00 POWERS LLOYD OPERATING SUPPLIES 48.77 PRECISION DYNAMICS ARM BANDS 57.40 PREFERRED OFFICE PRODUCTS OFFICE SUPPLIES 35.76 PRENTICE HALL SUBS/NEWSLETTER 128.27 PRIME COMPUTER INCORPORATED MAINT/SERV BILLING 3,119.60 PRO JUDGING DEPARTMENT PRO JUDGES 450.00 PRO RODEO SPORTS NEWS DISPLAY AD 103.50 PROFESSIONAL ORDNANCE COMPANY ASSAULT UPDATE KITS 124.15 PTL ELECTRIC REP-INSTALL AIR COND. 836.50 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPLY COMPANY OPERATING SUPPLIES 179.28 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY ELELCTRIC SERVICE 70.70 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 280.45 QUINN TERRANCE 15707/MASTROIANNI 9.10 11III • • III cbi REUBENS RESTAURANT INMATE MEALS 14,279.07 REVA MILLER 82DR30/521803850 484.65 REYNOLDS NETTIE MILEAGE/TRAVEL 135.20 RICCIARDELLI PETER 15564/FISHER 10.00 RICHARD YOUNG PRODUCTS OF SURGE PROTECTORS 471.61 ROCHE BIOMEDICAL LABORATORIES PROF FEES 308.50 ROCKY MOUNTAIN AUDIO VISUAL CASSETTE TAPES 67.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS SERVICE 4,367.27 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PROGRAM REFRESHER COURSE 225.00 ROPIR CABLEVISION CABLE TV SERVICE 31.45 SACHSLAWLOR RUBBER STAMP 14.00 SANDY'S OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 23.90 SARTIN ALLEN RECRUITING EXP 268.63 SATTERFIELD DEBBIE QUEEN MATERIAL 134.18 SAVAGE JOHN W JR 15473/MEYER 10.00 SCHAEFFER ELWYN 15521/HORNBERGER 10.00 SCHAEFFER MFG CO 15521/HORNBERGER 10.00 SCHIPPER SARAH PHN LODGING/MEALS 276.03 SCHMALE EDWIN H BOARD OF EQUALIZATION 7,625.61 SCHMIDT CECELIA MILEAGE/TRAVEL 16.00 SCHMIDT ELOISE COORD REIM/JULY 89 15.00 SCHRINER BONNIE MJ 15544/COTTER 22.40 SCHUTZMAN NBC INCORPORATED TRANS SLIPS/RECEIPTS 146.38 SCREENPRINT DESIGN FAIR PERSONNEL/SHIRTS 457.36 SHOUP KATHY MILEAGE/TRAVEL 125.75 SIMONSON ED 15556/GREEN 7.50 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING PRINTED MATERIALS 4,303.20 SKYLINE SIX AREA AGENCY ON THE SUPPLEMENTAL SALARY 704.90 SKYLINE TALENT AND PRODUCTION TRESPASSER BAND 625.00 SPARKMAN DAN 56 MILES/SPARKMAN 51.20 STAN BERNSTEIN AND ASSOCIATES PROF SERV/JULY 89 9,557.88 STEINBERG THOMAS I CTY HEALTH OFFICER 272.00 STRAWBERRY PATCH FLOWERS 25.00 STUVER AND GEORGE 15559/NEWROTH 15.00 SUMMIT LUMBER OPERATING/REPAIR/SUPPLIES 448.12 SUMMIT MEDICAL CENTER CASE INVESTIGATION 130.60 SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS MANUAL 22.00 TACK ROOM QUEENS CONT/LUNCHEON 86.19 TAYLOR WYN T 15483/MANZANARES 3.20 TB ASSISTANCE DEPARTMENT 400 T.B. VACCINE 8.23 THE CITY COUNTY RECRUITER ADV/EMPLOYMENT 36.12 THOMPSON ROBERT H 15543/COLO DENVER 58.20 TOP DRAWER OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 530.63 TRAVEL TRAVEL OF VAIL INMATE TRANSPORT 2,158.63 TRI D COMPANY WINDOW WASHING 907.00 TUXALL UNIFORM COMPANY UNIFORMS 253.65 TYREE AND ASSOCIATES ARCH REVIEW 1,480.00 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SHIPPING CHARGE 79.75 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE SERVICES 1,337.87 VAIL ELECTRONICS CONNECT ANSUL HD SYS 87.84 VAIL INTERNAL MEDICINE PHYSICALS/EMPLOYMENT 70.00 VAIL LOCK AND KEY KEYS 22.50 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC INMATE EXAMS 1,374.00 VAIL SIGN CORPORATION UNIFORM NAME TAGS 16.00 VAIL TOWN OF CONTRACT SERVICES 827.10 • VAIL TRAIL THE ADVERTISING 92.60 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER INMATE MEDICAL 5,313.70 VALLEY JOURNAL FAIR DISPLAY AD 80.00 VALLEY SIGNS SIGNS 41.20 VALLEY VIEW HOSPITAL MEDICAL LAB 168.00 VISA LODGING/MEALS/TRAVEL 3,198.47 VITALE JOHN PHOTOGRAPHY JUDGE 62.00 WALMART SURGE PROT/MINI BLINDS 34.79 WALT DISNEY WORLD TRAINING/WHITE HOUSE 1,585.00 WARD CYNTHIA 15637/SALAZAR 0.70 WARZON PAULA LODGING/MEALS 13.96 WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY WESTLAW SERV/MAY 89 403.71 WEST VAIL TEXACO VEHICLE TOW 200.00 WESTERN ACOUSTICS INCORPORATED EARPHONE CORDS 33.00 WESTERN EAGLE COUNTY AMBULANCE INMATE TRANSPORT 320.00 WESTERN SLOPE UNIFORM COMPANY LAUNDRY SERVICE 67.40 WILLARD AB HARDESTY 15647/FARENHOLTZ 2.50 WILLIAMS SHELLEY LODGING/MEALS 6.16 WILSON DOUG YOUTH HORSE JUDGE 200.00 WINTERSET TALENT AGENCY DESERT ROSE BAND 15,150.00 WOEHRMYER BUSINESS FORMS PAPER 725.63 WORRELL STEPHEN J 15636/HALL 10.00 WRIGHT AND COMPANY 80% BLDG PERMIT FEE 660.00 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY OPERATING SUPPLIES 11.16 XEROX CORPORATION ANNUAL MINIMUM CHARGE 523.35 YAMPA VALLEY ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICE 14.39 AUGUST PAYROLL 222,343.78 GRAND TOTAL 633,842.26 10 , , 1 4 4 4 ROAD & BRIDGE FUND CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS MAINT CONT/COPIES 80.67 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/RD&BR 1,801.17 COLORADO COUNTIES INCORPORATED CONFERENCE/FESSLER 105.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/RD&BR 3,125.85 CRYSTAL SAW SERVICE CHAIN 36.61 CTL THOMPSON INCORPORATED CONST.OBSERVATION 322.00 EAGLE AUTO PARTS CARBURATOR CLEANER 4.27 EAGLE PHARMACY OPERATING SUPPLIES 21.63 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE ADVERTISISNG 30.55 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE PUBLIC NOTICE 57.85 FESSLER DON CCI CONFERENCE 50.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/RD&BR 21,048.71 GA WESTERN CONSTRUCTION BRUSH CREEK RD BRIDGE 45,632.25 GMCO CORPORATION 951./CHIPSEAL PROG. 311,285.82 HOLIDAY IN?I TRADE CENTER LODGING/MELAS 405.00 MATERIAL SALES INCCORPORATED ROAD SIGNS 202.92 MCGRUDER SEPTIC SERVICE SEPTIC SERVICE 50.00 MOBILE PREMIX COMPANY ROAD BASE 1,345.90 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USAGE 69,254.78 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION VIDEO CLEANER 15.95 NEWMAN SIGNS INCORPORATED TRAFFIC SIGNS 129.00 NUMETRICS INSTRUMENTATION REPAIR MEAS. INST. 68.80 OUR HOUSE LODGING/MEALS 58.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN SAFETY SERVICE ADV/DIR. ARROWS 270.44 STRIJPE WRIGHT 89/STRIPING PROGRAM 17,587.54 SUMMIT LUMBER OPERATING/REPAIR SVCS 2,421.63 VALLEY LUMBER NYLON MASON TWINE 36.53 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY MARK PAINT 68.00 AUGUST PAYROLL 39,312.83 GRAND TOTAL 514,829.70 LIBRARY FUND ALA PUBLISHING SERVICES BOOK 15.75 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION STATE BOOK 93.05 ARTISTIC GREETINGS ADDRESS LABELS 6.70 B W BOOK COMPANY BOOKS 37.30 BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY BOOK/REF 514.10 BANTAM DOUBLEDAY DELL BOOKS/ROM 208.00 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS OPERATING SUPPLIES 20.70 BRODART INCORPORATED BOOKS 323.99 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LIBRARY 457.26 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LIBRARY 555.26 DENVER PUBLIC LIBRARY LOST BOOK 40.00 DIRECT FROM THE PUBLISHERS MAG/SUBSCRIPTIONS 348.51 EAGLE COUNTY ACCOUNTING COPIER CHARGES 498.00 EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MONEY ORDER/PC 10.58 EAGLE PHARMACY PHOTOS 24.69 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/AUG 89 1,922.85 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LIBRARY 4,253.83 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REIM/BOOKS/FRI 69.12 GENERAL FUND REIM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 41.90 GORDONS BOOKS/H 374.34 HASLEE LORRAINE MALL MILEAGE/TRAVEL 12.00 INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA COMPANY BOOK 31.45 J GARLIN COMMERCIAL FURNISHING ROUND TABLE 342.00 LIBRARY INSIGHTS PROMOTION AND PR NEWSLETTER 16.00 LIBRARY VIDEO COMPANY 034198/VIDEOS 681.75 MIDVALLEY BRANCH LIBRARY POSTAGE/PC 18.28 MINTURN BRANCH LIBRARY POSTAGE/PC 24.82 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USAGE 32.40 NISWANGER AMY BOOK/PURCH AT CONF. 12.00 ORYX PRESS BOOK 48.44 PACIFIC TELECOM PHONE/COMPUTER LINE 139.14 PUBLIC BROADCASTING SERVICE VIDEOS 275.00 R WOODS CONSUMER INFORMATION BOOK 23.00 READ WELL MEDIA INCORPORATED BOOK 6.95 RICHARD YOUNG PRODUCTS STATIC STRIP 40.50 ROCKING R GALLERY DECALS 254.68 SACHS LAWLOR STAMP 27.45 SILVER BURDETT PRESS BOOKS/ENCY 249.00 THE CHILDRENS BOOK COUNCIL POSTER/BOOKMARKS 134.00 U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE SERVICES 55.89 VISIBLE COMPUTER SUPPLY ANTI STATIC MATS 59.90 WALMART 0.199 GLUE/FILM 72.68 WORLD BOOK INCORPORATED BOOK/ENCY 549.00 AUGUST PAYROLL 9,813.05 GRAND TOTAL 22,735.31 1 1 1 1 II • 4 III 411! 93 MOTOR POOL FUND Al AUTO ELECTRIC COMPANY STARTER EXCHANGE 179.20 ABBEY DOUGLAS GAS/CO VEHICLE 3345 11.50 AMERICAN EAGLE TIRE 4/TIRES/ALL SEASON 242.27 BERTHOD MOTORS GASKET 15.01 BITTERMAN KATHY GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE 3.20 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/MP 384.36 CENTURY EQUIPMENT COMPANY PARTS/SUPPLIES 412.72 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/MP 513.44 CUMMINS POWER INCORPORATED CHECK FUEL PUMP 94.38 DORIO DISTRIBUTING FUEL & LUBRICANTS 15,282.46 DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES SEAL 52.24 EAGLE AUTO PARTS REPAIR/OPERATING SUPPLIES 3,096.09 EAGLE COUNTY AIRPORT TRANS FUEL-AP-YARD 87.31 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/MP 3,739.51 FLAIL MASTER CORPORATION HEAVY DUTY BLADES 49.88 GAY JOHNSON TRACK EDGE TIRES 258.16 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD SWITCH ASSY 34.34 GOODYEAR TIRE TIkES 349.28 HANSON EQUIPMENT REPAIR SERVICES 494.93 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY ROLL TOWELS 19.95 HONNEN EQUIPMENT COMPANY PACKING 23.98 J AND S CONTRACTORS SUPPLY CURVE CUTTING EDGES 1,797.90 J I CASE CREDIT CORPORATION DRUM DR ROLLER/PAYMT 2,020.14 KAR PRODUCTS INCORPORATED MISC SHOP SUPPLIES 422.89 MCMAHAN JEREMY GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE 10.76 MESA MACK CARRIER BRACKET 301.42 MONTOYA ANDREW R GAS/COUNTY CAR 5.00 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USAGE 117.12 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION INSTALL RADIO ANTENNA 193.35 PETTY CASH MOTOR POOL TITLE FEES 60.80 PHILLIPS 66 COMPANY FUEL/COUNTY VEHICLE 18.50 POWER MOTIVE CABLE 73.84 QUALITY MOBILE WINDSHIELD WINDSHIELD REPAIR 25.00 SOUTHWESTERN PETROLEUM LOA KIT/GREASE 510.38 SUMMIT LUMBER SILICA SAND 70.29 VALLEY GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY WELDING SUPPLIES 163.75 VISA LODGING/MEALS/TRAVEL 209.63 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY CAT/TRACTOR SCRAPER 2,546.55 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY OPERATING SUPPLIES 690.25 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY FIRST AID KIT 318.74 AUGUST PAYROLL 7,975.70 GRAND TOTAL 42,836.22 CAPTIAL EXPENDITURES FUND DIAMOND SOFTWARE SUPPLY SMARTWARE BUNDLE 1,346.85 EC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CU EXHIBIT DISPLAY 1,000.00 J GARLIN COMMERCIAL FURNISHING CRT STAND ON CASTERS 153.00 JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING REPAIR/MOD.AIR COND. 57.00 PITNEY BOWES M250 COPIER/L-PURCH. 185.92 PTL ELECTRIC ELEC HOOK-UP/MODULAR 1,854.23 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPLY COMPANY REPLACE LIGHTBAR 701.50 SPACE MASTER INTERNATIONAL ADD LIGHT-MODULAR 505.00 VIDEO TEKNIX INCORPORATED CAMERA FOR JAIL 2,290.00 '1 GRAND TOTAL 8,093.50 RETIREMENT FUND CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 16,200.34 GRAND TOTAL 16,200.34 INSURANCE RESERVE FUND DESIGN GLASS INCORPORATED REPLACE WINDSHIELD 187.19 JAMES FRED S AND COMPANY OF PROF FEE/JUNE 89 1,000.00 MILE HIGH ENGINEERING REPAIRS SERVICES 70.00 NOEL KRIS CAR DAMAGE 369.46 THEODORE K GUY ASSOCIATES PC SERVICES/CTY REC BLDG 563.67 GRAND TOTAL 2,190.32 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND CABELL CHILDRESS ARCHITECTS ARCH PAYMENT 24,250.00 OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY ACCORDIAN GRILL/MOD. 1,125.00 PTL ELECTRIC WIRE MODULAR-PHONES 823.57 ' SUMMIT LUMBER OPERATING SUPPLIES 803.92 GRAND TOTAL 27,002.49 il i • r • AIRPORT FUND AVIATION SYSTEMS INCORPORATED VOR/DME/LDA MAINT. 2,150.00 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS SODA/AIRSHOW 324.48 BRENT SERVICE BEACON REPAIR 35.00 BROWNING FERRIS INDUSTRIES TRASH SERVICES 160.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AP 214.60 CHARLES WILLIS AND ASSOCIATES AIP 12/REIM FAA 759.85 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY WATER DISPENSER 12.00 COLORADO AIRCRAFT TOWING-R.SAILPLANE 100.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/AP 282.82 COMFORT INN ROOMS/C-130 CREW 667.94 CRICH MICHAEL HANGAR RENT/SEPT 89 500.00 DICKS WELDING WELD/GOAL POSTS/AS 200.00 EAGLE AUTO PARTS OPEARATING SUPPLIES 45.55 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE ADVERTISING 203.77 EXIT 147 BAND BAND/AIR SHOW 150.00 EZ WAY RENTAL TENT/AIR SHOW 1,000.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT 2,064.57 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICE 251.58 ISL CORPORATION CALIBRATE/NAV AID 247.04 JUSTIN H HAYNES AND COMPANY APPRAISAL/PARCELS 4,760.00 LEAVENWORTH LOCHHEAD AND LEGAL FEES/WATER SYS 198.30 MACKOWN SURVEYING AND SURV/LEASE/HANGAR 1,114.50 MCMANUS EDWIN REIM/BOOKLETS NAV AIDS 57.38 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USAGE 754.74 OSHKOSH TRUCK CORPORATION PARTS/CFR TRUCK 118.87 PACIFIC TELECOM TELEPHONE SERVICES 299.38 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING AIRSHOW-FAIR 100.00 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND CONTRACTED SERV 3,696.67 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS GAS/HANGAR JULY 89 8.00 SUMMER GROOMING INCORPORATED MOWING RUNWAY 1,000.00 SUMMIT LUMBER OPERATING SUPPLIES 835.30 THRIFTY RENT A CAR RENT CAR/MILITARY 37.00 VAIL BEAVER CREEK JET CENTER TERM RENT/SEPT 89 4,000.00 VAIL DAILY THE DISPLAY AD 39.60 VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY SHIPPING/NAV AIDS 25.00 VALLEY RESTAURANT CATERING/AIR SHOW 1,810.00 WRIGHT WATER ENGINEERS PRELIMINARY WATER SYS. 1,340.79 AUGUST PAYROLL 3,497.26 GRAND TOTAL 33,061.99 LANDFILL FUND BECK ASSOCIATES CLOSE LANDFILL ACCT 44.26 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL 172.04 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LANDFILL 360.64 DEEP ROCK WATER ARTESIAN WATER 32.75 DORIO DISTRIBUTING FUEL & LUBRICANTS 45.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL 2,557.04 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY LINERS/WHITE 32.36 MCGRUDER SEPTIC SERVICE CLEAN FACILITIES 25.00 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USAGE 3,668.31 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE 1,334.48 VALLEY GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY OXYGEN 100.00 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY RENTAL WELDER 120.00 AUGUST PAYROLL 5,356.27 GRAND TOTAL 13,848.15 TRANSPORTATION FUND AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS BOOKLET/TRANS 5.00 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE DISPLAY AD/BUS SYS. 39.00 GREYHOUND LINES INCORPORATED OFFICE/GARAGE RENT 10,953.00 GREYHOUND LINES INCORPORATED JULY BUS PAYMENT 31,232.00 GRAND TOTAL 42,229.00 The morning being spent paying bills, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, a Res 89-97 resolution appointing Kevin Lindahl to the position of County Attorney. James Fritze, County Manager, presented a resolution appointing Mr. Lindahl as the County Attorney. Commissioner Welch moved the Board adopt Resolution 89-97 formally appointing Kevin Lindahl to the position of Eagle County Attorney, said appointment being effective September 5, 1989. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. ' • ` . • A.J. Johnson, Eagle County Sheriff, appeared to discuss the Division of Youth Youth Services Services contracts. He explained this is to offset the costs and to appoint two homes Contract in the area to hold juveniles. He explained the application is to obtain federal money rather than state. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, pointed out this money is to be used in addition to money being used and not money that will replace money that is currently used. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the application for funds for the Eagle County Juvenile Jail Removal Program. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Discussion was held on the request for the cancellation of the Division of Youth Youth Services Services Contracts. Contract Sheriff Johnson explained the problems created by the holding facility. Commissioner Welch moved the Board send a letter to the State Department of Insti- tutions, Division of Youth Services, giving 30-day notice that the contracts for the provision of a Juvenile Holding Unit are terminated. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl explained the contract between Eagle County and the Colorado Depart- Contract for went of Health for E.P.S.D.T. funds. He stated the contract provisions. He added EPSDT this contract is very similar to contracts in the past. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the 1989 E.P.S.D.T. (Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment) Contract between Eagle County and the Colorado Department of Health. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mike Bradley, Building and Grounds Supervisor, presented bids for the Fairgrounds Bid Award barn re-roofing. He recommended Ace Roofing bid in the amount of $11,450 for shake Ace Roofing shingles. He stated Ace Roofing was the low bidder, the bids ranged from $11,450 to $12,840. Discussion on the hay stored in the structure was held. Commissioner Welch expressed his concern about hay being stored in the building. Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners approve and the Chairman be authorized to sign and accept the bid for the re-roofing of the Eagle County Fairgrounds Barn from Ace Roofing in the amount of $11,450. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Board of County Commis- sioners and reconvene as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, presented an application for the transfer Liq Lic of license and extended hours from Snowshoe Inc. , dba Whiskey Creek Stockmans Club. Whiskey Creek He explained there are two licenses, one for the Halfway House and the second one for the main clubhouse. The clubhouse is the license under consideration today. Dave Smith was sworn to testify by Johnnette Phillips, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Brian O'Reilley, attorney for the applicant, questioned Mr. Smith regarding the application for a liquor license, hours of operation, current staff of the establish- ment, shareholders of the corporation, Snowshoe, Inc. , and the location of the estab- lishment. Mr. O'Reilley asked the Local Liquor Licensing Authority to accept the neighborhood as defined. Commissioner Gates moved to establish the neighborhood as the same as the previous holder of the liquor license. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler stated the application is complete, appropriate files have been sub- mitted to the County Clerk and there are no incidents reported by the Eagle County Sheriff's office. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the transfer of a hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for Snow- shoe, Inc. , dba Whiskey Creek Stockmans Club. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a final settlement between Eagle County and Stripe Wright. Final Sttlmnt He advised he received no claims against the contract and recommended approval. Stripe Wright Commissioner Welch moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and the Chair- man be authorized to sign the final settlement for Stripe Wright for Eagle County 1989 Centerline Program. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl stated he received a letter from the Basalt Regional Library District Res 89-98 Board of Trustees requesting Linda Crossland be appointed to fill the vacancy on the Board. He presented a resolution reflecting this request. Commissioner Gates moved the Board adopt Resolution 89-98 appointing Linda Cross- land to the Basalt Regional Library District Board, to fill a vacant term due to expire March 1, 1990. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 1 • 1 1 • Larry Metternick, County Engineer, presented a Special Bridge Fund Application. Application for He told the Board which bridges would be included in the fund application. The Coun- Bridge Grant ty's share would be 20%, or $68,588. Commissioner Welch moved the Board re-apply for rehabilitation funding for rehabil- itation of four bridges across the Colorado River and one rehabilitation of one bridge on Cottonwood Pass Road across Gypsum Creek (Structures No. Eag 301-08-2, 301-27.7, 301-15.6, 301-23.5 and 10a-00.9) . Rehabilitation costs for all five bridges is esti- mated to be $168,940 with 80o grant share being $135,152 and the 20o Eagle County share being $33,788. He further moved the Board also apply for replacement funding for replacement of structure No. Eag-298-00.1 on Shrine Pass Road across Turkey Creek just east of the town limits of Red Cliff. Replacement cost is estimated to be $174,000 with 80% grant share being $139,200 and the 20% Eagle County share being $34,800. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates abstained from voting as he was not present for the full presentation. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to September 12, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • 4111 11W10 411O (-of, September 5, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Commissioner James Fritze County Manager George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty Sid Fox Acting Dir. Comm. Dev. Earlene Roach Dep. Clerk to the Board Absent: Dick Gustafson Chairman This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Pro-tem Welch opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, the minutes approval of the minutes from July 31, 1989 through August 23, 1989. 7/31/89-8/23/89 Commissioner Gates moved to approve the minutes as submitted. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gustafson was at Camp Hale and unable to attend this meeting. Sid Fox, Acting Director of Community Development, presented File SM-598-89, High- Final Plat lands Resort, a final plat signing to amend lot lines previously approved. Highland Resort Commissioner Gates moved to approve the final plat for the 14th Amendment to the 4th Filing of Beaver Creek Subdivision, and authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented a final plat on File SM-600-89, Highland Lodge Condos, Tract A, Final Plat Block 2, 14th Amendment to the 4th Filing. Highland Condo Chairman Pro-tem Welch stated he is a lessee from Vail Associates and sells real estate for Vail Associates and, specifically, has sold a unit in Highland Lodge. He stated this final plat meets with the Beaver Creek PUD. Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, stated the final plat is reviewed and approved by Community Development. The Board of County Commissioners may authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat based on the review by Community Development. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the final plat for Highland Lodge Condominium as presented by Mr. Fox, and authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a resolution approving the encroachment into the platted Res 89-96 inundation zone by Lot 6, Tract A, Block 1, Beaver Creek PUD. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 89-96 approving encroach- ment into the platted inundation zone by Lot 6, Tract A, Block 1, Beaver Creek PUD. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Dan Reynolds, Airport Manager, requested the tabling of the construction contract and the airport engineering contract to 1:30 p.m. today until the County Attorney has reviewed. Commissioner Gates moved to table the airport contract until 1:30 p.m. today. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Reynolds presented an award of the engineering bid. He explained the bids received. He stated the low bid was 21,379,088; the engineer's estimate was 21,634,084. Discussion followed on the low bidder. Hr. Lindahl recommended the award be tabled until he has reviewed the contract. Commissioner Gates moved to table this item to 1:30 today. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented an agreement for the County auction between Michael Lynn Agreement Company and Eagle County. He recommended approval. Michael Lynn Chairman Pro-tem Welch questioned the 1% increase in the contract amount. Company Hr. Lindahl explained the commission percentage has been increased due to the fact that about one-half of the items, based on value, were deleted from the original bid. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the the Chair- man Pro-tem be authorized to sign the agreement to employ an auctioneer for the County auction to be held September 9, 1989. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and recon- vene as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. 11 4111 4111 4111 1111 Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, presented an application for the transfer of liquor license for Whiskey Creek Stockmans Club. He stated the file is incomplete Liq. Lic. and requested tabling for one week. He stated he needs a copy of the sales contract Whiskey Creek for the sale of the business. He stated a letter from the Eagle/Vail Metropolitan District granting permission to sell alcoholic beverages on the golf course is needed. Commissioner Gates moved to table this application to September 11, 1989 at 11:30 a.m. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented an application for a manager change at the Charter at Beaver Creek. He stated the application is complete and he has received to adverse reports Liq. License from the Sheriff's Office. He recommended approval. The Charter Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the change in management for the Charter Restaurant Co. , Inc. dba the Charter at Beaver Creek. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gustafson was present for the afternoon session of the hearing and stated the first item was an abatement for Ed and Susanne Conover. Conover, Ed Ruth Berglund, appraiser in the County Assessor's office, presented the abate- Abatement went. She explained the request for abatement was due to the property being assessed as commercial and should be residential. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the abatement for Ed and Susanne Conover, Schedule 4 20020, for 1984 in the amount of $94.88, 1985 in the amount of $96.81, and 1986 in the amount of $15.93. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented the award of an application for federal assistance prepared by Isbill and Associates, to receive funding for the Airport Project 412. He advised Fed Grant he reviewed the documents and recommended the Chairman be authorized to sign the apple- for Airport cation. He explained what is included in the project. Project ;12 Mr. Reynolds stated the costs for environmental assessment could be included in the grant. Commissioner Welch moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the application for federal assistance from the FAA for the expan- sion of the Airport Project 412. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a tentative award of bid for the construction of Airport Project 412. The lowest bidder was Tricon Kent Company. He recommended the bid be Bid Award awarded to Tricon Kent Company with the condition the funding be received from the Tricon Kent FAA. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners award the construction of Schedules I, II, and III, Airport Improvement Project 412 to Tricon Kent Company and authorize the Chairman to execute a tentative Notice of Award subject to the receipt of a Federal Airport Improvement Project Grant and to issue a Notice to Pro- ceed upon receipt of the grant. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a letter to the FAA asking for an exception for certain standards. He explained the exceptions. FAA Exception Commissioner Welch moved to approve a letter to the FAA asking for an exception, Letter specifically, that the safety area greening be modified slightly to accommodate future expansion of the pavement on that stopway and avoiding having to regrade and reseed the area. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented an contract for engineering services with Isbill and Associ- ates. He recommended tabling in order to include insurance documents, or authorize Contract the Chairman with this condition. Isbill & Assoc Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners instruct the Chairman to sign the contract with Isbill and Associates, with the condition the insurance be forthcoming. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to September 11, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 1 • • • • 4q) August 29, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman Thomas Bigler Asst. County Atty. Don Welch Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Jeremy McMahan Planner This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Jeremy McMahan, Planner, presented File ZC-234-89, Crown Ranch/Glassier and ZC-234-89 accompanying File SU-282-89-S, Crown Ranch/Glassier. He reviewed the project SU-282-89 description and chronology. He pointed out on the El Jebel Master Plan the location Glassier of the project and discussed the major concerns and issues. He summarized a letter from Jeffrey Hines of the Colorado Geologic Survey stating problems with the flood plain and flood hazards. Staff recommended denial. He read letters from Paula Drewelow, Michael & Kristine Morehart, and Sarah & Charles Cole, adjacent property owners who requested this application be denied. He read a letter from Randy and Wendy Glassier explaining why they are requesting a zone change, and another letter from Hugh and Judine Glassier addressing the flood plain and zone change request. He summarized the split vote by the Planning Commission: Dennis Gelvin and Dave Mott voted to deny the request, and Don Price and John Benton voted in favor of the plan. Susan Vaughn, representing the Glassiers, pointed out on maps the location of the Glassier parcel. She explained the 180 acres is not usable for ranching but reasonably could use for dwelling units clustered on 16 acres. She stated as the County wants to preserve the rural character and the applicants want to continue ranching, this proposal could accomplish both. She respectfully requested the zone change be approved. Chairman Gustafson pointed out the Board's decision on zoning has nothing to do with economics but whether it is compatible with the surrounding area. Hugh Glassier spoke to the change of the character in the area. Paula Drewelow spoke of her purchase because of open development in the area and presented photos of the area for the Board's consideration. Commissioner Gates moved to enter the photographs as presented by Ms. Drewelow into the record. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. In discussion, Chairman Gustafson identified each photograph and numbered each one. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Charlie Cole, adjacent landowner, spoke against approval of the zone change and supported Community Development's recommendation. Hugh Glassier addressed the photos and explained he does not believe the water is a problem. Commissioner Welch gave his opinions regarding the higher density of the area with problems with Hooks Bridge traffic. He stated the 5 acre parcels are premature. He added the septic system is also a concern. He stated he could not approve this application at this time. Commissioner Gates spoke of his concern with the septic system. He added his concerns about providing benefits for the County without compensation. He also stated he could not approve the zone change. Hugh Glassier objected to comments and questioned what could be done with the property. He argued the Board was approving surrounding properties. Commissioner Welch stated his opinion, he does not believe this is a good plan for a zone change. Randy Glassier opposed the comments of Commissioner Welch as he believes other developments have been approved in the area. Chairman Gustafson explained the adjacent property zoning. Discussion continued on the zoning of the area properties. Chairman Gustafson made comments regarding the zoning request and stated he believed it was spot zoning and premature for the 5 acre parcels. Commissioner Welch moved to deny File ZC-234-89, zone change request based on the fact the rezoning is not consistent with the Master Plan and the area in question does not posses the geological, physical and other environmental conditions compatible with the characteristics of the use requested, conceptual evidence has been provided to show the land has access. In addition, the land could be serviced with individual wells and sewage disposal systems, however, sewage disposal systems would require engineer design due to high ground water and the potential for ground water contamination; the area for which rezoning is requested has not changed to such a degree that is in the public interest to encourage a new use or density in the area, and the proposed rezoning is not necessary in order to provide land for a demonstrated community need. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, Commissioner Gates reiterated a compensation plan for the hardships caused should be considered. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved to deny File SU-282-89-S, Glassier Sketch Plan based on the facts the conditions have not changed to satisfy the demonstrated community need, the application does not conform with the Eagle County Master Plan or the El Jebel Sub-Area Plan; the land is not suitable for subdivision; the Colorado Geological Survey has recommended denial. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Before the nex item that was to be presented, Commissioner Welch stated a potential conflict of interest as he holds two leases for Vail Associates in Beaver Creek, and he works as an independent contractor in the real estate department. He added he does not sell interval ownership. 111 1111 1111 1111 1110 Lhk1 Chairman Gustafson stated for the record he is an independent contractor with one of the principals of Beaver Creek Resort but does not feel there is a conflict of interest. Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, stated that if a decision could be made without prejudice or bias there is no reason not to participate in the discussion and vote. Jim Curnutte, Planner, made a presentation regarding File PD-100-89-A, St. James PD-100-89-A Club, Interval Ownership. He stated the Board has to determine if interval ownership St James Club can be allowed. He submitted the Beaver Creek PUD Guide and reviewed the timesharing portion for the Board. Staff and the Planning Commission recommended approval of this application. Commissioner Gates asked if the Board was involved because of the Beaver Creek PUD Guide. Mr. Curnutte replied it is a requirement of the Beaver Creek PUD guide that all interval ownerships must be approved by the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Welch reminded the Board that at the time of the Beaver Creek PUD approval timeshares were not well received in Beaver Creek. Mr. Curnutte stated the only issue was the concept of timesharing and not the layout of the project. He read a letter from Phyllis Christensen expressing concerns with traffic on Avondale Road and parking. He read a letter from Carolyn Taylor who urged the Board to keep traffic on Avondale to a minimum; a letter from Dan Beard complaining about the traffic and requested a smaller development. Gil McNeish, attorney representing SDC, Inc. , introduced Bob Buckley, Joe Vecchio and Ed Levie. Bob Buckley commented on the project and problems of the lack of occupancy on units that are sole ownership. He spoke concerning advantages of timeshares for the merchants and economic benefits to the area. He discussed the timeshare company handling the development of the timeshare project. Ed Levie addressed the Board regarding timeshares in Beaver Creek and his company. Joe Vecchio reviewed the Buyer's Disclosure Statement and marketing plan. Mr. Curnutte pointed out the number of units are different from the original numbers. Discussion was held on the Board's approval in the future for substantial changes. Commissioner Welch commented on trying to protect his conflict he requested he would abstain from voting. Commissioner Gates moved to find the Disclosure Statement and Marketing Plan for The St. James Club have fulfilled the requirements of the Beaver Creek PUD and the project is in the interest of the health, safety and welfare of Eagle County. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. In discussion, Chairman Gustafson stated that any change in the method of ownership, or any major change in the marketing procedures, or any change in the company marketing the program, would constitute a new hearing before the Board, however there may be additional reasons for a new hearing. Question was called for on the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch abstained from voting. Commissioner Gates moved to approve File PD-100-89-A, The St. James Club, Interval Ownership. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch abstained from voting. Jim Curnutte presented a resolution adopting the zone change on File ZC-231-89, Res 89-90 Frank Soderberg and Evelyn Yerkes. ZC-231-89 Commissioner Welch moved to adopt Resolution 89-90, File ZC-231-89. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Curnutte presented a resolution adopting a special use permit on File Res 89-91 ZS-282-89, Floyd Crawford Caretaker Unit. ZS-282-89 Commissioner Gates moved to adopt Resolution 89-91, File ZS-282-89. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Curnutte presented a resolution adopting a PUD Amendment, File PD-139-89-A4. Res 89-92 Commissioner Welch moved to adopt Resolution 89-92, File PD-139-89-A4. PD-139-89-A4 Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Curnutte presented a resolution adopting a PUD preliminary plan approval, File Res 89-93 PD-207-89-P. PD-207-89-P Commissioner Gates moved to adopt Resolution 89-93, File PD-207-89-P. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a final plat, File SM-591-89, Sagewood Townhomes, and a Final Plat subdivision improvements agreement, and assignment of the SIA to a third party. SM-591-89 Commissioner Gates moved to approve the Subdivision Improvements Agreement for Sagewood Townhomes. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler reviewed the background of Crystal Land and Cattle Company which has been sold to Gary Rapaport. The Letter of Credit was substituted with $108,600 in cash. The SIA should be assigned to Mr. Rapaport. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the assignment of the Subdivision Improvements Agreement. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Final Plat Commissioner Gates moved to approve the final plat of Sedgwick Townhomes, and Sedgwick authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 14110 4110 4111 4111 Lim Mr. Curnutte presented a construction drawing previously approved for Blue Lake Blue Lake Filing 2. He stated this was previously approved on the record and the Chairman needed to sign the drawing. Drawing Mr. Bigler presented an agreement for cooperative law enforcement between the Agreement Sheriff's office and the BLM. The agreement is for $1,000 for the period ending BLM & September 30, 1989 and will notify the County if additional money becomes available. Sheriff Commissioner Welch moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the cooperative law enforcement agreement between the County Sheriff and the Bureau of Land Management. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a resolution amending Resolution 89-81, public auction of personal property of the County of Eagle. The change is the date to September 9, 1989 Res 89-94 AAuction uction and that Joan Woodworth be appointed the County authorized agent at the sale. Additionally this amended resolution removes a weed sprayer from the list of auction items. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and adopt Resolution 89-94 amending Resolution 89-81 Public Auction of personal property of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The next item presented by Mr. Bigler was a resolution waiving the annexation Res 89-95 impact report for the Town of Gypsum. He provided a list of adjacent property owners. Town of Discussion followed on the reasons for the annexation and it was determined to be Gypsum a utilities convenience. Commissioner Welch moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and adopt Resolution 89-95 waiving an annexation impact report for the Town of Gypsum. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The next item was a resolution approving the encroachment into the platted BSC PUD inundation zone by Lot 6, Tract A, Block 1, Beaver Creek PUD. Encroachment Mr. Bigler stated Sid Fox of Community Development requested this file be tabled to September 5, 1989. Commissioner Gates moved to table this resolution to September 5, 1989 at 2:30 to 3:00 p.m. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Larry Metternick, County Engineer, presented Change Order #3 by GMCO Corporation C.O. ;3 to correct a transposition of numbers error. GMCO Commissioner Welch moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Change Order ;3 for the 1989 Chip Seal Program contract with GMCO Corporation. This change order corrects the erroneous contract price amount of $327,998.09 contained in Change Order #2 to the corrected contract price amount of $327,968.09. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to September 5, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 11 • 4110 4111 4111 August 2.8, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman Thomas Bigler Asst. County Atty Don Welch Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board George "Bud" Gates Commissioner This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting with a contract for Social Services. Social Svcs Jim Scholer, Social Services Director, stated this is a home community base care Contract for contract for the disabled. He advised this service has not been used in the past but Disabled would like to use it now. This grant will be for use by the disabled in their home rather than a nursing home. He told the Board they could contract with the Health Department. Commissioner Welch moved to sign the contract for a home community base care. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The next item was the state adjustment of salary for the Social Services Depart- Social Svcs ment. The Board determined to wait until budget hearings to complete this item. Salaries The next item was the State Abstract of Assessment presented by Jody Caruthers, State Abstract County Assessor. of Assessment Discussion was held on the abstract. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the Eagle County Abstract of Assessment and sign the Certification of Equalization. The assessed value of Eagle County is $517,172,370. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, presented the subject of counsel for the Counsel for consolidated water case and the appointment of acting county attorney, Kevin Lindahl Consolidated due to the withdrawal of Barbara Green. Water Cases Commissioner Welch moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the motion for substitution of counsel for the Consolidated Water Cases in U.S. District Court, Colorado, pending the verification that Ms. Green has withdrawn. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler submitted a grant given to him by the Sheriff's Office regarding the High Country High Country Drug Task Force. Drug Task Force Commissioner Gates moved to approve and authorized the Chairman to sign the grant for the High Country Drug Task Force with the Colorado Division of Criminal Justice. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved to reconvene the hearing as the Board of Health. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Dick Parachini, Colorado Department of Health, gave an update of the Eagle Mine Update on Cleanup at Meadow Mountain. He discussed the air monitor in the area. He mentioned Eagle Mine Gulf & Western data and dust control of the mine tailings. Chairman Gustafson expressed his concern of water buildup in the Eagle mine. Mr. Parachini agreed the concerns are valid. Sid Fox, Acting Director of Community Development, reported on the Milk Creek Health Board Project and updated the Board of the progress. He advised the Board of the position of the health officer employee. He mentioned complaints on the gravel pit in Avon. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of Health and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. James Fritze, County Manager, presented the next item, the master plan airport Airport layout plan previously approved on the record August 23, 1989, the land use plan, high Master Plan hazard zoning map, and terminal layout plan. Commissioner Welch moved to approve and sign the maps as presented by Mr. Fritze. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates abstained as he was not present at the special meeting of August 23, 1989. Mr. Fritze presented a request from Colorado Counties, Inc. for proof of the Proof of losses from the County building collapse for which they will forward a check in the Losses for amount of $122,257.09, partial payment for the loss. He explained the proofs of loss CCI and the amount expected to be received by Eagle County from Colorado Counties, Inc. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the documents for the settlement of the collapsed County building. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gustafson stated the next item was a contribution for the monitoring of Earth Flow the earth flows. at Down Jctn Commissioner Welch moved to authorize the expense for $15,000 from the contingency fund for the monitoring of the slides in the Dowd Junction area and that the Colorado Geological Survey be the recipient of the funds. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. 411/ 4110 4110 411/ L In discussion, Chairman Gustafson stated the State Land Board is contributing $15,000, the Highway Department is contributing $25,000, and other sources could be the railroad, the State of Colorado and possibly developers. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board; the meeting was adjourned to August 29, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 11 • • • • • August 23, 1989 SPECIAL HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty Don Welch Commissioner Cherri Davenport Clerk & Recorder's Ofc Absent: George "Bud" Gates Chairman Gustafson stated this is a Special Hearing called for the purpose of FAA Grant completing paperwork for the FAA grant application. He stated for the record the Application Environmental Assessment decision was rendered yesterday and signed. Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, stated this is a formalization of the airport layout plan which was previously agreed to based on the pre-application documents for grants as well as the submission and approval of the Enviromental Assessment document which includes the map. Commissioner Welch moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the documents, specifically maps, designated as airport layout plan, Eagle County Airport, Eagle, Colorado, dated March 15, 1989, prepared by Charles Willis and Associates. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates was not present for this Special Hearing. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to August 28, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman r M • . • 1111 4111 • 4;01 k • August 22, 1989 • PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman Jeremy McMahan Planner George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Sid Fox Dir. Comm. Dev. Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Absent: Don Welch Commissioner This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: • Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting with File PD-152-89-A4, Pilgrim Downs, a PUD PD-152-89-A4 s amendment to expand the size of Lot 18. Pilgrim Down Jeremy McMahan, Planner, explained the project and reviewed the site data. He gave the staff findings. Staff and the Planning Commission recommended approval. Discussion followed of the reason for the changing of the lot line. Steve Isom, I-Plan, explained the reason for the change was to change the building envelope. Commissioner Gates moved on File PD-152-89-A4 to approve Pilgrim Downs PUD Amendment. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch was at a water meeting and unable to attend this hearing. Commissioner Gates moved to table File 2C-234-89, Crown Ranch/Glassier, File -234-89 SU SU-252-89-S, Crown Ranch/Glassier, and File PD-100-89-A, The St. James Club to a, -100-89- future date. � PD-100-89-A Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote All Tabled was declared unanimous. D&G Sid Fox, Acting Director of Community Development, presented a final plat for the Final Plat Condos Board's signature on D&G Condominiums in Eagle/Vail Commercial Center. Fin Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to August 28, 1989. • Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 1 • 4111 • • August 21, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman James Fritze County Manager Don Welch Commissioner Kevin Lindahi Acting County Atty George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, a final Pitkin Iron settlement regarding Pitkin Iron Corporation. Final Settlemnt Ken Heller, Road and Bridge Assistant Supervisor, explained the contract amount was $72,455 and came in $4,000 less than the contract amount. Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, advised the final settlement was advertised and no claims have been received against it. He recommended approval of the final settlement. Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve the final settlement of the contract between Pitkin Iron Corporation and Eagle County for the provision of gravel and gravel hauling services for 1989. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Heller presented a final settlement for B S & W Energy Corp. He stated the BS&W/Final contract amount was $52,170.04 and the end price was $50,690.02, $480.02 under Settlement contract. Discussion was held on the content of magnesium chloride in the dust control materials. Mr. Lindahi reviewed the public notice for final settlement of B S & W Energy Corp and advised he has received no claims. He recommended final settlement be made. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve final settlement of the contract with B S & W Energy Corp. for the provision of dust control materials. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a resolution regarding the vacation of a public right-of-way R-o-Way of County Road No. S-3A. Vacation Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners approve Road S-3A and adopt Resolution 89-85, the vacation of a public right-of-way on County Road No. S-3A. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a certification of final payment to Bebo Company for the Bebo Constr. Board's signature for Linden Insurance Company. Final Pmt Commissioner Gates moved to sign the completion of the contract with Bebo Construc- tion for Linden Insurance Company. Commissioner welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. A.J. Johnson, Eagle County Sheriff, appeared to discuss a grant for a period of Grant/Drug October 1, 1989 through September 30, 1990 in the amount of $63,704. He stated the Task Force County's share is $10,200. Commissioner Gates moved to accept the grant for the Drug Control Systems Improve- ment Program. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented the next item, a resolution waiving the Annexation Impact Annexation Report for the Town of Gypsum, property at the Eagle Valley High School. Report/Gypsum Discussion was held on what the advantages may be for annexing the property into the town. Chairman Gustafson stated he has no objections to waiving the impact report but he would like to know why the property is being annexed. The Board determined not to act on the resolution at this time. The next item was an easement for Holy Cross Electric Association. Holy Cross James Fritze, County Manager, advised the easement for the electric line to the Easement FBO. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the deed granting an easement to Holy Cross Electric Association. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Jeremy McMahan, Planner, presented File SU-117-89-F, Aspen Mountain View. The SU-117-89-F applicants are requesting final plat approval for 24 lots in Aspen Mountain View Sub- Aspen Mtn View division. He reviewed the project description and site date chronology. He mentioned major concerns and staff findings. Staff recommended approval and the Planning Commis- sion unanimously recommended approval. Chairman.Gustafson asked about the paving. Tom Brown, from the County Engineering Department, stated he believes there are funds in the off site improvements agreement to pave the roads. The Board stressed that the roads will not be paved by the County. Further discus- sion was held on the money to pave the roads in the subdivision. Mr. Lindahi brought up the paving of the driveway and playground that should have been completed by May 1, 1989. Mr. Brown related his knowledge of the driveway and playground. Ted Rodenbeck from Knight Planning, applicant's representative, explained the driveway is being paved and playground constructed. Chairman Gustafson stated the possible default of the Subdivision Improvements Agreement should be clarified and specific clarifications of the paving of two roads. The Board determined to go to the next item on the agenda until Larry Metternick could arrive and provide information. • . 1kfei Jim Curnutte, Planner, presented File PD-207-89-F, Blue Lake Filing III, a request PD-207-89-F to subdivide the lot to create four lots. The uses for these lots are day care, commu- Blue Lake 3 nity center building and real estate sales office. He reviewed the staff findings. Staff recommended approval. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the final plat application for File PD-207-89-F, Blue Lake Filing III. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a resolution regarding the approval of the preliminary plan Res 89-86 for Blue Lake PUD. Blue Lake PUD • Commissioner Welch moved to adopt Resolution 89-86 regarding Blue Lake PUD, File PD-207-89-A2. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented the Subdivision Improvements Agreement for Blue Lakes Sub- Blue Lake division Filing II. SIA Commissioner Gates moved to approve the Subdivision Improvements Agreement as presented by Mr. Lindahl. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. In discussion, Mr. Lindahl stated he has received a Letter of Credit in the amount of $778,400 issued by Bank One in Texas, and a Confirmation Letter from Continental Bank in Illinois. He advised the Letter of Credit can be drawn on through the Colo- rado National Bank. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved to approve the final plat for Aspen Mountain View, Filing Final Plat II. Aspen Htn Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The Board continued with the Aspen Mountain View Filing III. SU-117-89-F Larry Hetternick, County Engineer, appeared and explained the paving for the Aspen Htn subdivision. Commissioner Gates moved to table File SU-117-89-F, Aspen Mountain View until the question of the paving is settled, at the applicant's request to September 12, 1989 at 9:00 a.m. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch was out of the room at this time. Sid Fox, Acting Director of Community Development, presented a final plat Blue Final Plat Lake PUD Filing #3. Blue Lake 3 Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Fox presented a final plat for La Peres Townhomes Phase I. Final Plat Commissioner Welch moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat as pre- La Peres sented by Mr. Fox. Townhomes Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented a final plat on Lots 30 and 32, Block 2, Filing 4, Berry Creek Final Plat Ranch. Berry Crk Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat as pre- sented by Mr. Fox. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented a resolution regarding Tennessee Mountain Pass Resort, File Res 89-87 ZS-275-89-A. Tennessee Mtn Commissioner Welch moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and adopt Res- Pass Resort olution 89-87. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. , I Hr. Fox presented a resolution for a Special Use Permit, "Wings for Independence" Res 89-88 Airshow, File ZS-280-89. Airshow Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 89-88. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl brought up a Letter of Credit in the amount of $69,394 due to expire Res 89-89 on August 25, 1989. The letter is from Vantex Enterprises relative to the Blue Lake Blue Lake Subdivision. He stated the Engineering Department has informed him all work has been Collateral done except for $3,000 for vegetation. He recommended the Letter of Credit be reduced to $10,000 which is sufficient to complete revegetation and a warranty for work , • already completed. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 89-89 for Blue Lake Devel- opment Company, partial release of collateral from $69,394, to $10,000. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch was out of the room at this time. Mr. Lindahl presented a Power of Attorney authorizing Kevin Lindahl to draw on the POA for Letter of Credit. Lindahl Commissioner Gates moved to approve and sign the Power of Attorney as presented by Mr. Lindahl. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The Board determined to table the resolution waiving the annexation impact report until next week. Commissioner Gates moved to table the resolution waiving the annexation impact report. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 14111 1111 . • CIS There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to August 22, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 10 4110 4110 4110 -fej August 14, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty Don Welch Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board George "Bud" Gates Commissioner This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting explaining the first items on the agenda Change Order were a change order and final settlement for Flatiron Paving Company for Airport #10. Flatiron Paving Dan Reynolds, Airport Manager, explained the final settlement and paperwork for a change order. He reviewed the change order at the airport for the ramp. The change order did not change the contract amount. Commissioner Welch moved to approve Change Order #3 between Flatiron Paving and Eagle County. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, presented the final settlement for Flat- Final Settlemnt iron Paving Company. There were no claims against the contract. He explained there Flatiron Paving is $175,000 in a bank in Boulder which should be released to the contractor and an additional payment of $84,105.34 which will be paid to the contractor and will be reimbursed by the FAA. Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve Resolution 89-84 for the final settle- ment of that contract between Eagle County and Flatiron Paving for work performed in connection with Airport #10 at the Airport. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and recon- vene as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler advised the Board the owner of Hardtimes Saloon Ltd. has voluntarily Hardtime Saloot surrendered the liquor license for the Hardtimes Saloon. Surrender of Commissioner Gates moved the Board accept the voluntary surrender of the liquor Liquor License license for the Hardtimes Saloon Ltd. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ralph Dockery, officer of Monet's Tavern, was sworn to testify before the Local Champion Tavert Liquor Licensing Authority by Johnnette Phillips, Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County. Liq. License Mr. Bigler questioned Mr. Dockery regarding the application for a liquor license for Monet's Tavern, Inc. dba Champions Tavern, the proposed neighborhood, and the posting of the premises. Commissioner Welch moved to determine the neighborhood as the unincorporated area of Edwards for the license for Champions Tavern. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler continued questioning Mr. Dockery regarding the application. He stated the application and proper fees have been received. Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the application for a hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for Monet's Tavern, Inc. dba Champions Tavern. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvened as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The next item was a Notice of Award for the 1989 Guardrail Project. Guardrail Proj. Larry Metternick, County Engineer, reviewed bids for the guardrail project. Adarand Constr. Commissioner Welch moved the Board of County Commissioners award the 1989 Eagle County Guardrail Project contract to the low bidder, Adarand Constructors, Inc. of Colorado Springs in the amount of $14,317.50. He further moved the Chairman be autho- rized to sign the contract after it has been reviewed for form and content by the County Attorney's Office. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, reported the sanitarian contract will not Sanitarian be reported quarterly and the amount was reduced by $350 with the Colorado Department Contract of Health. Sid Fox, Acting Director of Community Development, stated the contract is divided between the participating counties and is based on the salary paid by the County monthly. Eagle County receives $12,589 monthly. Commissioner Gates moved the sanitarian contract with the Colorado Department of Health be approved and authorize the Chairman to sign the contract. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Jeremy McMahan, Planner, reviewed File ZC-233-89, Elliot Ranch. He explained the ZC-233-89 existing zones and reviewed the chronology for the Board. Staff is recommended pD-281-89 approval with conditions the concerns and issues related to File PD-281-89 are Elliot Ranch resolved. He addressed the plat restriction of further subdivision of the lot. Jessie Edeen, applicant, gave her opinion of division of the lot on the plat note. i • O S410 Lif/5 Discussion followed on the sale of one-half of a duplex and a fisherman's easement. Mr. McMahan reviewed comments from Vail Associates on site coverage restrictions on the lodge unit, signage limit of 20 square feet and setback on the flood plain. Commissioner Gates stated the possibility of a conflict of interest as his son-in- law is the contractor for the building. Mr. Lindahl gave his opinion that Commissioner Welch should not vote as he was absent at the previous meeting in which the file was tabled to today. He further • stated that since Commissioner Gates has made the declaration of the possibility of a conflict and it has been duly noted. Discussion continued with the concerns of Vail Associates and signage. It was determined the project would use either one 20 square foot sign or two 10 square foot signs. Pilings of the deck in the flood plain and parking were discussed. The Board reviewed the site plan and discussed landscaping. Mr. McMahan reviewed the staff findings. There was discussion on liability for a fisherman's easement. Mr. Lindahl address the use of the lodge and the PUD guide. He discussed the sale of the second unit and possible condominiumization. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the zone change application, File ZC-233-89, Elliot Ranch with additional wording that there will be no further subdivision of the land but the second unit can be sold under separate ownership. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch abstained as he was not present for the prior hearing. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the Planned Unit Development application, File PD-281-89-S/P, Elliot Ranch, as submitted with the deck, parking, road and no fisherman's easement, and with the maximum amount of 20 square feet for signage. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch abstained from voting. Mr. Fox presented a final plat to be signed for Seasons at Arrowhead Condominiums. Final Plat Commissioner Gates moved to approve the final plat as presented by Mr. Fox. Seasons at Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Arrowhead There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to August 15, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board - -Chairman R a,. 11 1110 4110 4111 c August 10, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Thomas Bigler Asst. County Atty Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Absent: Don Welch Commissioner Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting as the Board of Equalization. Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, explained and outlined the final items for the Board of Equalization. He reviewed the agenda for the morning. Ed Schmale, hearing officer, made a recommendation to make all golf courses BOE equal. The golf course in question is the Beaver Creek Golf Course. Mr. Schmale B/C Golf Course discussed the Singletree Golf Course contract and stated he believes the contract shows the sale in the amount of $6.4 million. Fred Otto spoke of the sale of the Singletree Golf Course as being $4,000,000. He explained the credit of $3.6 million as credit to June Creek and water rights. He emphasized the purchase price of $4,000,000. He reviewed what he believes to be com- parative sales. Lengthy discussion on the sale price of the Singletree Golf Course and related documents used to determine the sale price. Mr. Lindahl advised the Board a decision should be made on the information received as this is the last day the Board of Equalization. No further documents should be requested. Mr. Bigler explained his opinion of the contract having a selling price of $6.4 million regardless of the subsequent or prior agreements made between outside parties. Mr. Otto rebutted with the statement the credit was not given to the seller and the contract has been amended with closing documents and affidavits submitted. Chairman Gustafson questioned the partnership of the Singletree Golf Club. He called for an executive session for discussion of the contract and the partnership agreement. After returning from the executive session, Chairman Gustafson asked Mr. Schmale if he had further information. Mr. Schmale stated in some counties assessments of golf courses are more than $22,500 per acre and some are less. Discussion on how the valuation of the golf course was arrived at was held. Chairman Gustafson gave a summation of his opinion of the information presented to the Board of Equalization. In his determination, there is not enough information for him to change the recommendation of the Assessor's valuation from $25,000 to $22,500 per acre. Commissioner Gates agreed with the summary made by Chairman Gustafson. Mr. Otto interjected his opinion that the Board was rejecting documents he submitted. Chairman Gustafson stated his belief there is a difference in value between resource zoned property and golf courses. He added he is not rejecting any compara- bles submitted by Mr. Otto. He went on to say the additional affidavits submitted by Mr. Otto are irrelevant. Mr. Otto emphasized the contract alone is the basis for the Board's decision. Chairman Gustafson stated the contract and the recommendation of the Assessor's office was how he reached his decision. Commissioner Gates moved to accept the contract as it states the sale amount of $6 million and the petitioner has not submitted sufficient evidence to change the valua- tion of the golf course. He further moved to accept the Assessor's recommendation. