HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1990 All • • Ili November 13, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George "Bud" Gates Commissioner James Fritze County 'tanager Dick Gustafson Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: The first item on the agenda for the Board's consideration was bill paying. Bill Paying Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board approve the warrants as presented for bill and Payroll paying. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the payroll for November 15, 1990 after review by the County Manager. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Reith Montag, Director of Community Development, appeared with File PD-295-90-t.;/13, PD-295-90-SP Squaw Creek and requested tabling to November 27, 1990. squaw Creek Commissioner Gustafson moved to table File PD-295-90-S/P to November 27, 1990. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Montag presented File ZS-296-90, Floyd Crawford and requested tabling to ZS-296-90 November 27, 1990. Crawford, F. Commissioner Gates moved to table File ZS-296-90, Floyd Crawford to November 27, 1990. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the notion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Montag presented a final plat for File S14-688-90, The -;gateau. Final Plat Commissioner Gates moved to approve the final pla! for File SM-688-90, The SM-688-90 Chateau. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Montag presented a final plat for File SM-689-90, Berry Creek Lot 25 Block 2. Final Plat Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve the final plat as presented by Mr. SM-689-90 Montag. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Montag presented a proposed resolution for for File EC-244-90, Soderberg Res 90-107 Filing *4 for an approved zone change. ZC-244-90 Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-107 as presented by Mr. Montag, File ZC-244-90, Soderberg Filing *4. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Montag presented a proposed resolution for File ZC-241-89, Jack Beals, E.B. Res 90-108 Subdivision approving a zone change. E.B. Subdiv. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-108 as presented by Mr. Montag. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Montag presented the next resolution for the Board's consideration on File Res 90-109 PD-100-90-A, an amendment to the Beaver Creek PUD. B/C PUD Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-109 regarding the Amendment amen.i.entof the Beaver Creek Planned Unit Development, File PD-100-90-A. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Montag presented a proposed resolution regarding the approval of a special Use Res 90-110 Permit for Flatiron Structures, File ZS-126-89-A4. ZS-126-89-A4 Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-110 approving the Special Use Permit for File ZS-126-89-A4, Flatiron Structures. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Cal Thomas, Red Cliff Town Manager, appeared and stated the Board of Directors for Red Cliff the Red Cliff Water and Sanitation has a vacancy which needs to be filled. He told Board of the Board that Victor Cisneros has resigned and he requested the Board appoint the Directors Board of Trustees of the Town of Red Cliff. He submitted a letter and a resolution of the Town of Red Cliff. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board appoint the following persons to serve on the Board of Directors for the Red Cliff Water and Sanitation District: Walter Fox, Sharon Iversen, Lorraine Lopez, Cathy Wilson, and Ted Warren. He further moved the Board appoint Harry Gray to serve as an alternate member, who shall be seated in the absence of a regular member. Said appointment shall remain effective until the dissolution of the district is completed or for the existing terms of office which expire December 31, 1990. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to November 19, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • 1 .9"1 Mr. Lindahl brought before the Board a grant application for a Colorado Drug Free Grant for Task Force. He stated this grant provides for $20,000 grant money and $20,000 county Drug Task matching funds. Force A.J. Johnson, Eagle County Sheriff, stated he has $10,000 of confiscated funds to use for this and the shared costs of the remaining $10,000 will come from the Town of Vail. Commissioner Gates moved to sign the contract for a Colorado Drug Task Force grant. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a Letter of Agreement for 911 Enhancement between U.S. West Agreement and Eagle County. He reviewed the letter for the Board. 911 Enhance- Commissioner Gates moved to approve the Letter of Agreement for 911 Enhancement as ment presented by Mr. Lindahl. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. In discussion, Chairman Welch stated that this service is a critical service for life support and that he is carrying out the wishes of Eagle County taxpayers. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous of the two voting Commissioners. Mr. Lindahl presented a proposed resolution which sets fees for personal home Res 90-106 health care services provided by the Eagle County Nursing Department. He reviewed the Home Care fees for the Board. Services Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-106 as presented by Mr. Lindahl. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Brown presented Change Order *2 to the Colorado River Road Bridge Rehabili- C.O. 02 tation project with G.A. Western. He explained the contract will be reduced by G.A. Western $1,779.81 for a new contract amount of $114,492.19. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Change Order *2 for the E301 Bridge Rehabilitation Program. This change order decreases the contract by $1,079.81. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Brown presented a Certification of 40% Project Completion in order to Project reimburse the County for 40% of bridge monies. Completion Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize Certification the Chairman to sign the Certification of 40% of Special Bridge Account monies allocated to the Bridge Project Numbers EAG-301-15.6, EAG-301-08.2 and EAG-301-27.7. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers returned with the petition for abatement for the Town of Avon. She Abatement stated the Town has agreed with the abatements as she had previously recommended up to Avon/Town of the 1990 taxes. Schedule $22037 in the amount of $1,668.39 for the 1989 tax year Schedule *22027 in the amount of $700.00 for the 1989 tax year. Denied were Schedule *23344, Schedule *23345, Schedule *23342, Schedule *23343, Schedule *23346, Schedule *23351, Schedule *23347, Schedule *23353, Schedule *23352, and Schedule *23348. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the abatements and denials as presented by Ms. Caruthers. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to November 13, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman R 4110 . a1 4• Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the new hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for Warner Development, Inc. dba Beaver Creek Lodge located at 26 Avondale Lane, Beaver Creek, Colorado. Liq Lic Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Gas House Mr. Lindahl presented the next item for the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority, a renewal application for the Gas Rouse, Inc. dba the The Gas House Restaurant. He stated he has reviewed the application and is complete. The Sheriff has reported no contacts during the past year_ He recommended approval. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal application for the Gas Hose Restaurant. Liq Lic Chairman Welch seconded the notiwo!_ Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Hyatt at Beaver Creek Mr. Lindahl presented a renewal application for Hyatt Regency Beaver Creek for a hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours and optional premises. He stated he finds the application in conformance with the law and the Sheriff reports no contacts during the past year. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the renewal of the renewal application for Hyatt Regency Beaver Creek as presented by Mr. Lindahl. Liq Lic Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was Lodge at declared unanimous. Cordillera Mr. Lindahl presented a renewal application for Kensington Management Corporation dba the Lodge at Cordillera, a hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours. He stated the application is complete and the Sheriff office reports no contacts during the past year. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal of a hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for Kensington Management Corporation dba The Lodge at Cordillera. chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local. Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of county Commissioners. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was Minutes declared unanimous. 9/24-10/23/90 Johnnette Phillips, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, presented the minutes from September 24, 1990 through October 23, 1990. Commissioner Gates asked to clarify a statement made by Terrill Knight regarding the visibility of Cordillera. H¢ asked a statement be clarified made by Commissioner Gates on October 15, 1990 regarding water storage for firefighting for the airport. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the minutes with khe corrections noted. Letter Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. to BLM Mr. Lindahl presented a letter addressed to Bureau of Land Management regarding the Board's support of the Spring Creek water system and water rights. He explained the letter to the Board. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the letter as presented by Mr. Lindahl and authorize the Chairman to sign the letter. �� Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was Final Settlmn declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented the final settlement for GMC) Corp for the 1990 Eagle County Chip seal Program. He stated the final settlement was advertised and there have been no claims received. He recommended approval of the final settlement. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve the final settlement for GMCD Corp for the 1990 Eagle County Chip Seal Program. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was Isbill declared unanimous. Amendment Mr. Lindahl presented Amendment *2 to the Isbill Contract. He reviewed the contract for the Board which provides for engineering work for strengthening and widening at the runway at the County airport. He further reviewed the contract and stated that Dan Reynolds, Director of Transportation, recommended approval. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Change Order #2 to Isbill Associates, Inc. contract for Airpor' [mprovement Project 413. CL man Welch seconded the motion. of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declare.i unanimous. commissioner Gates moved to approve warrants as presented for bill paying as Bill Paying submitted. Social Service Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was and Eagle Co. declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the warrants for bill paying for Social Services. Chairman Welch seconded the notion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. 1110 11/0 The morning being spent paying bills, the following items were brought before the Board.for their consideration: Chairman Welch opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, a petition Abatement for abatement from the Town of Avon. Avon/Town of Jody Caruthers, County Assessor, presented a petition for abatement for various parcels in Wildridge. She stated the deed has not been transferred to the 'own of Avon and until then the parcels are not tax exempt. She stated she will recommend partial approval of some of the parcels not valued at the proper open space value. Bill James and Norman Wood from the Town of Avon explained they want to get the property abated for the 1989 taxes. Discussion was held on the reduction of the property to be valued as open space and the amount to be abated. Commissioner Gates moved to table this petition until later in the day for additional information. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson was out of town on County business. Tom Brown, Engineer, presented the next item, a proposed resolution to reduce Resolution collateral for Aspen Junction Subdivision. Ho recommended the collateral be reduced Aspen Junction to !10,200. which is lot of the paving and landscaping cost and he retained for the two year warranty period. Discussion was held on the process of reducing collateral and what should be the collateralized amount. Dieter Sander, developer, gave the Board the amount of the improvements as $250,000. Mr. Brown figured the amount of the work involved in the improvements and arrived at a figure of $22,800 as the retainage amount. Mr. Sander complained that road construction that has been completed has not had any structural problems and he does not believe it should be included and mentioned the road cut. After discussion on the County policy for collateralization of subdivision, the Board determined the amount to hold as collateral should be $22,800 for the Letter of Credit for collateralization of improvements Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the resolution authorizing a reduction in collateral for Aspen Junction Subdivision to $22,800, which represents 10% of the cost of paving and landscaping to be retained for the two-year warranty period. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mara Kleinschmidt, Assistant County Attorney, appeared to present a Letter Agreement Agreement with Vail Mountain Medical for Prenatal Care for 1990-1991. She told the VVMC Board Dr. Kent Petrie has agreed to this letter. She recommended approval of the agreement. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Letter Agreement with Vail Mountain Medical P.C. to provide prenatal care to those financially eligible. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a letter addressed to the Colorado Public Utilities Letter to Commission in support of the Town of Avon for a bus system between Edwards and Vail PUC re bus and for intermediate stops. He reviewed the letter. system Commissioner Gates moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the letter as presented by Mr. Lindahl. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous_ Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Chairman Welch seconded the motion_ of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented the first liquor license, a new application for a hotel and Liq Lic restaurant liquor license with extended hours and optional premises. The applicant is Beaver Creek warner Development, Inc. dba Beaver Creek Lodge, located at 26 Avondale Lane in Beaver Lodge Creek. Bobby Warner, sworn to testify by Johnnette Phillips, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, explained the need and location of the establishment. He spoke regarding the management of the premises. Debra Whittman, Vice President of Warner Development, spoke to the optional premises. Mr. Lindahl explained the optional premise license. The applicant withdrew the optional premise from the application. Mr. Lindahl continued to review the license application and stated the application is complete. The background check by the Sheriff's office has been returned negative and history records are in the file. He recommended the application be approved. Mr. Warner presented a petition of approximately 100 signatures in support of the license. Commissioner Gates moved to accept the petition into the record. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous_ Commissioner Gates moved to establish the neighborhood as being the Beaver Creek PUD and to approve the need for this license. , 274 4111 0 Proceedings of the Board of County Commisshmers____5th _Bay November Term, 1990 THE C.F.HOCCKEL CO.,DENVER 771634 -- - .__ __. DAILY JOURNAL THE ADV/BIDS 252.00 EAGLE AUTO PARTS DASH KNOB/CFR TRUCK 10.23 EAGLE AUTO PARTS DASH KNOB/FIRE TRUCK 6.14 EAGLE AUTO PARTS 138073/SCREWS 1 .86 EAGLE PHARMACY 21/FILM 14.39 EAGLE PHARMACY FILM 36.32 EAGLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS INC TELEPHONE SERVICE 38.05 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT 728.08 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/AIRPORT 1 ,017.76 ' FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT 836.21 I HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 213500600 950.12 ISBILL ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED AIP 12/FINAL PAYMENT 13,772.08 LEAVENWORTH LOCHHEAD AND LEGAL FEES 652.78 it MOTOR POOL FUND AIRPORT/MP 1 ,511 .47 NATIONAL AIRPORT EQUIPMENT FRT/WINO 'zOCK FRAME 43.00 REYNOLDS DANIEL TRAVEL/C0VENTION 50.00 11 REYNOLDS DANIEL MEALS/MEETINGS 24.59 I ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS GAS/HANGAR 4 8.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS GAS USAGE/AIRPORT 11 .23 1 SIGNS & DESIGNS SECURITY SIGNS/AIRPORT 360.00 TEAM LABORATORY CHEMICAL SNOW PLOW SILICONE 322.29 VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED MEALS 32. 10 1 VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY PACK/SHIP EQUIPMENT 13.51 VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY PRAMITOL 356.35 VALLEY RESTAURANT MEALS/TASK FORCE 64.50 VISA MEALS/CFR CREW 45.65 VISA MEALS 57.94 WESTERN MOBILE GRAVEL/PARKING LOT 2,498.41 WRIGHT WATER ENGINEERS AIRPORT WATER SYS ENG. 369.94 27,876.44 1 , , LANDFILL FUND i ACZ LABORATORY LAB SAMPLES 1 ,087.00 ALLEN E MILLER WELL MONITOR SAMPLES 150.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL 72.30 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL 93.21 CENTURY PAPERS INCORPORATED TRASH BAGS 37.90 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WASTE DISPOSAL FEE 5,281 .33 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LANDFILL 117.62 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LANDFILL 150.37 COLORADO ROCKY MOUNTAIN GRCDA REGISTRATION 40.00 DEEP ROCK WATER BOTTLED WATER 21 .50 DEEP ROCK WATER ARTESIAN WATER 16.59 DUDDY VIELE CONSTRUCTION REFUND/PRE-PD LANDFILL 21 .24 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CREDIT UNION/LANDFILL 21 .56 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL, 862.28 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/LANDFILL 604.56 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL 1 , 121 .01 MCGRUDER SEPTIC SERVICE SEPTIC SERVICE 30.00 MOTOR POOL FUND LANDFILL/MP 13, 166.86 MOTOR POOL FUND LANDFILL/MP 425.32 ROCKY MOUNTAIN SAFETY SERVICE LANDFILL SIGN 371 .76 SUMMIT LUMBER 19006/STAKES 9.34 VALLEY GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY OXYGEN 24.00 WESTERN SLOPE SCALE SERVICE LANDFILL SCALE 400.00 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY IMPACT 88.00 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY TAMPER RENTAL 50.00 PAYROLL FOR OCTOBER PAYROLL * 21 & 22 4,387.23 28,850.98 TRANSPORTATION FUND CCO AND ERA RET ANN/EC BUS SYSTEM 16. 18 I COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/EC BUS SYS 18.01 DAVE TRANSPORTATION SERVICE BUS HOURS/AUG 90 10,285.47 DAVE TRANSPORTATION SERVICE ECE/SEPT 1 ,2,3/FINAL 644.43 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/EC BUS SYS 13A '' VAIL DAILY THE FCC SCHEDULE PRINTING 2" VAIL TRAIL THE ECC BUS SCHEDULE " PAYROLL FOR OCTOBER PAYROLL " 21 & 22 4,8C ) ?5 TOTAL EXPENDITURES FOR OCTOBER 2i0' . -';.29 r . I 273 • • Proceedings of the Board of Comity Commissioners 5th Day November SCHOLER JIM TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 180.20 SUSAN BRUEN SUPPLIES 20.00 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS PHONE/927-4404-403B 114.27 VANASK WAREHOUSE COMPANY FREIGHT CHARGES 42.84 PAYROLL FOR OCTOBER MONTHLY PAYROLL 20,360.15 35,796.12 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES FUND A B ASBESTORS ABATEMENT REMOVE INSULATION 2,786.00 DESKTOP PRODUCTS MONITOR 525.00 PILOT OFFICE SUPPLY COMPUTER HARDWARE 736.40 4,047.40 RETIREMENT FUND CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 721 .08 CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 4,595.85 CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 4,598.24 9,915.17 INSURANCE FUND COLORADO COUNTIES INCORPORATED CAS.&PROP POOL CONT. 206.00 GYPSUM AUTOBODY AND FRAME REPAIR UNIT 16 843.73 SEDGWICK JAMES OF COLORADO CONSULTING SERVICE 1 ,000.00 SEDGWICK JAMES OF COLORADO CONSULTING FEES 1 ,000.00 3,049.73 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND BMC WEST GLENWOOD METAL ROOF/STALLS 2,729.54 DAHL INCORPORATED GLENWOOD BOIL DRAIN 18.70 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER DELINQUENT TAX SCHED. 289.73 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER TAX LIENS/EBY CREEK 7,214.90 FIRST CLASS PLUMBING HEATING INSTALL VALVE/JC 1 ,950.00 GEORGE T. SANDERS COMPANY 225012/RED COUPLER 3,736.98 JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING GASKETS 8.00 KAMEN SUPPLY COMPANY SILCAN SILVER SOLDER 99.31 KAMEN SUPPLY COMPANY BOILER DRAIN 34.55 KITE COMPANY AIR PURGER 543.00 SUMMIT LUMBER 21459/PVC PIPE 97.96 WESTERN MOBILE ROAD BASE 125.92 WESTERN MOBILE CONCRETE 1 ,734.00 WESTERN SLOPE SCALE SERVICE LABOR/FORM PIT PADS 2,650.00 21 ,232.59 CONSTRUCTION FUND CABELL CHILDRESS ARCHITECTS ARCH. SERVICE 4,076.92 CHEN NORTHERN INCORPORATED CONSTRUCTION TESTING 3,428.20 CHEN NORTHERN INCORPORATED CONST OBS/TEST SERV. 3,269.60 CTL THOMPSON INCORPORATED CONCRETE TESTING SERV 420.00 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 21273/ELECTRIC 189.65 PACIFIC TELECOM SHAW CONST/328-1011 705.90 SHAW CONSTRUCTION APP/CERT COUNTY BLDG 533,622.00 TYREE AND ASSOCIATES PROF SERV/ARCH 1,035.00 546,747.27 AIRPORT FUND AVIATION SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE MAINT CONT/NOV 90 1 ,850.00 B AND B COMMUNICATIONS RADIO REYNOLDS TRUCK 730.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT 74.32 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT 90.50 CINTAS UNIFORMS INSULATED COVERALLS 162,68 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY WATER DISPENSER/SEPT 12.00 COCA COLA BOTTITNG COr1"ANY WATER DISPENSER RENT 12.24 COLORADO AIPPOPI OPERnWPS REGISTRATION CAOA CONF 55.00 COLORADO PrrARTHrNT OF Rr_VENUE STATE TAX/AIRPORT 95.19 COLORADO EPAR r'" IT OF REVENUF STA,r r. .,n,Y/AIRP(PT 109.53 CRICH MICHAEL HANGAR RENTAL, "r' 600.00 272 • i Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 5th Day November Term, 19 90 _19.____ Tut C.F.HOECEEL CO..DENVER 975594 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD RELAY 113.88 GRAND JUNCTION PIPE AND SUPPLY PIPE 31 .31 HANSON EQUIPMENT PAN OIL 955.95 HANSON EQUIPMENT 83987/FREIGHT 65.94 HANSON EQUIPMENT FILTER 110.20 HONNEN EQUIPMENT COMPANY REPAIRS/PARTS 2,228.90 J I CASE CREDIT CORPORATION DRUM DRIVE ROLLER 2,020. 14 JAY MAX SALES MISC SHOP SUPPLIES 19.29 JAY MAX SALES TIRE CHAINS/ASSESORY 1 ,495.28 JOHN HAINES CHEVROLET WHEEL 119.25 JW BREWER TIRE COMPANY TUBE 51 .11 KAMEN SUPPLY COMPANY 656225/BLACK PIPE 244.00 KAR PRODUCTS INCORPORATED MISC.SHOP SUPPLIES 1 ,039.39 LEDERHAUSE EDIE GAS/SR VAN 49.50 MACDONALD EQUIPMENT COMPANY LEVER 23.45 MESA MACK CREDIT/TACKOMETER 301 .25 MESA MACK NUT 11 .70 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL/MP HEAVY 781 .50 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL/MP 349.96 NOVUS MOBILE WINDSHIELD REPAIR REPAIR/WINDSHIELD 50.00 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING GAS/CO TRUCK/MILLER 7.11 PETTY CASH MOTOR POOL MEALS 75.49 PHILLIPS 66 SERVICE FREIGHT 16.75 PHILLIPS 66 COMPANY FUEL/COUNTY VEHICLE 24.26 POWER MOTIVE PIN 45.94 POWER MOTIVE DOOR LATCH 13.93 PRECISION AUTO CARE COMPLETE DETAIL 75.00 RAMSAY PAUL R TRAVEL . 15.50 REY MOTORS INCORPORATED SENDING UNIT 146.00 ' ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND LABOR/STRACENER 2 HRS 30.00 ROARING FORK VALLEY COOP DIESEL 7.55 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING 5043/BUSINESS CARDS 34.80 SUMMIT LUMBER CABLE/AC 4.96 THREAD CONNECTION REPAIR SEAT 40.25 VALLEY GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY OXYGEN 571 .10 VALLEY GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY OXYGEN 111 .00 VISA FUEL/COUNTY VEHICLE 127.52 VISA FUEL/COUNTY VEHICLE 254.97 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY MOTOR GRADER 234,719.77 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY CAT SCRAPER 2,546.55 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY VEE BELT 682.04 WALMART /AVON FINISH WAX 17.88 WALMART /GLENWOOD INSULATED COVERALLS 159.76 WATSON OJ REPAIR KIT 117.21 WESTERN ROAD MACHINERY CO. NUT 353.05 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY TEETH 536.87 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY COLD ROLL STEEL 349.34 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY LOAD BINDERS 219.87 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY 28398/THIMBLE 155.10 PAYROLL FOR OCTOBER PAYROLL # 21 & 22 6,808.86 315,450.58 PUBLIC WELFARE FUND BAKER NANCI K LODGE/MEALS 12.00 BOSSOW RITA R MEALS 26.00 BOSSOW RITA R LODGE/MEALS 68.00 BRODERICK KELLY A MILEAGE/TRAVEL 46.00 BRODERICK KELLY A POSTAGE REIMBURSEMENT 1 .25 CARLOW MARGARET RENT 850.00 CCO AND ERA RETIREMENT ANN/SS 721 .08 CF HOECKEL COMPANY SUPPLIES 125.16 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/SS 886.96 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INSURANCE PREM 1 ,002.80 CONSTANCE COOPER TRAVEL 62.19 DAWN RACE SUPPLIES 66.00 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES FOOD STAMP AUTO FORMS 270.57 EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RENT 275.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/SS 6,645.69 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS PREM/10-1 2,786.10 HORN SUSAN E TRAVEL 76.70 IMMUNOLOGICAL ASSOC OF DENVER PATERNITY EST. 325.00 JOYCE L REICHE MEALS 2f..00 MEMOREX COMPUTER SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 105.60 NATIONAL GRAPHICS COMPANY SwIP!_IES 350.90 PACIFIC TELECOM 328-6328 316.66 PAMELA A GIBSON MEAL" 6.00 RHONDA PARKER MEALS 26.00 27 • • • Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 5th Day November Term, 19_9° .._ __ __ 19_. LIBRARY FUND BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY H217435/BOOKS 114.47 BRODART INCORPORATED BOOK COVERS 34.81 CATALOG CARD CORPORATION OF CATALOGING 23.77 CCO AND ERA RETIREMENT ANN/LIBRARY 163.85 CCO AND ERA RETIREMENT ANN 169.92 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LIBRARY 165.79 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LIBRARY 153.14 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS PREM/10-90 515.82 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE ADVERTISEMENT 39.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LIBRARY 1 ,442.33 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LIBRRAY 1 ,347.20 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS PREM/10-90 1 ,415.40 GORDONS 10523710/BOOKS/PB-H 746.04 HASLEE LORRAINE MALL TRAVEL 24.00 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/LIBRARY 171 .72 NISWANGER AMY CLA/MEALS 94.64 PACIFIC TELECOM 328-6901 189.87 PETTY CASH LIBRARY POSTAGE/PC 11 .65 QUALITY BOOKS INCORPORATED 265701/VIDEOS 1 ,868.88 SELECT VIDEO VIDEOS 239.60 SMITHSONIAN SERIES BOOK 19.23 STEINFORT JO ANN TRAVEL 49.00 THREE RIVERS LIBRARY SYSTEMS CATALOGING 1,450.00 U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS 949-6797-072B 71 .02 VITALITY VIDEO VIDEO 42.95 PAYROLL FOR OCTOBER PAYROLL it 21 & 22 9,676.59 20,240.69 MOTOR POOL FUND Al AUTO ELECTRIC COMPANY I49036/REGULATOR 61 .15 AMERICAN EAGLE TIRE SPIN BALANCE 81 .95 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSC ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP 65.00 AMERICAN WINDSHIELD REPAIR REPAIR WINDSHIELD 25.00 BASALT AUTO PARTS WIPER BLADES 28.43 BENEDICT TIA SECRETARIAL SEMINAR 70.30 BERTHOD MOTORS NUTS 155.51 BERTHOD MOTORS 164658C/ALTERNATOR 292.97 BEST GERALD GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE 10.79 BEST WESTERN RAMKOTA LODGE/SMITH 360.00 BOOTH ROUSE EQUIPMENT COMPANY STUD 122.45 BRENT SERVICE FUEL SYSTEMS 65.00 CARBONDALE AUTO SUPPLY AIR FILTER 80.56 CASE POWER AND EQUIPMENT SEAL 5.94 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/MP 107.57 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/MP 107.67 CENTURY EQUIPMENT COMPANY SPRING 1 ,622.65 CITY OF GREELEY REGISTRATION 330.00 COLLETT ENTERPRISES ANTIFREEZE 1 ,851 .58 COLLETT ENTERPRISES CREDIT/DRUM DEPOSIT (120.00) COLLETT ENTERPRISES OIL 227.35 COLLETT ENTERPRISES FLUID 1 ,052.35 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/MP 127.23 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/MP 130.38 COLORADO OIL INSPECTION REGISTRATION FEES 240.00 CUMMINS POWER INCORPORATED FLYWHEEL 1 ,047.28 CUMMINS POWER INCORPORATED 339140/ORING 142.07 DARIEN SHIRLEY GAS/BASALT SR VAN 13.30 DESIGN GLASS INCORPORATED REPLACEMENT WINDSHIELD 215.77 DORIO DISTRIBUTING FUEL 25, 38.04 DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES END YOKE 429. 10 EAGLE AUTO PARTS PARTS/SUPPLIES 6,523.61 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CREDIT UNION/MP 25.00 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CREDIT UNION/MP 25.00 EAGLE TOWN OF REMOVAL/TIRES 18.75 EMPIRE CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT BUSHING 556.06 EZ WAY RENTAL INCORPORATED RENT/BACKHOE 105.25 FIRST AID VIDEO LIBRARY 1ST AID TAPES/TRAINING 84.90 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/MP 1 ,058.84 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE 'fUNTY HEALTH INS/MP 1 ,726.78 FIRST BAH' ,F EAGLE {. "NTN, FED TAX/MP 1 ,081 .68 FONES WL' MONTHLY PAGER RENTAL 52.00 GARFIELI 'EEL FABRICATING CHANNEL IRON 282.40 GAY JOI#$ISON SECTION 8,329.35 GAY JOwv-ON TIRES 2,733.16 270 , 0 • Proceedings of the Board of County Co nmisshnmrs 5th Day November Term, 19 90 19___ tHE C.P.HOECKEL CO..OFNVEK 170E34 .. *-,.- - --- WINZENBURG LEFF MITCHELL SERVICE OF PROCESS 17.40 WOMENS RESOURCE CENTER 4TH QUARTER GRANT 750.00 WRITERS MANOR LODGE/MEALS 332.25 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY RENTAL STRING TRIMMER 622. 18 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY HARD HATS 52.50 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY KLEIN PLIERS 28.14 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY STAKES 12.33. XEROX CORPORATION MAINT/FAX 106.25 YAMPA VALLEY ELECTRIC 0050010001/ELEC. 9.84 YAMPA VALLEY ELECTRIC 0050010001 16.48 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE INMATE SUPPLIES 135.45 1� ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE PAIN AID 37.50 ZONING NEWS ZONING NEWS SUBS 25.00 PAYROLL FOR OCTOBER PAYROLL # 21 & 22 217,711 .80 f 682,339.82 ROAD & BRIDGE FUND ADS CORRUGATED PIPE 926.20 ANDERSON SEED COMPANY PLS SEED MIXTURE 713.96 ASPEN TIMES THE WEED SPRAYING ADV. 58.50 B AND B EXCAVATING 291042/ROAD BASE 1 ,472.24 B AND B EXCAVATING ASPHALT HOT MIX 126.97 II CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 418.39 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/RD&BR 952.53 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/RD&BR 969.36 CENTURY PAPERS INCORPORATED CUPS 52.40 CITY OF PUEBLO TRAINING 175.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/RD&BR 748.18 1 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/RD&BR 749. 16 4 DENVER REGIONAL COUNCIL OF REGISTRATION-FESSLER 68.00 i! EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING ANNUAL BOX RENT 17.00 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CREDIT UNION/RD&BR 618.28 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CREDIT UNION/RD&BR 614.82 EAGLE PHARMACY 8/FILM 18.23 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE 15106/PUBLIC NOTICE 31 .96 I EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE TRAFFIC NOTICE 78.00 I FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/RD&BR 5,435.34 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/RD&BR 8,119.35 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/RD&BR 5,461 .66 FONES WEST MONTHLY PAGER RENTAL 120.00 GA WESTERN CONSTRUCTION BRIDGE REHAB. 18,955.74 GA WESTERN CONSTRUCTION BRIDGE REHAB. 62,160.96 GMCO CORPORATION BID ITEM 49,094.10 I GMCO CORPORATION CHIPSEAL PROGRAM 116,907.58 1 HARRYS SPORTING GOODS BEAVER TRAP 22.45 I HIGGINS BRAD TRAINING 42. 16 LG EVERIST INCORPORATED GRAVEL 2,553.4' METROPOLITAN CONCRETE PUMPING CONCRETE PUMP RENTAL 367 . "' MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL/MP 39,821 . 113 MOTOR POOL FUND RD&BR/MP 3,537.40 MOUNTAIN STEEL AND WELDING HANGER 120.00 PETTY CASH MOTOR POOL MEALS 25.00 PETTY CASH ROAD AND BRIDGE MEALS 22.53 ROARING FORK RENTALS RENT/HOT PRESSURE WASH 50.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN SAFETY SERVICE ALIGNMENT SIGN 699.69 ROCKY MOUNTAIN SAFETY SERVICE 7558/AMBER REFLECTORS 495.25 I SKI COUNTRY PRINTING 5043/BUSINESS CARDS 174.00 I SLADKY DAWN M SECRETARIAL SEMINAR 56.00 SUMMIT LUMBER 17358/PAINT THINNER 5.98 SUMMIT LUMBER EYE GUARD 5,68 SUMMIT LUMBER 18982/TREATED POSTS 139.31 THOMAS H LUBY REFUND PERMIT FEE 150.00 VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY SOIL NEUTRALIZER 89.95 VALLEY GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY OXYGEN 45.00 I VALLEY LUMBER ALUMINUM ROOF PAINT 41 .29 ! VISA MEALS 10.92 !( WESTERN MOBILE ROAD BASE 858.62 WESTERN MOBILE ROAD BASE 4,008.48 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY EAR PLUGS 38.00 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY SHOVEL/SPADE 5.61 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY RIVETS 24.21 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY WRENCH 100.44 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY PAINT/ENAMEL 20.05 PAYROLL FOR OCTOBER PAYROLL # 21 & 22 31 ,875.45 360,465.55 1 • I . I • • • 26 Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 5th Day._ or - __Term, 19_9° _____ .__ __ __19_ SCULLYS ART OFFICE AND CUSTOM STAMP 15.95 SCULLYS ART OFFICE AND OFFICE SUPPLIES 9.90 SETINA MANUFACTURING COMPANY BODY GUARD CAGE 354.62 SHAINHOLTZ TODD H DDS INMATE DENTAL 338.00 SHERATON HOTEL STEAMBOAT LODGE/PLANNING COMM. 360.00 SIMON AND SCHUSTER SECRETARY HANDBOOK 41 .27 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING PRINTED MATERIALS 4,277.00 SMITH POWSTENKO TV TRANSLATOR SYS REV 1 ,466.72 SNOWBRIDGE INCORPORATED SERVICE OF PROCESS 1 .60 SOCIETY HUMAN RESOURCE SHRM MEMBERSHIP/2 YRS 265.00 SOLAWETZ TOM MEALS 22.00 SPEECHMASTERS RESCHEDULING FEE 50.00 STATE OF COLORADO EXAMINING PLUMBING LICENSE 39.00 STEPHEN SLETTA SERVICE OF PROCESS 10.00 STRAWBERRY PATCH TOV ELECTIONS 51 .00 STRAWBERRY PATCH FLOWERS/MCHUGH/FOSS 138.50 STRAWBERRY PATCH FLOWERS 37.50 STRAWBERRY PATCH FLOWERS 44.00 STUART G BARR SERVICE OF PROCESS 10.00 SUMMIT LUMBER SUPPLIES 958. 