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl reviewed the remaining schedule as either a change in value or the Res 89-E-8 value has been adjusted downward with the exception of MoHo Partners which is Various Stips increased. The Board reviewed all Notices of Decision regarding the petition for appeals and asked questions on the changes and corrected notices. Allen Black, appraiser in the Assessor's office, answered concerns and questions regarding the notices. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 89-E-8 and accept the petitions and recommendations of the hearing officers. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Lucia Mudd, representing Johnson Kunkel and Associates, stated the Notice of Valua- BOE tion was put in Jack Johnson's box. The Assessor's office remailed the notice which Johnson Kunkel has just been received. The Board determined to hear the schedules in questions. Mr. Lindahl presented additional schedules with resolutions regarding Forest Road Res 89-E-9 and Bull Pasture Townhomes. Bull Pasture Commissioner Gates moved to adopt Resolution 89-E-9 regarding petitions equalizing Forest Rd the dockets and schedule numbers on Forest Road and Bull Pasture. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote A was declared unanimous. 1 4111 • , Mr. Lindahl presented a resolution for the Board's consideration which would order Res 89-E-10 values in the Eby Creek Mesa Subdivision to be equal to what the Board has ordered for Eby Creek Sub., the last two years. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 89-E-10 ordering the value on the Eby Creek Subdivision. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. In discussion, Chairman Gustafson noted for the record that settlements are being made in the area and the lawsuits are in the process of settlement. The properties will be revalued next year based on this year's market value. Question, was called for on the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a corrected notice for the Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. Sonnenalp Prop. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the correction of the attorney's office on Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. Schedule No. 10165. This item is included in the previous resolution. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented Schedule #19203, Johnson Kunkel & Associates and stated the petitioner and Assessor's office reached a stipulation. Johnson Kunkel Commissioner Gates moved to approve the stipulation on Schedule #19203, Johnson Kunkel & Associates. This item is included in the previous resolution. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented Schedule Nos. 13257 and 13258 and stated figures were trans- Sched. 13257 posed by the hearing officer. He stated he prepared corrected Notices of Decision to and 13258 reflect the corrected error. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the corrections for Schedule Nos. 13257 and 13257 as presented by Mr. Lindahl. These schedule numbers are included in the pre- vious resolution. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl asked for direction from the .Board regarding adjusting all golf Golf Course courses in the area to $22,500 per acre. Equalization Commissioner Gates moved to equalize all golf courses in the area at a value of $22,500 per acre. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn the Board of Equalization for 1989. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to August 21, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • • 1 • • • • t1 August 8, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Absent: Don Welch Commissioner This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting with the first planning item, File ZC-231-89 ZC-231-39 & Frank Soderberg and Evelyn Yerkes with a companion file, #SM-582-89, a minor Type "A" SM-582-89 Subdivision. Soderberg Jim Curnutte explained the zone change request. He pointed out on a plat the location of the subdivision. He discussed the findings of the project. Staff recom- mended approval of the zone change and the minor subdivision. Terrill Knight, representing the applicants, explained they are trying to clear up a problem situation. He asked the Board to approve these applications. Commissioner Gates moved on File ZC-231-89, Frank Soderberg and Evelyn Yerkes, to approve a zone change application with the following findings: 1. It is consistent with the Master Plan and the area in question possesses the geological, physical and other environmental conditions compatible with the character- istics of the use requested and the advantages of the use requested outweigh the disad- vantages. 2. Evidence has been provided to show that the land has access and can be ser- viced with water and sewage disposal systems appropriate with the zone district being sought. 3. The area for which rezoning is requested has changed to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage a new use or density in the area. 4. The proposed rezoning is necessary in order to provide land for a demon- strated community need. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch was not present at this meeting as he was out of town on vacation. Commissioner Gates moved on File SM-582-89, Frank Soderberg and Evelyn Yerkes, to approve the minor subdivision application. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Discussion on the road access to the subdivision and surrounding lots was held. A decision was made to combine the Subdivision Improvements Agreement for all three owners with lots on the access road. Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, advised the Board however the agreement between the property owners to build the road is no concern to the County. Jeremy McMahan, Planner, presented File ZC-232-89, Wirkler Zone Change, and File ZC-232-89 & SM-585-89, Wirkler Minor Subdivision, a zone change request and a Type "A" Minor Subdi- SM-585-89 vision, respectively. He pointed out on a plat the location of the project. He Wirkler reviewed the chronology and the staff findings. Staff recommended approval and the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval. Commissioner Gates moved on File ZC-232-89 to approve a zone change, and File SM-585-89 to approve a Type "A" Minor Subdivision, based on the following findings: 1. The rezoning is consistent with the Master Plan and the area in question possesses the geological, physical and other environmental conditions compatible with the characteristics of the use requested and the advantages of the use requested out- weigh the disadvantages. 2. The land has access and can be serviced with water and sewage disposal sys- tems appropriate with the zone district being sought. 3. The area for which rezoning is requested has changed to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage a new use or density in the area. 4. The proposed subdivision has adequate access, water and sewage disposal. 5. The proposed subdivision is in conformance with the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, and other applicable regulations, policies and guidelines. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Sid Fox, Acting Director of Community Development, presented a final plat for the Final Plat Board's signature on File SM-547-89-A1, The Enclave, 1st Amendment, replatting of SM-547-89-A1 existing lots. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat on File SM-547-89-Al, The Enclave. 1st Amendment. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented a final plat on File PD-153-89-A10, Amendment to Pilgrim Downs Final Plat PUD located on Lake Creek. PD-153-89-A10 Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat on File PD-153-89-A10, Pilgrim Downs, Building Envelope Amendment. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote ;. was declared unanimous. 11 4110 4111 • L4 11 Mr. Fox presented a final plat on File SU-100-89-F, Larskpur Villas, a lot line Final Plat adjustment. SU-100-89-F Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat on File SU-100-89-F, Larskpur Villas. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented a final plat on File BC-39-89, Nicklaus. Final Plat Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman to signthe final plat on File BC-39-89 BE-39-89, Nicklaus. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. McMahan presented a final plat on Wirkler Subdivision. Final Plat Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat on File SM-585-89 SM-585-89, Type "A" Minor Subdivision. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Curnutte presented File ZS-282-89, Crawford Special Use Permit to allow a ZS-282-89 caretaker's unit. He explained the proposal, storage units and a dwelling unit. He Crawford SUP spoke of concerns of no parking but he has received an amended plat with three parking spaces. He reviewed the findings and stated the Planning Commission recommended approval. Commissioner Gates moved to approve File ZS-282-89, Crawford Special Use Permit, based on the following findings. 1. The proposed use appears to be compatible with other existing uses in the area. 2. There does not appear to be any negative effects on the character of the neighborhood. 3. The property has adequate access to and from the proposed area. 4. The property appears to have adequate water and sanitation service. 5. The physical arrangement of the use on the proposed site appears to be appro- priate with the exception of the parking area. 6. The proposal is consistent with the Eagle County and El Jebel Sub-Area Mas- ter Plans. 7. An Environmental Impact Report is not applicable to this proposal. 8. The three parking spaces associated with the caretaker's unit be located on the same property as the dwelling unit. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and recon- vene as the Board of Equalization. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting.Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. The Board reviewed the stipulations of the Notice of Decision of the Board of Res 89-E-5 Equalization. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve Resolution 89-E-5 regarding the peti- tions to the Eagle County Board of Equalization. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a list of properties that need to be equalized in various Res 89-E-6 neighborhoods. The Board of Equalization is to instruct the Assessor to adjust the valuations. The Board reviewed the Exhibits attached to the resolutions for change in value. Allen Black, appraiser in the Assessor's office, explained the reason for the changes on the value on each of the exhibits for the properties. Commissioner Gates moved the Board sign Resolution 89-E-6 adopting the recommenda- tions of the petitions for the Board of Equalization as presented by the County Asses- sor. This resolution includes Exhibits A, B and C. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of Equalization and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Curnutte stated the next item is File ZC-233-89, Elliot Ranch Minor PUD and ZC-233-89 & File PD-281-89-S/P Elliot Ranch. He pointed out on a plat the location of the PD-281-89-SP project. He explained the use as a bed and breakfast and reviewed the chronology. Elliot Ranch Discussion followed on the duplex and the possibility of selling half of the unit. Commissioner Gates interrupted with his statement of a possible conflict of inter- est as his son-in-law would be contractor of the building. Mr. Lindahl advised if he has no financial interest in this project he does not believe there is a problem and he could vote on the file. Mr. Curnutte continued with major concerns and issues. He read letters from the Division of Water Resources, Town of Vail, Forest Service, Vail Resort Association, 4 and the Division of Wildlife. Staff recommended approval with some technical corrections. Rick Pylman, Town of Vail, gave the Board a copy of the letter from the Town of Vail and reviewed their concerns. David and Jessie Edeen, answered questions regarding their application. 1k • 4110 • 041 Mr. Lindahl advised the plans for the unit should be included in the PUD guide and further definitions of the building setbacks for the PUD guide, ownership and all concerns should be addressed. Mrs. Edeen questioned why some of the concerns had not been brought up sooner. The Board suggested tabling until all concerns are answered. Mrs. Edeen requested to table this application to August 14, 1989. Commissioner Gates moved to table Files ZC-233-89 and PD-281-89, Elliot Ranch Minor PUD to August 14, 1989 at 11:10 a.m. at the applicant's request. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Curnutte presented the next item, a secondary access at the Homestead PUD. He Homestead PUD read from an action letter regarding determining the secondary access. He submitted a secondary request to vacate a portion of Freemont Road. Bobby Warner, developer, made a statement regarding the secondary access and Access/G-53-89 believes this is premature as there has been no determination of a need for a second- ary access. He pointed out other areas that do not have secondary access and ques- tions the necessity of a secondary access. Chairman Gustafson asked if a hearing on the secondary access is appropriate. Mr. Curnutte read a letter from Creamery Gulch, adjacent property owner, stating a request for easement maintenance for future use. Mr. Warner advised the road does not abut the property. He pointed out on a plat the easement between Lots 30 and 40 for a proposed emergency road. Mr. Lindahl gave a legal determination on if a hearing is appropriate stating a hearing should be held before determining the vacation of Freemont Road. David Corbin, attorney representing Mr. Warner, gave the position as the County failed to have a hearing during the time period given is now inappropriate for the hearing on the access road. He read a public notice for a hearing that had only the vacation of Freemont Road in the Homestead Subdivision. Discussion on the public notice was held. Chairman Gustafson called an executive session for clarification on the public hearing. After returning from executive session, Chairman Gustafson declared the hearing would combine secondary access and the vacation of Freemont Road, combining the public notice of hearing. He gave his opinion that it is necessary to have access to get emergency vehicles into the subdivision. Mr. Warner answered his opinion, the emergency access would not be used but every twenty to thirty years. Drew Armstrong, adjacent property owner, spoke regarding the vacation of Freemont Road and asked the Board to reconsider as he was very interested in obtaining the right-of-way vacation. Dave Duncan, former owner, stated his only consideration is fire protection. Tom Brown, engineering, brought up the change in the secondary access and emer- gency access in discussion. He pointed out Freemont Road was the best secondary access. Mr. Corbin asked the Board to look at the subdivision and recognize that Freemont Road will serve only very little Homestead traffic. The secondary access and vacation of Freemont road and how and where it could be build was discussed. Mr. Brown pointed out the need for access for future development should be included in plans. Mr. Warner respectfully asked the Board to take action on the easement presented on Lots 29 and 30, and Cameron Place cul de sac remain, and the vacation plat be acted upon. The Board determined to hear Staff's recommendation of the vacation of Freemont Road. Mr. Curnutte presented File G-53-89, the vacation of Freemont Road. He gave a chronology and gave Staff's findings. The Board had Tom Brown discuss road cuts necessary for connecting roads. Staff, Bob Warner, the Board and Tom Brown discussed possible solutions to the access road and vacation of Freemont Road. Mr. Curnutte read a letter from Fred Green, adjacent property owner, stating there is no need for a secondary access. Jeannie Huff, owner of Lot 1 Block 2, spoke in favor of vacating the extension of Freemont Road. Kevin Wayland spoke in favor of the road vacation. Commissioner Gates moved to approve a road between Cassidy Place, Lot 29 and 30 to the subdivision boundary, and right-of-way be assured on Cameron Place from the end of the cul de sac to the subdivision boundary line, and the extension of Freemont Road be vacated. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat of a resubdivision of Lot 2A of the final plat, a resubdivision of Colorow at Final Plat Squaw Creek. Colorow Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and recon- vene as the Board of Equalization. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. The Board of Equalization continued to review the petitions and Notices of Deci- sion regarding petitions of appeal to the Board of Equalization. Allen Black answered questions and explained adjustments to the valuation of the Notices questioned by the Board. Commissioner Gates moved to approve Resolution 89-E-7 authorizing the petitions presented by the County Assessor. 89-E-7 Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. • 4111 ,14 4 Mr. Lindahl presented Ed Schmale's recommendations on petitions for adjustment Vail Assoc. regarding Vail Associates parcels. Mr. Schmale explained Vail Associates petitions as follows: Beaver Creek open space was changed to an acreage value. Kiva Tennis Courts are open to the public at no charge and is labeled as open space. Creekside Park is a public park and is open space. Vacant land dedicated to open space. Commissioner Gates moved to accept the recommendations on the Beaver Creek open space. This motion does not include the golf course. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. The next item for the Board's consideration was Vail open space. Vail Open Space Commissioner Gates moved to approve the hearing officer's recommendations regard- ing Vail open space. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Beaver Creek resort properties was the next item presented by Mr. Schmale. B/C Resort Prop Commissioner Gates moved to approve the stipulation for Beaver Creek Resort Ser- vices with the exception of Schedule Number 11855. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Schmale presented miscellaneous Vail properties. The Board questioned him Vail Misc. regarding his recommendations. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the stipulations for the Vail miscellaneous properties. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. The next group reviewed by the Board was Vail development land. Vail Dev. Land Commissioner Gates moved to approve the stipulations on the Vail development land. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Schmale presented Beaver Creek improved properties and the Board reviewed his B/C Imp Prop recommendations. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the stipulations regarding Beaver Creek improved properties. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. The next petition was regarding the Gillett-Shannon properties. Gillett-Shannon Commissioner Gates moved to approve the stipulation for Gillett-Shannon Properties properties. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to deny Post Montane petition, Docket #89-169. Post Montane Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Schmale presented Park Plaza petitions and recommended denial. Park Plaza Commissioner Gates moved to deny Vail Associates Park Plaza Docket #89-169. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. The next item regarding Vail Associates were various parcels which no evidence was Vail Assoc. presented. Various Parcels Commissioner Gates moved to deny Vail Associates, various parcels, Docket #89-169. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Fred Otto appeared to discuss the documentary fee on Singletree Golf Course and Golf Course Arrowhead Golf Course. He appeared with the contract and the golf course alone was purchased for $4,000,000. He stated he wanted to go through the details of the deter- mination of the contract. Mr. Schmale presented evidence on how the value of the golf course was determined. Mr. Otto objected giving his justification of a per acre price. Mr. Schmale continued to present evidence of the value for golf courses he had researched. Mr. Otto submitted evidence and disputed the per acre value placed on the golf course by the Assessor's office. Chairman Gustafson suggested Mr. Otto meet with Mr. Schmale and review the con- tract and the figures of the hearing officers. He recommended to continue this item to August 10, 1989. The meeting was continued to August 10, 1989. fi A Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman il • ! • • -icy August 7, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman Thomas Bigler Asst. County Atty George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Absent: Don Welch Commissioner This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following warrants were brought before the Board for their consideration: GENERAL FUND AIRBORN BAND FEE 435.00 ALPERN JOHNSON STUART MYERS 15468/RODRIQUEZ 10.00 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF REGISTRATION FEE 320.00 AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP 309.58 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION ADVERTISEMENT 75.00 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL CONSULT ENG. BOOK 19.00 AMICH AND JENKS INCORPORATED PRE-EMPLOYMENT POLYGRAPH 195.00 ANDERSON JAMES G 15518/GARCIA 10.00 ANDREE KIM REIMBURSEMENT FOR SUPPLIES 133.24 ARTHUR AND PERLMUTTER 15475/MATTIO 7.50 ASHTON TATE PRINTER ENHANCE-PKG. 32.70 ASSOCIATED RECOVERY SYSTEM 15494/ROGERS 10.00 ASPEN ANIMAL HOSPITAL REIM/RABIES VACCINE 10.00 ASPEN VALLEY VET HOSPITAL REIM/RABIES VACCINE 11.00 ASSOCIATED BAG COMPANY OPERATING SUPPLIES 106.00 ASSOCIATION QUALITY AND VIDEO/WORK TEAMS 55.00 AT AND T TELEPHONE SERVICES 101.21 AVON TOWN OF 3RD QUARTER NURSE CONTRACT 1,189.65 BARNES SUSAN DVM REIM/SPAY-NEUTER 36.00 BASALT SANITATION DISTRICT JULY-SEPT 69.90 BASALT TOWN OF JULY-SEPT/WATER 48.00 BEARDEN AMANDA TRAVEL 49.30 ' BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS OPERATING SUPPLIES 102.44 BEAVER FRAMING INCORPORATED PICTURE FRAMING 102.45 BEEP WEST INCORPORATED PAGER/RENTAL 90.00 BELCHER KELLY LODGING/MEALS 45.00 BEST GERALD ICBO CONFERENCES 34.95 BEVERIDGE RICK LODGING/MEALS/TRAVEL 326.56 BIGLER THOM LODGING/MEALS 105.70 BIRLEW NEWS SUBSCRIPTION 29.00 BISHOP LORI MILEAGE & OTHER TRAVEL 31.40 BISHOPS TRASH SERVICE TRASH SERVICE 34.00 BLACK ALLEN RECRUITING EXPENSES 549.10 BMC WEST KEYS 26.04 BOYD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY WINCH CABLE 25.42 BRADLEY MIKE J ELEC DEPOSIT/MODULAR 62.00 BUFFALOS DONUTS/MEETING 8.97 BUSINESS AND LEGAL REPORTS TRAIN-DRUG-FREE PROG 189.94 C & S PRODUCTIONS 1/2 CONTRACT PAYMENT 750.00 CALVERT CALVERT 15420/MARTINEZ 8.30 CASTLE PEAK VETERINARY SERVICE SPAY/NEUTER REIM 181.00 CCO AND ERA RETIREMENT ANN/GEN 8,523.25 CENTER DRUGS FILM PROCESSING 184.85 CF HOECKEL COMPANY F0RM194/CLERK FEE CARD 10.57 CHENAULT JAN REFUND/BLDG PERMIT 269.42 CO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE LIVESTOCK SCALE/REG. 44.00 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY BOTTLED WATER SERVICE 88.20 CODEL OFFICE RENT/EAGLE PK 2,623.00 COLLEGE OF FORESTRY AND 3RD QTR CONTRIBUTION 875.00 • COLORADO ASSESSORS ASSOCIATION REGISTRATION FEES 505.00 COLORADO AVALANCHE INFORMATION 3RD QTR CONTRIBUTION 750.00 COLORADO BADGE AND TROPHY OPERATING SUPPLIES 11.05 COLORADO BAR ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP 246.00 • . COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF LABOR UNEMPLOYMENT PREMIUM 2,953.85 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL 11,191.73 COLORADO GERONTOLOGICAL CONF REGISTRATION 350.00 • COLORADO STATE PATROL 3RD QTR CONTRIBUTION 3,125.00 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS 21.10 ' COLORADO TRIAL LAWYERS MEMBERSHIP 60.00 COLORADO WEST PROFESSIONAL 3RD QTR CONTRIBUTION 4,500.00 COLORADO WEST RECOVERY CENTER 3RD QTR CONTRIBUTION 2,500.00 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS/AUG 89 16,879.88 CONTINENTAL ELEVATOR SERVICE ELEVATOR INSPECTION 180.00 COUNTY SHERIFFS OF COLORADO REGISTRATION FEE 75.00 CRAWFORD FLOYD 3RD QTR/OFFICE RENT 1,472.52 CREDIT BUREAU OF GUNNISON 15489/CASIAS 30.90 CURNUTTE JIM LODGING/MEALS 49.00 a D AND M ADJUSTMENT COMPANY 15510/COUNTERTOPS 9.10 DAILY SENTINEL THE PUBLICATION NOTICES 212.96 1 • 1111 • 9 • DOLLAR RENT A CAR 15346/MARTINEZ 10.00 DENVER MARRIOTT WEST TRAINING 235.30 DENVER POST THE ADVERTISEMENTS 92.52 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCH COSTS 2,083.75 DESCO REPAIR LOCKS/JC 156.75 DILKA KELLIE QUEEN JUDGE FEE 50.00 DINN BROTHERS INCORPORATED TROPHIES/FAIR 89 278.05 DISTRICT ATTORNEYS OFFICE 3RD QTR CONTRIBUTION 50,906.10 DIVISION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT UPDATE 89/SEMINAR 20.00 DODSON ENGINEERED PRODUCTS PARTS/SPRINKLER 143.21 DRAWING BOARD PRINTED EC LOGO LABELS 70.75 DREIER DOUGLAS TRAVEL 208.00 DUGGAN GARRY PURCHASE OF SERVICE 100.00 DUROUX ALMEDA COORD REIM/JUNE 89 15.00 EAGLE AUTO PARTS OPERATING SUPPLIES 35.72 EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER POSTAGE/JUNE RENEWALS 274.72 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS SOFTWARE HARDWARE FEES 606.00 EAGLE COUNTY ACCOUNTING POSTAGE ALLOCATIONS 12,170.90 EAGLE COUNTY ACCOUNTING COPIER ALLOCATIONS 1,661.05 EAGLE COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER AUG/SHELTER CONTRACT 4,933.39 EAGLE COUNTY CRIME STOPPERS 3RD QTR CONTRIBUTION 125.00 EAGLE COUNTY NURSING SERVICE POSTAGE 27.55 EAGLE PHARMACY INMATE SUPPLIES 665.74 EAGLE SANITATION DISTRICT CASTLE/SOCIAL SERV. 903.00 EAGLE TOWN OF WATER SERVICE 2,324.00 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE ADVERTISING 1,343.19 EAGLE VALLEY GLASS AND MIRROR REPAIR WINDOW/SS 150.39 EAGLE VALLEY YOUTH TASK 3RD QTR CONTRIBUTION 125.00 EASTMAN INCORPORATED MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 486.66 EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY MDL 60/JUNE BILLING 680.45 EC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ECEDC GRANT/OPERATING 2,500.00 ECKELBERGER FELDMAN 15482/EASTERBROOK 7.50 EDEEN JESSIE/DAVID REFUND/HEARING FEES 72.00 EDS LEATHER OPEN HORSE SHOW PRIZES 433.00 EEDS BILL FILM INVESTIGATION 3.87 EVANS MECHANICAL REPAIR/AIR CONDITION 151.00 EZ WAY RENTAL RENT/LAWN AERATOR 85.00 FARMER BROTHERS SUPPLIES 191.72 FEDERAL EXPRESS FEDERAL EXPRESS CHG 40.25 FEDRIZZI GERALD JDMD PC INMATE DENTALS 148.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 80,304.72 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/AUG.89 37,394.37 FORTUNES RESTAURANT MEALS 53.95 FREMONT COUNTY NURSING SERVICE REGISTRATION.FEE/CCNA 120.00 FRITZE JAMES R LODGING/MEALS 183.76 GALLOWAY BEN MD PROF SERVICES 2,325.00 GARFIELD YOUTH SERVICE 3RD QTR CONTRIBUTION 250.00 GATES GEORGE A MILEAGE/OTHER TRAVEL 188.00 GATES MARGE PHN LODGING/MEALS 211.90 GEORGE J NICHOLS III PC 15294/PAUL 11.60 GIRARD THOMAS A MILEAGE/OTHER TRAVEL 43.00 GLENWOOD POST THE PUBLIC NOTICE 67.05 GOLUBA NICHOLAS JR 15535/VANDER 18.40 GREATER EAGLE FIRE PROTECTION 911 EMERGENCY BILLING 18.00 GREEN CLAIRE H 15436/SATRUA 44.80 GREENBERG EDW S 15362/GREEN 2.60 GREENGARD AND SENTER LEGAL SERVICES 3,729.08 GS EDWARDS MAINT/FIRE ALARM/JC 611.20 GUSTAFSON RICHARD LODGING/MEALS 135.16 HAPPY HANGER UNIFORM CLEANING 3.00 HAZARD MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION 29.00 HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING ARCH-ENG SERVICE 189.50 HOLME ROBERT AND OWEN LEGAL SERVICE/MAY 89 3,009.82 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICES 10,720.19 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY JANITORIAL/OPERATING SUPPLIES 942.29 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE LODGING/MEALS/TRAVEL 1,087.58 HUENINK KELLY MILEAGE/OTHER TRAVEL 27.95 INFOMADIX TRAINING 64.00 INTERNAL ASSOCIATION PLUMBING CODE BOOKS/RESALE 1,026.80 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF VALUATION TEXT 54.00 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINE MAINTENANCE CHARGES 1,155.40 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE MANUAL/BLDG CODES 18.25 IPI SEMINARS TRAINING 150.00 ITHACA PERIPHERALS INC CASH REGISTER ROLLS 117.43 J GARLIN COMMERCIAL FURNISHING BOOKCASE 140.00 JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING JUSTICE CENTER MAINTENANCE 6,171.74 , JOHNSON AJ GUN REPAIR/COD 56.11 JOHNSON JACK W CIVIL DEF SERV/JULY 709.60 JOHNSON KUNKEL AND ASSOCIATES ARCH/ENG/SURVEY SERVICE 1,520.00 JONES MIKE TROUBLESHOOT COMPUTER 120.00 KNOLL DUANE OPEN HORSE SHOW-JUDGE 250.00 KOHRMAN ROBERT STAPLE GUN/STAPLES 12.65 KS SOUND TRAINING TAPE 12.00 LANGE SUSAN MILEAGE/OTHER TRAVEL 110.80 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES BOND COPY PAPER 107.29 i I , III III III III y70 1 t $ LK SURVEY INSTRUMENTS OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 669.02 MARPAC CORPORATION SOUND SCREEN 37.95 MARTINEZ JANITORIAL JUNE 89/JANITORIAL 6,545.00 MCGRATH NICHOLAS JRPC LEGAL SERVICES 338.50 MCHUGH JAN MEAL/ACAB MEETING 21.77 MEINEKE DONNA MILEAGE/OTHER TRAVEL 254.65 MERRICK LYN LODGING/MEALS/TRAVEL 488.14 MID VALLEY ECONOMIC 3RD QTR CONTRIBUTION 1,250.00 MID VALLEY KENNELS KENNEL CONTRACT/JUNE & JULY 1,400.00 MINOR BROWN 15501/HODEROKI 7.50 MONROE SYSTEMS FOR BUSINESS MAINT AG/CALCULATORS 39.00 MONTOYA ANDREW R REGISTRATION 20.97 MOORE BUSINESS PRODUCTS PRINTER PAPER 567.30 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USAGE CHARGES 23,283.42 MOTOROLA INCORPORATED RADIO REPAIR 95.62 MOUNTAIN BELL SHERIFF SUB STATION 30.00 MOUNTAIN LAWN & WEED CONTROL 7229/SPRAY TREES 675.00 MOUNTAIN MEND BOLDER DESIGNS UNIFORM JACKET/FABRIC 1,938.90 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION REPAIRS/SWITCH/JAIL 45.00 MOUNTAIN TOP MANAGEMENT SITE RENTAL/APRIL 89 300.00 MOUNTAIN TYPEWRITER CLINIC CLEANING/ADDING MACH 25.00 MOUNTAIN VALLEY DEVELOPMENTAL 3RD QTR CONTRIBUTION 3,000.00 MUTUAL GRAPHICS BROCHURES 2,081.93 NATIONAL CAREER WORKSHOPS WORKSHOP 118.00 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER COMPUTER EQUIP REPAIR 935.00 NATIONWIDE CREDIT 15412/HEURING 10.00 NOLAN NINA COORD REIM 15.00 NORTHWEST LEGAL SERVICE 3RD QTR CONTRIBUTION 250.00 NUNN JEAN MILEAGE/OTHER TRAVEL 32.33 ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY PEST CONTROL/JC 98.00 OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY ELEC REPAIRS/JC 140.00 PACIFIC TELECOM TELEPHONE SERVICES 7,889.47 PARKS DOCTOR PROF VET SERVICES 105.00 PENNY SAVER MEDICAL SUPPLY MEDICAL SUPPLIES 330.61 PHILLIPS JOHNNETTE MILEAGE/OTHER TRAVEL 160.83 PITNEY BOWES RENTAL/POSTAGE METER 109.50 POSTMASTER BOX RENT 317.00 PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITY ADV/EMPLOYMENT 94.14 PTL ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL WORK 751.25 PUBLIC RECORD CORPORATION SUBSCRIPTION 380.00 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE 116.32 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 213.18 RED BIRD AIRCRAFT INCORPORATED FLIGHT SERVICE 130.00 REGIS COLLEGE TUITION/TRAINING 1,260.00 REUBENS RESTAURANT INMATE MEALS 12,597.72 REVA MILLER 82DR30/52180385 323.10 RICHARD YOUNG PRODUCTS OF COMREX RIBBONS 203.37 ROARING FORK TRANSIT AGENCY 3RD QTR CONTRIBUTION 5,250.00 ROCHE BIOMEDICAL LABORATORIES LAB FEES 417.25 ROCKY MOUNTAIN AUDIO/VIDEO CASSETTE TAPES 60.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BIO PRODUCTS COLOROW/HYDRO-SEEDING 1,500.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN EMBROIDERY UNIFORM EMBLEMS 907.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS 3,639.04 ROPIR CABLEVISION CABLE TV SERVICE 31.45 SACHSLAWLOR DATERS/STAMPS 20.30 SAMPSON ASSOCIATES 15524/HENDERSON 7.60 SARTIN ALLEN MOVING/RELOC.EXPENSES 251.17 SATTERFIELD RHODORA TRAVEL 48.00 SCHMIDT CECELIA 80 MILES/TRAVEL 16.00 SCHMIDT ELOISE COORD REIM/JUNE 89 15.00 SCHOLER JIM RECRUITING EXP/SS 2,755.77 SEALOCK ASSOCIATES CPA 1988 COST REPORT 404.75 SECURUS REPAIR/JC 65.92 SHINEY DEBBY REIM/SPAY NEUTER EXP 25.00 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING PRINTING 1,273.10 SMITH DIANE TEMP JUVENILE HOLDING 24.00 STATE BOARD REGISTRATION FOR PROF ENG LICENSING 110.00 STATE OF COLORADO LEGISLATIVE FINANCE MGT MANUAL 16.00 STEINBERG THOMAS I HEALTH OFFICER/JUNE 89 272.00 STEINBRECHER JERRY MD PROFESSIONAL FEES 990.00 STEPHENS NURSERY BEDDING PLANTS 60.00 STERNIG JOHN P LODGING/MEALS 58.53 STONE SUSAN DR REIM/VACCINATIONS 9.00 STRAWBERRY PATCH FLOWERS/PERRY 84.86 STUVER AND GEORGE 15512/JAY 15.00 SUMMER HABITATS REIM/BLDG PERMIT 8,176.70 SUMMIT LUMBER MISC BUILDING SUPPLIES 395.37 SWENSON KAREN M RENTAL/PROJECTOR 155.31 TOP DRAWER OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,021.21 TOTAL LANDSCAPE COMPANY EDGING/STAPLES 122.50 TRI COUNTY FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FIRE EXT INSPECTION 175.00 TUXALL UNIFORM COMPANY UNIFORMS/WADE 349.50 1 TYREE AND ASSOCIATES ARCH REVIEW 12,400.00 i UNITED AGRI SERVICES ACTIVATOR 317.00 4 UNITED LABORATORIES FLOOR FINISH 310.80 i r • 1 t, • UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SHIPPING CHARGES 145.94 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO BOOK/INSTREAM PROT. 21.25 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA BROCHURES/RABBITS 16.00 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE SERVICE 1,441.39 V W EIMICKE ASSOCIATES INC INTEROFFICE ENVELOPES 135.17 VAIL APOTHECARY INC ADRENALIN AMPULES 9.95 VAIL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ENTRY FEE/PARADE-VAIL 12.00 VAIL COMMUNITY THEATRE 3RD QTR CONTRIBUTION 750.00 VAIL ELECTRONICS MONITOR ALARM SYSTEM 183.00 VAIL INTERNAL MEDICINE PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS 70.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC INMATE EXAMS 955.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN RESCUE GROUP DONATION/SEARCH & RESCUE 50.00 VAIL SIGN CORPORATION SIGNS 28.00 VAIL TOWN OF CONTRACT/JUNE & JULY 1,654.20 VAIL TRAIL THE PUBLICATION/ADV 9.20 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER INMATE EXAMS 116.00 VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY KEYS/AUGER EDGE 97.93 VALLEY JOURNAL ADV/PUBLIC NOTICE 109.56 VALLEY SIGNS NAME PLATE/HOLDER 90.30 VISA LODGE/MEALS/TRAVEL 3,907.88 VISIBLE COMPUTER SUPPLY CORP 3M TOUCH STRIP 49.30 WALMART OPERATING SUPPLIES 181.44 WALTER F STEPHENS JR INC INMATE CAPS 51.71 WARZON PAULA MILEAGE/OTHER TRAVEL 24.00 WEST CANYON TREE FARM, INC ASPEN MULCH 96.00 WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY CJS POCKET PARTS 140.00 WESTERN SLOPE UNIFORM COMPANY LAUNDRY SERVICE 81.50 WESTERN STATE COLLEGE REGISTRATION/WATER WORKSHOP 1,285.00 WESTVACO WINDOW ENVELOPES 84.48 WILSON KEN MILEAGE/OTHER TRAVEL 128.00 WOMENS RESOURCE CENTER 3RD QTR CONTRIBUTION 750.00 WOOD EYE WOODWORKS BANNER/GRAPHICS 90.00 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY OPERATING SUPPLIES 18.58 XEROX CORPORATION MONTHLY MAINT/FAX 35.42 YAMPA VALLEY ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICE 16.64 JULY PAYROLL 219,336.34 GRAND TOTAL 645,325.05 ROAD & BRIDGE FUND AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS MEMBERSHIP FEE 90.00 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION TRAINING 370.00 AMERICAN TRAFFIC SAFETY DUES 25.00 AVON TOWN OF 2ND QTR RD&BR PAYMT 17,266.29 B AND B EXCAVATING ROAD BASE 4,101.96 BASALT TOWN OF 2ND QTR/RD&BR PAYMT 3,390.55 BEBO CONSTRUCTION YARMONY BR WIDENING 20,277.31 BECO RENTAL 89 WATER TRUCK 7,900.00 BEN MEADOWS COMPANY ORANGE NYLON MESH VEST 79.86 BMC WEST CHAINSAW FILE HOLDER 88.93 BOOTH ROUSE EQUIPMENT COMPANY REPAIR/AMZ MACHINE 101.27 BS AND W ENERGY CORPORATION DUST CONTROL MATERIALS 23,049.78 CCO AND ERA RETIREMENT/RD & BRIDGE 1,240.71 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/RD & BRIDGE 2,295.71 EAGLE COUNTY ACCOUNTING POSTAGE ALLOCATION 23.25 EAGLE COUNTY ACCOUNTING COPIER ALLOCATION 30.07 EAGLE COUNTY EXTENSION OFFICE 2-4D 2,529.25 EAGLE PHARMACY PHOTOS 82.13 EAGLE TOWN OF 2ND QTR/RD&BR PAYMT 6,308.70 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE PUBLIC NOTICES 107.25 ELLISON SERVICE GUARD POSTS/FENCING 1,066.00 EZ WAY RENTAL RENT TAMPER 585.94 FESSLER DON LODGING/MEALS 37.52 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/RD & BRIDGE 15,464.63 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY ROAD & BRIDGE INS 7,910.77 GA WESTERN CONSTRUCTION BRUSH CR BR REPLACEMT. 35,681.58 GYPSUM TOWN OF 2ND QTR RD&BR PAYMT 3,725.93 J AND S CONTRACTORS SUPPLY CONST.WARNING SIGN 28.42 MATERIAL SALES INCORPORATED PANEL BARRICADES 629.10 MINTURN TOWN OF 2 QTR/RD&BR PAYMT 2,061.48 MOBILE PREMIX COMPANY ROAD BASE 8,331.34 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USAGE-HEAVY 96,677.67 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION RADIO REPAIR/5213 48.75 MOUNTAIN TOP MANAGEMENT 1 YEAR-RENT-LEASE 1,080.00 PETTY CASH ROAD AND BRIDGE PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 68.46 r PITKIN IRON CORPORATION PAYMENT 1/GRAVEL 64,766.10 ROAD EQUIPMENT ROADEO TRAINING/ONEILL 25.00 SUMMIT LUMBER NYLON ROPE/PAINT 22.38 THOMPSON PADGETT SEMINAR 99.00 TOP DRAWER OFFICE SUPPLIES GUSSO FILE FOLDERS 92.70 VAIL TOWN OF RD&BR PAYMT/2-QTR 132,189.01 4 VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY CHAINSAW CHAIN 98.23 VALLEY LUMBER ORANGE SPRAY PAINT 9.38 B VULCAN SIGNS ROAD MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 1,815.97 s i • • y • 410 y7 t-- 600.02 FINAL/RETAINAGE55.00 WHEELING CORRUGATING COMPANY OIL MGT WORKSHOP 72.31 WINSLOW AND COMPANY OPERATING SUPPLIES 12,901.55 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY TROUGH RD BLASTING 41,038.30 yENTER SONS BLASTING 516,540.56 JULY PAYROLL GRAND TOTAL LIBRARY FUND 88.78 BOOK BINDING 27.50 AMERICAN BINDERY MIDWEST AGLL-CAT/BOOK 265.35 AMERICAN GENERAL LENDING BOOKS 84.61 BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY BOOKS 81.95 BOUND TO STAY BOUND CATALOGING 301.54 CATALOG CARD CORPORATION OF RET ANN/LIBRARY 343.63 CCO AND ERA STATE TAS/LIBRARY 117.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE SUBSCRIPTION 215.38 DAILY SENTINEL MAINTENANCE 41.57 DATAFILMS INCORPORATED PC/LUNCH 5.07 EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY ADVERTISING 2,649.07 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE FED TAS/LIBRARY 744.68 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY BOOKS 12.00 GORDONS TRAVEL HASLEE LORRAINE MALL SUBSCRIPTION/2 YRS 42.00 HIGH COUNTRY NEWS MAGAZINE FILE/BINDER 571.02 HIGHSMITH COMPANY INCORPORATED MAINT CONT/COPIER 180.00 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES BOOK/LOST 11.95 LONGMONT PUBLIC LIBRARY BOOPOSTAGE 70.14 MIDVALLEY BRANCH LIBRARY PC/LS 10.81 MC/ MINTURN BRANCH LIBRARY PPPS 309.57 TELECOM GER AMY TELEPHONE SERVICES 139.14 PACIFICMARMOT SERVICE/SUPP 3,817.36 PATHFINDER LIBRARY SYSTEM BOX RENT 17.00 POSTMASTER 2,188.53 QUALITY BOOKS INCORPORATED BOOKS 124.07 READ WELL MEDIA INCORPORATED BOOKS 57.29 SIMON AND SCHUSTER BOOKS ON TRAVEL 99.30 SUNSHINE PREBOUND BOOKS BOOKS THREE RIVERS LIBRARY SYSTEMS CAT SERVICES 1,400.00 U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE SERVICES 56.94 JULY PAYROLL 8,895.73 GRAND TOTAL 22,968.98 MOTOR POOL FUND AMERICAN EAGLE TIRE TIRES/ALIGN 962.12 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIAT TRAINING/SMITH 240.00 APPROVED OIL SERVICE TAKE-WASTE OIL 30.00 BERTHOD MOTORS REBUILD STEER COLUMN/5 86.94 BEST GERALD GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE 12.50 BLACK ALLEN GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE 7.32 BUDGET CAR SALES DODGE DYNASTY/4-DOOR 11,129.50 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/MP 260.34 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/MP 363.84 CUMMINS POWER INCORPORATED REPAIR SERVICES 147.86 DARIEN SHIRLEY GAS/SR VAN/MONTROSE 59.87 DORIO DISTRIBUTING FUEL & LUBRICANTS 10,757.97 EAGLE AUTO PARTS MISC SHOP SUPPLIES 2,886.21 EAGLE PHARMACY TAPE 12.04 EAGLE SALVAGE AND TOWING TOWING 127.00 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE DISPLAY AD 156.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/MP 2,622.77 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY MP INSURANCE 2,440.13 FITZSIMMONS MOTOR COMPANY TIRE REPAIR 32.00 GAY JOHNSON USED WHEELS 553.48 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD POWER STEERING PUMP 176.50 HANSON EQUIPMENT REPAIR SERVICES 270.53 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY ROLL TOWEL 64.46 J I CASE CREDIT CORPORATION PAYMENT/14/DRUM ROLLER 2,020.14 KAR PRODUCTS INCORPORATED MISC SHOP SUPPLIES 292.75 KIESTERTERS TRANSMISSION GREASE JOCKEY KIT 1,450.00 MACDONALD EQUIPMENT COMPANY 2 BROOM SETS 792.81 MESA MACK SPRING RACK 186.58 MILLER AUTO AND MACHINE INSTALL RING GEAR 12.00 MONTOYA ANDREW R GAS/CO VEHICLE 5042 5.00 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USAGE 278.16 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION INSTALL RADIO 501.36 NOVUS MOBILE WINDSHIELD REPAIR STAR BREAK REPAIR 140.00 POWER MOTIVE PINS 154.48 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING VEHICLE REVIEW FORMS 66.80 SUMMIT LUMBER OPERATING SUPPLIES 46.61 THREAD CONNECTION SEAL REPAIR/1200 55.50 TRI COUNTY FIRE EXTINGUISHERS RECHARGES 64.50 VISA FUEL/CO VEHICLE 324.36 # k 1 a s II • • III • 473 i CAT/TRACTOR SCRAPER 2,546.55 i WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY REPAIR SERVICES 12,643.21 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY OPERATING SUPPLIES 105.54 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY 7,955.60 JULY PAYROLL 63,041.33 GRAND TOTAL • CAPITAL EXPENDITURES FUND • J GARLIN COMMERCIAL FURNISHING FURNITURE & FIXTURES 2,276.00 MICROSOFT WORD MICROSOFT WORD UPDATE 80.50 MOTOROLA INCORPORATED RADIO EQUIPMENT 246.00 POWER MANAGEMENT REGULATOR SURGE SUPP. 449.00 PTL ELECTRIC INSTALL SURGE PRO/JC 56.00 SPACE MASTER INTERNATIONAL MODULAR BUILDING 67,257.00 70,364.50 GRAND TOTAL RETIREMENT FUND CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 8,124.43 GRAND TOTAL 8,124.43 INSURANCE RESERVE FUND AMERICAN EAGLE TIRE REPLACE MIRROR/NISSAN 87.14 COLORADO COUNTIES INCORPORATED CASUALTY/PROP INSURANCE 140,234.00 GS EDWARDS LIGHTNING REPAIRS/JC 620.95 JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING REPAIRS/JC 304.00 • JONES MIKE REPAIRS/JC 960.00 PTL ELECTRIC REPAIRS/JC 357.22 GRAND TOTAL 142,563.31 • CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND CABELL CHILDRESS ARCHITECTS ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES 48,500.00 GORDON GUMESON & ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING SERVICES 2,809.00 GYPSUM CREEK SHEETMETAL AND PAINT/LOCK/LABOR 108.54 JOHNSON KUNKEL AND ASSOCIATES COURTHOUSE TOPO 414.00 MORTER ARCHITECTS ARCH SERV/RFP 1,404.88 SMALLEY AND COMPANY CAULKING/PRIMER 84.74 SUMMIT LUMBER BUILDING MATERIALS 107.13 GRAND TOTAL 53,428.29 AIRPORT FUND AIRBORNE INC PARACHUTISTS/AIR SHOW 160.00 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION AIRPORT TECH MEMBERSHIP/ARFF 75.00 ARROW AVIATION DISPLAY/AIR SHOW 200.00 ' ASPEN EMBROIDERY WORKS AIR SHOW 1,394.00 AVIATION SYSTEMS INCORPORATED VOR/DME/LDA MAINT. 2,150.00 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS SOFT DRINKS/COLD CUTS 46.53 BEAVER CREEK TRANSIT GREYHOUND CHARTER PILOTS/AIRSHOW 162.13 BILL ARNOT DISPLAY/AIR SHOW 500.00 BLOMQUIST GARY REFUND/AIR SHOW TICKET 12.00 ' BRANDON SHERRY REIM/CORVETTE JUDGE 56.04 BRENT SERVICE INSTALL AIR COND/WIRING 1,029.25 C S VIDEO PRODUCTION VIDEO TAPE/AIRSHOW 250.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT 143.17 CHARLES WILLIS AND ASSOCIATES ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2,005.00 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY RENTAL/WATER DISPENSER 12.00 COLLETT ENTERPRISES CORVUS OIL/AIR SHOW 167.55 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/AIRPORT 198.87 CRICH MICHAEL HANGAR RENT/AUGUST 500.00 • DAILY SENTINEL THE ADV/AIR SHOW 189.71 DAVID FAIN DISPLAY/AIR SHOW 100.00 k DICK JONES DISPLAY/AIR SHOW 100.00 EAGLE AUTO PARTS OPERATING SUPPLIES 41.36 EAGLE PHARMACY OFFICE SUPPLIES 66.52 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE AIRSHOW MARKET SERVICE 351.40 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY CASH FOR AIRSHOW 89 5,500.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT 1,370.13 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY AIRPORT INSURANCE 769.14 FORTUNES RESTAURANT MEALS/MILITARY-AIRSHOW 53.88 HAMILTON DAVID R ENCYCLOPEDIA/AIRCRAFT 47.95 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICE 512.83 HURD HARRY REIM/SOFT DRINKS 8.43 JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING PIPE/REPAIR WINDSOCK 95.00 JIM OVER DISPLAY/AIR SHOW 100.00 JOHN REYNOLDS DISPLAY/AIR SHOW 100.00 KARAS JEFF SATIN JACKETS 120.00 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USAGE 940.60 r 5 t 1111 III III III Li 7q MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION REPAIR/RADIO 45.00 MOUNTAIN WINE DISTRIBUTING CO WINE/HOSP. TENT/AIRSH. 162.50 NOAHS ARK PETTING ZOO AIRSHOW PETTING ZOO 250.00 OUR HOUSE MEALS/MILITARY AIRSHOW 41.95 PACIFIC TELECOM TELEPHONE SERVICE 310.84 RED BIRD AIRCRAFT INCORPORATED TRAVEL/AP-TRAINING 450.00 RED KNIGHT AIR SHOWS AIR SHOW PERFORMANCE 1,500.00 REUBENS RESTAURANT AP COMM LUNCHEON/MAY 144.91 RIFLE MOUNTAIN PURE BOTTLED WATER/AIR SHOW 80.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS 8.44 ROCKY MOUNTAIN SAFETY SERVICE DIR.SIGNS/AIRPORT 262.76 SCREENPRINT DESIGN AIRSHOW 5,473.55 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING FLYERS/AIR SHOW 2,259.40 TACK ROOM MEALS/MIL AIRSHOW 162.70 TAYLOR RENTAL UMB. TABLES/AIR SHOW 775.00 TEAM AMERICA BAL/AIR SHOW PERF. 150.00 THREAD CONNECTION SEWING 10.00 THRIFTY RENT A CAR CAR RENT/AIR SHOW 1,032.22 UP THE CREEK ADV/AIR SHOW 340.00 VAIL ASSOCIATES ROPE/AIRSHOW 170.00 VAIL BEAVER CREEK JET CENTER FUEL/AIR SHOW 7,898.30 VAIL DAILY THE ADV/AIRSHOW 405.00 VAIL METROPOLITAN RECREATION BROCHURE ADV. 200.00 VIDEO CITY PRODUCTIONS REFUND/AIRSHOW DEP. 100.00 VISA LODGE/MEALS/TRAVEL 168.28 WALKER MAYA FEE/AIR SHOW ANTHEM 50.00 WILLIAMS TRAINING ASSOCIATION TRAINING/CFR 700.00 WRIGHT WATER ENGINEERS WATER OPTION FEE 1,352.33 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY STRIPPING PAINT 733.20 JULY PAYROLL 3,621.18 GRAND TOTAL 48,386.05 LANDFILL FUND AVON BEAVER CREEK TIMES PUBLIC NOTICE 72.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL 110.16 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2 QTR/LANDFILL DISP 4,216.97 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LANDFILL 223.71 DEEP ROCK WATER ARTESIAN WATER 15.75 EAGLE COUNTY ACCOUNTING COPIER CHG/LANDFILL 0.21 . EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE DISPLAY AD 130.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL 1,602.35 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY LANDFILL INSURANCE 907.88 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY TRASH CAN BAGS53.96 MCGRUDER SEPTIC SERVICE CLEAN FACILITIES 25.00 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USAGE 16,678.72 NORM GOULD & SONS CLOSE LANDFILL ACCOUNT 92.30 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING TICKET INVOICES 891.90 VAIL DAILY THE ADV/CLEAN-UP DAY 46.80 VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY BUG SPRAY 14.94 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY EAR PLUGS 38.00 JULY PAYROLL 5,234.72 GRAND TOTAL 30,355.37 TRANSPORTATION FUND ABEL BRUCE TRAVEL FOR SERVICES 33.80 GREYHOUND LINES INCORPORATED PAYMENT MAY & JUNE 89 59,736.00 GRAND TOTAL 59,769.80 The morning being spent paying bills, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration. Johnnette Phillips, Clerk & Recorder, presented minutes from June 26, 1989 through Minutes July 18, 1989, for the approval of the Board. 6/27-7/18/89 Commissioner Gates noted a correction in which he moved and seconded in the min- utes of June 27, 1989. This was corrected to note that Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the minutes as presented with the exception noted above. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch was not present for this hearing as he is on vacation. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and recon- vene as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. 11 • 4111 • 4111 Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, brought up the first item for the liquor Coyote Cafe licensing authority. He stated the application is for a change in license from a Liq. Lic. hotel and restaurant liquor license to a tavern license. Craig Forbes, director in the Diamond 5 Corporation, was questioned by Mr. Bigler regarding the new liquor license and the location of the Coyote Cafe. Commissioner Gates moved to establish the neighborhood as being the Beaver Creek PUD. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the recognized need for a tavern license in the neighborhood. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler continued questioning Mr. Forbes on the liquor license application for a tavern license for Coyote Cafe. He advised the necessary application and fees have been filed and there are no reported incidents at this establishment. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the application for a new tavern license for Diamond Five Ltd. , dba Coyote Cafe. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Bigler presented a renewal application for a liquor license from the Golden Golden Eagle Eagle Inn. He advised the application and fees have been filed with the County Clerk Inn and the Sheriff's office has reported no incidents. He recommended approval of the Liq. License application. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the application for a liquor license renewal of a hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for the Golden Eagle Inn. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Allen Sartin, Director of Budget and Information System, appeared to request autho- Res 89-82 rization to raise the fixed asset dollar threshold. He recommended the threshold be Fixed Asset raised from $100 to $500. He explained the increase would cause less work and man- Dollar power to inventory. Threshold Commissioner Gates moved to approve Resolution 89-82 concerning County inventory and changing the fixed asset dollar threshold from $100 to $500. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mike Bradley, Building and Grounds Supervisor, appeared to discuss a resolution Edwards Company regarding authorizing the renewal of an agreement between Eagle County and Edwards Continuing Company, Inc. concerning fire doors. Agrmt Discussion was held on the resolution and the contract. The Board determined to approve the renewal of the agreement without a resolution. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the automatic renewal of a contract for main- tenance of the Justice Center fire doors. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to reconvene the hearing as the Board of Equalization. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, advised Suzanne Shepard requested a hearing BOB with the Board. He introduced Schedule Numbers 30904 and 30902, Tracts A and B of the Shepard, S. Shepard Minor Subdivision, vacant land valued at $10,000 and $102,730 respectively. The hearing officer recommended denial of an adjustment. Mr. Lindahl handed out pack- ets submitted by Ms. Shepard, a map showing the location of the property, and hearing officer's information. Ms. Shepard questioned the Assessor's land value. She mentioned her reasons and stated valuation of land should not be figured by zoning. She complained about having to talk to the Assessor's appraiser, George Lewis. She argued the property is of no value. Allen Black, appraiser in the Assessor's office, explained reasons for the value of the property. He gave options Ms. Shepard could pursue to eliminate the value of the land. Discussion continued on the value of this property. Commissioner Gates moved to uphold the recommendation of the hearing officer on Schedule Numbers 30904 and 30902 as this property is open space and is consistent with the remainder of the county. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a petition from Robert W. and Elizabeth Robinson and advised BOB the hearing officer recommended denial. He stated the Robinsons contend the value Robinson, R. t exceeds what the home is valued. Mr. Lindahl distributed comparable sales submitted by Mrs. Robinson. 11 4111 4111 471. Mr. Black stated the original value was $262,940 which was reduced to $119,370, $25,720 was land. Mrs. Robinson stated the house was built for $73,000 and is currently valued at $93,000. Commissioner Gates moved to postpone this petition until more information could be obtained. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gustafson stated the Shepard hearing be re-opened as it has been deter- BOE mined the land is unusable. Shepard, S. Commissioner Gates moved to re-open the hearing on the Shepard property, Schedule Numbers 30904 and 30902. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Black stated this land can be reconsidered if it is moved from open space to ranchland with a comparable value of lands in the area. Commissioner Gates moved to reconsider the value to the. Shepard property, Schedule Numbers 30904 and 30902, to $900 per acre. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. The Board continued to review the Board of Equalization files on changes of valua- tions. They questioned the Assessor's staff regarding the files presented by Mr. Lindahl. The Board returned to the petition by Mrs. Robinson. BOE Mr. Black stated he recalculated the value and the total property value is Robinson $111,920 which Mrs. Robinson agrees to. Commissioner Gates moved to adopt the stipulation in which the total value is $111,920, land is valued at $25,720 and the improvements are $86,200. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. The Board continued to'review the stipulations as presented by Mr. Lindahl. BOE Commissioner Gates. moved to approve the hearing officers recommendations on all Various Stips dockets with the exception of Docket #449 and Docket #495. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to sign Resolution 89-E-4 to approve the petitions for Res 89-E-4 the Eagle County Board of Equalization. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Board of Equalization and reconvene as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Larry Metternick, County Engineer, appeared to discuss Change Order #3 on the C.O. #3 Brush Creek Road replacement. He explained the reason for the additional $2,267.20 Brush Crk Rd which increases the total contract to $150,103.45, which is below budget. Commissioner Gates moved to approve Change Order #3 for the Brush Creek Bridge replacement project in the amount of $2,267.20. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Metternick mentioned a final payment for change order #2 for the Eagle County C.O. #2 chip seal contract. The change order is an increase of $298.74. GMCO Commissioner Gates moved to approve and the Chairman be authorized to sign a Chip Seal change order increasing the final payment to GMCO Corporation for $298.74. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl brought up a final settlement of the 1989 Eagle County chip seal pro- GMCO Corp gram with GMCO Corporation. He advised no claims have been received against the final Final Sttlement settlement. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve the final settlement of the contract between GMCO Corporation and Eagle County. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented an interest check from Thatcher Bank to be endorsed to Cor- Cordillera dillera on the collateral account. The check was endorsed by the Chairman. Int. Check Chairman Gustafson continued the hearing with the resolution regarding the continu- Res 89-83 ing agreement with Edwards County, Inc. Edwards Co. Commissioner Gates moved to adopt Resolution 89-83 authorizing the renewal of the agreement between Eagle County and Edwards Company, Inc. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. 11 1111 1111 1110 7 • Commissioner Gates moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the letter Letter re to the Chief Regulatory Section of Sacramento, California of the U.S. Corps of Army Adams Rib Engineers regarding Adams Rib 404 permit. 404 Permit Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was • adjourned to August 8, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman d • 4110 • ' • August 1, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty Don Welch Commissioner Thomas Bigler Asst. County Atty George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting and stated the first item was the signing of Final Plat a final plat presented by Jim Curnutte. Glassier Commissioner Welch moved to authorize the Chairman to sign plat for Glassier Subdivision. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, presented an amendment to the Subdivision Aspen Mtn View Improvements Agreement with Aspen Mountain View Subdivision. He stated this amendment SIA Amendment was approved in a previous meeting. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and the Chair- man be authorized to sign the amendment to the Subdivision Improvements Agreement between 87 Hope, Inc., Summit View, Inc. , Aspen Mountain View, Ltd. and the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch was not present for this item. He was out of the room. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and recon- vene as the Board of Equalization. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch declared a possible conflict of interest with the following Vail Assoc: item regarding Vail Associates. Post Montane Chairman Gustafson declared a possible conflict of interest regarding Vail park Plaza Associates. Lionshead Mr. Lindahl advised there is not a conflict of interest and sufficient disclosure Golf Course of a possible conflict has been made. He introduced to the Board of Equalization the Open Space items to be heard, Vail Associates. Ed Smalley, Hearing Officer, presented the first item, Schedule #31034. He stated this land cannot be used due to permanent easements. He recommended a valuation reduc- tion $699,240 to $2,830. Mr. Smalley presented Schedule Nos. 29269, 11646, 15388, 11749, 11751, 11626 and 11627 and advised the Assessor's office and Vail Associates have stipulated these schedules. He presented Schedule Nos 27893, 27894 and 27895 and stated the price per acre is $25,000. Vail Associates contends the golf course is open space. Mr. Smalley stated he believes the golf course does have a value. Larry Levin, attorney representing Vail Associates, submitted a handout and reviewed it, discussing their opinion of the value of the golf course. The handout was marked Petitioner's Exhibit A. Discussion on the sale of area golf courses was held. Curtis Belcher, Hearing Officer, was called in to relate discussion on the Single- tree Golf Course. Discussion continued on how the value of the golf course was deter- mined and Vail Associates rebuttal. The Board adjourned to have the hearing officers and Vail Associates discuss value changes. After reconvening, the Board of Equalization held discussions regarding Vail Asso- ciates. Mr. Lindahl clarified and numbered exhibits presented. Mr. Smalley presented Hearing Officer's Exhibit #3 regarding Schedule Nos. 10457, 10458 and 10459, Lionshead Center C-1, C-2 and C-3. Mr. Levin passed out Petitioner's Exhibits B and C. He made a presentation on the exhibits. Allen Black, appraiser, related to the Board his findings of the differences on the Exhibits. Continued discussion was held on the differences of how Vail Associates and the Assessor's office believes how the property should be valuated. After lengthy argu- ments, the Board determined their decision would side with the Assessor's office and the set value would not change. The next item Mr. Smalley presented was Post Montane, Schedule Nos. 17651-176. He explained his reasoning for the valuation of these condominiums. He recommended denial as he believes Post Montane should be 29% on both land and improvements. Mr. Levin presented Petitioner's Exhibit A. He argued Post Montane should be classified as residential not commercial and gave his reasons and cited law cases. Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, disagreed with Mr. Levin's points and refuted his arguments stating he believes the property is commercial. Mr. Smalley presented the next issue, the valuation of Park Plaza, Docket #89-169. He gave documentation on how the value was determined and the question is the land value. The improvements are no problem for the petitioner. Mr. Levin handed out a sheet marked Petitioner's Exhibit E. He stated the alloca- tion of the value between the land and improvements was questionable. • 1111 1111 Lite The next item presented by Mr. Smalley was property in Beaver Creek. He could find no reason to change the property to open space as the property was sold for $500,000. Rick HacCutcheon explained the property was purchased by George Gillette for the purpose of additional debt service and the land is open space. The Board recapped the petitions by Vail Associates: Post Montane will be taken under advisement; Park Plaza will be reviewed by the hearing officers; property pur- chased by Mr. Gillette will be reviewed; the golf course property needs a contract to review for further determination; and Lionshead units will be denied. • Commissioner Gates moved to accept exhibits as presented in today's hearing into the record. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to August 7, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman f1 i U 3 ' r • q. 11 • • • ! ti July 31, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman James Fritze County Manager Don Welch Commissioner Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Thomas Bigler Asst. County Atty Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, a resolu- County Auction tion authorizing the public auction for the sale of Eagle County personal property. Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, presented a resolution authorizing the sale of certain property by Eagle County. He mentioned some of the items including com- puter software that is no longer any use to the County. Chairman Gustafson questioned Mr. Lindahl regarding the destruction of the com- puter software. Commissioner Welch moved to table this resolution until 2:00 p.m. today. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a resolution accepting the 1988 annual audit and approve a Res 89-77 notice to publish the resolution. 1988 Audit Commissioner Welch moved to adopt Resolution 89-77, acceptance of the 1988 audit prepared by McMahan Armstrong & Associates, P.C., and publish a notice for its review. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a resolution tabling the Vail Valley Consolidated Water Res 89-78 District, Application for a 1041 Permit, Black Lakes Enlargement. Black Lakes Commissioner Gates moved to approve Resolution 89-78 tabling the 1041 permit appli- cation for Black Lakes enlargement to May 15, 1990. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Jim Curnutte, Planner, presented a resolution for Glassier Minor Subdivision. He Res 89-79 reviewed the decision made by the Board in a previous meeting. Glassier, Fred Commissioner Welch moved the Board adopt Resolution 89-79 approving the minor subdivision and zone district amendment as requested in File No. SM-579-89 and File ZC-230-89 by Fred & Freda Glassier and Larry & Alice Leeper. He further moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Subdivision Improvements Agreement for the Glassier Minor Subdivision after signed by the Planning Commission; and to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the plat for the Glassier Minor Subdivision after signed by the Planning Commission. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The' vote was declared unanimous. Rick Beveridge, Events Coordinator, presented a contract for audio production for Contract: free stage fair entertainment and explained the details of the contract. The amount C&S Video of the contract is $1,500. Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, advised the Board of some minor changes the attorney's office made to the contract. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a contract with C&S Video to provide audio services for the free stage entertainment for August 9-13, 1989. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Beveridge presented a contract for "Trespasser" for free stage entertainment. Contract Commissioner Welch moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and the Chair- Trespass man be authorized to sign the contract for "Trespasser" to provide entertainment on the Fair Free Stage Saturday August 12, 1989 from 9-12 p.m. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gates moved to reconvene as the Board of Health. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Dick Paranchine, Colorado Department of Health, and Hike Hope appeared to discuss Health Board the Eagle Mine cleanup. He gave a report regarding the air monitors. He told the Eagle Mine Board there are five additional air monitors, three in the middle school, one inside Cleanup the school, and one on top of the Minturn Community Center. He reported on action taken on the cleanup by Gulf and Western. Discussion on dust and dust control was held. Commissioner Welch asked about a reply from the Department of Health that Gulf and Western would not pay for the construction of a new school. Mike Hope stated if the Department of Health had the data then they have now they would have asked for a much more comprehensive plan. He mentioned some things that are being done. Commissioner Welch asked if the school should be closed. Mr. Paranchine stated he did not believe so. He stated the wind causes an immedi- ate problem but the velocity of the wind is a factor. There was discussion on the planned dust control of the discarded mine tailings. Mr. Paranchine promised to return for a monthly update the first meeting in September. A 11 • • 4110 • Marge Gates, Nursing Director, stated she was requesting a Community Maternity Health Board Contract for the program participants to have follow-up visits. Maternity Prog Commissioner Gates moved to approve and sign the contract for the Community Mater- nity Health Contract with the University of Colorado. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch was not present for the remainder of the meeting as he had a District water meeting in Grand Junction. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of Health and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a resolution to transfer collateral for Cordillera from Thatcher Bank in Salida, Colorado to Vail National Bank. Res 89-80 Commissioner Gates moved the Board adopt Resolution 89-80 authorizing Kensington Cordillera Land Investment Partnership to substitute collateral for Cordillera Subdivision by allowing them to transfer funds from Thatcher Bank to Vail National Bank. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Phill Scott, Engineering Technician, appeared to discuss the next item, Change Change Order Order #1 for the County marking program. He stated the change order increased the contract by $2,514.90. Stripe Wright Discussion followed on how the project was bid: by unit, gallon or mile of road striped. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and the Chairman be authorized to sign a change order increasing the final payment to Stripe Wright for $2,514.90. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Allen Sartin, Director of Budget and Information System, appeared to discuss a Res 89-81 resolution authorizing the destruction of County software. He explained the County no County Audit longer has a computer which uses the software in question. He stated the technology changes so quickly that he has very serious doubts if this software would be of any value. It was determined to move the software to tapes for permanent storage and deleted from the fixed assets list. Commissioner Gates moved to approve Resolution 89-81 authorizing an auction for certain personal property owned by Eagle County with the exception of the software. The software should be retained in permanent storage on a tape and removed from the fixed assets list. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and recon- vene as the Board of Equalization. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl explained the items to be heard by the Board of Equalization. He Petition: stated Jim Guffy, taxpayer, appeal was sent to the Board of Equalization and post- Guffy, Jim marked on July 11, 1989. The deadline was July 10, 1989. Mr. Lindahl advised this petition be denied due to the fact the Colorado State Statutes requires requests be received or postmarked by July 10, 1989. Mr. Guffy gave his reason for the appeal and pointed out a problem with his mail. He asked the Board's indulgence as his address was not changed by the Assessor's office. He spoke of five properties which have been adjusted. He stated one of his properties was double the prior valuation. Mr. Lindahl gave his opinion to the Board if a mailing address was not changed by the Assessor's office. The Board discussed the change of address and determined to hear the petition. Commissioner Gates moved to hear the petition of Jim Guffy because of the lack of the change of address by the Assessor's office. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. The petition was referred to the Hearing Officer. Mr. Lindahl reviewed the property of Betsy Robinson and stated the hearing officer Stipulation recommended a reduction in value from $1,963,500 to $14,280. The reason as stated by Robinson, Betsy Ed Smalley, Hearing Officer, was the land was reclassified to resource and the land is used as agricultural. Betsy Robinson gave reasons for not submitting the form qualifying the land as agricultural property. Mr. Lindahl explained why the response was necessary to change the type of value placed on the property. The Board determined to research and make the property equitable to other proper- ties in the area. Commissioner Gates moved to accept the decision of the hearing officer on Schedule #29033 and approve the stipulation. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. • 4111 1111 4110 The Board reviewed all the Board of Equalization's stipulations proposed and dis- BOE-Various cussed the problem areas. Some of the stipulations were pulled for additional informa- Stipulations tion. The Board determined to continue reviewing at another date and to have their weekly work session with Cabell Childress Architects. Commissioner Gates moved to table the Board of Equalization hearings until the earliest time possible. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the stipulations received on the dockets listed on Schedule A with the exception of those pulled for additional explanation. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Curtis Belcher and Edwin Smalley, hearing officers, Jody Caruthers, County Asses- sor, and Allen Black, Appraiser, appeared to discuss the petitions Board of Equaliza- tion stipulations and continued with discussion on some of the stipulations. They explained to the Board the reason for the change of valuation for each file that was questioned by the Board. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the recommendations made by Hearing Officers with the exception of Docket Numbers 89-7, 89-285, 89-24, and 89-23 and adopt a resolu- tion reflecting same. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to August 1, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • • • 4110 41111 LP/L.- July 18, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman James Fritze County Manager George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty Lisa Pittman Dep. Clerk to the Board Absent: Don Welch Commissioner Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting as the Board of County Commissioners and Res. 89-74 stated the first item in the agenda was a partial release of collateral for Summit Summit Vista Vista. Collateral Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, explained the request for partial release of collateral. He recommended the release of $9,604.24 and retaining the balance for a one year warranty period. He presented a resolution for the Board's approval. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners approve the partial release of collateral for the Summit Vista Subdivision in the amount of $9,604.24, and adopt Resolution 89-74 reflecting such action. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, explained Roy Mosher requested the Subdivi- SIA Extension sion Improvements Agreement for Ladybelle View Subdivision be amended to extend the Ladybelle deadline for completion of improvements to December 30, 1989. Roy Mosher, applicant, informed the Board he has been working on the completion of the improvements. Tom Brown, representing the Engineering Department, recommended the Board approve an extension. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and the Chairman be authorized to sign the Second Amendment to the Subdivision Improvements Agreement for Ladybelle View Subdivision extending the completion date to December 30, 1989. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. • Mr. Bigler presented a resolution for partial release of collateral for Ladybelle Res. 89-75 View Subdivision in the amount of $17,100. Ladybelle Discussion followed on the authorization of the release of collateral. Collateral Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and sign Resolution 89-75 for the par- tial release of collateral for the Lady Belle View Subdivision in the amount of $17,100. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a Release of Letter of Commitment for The Reserve on the Res. 89-76 Eagle River for the subdivision improvements agreement. The Reserve Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and sign Resolution 89-76 releasing the Letter of Letter of Commitment for the Reserve on the Eagle River in the amount of $182,000. Commitment Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented an application to renew the lease for land of the old land- Application fill site. He explained the application and that a surety bond is being required by to BLM the BLM. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the application for Land for Recreation for Public Purposes concerning a new lease and authorize the Chairman to sign the application for submittal to the U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Bill Smith, Motor Pool Superintendent, appeared with bids for the County Auction Contract and advised he had again reviewed the bids received from the auctioneers. He recom- Michael Lynn mended Michael Lynn Company of Grand Junction. He also recommended the date of auc- Company tion be postponed to September 9, 1989. Commissioner Gates moved Michael Lynn Company be approved to receive the auction award for the County Auction, and the auction be moved from August 5, 1989 to Septem- ber 9, 1989. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a settlement agreement of Eby Creek Mesa and advised Loren Agreement Chambers had accepted the proposal set forth by the Board of County Commissioners. Chambers, Lorex There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to July 24, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 111 4111 411 July 17, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman James Fritze County Manager George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty Lisa Pittman Dep. Clerk to the Board Absent: Don Welch Commissioner This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting as the Board of Equalization and stated Res. 89-E-2 there were several resolutions for approval. Various Scheds Commissioner Gates questioned why the Robinson property was reduced so drastically. Jody Caruthers, County Assessor, explained the low valuation of the Robinson property. Discussion followed on the resolutions and assessment reductions. Ms. Caruthers advised her office would require more information on the Robinson parcel and the Nottingham parcel and additional time to review these parcels. Commissioner Gates moved the approval from the hearing officers on petitions with the exception of the Robinson parcel, Schedule No. 0029033, and the exception of William Nottingham, Schedule No. 00180023. He further moved to adopt Resolution 89-E-2. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch was not present for today's hearing. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of Equalization and reconvene as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, presented the first item for the Local Liq. License Liquor Licensing Authority, the Coyote Cafe and requested this be tabled to August 7, Coyote Cafe 1989, at 10:30 a.m. Commissioner Gates moved to table the Coyote Cafe application be tabled to August 7, 1989, at 10:30 a.m. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Larry Metternick, County Engineer, presented a testing contract for the Brush Contract Creek Bridge for soils testing and concrete testing. He explained the contract for 011. Thompson the Board's information. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the contract with CTL Thompson, Inc. for concrete and compaction testing on the Brush Creek Bridge Replacement project. The contract is in the amount of and not to exceed $1,248. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Metternick presented Change Order #1, a change in the contract for Brush Creek Brush Crk Rd Bridge Replacement. He explained the change order was a change to use a colored C.O. #1 masonry. The change order would decrease the contract by $160. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve Change Order #1 for the Brush Creek Bridge Replacement project in the deduct amount of $160, resulting a reduced contract amount of $148,186.25. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Metternick presented Change Order #2, a deletion of the compaction testing Brush Crk Rd. from the Brush Creek Bridge Replacement project. C.O. #2 Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve Change Order #2 in the deduct amount of $350, resulting in a reduced contract amount of $147,336.25. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Metternick presented a certification for start of construction on the Brush Cert. of Const Creek Bridge project as 50% of the funds will be from the State of Colorado. Start for B Chairman Gustafson stated for the record he signed the Certification for the start Creek Road of the project as presented by Mr. Metternick. Mr. Metternick showed the Board a map of the Brush Creek Road project and updated Brush Creek the Commissioners on the progress of the project. He discussed obtaining right-of-way Road Update for the road. He requested the Board allow him to negotiate property trade with prop- erty owners. Discussion followed the current value of land in Eagle County and restrictions of the property in question. The Board suggested the County Attorney negotiate the land trade. Continued dis- cussion was held on the County's parcel. 4111 4111 41110 Li cof Bill Smith, Motor Pool Superintendent, discussed the auction service and stated Auction Bid three bids were received from McMeans Auction, Tom Pearch, and Michael Lynn Company. Award Tabled He reviewed each bid and recommended McMeans Auction Co. Discussion followed on the bids received and the commissions received by the auc- tioneers from the buyers rather than from the seller. Hr. Smith requested the auction be postponed until August 26, 1989, for additional advertising time. Mike Simonds, representing Michael Lynn Company, spoke regarding the bid received in which the buyer pays the commission. Commissioner Gates moved to table the selection of an auctioneer for the County Auction until July 18, 1989. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a request for a release of collateral from Colorow. He Release of advised the revegetation of the subdivision has been completed in the amount of Collateral $1,500. He stated Community Development has inspected the work and approved the Colorow release of collateral. Mr. Lindahl recommended adoption of a resolution reflecting this. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the Colorow Subdivision partial release of collateral in the amount of $1,500, and adopt Resolu- tion 89-72. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a resolution adopting a supplementary budget and appropriat- Res. 89-73 ing unanticipated revenues. He explained the resolution for the Board. Supplementary Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners adopt Budget Resolution 89-73 adopting a supplementary budget and appropriating unanticipated revenues. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to July 18, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 3 • • LI5 July 11, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty Don Welch Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Sid Fox Act. Dir. Comm. Dev. Jeremy McMahan Planner This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, File PD-152-89-A9 PD-152-89-A9, Pilgrim Downs. Pilgrim Downs Jeremy McMahan, Planner, explained the request which would change the uses by right on Lot 18 from a single family to primary-secondary. The findings by Staff are: 1. The proposed amendment is consistent with the efficient development and preservation of the entire PUD. 2. The proposed amendment does not affect in a substantially adverse manner the enjoyment of the land abutting or across the street from the PUD or the public interest. 3. The proposed amendment is not granted solely to confer a special benefit on any one person. 4. The rezoning is consistent with the Master Plan and the area in question possesses the geological, physical and other environmental conditions compat- ible with the characteristics of the use requested and the advantages of the use requested outweigh the disadvantages. 5. The land has access and can be serviced with water and sewage disposal sys- tems appropriate with the zone district being sought. 6. The area for which rezoning is requested has changed or is changing to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage a new use or density in the area. Steve Isom, I-Plan, pointed out to the Board the reasons for the change. He reviewed past actions regarding Lot 18. Commissioner Welch moved to change Lot 18 from a single family to a primary- sec- ondary lot. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved to leave the file open for the plat signing until August 22, 1989 at 5:00 p.m. to determine if there will be a lot line change on Lot 18. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. BD-36-89 Sid Fox, Acting Director of Community Development, presented for signing final Schiffmacher, plats for File BE-36-89, William Schiffmacher, Building Envelopment Amendment, Lot 10, Block 1, Tract J, Beaver Creek Subdivision. Commissioner Gates moved to sign the plat as presented by Mr. Fox. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. SU-254-89 Mr. Fox presented File SU-254-89, Colorow, Amended Final Plat, for a signature on Colorow the final plat, a resubdivision of Lots 8A, 88 and 11A of the final plat. Commissioner Welch moved to approve the final plat as presented by Mr. Fox. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. SM-587-89 Mr. Fox presented File SM-587-89, Trail Ridge Townhouse Condominiums Phase III, Trail Ridge Block 8, Filing 1, The Homestead. He explained the Memorandum of Understanding Condos required from Trail Ridge Townhouse Condominiums. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the final plat as presented by Mr. Fox. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. BE-37-89 Mr. Fox presented a Building Envelope Amendment to the Beaver Creek PUD, File B/C PUD BE-37-89, on Lot 31. Commissioner Welch moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the plat for File BE-37-89, Lot 31, Block 2, Tract J, Beaver Creek Subdivision Fourth Filing. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Arrowhead Lot Mr. McMahan presented a plat for a lot line change. Line Change Commissioner Gates moved to approve the removal of lot line for Arrowhead, Filing #13. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Agreement Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, presented an agreement between the Board of Chambers, Lore County Commissioners, Loren Chambers, and Eby Creek Mesa, a General Partnership. He advised this agreement will settle the litigation in the Eby Creek Mesa Subdivision lawsuit regarding the liens on the property and the improvements that have not been installed. Mr. Lindahl stated Mr. Chambers agrees to deed to Eagle County Lots 73, 74 and 180 through 215 subject to the County's deed of trust. Additionally, the County would take a deficiency budget from Mr. Chambers which will be released if another developer installs the improvements and complete the subdivision. He advised there are several outstanding taxes due on the parcels the County is taking estimated at $5,000 to $10,000. Commissioner Welch moved, based on the recommendations by the County Attorney, to approve the agreement between Eagle County, Loren G. Chambers and Eby Creek Mesa Gen- eral Partnership for the settlement of the lien on Eby Creek Mesa. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates was not present for this item. • i (IS� There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to July 17, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 41111 III1 411111 July 10, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman James Fritze County Manager Don Welch Commissioner Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting and introduced the first item, request for Permission to permission from the Chamber of Commerce to sell fermented malt beverage at the Eagle Sell Beer at County Fairgrounds from August 9-13, 1989. Fair & Rodeo Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, explained the request for permission to use three locations for the sale of 3.2% beer. Tom Moeger, representing the Chamber of Commerce, gave the Board the details of the reason for the permission request. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and the Board sign the letter of permission to Eagle Valley chamber of Commerce to sell fermented malt beverages at Eagle County Fairgrounds on August 9, 1989 through August 13, 1989. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and recon- vene as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a request from the Eagle Valley Chamber of Commerce for a Liq. License Special Events Permit to sell 3.2% beer during the Eagle County Fair and Rodeo. He Chamber of questioned Mr. Moeger regarding the Special Events License. Commerce Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the Special Events Permit for the Eagle Valley chamber of Commerce for a fermented malt beverage license for Eagle County Fair & Rodeo, August 9-13, 1989. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler introduced the next item, a change in corporate structure for The Gas Liq. License House. He explained the change would add John Maragon to the Board of Directors of Gas House The Gas House. He advised the Board Mr. Maragon had a 1978 DWI conviction in New Hampshire but nothing in Colorado since that time. He recommended approval of this change in corporate structure. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the change in corporate structure for Gashouse, Inc. wherein John F. Maragon replaces David A. Clark as a member of the Board of Directors for the corporation. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented the next item for the Local Liquor Licensing Authority, a Liq. License renewal of a retail liquor license by the French Wine Merchant. He advised the com- French Wine pleted application and fees have been submitted. He stated no incidents have been Merchant reported by the Eagle County Sheriff. Mr. Bigler recommended approval. Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the retail liquor store license renewal application for Cassel Wine Company of Colo- rado, Inc. dba The French Wine Merchant. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gustafson reconvened the meeting with the next item on the agenda, a Abatement request for abatement from Eric Lundgren. The Assessor's office was to return with Lundgren, Eric additional information. Jody Caruthers, County Assessor, explained how her office arrived at the zoned four units, figured by footage. She stated there could be only three units. She recommended this lot be declared a triplex lot. Howard Silver, representing petitioner, spoke of a one-quarter reduction of $300.42. Commissioner Welch moved the petition of Howard B. Silver, Eric C. Lundgren and Larry A. Agneberg, for abatement be partially approved so there are three lots valued at $5,500 each rather than four lots valued at $5,500. The abated amount is $100.57. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. • Mrs. Caruthers presented to the Board an appeals master log for the Board of Equal- BOE Master Log ization. She was questioned by the Board regarding the appeals. Mr. Bigler presented the next item, an appeal denial and enforcement of the regula- Lampiris, Nick tions construction within the public way of Eagle County. He advised Nick Lampiris Road Cut Permit made a road cut without a permit. He stated Mr. Lampiris was advised by Road and Bridge a permit was necessary for this road cut. He told the Board Mr. Lampiris sub- mitted a permit application which was subsequently denied because proper collateral was not given. Nick Lampiris testified on how the road cut occurred. He reviewed the chronology of the road cut. He asked the Board to compromise with him, fix the road and he would pay for the repairs. Don Fessler, Road and Bridge Supervisor, asked the Board to adhere to the regulations. i 4110 411111 Mr. Bigler reviewed the road cut regulations for the benefit of the Board of County Commissioners. Mr. Fessler complained the regulations are being circumvented by Mr. Lampiris. Discussion was held on a solution or compromise to this problem. Commissioner Gates moved to deny the appeal of Nick Lampiris regarding the road cut. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gustafson abstained from voting as he was not present for the entire hearing. After discussion on a radar system at the County airport, the Board determined to Approval for make a motion. Radar System Commissioner Gates moved to approve two LDA's and one DME for the airport subject to FAA approval, and subject to direction for takeoff, for a maximum of $365,000. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Discussion followed on the use of the grant money. Question was called for on the motion. The motion passed, two voting for and Commissioner Welch voting against. Commissioner Welch commented he believed the deci- sion was made without enough information. Chairman Gustafson rebutted the statement made by Commissioner Welch stated the information available at this time is the best they will receive. Ken Heller, Assistant Supervisor of Road and Bridge, explained the next item, a Final Settle. final settlement of a contract with Wheeling Corrugating Company for drainage pipe. Wheeling Co. Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, pointed out no claims have been made against Wheeling Corrugated and recommended approval of final settlement. Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve final settlement of the contract with Wheeling Corrugating Company dated March 30, 1989 for the provision of corrugated pipe for projects in Eagle County. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl brought an agreement from Wagner Equipment Company stating equipment Agreement purchased from that company could be sold back to Wagner after five years or 5000 Wagner Equip 0 hours of use. The buyback price would be $65,000. Mr. Lindahl requested the Board sign this option. Commissioner Gates moved to sign the agreement for a guaranteed buy back with Wagner Equipment after five years at the discretion of Eagle County. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. A.J. Johnson, Eagle County Sheriff, brought before the Board an operating and Operating Plan financial plan for reimbursable services requested by the Forest Service. He Forest Service explained various items the Forest Service purchases for the Sheriff's Office. Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners approve and sign the operating and financial plan reimbursable services requested by the For- est Service. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Sheriff Johnson gave a report regarding an update on what the High Country Drug High Country Task Force has accomplished. Drug Task Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize Force Report the Chairman to sign the quarterly report, High Country Drug Task Force. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Sheriff Johnson updated the Board on the amount of budgeted funds for food and Inmate Costs medical costs for inmates in detention. Discussion followed on the costs related to inmates. Dan Reynolds, Transportation Manager, reviewed Change Order #2 from Flatiron Pay- Flatiron Pavia ing Company for the Board's information. He stated one pole was deleted from the C.O. #2 contract and two small poles were added. He gave the Board the change order for their signature. Commissioner Welch moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Change Order #2 for Flatiron Construction increasing the con- tractual amount by $4,772.00. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mike Bradley, Building and Grounds Supervisor, appeared with a Change Order for Space Master Space Master in the amount of $505 for carpet and emergency lighting. C.O. #1 Commissioner Welch moved to approve the Change Order in the amount of $505 as presented by Mr. Bradley. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to July 11, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 1111 • • III 7i July 3, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman Thomas Bigler Asst County Atty Don Welch Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board George "Bud" Gates Commissioner This being a scheduled public hearing the following warrants were presented to the Board for their consideration: GENERAL FUND ABBOTT LABORATORIES STREP SCREEN KIT 150.00 ABC REPROGRAPHICS INCORPORATED MAP REDUCTIONS 300.00 ADDISON DAVID C 15418/S GRILL 4.00 ALL PRO FORMS INCORPORATED ENVELOPES 410.85 ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL PROF VET SERVICES 203.75 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION AIRPORT MEMBERSHIP/FRITZE 75.00 AMERICAN EAGLE TIRE WASHERS/BOLTS 76.48 AMERICAN EXPRESS MEMBERSHIP FEES 135.00 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTIONS 318.00 AMICH AND JENKS INCORPORATED POLYGRAPH EXAM 65.00 AMSTERDAM PRINTING LITHO PRINTED MEMOS 36.30 ANDERSON CAMPBELL AND LANGESEN 15460/ARNOLD 20.00 ANDERSON JAMES G 15392/S GARCIA 10.00 ARROW GAS COMPANY GAS/LANDFILL 29.40 ARTHUR AND PERLMUTTER REVENUE REFUND/15455 9.20 ASPEN VALLEY VET HOSPITAL VACCINATION REIM 22.00 AT AND T PHONE SERVICE 107.01 AV TECH ELECTRONICS RELAY BOX/SWITCH/BOXES 620.00 AVON BEAVER CREEK TIMES JOB ADVERTISEMENT 8.43 AVON BEAVER CREEK TIMES PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE 42.00 BALL CORPORATION CANNING BOOKLETS 16.50 , BANTA HOYT BANTA REVENUE REFUND 10.00 BASALT TOWN OF SECOND QTR RENT 1,200.00 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS FOOD 119.19 BEAVER FRAMING INCORPORATED FRAMING SERVICE 117.33 BEAVERS JEFF REIM/FILM PROCESSING 16.32 BEEP WEST INCORPORATED JUNE 89/PAGER RENTAL 90.00 BERRY PUBLISHING SUBSCRIPTIONS 160.00 BEVERIDGE RICK MILEAGE/REIMB. 165.98 BIRLEW SUBSCRIPTION 29.00 BISHOP LORI FAIR ROYALTY ENTRY FEES 36.20 BISHOPS TRASH SERVICE COM0049/TRASH 34.00 BLISS AGENCY 15361/S CLARK 10.00 BOB BARKER COMPANY INMATE SUPPLIES 850.86 BOYD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY SCAG MOWER BELTS 70.61 BRENT SERVICE REPAIR/HVAC-JC 969.94 BROWNLEE SANDY TRACK FOR RADIO UNIT 34.88 BUFFALOS LUNCHES - 107.19 BUSINESS CLUB PAPER 931.90 CAMERA SHOP AT CROSSROADS THE FILM PROCESSING 1.88 CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,078.82 CASTLE PEAK VETERINARY SERVICE K-9 DOG FOOD 112.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/GENERAL 9,083.80 CENTER DRUGS FILM PROCESSING/SUPPLIES 46.38 CF HOECKEL COMPANY FORM 103 A 540.89 CISCO ROSA RELEASE OF DEED 130.00 CLARK BOARDMAN COMPANY LTD FORMS/AGREEMENTS 77.75 CLETA BOOKSTORE AMMUNITION 235.00 CLOTHING WORKS FABRIC SHOP MATERIAL 177.00 CO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE LICENSE SCALE'S 36.00 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY BOTTLED WATER SERVICE 35.10 CODE PUBLICATIONS CONTRACTORS AID 49.95 CODEL OFFICE/STORAGE RENTAL 3,531.00 COGSWELL AND WEHRLE 15368/B GREEN 14.00 COLLECTION CENTER INCORPORATED REVENUE REFUND/15421 20.00 COLORADO ASSOCIATION OF SOIL REGISTRATION 70.00 COLORADO COUNTY ATTORNEYS REGISTRATION/CCAA 60.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT HIGHWAYS NYSTAGMUS COURSE 30.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL 17,113.84 COLORADO DEPT AGRICULTURE GASTOXIN/RESALE 1,400.00 COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE PUT IT IN WRITING 20.00 COLORADO PLUMBING SERVICE REIM/PLUMBING PERMIT 145.00 COLORADO PUBLISHING COMPANY RODEO ADVERTISING 370.00 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY SOILS LABORATORY 48.00 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY HISTORY BOOK 55.50 COLORADO WEST PROFESSIONAL APRIL SERVICES 390.00 COMPUADD CORPORATION SOFTWARE 228.00 CONCEPTS UNLIMITED IDENTO TAGS 28.00 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS PREM/JUNE/JULY 34,248.43 4110 4110 III 1111 01 CORNBELT CHEMICAL COMPANY HAND SPRAYER/CONCENTRATE 161.97 CREDIT BUREAU OF GUNNISON 15399/L VASQUEZ 25.00 CURNUTTE JIM MEALS 58.00 DARK ROOM THE PROJECTOR LAMP 34.73 DARRAH CHARLES 15354/T HARRIS 4.10 DAY TIMERS INCORPORATED OPERATING SUPPLIES 67.85 DELS TRUE VALUE HARDWARE CORD 5.99 DENVER POST THE PUBLICATION 109.94 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCH COSTS 1,985.00 DODSON ENGINEERED PRODUCTS PARTS/SPRINKLER SYS. 65.36 DON WELCH TRAVEL/LODGING/MEALS 271.40 DONOVAN RICHARD C 15396/PAUL LECK 10.60 DRAPHIX INCORPORATED DRAFTING SUPPLIES 95.18 DUGGAN GARRY PURCHASED SERVICES 100.00 DUROUX ALMEDA REIMBURSEMENT 15.00 EAGLE AUTO PARTS TELESCOPE MIRROR 17.70 EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER REIMB/POSTAGE PAID 48.18 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS DATA PROCESS SVC/SUPPORT 2,914.49 EAGLE COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER JULY/SHELTER CONT. 5,023.39 EAGLE COUNTY NURSING SERVICE PRE-EMPL. PHYSICALS 663.00 EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY DONATION READING PROG. 25.00 EAGLE COUNTY WEED AND PEST ROUNDUP 115.43 EAGLE LIQUOR STORE BEVERAGES/MEETINGS 5.74 EAGLE PHARMACY MISC ITEMS 480.37 EAGLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS INC JUNE PAGER PAYMENT 32.76 EAGLE TOWN OF WATER BILL 2,152.21 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE PUBLIC NOTICE/ADS 1,144.76 EAGLE VALLEY HOME BUILDERS LODGE 38.00 EASTMAN INCORPORATED OFFICE SUPPLIES 422.71 EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY MAINTENANCE COSTS/USAGE 594.31 ENTENMANN ROVIN COMPANY UNIFORM TIE TACKS/BARS 105.00 EVERDING DEAN A MEALS 14.03 FARMER BROTHERS COFFEE SUPPLIES 194.61 FEDERAL EXPRESS OVERNIGHT MAIL 53.33 FEDRIZZI GERALD J DMD PC INMATE DENTAL/KAIN 20.00 FERRELLGAS PROPANE SERVICE/RENTAL 279.40 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 76,191.40 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS PREM/JUNE/JULY 75,159.68 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY REIM/MATT HELLER -40.16 FIRST INTERSTATE BANK 15279/KRAMPCERA 2.50 FLOWER BRUCE W 15452/CLAYPOOL 13.20 FORTUNES RESTAURANT MEALS 87.25 FOX SIDNEY N TRAVEL 128.61 FULLER ROBERT TRAVEL 343.20 GAS HOUSE SEARCH/RESCUE MEALS 703.10 GATES GEORGE A MEALS/GATES 155.64 GIRARD THOMAS A TRAVEL 90.80 GLENWOOD SHOE SERVICE UNIFORM BOOTS 115.00 GLOBAL COMPUTER SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 1,166.90 GORDON GUMESON & ASSOCIATES JC VENTILATION SYS 1,584.00 GREEN CLAIRE H REVENUE REFUND/14710 12.80 GREENLAWN SOD COMPANY SOD/JC 353.00 GS EDWARDS 22799701/SMOKE DET 399.00 GUSTAFSON RICHARD LODGING/MEALS/TRAVEL 1,213.92 GWN SYSTEMS INCORPORATED SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 300.00 HAPPY HANGER UNIFORM CLEANING 64.00 HIGGINS HAZEL TRAVEL 25.80 HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING PLAT REVIEW 124.00 HOLME ROBERT AND OWEN LEGAL SERV/APRIL 89 14,352.59 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ELECTRICITY CHARGES 11,077.64 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY OPERATING SUPPLIES 377.14 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE LODGING/MEALS 335.75 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 55.00 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE RECRUITING EXPENSE 80.00 HUENINK KELLY MILEAGE REIMB. 21.00 INMAC RIBBONS/SURGE PROTECTOR 568.08 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE TAXES 5,251.82 INTERNATIONAL MAILING SYSTEMS POSTAGE METER RENTAL 69.75 IRON HORSE PIZZA SEARCH/RESCUE MEALS 57.80 JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING MAINTENANCE 3,187.49 JOHNSON AJ CLEANING/UNIFORM 6.20 JOHNSON JACK W CIVIL DEF SERV/JUNE 89 710.40 JOHNSON KUNKEL AND ASSOCIATES PLAT CHECK/SE28389 430.00 KARET IRA M 15381/MASTROIANNI 3.30 KEMP AND COMPANY INCORPORATED PVC 5.55 KESSLER MARY J POSTAGE REIMB. 9.90 KINDERPRINT COMPANY INVEST. SUPPLIES 36.58 LANGE SUSAN TRAVEL 79.40 LEGAL EXPRESS REVENUE REFUND/15425 10.00 LEHMAN ROBERT A REVENUE REFUND/15417 10.00 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES SERVICE COPIER 270.48 LK SURVEY INSTRUMENTS OPERATING SUPPLIES 971.16 LOWEN COMPANY INCORPORATED VEHICLE STRIPING 147.99 { LYNN DEAVY COMPANY INVESTIGATION SUPPLIES 233.33 ;. MANAGERS EDGE SUPPLIES 36.84 i 4 410 4111 4111 4411 LiAr MARPAC CORPORATION OPERATING SUPPLIES 67.90 MARTINEZ JANITORIAL MAY/JANITORIAL SERV 6,545.00 MCGRATH NICHOLAS JR PC EBY CREEK MESA LEGAL 611.75 MCHUGH JAN FOOD FOR MEETING 20.36 MCMAHAN ARMSTRONG & ASSOCIATES AUDITING SERVICES 43,600.00 MERRICK LYN MEALS 32.02 MID VALLEY KENNELS KENNEL CONTRACT MAY 700.00 MORTER ARCHITECTS BOND ELECTION SERV 2,855.20 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USAGE 19,419.15 MOTOROLA INCORPORATED RADIO REPAIRS 800.10 MOUNTAIN BELL SHERIFF SUB-STATION 30.00 MOUNTAIN MICROFILM MAP/PLAT MICROFICHE PRO 72.50 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION ANTENNA & SWITCH REPAIR 55.00 MOUNTAIN STATES DRUG TASK TASK FORCE CONFERENCE 150.00 MOUNTAIN STATES EMPLOYERS MEMBERSHIP 7-1-90 3,000.00 MY FLOWERS INCORPORATED CONDOLENCES 25.00 NACO CONFERENCE CENTER NACO CONFERENCE REG. 225.00 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DESKTOP PUBLISHERS 95.00 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER 1504691949/SW MAINT 37.00 NATIONAL CATTLEMEN ASSOCIATION VIDEO TAPE 15.00 NATIONAL COMMISSION ON APP FEE/ACCREDITATION 100.00 NEHA ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SUBSCRIPTIONS 10.00 NEVILLE JOHN G 15312/MATTION 33.20 NOLAN NINA REIMBURSEMENT 15.00 NORTHWEST COLORADO COUNCIL OF GVMTS 3RD QTR CONTRIBUTIONS 24,441.50 NORTHWEST COLORADO COUNCIL OF GVMTS NWCCOG MEETING 260.00 NUNN JEAN TRAVEL 45.20 NURSING MANAGEMENT SUBSCRIPTION FEE 25.00 OREILLY BRIAN REVENUE REFUND/15437 3.20 ORGANIC GARDENING SUBSCRIPTION 13.97 ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY PEST CONTROL SERVICE 338.00 OURY CAMERON E 120 MILES/TRAVEL 24.00 PACIFIC TELECOM TELEPHONE SERVICES 8,036.34 PARKS DOCTOR SPAY/NEUTER REIM 25.00 PC MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION 65.97 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY BOTTLED WATER SERVICE 18.00 PHILLIPS JOHNNETTE TRAVEL ADVANCE/LODGE/MEALS 515.22 PITNEY BOWES MAINTENANCE/RENTAL 800.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE METER/BOX RENTAL 10,580.04 POWERS LLOYD TRAVEL/POWERS 15.60 PREFERRED OFFICE PRODUCTS OFFICE SUPPLIES 4.25 PRENTICE HALL LIFETIME CONV GD BOOK 34.71 PRIME COMPUTER INCORPORATED MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 1,559.80 PROFESSIONAL MAILING EQUIPMENT REPAIR/POSTAGE METER 50.00 PTL ELECTRIC REPAIRS/JC 388.61 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPLY COMPANY I.D. CASES 142.12 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE 159.71 QUILL CORPORATION OPERATING SUPPLIES 144.74 RELIABLE STAPLER 30.74 REUBENS RESTAURANT INMATE MEALS 13,657.87 REVA MILLER 82DR30/521803850 323.10 REYNOLDS NETTIE MILEAGE REIMB. 14.80 REYNOLDS RICH REFUND ON PERMITS 399.80 ROARING FORK VALLEY COOP FERTILIZER 231.00 ROBERT WAXMAN INDUSTRIAL SALES STAND 257.50 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS GAS SERVICES 3,867.79 ROPIR CABLEVISION CABLE TV SERVICE 31.45 RUFNER RICHARD K 15384/CURTIN 0.10 RUGS PUB INCORPORATED 15431/R LIMPP 10.00 SACHSLAWLOR RUBBER STAMPS 14.00 SARTIN ALLEN RECRUITING EXPENSES 716.33 SCHIPPER SARAH PHN POSTAGE 262.44 SCHMIDT ELOISE REIMB./CO-COORD. 15.00 SCULLYS ART OFFICE SUPPLY NOTE BINDER 34.30 SEW NEWS SUBSCRIPTION 13.95 SHAEFFER KAREN TRAVEL 75.87 SHEARON ROBERT REFUND/DBL PERMIT 40.00 SHERRELL LARRY MEALS 61.90 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING PRINTED MATERIAL 255.00 STEELE RC NYLON MUZZLES 18.98 STEINBERG THOMAS I COUNTY HEALTH OFF/MAY 89 272.00 STRAWBERRY PATCH FLOWERS 146.32 STUVER AND GEORGE 15296/C MARTINEZ 15.00 SUMMIT LUMBER MISC HARDWARE 752.13 SWENSON KAREN M TRAVEL 59.00 TACK ROOM MEAL EXPENSES 185.78 TOOL CLINIC INCORPORATED REPAIR CIRCULAR SAW 73.39 TRAVEL TRAVEL OF VAIL INMATE TRANSPORT 1,549.00 TRI COUNTY FIRE EXTINGUISHERS RECHARGE FIRE EXT. 24.00 TURNER ROBERT W 15214/KRUSINAK 10.00 TYREE AND ASSOCIATES FOUNDATION REVIEW 600.00 UNITED BANK OF GRAND JUNCTION REVENUE REFUND/15440 10.00 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SHIPPING CHARGES 100.27 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE SERVICES 1,439.14 VAIL ASSOCIATES MEETING/MEALS 178.12 ' • • 41111 40 VAIL BOARD OF REALTORS BOOK 15.00 VAIL LOCK AND KEY REKEY LOCKS 16.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC INMATE EXAMS 475.00 VAIL TRAIL THE INVOICE #82122 43.60 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER INMATE EXAM 229.00 VAIL YOUTH SERVICES GRANT 100.00 VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY TRIMMER LINES 186.60 VALLEY JOURNAL SUBSCRIPTION 14.00 VALLEY SIGNS JUV DIV. BUILDING SIGN 48.50 VIDEO TEKMIX INCORPORATED REPLACE CAPACITOR/JC CAMERAS 101.87 VISA LODGING/TRAVEL/MEALS 2,561.46 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY GENERATOR REPAIR 816.63 WALLER MARK AND ALLEN REVENUE REFUND/15458 6.80 WALMART FILM/SUPPLIES 203.17 WEARGUARD CLOTHING & UNIFORMS 73.45 WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY POCKET PARTS/WESTLAW 427.61 WESTERN SLOPE UNIFORM COMPANY #11097/LAUNDRY SERV. 54.80 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY TRAFFIC CONES/UPS PAINT 160.30 XEROX CORPORATION MAINTENANCE/#7020 106.25 YAMPA VALLEY ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICE 53.14 JUNE PAYROLL 331,427.80 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 780,004.24 ROAD & BRIDGE FUND AMERICAN TRAFFIC SAFETY VIDEO FOR TRAINING 20.00 B AND B EXCAVATING ASPHALT 1,231.20 BEBO CONSTRUCTION YARMONY BRIDGE CONST 20,277.31 BS AND W ENERGY CORPORATION CONT/DUST CONTROL MAT. 19,540.00 CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS COPY MACHINE USAGE 49.48 CARBONDALE AUTO SUPPLY HAMMER 36.10 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/RD&BR 1,248.37 CLERK OF COUNTY COURT 885203/521292317 105.38 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/RD&BR 3,381.66 DAVIS EXCAVATING POCLAIM 220/MOVE 2,540.00 EAGLE COUNTY EXTENSION OFFICE WEED CONTROL 450.90 EAGLE PHARMACY CARDS 34.06 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE AF13709 117.00 EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER BARBED WIRE 297.37 ELAM CONSTRUCTION INCORPORATED ASPHALT PATCH 405.00 ELF ASPHALT OIL/AMZ MACHINE 409.50 ELLISON SERVICE FENCE CONSTRUCTION 900.00 EZ WAY RENTAL USAGE/TAMPER 1,200.00 FACTORY SURPLUS RUBBERIZED BOOTS 74.90 FERRELLGAS PROPANE/CRACK SEAL 46.08 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/RD&BR 13,618.56 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS PREM/R&B 16,143.48 GLOBAL COMPUTER SUPPLIES FORMTOOL SOFTWARE 63.38 HELLER KENNETH MEALS/REIMB. 36.59 MCGRUDER SEPTIC SERVICE SEPTIC SERVICE/MARCH 75.00 MOBILE PREMIX COMPANY ROAD BASE/PIT RUN 5,441.98 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USAGE 103,320.33 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION REPAIR MOBILE RADIO 31.50 PETTY CASH ROAD AND BRIDGE MEALS 75.79 ROARING FORK SAND AND GRAVEL 5/1/89 134.32 ROBILLARD AND ASSOCIATES BRUSH CR RD BR/ST 3,828.50 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BIO PRODUCTS STRAW 47.50 SUMMIT LUMBER ROOF CEMENT PLASTIC/CORD 60.56 SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS MUTCD MANUAL 44.00 WHEELING CORRUGATING COMPANY CORR STEEL DRAIN PIPE 11,481.58 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY SHOVELS/TAPE/PAINT 1,517.11 YENTER SONS BLASTING YARMONY BRIDGE REHAB 43,058.28 JUNE PAYROLL 63,690.64 TOTAL ROAD & BRIDGE FUND 315,033.41 LIBRARY FUND AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP DUES-ANNUAL125.00 ARGUS COMMUNICATIONS POSTERS34.10 BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY BOOK341.80 BEST PUBLISHING CREDIT/CLOCKS 63.66 BOUND TO STAY BOUND BOOKS/J 92.41 BRITANNICA REF/SEC 109.85 BRYANT ROBYN TRAVEL 52.00 CATALOG CARD CORPORATION OF CATALOGING 87.51 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LIBRARY 292.81 COLBORNS BUTCHER PAPER/G 29.97 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LIBRARY 525.48 COLORADO FOREST SERVICE BOOK FEES/REIM 168.00 COLORADO STATE LIBRARY ABSTRACT-MICROFICHE 10.00 EAGLE COUNTY ACCOUNTING SUPPLIES/1ST QTR 140.37 EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RENT/JULY 900.00 EAGLE VALLEY FLIGHT DAYS DONATION/FLIGHT DAYS 150.00 411110 III 4111 41111 l ECONOCLAD BOOKS BOOKS 817.38 EDUCATIONAL EQUIPMENT REPAIR REPAIR/SLIDE PROJ. 30.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LIBRARY 2,490.35 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/JUNE/JULY 3,845.70 GAYLORD BROTHERS INCORPORATED JKT COVERS 109.45 GORDONS BOOKS/H 2,293.84 GRAY SUPPLY COMPANY PROJ.BULBS 28.88 HIGHSMITH COMPANY INCORPORATED SLIDE SORTER 159.50 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY WASTE BASKETS 16.20 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES TONER 47.65 MARCIE TELANDER TRAVEL 80.00 MINTURN BRANCH LIBRARY PETTY CASH/POSTAGE 10.78 MOTOR POOL FUND MAY/MP USAGE 25.68 NISWANGER AMY TRAVEL 227.30 PACIFIC TELECOM TELEPHONE SERVICES 139.98 PETTY CASH LIBRARY FOOD/PC 21.27 PUBLICATION SALES BOOK 10.00 READ WELL MEDIA INCORPORATED BOOKS 152.31 RENAISSANCE HOUSE CREDIT/BOOKS 77.25 REUBENS ROLLS 10.80 RR BOWKER BOOK/SUB GDE-BIP 289.17 S AND S ARTS AND CRAFTS SUPPLIES/SUM. R 91.47 SHARYN SMITH TRAVEL 101.00 STEINFORT JO ANN REIM/SUPPLIES 14.75 STRAWBERRY PATCH FLOWERS 6.95 THE STATIONERY TRAVELER 4034823/IBM SEL III 149.00 U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE SERVICES 57.59 UPSTART BOOKMARK/POSTER 37.73 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS COPIER PAPER 11.44 JUNE PAYROLL 13,622.81 TOTAL LIBRARY 28,099.19 MOTOR POOL FUND Al AUTO ELECTRIC COMPANY CREDIT/STARTER CORE 235.10 AJ SALES AND SERVICE RODS/PISTON ASSEMBLY 476.00 ALLIED CARRIERS EXCHANGE FREIGHT/SPRING #2434 24.03 AMERICAN EAGLE TIRE ALL SEASON TIRES 305.24 BISHOP LORI FUEL/CO VEHICLE 9.85 CARBONDALE AUTO SUPPLY OIL FILTER 31.76 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/MP 267.26 CENTURY EQUIPMENT COMPANY GASKETS/FREIGHT 23.49 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/MOTOR POOL 574.91 CURTIS INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED 5 DZ CONNECT 96.30 DANIELS MOTORS INCORPORATED 89 CHEVY SUBURBAN 21,778.73 DORIO DISTRIBUTING FUEL HOSE/FLEET OIL 15,121.94 DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES CABLE 14.03 EAGLE AUTO PARTS MISC REPAIR SUPPLIES 957.55 EAGLE PHARMACY LABEL MAKER 8.98 EAGLE VALLEY GLASS AND MIRROR GLASS REPAIR 158.48 EMICH AMC JEEP TOWING EXPENSE 315.56 FACTORY SURPLUS COVERALLS 148.23 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/MP 2,473.30 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS PREM/JUNE/JULY 4,880.26 GAY JOHNSON RADIAL TIRES 1,562.12 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD SPEEDOMETER 86.57 HANSON EQUIPMENT HEAVY EQUIPMENT PARTS 371.71 INCENTIVE MARKETING INC CUSTOM TRANSPARENT 860.97 INDUSTRIAL AND MAINTENANCE MISC SHOP SUPPLIES 54.35 J I CASE CREDIT CORPORATION DRIVE DRUM ROLLER 2,020.14 JOHN HAINES CHEVROLET 89 CHEVY CELEBRITY 10,153.49 KUBAT EQUIPMENT AND PETRO VEND CARDS 97.48 MACDONALD EQUIPMENT COMPANY RELAY 16.63 MCHUGH JAN GAS/TRIP TO DENVER 5.00 MESA MACK MISC PARTS 562.88 MID AMERICA RODEO NEWS AIR BRAKE 30.10 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USAGE 341.04 PETTY CASH MOTOR POOL TITLE FEES 56.57 PHILLIPS 66 COMPANY FUEL/COUNTY VEHICLES 57.09 RESPOND FIRST AID SYSTEMS FIRST AID SUPPLIES 185.95 SAM TAYLOR AUTO HUB CAPS/COOLANT RECOVERY TANK 123.85 SOUTHWESTERN PETROLEUM MOLY BANIUM GREASE 991.58 SUMMIT LUMBER CAR WASH HOSE/HOSE COUPLER 6.08 VALLEY GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY OXYGEN 61.00 VISA LODGING/TRAVEL/MEALS 233.79 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY CAT 615/PRINCIPAL 2,546.55 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY HEAVY EQUIPMENT PARTS 15,136.77 WATSON OJ REBUILD KIT/SEALS 144.51 WESTERN HYDRAULICS #9202 PUMP 550.00 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY 4 INCH BLACK CAP 1,080.32 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY STRAP/SHAFT/FILTER/GASKET 1,943.76 JUNE PAYROLL 12,369.43 TOTAL MOTOR POOL FUND 99,550.73 S • • LKS CAPITAL EXPENDITURES FUND J GARLIN COMMERCIAL FURNISHING SECRETARIAL DESK 960.00 MOTOROLA INCORPORATED MOBILE RADIO UNITS 1,062.00 PITNEY BOWES PRINCIPAL/PURCH-5-30 185.92 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2,207.92 RETIREMENT FUND CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 4,303.71 TOTAL RETIREMENT FUND 4,303.71 CONTINGENT FUND J GARLIN COMMERCIAL FURNISHING STORAGE CABINET 2,739.00 TOTAL CONTINGENT FUND 2,739.00 INSURANCE RESERVE FUND ALEXANDER AND ALEXANDER AVIATION INSURANCE 5,000.00 ARTHUR J GALLAGHER AND EARN FEE/AP LIABILITY 500.00 EAGLE VALLEY GLASS AND MIRROR REP.J/NUNN-WINDSHIELD 338.29 JAMES FRED S AND COMPANY OF CONSULTING FEES 2,000.00 TOTAL INSURANCE RESERVE FUND 7,838.29 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND DAILY SENTINEL THE ADV/CTY BLDG/RFD 31.25 DRAPERIES BY DEBBIE BLINDS 595.50 SUMMIT LUMBER BUILDING SUPPLIES 374.46 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 1,001.21 BOND FUND SUSPENSE FUND REV REFUNDING BOND 391,110.00 TOTAL BOND FUND 391,110.00 AIRPORT FUND A AND M AIR SHOWS CONTRACT BALANCE 1,750.00 ASPEN EMBROIDERY WORKS AIRSHOW SUPPLIES 1,000.00 AVIATION SYSTEMS INCORPORATED MAINT/REPAIRS FOR VOR/DME 3,286.68 B QUAYLE PRODUCTIONS TICKET DISTRIBUTION 440.00 BROWNING FERRIS INDUSTRIES PORTA-FACILITIES 1,354.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT 140.49 CHARLES WILLIS AND ASSOCIATES ENVIR. ASSESSMENT 12,455.75 CHUTIN STARS CONTRACT BALANCE 550.00 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY WATER DISP. RENTAL 12.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/AIRPORT 277.75 COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE TUITION/GRANT WRITING 40.00 COLORADO PUBLISHING COMPANY AIRSHOW MAILINGS 240.00 CONTINENTAL AIR SHOW BALANCE AIRSHOW CONT. 2,500.00 CRICH MICHAEL JULY RENTAL 500.00 EAGLE AUTO PARTS PARTS/CFR FIRETRUCK 42.24 EAGLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS INC 086-0016 260.22 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE ACCT. #4441 9.00 EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER TREATED LUMBER 643.41 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT 1,294.12 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS PREM/AP 1,538.28 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY REIM STATE TAX/PR 11 -94.36 FOX VALLEY SYSTEMS PAINT STRIPPER 109.93 FRITZE JAMES R LODGE/DAN REYNOLDS 61.32 GARDNER LEFTY AIR SHOW CONTRACT 2,000.00 HAMMACK SCOTT BALANCE/AIRSHOW CONT. 3,150.00 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 213502900/ELEC/LDA 18.78 HOSKING AVIATION BALANCE/AIR SHOW CONT 1,650.00 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USAGE 1,356.39 PLANES OF FAME AIR MUSEUM DEPOSIT/PLANES/AIRSHOW 3,000.00 RADIUS MANFRED CONTRACT BALANCE 3,600.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS GAS/METER 2105 53.45 ROGER HARDESTY BALANCE/AIR SHOW 2,250.00 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING PRINTING/AIR SHOW 1,060.10 STOCKYARDS LUMBER LUMBER 461.65 SUMMIT LUMBER CEDAR POSTS-SIGNS 20.92 TEAM AMERICA BAL-AIRSHOW CONTRACT 3,900.00 THOMAS SELMER AIR SHOW CONTRACT 250.00 TRAVEL TRAVEL OF VAIL 5/ROUNDTRIP TICKETS 1,410.00 VAIL BEAVER CREEK JET CENTER TERMINAL RENT/JULY 89 4,000.00 VANCE ART CONTRACT BALANCE 1,000.00 JUNE PAYROLL 5,282.70 TOTAL AIRPORT FUND 62,874.82 41111 1110 • LANDFILL FUND AVON BEAVER CREEK TIMES PUBLICATION/CLEAN UP 42.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL 98.11 CO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE LICENSE APPLICATION 75.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LANDFILL 334.04 DEEP ROCK WATER WATER 10.50 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE AF13753 130.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL 1,452.71 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/LANDFILL 1,815.76 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USAGE 14,689.22 RESPOND FIRST AID SYSTEMS FIRST AID KIT 162.45 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING 3 PART RECEIPTS 128.90 VAIL DAILY THE ADV./CLEANUP DAY 99.00 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY TIRE WIRE 30.34 JUNE PAYROLL 7,466.60 TOTAL LANDFILL FUND 26,534.63 TRANSPORTATION FUND URBAN MASS TRANSPORTATION UMTA CIRCULAR SET 25.00 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION FUND 25.00 The morning being spent the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration. Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting stating the first item on the agenda was Minutes approval of the Board of County Commissioner Meeting Minutes of May 23, 30, 1989, 5/23-6/19/89 June 5, 12, 19, 1989. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the Commissioner minutes of May 23, 30, 1989 and June 5, 12, 19, 1989. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. In discussion, Chairman Gustafson mentioned on page 437 he declared a conflict of interest and stated he would like the minutes clarified indicating he did not partici- pate in the discussion nor the motion. Chairman Gustafson called for the question on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gustafson stated the next item on the agenda was liquor licenses. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and recon- vene as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Thom Bigler, Asst. County Attorney, presented an application for a Hotel and Res- Liq. License taurant License with Extended Hours for B.C. Facilities, Inc. He stated Bill Silber- B/C Facilities stein, Attorney, and Claudia Smith, Manager, were present for the hearing. Johnnette Phillips, Eagle County Clerk & Recorder swore Ms. Smith to testify. Mr. Silberstein questioned Ms. Smith regarding the Liquor License facility and needs of the neighborhood. Discussion followed on the lack of parking available if the facility were to become a public facility. Commissioner Welch moved to table the B.C. Facilities liquor license pending reso- lution of the zoning question. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Thom Bigler presented a renewal of a Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License and modi- Liq. License fication of premises for Wildwood Shelter. He informed the Board the Sheriff's Office Wildwood reports no complaints or disturbances during the past year and all fees have been Shelter paid. Mr. Bigler stated everything seems to be in order. Sandy Davies, representing Wildwood Shelter, explained the addition of a deck to the Board of County Commissioner. Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal of a Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License for Vail Food Services, dba Wildwood Shelter, with the modification of adding a deck to the licensed premise. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Thom Bigler presented a renewal of Hotel and Restaurant liquor license for the Rum Liq. License Runner. He informed the Board there were two incidents reported to the Sheriff's Rum Runner Office. On August 8, 1988 some real estate signs were reported missing and on Septem- ber 9, 1988 a man was taken into custody at the premises for acting irrational. All fees have been paid. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal of a Hotel and Restaurant with Extended Hours for The Tripoli Corporation, dba The Rum Runner. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gustafson stated the next item on the agenda was to reconsider the Liq. License license for B.C. Facilities. B/C Facilities Mr. Bigler informed the Board the area for the proposed liquor license is zoned PUD and the PUD Guide specifically names that particular lot as resort commercial, allowing a restaurant and a hotel. Mr. Silberstein continued to question Ms. Smith regarding the location of the establishment. 411) 4111 4111 11111 -00,5 Discussion followed on the proposed license and possible parking problems. The Board of County Commissioners determined the Beaver Creek PUD be established as the neighborhood. Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the new Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License with Extended Hours for Beaver Creek Facil- ities, Inc. The license will be reviewed for possible parking problems to determine if the operation can continue. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Larry Metternick, County Engineer, presented an agreement concerning road improve- Trough Road ments to the Trough Road. Right Of Way The Board declared they had previously reviewed this agreement and proceeded with the motion. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners approve and sign the Agreement of Gift and Acceptance from the Ellisons for land on Trough Road. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Marge Gates, Public Health Nurse, brought the contract for County Nursing Services Contract before the Board of County Commissioners. She stated there is a minimum of 140 chil- Nursing Svcs dren to be served by the Nurses Office. Discussion followed on the nurses' salaries. Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners approve and sign the contract for County Nursing Services. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, presented a proposed resolution amending Res. 89-70 the Arrowhead at Vail PUD for the purposes of amending the wording in development area Vail PUD 1. Mr. Lindahl explained the resolution to the Board. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and sign Resolution 89-70 approving the amendment of the Arrowhead at Vail PUD for the purpose of amending the wording in Development Area I of the Arrowhead PUD Guide to allow for the addition of two-family dwelling units as a Use By Right in this development area. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Dan Reynolds, Airport Manager, presented a proposed lease agreement between Eagle Contract County and Joyce Communications, dba K-Lite. He explained the agreement was a rental K-Lite fee for a radio transmitter on the Eagle County Regional Airports Light Beacon approach. The amount of the lease was $600.00. Commissioner Welch moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Lease Agreement between Joyce Communications, dba K-Lite, and Eagle County for placement of K-Lite's radio transmitter on the Eagle County Regional Airport's Light Beacon Approach for an annual rental fee of $600.00. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and recon- vene as the Board of Assessment Appeals. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, presented a settlement and stipulation of stipulation for the Emmet and Ruth Mossman property. Mr. Lindahl explained the settlement to the Mossman Emmet Board stating the Chief Appraiser for the Assessor's Office has recommended the prop- ' erty be reduced to $427,000.00. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and the Chairman be authorized to sign the Stipulation between Emmet and Ruth Mossman and the Eagle County Board of Equaliza- tion for reduction in the 1988 actual value of property described as Lot 8 Block 7, Vail Village, First Filing. The actual value is to be reduced to $427,000.00. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. In discussion Commissioner Welch mentioned for the record, if the Assessor's Office has any complaints the Board will review the evidence presented. This file can be re-opened. Chairman Gustafson called for the question on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of Equalization and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl presented a proposed resolution amending the Eagle County Land Use Res. 89-71 Regulations to include "kennels" as a special use. He explained this resolution was Land Use Reqs previously approved by the Board and now needs signatures. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and sign Resolution 89-71 amending the "Kennels" Eagle County Land Use Regulations to include "kennels" as a special use in the Resource Limited Zone District. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 41110 4110 4110 • Kevin Lindahl presented a proposed resolution appointing Ed Schmale and Curtis Res. 89-E-1 Belcher as Hearing Officers for the Board of Equalization. BOE Hearing Commissioner Gates moved the Board, sitting as the Eagle County Board of Equaliza- Officers tion, approve and sign Resolution 89-E-1 appointing Curtis E. Belcher and Edwin E. Schmale as hearing officers for the 1989 session of the County Board of Equalization. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl stated the next item on the agenda was final settlement with Venter Final Settle. and Sons for blasting on Trough Road. He stated notice was published for 2:00 p.m. Venter & Sons today and no claims have been received. Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve final settlement of the contract between Venter and Sons Blasting and Eagle County. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl brought the next item before the Board, final settlement between Final Settle. Eagle County and Bebo Construction. He explained the contract was for widening of Bebo Constr. Yarmony Bridge. He stated he has received no claims. Tom Brown, Engineer, asked a change order be approved adjusting the contract down $816.47 for a new total of the contract price of $161,682.99. Commissioner Gates moved to approve change order No. 2 for Bebo Construction adjusting the contract downward $816.47 for a new contract price of $161,682.99. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve final settlement of a contract between Bebo Construction Company and Eagle County. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gustafson introduced a contract between Eagle County and Stan Bernstein Contract and Associates, Inc. Stan Bernstein Commissioner Welch moved to approve a contract between Eagle County and Stan Bern- and Associates stein and Associates, Inc. to evaluate sales tax revenue and to conservatively fore- cast the sales tax capital improvements fund revenues for the remainder of 1989. The contract shall not exceed $2,000 plus out of pocket expenses not to exceed $300. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mike Bradley, Building & Grounds Supervisor, appeared to discuss a maintenance Contract contract for the elevator in the Justice Center. Continental Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Elevator preventative maintenance contract with Continental Elevator Service Company for the elevator at the Eagle County Justice Center. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bradley presented the next item, an agreement with Holy Cross regarding elec- Agreement tricity to the modular building. He discussed moving the transformer. Holy Cross Commissioner Gates moved to approve the contract with Holy Cross Electric Associa- tion for the electricity to the new modular units. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Sid Fox, Acting Director of Community Development, presented a plat signing for Final Plat the Town of Eagle exemption for the water treatment plant. Eagle Water Commissioner Gates moved the Chairman be authorized to sign the amendment exemp- Treatment tion plat, Town of Eagle Water Treatment Facility, as presented by Mr. Fox. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented a plat for a Type B Minor Subdivision, File SM-586-89, Villas at Final Plat Singletree Phase I, 5 units on Lot 29, Block 3, Berry Creek Ranch Filing #2. Villas at Commissioner Welch moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a plat and Singletree condominium map for Villas at Singletree, Phase I, for the creation of lot lines that separate lots. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Jeremy McMahan, Planner, presented File PD-139-89-A4, Arrowhead PUD Amendment. He PD-139-89-A4 reviewed the requests made by Arrowhead. He mentioned building coverage, land use, Arrowhead PUD changes in unplatted areas, and fireplace and woodstove controls. He reviewed the chronology and related the staff's findings. Staff and Planning Commission recommend approval. Chris Carens advised the Board he is a consultant for Arrowhead and that Bill Jennings, VP of Arrowhead, is present at this hearing. He discussed the Arrowhead subdivision. He discussed employee housing. Discussion on employee housing in the Arrowhead Subdivision was held. Mr. Carens expressed his belief that in the future employee housing would be neces- sary. He asked for a special review for a heliport and spoke of the demand for one. He asked the Board for direction in this matter. Commissioner Welch stated he believes helicopters are dangerous and should only be used for emergency medical reasons. Mr. Carens advised the Board they are looking at the future and will bring this item back to the Board in the future. Mr. Lindahl spoke to modifications and stated he thinks it is important for an appeals process if modifications to the PUD is included. Woodburning stoves and fireplaces were discussed. Commissioner Welch stated he believes fireplaces should be allowed on Tract A and if other tracts are developed, the applicant should return for approval at that time. Mr. Carens stated he preferred the distinction be made on the Village and not in multifamily units. s ass 1111 1111 The Board determined there will be one wood burning fireplace and an unlimited number of gas fireplaces in the Village, and in multifamily housing one woodburner in a central lobby and an unlimited number of gas burning stoves. Commissioner Welch moved to approve the Arrowhead PUD Amendment application as presented by the Staff with the exception of the fireplace restrictions: Tract A will have only gas fireplaces except where there is a common lobby area one woodburning fireplace is allowed; all other areas in the single family or duplex units, one wood- burning fireplace or stove and unlimited number of gas fireplaces will be allowed. In the outlying areas where there are multifamily units, the same rule will apply as applies to Tract A. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to July 10, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 411, iiio JUNE 27, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman James Fritze County Manager Don Welch Commissioner Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: 280-89 Erik Edeen, Environmental Health Officer, made a presentation on File ZS-280-89, Wings for Wings for Independence Air Show. He stated this request is for a permanent annual Independence event. He pointed out on a map the location of the site and various activities occurring during the annual event. He stated the major concerns and issues are water, sanitation, solid waste removal , emergency medical and security. Staff recommended approval for the annual reoccurring event upon the condition a report is prepared each year 30 days prior to the event, and 14 days after the event and a critique must be submitted. Betty Hobbs, adjacent property owner, asked how her property will be impacted during stunts at the air show. Chairman Gustafson pointed out all acts will be performed over the Eagle County Airport and not over residential property. Mr. Edeen advised letters were sent to all adjacent property owners and no written response was received. Linda Besera, adjacent property owner, stated she did not receive a letter but wanted to be on the mailing list. Discussion followed on the possibility of crashes. The Board directed Rick Beveridge and Dan Reynolds to answer questions from anyone who would like to visit the airport, and see the boundaries that have been designated regarding the air show. Commissioner Welch moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the Special Use Permit Application 25-280-89, Eagle County 1989 Wings for Independence Air Show with the following conditions: 1 . A pre-event report be prepared each year 30 days before the event. 2. A critique be prepared each year 30 days after the event. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. PD-207-89-F Jim Curnutte, Planner, presented the next item, File PD-207-89-F, Blue Lake PUD, E;lue Lake PL'G Filing #2. He reviewed the chronology for the Board of County Commissioners. He advised the major concerns and issues are: 1 , Compliance with the atfordable housing requirement found in Resolution 83-81 . 2. Compliance with the Phasing Plan as required by Resolution 83-81 . 