12 SWARTZ GRUSKIN 17407/ROUPP GROUP 8.00 TAYLOR WYN T SERVICE OF PROCESS 2.70 TAYLOR WYN T SERVICE OF PROCESS 10.00 TERRILL M GAINES SERVICE OF PROCESS 2.50 TERRILL M GAINES SERVICE OF PROCESS 27.40 THE CENTER SERVICE OF PROCESS 4.00 TINA ANDERSON JUDGES EXPENSES 84.70 TOP DRAWER OFFICE SUPPLIES REPLACEMENT KEY 4.50 TOP DRAWER OFFICE SUPPLIES FILE KEYS 4.50 TRAVEL VAIL INMATE TRANSPORT 988.00 TSE TV SALES AND SERVICE TELEVISION/JAIL 264.00 TUXALL UNIFORM COMPANY UNIFORMS 93.90 TYREE AND ASSOCIATES ARCH.STRUCTURE REVIEW 6,020.00 TYREE AND ASSOCIATES ARCH/STRUCT/MECH REV. 6,665.00 TYREE AND ASSOCIATES ARCH REVIEW 247.50 UNITED AGRI SERVICES ROUND-UP 1 ,033.01 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 471457/SHIPPING 71 .36 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 471483/SHIPPING 31 .43 UNIVERSITY CALIFORNIA BERKLEY SUBSCRIPTION 20.00 US DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR MAINT/E.R.GAGING STA. 2,850.00 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE SERVICE 2,064.11 VAIL DAILY THE ADV/EMPLOYMENT 277.49 VAIL DAILY THE FAIR ADVERTISING 504.88 VAIL DAILY THE ELECTION DISPLAY 524.67 VAIL ELECTRONICS ALARM SYS MONITORING 45.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC INMATE MEDICAL 552.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC INMATE MEDICAL 203.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC 80600/BURNER/PHYSICAL 395.00 VAIL ORTHOPAEDICS SPORTS INMATE MEDICAL/POWELL 192.00 VAIL PUBLIC RELATIONS TRANS/BUS SYS PROJ 652.20 VAIL SIGN CORPORATION NAME TAGS 24.00 VAIL TRAIL THE FAIR ADV. 487.00 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER INMATE MEDICAL/POWELL 108.00 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER INMATE MEDICAL 192.75 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER INMATE MEDICAL 263.00 VAIL VALLEY REPORTING DEPOSITION 378.50 VAIL YOUTH SERVICES VAIL YOUTH SERV/GRANT 75.00 VALAS KAREN TRAVEL 8.00 VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY SOLAR SALT CUBES/JC 124.00 VALLEY JOURNAL EMPLOYMENT ADV 18.00 VAN QUIP GAS BOTTLE HOLDER 25.60 VANCE ED QUATURN RH STEM 82.04 VIOLA HERMOSILLO TRAINING 35.00 VISA ELECTION SUPPLIES 2,770.31 VISA MEALS/TRAVEL 4,614.59 VISIBLE COMPUTER SUPPLY CORP ENVELOPES 157.34 W W GRAINGER INCORPORATED GRIPPING STEM 351 . 13 WALMART /AVON FROST LANTERN 28.69 WALMART /AVON FLASHLIGHT/MONTOYA 35.02 WALMART /AVON SPRINKLER HOSE 7.00 WALMART /GLENWOOD FILM 106.02 WEEE WILLIE WONKAS BUS FREIGHT 10.70 WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY BOOKS 127.00 WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY WESTLAW/AUGUST 172. 16 WESTERN EAGLE COUNTY AMBULANCE AMBULANCE SERVICE 150.00 WESTERN EAGLE COUNTY AMBULANCE INMATE AMBULANCE SERV 150.00 WESTERN MOBILE GRAVEL 118.51 WESTERN SLOPE UNIFORM 20098/LAUNDRY SERV 82.00 WESTERN SLOPE UNIFORM COMPANY LAUNDRY SERVICE 49.44 WILLIAM PRATHER MD PRE-EMP.PHYSICALS 31 .00 WILSON KEN PROFESSIONAL FEE 40.00 Zkiti i 4111 4111 Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 5th Dares = Term, 19_9° 19-- THE C.F.HOECKEL CC..DENVER 3711534 .- - ..-..-.-.--_ - 1 NATIONAL AIR QUALITY CENTER URBAN AIR QUALITY CONE 280.00 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 63.00 NATIONAL IMPRINT CORPORATION SHERIFF BADGES 197.12 NATIONWIDE CREDIT SERVICE OF PROCESS 10.00 NATIONWIDE CREDIT SERVICE OF PROCESS 4.00 NEVES UNIFORMS UNIFORMS 824.00 NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE RECEIPTS/LEDER 56.64 NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE OPEN/TOP FOLDERS 80.95 NFP RED RIBBION CAMPAIGN RIBBONS 35.00 NOLAN NINA COORDINATOR REIM/SEPT 15.00 h NORMAN THOMPSON MD PROFESSIONAL FEES 500.00 NUNN JEAN TRAVEL 37.20 OFFICE CLUB OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 ,253.24 OREILLY BRIAN SERVICE OF PROCESS 10.00 OREILLY BRIAN SERVICE OF PROCESS 6.00 ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY PEST CONTROL/JC 98.00 ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY PEST CONTROL/JC 98.00 OTTO PETERSON POST SERVICE OF PROCESS 9.50 OVERHEAD DOt'P COMPANY LABOR/JC 50.00 P C SOURCES SUBSCRIPTION/PC 9.97 PACIFIC TELECOM TELEPHONE SERVICE 6,590.82 PAPER THERMOMETER COMPANY THERMOLABELS 45.00 PARK COUNTY ASSESSOR NOV FORMS 830.00 PARKER GRIFFIN PUBLISHING 90 REVISION/EVIDENCE 37.28 PAYCO GENERAL SERVICE OF PROCESS 10.00 PENNY SAVER MEDICAL SUPPLY OPERATING SUPPLIES 127.19 PENNY SAVER MEDICAL SUPPLY MEDICAL SUPPLIES 1 ,434.30 PEPSI COLA PEPSI 47.75 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING REIMBURSEMENT/SOLOWETZ 237.69 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING EC POSTAL PERMIT 496.90 PETTY CASH EC NURSING SERVICE BATTERIES 34.76 PHILLIPS JOHNNETTE TRAVEL 148.58 PILLSBURY & PILLSBURY SERVICE OF PROCESS 12.00 PILOT OFFICE SUPPLY INSTALL POSTSCRIPT 264.00 PITNEY BOWES COPIER SUPPLIES 175.00 PITNEY BOWES MAINTENANCE/COPIER 378.60 PITNEY BOWES POSTAGE METER-2-91 653.41 POLK RL MV REGISTRATION MANUAL 65.00 POSTMASTER EAGLE BRANCH REFILL POSTAGE METER 1 ,800.00 POSTMASTER EAGLE BRANCH POSTAGE 100.00 PRIME COMPUTER INCORPORATED MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 1 ,581 .80 PRINTMASTER PRODUCTS FINGERPRINT PAD 26.05 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER AND LICENSE RENEWAL FEE 67.00 PTL ELECTRIC 2212/ELECTRICAL JC 212.09 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 418.57 R AND B FRAMING • FRAMING 97.00 RAMADA INN LODGE/MEALS 72.00 RAMSAY PAUL R MEALS 16.65 RBCS ELECRONICS REPAIR FUJI PRINTER 305.00 RD CRAIG ASSESSMENTS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 40.00 REGIONAL CHEM LABS REGIONAL MIRACLE MELT 188.71 REMSEN PETER D BLDG.PERMIT REFUND 49.50 RENO ZAHN FOLGATE LINDBERG SERVICE OF PROCESS 12.40 RESORT INDUSTRIES AUDIO VISUAL CHARGE 90.00 REUBENS RESTAURANT INMATE MEALS 15,020.17 REUBENS RESTAURANT BUSINESS LUNCH MTG. 120.79 REUBENS RESTAURANT INMATE MEALS 14,563.42 REVA MILLER GARNISHMENT 323.10 REYNOLDS NETTIE TRAVEL 27.35 REYNOLDS NETTIE TRAVEL 30.60 RICHARD BRIGHT SPECIAL USE/REFUND 200.00 RICHARD YOUNG PRODUCTS OF CLEANING UNIT 108.70 RICHARD YOUNG PRODUCTS OF DESK FLIPFILE 6.50 ROACH EARLENE TRAVEL 12.80 ROARING FORK TRANSIT AGENCY 90 GRANT/4TH QTR. 5,250.00 ROBERT GALLAGHER SERVICE OF PROCESS 5.60 ROCHE BIOMEDICAL LABORATORIES BAC TESTS 57.09 ! ROCHE BIOMEDICAL LABORATORIES LAB FEES 193.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS GAS SERVICE 4,065.97 ROCKY MOUNTAIN REPROGRAPHICS BOND PAPER 260.16 ROPIR CABLEVISION CABLE TV/JAIL 34.45 RUSSELL PAPKE TRAVEL 47.07 SACHS LAWLOR OFFICE SUPPLIES 7.00 SACHS LAWLOR PAYROLL DATE STAMP 13.85 SATTERFIELD RHODORA TRAVEL 20.95 SATTERFIELD RHODORA TRAVEL 18.00 1 SCHIPPER SARAH PHN TRAVEL 259.91 SCHMALE EDWIN H SUBSISTANCE PAY/20DAYS 913.80 SCHMIDT ELOISE COORDINATOR REIM. 15.00 SCULLYS ART OFFICE AND PEN POINTER 4.05 I SCULLYS ART OFFICE AND PORTFOLIO 23.50 t 11 2G• • 0 Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 5th Day November __Tenni 19__90 .________-_19_ JENSEN TOOL INC TOOL KIT/CASE 564.00 JOHNSON AJ REIM.COD PAID 3.89 JOHNSON AJ FILM PROCESSING 3.36 JOHNSON JACK W TRAVEL REIMBUIRSEMENT 14.40 JOHNSON JACK W LODGE/MEALS 26.84 JOHNSON KUNKEL AND ASSOCIATES 90/193 PLAT CHECK 1 , 108.00 JOHNSON KUNKEL AND ASSOCIATES PLAT CHECK 640.00 JOHNSON KUNKEL AND ASSOCIATES 90-279/PLAT CHECK 193.75 JONES MIKE 9365/REPAIR JC CAMERAS 1 ,250.00 JOY OF WINNING THE TROPHY/RIBBONS/PLAQUE 67.75 KAMEN SUPPLY COMPANY HEATING STOCK 122.59 KAROL MIKE ROCKY MTN NEWS SUBS. 29.00 KELLEY BLUE BOOK SUBSCRIPTION 79.00 KEMP AND COMPANY INCORPORATED COUPLING 24.70 KEMPTON AIR SERVICE TRANSPORT INMATE 813.70 KEN ITO PERCOLATION TEST FEE 125.00 KEYE PRODUCTIVITY CENTER SECRETARIAL SEMINAR 98.00 KFMU FAIR ADV. 422.00 KIRBY ANABELL J TRAVEL/ELECTIONS 9.20 KLITE RADIO FAIR RADIO ADV. 600.00 KOGOVEK & ASSOCIATES INC MT SOPRIS TREE NURSERY 2,587.46 KRAI AM ADV 250.00 KZYR FM RADIO ADV. 368.00 LAPIN LICHLENSTEIN SERVICE OF PROCESS 52.92 LAW ENFORCEMENT TELEVISION TRAINING/LAW ENF. 388.00 LEADVILLE VETERINARY CLINIC VACCINATION REIM. 9.00 LEAVENWORTH LOCHHEAD AND CAMP HALE LEGAL SERV. 33.00 LEE CALVIN SERVICE OF PROCESS 10.00 LEGAL DIRECTORIES PUBLISHING BLUE BOOK/ATTORNEY 28.63 LINDAHL KEVIN MEALS 32.40 LISA BURTON SERVICE OF PROCESS 9.10 LK SURVEY INSTRUMENTS 5455/RED STAKE CHASER 194.75 LK SURVEY INSTRUMENTS PLOTTER PENS 242. 10 LOTUS SUBSCRIPTION DEPARTMENT SUBSCRIPTION/LOTUS 18.00 LOTUS SUBSCRIPTION DEPARTMENT LOTUS/SUBSCRIPTION 18.00 LOWERY LAMB LOWERY SERVICE OF PROCESS 2.00 LOWERY LAMB LOWERY SERVICE OF PROCESS 10.00 LYONS BETTY JUDGES EXPENSES 61 .20 MACHOL AND MACHOL SERVICE OF PROCESS 10.00 MACHOL AND MACHOL SERVICE OF PROCESS 15.00 MACKOWN SURVEYING AND 90/501 PLAT CHECKS 574.00 MACKOWN SURVEYING AND PLAT CHECK 112.00 MACMILLAN COMPUTER PUBLISHING BOOKS 58.06 MARTA THOMPSON JUDGE/FAIR 23.60 MARTIN CAROL S TRANSCRIPT 490.00 MARTIN PERRY A JUDGE EXPENSES 77.80 MARTINEZ JANITORIAL OCT 90/JANITORIAL 8,970.00 MATILDA HICKS SERVICE OF PROCESS 14.00 MCCAULLY BECKY TRAVEL 122.03 MCMAHAN ARMSTRONG & ASSOCIATES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 250.00 MCMAHAN ARMSTRONG & ASSOCIATES FINAL BILLING/AUDIT 4,770.00 MEINEKE DONNA PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 44.89 MEINSTER BROWN SERVICE OF PROCESS 8.00 MELDON PARTNERSHIP REFUND/BLDG PERMIT 338.80 MERRY RAY TRAINING 455.24 MESA MUSIC SERVICE OF PROCESS 15.00 MICHAEL A LASSOTA RECRUITING EXPENSE 144.00 MICHAEL L GILBERT SERVICE OF PROCESS 4.00 MID VALLEY KENNELS AUGUST.KENNEL CONTRACT 1 ,400.00 MIKE WHEELERSBURG RECRUITING EXPENSE 500.00 MILLAR ELEVATOR SERVICE CONT MAINT/OCT 90 375.00 MINOR BROWN SERVICE OF PROCESS 6.40 MONTAG KEITH P MEALS 32.99 MOTOR POOL FUND BLDG&ORDS/MP . 6,241 .76 MOTOR POOL FUND COMMISSIONERS/MP 15,740.08 MOTOR POOL FUND DATA PROCESSING/MP 43.10 MOTOROLA INCORPORATED A0215875/SMR HOOKUP 156.86 MOTOROLA INCORPORATED BATTERIES 1 ,355.00 MOTT DAVID PLANNING COMM/TRAVEL 48.00 MOUNTAIN LAWN & WEED CONTROL PESTICIDE/FERTILIZER 235.00 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION REPAIR TV/JAIL 60.00 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION FIT NEW SWITCHES 266.00 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION RADIO RENTAL 25.26 MOUNTAIN SIGN SYSTEM MAGNETIC SHEET 40.00 MOUNTAIN STATES EMPLOYERS SEMINAR/M.BRADLEY 90.00 MOUNTAIN STATES EMPLOYERS TRAINING 67.79 MOUNTAIN STEEL AND WELDING STRAP/TUBING 22.29 MOUNTAIN TOP MANAGEMENT RADIO SITE RENTAL 250.00 MOUNTAIN VALLEY DEVELOPMENTAL 90 GRANT/4TH QUARTER 2,500.00 NAT'L ASSOC OF COUNTY PLANNERS REGISTRATION/PLAN COMM 765.00 NATIONAL 4H COUNCIL SUPPLIES 30.93 1110 411/ Proceediigs of the Board of County Canmissioners_ 5th _Day November Term, 19 !! 19_._ _n- MX C.P.HOECKEL CO.,DENVER 370834 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS CARTRIDGE TAPES 1 ,143.60 EAGLE COUNTY 4H COUNCIL REIM/CARCASS JUDGE 228.89 EAGLE COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER SHELTER CONT/NOV 90 3,886.61 EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING 3RD QTR/OFFICE SUPPLY 13.86 EAGLE COUNTY REPUBLICANS REFUND/EXHIBIT HALL 60.00 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CREDIT UNION /GENERAL 2,977.50 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CREDIT UNION/GENERAL 2,965.00 EAGLE PHARMACY OPERATING SUPPLIES 815.91 EAGLE SALVAGE AND TOWING VEHICLE TOWING 66.00 EAGLE SALVAGE AND TOWING USED WHEEL/TIRE 30.00 EAGLE SANITATION DISTRICT CASTLE PK/SS 903.00 EAGLE TOWN OF UTILITIES 2,453.25 EAGLE TOWN OF UTILITIES 907.50 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE PUBLIC NOTICE/ADV 2,185.43 EARLE GREG TRAINING 19.00 EASTMAN INCORPORATED OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 ,000.83 EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY M161161/MAINT MDL 60 1 ,092.31 EDUCATION CENTERS OF COLORADO PARADOX CLASS 580.00 EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER SONA TUBE 30.00 EG STATS COMPANY FAIR AWARDS 215.06 ENGINEERED DATA PRODUCTS INC TAPE RACKS 339.80 EVANCHO PAINTING PAINT/GAS SHOP 1 ,900.00 EZ WAY RENTAL CANOPY TENT 675.00 EZ WAY RENTAL AIRLESS PAINTER 86.00 FARMER BROTHERS COFFEE 333.36 FEATHER LEGAL SERVICES SERVICE OF PROCESS 10.00 FEDERAL EXPRESS FED EXPRESS ADV. 13.00 FEDERAL EXPRESS FEEW L EXPRESS CHG. 32.50 FEDRIZZI GERALD J DMD PC or ' /HACKNER 102.00 FEDRIZZI GERALD J DMD PC IN" w DENTAL 153.00 FELDMANN ENGINEERING DRAYfvAR 36.98 FERRELLGAS GAS SERVICE 328.40 FIDELITY CREDIT SERVICES SERVICE OF PROCESS 10.10 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 42,176.86 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/GENERAL 31 ,136.66 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 40,894.00 FONES WEST PAGER RENTAL 75.00 1 FORTUNE BOOK CLUB BOOKS 25.74 FORTUNES RESTAURANT MEALS 198.37 FRITZE JAMES R WASH.D.C. ADVANCE 300.00 FRONTIER INDUSTRIAL CONTROLS THERMOMETER 47.59 FULLER ROBERT INSPECTIONS 450.00 FULLER ROBERT INSPECTION MILEAGE 75.60 GALLOWAY BEN MD PROFESSIONAL FEES 515.00 GALLS INCORPORATED FREIGHT/FILE BIN 5.65 GARFIELD YOUTH SERVICE 4TH QUARTER GRANT 250.00 GATES GEORGE A TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 161 .20 GATES GEORGE A MEALS 136.45 GEORGE T. SANDERS COMPANY 224328/UPPER LINK 12.00 1 GEORGE T. SANDERS COMPANY SILVER FLO 145.91 GEORGE W BOYLE 17509/PINTKOWSKI 15.00 GIRARD THOMAS A RECERTIFICATION FEE 60.38 GIRARD THOMAS A MAP 49. 12 GIRSH AND ROTTMAN SERVICE OF PROCESS 2.30 GLENN A CHOATE SERVICE OF PROCESS 4.00 GLOBAL COMPUTER SUPPLIES SCREEN CLEANER 84.53 GOLDSTEIN JOEL H MD INMATE MEDICAL 50.00 GREATER EAGLE FIRE PROTECTION 911 BILLING/SEPT 90 18.00 GUSTAFSON RICHARD MEALS 110.62 GUSTAFSON RICHARD WASH.D.C. ADVANCE 300.00 HATTSTAEDT PAUL D SERVICE OF PROCESS 7.50 HECKMAN BRETT SERVICE OF PROCESS 17.50 HEICHER KATHY EC ANNUAL REPORT 412.00 HERBERT S KLEIN SERVICE OF PROCESS 2.50 HERMISILLO MARIE MEALS 63.13 HIGHLAND ENTERPRISES SERVICE OF PROCESS 10.00 HOLME ROBERT AND OWEN LEGAL SERVICES 6,031 .63 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICE 6,712.66 HOLY CROSS RANGER DISTRICT MTN MEADOW INFO CTR 3,250.00 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY NAPKINS 4.98 HOSEA ROGER SUPPLIES 197.99 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE MEALS 24.80 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE BOOKS 7.85 INDEPENDENT LIGHTING BALLAST/FLOOD LIGHTS 330.44 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINE ANNUAL MAINT AG. 194.50 INTERNATIONAL TELECHARGE LONG DISTANCE SERICE 2.45 J PARK DVM SPAY/NEUTER/VACC REIM 34.00 JAMES GILBERT REFUND/PLDG PERMIT 222.75 JAMES VAN BEEK MEALS 13.05 JEFFERSON COUNTY COURTHOUSE FACILITY FEES 25.00 JEFREY HEERMANS MEALS 4.57 1 0 • , 2 Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 5th pay November_ Term,19!0 ._____- __ __-_19 CHAMBERS FLINT L MEALS/CLETA/10 PPL 100.99 CHARLES G MICHAELS SERVICE OF PROCESS 25.00 CHERYL L WHEELER SERVICE OF PROCESS 18.00 CHRIS HALE AIRPORT PARKING 5.50 CITY MARKET FILM PROCESSING 10.64 CITY MARKET FILM PROCESSING 27.12 CLARION HARVEST HOUSE LODGE/CONFERENCE 240.00 CLUTTER LAURA BOOKS/PERIODICALS 134.03 COBB GROUP INCORPORATED THE SUBSCRIPTION 39.00 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY BOTTLED WATER SER/POP 125.19 CODEL OCTOBER RENT/90 2,852.00 COGBURN RAY JUDGES EXPENSES 24.80 COLLECTION CENTER INCORPORATED SERVICE OF PROCESS 7.20 COLLINS CORPORATION VOTER REG.LABELS 25.23 COLORADO AIRPORT OPERATORS REGISTRATION FORM 55.00 COLORADO ASSOCIATION OF BOOK/COUNTIES COLORADO 10.00 COLORADO ASSOCIATON STORMWATER SEMINAR 20.00 COLORADO COUNTY ATTORNEYS REGISTRATION FEES 180.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT HIGHWAYS MATERIALS MANUAL 23.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH BIRTH/DEATH CERT. 45.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL 5,618.05 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL 5,496.36 COLORADO DEPT AGRICULTURE GAS CARTRIDGES 50.00 COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE REGISTRATION/WOODWORTH 12.50 COLORADO SECRETARY OF STATE REGISTRATIONS 22.00 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY WORKSHOP/PAVEMENT/DES. 70.00 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY INFO/MAKING BAG LUNCH 14.00 COLORADO WEST PROFESSIONAL 90 QUARTERLY GRANT 2,500.00 COLORADO WEST RECOVERY CENTER 90 GRANT/4TH QTR 2,500.00 COLUMBINE SERVICE COMPANY REPAIR DRAFT MACHINE 71 .70 COLWELL SYSTEMS INCORPORATED FIRST CLASS LABELS 40.75 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS PREMIUM 15,701 .83 CONSUMER REPORTS 2 YR SUBSCRIPTION 68.00 CONTINENTAL COLLECTION AGENCY SERVICE OF PROCESS 10.00 CORDILLERA RETREAT 45.40 CORNWELL DENNIS FAIR PHOTOS 190.50 CRAWFORD FLOYD 4TH QTR/OFFICE RENT 2,322.00 CREDIT BUREAU OF THE ROCKIES SERVICE OF PROCESS 22.50 CREDIT BUREAU OF THE ROCKIES SERVICE OF PROCESS 7.50 CURNUTTE JIM PLAN CHECK/9-9 9-2 180.00 DAVID A HOLMGREN CONTRACT PROGRAMMING 1 ,435.00 DAVID A HOLMGREN CONTRACT PROGRAMING ' 3,228.75 - DAVID A HOLMGREN 9-30-10-01/PROGRAM 1 ,487.50 DAVID A HOLMGREN CONT PROG/THRU 10-19 1,400.00 DAVID BILLIE GREINER HOST HOME CONTRACT 600.00 DAVID R BRADEN SERVICE OF PROCESS 29.90 DAVIS AUDIO VISUAL PA SYSTEM 627.00 DAVIS ROSS JR SERVICE OF PROCESS 30.10 DAY TIMERS INCORPORATED OFFICE SUPPLIES 90.02 DEBBIE GAINER TRAVEL 59.00 DEEP ROCK WATER ARTESIAN WATER 36.25 DENVER ASPRS ACSM CONVENTION GIS WORKSHOP 138.00 DENVER DEVELOPMENT MATERIALS DDST FORMS 151 .35 DENVER POST CORPORATION THE ADV/EMPLOYMENT 64.08 DENVER POST THE LEGAL/ADVERTISING 480.56 DENVER REGIONAL COUNCIL OF REGIONAL TRAINING 68.00 DENVER REGIONAL COUNCIL OF TRAINING 68.00 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCH COSTS 2,449.92 DESKS INCORPORATED FILE FOLDER LABELS 20.08 DISCOUNT ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SUPPLIES 121 .05 DISTRICT ATTORNEYS OFFICE 4TH QUARTER PAYMENT 56,031 .00 DOCTORS OFFICE THE PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYS. 60.00 DOCTORS OFFICE THE PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYS. 92.00 DOCTORS OFFICE THE PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYS 30.00 DOCTORS ON CALL PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYS 62.00 DOCTORS ON CALL PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYS. 62.00 DON WELCH TRAVEL RIMBURSEMENT 365.00 DORIS E GOWAN SUPPLY/CAMERA BATTERY 9.19 DOUGLAS DOUGLAS & JOHNSON SERVICE OF PROCESS 0.80 DRAKE BETH JUDGES EXPENSES 56.00 DRAPHIX INCORPORATED DRAFTING SUPPLIES 70.18 DRAPHIX INCORPORATED MASTERFILE STRIP 73.97 DUANE REHBORG JUDGES EXPENSES 40.40 DUROUX ALMEDA COORDINATOR REIM 15.00 EAGLE AUTO PARTS 135258/GREASE 31 .59 EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER REIM/POSTAGE PAID 18.00 EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER REIM/POSTAGE PAID 18.80 EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER REIM POSTAGE/OCT RENT 256.40 EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER REIM/POSTAGE-RENEWALS 212.95 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS 912.73 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS REPAIR NETWORK 680.00 4111 • He further moved the Planning Commission conditions shall be incorporated as a condition of the issuance of a permit. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, Nr. Pox asked the Board to consider the Town of Vail Resolution. Each Board member read the resolution. Commissioner Gustafson moved to amend his motion to incorporate Resolution 21 from the Town of Vail. Commissioner Gates seconded the amendment to the motion. The vote on the amendment was declared unanimous. In further discussion, Bob Weaver, applicant, questioned Condition #3 of the Planning Commission regarding wetland mitigation and requested clarification. Commissioner Gustafson stated his intent in the motion to include the annual review for year one see -the standards and the applicant is reg.J!!red to submit those standards in a very detailed review covering all areas he discussed, and draft a monitoring program so in subsequent years there are measurable standards to gauge if there is deterioration or improvement as a result of the mitigation process. Chairman Welch added the standards would address saccess of the mitigation,, areas. Another aspect of what the Board wants IF a report on streamflow. Commissioner Gustafson moved to amend his motion to incorporate those standards by which the annual review is to include the applicant's responsibility to submit the detail the first year so there is a five-year measuring device, and to eliminate Item 3 of the Planning Commission's conditions. Commissioner Gates seconded the amendment to the motion. The vote was declared unanimous on the amendment to the motion. Question was called for on the amended motion. The vote was declared unanimous, Mr. Lindahl stated for the record the Special Use Permit was waived. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to November 26, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 1 • 4111 1111 ,22 The next criteria considered by the Board was that the scope and nature of the proposed development will not compete with existing water and sewage service or create duplicate services. The Board determined it would not conflict. Area and community development and population trends demonstrate clearly the need for this development. Chairman Welch stated there has been a 2% growth per year. The benefits of the proposed development outweigh the losses of any natural resource or agricultural lands rendered unavailable as a result of the proposed development. Commissioner Gates outlined the benefits of the proposed development. The Board discussed the mitigation plan and what should be included in the plan. Commissioner Gustafson stated there needs to be detailed construction drawings of the phases and should be reviewed at a public hearing. Chairman Welch read the next criteria: The proposed development will not decrease the quality of peripheral or downstream surface or subsurface water resources below that designated by the Colorado Water Control Commission established on May 22, 1979. The Board said the water quality and stream flow must be monitored on a regular basis and reviewed annually. Disclassion followed on the standards. The proposed development will not violate federal or state air standards was the next criteria to be considered. Commissioner Gustafson stated the only period air standards will be affected is during construction. The proposed development and its associated collector or distribution system will not significantly deteriorate aquatic habitat, marshlands, and wetlands ground water recharge area, steeply sloping on stable terrain, forest or woodlands, critical wildlife habitat, big game migratory routes, calving grounds, migratory ponds, nesting areas and habitat of rare and endangered species, public outdoor recreation areas, and historic or archeological importance. Commissioner Gustafson commented that all wetlands and marsh areas in the State of Colorado are considered critical. He added it appears this is not a unique wetland and it is mitigatable. The proposed development or its associated collector or distribution system will not significantly degrade existing natural scenic characteristics, create blight or other nnisance factors such as excessive noise or obnoxious odors. The Board determined this criteria has been met. The proposed development or its associated collector or distribution system will not create an undue financial burden on existing or future residents within the development area and source development area. Commissioner Gates stated the funds are in place for this development and Commissioner Gustafson stated they are equally spread throughout the users of the district. The Board agreed this criteria has been met. The development site of a proposed major extension of an existing domestic water or sewage treatment system is not subject to significant risk of earthquake, floods, fire, snowslides, landslides, avalanches, rock slides, or other disasters which could cause the system operational breakdown. Chairman Welch stated that according to the State Geologic Survey there is no significant geologic risk at the project site. Any proposed domestic water treatment and distribution system is capable of providing water and meeting the requirements of the Colorado Department of Health. The . oard agreed this criteria has been net. The construction of structures, buildings, and improvements associated with the proposed development will not significantly impact existing or proposed communities within the development area or source development area. Commissioner Gustafson stated there are no structures in the area and will have no impact in the area. Municipal industrial water projects shall emphasize the most efficient use of water including to the extent permissible under existing law the recycling and reuse of water. Commissioner Gustafson stated the water is being recycled as the water is being reused for snow preparation. Provisions to insure the proposed water project will not contaminate surface water resources. Commissioner Gustafson stated be believed there would be some contamination during construction period. The applicant has proposed mitigation for this contamination. The proposed water project is capable of providing water pursuant to the standards of Colorado Department of Health. The Board agreed this has already been addressed. The salinity of advanced waste water treatment offset plans required by Subsection S.fr5.13115) and 117) have been approved by the permit authority, required fees associated herewith if any have been paid. The application meets this criteria. Commissioner Gustafson stated he feels this application is a far superior plan than the initial plan proposed, and the applicant has been sensitive to the impacts of the area, and if the applicant is willing to meet the basic criteria of setting standards in the annual review of the mitigation plan and submit the construction details and drawings in advance. Re added the mitigation will offset the fact that there are no unique wetlands in the area. He moved to approve the Black Lakes extension based on these statements and conditions, and directed the County Attorney to prepare a resolution. He further moved to include conditions established by the Planning Commission, and specifically requiring the detail construction drawings showing the phasing of the project before any permit can be issued. He further moved the first year mitigation standards need to be very clearly defined including all items such as water quality, stream flow, wildlife, hydrologics, regime impacts, vegetation. replanting, should be established for review over a minimum of five years which outline the basic goals of the mitigation plan as presented by the applicant. NEE& • • 0 V‘i November 20, 1990 PUBLIC REARING Present: Don Welch Chairman Kevin eindahl County Attorney George "Bud" Gates Cnsaissioner Keith eontag Dir. Comm. Dev. Dick Gustafson Commissioner Sid Fox Planner Ear.lene Roach Dep. Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought eefore the Board for their consideration: Chairman Welch op eed the meeting with the first item on the agenda, a discussion Subdivision: of tee Lucas Wilson Estate regarding division of property. Lucan Wilson Keith Montag, Director of Community uevelopment, gave a brief background on this Estate property and stated this land is currently zoned resource. He stated Mr. Wilson created a will in 1966 and amended the will in 1977 whereby a 4 acre parcel was willed to his daughter. He stated the applicant wants to legally create the 4 acme parcel through the exemption process. Staff does not feel this parcel is exempt from the Subdivision Regulations. Mara Kleinschmidt, Assistant County Attorney, stated the only reference to the 4 acre parcel is in the will. Mr. Montag suggested the applicant should go through a zoning and subdivision process, creating a PUD and legalize all parcels at one tine. Ken Long, planner with i-plan representing applicant. explained there are units that are on the land. Discussion was held on the options available to the applieant, surrounding zoning, and possible PUD. Chairman Welch explained the rural homesite exemption but this exemption has expired. Further discussion was held on possible alternatives. Chairman Welch stated the next item is Black Lakes 1041 deliberation awl requested Black Lakes an executive session. Deliberation Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn into executive session to receive legal advice. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote wa::; declared unanimous. After returning from the executive session, Chairman Welch reviewed the procedures for today's process and legal requirements relating to the regulations, how the application will be reviewed with regards to the criteria, what criteria needs to be discussed in the deliberation. Sid Fox, Planner, told the Board the Planning Commission has deliberated and approved a resolution recommending this application for a 1041 permit be approved for construction of Mack Lakes dam and reservoir. Staff -also recommends approval of this application with conditions -ensistent with the cond .ons recommended by the Planning Commission. Mr. Fox made an additional comment that the Town of Vail passed a resolution in support of the project and should be acknowledged. Chairman Welch suggested the Board begin with Sections 604 and 605 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, Major Extension of Domestic Water and Sew/tee Treatment Systems. Commissioner Gustafson stated application is a major extension of an existing system and will be permitted in areas where anticipated growth may occur as a result of the extension. He stated the growth in the area has warranted the need and the District is financially capable. Chairman Welch stated the applicant owns or controls the water rights associated with the development of the project. Chairman Welch stated the next criteria to be considered was if the proposed development conflicts with the Master Plan or other applicable regional State or Federal land use or water plans. Commissioner Gustafson stated the testimony shows there are no major significant impacts and all the wetlands will be mitigated in compliance with the provisions of the Memorandum Agreement between the EPA and Army Corks of Engineers. Chairman Welch said the Department of Natural Resources, State of Colorado, believes this is a preferred way to protect the instream values. Commissioner Gustafson stated this application does not appear to be in conflict with any other jurisdiction. Commissioner Gates commented the Black Lakes is consistent with goals of the Eagle County Master Plan in that it encourages recreation and tourism industry, protects the economy of the County and its inhabitants, protection, maintenance and enhancement of fishing and wildlife habitat, natural water systems, unique land forms and scenic qualities. He added the project is consistent with the NWCOG. Chairman Welch said there is no conflict with goals stated in the Master Plan. The next criteria was: Does the proposed development adversely affect surface or subsurface water rights of upstream or downstream users in the Source Development Area. Commissioner Gustafson reiterated the applicant owns the water rights and has filed an augmentation plan, and according to the testimony there are no water rights affected other than those of the applicant. Commissioner Gates said the flow in the stream would be more controlled and actually more water in the stream year round than without the development. The next criteria to Le considered is adequate water supply, as determined by the Colorado Department of Health, available for efficient cpe ational use. Commissioner Gustafson said the applicant has the capacity to provide water to meet this requirement. Existing domestic water treatment system servicing the area must be at or near operational capacity was the next criteria. The Board agreed this criteria has been met as the current system is at capacity. • • �F3 Mr. Weaver continued by outlining other permitting requirements and exhibits: Exhibit A-8 - BLM right-of-May permit Exhibit A-9 - U.S_ Army Corps of Engineers for a 404 permit Exhibit A-10 - Petition for waiver of the special use permit by Eagle County Exhibit A-12 - Comments from the Colorado Geological Survey Exhibit A-eS - a letter to the Colorado Division of Wildlife He asked the Board to accept these exhibits into the regard_ After hearing no objections, ritairman welch accepted these exhibits into the record. Hr. Weaver handed out a letter from the Colorado Department of Health parked Exhibit A-12 and asked Chairman Welch to accept this into the record_ Chairman Welch did so. 14r. Sands asked Mr. Weaver questions regarding the letter from the Colorado Department of Health, and EPA water analysis and testing_ Mr. Weaver stated the water has been tested and is excellent quality_ Chairman Welch made a request to the Town of Eagle and the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District to make an effort to meet before this hearing reconvenes and attempt to reach an agreement_ Mr. Schroeder spoke of the agreement with the Town of Gypsum and the expiration of the agreement. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to November 20, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • 0 ovl Mr. Weaver replied the Gypsum Fire District has met with the District to discuss fire protection concerns and it was agreed that 100,000 would provide flow requirements necessary for insurance coverage desired. He stated that the District is not responsible for providing waste water treatment to the airport. He presented Exhibit A-1, an outline of the applicant's presentation, Exhibit A-2, a list ot witnesses and experts, and Exhibit A-3, a list of exhihits. He introduced the witnesses who will be testifying. He asked the Board to accept Exhibits A-1, A-2 and A-3 into the record. After hearing no objections, Chairman Welch accepted these exhibits. Mr. Weaver continued by giving the project proponents and interests involved in this 1041 application. He introduced Exhibit A-19, a list of water rights and asked that this exhibit be accepted into the record. After hearing no objections, Chairman Welch accepted Exhibit A-19 into the record. Edmund H. Drager, Jr., sworn to testify, gave hickground and the history of the involvement of the Vail Valley Consolidated Mater District in the proposed project. He discussed negotiations with the Towns of Gypsum and Eagle arl mentioned problems he had with the proposal from the Town of Eagle. He mentioned a 2line from Echo Ranch to the Airport to provide temporary water service. Commissioner Gates asked if the list of water rights is complete. Mr. Schroeder told the Board another witness could better answer that question. rathy Heicher, Planning Commission Member, asked if there would be additional taps off this water system. Mr. *rager replied this system is designed to provide the airport property only. He stated that Phase II would be an enlargement of the initial system and would provide water to private citizens. Charlie Ridgway, Planning Commission Member, asked how the District will finance the system and how it will be paid off. Mt. Drager stated the system is already financed by issuanco of bonds. He explained how the bonds will finance and how they will be repaiii: Chairman Welch asked when the District net with the Town of Eagle and informed then the District was moving forward with the 1041 hearing. Mr_ Prager replied it was the fourth Thursday in October, but there was discussion in previous meetings. Mr. Sands questioned Mr. Drager regarding a letter marked the Town of Eagle Exhibit *2. He asked the Board to accept this letter into the record. After hearing no objection, Chairman Welch accepted this exhibit into the record. He gave Mr. Drager a copy of the Inclusion Agreement marked Town of Eagle Exhibit *3 betwoen Eagle County and Vail Valley c"nsolidated Water District and asked questions regarding this exhibit pertaining to repayment to the District. Mr. Schroeder asked the question be deferred to Mr. Zancanella and Mr. Sands agreed. Mr. Sands asked the Board to accept the Town of Eagle Exhibit *3 and Chairman Welch accepted it after hearing no objections. He contiooed questioning Mr. Drager regarding items the District found were a problem with proposal by the Town of Eagle. He questioned Mr. Drager regarding water rights con' d by Eagle County. Discussion was held on scheduling options for the reloirnder of the hearing. It was determined that after the completion of today's portion of the hearing, it would be continued to November 29, p990 at 1:30 p.m. Mr. Lindahl presented a proposed resolution for the Planning Commission regarding planning cons Black Lakes 1041. Resolution re Mr. Ridgway stated the Planning Commission had deliberated on the Black Lakes 1041 Black Lakes Application and directed the County Attorney to prepare a written resolution. Don Price, Planning Commission Member, moved the Planning Commission adopt a resolution. Ms. Reicher seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The Spring Creek 1041 Hearing continued. Spring Creek Mr. Weaver continued with his presentation and requested that Exhibit A-4, the Inclusion Agreement, be admitted into the record. After hearing no objections, Chairman Welch accepted this exhibit into the record. Jerome GaMba, after being sworn to testify, presented Exhibit A-20, an Enlarged Development Area Map, and explained the scope and construction of the project. Commissioner Gustafson asked if there is any industrial development to the South of Cooley Mesa Road, is this system adequate to cover other taps. Mr. Gamba stated the supply is designed to take care of the airport system, but Phase II supply would have capacity. Discussion was held on where the proposed golf course is in relation to the ' airport and proposed water system. Mr. Price asked if all the water from Spring Creek is being taken. Mr. Gamba replied no and added there is water for cattle and wildlife. Mr. Ridgway asked about impacts on any wetlands. Mr. Gamba stated wetland mitigation is very minimal. He pointed out the location on Exhibit A-i and explained how the structure will work. Mr. Weaver asked the Board to accept Exhibits A-20 and A-7. Chairman Welch asked for any objections to the acceptance of these exhibits. Hearing none, he accepted the exhibits. Hr. Gamba told the Board of wetland monitoring along the creek. Mr. Sands questioned Mr. Gamba regarding his testimony on the location of the pipeline, water flows and gallons per minute converted to equivalent, residential units. Mr. Schroeder objected to these questions regarding calculations as it is beyond the scope of testimony of Mr. Daimbn_ Mr. Sands questioned Mr. Gamba regarding dry year yields on Spring Creek. Mr. Schroeder stated another witness will have more detail on that point and Mr. Sands deferred. =Mk • • ' Commissioner Gustafson stated the Board is here today to review a specific proposal that will solve the water problem at the County Airport. Chairman welch responded that the District is probably not the only entity that can provide the needed service, but that the proposal from the District was the most economical one. Mr. Sands requested that the letter from the Town of Eagle to the Board of County Commissioners dated November 9, 1990 be made a part of the record. Chairman Welch accepted that letter as Town of Eagle Exhibit 1. Mr. Sands stated his objection to this proceeding going forward and gave his reasons for the objection as proper 30-day notice was not mailed to or received by the Town of Eagle. He objected to the joint hearing of the Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioners as he believes it is not appropriate. He elaborated on further reasons for his objection to holding this proceeding. He mentioned that a property owner (Dr. Hoffman) is negotiating with the Town of Eagle to annex his property to the Town of Eagle. He further stated his belief that the Town of Eagle should be the water supplier of the Airport. Discussion followed on the financial capability of the Town of Eagle to provide water, and the notice provided to the Town of Eagle by Eagle County. Wayne Schroeder, attorney for applicant, made points concerning objections made by Her_ Sands and requested this hearing continue today as scheduled. Commissioner Gustafson moved to take the objection of the Town of Eagle under advisement and continue with the hearing. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Sid Fox, Planner, presented File 1041-011-90, Spring Creek Water Supply. He gave a project description of the proposal. He reviewed the purpose and intent of the application under Sections 6.03.02, 6.04.02 and 6.05.02. He discussed the definitions of 'Source Area." 'Source Development Area," and "Proposed Development_" He stated Staff feels that the Town of Eagle is not in the Source Development Area but the Board should thoroughly evaluate the Town of Eagle option. Mr. Fox discussed the goals, objectives and policies of the Master Plan regarding development, economic base, environment, transportation, water use and diversion, and public services. He reviewed the Airport Sub-Area Master Plan regarding water, sanitation, open space and landscaping, wildlife, commercial areas at the airport, and airport influence area. He reviewed major concerns and issues for the Board and Planning Commission. He mentioned a letter from Kevin Patrick, attorney for the Town of Gypsum. expressing their concerns about overlapping authorities. Mr. Schroeder explained he had spoken with Mr. Patrick and his concern has been resolved_ Mr. Lindahl asked for a copy of the letter. He explained there is a portion of the airport which lies within the boundary of the Town of Gypsum and that portion has been excluded from the Inclusion Agreement with the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District_ Mr. Fox continued with Staff considerations: 1. A current analysis of the Tbwn of Eagle and the Town of Gypsum options for providing water to the development area. 2. A current analysis of options for providing wastewater treatment for the development area. 3. A current analysis for providing landscape irrigation water to the airport property. 4. Options and implementation costs for mitigating wildlife impacts. Mr. Fox concluded his presentation with the following conditions if the Board approves this application: 1. Wildlife mitigation: re-seeding with desirable plants away from the airport, fertilization of range away from the airport, improvement of riparian habitat, and no construction from December 15 through March 15. 2_ A landscape plan and water conservation plan be developed and implemented for the airport Pill). 3. Best available technology must be used to control fugitive dust during construction. 4. A wastewater treatment alternatives analyses must be completed no later than December 31, 1991. Commissioner Gates commented about the possible golf course by the airport and winter range for the wildlife. Mr. Lindahl stated party status was not required in this case, however, anyone wishing to testify or question witnesses are entitled to. Mr. Schroeder asked Mr. Fox if the Town of Eagle is in the Source Area or the Source Development Area. Mr. Fox replied it is not in the area. Mr. Schroeder requested the right to recall Mr. Fox at a later time if necessary. Mr. Sands asked Mr. Fox to explain why the Eagle Water System is not within the Source Area. Mr. Fox replied the definitions provided in the regulation which define the scope of review. Mr. Sands continued to cross examine Mr. Fox regarding his presentation on various sections of application. Commissioner Gates commented about construction hours and interference with wildlife. Bob Weaver, applicant's representative, was sworn to testify by Pat Magdziuk, Deputy Clerk. He stated he generally concurs with Staff's presentation. He stated there is a slight modification to the original application which is installing a 250,000 gallon water storage tank rather than the 100,000 gallon tank described in the application. Commissioner Gates asked Mr. Weaver about fire protection at the airport. • • 286 Liq Lic Hr. Lindahl presented. a renewal application for a hotel and restaurant liquor The Shortstop license with extended hours for Stasaore, Inc., dba The Shortstop in El Jebel, Colorado_ He advised the application is complete. He told the Board the Sheriff's office reported possible problems with overserving custone rs. He reviewed the six contacts reported by the Sheriff's office. Bob Fullerton, applicant, spoke of his efforts to clean up the establishment and that the contacts with the Sheriff were at his request. He told the Board of his efforts to turn The Shortstop into a family establishment. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal of a hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for Stasmore, Inc. . dba The Shortstop located at 1423 Highway 82, El Jebel, Colorado. Commissioner Gustafson sec-znded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Liq Lic A renewal application for a hotel and innFtaurant liquor license for The Charter at Charter Beaver Creek_ Mr_ Lindahl told the Board the application is completed and there has at B/C been no contact with this establishment during the past year. He recommended approval. Comnissioner Gustafson moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal of a hotel and. restaurant liquor license with extended hours for The Charter Restaurant Company, Inc_ dba The Charter at Beaver Creek, located at 120 Offerson Road, Beaver Creek, Colorado. Coanissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Liq Lic Mr. Lindahl presented a renewal for a hotel and restaurant liquor license for Mirabelle's Hirabelle's at Beaver Creek. He recommended approval as the application is complete and the Sheriff's office reported no contacts during the past year. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Aot:ho*-i.t.y approve the renewal for a hotel and restaurt liquor license with extended hours for Mirabelle at Beaver Creek, Inc. located at 55 Village Road, Beavn: Creek. Colorado. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion_ The vote was ' red A;'.- + iaous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. *rove the bill paying and ware " s for Social BillgPaying Commissioner Gustafson coved to ape . p Y g Eagle Co_ & Services and Eagle County General Fund as suited_ Social Svcs Commissioner Gates seconded the motio". The vote was declared unanino-,!n. Return of Mr_ Lindahl presented the next iten: for the Board's consideration! . a return of Collateral collateral of Chambers Parcel II to Loren Chambers. He told the Board the County Chambers II holds $1,510 in escrow for the warranty period. Fe advised there is an unrelated matter involving Mr. Chambers title to the Fairgrounds which has not been provided by Mr. Chambers_ Mr. Chambers spoke of contacting his surveyor regarding new boundary lines at the Fairgrounds. Mr. Lindahl advised there are no problems with the collateral and the Fairgrounds is an unrelated matter. Discussion was held on the Fairgrounds title and collateral for the Chambers Parcel II_ Mr. Chambers said he could have the title by December 14, 1990. Commissioner Gustafson moved to table this item for one week. Commissioner Gates seconded the notion. The vote was declared unanimous. Res 90-114 Mr. Lindahl presented a proposed resolution appointing James Ninon to the Eagle Ninon Janes Cemetery Association District Board for a six-year tern ending September 2, 1996. He stated Mr. Ninon expressed an interest in serving on the Board. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-114 appointing James Ninon to the Board of Directors of the Eagle Cemetery Association District for a six year tern ending September 2, 1996. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Spring Creek Planning Commission Members present for the Spring Creek 1041 Hearing were Don 1041 Hearing Price. Charlie Ridgway, and Kathy Reicher. Chairman Welch called the afternoon hearing of the Spring Creek 1041 Water Supply hearing. He stated the Town of Eagle has requested that individual Board members disqualify themselves from hearing this application due to conflicts of interest. He said that personally he does not have a conflict that would disqualify him from hearing this application. He stated system under application is designed to provide water to the Eagle County Airport which is operated by the County. He added this Board has the responsibility to the taxpayers to provide the best possible water system to the Airport at the most efficient cost. He said that while the Coonty .ha' executed an agreement with the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District, the County has not considered the system under the 1041 criteria. He said the hearing today is to consider the 1041 application in an unbiased fashion. He further statcll the Town of Eagle has requested this hearing be delayed in order for them to provide additional options for the consideration by the District. This Board cannot table the matter for that purpose unless the applicant requests such action. He further stated that this application must be judged on its merits under the regulations. Ed Sands, attorney representing the Town of Eagle and individual members of the Beard of Trustees of the Town of Eagle, asked the Board of County Commissioners if they believe the District is the only entity that can provide a dependable water supply in a timely manner. Commissioner Gates replied the record will reflect the Board tried to make an agreement with the Town of Eagle and the Town of Gypsum to provide water at the Airport and neither could provide water at the price offered by the District. 1110 November 19,1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George "Bud" Gates Commissioner sid Fox Planner Dick Gustafson Commissioner Pat Magdziuk Dep. Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Res 90-111 Chairman Welch opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, a proposed Licensing EMS resolution for Control and Licensing of Emergency Medical Services. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, explained the Colorado Emergency Medical Services Art requires the Board of county Commissioners adopt certain requirements for providing emergency medical services. He stated this resolution re-appoints certain members of the Emergency Medical Services Council and adopts Eagle County Ambulance Service Regulations. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and adopt Resolution 90-111 concerning Emergency Medical Services in Eagle County and re-establishing the existence of the Eagle County Emergency Medical Services Council. Commissioner Gates seconded the notion. The vote was declared unanimous. Res 90-112 Mr, Lindahl presented a resolution appointing members to serve on the Red Cliff Red Cliff Water and Sanitation District Board. He reminded the Board this action was approved W/S Dist en November 13, 1990. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and adopt Resolution 90-112 appointing members to serve on the Red Cliff Water and Sanitation District Board. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the notion. The vote was declared unanimous. Res 90-113 Mary Walker, County Treasurer, appeared to discuss a proposed resolution regarding Colo Local Colorado Local Government Hon-Arbitrage Fund regarding investing the proceeds of its Govt Non- governmental bonds in the Colorado Local Government Non-Arbitrage Trust Fund. Arbitrage Discussion was held on the proposed resolution. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and adopt Resolution 90-113 authorizing the governing body of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado to invest the proceeds of its governmental bonds in the Colorado Local Gooernment Non-Arbitrage Trust Fund, a Colorado Mon-Arbitrage Pool. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion_ The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Liq Lic Mr. Lindahl presented the first item for the Local Liquor Licensing Authority, a Spruce Saddle renewal application for a hotel and restaurant liquor license with optional premises and extended hours for Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc., dba as Spruce Saddle Restaurant. He stated the application is complete and there are no contacts reported by the Sheriff's office during the past year. He recommended approval. Chairman Welch declared a possible conflict as he works for Vail Associates in the real estate department as an independent contractor for this item and the next three licenses. Mr. Lindahl advised he did not believe the declaration would affect Chairman Welch's decision on the liquor licenses. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal of a hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours and optional premises for Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc_ dba Spruce Saddle Restaurant located at Section 30, T5S R81W, Vail, Colorado. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Liq Lic Mr. Lindahl presented a renewal application for a hotel and restaurant liquor Beano's Cabin license with extended hours for Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc. dba Beano's Cabin. He stated he has reviewed the application and found it complete. The Sheriff reports no contact during the past year. He recommended approval. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal of a hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc. dba Beano's Cabin located at 325 36 T55 R82W, Beaver Creek. Colorado. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Liq Lic The next item presented by Mr. Lindahl was renewal application for a hotel and Far East restaurant liquor license with optional premises and extended hours for the Far East Shelter Shelter. He stated the application is complete and the Sheriff's office reported no contacts with this establishment during the past year. He recommended approval. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority the renewa of a hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours and optional premises for Vail Associates dba Far East Shelter Corp. located at T55, RBOW Sec 22, Vail, Colorado. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Liq Lic Mr. Lindahl presented a renewal application for Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc. Trapper's Cebi dba Trapper's Cabin. He stated the application is complete and the Sheriff reports no contacts during the past year. Mr. Lindahl recommended approval. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal of a hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc. . dba Trapper's Cabin located at Sec 23, TSS, P82, Beaver Creek, Colorado. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 4 • Mike Blair, after being sworn to testify. made a statement regardin•. ihis interest in growth of the airport and expressed his desire to see water supplied the airport and his displea=nvre at the Town of Eagle for their attack on the 1041 ay.- -ration. Chairman Welvh adjourned the hearing. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the paetiing was adjourned to November 30, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • • � Mr. Sands requested that the Town's presentation be delayed to January 8, 1991, and if not, then the Town would request that additional evidence would bp allowed on January S, 1991. Discussion was held on whether the hearing should be continued. Commissioner Gustafson expressed his concerns with the presentation by the Town of Eagle at this tine. Further discussion was held on the timetable of when a decision should be made and alternatives. Mr. Shroeder urged the Board to proceed with the hearing now. Chairman Welch stated the Town's presentation should be completed today. He adjourned for a dinner break. After reconvening the hearing after the dinner break, Mr. Sands called Willie Powell, Manager of the Town of Eagle, to testify. Mr. Powell. after being sworn to testify, was questioned by Mr_ Sands regarding the Town's opposition of the 1041 application by Vail Valley Consolidated Water District. Be testified on various sections of the application and Master Plan, the ability of the Town of Eagle to provide water to the Regional Airport. He referred to Town Exhibit T-4, T-5 and T-6. Mr. Sands asked the Board to accept these exhibits into the record. After hearing no objections, Chairman Welch accepted these exhibits into the record. Mr. Powell continued with his testimony regarding a contribution by Dr_ Hoffman, adjacent property owner for a water system, and negotiations with VVCWD. Mr. Shroeder objected to this testimony as it is not pertinent to the application on hand. Chairman Welch ruled this direction could continue if the testimony is brief. Mr. Powell continued to discuss past negotiations between the Town of Eagle and the District, and annexation of Dr. Hoffman's property into the Town of Eagle. He discussed the capacity of the Town's water system and why the system is oversized at this time_ He discussed a golf course at the airport and water needed for that. Mr. Sands continued questioning Mr. Powell on the excess capacity of the Town of Eagle and the Town of Eagle, and when the Town of Eagle was notified of the 1041 hearing. Ms. Heicher asked, if the VVCWD extends to the boundaries of Gypsum and Eagle, how would it impact the water usage and cost. Mr. Powell replied the town needs to see growth in terms of selling taps and water, and if the District extends to the town boundary, then it could potentially affect Eagle's sales. He added if Eagle provided water to the airport, then the greater water usage would reduce the cost to the users. Ms. Reicher asked if the Town can recover its capitalcost in this proposal. Mr. Powell stated the Town stands a fairly good chance to recover all of its amortized expenses and will wholesale water under this proposal. Mr. Ridgway asked if the Town is factoring sales and property taxes. Mr. Powell replied that the proposed annexation of the Hoffman is to expand the Town's tax base, and the golf course is a way to encourage growth. Chairman Welch asked if there would be residential development around the golf course. Mr. Merry stated this property is zoned resource. Mr. Shroeder cross examined Mr. Powell on his testimony regarding the proposed annexation of Dr. Hoffman's property, the golf course, the monetary contribution to the Town's water proposal, and how the costs will be recovered. He questioned Mr. Powell regarding the airport sub-area plan, notice of this hearing, line maintenance of the Town's proposal and strip development. Chairman Welch asked why Dr. Hoffman wants to be annexed into the Town of. Eagle. Mr. Powell replied the Town expressed a willingness to develop the golf course, and Dr. Hoffman anticipates commercial/industrial development. Commissioner Gustafson asked if Dr. Hoffman will pay for tap fees. Mr. Powell replied that anyone applying for a tap fee will pay for it. Hr. Shroeder continued to question Mr. Powell regarding water to the Airport and Dr_ Hoffman's property. Commissioner Gustafson asked if the Town's proposal included any free taps for the County. Mr_ Powell replied there are no free water taps in the current agreement. Mr. Ridgway asked if the Spring Creek residents would be provided potable water under the Town's proposal. Mr. Powell replied no. Scott Pfifer, after being sworn to testify, gave his educational background and professional history. He gave testimony regarding the amount of water usage by residential versus commercial. He discussed water rights held by the Town of Eagle from Brush Creek and its legal ability to provide water to the airport. He was questioned by Mr. Sands regarding the yield from Spring Creek. Mr. Shroeder questioned Mr. Pfifer regarding his testimony about Spring Creek and proposed usage at the Airport. The Board asked questions of Mr. Pfifer regarding his presentation. Roy Robinson, representing the Town of Eagle Board of Trustees, told the Board the Tear and District had meetings at the request of Chairman Welch. Hr. i:indahl advised the Board that written argument or rebuttal should be received 1:•: the County by December 17, 1990 at 5.00 p.m_ , the Planning Commission would meet and deliberate on January 7, 1991, and the Board of County Commissioners would deliberate on January 14, 1991. Commissioner Gustafson asked if there are any restrictions on discussing alternatives sitting as the permitting authority or the property owners. Mr. Lindabl requested to give his advice in an executive session. Mr. Sands requested a chance to rebut to the Planning Commission. Mr. Lindahl advised Mr. Sands. he would have that opportunity during the session in which the Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners deliberates. 1111 1111 • Discussion was held on whether or not the Board could adjourn into an executive session. Chairman Welch asked if the application can be amended after the completeness hearing was held. Mr. binndehl advised that if the as rlicant wants to submit a different plan, it slvauld be done under a different applicati m and public nntire filed_ C'cmovies.iener Gates expressed his frasti-h r:on with the requested changes in the applaration. Further discussion wae held on negotiations, executive session, conflicts of interest Terrill Might, sworn to testify, spoke on behalf of Dr. Hoffman and stated he doss not abject to either proposals by the iraCMD or the Town of Eagle. Mr. Shroeder reiterated his request that a decision be delayed until January 8, 1981. Mr. Weaver brought attention back to Exhibit A-33 and stated the latest one dated 3!S6 should be used. Mr. lancanella continued with his presentation regarding the water supply requirements, current water system, commitments made to adjacent land earners, and mater rights_ Mr. Weaver submitted Exhibit A-H1, a list of water rights, and asked that it be accepted into the record. After hearing no objections, Chairman Wench accepted this exhibit into the record. Mr. aancanella explained water rights. He indicated on a nap the site area, discussed water measurements of Spring Creek. He compared gauge rec h. far the Eagle Rifer at Gypsum for dry- and wet years. Mr. Mott clarified that on Exhibit A-13, Page 4, the notations should be disregarded. and the bottom line is still 80,000 gall^ns per day. He questioned Mr. Zancanella r-egai,: rig the potable water being used for landscaping and how adjacent landowners and fire flow requirements fit in this gallons pet day calculations, and questioned the location of the water tanks. Mr. weaver asked the Beard to accept Exhibit A-22, the Eagle Paver Hydregraph_ After hearing no objections. •ctairman Welch accepted this exhibit into the record. Mr. E,ancanella continued with his testimony regarding existing approved systems fur the Towns of Eagle and Gypsum, capacities of the systems, and operational efficiency o•f the systems. He discussed calling water rights from surrounding water rights owners. Mr. Weaver asked that the Board accept Exhibit A-14, Engineering Analysis of Eagle and Gypsum Alternatives for the Development of the Eagle Airport Water Supply. After hearing no objections, Chairman Welch accepted this exhibit into the record. !tr. Zancanella discussed the cost analyses between the Town of Eagle, Town of Gypsum and Spring Creek. The Boards questioned Mr. Zancanella regarding the cost comparisons. Ma. weaver asked the Board to accept Exhibit A-21, the potential .air-,'anent for the Torn of Gypsum to provide temporary water service to the of port, the record. After hearing no objections, Chairman Welch accepted this exhibit into the record. Mr. Sands extensively questioned Ht. a•ancanel la regarding his testimony an the Town of Eagle alternative, water rights, tap fees, the hydrology report_ the letter from the Army Corps of Engineers, diversions from Spring Creek and senior water rights to Spring Creek- Mr. Sand= cross examined Mr. Zancanella regarding water for Mrs. Campton and haw water might be replaced, augmentation plan. water consumption of the Spring Creek homeowners, and fire flows. Charlie Ridgway questioned Mr. Zancanella regarding Exhibit 14-14. Further discussion was held on Exhibit A-14. Mr. Shroeder questioned Mr. Zancanella regarding the capability of Phase I to provide vater to the Airport, water rights on Spring Creek, Corps of Eaa ^peers permit Icr diversion. Chairman Welch asked if the Gypsum 'Tow'n Manager has the author.ita to sign the agrreemert with the Town of Gypsum and Vail Valley Consolidated. Water District. Mr. Shroeder replied this agreement was discussed during a town meeting and his aesempt ion is the "Fawn Manager is authorized to sign the agreement. Mr. sands asked additional questions for clarification on Phase a water supply and growth in the area. Mr. Weaver stated that Attachment A to the application refers to rcnstrurw on impa_ts on public lands. He discussed Master Plan confroitance, regional and state planning policies, area coning and land uses, easements and rights-of-way, and natural hazards. He presented Exhibit A-16, Wetland Impact Assessment, and stated there are a,rprex nately 4.8 acres of wetlands associated with Spring Creek, and this project c^-.uld irpect approximately 0.04 acre of wetlands. He stated the Army Corps of Engineers concluded this is not a significant loss. He asked that Exhibit A-16 be admitted. After hearing no objections, Chairman Welch accepted this exhibit into the record. Mr. Sands questioned Mr. Weaver regarding this exhibit. Mr. Weaver briefly discussed Exhibit A-17, Cultural Resource Inventory of the Spring Creet Water Supply Line, asked that it be admitted into the record. He offered Exhibits A-5 and A-6 and asked they be accepted into the record. After hearing no ebjectians, Chairman Welch accepted this exhibit into the re:°ord_ Mr. Mott commented that a revenue analysis should also be done. Mr. Weaver replied there is not. very much information regarding growth and development projections for the service area. He continued with a Water Conservation Flan, Exhibit A-18, and asked that this exhibit be accepted. After hearing no objections, Chairman Welch accepted this exhibit into the record_ Jerome G,amb•a reappeared to discuss what 100 gallons per minute can accomplish and i,hat it can serve. Mr. Sands and Mr. Shroeder told the Board that the Town of Eagle and VVCWD have reached a stipulation that a decision not be made earlier than January 8, 1991. Mr. Shroeder concurred. ! q� Terrill Knight, Knight Planning, discussed the density on Beals" and Chevano"s lots. He reiterated that the design of Squaw Creek Road would be improved if the building envelope is relocated. Chairman Welch asked why the Chevano lot was included in this application. Mr. Knight replied it was the Staff"s request. Commissioner Gustafson moved on File PD-295-90-S/P East Squaw Creek Minor Pt[1'®, to approve the application, and incorporate Staff"s findings, with the following conditions: 1. Eliminate the riding stable or any commercial enterprise. 2. The PHD Guide and protective covenants should be amended to include recommended practices for wildfire protection in the hazard area. 3. Provide a driveway design at final plat and subject to the right-of-way to be granted by Cordillera. 4. School dedication fee of $72.48 due at final plat. a_ Eliminate '"flagpole" on Lot 9 and accept the latest plat design dated 9/15f90. 6. The PUD Guide must include fence construction specification to allow for wildlife migration. 7. Strict animal ((dog) control must be addressed. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, fencing standards were discussed and it was determined that a wood fence is acceptable. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Montag presented a final plat for File SM-690-90, a Type B Minor Subdivision, Final Plat Lot ES, Block 4, Eagle/Vail Filing *2. He advised this has been reviewed and signed E/V Lot 88 by all appropriate agencies. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat as presented by Hr. Montag. Chairman Welt' seconded the motion. of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson was out of the room. Mr. Montag presented a proposed resolution for File 1S-284-8?, Fulford water Res 90-120 Pipeline. Fulford Water Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-120 as presented by Pipeline Mr. Montag. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vete was declared unanimous. Commmissioner Gustafson was out of the room. Mr. Montag presented a final plat for File SM-693-90. a Type ;: Subdivision, Lot Final Plat '°.T`, Block 4, Eagle/Vail Filing *2. He advised this i as been reviewed and signed by E/V Lot 50 all appropriate agencies_ Commissioner Gates moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat as presented by Mr. Montag. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Montag presented a condominium map, File SM-692-90, Fourth Supplemental Final Plat Condominium Map for Greystone, Lot A, 2nd Amendment to the plat filing. He advised Greystone this has been reviewed and signed by all appropriate agencies. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the final plat as presented by Mr. Montag. C'omsrissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Welch called the hearing to order and stated the next item was the Spring Creek continuation of the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District Spring Creek 1041 1041 Hearing Application_ The Planning Commission members present for this hearing were: Don Price, Charlie Ridgway, Dave Mott and Kathy Heicher. Wayne Shreeder, attorney for applicant, made a statement regarding the application and told the Board the applicant had decided to continue with the presentation of e Y ridance. Be added he would ask the Board to delay a decision to January 9, 1990_ Dave Mott. Planning Commission member, stated for the record that he listened to the tapes from the hearing on HHovember 1'9, 1990_ He further stated that is not currently associated with the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District. Bob Wearer briefly explained what was discussed in the prior hearing end what x_•,rteld he discussed today. He introduced Tom lancanella who will discuss the need for the project and the description of the existing proposed systems. Mr_ Weaver presented Exhibit A-13 and asked that it be accepted into the record_ After hearing no objection, Chairman Welch accepted the exhibit. Mr. lanc.anella, after being sworn to testify, began his discussion of the need for the proposed system. Commissioner Gustafson asked about changes on the exhibit. Mr. Weaver explained that Attachment D to the application is a draft of Exhibit -13 and there was subsequent report issued. Mr_ Shroeder interrupted the proceeding and reminded the Board that the applicant net with the Town of Eagle in a special board meeting to discuss the latest proposal from the Town of Eagle. He stated that the application could be amended to include the Eagle alternative which is an extension of pipeline from Eagle to the Hoffman property_ He asked the Board to temporarily conclude this hearing and adjourn into executive session to hear from the Board members of the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District and the Town of Eagle. Chairman Welch spoke regarding the reasons the Board is allowed by law to adjourn into executive session. Ed Sands, attorney for the Town of Eagle, again brought up the Town's objection and that the Board has a conflict of interest as the permitting authority and land owner of the Eagle County Regional Airport and beneficiary of the proposed water project. He told the Board the executive session is requested to discuss the alternative with the Board as land owner. • . aqe November 27, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman Kevin t,jndahl County Attorney George '"Bud"' Gates Commissioner Keith Montag Dir. Comm. Dev. Dick Gustafson Commissioner Mara T;einschaidt Asst. County Atty Pat Mandziuk Dep Clerk to the Beard This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the :oard for their consiesration: Crawford SUP Chairman Welch opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, File ZS_295-90 ZS-295-90, Floyd Crawford Special Use. Keith Montag, Director of Community Development, presented this file ane - plained the location and project description. He pointed out the locat.tian of the r: :nct and zaning on a site plan. .Steve Isom, i-plan representing applicant, mange a s9 =teaent regarding parking as a temporary use and the number -f spaces provided. Mr_ Montag continued ,,1 th his presentation by gic'iiT_a the site data and discussing the Master Plan Designation. He identified major concerns and issues and stated the ': niter Parking Area"" must be removed but could be considered a tenporany use. Discussion was held. on parking, dustcontrol, drainage and paving related to the purring area and an annual review regarding dust control. Mr_ Montag reviewed Staff Findings and recommended approval with conditions. Chairman Welch stated he ^- id like to see silt retention in the parking lot_ Ton Froom. Engineer, mentioned grading on the parking flat and stated the Bm rd night want to waive the S50 grading permit fee. Mr. Montag finished his presentation by stating a-".o Poaring Fork Planning Comnission also recommended approval with conditions_ con:nmissionner Gates moved the Boar ' approve File ""z-295-PD, special use for the nursery, and also to approve a special! use for the parking area, with the following conditions: 1_ Public improvements as requi • • � Ms. Kleinschmidt presented a stipulation in the case of Amax, Inc. vs. Eagle Stipulation County Board of Equalization. She explained the stipulation provides for a new Amax, Inc. assessed valuation on Schedules *POOS986 and *9629153, which changes the personal property valuation to $174,607, the land valuation to $376,953, and the valuation of the improvements to $4,821,255, for a total amount of $5,372,825. He requested the County Attorney's office be authorized to execute the stipulation for settlement and subsequent dismissal of the pending litigation. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board approve the stipulation as presented and ir.ol^nde the recommendation to dismiss the litigation. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ton Brown, Engineer, appeared to discuss a reduction of collateral on the Res 90-115 Castleview Subdivision. He stated the County Engineers have inspected the work and Castleview found it in compliance with the SIA. He recommended the collateral be reduced to subdivision $2,773, or l0, of the original cost, for the warranty period. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 99-116 authorizing the release of collateral for Castleview Subdivision, retaining Ion. C^ naiss.ionner Gustafson seconded the motion. In discussion, Mr. Lindahl pointed out some deficiencies in the work performed indicated on Exhibit A. Mr. Brown discussed these items and stated the applicant bas agreed to correct them. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr_ Lindahl presented a proposed resolution concerning the release of collateral Res 90-117 for Chanters Ranch Parcel II Subdivision. He told the Board Mr. Chambers has met all Chambers Fan7h requirements. Parcel II Comnissioner Gustafson moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-117 reducing the retainage of the collateral for Chambers Ranch Parcel II Subdivision. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous_ James Fritze, County Manager, brought before the Board a proposed amendment to the Agreement agreement between Kogovsek & Associates, Pitkin County and Eagle County, regarding Mt. Kogovsek Sopris Tree Nursery. He explained the amendment . & Assoc Commissioner Gates moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the amendment to the contract with Kogovsek & Associates, Inc_ Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. In discussion, Commissioner gustafson suggested further lobbying for Mt. Sopris Tree Farm be through the proper channels. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a proposed letter to Peter F. Michaelson regarding liability Letter to to New York Life and asked the Board to review it and suggest any changes. P. Michaelson Commissioner Gustafson moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the letter as presented by Mr. Lindahl. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a letter to Larry Peterson, president of the Board of Letter to Directors for Eagle/Vail Property Owners Association, regarding covenant amendment for Eagle/Vail the Eagle/Vail Subdivision. He told the Board the County's position is not to become Homeowners involved with private covenants and should not approve or disapprove them, and any use other than changes pursuant to covenants would still have to meet Land Use Regulations. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the letter as presented by Mr_ Lindahl. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to November 27, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • • Ray Merry, Environmental Health Officer, introduced ee newly hired Assistant Board of Environmental Officer, Roger Hosea. Health Mr. Hosea gave his educen.on and background. Mr_ Merry discussed the air quality policy and gave the Board informatien on planning the air quality policy and the formation of a committee for drafting the policy_ Dick Parachini game a report regarding the mine Plincle removal by Gulf Westee and the Eagle River cleanup. He updated the Beare gn the treatment plant that e being c instruction. He pointed out soil tests in otht: areas showed the sane metals as the soils show in the mine tailings area. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of Health and reconvene as the :oard of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gustafson, seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Petitions for abatements were the next item to be breeeht before the Board, the Abatement first one being from Shapiro Construction Co. Shapiro Mara Xleinsc. ,eldt, Assistant County Attorney, explained the chenge in the Colorado Constr. State Statutes regarding abatements. Allen Black, Appraiser in the Assessor's office, told the Board the reason Mr. Shapiro believes the assessment is wrong. Discussion followed on the 1989 taxes and adjustment, and the petition for abatement for the tax year 1987. Com•�missioner Gates moved. to approve the adjustment to the acreage, and deny the chenue in the valuation. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Eleinschmidt said the record should reflect the intention is for the 1988 and 1909 tares and not 19871. Ms. Ele inschmidt presented the next petition fee abatement, First Bank of Abatement westland. She explained the petitioner was advised he did not need to be present as PirstBank the Beard's position is the questions of valuation are not abatable or refundable. of Westland She state, 'he Assessor is recommending denial of the petition. Commissioner Gustafson moved on Schedule *2' 735 and Schedule *25736 to deny the petition of First Bank of Westland, M.A. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the mitten. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote wasdeclared unanimous. Chairman Welch was out of the room. The next petition for abatement for the Board's consideration was Schedule Abatement *P021122, Crmemercial Equipment Lease Corporation. ifs. Caruthers stated the petition Commercial stated the e eiipnent is located ie Utah. She recommended approval. Equip. Lease C•os is.sioner Gustafson moved to approve the abatement as recommended by the Assesses on Schedule *P0201022 for Commercial Equipment ase Corporation in the amount of 51,142.11. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the t -:ting Commissioners, the vote was declared u' animous. Ms. Caruthers eresented a petition for abatement from Thomas P. Prince and Roger Abatement H. Pierson, Schede *26011. She recommended denial as this land does not meet Pierson, R. agricultural requirements. Roger Pierson, petitioner, made a presentation regarding the tax increases and why he believes the property is agricultural. Ms. ICleiinschmidt pointed out the protest did not occur in a timely manner. Commissioner Gustafson moved to table this petition until later in the day for additional information. Chairman Pro-teem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Welch assumed the Chair. The next petition on the agenda was from Abatement Lawrence L. Rauch, Schedule *21848. Rauch, L. Ms_ Caruthers explained the parcel was misclassified due to a clerical error and recommended abatement in the amount of 8772.30. Commissioner Gustafson reeved on Schedule *21848 to approve the abatement in the amount of $772.30 as recommended by the Assessor. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented the next petition for abatement, Schedule *28121 and. Abatement Schedule *28101, Summit Vista Homeowners Association, and recommended approval. She Summit Vista stated the parcel was platted as common area owned by the Homeowners Association. Honeewners Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the petitions for abatement on schedule j2L121 and schedule *28108, in the amounts of $2,372.03 and $137.43. Commissioner Gates seconded the notion. The vote was declared unanimous. The Board returned to the petition from Thomas P. Prince and Roger H. Pierson. Abatement George Lewis, appraiser in the Assessor's office, told the Board the actual value Pierson. P. cE Hr. Pierson's property in 1989 was $120,030, the Delta property Lot 2 was valued at $5112,€00. and Delta Lot 3 was valued at $113,500. They are appraised at the sane per acre value. Discussion followed on the assessment of taxes of this property and the period in which protests can be filed and the process. Commissioner Gustafson moved to deny the petition for abatement on Schedule *26011. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Welch did not vote as he was not present for the entire presentation. RECEIVED0 02�� DEC 3 1 1990 November 26, 1990 EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEARINGCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Present: Don Welch Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George '"Bud" Gates Commissioner Janes Fritze County Manager 0ick Gustafson Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Welch opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, bill paying. Bill Paying After reviewing the bills, Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve the warrants Payroll for bill paying. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the notion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafsen moved the Board approve the payroll for 11/29/90 subject to the approval of the County Manager. commissicner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. C'ammrissianer Gustafson seconded the motion_ The vote was declared unan orous. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, presented the first liquor license for the Board's Liq. License consideration, a new hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for Fiesta's Marquez Restaurants, Inc. dta Fiesta's New Mexican Deli and Restaurant. Brian O'Reilly, attorney representing applicants, discussed the hackcronrn of the cacporaticn, shareholders and officers of the corporation. He said the applicants have designated the neighborhood as Eagle County. He discussed financing of the restaurant. He stated there is a lease agreement for two and one-half years. e'e'ohie Marquez, applicant, was questioned by Mr. O'Reilly regarding the liquor license application, background regarding service of alcohol. She stated the application is true and correct. Susan Juan Marquez, applicant, answered questions posed by Mr. O'Reilly regarding the day to day management of the restaurant. Mr. Lindahl advised the he reviewed the application, lease agreements, financing documents. and individual record histories on applicants. He stated the Sheriff's office has found no police history on the individuals. He recommended approval of the application and asked the Board define the neighborhood es Eagle County. l}e Beard questioned the neighborh.ned as being Eagle County and determined that Enke Creek. Perry Creek. and Edwards shopping area would be tore appropriate_ Mr. O'Reilly agreed with the neighborhood designation. C mnissioner Gustafson moved to establish the neighborhood as the Edwards shopping area including Berry Creek and Lake Creek. C'onnnissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous_ Commissioner Gates asked if the establishment was costed_ Chairman Welch asked if there was a petition subni!ted. Mr. Lindahl replied the establishment was posted and a petition WAS su b,nit!ted_ acmmissioner Gustafson Roved, based on the testimony given and the recomamendation.s of the County Attorney, to approve a hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for Marquez Restaurants,, Inc. dba Fiesta's. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, the location of the nearest school was determined to be approximately one-half mile. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Cemmissicner Gustafson moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented the next item for the Board's consideration was the issnance nail Valley cef bends for the Vail Valley Medical Center. He explained the bonds would be issued Med Center icr the purchase of MRI for the hospital. He advised the documents have been drafted Bonds end he has reviewed them_ Chairman welch declared a conflict of interest as he is on the Board of Directors for Vail Valley Medical Center and stepped doom as Chairman. Mr. Lindahl stated he could abstain from voting but has certain responsibilities fir signing certain documents. He further stated the approval of those documents will to done by the renaming Beard members and there was no conflict in actually signing the documents. lie added he has no financial interest in Vail Valley medical Center but he will net vote on this issue. Commissioner Gates assumed the Chair_ Mr. Lindaht explained the terms and issuance of the bends. Discussion was held on the bunds , indemnification protecting Eagle County, and public notice_ commissioner Gustafson maned the Board approve and adopt Resolution 9! -1 lS. for the `;ail '?alley Medical Center bond issue as presented and as previously discussed. Cha r-nann Pro-ten Gates seconded the motion_ of the two voting Commissioners, the -,--rte ;ser declared unanimous. Chairman welch abstained from voting. 'C'.5r-na1i welch assuned the chair and stated the next item was a 'Kerr session E911 regarding EMI. The Board determined to delay a decision on the surcharge amount Work Session until after the budget finalization. - Commissioner Gustafson moved to convene as the Board of Health. Cennissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote wasdeclared unanimous. rn • • roceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 3rd Day December Term, 19 90 19 THE C.F.HOECKEL CO.,DENVER 378994 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman James Fritze County Manager Dick Gustafson Commissioner Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board GENERAL FUND AAA COLLECTORS 17684/MYERS 7.50 ABBOTT LABORATORIES STREP SCREEN "IT 587.00 ABBOTT LABORATORIES STREP SCREEN ITT 326.00 ABBOTT LABORATORIES SlITEP SCREEN I 168.00 ADDISON DAVID C 17729/OUT OF ' INDS 7.60 AGREN BLANDO AND ASSOCIATES PI>"wEEDINGS/P' 'K LAKES ,543.10 ALAN D DAVIDSON PHD SFT'.L ANALYZE' 85.80 ALBERTA LI1MATTA FIT.';TION JUDGI 74.00 AL1 ABA ',IIRSCRIPTION 25.00 ALL PRO FORMS INCORPORF M FAY DUE FORMS 620. 13 ALL PRO FORMS INCORPORAI" PERSONNEL ACTION FORMS 220.98 ALLEN GAIL R ELECTION JUDGE 79.00 ALLEN MARY JO ELECTION JUDGE 77.00 ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL PROF.VET SERV/VACC. 162.00 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION AIRPORT' NOISE STUDY 410.00 AMERICAN CONGRESS OF SURVEYING RENEWAL FEE 10.00 AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVEL/LODGING/MEALS 1 ,110.50 AMERICAN SOCIETY CIVIL MEMBERSHIP DUES/BROWN 115.00 ANIMAL HOSPITAL HIGH COUNTRY SPAY/NEUTER REIM. 25.00 ANIMAL HOSPITAL OF VAIL VALLEY SPAY/NEUTER REIM. 403.00 ANIMAL HOSPITAL OF VAIL VALLEY PROF.VET SERVICES 111 .00 ARAGON EMMA ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 ARMOUR ROSS DR HEALTH OFFICER/OCT 90 272.00 ARROW GAS COMPANY GAS/LANDFILL 51 .75 ARTHUR AND PERLMUTTER 17731/THORNSBERRY 12.Uu AT AND T TELEPHONE SERVICE 103.14 AVERT INCORPORATED EMPLOYMENT SCREENI? 1.00 B AND B E'CAVATING 28918/CEMENT 2. .50 BAKER GUSSIE ELECTION JW !. 00 BARBARA JOHNSON ELECTION JIl' :F n0 BARBARA SCHUMACHER ELECTION 'o 'E .00 BARNES SUSAN DVM SPAY/NEUTER "FIM I ' .00 BARNES SUSAN DVM SPAY/NEUTEf. ' TM. 36.00 BEASLEY RUTH ELECTION JUT. 35.00 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS 14058/SUPPLII:'i 25.08 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS WHITE VINEGAR 1 .95 BEEP WEST INCORPORATED PAGER 30.00 BEN BOUTELL ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 BERNIECE DAUGHERTY ELECTION JUDGE 82.00 BEST TANNY ELECTION/ASSISTANT 35.00 BEST WESTERN EAGLE LODGE RECRUITING EXP/DRAKE 42.20 BETTY NIELSEN ELECTION JUDGE 60.00 BIGLER THOM MEALS REIMBURSEMENT 86.36 BLACK ALLEN MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 166.00 BOB BARKER COMPANY 091223/INMATE SUPPLY 974.80 BOB BARKER COMPANY INMATE SUPPLIES 155.66 BOISCLAIR JAMES B 17719/ROFFE 10.00 BOTTOMLEY JAMES ELECTION JUDGE 78.00 BRADLEY MIKE J MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 19.35 BROWN JO ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 BROWN TOM TRAVEL 120.37 BROWN VI ELECTION JUDGE 60.00 BROWNING FERRIS INDUSTRIES TRASH SERVICE/10-31 48.00 BUSINESSLAND TRAINING/MICROSOFT 870.00 CACIOPPO CINDY ELECTION JUDGE 74.00 CALLAGHAN AND COMPANY NEPA LAW/LIT SUPP. 46.05 CAMERA SHOP AT CROSSROADS THE CAMERA/LENS/BAG 457.00 CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS MAINT CONTRACT 465.00 CAROL WILLIAMS ELECTION JUDGE 80.00 CARSE CARSE/BREAKFAST MEET. 8.00 CARUTHERS GENNY JO MEALS 67.02 CASTLE PEAK VETERINARY SERVICE PROF.VET SERVICES 86.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/GENERAL 4,804.98 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/GENERAL 4,739.39 CENTURY PAPERS INCORPORATED TUFTOTE 974.93 CENTURY PAPERS INCORPORATED 16929/BRACE 3.00 CF HOECKEL COMPANY OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 ,232.00 CHAMBERS FLINT L INMATE MEALS 18.89 CHARLES D JONES CO AQUASTAT/JC 60.99 CHENEY CATHERINE ELECTION JUDGE 79.00 CHRISTIANSAN BEV ELECTION JUDGE 60.00 CITY MARKET FILM PROCESSING 21 .29 CLARICE REED ELECTION JUDGE 82.00 CLASSIC FRIENDSHIP INN LODGING 321 .97 • • November 30, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: George "Bud' Gates Commissioner Kevin Lindahl County Attorney Dick Gustafson Commissioner James Fritze County Manager Allen Sartin Budget Director Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Absent: Don Welch Chairman This is a Special Meeting of the Board to approve the 1991 budget. Cba^lmean Res 90-121 Pro-tem Gates called the meeting to order. Chairman Welch was out of town on 1991 Budget business. James Fritze, County Manager, started the presentation by thanking all the individuals for their help in preparation of the budget. He pointed out that $376,000 had been cut from the original presentation. He stated the total expenses for 1991 including transfer as proposed is S27,41S,070 and total revenues are $23.271,0714. He explained the transfers between funds and added this is a balanced budget because some expenditures come from fund balance. He stated the proposed budget req ores a mill levy of 9.693 hills, up slightly from last year (9.5,591, and the voter approved mill levy for the County is added in at .681 mills, for a total mall levy of 1 .374 mulls. He continued with a slide presentation and compared .surrounding counties and stated all counties are higher with the exception of Pitkin Conicity. He showed mill levies of sone towns and special districts in the area. He continued with slides showing revenues and decreases in some areas. Allen Sartin, Director of Budget and Information System, discussed some slides with revenue comparisons showing Federal grants decreasing with other sources staying flat. Hr. Fritze reviewed the proposed budget projects to be included in the 1991 budget. He mentioned staffing and benefits for personnel. He pointed outreductions in force in Road and Bridge. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, expressed his concerns as a department head with the 4%• merit increase and stated that a possible 6% increase for exceptional employees is not very accurate. He gave the Board an example to illustrate his point. Mr. Sartin stated the increases come from the total fund and not individual departments. Discussion was held on the 4% merit increase, reclassification of employees and employee compensation. rathy Reicher asked questions about the increase in mill levy. Mr. Fritze presented a proposed resolution for the Board's consideration. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-121 aro the nutter of the adoption of the budget and the making of appropriations for the County of Eagle. State of Colorado, for Fiscal Year 1991. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Coaaonissicners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to December 3, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 207 • • Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 3rd Day_December Term, 19!O .- ___19_ _ CLUTTER LAURA HALLOWEEN PARTY REIMB. 49.94 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY BOTTLED WATER SERVICE 109.45 CODEL NOV RENT/90 2,652.00 COFFEY MARCELLA ELECTION JUDGE 83.00 COLLINS CORPORATION VOTER REG.LABELS 99.48 COLORADO ASSESSORS ASSOCIATION CAA DUES/CONF REG. 1 , 140.00 COLORADO ASSOCIATION OF CHIEFS CACP MEMBERSHIP DUES 50.00 COLORADO COUNTIES INCORPORATED CCI CONFERENCE 105.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH REFUND/OVERPAYMENT 1 ,061 .13 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL 5,399.27 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL 5,251 .05 COLORADO DIVISION OF WATER WELL PERMIT LIST 1 .50 COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE TRAINING/IBM COMPUTER 129.32 COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE TRAINING/MIGLIA 39.50 COLORADO SAFETY ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP 275.00 COLORADO WATER CONGRESS REGISTRATION/LINDAHL 129.00 COLORADO WEST INSURANCE GROUP 3RD QTR/PUBLIC SERV. 432.25 COLORADO WEST PROFESSIONAL INMATE HEALTH VISITS 1 ,615.60 COMMUNICATION PUBLICATIONS GLOSSARY/MISUSED WORDS 37.50 COMPUTER AIDED PRODUCTIVITY LABOR/REPAIR PRINTER 35.00 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INSURANCE PREM 15,954.23 CONTINUING EDUCATION SERVICES REGISTRATION/WARZON 104.00 CORNBELT CHEMICAL COMPANY BACKPACK SPRAY PARTS 63.39 COUNTY OF LEXINGTON ZONING ORDINANCE 5.00 CREDIT BUREAU OF ALAMOSA SERVIUE OF PROCESS 20.00 CREDIT BUREAU OF THE ROCKIES SERVICE OF PROCESS 11 .50 CURNUTTE JIM PLAN CHECKS/10 HRS 150.00 DARIEN MARGARET ELECTION JUDGE 65.00 DARRAH CHARLES SERVICE OF PROCESS 4.00 DATA DOCUMENTS COMPUTER PAPER 788.26 DAVID A HOLMGREN CONTRACT PROGRAMMING 1 ,233.75 DAVID A HOLMGREN CONTRACT PRORAMMING 1 ,540.00 DAVIS DAVIS SERVICE OF PROCESS 16.00 DEANE ROXIE ELECTION JUDGE 74.00 DEEP ROCK WATER WATER/COOLER RENT 75.50 DELANEY AND BALCOMB PC 17749/KINNONEN 7.50 DELTA MONTROSE AREA TUITION 200.00 DENVER POST CORPORATION THE EMPLOYMENT ADV. 472.59 DEWELL RUTH ELECTION JUDGE 75.00 DISTRICT ATTORNEY 17764/FLYNN 2.50 DOLL STARR C ELECTION JUDGE 68.00 DONALD EDEN ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 DRAPHIX INCORPORATED LAMINATED PAPER 71 .87 DUROUX ALMEDA ELECTION JUDGE 85.00 EAGLE AUTO PARTS 139659/FITTING 124.98 EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER REIM/POSTAGE PAID 17.45 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS RENT/MONITOR 10.00 EAGLE COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER SHELTER CONTRACT 3,886.61 EAGLE COUNTY NURSING SERVICE POSTAGE 20.34 EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING NURSE/POSTAGE CHARGE 32.17 EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING RECONDITION CALCULATOR 25.00 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CREDIT UNION/GENERAL 2,965.00 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CREDIT UNION/GENERAL 2,965.00 EAGLE PHARMACY CARTRIDGE PEN REFILLS 1 .50 EAGLE PHARMACY INMATE PRESCRIPTIONS 279.46 EAGLE PHARMACY PHOTOS 45.42 EAGLE PHARMACY GLOVES/UMBRELLA 25.03 EAGLE VALLEY CHAMBER COMMERCE DEPOSIT REFUND/HALL 80.00 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE ADV\PUBLIC 5,060.40 EASTMAN INCORPORATED OFFICE SUPPLIES 888.51 EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY SEPT MAINT./MDL 60 922.89 EKREM CHRIS ELECTION JUDGE 74.00 ELMIRA COCK ELECTION JUDGE 60.00 ELROD KATZ PREEO LOOK 17696/TOWN COUNTRY 0.80 EVA HARRIS ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 EVERETT L CASE INSTALL LIBRARY ROOF 3,967.48 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PLSC SEMINAR/EASEMENT ROW 105.00 EZ WAY RENTAL ELECTRIC JACKHAMMER 40.00 EZ WAY RENTAL ELECTRIC JACKHAMMER 209.00 FAEGRE AND BENSON 17750/OTTO 3.20 FARMER BROTHERS COFFEE 83.97 FEDERAL EXPRESS FREIGHT/EXPRESS CHG. 31 .00 FEDRIZZI GERALD J DMD PC INMATE DENTAL 82.00 FENDER RUTH A ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 FERRELLGAS GAS SERVICE 889.50 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 40,354.33 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/GENERAL 31 ,997.43 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 38,989.80 FLEISCHMANNS BREAD KITS BREAD BAKING KIT 15.00 FLORENCE STEINBERG ELECTION JUDGE 60.00 FONES WEST MONTHLY PAGER RENTALS 60.00 FORTUNES RESTAURANT BUSINESS MEETING 33.00 zss � • Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 3rd _ pay December Term, 19 94_ 19__ TH0 C.F.HOECHEL CO.,OENVEM 070004 FORTUNES RESTAURANT MEALS 30.20 FOX SIDNEY N TRAVEL 81 .18 FRESQUEZ BARBARA ELECTION JUDGE 79.00 G AND M INSURANCE AGENCY NOTARY BOND/WARZON 68.00 GARCIA FRED ELECTION JUDGE 72.40 GATES GEORGE A TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 116.80 GEORGE T. S''';)ERS COMPANY SILVER FLO/ELEMENT 40.35 GEORGE T. S,' 'FRS COMPANY WATTS 246.91 GIRSH AND R . i11AN 17746/AVON NAIL (P''IK 2.50 GLENWOOD SHOE SERVICE UNIFORM BOOTS 135.00 GLOVER LINDA ELECTII�N ASSISTANT 35.00 GONZALES DOLORES ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 GORDON GUMESON 8 ASSOCIATES VENT.SYS.MODIFICATION 84.00 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS BASIC MEMBF:; 91 130.00 GREATER EAGLE FIRE PROTECTION 91 ' RULING,- ,.. i 90 18.00 GSU BUSINESS PRESS BU(.'i', 110.65 GUSTAFSON RICHARD TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 139.40 GUTH LABORATORIES INTOXILYZER SUPPLIES 50.40 H/'USEN STEVE R WORD PERFET REF BOOK 52.89 HANSEN STEVE R PICK UP ELECTIc"'° '-'FO 14.26 HANSON EQUIPMENT REPAIR TRACTOR 1 ,092.67 HIGGINS HAZEL MEALS 28. 15 HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING PLAT CHECK 315.00 HOBART HEATING ELEMENT 37.40 HOLMAN JONES SERVICE OF PROCESS 2.10 HOLME ROBERT AND OWEN SERVICE OF PROCESS 7.55 HOLME ROBERT AND OWEN SEPT 90/LEGAL SERV 1 ,096.50 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVInE 6,222.61 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE RECRUITING/GI10FRT 145.22 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE MEALS 64.66 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE LODGE/MEALS REIM. 582.19 ICD 9CM THIRD EDITION VOL 1 2 2 CODE BOOKS 86.00 INMAC SP.SAVER COPY HOLDER 42.67 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION 50.00 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MEMBERSHIP APP. 00 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PROPRINTER MAINT.AG. - .00 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS FORMS 500 FORMS 32.86 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE BOOKS 1 ,416.80 JACOX RUTH ELECTION JUDGE 75.80 JAMES BLAKESLEY SERVICE OF PROCI 10.00 JESS SEKEY BLDG.PERMIT REFU' ' 601 .20 JILIE VANNATTA HALLOWEEN/APPLES l'ER 32.19 JOAN NORRIS ELECTION JUDGE 60.00 JOHN WAYNE MILLER ASSOCIATES SERVICE OF PROCE' 9.20 JOHNSON AJ REIM/COD PAID 3.80 JOHNSON JEAN ELECTION JUDGE 50.00 JOHNSON KUNKEL AND ASSOCIATES PLAT CHECK 477.25 JOYCE K OLINGER SERVICE OF PROCESS 12.00 JULIUS BERG SERVICE OF PROCESS 30.00 KAREN LEAKE ELECTION JUDGE 60.00 KAREN MORTER ELECTION JUDGE 75.00 KAROL MIKE SUBSCRIPTION/NEWS 29.00 KENDRA SCOTT ELECTION JUDGE 90.80 KEVIN R ELLIS SERVICE OF PROCESS 12. 10 KNOX ELLA ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 KOGOVSEK ASSOCIATES PROF SERV/MT SOPRIS 10,272.16 KRUEGER CELINE ELECTION JUDGE 60.00 LAWLER PHYLLIS ELECTION JUDGE 83.80 LAWYERS COOPERATIVE PUBLISHING LEGAL FORMS/REVISED 149.60 LEDERHAUSE ED1E TRAVEL 51 .14 LETN LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAIN 388.00 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 205.00 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES PAPER WIDTH SENSOR 97.44 LIFE LITE UNIFORM EQUIPMENT FINGERPRINT RETABS 108.95 LINDA GARCIA ELECTION JUDGE 60.00 LINDA JOHNSON PLANNING CONFERENCE 106.87 LK SURVEY INSTRUMENTS FILM 74.46 LORIO GARCIA ELECTION JUDGE 60.00 LOTUS CORPORATION CONVERSION/2.1-3.0 750.00 LOWERY LAMB LOWERY SERVICE OF PROCESS 20.00 LYNN MITCHELL BR(+OCH PRESCHOOL DENTAL 160.00 MACHOL AND MACHOL SERVICE OF PROCESS 2.40 MARGARET EDEN ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 MARILYN MCLAUGHLIN ELECTION JUDGE 60.00 MARTINEZ JANITORIAL SHAMPOO/ATT/COURTHOUSE 71 .45 MARTINEZ JANITORIAL NOV/JANITORIAL SERV 6,970.00 MARY SQUIRES ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 MC TRANS CENTER SOFTWARE 139.00 MCCAULLEY REBECCA I MEALS 25.88 MCCOLLUM PATRICIA TAPES 167.36 MCDONALD BRIAN M DEPOSITION/BLACK 126.00 MEMINDEX WALL PLANNER/MFP'"FRS 24.24 0 • . X99 ; Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 3rd Day December Term, 19 90 . __19-__ MESKIMEN LEWIS SERVICE OF PROCESS 10.00 METCALF SALLY J ELECTION JUDGE 50.00 METTERNICK LARRY MEALS/FOR CONFERENCE 61 .67 MID VALLEY KENNELS OCT/KENNEL CONTRACT 700.00 MILLAR ELEVATOR SERVICE CONTRACT MAINTENANCE 110.00 MONTAG KEITH P TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 20.78 MOORE MEDICAL CORPORATION INMATE MEDICAL 177.34 MOORE MEDICAL CORPORATION JAIL SUPPLIES 11 .25 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/BLDG&GRDS 11 ,218.38 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/CSBG 14,286.18 MOTOROLA INCORPORATED MAINTENANCE 1 ,364. 17 MOTT SUE ELECTION JUDGE 89.00 MOUNTAIN HIGH PLUMBING TEE EXTRACTOR 109.44 MOUNTAIN STATES HARDWARE INDUSTRY EQUIP GUIDES 24.00 MOUNTAIN TOP MANAGEMENT RADIO SITE RENT 250.00 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER COMPUTER PRINTOUT 468.80 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 63.00 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP 70.00 NATIONAL FOUR H SUPPLY SERVICE PIN AWARDS-4H 124.76 NATIONWIDE CREDIT 17789/BANK NORTHWEST 7.50 NELSON FORREST ELECTION JUDGE 83.00 NESTOR LINDA TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 18.92 NESTOR LINDA TRAVEL 13.86 NETTIE REYNOLDS ELECTION JUDGE 68.00 NEUTRON INDUSTRIES SUPPLIES 197.42 NEVES UNIFORMS UNIFORMS 499.00 NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE JOB FOLDERS 4.00 NEW FRONTIER PRODUCIONS VIDEO TAPING SERVICE 75.00 NOLAN NINA COORDINATOR REIM. 15.00 NORMAN PATRICIA ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 NORTHWEST COLORADO COUNCIL OF QQ RETREAT-MEALS 90.00 NOTTINGHAM NANCY ELECTION JUDGE 81 .00 NUNN JEAN TRAVEL 50.00 OFFICE CLUB OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 ,381 .50 ORGANIZATION DESIGN AND BOOKS/PERIODICALS 155.80 PACIFIC TELECOM TELEPHONE SERVICE 9,887.29 PAMELA HELLER ELECTION JUDGE 74.00 PATRICK AND COMPANY 4100 BRASS RABIES TAGS 594. 