3. Blue Lake Filing II lies in the inundation zone of the Spring Park Reservoir, as mapped by the Dam Satety Section of the Colorado Division of Water Resources. Staff feels that a statement of disclosure should be placed on the final plat. 4. What bank will be used to provide the letter of credit necessary to secure or guarantee the obligations set forth in the Subdivision Improvements Agreement. 5. Vacation of well house easement. 6. The Colorado Department of Highways is concerned that drainage to State Highway 82 right-of-way not exceed the undeveloped historic flow. 7 . The Colorado Department of Highways has recommended a 200 foot setback north of the existing Highway 82 right-of-way to allow for new construction. 8. Approval of construction drawings as required by Section 2. 19.03(3 ,b) of the Eagle County Land Use Regulation. 9. Attorney's Office review of the final plat and Subdivision Improvements Agreement. He read a letter from the Department of Highways requesting a 200 foot setback from existing Highway 82. He stated the findings of the staff. The applicant has complied with the final plat requirements and the plan is in conformance with the previously approved preliminary plan. The Subdivision Improvements Agreement is adequate to secure the cost of construction of public improvements. Staff recommended approval but the plat shall not be signed until the conditions are met. He stated there is a discrepancy in the number of Certificates of Occupancy. Planning Department indicates 79 CO's and the applicant contends there are 80 CO's. Ron Listen, representing Blue Lake Development, reviewed the major concerns and issues and answered each issue. He mentioned the plat note required as inundation zone. He advised the Board the application .intends to have a study done and try to get the plat note removed. He complained about the 200 foot setback the Highway Department was requesting. Discussion on the amount of property that would be removed from the subdivision was held. Further discussion followed on the affordable housing concern. The Board suggested the item regarding affordable housing be deleted. Commissioner Gates moved to approve File PD-207-89-F with the following conditions: 1. The final plat is in general conformance with the previously approved preliminary plan and other information required by the County Commissioners. 2. The final plat conforms to the Eagle County Land Use Regulations and other applicable regulations, policies and guidelines. 3 . The proposed Subdivision Improvements Agreement is adequate to secure the actual cost of construction of the proposed public improvements. 4. The Board of County Commissioners not sign the final plat until the above mentioned concerns and issues (Items 1 through 9) are resolved to the satisfaction of the Board. 41111 1111 4110 41111 4�3 He further moved the final plat is approved subject to Permanent Occupancy Permit be received and the vacation of the well house easement. The setback request from the Highway Department is not included in this motion. Further, the compliance with the affordable housing requirement is removed. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. In discussion, affordable housing was discussed further. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. PCS-207-B9-P Mr. Curnutte presented File PD-207-89-P, Blue Lake Phase II, a request for Blue Lake preliminary plan approval . He reviewed the chronology for the Board's information. Phase II He stated the major concerns and issues are: 1 . Resolution 83-81 states that Phase Three shall not be further developed until such a time the applicant proves to the satisfaction of the Board at a public hearing the requested development is necessary to provide land for a demonstrated community need. 2. Section 2.07.05 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations states that a 50 foot strip of land or the 100 year floodplain from the high water mark on each side of any live stream shall be protected in its natural state. The applicants are proposing a 60 foot easement "corridor" through which Blue Creek will meander. 3 . Blue Lake Phase III lies in the inundation zone of the Spring Park Reservoir, as mapped by the Dam Safety Section of the Colorado Division of Water Resources. Staff feels that a statement of disclosure should be placed on the final plat. 4. The applicants existing Colorado State Highway Department access permit will have to be amended to allow for the increased use being proposed. 5. The Colorado Geological Survey has expressed a concern for potential sinkhole development on this property. They have no objection to Preliminary Plan approval , however, they suggest that final plat approval not be granted until the land is properly evaluated in the field. He reviewed the Staff's findings and recommended approval . Mr. Listen answered questions and discussed the proposed project. He addressed concerns regarding the Staff recommended conditions. Discussion followed on the setback and the 100 year flood plain from Blue Creek. Mr. Listen continued with his presentation of this application. Gene Schubic, representing Blue Lake Development, made comments on the need for development in the community. Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners approve the preliminary plan application for File PD-207-89-P, Blue Lake PUD Filing 3, with the following conditions: 1 . The preliminary plan is generally in conformance with the previously approved sketch plan and any information requested by the County Commissioners upon approval of the sketch plan. 2. The proposed subdivision conforms to the Eagle County Land Use Regulations and other applicable regulations, policies and guidelines. 3. All reports on file have been reviewed pertaining to geologic, soils, wildfire, flood, mineral resource and wildlife areas. These reports have been determined to be acceptable with the exception of the two comments regarding inundation zone and sinkhole development. 4. The setback from Blue Creek shall be the greater of 50 feet of the 100 year floodplain. It appears the 50 foot setback is the greater. 5. Blue Lake Phase III lies in the inundation zone of the Spring Park Reservoir, as mapped by the Dam Safety Section of the Colorado Division of Water Resources. Staff feels a statement of disclosure should be placed on the final plat. A specific engineering study saying this is not a concern would be in lieu of this disclosure. 6. The Colorado Geological Survey has expressed a concern for potential sinkhole development on this property. They have no objection to Preliminary Plan approval , however, they suggest that final plat approval not be granted until the land is properly evaluated in the field. 7. The applicants existing Colorado State Highway Department access permit will have to be amended to allow for the increased use being proposed. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In clarification, Sid Fox stated the 50 foot setback is intended for Phase III in its entirety. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. PD-207-82-A2 Jeremy McMahan, Planning Technician, presented File PD-207-89-A2, Blue Lake PUD Clue Lake PLG Amendment. He stated the request is to add and/or modify existing working in the Amendment PUD. He stated the major concerns and issues of the proposed amendment is consistent with the efficient development and preservation of the entire PUD, the proposed amendment does not effect in a substantially adverse manner whether the enjoyment of the land abutting upon or across the street from the PUG or the public interest, conformance with the approved preliminary plan for Phase II. The findings of the Staff are: the additional wording is in conformance with the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, the approved preliminary plan for the Blue Lake Development illustrates a 3 ' -5 high berm running the length of the Phase II, and the proposed additional wording for Filing II should be approved. He advised the Planning Commission recommended approval subject to Board of County Commissioners' approval of the preliminary plan for Filing 3 . The Planning Commission recommended denial of the applicants request to remove a portion of the berm in Phase II, with the exception that as it abuts and lays on the Community center District it may be sculpted to allow visual interaction with the pond below from the Community Center Building. 411 • 41111 Commissioner Gates moved to approve File PD-207-89-A2, Blue Lake PUD with the following findings: 1 . The additional wording proposed for Filing II is in conformance with section 2.06. 13 ( 11) of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. In addition, the new wording is in conformance with the approved preliminary plan for Phase II. 2. The approved Preliminary Plan for the Blue Lake development illustrates a 3-5' high berm running the length of Phase II. This berm was originally intended to screen the original conception of a modular type development from view from Highway 82 and mitigate noise and visual impacts on the subdivision from Highway 82. The berm would be sculpted to give visual interaction with the pond below from the Community Center Building. 3. The additional wording for Filing III should be approved. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. In discussion, it was stated the intent of this approval does not override the previous decision made earlier today, and is in conformance with previous decisions. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 3-5 ,-89 Mr. McMahan presented File G-54-89, Floyd Crawford, a petition to vacate a public :rawford. FlovA right-of-way, immediately north of the Texaco Station in El Jebel . He stated Staff recommended approval and they have received no negative responses. Commissioner Welch moved, based on the evidence presented and the findings that no adverse comments have been received from affected Governmental Agencies, utilities concerns, or interested members of the public, and that proper notification has been given to abutting and adjacent property owners and public notice has been given, the Board of County Commissioners approve the public right-of-way, File G-54-89, Floyd Crawford. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. PD-139-89-AF Mr. McMahan advised the application for File PD-139-89-AF, Arrowhead at Vail be Arrowhead tabled to July 3, 1989. Commissioner Gates moved to table this file to July 3, 1989 at 3:30 p.m. at the applicant's request. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. SM-589-89 Sid Fox presented a plat to be signed for file SM-584-89- Ironwood Building Corp. Ironwood Commissioner Welch moved the Board of County Commissioners sign the Type B Minor Subdivision SM-584-89, Ironwood Building Corp, Lot 8, Block 4, 2nd Amendment, Beaver Creek. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Contract Kevin Lindahl , Acting County Attorney, presented a contract for Youth Services; youth _rvices Detentions and requested the Board of County Commissioners indemnify to hold the State Detentions harmless the State might incur. He stated he felt this request is unreasonable and recommended the Board not approve this indemnification and insurance requirement. The Board directed Mr. Lindahl to send a letter to the State. Survey Plat Mr. Lindahl advised the Board should designate a depository for survey plats. He Depositor presented a resolution that designates the Clerk and Recorder's office as the depository for survey plats. Commissioner Gates moved the Board adopt and sign Resolution 89-68 designating the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office as the interim depository for survey plats and designating the County Surveyor to create and maintain survey plat records and index system. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. ;abatement Eric Lundgren, taxpayer, appeared to discuss an abatement of Schedule No. 24013. Lundgren, Eric Jody Caruthers, Eagle County Assessor, advised the Board of Equalization directed her to equalize lots in the Eagle River Estates. She stated Mr. Lundgren's lot is valued at $5,500 per unit and the lot is zoned for four units. Mr. Lundgren stated the lot is zoned for three units. Commissioner Welch moved to table Schedule No. 24013, Eagle River Estates Lots 105 until 4:00 p.m. this afternoon. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. Commissioner Welch withdrew the motion. Commissioner Gates withdrew the second to the motion. Commissioner Welch moved to table this item to July 10, 1989. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Abatement, Ruth Berglund, Appraiser in the Assessor's office, discussed the petition for Stem, John abatement for John M. and Patricia Stem. Commissioner Welch moved on Schedule No. 12918, John and Patricia Stem, be denied. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Board of Health. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Health Board Marge Gates, Director of Nursing, updated the Board on the Pre-natal program and Prenatal Fro;. stated there are eight participants. She discussed the nurse shortage and stated they are doing a survey regarding salaries. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of Health and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. • • 4111 4 Contract Mr. Lindahl presented a request from Vail/Beaver Jet Center for the Board's Vail Br J_t Ct_r consent to a new mortgage to pay off an existing mortgage. He advised he reviewed the documents and has no problem, however, he wants to further review it. Commissioner Gustafson declared a conflict of interest and stated he would not participate in this discussion or vote. • The Board determined to allow Mr. Lindahl to review the document. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman Fro-tem to sign the contract agreement consenting to mortgage the leaseholder interest after review by Mr. Lindahl and James Fritze. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous of the 2 voting Chairman Gustafson abstained from voting. Eagle River Discussion on rock hauls for drop structures in the Eagle River was held. The Drop Structure=_ Board determined to agree to all drop structures as planned as the rock is being donated. Commissioner Gates moved to use up to $9,000 in State money to haul in rock to be applied to the additional structures. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Res. 89-69 Stan Bernstein, consultant, reviewed the award and bid for the $6,250,000 G.O. Bond construction for the planned administrative building. He gave the figures on the bid 1989 Series which was awarded to Kirschner Moore & Company. Jack Gardner reviewed the resolution for the Board of County Commissioners and stated the Colorado National Bank of Denver was the transfer agent for the bonds. He continued to review the entire resolution. Commissioner Welch moved to approve and adopt Resolution 89-69 authorizing the award and issuance of the General Obligation Bonds Series 1989, dated June 1 , 1989, in the aggregate principal amount of $6,250,000. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. ockyeMt Grant Mr. Lindahl presented a grant of easement to Rocky Mountain Natural Gas for Rocky Mtn certain easements for a gas line. He described the location of the gas line. He Natural Gas explained the grant to the Board. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the grant of easement to Rocky Mountain Natural Gas. The Chairman is authorize to sign the grant. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to July 3, 1989. • Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 41111 111/ 1110 41111 Lig June 26, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman James Fritze County Manager Don Welch Commissioner Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the afternoon meeting with a plaque presentation to Jack Plaque for Hill for his retirement from Eagle County. Jack Hill The next item was a work session regarding surveillance cameras for the Sheriff's Justice Ctr Office. Mike Bradley presented a quotation sheet for the cameras. Surv. Cameras Tom Early, Deputy Sheriff, reviewed the memo addressed to the Board regarding the cameras, discussed repair of current cameras and the purchase of new cameras. Commissioner Welch moved to fund the purchase of four cameras from Video Teknix, Inc. in the amount of $2,290 for the jail, and the source of the money for the pur- chase be from unanticipated revenue from sales tax. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, requested the Board of County Commissioners Res. 89-67 to take no action today on the Memorandum of Understanding - Law Enforcement. Ladybell Subdi, Mr. Lindahl presented a resolution authorizing the drawing of collateral for Lady- belle View Subdivision, and appointing attorneys in fact relative thereto. Tom Brown, Engineering Department, stated some gravel had been brought in but the work is not complete. Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve and sign Resolution 89-67 authorizing the drawing of collateral for the Ladybelle Subdivision in the amount of $25,000, and appointing Kevin Lindahl and Thomas Bigler attorneys in fact relative thereto. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to June 27, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • "10 • O `jay June 19, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman James Fritze County Manager Don Welch Commissioner Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Rick Beveridge presented the entertainment contract and the rodeo contract for the Contract: Board's consideration. Fair & Rodeo Commissioner Welch moved to approve the entertainment for the Eagle County Fair. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved to approve the contract with the Bar W/Roughstock Inc. for the rodeo in the amount of $1,800. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. James Fritze, County Manager, presented the County Library space needs RFP. He explained the budget was $2,000. The County received two proposals, one from Gus- Library Space tafson Ross, and one from from Pouw, both in excess of the budgeted amount. Needs Study o the libraryspace needs study. Commissioner Welch moved to reject all bids for p Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Pro-tem Welch introduced the next item, a resolution authorizing the Res. 89-66 partial release of collateral to Fitzsimmons Motor Company. Fitzsimmons Motor Co. Jim Curnutte, Planner, explained the resolution and stated Staff recommends par- tial release of collateral. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and sign Resolution 89-66 authorizing the partial release of collateral for Fitzsimmons Motor Company in the amount of $1,750.50. The remaining amount of $194.50 shall be retained by the Board for a period of one year as guarantee to the work completed. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gustafson was not present for this item. Chairman Gustafson stated the next item on the agenda was a resolution appointing Res. 89-64 James Dunn Scholer Social Services Director. Scholer, James Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners approve Resolution 89-64 appointing James Dunn Scholer Eagle County Social Services Director. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, explained a resolution regarding the issu- Res. 89-65 ance of the note for Lake Creek Meadows Local Improvements District in the amount of Lake Creek $8,784.26. He recommended approval of this resolution. Meadows Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve and sign Resolution 89-65 authorizing issuance of a note for the Lake Creek Meadows Improvement District. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the Visitors Informa- Memo of Under- tion Center. He recommended approval of this Memorandum. Standing Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Visitors Ctr Memorandum of Understanding for the Visitor Information Center. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Jerry Mayhem, HUD representative, appeared to discuss the Joint Venture Affordable JVAH Award Housing award. He presented an award to the Board of County Commissioners. He men- tioned some housing projects currently in progress. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and recon- vene as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl brought the first item for the Local Liquor Licensing Authority, an Liq. Lic. application for modification of premises and renewal of hotel and restaurant liquor Bristol at license with optional premises and extended hours for Bristol at Arrowhead. Arrowhead Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the application for modification of premises and renewal of hotel and restaurant liquor license with optional premises and extended hours for Bristol at Arrowhead. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch advised he and his wife are leaseholders of two properties in Beaver Creek and he is an independent contractor for Vail Associates. Commissioner Gustafson stated he works for a company partially owned by George Gillett, owner of Vail Associates but believes there is no conflict. Mr. Lindahl brought up a renewal application for a hotel, and restaurant liquor Liq Lic license with optional premises for the Beaver Creek Golf Club Bar and Grill. He B/C Golf Club stated the application is in order and the Sheriff reported no contacts with this Bar and Grill applicant within the last year. He recommended approval. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the application for renewal of a hotel and restaurant liquor license with optional premises for Beaver Creek Golf Club Bar and Grill. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. MEW • • 4111 Mr. Lindahl presented an application for a manager change Spruce Saddle Restau- Liq Lic rant. The new manager is Katherine Malone. He advised the applicant has submitted Spruce Saddle the required recommendations and knows of no reason not to approve the manager change. Restaurant Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the application for manager change, naming Katherine Malone manager at the Spruce Saddle Restaurant. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Curnutte announced the applicant requested Blue Lake, File PD-207-89 be tabled Blue Lake to June 27, 1989. Tabled Commissioner Gates moved to table File PD-207-89, Blue Lake, to June 27, 1989. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented to the Board a financial advisory agreement between Eagle Contract: County and a joint venture comprised of Kelling, Northcross & Nobriga, Inc. and Stan Fin. Advis. Bernstein & Associates, Inc. He explained the agreement provides for compensation in Agreement for the amount of $17,500 plus $2,750 for additional reimbursable expenses. He recom- bond issue mended the Board sign the agreement. Commissioner Welch moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and the Chair- man be authorized to sign the Financial Advisory Agreement between Eagle County and a joint venture comprised of Kelling, Northcross and Nobriga, Inc. and Stan Bernstein & Associates, Inc. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze presented an item not on the agenda, a contract between Eagle County Contract: and Cabel Childress Architects. Cabel Childress Mr. Lindahl explained the contract and stated the fee is $295,000 but does not include the traffic study, a provision for additional services required, and payment of reimbursable expenses. Discussion was held on contingencies and a construction manager to work with the architect during design and construction. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the contract between Eagle County and Cabel Childress for architectural services, with correction regarding construction manager. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Dan Reynolds, Airport Manager, presented Change Order #2 from Flatiron Paving, C.O. #2 Grant 10, regarding lighting for the hanger, in the amount of $4,772.00. Flatirons Pvg Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Airport Change Order #2 to the agreement between Flatiron Paving Company and Eagle County deleting the lighting pole installation and adding lights on the building, increasing the contractual price by $4,772. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. Further discussion on moving the poles and the amount of the increase followed. Commissioner Welch withdrew the motion. Commissioner Gates withdrew the second to the motion. The Board directed Mr. Reynolds to research this contractual increase. Commissioner Welch moved to table this Change Order until Mr. Reynolds has further information. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Judy White House, Director of Human Resources, appeared to discuss a contract with Contract Nevada State Industrial Insurance Commission. She stated Mark Hudson had been hurt on NV State Ind. the job and is requesting he be hired as a building inspector. She explained the Insurance Comm contract to the Board. The Board asked about on-the-job training and the benefits to the County. Discus- sion continued on this type of program. Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve the contract to provide for trainee at no cost to the County and to adopt on on-the-job training program. The Contract is with the Nevada State Industrial Insurance Commission. Commissioner Gates would not second the motion. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. In discussion, Commissioner Gates stated he believes the County should not be taking on a trainee as the Building Department is too busy to train. He added he is not opposed to hiring a handicap person. Gerry Best explained how he would use the trainee in the Building Department. Question was called for on the motion. The motion passed, two to one. Commis- sioner Gates voted against the motion. Mr. Lindahl presented an operating and financial plan for reimbursable services Contract: requested by the Forest Service from the Eagle County Sheriff's Department. He Forest Service explained the contract provides for the County Sheriff to assign a deputy to patrol certain Forest Service administered recreation sites from May through September on Fridays and Saturday afternoon and evenings. He stated this service would be exchanged for certain search and rescue coats, vests, squad suits and radios for the Sheriff's department. The total amount of equipment would be approximately $9,000. Chairman Gustafson asked if the Forest Service gives the money to the Sheriff's Department for the equipment or buys the equipment and gives it to the Sheriff's Office. The Board suggested tabling this request until it has been reviewed further. Mr. Fritze stated he would like to see this contract approved. Commissioner Welch moved to table this item to June 26, 1989. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. • • Liqo SIA Amendment Mr. Lindahl explained the Chairman has been authorized to execute the amendment to The Reserve the Subdivision Improvements Agreement regarding The Reserve. He stated he requested the Planning Department to research to see if there were improvements that were part of the original SIA that were not covered by the new agreement. Mr. Curnutte stated there are several items outstanding from the original SIA, landscaping, pedestrian bridge across the Eagle River, asphalt work, for a total of $182,000. In September, the County Engineer reviewed the work and asked for a partial release of $61,700. He stated that would leave $38,300 for landscaping which has now been completed and $25,000 for a bike path. He stated the applicant increased the letter of credit to $136,000. Steve McDonald, representative of The Reserve, stated he needed the Board to release the collateral and sign the release of letter of commitment from Household Bank. Chairman Gustafson designated the landscape map as Exhibit B. Discussion followed on leaving part as open space as the plat will be filed with a plat restriction. Commissioner Welch moved to release the Letter of Commitment from Household Bank in exchange for an agreement to file an amended plat as open space. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. Commissioner Welch amended his motion to state to file either an amended plat or a plat with a restriction or a deed restriction. Commissioner Gates seconded the amendment to the motion. The vote on the amend- ment was declared unanimous. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to June 20, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • i1111 i/35 June 12, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman James Fritze County Manager Don Welch Commissioner Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting and explained the first item was a hearing Black Lakes to request an extension of time to amend the application for the Black Lakes project. Extension Dave Mott, consultant for Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Water District, explained what would be done for monitoring and the reasons for the request for the extension. Chairman Gustafson asked if the monitoring would continue until the extension expires. He stated it would be beneficial to continue monitoring the water. Mr. Mott agreed more data would be helpful. He mentioned fisheries, mitigation of wetlands. Commissioner Welch asked if any comments were received regarding the request for extension. Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, advised notices were sent out but no com- ments have been received. Commissioner Welch moved to allow the extension to amend the application and sub- mit additional evidence to the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Water District for the Black Lakes Hearing in Activity of State Interest to May 15, 1990. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The next item introduced was the Eagle Valley Chamber of Commerce, a request for Air Show permission to sell beer during "Wings for Independence Air Show." Permission Tom Harned, president of Eagle Valley Chamber of Commerce, appeared to request to sell beer permission to sell beer during the "Wings for Independence Air Show." Commissioner Gates moved to approve permission for the sale of beer during the "Wings for Independence Air Show" on July 1, 1989. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and recon- vene as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, presented a request by the Eagle Valley Liq. Lic. Chamber of Commerce to sell malt liquors at the "Wings for Independence Air Show" Wings for being held at the County Airport on July 1, 1989. He questioned Mr. Harned regarding Independence facilities and the sale of malt liquors. He advised the completed application is in order and necessary fees have been paid. Commissioner Welch moved to approve the special events permit for Eagle Chamber of Commerce for the sale of malt liquors on July 1, 1989 at the Eagle County Airport during the "Wings for Independence Air Show." Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented an application for renewal of a 3.2% beer retail license for Liq. Lic. Rancho Del Rio. He stated necessary application and fees have been paid. He stated Rancho Del Rio no incidents have been reported by the Eagle County Sheriff's office and finds no reason not to approval. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the renewal application for a 3.2% beer retail license for Del Rio, Inc. d/b/a Rancho Del Rio in Bond, Colorado. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a renewal application for 3.2% beer retail license from Liq. Lic. Buss's Place. He stated the necessary papers and fees have been filed. He advised no Buss's Place reports were filed by the Eagle County Sheriff's office. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the renewal application for a 3.2% beer retail license for Buss's Place. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a renewal application for retail liquor store license for Liq. Lic. South 40 Liquors in Edwards, Colorado. He stated the necessary application and fees S 40 Liquors have been filed. He mentioned there were no incidents reported by the Sheriff's Office during the past year. He recommended approval. Commissioner Welch moved to approve the renewal application for a retail liquor store license for Lake Creek Liquors d/b/a South 40 Liquors in Edwards, Colorado. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved to adjourn as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Sid Fox, Acting Director of Community Development, presented File ZS-275-89-A, ZS-275-89-A Tennessee Pass Mountain Resort requesting an amendment of a special use permit to Vance's Cabin allow summer use of Vance's Cabin beginning with hunting season. He pointed out the study that is being done as an elk calving ground in the area. He stated this item was tabled from a May hearing to hear from the Division of Wildlife. He reminded the Board Staff recommended approval with several conditions. � • • O L/ 09 Bill Andree from the Division of Wildlife, addressed the use of the mountain huts during summer months. He stated the DOW agreed to summer use from July to October with conditions to use existing roads only, no cross country hiking, stay out of the elk study area. Mr. Fox gave some guidelines for the hutkeepers and stated he believes it is a good idea to have a hutkeeper. He recommended Vance's Cabin cooperate with the Tenth Mountain Trail Association. Commissioner Welch questioned the vague condition on the hutkeeper and believes the statement should be stronger. Commissioner Gates asked if the hutkeeper would have separate quarters. Mr. Fox explained this would have to be reviewed to determined if separate quar- ters were required. Discussion followed on the necessity of a hutkeeper and the responsibilities of the hutkeeper. Commissioner Welch moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the request to amend the Special Use Permit ZS-275-89-A, Tennessee Mountain Pass Resort, with the following conditions: 1. The commercial use of the cabin is restricted to the winter season (as per Resolution 89-9) . This amendment extends the winter season to begin the first day of hunting season as determined by the Division of Wildlife. 2. Seasonal activities that may disrupt wildlife (as determined by the Colorado Division of Wildlife) are subject to County review for closure or curtailment. 3. No dogs are permitted on the premise. 4. Prior to commercial use of the well, the well must be approved for commer- cial use by the Division of Water Resources. 5. The sleeping capacity is limited to 16 people. 6. This is not approve for commercial snowmobile tours or use of motorized mountain bikes, four-wheelers, three-wheelers, and all-terrain vehicles. 7. The approval is subject to annual review to determine if there is a need for a hutkeeper to follow guidelines of the Forest Service and the Tenth Mountain Trail Association in Eagle County. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, Commissioner Welch clarified the motion to explain the need may or may not require a hutkeeper. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl advised the Board the Yarmony Bridge construction project is not com- Yarmony Bridge plete. He stated $138,172.03 of the project has been done of the $159,808 contract. Percent of He presented a form from the insurance company of BEBO Construction who is requesting Completion the completeness of the project. Tom Brown, engineer for Eagle County, stated the work is completed but the final settlement has not been made. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and the Chairman be authorized to sign the verification concerning BEBO Construction and the work to be completed as speci- fied in the agreement for widening of Yarmony Bridge. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and recon- vene as the Board of Equalization. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented the next item, a stipulation regarding property in Basalt Stipulation which was subdivided by Charles E. and Ann G. Worth. He stated this property was Worth, Charles subdivided and a discount for the subdivision was not given. He stated the assessment of $1,071 per acre is correct. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and the Chairman be authorized to sign the stipulation for reduction in the 1988 actual value of property owned by Charles and Ann Worth. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved to adjourn as the Board of Equalization and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl requested the resolution regarding the issuance of special assessment Lake Creek notes for the Lake Creek Meadows Local Improvement District. Notes Commissioner Welch moved to table this resolution for a period of one week. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl requested the Memorandum of Understanding for Visitors Information Visitors Info Center in Eagle be tabled. Center Commissioner Gates moved to table this Memorandum for a period of one week. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a resolution regarding the Eby Creek Mesa Subdivision and Res 89-62 reviewed it for the Board. Eby Creek Commissioner Welch moved to adopt Resolution 89-62 as read by Mr. Lindahl. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mike Bradley, Building and Grounds Supervisor, appeared to discuss the bid award Justice Ctr for surveillance cameras for the Justice Center. He stated the type of cameras cur- Cameras rently in place are burned out and would cost approximately $800 each to repair. He reviewed the bids for the Board's information. The Board questioned Mr. Bradley regarding the type of equipment and various equip- ment problems. Chairman Gustafson asked what budget the funds would come from to purchase these cameras. Mr. Bradley did not know. The Board determined to delay the hearing until the funds could be found. LIQ' Mr. Bradley continued with the next item, the Justice center mechanical system Justice Ctr evaluation. He presented some figures for savings of the operation of the modified air HVAC system. Chairman Gustafson asked about figures and stated he wanted to see a breakout of charges for maintenance costs by building. The Board determined to allow bids to be let for the mechanical system at the Justice Center. Nickie Tuttal appeared with Stan Bernstein to discuss the resolution authorizing G.O. Bond the official notice of sale of Eagle County General Obligation bonds. He spoke of the Sale need to have a rating awarded. He stated the resolution was to authorize the sale of the bonds. The bid will be awarded on June 27, 1989 at 4:00 p.m. Ms. Tuttal spoke regarding the resolution explaining to the Board the contents of the resolution. Commissioner Welch moved to approve Resolution 89-63 for the sale of General Obli- gation bonds for $6,250,000. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. James Fritze, County Manager, explained the selection of the architects for the Admin Bldg Eagle County administration building. Architect Chairman Gustafson declared a conflict of interest as his wife works for the wife Bid Award of Jim Morter, one of the architects being considered. He declared himself ineligible to vote on this issue. Mr. Fritze stated he believes there is an appearance of impropriety. Mr. Lindahl agreed with Chairman Gustafson and Mr. Fritze. Mr. Fritze stated the three architects short listed are Claude L. Gustafson Ross Architects, P.C. who bid $344,000, Morter and Associates bid $370,000 plus 5% to 7% for additional expenses, and Cable Childress Architects bid $297,000 to $300,000 addi- tional fees for engineering if Broadway is closed. The Board reflected on visits of all architects and their belief any one of the three architect could do a good job. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners award Cable Childress Architects the bid in the amount of $297,000 to $300,000 plus engineering for the relocation of utilities. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. In discussion, Commissioner Welch expressed his opinion the award should be sub- ject to further negotiations. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gustafson abstained from voting. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to June 19, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 41111 • • IIP Maly June 5, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman Thom Bigler Asst. County Atty Don Welch Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board George "Bud" Gates Commissioner This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following warrants were brought before the Board for their consideration: GENERAL FUND ABBOTT LABORATORIES STREP SCREEN KIT 150.00 ADDISON DAVID C 14697/GOODE 37.40 ADVANCED HORSEMAN SUBSCRIPTION 19.95 ALL PRO FORMS INCORPORATED CUSTOM PRINTED FORMS 1,263.64 ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL PROF. VET SERVICES 89.00 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION AIRPORT 89 DIRECTORY 28.00 ANDERSON JAMES G 15251/HOLDER 9.50 ANDERSON SEED COMPANY SEED 183.70 AREA COURT REPORTING DEPOSITION 82.50 ARROW GAS COMPANY GAS/LANDFILL 58.80 ART MASTER SUBSCRIPTION 52.50 ASHLEY ROBERT MEALS 12.93 ASPEN TIMES THE LEGAL NOTICE/4-6-89 11.58 ASPEN VALLEY VET HOSPITAL SPAY-NEUTER-REIM 58.00 AT AND T 00069147429 54.79 AT AND T 3117960012 10.52 AT AND T 949-6343 51.00 AT AND T MAIL SERVICES THRU 4-4-89 0.40 AVERY LABEL BUSINESS SYSTEMS MAILING LABELS 383.00 AVON BEAVER CREEK TIMES ADV/MEETING SCHEDULE 45.00 BANCROFT WHITNEY COMPANY BOOKS 90.35 BARNES LARRY ROAD USER FEE/1989 600.00 BARNES SUSAN DVM SPAY/NEUTER REIM 34.00 BARTELL AND BARTELL EMPLOYMENT SCREEN 826.20 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS SUPPLIES 12.31 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS INMATE SUPPLIES 16.80 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS PLANNING COMM/FOOD 11.44 BEEP WEST INCORPORATED PAGE RECEIVER RENTAL 150.00 BERENBAUM AND WEINWHIENK 15319/ZEITLEN 10.00 BEST WESTERN EAGLE LODGE LODGING 389.54 BEST WESTERN EAGLE LODGE LODGING 147.16 BEST WESTERN EAGLE LODGE RECRUITING EXPENSE 183.95 BEVERIDGE RICK TRAVEL/MEALS 271.20 BIGLER THOM RECRUITING EXPENSE 316.05 BIRLEW SUBSCRIPTION/NEWS 29.00 BISHOPS TRASH SERVICE TRASH SERVICE 34.00 BLACK ALLEN MEALS 17.14 BLACK ALLEN MILEAGE/TRAVEL 285.00 BLOCK & COMPANY INCORPORATED MAIL BAG 128.14 BMC WEST LATH/WOOD 18.24 BOARD OF LAND COMMISSIONERS SUBSCRIPTION 24.00 BOB BARKER COMPANY INMATE SUPPLIES 473.97 BOB BARKER COMPANY INMATE CLOTHING 90.33 BOB BARKER COMPANY INMATE SUPPLIES 114.51 BOULDER COUNTY LAND USE COMP PLAN/BOULDER CO 12.00 BROPHY JO MEALS 5.26 BROWN WALTER E 15290/KENNEY 3.20 BUCK KAREN S 15320/PASMAS 13.20 BUSINESS CLUB PRINTING/DUPLICATING SUPPLIES 483.00 CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS FILM 205.19 CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS CHEM PACK 98.24 CARTER ZANE R DVM SPAY/NEUTER REIM 36.00 CARUTHERS GENNY JO MEALS 58.22 CASTLE PEAK VETERINARY SERVICE K-9 DOG FOOD 56.00 CASTLE PEAK VETERINARY SERVICE SPAY/NEUTER REIM 125.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/GENERAL 4,320.89 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/GENERAL 4,452.48 CENTER DRUGS BATTERIES 34.21 CENTER DRUGS FILM 796.04 CENTER DRUGS STOPWATCH 19.95 CENTER DRUGS FILM PROCESSING 2.84 CF HOECKEL COMPANY FORM 920/ABATEMENT 14.57 CF HOECKEL COMPANY SUPPLIES/MV FICHE 107.37 CHECK NETWORK 15341/KLEIN 0.40 CLARION HOTEL LODGING 39.00 CLARK BOARDMAN COMPANY LTD BOOKS 110.95 CLARK BOARDMAN COMPANY LTD ZONE/PLAN REPORT BOOK 119.00 CLETA BOOKSTORE AMMUNITION/CLETA 235.00 CO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE LICENSE- 3 SCALES 36.00 COCA COLA SNACK AND BEVERAGE BOTTLED WATER 34.50 COCA COLA SNACK AND BEVERAGE BOTTLED WATER 31.50 COCA COLA SNACK AND BEVERAGE BOTTLED WATER 45.00 a • • c,,zs CODEL COMM DEV/RENT 2,150.00 CODILIS STAWEARSKI PC 15256/ARHEY 7.50 COLORADO AIRPORT OPERATORS REG FEE/FRITZE 35.00 COLORADO BADGE AND TROPHY OFFICE SUPPLIES 11.67 COLORADO BADGE AND TROPHY OPERATING SUPPLIES 11.67 COLORADO CHAPTER OF THE ICBO MEMBERSHIP 95.00 COLORADO COUNTY ATTORNEYS REG FEE/CCAA SEMINAR 60.00 COLORADO CRIME PREVENTION REGISTRATION FEES/CCPA 175.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL 5,550.60 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL 5,446.71 COLORADO MUNICIPAL LEAGUE DIRECTORY 15.00 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY RESALE/BK VEG.GARDEN 35.00 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 6,601.74 COLORADO WEST PROFESSIONAL PROF SERV/INMATE 2,250.00 COLORADO ASSOCIATION OF SOIL SYMPOSIUM 35.00 COMFORT INN VAIL/BEAVER CREEK RECRUITING EXPENSE 43.76 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS/MAY 89 16,693.27 CONSOLIDATED COLLECTIONS 15316/DUNNING 21.30 CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION VIDEOTAPE-COURSE 255.00 COUNTRY MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION 9.98 CREDIT BUREAU OF GUNNISON 15297/OACHECO 7.50 CREDIT BUREAU OF GUNNISON 14848/MEJIA 40.00 CRS INCORPORATED SUBSCRIPTION 40.00 CURNUTTE JIM MEALS 14.00 D AND M ADJUSTMENT COMPANY 15178/VERKEY 4.10 DAILY SENTINEL THE PUBLICATION/LEGAL ADV 24.92 DATA FILMS INC BTLS TONER 76.47 DATAFILMS INCORPORATED FUJI-PAPER 144.93 DATAFILMS INCORPORATED PAPER 67.30 DAYS OF THE WEST LODGING 33.00 DELMONT KATHY REG/CPHA MEETING 100.00 DENVER COLORADO WINTER GAMES INTERGOVERNMENTAL SUPPORT 250.00 DENVER POST CORPORATION THE PUBLICATION/LEGAL/AD 108.94 DENVER POST THE PUBLICATION/LEGAL 81.26 DENVER POST THE ADV 458.32 DENVER POST THE PUBLICATION/EMPLOY 254.84 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCH COST 1,800.00 DINN BROTHERS INCORPORATED HENDERSON AWARD 19.30 DIVISION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT TRAINING 15.00 DODSON ENGINEERED PRODUCTS 15117/GOODE 6.40 DODSON ENGINEERED PRODUCTS PARTS/SPRINKLE SYS. 155.01 DRAPHIX INCORPORATED MAPPING SUPPLIES 44.12 DUGGAN GARY TRAVEL 151.79 DUGGAN GARY PURCH SERV/5-89 100.00 DUROUX ALMEDA COORD REIM/APRIL 15.00 EAGLE AUTO PARTS SNAP PIN 47.69 EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER REIM/POSTAGE 23.60 EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER REIN/POSTAGE PAID 22.33 EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER POSTAGE 514.27 EAgLE CLERK AND RECORDER REIM/SUBSCRIPTION 29.95 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS HARDWARE MAINTENANCE 358.00 EAGLE COUNTY 4H COUNCIL REIM/RECORD BK WK SHOP 50.00 EAGLE COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER MAY 89 SHELTER CONT. 4,746.95 EAGLE COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER SHELTER CONTRACT/JUNE 4,933.39 EAGLE COUNTY NURSING SERVICE POSTAGE 30.40 EAGLE PHARMACY OPERATING SUPPLIES 68.98 EAGLE PHARMACY INMATE PRESCRIPTIONS 438.03 EAGLE TOWN OF 0305475879 921.25 EAGLE TOWN OF 0205381036 812.25 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE DISPLAY AD 223.45 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE ADV 247.26 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE 13722/PUBLICATION 304.40 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE PUBLICATION 703.63 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE ADV. 104.91 EASTMAN INCORPORATED OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,411.42 EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY JAN USAGE/COPIES 598.36 EATON DEENA MEALS 23.31 ECONOMICS PRESS SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 17.02 EDS LEATHER AWARDS/HORSE SHOW 2,030.50 REDS BILL KENNEL CARD TIES 1.60 EHLERT GLENN TRAINING 60.00 ENGINEERING REGISTRATION REGISTRATION 390.00 EVES PRINT SHOP ENVELOPES 81.30 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PLSC 89 MEMBERSHIP DUES 30.00 FARMER BROTHERS COFFEE/SUPPLIES 443.06 FAY AND WEBB 14966/KONICKE 20.00 FEDRIZZI GERALD J DMD PC INMATE DENTAL 100.00 FERRELLGAS PROPANE SERVICE 335.65 FIDELITY CREDIT SERVICES 15250/MOORS ) 10.80 FIDELITY CREDIT SERVICES 15348/JOLLY 22.20 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 39,564.78 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 38,917.86 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/MAY 89 36,606.59 FISHER ASSOCIATES POLYGRAPH EXAMS 400.00 FULLER ROBERT MILEAGE 152.64 GALLOWAY BEN MD PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 930.00 411111 • 4111 I I 46, GARSOE SUSAN TRAINING 670.00 GATES GEORGE A MILEAGE/TRAVEL/MEALS 194.92 GATES MARGE PHN MILEAGE/TRAVEL/MEALS 306.46 GIRARD THOMAS A MEALS 54.33 GIRARD THOMAS A TRAVEL 41.20 GLENWOOD POST THE NOTICE/PUBLIC MEETING 12.60 GLENWOOD POST THE JOB ADVERTISEMENT 49.76 GLENWOOD VET CLINIC RABIES REIM 11.00 GORDON GUMESON & ASSOCIATES EVAL/COURTROOM ADD. 157.50 GORDONS BOOK 54.03 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS PUBLICATION/ADV 25.00 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS SUBSCRIPTION 325.00 GREAT DIVIDE CONSTRUCTION CORE STORAGE WALL 355.00 GREATER EAGLE FIRE PROTECTION APRIL BILLING 18.00 GREATER EAGLE FIRE PROTECTION 911 BILLING/MAY 89 18.00 GUSTAFSON RICHARD MILEAGE/TRAVEL 527.50 HANSEN STEVE R WRENCH 8.79 HAVENER TRUCKING AND TOWING HAUL DOZER 90.00 HENRY MARIE 15284/LUZADER 10.00 HOLME ROBERT AND OWEN LEGAL SERVICES 2,030.81 HOLME ROBERT AND OWEN MARCH HOMESTAKE BILL 4,068.65 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL SERVICE 5,040.13 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY STYRO CUPS 20.80 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,373.65 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY TISSUE 81.14 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE TRAVEL 166.01 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE TRAINING LUNCHEON 22.00 ICMA WELLNESS PROG. BOOKS 27.75 IN HOUSE LAUNDRY SYSTEMS REPAIR WASHER/JC 306.60 INMAC RJII CORD 8.58 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MAINT 2,105.78 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE BLDG CODES 570.00 INTERNATIONAL TELECHARGE 328-6611 3.30 JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING MAINT/JC 1,832.04 JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING REPAIRS SERVICES 6,044.31 JIM JOHNSON MEMORIAL FUND MEMORIAL 50.00 JOHN WAYNE MILLER ASSOCIATES 15356/LOFLAND 10.00 JOHNSON AJ REIM/SHIPPING CHARGES 15.78 KOHRMANN BOB TRAINING 25.00 LACROIX ACHZIGER CROKER & KAIN 15249/SANDIGE 7.60 LANGE SUSAN TRAVEL 139.80 LAW AND ORDER SUBSCRIPTION 17.00 LEPSCHULTZ JESSE N PC 15276/ENGSTROM 2.50 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES BLACK DEVELOPER 75.23 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES MAINT./SHARP COPIER 360.80 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES BOND COPY PAPER 125.85 LINDAHL KEVIN TRAVEL/MEALS 131.40 LK SURVEY INSTRUMENTS COPY PAPER/XEROX 238.88 LK SURVEY INSTRUMENTS SUPPLIES 478.76 LOSER DAVIES MAGEON FITZGERALD 15304/CUNNINGHAM 30.00 MARSHAL AND SWIFT SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 98.00 MARTINEZ JANITORIAL APRIL/JANITORIAL SERV 6,595.00 MAVRIES LOU 15246/LETTS 10.00 MC MICHAELS TRAVEL SHOPPE TRAVEL/SURVEILLANCE SCHOOL 720.00 MCDONALD BRIAN M TRANSCRIPT CASE INV. 80.00 MCDONALD BRIAN M CASE TRANSCRIPT 144.00 MCGRATH NICHOLAS JR PC PROF SERVICE 93.75 MCHUGH JAN KENNEL CARD HOLDER 10.40 MCMAHN JEREMY MEALS 14.11 MEINEKE DONNA MILEAGE 111.87 MERCK AND COMPANY INCORPORATED COMPLETE TEXT 21.50 MERRICK LYN MEALS/MERRICK 27.33 METTERNICK LARRY MEALS 31.31 MID VALLEY KENNELS KENNEL CONTRACT/APRIL 700.00 MILLER MAKKAI AND DOWDLE 15219/ERWIN 2.50 MONTOYA ANDREW R REGISTRATION 110.00 MOORE BUSINESS PRODUCTS PRINTER RIBBONS 42.88 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USAGE 18,217.56 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USAGE 2,130.70 MOTOROLA INCORPORATED REPAIR RADIO 130.00 MOUNTAIN BELL SHERIFF/SUB-STATION 30.00 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION CAMERA REPAIR/JAIL 90.00 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION REPAIR TV 51.50 MOUNTAIN TYPEWRITER CLINIC REPAIR/LANIER RECORDER 48.00 MUNDO ANDREW FAIR BOOK ART WORK 100.00 MY FLOWERS INCORPORATED FLOWERS 22.00 NACO CONFERENCE CENTER REGISTRATION/NACO CONF 255.00 NASA INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION OTHER PURCHASED SERV 272.53 NATIONAL 4H COUNCIL SUPPLIES 6.14 NATIONAL ACCOUNT ADJUSTERS 15127/GUALDANE 10.00 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CHIEFS MEMBERSHIP DUES 30.00 NATIONAL BUSINESS AIRCRAFT 42ND ANNUAL MEET/CONF 1,600.00 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 37.00 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 37.00 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER PRINTER RIBBONS 56.80 OD • • 41111 Sly NATIONAL GRAPHICS COMPANY NOTICES OF VALUATION 3,224.12 NESTOR LINDA MEALS/NESTOR 9.53 NOLAN NINA COORD REIM/APRIL 89 15.00 NORTHWEST COLORADO COUNCIL OF LEGAL SERVICE/GREEN 320.00 NUNN JEAN 248 MILES/NUNN 49.60 ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY PEST CONTROL/JC 98.00 OVERLAND AND EXPRESS COMPANY AIRFARE 73.00 PACIFIC TELECOM PHONE SERVICES 8,585.24 PAINT BUCKET THE PAINT/COMM DEV 13.50 PENNY SAVER MEDICAL SUPPLY MEDICAL SUPPLIES 42.55 PENNY SAVER MEDICAL SUPPLY OPERATING SUPPLIES 141.10 PETTY CaSH ACCOUNTING MISC. PURCHASES 389.64 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING LODGING/SEMINAR 40.00 PETTY CASH COMMUNITY MEALS 17.82 PHILLIPS JOHNNETTE TRAVEL/MEALS 430.53 PHILLIPS JOHNNETTE TUITION/TRAINING 349.00 PITNEY BOWES MAINTENANCE AGREE 442.04 PLANT HUGH 15283/BANNER 2.00 PLATT JOY MEALS 37.93 POSTMASTER MAILINGS/NOV/ASSESSOR 3,056.29 POSTMASTER EXPRESS MAIL ACCOUNT 306.50 PREFERRED OFFICE PRODUCTS OFFICE SUPPLIES/SHERIFF 96.06 PRIME COMPUTER INCORPORATED MAINT-5-31-89 1,559.80 PRINTERY AT VAIL ENVELOPES 237.31 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPLY COMPANY MAG CHARGER SLEEVE 30.07 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPLY COMPANY PORLEON PAD REFILLS 85.56 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 6062576310710018 254.73 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 430.00 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 224.40 RED LION INN LODGING 65.00 RELIABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES 318.69 RENZELMAN JANET PICTURE FRAME 2.67 REUBENS RESTAURANT ELECTION NITE MEALS 90.00 REUBENS RESTAURANT INMATE MEALS 15,732.28 REVA MILLER CASE #82DR30 323.10 RICHARD YOUNG PRODUCTS OF ASSORTED RIBBONS 820.60 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS GAS SERVICE 5,206.45 ROPIR CABLEVISION CABLE TV SERVICE 31.45 ROTOR WING INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR 195.00 SACHSLAWLOR BATES INK PADS 43.85 SACHSLAWLOR STAMPS 7.05 SACHSLAWLOR RUBBER STAMPS 7.00 SANDER DIETER REFUND/GRADING PERMIT 30.00 SCHENK KERST AND DE WINTER 15253/SODOROKI 15.00 SCHMIDT CECELIA TRAVEL 24.00 SCHMIDT CECELIA TRAVEL 19.00 SCHMIDT ELOISE COORD REIM/APRIL 15.00 SHELLEYS OFFICE SUPPLY OPERATING SUPPLIES 309.00 SHERIFFS OFFICE CITY AND SERVICE OF PROCESS 14.80 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING CUSTOM PRINTED FORMS 1,828.60 SKYLINE SIX AREA AGENCY ON THE SUPPLEMENT SALARY-COOK 1,439.20 SOUTHWEST LAND ALLIANCE REGISTRATION FEE 178.50 SPECIALTY PROGRAM INSURORS RODEO INS/89 759.00 SPRAYER CALIBRATION SPRAY TIP TESTER 32.65 ST ANTHONY HOSPITAL ICD-9 CODE BOOK 129.00 STAN BERNSTEIN AND ASSOCIATES BOND ELECTION SERV 1,710.28 STATE OF COLORADO MYLARS 40.00 STATIONEREY TRAVELER SEL 11 RIBBONS 40.32 STEELE RC VARI-KENNEL 163.89 STEINBERG THOMAS I CTY HEALTH OFF/MARCH 272.00 STEINBERG THOMAS I CTY HEALTH OFF/APRIL 272.00 STOKES ALLEN W JR 15270/HERBERT 10.00 STONE SUSAN DR SPAY/NEUTER REIM 68.00 STRAWBERRY PATCH SYMPATHY/CONDOLENCES 70.00 STUVER AND GEORGE 15282/JOY 10.00 SUMMIT LUMBER BUILDING MATERIALS 851.68 SWENSON KAREN M REGISTRATION 84.00 SYNTEC COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS REPAIR RADIOS 70.00 TAYLOR WYN T 15239/WITTE 9.20 TAYLOR WYN T 15334/MCNAMARA 10.00 TB ASSISTANCE DEPARTMENT 400 TB ASSISTANCE 2.08 THE HSUS SHELTER SENSE SUBSCRIPTION 8.00 THEODORE K GUY ASSOCIATES PC SERVICES/MCDONALD 720.00 TOBY LESER AND ASSOCIATES RETAINER FEE 250.00 TOBY LESER AND ASSOCIATES EXECUTIVE DEV PROG. 500.00 TOP DRAWER OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 762.92 TOP DRAWER OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 635.34 TOP DRAWER OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 475.93 TRANSPORTATION FUND REIM/TRANS FUND 755.29 TRUNK ROBERT N 15125/LOPEZ 20.00 TUXALL UNIFORM COMPANY UNIFORMS 224.70 TUXALL UNIFORM COMPANY UNIFORM SHIRTS 185.70 TUXALL UNIFORM COMPANY UNIFORMS 242.57 TYREE AND ASSOCIATES ARCH REVIEW 15,880.00 UNITED AGRI SERVICES SUPPLIES/RESALE 7,828.80 a • • lib 1111 Li 2/ UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SHIPPING CHG/SHERIFF 28.09 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SHIPPING CHARGES 9.56 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SHIPPING CHARGES 15.80 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SHIPPING CHARGE 15.07 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SHIPPING CHARGE 19.79 US WEST COMMUNICA'T'IONS SEARCH/RESCUE PHONE 246.51 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 963-2948-430B 1,410.81 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 963-1682 74.65 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS SECURITEL-SHERIFF 15.00 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 476-3626/RESCUE GROUP 85.86 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 949-7729-626B 64.04 VAIL ASSOCIATES MEETING/MEALS 300.32 VAIL DAILY THE ANNUAL REPORT/INSERTS 540.00 VAIL DAILY THE DISPLAY AD 15.02 VAIL DAILY THE ADV/EMPLOYMENT 17.80 VAIL INTERNAL MEDICINE PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYS. 35.00 VAIL INTERNAL MEDICINE PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYS. 35.00 VAIL LOCK AND KEY KEYS 9.75 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC INMATE MEDICAL 406.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC INMATE MEDICAL 700.00 VAIL SIGN CORPORATION UNIFORM NAME TAG 9.00 VAIL TOWN OF APRIL SERV/ANIMAL CON. 827.10 VAIL TOWN OF MAY SERV/ANIMAL CON. 827.10 VAIL TRAIL THE PUBLICATION/ADV 1,441.40 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER INMATE MEDICAL 974.30 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER INMATE MEDICAL 12.00 VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY FLOURESCENT STARTER 77.39 VALLEY JOURNAL NOTICE/PUBLIC MEETING 40.00 VALLEY SIGNS NAME PLATES 85.25 VISA LODGING/TRAVEL/MEALS 1,296.58 VISA AIRFARE 282.00 VISIBLE COMPUTER SUPPLY CORP OFFICE SUPPLIES 48.20 WALKER MARY E REG/IACREOTS-CONF 150.00 WALMART COLORADO PINS 81.25 WALMART DESK LAMP/MICRO CART 88.38 WC MUCHOW AND PARTNERS ARCH/CONSULTING/JC 2,444.40 WEARGUARD CLOTHING/UNIFORMS 59.47 WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY BOOKS 224.80 WEST SLOPE SURPLUS STORE WADERS 183.90 WESTERN EAGLE COUNTY AMBULANCE AMBI SERV/DOOHER 75.00 WESTERN LAND EXCHANGE COMPANY SERVICE/TREE NURSERY 684.70 WESTERN SLOPE UNIFORM COMPANY LAUNDRY SERVICE 54.80 WINCRAFT PRINTED FORMS 20.14 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY RENTAL/POWER LAWN RAKE 240.00 YAMPA VALLEY ELECTRIC 0040010001 88.67 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE MEDICAL SUPPLIES 82.45 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE SAFETY FACE SHIELD 73.65 MAY PAYROLL 216,853.15 575,170.31 ROAD & BRIDGE FUND AMERICAN TRAFFIC SAFETY CERT. FEE/HELLER 35.00 ARROW GAS COMPANY PROPANE 11.60 AVON TOWN OF 1ST QTR RD&BR PAYMENT 10,416.21 BASALT TOWN OF 1ST QTR/RD&BR PAYMENT 1,692.16 BOOTH ROUSE EQUIPMENT COMPANY OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,108.14 BS AND W ENERGY CORPORATION DUST CONTROL MATERIAL 5,541.94 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/RD&BR 643.51 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/RD&BRIDGE 657.10 CLERK OF COUNTY COURT 524-29-2317/885203 119.50 CLERK OF COUNTY COURT 885203/521292317 119.50 COLORADO COUNTIES INCORPORATED OVERPAYMENT/WC CLAIM 104.34 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TA%/RD&BRIDGE 1,093.60 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TA%/RD&BRIDGE 1,195.41 COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE LOTUS CLASS 123 30.00 EAGLE AUTO PARTS FUNNEL 1.99 EAGLE PHARMACY FILM 99.52 EAGLE TOWN OF 1ST QTR RD&BR PAYMENT 2,675.05 EAKLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE 10 INCH DISPLAY AD 195.00 ELF ASPHALT OIL/AMZ MACHINE 104.00 ELF ASPHALT OIL/AMZ MACHINE 213.96 ELF ASPHALT OIL/AMZ MACHINE 107.90 ELF ASPHALT OIL/AMZ MACHINE 308.10 ELLISON SERVICE FENCE REALIGNMENT 150.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TA%/RD&BRIDGE 7,283.95 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAB/RD&BRIDGE 7,967.93 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/RD&BRIDGE ' 8,492.19 GILSABIND CONVIDAR CRACK FILLER 1,940.00 GYPSUM TOWN OF 1ST QTR/RD&BR PAYMENT 1,094.13 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY PAPER TOWELS 42.32 J AND S CONTRACTORS SUPPLY DELINEATOR POSTS 740.00 MINTURN TOWN OF 1ST QTR/RD&BR 1,222.81 0 • 0 • I y.4� MOBILE PREMIX COMPANY PEA GRAVEL 110.19 MOBILE PREMIX COMPANY ROAD BASE 5,091.56 MOBILE PREMIX COMPANY PEA GRAVEL 47.16 MOBILE PREMIX COMPANY ROAD BASE 3,099.05 MOBILE PREMIX COMPANY ROAD BASE 687.08 MOTOR POOL FUND MP CHARGE-HEAVY 59,542.82 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USAGE 80,995.40 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION ANTENNA BASE MOUNT 24.50 PETTY CASH ROAD AND BRIDGE POSTAGE 70.76 PETTY CASH ROAD AND BRIDGE MISC. PURCHASES 84.63 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND CRACK SEAL 937.50 ROARING FORK SAND AND GRAVEL WASHED ROCK CHIP 155.77 ROBILLARD AND ASSOCIATES BRIDGE REPLACEMENT 4,214.25 ROCKY MOUNTAIN SAFETY SERVICE STANDS-ROLL UP SIGNS 62.00 SLOPE METER COMPANY SLOPE METER 91.50 TOP DRAWER OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 6.25 VAIL TOWN OF APRIL/SNOW REMOVAL 3,661.00 VAIL TOWN OF 1ST QTR/RD&BR PAYMENT 74,634.66 VALLEY LUMBER HEAT CABLE/TAPE 71.58 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY GAS CAN/SPOUTS 31.88 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY FUEL PUMP/RIVETS 129.18 YENTER SONS BLASTING PAYMENT 2/ROCK BLAST 38,906.52 MAY PAYROLL 42,845.33 370,907.43 LIBRARY FUND AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION ALA CONVENTION 142.00 BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY BOOKS/CHILTON 379.26 BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY BOOKS/REF 558.79 BOUND TO STAY BOUND BOOKS/J 492.71 BRADFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY BOOKS/7A 14.50 BRYANT ROBYN ALA CONVENTION/REIM 60.00 BUSINESS RESEARCH DIVISION BOOK 29.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LIBRARY 140.96 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LIBRARY 133.70 CLASSIC HOUSE CASSETTES CASSETTES 99.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LIBRARY 172.63 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LIBRARY 165.57 DATA FILMS INCORPORATED TONER 6.47 EAGLE COUNTY SOIL CONSERVATION TREES/MB 81.00 EAGLE PHARMACY TAPE 26.23 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE LOGO 7.50 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LIBRARY 1,323.53 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LIBRARY 1,274.47 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/MAY 89 1,922.85 GARETH STEVENS MEDIA CREDIT/BOOKS 93.64 GOLDBERG BROTHERS VIDEO CASES 64.74 GORDONS BOOKS/H/PB 1,189.04 HASLEE LORRAINE MALL TRAVEL 56.00 LEWAB AND ASSOCIATES IBM/TYPEWRITERS 599.90 MARCIE TELANDER STORYTELLER PERF. 200.00 MARQUIS WHOS WHO HIST/BOOK 79.50 MIDVALLEY BRANCH LIBRARY PHONE/PC 38.94 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USAGE 86.64 NISWANGER AMY ALA CONVENTION/REIM 50.00 PACIFIC TELECOM COMPUTER LINE 170.62 PETTY CASH LIBRARY OIL/PC 18.11 PRENTICE HALL BOOKS 31.16 PROFESSIONAL MEDIA SERVICE VIDEOS 25.79 QUALITY BOOKS INCORPORATED BOOK 12.82 READ WELL MEDIA INCORPORATED BOOKS 414.46 REGENT BOOK COMPANY BOOKS/J 14.55 RENAISSANCE HOUSE CREDIT/BOOKS 94.60 SIMON AND SCHUSTER BOOKS/INSIGHT 79.30 SUMMIT LUMBER DOLLY 54.00 U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS PHONE/MI 57.83 UMI DE PUERTO RICO SUBSCRIPTION 365.36 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO FILMS/RENTAL 28.00 US WEST DIREACT PHONE BOOKS 192.29 VIDEOPLAN INCORPORATEAD VIDEOS 298.06 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS CALCULATOR/SUPPLIES 201.64 WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC BOOK 4.00 MAY PAYROLL 8,748.34 20,299.50 MOTOR POOL FUND AMERICAN EAGLE TIRE TIRES 224.85 AMERICAN EAGLE TIRE ROTOR TURNED 9.50 BERTHOD MOTORS BAT WING FOR MOWER 2,993.06 BIG SKY EQUIPMENT TRASH PUMP 4,500.00 BROWNLEE SANDY GAS/ANIMAL CONTROL 15.50 0 0 ! 4111III X136 CASE POWER AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR ROLLER/4812 3,637.98 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/MP 135.56 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/MP 135.84 COLLETT ENTERPRISES OIL/COUNTY VEHICLE 1.94 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/MOTOR POOL 162.38 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/MOTOR POOL 184.75 CUMMINS POWER INCORPORATED WATER PUMP 111.96 CURNUTTE JIM GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE 9.00 DORIO DISTRIBUTING FUEL/LUBRICANTS 19,129.03 DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES DRIVE SHAFT 207.56 EAGLE AUTO PARTS EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 4,285.68 EAGLE SALVAGE AND TOWING RADIATOR REPAIR 383.00 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE AF13697/ADS 221.70 EAGLE VALLEY GLASS AND MIRROR REPAIR SIDE GLASS 6.