10 PAUL CLARKSON PLANNING COMM 134.51 PENNY SAVER MEDICAL SUPPLY OPERATING SUPPLIES 35.97 PEPSI COLA BEVERAGES 114.60 PETER JAMAR ASSOCIATES MT.SOPRIS TREE FARM 1 ,053.24 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING MISC PURCHASES REIMB 476.58 PHILLIPS JOHNNETTE MEALS 1 ,161 .86 POSTMASTER EAGLE BRANCH POSTAGE FOR MAIL 4,000.00 POSTMASTER EL JEBEL BRANCH PO BOX RENT/EL JEBEL 2.00 PREFERRED OFFICE CLUB TYPEWRITER RIBBONS 179.52 PRO RODEO SPORTS NEWS 1/2 PAGE AD/FAIR 480.00 PROTECTIVE HEALTH SERVICES LATEX GLOVES 26.86 PUBLIC RECORD CORPORATION SUBSCRIPTION 189.00 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 6062576310710018 14.04 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 6068576610410017 12. 17 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 974.43 QUINLAN PUBLISHING COMPANY WORKER COMP LAW SUBS. 48.99 QUINN JACKLYN P ELECTION JUDGE 74.00 RADISON HOTEL LODGING/DEC 5&6 90.00 RANDY MADDUX ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 RAY STAFFORD SUPPLY INC AMMUNITION 1 ,908.00 RAY STAFFORD SUPPLY INC AMMUNITITON 869.00 RAYMOND THE PRINTER DIR CARDS 276.45 REUBENS RESTAURANT CATERING/CLERK 421 .69 REUBENS RESTAURANT ELECTED OFFICIAL LUNCH 32.43 REUBENS RESTAURANT INMATE CIGARETTES 13,909.30 REVA MILLER 82DR30/521803850 161 .55 REVA MILLER 521803850/82DR30 161 .55 REYNOLDS NETTIE LODGE/CGS CONFERENCE 128.68 REYNOLDS NETTIE TRAVEL 32.66 RIA INCOPRPORATED ANNUAL MEMEBERSHIP 15.00 RICHARD BRIGHT SP USE PERMIT REFUND 50.00 RIDGWAY JULIANNE ELECTION JUDGE 69.00 RITA HEROLD RECORD BOOK JUDGE 280.00 RMRTA REGISTRATION/TURF CONE 75.00 ROBERT BUMP PLANNING WORKSHOP 17.00 ROBERT GALLAGHER 17612/NORDSTROM 10.00 ROBERT THERESA ZIETS SPECIAL USE PERMIT 250.00 ROCCO LORIE ELECTIONS/TRAVEL 9.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS OSE SERVOCE 4,323.76 ROCKY MOUNTAIN RECORDS LABELS/FILES 206.88 ROCKY MOUNTAIN REPROGRAPHICS CLEAR INKING FILM 89.30 ROPIR CABLEVISION CABLE TV SERVICE 31 .45 ROSE RIVERA ELECTION JUDGE 80.40 c3VU • 0 Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners_3="._. Day_DQc¢nber Term, 19__9°_ 19- TH[C.F.HO[CNEI.CO..DCNVFB 37139 34 • ROSETEC INDUSTRIES CUTTING DIES/PUNCH 35.00 SACHS LAWLOR RUBBER STAMPS 7.00 SCHLEGEL JILL ELECTION JUDGE 110.00 SCHLEGEL MARY E ELECTION JUDGE 96.20 SCHMIDT ELOISE COORDINATOR REIM. 117.80 SCULLYS ART OFFICE AND PORTFOLIO 23.50 SCULLYS ART OFFICE AND LABEL MARKER 23.80 SCULLYS ART OFFICE AND OFFICE SUPPLIES 17.78 SHARON SCHOLER TRAINING 16.82 SHEPARDS MCGRAW HILL LAWYERS PC NEWSLETTER 105.00 SHERRI SCHLEGEL ELECTION JUDGE 89.60 SHIRLEY WELCH ELECTION JUDGE 60.00 SIMMONS GUN SPECIALTIES AMMUNITION 737.50 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING 1991 BUDGET BK PRINTED 328.80 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING H5193/3-PART RECFIPT6 555.85 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING STAMP/SUMMONS 782.80 SKYLINE SIX AREA AGENCY ON THE SUPP.SALARY/COORD. 623.70 SNOWBRIDGE INCORPORATED SERVICE OF PROCESS 5.60 SOUTHGATE INN LODGE/TRAINING 150. 15 STERKER SANDI ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 STEWART JACKSON Ar" NCY VOTED STICKERS 132.00 STEWART TITLE OF 1 ' ILE COUNTY 17686/CARTMILL 0.80 STRUCTURAL ENGINEI STRUCTURAL SURVEY 15.00 STUVER AND GEORGE SERVICE OF PROCESS 7.50 SUMMIT LUMBER BLDG MATERIALS & SUPPLI 856. 73 TAYLOR WYN T SERVICE OF PROCESS 11 .30 TEEWINOT INCORPORATED UNIFORM JACKETS 3,610.00 THE CITY COUNTY RECRUITER ADV/EMPLOYMENT 95. 14 THOMAS A WEBER SERVICE OF PRO('F .S 2.50 THURSTON JUNE ELECTION JUDGE 95.40 TOM F CRAWFORD BLDG.PFf+r.+I T RE' 516.03 TRAVEL VAIL EC TRAN TORT 1 ,672.00 TROY KANAMEN REIM.TRAINING E;.i . 63.57 TROY KANAMEN TRAVEL 195.32 TYREE AND ASSOCIATES ARCH/REVIEW 3,760.00 UNITED LABORATORIES NEUTRA-CLEAN 640.60 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SHIPPING CHARGE 33.52 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO DENVER TRAINING/A.J.JOHNSON 411 .00 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE SERVICE 1 ,404.53 VAIL DAILY THE LEGAL/ADVERTISING 143.07 VAIL LOCK AND KEY REPAIR LOCKSET 14.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC INMATE MEDICAL 300.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC INMATE MEDICAL 155.00 VAIL TOWN OF CONTRACT SERV/AN.CONT 868.46 VAIL TOWN OF CONT SERV/ANIMAL CONT. 1 ,736.92 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 7927858/MEDICAL 116.00 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER INMATE MEDICAL/LOPEZ 54.00 VAIL VALLEY REPORTING TRANSCRIPT SERVICE 269.25 VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY 67288/AUGER CUT TEETH 216.10 VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY 67769/SOLAR SALT CUBES 129.74 VALLEY JOURNAL RENEWAL/ENGINEERING 24 .00 VALLEY LUMBER WIRE BRADS 10.48 VELMA LARSON ELECTION JUDGE 35.00 VICKIE COFFIELD TRAVEL/ELECT.SUPPLIES 17.00 VIRGINIA BAIR ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 VIRGINIA ROSE ELECTION JUDGE 77.20 VISA MISC TRAVE/LODGING/MEAL 3,326.37 WALCK LINDA ELECTION ASSISTANCE 35.00 WALKER MARY E TRAVEL 173.80 WALMART /AVON MISC SUPPLIES 295.45 WARZON PAULA MEALS 35.00 WENDY GUSTAFSON ELECTION JUDGE 60.00 WEST CANYON TREE FARM, INC JUNIPERS 640.00 WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY WESTLAW SERVICES 258.24 WESTERN MOBILE BEDDING ROCK/RD&BR 309.99 WESTERN MOBILE AGGREGATE ROAD BASE 37.94 WESTERN SLOPE UNIFORM COMPANY 26043/LAUNDRY SERVICE 68,94 WHITE PICKARD SERVICE OF PROCESS 0. 10 WILLIAMS VONDA ELECTION JUDGE 60.00 WINZENBURG LEFF MITCHELL SERVICE OF PROCESS 25.00 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY SLEDGE HAMMER 11 .75 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY BATERIES 98.73 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY GOLDBLATT FLOAT 47.74 YAMPA VALLEY ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICE 16. 11 YOST LENA ELECTION JUDGE 79.00 PAYROLL FOR NOVEMBER PAYROLL II 23 & 24 213,297.42 553,751 .51 30'1 Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 3rd Day December Tenn, 19 90 19__ ROAD & BRIDGE FUND AVON TOWN OF RD&BR PAYMENT 5,191 .53 B AND B COMMUNICATIONS REPAIR RADIO 43.80 BASALT TOWN OF RD&BR PAYMENT 1 ,282.87 BEST WESTERN PUEBLO LODGE/MEALS 176.84 CARSE CARSE/BREAKFAST MEET 8.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/RD&BR 956.56 CCO AND ERA ADDITIONAL RETIREMENT 1 ,064.81 COLORADO COUNTIES INCORPORATED CONF.REGISTRATION 105.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/RD&BR 754.63 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/RD&BR 827.59 EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING RD&BR/POSTAGE CHARGE 104.20 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CREDIT UNION/RD&BR 630.15 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CREDIT UNION/RD&BR 636.38 EAGLE PHARMACY FILM 6.57 EAGLE PHARMACY PORTFOLIO 47.59 EAGLE TOWN OF 3RD QTR/RD&BR 2,894.45 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE DISPLAY AD/RD&BR 96.96 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE. THE DISPLAY AD 65.00 FACTORY SURPLUS COVERALLS 27.95 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/RD&BR 5,487.54 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/RD&BR 8, 128.93 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/RD&BR 6,047.84 FONES WEST 4 PAGER RENTALS 120.00 GA WESTERN CONSTRUCTION BRIDGE REHABILITATION 27,650.88 GMCO CORPORATION FINAL PAYMENT 23,121 .18 GYPSUM TOWN OF RD&BR PAYMENT 777.10 HELLER KENNETH MEALS 14.43 J AND S CONTRACTOR", SUPPLY TRAFFIC CONES/COLLARS 360.00 KEYE PRODUCTIVITY CENTER SECRETARY SEM.SLADSKY 98.00 L G EVEREST ROAD BASE 806.88 MINTURN TOWN OF RD&BR PAYMENT 1 ,029.74 MOTOR POOL FUND WELDING CATTLE GUARD 75.00 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/HEAVY 41 ,815.46 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/RD&BR 3,390.40 NAPA OF CARBONDALE 180625/BATTERY PAGER 5.14 PETTY CASH ROAD AND BRIDGE CONNECTION 35.17 RESPOND FIRST AID SYSTEMS MEDICAL SUPPLIES 45.75 ROARING FORK VALLEY COOP KEYS 8.84 ROCKY MOUNTAIN SAFETY SERVICE 7842/SIGNS 421 .72 SUMMIT LUMBER SLEDGE HAMMER 40.45 VAIL TOWN OF RD&BR PAYMENT 52,572.03 VAN TECH SAFETY LINE MESH VEST/REFLECTOR 226.80 VISA MEALS 420.02 VULCAN SIGNS CARRIAGE BOLTS 63.53 WESTERN MOBILE ROAD BASE 1 ,705.81 WESTERN MOBILE PIT RUN 146.96 WESTERN MOBILE CONCRETE 1 ,280.00 WESTERN MOBILE MOUNTAIN CONCRETE 272.00 PAYROLL FOR NOVEMBER PAYROLL # 23 & 24 32,716.44 223,784.92 LIBRARY FUND AMERICAN ECONO CLAD SERVICES BOOKS 30.90 AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION POSTER 35.25 BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY J186838/CHILTON 203.93 BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY BOOKS 1 ,020.88 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS REFRESHMENTS/J 10.34 BOB CHAMBERLAIN BOOKS/J 25.50 BRODART INCORPORATED NAME BADGE 3.20 BRYANT ROBYN TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 12.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LIBRARY 168.70 CCO AND ERA RETIREMENT ANN/LIB 173.79 CLEAR CREEK COUNTY LUNCH REIMBURSEMENT 16.00 COLBORNS CONSTRUCTION PAPER 19.48 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LIBRARY 149.78 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LIBRARY 142.29 CONNECTICUT GENERAL INSURANCE HEALTH INS PREM/12-1 513.25 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INSURANCE PREM. 515.82 DURKIN HAYES CASSETTES 80.90 EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING POSTAGE CHARGE 370.73 EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING ANNUAL BOX RENT 156.63 EAGLE PHARMACY DECORATIONS-J 8.07 EDUCATIONAL EQUIPMENT REPAIR REPLACE PARTS IN TAPE 40.00 FEDRIZZI JAN MEALS 94.70 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LIBRARY 1 ,371 .74 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INSURANCE/NOV 1 ,415.40 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LIBRARY 1 ,316.09 $U • • Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 3rd Day Decenber Term, 19 4° 19 . - TNC C.•.HOCCHEI CO..DENVER 770034 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS.PREMIUM 1 ,415.40 GALE RESEARCH CO DIRECTORY 248.45 GORDONS 10723242/BOOKS/H/PB 254.55 GROLIER EDUCATIONAL 746575/AMERICANA 1 ,041 .00 HASLEE LORRAINE MALL TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 18.79 HIGHSMITH COMPANY INCORPORATED 2177191001/VISTAFOIL 156.93 MARMOT INCORPORATED SERVICES 4,275.00 MIDVALLEY BRANCH LIBRARY POSTAGE/PC 20.00 MINTURN BRANCH LIPRARY POSTAGE/PC 16.31 NISWANGER AMY TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 37.00 OCCUPATIONAL CENTER OF UNION CATALOGS/EA/MV 59.00 OFFICE OF BRANCH LIBRARIES COPIES/STORIES 7.00 PACIFIC TELECOM 328-6901 264.08 PAUL L ZUMWAIT BOOK 11 .00 PETTY CASH LIBRARY POSTAGE/PC/MV 21 .24 QUALITY BOOKS INCORPOR'1TED AMERICAN FLA': BOOK 22.41 REGENT BOOK COMPANY 52054/B(' 'K., 382.04 RENAISSANCE HOUSE BOOKS 113.35 RR BOWKER BIP 1990/BOi't PRINT ' 88.42 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING ENVELOPES '"7.50 SMITHSONIAN SERIES HISTORIC AMERICA '8.46 THE STATIONERY TRAVELER TY RIBBON-MI ''5.29 U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS 949-6797-072B 11 . 19 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS DESK FILE 31 .59 VISION VIDEO C.S. LEWIS/BACH TAPE 64.95 PAYROLL FOR NOVEMBER PAYROLL 4 23 & 24 9,327.25 28,631 .57 MOTOR POOL FUND Al AUTO ELECTRIC COMPANY REGULATOR 34.93 AMERICAN EAGLE TIRE 32505/ALIGNMENT 231 .35 AMERICAN WINDSHIELD REPAIR REPAIRS 50.00 AMERICAN WINDSHIELD REPAIR REPAIR WINDSHIELD 30.00 BERTHOD MOTORS MOTOR ASSEMBLY 398.91 BERTHOD MOTORS FUEL LINE 45.48 BEST WESTERN RAMKOTA MEALS/CONFERENCE 89.46 BROWNLEE SANDY REPAIR FLAT TIRE 6.00 CARBONDALE AUTO SUPPLY 17695/TERMINAL 55.51 CARBONDALE AUTO SUPPLY RADIATOR/STOP LEAK 20.69 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/MP 107.67 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/MP 120.53 CENTURY EQUIPMENT COMPANY SWITCH 41 . 15 CENTURY PAPERS INCORPORATED CASE/TOWELS 70.53 CLARION HARVEST HOUSE LODGF/SMITH 58.00 COLLETT ENTERPRISES REPAIRS/PARTS 1 ,577.52 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/MP 108.51 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/MP 130.72 CUMMINS POWER INCORPORATED ELEMENT 117.61 CURTIS INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED EASE OFF 117.96 DESIGN GLASS INCORPORATED 8514/WINDSHIELD 304.00 DORIO DISTRIBUTING FUEL/LUBRICANTS 12,485. 18 EAGLE AUTO PARTS 138129/AIR FH! TER 1 ,744.02 EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING MP/POSTAGE CHARGE 31 .93 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CREDIT UNION/MP 25.00 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CREDIT UNION/MP 25.00 EAGLE PHARMACY DICTIONARY 5.95 EAGLE PHARMACY FILM 28.73 EAGLE VALLEY GLASS AND MIRROR BRONCO VENT GLASS 49.82 EAGLE VALLEY GLASS AND MIRROR SAFETY GLASS WINDOWS 90.62 EIMCO COAL MACHINERY 192483/BUILD PIN 50.60 EMPIRE CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 2443184/SEAL 86.65 EZ WAY RENTAL INCORPORATED RENTAL/AIR COMPRESSOR 68.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/MP 978.31 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/MOTORPOOL 1 ,728.28 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/MP 1 , 114.86 FITZSIMMONS MOTOR COMPANY 012649/CAR WASH TOKENS 95.00 FONES WEST MONTHLY PAGER RENTAL 52.00 1 FOX SIDNEY N TRAVEL 22.57 GAY JOHNSON TIRES 605.22 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD GOVERNOR ASSEMBLY 135.03 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD SENSOR 117.92 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD 34169/HANDLE ASSEMBLY 32. 18 HANSON EQUIPMENT 84509/TANK 250.34 HANSON EQUIPMENT VALVE 139.63 HONNEN EQUIPMENT COMPANY 2C25831/DOOR HANDLE 77.71 HONNEN EQUIPMENT COMPANY 2C26117/MOTOR 75.42 JAY MAX SALES HEAT SHRINK ADHESIVE 9.20 JC STEWART ENTERPRISES MARKERS/SNOW PLOW 111 . 18 JOHN HAINES CHEVROLET 27806/SENSOR 46.51 1____ • 303! Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 3rd 0 Bay Dece�es Tenn, 19 90 . 19 JW BREWER TIRE COMPANY TIRES 63.83 KAR PRODUCTS INCORPORATED PLOW BOLTS 41 .94 KAR PRODUCTS INCORPORATED MISC SHOP SUPPLIES 476.55 KEYE PRODUCTIVITY CENTER SECRETARY SEM.SLADSKY 98.00 KIESPERTS TRASPORTATION PARTS 420.57 KOIS BROTHERS 40241/EDGE LENS 249.87 KUBAT EQUIPMENT AND PETRO VENDOR CARDS 90.39 LES HARRIS AND ASSOCIATES TESTING/FUEL TANKS 3,697.96 MACDONALD EQUIPMENT COMPANY A63997/OIL FILTER 68.26 MESA MACK STOP BOX 61 .25 METTERNICK LARRY GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE 15.00 MOTOR POOL CORRECT TRANSFER DEP. 12,370.00 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/MP 1 ,557.36 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/MP 287.16 MOUNTAIN HOTSY EQUIPMENT HANDLE ASSEMBLY 201 .40 MOUNTAIN RADIATOR SERVICE REPAIR RADIATOR 73.50 NAPA OF CARBONDALE 179593/BELT 52.75 NOVUS MOBILE WINDSHIELD REPAIR REPAIR WINDSHIELD 25.00 PE AUTO INCORPORATED STARTER 84.40 PETTY CASH MOTOR POOL OVERAGE 71 .59 PHILLIPS 66 COMPANY GAS 55.90 PITKIN IRON CORPORATION 3223/HYDRAULIC HOSE 28.21 PITKIN IRON CORPORATION HYDRAULIC FITTINGS 2.05 POWER MOTIVE DOOR LATCH 483.41 RANDY SCHLEGEL FUEL/ATSSA SEMINAR 12.00 RESPOND FIRST AID SYSTEMS MEDICAL SUPPLIES 45.75 REY MOTORS INCORPORATED SENDING UNIT 64.86 ROCKY MOUNTAIN SAFETY SERVICE MOTOR POOL SIGNS 70.39 SELECTIVE SOFTWARE DUAL PACIOLI/SOFTWARE 54.90 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING MAILING LABELS 76.90 SUMMIT LUMBER MISC SUPPLIES 132.28 THREAD CONNECTION REPAIR SEAT 51 .50 VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY 66970/HARDWARE CLOTH 6.75 VISA FUEL/COUNTY VEHICLE 366.75 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY HEAVY EQUIP PARTS/SUPP 1 ,731 .01 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY CAT 615 SCRAPER/PRIN 2,548.55 WESTERN ROAD MACHINERY CO. LEVER 10.32 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY 22020/ELBOW 1 ,492.16 PAYROLL FOR NOVEMBER PAYROLL it 23 & 24 7,069.28 58,274.94 SOCIAL SERVICES FUND AT AND T 927-4404 24.50 ATTORNEYS OFFICE LEGAL SERVICES 3,004.00 BOSSOW RITA R MEALS 6.00 CARLOW MARGARET RENT/11-90 850.00 CCO AND ERA RETIREMENT ANN/SS 758.93 CENTRAL STORES SUPPLIES 131 .97 COLORADO COUNTIES INCORPORATED REGISTRATION/CCI CONF 105.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/SOCIAL SERV. 1 ,058. 19 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS PREMIUM 1 ,085.97 CONSTANCE COOPER MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 3.00 DON WELCH TRAVEL 7.60 EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING POSTAGE/3RD QTR 1 ,198.69 EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RENT/11-90 275.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS PREMIUM 3,089.60 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/SS 8,009.56 GARY PATRICK MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 65.71 GATES GEORGE A TRAVEL 16.00 GATES GEORGE A MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 16.00 GUSTAFSON RICHARD TRAVEL 12.00 GUSTAFSON RICHARD MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 12.00 HORN SUSAN E TRAVEL 37.42 JOYCE L REICHE MEALS 35.60 KELLY A MAGEE MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 60.86 MOTOR POOL FUND TRAVEL/COUNTY VEHICLE 382.68 OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT LEGAL SERVICE/8-31-90 1 ,214.40 PACIFIC TELECOM 328-8328 341 .76 PAMELA A GIBSON LODGE/MEALS 53.30 RADISON HOTEL LODGING 100.70 RHONDA PARKER POSTAGE 2.25 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING SUPPLIES 294. 10 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 927-4404-4038 127.85 PAYROLL FOR NOVEMBER MONTHLY PAYROLL 8,463.01 30,843.65 U4 1 - • • 1 Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 3rd Day De ce ber Term, 19 9° 19 THE C.F.HOECKEL CO..DENVER 978634 AIR MAINTENANCE CO INSTALL BREECHING 480.00 COLORADO COMPUTER SYSTEMS LASER JET /PRItNTER 3,636.59 DAHL, INC. PARTS 3.15 GEORGE T. SANDERS COMPANY BRUSH/SEAL/KIT 6,177.22 INMAC COMPUTER HARDWARE 59.20 KAMEN SUPPLY COMPANY AIR VALVE/BRUSHES 447.39 MATERIALS HANDLING EQUIPMENT SHELVING 348.00 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING FREIGHT/PRINTERS 43.41 R AND D INDUSTRIES LASER JET MEMORY 359.80 11,532.76 RETIREMENT FUND CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORT/RET. 758.93 CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 4,559.32 CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 4,565.37 9,883.82 INSURANCE FUND AMERICAN EAGLE TIRE REPAIRS/UNIT 019 467.98 EAGLE PAINT & BODY INC REPAIRS/88 JEEP CHER. 2,693.60 SEDGWICK JAMES OF COLORADO NOVEMBER CONSULT FEE 1 ,000.00 4,161.58 SALES TAX CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND ARKAY SEOVICES COMPANY TEMP CONTROL RF'/ISION 13,700.00 B AND B EXCAVATING ASPHALT/40 T(';: 2,000.00 BIG VALLEY 62521/ROOF/Hi STALL 11 ,630.87 COPELAND CONCRETE GALLON SEPTIC TANK 951 .77 KEMP AND COMPANY INCORPORATED SEWER PIPE 58.50 PEBBLE HAULERS ASPHALT PAVEMENT 4,495.34 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING MCCOY/DAHL PURCHASE - , '',7 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND LABOR/RED BARN SITE 2. ,;0 SUMMIT LUMBER WOOD 97 VAIL VALLEY PLUMBING AND REPAIR LEAK/PIPING 1 , ' = .51 VALLEY GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY GAS BOTTLE 52.00 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY SNAP TIE 28.20 36,436.33 CONSTRUCTION FUND CABELL CHILDRESS ARCHITECTS ARCH SERV/014 4,076.92 CABELL CHILDRESS ARCHITECTS STATEMENT 15/ARCH. 4,076.92 CHEN NORTHERN INCORPORATED CONSTRUCTION OBS. 1 ,681 .00 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICE 365.21 JOHN D. SEIPEL CONST. CO. DIGGING GAS LINE 681 .25 PACIFIC TELECOM TELEPHONE SERVICE 952.48 SHAW CONSTRUCTION APP 07/NEW COUNTY BLDG 597,196.00 TYREE AND ASSOCIATES PROF ARCH.SERVICES 260.00 609,289.78 BOND FUND CENTRAL BANK OF DENVER MAINT FEE/ECSTRRB 250.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY DEBT SERV/INTEREST 188,236.25 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY INTEREST DUE/ECGO BOND 206,864.50 395,350.75 AIRPORT FUND AVIATION SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE LDA OUTRAGE REPAIR 4,422.14 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT 90.50 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT 90.50 CENTURY PAPERS INCORPORATED PUSH BROOMS 24.00 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY WATER/NOVEMBER 90 12.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/AIRPORT 112.65 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/AIRPORT 109.53 CROUSE-HINDS AIPORT LIGHTING PARTS/LIGHT REPAIRS 166.15 EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING AIRPORT/POSTAGE CHG 18.36 EXECUTIVE PROGRAM THE BOOKS 44.43 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FE1, TAX/AIRPORT 863.28 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HF %! TH INS/AIRPORT 1 ,017.76 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT 836.21 30� Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 3rd Day Decen berTenn, 19 90 __19_ GMCO CORPORATION AP CHIPSEAL/SOUTHSIDE 12,487.50 HOBBS EXCAVATION IRRIGATION DITCH REP. 1 ,517.50 HURD HARRY MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 13.46 ISBILL ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED AIP 13/RUNWAY 149,191 .52 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/AIRPORT 877.84 PACIFIC TELECOM 524-9452 254.23 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND LABOR/SEPTEMBER 810.00 STANDARD SIGNS INC REFLECTIVE AP PANELS 576.91 STUART PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS SECURITY TAG ID HOLDER 65.28 VISA MEALS 67.93 WESTERN MOBILE AGGREGATE SAND FOR SNOW t ' "'ROL 87.35 WRIGHT WATER ENGINEERS AIRPORT WATER 8 ' !FM 291 .65 PAYROLL FOR NOVEMBER PAYROLL # 23 & 24 7,069.28 181 ,197.96 LANDFILL FUND CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL 160.35 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL 75.21 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LANDFILL 181 .62 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LANDFILL 127.38 COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE TRAINING 12.50 DEEP ROCK WATER BOTTLED WATER 21 .00 EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING LANDFILL/POSTAGE CHG 32.04 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CREDIT UNION/LANDFILL 6.23 FIRST BANK OF EAGIE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL 1 ,346.77 FIRST BANK OF EAGIF COUNTY HEALTH INS/LANDFILL 605. 11 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL 923.85 MCGRUDER SEPTIC SERVICE SEPTIC SERVICE 30.00 MCGRUDER SEPTIC SERVICE SEPTIC SERVICE 35.00 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/RD&BR MAINT 20,634.86 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/LANDFILL 323.68 VALLEY GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY OXYGEN 24.00 PAYROLL FOR NOVEMBER PAYROLL it 23 & 24 4,377.82 28,917.42 TRANSPORTATION FUND AVON TOWN OF EC EXP/FINAL REFUND 34, 168.67 BEAVER CREEK RESORT EC EXP.FINAL REFUND 34,168.87 88,337.54 2,238,394.33 This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: • Cert of Inten+♦ Chairman Welch conti.nueed the meeting with the first item on the agenda, a to Proceed Certification of Intent to Proceed/Special :ridge Fund Account. Spec. Bridge Larry Metternick, County Engineer, explained the bridge and presented pictures of Account the bridge construction. He asked the Board sign the Certification of Intent to Proceed. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and sign the Certification of Intent to Proceed on structure Number EAG-293-01.1. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson was out of town. Ap for Trans- The next item on the agenda was an Application for Transportation, Utility System partation on and Facilities on Federal Land. Mr. Metternick explained this is a permit application Federal lands to the :LM to store materials. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and sign the application for transportation and utility systems and facilities on federal land_ Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Minutes Johnnette Phillips, Eagle County Clerk and Pecorder, presented approval of the 10/29-11/201g- minutes of October 29, 1990, November 5, 1990, November 13, 1990, November 19. 1990 and November 20, 1990. Commissioner Gates mentioned a correction in which the minutes of November 13 stated that Commissioner Gustafson movedand seconded a motion. It should reflect that Commissioner Gates moved and Commissioner Gustafson seconded. With that correction. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the minutes as presented by :yrs. Phillips. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. • • 167 • Tom :•rcwn, Engineer, brought before the Board a final sett tl=-vent a i 4 h G.A. Western Final Settlmnt for the rehabilitation of bridges on the Colorado River Peed. He n,ted the current G.A. Western time is after the published tine of 11:15 and the Enuineerinu D'eparty of has received no claims against this contractor. He recommended the Board approve final settlement for G.A. Western in the amount of $114,492.19. Mara Kleiinschmmidt, Assistant County Attorney, stated for the record that notice was published en November 15 and 22, 1990, in the Eagle Vail- , Enterprise. -Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve the ffinel t.tle'ment for 7.A_ ns= .t err of the contract with G.A. Western Construction. for the rehabilitation of Bridge ,.1 4Colorado Fiver Road/- Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commnissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Phil Scott, Engineering Technician, presented a change order for the Eagle County Strijpe Wright striping contract reducing the contract by $1,096.70. Change Order Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign change Order fl for the E23 Centerline Marking Program. This change teller deer= =ses the contract price by S1,096_70. Chairman Welch seconded the notion. Of the two voting Connissioners, the veto was declared unanimous. After review of the warrants, Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve the Bill Paying warrants as submitted for County bill paying. Chairman Welch seconded the notion. Of the two voting Connissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. ;::roam appeared and introduced the next item, a resolution regarding the Res 90-122 reduction in collateral for Elliott Ranch PUD. He stated the Engineering nepartnent Elliot Ranch inspected and is recommending a redaction in collateral. Collateral Ms_ Kleinschmidt explained the work that is completed and the portion of the collateral attributable to the work. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and adopt Resolution 9D-122 authorizing a reduction in collateral in the amount of 52,000 for Elliott Ranch PUD, and release in the assionnent and pledge of account at FirstBank of Vail. Chairman Wel7k seconded the notion. Of the two voting Commissioners_ the vera was declared unanimous._ Janes Fritze, County Manager, presented and reviewed a copy of a Cooperative Coop. Extension Extension of Memorandum of Understanding. Memo of Under- Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and sign the standing Cooperative Extension Memorandum of Understanding. Chairman Welch seconded the notion. Of the two voting nomnissionots, the vote was declared unanimmous. The next item was the Skv ,gee Six Area Agency cm Aging Notification of Grant Award Skyline 6 Area and Certification regarding abbying. Ms. Kleinschnidt reviewed the award and told Grant Award the Board she recommmende.• ape al Ceninissioner Gates nosed the Board of County Commissioners approve awl the Chairman be authorized to sign the Skyline Six Area on Aging Notification of Grant Award for Older Americans Act Title II/ Funds and tate Certification for Contracts, Grants, Loans and Cooperative Agreements. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Kleinschmidt presented the next item, a r•egoest to extend the sr), for the Chaveno SIA Chaveno Subdivision, and reviewed the existing ',IA. She stated th i• property was Extension purchased by the Kensington Land Development Company, and Kensington does not intend to develop this property and not complete the improvements at this time. She stated the request is to extend the SIA to December 1991. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Amendment to the Subdivision Improvements Agreement to the Chaveno Subdivision to December 1, 1994, with the understanding there is a plat restriction that allows no building permits to be issued. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mike Bradley, Building and Grounds Supervisor, presented Change Order ik3 on the C.O. to Earle County Administration Building, in the amount of 57.162. The original contract Admin Bldg. ascent is 55,324_SOS_ He explained the various items that have been changed. Comnissioner Gates moved to approve Change Order *3 for the County Administration Building in the amount of $1,162. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Gerry :est. Building Inspector, presented a letter to ,:,eaver Creek Metropolitan B/C Fire District_ which terminates the intergovernmental agreement providing fire inspection. Inspection Commissioner Gates moved the Board. terminate the intergorernnm-. --tal agreement )P Eo. Terminated Inn-_•0n-29 with Beaver Creek Metropolitan District which providm= for certain fire inspection services on behalf of the county. He further nosed to authorize the Chairman to sign the letter giving notice of said termination. Chairman Welch seconded the notion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was dsolared unanimous. • 3s • • Terrill Knight, Knight Planning Services, presented the next item, a building permit for The Gas ►rouse with regards to a nonconforming use on an existing lot. He Gas House told the ;:oard a variance was granted in 1988 for a .setback and subsequent property Hon-Conforming owners asked that the lot line be vacated. •a continued with other variances, utility Use ccaepenies easements and a survey has been done. He stated the applicant wants to move forward with the building. He stated the applicant expects to have a plat within one week. Clay Trans, applicant, explained that he believed the resolution made the lot line vacation_ a requested to continue work. iniscussion was held on the guarantee that the lot line will be vacated. Hr. Irons agreed to post a bond by December 5, 1990, present a Letter of Credit or a Certificate of Deposit to the County. Chairman welch stated the building permit will be reissued as soon an a document is submitted with the same amount as the amount of the security. The vacation of the lot line will occur between today and on Tuesday of the second week in January, 1991, and no Certificate of Occupancy will be issued until the lot line is vacated. Cannissiarner Gates moved on the =Gas ouse, that nr Certificate of Occupancy will t'e issued until the lot line has been vacated, and a letter of Credit, ,r some other acceptable fornn of security, is posted in the amount cf S24,00,0, by January S,, 1991. Chairman Welch seconded the notion. Of the two rating Commissioners. the vote was declare al unanimous. Mr. Brown presented a request for acceptance of improvements at Soderberg Filing Res 30-132 1x1. Re explained the improvements completed and recommended the Board accept them to Soderberg start the 2 year warranty period and not reduce the collateral which new stands at i ,1 Z''.'$0. 12s_ Kleinschmidt stated the applicant was notified of this hea_iag and they were .aware of their right to be present. The County Attorney's office recommended approval. Commissioner Gates moved the Board adopt Resolution 90-123 finding that the landscaping improvements are complete, and retaining the present collateral for the two-year warranty period for Soderberg Subdivision Filing 3. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Cf the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to December 10, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 1111 1 31J December 10, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George 'Bud" Gates Commissioner James Fritze County Manager John vette Phillips Clerks to the Board Absent: Dick Gustafson Commissioner This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brouc'14 before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Welcu opened the greeting as the ;:o•ard of County Commissioners. Cola Mental Mary Roza appeared to discuss Colorado West mente n health offAce and asked to retain the present library space for the Mental Health Office when the library is Health Office ar c*ed. She believes that Colorado West should find a spare. The Eaard agreed to consider this request and get back to Mrs. Roza. The next item was a petition for abatement for Avon Metropolitan District. Norm Wood, representing Avon Metropolitan District, explained the petition fur Abatement: abatement and quit claim deeds. Avon Metro Jody Caruthers, -ounty Assessor, told the Board on Schedule *23192, *22027, and District *.234? a deed has beer filed and recommended approval as follows: Pr1heyule *73752 - $251.'6 , Schedule *72(127 - $711.93, .S7hed*ale *22245 - e?5-rn.213' Commissioner Gates moved to approve the petition for abatement frr Avon Metropolitan District for schedule numbers as presented by Ms. Caruthers. Chairman Welch seconded the motion_ Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson was out of town for this hearing. The next --tition for abatement was for Marcella J. Carter, Schedule 31113. She recommended approval as additional acreage was erroneously included. The abatement is Abatement: in the amount of $6815.9!6. Carter. M. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the abatement of taxes for Marcella 0_ Carter, Schedule *31113, in the amount of $885.96. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented the next item for abatement for C. Phillip Smiley, Abatement Schedule *28825. She recommended approval of the abatement for 1988 and 1989 as it isSmilAbateg, C.P. an erroneous assessment- incorrect square footage. The abatement for 1988 is in the amount of $2.346.58, and for 1989 in the amount of $2,364.73_ Commissioner Gates moved to approve the petition for abatement of C_ Phillip Smiley for abatement of taxes for Schedule *28825 for 1988 .am-/ 1989, in the amounts of 52,346.58 and $2,361.73 respectively. Chairman Welch seconded the notion. Cif the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. MS. Caruthers presented a petition for abatement of Bighorn Partnership, Schedule *1:994. She recommended partial approval as the agreement between the Town of Tail Abatement: and Bighorn Partnership restricted the use of the property to rental of not less than Bighorn 30 dayperiods resulting in classification change from commercial to re.sid-*nt.ial. The Partnership amounts to abate for 1988 is $5,957.22 and 1989 is $5,927.90. Commissioner Gates moved on Schedule w12994, Bighorn Lodge Partarnrshit. dine to an error in the classification, to approve the abatement for the taxable year 1988 in the amount of $5,957.22, and 1989 in the amount of $5,927.90. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Ms_ Caruthers stated the Town of Avon has filed a deed dated September- 9, 1988 for Tracts A. D, E. F, G, H, I, K, L, N, P, Q and P of Wildridge Subdivision, and filed Abatement abatements on those tracts asking for the exempt status from that date. She Town rf Avon recommended approval on Schedule *23338 (Tract A) in the amount of 1117.57 for 1988, and 1989 for $745.59; Schedule *22037 (Tract P) in the amount of $52_57 for 1988, and 51,988.91 for 1989; Schedule *23342 (Tract 0) in the amount of $30.82 for 1998 and $905.13 for 1989; Schedule *23343 (Tract 81 in the amount of $315.83 for 1988 and 52.649_71: Schedule *23344 (Tract F) in the amount of 5106.57 for 1988 and $447.01 for 1999: Schedule *23345 (Tract G) in the amount of $35.24 for 1988 and $147.97 for 1989; Schedule *23316 (Tract H) in the amount of $2.04 for 1988 and 8997.45 for 1989; schedule *23353 (Tract dl) in the amount of $2.04 for 19:8 and $934.29 for 1989; Schedule *233471 (Tract I) in the amount of $2.04 for 1988 and 8496.59 for 1989; Schedule *27149 (Tract K) in the amount of $1,478.91 for 1998 and $12.406.97 for 1989; Schedule ?23391 (Tract L) in the amount of $330.91 for 1988 and $2.775.25 for 1989; Schedule *32986 (Tract Q) in the amount of $17.32 for 1988 and $743.59 for 1989; Schedule *32987 (Tract P) in the amount of $36.27 for 1988 and $152.15 for 1989. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the petition for abatement for the Town of Avon for Schedule Numbers as presented by Ms. Caruthers. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners. the vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented a petition for abatement for Schedule 601940 Hollingsworth AbatementValentine, et al. She recommended denial of this petition as the value is equitable to area properties. Hollingsworth Commissioner Gates moved to deny the petition for abatement on Schedule *601940 as the property is consistent with other properties. Chairman Welch seconded the motion_ Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. • • 36 • DAs. Caruthers presented a petition for abatement from Valley Recreation and Atabenent Parking Assoc. . Schedule *653 and #8699 as there was an error in classification. She Valley Rec. recommended approval as requested as they meet State requirements of CPS 39-09-113. & Parking Connmissioner Gates moved to approve the petition for abatement for Valley Recreation and Parking Assoc.., on Schedule *8699 in the amount of $553.67 for 1988 and 1989, and on Schedule *86.53 in the amount of $12,055.65 for 1988 and 1989, as recommended by the County Assessor. Chairman Welch seconded the notion. of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Ms_ Caruthers presented a petition for abatement for Richard Pyritz, Jr., Schedule Abatement *9072. She stated there was an error in square footage and recommended approval of Pyritz, R. the petition. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the petition for abatement for Schedule ik9872 in the amount of $1,134.16 for the year 1998, and 51,348.42 for the year 1989. Counissioner Gates moved to approve the petition for abatement for Schedule *9872, Richard Fyritz, Jr. , for the year 1989 in the amount of 51,1.34.16, and for the year 1989 in the amount of S1,348.42. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. sof the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. After reviewing the bills as submitted for bill paying, Commissioner Gates moved Bill Paying to approve the warrants for bill paying Eagle County and Social Services, and for pail oll f-?r December 13, 1990 after review by the County Manager. Chairnan Welch seconded the motion_ Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, presented a proposed resolution regarding the Leto Pes 90-124 Minor :Subdivision. He stated that on November 13, 1990, Mr. Leto was nailed a letter Leto Subdiv. renindinng bin that his SIA and Letter of Credit is due to expire on Decenber 12. Mr. Lundahl told the Board that Mr. Leto wanted to extend the SIA and Letter of Credit . He advised the Board that today was the deadline to extend this and Ms. Lindahl has not been contacted by Mr. Leto. Tom grown_ Engineer, explained the location of the subdivision and that the improvements are collateralized. He told the Board the work that is remaining. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-124 authorizing the drawing of collateral for Leto Minor Subdivision and appointing attorneys in fact relative thereto. Chairman Welch seconded the notion. Of the two voting Commissioners. the vote was declared unanimous. Mara Kleinschmidt, Assistant County Attorney, explained the proposed resolution Res 90-125 regarding adopting bylaws for Emergency Medical Council and authorizes acceptance of BMS Bylaws EMS County Subsidy bands, and reappoints members to the Eagle County Emergency Medical Ser:-ices Council. She asked that the Eagle County representative be designated. The Board determined to designate James Fritze as the Eagle County represent.ative. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-125 concerning Emergency Medical Services in Eagle County, approving and adopting revised by-laws, authorizing acceptance of EMS County Subsidy Funds, and appointing members to the Eagle County EMS Council, and James Fritze will be the Eagle County representative. chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Phil Scott, Engineering Technician, presented the final settlement of the contract Strijpe Wright with Strijpe Wright Co. Final Settlmnt Ms. Kleinschmidt advised the County Attorney's office has not received a claim against this and the current time is past the advertised time for hearing. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve final settlement of the July 2, 1990, contract with Strijpe Wright, for Eagle County 1990 Centerline Marking Program. Chairman Welch seconded the notion_ Of the two voting Coiomissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. James Fritze, County Manager, presented a contract from Chen Northern for soils Contract testing at the landfill. The contract is on a per hour basis. Chen Northern Commissioner Gates moved to approve the contract with Chen Northern for soils testing at the landfill. Chairman welch seconded the motion. of the two voting Commissioners,, the vote was declared unanimous_ Dan Reynolds, Director of Transportation, appeared with an assignment and bill of Crich Hangar sale for the Crick •.angar in the amount of $42,500, plus back taxes in excess of Purchase 56,000 which is approximately $131. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and the Chairman execute the assignment and bill of sale for purchase of the Crick Hangar by the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Chairman welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Allen Sartin, Director of Budget and Information System, brought before the Board a proposed resolution adopting an amended budget and appropriation for Fiscal Tear Res 90-126 1990. He explained the resolution. 90 FY Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and adopt Resolution 90-12S, adopting Amended Budget an amended budget and appropriation for Fiscal Year 1990, and authorizing transfer of budgeted monies between various spending agencies. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. • • Ms. Kleinschmidt tol,r the Board this is primarily a work session for the E-911 E-911 Surcharge Authority Board and the :oard may choose to set a s : rharge for 911 on the telephone bills. She mentioned various entities being excluded atom the 1111 service area. • A .J. Johnson, Eagle County Sheriff, told the Boae4 the surcharge sh'uld be from 50-70 cents, and that 55 cents would be a workable amount. The Board determined fro cents would assure the start up the 911 system. Commissioner Gates mol,- to set the E-911 surcharge at 60 cents. Chairman Welch secoe ' • the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Fritze presented a proposed resolution setting the mill levy for the Pull Res 90-127 fiscal year. 1991 Mill Levy Mr. Sartin reviewed the total valuation as being S604_774,700 and the total levy is 10.414 and this mill levy does not include the library. The mill levy for the Administration Building is .584. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve am-1 adopt Resolution 90-127 setting the Eagle County Mill Levy for 1991 at 10.416_ tbairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Comm" sioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, th. , i eeti,Tu was adjourned to Dece 'r 11, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 1111 3 ►) December 11, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman Nevin Lindahl County Attorney George "Bud" Gates Commissioner James Fritze County Manager Keith Montag Dir. Comm Dev Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Paul Clarkson Planner Ray Merry Env. Health Officer Absent: Dick Gustafson Commissioner This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Welch opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, Holy Cross Holy Cross Electric Association, File ZS-301-90. SUP Paul Clarkson, Planner, reviewed the requested special use permit, project ZS-301-90 description, major concerns and issues, master plan designation, Staff findings. He stated Staff recommended the Environmental Impact Statement be waived. Staff also recommended approval with the following conditions: 1. The applicant satisfied a $1,000 contribution as agreed to by the EDW for a winter range enhance„„ent project on nearby BLM land. a The soil material removed from the substation site be used in a landscaped berm at least E feet high along the applicant's front property line with particular attent inn paid to the line of sight due south of the airport entrance read. 3. The slash from the site is to be mulched and delivered to Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District for incorporation into their sludge composting process, or used beneficially on the site. 4. The soil sterilization of the site be limited to the use of the product Ry=car x in conjunction with spot treatment. of OUST. The use of any additional '"burn hack” oxidizers will not be allowed. 5. The issuance of the permit is conditional upon receipt of a written favorable response from the FAA Northwest Mountain Regional Office. The Eagle and Colorado Valley Planning Commission recommended approval with the same conditions. Richard Brinkley, representative of Holy Cress Electric Assoc. , made a presentation regarding the a. •licatien. He pointed out on a map the location of the prepared substation. He explained how the system will work and the need for the Conley Mesa Substation. The Board asked questions about the power lines and the size of the substation. John Spangler, Holy Cross representative, explained the layout of the substation, the height of the poles and the location of the transmission lines. Discussion en the construction of the substation and soil sterilization was held. James Fritze, County Manager, asked about power lines conflicting with National Grard helicopters and if the power lines are marked. Mr. Spangler said the site was used for visual aid for the airport location. There was discussion on putting red lights on the tallest poles. Mr. Fritze asked if the electromagnetic field wenld affect airline navigation systems. Mr. Brinkley explained if there is a conflict. Hely Cross must remove or change frequencies. Chairman Welch asked for a letter from the FAA asking that questions be answered by airlines and National Guard if the electromagnetic field impacts any of the entities. He asked the applicant seek confirmation from these entities. The Board determined to table this file. Mr. :rinkley commented on the berm and gave the Board the applicant's intent of construction of the berm. Commissioner Gates moved to table File ZS-301-90. Cooley Mesa Substation to January 15, 1990 at 9:00 a.m. Chairman welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Keith Montag presented a final plat for File SM-695-90, Eagle/Vail, Lot 59. Block Final Plat 1. ..e advised this has been reviewed and signed by all appropriate agencies. E/V Leat 59 Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat of the resubdivision of Lot 59, aleck 1, Eagle/Vail. Filing *2. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners. the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Montag presented a final plat for a Type B Minor Subdivision for Lot 14, Block Final Plat 1, ,.erry Creek Ranco , Filing #`4. He advised this has been reviewed and signed by all Berry Creek appropriate agencies. Lot 14 C nmissionner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat for Let li. Block 1, Berry Creek Ranch, Filing *4, File SW-696-90. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting 'Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Montag presented a final plat for a Type B Minor Subdivision, Creamery Creek, Final Plat Phase III, File SM-691-90. He advised this has been reviewed and signed by all Creamery Creek appropriate agencies. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the fiscal plat for File SM-691-90, Creamery Creek, Phase III. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. • • -3, u Ms_ Montag presented a final plat for the Second Amendment to the Enclave and the Final Plat Second Amendment to the Beaver Creek Subdivision 7th Filing, Enclave at a Type Minor Beaver Creek Subdivision_ Be advised this has been reviewed and signed by all appropriate agencies. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat for File SH1-691-90, The Enclave and Beaver Creek Subdivision. Chairman Welch seconded the notion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the v. was declared unanimous_ Mr. Montag presented a final plat for File SM-7O3-90, Berry CreeP, Lot 3!, Block Final Plat 1, Filing ti. He advised this has been reviewed and signed by all appropriate Berry Creek agencies. Lot 38 Commissioner Gates n.,v'ed to authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat for a resubdivision of Lot 38, ;dock 1, Berry Creek ;eanch, Filing _ Chairman Welch seconded the notion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous_ There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to December 17, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 4 313 December 17, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: George "Bud" Gates Connissioner Kevin Lindahl County Attorney Dick Gustafson Commissioner dames Fritze County Manager Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Absent: Don Welch Chairman This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items mere brought before the Board for theirconsideration: Chairman Pro-ten Gates opened the meeting as the Eagle County Local Liquor ticensirng Authority. Chairman Welch is in Pnne.sia with the Vail hockey team. The first item on the agenda was a liquor license for Jet Center Cafe, Inc. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, introduced this application for a tavern license Liq. Lie. tiled by the Jet Center Cafe, Inc. , at the Eagle County Pegiomal Ain-port. He stated Jet Center the applicant has filed the required application and he should at this time present Cafe, Inc. evidence as to the neighborhood. Tin Eelly, applicant, was sworn to testify by Jehnnette Phillips, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. He explained bow the application area will be controlled_ He was gnnestioned Mr. Kelly regarding the neighborhood_ C uimissienner Gustafson moved the neignborhood be defined as the Eagle County Regional Airport and the surrounding area. C'hairian Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two vrt.ing Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Kelly expressed reasons for the need for a liquor license at the airport as there are nee adjoining facilities at the airport. He added the service would enhance the airport terminal and provide passengers with refreshments. Phyllis Kelly, applicant, told the Board the reason she believes there is a need far a tavern license at the airport. Mr. Lindahl stated on the individual history records of Ms. Kelly and there were no records found. He further stated that on Mr. Kelly's application there were two drinking and driving incidents. Hr. Kelly explained the DUI cases and courses he has taken to rectify the problem. Mr. Lindahl stated the lease is in order and all documents submitted with the application appear to be in order. He recommended approval. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the new application for a tavern license for the Jet Center Cafe, Inc., located at the Eagle County Regional Airport, 0971 Cooley Mesa Road, Gypsum, Colorado. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the -,rote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented the next item, a hotel and restaurant liquor license with Liq. Lie. extended hours for Robert T. Prigmore dba Legends Restaurant. He advised the Board he Legends has reviewed the application and it appears to be in order. Re stated the Sheriff reported they were a victim of theft but otherwise there was no contact with this establishment. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal of a hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for Robert T. Prigmore, dba Legends Restaurant located at 76 Avondale Lane, Beaver Creek, Colorado. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Coemissicners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners_ Chairanan Pro-term Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. After review of the warrants, Commissioner Gustafson nosed to approve the warrants Warrants and ='s submitted, and approve the payroll for December 27, 1990, subject to the approval Payroll of the County Manager. chairman Pro-ten Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Larry Cleaver, Senior Accountant, presented the Certification of Mill Levies and Certification Revenues for the Board's review_ of Mill Levies Discussion followed on the certification as the Board reviewed it. Commissioner Gustafson pointed out the Town of Avon mill levy is 25.53 which is. alnos.t 2.5 to 3 times as the County's. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the Certification of Levies and Revenues by the CountyCommissioners of all of the special districts, including the County, school districts, all County funds, the Towns of Avon, Minturn, Vail, Basalt, Eagle, Gypsum, and Red Cliff, local improvements service districts which have been submitted by the different districts. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. The next item was petitions for abatements presented by Jody Caruthers, County Assessor. Ms. Caruthers presented the first petition by Eagle County LandConservancy, Schedule *26221 and *26222, and J.R. Allen. Schedule *26773. She recommender' approval due t•o an erroneous assessment and should be agricoll' nral status and .statement on schedule 126221 in the amount of 5796.08 for 1989. od for 198"• -1 the amonont of 51,222.10; and on Schedule *26222 in the amount of Oc.2.5. ' " for 1998. 3 in the amount cf $1,129.08 for 1989_ She recommended approval of the petition on ° ' =11114. i,11F-"3 in the amount of 11,040.11 for 19E6, and f ' 1989 in the .amount of $408.33. Comnissi•--ner Gustafson moved to app love the petitions - abatement as reccmnended and outlined by Ms. Caruthers. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the t. voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented the next petition for abatement from Two Elk Estates Honreewners Association, Schedule *6276. She recommended approval as this is an erroneous assessment as the parcel was dedicated as roadway. She stated the parcel did not meet criteria for a homeowners association until October, 1990_ She recommended this be abated for 1988 in the amount of $253.70 and for "?89 in the amount of 6407.49. Commissioner Gustafson moved on Two Elks Estate Homeowners Associa" Schedule 927/6, to approve taxes for 1988 in the amount of $253.70 and 1989 in count of S407.4?, as recocii ended by the Assessor. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. The next petition for abatement was from Richard and Linda Glover. ears. Caruthers reoemmended approval as an incorre'" square footage was used due to ric.al error. The abated taxes she recommended for 88 was in the amount of $273.42 a,- for 1989 in the amount of $278.37. Commissioner Gustafson moved on the petition for abatement from Richard and Linda Glover, Schedule *16877, to approve abatement in the amount of $273.42 and $278.37 for 1988 and 1989 respectively. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vete was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented a petition for abatement, Schedule *25027, Davin: Dean Dunn. She recommended approval a= this was an erroneous assessment_ The amount approved for .abatement is $592.22 for r " '9. Commissioner Gustafsoo moved to approve the petition for abatement on Schedule =25027 in the amount of $5" 22 for 1989. Chairman Pro-tem Ga?< , seconded the motion_ Of tt.- 'wo voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Any Miswanger, Director of the Lith' :•ry, appeared with a resolution approving the 1991 fiscal budget and mill levy for Public Library Fund. She stated the amount proposed is $346,636 or .934 mills. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board approve and adopt Resolution 90-12" approving the budget and mill levy for the fiscal year 1991, for the Public Library Fund. The budget amount is $346,636 and the mill levy is _934_ Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mara Kleinschmidt, Assistant County Attorney, presented an intergovernmental agreement for snow and ice removal for a portion of West Vail which is located in Eagle County. . Den Fessler, Road and Bridge Supervisor, explained the fee is about 5 higher this Year than the last agreement, hut it is still cheaper than the county can provide. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement with the Town of Vail for snow and ice removal services within the unincorporated areas of West Vail. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Kleinschmidt presented a proposed resolution establishing new rates for the Eagle County Landfill. Mr_ Fessler explained the increase will cover recycling costs and the letter of notification will be mailed to all users. He told the Board all entities have been notified. Discussion was held on the increase of fees. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve and adept Resolution 90-129 establishing new rates for the Eagle County Landfill to go into effect January 1, 1991. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vete was declared unanimous. Tom Solaxetz, Assistant Supervisor for Buildings and Grounds, appeared to discuss a lease of the Fairgrounds property to Metcalf Archaeological Consultants. He explained a negotiation with Mr. Metcalf $75.00 per month for the lease of a trailer space at the Fairgrounds. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the three year lease of 0.176 acres at the Fairgrounds to Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, Inc. for $75.00 per month. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. .31-\ Bruce Matherly, Planning Commission member, asked if the expansion would affect the high quality standards of the District_ He stated he believes the Mid-valley and Basalt District should give some consideration to the formation of one entity. Discussion was held regarding the formation of one district_ Gary Ross, Planning Comon. Kion member, spoke regarding the expansion of the Mid-Valley District, Sepsis Sub- . ._ision and the Basalt Sanitation District. Linda Johnson, Planning CAnniss^ member, asked about utrification with regards to the Roaring Fork River. Mr. McLaughlin stated the most critical was ammonia concentration for fish. Mr. Fox announced that testimony was presented today, and, typically, the Planning Commission would deliberate during a regular planning commission meeting and make their recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gustafson moved to have the Planning Commission convene for deliberation and contact the Board when their deliberation is complete. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Conmis.si = rs, the vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Fox called the Roaring Fork valley Planning Commission into session for Planning Comm. deliberation on File 1041-910-90, Basalt Sanitation District_ Deliberation The Board of County Commissioners reconvened after the Planning Commission Basalt San. adjourned. District Mr_ Fox told the Board the Planning Commission recomnended approval with conditions. Be reviewed the recommendations and findings of the Planning Commission. Discussion was held on Mid-Valley District being the lead entity waste water treatment. The Board determined to take this under advisement and hold a meeting after January 1, 1991 to discuss this. Commissioner Gustafson reviewed the criteria for approval of the permit application, reviewing each point and comments. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the 11:)11 permit for Basalt Sanitation District incorporating Staff's findings. Chairman Pro-ten Gates seconded the notion_ Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve File ZS-302-90, Basalt Sanitation ristrict Special Use Permit incorporating the Staff"s findings with regard to Section 2.09.04, a-g. Chairman Pro-ten Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous_ There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 4110 411 L56 Jim Scholer, Director of Social Services, brought before the Board the State Merit Soc. Services Salary Plan and discussed with the Board the 2.5% increase for longevity and changed Salary Plan it to up to 5% merit increase. He presented a resolution to cancel some warrants that were voided and replacements. The :pard reviewed and signed the warrants to be cancelled. There being no further business to be °:aught before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to December 18, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 110 ji4 December 18, 1990 PUBLIC HRARIHG Present: George "Bud' Gates Commissioner Kevin Lindahl County Attorney Dick Gustafson Commissioner Jaen: Fritze County Manager Keith Montag Dir Comm Dev Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Tom Brown Engineer Absent: Don Welch Chairman This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Pro-tem Gates opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, Amer. Global Global American Sites, File ZS-298-90. ZS-298-90 Keith Montag, Director of Community ievelopmennt told the Beard the applicant has requested this file be tabled to January 15.. 1991 at 9. 30 p.m. Ron Crider, applicant, explained he was ready to :proceed but he preferred to have all Board members present. Commissioner Gustafson moved to table File ZS-298-90, Global American Si4-.s, to January 15, 1991 at 9:30 a.m. , at the applicant's request. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Welch was tart of town. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, presented the next item, a proposed resolution Res 90-130 granting power of attorney to draw on three Letters of Credit on Colorow Subdivision. Colorow Sub He reviewed the resolution for the Board. He advised the Board that Colorow was Collateral working diligently to pay bills but as the Board woeeld not be meeting for two weeks, he believed authorization should be gives to draw on the Letters of Credit_ Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board epprooe and adopt Resolution 90-130 aoths rizing the drawing on letters of credit provided by Timon Company and Gerald Rea, ie new collateral is not provided by December 21; and further that Mara Fleinscheidt. Fez in Lindahl, and Paula Warzon be each appointed attorney-in-fact for the purposes of drawing on said letters of credit. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting CominIssioners, the vote was declared unanimous_ Mr. Lindahl presented a proposed resolution to determine County office hours, pis 90-131 legal holidays and meeting days for 1991. 1991 Business Johnnette Phillips, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, brc-ooht up the Clerk's office fours closing at 4:30 in order to do computer backups and report_ The Board concurred to aliew after the opening of the satellite *'Tice in Avon. Commissioner Gustafson waved to approve and adopt Re,- 'ion 9T ' 7l designating meetings, office hours and legal holidays for Fiscal Year 1991 -hanging the Clerk's hours at the time the satellite office in Avon is opened for a s_ Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion_ Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. The next item was a work session with Tom Brown, Keith Montag, Mara Kleinschmidt, Dick Gustafson and George ':sed"' Gates. Commissioner Gustafson retroed to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Board of HeAl th. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Ray Merry, Environmental Health Officer, asked the Board to approve wood burning Board of policy reviewed in a work session earlier in the day. Health Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve and adopt the Eagle County wood burning policy. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to adjourn as the Board of Health and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Sid Fox, Planner, opened the afternoon meeting with the Basalt Sanitation Basalt San Dist District, File 1041-010-90. Roaring Fork Valley Planning Commission present were: 1041-010-90 Linda Johns^ , Gary Ross, David Slemon, and Bruce Matherly. Mr. Fox reviewed the project description, existing capacity, proposed capacity, the potential capacity and propose:? improvements of the project. The Board asked questions on flood protection. Jerry Lastrange, Massager of the Town of Basalt, explained the drop structures and success of the function of the structures. Mr. Fox continued with the major concerns and issues and the proposed findings. !e stated Staff recommended approval. He reviewed the companion file, File ZS-302-90, Basalt Sanitation District Special Use Permit. Mr. LaStrange gave reasons for plant expansion and requested the Board approve this file to allow the Town of Basalt to move forward with the expansion. Pion McL—rhlin spoke regarding the cost to connect with Mid-Valley Sanitation District an ' ated he believes that it is not cost effective at this time. i RECEIVED ave NOV 27 1990 October 29, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING EAGLE COUNTY OMM Present: Don Welch Chairman Mara Kleinschmidt AsstCCou tyIAt orneyOPM ENT George "Bud'" Gates Commissioner Janes Fritze County Manager Dick Gustafson Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Pro-tem Gates opened the meeting as Chairman Welch had not arrived. Res 90-103 James Fritze, County Manager, presented a proposed resolution endorsing a valley Valley Wide wide light rail system_ He explained the resolution and discussion was held_ Light Rail Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners adopt Resolution 90-103 endorsing a valley wide light rail system_ Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion_ Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Welch had not yet arrived. Mara Eleinschmidt, Assistant County Attorney, presented the next item, the 1990-91 Maternity Colorado Indigent Care Program for Community Maternity Program Home Health Agency Program for Contract. she explained the contract and answered questions regarding the contract. 1990-91 Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Colorado Indigent Care Program Community Maternity Program Home Health Agency Contract between the County of Eagle, State of Colorado and the Regents of the University of Colorado, for and on behalf of the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Welch appeared and resumed the Chair of the Board. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Kleinschmidt explained the first liquor license request, an application by Lig Lic Paddy's to modify the premises. Paddy's John Nichols, applicant, explained the addition to the existing space and discussed an arcade for children and the area for adults. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the modification of premises license for EaglefVail Restaurant Group, Ltd., dba Paddy's located at 40801 Highway 6, Avon, Colorado. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion_ The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion_ The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve the warrants for bill paying. Bill Paying Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion_ The vote was declared unanimous. and Payroll. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the payroll for November 1, 1990, subject to the review by the County Manager. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Welch reconvened as the Board of Health after the lunch break. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Board of Health. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Marge Gates, Director of Nursing Services, appeared to discuss some of the Board of Health programs in which the Health Department is involved. Jim Scholer, Director of Social Services, commented on the prenatal care programs. Commissioner Gustafson moved to adjourn as the Board of Health and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion_ The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. sleinschmidt presented a resolution regarding the Cordillera Sketch Plan Res 90-104 approval. File PD-293-90S. She reviewed the resolution. Cordillera Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-104 in the matter of the request for approval of the Planned Unit Development Sketch Plan for Cordillera, File PD-293-90S. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of two to one with Chairman Welch voting against the resolution. Chairman Welch pointed out that he was signing this resolution to confirm the no vote. Mr. Fritze presented an agreement between the White River National Forest, Avon Agreement Peaver CreekResort Association, Vail Resort Association, Town of Mintnrn, Town of White River Avon, Town of Vail .and Eagle County for the visitor's center at Dowd Junction. He Hata Park reviewed the agreement. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement as presented by Mr. Fritze. Chairman Welch seconded the motion_ Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson bad left the meeting. 