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/MP 1,178.54 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAB/MP 1,320.33 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/MOTOR POOL 2,061.59 GAY JOHNSON TIRES 3,118.36 GILSABIND CONVIDAR SPEED KING TAR POT 4,940.00 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD REAR TAIL LITE LENSE 166.34 HANSON EQUIPMENT DUMP/W PLOW/SANDER 101,314.00 HANSON EQUIPMENT GOVE/REPAIR PART 19.89 HOLLAND AUTO PARTS OIL FILTER 31.41 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY FLOOR DRI 79.49 J AND S CONTRACTORS SUPPLY BLADES 2,389.20 J I CASE CREDIT CORPORATION DRUM DRIVE ROLLER 2,020.14 JW BREWER TIRE COMPANY TIRES 3,478.37 KAR PRODUCTS INCORPORATED MISC SHOP SUPPLIES 1,000.43 KAR PRODUCTS INCORPORATED MISC SHOP SUPPLIES 352.57 KUBAT EQUIPMENT AND CARD READER 491.82 MESA MACK CREDIT/U BOLT 2,849.18 MINTURN TOWN OF GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE 77.40 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USAGE 308.88 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION INSTALL RADIO 105.50 PETTY CASH MOTOR POOL MISC. PURCHASES 127.08 PETTY CASH MOTOR POOL TITLE FEES 52.00 PHILLIPS 66 COMPANY GASOLINE ,30.91 PHILLIPS 66 COMPANY FUEL/COUNTY VEHICLE 11.66 QUALITY MOBILE WINDSHIELD WINDSHIELD REPAIR 75.00 REY MOTORS INCORPORATED 89 DODGE MINI VAN 9,695.00 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND REIM/RD&BR FUND 2,780.06 SAM TAYLOR AUTO WINDOW WASHER PUMP 14.02 SAM TAYLOR AUTO REPAIR JEEP ENGINE 1,011.32 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING MOTORPOOL LETTERHEAD 95.50 SOUTHWESTERN PETROLEUM GREASE 545.18 SOUTHWESTERN PETROLEUM OIL SAMPLES 72.00 SUMMIT LUMBER BOARD 58.59 TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION TEST PACK/OIL 140.00 UNITED LABORATORIES DRAIN MAINTAINER 219.10 VALLEY GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY OXYGEN 91.75 VISA FUEL/SHERIFF 418.40 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 1,642.69 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY 89 CAT GRADER 105,931.65 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY REPLACE BULLDOZER 29,646.89 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY TRACTOR SCRAPER 2,546.55 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY WHEEL/CREDIT -169.62 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 1,437.34 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY FREIGHT CHARGE 5.55 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY REPAIR STEER CLUTCH 8,102.02 WESTERN HYDRAULICS HYDRAULIC PUMP 743.49 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY TEETH 548.20 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY TEETH 267.60 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY ELECTRODE HOLDER 364.42 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY SUPPLIES 905.27 MAY PAYROLL 7,785.28 338,848.08 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE FUND DESIGN CABINETRY BLUEPRINT STORE CAB. 320.00 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS COMPUTER HARDWARE 8,597.29 GENERAL FUND REIM/GENERAL FUND 13.50 GOVERNMENT TECHNOLOGY SERVICES WORDPERPECT SOFTWARE 193.00 J GARLIN COMMERCIAL FURNISHING PRINTER STAND 150.00 J GARLIN COMMERCIAL FURNISHING BOOKCASES 313.00 J GARLIN COMMERCIAL FURNISHING COMP WORKSTATION 1,181.00 MOTOROLA INCORPORATED RADIO EQUIP , 3,698.50 NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITURE ROLL FILES 386.85 PITNEY BOWES LEASE PURCH/PRINCIPAL 92.96 TOP DRAWER OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 338.02 XEROX CORPORATION MAP COPIER/MDL 2510 4,761.00 20,045.12 • • • U3/ S RETIREMENT FUND CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 4,212.50 CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 4,191.45 EAGLE COUNTY SOCIAL SERVICES REIM/SOCIAL SERVICES 1,166.22 9,570.17 CONTINGENT FUND J GARLIN COMMERCIAL FURNISHING FURNITURE/PANELS 11,822.00 11,822.00 INSURANCE RESERVE FUND DESIGN GLASS INCORPORATED REPLACE REAR WINDOW 449.00 DESIGN GLASS INCORPORATED REPAIR WINDSHIELD 487.67 JAMES FRED S AND COMPANY OF CONSULTING FEES 1,000.00 1,936.67 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND DAILY JOURNAL THE ADV/COUNTY BUILDING 395.64 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE ADV/ARCH RFP 174.90 OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY COUNTER ALUMINUM DOOR 1,100.00 SUMMIT LUMBER LUMBER 203.43 SUMMIT LUMBER SHELF BRACE/SUPPORTS 32.81 SUMMIT LUMBER BUILDING IMP 24.90 SUMMIT LUMBER DRYWALL COMPOUND 31.13 1,962.81 AIRPORT FUND AMERICAN ASSOCIATION AIRPORT 89 CONG. ALERT DIR. 28.00 AMERICAN AVIONICS AVIONICS RADIO 432.00 AVIATION SYSTEMS INCORPORATED MAINT/VOR/DME 2,150.00 BRENT SERVICE REPAIR/AP RAMP SIGNS 311.55 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT 72.29 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT 63.94 CHARLES WILLIS AND ASSOCIATES REIM 7/AIRPORT IMP. 11,250.00 CNS VIDEO PRODUCTS VIDEO TAPING 100.00 COCA COLA SNACK AND BEVERAGE MACHINE REPAIR 50.00 COCA COLA SNACK AND BEVERAGE WATER/RENTAL-APRIL 12.00 COLORADO AIRPORT OPERATORS MEMBERSHIP DUES 25.00 COLORADO AIRPORT OPERATORS REGISTRATION/CACO MT 80.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/AIRPORT 93.95 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/AIRPORT 82.20 CRICH MICHAEL HANGAR RENTAL/JUNE 89 500.00 DAILY JOURNAL THE ADV/PUBLIC NOTICE 21.00 DAY TIMERS INCORPORATED CALENDAR 34.39 EAGLE AUTO PARTS WINDSHIELD WASHER 10.68 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE ADV/PUBLIC NOTICE 78.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAB/AIRPORT 661.07 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT 586.25 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/AIRPORT 769.14 HOBBS EXCAVATION LABOR/IRRIGATION REP. 4,611.94 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL SERVICE 825.70 HURD HARRY REIM/MEALS/LODGE 188.64 LEAVENWORTH LOCHHEAD AND LEGAL FEES 36.03 MOORE COMPUTER SUPPLIES POST CARDS 155.74 MOTOR POOL FUND MP CHARGE-HEAVY 97.17 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USAGE 279.76 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION REPAIR AP RECORDER 22.60 PACIFIC TELECOM 086-0010 194.55 RED LION INN LODGING 130.00 REUBENS RESTAURANT AIRPORT COMMISSION/LUNCH 110.50 REYNOLDS DANIEL REIM/PLANE TICKET 459.26 REYNOLDS DANIEL CAOA 195.66 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND REIM/RD&BR FUND 2,324.92 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS GAS SERVICE/AIRPORT 518.55 RYALL ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY NAV AID BULBS 226.74 SUMMIT LUMBER HAMMERS HANDLE 7.29 TRIPLE H CONSTRUCTION CLEAN CHATFIELD DITCH 886.40 VAIL BEAVER CREEK JET CENTER TERMINAL RENT/JUNE 88 4,000.00 VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY PRAMITOL 89.95 WHEELING CORRUGATING COMPANY PIPE/BANDS/SEALANT ' 2,510.10 WRIGHT WATER ENGINEERS EVALUATION/AP WATER 3,869.73 MAY PAYROLL 8,880.82 42,483.51 • LANDFILL FUND CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL 52.50 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL 49.35 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE, TAX/LANDFILL 114.79 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LANDFILL 104.05 DEEP ROCK WATER WATER 26.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL 819.21 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL 751.64 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/LANDFILL 907.88 HOLIDAY INN LODGE/MEALS 97.83 MCGRUDER SEPTIC SERVICE CLEAN FACILITIES 25.00 MCGRUDER SEPTIC SERVICE CLEAN/FACILITIES 25.00 MOTOR POOL FUND MP CHARGE-HEAVY 12,971.35 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USAGE 13,170.45 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND REIM/RD&BR FUND 10,248.85 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY REPAIR RECORD BOOKS 19.59 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY FUEL TANK/110 GALLONS 242.72 MAY PAYROLL 5,004.49 44,630.70 . TRANSPORTATION FUND AVON BEAVER CREEK TIMES ADV/TRANSIT 80.00 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE DISPLAY AD 84.00 GREYHOUND LINES INCORPORATED GLI TRANSIT SERV 63,173.00 J GARLIN COMMERCIAL FURNISHING FILE CABINET 161.00 VAIL DAILY THE ADV/PUBLIC MEETING 79.20 VAIL TRAIL THE DISPLAY AD 63.50 63,640.70 The morning being spent payings, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, presented a renewal application for a Liq. License retail liquor license for El Jebel Liquors. He advised the application is in order, El Jebel Liq. fees have been paid, and finds no reason not to approve the renewal application. Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the application of Gloria J. Peloquin for the renewal of a retail liquor store license at El Jebel Liquors. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates abstained as he was not present for the discussion. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Johnnette Phillips, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, presented minutes of the Minutes Board of County Commissioners meetings from May 1, 1989 through May 22, 1989. 5/1/-5/22/89 Commissioner Gates moved to approve the minutes of May 1, 1989 and May 22, 1989 as presented. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Jody Caruthers, Eagle County Assessor, presented a request for abatement of taxes Abatement: which was tabled from the previous hearing. She stated she had approved the request Stem, John for abatement due to the fact the taxpayer was not notified of the increase in value of the property. Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, explained the process for remedy of the increase in taxes. He stated the valuation of the property was raised from $83,000 to $90,000. Ruth Berglund, appraiser in the Assessor's office, explained the stipulation agreed upon during the 1987 Board of Equalization hearings. She further explained the Board approved a resolution equalizing the units in the Chamonix Chalets that raised the value to $90,000 for 1988. John Stem, property owner, reviewed for the Board a chronology of events since the Board of Equalization hearing. Discussion followed on the abatement and the 1987 stipulation of $83,000 and the 1988 $90,000 value. The Board determined to have the Assessor check the selling price of comparable Chamonix Chalet units. Ms. Caruthers presented a request for abatement for Evelyn Yerkes, Schedule No. Abatement: 27375, due to the fact the property owner not being notified of an increase in value. Yerkes, E. She recommended approval. John Sternig, appraiser in the Assessor's office, made a presentation regarding the value of the property. He stated the property was inspected by Walter Marion and determined the property was the same value as the surrounding properties at $17,500. Commissioner Welch moved to deny the petition of Evelyn Yerkes for abatement on Schedule No. 27375 for the tax year 1988, based on the information presented by the Assessor's office. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. • • 4111 433 Ms. Caruthers presented a request for abatement from John McKeon and Bruce & Kathy MacHee, Schedule No. M020792 which was double assessed on Schedule No. 273874. She Abatement: stated the Treasurer would research her records to determine who would receive the McKeon, John refund for each year. MacHee, Bruce Commissioner Gates moved to approve the request for abatement for the tax year of 1984 in the amount of $174.25, 1985 in the amount of $185.85, 1986 in the amount of 190.87, 1987 in the amount of $123.47, and 1988 in the amount of $132.59. The total amount for 1984, 1985 and 1986 is $550.97; the total amount for 1987 and 1988 is $256.06. He further moved the County Treasurer shall determine who will receive the abatement. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. In discussion, it was determined the 1988 taxes have not been paid and shall be abated, not refunded. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The hearing regarding John and Patricia Stem continued. Ms. Berglund mentioned the sale previously brought to the Board's attention was lower than other sales in the Abatement: area. Stem, John Commissioner Welch moved to table this request for abatement to June 26, 1989. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Lloyd Powers, Engineering Department, appeared to discuss the Agreement of Gift and Acceptance between Eagle County and Paul Alan Echtler and Debra Hutchinson Contract: Echtler. He explained the Trough Road is being straightened and adjacent land is Echtler for being deeded to the County. He stated the County is agreeing to make some improve- Trough Road ments to the property of the Echtlers. Commissioner Gates moved Eagle County Board of County Commissioners sign the Agree- ment of gift and acceptance between Eagle County and Paul Alan Echtler and Debra Hutch- inson Echtler. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Sid Fox, Acting Director of Community Development, advised Ironwood Builders Co., File SM-584-89, did not present the final plat in time for approval. No action is SM-584-89 required. Final Plat Mr. Fox presented a final plat for File SM-583-89, Manor Investment Co., duplex lot in Berry Creek Subdivision, Lots 9A, Block 3, Filing 2. SM-583-89 Commissioner Welch moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the Minor Type Final Plat B Subdivision application, File SM-583-89, Manor Investment Company, and the plat be Manor Invest. signed. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox advised the Town of Gypsum applied for a Special Use Permit which the Board previously approved on File ZS-281-89. He presented a resolution reflecting the Res 89-60 Board's decision. Town of Gypsum Comirissioner Gates moved the Board approve and adopt Resolution 89-60, File ZS-281-89, Town of Gypsum, approval of a resolution for a special use permit for a water treatment plant within the resource zone district. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented a resolution on File ZS-279-89, Valley View Hospital, a special use permit for a clinic in El Jebel. Res. 89-61 Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve and adopt Resolution 89-61, File Valley View ZS-279-89, Valley View Hospital to approve a special use permit for a hospital Hospital (clinic) within the commercial general zone district. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented a request from the Planning Staff to delete a plat note on Lot 6, Tract A, Block 1, Beaver Creek PUD. He gave background on the request and B/C PUD explained there is a building permit issued for Lot 6 and the building will encroach Plat Note into the platted inundation zone but not into the 100 year flood plain. He requested Deletion the Board draft resolution to exempt the encroachment into the inundation zone on this lot only. Commissioner Welch made a statement regarding a potential conflict. Mr. Lindahl advised he does not believe there is a conflict of interest. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve encroachment into the platted inundation zone on Lot 6, Tract A, Block 1, Beaver Creek PUD. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented an amendment to the Subdivision Improvements Agreement to M&H Development for The Reserve on the Eagle River. He advised the applicant is hav- SIA for M&H ing problems getting delivery of the deed. He stated the applicant anticipates produc- Development ing a letter of credit within a month and the applicant is requesting an extension The Reserve from December 31, 1992 to December 31, 1993. Steve McDonald, applicant, made a statement regarding the request for extension and a request for a Colorado bank for a Letter of Credit. Commissioner Gates the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the amend- ment of the Subdivision Improvements Agreement. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. • • • Mr. Fox presented a final plat for a subdivision exemption for the Town of Gypsum Final Plat for the water treatment plant. Town of Gypsum Commissioner Welch moved the Chairman be authorized to sign the final plat for the Town of Gypsum's water treatment plant. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to June 12, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • • 0 • L-p-y May 30, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman James Fritze County Manager Don Welch Commissioner Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Boards This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting announcing a resolution amending Resolution Res. 89-58 36-63 to convert bank notes and change denominations of the amounts of the bank notes. Bank Note Alfred Williams explained the conversion of Notes 51 through 135 owned by Alfred Denominatior_s Williams' profit sharing plan and Notes 1 through 50 owned by First Bank of Eagle County. He stated there are sufficient funds to retire the bank's interest. He requested the Board allow the remaining notes be $1,000 bonds. Commissioner Welch moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and the Board of County Commissioners sign Resolution 89-58 amending Resolution 86-63, adopted and approved on July 28, 1989, to allow for the conversion notes approved in said resolu- tion to denominations of $1,000, for Pilgrim Downs Local Improvement District No. • 1986-1. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Sid Fox, Acting Director of Community Development, presented a supplemental plat, SM-578-89-A File SM-578-89-A, Strawberry Park Condominiums, adding two levels to the condominium Strawberry Pa-h project. Staff recommended the Board sign the plat. Commissioner Welch declared a potential conflict of interest as he works for Vail Associates as a real estate contractor and he holds a lease with Vail Associates in Beaver Creek PUD. Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, explained the reason for replatting. Commissioner Gates moved to sign a supplemental plat for File SM-578-89-A, Straw- berry Park Condominiums. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The next item brought before the board was a Board of Equalization stipulation. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and recon- vene as the Board of Equalization. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, stated the original assessment for Sched 13917 Schedule -0013917 was $4,500,030. He advised the petitioner requested the valuation 1st Fed Savings be adjusted to $212,500 by using the income approach. He stated a settlement has been reached and recommended the Board of Equalization accept $3,800,000 as the actual value of the 1988 tax year. Mr. Bigler stated the stipulation was with First Federal Savings of Arkansas. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of Equalization approve and authorize the Chair- man to sign the stipulation with First Federal Savings of Arkansas, setting the 1988 actual value at $3,800,000 for Schedule No. 0013917. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a stipulation with Vail National Bank Corp. He stated the Sched 8690 original valuation was $4,000,000 based on a recent sale and the petitioner requested VNB Bldg Corp the valuation be set at $1,589,300 by using an income approach. He stated the Board of Equalization upheld the Assessor at that time. He recommended the settlement of $3,500,000 be adopted by the Board. • Commissioner Welch moved the Board of Equalization approve and authorize the Chair- man to sign the stipulation with VNB Building Corp., setting the 1988 actual value of $3,500,000 for Schedule No. 0008690. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of Equalization and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gustafson presented to Fred Nelson, Electrical Inspector, a plaque on his Nelson, Fred retirement. Plaque Commissioner Welch moved to convene as the Board of Health for the afternoon session. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Erik Edeen showed slides on the drop structures built on Milk Creek. He also Board of showed some slides of the sludge pit at the County landfill. Mr. Edeen told the Board Health there will be a meeting on June 1 regarding the State Health Contract. He discussed hauling rock, Eagle Mine tailings, Colorado Public Health Association, building per- mits in the El Jebel/Basalt area. Commissioner Welch moved to adjourn as the Board of Health and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. • 0 • L1L3 Dan Reynolds, Airport Manager, appeared to request the Board prohibit parking on Res 89-59 Cooley Mesa Road from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. during the Wings for Independence Air Parking during Show. Air Show Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners adopt Resolution 89-59 prohibiting parking along Cooley Mesa Road on June 30 through July 2, 1989 to ensure traffic safety during the Wings for Independence Air Show. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mike Bradley, Building and Grounds Supervisor, appeared to request a lease for Lease: space to move records from the County Fair Exhibition Building. He stated the lease Eagle Park is $400 per month plus electricity. He mentioned an elevator in the building that Central needed repair and the County could share the cost 50/50 with CODEL. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and the Chairman be authorized to sign the lease with CODEL for storage space at Eagle Park Central for $400 per month plus utilities. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to June 5, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • � 1 4110 41/ 4110 4110 41/0 14 /b May 23, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty Don Welch Commissioner Sid Fox Acting Dir. Comm. Dev. George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Erik Edeen Env. Health Ofcr Earlene Roach Dep. Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: SE-283-89 Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting stating the first item on the agenda was Town of Gypsum File SE-283-89, Town of Gypsum. • Erik Edeen, Environmental Health Officer, presented File SE-283-89, Town of Gypsum request for an exemption from subdivision regulations. He pointed out on a vicinity map the location of the site. He explained the water treatment plant to the Board. He advised the Board the Planning Commission recommended approval with the condition the Town of Gypsum submits a landscaping plan. He stated he has received a landscap- ing plan from the Town of Gypsum. He stated the findings are: The exemption will allow the Town of Gypsum to build their water treatment plant out of sight, a gravity system in compliance with the State drinking water standard; The exemption will allow the treatment facility to be constructed on the same site as the disinfection facili- ties are located; and Pursuant to Section 2.15.03 of the Eagle County Land Use Regula- tions, the division on this land is not within the purpose of the subdivision regula- tions; The method of disposition adopted is not for the purpose of evading the provi- sions of the subdivision regulations. Commissioner Welch moved, based on the findings presented and based on the spirit of cooperation between the Town of Gypsum and the County of Eagle, the Board of County Commissioners to approve the Subdivision Exemption application, File SE-283-89, Town of Gypsum. The only condition is the landscaping plan presented by the Town of Gypsum be followed. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, Kevin Lindahl pointed out parcels of land are being traded. This is reflected on the plat. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. ZS-.281-89 Mr. Edeen presented File ZS-281-89, Town of Gypsum, a request for a Special Use Town. of GypsuL Permit to construct the water treatment plant. He stated the major concerns and issues are: landscaping around the sides; all appropriate signatures are required on the final plat. The findings are: This project will rehabilitate the Town's water system, the existing water filter does not work; the proposed use is compatible with the existing use on the site; the Town will use the existing water lines. Staff and Planning Commission recommended approval. Mr. Lindahl advised, based on a review by James Fritze, a 1041 permit was not required as the existing water lines were being used. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the Special Use Permit application, File ZS-281-89, Town of Gypsum, with the required 72 signatures on the final plat. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. ZS-275-89-A Sid Fox, Acting Director of Community Development, presented File ZS-275-89-A, Tenn Mtn Pass Tennessee Pass Mountain Resort, a request to amend an existing Special Use Permit to allow summer use of Vance's Cabin. He reviewed the history of this permit and the current situation of this file. He stated Staff previously recommended denial to the Planning Commission because of the potential impact on the elk, but the impact has been resolved. He stated Staff recommended approval with the condition there is no commercial use until hunting season begins. He stated the proposed findings are: 1. The proposed use is compatible with the existing uses in the area provided the proposed mitigation for conditions are implemented. 2. The proposed use would not substantially affect the character of the neighborhood. 3. There is adequate access to and from the proposed area. 4. Adequate water and sanitation services can be provided for the intended use.- 5. s.e.5. The physical arrangement is appropriate and the proposal is consistent with the master plan. He recommended the following conditions: 1. Restricting the use to hunting season and winter season. 2. Provision of a caretaker at the cabin is consistent with the Forest Service policy. 3. Seasonal activities that may disrupt wildlife as determined by the Colorado Division of Wildlife are subject to County review and closure for curtailment. 4. There will be no dogs allowed. 5. The well must be approved for commercial use by the Division of Water Resources. 6. Sleeping capacity limited to sixteen people. 7. Not approved for commercial snowmobile tours. Commissioner Welch asked about surrounding cabins being used year round. Mr. Fox replied the cabins could be used year round with the condition the County could review the impact on wildlife. Discussion followed on the restricted time uses on these cabins, the calving sea- son of elk, caretaker's responsibilities when the huts are in use. Commissioner Welch suggested to implement this plan with these conditions and review again in May of 1990 at no cost to the applicant. • • • r 4 • 401, Mr. Lindahl stated the criteria should be reviewed to clarify the issue of a care- taker's unit at this cabin. Commissioner Welch moved to table File ZS-275-89-A-Tennessee Pass Mountain Resort, to June 12, 1989 at 11:15 a.m. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Jeremy McMahan, Planner, presented File ZS-279-89, Valley View Hospital, to oper- Valley V9ew ate a clinic in the El Jebel area. Commissioner Welch declared a potential conflict of interest as he sits on the Hospital • Board of the Vail Valley Medical Center. Mr. McMahan pointed out on a map the location of the proposed clinic. He stated findings- are: The applicant meets the requirements of a Special Use Permit; the utili- ties are in place which are adequate to serve the proposed use; safe and convenient access to the proposed use will be provided; the proposed use will minimize impacts to protect the established neighborhood character; detailed site plan has been provided and the project is feasible; and the proposed use will not be detrimental to the neigh- borhood and is consistent with the Master Plan. Staff recommends approval. • Commissioner Gates moved to approve the Special Use Permit application, File ZS-279-89, Valley View Hospital. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. McMahan presented File G-55-89, Craig Colby, a petition to add kennels as a G-55-89 Special Use in the agricultural/residential zone district. He stated Mr. Colby pre- Craig Colby viously petitioned the use of the kennels as a use by right but amended the petition to have a special use. He reviewed the concerns and issues of Community Development. He reviewed the findings of Staff and recommended approval and add this to a Resource Limited Zone. Commissioner Welch moved the Board of County Commissioners approve File G-55-89, Craig Colby, to add kennels in the Special Use in the Resource Limited Zone District and Agricultural/Residential Zone District. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Jim Curnutte, Planner, presented Files ZC-230-89 and SM-579-89, Fred and Freda ZC-230-89 Glassier, a change from resource to rural residential and a Type A Minor Subdivision, SM-279-89 respectively. He pointed out on a map the location of the site. He gave the Board a Glassier, Fred list of criteria for a zone change. He reviewed the Type A Minor Subdivision. He gave a chronology of this property. He stated the applicant has shown conformance with the minor subdivision of the regulations: all lots have access to Valley Road, a well is in place serving the house and metal building, an approved septic system is in place, final plat requirements have been met. Staff recommended approval. The Plan- ning Commission found the proposal was not consistent with the zoning being requested and not in the public interest to encourage a new use on the property. He read a letter and stated he received phone calls and visits expressing concerns with the storage yard. Dan Kerst, attorney for applicant, noted these parcels are taxed separately. He made points regarding the driveway, easements and zoning. The Board questioned Mr. Kerst regarding rock crushing and rock storage, storage yard in a residential area. Discussion followed on the use of the property. The Board agreed the use is inappropriate in the area. Commissioner Welch moved to approve the staff recommendation on File 2C-230-89 with the condition a Subdivision Improvements Agreement be a part of the zone change, abandonment of the pre-existing non-conforming use on Parcel B. On the west half of Lot C there be an 8 foot sight obscuring fence installed on all four sides around the non-conforming use, and on the east half of Lot C, and provide proof of water. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved to approve File SM-579-80, Glassier Type A Minor Subdivi- sion with the evidence of a well permit. The approval of the subdivision should not be construed to allow another dwelling on Lot C in addition to the existing use as a contractor's storage yard. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Curnutte presented File BE-36-89, William Schiffmacher, a building envelope BE-36-89 amendment, 14 feet in one direction and 13 feet in another direction. He stated Staff Schiffmacher, W has letters from all adjacent property owners who have no objections. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve the building envelope amendment applica- tion, File BE-36-89, William Schiffmacher. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch was out of the room for this item. Commissioner Gates moved to table File PD-207-89-P, Blue Lake Filing #3 to June PD-207-89-P 22, at the applicant's request. Blue Lake Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch was out of the room for this item. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to May 30, 1989. Attest: • Clerk to the Board Chairman 1 4111 • LP/ May 22, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman James Fritze County Manager Don Welch Commissioner Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Earlene Roach Dep. Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, Temporary Juvenile Juvenile Holding Contracts. Holding Kim Andree of the Sheriff's office, presented the grants regarding juvenile hold- Contracts ing contracts. She requested the Board sign the copies of the grant. She explained the grant and the procedures of juvenile holding. Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, stated he read the contracts and they meet with his approval. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve the juvenile holding contracts, one for intake screening and one for juvenile holding unit. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. A short discussion was held on bridges in Red Cliff. Larry Metternick, County Engineer, requested the Board award the contract for G.A.Western replacement of the Brush Creek Bridge Structure No. EAG-307-06.1. He explained the Brush Crk Rd 404 permit had been acquired and a signed agreement with HBE Corporation for the right Bridge Project of way. Commissioner Welch moved the Board of County Commissioners award the contract for replacement of Brush Creek Bridge Structure No. EAG-307-06.1 to the low bidder, G.A. Western, in the amount of $148,346.25 and authorize the Chairman to sign the contract after the bonds and insurances have been reviewed and approved by the County Attor- ney's office. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. Discussion followed on local contractors. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Metternick presented the bid award of the 1989 pavement marking program. He Contract stated several bids were received and Stripe Wright was the low bidder. There were no Stripe Wright local contractors bidding for this project. Commissioner Gates moved the Board award the 1989 Eagle County centerline marking program to Stripe Wright in the bid amount of $15,998.30. He further moved to autho- rize the Chairman to sign the contract after review by the County Attorney's office. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Jody Caruthers, County Assessor, presented a request for abatement on Schedule No. Abatement 18727, Kenneth and Donald Kriz. She recommended an abated amount be approved in lieu Fri,, Fanneth of a tax credit under Senate Bill 184. Commissioner Welch moved to. approve the petition for abatement of taxes for Kenneth and Donald Kriz, Schedule No. 18727, in the amount of $4,908.73. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, it was determined the assessed value went from $86,000 to $5,600. Commissioner Welch withdrew the motion. Commissioner Gates withdrew the second to the motion. Commissioner Welch moved to table Schedule 18727 to later in the day. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, Ms. Caruthers read a letter into the record regarding the assessed valuation of this property and the mill levy. Question was called for on the motion to table. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a Memorandum of Understanding between the Board of County Memo of Und_r- Commissioners of Pitkin County and the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County standing re regarding the J. Cooke Wilson property, partly located in both counties. He stated J. Cooke Wilson 60% of the property be allocated to Eagle County and 40% of the property to Pitkin pro •ert County. F y James Fritze, County Manager, gave a brief history of this situation. Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Memorandum of Understanding between Eagle and Pitkin Counties concerning the J. Cooke Wilson property which lies in both counties. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers appeared with recalculated figures from the petition for abatement Abatement for Kenneth and Donald Kriz. She stated the correct abatement amount is $4,012.80. Kriz, Kennett: Commissioner Welch moved the petition for abatement of taxes for Kenneth L. and Donald L. Kriz, Schedule No. 18727, be approved for the tax year 1988 in the amount of $4,012.80. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to May 23, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • • • • • • May 15, 1989 yip PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty Don Welch Commissioner Thom Bigler Asst. County Atty George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting with a resolution authorizing the District Res. 89-55 • Attorney for the Fifth Judicial District to keep and control unspent revenue from the Dist. Atty. 1988 budget in the amount of $13,730. Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, explained the resolution for the benefit of the Board. Commissioner Welch moved the Board adopt Resolution 89-55 authorizing the District Attorney for the Fifth Judicial District to keep and control unspent revenue from the 1988 budget in the amount of $13,730. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Bill Kaufman, Eagle County Sheriff's Department, explained the proposed resolution Res. 89-56 regarding Law Enforcement Torch Run Day for Colorado Special Olympics. Torch Run Day Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners adopt and approve Resolution 89-56 declaring May 17, 1989 "Law Enforcement Torch Run Day" for Colorado Special Olympics. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a stipulation for reduction of actual value concerning Cliff- Stl_ on: side Village. stipulationCliffside He stated this requires the Chairman's signature. Cliffside Commissioner Welch moved to authorize the Chairman to sign stipulation for reduc- tion of actual value concerning Western Savings and Loan Cliffside Village. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and recon- vene as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, explained the first renewal application Hargaritaville with a change of ownership for Margaritaville Cafe. He explained the change in owner- Lic. Transfer ship was from a sole proprietorship to a corporation. Mr. Bigler advised there have been no reported incidents during the past year. He stated background checks showed no history of incidents reported by the Sheriff's Office. Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal of a hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours and a trans- fer of license for Restaurant Management Services, dba Margaritaville Cafe. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gustafson stated the next item on the agenda for the Local Liquor Licens- B/C Golf Club ing Authority was Beaver Creek Golf Club Bar and Grill. Manager Change Commissioner Welch declared a possible conflict of interest as he holds a lease from Vail Associates and is an independent contractor in the real estate department for Vail Associates. Chairman Gustafson declared a potential conflict of interest as Vail Associates is owned by George Gillett and he works for an organization partially owned by Mr. Gillett. Mr. Bigler declared the Rule of Necessity must be utilized in this instance. He advised this application from Beaver Creek Golf Club Bar and Grill is a manager change. He stated he has reviewed the file, all fees are paid, and he sees no reason not to approve the application. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve • the change of designated operating manager for the Beaver Creak Golf Club Ear and Grill to Jean Houlihan. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The next item for the Local Liquor Licensing Authority's consideration was an Fireside Inn application from the Fireside Irn. Liq. License Gwendolyn Braatz was sworn to testify by Johnnette Phillips, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. She was questioned by Mr. Bigler regarding the location of the estab- lishment. Commissioner Welch moved to establish the neighborhood as the general vicinity of 17 miles north of the intersection of Highway 131 and 1-70. Commissioner .Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler continued questioning Ms. Braatz regarding prior licenses at this loca- tion, management of the establishment, and the lease with First Bank of Eagle County. He stated the file is in order, all fees are paid and he finds no reasons not to approve the application for a liquor license. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve a new hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours 17 miles north of the intersection of Highway 13 and I-70 at Bond, Colorado. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler introduced the next tavern liquor license with extended hours, Vicki L. St Bridge Lodge Diveley, dba State Bridge Lodge. Vicki L. Diveley was sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips. Liq. License • • Art Abplanalp, attorney for Ms. Diveley, questioned her regarding the application and the location of the proposed establishment. A petition with 114 signatures in favor of the establishment was submitted. Commissioner Gates moved to accept the petition as Exhibit A. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved to establish the neighborhood that has historically been served by the State Bridge Lodge which is the area around State Bridge, Colorado. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve a mew tavern license for Vicki L. Diveley, dba State Bridge Lodge. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mike Bradley, Building and Grounds Supervisor, appeared to discuss the modular Modular Ofc office space bids. Space Bids Discussion followed on the types of buildings and what could be used later. The Board questioned bids and options for each bid. It was determined to request the low bidder, of Space Master, if they will provide all-weather skirting for the modular building. Commissioner Welch moved to give authority to Mike Bradley and Jim Fritze to check with Space Master Building to see if they will supply all weather skirting, accordion wall and stairs for $68,000 and a 45-day delivery time limit. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Jody Caruthers, County Assessor, appeared to discuss a blanket abatements for Abatements: Thomas R. and Janice M. Crider, Nathan Donald and Donna Delphine Gress, Athena Bu_:man, Blanket Dawn P. Scarboro, and Frank L. and Helen M. Martinez. She explained the improved land Various Scheds was entered onto the computer with an incorrect code for tax years 1987 and 1988. She recommended approval of these abatement. Janice Crider asked about interest for these periods. The Board agreed interest should be included in the amount of the abatement. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve the abatements for 1987 for Crider in the amount of $199.45, Gress in the amount of $202.73, Buxman in the amount of $117.03, Scarboro in the amount of $117.03, Rivera in the amount of $117.04, and Marti- nez in the amount of $147.95; for the year 1988 for Crider in the amount of $280.28, for Gress in the amount of $284.71, for Buxman in the amount of $164.03, for Scarboro in the amount of $164.05, for Rivera in the amount of $164.06, and Martinez in the amount of $208.00; the total for 1987 and 1988 is $2,166.36. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Discussion followed on the interest to be rebated. Commissioner Gates moved to pay interest on the abatements previously approved. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented a blanket abatement from Vail Associates. Abatement: Commissioner Welch declared a potential conflict of interest as he holds a lease Vail Asscc. with Vail Associates. Ms. Caruthers explained the stipulation was not adjusted on the computer after approved by the Board of Assessment. She recommended approval. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the blanket abatement for the tax year 1988 for Vail Associates, Inc. due to a clerical error. The abatement is in the amount of $54,367.78. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The next requested abatement was from Vail Building Arts Assoc., Inc. which was Abatements: tabled to today. She recommended approval. Vail Bldg Commissioner Welch moved on Schedule No. 34011, Vail Building Arts Associates, Arts Assoc Ltd., approve a partial abatement in the amount of $4,040. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented an abatement from Vail Building Arts Assoc., schedule No. 34021. Commissioner Welch moved to deny the request for abatement from Vail Building Arts Assoc., Schedule No. 34021. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. James Fritze, County Manager, presented the next item, an addendum to consulting Contract services agreement between the County of Eagle and Charles Willis and Associates, Inc. Charles Willis 1 Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners adopt and and Associate approve the addendum to the consulting services agreement between Eagle County and Charles Willis and Associates, Inc. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Marge Gates appeared to discuss the pre-natal services to doctors and post-natal Agreement patients. VVMC • y Chairman Gustafson asked what the County's expense would be. Mrs. Gates explained the program. Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the letter agreement with Vail Mountain Medical, P.C. for the provision of pre- and post-natal medical services in conjunction with the Eagle County Nursing Services. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared. unanimous. The Boardwill ave direction that the g County support this at this time but finan- cial support in the next budget may not be available. 1111 111 1111 • Le The Board adjourned into executive session to discuss the application of the Eagle R . 39-57 Valley TV Metropolitan District Service Plan. Eagle Valley Chairman Gustafson stated the next item was a resolution regarding the Eagle TV Metro Valley TV Metropolitan District Service Plan. District Mr. Lindahl explained the resolution sets forth factual findings of overlapping metro districts. He reviewed all the findings of the resolution. Commissioner Welch moved the Board adopt Resolution 89-57 approving the Eagle Valley TV Metropolitan District Service Plan. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Bill Smith, Motor Pool Supervisor, appeared to discuss the sale of an Epoke Sand Epoke Sand Spreader to the City of Glenwood Springs in the amount of $2,500. Spreader Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners accept the bid in the amount of $2,500 from the City of Glenwood Springs for Unit =0885, a 1981 Epoke Sand Spreader. This unit is no longer being used by any Eagle County depart- ment. • Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The next item is a letter from Citibank requesting to increase the imprest balance cmp prograi of the CMP Program account from $10,000 to $14,000. Account Commissioner Welch moved the Board authorize the Eagle County Treasurer to direct Increase Citibank to increase Eagle County's Imprest Balance from $10,000 to $14,000. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Rick Beveridge, Events Coordinator, presented three contracts for entertainment at 1989 Fair the Eagle County Fair. He recommended the Board approve the contracts. Contracts Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners approve the contract and addendums regarding concerts by Desert Rose Band and Riders in the Sky for the 1989 Eagle County Fair. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved to approve the contract with the Bar W Rough Stock Inc. for the rodeo at the Eagle County Fair in the amount of $8,200. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to May 22, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 4111411 • 111 May 8, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman James Fritze County Manager Don Welch Commissioner Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson called the meeting to order and explained procedures for the Hearing for hearing and the purpose of the hearing. He stated the Board wants input on moving the Relocation of County Seat from Eagle. He read a news article from the Basalt and El Jebel area County Seat newspaper written by the Mayor of Basalt, Linda Johnson. He explained his problem with the news item. James Fritze, County Manager, read correspondence to the Board of County Commissioners from John Seipel requesting the County Seat remain in Eagle. He read a letter from the Mayor of Vail, Kent Rose, expressing his personal opinion there does not appear to be a ground swell to move the county seat. Linda Johnson, Mayor of Basalt, explained her news report for the Board. Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, gave legal advice on the removal of a county seat. He presented a copy of the Colorado State Statutes regarding offices in the County Seat. He reviewed the opinions of three attorneys, C.C.I. and the Arapaho County Attorney. He reviewed the state statutes regarding an election for the removal of the county seat. He read the opinion of the Colorado State Attorney General and concluded his summary with specific details of the issue of an election of this nature. Chairman Gustafson summarized the findings as follows: 1. According to the Colorado State Attorney General's office, the Board cannot initiate the question of the location of the County Seat to appear on the ballot of the next general election unless the Board has received a petition signed by the majority of the taxpaying electorate of the County. 2. The petition must be signed by 50% of the taxpaying electorate. 3. The ballot's statement must indicate a blank and the voter completes the blank regarding the site of the relocation. 4. Two-thirds majority of the votes is required to move the County Seat to a specific location. Commissioner Gates mentioned the question on the bond election and stated the new administration building is to be constructed in Eagle. The Board would have to declare the bond election void in order not to build the administration building in Eagle. Trevor Bradway, Vail resident, spoke regarding his motivation to move the county seat. He stated his belief of what is best for Eagle County. He requested a study be done for the benefit for the majority of Eagle County citizens concerning the location of the county seat. He read the following statistics: In 1988 the population of Eagle County was 16,778, 2/3 of which are living east of Edwards; in 1993 the projected population of Eagle County is 19,572 with an even greater percentage living in the eastern portion of Eagle County. He stated there are three population centers in Eagle County: El Jebel and Basalt which has 18% of the total population and 10% of the resident taxpayers; Eagle and Gypsum which has 21% of the population and 15% of the resident taxpayers; and Edwards, Minturn, Avon, Vail which has 61% of the population and 75% of the resident taxpayers. He spoke of the recent bond election for the Administration building and county seats in other counties. He gave his opinion on the state statutes regarding moving the county seat and the location. He reiterated he advocates a study to determine the feasibility to move the county seat. Commissioner Welch questioned Mr. Bradway on the practical reasons he sees to move the county seat. Mr. Bradway replied there would be substantial savings due to less travel time and the convenience to the population center. Commissioner Welch asked if a satellite office would accomplish the same thing. Mr. Bradway stated this would help in addition to toll free telephone lines, although he still advocates a study for the reloction of the county seat. Mr. Lindahl made a statement regarding some of' the points made by Mr. Bradway and cited various state statutes. Mike Cacioppo spoke of no ground swell of support in the eastern end of Eagle County. He spoke in favor of an annex office and asked the Board to make a commitment for a satellite office. The Board explained the possibilities of a satellite office. Laurene Knupp, Eagle resident, spoke against moving the county seat. She mentioned several things to consider before making a decision to relocate the county seat. Bob Mayne, Gypsum resident, spoke regarding the move of county seat and he favored moving the county seat west. Dale Grant, Basalt resident, pointed out the recent election is a mandate as to what the Board should do. He objected to a study. Noel Belcher spoke regarding his support for a satellite system and toll free telephone areas. He asked for cost-reasonable alternatives. Virginia Rose spoke in opposition to move the county seat from Eagle. Michael Baer, Basalt resident, made points regarding relocating the county seat. He spoke of the need of a survey. He questioned the number of times a citizen must make a trip to the county seat. Allan Nottingham spoke in opposition of a relocation and a study. He mentioned other outlying areas of equal distance from Eagle. He supported an annex in the eastern end of the valley. Tom Harned, representing the Eagle Valley Chamber of Commerce, spoke against relocating the county seat. He read the resolution adopted by the Eagle Valley Chamber of Commerce. 1111 th9 Floyd Crawford, El Jebel resident, spoke in support of maintaining the county seat in the Town of Eagle. He added his support to the Board of County Commissioners for holding meetings in the Basalt/E1 Jebel area. Chairman Gustafson announced the schedule of Board visits to the Basalt/E1 Jebel area. Tom Luby, Eagle native, suggested a separate county for the eastern end of Eagle County. Linda Johnson, Mayor of the Town of Basalt, spoke regarding the 50% of the taxpaying registered voters. She spoke of problems in Pitkin County of having the county seat, the main town, and concentrated recreation activity in the same place. Chairman Gustafson asked about the number of recent building permits in Basalt. Sid Fox, Acting Director of Community Development, replied there was a significant number of permits issued. Jerry Craghead, representing the Town of Eagle, stated he could see no reason for a study to move the county seat. He stated the Town of Eagle's desire to have the county seat remain in Eagle. Commissioner Welch announced he was not in favor of a study to move the county seat. Commissioner Gates stated he was against funding a study and believes the money could be spent more wisely elsewhere. Chairman Gustafson stated his belief that Eagle County itself can gather any information necessary to complete a study. He spoke of the issue of a satellite office and the costs involved for a study. He added his support to Commissioner Welch and Commissioner Gates opinions that there is no need for a study to relocate the county seat. Chairman Gustafson opened the afternoon session of the meeting with the first item on the agenda, abatements. Jody Caruthers, County Assessor, presented an abatement on Schedule F#10852 for Abatement Bernard A. and Virginia M. Steinhilpert. She recommended denial of this request for Steinhilpert, E abatement as the valuation was not protested in 1987 or 1988. This tract was valued during prior years at same value as surrounding lots indicating no problem relating to question of whether the lot is buildable. She stated smaller lots closer to 1-70 in the same area have been built on. Bernard Steinhilpert stated he realized an error was made in not protesting more timely. He presented arguments to support his beliefs his taxes should be abated. Commissioner Welch moved the petition of Bernard A. Steinhilpert and Virginia M. Steinhilpert for abatement/refund of taxes for Schedule No. 10852 be denied for the tax year 1987. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented a request for abatement on Schedule No. 34012, Vail Abatement Building Arts Associates, Inc. Vail Bldg Les Shapiro, partner of Vail Building Arts Associates, Inc. advised the Board he Art. Assoc would accept the recommendation of Ms. Caruthers on Schedule No. 34012. Ms. Caruthers explained the change was made from special purpose to warehouse/ storage and the abatement would be in the amount of $1,465.75. Commissioner Gates moved to approve Schedule No. 34012 to abate taxes in the amount of $1,465.75 for Vail Building Arts Associates, Inc. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented a request for abatement on Schedule No. 34011, Mountain Abatement Center Condo. Building Bl. She recommended denial of this request. She stated Unit Mtn Ctr Condo B1 is finished office space and the difference of value is due to use and finish. Mr. Shapiro stated he did not receive a Notice of Valuation. He further reviewed reasons to approve the request for abatement. Discussion followed on the difference of valuation to like properties. The Board determined to have the Assessor's office check the calculations of Schedule No. 34011 and 34021. Commissioner Welch moved on Schedule No. 34011 and 34021 to table these requests to May 15, 1989 at 1:30 p.m. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented Schedule 13258, a reqUest for abatement from Mount of the Abatement Holy Cross Lutheran Church. She recommended denial of this request as the total Holy Cross taxable portion of property was added to this schedule per stipulation from the County Lutheran Church Board of Equalization instead of Schedule No. 13257. This correction was done on February 17, 1989 by Notice of Correction to the County Treasurer. Any amount in excess of $16,000 assessed is taxable on parsonages according to CRS 39-3-102. Art Abplanalp, attorney for the Lutheran Church, gave a chronology of the problem with the. taxes. Commissioner Gates moved to waive the interest, penalties and publication costs on Schedule No. 13258. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved to deny the request for abatement on Schedule No. 13258. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The next item on the agenda was a request for abatement from Jerry Singletree. Abatement Commissioner Gates relayed his telephone conversation with Mr. Singletree. Singletree, J. Ms. Caruthers recommended denial of Schedule No. 17038 as the property is consistent with all other properties in the neighborhood. Commissioner Welch moved to deny the request for abatement from Jerry Singletree, Schedule No. 17038. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. • cf�5 Chairman Gustafson was not present for the remainder of the meeting. Chairman Pro-tem Welch stated the next item was a Case Management Agency Contract Contract-Case for Recertification - Social Services. James Fritze, Acting Director of Social Services, presented a contract between Mgmt Agency Eagle County Department of Social Services and the State Department of Social Services regarding Case Management Agency. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Case Management Agency Contract with the State Department of Social Services for fiscal year 1989-1990. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze presented a Certificate of Appreciation to the National Guard Company F 131st Aviation Battalion from Birmingham, Alabama, to be signed by the Chairman. Cart of Apprec Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the Certificate of Ala Nati Guard Appreciation as presented by Mr. Fritze. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Erik Edeen, Environmental Health Officer, made a presentation on ground water monitoring of Milk Creek. He stated the cost is $3,600 and is reimbursable 100% from Ground Water the Army Corps of Engineers. These costs are to drill and monitor the water level. Monitoring Chairman Pro-tem Welch asked what the County will gain by this monitoring. Milk Creek Mr. Edeen stated EPA has been asking for additional monitoring and documentation for measuring ground water. Commissioner Gates moved, on the Ground Water Monitoring of Milk Creek, to approve the contract contingency upon receiving a contract from the Army Corps of Engineers and the funds are 100% reimbursable. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Discussion followed on appropriating money and which budget the funds will come from to cover costs until the reimbursment from the Corps of Engineers is received. Mr. Fox presented a resolution regarding the zone district amendment from resource to rural residential for the D.L. Grant Subdivision Commissioner Gates moved to adopt Resolution 89-54 authorizing the zone district Res. 89-54 amendment, File ZC-228-89. D.L. Grant Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented a Subdivision Offsite Improvements Agreement for D.L. Grant which needs the Chairman's signature. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman be authorized to sign the SIA Subdivision Offsite Improvements Agreement. D.L. Grant Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Don Fessler, Road and Bridge Supervisor, presented a change order in the amount of $16,495.20 to the 1989 Eagle County Chip and Seal Contract in the amount. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve Change Order No. 1 to the 1989 Eagle Change Order County Chip and Seal program contract, increasing the contract amount from $311,174.15 1989 Chip & to $327,669.35. The amount of the change order is $16,495.20. Seal Contract Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to May 15, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • • I • L/16 May 2, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman James Fritze County Manager Don Welch Commissioner Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting for the Eagle Valley TV Service Plan Eagle Valley relating the reasons for the meeting and the procedures for speaking at the hearing. TV Service Plan He recapped the prior hearing for those present. Mike Cacioppo spoke concerning facts as the Town of Vail is not in opposition. John Dunn submitted an agreement marked Exhibit A between Berry Creek Metro District and Heritage Cable Television. He presented 400 cards "strongly supporting" a public vote for the TV translator. He requested these cards be marked Exhibit B. Commissioner Gates moved to admit Exhibit A and Exhibit B, as presented by Mr. Dunn, into the record. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. In discussion, Mike Metcalf explained the cards. He demonstrated the antennas for illustration on what would be needed for T.V. reception. James Fritze, County Manager, presented additional letters for and against the translator from Hubert Plant of Avon, residents of the Town of Eagle, Cindy and Kevin Lacae, Donald Joseph, members of the Fenno family, Jim Collins attorney for Talisman Association, Dan Corcoran, Gary Feucht, Kevin Jones, Richard Carnes and Cynthia Stites. Jay Peterson, representing Heritage Cable Television, reserved comments until the general public speaks. Johnnette Phillips swore in all people who have signed up to give testimony. Glen Ewing, representing the Town of Eagle, spoke in favor of the Special District for the TV translator. He asked the Board to put this to a public vote. Mike Cacioppo spoke regarding contradiction he heard on K-Lite radio on remarks made by the radio station. He reiterated the Town of Vail had withdrawn their letter of opposition to the translator system. He reminded the Board of their concerns and statements made by the Board of County Commissioners and opponents of the translator system who have stated there should be a vote. He asked the Board to grant the right to an election. Michael Sanner, resident of Avon, spoke in favor of the TV translator system. John Martinez, Minturn resident, spoke for the senior citizens of Minturn and Red Cliff and stated they are in favor of this special district. Sally Metcalf spoke requesting the Board allow the people to vote on the translator system. She spoke of the 200 residents of Eagle County who support the Eagle Valley TV System. Mike Metcalf made a statement for the Eagle area seniors who are in favor of the TV translator. Jay Peterson read a letter from Dan Corcoran opposed to the special district and to the increase in taxes for the translator. Jim Clark, Board of Directors of the Arrowhead Metro District, read a letter from James P. Collins, attorney representing Beaver Creek Metro District, Berry Creek Metro District and Arrowhead Metro District. He stated Mr. Collins requested his clients be excluded from this special district. He read from Mr. Collins' letter who expressed his belief on overlapping districts. Bill Perkins, president of the Television Board, complained of the remarks by Mike Cacioppo and spoke of what bothered him about forming a television district. He urged the Board not to bring this to a vote. Ken Sortland spoke in favor of the TV translator system and expressed his belief of the need for television for everyone. Commissioner Welch asked Mr. Sortland what he felt should be provided by the government. Mr. Sortland replied the government should serve where ever there is a need and if they can provide a service at a lower cost than private enterprise. Mr. Dunn read into the record a letter in favor of the TV district from Cynthia Stites, a letter in favor from Richard Carnes, an article from the Denver Post regarding free TV. He advised the Board of 636 signatures on the petition in favor of the TV system. He continued his testimony for the formation of a TV district pointing out his beliefs on exclusion from the District, the need for a TV translator system. He requested the Board approve without condition the TV translator system. Commissioner Gates asked about exclusion for religious reasons. Mr. Dunnreplied exclusions religious reasons are not in the best interest of all the District. Jay Peterson addressed the Colorado State Statutes regarding overlapping districts. He spoke of taxes of special districts and services to be provided by the TV district. He pointed out his problems with costs of taxes. Chairman Gustafson asked the TV licenses and if they will expire. Mike Metcalf stated there are numerous licenses that will be transferred into the new district. He added some will be lost if no district is formed. Discussion continued on leases and maintenance contracts for the TV district, proposed channels and costs for equipment and maintenance, operational and administrative costs. 410 411 Mr. Fritze stated there were indications the service plan was amended and he requested those amendments. He advised there were twelve individual petitions for exclusion from the proposed district. He read the petition from John P. Sternig requesting exclusion from the special district for property located at 977 Highway 6 and 24. Commissioner Gates moved to exclude the property owned by John P. Sternig in Gypsum. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze presented a request for exclusion from Gary and Linda Feucht for property at 15440 Highway 6 and at 710 Castle Drive, Block 39, Lot 2. Commissioner Gates moved to exclude the property owned by Gary and Linda Feucht from the special district. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Discussion followed on the Board excluding properties from the special district. Mr. Fritze presented a petition by Norman and Barbara Gustafson regarding their property at 705 Valley Road nl1, Gypsum. Commissioner Gates moved to exclude from the district the property owned by Norman and Barbara Gustafson. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze presented a petition from Austin and Annie Gibbons regarding their property located in the Bertroch Subdivision. Commissioner Gates moved to exclude from the district the property owned by Austin and Annie Gibbons. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze presented a petition to exclude from the special district property owned by Bill and Charlotte Jordan located at 127 Park Street, Gypsum. Commissioner Gates moved to exclude from the district the property owned by Bill and Charlotte Jordan. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze presented a petition for exclusion from Purley Bertroch regarding property in the Bertroch Subdivision. Commissioner Gates moved to exclude from the district the property owned by Purley Bertroch. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous; Mr. Fritze presented a petition for exclusion from Antonius Van Beek for his property located at 255 Park Street, Gypsum. Commissioner Gates moved to exclude from the district the property owned by Antonius Van Beek. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze presented a request for exclusion from Leonard and Marie Sinclair for property located at 231 Cedar Drive, Gypsum. Commissioner Gates moved to exclude from the district the property owned by Leonard and Marie Sinclair. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze presented a request from Chris and Virginia Leniger for property located at 507 Park View Lane, Gypsum. Commissioner Gates moved to exclude from the district the property owned by Chris and Virginia Leniger. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze presented a petition for exclusion from Laverne Mitchell for property located at 90 Delany Court, Gypsum. The petition did not specify this property would not receive a transmitted signal. Commissioner Gates moved to exclude from the district the property owned by Laverne Mitchell. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. In discussion, Commissioner Welch stated if she was going to receive the signal is not clear. Question was called for on the motion. The vote passed two votes to one with Commissioner Welch voting no. Mr. Fritze presented a petition for exclusion from A.L. Roubidoux at 778 Valley Road, Gypsum. Commissioner Gates moved to exclude from the district the property owned by A.L. Roubidoux. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze presented a petition for exclusion from the district from Gary and Carol Walker for property located at 607 Price Lane, Gypsum. Commissioner Gates moved to exclude from the district the property owned by Gary and Carol Walker. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze mentioned a letter from the Town of Vail in which they withdrew their request to be excluded from the special district. Commissioner Gates mentioned the property owners who are excluded cannot vote in the special election. Commissioner Welch moved the Board direct its counsel to draft for consideration a resolution approving the Eagle Valley TV Metropolitan District Service Plan, but subject to the following: 1. That the valuation of the service plan not be reduced by greater than 10% by withdrawal of property from the plan by the proponent, including withdrawal by the Town of Vail after election, or by action of the district court excluding property or districts on legal or equitable grounds; or 2. That the procedure for exclusion of properties not receiving service within three years included within the service plan not be found contrary to law by a court of competent jurisdiction. 4111 1111 In either such event, the service plan shall be deemed different from that approved by the Board and shall require a new hearing and approval of a new service plan prior to further action. He further moved the Board consider the draft resolution at its meeting schedule May 15, 1989 at 3:30 p.m. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, John Dunn asked the Board to eliminate the reduction of valuation by 10%. Chairman Gustafson stated the Board believes the voters should have a service plan they are familiar with. Mike Metcalf asked the Board to change the reduction in valuation from 10% to 20%. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to May 8, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman I 1110 ! ! O . 31'' May 1, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: pick Gustafson Chairman Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty Don Welch Commissioner Thom Bigler Asst. County Atty George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following bills were examined, approved and warrants drawn upon the proper funds in payment thereof: GENERAL FUND AAA PROCESS SERVERS 15161/PARISH 0.40 ALLPRO FORMS INCORPORATED NOTICE DETERMINATION 794.57 ALLEN GAIL R ELECTION JUDGE 88.20 ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL RABIES REIM 93.25 AMERICAN CREDIT COMP 15065/GALNO 10.00 ANDERSON JAMES G 15212/CASTLE 10.03 ANIMAL HOSPITAL HIGH COUNTRY RABIES VACC/REIM 11.00 ANIMAL HOSPITAL OF VAIL VALLEY VACCINATION REIM 855.00 ARAGON EMMA ELECTION JUDGE 74.00 ARCNOWITZ HELGESON AND PEARSON 15047/PENTOWSKI /0.30 ARROW GAS COMPANY GAS/LANDFILL 75.60 AT AND T 00069142529 65.31 AT AND T 949-4292 26.25 AVON BEAVER CREEK TIMES JOB ADV 455.00 AVON BEAVER CREEK TIMES PUBLIC HEAR NOTICE 45.00 AVON TOWN OF 2ND QTR NURSING CONT 1,136.10 AVON TOWN OF CHARGES/COPIES 84.45 BAKER GUSSIE ELECTION JUDGE 72.20 BALLARD SPAHR ANDREWS BOND ELECTION/SERVICE 1,993.25 BANCROFT WHITNEY COMPANY BOOKS 187.25 BARTS FORD AND CONOCO INC 15157/GUTIERREZ 15.00 BASALT SA2dITATION DISTRICT 206702/SANITATION 69.90 BASALT TOWN OF 6701/WATER 48.00 BEASLEY RUTH CANVAS BOARD/ELECTION 35.00 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS FOOD 122.44 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS DISTILLED WATER 10.06 BEAVER FRAMING INCORPORATED COMM/CERT FRAMING 149.36 BEEP WEST INCORPORATED RENTAL FEE/PAGER 30.00 BEST TANNY ELECTION JUDGE 35.00 BEST WESTERN EAGLE LODGE LODGE/BLACK 307.12 BEST WESTERN EAGLE LODGE LODGE/BLACK 331.11 BEVERIDGE RICK TRAVEL 55.63 BINDLEY ELLA ELECTION JUDGE 60.00 BISHOPS TRASH SERVICE CCM0048 34.00 BLACK ALLEN TRAVEL 338.10 BLACK ALLEN TRAVEL 339.00 B ANCHARD RUTH r 15028/RAW 10.00 BOB BARKER COMPANY INMATE SUPPLIES 183.90 BOB BARKER COMPANY INMATE SUPPLIES 50.77 BOISCLAIR JAMES B 15217/VASQUEZ 12.90 BOTTOMLEY JAMES ELECTION JUDGE 74.00 BOULDER COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY 5 CAACO-MEMBERSHIPS 120.00 BOYD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY TIRE/BRACKET/SEAT 316.90 BRENT SERVICE REPAIR ELEC/BSMG 118.96 BiRIGHT JACK ELECTION JUDGE 84.00 BROWN DOUGLAS W 15160/PATTERSON 10.03 BROWNLEE SANDY PO BOX RENT 12.00 BRUNO BRUNO AND COLIN PC 15172/EBELING 10.00 BRUSH CREEK LINEN BLANKETS/SNOW STORM 151.50 BRYANT ROBYN RECRUITING EXPENSES 500.00 BUCHOLTZ BULL AND EWING 15201/MCCARTNEY 6.55 BUFFALOS CAKE/MABEL RISCH 16.50 BUNIGER ROXANNE 15147/ADAYDER 12.40 BUSINESS CLUB COPY PAPER 413.70 BUTTERS SHARON MEALS 21.52 CAMERA SHOP AT CROSSROADS THE FILM PROCESSING 15.72 CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS STRIPED 105 X 148MM 486.1E CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS TONER/DUPLICATE PAPER 559.71 CARMONY MARGARET ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 • CARSTENS HEALTH INDUSTIRES RECORD GUARDS 13.71 CASTLE PEAK VETERINARY SERVICE VET SERVICES 280.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/GENERAL 4,606.19 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/GENERAL 4,332.50 CENTER DRUGS FILM PROCESSING 71.71 CENTER DRUGS FILM PROCESSING 11.37 • CF HOECKEL COMPANY RECORD CARDS AR211A 131.16 CHENEY CATHERINE ELECTION JUDGE 75.00 CLARION HOTEL LODGE 204.00 CLASSIC FRIENDSHIP INN LODGE/MEALS 102.56 CLAUSEN ALAN 15099/PAUL 2.50 CLEM WILLIAM SERVICES/DEC 88 100.00 RECEIVED MAY 3 i 1989 EAGLE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT • i • • 31 7 CLERK OF COUNTY COURT 521292317/JOHNSON 119.50 CLERK OF THE COUNTY COURT CASE NO.89C00814 89.59 CLUB TWENTY ANNUAL DUES 1,250.00 CO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE RECERTIFICATION 50.00 COCA COLA SNACK AND BEVERAGE BOTTLED WATER SERV. 13.50 COCA COLA SNACK AND BEVERAGE BOTTLED WATER 30.60 CODEL ENG/COMM DEV-RENT 2,084.00 COGSWELL AND WEHRLE 15129/GREEN 4.00 COGSWELL AND WEHRLE 15225/MATTIO 3.33 COLLEGE OF FORESTRY AND 2ND QTR CONTRIBUTION 375.00 COLORADO AVALANCHE INFORMATION 2ND QTR CONTRIBUTION 750.00 COLORADO BADGE AND TROPHY LAPEL PINS 56.12 COLORADO COUNTY ATTORNEYS REGISTRATION FEE 120.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF LABOR UNEMPLOYEMENT INS 992.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL 5,969,74 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL 5,510.93 COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE TRAINING 116.00 COLORADO STATE PATROL 2ND QTR CONTPRIBUTION 3,125.00 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY TRAINING/CAACO 266.00 COLORADO WEST PROFESSIONAL 2ND QTR CONTRIBUTION 4,500.00 COLORADO WEST RECOVERY CENTER 2ND QTR CONTRIBUTION 2,500.00 COMMISSION ON ACCREDITATION ACCREDIATION PIG 100.00 CONLEY BERNICE J NACRC TREAS NACRC DUES 135.00 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS PREM./3-89 17,349.43 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS PREM/APRIL 17,478.66 COOPER CHARLIE MEALS 12.78 COUNTY SHERIFFS OF COLORADO PATROL SCHOOL 931.25 CRAWFORD FLOYD 2ND QTR OFFICE PENT 1,472.52 CREDIT BUREAU GRAND JUNCTION 15038/SCOTT 2.50 CREDIT BUREAU GRAND JUNCTION 15243/GAL LEGOS 7.53 CREDIT BUREAU OF GUNNISON 15074/MARTINEZ 53.00 CREDIT BUREAU OF GUNNISON 15205/CASIAS 19.50 CREDIT BUREAU OF GUNNISON 15230/PACHEO 7.50 CREDIT BUREAU OF LEADVILLE 14895/SANDOVAL L.0, CURNUTTE JIM REGISTRATION FEE 50.00 D AND M ADJUSTMENT COMPANY 15083/CALLAHAN 10.03 D AND M ADJUSTMENT COMPANY 15218/PRINTERY 67.42 D B LUNDHOLM CONTRACTORS REMODELS 8,045.51 DARIEN MARGARET ELECTION JUDGE 75.33 DARRAH CHARLES 150721 E%.RS 10.00 DATA FILMS INC FMRP FUJI PAPER 133.66. DAVENPORT HELEN ELECTION JUDGE 81.30 DELANEY AND BALCOMB PC 15198/DALBA 10.00 DENVER POST THE ADV/EMPLOYMENT 111.2E DENVER POST THE ADV/DIR SOCIAL SERV. 210.52 DENVER POST THE ADV 62.53 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCH COSTS 1,830.91 DESCO STEEL HINGE/DET CTR 77.91 DEWELL RUTH ELECTION JUDGE 75.00' DIAMOND SOFTWARE SUPPLY READY-RUN INVENTORY €6.32 DISTRICT ATTORNEYS OFFICE 2ND QTR/GOVT SUPPORT 53,900. 0 DITTEMIRE RICHARD 15134/ALVENDO 20.3 DOLL STARR C ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 DOMENICO PATTY ELECTION JUDGE 70.03 DUGGAN GARY PURCHASE OF SERVICES 103.00 DUGG N GARY PURCHASED SERVICES 10E.03 DURHAM GARNETTA ELECTION JUDGE 89.20 DUROUX ALMELA COORD REIM/MAR 89 15.00 EAGLE AUTO PARTS PEN OIL 6.65 EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER REIM/POSTAGE 23.60 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS SUPPORT PROGRAM 206.25 ' EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS BACKUP TAPE 30.45 EAGLE COUNTY CRIME STOPPERS 2ND QTR CONTRIBUTION 125.00 EAGLE COUNTY NURSING SERVICE POSTAGE 15.30 EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT REIMS./GAS SERVICE 12£_55 EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT REIMB./ELEC.0 SOCIAL SER. 111.38 EAGLE COUNTY SHERIFF SERVICE/TURF FARM 15.40 EAGLE COUNTY SOIL CONSERVATION 89 NEWS LETTER ADV 40.00 EAGLE PHARMACY OFFICE SUPPLIES 72.72 EAGLE PHARMACY SUPPLIES 52'9.6.6 EAGLE SANITATION DISTRICT SANITATION 903.00 EAGLE TOWN OF SERVICES/R&B 600.75 EAGLE TOWN OF SERVICES/308 BRDWY 136.00 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE AFFIDAVIT 13623 57.07 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE ADV/BILL SCHEDULE 887.77 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE 13612/ABV 324.00 EAGLE VALLEY YOUTH TASK 2ND QTR CONTRIBUTION 125.00 EARL E LINDBLOOM PHOTOGRAPHY PROOFS/ANNUAL REPORT 60.00 EASTMAN INCORPORATED OFFICE SUPPLIES 38.09 EDUCALC MAIL STORE CALCULATOR 63.95 EKREM CHRIS ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 ELECTION ADMINISTRATION REPORT SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 127.03 EMBLEM ENTERPRISES SHIPPING CHARGES 4..26 EMERSON ROBERT 15119/CHAMBERS 10.33 ENGINEERING BULLETIN BOARD ANNUAL REGISTRATION 75.03 , , • 4111 III 4111 yo° EVES PRINT SHOP 1000 CERTIFICATES 184.65 FARMER BROTHERS COFFEE AND SUPPLIES 181.62 FARMER BROTHERS COFFEE SUPPLIES 57.50 FAST TRACK THE SUBSCRIPTIONS 119.43 FEDERAL EXPRESS EXPRESS/ELECTION INF. 14.30 FEDERAL EXPRESS OVERNIGHT LETTER 11.02 FEDRIZZI GERALD J DMD PC INMATE DENTAL 65. FENDER RUTH A ELECTION JUDGE 60.00 FERRELLGAS PROPANE SERVICE 118.50 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/MAR 89 52,23E_2S FIRST BANK Cr EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 43,381.12 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED D TAX/GENERAL 29,190.22 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/GENERAL 39,025.05 FIRST INTERSTATE BANK 15114/CONGIORANELLI • 3.23 FOX SIDNEY N MEALS 151.37 FRENCH WEST WOOD AND BROWN PC 15184/DAVIS 0.22 FRESQUEZ BARBARA ELECTION JUDGE " 94.22 FRITZE JAMES R FILM/CARD 2.24 GARCIA FRED ELECTION JUDGE 85.52 GARFIELD YOUTH SERVICE 2ND QTR CONTRIBUTION 250.00 GATES GEORGE A 516 MILES/GATES 102.20 GENERAL INFORMATION DIRECTORY 53.9J5 J.. r GENERAL INFORMATION 89 DIRECTORY 53.5` GIRSH AND ROTTMAN 15064/RAW 13.00 GLOVER LINDA ELECTION JUDGE 35.00 GLYNN KATHLEEN TRAVEL 145.60 GONZALES DOLORES ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 GOODALE OLIVE ELECTION JUDGE 74.30 GORDCNS TRAINING 95.19 GRANT ALOHA = ELECTION JUDGE 70.C GREEN CLAIRE H 15215/HENDERSON 15.80 GREENGA D AND SETTER LEGAL SERVICES 2,246.32 GROSSENBACH SHARON W 14847/KENNONEN C.40 GS EDWARDS REPAIRS 1,153.13 rGUSTAFSON RICHARD TRAVEL 258.30 HECKMAN BRETT 15203/FOYT 7.50 HECKMAN BRETT 15252/MARTINEZ 7.50 HIGGINS HAZEL MEALS 1.1.75 HL MOORE INMATE SUPPLIES 52.10 HOBBS BETTIE 280 MILES/HOBBS 222.63 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 215013900 4.64 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 318105100 179.93 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC METER #11754 79.04 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 111013300 4,834.93 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 111012600 562.31 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY FLOOR PADS 255.22 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE TUITION/TRAINING . 458.12 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE OFFICE SUPPLIES 73.07 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE OFFICE SUPPLIES 40.50 ICMA SOFTWARE REF GUIDE 45.75 IIMC ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL REGIST./IIMC CONF. 366.33 IN TOUCH COMMUNICATIONS INC MOBILE PHONE 21.14 INMAC SURGE PROTECTORS 490.57 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF 89 MEMBERSHIP 80.03 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STUDY GUIDES 276.10 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MAINT/TYPEWRITER 139.00 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE BLDG CODE BOOKS 220.00 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP 65.00 J GARLIU COMMERCIAL FURNISHING ALLSTEEL EQUIP 140.00 JACOB RUTH ELECTION JUDGE 83.20 JACQUELINE SCHLEGEL ELECTION JUDGE 136.83 JAYS EQUIPMENT COMPANY PREV MAINT/5600 MAIL 222.00 JD PEARSON 15138/MYERS 10.00 JD PEARSON SHERIFF SALE PROCEEDS 1,637.72 JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING MAINTENANCE/JC 333.00 JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING MAINT/JC 2,387.59 JOHNSON AJ SPECIAL OPERATIONS 5,002.00 JOHNSON JEAN ABSENTEE JUDGE 60.00 JOST THOMAS DDS INMATE MEDICAL 490.00 JT LOCK ON WHEELS 15092/VALASQUEZ 0.10 KELLING NORTHCROSS NOBRIGA INC SLIDES/BOND PRESENT. 1,443.83 KETCH ALL COMPANY CATCH POLE REPAIR 70.08 KLEIN MARILYN ELECTION JUDGE 60_00 KLUMP LIGHTINGS AND KITCHENS LIGHT 31.99 KOHRMANN BOB TRAINING/TRAVEL 209.17 KRUEGER CELINE ELECTION JUDGE 60.00 LARSEN VELMA CANVAS BOARD/ELECTION 35.00 LAWLER PHYLLIS ELECTION JUDGE 60.00 LEAVENWORTH LOCHHEAD AND CO SPRINGS APPLICATION 122.50 LECHNER NANCY E 15254/FROYLAM 2.80 LINDAHL KEVIN MEALS/LINDAHL 6.86 LK SURVEY INSTRUMENTS COPY PAPER/XEROX 213.79 LOUISE BALDRIDGE LODGE/LINDAHL 450.00 M EDWARD BURNS JUNIOR 15107/DENNIS 10.00 MARTINEZ JANITORIAL JANIT. SERV./MARCH 6,545.00 • • • • • MCCOLLUM PATRICIA MEALS 5.75 MCHUGH JAN EDUCATIONAL FILM 17.00 MEINEKE DONNA MILEAGE/TRAVEL 320.88 MERRICK LYN LODGE/MEALS 122.57 METCALF SALLY J ABSENTEE JUDGE 60.00 METTERNICK LARRY MEALS 34.55 MID VALLEY ECONOMIC 2ND QTR CONTRIBUTION 1,250.00 MID VALLEY KENNELS MID VALLEY SHELTER/AP 700.00 MILLER MAKKAI AND DOWDLE 15204.HERBENFELDER 10.00 MONTOYA ANDREW R LODGE/MEALS 442.92 MOORE BUSINESS PRODUCTS PRINTOUT PAPER 218.00 MORTER ARCHITECTS ARCH SERVICES/MAC. 1,585.99 MOTOR POOL FUND MP CHARGES 18,429.76 MOTOR POOL FUND MP CHARGES 57.84 MOTOROLA INCORPORATED RADIO REPAIR 65.00 MOTT SUE ELECTION JUDGE • 70.30 MOUNTAIN BELL SHERIFF SUE STATION 30.00 MOUNTAIN MICROFILM MAP/PLAT FICHE PROC. 87.00• MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION RADIO BATTERY CHECK 215.50 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION SLIDE PROJ LAMP 45.00 MOUNTAIN SIGN SYSTEM EOCC NAME PLATES 160.70 MOUNTAIN STATES EMPLOYERS REG/JACKSON 135.00 MOUNTAIN STATES EMPLOYERS TRAINING 45.00 MOUNTAIN TOP MANAGEMENT RADIO RENTAL/FEB MAR 200.00 MOUNTAIN VALLEY DEVELOPMENTAL 2ND QTR CONTRIBUTION 3,000.00 HACO CONFERENCE CENTER ADV/NACO REGISTRATION 195.00 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER PRINTER MAINTENANCE 55.33 NATIONAL COLLEGE OF DISTRICT SEMINAR/LINDAHL 450.00 NATIONAL SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP DUES 50.00 NELSON FORREST ELECTION JUDGE 89.00 NELSON FREDERICK J CAR RENTAL 77.70 HIEDZIELA JAN ELECTION JUDGE 70.03 NOLAN NINA COORD REIM 15.00 NORMAN PATRICIA ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 NORTHWEST COLORADO COUNCIL OF 2ND QTR CONTRIBUTION 12,220.75 NORTHWEST LEGAL SERVICE 2ND QTR CONTRIBUTION 250.0; NOTTINGHAM NANCY ELECTION JUDGE 89.00 OREILLY BRIAN 15049/CLEVELAND 11.60 OREILLY BRIAN 15169/SCHLEPER 10.00 ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY PEST CONTROL/JC 98.00 ORTEN HINDMAN 15135/SKINNER 4.10 OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY SERVICE DOORS 8 J.C. 132.00 PACHECO MARY ANN 15197/LUJAN 10.00 PACIFIC TELECOM 328-7514 2,448.91 PACIFIC TELECOM 328-9912 4,075.05 PACIFIC TELECOM 085-0019 2,068.88 PACIFIC TELECOM 328-6444 1,204.25 PACIFIC TELECOM 085-0022 156.44 PAR ASSOCIATES MAINTENANCE 643.00 PENNY SAVER MEDICAL SUPPLY NIGHT DRAIN BAGS 37.60 PETRE AND PETRE 15086/WALKER 22.20 PHILLIPS JOHNNETTE TRAVEL/PHILLIPS 113.83 PHILLIPS JOHNNETTE MILEAGE 136.00 PHILLIPS JOHNNETTE MEALS/ADVANCE 360.00 PITNEY BOWES COPIER MAINTENANCE 490.08 PITNEY BOWES RATE PROM/POST SCALE 123.00 PITNEY BOWES COPIER SUPPLIES 442.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE/METER/MAR 89 9,500.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE/BASALT 100.00 PREFERRED OFFICE PRODUCTS INDEX SHEETS 12.24 PREFERRED OFFICE PRODUCTS OFFICE SUPPLIES 65.41 PRENTICE HALL INCORPORATED SURVEYING BOOK 42.35 PRENTICE HALL INCORPORATED FACTOMATIC BOOK 56.99 PRIME COMPUTER INCORPORATED MAINT CONTRACT 3,119.60 PRINTERY AT VAIL REVIEW FORMS 252.00 PTL ELECTRIC ELECTRIC/JC 209.36 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPLY COMPANY ELECTRONIC BOX LAMP 167.31 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPLY COMPANY EQUIPMENT 571.61 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPLY COMPANY ROTATION MODULES 151.00 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY SERVICES/DWD JCT 254.69 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 6066847661040017 75.37 QUEALY STARLA SR HORSEBOWL SHIRTS 61.13 QUEALY STARTA TRAVEL 20.65 RAYMOND THE PRINTER DIR CARDS (2500) 245.85 REGIS COLLEGE TRAINING TUITION 1,260.00 REMSBECKER MILDRED ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 RENZELMAN JANET DEVELOPMENT FILM 10.52 REUBENS RESTAURANT INMATE MEALS 11,591.52 RICCI JOSEPH M 15232/COLE 7.60 RICHARD YOUNG PRODUCTS OF PRINTER RIBBONS 860.99 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND LABOR/EQUIPMENT 2,508.47 ROARING FORK TRANSIT AGENCY 2ND QTR CONTRIBUTION 5,250.00 ROBIN PATRICIA 15255/DYKE 10.00 ROCCO LORIE TRAVEL 10.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS 332940110520.1 2,277.43 • III 1111 • q ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS 3329401068002 3,620.91 ROPIR CABLEVISION ECCS CABLE TV SERVICE 31.45 SACHSLAWLOR RUBBER STAMPS 28.20 SCHIPPER SARAH PHN MEALS 90.30 • SCHLEGEL MARY E ELECTION JUDGE 91.80 SCHMIDT CECELIA TRAVEL 22.00 SCHMIDT ELOISE COORDINATOR REIM. 15.00 SCHWARTZ DEAN 14908/DAVIS 10.00 SHAPIRO MAUREEN ELECTION JUDGE 60.00 SHAW BONNIE MAIL BAG 30.00 SHEARER ELAINE S ELECTION JUDGE • 70.00 SHEARER JIM E ELECTION JUDGE 75.00 SHELLEYS OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 30.00 SHERIFFS OFFICE CITY AND SERVICE OF PROCESS 5.80 SHINEY DEBBY RABIES VACC/REIM 11.00 SIBLEY JUDITH A ELECTION JUDGE 89.00 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING PRINTED MATERIAL 4,030.70 SNOWBRIDGE INCORPORATED 15150/ASTER 2.40 SPILLMAN DATA SYSTEMS COMP TROUBLE SHOOTING 85.00 STAN BERNSTEIN AND ASSOCIATES BOND ELECTION/SERV. 3,634.83 STORK JOAN ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 STORY PAMELA ELECTION JUDGE 60.00 STRAWBERRY PATCH SYMPATHY FOLIAGE 112.20 SUMMIT LUMBER BLDG MATERIALS 1,691.74 SWANSEEN JAMES P 15158/BEHLEN 1.10 SWENSON KAREN M MEALS 105.04 TAB PRODUCTS COMPANY FILE POCKETS 79.49 TAYLOR WYN T 15082/BELL/SEAMAN 6.00 TAYLOR WYN T 15234/FLOWER 8.00 TENBROOK LISA MEALS 32.99 THE STATIONERY TRAVELER MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 3,680.50 THURSTON JUNE ELECTION JUDGE 110.60 TILKEMEIER JEANNE H ELECTION JUDGE 75.00 TOP DRAWER OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 637.58 TROCHTA MIKE 15221/EVANS 0.60 TUFTS UNIVERSITY DIET AND SUBSCRIPTION 20.00 TUXALL UNIFORM COMPANY UNIFORMS 95.66 TUXALL UNIFORM COMPANY UNIFORMS 36.05 TUXALL UNIFORM COMPANY UNIFORMS 97.54 TYLER LAW OFFICES 15174/KRAFT 4.00 UNDERWOOD DAN HAND RAILINGS/LIB 215.00 UNITED LABORATORIES SPOT BLOTTER 213.12 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SHIPPING/SHERIFF 45.19 UNITED STATES CHAMBER BOOKS 18.00 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO SEMINAR/LINDAHL 80.00 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 963-0375-731B 204.89 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 476-3597 1,578.09 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 963-2948/PHONE 76.81 VAIL ASSOCIATES MEETINGS 104.67 VAIL COMMUNITY THEATRE 2ND QTR CONTRIBUTION 750.00 VAIL INTERNAL MEDICINE PRE EMP/PHYSICALS 140.00 VAIL INTERNAL MEDICINE PRE EMPLOY.PHYS. 30.00 VAIL LOCK AND KEY KEYS 81.00 VAIL LOCK AND KEY REPAIR LOCK/SHERIFF 125.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC INMATE EXAMS 201.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC INMATE EXAMS 268.00 VAIL SIGN CORPORATION NAME TAGS/UNIFORMS 18.00 VAIL TOWN OF MARCH SERVICES 827.10 VAIL TRAIL THE ADV/SPECIAL ELECTION 81.90 VALDEZ FELIX A15137/BOSS 0.40 VALLEY SIGNS BUILDING SIGNS 130.00 VALLEY SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION 89 SOFTBALL DUES 275.00 VASTEN MAE TRAVEL 3.20 VAUGHN SUSAN TRAVEL 39.20 VISA LODGING/MEALS/TRAVEL 2,907.45 W W GRAINGER INCORPORATED 24 X 37 BARRICADE 339.75 WALKER MARY E BUS FARE/3/3/89 28.24 WALMART SUPPLIES 294.39 ' WALTER F STEPHENS JR INC INMATE SUPPLIES 14.26 WEDGE AND SHPACE 15115/PATTERSON 20.00 WELCH RONALD SPAY/NEUTER REIM 25.00 WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY WESTLAW SERVICES/FEB 100.00 • WESTERN SLOPE RAILROAD MEMBERSHIP DUES 5.00 WESTERN SLOPE UNIFORM COMPANY LAUNDRY SERVICE 62.00 WHEELOCK THALLA R ELECTION JUDGE 108.80 . WILLIAMS VONDA ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 WOMENS PROFESSIONAL RODEO BARREL RACING/FEE 40.00 WOMENS RESOURCE CENTER 2ND QTR CONTRIBUTION 750.00 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY DIXTON CLAMPS 51.90 XEROX CORPORATION CARTRIDGES 650.00 YAMPA VALLEY ELECTRIC 0040010001/MCCOY 111.12 YOST LENA ELECTION JUDGE 75.00 ' APRIL PAYROLL 221,542.77 707,078.38 £ , it i i • # . • 4 ) ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND ARROW GAS COMPANY PROPANE 50.70 B AND B EXCAVATING ROAD BASE 39.47 BEN MEADOWS COMPANY HAND LEVELS 442.26 BOOTH ROUSE EQUIPMENT COMPANY EQUIPMENT RENTAL 7,200.00 CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS COPY MACHINE USAGE 60.03 CARBONDALE AUTO SUPPLY RIVETS 29.89 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/RD&BRIDGE 644.45 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/RD&BRIDGE 657.52 COLORADO DEPARTMENT or REVENUE STATE TAX/RD&BRIDGE 811.54 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/RD&BRIDGE 999.28 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY TRAINING 100.00 CTL THOMPSON INCORPORATED SOIL BORINGS/PROF. 1,800.03 EAGLE PHARMACY FILM 53.99 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE AFFIDAVIT 13642 10.40 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE 89 CHIP SEAL PROG/AD 240.00 ELAM CONSTRUCTION INCORPORATED ASPHALT 334.40 FESSLER DON 246 MILES 59.04 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/RD&BRIDGE 5,378.95 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/RD&BRIDGE 6,725.75 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/RD&BRIDGE 8,492.19 FITZSIMMONS MOTOR COMPANY WASH HEAVY EQUIPMENT 25.00 GARFIELD STEEL FABRICATING STEEL IRRIGATION BOX 642.00 GENERAL FUND HEALTH INS/RD&BRIDGE 8,492.19 GILSABIND CONVIDAR CRACK SEAL MATERIAL 3,264.00 HIGGINS BRAD TRAVEL 65.98 HILTON HOTEL LODGING/MEALS 141.10 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY TISSUE,CUPS,TOWELS 53.11 HYRUP CONSTRUCTION COMPANY RENTAL-LOADER 250.00 MOBILE PREMIX COMPANY PIT RUN 473.33 MOTOR POOL FUND MP CHARGES 3,218.84 MOUNTAIN SIGN SYSTEM NAME PLATES 21.40 OUR HOUSE PLANNING LUNCHEON 32.65 ROCKY MOUNTAIN SAFETY SERVICE STANDS/ROLL UP SIGNS 186.00 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING BUSINESS CARDS 38.50 SUMMIT LUMBER LATH 9.12 THE STATIONERY TRAVELER MAINT. CONTRACT 74.50 VAIL TOWN OF SNOW REMOVAL/MARCH 3,661.00 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY CHAIN W/HOOKS 111.00 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY LOAD BINDER BOOMERS 212.00 YENTER SONS BLASTING BLASTING/DRILLING 34,149.36 APRIL PAYROLL 35,399.63 124,650.57 LIBRARY FUND AMERICAN DIRECTORY PUBLISHING BOOK/BUSINESS DIR. 89.00 AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION POSTERS/BOOKMARKS 152.73 BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY BOOK 41.33 BOUND TO STAY BOUND BOOKS/J 3,873.29 BRADFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY BOOKS/STATUTES 189.67 BRODART INCORPORATED VIDEO/CLIFFORD 86.67 BRYANT ROBYN WORKSHOP 25.00 CATALOG CARD CORPORATION OF CATALOGING 240.12 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LIBRARY 139.06 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LIBRARY 133.70 CLINE FAY INSTITUTE BOOKS 35.64 CO ASSOCIATION COMMERCIAL BOOK 10.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LIBRARY 175.82 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LIBRARY 165.87 CRITICS CHOICE VIDEO VIDEOS 148.80 . DAVIS AUDIO VISUAL KODAK CASE 68.62 DUNNING HAROLD B BOOKS/COLORADO 23.70 EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY PC/OPERATING 23.07 EAGLE PHARMACY EASTER SUPPLIES 25.84 FARMER BROTHERS CO TEA ORDER 5.10 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LIBRARY 1,345.95 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LIBRARY 1,261.29 .. FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/APRIL 89 1,922.85 FOREST PRESS OCLC BOOKS 206.00 GAYLORD BROTHERS INCORPORATED VIDEO DISPLAY 591.42 GENERAL FUND HEALTH INS/MAR 89 1,922.85 • GENERAL INFORMATION BOOK 53.95 GLENWOOD POST THE SUBSCRIPTION 54.50 GORDONS : BOOKS/H 966.90 GORDONS BOOKS/H 1,253.86 HASLEE LORRAINE MALL TRAVEL 37.00 HIGHSMITH COMPANY INCORPORATED LABELS 73.72 HW WILSON COMPANY SUBSCRIPTION 140.00 • INGRAM VIDEO/HUNTER 56.84 J GARLIN COMMERCIAL FURNISHING STENO & .SIDE CHAIRS 970.00 MIDVALLEY BRANCH LIBRARY PC/POSTAGE 33.43 MINTURN.BRANCH LIBRARY PC/PO BOX RENT 25.74 . • 4111 lill 4111 . 114q MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USAGE 11.52 MOTOR POOL FUND MP CHARGES 137.76 MOUNTAIN SIGN SYSTEMS NAME PLATE/BRYANT 10.70 ' PACIFIC TELECOM PHONE 318.92 PATHFINDER LIBRARY SYSTEM MARMOT SERVICE 3,562.50 PAULINE MARTINEZ MEMBERSHIP/CLA 50.00 PERMA BOUND BOOKS/J 73.38 PRENTICE HALL INFORMATION BOOKS 23.92 PROFESSIONAL MEDIA SERVICE VIDEO 214.60 QUALITY BOOKS INCORPORATED BOOKS 77.49 READ WELL MEDIA INCORPORATED BOOKS/JG 194.20 REGENT BOOK COMPANY BOOKS/J 17.47 RR BOWKER BOOKS/BIP SUPPLEMENT 159.55 SHARYN SMITH REGISTRATION FEE 35.00 STATIONERY TRAVELER 3702270/MAINT 393.50 SUNSHINE PREBOUND BOOKS BOOKS/J 348.60 THREE RIVERS LIBRARY SYSTEMS CATALOG SERVICE 1,400.00 TIME INCORPORATED SUBSCRIPTION 283.14 U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS 827-4240 53.07 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO FILMS 35.75 UPSTART POSTERS 38.99 APRIL PAYROLL 8,691.80 32,701.47 MOTOR POOL FUND Al AUTO ELECTRIC COMPANY ALTERNATOR 70.04 AJ SALES AND SERVICE SPRAY GUN ASSEMBLY 133.83 ALLIED CARRIERS EXCHANGE FRT/CYLINDER 29.5.6 AMERICAN EAGLE TIRE TIRES 317.14 APPROVED OIL SERVICE WASTE OIL REMOVAL 30.00 BOOTH ROUSE EQUIPMENT COMPANY TRANSMISSION WORK 200.00 BUDGET CAR SALES 89 JEEP CHEROKEE 16,629.50 CARBONDALE AUTO SUPPLY WINDSHIELD CLEANER 88.40 CARBONDALE DIESEL SEVICE USED WATER PUMP 20.00 CARLIN DODGE 89 DODGE VAN 12,795.15 CASE POWER AND EQUIPMENT PIPES 1,179.93 CASTA MEMBERSHIP APP. 50.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/MP 136.19 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/MP 134.85 COLLETT ENTERPRISES BALANCE TIRES 22.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/MOTOR POOL 161.82 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/MOTOR POOL 172.28 COOPER CHARLIE GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE 2.90 DORIO DISTRIBUTING FLEET OIL 9,210.00 DORIO DISTRIBUTING FLEET OIL 1,015.47 ' DORIO DISTRIBUTING FLEET OIL 1,671.50 DORIO DISTRIBUTING FUEL TANK METER 215.07 DRAPHIX INCORPORATED HOSE 52.40 DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES REBUILD DRIVE SHAFT 244.21 EAGLE AUTO PARTS EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 1,632.39 EAGLE PHARMACY FILM 50.25 EAGLE SALVAGE AND-TOWING CHEVY DRIVE LINE 120.00 EAGLE SALVAGE AND TOWING REPAIR RADIATOR 809.00 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE AF/13495 360.00 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE RUBBER STAMP 15.40 EAGLE VALLEY GLASS AND MIRROR REPLACE WINDSHIELD 97.25 EAGLE VALLEY GLASS AND MIRROR REPLACE DOOR GLASS 71.45 EZ WAY RENTAL INCORPORATED SANDBLASTER 899.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/MOTOR POOL 1,166.47 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/MOTOR POOL 1,230.81 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/MOTOR POOL 2,061.59 GAY JOHNSON GRADER TIRES 657.48 GAY JOHNSON TIRES 6,645.14 GENERAL FUND HEALTH INS/MOTOR POOL 2,061.59 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD REPAIR SERVICES 100.00 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD ENGINE HEATER 80.48 ' HANSON EQUIPMENT CENTER BEARING 127..82 HANSON EQUIPMENT REBUILD TRANSMISSION 4,512.95 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY PAPER TOWELS 21.52 INCENTIVE MARKETING INC DECALS 396.56 J AND S CONTRACTORS SUPPLY CUTTING EDGE 542.34 J I CASE CREDIT CORPORATION PAYMENT/DRUM ROLLER 2,020.14 KAR PRODUCTS INCORPORATED MISC. SHOP SUPPLIES 159.40 KOHRMANN BOB GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE 9.00 MACDONALD EQUIPMENT COMPANY GLENDHILL PLOW 14,972.81 MACDONALD EQUIPMENT COMPANY BROOM SET/UNIMOG 806.28 MESA MACK MOTOR MOUNT 140.62 METTERNICK LARRY GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE 4.00 MONTOYA ANDREW R GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE 8.00 MOTOR POOL FUND MP CHARGES 318.00 MOUNTAIN HIGH AUTO SUPPLY HEX NUTS 11.06 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION INSTALL RADIO 124.67 NATIONAL FUELSAVER CORPORATION GAS SAVER KITS 187.00 • • �' • jos NOVUS MOBILE WINDSHIELD REPAIR WINDSHIELD REPAIR 140.00 QUALITY MOBILE WINDSHIELD WINDSHIELD REPAIR 50.00 RESPOND FIRST AID SYSTEMS FIRST AID SUPPLIES 105.00 REY MOTORS INCORPORATED FUEL FILTER 108.30 SAM TAYLOR AUTO RELAY 23.64 TFI INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS DISP WELDING ROD 87.60 TRI COUNTY FIRE EXTINGUISHERS SERVICE FIRE EXT. 129.00 VISA GAS/COUNTY VEH/SHERIFF 79.99 VISA GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE 34.01 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY PAYMT/TRACTOR/SCRAPER 2,546.55 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY REPAIR HYD. CYLINDER 1,214.37 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY BEARING 751.86 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY LATCH 469.92 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY GASKET 293.73 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY BOLT 73.82 WESTERN SLOPE PAINT SUPPLY DUPONT PREP 10.50 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY SKIDS 86.92 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY HOSE MILL 502.39 APRIL PAYROLL 7,407.60 101,117.91 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE FUND BEN MEADOWS COMPANY LIGHT BOX 325.24 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS NCR TERMINAL 2,743.00 GOVERNMENT TECHNOLOGY SERVICES PS/2 MODEL 30 2,954.00 INFORMATION SOLUTIONS TERMINALS 3,107.29 J GARLIN COMMERCIAL FURNISHING FURNITURE 2,399.00 PITNEY BOWES RATE PROM 109.50 ZAHN AND COMPANY MAC PAC PORTFOLIO 543.75 12,181.78 RETIREMENT FUND CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 4,487.72 CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 4,226.13 8,713.85 CONTINGENT FUND J GARLIN COMMERCIAL FURNISHING FURNITURE 1,442.00 1,442.00 INSURANCE RESERVE DESIGN GLASS INCORPORATED WINDSHIELD 201.84 DESIGN GLASS INCORPORATED WINDSHIELD 165.93 JAMES FRED S AND COMPANY OF CONSULTING FEES 1,000.00 1,367.77 , CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING WORK/CASTLE PEAK 673.85 JP CARPET CARPET/HUMAN RESOURCE 299.63 PTL ELECTRIC ELECTRIC/HUMAN RES. 312.98 SUMMIT LUMBER BRUSHES/DOOR STOPS 26.81 SUMMIT LUMBER SUPPLIES 240.16 1,553.43 AIRPORT FUND AVIATION SYSTEMS INCORPORATED MAINT/VOR DME MAY 89 2,150.00 BEAVER FRAMING INCORPORATED FRAMING 62.60 BOOTH ROUSE EQUIPMENT COMPANY TRANSFER CASE 200.00 BRENT SERVICE REPAIRS/CFR TRUCK 31.61 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT 70.54 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT 69.06 COCA COLA SNACK AND BEVERAGE FINAL/COANG/WATER 62.11 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/AIRPORT 92.85 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/AIRPORT 89.93 COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE TUITION AND TRAINING 1,012.95 CRICH MICHAEL HANGAR 4/RENT MAY 89 426.36 CROUSE HINDS NAVIGATION AIDS NAVIGATIONAL BULBS 932.54 D AND S ENTERPRISES REFUND/TIE DOWN RENT 120.00 DEGASSE JOE FIREWOOD/TERMINAL FP 200.00 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE DISPLAY ADV/LEASE 103.50 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT 654.08 ' FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT 636.04 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/AIRPORT 769.14 goy 111 GENERAL FUND HEALTH INS/AIRPORT 769.14 GENERAL FUND REIM/AP COMM MEALS 84.00 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC AIRPORT ELECTRICITY 857.35 HURD HARRY PLANE FARE 264.10 LEAVENWORTH LOCHHEAD AND LEGAL FEES/AP WATER 922.46 MOTOR POOL FUND MP CHARGES 332.36 OPRYLAND HOTEL LODGE/REYNOLDS 297.00 PACIFIC TELECOM 524-9490 336.09 REUBENS RESTAURANT AIRPORT COMM MEETING 126.00 SUMMIT LUMBER PIPE/FITTINGS 5.40 VAIL BEAVER CREEK JET CENTER TERMINAL RENT/MAY 89 4,000.00 WRIGHT WATER ENGINEERS AIRPORT WATER STUDY 1,351.34 APRIL PAYROLL 3,449.40 20,477.95 LANDFILL FUND CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL 47.58 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL 49.53 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 1ST QTR/DISPOSAL FEES 4,375.42 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LANDFILL 126.68 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LANDFILL 109.02 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL 825.96 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL 842.57 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/LANDFILL 907.88 GENERAL FUND HEALTH INS/LANDFILL 769.14 MCGRUDER SEPTIC SERVICE CLEAN FACILITIES 25.00 MOTOR POOL FUND MP CHARGES 370.16 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION REPAIR HAND RADIO 50.22 APRIL PAYROLL 5,228.07 13,727.23 TRANSPORTATION FUND GREYHOUND LINES INCORPORATED FEB/TRANSIT SERVICE 81,018.00 GREYHOUND LINES INCORPORATED TRANSIT SERV/MAR 89 62,650.00 143,668.00 The morning being spent paying bills, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson reconvened the meeting and stated the first item on the agenda SU-278-89-F is File SU-278-89-F, Aspen Junction. Aspen Jnctn Ton Brown, Project Engineer, spoke regarding the Highway Department access per- mit. He advised the Highway Department will be meeting on Tuesday and the application for an access permit has not been approved. He stated the Highway Department will require acceleration/deceleration lanes. Dieter Sander spoke to the Board and said he is expecting to receive the access permit on May 2, 1989. Kevin Lindahi, Acting County Attorney, advised the final plat, as submitted, can be approved conditionally if the plat meets the requirements of the Highway Access Code. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners the Subdivision Improve- ments Agreement on File SU-278-89-F, Aspen Junction, on the condition the plat will not be signed until an access approval from the Highway Department, at which time the Chairman or the Chairman Pro-tem be authorized to sign the final plat. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Johnnette Phillips, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, presented minutes for the Minutes Board's approval from March 27, 1989 through April 25, 1989. 3/27-4/25/89 Chairman Gustafson noted the following corrections: March 27, 1989: Commissioner Welch moved and seconded. This should be corrected to Commissioner Gates seconded. March 27, 1989: Commissioner Gates moved to approve the application to UMTA. This should read that Commissioner Welch seconded the motion and the vote was declared unanimous. On April 3, 1989, Page 380, the item for Richard Gustafson in the amount of $820.98 is not entirely the trip to Washington D.C. On April 24, the minutes should read Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting, not Chairman Gates. Commissioner Gates noted the following correction: The minutes of April 3, 1989, page 387, regarding Resolution 89-48, the item should read Commissioner Gates moved rather than Chairman Pro-tem Welch. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the minutes of March 27, 1989 through April 25, 1989 with the corrections as noted. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and recon- vene as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. • 4 4 O `t�7 Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, advised the Board State Bridge Lodge is a Liq. License new establishment and have submitted an incomplete application. He advised the appli- St Bridge Lod9e cant has been informed this will be tabled for one week. - Commissioner Welch moved to table State Bridge Lodge application for a liquor license until May 15, 1989 at 11:00 a.m. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler requested the license renewal application for Margaritaville be tabled. Liq. License Commissioner Gates moved to table the Margaritaville renewal application to May Margaritaville 15, 1989 at 10:45 a.m. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl brought before the Board lease agreements with Loren Chambers, George Leases: Fishburn and Ron Heinen. Fishburn Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners adopt and Heinen approve the addenda to lease agreements between Eagle County and Loren Chambers, and Chambers Eagle County and George Fishburn and Ron Heinen. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Sid Fox, Acting Director of Community Development, presented a final plat request SM-581-89 for a minor subdivision in Beaver Creek PUD, File SM-581-89, Scott Hill Associates. Scott Hill He stated Staff is recommending approval. Associates Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve and the Chairman be authorized to sign the plat, File SM-581-89, Scott Hill Associates. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented a final plat request, File SM-580-89, Vail Associates, 11th SM-580-89 Amendment to the 5th Filing. He stated an internal boundary line would be changed. Vail Assoc. Commissioner Welch declared a conflict of interest as he has a lease and is an independent contractor for a real estate company. He added this would not effect his ability to vote on this item. Chairman Gustafson stated he also has a conflict of interest but is not concerned as this will not affect his vote. James Fritze, County Manager, advised the rule of necessity would require the Commissioners to vote in a declared conflict of two Board members. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and the Chairman be authorized to sign the plat SM-580-89, Vail Associates, 11th Amendment to the 5th Filing. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented a first supplemental condominium map for the Pine Townhomes at Condo Map Beaver Creek Condominiums. Pine Townhomes Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the plat as presented by Mr. Fox. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented the 11th Amendment to the 5th Filing Beaver Creek Subdivision, 5th Filing Lots 4 and 5, Tract G. B/C Subdiv Commissioner Welch moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the 11th Amendment to the 5th Filing Beaver Creek Subdivision, Lots 4 and 5, Tract G. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gustafson stated abatements were the next item to be heard. Jody Caruthers, County Assessor, presented Schedule Nos. 14675 and 29145, Farm Abatement Credit Bank, and recommended approval of these abatement requested as they are mineral Farm Cred Bank rights only. She stated they were entered onto the computer as land values. She stated the abatement amounts are $4,409 for Schedule 14675, and for Schedule 29145 $1,856.17. Commissioner Welch moved, based on the information presented and the comments by the Assessor that these are mineral rights and not land owned, on Schedule Nos. 16475 to approve the abatement in the sum of $4,409; and Schedule No. 29145 be abated in the amount of $1,856.17. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented Schedule No. 6019, the Learning Tree. She recommended Abatement approval of the abatement in the amount of $396.98. She stated the neighborhood code Learning Tree change was not applied to this property. Commissioner Gates moved on the Learning Tree, Schedule 6019, to approve the abate- ment in the amount of $396.98, due to an incorrect neighborhood code. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers advised she recommended the abatements on Schedule No. 16475 in the Abatement: amount of $3,905.60, and on Schedule No. 29145 in the amount of $1,626.18. Schad 16475 Commissioner Welch moved to correct the abated amounts on Schedule No. 16475 to & 29145 $3,905.60 down from $4,409, and on Schedule 29145 to $1,626.18 down from $1,856.17. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 5 .411 • 4 .r Ms. Caruthers presented abatement for Schedule 12645, Gary P. Gauger and recom- Abatement mended approval based on the fact the house was entered onto the computer as 100% Gary Gauger complete. The fact is the house is only 50% complete. She recommended an abated amount of $444.32. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the abatement for Gary P. Gauger, Schedule 12645 in the amount of $442.32. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented an abatement from Edward and Susan Conover, Schedule No. Abatement 20020, for the years 1987 and 1988. She stated the status of the commercial property Conover, Edward was not changed when the Assessor was notified via the personal property declaration. and Susan She recommended approval of the abated amount for 1987 of $209.28, and for 1988 of $294.17, for a total of $503.45. Commissioner Welch moved to approve the petition of Edward and Susan Conover for abatement of taxes for Schedule No. 20020, for tax year 1987 in the amount of $209.28, and for tax year 1988 in the amount of $294.17, for a total of $503.45. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented an abatement for Demecio and Barbara Fresquez, Schedule Abatement No. 380. She stated the building on this schedule number is assessed on Schedule No. Fresquez, D 390 and was double assessed for four years. She recommended approval of a refund for 1986 taxes in the amount of $449.07, 1985 taxes for $426.55, 1984 taxes for $399.21, and 1983 taxes for $398.00, for a total of $1,223.76. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the abatement for Demecio and Barbara Fresquez on Schedule No. 380 for 1986 taxes in the amount of $449.07, 1985 taxes for $426.55, 1984 taxes for $399.21, and 1983 taxes for $398.00, for a total of $1,223.76. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented Schedule No. 22877, Donald and Linda Beagley, a mobile Abatement home. She recommended approval based on the fact the mobile home was double Beagley, Donald assessed. She stated the refund for 1987 would be $155.20 and for 1988 $166.54 for a total of $321.74. Commissioner Welch moved to approve the petition for Donald and Linda Beagley, Schedule No. 22877, for abatement of taxes for 1987 in the amount of $155.20 and for 1988 in the amount of $166.54, for a total amount of $321.74. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented Schedule No. 12918, John and Patricia Stem, and recom- Abatement mended approval based on the fact owner was not notified of the increase in valuation Stem, John for the tax year 1988. Mr. Lindahl advised the Board the Stem's taxes would be the lowest in the subdivi- sion and would not be equitable for the neighboring property. He added Mr. Stem should be allowed•due process. Discussion followed on the lack of notice and what policy should be followed. The Board determined to table Schedule No. 12918, John and Patricia Stem, and Schedule No. 27375, Evelyn Yerkes for further clarification. Commissioner Gates moved to table Schedule Nos. 12918 and 27375 for additional legal information. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented Schedule No. M020792, Bruce and Kathy MacHee, in care of Abatement John McKeon. She recommended approval based on this mobile home is double assessed McKeon, John under Schedule No. 23874. Commissioner Welch moved the petition of John McKeon for abatement of taxes be approved for Schedule No. M020792 for the tax year 1984 in the amount of $174.25, 1985 for $185.85, 1986 for $190.87, 1987 for $123.47, and 1988 for $132.58. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. John McKeon, petitioner, advised the Board the 1988 taxes have not been paid. He stated he purchased the mobile home in 1986. After further discussion, Commissioner Welch withdrew his motion to approve the petition. Commissioner Gates withdrew the second to the motion. Commissioner Welch moved to table this petition for clarification of the amount of the abatement of taxes. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. • Ms. Caruthers presented the next petition for abatement, Schedule No. 174842, Abatement Alpine Self Storage. She advised this property should have had a credit on the tax Alpine Storage bill per Senate Bill 184. She recommended approval of the abatement in the amount of $1,049.16. Commissioner Gates moved on Schedule No. 17842, Alpine Self Storage Ltd. , to approve the abatement due to the credit not being applied in the amount of $1,049.16. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Larry Metternick, County Engineer, appeared to discuss the Brush Creek Bridge Contract Construction Contract award. He stated the paperwork is not completed at this time. Kummer Dev. Co. He continued discussion for right of way from Kummer Development Corporation. He reviewed the contract and pointed out on a plat the right of way that would be acquired. He discussed the agreement for cost sharing of Brush Creek Road between Eagle County and Kummer Development Corporation. Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners enter into an agreement with Kummer Development Corporation for cost sharing of improvements to Brush Creek Road between mile post 5.9 and mile post 6.5. Said share shall be $73,773.50, as proposed in the draft agreement discussed here today. He further moved the Chairman be authorized to sign the agreement on behalf of the Board. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 4111 4111 cf®? Mr. Metternick asked the Board to authorize the Chairman to sign the 404 Permit 404 Permit for, when it is received. Brush Crk Rd Commissioner Gates moved the Board authorize the Chairman to sign the Corps of Engineer 404 Permit for Wetlands impact and mitigations associated with replacement of Brush creek Bridge Structure No. EAG-307-06.1. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Tom Brown, Project Engineer, presented Change Order #2 for rock blasting on Trough Change Order Road. He stated the increase of the change order is $30,000 and reviewed the reason Trough Road for the change. Discussion on what budget the $30,000 would come from was held. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve Change Order No. 2 to the Trough Road rock excavation contract, increasing the contract amount from $99,012.50 to $129,012.50 and extending the contract completion date from April 30, 1989 to May 15, 1989. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Metternick mentioned bridges for the Federal Bridge Fund Application for Bridge Fund grants. He stated there is now rehabilitation funds to be applied for. He reported Application improvements for bridges after inspection by State. He presented an application let- Rehab. ter for the Chairman's signature. Commissioner Welch moved the Board apply for rehabilitation funding for rehabilita- tion of four bridges on the Colorado River road across the Colorado River and for rehabilitation of one bridge on Cottonwood Pass Road across Gypsum Creek (Structure No. EAG-301-08.2, 301-27.7, 301-115.6, 301-23.5 and 10A-00.9) . Rehabilitation costs for all five bridges are estimated to be $168,940 with the 80o grant share being $135,152 and the 20o Eagle County share being $33,788. He further moved the Board also apply for replacement funding for replacement of structure No. EAG-203-00.1 on Shrine Pass Road across Turkey Creek just east of the town limits of Red Cliff. Replacement cost is estimated to be $174,000 with 80% grant share being $139,200 and the 20o Eagle County share being $34,800. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to May 2, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • 1111 • 361 ler April 25, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman James Fritze County Manager Don Welch Commissioner Thom Bigler Asst County Atty George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting and announced the first item on the agenda was a discussion on the Eagle County Land Conservancy work session. Sid Fox, Acting Director of Community Development, told the Board it was not neces- sary to record this session as the staff is only requesting policy direction. Mr. Fox presented the next item, a selection of surveying services. He suggested MacKown, J. John MacKown be appointed. Surveying Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, gave the Board some legal background prob- lems with Mr. MacKown. The Board determined to table the decision of the appointment and directed the Planning staff to put each plat on a contractual basis. The next item, File PD-139-89-A3, Arrowhead PUD Amendment, was introduced by PD-139-89-A3 Jeremy McMahan. He reviewed the proposed changes and pointed out on a plat the loca- Arrowhead PUD tion of the PUD. He explained the contradiction of the regulation and stated his belief that there is a typographical error in the regulations. He stated Staff recom- mends approval. Commissioner Welch questioned the amendments in the area of single family housing and if the increase changes density. Betty Lundgren, representing the applicants, made a presentation and made a state- ment of her belief an error in typing was made regarding single family dwelling units in Arrowhead. Mr. McMahan explained the reason for this change and told the Board a major amend- ment is forthcoming to correct other errors. Commissioner Welch moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the requested PUD Amendment, File PD-139-89-A3, PUD Arrowhead, with the following findings: 1. This application has been found to- be in conformance with Section 2.06.13(11) of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. 2. The amendment is to clarify an error in wording in the existing PUD Guide. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. SU-278-89-F Aspen Jctn Jim Curnutte, Planner, presented File SU-278-89-F, Aspen Junction, final plat approval. He pointed out on a map the location of the subdivision. Mr. Curnutte reviewed past approvals and the project description. He reviewed concerns and issues: 1. Conformance with Section 2.19.01 (final plat application) of the Land Use Regulations. Although this final plat submittal is generally in conformance with the approved preliminary plan, the following modifications are proposed: (a) Relocation of the park/playground area, (b) Removal of one single family dwelling lot, and (c) Addi- tion of one primary/secondary lot. 2. The three multifamily lots were approved for a specific number of multi- family dwelling units under the cluster subdivision provision found in Section2.06.06 (2,D) of the Land Use Regulations. The number of dwelling units approved by this provision are appropriate for multifamily development, however, the impact of other types of development would result in impacts not contemplated at this time. 3. The Colorado Department of Highways is concerned that drainage from this development not exceed historic flow. They suggest on-site controlled flow detention ponds. 4. An access permit will be required by the Colorado Department of Highways. 5. A SIA should be entered into, in order to collateralize the proposed improve- ments. 6. A set of construction drawings should be submitted. These drawings must include a signature block for the Board of County Commissioners to sign. Commissioner Welch asked Mr. Curnutte to review the Highway Department's concerns on detention ponds. Ron Listen.explained the access permit request. Lengthy discussion on the access permit to be acquired was held. Jerry Hartner, attorney representing Dieter Sander, asked the Board if the Highway access was a condition of the approval of the final plat. Discussion followed on the regulations and final plat approval and acquiring an access permit. Chairman Gustafson suggested tabling until Monday with the Planning staff assist- ing the applicant acquire an access permit. Commissioner Gates moved to table this item until Monday, May 1, 1989, at 8:45 a.m. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented the next item, File ZC-228-89, a zone change from resource to ZC-228-89 rural residential. He pointed out the location of the proposed zone change and the Grant, Doug zoning of adjacent properties in the area. He explained the reason for the request and stated Staff recommends approval. Doug Grant, applicant, pointed out the location of this property on a map. • 31)7 • • • Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the request for a zone change on File ZC-228-89, Doug Grant. The findings are: The rezoning is con- sistent with the Master Plan and the area possesses the geologic, physical and other environmental conditions compatible with the use requested and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. The land has access and can be serviced by legal water and sewage disposal systems. The land for which rezoning is requested has changed and it is in the public interest to encourage a new density in the area. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented File SM-575-89, Doug Grant, a request for a final plat approval SM-575-89 to subdivide a 4 acre parcel into 2 parcels. He stated the Staff recommended a $2,000 Grant, Doug impact fee be assessed and included in the agreement between the County and the appli- cant. He advised the Planning Commission recommended approval with only a $1,000 offsite road impact fee be assessed. He stated Staff recommends approval and an off- site improvements agreement be agreed upon. Mr. Grant, applicant, spoke regarding the off-site requirement of $1,000 per unit. Discussion followed on the consistency regarding impact fees. Commissioner Welch moved, based on the findings the proposed subdivision be pro- vided with adequate access, water supply and sewage disposal, and the subdivision conforms with the final plat requirements and other applicable regulations, policies and guidelines, plus Subdivision Off-site Road Improvements Agreement adequate to mitigate potential impacts, to approve File SM-575-89, Doug Grant. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Curnutte presented File SU-276-89-P, River Ranch, Aspen Design Group, Michael SU-276-89-P Fuller and Steve Conger. He spoke regarding the reduction of lots and open space. He River Ranch pointed out concerns and issues as follows: 1. Conformance with the review criteria found in Section 2.18.01 of the Land Use Regulations. 2. Conformance with the requirements for a "use by right" cluster subdivision as described in Section 2.07.01 of the Land Use Regulations. 3. Acquisition of additional right-of-way along Willits Lane for the purpose of future road improvements. 4. Protection of the river park restricted area should be accomplished by add- ing a note to the final plat. The plat note should describe acceptable and prohibited activities. 5. Ditch easements must be shown on the final plat. Discussion followed on the access to the property. The Board supported a second easement to allow two access points for emergency purposes, and requested Mr. Fuller to speak to the neighbors to acquire the use of roads. Commissioner Welch moved to conditionally approve File SU-276-89-P, the prelimi- nary plan for the River Ranch subject to the following findings: 1. The applicants have shown the proposed subdivision is in conformance with the submittal requirements and review criteria found in Section 2.18.01 of the Land Use Regulations. 2. The applicants have complied with the requirements for a cluster subdivision as described in Section 2.07.01 of the Land Use Regulations. 3. The applicants have agreed to provide the additional right-of-way along Willits Lane as requested by the County Engineering Department. 4. The applicants have agreed to add a note to the plat regarding protection of the River Park Restricted Area.' 5. The applicants have agreed to show ditch easements on the final plat. 6. A letter of permission to use the road to the Sopris Village sewage plant and provide an easement into their subdivision in a temporary sense until the land to the south is platted and subdivided to allow a secondary access through the subdi- vision. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. McMahan introduced File G-55-89, Craig Colby Petition, a review to add kennels G-55-89 as a use by right in the agricultural/residential zone district. He stated this use Craig Colby by right in this zone district is not appropriate. He stated Staff recommended it be added as a special use permit. Craig Colby, property owner, explained the request and the proposed use of the kennel. Commissioner Welch reminded Mr. Colby he could apply for a Special Use Permit. Mr. McMahan advised this issue would need to go through a public notice for a Special Use Permit and the process will take approximately two months. It was determined to create a proper procedure for Mr. Colby to proceed. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to May 1, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • 4111 1111 1111 April 24, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman James Fritze County Manager Don Welch Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board George "Bud" Gates Commissioner This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gates opened the meeting by stating the first item on the agenda was FAA Form Federal Aviation Administration Grant. x.5100-40 James Fritze, County Manager, stated some requirements for grant assurances which need to be signed by the Board. He added this does not affect Eagle County. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and the Chairman be authorized to sign Federal Aviation Administration Form #5100-40. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Bill Smith, Motor Pool Superintendent, presented bids for a 1989 110 gallon tar Tar Pot pct. He explained the tar pot currently owned by the County would be sold to the Town Purchase of Eagle. Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve the purchase of one 1989 110 gallon tar pot, per our specifications, from Gilsabind Convidar Inc. of Denver, Colorado. Gilsab- ind was low bidder at $4,940.00. Motor Pool recommended the Board accept the offer from the Town of Eagle to purchase our unit #3597 used tar pot for the sum of $1.00. The tar pot is no longer usable for the County but it would satisfy the needs of the Town of Eagle. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Smith presented bids for a 1989 Celebrity four-door and a 1989 Suburban 4x4. 89 Chevy Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve the purchase of one 1989 Chevrolet purchase V2500 4x4 Suburban, per our specifications, from Daniel Motors of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Daniels was low bidder, per our specifications, in the amount of $21,778.73. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Smith presented bids for a 1989 Chevrolet Celebrity for the Sheriff's office. 89 Chevy Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve the purchase of one 1989 Chevrolet purchase Celebrity 4-door, per our specifications, from John Haines Chevrolet of Glenwood Springs, Colorado, with the trade-in of Unit #19, 1986 Chevrolet Celebrity. John Haines Chevrolet is the preferred vendor per our specifications. The unit cost is $14,673.00 less a trade-in of $4,519.51, for a total price of $10,153.49. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Danny Reynolds, Airport Manager, presented a resolution to amend the airport rules Tie Down Fees and regulations regarding tie-down fees. Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve and sign Resolution 89-52 amending the airport rules and regulations concerning the tie-down fees. The tie down fees shall be based on wing span as follows: Wing span up to 40 feet in length will be charged a tie-down fee of $360 per year. Wing span of 40 feet or more in length will be charged a tie-down of $570 per year. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gates opened the afternoon meeting. Commissioner Welch moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and recon- vene as the Board of Health. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Marge Gates, Nursing Director, introduced Phyllis Ferguson, Generalized Nursing Board of Health Consultant of State Health Department who will cover the Western Slope. Ms. Ferguson related to the Board her duties and discussed nursing care for this region. She emphasized Eagle County has an excellent nursing service. Sid Fox, representing Erik Edeen, Environmental Health Officer, gave an update on the Milk Creek project. He spoke regarding the $30,000 EPA grant and updated the Board on the Eagle River Project, 7 drop structures. He mentioned a letter sent regarding the Camp Hale project from Erik Edeen and the Eagle River Council. He told the Board the Planning Commission will make a one hour trip to Gypsum to review the drop structures and invited the Board to attend. Commissioner Welch moved to adjourn as the Board of Health and reconvene as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. • . . • Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, explained the new hotel and restaurant Lig. License liquor license for Shrine Mountain Inn. He stated there are five partners comprising Shrine Mtn the company. He advised he reviewed the papers and determined the proper fees have Inn been collected. Charles Ogilby, general partner in SMI, was sworn to testify by Johnnette Phillips, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Mr. Bigler questioned Mr. Ogilby regarding the liquor license application, the location of Shrine Mountain Inn, neighborhood requirements, and other partners of SMI. Discussion was held on the establishment of the neighborhood. The Board deter- mined the bottom of Vail Pass to Red Cliff as the neighborhood. Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the application for a new hotel and restaurant liquor license for Shrine Mountain Inn. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a resolution making appointments to the Basalt Regional Res. 89-53 Library Board. Basalt Lib. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve Resolution 89-53 appointing Mildred Board Appts Remsbecher and Kathy Walker to the Basalt Regional Library Board. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Lori Bishop, Office Administrator for Accounting, appeared to present an applica- Impact Asst. tion for an Impact Assistance Grant pursuant to H.B. 1331 which corrected the acreage Grant Appl. of Sylvan Lake. Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve the corrected Impact Assistance Grant application. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ken Heller, Assistant Supervisor Road and Bridge, appeared to discuss the addendum Memo of Under- to a Memorandum of Understanding between White River National Forest and Eagle County standing White regarding improvements to roads. River Natl For. Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the addendum to the Memorandum of Understanding between White River National Forest and Eagle County. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler advised the next item regarding a resolution to appoint acting direc- Acting Appts. tors for Planning and Data Services is not necessary for acting appointments. This Planning & can be done by the County Manager. Data Services Mr. Bigler advised the Board he just received an Irrevocable Letter of Credit for Ltr of Credit Blue Lake Subdivision in the amount of $69,384 and no action is necessary regarding Blue Lake Item H on the agenda. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to April 25, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • . i • 3 April 17, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty Don Welch Commissioner Thom Bigler Asst. County Atty George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Sandy Rose and Kate Glynn appeared to discuss the Child Care Task Force update. Child Care Ms. Glynn explained to the Board of County Commissioners what the Task Force has done and officers who have been elected. Task: Force Ms. Rose spoke regarding the accomplishments achieved by the Task Force. She invited the Board to a forum headed by Bea Romer. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and recon- vene as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, explained the need for further information L. regarding Shrine Mountain Inn. _r. eitnse Shrine Commissioner Gates moved to table the liquor license for Shrine Mountain Inn until Mtn Inn April 24, 1989. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a renewal application for a liquor license for Paddy O'Days. He reported an incident regarding an intoxicated person on the premises and added the Liq. License bartender acted in a prudent manner in handling thdisturbance. He stated there is a Paddy Odays change of corporate structure and duties of the officers have been changed. He said he finds no reason not to approve the renewal application and the change in corporate structure. Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal application for a hotel and restaurant liquor license and also approve a change in officers and change in corporate name for Eagle/Vail Restaurant Group, Ltd. , dba Paddy O'Days. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a renewal of a 3.2% beer retail license for El Jebel Gas and Tire. He stated no incidents were reported and proper papers have been filed. He Liq. License G recommended approval of this renewal application. El Jebel G�,T Commissioner Gates moved the Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the applica- tion for a 3.2% beer retail license for El Jebel Tire and Gas. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, presented a revised list of members of the Memo of Under- Vail Mountain Rescue Group and recommended an amendment to the Memorandum of Under- standing, Vail standing. Mtn Rescue Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners adopt and approve the amended Memorandum of Understanding between Vail Mountain Rescue Group and Eagle County. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch was not present for the afternoon meeting. Dan Reynolds, Airport Manager, presented an agreement for seven or eight acres of pasture for Echo Ranch, Inc. for a period of one year with automatic year until termi- Lease. nated by written notice. Echo Ranch Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the pasture lease agreement between Eagle County Airport and Echo Ranch, Inc. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Reynolds presented a change order for airport improvement Grant n10. He gave a background on the 410 grant. The total amount of the change order is $6,685. Airport Imp 7,10 Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Change Order 41, Airport Improvement 410. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Jody Caruthers, County Assessor, appeared before the Board to request the Board Agreement sign a subscription service agreement with Eagle Computer Systems. Eagle Comp Commissioner Gates moved the Chairman be authorized to sign the software agreement with Eagle Computer Systems relative to support for the County Assessor's office. Systems Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. 4111 4111 4111 1111 3/ 3 Bid Award Ken Heller, Assistant Supervisor Road and Bridge, presented bids for gravel and Pitkin Iron Co gravel hauling. He reviewed the bids for the Board and asked the Board accept the bid from Pitkin Iron Corp. , the lowest bidder. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve the bid award for the low bidder, Pit- kin Iron Corporation, for delivery of road base materials in the amount of $72,455, and, further that the Board authorize the Chairman to execute the documents relating to said award. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Contract Mr. Heller discussed the bid award for dust control. He requested the bid be Bs&W awarded to BS&W Energy Corp. He advised he checked with other counties and received good comments regarding BS&W. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve the bid award to the low bidder, BS&W Corporation, for the dust control materials in the amount of $51,170.04, and further, the Board authorize the Chairman to execute the documents relating to said award of work. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Town of Vail Mr. Lindahl presented a request to waive the impact report for the annexation of Impact Report the West Intermountain area into the Town of Vail. He explained the import report regarding the annexation. Commissioner Gates moved the Board adopt and sign Resolution 89-51 waiving the requirement for the Town of Vail to submit an impact report to Eagle County in pursu- ing the annexation of Wet Intermountain into the Town of Vail. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to April 24, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • 42/1 • w April 10, 1989 • PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman James Fritze County Manager Don Welch Commissioner Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Judge William Jones Judge Richard Hart This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting and stated the first item on the agenda was Justice Ctr the court space needs discussion. Addition James Fritze, County Manager, stated the Board directed Staff to analyze court needs. He mentioned a scaled back plan of additions to the Justice Center at an esti- mated cost of $313,000. He discussed moving administration and the Commissioners from their current location to free up the courtroom and add an elevator. The estimated cost to provide an elevator is $49,926 plus 10%. He stated a modular could be pur- chased for administration and the commissioners for about $50,000. He mentioned another alternative is to create a modular courtroom and two offices at the Justice Center. He mentioned there is a $150,000 budgeted for this expansion. Chairman Gustafson stated his belief the Justice Center addition should be done right. Judge Jones expounded on why he does not want a modular at the Justice Center. He mentioned his problem with the budgeted amount of $150,000. Mike Bradley, Buildings and Grounds Supervisor, explained the $150,000 was a lease payment for 1989. Commissioner Gates agreed with Judge Jones he does not want modulars at the Jus- tice Center, however they were promised facilities. Judge Hart asked if the $315,000 included heating and cooling. Commissioner Welch spoke of the problems he foresees with building a scaled down version. He stated he prefers to operate with modulars until the County can build what is needed. He spoke of putting a basement under thirty-foot pods. Discussion continued on the alternatives of building an addition on the Justice Center and waiting until another vote is taken by the taxpayers. Commissioner Welch asked the Board be allowed to wait until an addition can be built correctly with enough room. Judge Hart stated he could live with temporarily using the old courtroom but added this is not a solution to the problem. Judge Jones gave his conditions as follows: 1. Whatever plan is used should be instituted within three years and start construction in 1992. 2. The previous floor plan is not used. 3. Correct the 80% humidity in the buildings. 4. The addition should have four rooms: clerks office, judge's chambers, a courtroom, and a jury room. Chairman Gustafson expressed the appreciation of the Board to the judges for their cooperation in this matter. Bill Eeds, representing Animal Control, explained the number of animals which are Res 89-49 euthanized in Eagle County each year. He requested the Board declare April "Prevent a Prevent a Litter" month. Litter Month Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners adopt and approve Resolution 89-49 designating the month of April as Eagle County "Prevent a Litter" month. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. Discussion was held on the cost of having animals neutered, Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze explained the disadvantaged business enterprise plan at the airport. Res 89-50 Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and adopt Reso- DBE Plan lution 89-50 updating Eagle County Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Plan and amending Resolution 86-30. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Larry Metternick, County Engineer, reviewed the bids for a chip seal program and Chip Seal recommended GMCO at $311,174.15 be awarded the contract. Contract Commissioner Welch moved the Board award the contract for the 1989 chip seal con- GMCO tract to GMCO Corporation and the Chairman be authorized to sign the contract upon presentation of the proper bonds and documents after review by the County Attorney's office. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Paul Galligan, representing Carey Investments /Hardscrabble Creek Subdivision, Carey Invest. spoke to the Board and explained his need to continue his subdivision. SIA Commissioner Welch asked about the collateral. Susan Vaughn, Community Development Director, explained she met with the applicant in 1985 and determined the applicant was in default of the SIA. She stated the Commis- sioners at the time thought the subdivision should be vacated and downzoned. She stated the bank along with some investors owned the subdivision. She stated the issue at hand is what to do with the subdivision as nothing has been done since approval in the '70s. • 4110 4111 4111 -54 Commissioner Welch stated he would not consider the subdivision hearing unless collateral is replaced by cash or an irrevocable letter of credit to finish the sub- division improvements. Mr. Galligan stated there would be no problem to get a letter of credit. Ms. Vaughn advised the applicant should resubmit a new subdivision improvements agreement and present it to the Board. Chairman Gustafson suggested a deadline be made to complete the improvements. Ms. Vaughn presented a contract for services of Susan Carso, consultant for Commu- Contract nity Development Department. Carso, Susan Commissioner Gates moved to approve the contract between Eagle County and Susan Carse. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mark Horthcress, from Kelling, Northcross and Nobriga, Inc. , spoke concerning the G.O. Bond general obligation bonds, bids and how bids will be handled. He explained competitive Discusssion bidding. He answered questions of the Board of County Commissioners regarding the bonds. He submitted a contract for the County Attorney's review and stated he will return at a later date to have the contract approved. The next item on the agenda was a public hearing for the Eagle Valley T.V. Metro- TV Translator politan District Service Plan. Hearing John Dunn, attorney for the proponents, introduced Mike Cheoutes, attorney from Davis Graham and Stubbs. Mr. Checutes gave the criteria for the service plan regarding the proposed service Mr. Dunn reviewed the conditions of the proposed TV Metropolitan District. Stan Bernstein was sworn to testify by Johnnette Phillips, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Mr. Bernstein testified to the mills, service debt and cost to the taxpayers. The Board questioned Mr. Bernstein on his testimony. Erik Edeen, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, testified regarding mosquitoes and the ;25,OOO budgeted in the service plan. The Board questioned Mr. Edeen on mosquitoes. Mike Metcalf, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, testified to the history of the TV district, chronology of plans, and identified the need for TV translator service. Mike Robinson was sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips. He testified regarding the need for TV translator service in the lodging community. He addressed a petition he circulated in Berry Creek. He stated a letter of opposition was drafted by homeowners in Berry Creek regarding television antennas. Jerry Davis, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, testified regarding TV service in Avon and the need for a translator service. Mike Cacioppo, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, testified regarding the issues of boundaries and signal reception. He spoke cf special interest groups and asked the Commissioners to let the people decide the issue. Jerry Martinez, sworn tc testify by Mrs. Phillips, testified regarding the need for the TV translator in Red Cliff. Susan Vaughn, Director of Community Development, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, answered questions regarding Community Development's recommendations of approval with conditions. She stated that residents who cannot receive a signal within a reasonable amount of time be excluded from the special district. Mr. Fritze asked about indebtedness and excluding debts incurred while in the district. Mr. Cheoutes answered the indebtedness has to be paid by those in the district. Discussion followed on exclusions from the district and indebtedness of the dis- trict. Mr. Fritze presented letters from: Beaver Creek Metropolitan District, Eagle/Vail Metropolitan District, Berry Creek Metropolitan District, Arrowhead, Edwards Metro- politan District, Gary and Carol Walker, Al Roubidoux, Laverne Mitchell, Virginia and Chris Lennengert, Leonard and Marie Sinclair, Antonius Van Leek, Pearly Bertroch, Bill and Charlotte Jordan, Austin and Annie Gibbons, Norman and Barbara Gustafson, Gary and Linda Feucht, John P. Sterne, Theodore Bryant, E. William Wildo, Lake Creek Meadows Homeowners, all stating opposition. Commissioner Gates moved to accept these letters as exhibits. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. Discussion followed on these letters. Mr. Dunn pointed out some letters are not from land owners. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, asked about areas not included in the dis- trict. Mike Metcalf pointed out on a map the boundaries of the district. Chairman Gustafson asked about the number of licenses. Mr. Metcalf responded he will need 12-15 licenses. Further discussion followed on areas included in the district, exclusions of metro- politan districts, and exclusions of property owners. Johnnette Phillips, Clerk and Recorder, swore in the remaining witnesses. Matthews Dalton, representative of Heritage Cablevision, spoke in opposition of the district. He mentioned certain statutes regarding like districts in the over- lapping area. He requested the Board deny the request for a special district. Tim Cutforth, engineer, testified about the terrain in the area and problems of reflections of transmitted signals. He spoke of the problems of "ghosting" in this area. James Collins of Collins and Kunkel, representing various districts, stated Edwards and Eagle/Vail favor the formation of the district. He advised he represents Beaver Creek, Berry Creek and Arrowhead. He stated none of the districts oppose the new district. He suggested to continue this hearing and modify the current boundaries. - 1111 ! 4 • Gary Feucht spoke concerning exclusion to the district and added he had a problem with the mosquito control being in the District. Bill Sepler, broadcast engineer, spoke regarding the TV service ad suggested FCC regulations will possibly regulate this as there are not over three air companies. He asked the Board to approve this and let the people vote. Mike Blair spoke of the fifty-five people he had approached regarding the proposed district and asked them to sign a petition. Forty-six people signed the petition in favor, two did want to pay more taxes and three people had cable. Dan Corcoran spoke regarding the tax increase and requested the Board deny the plan. Rich Teeters spoke regarding TV antenna and asked the Board to deny the request. Commissioner Gates stated he would like to table this matter to a later date. Commissioner Welch stated that instead of denying this request, he preferred to wait and make a decision at a later date. Mr. Dunn made a final statement on overlapping districts, police protection, road and bridge. He asked the Board not to table this. Commissioner Welch stated there are too many questions to be answered and if he made a motion today it would be to deny the request. Chairman Gustafson stated he believed the Board should receive more information. Commissioner Gates expressed his belief the people should vote. Chairman Gustafson informed this hearing would be continued to May 2, 1989 at 9:00 a.m. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to April 17, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 4 • • 0 311) April 3, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Commissioner James Fritze County Manager George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Absent: Dick Gustafson Chairman This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following bills were examined, approved and warrants drawn upon the proper funds in payment thereof: GENERAL FUND ABBEY DOUGLAS MEALS 50.00 ABBOTT LABORATORIES STREP SCREEN KIT 150.00 ABELMAN LAW OFFICES REV. REFUND #15013 7.50 ACKER BETH MRS KENNEL CONTRACT 700.00 AELE JAIL BULLETIN LAW BULLETIN 111.00 ALL PRO FORMS INCORPORATED ENVELOPES 1,239.00 ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL VACCINATION REFUNDS 76.00 ALPINE BANK SAFETY DEP BOX RENT 9.00 AMERICAN ART WEST AD/CRAFT SHOW PUBL. 10.00 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION AIRPORT REGISTRATION FEE 950.00 AMERICAN INSTITUTE ARCHITECTS SUPPLEMENT SERVICE 60.00 AMERICAN PAYROLL ASSOCIATION APA MEMBERSHIP DUES 150.00 AMERICAN TITLE MINING CLAIMS 10,000.00 ANDREE KIM TRAVEL 52.40 ANIMAL HOSPITAL OF VAIL VALLEY CAT/VET CARE 22.00 ANIMAL HOUSE RABBIT FOOD 2.59 AT AND T 963-1682/FEB-MAY 89 38.25 AT AND T 00069142529 65.31 AT AND T 949-7026 9.65 AVERY LABEL BUSINESS SYSTEMS SUPPLIES 624.46 AVON BEAVER CREEK TIMES PUBLICATION/ADV 32.60 AVON TOWN OF CHARGES FOR COPIES 77.25 BASALT TOWN OF FIRST QTR. CONTRACT 1,200.00 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS SOAP 37.73 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS OPERATING SUPPLIES 58.85 BEEP WEST INCORPORATED PAGER SYSTEM/MAR 89 90.00 BELL SYSTEMS INCORPORATED REPLACE MICR.ELEMENT 46.00 BENTON JOHN PLANNING COMM/MTGS 134.40 BERNICE WILLIAMS 14920/JOHNSON 2.50 BEST WESTERN EAGLE LODGE LODGE/CONSULTANT 259.68 BEST WESTERN EAGLE LODGE LODGE/CONSULTANT 231.56 BEVERIDGE RICK MILEAGE 273.85 BEVERIDGE RICK MEALS 66.69 BIRLAUF AND STEEN PHOTO COPY SLIDES 48.00 BIRLEW - ROCKY MTN NEWS 29.00 BISHOP LORI FILM PROCESSING/FAIR 6.57 BISHOP LORI CALCULATOR 19.17 BISHOPS TRASH SERVICE COM0048/TRASH SERV 34.00 BLACK ALLEN CONSULTING SERVICES 159.00 BLACK ALLEN TRAVEL 260.40 BLANCHARD RUTH,D 15069/RAE 7.50 BLUESTEIN SIMON SCHULMAN 15071/CURRIE 10.00 BOISCLAIR JAMES B REV. REFUND/#15022 5.40 BRADFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY CRS SUPPLEMENTS "88" 675.98 BUFFALOS COOKIES/MEETING 21.00 BUFFALOS BOCC MEAL 24.50 BUTLER FREDRIC B 15051/RODRIQUEZ 10.40 BUTTERS SHARON MEALS/CTCPA 22.00 CAMPBELL ENTERPRISES SNAPPY SNARE 30.90 CANNING JOHN DOCTOR PROF. VET SERVICES 115.00 CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS 3,625.67 CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS STRIPE YELLOW FILM 301.24 CARCATERRA STEVE BLANK VIDEO TAPES 12.59 CARTER LINDA POSTAGE 51.57 CARUTHERS GENNY JO MEALS 39.32 CARUTHERS GENNY JO WORKSHOP REGISTRATION 10.00 CASTLE PEAK VETERINARY SERVICE VET SERVICES 178.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/GENERAL 4,468.46 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/GENERAL 4,417.46 CENTER DRUGS FILM PROCESSING 15.27 CENTER DRUGS FILM PROCESSING 102.32 CENTER DRUGS FILM PROCESSING 8.54 CF HOECKEL COMPANY SUPPLIES 1,165.79 CF HOECKEL COMPANY ELECTION SUPPLIES 115.59 CLARK BOARDMAN COMPANY LTD PLANNING DESK BOOK 85.00 CLEM WILLIAM SERVICES/2-89 100.00 CLERK OF THE COUNTY COURT 89C00514/GARNISHMENT 125.00 CLERK OF THE COUNTY COURT PAY3/4/89C00514 125.00 COCA COLA SNACK AND BEVERAGE BOTTLED WATER SERVICE 92.35 • I i • 510/ COCA COLA SNACK AND BEVERAGE BOTTLED WATER SERVICE 13.50 COCA COLA SNACK AND BEVERAGE BOTTLED WATER 18.00 CODEL LEASE/E PARK CENTRAL 2,084.00 COLLINS AND COCKRELL PC ENGINEERING SERVICES 6,000.00 COLORADO ASSESSORS ASSOCIATION LAND VALUATION 25.00 COLORADO ASSESSORS ASSOCIATION SEMINAR 50.00 COLORADO ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY 1989 DUES/JIM 65.00 COLORADO CONSTRUCTION 89 DIRECTORY 5.00 COLORADO COUNTIES INCORPORATED CTY OFFICIAL MANUALS 10.00 COLORADO COUNTRY CONNECTION SUBSCRIPTION 11.00 COLORADO CRIME PREVENTION CCPA MEMBERSHIP 35.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/W/H 5,525.83 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL 5,555.47 COLORADO DISTRICT ATTORNEYS CO REVISED STATUTES 441.95 COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE MEDIC FIRST AID CLASS 57.00 COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE TRAINING 323.50 COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE TUITION/MONTOYA 74.00 COLORADO PUBLIC HEALTH MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 120.00 COLORADO SECRETARY OF STATE CERTIFIED SIGN CERT. 10.00 COLORADO STATE ASSOCIATION OF ANNUAL DUES 89 250.00 COLORADO STATE FOREST SERVICE EMERGENCY FUND CONT. 6,802.56 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY REGISTRATION FEE 40.00 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY RESALE BOOKS 28.15 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY BOOK 5.00 COLORADO SUPREME COURT LIBRARY COPYING CHARGES 1.00 COLORADO WEED CONTROL BOOK/WEEDS 103.00 CORRECTIONAL INDUSTRIES SUPPLEMENTS 16.00 CREDIT BUREAU OF GUNNISON 15001/SENA 9.50 CREDIT BUREAU OF GUNNISON 15075/MEDINA 7.50 CROSS PUBLISHING PARALEGAL SUPPLEMENT 32.66 D B LUNDHOLM CONTRACTORS REMODELS 10,581.06 DARRAH CHARLES 15041/DALBA 2.50 DAWSON ROBERT MISC SUPPLIES 10.89 DEBBIE REDMOUNT SPAY/NEUTER REFUND 25.00 DENVER POST THE PUBLICATION 221.60 DENVER POST THE ADV 288.08 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCH COSTS/JAN 1,800.00 DESCO REPAIRS/JC 199.62 DEWEY MARY RNC CCNA ANNUAL DUES 250.00 DON WELCH WASHINGTON DC TRIP 200.00 DON WELCH CREDIT/ADV/WASHINGTON 478.50 DRAPHIX INCORPORATED MASTERFILE/TRANSPARENT 139.33 DRAPHIX INCORPORATED DRAFTING SUPPLIES 211.26 DUROUX ALMEDA COORDINATOR REIM 15.00 EAGLE AUTO PARTS CAN/SPOUT 30.26 EAGLE AUTO PARTS TAPE/FUNNEL 2.40 EAGLE AUTO PARTS MALE RIG/HOSE 15.30 EAGLE AUTO PARTS MOISTURE REMOVER 18.96 EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER REIM/POSTAGE PAID 22.60 EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER REIM/POSTAGE PD 273.51 EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER POP/COMMISSIONERS 9.55 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS - SUPPORT/7-88 1,786.50 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS PARALLEL CABLE 383.00 EAGLE COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER APRIL/CONTRACT 4,982.50 EAGLE COUNTY EXTENSION OFFICE BOOK/CARE OF HORSES 16.92 EAGLE COUNTY NURSING SERVICE POSTAGE 65.33 EAGLE COUNTY NURSING SERVICE POSTAGE 18.24 EAGLE PHARMACY FILM 18.22 EAGLE PHARMACY MISC SUPPLIES 672.68 EAGLE PHARMACY CLOCK/BATTERIES 34.01 EAGLE SANITATION DISTRICT SANITATION 861.00 EAGLE SUMMIT MOVING STORAGE MOVING EXPENSES 880.00 EAGLE TOWN OF COPIES/TRANSITION 126.00 EAGLE TOWN OF 0107135373/JC 593.75 EAGLE TOWN OF 0205381036/BROADWAY 147.75 EAGLE VAIL ANIMAL HOSPITAL SPAY/NEUTER VOUCHERS 109.00 EAGLE VALLEY CHAMBER COMMERCE DUES 105.00 EAGLE VALLEY CHAMBER COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DUES 180.00 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE ADVERTISING 5,808.00 EAGLE VALLEY GLASS AND MIRROR REPAIR GLASS/WINDOW 182.96 EARL E LINDBLOOM PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICE 75.00 EASTMAN INCORPORATED OFFICE SUPPLIES 327.92 EASTMAN INCORPORATED HIGHLIGHTERS 13.80 EASTMAN INCORPORATED OFFICE SUPPLIES 15.80 EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY STORAGE BOXES 197.36 EDEEN ERIK TRAVEL 249.05 EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER FENCE/MCDONALD BLD. 135.00 ELECTRIC SERVICE STATION TREATMENT FILTERS 20.90 EMBLEM ENTERPRISES UNIFORMS 474.88 ENLISTED ASSOCIATION NATIONAL SEARCH/RESCUE SPONSOR 199.00 FAMILY CIRCLE SUBSCRIPTION 15.97 FARMER BROTHERS COFFEE SUPPLIES 96.55 FARMER BROTHERS COFFEE SUPPLIES 189.35 FEDERAL LICENSING INCORPORATED FCC PRINTED RULES 15.00 FEDRIZZI GERALD JDMD PC INMATE DENTAL 38.00 • 4 • w w FERRELLGAS PROPANE 335.75 FERRELLGAS GAS/FAIRGROUNDS 150.89 FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT PROCEEDS VEHICLE SALE 8.25 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 40,000.66 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 10.32 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 39,823.27 FORTUNES RESTAURANT MEALS/FRITZE/KUNKEL 82.45 FOX SIDNEY N MEALS 168.64 FRITZE JAMES R WASHINGTON DC TRIP 400.00 FRITZE JAMES R LODGE/DALLAS TRIP 112.38 FRITZE JAMES R AIR FARE 471.39 GALLOWAY BEN MD PROF MED FEES 465.00 GALLOWAY BEN MD PROF FEES 465.00 GARSOE SUSAN TRAINING PROGRAM 335.00 GATES GEORGE A WASHINGTON DC TRIP 400.00 GATES GEORGE A MEALS 301.12 GATES MARGE PHN TRAINING 214.77 GELVIN DENNIS MEETINGS/TRAVEL 167.20 GERANSON DAVID L REV. REFUND/#15040 3.60 GLENWOOD POST THE ADV/EMPLOYMENT 63.20 GLENWOOD SHOE SERVICE UNIFORM BOOTS 115.00 GLENWOOD SHOE SERVICE UNIFORM BOOTS 120.00 GLOBAL COMPUTER SUPPLIES MOBILE BASE UNIT 96.54 GORDON GUMESON & ASSOCIATES SERVICES/JC 1,012.52 GREATER EAGLE FIRE PROTECTION MARCH BILLING/911 18.00 GREELEY POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAINING 130.00 GS EDWARDS MAINTENANCE J.C. 999.00 GUSTAFSON RICHARD WASHINGTON DC TRIP 400.00 GUSTAFSON RICHARD ADV/WASHINGTON DC 820.98 HAPPY HANGER CLEANING/UNIFORM COAT 2.75 HEICHER KATHY COUNTY/ANNUAL REPORT 600.00 HILLEN CORPORATION DEMOLITION EXPENSES 38,615.00 HILTON HOTEL LODGE/METTERNICK 47.00 HOLME ROBERT AND OWEN LEGAL SERV/HOMESTAKE 5,250.06 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 300714800/ELEC 201.84 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 459053800/ELECTRIC 21.26 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 447001900/12998 73.68 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 111010402/ELEC SERVICES 3,853.69 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 111016600/ELEC SERVICES 3,436.32 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,047.56 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY CAR WASH 56.10 HOTSY EQUIPMENT CORPORATION CAR WASH REPAIR 293.60 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE BOOKS 63.22 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE BOOKS 340.23 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE TRAVEL EXPENSES 408.02 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE TRAVEL -158.00 IN TOUCH COMMUNICATIONS INC MOBILE PHONE #2197 30.53 IN TOUCH COMMUNICATIONS INC MOBILE PHONE 40.48 INFORMIX SOFTWARE INCORPORATED SPELLCHECKER 78.40 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS 31.20 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MAINT/MODEL 60 499.00 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MAINT/APRIL 89 65.80 INTERNATIONAL TELECHARGE PHONE CHARGES 85.48 JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING PLUMBING 6,613.14 JOHNSON AJ REIMB./MEALS 40.00 JOHNSON JACK W CIVIL DEE/MAR 89 741.73 JOHNSON JIM MEETINGS/TRAVEL 3.60 JOHNSON KUNKEL AND ASSOCIATES PLAT CHECK 2,047.00 JOY OF WINNING THE PLAQUE/JACK JOHNSON 35.00 KING PAULSEN WANEBO 15067/VAIL 4.00 KNOTT KELLY TRAVEL/KNOTT 54.40 KOSTES PETER TRAVEL 88.15 KRAMES COMMUNICATIONS SAFETY BOOKLETS 48.15 KRONSTORFER DAPHNE MS HUMANE ED/MATERIALS 18.00 LAMPIRIS NICK PLANNING COMM/SERV 176.00 LANGE SUSAN MEALS 203.47 LEAVENWORTH LOCHHEAD AND WATER PROJ/AIRPORT 1,066.54 LEGAL DIRECTORIES PUBLISHING DIRECTORY 37.61 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES COPY PAPER 6,239.57 LINDAHL KEVIN TRAVEL/LINDAHL 79.00 LINDAHL KEVIN MEALS 24.34 LK SURVEY INSTRUMENTS COPY PAPER/XEROX 176.70 LK SURVEY INSTRUMENTS PAPER 143.83 MACHOL AND MACHOL 15018/HARRAH 10.00 MANAGERS EDGE 12 TAPES 99.00 MARTIN PAIGE MEALS 44.76 MARTINEZ JANITORIAL FEB/JANITORIAL SERV. 6,545.00 MARTINEZ JANITORIAL CLEANING/REMODEL 230.00 MCGRATH NICHOLAS JRPC EBY CREEK MESA SERV 30.00 MCHUGH JAN DEV PHOTOS 14.30 MCHUGH JAN SEMINAR 64.00 MEISTER PUBLISHING COMPANY CHEMICALS HANDBOOK 52.00 MERRICK LYN MEALS 107.24 MERRICK LYN MEALS 41.40 METTERNICK LARRY MEALS 6.41 III 4111 III, 41111 3 MICHAEL AND HUDSON 15059/PORTER 4.00 MONROE ENGINEERING PROF. SERVICES 415.00 MONROE ENGINEERING PROF. SERVICES 400.00 MONTOYA ANDREW R SEMINAR REGISTRATION 50.00 MOORE BUSINESS PRODUCTS PRINTER PAPER 83.50 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USAGE 12,612.44 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USAGE 2,390.16 MOTOROLA INCORPORATED RADIO PARTS 231.12 MOTT DAVID MEETINGS/TRAVEL 28.80 MOUNTAIN BELL SHERIFF SUB-STATION 30.00 MOUNTAIN MEND BOLDER DESIGNS FABRIC/JACKETS 1,980.00 MOUNTAIN MUSIC RENT/CAMERA 64.93 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION REPAIR/VCR 45.95 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 37.00 NOLAN NINA COORD REIM/FEB 89 15.00 NSA BOOK 19.95 NUNN BRENDA POSTAGE 14.70 NUNN JEAN TRAVEL 45.20 OMARK INDUSTRIES AMMUNITION 1,368.33 ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY PEST CONTROL/JC 98.00 P.W. STEPHENS CONTRACTORS IN REMOVE/ASBESTOS 650.75 PACIFIC TELECOM PHONE SERVICE 14,122.97 PAINT BUCKET THE PAINT/COLO WEST 22.00 PENNY SAVER MEDICAL SUPPLY MEDICAL SUPPLIES 20.95 PERFORMANCE HORSEMAN SUBSCRIPTION 19.95 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING PHOTO PROCESSING 135.40 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING TRAVEL EXP/WASH D.C. 220.00 PETTY CASH COMMUNITY POSTAGE 4.85 PFC PRODUCTS DOC FOLDERS/LICENSES 167.00 PITNEY BOWES MAINTENANCE/3-89 652.04 PITNEY BOWES INTEREST 46.04 POSTMASTER POSTAGE METER REFILL 1,900.00 PRECISION DYNAMICS CORPORATION EXHIBITION PASSES 57.35 PREFERRED OFFICE PRODUCTS OFFICE SUPPLIES 171.01 PREFERRED OFFICE PRODUCTS OFFICE SUPPLIES 104.60 PRICE DON PLAN COMM/MEETINGS 9.20 PRINTERY AT VAIL CUSTOM PRINTED FORMS 862.49 PROFESSIONAL RODEO COWBOYS APPROVAL FEE 300.00 PROTECTIVE COATINGS ENDURATONE/REIS. CK. 115.19 PTL ELECTRIC REPAIRS 524.57 PTL ELECTRIC INSTALL REC/COPIER 151.80 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPLY COMPANY LENS 125.00 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPLY COMPANY BATTERY PACKS 155.58 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY GAS SERVICE 362.45 PUBLISH SUBSCRIPTION 23.95 PUBLISHING RESOURCES PAGEMAKER CLASS 220.00 PW STEPHENS CONTRACTORS REMOVE ASBESTOS 3,759.77 QUILL CORPORATION STATIONARY RACK 70.58 QUINN TERRANCE 14992/MASTROIANNI 0.80 RAY STAFFORD SUPPLY INC AMMUNITION 855.00 RELIABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES 284.39 RENZELMAN JANET - TRAVEL 24.80 RENZELMAN JANET TRAVEL 9.00 REUBENS RESTAURANT MEALS/VAUGHN 40.35 REUBENS RESTAURANT INMATE MEALS 12,076.33 REYNOLDS NETTIE TRAVEL 58.80 REYNOLDS NETTIE TRAVEL 52.20 RIDGEWAY CHARLIE PLAN COMM/MEETINGS 42.00 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND EQUIP/LABOR 2,937.31 ROBERTS JEANINE ADOPTION REFUND/CAT 34.00 ROCHE BIOMEDICAL LABORATORIES LAB/PROF FEES 111.25 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS 332940110520.1/GAS SERVICE 8,067.09 ROCKY MOUNTAIN REPROGRAPHICS MAP REPRODUCTIONS 651.20 ROPIR CABLEVISION CABLE TV SERVICE 31.45 ROYBAL LEROY F TRAVEL 14.00 SACHS LAWLOR RUBBER STAMP 14.00 SACHS LAWLOR STAMPS 10.50 SACHS LAWLOR DATER STAMP 35.75 SANDY'S OFFICE SUPPLY FAX INMAGING CART. 139.00 SCHENK KERST AND DE WINTER 14879/ALTAMONTE 10.00 SCHIPPER SARAH PHN TRAVEL 114.49 SCHMIDT CECELIA TRAVEL 16.00 SCHMIDT ELOISE COORDINATOR REIM 15.00 SEIDEN ARTHUR 15035/MCLAUGHLIN 10.00 SHERRELL LARRY TRAVEL 52.00 SHERRELL LARRY FOOD/RESCUE TEAM 17.00 SLADKY DAWN M LOTUS 123 30.00 SMITH EDWARD MEALS 79.13 SOMES UNIFORMS COLLAR INSIGNIA 109.83 SPECIAL EVENTS FAIR ADMISS. BUTTONS 312.00 STAN BERNSTEIN AND ASSOCIATES PROF. SERV./JANUARY 3,215.80 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL FUND PROCEEDS VEHICLE SALE 55.00 , STEINBERG THOMAS I CTY HEALTH OFFICER 272.00 STEINBRECHER JERRY MD PROF FEE/CURTIS 495.00 STERNIG JOHN P MEALS 34.75 • I • Syi/ STRAWBERRY PATCH CONDOLENCES 72.25 SUMMIT LUMBER BUILDING SUPPLIES 1,022.75 SWEETWATER LIQUOR POP FOR COMMISSIONERS 23.50 SWENSON KAREN M MEALS 47.60 SWENSON KAREN M REGISTRATIONS 70.25 TACK ROOM LUNCHES 96.29 TAYLOR WYN T REV. REFUND #15007 8.00 TERRILL M GAINES 14910/THEOBALD 20.00 THE CITY COUNTY RECRUITER AD/ASSIST.ATTORNEY 27.09 THE OFFICE PLACE OFFICE SUPPLIES 7.38 THOMPSON PADGETT REGISTRATION FEE 125.00 THON AND BECK REV. REFUND/#14874 20.00 THREAD CONNECTION TRACTOR CANVAS ZIPPER 95.00 TOP DRAWER OFFICE SUPPLIES CALENDARS 64.31 TUXALL UNIFORM COMPANY UNIFORMS 264.61 TYLER JIM 15017/MATTIO 12.40 UNDERWOOD DAN STORAGE BATTERY COVER 80.00 UNITED LABORATORIES NEUTRALUX 233.64 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SHIPPING/SHERIFF 50.94 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SHIPPING/SHERIFF 83.76 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SHIPPING CHG/SHERIFF 8.00 UNITED SUPPLY COMPANY IBM TYPEWRITER RIBBONS 469.90 UNIVERSITY OFF BERKELEY SUBSCRIPTION 15.00 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 927-3092/PHONE SERVICES 649.72 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 476-3597/PHONE SERVICES 557.29 V W EIMICKE ASSOCIATES INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 152.64 VAIL ASSOCIATES EMPLOYEE ACTIVITIES 428.73 VAIL BOARD OF REALTORS MLS SOLD BOOK 16.00 VAIL DAILY THE JOB ADVERTISEMENT 110.40 VAIL ELECTRONICS ALARM MONITORING 45.00 VAIL HOLDINGS GROUP TRI-COUNTY MEETING 98.30 VAIL LOCK AND KEY KEYS 3.00 VAIL MOTOR SPORTS REPAIR OF SNOWMOBILE 295.95 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC INMATE EXAMS 388.00 VAIL POLICE DEPARTMENT PROCEEDS VEHICLE SALE 486.75 VAIL TOWN OF CONTRACTED SERVICES 827.10 VAIL TOWN OF ADOPT FEE REFUNDS 125.00 VAIL TRAIL THE ADV 178.00 VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY KEY RINGS/KEYS 50.92 VALLEY JOURNAL PUBLICATION 130.66 VALLEY JOURNAL PUBLICATION/ADV 100.00 VALLEY SIGNS SIGNS/ELEC OFFICIALS 236.20 VALLEY VET SERVICES SPAY/NEUTER REFUND 25.00 VASTENMAE TRAVEL 4.20 VAUGHN SUSAN MEALS 145.49 VAUGHN SUSAN TRAVEL 45.60 VENNEMAN JOSEPH MISC SUPPLIES 31.10 VISA TRAVEL 1,536.93 WA BAUM COMPANY INCORPORATED REPLACE MERCURY/BAUM 7.17 WALKER WELDING THAW WATER LINE 135.00 WALMART PICTURE FRAMES 34.00 WALMART FILM 169.60 WALSS BARBARA SPANISH CLASS 39.36 WANG WANG/REPAIRS 1,004.90 WARZON PAULA TRAVEL 61.94 WEARGUARD UNIFORM LEATHER BELT 13.74 WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY WESTLAW SERV/JAN 89 296.80 WEST SLOPE BRANCH APWA REG/SCOTT/METTERNICK 20.00 WEST SLOPE SURPLUS STORE UNIFORMS 265.55 WESTERN BUILDING CENTER NEW OFFICE/MATERIALS 369.70 WESTERN LAND EXCHANGE COMPANY PROF. SERVICES 649.25 WESTERN SLOPE UNIFORM COMPANY LAUNDRY SERVICE 68.40 WESTVACO WINDOW ENVELOPES 60.24 WHITESIDE TOM RECRUITING EXPENSES 35.00 WILLARD AB HARDESTY 15039/FABRENKROG 2.50 WILLIAMS SHELLEY MEAL 24.41 XEROX CORPORATION MAINT CHARGE/2-89 106.25 YAMPA VALLEY ELECTRIC 0050010001/MCCOY 136.58 MARCH PAYROLL 217,596.49 568,583.55 ROAD & BRIDGE FUND AMERICAN TITLE OWNERSHIP/ENCUMBRANCE 475.00 ARROW GAS COMPANY PROPANE FILL/SEALING 14.50 ARROW GAS COMPANY PROPANE FILL 96.60 BUREAU OF BUSINESS PRACTICE SUPERVISOR/MANUAL 213.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/RD&BR 627.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/RD&BR 661.38 CLEMENT COMMUNICATIONS PAYROLL INSERT PROG. 117.39 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/W/H 837.04 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/RD&BRIDGE 808.26 COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE LOTUS BOOK 24.95 COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE LOTUS 123 CLASS 30.00 i O . lill w 3v3 SPECIFICATIONS/CONST 30.00 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS SPRINKLER PARTS 33.49 DODSON ENGINEERED PRODUCTS DEVELOPMENT 22.78 EAGLE PHARMACY 554.80 ELAM CONSTRUCTION INCORPORATED COLD MIX ASPHALT 5,734.10 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/RD&BR FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/W/H -157.42 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/RD&BR 5,442.08 HELLER KENNETH MEALS 19.25 HILTON HOTEL LODGE 178.00 KEYE PRODUCTIVITY CENTER SEMINAR/MGT SKILLS 98.00 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USE/HEAVY 34,364.68 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USAGE 3,086.20 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION REPAIR/ANTENNA 30.00 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION BASE RADIO ANTENNA 210.52 OUR HOUSE MEALS/TRAINING 24.35 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING BOOTS/R&B 150.00 PETTY CASH ROAD AND BRIDGE RENTAL/PROJECTOR 103.39 RBD INCORPORATED YARMONY BR REHAB 1,000.00 RED CLIFF TOWN OF OVERPAYMENT HUTF FUND 272.31 ROBILLARD AND ASSOCIATES BRIDGE REPLACEMENT 1,407.25 ROCKY MOUNTAIN SAFETY SERVICE ADVISORY PLATES 180.59 SUMMIT LUMBER KEYS 10.69 VAIL TOWN OF FEB/SNOW REMOVAL 3,661.00 VALLEY LUMBER CLAW HAMMER 36.58 VALLEY LUMBER NAILS/TROWEL 21.27 VERMEER SALES & SERVICE RENTAL EQUIPMENT 55.20 WEST SLOPE BRANCH APWA MAINTENANCE WORKSHOP 42.00 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY SUPPLIES 113.64 MARCH PAYROLL 31,436.11 92,065.98 LIBRARY FUND BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY BOOKS/RADIO AM 97.46 BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY BOOKS 23.23 BETTER WAY COMPUTERS INSTALL-BOOKPATH 200.00 BRODART INCORPORATED CREDIT/BOOKS 3.51 CATALOG CARD CORPORATION OF CARD SET/MV 181.31 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LIBRARY 136.68 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LIBRARY 152.26 COLORADO CONSTRUCTION BOOKS/89 10.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LIBRARY 168.06 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LIBRARY 187.36 COLORADO LIBRARY ASSOCIATION WORKSHOP/AMY 44.00 COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE COMPUTER CLASS 120.00 CUSTOM PACK FORD/SHIPPING 259.98 EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RENT/APRIL/MV 900.00 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE LETTERHEADS 482.90 EBSCO SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE LIB J/SUBSCRIPTION 2,875.61 FARMER BROTHERS CO COFFEE/TEA 34.05 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LIBRARY 1,300.14 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LIBRARY 1,421.77 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY BOOK BAGS 130.00 GORDONS BOOKS/H 651.36 GORDONS BOOKS/H 272.07 HASLEE LORRAINE MALL TRAVEL 12.00 INFORMATION PUBLICATIONS ALMANAC/STATES 41.50 INGRAM VIDEO 294.40 JOURNAL OF THE WESTERN SLOPE SUBSCRIPTION 89 10.00 LIBRARY ACCOUNT BATTLE MT. H.S. COPIER SERVICE-1989 200.00 MINTURN BRANCH LIBRARY PC-POSTAGE 7.68 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USAGE 0.48 MOUNTAIN BOCES FILM RENTAL-R 32.00 NATIONAL INFORMATION DATA BOOKS/ZIP CODE 33.45 NISWANGER AMY REIM/CASSETTE/CS 288.74 PETTY CASH, LIBRARY PC-CABLE 10.92 PRUETT PUBLISHING COMPANY BOOKS 53.68 QUALITY BOOKS INCORPORATED BOOKS/VIDEOS 1,761.61 READ WELL MEDIA INCORPORATED BOOKS - J 53.24 REFERENCE DEPARTMENT BOOKS- 27.00 REGENT BOOK COMPANY BOOKS/MI/MV 51.57 RR BOWKER CHILDREN'S BIP 89.72 SACHS LAWLOR SIGNATURE STAMP 17.50 STEINFORT JO ANN REIM/ORGANIZER 8.79 SUMMER READING PROGRAM SUMMER RD KIT/MV-J 208.85 SUMMIT FILMS INCORPORATED VIDEO/VAIL 43.90 THOMASMA KEN BOOKS-J 35.00 THREE RIVERS LIBRARY SYSTEMS CATALOGING SERVICES 1,475.00 U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS PHONE/MI 75.43 UNIVERSITY MICROFILMS MICHROFICHE-SUBS. 365.36 UPSTART KITS & FL.BD.-J 90.53 MARCH PAYROLL 9,178.34 24,118.44 41, 4110 • • Vti MOTOR POOL FUND Al AUTO ELECTRIC COMPANY STARTER/FREIGHT 471.50 AMERICAN EAGLE TIRE TUBE 27.05 AMERICAN EAGLE TIRE SPIN BALANCE 13.00 BOOTH ROUSE EQUIPMENT COMPANY LABOR/PARTS/OSHKOSH TRUCK 10,000.00 BUDGET CAR SALES 89 PONTIAC GRAND AM 7,000.00 CARBONDALE AUTO SUPPLY SWITCH 125.39 CARBONDALE AUTO SUPPLY BATTERY 6.96 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/MP 137.16 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/MP 133.23 CLEASBY MFG OF DENVER THERMOMETER 100.89 COLLETT ENTERPRISES AMOCO OIL 23.40 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/W/H 158.63 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/MOTOR POOL 152.96 DESIGN GLASS INCORPORATED REPLACE WINDSHIELDS 377.06 DORIO DISTRIBUTING FUEL 11,377.15 DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES CABLE 49.12 EAGLE AUTO PARTS EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 1,566.15 EAGLE PHARMACY LABELING TAPE 2.99 EAGLE SALVAGE AND TOWING TOW UNIT 4537 110.00 EAGLE VALLEY GLASS AND MIRROR WING WINDOW 44.75 EMICH AMC JEEP 89 CHEROKEE 25,957.70 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/MP 1,242.95 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/W/H -93.72 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/MP 1,111.99 GAY JOHNSON SECTION REPAIR 8,379.62 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD RANGER PICK UP 11,318.00 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD RANGER PICKUP 10,318.00 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD REVERSE SWITCH 13.19 GREEN STEVE MILEAGE 77.48 HANSON EQUIPMENT SPLASH GUARDS/FRGHT 213.48 HOLLAND AUTO PARTS EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 754.32 HONNEN EQUIPMENT COMPANY SWITCH 79.66 J AND S CONTRACTORS SUPPLY FLAT CUTTING EDGES 1,545.37 J AND S CONTRACTORS SUPPLY CUTTING EDGE 735.60 J I CASE CREDIT CORPORATION PAYMENT 9/DRUM ROLLER 4,040.28 MACDONALD EQUIPMENT COMPANY HINGE PIN 18.14 MACDONALD EQUIPMENT COMPANY PARTS 421.04 METTERNICK LARRY GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE 6.00 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USE/HEAVY 339.91 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USAGE 473.04 MOUNTAIN HIGH AUTO SUPPLY BOLTS 3.35 NORIEGA MARGARET GAS/SR VAN 14.00 PETROLEUM REPAIR INCORPORATED SERV/GAS PUMP SWITCH 56.00 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING BOOTS/R&B 300.00 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING BOOTS/R&B 75.00 PETTY CASH MOTOR POOL TITLE FEES 137.21 PITKIN IRON CORPORATION HYD HOSE/FITTINGS 18.34 QUALITY MOBILE WINDSHIELD WINDSHIELD REPAIR #6 50.00 QUALITY MOBILE WINDSHIELD REPAIR WINDSHIELD 75.00 ROARING FORK VALLEY COOP DIESEL ADDITIVE 35.85 SAM TAYLOR AUTO SELF ADJ CLUTCH 101.47 SAM TAYLOR AUTO RELAY/FREIGHT 21.97 SETINA MANUFACTURING COMPANY BODYGUARD PUSH BUMPER 97.16 SOUTHWESTERN PETROLEUM GEAR LUBE 590.40 SUMMIT LUMBER WOOD DECKING 40.83 THREAD CONNECTION REPAIRS/SEAT 41.63 VALLEY GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY WELDING SUPPLIES 174.00 VALLEY LUMBER PIPE FITTING 8.36 VISA GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE 282.80 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY EQUIPMENT PARTS 5,680.27 WESTERN HYDRAULICS HYDRAULIC PUMP 940.90 WHEELER MACHINERY HYDRAULIC ROD/FRGHT 291.26 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY REPAIR LINKS 1,587.63 ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY PENETRATING OIL 173.62 MARCH PAYROLL 7,307.91 116,934.40 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE FUND BEN MEADOWS COMPANY LIGHT TABLE 325.34 COLT FIREARMS DIVISION COLT FIREARMS 850.00 CORNBELT CHEMICAL COMPANY CONTROL KIT 395.00 DARTEK COMPUTER SUPPLY COMPACT WORKSTATION 707.11 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS MONO CARDS 75.00 GOVERNMENT TECHNOLOGY SERVICE WORDPERFECT 1,167.75 J GARLIN COMMERCIAL FURNISHING 2 PANELS/COUNTER TOP 907.00 KEMP AND COMPANY INCORPORATED MATERIALS/FOR CASE 98.95 LK SURVEY INSTRUMENTS LEVEL ROD/SCOPE/MISC 2,960.20 MAGNUM FORCE COMMAND JAC VESTS 3,675.00 MONROE SYSTEMS FOR BUSINESS PRINT CALCULATOR 262.00 MOTOROLA INCORPORATED RADIO SYSTEM/UHF 1,193.84 i 4111 4111 • 3Y MOUNTAIN TOP MANAGEMENT RADIO EQUIPMENT 1,800.00 NUMETRICS INSTRUMENTATION MILEAGE METER 464.25 PITNEY BOWES LEASE/PURCHASE 92.96 PITNEY BOWES LEASE/PURCHASE 92.96 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPLY COMPANY LIGHTBAR 607.50 TSE TV SALES AND SERVICE TVS FOR JAIL 1,455.00 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY ALUMINUM ST EDGE 115.00 ZAHN AND COMPANY MAC PAC PORTFOLIO KT 543.75 17,788.61 RETIREMENT FUND CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 8,668.47 8,668.47 CONTINGENT FUND EAGLE VOLUNTEER FIRE FIRE FIGHT BILL OCT 815.50 GREENGARD AND SENTER PROF. SERVICES 1,782.85 2,598.35 INSURANCE RESERVE FUND GYPSUM AUTOBODY AND FRAME REPAIR UNIT #3450 599.00 JAMES FRED S AND COMPANY OF CONSULTING FEES 1,000.00 JAMES FRED S AND COMPANY OF PURCHASED SERV/MAR 1,000.00 MCMAHAN ARMSTRONG & ASSOCIATES SERVICES-FEB 89 2,151.00 OLESEN JACK D REPAIRS/CHEVY CELEB. 560.40 RICHS AUTOBODY REPAIR BODY DAMAGE 1,284.54 ROLLINS BURDICK HUNTER BOILER MACH./POLICY 2,474.00 ROLLINS BURDICK HUNTER BOILER MACHINE POLICY 2,278.00 11,346.94 AIRPORT FUND AMERICAN ASSOCIATION AIRPORT RET/AAAE CONFERENCE 445.00 AVIATION SYSTEMS INCORPORATED MAINTENANCE/APRIL 89 2,150.00 AVON METROPOLITAN DISTRICT ENGINEERING FEES 2,147.50 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS FOOD/MEET/AIR SHOW 16.37 BRENT SERVICE MAT/RADAR REMOVAL 303.44 BROWNING FERRIS INDUSTRIES PORTA FACILITIES 119.78 • CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT 72.04 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT 58.49 CHARLES WILLIS AND ASSOCIATES MASTER DRAFT SERVICE 155.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/W/H 98.08 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/AIRPORT 75.52 CRICH MICHAEL HANGAR 4/RENT APRIL 500.00 EAGLE AUTO PARTS BATTERY/CFR TRUCK 145.20 EAGLE PHARMACY FILM 4.89 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE ADV 30.35 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT 599.04 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/W/H 100.65 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT 539.94 FLATIRON PAVING COMPANY FLATIRON/AIP #10 175,000.00 HAMMACK SCOTT DEPOSIT/AIR SHOW 350.00 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 213510200/ELEC 1,417.37 HUFFMAN LISA TRAVEL 13.40 INTERNATIONAL AVIATION SHOW TUITION/HURD 150.00 KIEWIT WESTERN COMPANY PAYMENT 3/FINAL 37,432.56 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USE/HEAVY 789.77 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION REPAIRS/RADIO 27.00 NANCY EARLEY REG/FAA SEMINAR 5.00 NATIONAL BUSINESS AIRCRAFT NBAA DUES 89 250.00 PACIFIC TELECOM PHONE SERVICE/FEB 89 333.73 RAMADA RENAISSANCE HOTEL 4 NIGHTS/LODGE 236.00 REGISTRAR OF COPY RIGHTS COPYRIGHT/SHOW LOGO 10.00 REGISTRAR OF COPY RIGHTS COPYRIGHT/SHOW LOGO 10.00 REYNOLDS DANIEL TRAVEL ADVANCE/MEALS 215.89 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS HEAT/HANGAR 4/FEB 89 539.39 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS REPAIRS/HANGAR 4 HEAT 73.64 ROCKY MOUNTAIN SAFETY SERVICE SAFETY FLAGS 82.75 ROGER HARDESTY DEPOSIT/AIR SHOW 250.00 RYALL ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY BULBS/NAV AIDS 302.41 SUMMIT LUMBER KEYS 18.71 SUMMIT LUMBER KEYS 3.46 TEAM AMERICA DEPOSIT/AIR SHOW 450.00 TRIPLE H CONSTRUCTION SNOW PLOWING 400.00 VAIL BEAVER CREEK JET CENTER TERMINAL RENT/APRIL 4,000.00 WESTERN EAGLE COUNTY AMBULANCE AIR SHOW EXPENSES 50.00 WESTERN FLYER AIRSHOW ADV 265.00 MARCH PAYROLL 2,995.67 233,233.04 3y4 411, 111 LANDFILL FUND BACON DRYWALL CLOSE LANDFILL ACCT. 5.97 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL 62.07 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL 37.70 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/W/H 151.25 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LANDFILL 100.11 DEEP ROCK WATER WATER COOLER/HOT/COLD 440.63 EZ WAY RENTAL RENT/WELDER 248.95 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL 790.85 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/W/H 251.14 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED/LANDFILL 709.82 MCGRUDER SEPTIC SERVICE CLEAN FACILITIES 50.00 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USE/HEAVY 8,061.57 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USAGE 416.70 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING BOOTS/R&B 225.00 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY PUMPS 83.40 MARCH PAYROLL 4,622.26 16,257.42 TRANSPORTATION FUND AVON BEAVER CREEK TIMES ADV/BUS PROPOSAL 150.73 CCO AND ERA RETIREMENT ANN W/H 9.70 CCO AND ERA DEF COMP 9.70 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/W/H 14.36 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/W/H 105.71 GREYHOUND LINES INCORPORATED TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 126,324.21 REYNOLDS DANIEL REIM/MEALS 13.20 VAIL ASSOCIATES TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 106,759.91 233,387.52 The morning being spent paying bills, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Pro-tem Welch opened the meeting and stated Chairman Gustafson was not present due to business. Commissioner Gates moved to open the meeting as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, presented a renewal application for beer Li License and wine license for Linda's Kitchen. He stated he received no reported incidents Linda's Kircher_ from the Sheriff's office and he sees no reason to deny this application. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the renewal application for a wine and beer license for Linda's Kitchen. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved on the application of a change in corporate structure of Paddy O'Days Paddy O'Day's be rescheduled to April 17, 1989 for more information. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the Corp. Change vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Susan Vaughn, Community Development Director, appeared to introduce the next item, Strawberry Park Condo, File SM-578-89, a Type B Subdivision. She requested the plat SM-578-89 be signed. Strawberry Park Commissioner Gates moved on File SM-578-89, Strawberry Park Condo, to authorize the Chairman Pro-tem sign the plat. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Dan Reynolds, Airport Manager, appeared to discuss an access gate to be installed at the Eagle County Airport. Co. Airport Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve the installation of an automatic access Access Gate gate at the Airport in cooperation with Vail/Beaver Creek Jet Center that Eagle County will pay approximately 1/2 of the total cost up to a maximum of $3,000. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Reynolds brought up the Airport pasture lease. He stated the pasture was put Lease out to bid for a three year lease. He advised Merle and Bettie Hobbs made a cash bid HobbsaRanch in the amount of $9,000, or $3,000 per year. He explained the lease for the benefit of the Board. • • r • Commissioner Gates moved, finding the bid submitted by Merle and Bettie Hobbs, dba Hobbs Ranch Co. to be in the best interest of Eagle County, the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners accept the terms set forth and authorize the Chairman to execute the lease agreement for leasing of pasture land at the Eagle County Airport. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Reynolds presented another lease regarding property around the airport. He Lease stated Karen Greenman offered to lease the property for a minimum of $35/month or $.80 Greenman, Karen per animal, whichever is greater. Chairman Pro-tem Welch expressed his concern with animals on the runway. He stated the lease should contain a clause in which the County can immediately terminate the lease if the land is overgrazed. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the agreement with Karen Greenman to lease pasture land from Eagle County for a minimum of $35.00 per month. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Rick Beveridge, Eagle County Events Coordinator, explained to the Board his Air Show Logo request to copyright the Eagle County Air Show logo. Copyright Discussion followed on whether this should be a trademark or copyright. The Board determined to copyright the logo then register as a trademark. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve the application to the United Stated Copyright Office for a copyright of the Eagle County Air Show logo. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a resolution denying the Ruder minor PUD File PD-277-88-S/P. Res. 89-46 Commissioner Gates moved to adopt Resolution 89-46 denying the Ruder Minor PUD, Ruder PUD File PD-277-88 S/P. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a resolution and amendment to the Building Resolution of the Res. 89-47 County of Eagle, State of Colorado, 1985. Building Commissioner Gates moved the Board adopt Resolution 89-47 in the matter of the Amendments Amendment and readoption of the Building Resolution of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, 1985. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. James Fritze, County Manager, presented an addendum to the professional services Contract contract between Eagle County and McMahan, Armstrong and Associates, in the amount of Addendum $26,600. He added there was a budgeted amount of $45,500 for this audit. He McMahan & explained the contract. Armstrong Chairman Pro-tem Welch expressed his concern this audit should be done as soonas possible. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners adopt and approve the addendum to the professional services contract between Eagle County and McMahan, Armstrong and Associates, P.C. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a resolution to appoint James R. Morter to serve on the Res 89-48 Building Board of Appeals for a term ending March 1, 1992. Mortar, James Commissioner Welch moved the Board of County Commissioners adopt Resolution 89-48 Board/Appeals appointing James R. Morter to the Building Board of Appeals. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Ken Heller, Assistant Supervisor Road and Bridge Supervisor, presented bids for Contract corrugated steel drainage pipes. He stated Wheeling Corrugating was the low bidder Wheeling Corru- and requested the Board accept their bid. gated Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners adopt and approve the bid award for corrugated steel drainage pipes to Wheeling Corrugated. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Heller explained the use of the Department of Transportation affiliated with Contribution the Colorado State University for the training of employees. He requested a $500 CSU Training donation for voluntary funding of this program. Chairman \ Pro-tem Welch stated he preferred to look at this item as a budget request for 1990. After further discussion, the Board determined to donate $100 and requested infor- mation for the 1990 budget. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve the contribution of $100 to the Colo- rado Transportation Information Center. This contribution comes from the Road and Bridge budget. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. • 4111 4111 1111 Johnnette Phillips, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, presented minutes from March Minutes 6, 1989 through March 20, 1989. a 3/6/89-3/20/89 Commissioner Gates moved to approve the minutes as presented by Mrs. Phillips. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to April 10, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 1111 11/0 • March 28, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty Don Welch Commissioner Susan Vaughn Dir. Community Dev. George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Jim Curnutte Planner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Jim Curnutte, Planner, made a presentation on File PD-207-89-F, Blue Lake, Filing PD-207-89-F n2. He reviewed prior approval conditions of the project as being the sale of 66% of Blue Lake the lots before developing Phase II. Ron Liston reviewed the building construction and lots sold in Blue Lake and stated there are only fourteen lots in Filing 1 remain for sale. He added he has a waiting list for lots in Filing #2 and requested to be able to proceed with Filing #2. Commissioner Welch asked about the Subdivision Improvements Agreement regarding recreation and offsite road improvements. Mr. Curnutte stated the SIA included a bike/walking path, a tot lot, and roads in the subdivision. Commissioner Gates expressed concern with continuing into Phase 2 before the first phase is complete. Mr. Liston pointed the subdivision improvements are practically complete for Phase #1 and spoke of the demand for lots in Filing #2. Further discussion on the Subdivision Improvements followed. Mr. Lindahl reminded the Board they should consider only the restrictions origi- nally placed on the plat and should not allow their decision be based on litigation with VanTech. Mr. Curnutte recommended approval if the Board of County Commissioners is satis- fied with the conditions. Discussion followed on the agreement of the Board that 66% of the lots sold and circumstances wherein the applicant is requesting to waive the condition to develop Phase 2. Commissioner Gates expressed concern with the changing of the concept of the project. Dieter Sander, area resident, spoke regarding build-out and believes the develop- ers have met the condition. He explained the need for building lots. The Board determined to review all issues at a later date. Commissioner Welch moved to table File PD-207-89-F, Blue Lake Filing 2, at the applicant's request, until such time the applicant comes forward and requests it to be on the Board's agenda. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Susan Vaughn, Community Development Director, presented final plats to be signed: Final Plat Warner Development, Lot 45, Homestead Filing #3, and amended plats for Lots 26 and 27, Warner Dev. Basalt Industrial Park, Filing #2. Basalt Ind Park Commissioner Welch moved to approve the plats as presented by Ms. Vaughn. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Judy White House, Human Resources Director, explained the drug free workplace Drug Free policy addition to the personnel policy. Workplace Mr. Lindahl mentioned the policy puts employees on notice for drug testing and explained testing regulations will be implemented. Commissioner Gates moved the Board sign and adopt Resolution 89-45 enacting the Drug Free Workplace Policy as part of the Eagle County Personnel Policy. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved, based on the need for additional information, to table surveying to April 11, 1989, the item regarding the Selection of Surveying Services. Services Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze mentioned a contract for enforcing child support which needs a signa- Contract for ture for the State of Colorado for the District's Attorney office. Enforcing Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the contract as pre- Child Support sented by Mr. Fritze. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch was out of the room at this time. Mr. Lindahl presented an amendment to the Subdivision Improvements Agreement, Summit Vista Summit Vista, to transfer ownership of this subdivision from Marvin Christensen to SIA Amend. Norman Bacheldor. Mr. Bacheldor pointed out he did not intend to complete subdivision improvements agreed to by Mr. Christensen. Mr. Lindahl explained the purpose of the hearing is regarding the rights to improvements by Mr. Bacheldor in Phase II. He stated the County is holding $10,000 to complete improvements in Phase I. Discussion followed on road maintenance and if the developer would maintain roads until accepted by the County. The Board determined the developers would be responsi- ble for road maintenance. Mr. Bacheldor asked if Mr. Christensen would not be responsible for the roads. 411/ 4110 411/ 4110 371 The Board stated their concern with Mr. Christensen accepting the responsibility. Mr. Lindahl explained Mr. Bacheldor would have no responsibility for Phase I. Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve and sign the amendment to the Subdivi- sion Improvements Agreement regarding Summit Vista Subdivision, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to April 3, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman , • I 111/ 111/ 371/ March 27, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman James Fritze County Manager Don Welch Commissioner Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, a final Final Settlmnt settlement for Hillen Corporation for the McDonald Building demolition. Hillen Corp. Mike Bradley, Building and Grounds Supervisor, explained the final settlement for this contract: Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, advised the Board this settlement was adver- tised for this date and time and no claims have been received. He recommended the Board approve final settlement. Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve and the Chairman be authorized to release funds for final settlement for demolition of the McDonald Building with the Hillen Corporation. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, Mr. Lindahl advised to amend the motion and delete "the Chairman be authorized to release funds." Commissioner Welch amended the motion to state the Board of County Commissioners approve the final settlement for Hillen Corporation for the demolition of the McDonald Building. Commissioner Gates seconded the amendment to the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and recon- vene as the Board of Social Services. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. James Fritze, County Manager, explained a contract with the State Board of Commu- Minigrant nity Colleges and Occupational Education in which the County would receive a grant to Day Care help fund the Day Care Task Force. Task Force Mr. Lindahl stated he has reviewed the contract and it meets with his approval. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the contract with the State Board of Community Colleges and Occupational Education for an Eagle County Day Care Task Force mini-grant. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved to adjourn as the Board of Social Services and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mary Walker, County Treasurer, requested the Board adopt a resolution notifying Res. 89-44 the State Treasurer to distribute the Federal Mineral Leasing Funds. Fed Min Leas- Commissioner Welch moved the Board adopt Resolution 89-44 notifying the State ing Funds Treasurer to distribute Federal Leasing Funds in accord with the provisions of Section 34-63-102, C.R.S. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gustafson convened the afternoon session of the Board of Health. Marge Gates, Nursing Director, reported to the Board about the newly formed task Bd/Health force and requested letters of support for a regional task force for indigent people Task Force for medical care. Indigent Med. Care Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of Health and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Susan Vaughn, Community Development Director, presented a letter for the Chair- Grant App. man's signature for an application for an Urban Mass Transportation Administration. UMTA She stated the request is for $154,000 for the site location for the bus maintenance facility, $17,500 for a study for alternative funding options, and $14,000 for a mar- keting program. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the letter of application to UMTA. Mr. Lindahl introduced the next item, a designation of sanitation districts in the 208 Plan County as the designated management agencies for 208 plans. Designation Lane Wyatt, representing the Northwest Council of Governments, explained the plan for an intergovernmental agreement with Mid Valley Metropolitan District. Sid Fox, Assistant Environmental Health Officer, talked about issues the 208 Plan covers. Discussion followed on the advantages or disadvantages designating agencies for the 208 Plan. Further discussion was held on the Board of County Commissioners desig- nating the management agencies. Chairman Gustafson stated he was not prepared to become involved in this issue until further information is presented. Commissioner Welch stated he believes the County should be the lead organization for a management agency. Mr. Wyatt agreed to return to NWCCOG and relate Eagle County's concerns. RECEIVED APR 2 7 1984 EAGLE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT • • 4 • 315 Mr. Fritze presented a letter requesting permission, to use the County Airport for Wings for Inde the "Wings for Independence" Air Show on July 3, 1989. pendence at Commissioner Welch moved the Board of County Commissioners allow the Wings for County Airport Independence Air Show to be held at Eagle County Airport and authorize the Chairman to sign the evidence of permission letter. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a contract between Eagle County and Eagle County School Contract for District for the lease of a house located at 308 Broadway to house the Social Services 308 Broadway Department. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and the Chairman be authorized to sign the contract between Eagle County and the Eagle County School District RE50J for the lease of the house located at 308 Broadway in which to house the Social Services Department. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to March 28, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • s . • � 311 March 20, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman James Fritze County Manager Don Welch Commissioner Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Absent: George "Bud" Gates This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting and announced the liquor licenses would be heard. Commissioner Welch moved to convene as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates was not present due to an accident in which his shoulder was injured. Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, presented the first liquor license applica- Liq. License tion, a hotel and restaurant liquor license and approval of a change in corporate Kennedy's structure for Kennedy's at Singletree. He explained the change in corporate struc- ture. He recommended this application be approved. He added the Sheriff reported no incidents at this location during the past year. Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the application of the Kennedy Corporation of Colorado for the renewal of a hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for Kennedy's at Singletree, and for a change in corporate structure. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a renewal of a retail liquor license for White Water Package Liq. License Store. He advised the Sheriff reported no incidents during the past year. He recom- Whitewater mended approval. Package Store Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal of the retail liquor store license for Three Seventysix corp. , dba White- water Package Store. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl introduced the next item, a manager's change for Village Hall. Liq. License Commissioner Welch declared a conflict of interest but stated this would not Village Hall affect his decision. Chairman Gustafson also declared a conflict of interest and agreed it would not affect any decision the Board would make. Mr. Lindahl presented a manager's change application for Village Hall. He stated the proper applications have been filed and recommended approval. Boyd A. Hulk, proposed manager, appeared to give a brief background of himself. Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the application of Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc. , for a manager change for Village Hall. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a manager's change for Leroy's from Paul Vincent Carney to Liq. License Hugh Gordon Finlay, Jr. He stated he reviewed the information submitted by the appli- Leroy's cant and recommended approval. The present Board members renewed their potential conflict of interest regarding this item. Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the application of Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc. , for a manager change for Leroy's. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. In discussion, Chairman Gustafson questioned Mr. Finlay regarding his experience in liquor sales. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved to adjourn as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Bill Smith, Motor Pool Superintendent, presented a pre-approval of a vehicle pur- Pre-approval chase for a 1988 or 1989 rental vehicle. This would include a trade in of a 1986 Ford lease/purchase Bronco II, Unit #3636. vehicle Commissioner Welch moved the Board pre-approve the purchase of one 1988 or 1989 vehicle with trade in of one 1986 Ford Bronco II, Unit #3636, with a total price not to exceed $12,000. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. 1111 4111 1 312 James Fritze, County Manager, presented a resolution appointing him as acting Res 89-40 director of Social Services. Acting Social Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners adopt and Services Dir. approve Resolution 89-40 appointing James R. Fritze Acting Social Services Director effective at 5:00 p.m. on March 24, 1989. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze presented a resolution appointing Don Fessler Road & Bridge Supervisor. Res 89-41 Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners approve Fessler, Don and adopt Resolution 89-41 appointing Don Fessler Road and Bridge Supervisor. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a resolution regarding the greenhouse effect and support by Res 89-42 Eagle County alleviating global warming and effect and calling for further research Global Warming and an improvement in our national energy. Commissioner Welch moved to approve Resolution 89-42 as presented by Mr. Lindahl. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a contract between Eagle County and McMahan, Armstrong & Contract Associates for the annual 1988 audit. McMahan Arm- Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners table the strong approval of the contract between Eagle County and McMahan, Armstrong & Associates for the annual 1988 audit. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Judy White House, Human Resources Director, presented a premium agreement with Contract CIGNA and requested the Board approve and sign the contract. CIGNA Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve and the Chairman be authorized to sign the supplemental premium agreement between Eagle County and CIGNA. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a petition for annexation for Hansen & Hansen Subdivision. Hansen/Hansen He explained this annexation into the Town of Basalt. The annexation includes 1.87 Annexation to acres, Lot 1, Block 1 of the Hansen & Hansen Subdivision, into the Town of Basalt. He Basalt advised there will be a hearing on April 12, 1989 at 7:30 p.m. He stated the Board may wish to submit any comments to the Town of Basalt at their public hearing. Mr. Lindahl presented a third addendum to the agreement between Eagle County and Addendum W.C. Muchow and Partners. He stated this addendum would allow the County to direct W.C. Muchow the architect to proceed within, ten days of March 21, 1989 bond election, with reassem- bling and reissuing the documents for bid. He advised the architect would be compen- sated $6,000 which includes start up and preparation of documents for rebidding. Chairman Gustafson commented this addendum is based on the assumption the bond election passes. Commissioner Welch moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and the Chair- man be authorized to sign the Third Addendum to Agreement between Eagle County and W.C. Muchow and Partner, Inc. , pending the successful passing of the bond election. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze presented an intergovernmental agreement between Eagle County and Edwards Metropolitan District for the Countyto Agreement p provide snow plowing on Edwards Vil- Edwards Metro lage Road in the area of the Edwards Fire Station. Mr. Fritze answered questions District for regarding the contract. Snowplowing Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve and the Chairman be authorized to sign the contract between Eagle County and Edwards Metropolitan District for the snow- plowing of Edwards Village Road. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. The next item brought before the Board was a public request to address the Board regarding logging operations in the Gypsum Creek area. Gypsum Creek CorkyFitzsimmons brought to the Board's attention the Logging g problems he can foresee if there are logging operations along Gypsum Creek Road. Mike Spencer, U.S. Forest Service, spoke regarding the proposed timber sales in the Gypsum Creek area. He updated the Board on the Environmental Impact Statement and explained in 1984 timber harvesting was proposed for the area in Ragged Lakes. Discussion followed on the road problems that logging trucks could cause. Bill Walden, Gypsum Creek area property owner, pointed out he had problems with the reasons for cutting timber and expressed doubts beetles are the reason for cut- ting. Bill Heicher, Colorado Division of Wildlife, stated the forest service timber harvesting area is a viable wildlife area. He added something should be done to manip- ulate the vegetation in the area but an alternative to cutting should be considered. Norman Nunn, Gypsum Creek resident, spoke of the water and how clear cutting would adversely affect water. David Scott, resident, spoke regarding the road and his concerns the truck traffic would increase driving hazards. He asked rules and regulations be implemented. Ammk 411/ 1110 111, Tom Harned, Gypsum resident, spoke against clear cutting of timber. Mr. Spencer spoke regarding the complexity of the issue and added the Forest Ser- vice will be having public meetings to discuss the proposed timber sales. Chairman Gustafson stated the County would like to receive input. 3Sid Fox, Assistant Environmental Health Officer, appeared to request the Board Res 89-43 readopt and amend the floodplain regulations of the 1041 regulations. He explained Floodplain the amendments. He stated the resolution was not signed at the time the amendments Regulations were made. Commissioner Welch moved the Board adopt and sign Resolution 89-43 readopting and amending the "Guidelines and Regulations for Areas and Activities of State Interest" for the Eagle County Land Use Regulations concerning Chapter 6 Floodplain Regulations. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to March 27, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • • 1110• • • • 94,1 March 14, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Commissioner James Fritze County Manager George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty Susan Vaughn Dir. Community Dev. Jim Curnutte Planner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Absent Dick Gustafson Chairman This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Chairman Pro-tem Welch opened the meeting stating the first item on the agenda was SM-567-89 Type "A" Minor Subdivision, Marvin Hornbaker. ,Hornbaker, M. Jim Curnutte, Planner, presented File No. SM-567-89, Marvin Hornbaker. He pointed out on the plat the location of the lot line vacation. He stated the property does lie in the 100 year flood plain. Mr. Hornbaker has agreed to remove the six current buildings and replace them with one residential unit. Mr. Curnutte stated the appli- cant has obtained a Flood Plain Development Permit and a variance. Mr. Curnutte stated the Staff is recommending approval of the proposal and related to the Board the Planning Commission also recommended approval. Jim Curnutte presented a letter from the Colorado State Highway Department and read the letter into the record, indicating they will accept the Hornbaker's use of the current access. Mr. Curnutte read a letter from Jeff Heines of the Colorado Geological Survey office, indicating they have reviewed the proposal and recognize the proposal is a significant improvement over the existing use. Chairman Pro-tem Welch asked when the County allowed something to be built in a 100 year flood plain. Susan Vaughn, Planning Director, answered in 1975 in West Vail. She explained the development which was allowed to be built in the flood plain. Dave Clement, Robillard and Associates, spoke of a flood plain study performed on the property in question. He informed the Board of County Commissioners the property is actually on a bench and the main channel is not affected as the water is shallow. He explained the volume of the water and discussed the possibility of rip-raf. Commissioner Gates asked if a flood should happen, if Eagle County was liable. Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, stated the County has received approval. A plat note should be put on the plat holding Eagle County harmless. Commissioner Gates questioned the septic system. Mr. Clement stated the system would be a mounded system with a leach field. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners adopt and approve the type "A" Minor Subdivision, SM-567-89, Marvin Hornbaker. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. In discussion, Commissioner Gates asked a hold harmless clause be included on the plat. Chairman Pro-tem Welch called for the question on the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gustafson was not present at this meeting. Susan Vaughn Res. 89-34 g presented the following Resolutions for the Board's approval and throu 89-39 signatures. She informed the Board all the Resolutions are for previously approved actions by the Board of County Commissioners. 1. Resolution 89-34 Zone District Amendment, Aspen Junction, ZC-224-88. 2. Resolution 89-35 Approval of Special Use Permit, Aspen Junction, ZS-277-88. 3. Resolution 89-36 Zone District Amendment, Aspen Junction, ZC-225-88. 4. Resolution 89-37 Zone District Amendment, Oak Grove Townhomes, PD-256-88-P. 5. Resolution 89-38 Denial Of Special Use Permit, DSM Realty Helistop at Cordillera, ZS-278-88. 6. Resolution 89-39 Approval of Special Use Permit, Domestic Sewage Sludge, ZS-276-88. Commissioner Gates moved to approve Resolutions 89-34, 89-35, 89-36, 89-37, 89-38, 89-39 as presented. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the vote was declared unanimous. Susan Vaughn presented the final plat for William P. Shepard for the Board's signa- Final Plat ture. FMS-M-474-89 Gates moved to sign the plat for William P. Shepard, FMS-M-574-89. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the vote was declared unanimous. Susan Vaughn presented the Urban Mass Transit Authority Grant application. She Grant for passed out a report on a study of the transit system. Ms. Vaughn recommended the Transit Sys Board pursue funds to buy busses and additional service for Section III and Section Study VIII. She submitted a letter for the Board's signature requesting one time funds of $40,000.00 and Section VIII funds of $36,000.00 to test this new market. I . 1111 41 • Jim Fritze, County Manager, asked why the County was leasing the busses as opposed to purchasing them. Susan Vaughn explained the County usually leases busses. Commissioner Gates moved the Board sign the application with the Mass Transit Authority. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Pro-tem Welch stated the next item on the agenda was the Impact Assis- tance Grant. Impact Assist. 1 Jim Fritze informed the Board they had questioned if all the money was to go to Grant the School District. He stated not all the money will go to the School District, but all enmities will get an amount equal to what it's tax levy would have been on the property. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve the application for an Impact Assis- tance Grant. Chairman Pro-tem seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the vote was declared unanimous. Cam Oury, Accountant, made a presentation regarding a $3,600.00 expenditure for a, copier for the Sheriff's Office. He informed the Board the Sheriff's Office also hasCopier for budgeted $500.00 for supplies and $1,000.00 for maintenance agreements. Mr. Ouray Sheriff's Dept stated he has checked into copiers and finds a Sharp Copier for $6,400.00 would be the type the Sheriff believes is the best for his office. Chairman Pro-tem Welch spoke regarding the additional $3,500.00, as to where the additional money will come from. He directed Mr. Oury to return with the total amount overall and where it is in the budget. Jim Fritze informed the Board of County Commissioners Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, had explained to the Board a Federal Government Grant to provide $500,000.00 Grant for to Eagle County for Airport Development. He stated this money is specifically to Airport Land reimburse the County for land which the County previously purchased, parcels 6, 9B, 10, 19. Mr. Fritze recommended the Board apply for this grant. Commissioner Gates moved the Board sign the application applying for a reimburse- ment grant from the Federal Government in the amount of $500,000.00. Chairman Pro-tem Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to March 20, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • or i . • • March 13, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman James Fritze County Manager Don Welch Commissioner Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting announcing the first item on the agenda was Golden Eagle the rules and regulations for the Golden Eagle Senior Center. Senior Center Mike Bradley, Buildings and Grounds Supervisor, presented a draft of the Rules and Rules & Regs Regulations. He mentioned he, Marge Gates and Jim Fritze had reviewed the Rental Agreement that was submitted. He presented a proposed Resolution naming the Users Committee as the body that would interpret the rules and regulations. Mr. Bradley, suggested someone be appointed to sign the rental agreements as they arrive rather, than waiting for a Board of County Commissioner hearing. Commissioner Welch asked about the amount charged to use the Senior Center. Mr. Bradley reviewed the amount in the draft and stated the County is providing the cleaning of the center and the Senior Citizens are doing the cleaning of the kitchen area. Discussion followed on the proposed rules and regulations. Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve and the Chairman be authorized to sign the rules and regulations for the Golden Eagle Senior Center. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Discussion followed on the Senior Citizen Committee. Commissioner Gates moved to adopt Resolution 89-29, appointing a usage committee for the Golden Eagle Senior Center. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved the Golden Eagle Senior Center Rental Agreements be signed by Jim Fritze and Mike Bradley. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, Kevin Lindahl pointed out there was no discretion on how the Center can be used or who can use it. Chairman Gustafson called for the question on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gustafson stated the next item on the agenda was approval of the Board of Minutes County Commissioner Meeting minutes from January 30, 1989 through February 21, 1989. 1/30 - 2/21/89 Commissioner Gates mentioned on page 347, second paragraph, the minutes show Com- missioner Gates moved and seconded the same motion. He stated on page 353, 4th para- graph, Commissioner Welch movgd and seconded the same motion. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the minutes of January 30, 1989 through Febru- ary 21, 1989, as corrected. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates stated the next item on the agenda was renaming the Eagle Res 89-30 County Airport to Eagle County Regional Airport. Airport Name Commissioner Gates moved to adopt Resolution 89-30, changing the name of the Air- Change port to the Eagle County Regional Airport. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, presented a Resolution of appointments to Res 89-31 the Eagle County Library Board. He recommended Charlynn Williams be appointed to Library replace Sara Willis. Appts Commissioner Welch moved the Board of County Commissioners adopt and approve Reso- lution 89-31, appointing Charlynn Williams to the Eagle County Library Board. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl presented a final settlement for Kiewit Construction Company for Final Settlmnt improvements to the Eagle County Airport. He stated this matter was published in the Kiewit Constr. Eagle Valley Enterprise on February 23, 1989 and March 2, 1989. Mr. Lindahl stated he has received no claims for this project. He recommended final settlement be autho- rized. Commissioner Welch moved to approve final settlement for Kiewit Construction. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gustafson stated the next item on the agenda was a remodeling contract Contract with D. B. Lundholm. D.B. Lundholm Mike Bradley explained the remodel was due to the collapse of the Recreation Build- ing and demolition of the McDonald Building and the work has been performed. He related the work done on the building which houses Mental Health was fairly high. Mr. Bradley stated Bob Haull, Director of Colorado West Mental Health Services, is looking for grants that will off-set the County's costs and trying to upgrade the service to off-set the costs. Discussion followed on the remodel and costs. Commissioner Welch moved the Board authorize the Chairman to sign the contract between Eagle County and D. B. Lundholm for remodeling services to the Community Devel- opment Building, Social Services Building, and Colorado West Mental Health Building, in the amount of $29,472.72. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. • • • • ,3ti/ Jim Fritze stated the next item on the agenda was Permission to Construct Erosion Contract Control Structures on the Perry Olsen property. He stated the Board of County Commis-Erosion Control sioners need to give their permission and sign the forms. Structures on Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Olsen Property Permission from the J. Perry Olsen Estate to allow Eagle County to construct Erosion Control Structures on the Olsen property. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Jim Fritze stated the next item on the agenda was Change Order #1 to the BlastingC-0. #1 Contract on Trough Road. He explained the change order to the Board and recommended Trough Rd. the Change Order be approved. Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve Change Order #1 for the Trough Road Blasting Contract to extend the completion date of the contract from April 15, 1989 to April 30, 1989. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl presented a proposed Resolution accepting Morgan Drive in Berry Res. 89-32 Creek Subdivision, Filing #4. He stated Larry Metternick, County Engineer, has indi-Acceptance of cated he approves the road and is recommending the Board accept the road for mainte-Morgan Drive nance. Commissioner Gates moved the Board adopt Resolution 89-32, accepting for mainte- nance of Morgan Drive located in Berry Creek Subdivision, Filing #4. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gustafson stated the next item on the agenda was a presentation of the Res. 89-33 Service Plan for the Eagle Valley T.V. Metropolitan District. Eagle Valley TV John Dunn, Attorney representing the District, stated he has submitted a Resolu-Metro District tion for the Board's approval setting a hearing of April 10, 1989 at 3:15 p.m. for a decision concerning the Service Plan. He recommended the Board approve the Resolu- tion. Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve and sign Resolution 89-33, concerning the Service Plan for the Eagle Valley TV Metropolitan District in Eagle County, Colo- rado and further direct the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder to publish notice of the pending hearing on the service plan in the Eagle Valley Enterprise once each week for a period of three successive weeks. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, Commissioner Gates asked about the boundaries of the proposed Dis- trict. Mr. Dunn explained the boundaries to the Board. Discussion followed on the areas included in the boundaries of the Service Plan. Chairman Gustafson called for the question on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Jan McHugh, Supervisor for Animal Control, appeared to request approval of a Contract contract for a $100.00 increase to house Eagle County animals. She stated the con- Mid-Valley tract had increased as there have been no cat facilities in the past. Kennels Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and the Chairman sign the contract with Mid-Valley Kennels, for the shelter of animals. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to March 14, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • a r • March 7, 1989 3�° PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty Don Welch Commissioner Susan Vaughn Community Dev. Dir. George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Jim Curnutte Planner Earlene Roach Dep. Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Jim Curnutte, Planner, advised he spoke with Ron Lister, applicant Blue Lake Fil- Blue Lake ing #2, who requested this be tabled to March 14, 1989. He explained that Phase II Filing #2 cannot be platted until Phase I has Certificates of Occupancy issued for 66% of the phase. Discussion followed on why the agreement with Mr. Lister states "certificate of occupancy" instead pf "building permit." Commissioner Welch moved to table Blue Lake, Filing #2, at applicant's request until March 28, 1989. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Susan Vaughn, Director of Community Development, presented a final plat, The Pines The Pines Townhouses at Beaver Creek Condominiums, part of Lot 6, 6th Amendment of the 5th Fil- Townhomes ing, Beaver Creek Subdivision Tract G. Mr. Lindahl requested this be postponed until the County Attorney has reviewed the plat. The Board agreed to the postponement until later in the day. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and recon- vene as the Board of Equalization. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a stipulation between Alfred C. Olivetti and Eagle County. Olivetti, A.C. He reviewed the file for the Board. He stated these were unaccessible mining claims. Stipulation He recommended adjusting the value to $500 per acre from $600 per acre. Commissioner Welch moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the stipulation between Alfred C. Olivetti and Eagle County. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. Discussion followed on open space versus mining claim and how mining claims are assessed. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch moved to adjourn as the Board of Equalization and reconvene as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a resolution authorizing an expenditure from the contingency Res. 89-26 fund for payment of an unanticipated contingency. Contingency Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners adopt and Payment approve Resolution 89-26 authorizing the expenditure from the Contingency Fund for the payment of unanticipated contingencies, partitions for the Community Development Department. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a resolution regarding findings and fact regarding the 1041 Res. 89-27 permit application of Kensington Land Investment Partners. Kensington Commissioner Welch moved the Board adopt and sign Resolution 89-27 concerning findings of fact and recommendations in regard to the 1041 permit application of Kensington Land Investment Partners. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a resolution regarding the amendment to the Berry Creek PUD Res. 89-28 Filings #3 and #4. Berry Crk PUD Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and adopt Resolution 89-28 concerning the amendment of the Berry Creek Ranch Planned Unit Development, Filing #3 and #4. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The next item was the plat presented earlier and tabled for review by the County Final Plat Attorney. The Pines Commissioner Welch moved the Chairman to sign the final plat at The Pines Town- Townhomes homes at Beaver Creek Condominiums, part of Lot 6, 6th Amendment to the 5th Filing, Beaver Creek Subdivision. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates was out of the room. Bill Smith, Supervisor Motor Pool, presented a Preferred Vendor for 1989. Preferred Commissioner Welch moved to approve the bid of Eagle Auto Parts (NAPA) to become Vendor-NAPA the auto part preferred vendor for 1989 with an average discount of 43%. Eagle Auto Parts was the only bidder. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to March 13, 1989. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman ► , . • i S 9 i March 6, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Dick Gustafson Chairman James Fritze County Manager Don Welch Commissioner Kevin Lindahl Acting County Atty George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Earlene Roach Dep Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following bills were examined, approved and warrants drawn upon the proper funds in payment thereof: GENERAL FUND ABBOTT LABORATORIES STREP KITS 580.00 ACE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY SNO-WING/UPS 218.50 ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL VACCINATIONS 135.75 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION PLANNING BOOKS 65.40 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION DEV EXACTION BOOK 30.30 , AMERICAN TITLE EAGLE/PITKIN CO MNG CLAIMS 15,000.00 ANALYTITOX INC LAB/12/21/88 180.50 ANDREE KIM REIM/SUPPLIES 32.70 ARIEL COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE 34.95 ARROW GAS COMPANY GAS AT LANDFILL 75.60 AT AND T RENTAL/SHERIFF 65.31 AT AND T LEASE/949-7026 35.15 AVERY LABEL BUSINESS SYSTEMS LABELS 17.50 AVON TOWN OF 1ST QTR RENT 1,136.10 BAKER DAN CAFS CONF/MEALS/LODGE 205.36 BARTELL AND BARTELL PSYCHOLOGICALS/EMPL. 556.20 BASALT SANITATION DISTRICT 00000000206701 69.90 BASALT TOWN OF JAN 89 RENT 800.00 BASALT TOWN OF 165 W. SOPRIS/#6701 48.00 BAUER DAVID A 14812/MCCURRY 10.00 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS INMATE SUPPLIES 123.78 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS CLEANING SUPPLIES 50.30 BEAVER CREEK METRO DISTRICT FIRE ALARM/SPKLR SYSTEM 3,695.97 BEAVER FRAMING INCORPORATED FOAM CASE 30.00 BEAVERS JEFF REIM/MEALS 36.33 BEEP WEST INCORPORATED ' MESSAGE SERV./PAGING 60.00 BEEP WEST INCORPORATED FEB. PAGER CHARGES 30.00 BELL SYSTEMS INCORPORATED REPAIR/TRANSCRIBER 106.02 BERENBAUM AND WEINWHIENK 14887/COMERFORD 0.10 BEVERIDGE RICK TRAVEL 183.10 BISHOPS TRASH SERVICE SERVICE/EL JEBEL RD. 34.00 BLACK BOX MULTI PLEXOR 1,220.00 BMC WEST ELEC BOX/WALL PLATES 115.71 BMC WEST SANDER 120.63 BMC WEST 6' LEVEL 144.34 BMC WEST BUILDING MATERIALS 732.01 BMC WEST PLASTIC SPECS 45.89 BMC WEST KEYS . 0.99 BOB BARKER COMPANY INMATE UNIFORMS 325.90 BOB BARKER COMPANY INMATE SUPPLIES 244.83 BRADLEY MIKE J FILM PROCESSING 18.00 BROWN TOM REIMB./MEALS 25.87 BUFFALOS DONUTS/RELOCATION 52.45 BUSINESS BOOK THE QUICK RESPONSE FORMS 74.85 BUTLER FREDRIC B REV. REFUND/14958 1.50 CAMERA SHOP AT CROSSROADS THE FILM PROCESSING 34.60 CARDET GEORGE L 14914/LE CADEAU 12.40 CARPET PAINT AND INTERIOR CARPET 3,445.99 CASTLE PEAK VETERINARY SERVICE 88 K-9 EXPENSES 97.00 CASTLE PEAK VETERINARY SERVICE PROF. VET SERVICES 130.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/GENERAL 4,314.73 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/GENERAL 4,382.57 CENTER DRUGS FILM PROCESSING 444.57 CF HOECKEL COMPANY MV LICENSE oNVELOPES 532.24 CHAPMAN BRUCE D 14905/HANSTOROUGH 10.00 CLEM WILLIAM PURCHASE OF SERVICE 100.00 CLEMENT COMMUNICATIONS POSTER DISPLAY FRAME 59.90 CLERK OF THE COUNTY COURT 89C00514/GARNff1 125.00 COCA COLA SNACK AND BEVERAGE BOTTLE WATER 22.50 COCA COLA SNACK AND BEVERAGE BOTTLED WATER SER. 22.50 CODEL FEB RENT/BUSINESS CTR 2,084.00 COLORADO ALTERNATIVE SENTICING DUES 20.00 COLORADO BADGE AND TROPHY ENGRAVING ON PLATE 22.95 COLORADO COUNTIES INCORPORATED 89 WORKERS COMP INS 55,705.00 COLORADO COUNTY ATTORNEYS MEMBERSHIP DUES 89 250.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL 5,392.06 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL 5,352.47 COLORADO ENVIROMENTAL HEALTH MEMBERSHIP DUES 30.00 COLORADO SESSION REPORTS STATUTES SERVICE 89 315.00 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY SALARY/BEN/SWENSON 6,793.94 • • • 3s75 CONLEY BERNICE J NACRC TREAS MEMBERSHIP DUES 35.00 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS./FEB. 69,174.53 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS/FEB 89 17,105.02 CONSWELL AND WEHRLE PC 14932/HANEY 79.88 CRAWFORD FLOYD 1ST QTR RENT/EL JEBEL 1,472.52 CREDIT BUREAU OF GUNNISON 14915/GALLEGOS 5.90 CREDIT BUREAU OF GUNNISON 14886/HARRA 3.60 CREDIT BUREAU OF GUNNISON 14972/RAMIREZ 38.30 CURNUTTE JIM REIMB./LUNCH 13.00 DARRAH CHARLES 14943/STANLEY 11.60 DELS TRUE VALUE HARDWARE KEYS/RELOCTION 77.39 DENVER POST THE ADV/EMPLOYMENT 57.54 DENVER POST THE ADV/EMPLOYMENT 57.54 DENVER POST THE ADV/EMPLOYMENT 240.44 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCH COSTS/DEC. 1,800.00 DON WELCH REIMB./MISC TRAVEL 298.20 DOUGLAS COUNTY INSURANCE FOURTH QTR/INS PREM 602.50 DOWNEY DICK REFUND/HOOK UP PERMIT 30.00 DUROUX ALMEDA COORD/REIM JAN 89 15.00 EAGLE AUTO PARTS STARTER FLUID 14.20 EAGLE COMMUNITY AMBULANCE INMATE TRANS 75.00 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS SUPPORT/CLERK DATA 1,218.75 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS MAINT./SUPPORT 358.00 EAGLE COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER SHELTER CONT/MAR 89 4,982.50 EAGLE COUNTY NURSING SERVICE POSTAGE 26.50 EAGLE COUNTY SHERIFFS SUMMONS/COMPLAINT 5.00 EAGLE PHARMACY PICTURES 2.74 EAGLE PHARMACY MISC SUPPLIES 406.86 EAGLE PHARMACY OPERATING SUPPLIES 61.05 EAGLE TOWN OF 0305475879/RD&BR 590.25 EAGLE TOWN OF 0205476801/MCDONALD 127.75 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE 119041/ADV 303.67 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE AZV16088/DENTON 211.70 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE AFFIDAVIT 13503/HACO 529.75 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE MAP ENLARGEMENTS 501.51 EAGLE VALLEY GLASS AND MIRROR SLIDE WINDOW/CO WEST 18.99 EASTMAN INCORPORATED OFFICE SUPPLIES 6.66 EASTMAN INCORPORATED OFFICE SUPPLIES 121.11 EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY RELOCATION-COPIER 253.40 FARMER BROTHERS COFFEE/JAN 89 127.65 FARMER BROTHERS COFFEE SUPPLIES 146.02 FAS TEST FORAGE LAB PASTURE FEED TESTING 12.50 FEDRIZZI GERALD J DMD PC INMATE DENTAL 46.00 FERRELLGAS PROPANE REFILLS 809.95 `' FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 38,605.42 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY 88/4TH QTR FICA TAX 11.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/FEB 89 52,069.51 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 38,313.60 FRENCH WEST WOOD AND BROWN PC 14823/HIGHT 10.00 GALLOWAY BEN MD PROF MEDICAL SERVICE 930.00 GATES MARGE PHN TRAVEL 202.58 GLENWOOD LOCK AND KEY LOCKS/KEYS/ENG/DEV 121.75 GLOBAL COMPUTER SUPPLIES POLAROID CRT FILTER 54.10 GLYNN KATHLEEN TRAVEL 131.25 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS 89 MEMBERSHIP 96.64 GREATER EAGLE FIRE PROTECTION 911 BILLING/FEB. 18.00 GREEN CLAIRE H 14884/SIMONDS 0.40 GREEN CLAIRE H REV. REFUND/14868 5.00 GS EDWARDS DETECTOR & RELAYS 84.80 GUSTAFSON RICHARD TRAVEL/GUSTAFSON 387.36 HALL AND EVANS 14975/WELTO 2.50 HANSEN STEVE R MASTERING PAGEMAKER 13.97 HESUIN KATHLEEN 14912/KOPF 4.00 HESUIN KATHLEEN 14913/KOPF 2.50 HEWLETT PACKARD CORPORATION RECHARGEABLE PACK 35.00 HIGGINS CURTIS W VACCINATION REFUND 11.00 HL MOORE INMATE SUPPLIES 96.90 HOLME ROBERT AND OWEN HOMESTAKE/LEGAL SER. 2,688.58 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 215013900 4,706.14 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 111012900 1,753.34 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC METER #4180 2,487.65 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC METER #60247 4,179.73 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 215013900/ELEC 38.67 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY SUPPLIES 3,015.21 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY MISC SUPPLIES 418.05 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE TRAVEL 149.71 INMAC MINI DISKS 283.98 INMAC CRT WIPES 81.63 INTER MOUNTAIN TRANSFER BOXES/TAPE/RELOCATION 352.00 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MAINT/6809 MODEL 50 1,097.11 INTERNATIONAL MAILING SYSTEMS POSTAGE METER RENT 69.75 INTERNATIONAL TELECHARGE PHONE CHG/SHERIFFS 9.60 JACKSON HIRCH INCORPORATED LAMINATOR POUCHES 130.02 JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING MAINT/JC 1,693.60 JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING J.C. MAINTENANCE 3,300.25 III III 4111 • JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING CAP WATER/DEMO 862.10 JM MARRIOTT HOTEL ADVANCE/WASHINGTON TRIP 2,952.00 JOHNSON AJ REIM/SHIPPING CHGS 3.60 JOHNSON JACK W CIVIL DEF SERV/FEB 741.92 JOHNSON KUNKEL AND ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING SERVICE 511.50 KROLL RETA PHONE DEPOSIT REFUND 80.00 LANGE SUSAN 13397/ADV 74.10 LANGE SUSAN TRAVEL 89 54.60 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES TONER 95.76 LIETZ COMPANY REPAIR/SURVEY EQUIP 1,088.00 LK SURVEY INSTRUMENTS BLUE LINE PAPER 96.25 M AND M EQUIPMENT SALES INK ROLLERS 25.50 MATTHEW BENDER AND COMPANY LIABILITY REVISIONS 62.60 MCBRIDE REBEKAH A 14894/WING 7.50 MCHUGH JAN PHOTO DEVELOPMENT 76.65 MCWILLIAM MIKE DONUTS/MEETING 9.33 MEINEKE DONNA PROF SERVICES 62.64 MERRICK LYN REGIST. FEE/REIMB. 150.14 METTERNICK LARRY TRAINING/MEALS 21.57 , MID VALLEY KENNELS CONTRACT/FEB.1989 700.00 ' MOORE COMPUTER SUPPLIES PRINTER RIBBONS 110.38 MOTOR POOL FUND M.P. LIGHT 17,087.54 MOTOR POOL FUND M.P. LIGHT 1,843.22 MOUNTAIN BELL SHERIFF/SUB STATION 60.00 MOUNTAIN MICROFILM MICO FILM SERVICES 727.25 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION RADIO REPAIR 188.50 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION CABLES/CONNECTORS 18.00 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 37.00 NATIONAL INFORMATION DIRECTORY 33.45 NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE JOB FOLDERS 222.58 NOLAN NINA COORD REIM/JAN 89 15.00 NORTHWEST COLORADO COUNCIL OF MEALS 40.00 NUNN JEAN 124 MILES/NUNN 24.80 • ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY EXTERMINATING FEES 98.00 PACIFIC TELECOM 328-0000 2,530.68 PACIFIC TELECOM 085-0044 9,346.24 PACIFIC TELECOM 328-7404 1,432.57 PACIFIC TELECOM 085-0035 258.66 PACIFIC TELECOM PHONE FS LINE 6.90 PAR ASSOCIATES ANNUAL MAINT. FEE 5,415.00 PENNY SAVER MEDICAL SUPPLY MEDICAL SUPPLIES 279.77 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING POSTAGE 342.29 PHILLIPS JOHNNETTE MEALS 91.63 PHILLIPS JOHNNETTE MEALS/ADVANCE 595.00 PITKIN COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE 4 SPANISH CLASS 39.36 PITNEY BOWES INTEREST 46.04 POSITIVE PROMOTIONS PRINTED BOOKS 86.60 POSTMASTER POST.DUE TRUST FUND 350.00 POWERS LLOYD TRAVEL/REIMB. 13.75 PRACTISING LAW INSTITUTE SECURITIES/LAWLAW BOOK 89.00 PRIME COMPUTER INCORPORATED MAINTENANCE 3,061.30 PRIME COMPUTER INCORPORATED PRIME MAINT/2-28 1,559.80 PROTECTIVE COATINGS ENDURATONE/JC 115.19 PTL ELECTRIC ELEC/RELOCATE COPIER 638.02 PTL ELECTRIC ELEC. REPAIRS/SHOP 84.00 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 6068576610400017 79.67 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY GAS/DOWD JCT 372.41 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 262.51 RAINTREE INN AT VAIL TRAINING 315.00 RAYMOND PRODUCTS ATTACHMENTS/LIFT 307.13 REUBENS RESTAURANT MEALS 1,203.46 REUBENS RESTAURANT ELEC OFFICIALS LUNCH 105.30 REUBENS RESTAURANT MEALS/RELOCATION 51.77 REUBENS RESTAURANT INMATE MEALS 12,688.13 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND LABOR/RELOCATION 6,369.56 ROCHE BIOMEDICAL LABORATORIES LAB SERVICES 118.75 ROCKFORD PATRICIA 14898/BACHICHA 15.60 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS 3307311000200 366.67 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS 3329401105201 7,784.74 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS METER #7168 688.95 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS METER #4534 3,823.76 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS WELD END CAP/MAC BLD 6,831.78 ROCKY MOUNTAIN RECORDS MOVE FILING SYSTEM 715.59 ROPIR CABLEVISION CABLE TV SERVICE 34.45 ROSEMARY STRONG DVM RABIES VACC/REFUND 10.00 SACHSLAWLOR STAMPS 27.70 SCHIPPER SARAH PHN TRAVEL 91.20 SCHMIDT CECELIA TRAVEL 13.00 SCHMIDT ELOISE COORD REIM/JAN 89 15.00 • SCOTT PHILLIP W SEMINAR/MEALS 34.37 SCRATCH PAD THE INCORPORATED EASEL PADS 22.14 SCRATCH PAD THE INCORPORATED OFFICE SUPPLIES 132.48 SCRATCH PAD THE INCORPORATED OFFICE SUPPLIES 21.08 SHAW BONNIE POSTAL TRAVEL 14.34 SHAW BONNIE 117 MILES/MAIL PICKUP 0. III 4110 4110 4110 3S7 SHELLEYS OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 135.65 SOBOL BEARNARD 14927/RECKETSON 10.00 SPARKMAN DAN MILEAGE 50.40 STEINBERG THOMAS I CTY HEALTH OFFICER 272.00 STEINBRECHER JERRY MD PROF FEES/88 495.00 STRAWBERRY PATCH CONDOLENCES/EMPLOYEE 78.80 STRAWBERRY PATCH PLANTS 70.00 SUMMIT FILMS INCORPORATED VHS TAPE 81.90 SUMMIT LUMBER BUILDING/PAINTING MATERIALS 2,433.90 SUMMIT LUMBER FORKLIFT RENTAL 236.02 SWENSON KAREN M LODGING/MEALS 155.93 TACK ROOM COMMISSIONERS MEALS 53.26 TB ASSISTANCE DEPARTMENT 400 MEDICAL SUPPLIES 7.40 TERRILL M GAINES 14954/WERGMAN 0.02 THE BAG AND PACK SHOP UNIFORMS 237.60 THEISEN TOM FILM/GYM ROOF 6.14 THOMAS COMPUTER CORPORATION BACKUP TAPES 225.80 THURMAN T B 14900/GILMORE 27.40 THURMAN T B 14901/NORIEGA 8.00 , TIME LIFE BOOKS 16.71 TOOL CLINIC INCORPORATED REPAIR SKILL SAW 47.30 TOP DRAWER OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 271.17 TOP DRAWER OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 227.10 TOP DRAWER OFFICE SUPPLIES STORAGE BOXES 246.44 TRAVEL TRAVEL OF VAIL INMATE TRANSPORT 516.00 TRI COUNTY FIRE EXTINGUISHERS EXTINGUISHER INSPEC. 301.75 TRUJILLO JOHN REIMB./PARKING 10.15 TUFF SHED REPLACE SHED/REC CTR 1,205.00 TYREE AND ASSOCIATES ARCH/REVIEW 4,930.00 TYREE AND ASSOCIATES ARCH/REVIEW 2,725.00 UNITED LABORATORIES 12-GAL POLISH 293.88 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SHIPPING/SHERIFF 28.15 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SHIPPING CHARGES 7.50 URBAN LAND INSTITUTE DUES 100.00 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 476-3427-213M 103.86 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS SECURITEL/SHERIFF 189.68 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 963-0375 1,087.62 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 949-7729 158.90 VAIL BOARD OF REALTORS DUES 89 75.00 VAIL MOTOR SPORTS SNOWMOBILE REPAIR 45.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC INMATE EXAMS 425.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC INVOICE #50926 1,220.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC INMATE EXAMS 325.00 VAIL SIGN CORPORATION UNIFORM NAME TAG 9.00 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER INMATE MEDICAL 5,464.15 VAIL VALLEY PLUMBING AND WORK/FALLEN GYM ROOF 746.78 VAIL VALLEY PLUMBING AND FROZEN LINE REPAIRS 114.00 VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY KEYS/RELOCATION 20.20 VALLEY JOURNAL SUBSCRIPTION 26.80 VALLEY VIEW HOSPITAL LAB SUPPLIES 25.70 VAUGHN SUSAN SEMINAR FEES 43.84 VIDEO TEKNIX INCORPORATED CAMERA• REPAIRS/JC 38.85 VIDEO TEKNIX INCORPORATED MONITOR WALL MOUNTS 114.34 VISA LODGE/MILEAGE & TRAVEL 1,106.96 VISA MEALS/GUSTAFSON 23.55 WA BAUM COMPANY INCORPORATED REPAIR BAUMETER 21.27 WALMART CLOCKS/BATTERIES 37.70 WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY WESTLAW SERVICES 88 241.12 WESTERN BUILDING CENTER BLDG MATERIALS 250.00 WESTERN BUILDING CENTER BLDG MATERIALS 496.45 WESTERN LAND EXCHANGE COMPANY PREP REVIEW/PROPOSAL 655.75 WESTERN LAND EXCHANGE COMPANY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 33.50 WESTERN MOTEL RELOCATION EXPENSE 20.00 WESTERN SLOPE UNIFORM LAUNDRY SERVICE 49.20 WESTVACO CUSTOM/ENVELOPES 323.67 WILLIAMS CHRIS CONF/MEALS 34.04 WRIGHT WATER ENGINEERS HOMESTAKE/ENGINEERING 827.40 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY GLOVES 21.93 XEROX CORPORATION MAINT 88 195.39 YAMPA VALLEY ELECTRIC 0040007201 212.55 YAMPA VALLEY ELECTRIC 0050010001/MCCOY 286.35 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE FIRST AID KITS 97.10 FEBRUARY PAYROLL 211,323.76 715,342.98 ROAD & BRIDGE FUND AMERICAN TRAFFIC SAFETY CERTIFICATION DUES 25.00 ARROW GAS COMPANY PROPANE FILL 25.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/RD&BRIDGE 643.99 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/RD&BRIDGE 657.45 COLORADO COUNTIES INCORPORATED 89 WORKERS COMP INS 48,031.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/RD&BR 976.90 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/RD&BRIDGE 1,034.84 • • • • 3g CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS./R&B/FEB. 8,492.19 DOTSERO BLOCK INCORPORATED SCREENED CINDERS 2,268.00 EAGLE PHARMACY 30/BINOCULAR 78.37 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE FINAL SETTLEMENT 145.81 FALCON AIR MAPS COMPANY TOPOGRAPHY/CO RIV.RD. 12,900.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAS/RD&BRIDGE 6,513.17 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/RD&BRIDGE 6,957.03 GENERAL FUND HEALTH INS/RD&BRIDGE 8,492.19 HERNANDEZ PAUL MEALS 51.94 HIGGINS BRAD TRAVEL 107.96 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY STYROFOAM CUPS 40.75 MOTOR POOL FUND M.P. LIGHT 72,347.60 ONEILL KERRY MEALS 32.44 ONEILL NEIL J TRAVEL 157.12 OUR HOUSE MEALS 56.38 RODEO FRANK REPAIR/HOMELITE SAW 59.00 SUMMIT LUMBER WAFERBOARD 79.50 TRI STATE COMMODITIES ROCK SALT GRADE A 654.08 VERMEER SALES & SERVICE BRUSH CHIPPER RENTAL 1,600.00 i VULCAN SIGNS REFLECTIVE SHEETING 463.00 WEARGUARD WORK JACKETS 520.40 WINSLOW AND COMPANY SEMINAR 35.00 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY PIPE WRENCH 18.19 FEBRUARY PAYROLL 36,043.36 209,507.66 LIBRARY FUND ALAN MEYERS AND ASSOCIATES VIDEO 55.00 AMERICAN BINDERY MIDWEST BOOKS REBOUND 205.54 AMERICAN ECONO CLAD SERVICES BOOKS/J 47.44 AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION PR ACTIVITY/SUBS 56.00 ASSOCIATED LIBRARIES BOOKS/J/MV/MI 489.98 BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY BOOKS 116.18 BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY BOOKS 52.07 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS FOOD/LUNCH 30.74 BRODART INCORPORATED VIDEO 245.34 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LIBRARY 135.77 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LIBRARY 133.86 CHILTON BOOK COMPANY BOOKS 156.66 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAS/LIBRARY 160.71 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAS/LIBRARY 157.63 COLORADO HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP DUES/MAB 30.00 COLORADO LIBRARY ASSOCIATION , MEMBERSHIP DUES/RB 49.00 DEALERS COST CORPORATION BOOK 12.00 EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY POSTAGE/PC 25.61 EAGLE PHARMACY SUPPLY/HIST SOCIETY 5.98 EAGLE VALLEY CHAMBER COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP/AN 120.00 EBSCO SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE WALL ST/SUBSCRIPTION 219.37 FACTS ON FILE INCORPORATED BOOKS 148.14 FEDRIZZI JAN REIM/MEALS 19.90 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAS/LIBRARY 1,274.35 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAS/LIBRARY 1,226.90 GAYLORD BROTHERS INCORPORATED VINYL LAMINATE 116.59 GENERAL FUND HEALTH INS/FEB 89 1,922.85 GOLDBERG BROTHERS VIDEO CASES 60.51 GORDONS CREDIT/004263 282.76 GORDONS BOOKS/PB 1,585.10 GOVERNMENT DATA PUBLICATIONS BOOKS 127.90 HALVORSON ASSOCIATES CASSETTES 99.90 HASLEE LORRAINE MALL STAFF MEET/TRAVEL 12.00 HIGHSMITH COMPANY INCORPORATED TYPING TABLE 132.68 HW WILSON COMPANY BOOKS 85.00 INGRAM VIDEOS 88.27 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES TONER 44.85 PACIFIC TELECOM 328-6273/PHONE/MB 192.51 READ WELL MEDIA INCORPORATED BOOKS 39.74 REGENT BOOK COMPANY BOOKS 377.34 RENAISSANCE HOUSE BOOKS 104.25 SCHOOL LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTION BOOK 14.00 SIMON AND SCHUSTER BOOKS 11.85 SPC DISTRIBUTION CENTER SOFTWARE 41.00 STEP BY STEP BOOKS/CS 31.93 SUMMIT FILMS INCORPORATED VIDEO/VAIL 49.95 SUMMIT LUMBER KEYS 8.53 SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS BOOKS 27.50 TOTLINE PARENT FLYERS/SUBS 15.95 U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS PHONE-MI 59.64 FEBRUARY PAYROLL 8,655.13 19,361.90 • • 41/1 4110 337 MOTOR POOL FUND AMERICAN EAGLE TIRE SNOW TIRES 294.60 AMERICAN EAGLE TIRE UNIMOG TIRES 850.00 BOOTH ROUSE EQUIPMENT COMPANY TUBE 304.56 CARBONDALE AUTO SUPPLY DIAPHRAGMS/UNIT 1230 81.73 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/MP 145.92 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/MOTOR POOL 139.03 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/MP 219.65 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/MOTOR POOL 190.02 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS./MOTOR PL 2,061.59 CUMMINS POWER INCORPORATED BELT 24.56 CUMMINS POWER INCORPORATED BELT 14.76 DORIO DISTRIBUTING GAS/OIL/ANTIFREEZE 4,135.17 EAGLE AUTO PARTS FUEL ADDITIVE -5.92 EAGLE AUTO PARTS CORE DEPOSIT/CREDIT 268.11 EAGLE AUTO PARTS LAMP 135.93 EAGLE AUTO PARTS GASKET 42.16 EAGLE AUTO PARTS POWER STEERING HOSE 65.51 EAGLE AUTO PARTS HEATER MOTOR 74.87 EAGLE AUTO PARTS ENGINE DEGREASER 18.63 EAGLE AUTO PARTS SEAL BEAM -24.56 EAGLE AUTO PARTS SPARK PLUGS 74.05 EAGLE AUTO PARTS TAPE 115.20 EAGLE AUTO PARTS FAN BELT 19.69 EAGLE AUTO PARTS ALTERNATOR BRUSHES 18.62 EAGLE AUTO PARTS SPARK PLUGS 47.86 EAGLE AUTO PARTS FAN BELTS 45.77 EAGLE SALVAGE AND TOWING TOW/UNIT #2369 44.00 EAGLE SALVAGE AND TOWING REPAIR HEATER CORE 119.00 EL JEBEL CAR WASH CAR WASH/AN. CONTROL 360.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/MP 1,578.19 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/MOTOR POOL 1,352.05 FITZSIMMONS MOTOR COMPANY ALTERNATOR 88.45 GAY JOHNSON INDUST. TIRE REPAIR 38.75 GENERAL FUND HEALTH INS/MP 2,061.59 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD CUTTING EDGE 172.88 HANSON EQUIPMENT SPEDO KIT 19.03 HOLLAND AUTO PARTS AIR FILTER 301.12 HOLLAND AUTO PARTS MISC AUTO PARTS 365.70 HOLLAND AUTO PARTS AIR FILTER 245.81 HOLLAND AUTO PARTS OIL FILTER 23.27 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY FLOOR DRY 101.63 INDUSTRIAL AND MAINTENANCE MISC SHOP SUPPLIES 289.59 " JW BREWER TIRE COMPANY t TIRES 2,794.66 KAR PRODUCTS INCORPORATED FREIGHT ON PO 10549 16.15 KAR PRODUCTS INCORPORATED MISC SHOP SUPPLIES 463.80 MACDONALD EQUIPMENT COMPANY L PLIERS HALF 382.52 MOTOR POOL FUND M.P. LIGHT 1,601.46 MOUNTAIN HIGH AUTO SUPPLY CONNECTOR 20.62 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION INSTALL RADIO/ADMIN 118.80 NORIEGA MARGARET GAS/SR•VAN-MINTURN 10.00 PETTY CASH MOTOR POOL REIM/MONEY ORDERS 144.62 QUALITY MOBILE WINDSHIELD WINDSHIELD REPAIR 100.00 REGIONAL TREASURER ANNUAL DUES 100.00 SAM TAYLOR AUTO PULLEY 106.86 SUMMIT LUMBER KEYS 3.97 TFI INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS WELDING ROD 224.19 TRI COUNTY FIRE EXTINGUISHERS EXTINGUISHER CHECK 386.50 VALLEY LUMBER MISC EQUIP PARTS 22.71 VISA FUEL/COUNTY VEHICLE 195.65 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY TRACTOR/SCRAPER/PRIN 2,546.55 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY SERVICE TRAINING 200.00 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY 1/2 PAYMT/89 CAT 105,919.00 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY SHIM 2,127.69 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY MASTER SWITCH KEY 810.02 WHEELER MACHINERY 24532 U BRACKET 73.72 WHEELER MACHINERY SEALER 35.73 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY VANES 69.85 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY CROSS CHAINS 1,185.62 FEBRUARY PAYROLL 8,448.10 144,627.36 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE FUND EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS DISC DRIVE 2,619.00 GRANGER ASSOCIATES RADIO EQUIPMENT 1,194.00 J GARLIN COMMERCIAL FURNISHING ALLSTEEL LETTER FILE 270.00 PITNEY BOWES 250 COPIER PAYMENT 92.96 RAYMOND PRODUCTS DESK LIFT 257.08 SETINA MANUFACTURING COMPANY BODYGUARD PARTITION 339.43 TELEMART MICROSOFT PROJECT 4.0 301.00 5,073.47 • 410 4110 RETIREMENT FUND CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 4,218.83 CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 3% 4,262.71 8,481.54 INSURANCE RESERVE FUND GENERAL FUND REIMB. GENERAL FUND 62.95 62.95 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BMC WEST ACCESS PANELS/PAINT SUPPLIES 1,689.63 BMC WEST CREDIT ON ADHESIVE -68.99 EAGLE VALLEY GLASS AND MIRROR MATERIALS/LABOR 301.00 SUMMIT LUMBER DEAD BOLTS 72.49 1,994.13 AIRPORT FUND A AND M AIR SHOWS DEPOSIT/AIR SHOW 500.00 AIR AND SPACE SMITHSONIAN SUBSCRIPTION 18.00 ASTROPHYSICS RESEARCH SERVICE XRAY EQUIP 380.75 AVIATION SYSTEMS INCORPORATED MAINTENANCE 2,150.00 AVIATION SYSTEMS INCORPORATED MAINT/MARCH 89 2,150.00 AVIATION SYSTEMS INCORPORATED LDA METER 137.31 BEVERIDGE RICK REIM/MEALS 37.52 BOOTH ROUSE EQUIPMENT COMPANY MOUNTING/SNOW PLOW 18,500.00 BROWNING FERRIS INDUSTRIES PORTA/FACILITIES 109.14 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT 73.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT 71.52 CHUTIN STARS DEPOSIT/AIR SHOW 550.00 COCA COLA SNACK AND BEVERAGE WATER RENTAL 59.50 COLLETT ENTERPRISES FUEL/RADAR/WORLDS 272.22 COLLETT ENTERPRISES FUEL/RADAR/WORLDS 409.25 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/AIRPORT 142.91 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/AIRPORT 134.43 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS./AIRPORT 769.14 CRICH MICHAEL RENT/HANGAR 4/FEB 89 500.00 CRICH MICHAEL RENT/HANGAR 4/MAR 89 500.00 DAY TIMERS INCORPORATED DAYTIMER REFILL 89 26.42 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER PROPERTY TAX/PRO RATE 67.88 EAGLE PHARMACY FILM/MISC/WORLDS 30.34 EAGLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS INC AIRPORT PHONE/JAN 89 144.84 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE ADV 32.50 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT 1,275.71 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT 1,177.46 FLATIRON PAVING COMPANY RUNWAY. CONSTRUCTION 68,648.79 GENERAL FUND HEALTH INS/AIRPORT 769.14 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC AIRPORT ELEC/DEC 88 551.55 ISBILL ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED PAYMENT 4/AIP 10 14,897.41 J AND S CONTRACTORS SUPPLY FLAT CUTTING EDGE 221.64 LANHAM GENE REIMB. FOR FILM 4.49 LEAVENWORTH LOCHHEAD AND LEGAL FEES/WATER JAN 768.77 MOTOR POOL FUND M.P. LIGHT 272.40 MOTOR POOL FUND M.P. HEAVY 3,836.08 MOUNTAIN MOBILE MIX 10 TONS WASHED SAND 130.00 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING MEALS 30.00 REYNOLDS DANIEL REIM/CALLS/OUTAGE 6.14 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND 12/13/REIM RD&BR 1,336.45 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS HEAT HANGAR 4/JAN 9 727.46 TARCO DIRT WORK/TOWER 792.50 TRIPLE H CONSTRUCTION REBUILD BERM/TOWER 270.00 VAIL BEAVER CREEK JET CENTER TERMINAL RENT/FEB 89 4,000.00 VAIL BEAVER CREEK JET CENTER TERMINAL RENT/MAR 89 4,000.00 WINSLOW AND COMPANY REGISTRATION FEE 35.00 FEBRUARY PAYROLL 8,337.95 139,855.61 LANDFILL FUND ARROW GAS COMPANY PROPANE FILL 11.60 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL 37.99 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL 32.38 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH PERMIT #86EA162 382.39 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LANDFILL 94.18 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LANDFILL 107.33 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS./LANDFILL 769.14 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL 699.61 • 4111 4111 4110 ' to j FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL 779.13 GENERAL FUND HEALTH INS/LANDFILL 769.14 MOTOR POOL FUND M.P. LIGHT 21,719.83 WEARGUARD WORK JACKETS 44.70 FEBRUARY PAYROLL 4,759.22 30,206.64 TRANSPORTATION FUND CCO AND ERA DEF COMP 19.40 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/TRANS 14.36 DENVER POST THE RFP'S FOR BUS 412.80 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE AF13466/6" DISPLAY 39.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/TRANS 105.71 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS PUBLICATIONS/BUS SYS 257.60 VAIL ASSOCIATES FAIR SHUTTLE/88 476.25 VAIL DAILY THE DISPLAY AD 23.40 VAIL TRAIL THE ADV/PROPOSALS 50.80 1,399.32 The morning being spent paying bills, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Gustafson opened the meeting by stating the first item on the agenda was Basalt Ind. a discussion of the reduction of collateral for Basalt Industrial Park, Filing 2. Park Collateral Kevin Lindahl, Acting County Attorney, stated Basalt Industrial Park has requested Reduction the collateral be reduced for paving of the roads in the industrial park from $34,580 to $6,000. Larry Metternick, County Engineer, stated his agreement of the reduction in collateral as the roads are paved. He added some revegetation remains to be completed. The Board questioned retaining money for a period of one year after completion of the work. Commissioner Welch moved to table this item to later in the day. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Susan Vaughn, Community Development Director, appeared with a contract between Contract Eagle County and Greyhound Lines, Inc. which was previously approved. She requested Greyhound Lines the Chairman sign the contract. Mr. Lindahl stated he has reviewed and approved the contract. Commissioner Welch moved ,, to authorize the Chairman to sign the contract between Eagle County and Greyhound Lines, Inc. for the transportation study. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a renewal application for a hotel and restaurant liquor Liq. License license for Bob and Alta's Diner. He advised the Sheriff reports no incidents at this Bob & Alta's establishment during the last year. He stated the application is in order. Commissioner Welch moved to approve the renewal application for a hotel and restaurant liquor license for Bob and Alta's Diner. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a manager's registration form for Peter J. Struve for the Inn/Beaver Crk Inn at Beaver Creek. He stated the application is in order and knows no reason to Struve, Peter deny the application. Commissioner Gates moved to approve Peter J. Struve as manager of the Inn at Beaver Creek. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch abstained from voting. Commissioner Welch declared a potential conflict of interest for the liquor licenses for the Inn at Beaver Creek, Spruce Saddle, and the Halfway House & Eleventh Green at Vail Associates. Mr. Lindahl presented an application for a manager registration for Jean Katherine Spruce Saddle Houlihan for Spruce Saddle Restaurant. He advised the application is in order and the Houlihan, Jean appropriate background checks have been performed. He recommended approval of this application. Commissioner Gates moved to approve Jean Katherine Houlihan as manager of Spruce Saddle Restaurant. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch abstained from voting. Mr. Lindahl presented the renewal application for a hotel and restaurant liquor 1/2Way House license for Sidney Simonds, Ltd d/b/a Halfway House & Eleventh Green. He advised he 11th Green reviewed the application and found it in order. The Sheriff's office reported no incidents at this location during the past year. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the renewal of a hotel and restaurant liquor license for the Halfway House & Eleventh Green. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch abstained from voting. 4111 4111 4110 Commissioner Welch moved the adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented an award of a grant for High Country Drug Task Force in the High Country amount of $10,000. He stated the County would contribute $10,000 and that Sheriff Drug Task Johnson has budgeted for this money. Force Commissioner Welch moved to accept the grant from the High Country Drug Task Force in the amount of $10,000. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, Mr. Lindahl clarified the matching funds from the Sheriff's budget. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Sheriff Johnson requested Chairman Gustafson signed the project report of the Impact Assist Sheriff's activities. Chairman Gustafson signed the project rport the the Sheriff of Grant Eagle County's Activities. Cam Ouray, Accountant, presented an Impact Assistance Grant. He explained the Division of Wildlife pays money which goes to the School District. The Board directed Mr. Ouray to research this item and return later for the Board ' to make a decision. Mr. Lindahl presented a resolution approving the application of the Kensington Res. 89-22 Land Investment Partnership for amendment of the Cordillera PUD, Filings 1 and 2. Kensington PUD Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve Resolution 89-22 approving the application for Kensington Land Investment Partnership for amend- ment of the Cordillera PUD Filings 1 and 2. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl reintroduced the reduction of collateral for Basalt Industrial Park. Basalt Ind. He stated the Subdivision Improvements Agreement is collateralized in the amount of Park Release $34,580. He stated his belief that $6,000 would sufficiently collateralize the 10% of Collateral retained for the warranty period for the Subdivision road pavement. Commissioner Welch moved to approve the reduction of collateral to $6,000 for Basalt Industrial Park, Filing #2. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Bill Smith, Motor Pool Superintendent, requested approval for a purchase of a Purchase of minivan for Animal Control. 1989 Dodge Commissioner Welch moved to authorize the purchase of one 1989 Dodge Minivan, Minivan front wheel drive, per specifications, from Rey Motors of Glenwood Springs, Colorado. Unit #3829, a 1983 Chevy S-10 pickup will be traded in. The cost of this purchase is $9,695.00. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, air conditioping on the proposed purchase was brought up. Question was called for on the motion. The vote passed with two voting in favor and Commissioner Gates voting against the motion. Mr. Smith appeared to request approval of the purchase of a sandblaster and a 4" Purchase of pump. He explained the type of sandblaster he requested. sandblaster Commissioner Gates moved to approve and the Chairman be authorized to sign the purchase order for the sand blaster. • Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Smith requested approval for the purchase of a trash pump and explained the Purchase of pump. 4" Trash Pump Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve the purchase of one 4" Centrifugal trash pump, per our specifications, from Big Sky Equipment & Supply of Grand Junction, Colorado in the amount $4,500. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a resolution supporting the 1998 Denver Olympics in which Res. 89-23 Eagle County will participate. 1998 Olympics Commissioner Gates moved to approve Resolution 89-23 supporting the City of Den- ver's efforts to bring the 1998 Denver Winter Olympics to the City of Denver and the State of Colorado. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl requested tabling of the resolution amending the flood plain regula- Flood Plain tions to reflect Federal requirements. Regs. Commissioner Gates moved to table this item to later in the day. Chairman Gustafson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch was out of the room for this vote. Mr. Lindahl presented a resolution of findings concerning road cut, permit #844, Res. 89-24 Philip English. This resolution would return the collateral to Mr. English less costs English, P. incurred to complete road cut work. Commissioner Gates moved the Board adopt Resolution 89-24 finding Philip H. English in default on his road cut permit at 0901 Ptarmigan Court and that his collat- eral be drawn upon in the amount of $399.31 to correct the road cut and that the bal- ance of the collateral be returned. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. S • • 110 1 Mr. Lindahl presented a resolution which repeals Resolution 88-136 as it repeats Res. 89-25 the intentions of Resolution 88-64. He stated Mary Walker reviewed this resolution Fed Mineral and approved it. Leasing Fund Commissioner Welch moved the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners adopt and approve Resolution 89-25 negating Resolution 88-136, notifying the State Treasure to Distribute Federal Mineral Leasing Funds. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented permits for five licenses for Eagle County Ambulance Per- Eagle Co. mit. He advised Marge Gates, Nursing Director, has reviewed and approved these per- Ambulance mits. Permit Commissioner Welch moved the Board approve permits for the ambulance as described by staff. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and recon- vene as the Eagle County Board of Equalization. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a stipulation regarding Alan S. Bloom, Schedule No. 13027. 'Bloom, Alan He stated the property was assessed with a basement area and the area does not exist. stipulation He advised the Assessor recommended approval of this stipulation. He reviewed the history of this file. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Board of Equalization approve the stipu- lation for Schedule No. 13027 between Alan S. Bloom, petitioner, and the Eagle County Board of Equalization, respondent, changing the actual value to $120,910, and the assessed rate to $19,350. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Board of Equalization and reconvene as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Erik Edeen, Environmental Health Officer, presented File 277-88-S/P, Steve Ruder, 277-88-S/P a request to divide the 5 acre parcel into three lots. He reviewed the three lots and Ruder, Steve proposed uses for each. He stated the zoning is RSL. He stated the staff's concerns are: 1. Commercial development located outside of the Edwards Commercial Center. 2. View from 1-70 and Highway 6 impact on view corridor. 3. Already 54 acres of commercially zoned property at Edwards Center. 4. Rock fall, hydrocompaction, lack of public water and sewer and fire protection. 5. Division of Water Resources, in a letter dated January 5. 1090. states the existing well is for one single-family dwelling only and that they cannot recommend approval unless another legal water supply is obtained. He stated the Staff's findings are as follows: 1. The project does not comply with the Edwards Sub-area Master Plan. Commercial development must be located near the Edwards Interchange. 2. This 5 acre parcel must not be redeveloped until central/public water and sewer service.. are available. 3. This proposal would set a precedence and the adjoining property would develop in a similar manner. 4. 25% open space will not maintain the rural character of the Eagle River Valley. 5. The project is located 2 miles from the Edwards Commercial Center. 6. The project does not have a legal source of water for more than one dwelling unit. Mr. Edeen made a slide presentation of the proposed area of the project. Staff recommended denial for the following reasons: 1. The project does not comply with the Edwards Sub-Area Master Plan, Sections II, 2 and IV A2. 2. The project is located 2 miles (too far) to the west of the 54 acres that has already been approved for commercial development. 3. The proposed 25% open space will not maintain the rural character of the Eagle River Valley. 4. Redevelopment in this area should not occur until central public water/ sewage disposal facilities with fire protection can be provided. 5. The project, because of the slope of the land even with landscaping, will be highly visible from Highway 6 and 1-70. 6. The project does not have a legal source of water for the proposed number of units. Steve Ruder, applicant, showed a video of the proposed project from I-70 traveling at 65 mph and from Highway 6 at 50-55 mph. He narrated the video of the surrounding areas. Terrill Knight, Knight Planning Service representing Mr. Ruder, explained the project and spoke of support from Mr. Ruder's neighbors. He stated his opinion that a storage yard is not appropriate for downtown area of Edwards. He stated the applica- tion for the second filing until a water augmentation plan is completed. He reiter- ated the need for a contractors' storage yard. • 4 i 3c(f The Board marked the video tape Applicant's Exhibit #1, Cross Section Applicant's, Exhibit #2, map rendering of berm and fence, Applicant's Exhibit #3, map showing the proposed project, Applicant's Exhibit #4. Mr. Knight continued with his presentation. He stated there would be outside and inside storage. Larry Wood, area resident, spoke in favor of the project and stated the view would not be adversely effected. He expressed a need for storing contractor's equipment. Al Emeral, Vail Valley resident, spoke in favor of the project and addressed the need for having a storage facility in the area. Robert Robinson, Eagle/Vail resident and real estate broker, spoke in support of the project. He stated he has received many requests for this type of storage. Murray Shepard, area resident, gave his opinion that the project is compatible with the area and recommended the Board vote in favor of this project. Suzanne Shepard, area resident, added her support to this project. She stated her belief this project is not spot zoning. Dave Terrell, real estate broker, spoke in favor of the project. He stated the water and sewer situation is suitable only for this type of commercial project. Ernie Brown, Eagle/Vail businessman, spoke in favor of this project. He also stated he receives numerous requests for storage facilities. Dick Gilbert, Eagle resident and contractor, spoke in favor of the project and the immediate need for contractor's storage yard. Mike Hazelhorst, area resident, stated there is a need for storage but the project must be properly maintained. He stated he is neither totally opposed or totally in favor of the project. Phoebe Peterson, partner of Vail Self Storage, stated there is a great lack of storage space in Eagle County. Mr. Ruder emphasized the project is a great need and requested the chance to clean up the area and make it an acceptable project. Commissioner Gates asked if this project was spot zoning. Mr. Lindahl gave his opinion that this project would be spot zoning if it were approved. Discussion continued on the project and zoning of the property. Chairman Gustafson expressed his concern regarding being inundated with similar requests if this project is approved. Commissioner Welch agreed with the need for a storage place. He stated this site is not the place for it. He agreed with Mr. Lindahl this is spot zoning. Commissioner Gates objected to the open storage yard and stated he would not vote in favor of that. Mr. Ruder argued that storage yards he has visited are maintained better than surrounding residential areas. Further discussion was held. Mr. Knight made a statement regarding the proposed area as one of transition and this location is desirable for this type of project. Chairman Gustafson reiterated his belief that the neighborhood does not conform with the zoning designated tin the master plan. He added approval of this project would be spot zoning. Commissioner Welch moved on File PD-277-88-S/P, Steve Ruder, to deny the request for a family residential, horse operation and public storage combined on one parcel. 1. The project does not comply with Edwards Sub-Area Master Plan, Sections II, 2 and IV, A2. 2. The project is located 2 miles (too far) to the west of the 54 acres that has already been approved for commercial development. 3. The proposed 25% open space will not maintain the rural character of the Eagle River Valley. 4. Redevelopment in this area should not occur until central public water/ sewage disposal facilities with fire protection can be provided. 5. The project, because of the slope of the land even with landscaping, will be highly visible from Highway 6 and I-70. 6. The project does not have a legal source of water for the proposed number of units. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl advised the Board could direct Community Development to enforce cur- rent zoning laws. He added Community Development should address the issues brought forth today by Mr. Ruder. Discussion continued on the needs for storage yards and possible locations. The Board directed Community Development to research nonconformance to the zoning and the possibility of rezoning the neighborhood. Jody Caruthers, County Assessor, presented requests for abatements from MET Moun- MET Mtn Home- tain Homeowners Association, common areas, Schedule Numbers 15954, 20072 and 21103. owners Assoc. She stated the common areas are assessed with the townhomes and should not be taxed Abatements separately. She stated the abatement amounts are $1,309.17, $2,118.13 and $13,848.95 respectively. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the abatements for the schedules as presented by Ms. Caruthers. Commissioner Welch seconded the motion. The vote was dec