1111 • c2 Commissioner Gates moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the final Final Plat plat for File SB-691-90, Berry Creek Ranch Lot 8. Berry Creek Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was Ranch Lot 8 declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to November 5, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman . 410 October 23, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: George 'Bud` Gates Commissioner Kevin Lindahl County Attorney Dick Gustafson Commissioner James Fritze County Manager Sid Fox Planner Ray Merry Env. Health Officer Keith Montag Dir Comm Dev Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Absent Don Welch Chairman This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Pro-tem Gates opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, File PD-68-90-A2 PD-68-90-A2, Vail Bible Church. Vail Bible • Keith Montag, Director of Community Development, explained the amendment to the Church PUD. He elaborated on the proposed uses, parking area and discussed the existing zoning. He stated this was previously approved on February 13, 1990 and needs to be clarified as use by right to allow day care and a book store. He reviewed the issues and staff findings. Discussion was held on accell/decell lanes. Hr. Montag stated the Planning Coanissian recommended approval with conditions. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve File PD-68-90-A2, Vail Bible Church, use by right and amendment to the PUD as recommended by Staff and the Planning Commission and incorporate Staff's findings, and incorporate the recommendations of the Planning Commission. He further moved to limit fireplaces to gas fireplaces. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Welch was not present for this meeting. Tom Brown, Engineer, presented File G-63-90, Trout Court in the Eagle/Vail PUD. G-63-90 He pointed out on a map the location of the vacation and surrounding properties. He Trout Court stated there are no major concerns. He and the Planning Commission recommended approval with the following conditions: 1. All appropriate easements be identified and maintained. 2. Incorporate comments from referral agencies. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve File G-63-90, Trout Court, a right-of-way vacation, incorporating the conditions. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Sid Fox, Planner, presented File 1041-010-90. Basalt Sanitation District, a 1041-010-90 completeness hearing. Staff recommended the Board find this application complete. Basalt San. Commissioner Gustafson moved on File 1041-010-90, Basalt Sanitation District, to District find the application complete. Chairman Pro-ten Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Fox presented File 1041-011-90, Spring Creek, and stated the Board found the 1041-011-90 application last week. He advised he has received a petition for waiver of the Spring Creek Special Use Permit for the Spring Creek Water Supply System. He told the Board the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District has applied for a permit under Sections 6.03, t.04 and 6.05 of the Eagle County Land Use Code. Hr. Fox explained the permits are redundant. Staff recommended the Special Use Permit process be waived. Discussion followed on waiving the Special Use Permit and determined the waiver was an acceptable procedure after certain criteria is met. Commissioner Gustafson moved on File 1041-011-90, Spring Creek, the Board of County Commissioners waive the Special Use Permit. Chairman Pro-ten Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Keith Montag, Director of Community Development, presented final plats for the Final Plat Boards approval and signature. The first plat was Basalt Industrial Park, File SU-190-90-AF2 SU-190-90-AF2. He advised this has been reviewed and signed by all appropriate agencies. Commissioner Gustafson moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat that combine Lots 31, 32 and 31 into Lot 31, Basalt Industrial Park Filing *2. Chairman Pro-ten Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Montag presented a final.plat for the Board's signature, Lot 13, The Homestead Final Plat Filing *3. He advised this has been reviewed and signed by all appropriate agencies. Homestead Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Lot 13 final plat of the resubdivision of Lot 13, Filing *3 The Homestead. Chairman Pro-ten Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Chairman Pro-ten Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mara Kleinschmidt, Assistant County Attorney, presented a new application for a Liq Lic hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for Scott Hill Associates, Camberly Club Ltd., dba The Camberly Club Hotel located at 141 Scott Hill Road, Beaver Creek, Colorado. Art Abplanalp, attorney representing applicants, explained the application for the Board. r • Jim Potter, applicant, was sworn to testify by Jobnnette Phillips, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Hr. Abplanalp explained the neighborhood for the Board as being east of Wolcott and primarily Beaver Creek PUD. Commissioner Gustafson moved to establish the neighborhood as being specifically the Beaver Creek PUD and the entire market area of eastern Eagle County_ Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Potter answered questions posed by Mr. Abplanalp regarding the need for the establishment, location, structure of Scot Bill Associates, Ltd. He mentioned the petition presented stating the need for the establishment, the location of the nearest school, management and training. The Board asked questions about the petition. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the new hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for Scott Hill Associates, Ltd., dba The Caaberly Club Hotel located at 141 Scott Hill Road, Beaver Creek, Colorado. Chairman Pro-tea Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to October 29, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 1110 4110 • QI 1 October 22, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: George 'Bud' Gates Commissioner Kevin Lindahl County Attorney Dick Gustafson Commissioner Pat Magdziuk Dep. Clerk to the Board Absent: Don Welch Chairman This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Pro-tem Gates opened the meetingwith the first item on the agenda, Acceptance of Pe County roads acceptance of roads into the County road system. Tom Brown, Engineer, discussed the roads and asked they be accepted into the County road system to be eligible for state funds. Discussion followed on the roads and the amount of maintenance the County will provide. Further discussion was held on Proposition one affecting various County services. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, stated the degree of maintenance the County will provide is at the discretion of the Board. Mr. Brown stated the HUF funds available to the County would be affected by the degree of maintenance provided. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board accept the following roads into the County road system for maintenance and authorize the County Attorney to prepare a resolution and to authorize the Chairman to sign that resolution: Vermont Court, Mountain View Read, Green Mountain Road, Parkside Lane, Summit Drive, Mosher Lane, Eaton Lane, Hillcrest Drive, J.W. Drive, Beaver Lane, Rabbit Road, Raccoon Court, Badger Road, Park Lane, Valley Circle, Sunset Drive, River Oaks Lane. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Welch was not present for this meeting. Hr. Lindahl presented an inclusion agreement with Vail Valley Consolidated Water Inclusion District for Eagle County Regional Airport. He discussed the terms of the agreement Agreement for the Board. He stated the BLM will be informed of this agreement and recommended VVCWD to the Board the Chairman be authorized to sign the agreement. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the petition for inclusion in the matter of Vail Valley Consolidated Water District. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented the next item, a grant for Victims of Crime Assistance in Crime Victims the amount of $22,206. of that amount, $14,434 is federally funded and the County Agreement amount is $7,772 for personnel. A.J. Johnson, Eagle County Sheriff, stated the County matching funds comes from confiscated funds. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Division of Criminal Justice Statement of Grant Award for the Eagle County Victims Assistance Program. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The next item was a grant award for Eagle County Juvenile Jail Removal Program. Juvenile Jail The Federal source of funds is $7,172 with no county matching funds. Removal Grant Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Division of Criminal Justice Statement of Grant Award for the Eagle County Juvenile Jail Removal Program. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a Law Enforcement Assistance Fund Grant that requires the Law Enforcement approval of a resolution authorizing the Chairman to sign a contract that provides for Assistant Grant the funding under this grant. He stated this grant is for the prevention of drunk driving and enforcement of laws pertaining to driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs. He stated the total program budget is $139,058 of which $15,058 is County funds. Sheriff Johnson stated the County contributions are all in kind. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and the Chairman be authorized to sign the contract between Eagle County and State of Colorado, Department of Highways, Division of Highway Safety for Law Enforcement Assistance Fund. In discussion, Sheriff Johnson stated his Department would receive breath toxilizers and other equipment that is in need of replacement with the grant funds. Chairman Pro-tea Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Dan Reynolds, Director of Transportation, appeared to request the Board sign two Western Mobile change orders for western Mobile Northern for Airport Project 013. He explained Change Orders Change Order 12 increases the amount of work and money by $343,889 and change Order 03 decreased the contract amount by $12,588. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Change Order 02 and Change Order 03 to Western Mobile's contract for Airport Improvements Project 013. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. • • Allen Sartin, Director of Budget and Information System, presented bill paying for Bill Paying Eagle County and Social Services. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the warrants presented for bill paying for Services and Eagle County. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. James Fritze, County Manager, brought before the Board an agreement between White Agreement River National Forest, Avon/Beaver Creek Resort Association, Vail Resort Association, White River the Town of Minturn, the Town of Avon, the Town of Vail and Eagle County. The correct Natl Forest amount of the agreement is $13,000. Commissioner Gustafson asked to table this item for one week. Chairman Pro-tem Gates agreed to table this agreement for one week. • Don Fessler, Road and Bridge Supervisor, brought before the Board the next item, a Agreement water and sewer system for the landfill. He told the Board the water system is a 2500 Water i Sewer gallon fiberglass underground tank at a cost of $7,711.80. He stated he is under System at • budget for the water system. He requested the Board approve this bid. He stated the Landfill bid from Copeland Concrete for the sewer system is $944.75. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of county Commissioners accept the bid from Aqua Tech for water service and accept the bid from Copeland Concrete for sewer service. Chairman Pro-tea Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to October 23, 1990. Attest: clerk to the Board Chairman • • g3 October 15, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George 'Bud' Gates Commissioner James Fritze County Manager Dick Gustafson Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Keith Montag Dir. Comm. Dev. Sid Fox Planner Thomas Bigler Asst. County Atty This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Welch opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, deliberation Cordillera on File PD-293-90, Cordillera. PD-293-90 • Commissioner Gustafson started the deliberation with five considerations he felt are critical: (1) land owners rights, (2) future determinations in Squaw Creek Valley, (3) economic message conveyed to the community, (4) balanced economy versus a ane-industry economy, and (5) the purpose and control outlined by the Master Plan. He discussed each point in detail. He stated any consideration of Cordillera would be a phased development and sales be tied into subsequent phases, infrastructure for each phase shall be complete in advance, one golf course would be open to the public, all development would be contained within the development, visually restrictive development, all utilities should be underground, central water and sewer system, well water should be used for domestic use only, all water for golf course should be used from the Eagle River or through properly processed effluent, utilities must be available to everyone in the Squaw Creek Valley who reasonably requests them at a fair market charge, water augmentation and sources shall be in place before construction could begin, all roads from Cordillera I must be in place before ground breaking can occur on Fenno Ranch, entrance gates should be completely landscaped, all roads must be hard surfaces, all rights-of-way must be obtained before construction, proper accel/decel lanes to Highway 6, all commercial and high density within the development would have to be confined to the tennis court area or in Cordillera I or to the golf course in the new development, lot sizes could be smaller to provide tighter cluster, lawn size could be limited to conserve water, strict and monitored animal control, cross country ski trails around golf courses, there should be new employee housing, a homeowner's association should be in existence, architectural control must be in control, strict limitation on all wood burning fireplaces and limited to commercial buildings only, continued monitoring of wildlife migration and habitats, no motorized access to the forest, the 112 acre Beatty property should be included in the PUD, a 1041 application will be required for the expansion of the water system, emergency secondary access, and adequate fire protection shall be addressed at preliminary plan. He asked that a new sketch plan be resubmitted which takes into consideration the conditions just set forth. Terrill Knight, Knight Planning Services representing the applicant, asked questions on visual impact from I-70 and Lake Creek. He stated he has committed to computerized imaging and asked about the north parcel. Commissioner Gustafson stated he is very concerned about the north parcel and he prefers to see no building construction on that parcel. Mr. Knight requested the opportunity to show that development on the north parcel can be hidden and requested this be shown to the Board at preliminary plan as a condition. Commissioner Gates asked Hr. Knight if there would be a problem with phasing as proposed by Commissioner Gustafson. Nr. Knight stated phasing has been done to a large extent but there will be a problem if they are sent back through a lengthy process and would like to move' forward on the golf course to avoid a year's delay. Commissioner Gates asked about reopening Cordillera Phase I. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, advised that re-opening Phase I cannot be made a condition of approval of the new development, however Phase I can be re-opened by amending the PUD guide. Bill Klinkenbeard, applicant, told the Board he is prepared to reopen Phase I. Mr. Knight stated the Graham ditch will be used to water the golf course, however, Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District may be interested in helping with the irrigation of the golf course. Commissioner Gates asked about the roads being hard surfaced, new housing for employees, and access to the National Forest. Mr. Knight stated hard surfaced roads are preferable to the applicant. He said the applicant is working on day care for Phase I at preliminary plan. He stated public access to the forest is closed. Bill Heicher, Division of Wildlife, stated there is a legal question on whether the access can be closed. Commissioner Gates asked about resubmitting the application. Keith Montag, Director of Community Development, commented on the resubmittal of the application of the sketch plan. Chairman Welch stated he is not in favor of the plan as he believes the Master Plan should be followed. He stated he believes the application violates the Sub-Area Plan. He made statements of how the area has changed but in his opinion the character of the area is still rural. He said golf will be addressed by other proposals. He expressed his belief that this proposal is not sensitive to the area. Mr. Knight answered that a 5,000 to 8,000 square feet of commercial space is to serve only the residents and it is not a commercial center. Discussion followed on community versus a large scale development. • • �Sy Bill Klinkenbeard made a strong appeal for the Board of County Commissioners to make a positive action of approval with conditions. He stated his belief that tabling would have a negative impact on sales and with the press. Commissioner Gustafson stated his only concern for a resubmittal for a sketch plan is he does not know all the impacts of the conditions placed on approval of the sketch plan. He said he would add another condition that the plan could be re-visited to determine other impacts. Mr. Montag commented that any changes identified would be addressed and that a sketch plan shall be revised and resubmitted prior to preliminary plan. Commissioner Gustafson moved on File PD-293-90, Cordillera, to approve with the following conditions: 1. Cordillera shall be a phased development and sales be tied into subsequent phases, infrastructure for each phase shall be complete in advance 2. One golf course shall be open to the public 3. All development would be contained within the development a. No ridge top development at all. b. No spilling of development into the Lake Creek Valley. c. No development visible to the I-70 corridor. d. Reopening Cordillera I for reconsideration of ridge top lots 4. All utilities should be underground, central water and sewer system, well water should be used for domestic use only, all water for golf course should be used from the Eagle River or through properly processed effluent, utilities must be available to everyone in the Squaw Creek Valley who reasonably requests them at a fair market charge, water augmentation and sources shall be in place before construction could begin 5. All roads from Cordillera I must be in place before ground breaking can occur on Fenno Ranch, entrance gates should be completely landscaped, all roads must be hard surfaces, all rights-of-way must be obtained before construction, proper accel/decel lanes to Highway 6 6. All commercial and higher density development shall be confined to the tennis court area or in Cordillera I or to the golf course in the new development 7. Lot sizes could be smaller to provide tighter cluster, lawn size could be limited to conserve water 8. Strict and monitored animal (dog) control 9. Cross country ski trails shall be around golf courses 10. There should be new employee housing 11. A homeowner's association shall be in existence 12. Architectural control committee must be in place 13. Strict limitation on all wood burning fireplaces and limited to commercial buildings only 14. Continued monitoring of wildlife migration and habitats and no motorized access to the forest 15. The 112 acre Beatty property shall be included in the PDD 16. A 1041 application will be required for the expansion of the water system, emergency secondary access, 17. Adequate fire protection shall be addressed at preliminary plan. He further moved to include an additional condition that these conditions and the sketch plan submitted as a result of these conditions will not be totally binding on the Board when preliminary plan is submitted. The Board will be able to open any significant areas which may not have been able to have been forecast at this stage as a result of the plan submitted. The County Attorney shall prepare the resolution regarding this approval of PD-293-90. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of two to one with Chairman Welch voting against it. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a renewal application for a retail liquor store license for Liq Lic Beaver Creek Wine and Spirits. He stated the application is in order and the fees B/C Wine have been paid. He advised there are no contacts with the Sheriff's Department during and Spirits the past year. He recommended approval. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal of the retail liquor store license for Viking Investment Corporation dba the Beaver Creek Wine and Spirits located at 46 Avondale Lane. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Allen Sartin, Director of Budget and Information System, presented an award for Audit Award the audit. He reviewed the bids ranging from $16,000 to $40,000. He gave the Bondi & Co. qualifications of of the auditors and the research on Bondi and Company. Chairman Welch asked why the auditors were not chosen from Eagle County. Mr. Sartin told the Board he preferred the experience of Bondi and Company regarding auditing County governments. Commissioner Gustafson moved to award the 1990 audit bid to Bondi and Company at the recommendation of Staff, at an amount of $29,750 for the basic audit and an additional amount of $3,000 for special audit. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. • • • • as5 Mr_ Lindahl presented a 1991 Law Enforcement Assistant Fund for a signature by the Law Enforcement Board. He explained this would implement the drunk driving and law enforcement Assistance improvement programs. He recommended approval of the contract between the State of Grant Colorado and Eagle County. Discussion was held on the grant. Commissioner Gates moved to table the Law Enforcement Assistance Fund Grant to next week. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Sid Fox, Planner, presented a 1041 Permit for File 1041-011-90, Spring Creek Application. He reviewed the project description and asked this be postponed to later in the day. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the bill paying as presented. Bill Paying Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the payroll of October 18, 1990, after review and approval of the County Manager. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Larry Metternick, County Engineer, brought before the Board a request to consider Interchange at the interchange at Eagle/Vail be put in a five year plan. The Board agreed. He Eagle/Vail mentioned he and Don Fessler received a letter from the Corps of Engineers on wetland mitigation and mentioned `Fishing is Fun` Project be considered. The Board did not agree to commit to Mr. Metternick's suggestion. Hr. Fox continued with the Spring Creek 1041-011-90 hearing. He told the Board Spring Creek the only consideration today is the completeness of the application. He recommended 1041-011-90 the Board find this application complete. Bob Weaver, applicant, said this is a two-stage development, Phase I being a water storage to provide fire protection at the airport facility, and Phase II to expand the storage capacity to provide additional fire protection in conjunction with the requirements of any additional development surrounding the airport. Commissioner Gates commented on the inadequacy of storage for the Town of Gypsum. Commissioner Gustafson moved on the 1041 Application for Spring Creek Water Supply System for Vail Valley Consolidated Water District, to rule the application complete and waive the Special Use Permit under the application as redundant. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, Mr. Fox asked if the request to waive the SUP should be petitioned by the applicant. Mr. Lindahl replied the applicant has to request waiver. Commissioner Gustafson withdrew the motion. Commissioner Gates withdrew the second. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners find the ., application by Vail Valley Consolidated Water District for Spring Creek Water Supply System complete. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Discussion was held on the possible dates for the 1041 hearing. It was determined to be held on November 19, 1990. Commissioner Gustafson moved to hold the hearing on the 1041 application for Spring Creek Water Supply System on Monday November 19, 1990 at 1:30 p.m. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The next item was file ZS-298-90, Global American Tower. Ron Crider, applicant, Global Amer requested a 30-day extension of the hearing to allow for some studies to be completed. Tower Mr. Montag stated if there are any significant changes in the application it ZS-298-90 should go back to the Planning Commission. Mr_ Crider stated there would be no significant changes. Commissioner Gustafson moved to table ZS-298-90- Global American Sites to December 18, 1990 at the applicant's request. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Jody Caruthers, County Assessor, presented a refiling of the State Abstract in the State Abstract amount of $606,873,390. Assessment Commissioner Gustafson moved to recertify the State Abstract of Assessment for a total assessment as presented by Ms. Caruthers. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented the next item, petitions for abatement. The first Abatement was for Eagle Excavating. She explained the petitioner filed a statement Abatement for equipment that was licensed and not located in Eagle County. She recommended Eagle Hxcay. approval of the abatement in the amount of $1,558.27. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the petition for abatement for Schedule #P020137 in the amount of $1,558.27. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented the next petition for abatement for Birgit Lampe, Wolfgang Abatement Lampe and Peter Lampe, Schedule #13215. She recommended denial of the petition. Lampe, et al Commissioner Gustafson moved under Schedule #13215 to deny the petition for abatement, based on the recommendation of the County Assessor. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented a petition for abatement from Horst A. and Mary A. Abatement Abraham, Schedule $P001099. She stated this schedule has been deleted so there are no Abraham, H. taxes due for 1990. She recommended denial. Commissioner Gates moved the petition of Horst A. and Mary A. Abraham for abatement of taxes for Schedule $P001099 be denied for the tax year 1989 and 1990. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. • S SSL Mr. Fritze delivered to the Board of County Commissioners a proposed 1991 County Proposed 1991 budget. He requested a work session to set dates for the budget process. County Budget There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the Meeting was adjourned to October 22, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board chairman • ;S.1- October 10, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: George 'Bud' Gates Commissioner James Fritze County Manager Dick Gustafson Commissioner Mara Kleinschmidt Asst County Attorney Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Absent: Don Welch Chairman This being a scheduled Public Bearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Pro-tea Gates opened the meeting with the first item, an update NWCOOG presentation of the NWCCOG. Chairman Welch was not present for this meeting. Update Sandy Blaha, Associate Executive Director of NWCCOG, introduced Barb Keller, Community Development Director, and Lane Wyatt, Water Quality Manager. She reviewed the projects and spoke regarding the structure for dues. Chairman Pro-tem Gates asked about the formula for dues. Ms. Blahs explained the counties and towns dues split is 65%-35% respectively. Discussion was held on recycling and child care. Questions were asked of Mr. Wyatt regarding water. Mr. Wyatt discussed the Water Quality Quantity Fund and draft budget for 1991. Ms. Keller told the Board how she plans to develop the regional area for community development plans. James Fritze, County Manager, announced that Dan Reynolds had to leave the meeting Crich Hangar and requested the lease agreement for the Michael Crich Hanger be tabled. Mr. Fritze Lease told the Board Mr. Crick decided to exercise the option to extend the lease for five years. Commissioner Gustafson stated the County has made an offer to Mr. Crich to buy this hangar. Mara Kleinschmidt, Assistant County Attorney, brought before the Board a request Elliot Ranch to extend the Subdivision Improvements Agreement with Elliot Ranch Subdivision. She SIA Extension discussed three Letters of Credit, one for $397.56, one for $1,600, and one for $6,584. She recommended to accept an account in the amount of $2,000 which is fully assigned to the County. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the extension of the $6,584 Letter of Credit and the replacement of the remaining two Letters of Credit with a $2,000 bank account. Chairman Pro-tea Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Kleinschmidt presented a contract for a Special Supplemental Food Program for Contract for the WIC Program. She recommended approval of the contract. WIC Program Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the authorize the Chairman to sign the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Contract between the Colorado Department of Health and Eagle County. Chairman Pro-tea Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Contract Ms. Kleinschmidt presented a contract which provides pre-natal care and post Pre-Natal partum education counseling for 29 low income women. The contract amount is not to Education exceed $17,711. She stated the Department subcontracts with a local physician to provide this care. Commissioner Gustafson the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the chairman to sign prenatal program contract for the fiscal year 1990-91 between the Colorado Department of Health and Eagle County. Chairman Pro-tea Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Aspen Mtn View Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, presented an assignment of Certificate of Deposit Cert. of Dep. attended by Aspen Mountain View Subdivision (Oak Ridge I and II Subdivision). He stated the subdivision has elected to assign a Certificate of Deposit to Eagle County in the amount of $12,000. He asked the Board accept this CD. Commissioner Gustafson moved to accept the Certificate of Deposit in lieu of the Letter of Credit as recommended by the County Attorney's office. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Bill Paying The next item was bill paying. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the bills as submitted and the warrants drawn thereon for Eagle County and Social Services. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to October 15, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman •• • • ay 1 • • October 9, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: George 'Bud' Gates Commissioner Thomas Bigler Asst. County Atty Dick Gustafson Commissioner Sid Fox Planner Keith Montag Dir. Comm. Dev. Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Absent: Don Welch Chairman This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Pro-ten Gates opened the meeting with the first item File PD-280-90, Red Red Rock Ranch Rock Ranch. Chairman Welch was not present for this meeting. PD-280-90 Sid Fox, Planner, presented File PD-280-90, Red Rock Ranch. He pointed out the location of the planned development on the map. He explained the PUD sketch plan application, reviewed the project description, chronology and major concerns and issues. He discussed the concern's and recommendations of the Roaring Fork Valley Planning Commission. He reviewed Staff's findings and reminded the Board of a prior vote to deny the application by a vote of two to one. He stated Staff recommends approval with the following conditions: 1. The railroad crossing located immediately north of this property only be used as emergency access. 2. The protective covenants and PUD guide required to be submitted along with the Preliminary Plan application must contain, as a minimum, the following information: a. Provision for the continued irrigation and maintenance of all common and private open space and landscaping along Hooks Road. b. Architectural Controls c. Guidelines for outdoor storage d. Best management practices for livestock e. Fencing guidelines f. Dog control guidelines g. Fireplace restrictions Mr. Fox read letters from public agencies, Mt. Sopris Group of the Sierra Club opposed to the zone change, and a letter from sone residents of Hooks Spur Lane stating that Marty Pickett was not representing then, but rather Charlie Cole, at the Planning Commission meeting, a letter from James Fight supporting the project, Letitia Bartlet opposing the project. He stated Staff has not considered zone change criteria and the need for the development as this stage is sketch plan. He recommended the Environmental Impact Statement be waived. Nicholas McGrath, representing applicant, reviewed the Red Rock Ranch proposal. He discussed the local area and surrounding property. Glen Horn, planner for applicant, pointed out on a map the location and showed a site plan from 3/89 which was withdrawn. He pointed out a site plan from 8/89 which was denied by the Board of County Commissioners. He reviewed the objection at the time. He then reviewed the site plan from 8/90 which he believes addresses the Board's concerns as the lots have been reduced frog ten to six and other considera- tions. He pointed out the character of the surrounding area and subdivisions. He gave the Board the objectives of the development and stated the plan is consistent with the El Jebel Sub-Area Master Plan. Chairman Pro-tea Gates asked if the project will have septic tanks. Mr. Horn replied that there will be individual septic tanks and wells. Chairman Pro-tem Gates asked about the water table. Mr. Horn replied an engineer would look into the water table issue. He stated the applicant is not opposed to joining the Mid-Valley Water and Sewer System. Discussion was held on fireplaces. Commissioner Gustafson asked if building envelopes have been determined. Mr. Horn stated there are conceptual sites but the intention is to bring more complete plans and will study it further. chairman Pro-tem Gates asked if Linda Johnson, member of the Roaring Fork Valley Planning Commission had any comments. Ms. Johnson commented the Planning Commission recommended approval. Mr. Horn mentioned a letter from Kevin Patrick, water attorney, indicating a water allotment has been secured. Discussion was held on the railroad crossing and abandoning the crossing. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the Sketch Plan on File PD-280-90, Red Rock Ranch with the following conditions: 1. The railroad crossing located immediately north of the property is to be used only for emergency access. 2. The protective covenants of the PUD Guide shall be required to be submitted along with preliminary plan application and must contain as a minimum the following information: Provision for the continued irrigation and maintenance of all common and private open spaces, landscape along Hooks Road, architectural controls should be maintained, specific guidelines for any outdoor storage, building envelopes should be defined including all outbuildings, fencing guidelines, minimal animal control, take into consideration there may be fireplace restrictions to be adhered to. 3. The Environmental Impact Statement is waived. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented File SU-178-90-P, Summit Vista Lot 1. He reviewed the project Summit Vista and stated this file was tabled at the September 11 hearing to allow additional research the density limitation on Lot 1. He reviewed the Board's meeting of October SU-178-90-P 1981 and 1982. Be reviewed major concerns and issues, staff's findings and gave Staff's recommendations. • 4 d-Ce • Commissioner Gustafson asked about parking and discussion followed on the parking. Hr. Isom stated the parking could be changed. He submitted five letters of support for the employee housing project. Commissioner Gustafson asked the reason the Planning Staff recommends approval when the Roaring Fork Valley Planning Commission does not. Hr. Fox gave Staff's reasons for recommending approval and stressed the higher density approval as he believes the area can accommodate it. Michael Watts, Summit Vista resident, asked for justification of strip development along Highway 82. Hr. Fox gave his opinion of the justification of the development. Hr. Isom elaborated on the project regarding employee housing and density of the development and the mitigation of the impacts. He asked the Subdivision Improvements Impact fee be delayed. Hr. Fox stated Staff is recommending collateralizing the public improvements including offsite road impacts at final plat. He stated the impacts can be better mitigated and planned for now rather than later. Norman Bacheldorf read letters from Fitzsimmons Motor Company indicating density is not a problem, Above Board supporting additional units, Alpine Bank requesting approval, and Drewelow Insurance Services supporting the project as there is a need for employee housing. Paula Smith, resident of Summit Vista, brought a petition opposing the density and questioned recreational amenities. Hr. Bacheldorf answered the first density requested was 72 units and downgraded the number to 62. He gave the Board some history of meetings and trying to answer concerns of area residents. Victoria Karas spoke regarding the project and the desperate need for employee housing. Ms. Smith took issue with Ms. Paras' statement regarding the presentation by Mr. Bacheldorf to Summit Vista homeowners. Hark Rezinski spoke in favor of the project and expressed the need for affordable housing in the area. Linda Johnson, area resident, objected to the process and stated she believes it is unfair. She told the Board she did not receive any notice of this meeting. She stated this is not an equitable procedure. Michael Watson, Summit Vista homeowner, addressed the fluctuation of the homeowners of Summit Vista, that they had not been told of the project or meetings. He stated the petition Ms. Smith referred to objected and to any change in density from the original 48. He spoke to the letters read by Mr. Bacheldorf as lacking as none of the letter-writers live in the Subdivision. Mr. Isom rebutted Hr. Watson's statement regarding the notices mailed of the meetings regarding Summit Vista. Chairman Pro-tea Gates suggested the file be returned to the Roaring Fork Valley Planning Commission. Commissioner Gustafson made comments regarding the need for employee housing and problems he has with the project. He added that it is appropriate to send this file to the Planning Commission. He moved to revert File SII-178-90-P, Summit Vista, back to the Roaring Fork Valley Planning Commission for further deliberation. Chairman Pro-ten Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented the next item, File ZC-244-90 and File 8M-651-90, Soderberg Soderberg Subdivision Filing 44. He pointed out the location on a map and reviewed the project SH-654-90 description and chronology. Be stated Staff and the Roaring Fork Valley Planning sM-651-90 Commission recommended approval with conditions. Commissioner Gustafson moved on ZC-244-90, Soderberg Subdivision Filing 44, to approve based Staff's findings and recommendation. Chairman Pro-ten Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve File SM-651-90, Soderberg Subdivision Filing #4 as recommended by Staff. Chairman Pro-ten Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat for Soderberg Subdivision Filing 44. Chairman Pro-tea Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Keith Montag, Director of Community Development, presented a condominium map for Final Plat Beaver Creek Lodge Condominiums. He advised this has been reviewed and signed by all B/C Lodge appropriate agencies. Condominiums Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat for Beaver Creek Lodge Condominiums, Lot 6, Block 1, Tract 4, 6th Amendment to the First Filing and the "7th Amendment to the 5th Filing of the Beaver Creek Subdivision. Chairman Pro-ten Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Montag presented a final plat for Old Edwards Estates. He advised this has Final Plat been reviewed and signed by all appropriate agencies. old Edwards Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Estate final plat for Old Edwards Estate 47, a resubdivision of Lot 16. Chairman Pro-ten Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. 1111 1111 ' 251 Mr. Montag presented a condominium nap for Highland Townhoes. He advised this Final Plat has been reviewed and signed by all appropriate agencies. Highland Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Townhoaes final plat for Highland Townhases, Lot 19, Block 2, Tract A, 14th Amendment to the 4th Filing, Beaver Creek Subdivision. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Montag presented a final plat for Lot 4S, Block 1, Eagle/Vail Filing #2. He Final Plat advised this has been reviewed and signed by all appropriate agencies. S/V F#2 Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Lot 45 final plat for a resubdivision of Lot 45, Block 1, Eagle/Vail Filing f2. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Montag presented a final plat for Lot 32, Block 6, Berry Creek Ranch Filing Final Plat #2. He advised this has been reviewed and signed by all appropriate agencies. Berry Creek Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Lot 32 final plat for Lot 32, Block 6, Berry Creek Ranch Filing Nit. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Montag presented a final plat for Cap K Minor Subdivision. He advised this Final Plat has been reviewed and signed by all appropriate agencies. Cap K Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a Minor Minor Subdiv Subdivision Cap K on the North 1/2 of Section 9, T8SR85B of the 6th Principal Meridian. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to October 10, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • • October 1, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: George 'Bud' Gates Commissioner Kevin Lindahl County Attorney Dick Gustafson Commissioner Keith Montag Dir. Comm. Dev. Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Absent: Don Welch Chairman This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Pro-tem Gates opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, ZS-298-90 Global American Sites. Global Amer. Keith Montag, Director of Community Development, introduced File ZS-298-90 and Sites stated the applicant requested tabling. Mr. Montag suggested tabling to October 15, 1990 at 3:15 p.m. Commissioner Gustafson moved to table File ZS-298-90, Global American Sites, to October 15, 1990 at 3:15 p.m. Chairman Pro-tea Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, Hr. Montag told the Board if there are substantial changes in the file, the Planning Staff should have additional time to review the file and the option of returning the file to the Planning Commission. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous of the two voting commissioners. Chairman Welch was not present at this hearing. The next item was a request for a reduction of collateral for Valley Business Res 90-100 Center. Valley Bus. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, reviewed the release document and stated the Center Engineering Department has inspected the Subdivision Improvements and recommended the collateral be released except a 10% of the construction cost of Sunset Drive as retainage for a two year warranty period. Tom Brown, Engineer, explained the completed construction and the retainage. Bob Terry, Mid Valley Business Center, requested that the Board hold no retainage as he has done more than the Subdivision Improvements Agreement required. Mr. Lindahl advised the Board that County policy is to retain 10% of actual cost. He said that retainage could be put in a Certificate of Deposit and interest collected. Discussion on the retainage followed. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board adopt Resolution 90-100 authorizing 'the reduction in collateral for Valley Business Center (also knows as Mid Valley Business Center) to $3,374, which represents 10% of the actual cost of Sunset Drive. He further moved this amount shall be put into a Certificate of Deposit to collect interest. Chairman Pro-ten Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, Mr. Terry asked the Board to have Mr. Lindahl write a letter to Aspen Bank and explain the process. The Board concurred and directed Mr. Lindahl to do so. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Board of Health. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Ray Merry, Environmental Health Officer, told the Board of different mechanisms Board of Health planned for wood burning fireplaces and ordinances planned addressing the situation. He told the Board of public hearing and education outreach ideas. He mentioned a nuisance ordinance he has been working on. Commissioner Gustafson mentioned a problem area where dumping has occurred. Mr. Merry stated he is working on that particular nuisance. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to October 9, 1990. • Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 0 0 238 Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 1st Day October 90 Term, 19 19- nay g.r.Molc4n Co.,on.raq nuns. .-: . . _. . _ Y PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman James Fritze County Manager Dick Gustafson Commissioner Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board GENERAL FUND ABBOTT LABORATORIES STREP KIT/EAGLE 188.00 ACE ADJUSTMENT CO. , INC. 17402/ACE ADJUSTMENT 0.10 ALBERTA LIIMATTA ELECTION JUDGE 74.00 ALLEN GAIL R ELECTION JUDGE 75.00 ALLEN MARY JO ELECTION JUDGE 76.00 ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL PROF.VET SERVICES 119.50 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION DEAF CONTRIBUTION 55.00 AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION DUES 88.25 AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOC. BOOKS 61 .00 I AMICH AND JENKS INCORPORATED PRE-EMP POLYGRAPH 195.00 APTUS LABEL CORPORTION LABELS/KIDS HERO BADGE 22.34 ARAGON EMMA ELECTION JUDGE 74.00 ARMOUR ROSS DR HEALTH OFFICER/JULY 272.00 ASOCIATED RECOVERY SYSTEM 17397/TASSET 4.00 ASPEN TIMES THE LEGAL/ADV 100.80 AT AND T TELEPHONE SERVICE 84.50 AVERT INCORPORATED EMPLOYMENT SCREEN SERV 88.50 AVON BEAVER CREEK TIMES JOB ADV/CLERK 19.20 AVON TOWN OF XEROX COPIES 24.46 B 8 M CHEMICAL COMPANY 28888/RAMIK GREEN 438.17 BAKER GUSSIE ELECTION JUDGE 72.80 BARNES SUSAN DVM SPAY/NEUTER REIM 37.00 BATES & ASSOCIATES 17361/DECOSTER 10.00 BEASLEY RUTH ELECTION JUDGE 35.00 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS 4-H FASHION/SNACKS 836.53 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS VACUUM CLEANER BELTS 8.42 BEAVER FRAMING INCORPORATED MOUNTING PICTURES 30.00 BECCIS GLENWOOD FLORAL GIFTS FLOWERS/WOLTER 28.82 BEEP WEST INCORPORATED SEPT 90 PAGER/EL JEBEL 30.00 BELL SYSTEMS INCORPORATED PB PARTS/CON-CORDER 12.00 BERGLUND RUTH REIMBURSEMENT 100.84 BERTHOD MOTORS KEY/SHIPPING 4.39 BETTY REDMOND ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 BIGLER THOM COPIES 43.78 BINDLEY ELLA ELECTION JUDGE 130.00 BLACK ALLEN MEALS/TRAVEL REIMS 337.90 BLANCHARD TRAINING SUBSCRIPTION 12.95 BOARD OF ASSESSMENT APPEALS TRANSCRIPTS 80.50 I BOTTOMLEY JAMES ELECTION JUDGE 91 .00 BOYD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY REPAIR SCAGG MOWER 740.09 BRENT SERVICE PANEL/ADMIN MODULAR 108.50 BROWN JO ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 BROWNING FERRIS INDUSTRIES TRASH SERVICE 96.00 BSO ORGANIZED CRIME CENTRE NARCOTICS COURSE 900.00 BUFFALOS LUNCH-ORIENTATION 51 .50 BUREAU OF NATIONAL AFFAIRS THE SUBSCRIPTIONS 320.00 C AND H DISTRIBUTORS JAIL STOOLS 263.36 CACIOPPO CINDY ELECTION JUDGE 88.00 CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS SHELTER COPIER CONT 175.00 CAPTAIN VIDEO COLORTRANS 100.00 CARMONY MARGARET ELECTION JUDGE 75.20 CARRIAGE RIDES OF VAIL w PARADE/JULY 4 100.00 CARTER LINDA REGISTRATION 158.68 CARTER LINDA TRAVEL 13.00 CASTLE PEAK VETERINARY SERVICE VACCINATION REIM 45.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/GENERAL 4,718.39 CCO AND ERA RETIREMENT ANN/GENERAL 4,788.99 CENTER DRUGS FILM 55.80 CF HOECKEL COMPANY VOTER INFO CARDS 755.05 CHAMBERS FLINT L LODGE/MEALS 304.86 CHENEY CATHERINE ELECTION JUDGE 75.00 CHERRY CREEK EYE CENTER INMATE MED/QUINTANA 50.00 CHICAGO TRIBUNE ADV/EMPLOYMENT 240.00 CHRISMAN, BYNUM, & JOHNSON 17433/L SCHURR 1 .00 CHRISTIANSAN BEV ELECTION JUDGE 86.00 CITY MARKET FILM PROCESSING 28.92 CLARICE REED ELECTION JUDGE 108.00 CLARK BOARDMAN COMPANY LTD ENV.REG.LAND USE BOOK 206.05 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY BOTTLED WATER SERVICE 115.80 CODEL SEPT RENT 2,862.00 COFFEY MARCELLA ELECTION JUDGE 79.00 I COLORADO BADGE AND TROPHY PEN SET 98.13 COLORADO BAR ASSOCIATION DUES/KIFTN4t`UMTnr -^ • • 239 Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 1st Day October Term, 19_9 ---19__ COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL 6,448.93 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL 5,542.18 COLORADO DEPT AGRICULTURE GAS CARTRIDGES 106.00 COLORADO GERONTOLOGICAL REGISTRATION/REYNOLDS 315.00 COLORADO LEGAL DIRECTORY CO LEGAL DIRECTORY 28.63 COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE TRAINING 340.00 COLORADO SAFETY ASSOCIATION TRAINING 160.00 COLORADO WATER CONGRESS WORKSHOP REG FEES 100.00 COLWELL SYSTEMS INCORPORATED 1ST CLASS MAIL LABELS 40.75 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INSURANCE PREM 16,145.80 CONSOLIDATED COLLECTIONS 17448/CUMMINS LIGHTING 3.20 CONTINENTAL COLLECTION AGENCY 17414/A CORNELL 16.00 COOPER DAVID J PROF SERV/BLACK LAKES 345.00 COOPER DAVID J PROF SERV/BLACK LAKES 769.84 CORNBELT CHEMICAL COMPANY ESCORT 219.20 COUNTY SHERIFFS OF COLORADO REGISTRATION/CSOC 89.00 CREDIT BUREAU OF THE ROCKIES 17444/FIRST NATL BANK 8.80 CRYSTAL EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED REP.PARTS/WEED EATER 120.80 CRYSTAL EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED GAS CAP 4.29 CURNUTTE JIM PLAN CHECKING SERV 202.50 DAN ELSTON PIPE MACHINE/DIES 495.00 DARIEN MARGARET ELECTION JUDGE 75.00 DATA DOCUMENTS COMPUTER PAPER 1,093.49 DATA DOCUMENTS TRANSACTION LABELS 21.30 DATA TECH INSTITUTE TRAINING 295.00 DAVID A HOLMGREN CONTRACT PROGRAM 5,976.25 DAVID BILLIE GREINER HOST HOME CONTRACT 800.00 DEANE ROXIE ELECTION JUDGE 74.00 DEEP ROCK WATER ARTESIAN WATER/COOLER 41.50 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCH COSTS JULY 90 2,357.19 DETROIT NEWSPAPER AGENCY PUBLICATION/EMPLOYMENT 231.00 DEWELL RUTH ELECTION JUDGE 76.00 DOCTORS OFFICE THE INMATE MED/STANFIELD 92.00 DOCTORS ON CALL PRE-EMP.PHYSICALS 93.00 DONALD EDEN ELECTION JUDGE 93.80 DORIS E GOWAN TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 9.00 DURHAM GARNETTA ELECTION JUDGE 94.00 DUROUX ALMEDA ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 DUROUX ALMEDA COORDINATOR REIM. 15.00 DWAINE KINNETT 1 TON HAY 120.00 EAGLE AUTO PARTS PARTS/SUPPLIES 135.80 EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER POSTAGE REIMBURSED 29.31 EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER REIM/POSTAGE PAID 250.28 EAGLE CO. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE TRANSFER/GFCE 14,913.00 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS DP SERVICE/UPGRADE 380.00 EAGLE COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER SHELTER OCNTRACT 3,888.81 EAGLE COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER OCT 90 SHELTER CONT. 3,888.61 EAGLE COUNTY NURSING SERVICE POSTAGE 29.15 EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING TEXAS INS.CALCULATOR 99.00 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CREDIT UNION PAYMT 2,919.09 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CREDIT UNION/GENERAL 2,785.00 EAGLE PHARMACY OPERATING SUPPLIES 55.18 EAGLE PHARMACY 20/MAPS 97.35 EAGLE SALVAGE AND TOWING TOWING CHARGE 179.00 EAGLE TOWN OF 040SENIORC 3,274.00 EAGLE TOWN OF 0108042838 871 .75 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE 14985/PUBLIC NOTICE 242.84 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE BILL SCHEDULE 8-6-90 522.99 EAGLE VALLEY GLASS AND MIRROR WINDOW REGLAZING 107.52 EASTMAN INCORPORATED OFFICE SUPPLIES 515.08 EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY MAINTENANCE/JULY 90 769.91 ED STEINE TRAVEL/PLANNING COMM 75.12 EKREM CHRIS ELECTION JUDGE 74.00 ELIZABETH HILL ROBINSON ELECTION JUDGE 78.00 EVA HARRIS ' ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 FALCON AIR MAPS COMPANY ADDTL TOPOGRAPHY 1 ,000.00 FARMER BROTHERS COFFEE 393.87 FENDER RUTH A ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 FERRELLGAS GAS 222.50 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 41 ,092.88 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/GENERAL 31 ,559.80 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 41,382.52 FONES WEST MONTHLY PAGER SERV 15.00 FONES WEST PAGER SERV 30.00 FORD PUBLISHING COMPANY PARALLEGAL PREP. 37.93 FORTUNE BOOK CLUB BOOKS 16.89 FORTUNES RESTAURANT MEALS 197.39 FOX SIDNEY N MEALS 112.89 FRANCES WHITTAKER ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 FRANCIS ROBERT A 17410/VASQUEZ 16.80 FRESQUEZ BARBARA ELECTION JUDGE 93.00 • 4111 240 Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 'St Day October Term, 1990 19-- _me 0.r.xoecKa CO.,ocHYa..14isp4_ ___ --------.-_... .. _..-._. . .. FULLER ROBERT 7-26/INSPECTION 1,875.00 GALLOWAY BEN MD PROFESSIONAL FEES 515.00 GALLOWAY BEN MD PROFESSIONAL FEES 1 ,030.00 GALLS INCORPORATED AUTO OFFICE 79.98 GARCIA FRED ELECTION JUDGE 91 .00 GARRETT SMITH ELECTION JUDGE 84.00 GATES GEORGE A TRAVEL ADV/DC 300.00 GATES MARGE PHN TRAVEL 583.38 GEORGE LEWIS MEALS 130.24 GLENWOOD POST THE DISPLAY ADV. 35.10 GLENWOOD SHOE SERVICE PATROL UNIFORM BOOTS .270.00 GRANT ALOHA B ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 GREENGARD SENTER GOLDFARB RICE LEGAL FEES 473.30 GREENGARD SENTER GOLDFARB RICE LEGAL SERVICES 138.00 GS EDWARDS RENEWAL SERV.CONTRACT 999.00 GUSTAFSON RICHARD TRAVEL 322.90 GUY PARKER PERC TEST FEE REFUND 125.00 HAEFLIGER GLENN R JR MEALS/5 PPL 127.85 HOLME ROBERT AND OWEN LEGAL FEES/HOMESTAKE 111 .25 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICE 13,590.52 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY OPERATING SUPPLIES 411 .88 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE TRAVEL 13.00 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE BOOK 88.87 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE ADV 125.40 INDEPENDENT LIGHTING SPECTRALITE 41.40 IRMA LESSMAN ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 J AND M PUMP COMPANY CHECK VALVE 21.98 ' JACOB KELLER ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 JACOX RUTH ELECTION JUDGE 97.00 JACQUELINE SCHLEGEL POLLING PLACE RENT 50.00 JEAN L WILSON TRAVEL REIM 76.00 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AUTOPSY FACILITIES 25.00 JOAN NORRIS ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 JOHNSON AJ BOX RENT 5.80 JOHNSON CONTROLS - THERMOSTAT 92.90 JOHNSON JEAN ELECTION JUDGE 50.00 KAMEN SUPPLY COMPANY SOLDER 57.87 KAREN PHILLIPS ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 KAROL MIKE SUBSCRIPTION AUG 29.00 KATHRYN BAKER SPAY/NEUTER REIM 38.00 KEMP AND COMPANY INCORPORATED PVC PIPE 39.00 KEMPTON AIR SERVICE PRISIONER TRANSPORT 880.58 KENNEY GLADYS ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 KEYE PRODUCTIVITY CENTER REGISTRATION FEE 98.00 KIRBY ANABELL J TRAVEL REIM. 22.00 KRISTEN PHILLIPS ELECTION JUDGE 75.00 KRISTINA CHAIKIN VACCINATION REIM. 12.00 KRIZAN DONA L ELECTION JUDGE 85.20 LAKE COUNTY SHERIFF CIVIL PROCESS/T SAME 15.80 LARRY RATHER REFUND/SP.USE PERMIT 100.00 LARSEN VELMA ELECTION JUDGE 35.00 LAWLER PHYLLIS ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 LAWYERS COOPERATIVE PUBLISHING CO LAW ANN/UPDATES 60.90 LETN LAW ENFORCEMENT TV 388.00 LEVENTHAL & BOGUE 17382/LINDVALL 7.50 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES MONITOR 510.31 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES TONER/FAX 80.11 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES LAZER PRINTER PAPER 73.40 LK SURVEY INSTRUMENTS BOND PAPER 34.38 LYLE CARMONY ELECTION JUDGE 74.00 LZP INC SUMP PUMP PARTS 480.00 M AND M LUMBER LUMBER 58.03 MACHOL AND MACHOL 17422/MARTINEZ 7.60 MARA KLEINSCHMIDT TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 40.00 MARGARET EDEN ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 MARILYN A STEPHENSON ELECTION JUDGE 78.00 MARTINEZ JANITORIAL SEPT JANITORIAL SERV 8,970.00 MARY SQUIRES ELECTION JUDGE 60.00 MCCAULLEY REBECCA T TRAVEL 59.45 MCCAULLY BECKY SEMINAR/9-15-90 88.05 MCHUGH JAN TRAIN.PROG/TRAVEL 178.00 MCMAHAN ARMSTRONG & ASSOCIATES FINAL AUDIT PAYMENT 15,230.00 MEINEKE DONNA REIMBURSEMENT 186.18 MERLE HOBBS 4 TONS HAY 897.00 METCALF SALLY J ELECTION JUDGE 50.00 METTERNICK LARRY MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 21 .89 MILLAR ELEVATOR SERVICE CONTRACT MAINT/JC 110.00 MONTAG KEITH P MEALS 25.72 MOTOR POOL FUND WELD RINGS 24.50 MOTOR POOL FUND REPAIR/UNIT 3389 6,844.45 MOTOR POOL FUND MP/BLDG INSP. 4,881 .19 • • 24. Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 1st Day October -__Tenn, 19_9° _19_ MOTOR POOL FUND MP/NURSING 12,338.18 MOTOROLA INCORPORATED SMR RADIO USER 110.40 MOTT SUE ELECTION JUDGE 84.40 MOUNTAIN MICROFILM MAP/PLAT FICHE 648.05 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION RADIO SERVICE 25.00 MOUNTAIN TOP MANAGEMENT RADIO SITE RENTAL 260.00 MOUNTAIN TYPEWRITER CLINIC TYPEWRITER ELEMENT 27.50 NANCY MAE HUGHES 17157/YOUNG/ACKLEY 8.00 NATIONAL 4H COUNCIL MISC 4-H SUPPLIES 114.45 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION DESKTOP MEMBERSHIP DUES 96.00 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER PRINTER/TERMINAL MAINT 4,587.60 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER SOFTWARE MAINT SUPPORT 63.00 NATIONAL GRAPHICS COMPANY AP WARRANTS 584.98 NELSON FORREST ELECTION JUDGE 69.00 NESTOR LINDA TRAVEL REIM. 11 .22 NEWMAN DENNIS TRAVEL REIM. 374.40 NOLAN NINA COORDINATOR REIM 15.00 NOTTINGHAM NANCY ELECTION JUDGE 79.00 NUNN JEAN TRAVEL 37.20 ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY PEST CONTROL/JC 98.00 PACIFIC TELECOM TELEPHONE SERVICE 8,991 .94 PAMELA HELLER ELECTION JUDGE 72.80 PAR ASSOCIATES MAINT/SATELLITE PRINT 8,113.25 PC COMPUTING RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTION 39.97 PENNY SAVER MEDICAL SUPPLY OSTISCOPE 891.00 PEPSI COLA SODA 78.40 PETERS DEBORAH MEALS/6 PPL 131 .73 PHILLIPS JOHNNETTE REIMBURSEMENT 1 ,237.15 PITNEY BOWES POSTAGE SLUGS 37.00 POSTMASTER EAGLE BRANCH EXPRESS MAIL/CORP ACT 100.00 POSTMASTER EAGLE BRANCH POSTAGE FOR METER 4,000.00 POSTMASTER EAGLE BRANCH EXPRESS MAIL 100.00 PREFERRED OFFICE PRODUCTS OFFICE SUPPLIES 174.23 PRENTICE HALL DESK BOOK 89.95 PRIME COMPUTER INCORPORATED PRIME MAINT/CONTRACT 1 ,581 .80 PTL ELECTRIC WIRE NEW SHED 387.30 PTL ELECTRIC HOOK UP STAGE POWER 122.41 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 6068678810400017 85.08 QUILL CORPORATION PENS 165.64 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 740.97 QUINN JACKLYN P ELECTION JUDGE 79.00 REVA MILLER 82DR30/521803850 181.55 REVA MILLER 82DR30/521803850 181.56 REYNOLDS NETTIE TRAVEL/HOME VISITS 83.20 RICH & ASSOCIATES ASPEN VAIL BROADCAST 10.00 RICHARD YOUNG PRODUCTS OF OPERATING SUPPLIES 4,994.83 RIDGWAY JULIANNE ELECTION JUDGE 64.00 ROACH EARLENE TRAVEL REIM. 24.00 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND LABOR/MATERIALS 282.83 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND TANK USAGE 68.43 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND LABOR REIM. 3,471.00 ROB RENZELMAN TRUCK RACK 80.00 ROCCO LORIE TRAVEL REIM. 7.20 ROCHE BIOMEDICAL LABORATORIES BAC TESTS 250.09 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS GAS SERVICE 3,571 .38 ROCKY MOUNTAIN REPROGRAPHICS BOND PAPER 379.32 RONALD B LISTON PART.REFUND/WITHDRAWL 100.00 ROPIR CABLEVISION CABLE TV SERVICES 34.46 SACHS LAWLOR STOCK/DRAFT STAMP 28.70 SARTIN ALLEN TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 32.20 SATTERFIELD RHODORA TRAVEL 28.80 SCHLEGEL MARY E ELECTION JUDGE 91 .80 SCHMIDT CECILIA TRAVEL 44.50 SCHMIDT ELOISE COORDINATOR REIM. 16.00 SHAINHOLTZ TODD H DDS INMATE DENTAL 188.00 SIBLEY JUDITH A ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 SKI COUNTRY`PRINTING WARNING TICKETS PRINT 118.90 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING 4998/LETTERHEAD 1 ,025.40 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING SCRATCH PADS 414.35 SMITH EDWARD MEAL REIM. 72.27 SOUTHERN ALUMINUM FOLDING TABLE 418.25 SPECIAL EVENTS SUPPLIES 79.00 STEINBRECHER JERRY MD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1 ,080.00 STEPHEN H DIAMOND 17404/ROCKY MTN CAST 12.10 STERKER SANDI ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 STERNIG JOHN P MEAL REIM. 128.82 STORY PAMELA ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 STRAWBERRY PATCH FLOWERS 112.50 SUMMIT LUMBER BLDG MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 1,031. 16 SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS FEDERAL MANUAL 7.60 TAMPER PRUF SCREWS HEX KEYS 40.60 0 1 • • 242 . Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners list Day October Term, 19 90 19___ 7Mt C.F.ROtCRR CO.,MOVER AIMS/„ "' . .. .. ..�� _ • TATTERED COVER BOOK STORE MATERNITY CARE BOOK 63.87 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE CENTER REGISTRATION SEMINAR 56.00 THOMPSON PUBLISHING GROUP SUBSCRIPTIONS 380.00 THURSTON JUNE ELECTION JUDGE 99.40 TOOL CLINIC INCORPORATED BATTERY 41.04 TOP DRAWER OFFICE SUPPLIES COLUMNAR PADS 103.38 TUXALL UNIFORM COMPANY UNIFORMS 12.60 TYREE AND ASSOCIATES ARCH. REVIEW 4,936.00 UNGER DARLENE ELECTION JUDGE 70.00 UNITED AGRI SERVICES ROUNDUP 823.88 UNITED LABORATORIES TEN STRIKE 893.08 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SHIPPING CHARGES 73.17 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE SERVICE 2, 183.32 VAIL ASSOCIATES REAL ESTATE 17391/SCULLY BLDG 1 .80 VAIL BOARD OF REALTORS SOLD BOOK 116.00 VAIL LOCK AND KEY • 4 DUPLICATE KEYS 6.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC INMATE EXAMS 400.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC 58024/INMATE EXAMS 378.00 VAIL SIGN CORPORATION CONTROL PLAQUE 74.00 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER INMATE MEDICAL 12.00 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 7911472/INMATE MEDICAL 113.00 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 8133043/INMATE MED 886.00 VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY SOLAR SALT CUBES 241 .47 VALLEY VIEW HOSPITAL MEDICAL SERVICES 54.30 VALLEY VIEW HOSPITAL MEDICAL/F HOAR 13.00 VALLEY WIDE PUMBING 6 HEATING 17168/G BURTON 10.00 VAN QUIP TANK HOLDER 25.60 VIRGINIA ROSE ELECTION JUDGE 78.80 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY FILTER 47.84 WAHRER JENNIE RN TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 180.68 WALMART /AVON FILM 143.81 WALTER W CRIBBINS COMPANY SLIDEGUIDES 227.12 WARREN GORHAM LAMONT OFFICE SUPPLIES 40.69 WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY WESTLAW SERVICES 123.31 WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY CO PRACTICE SERIES 148.26 WESTERN MOBILE ROAD BASE 431 .84 WESTERN OFFICE SYSTEMS PAPER 166.96 WHEELOCK THALLA R ELECTION JUDGE 91 .80 WILSON KEN PROFESSIONAL FEE 40.00 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY BATTERIES 22.26 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY OAK HUBS 195.84 XEROX CORPORATION MAINTENANCE 636.41 YAMPA VALLEY ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICE 12.83 YESTER YEAR SIGN PERMIT/OVERPAYMT 11 .00 YOST LENA ELECTION JUDGE 79.00 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE MEDICAL SUPPLIES 135.46 PAYROLL FOR SEPTEMBER PAYROLL 0 18 & 19 218,672.40 572,398.02 ROAD & BRIDGE FUND APWA WESTERN SLOPE CONFERENCE REG. 40.00 BIG R MANUFACTURING CATTLE GUARD 4,189.00 BIG R MANUFACTURING 12'CATTLE GUARD 4,482.80 BUCKLEY POWDER COMPANY POWDER MAGAZINE 789.83 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/RD&BR 984.11 CCO AND ERA RET.ANN./RD&BR 967.48 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/RD&BR 827.08 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/RD&BR 767.74 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CREDIT UNION PAYMT 888.40 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CREDIT UNION/RD&BR 893.40 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/RD&BR 8,078.28 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/RD&BR 8,119.38 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/RD&BR 6,500.98 FONES WEST PAGER SERVICE 120.00 GMCO CORPORATION CHIP SEAL/CO RIVER RD 114,561.50 GMCO CORPORATION CHIP SEAL 74,322.34 HELLER KENNETH EQUIPMENT RODEO/STATE 184.11 HELLER KENNETH MEALS 23.79 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY COFFEE CUPS 80.04 JAY MAX SALES PAINT 70.80 KEYE PRODUCTIVITY CENTER BASIC SUPERVISION 99.00 MCNULTY PUMICE CINDER MATERIALS 6,441.70 MOTOR POOL FUND MP HEAVY/RD&BR 48,345.85 MOTOR POOL FUND MP/RD&BR 4,883.80 OUR HOUSE MEALS 11.50 OUR HOUSE MEALS/KELLER/VIDMAR 10.85 PITKIN IRON CORPORATION ROAD BASE 54,350.12 • • 2'. Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 1st Day octobe= __Tenn, 19_r_ .-_.____-__11 PITKIN IRON CORPORATION FINAL SETTLEMENT 1 ,559.54 ROCKY MOUNTAIN SAFETY SERVICE AMBER REFLECTORS 31.83 ROCKY MOUNTAIN SAFETY SERVICE REVERSE CURVE WARNING 816. 11 TRI STATE COMMODITIES ROCK SALT GRADE 1 700.56 TRI STATE COMMODITIES ROCK SALT GRADE 1 708.12 US DIARY COMPANY WEEKLY EXEC.PLANNERS 48.94 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY CHAIN 81 .00 PAYROLL FOR SEPTEMBER PAYROLL 6 18 6 19 31 ,478.39 389,784.16 LIBRARY FUND AAMES TELEPRODUCTIONS VIDEOS/COMPUTER 101 .95. AMERICAN ECONO CLAD SERVICES BOOKS/J 43.41 AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION POSTERS/AMER GIRL 18.46 BAKER AND TAYLOR F09623288R/BOOK 178.09 BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY BOOK/CHILTON 13.81 CABELL CHILDRESS ARCHITECTS ARCH.FEES 1,080.00 CATALOG CARD CORPORATION OF CATALOGING 17.66 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LIBRARY 175.34 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LIBRARY 168.02 CHRISTINE MAYHEW MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 97.04 COLBORNS CONST.PAPER 19.48 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LIBRARY 168.83 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LIBRARY 143.18 CORONET MTI FILM AND VIDEO VIDEOS 173.12 EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RENT/MV 900.00 EAGLE PHARMACY PHOTOS 18.49 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE DISPLAY/SIGNATURE 51 .00 EDUCATIONAL EQUIPMENT REPAIR TAPE PLAYER REPAIRS 47.00 ETD 24870/VIDEOS 187.83 FARMER BROTHERS HOT COCOA/SUGAR FREE 29.27 FINELY HOLIDAY FILM VIDEOS 634.65 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LIBRARY 1 ,458.63 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LIBRARY 1 ,294.93 GALE RESEARCH CO ENCYLOPEDIA 283.65 GORDONS 10793828/BOOKS/H 2,810.27 JOURNAL OF THE WESTERN SLOPE SUBSCRIPTION 10.00 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES DEVELOPER/DRUM 220.53 LIBRARY ADMINISTRATORS DIGEST SUBSCRIPTION 32.00 MIDVALLEY BRANCH LIBRARY POSTAGE/PC 47.22 MINTURN BRANCH LIBRARY POSTAGE/PC 5.10 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/LIBRARY 128.58 PACIFIC TELECOM 328-6901 190.50 PETTY CASH LIBRARY FOOD/PC 41.56 SACHS LAWLOR PRE-INK STAMPS 50.60 SIMON AND SCHUSTER CREDIT 3.30 U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS 827-4240-130B 71 .08 UNIVERSITY MICROFILMS NS138671/SUBSC. 2, 111.00 PAYROLL FOR SEPTEMBER PAYROLL • 18 & 19 10,652.60 23,263.85 MOTOR POOL FUND ALLIED CARRIERS EXCHANGE FREIGHT/SCRAPER 116.80 AMERICAN WINDSHIELD REPAIR 908/WINDSHIELD REPAIR 80.00 BLACK ALLEN GAS/5419/CO VEHICLE 6.00 CARTER LINDA GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE (8.19) CCO AND ERA RET ANN/MP 135.60 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/MP 192.30 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/MP 160.92 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/MP 237.05 DORIO DISTRIBUTING CHARGE INVOICES 2,613.09 DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES VALVE 207.83 EAGLE AUTO PARTS PARTS/SUPPLIES 1,420.35 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CREDIT UNION/MP 25.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/MP 1 ,278.69 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/MP 2,156.67 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/MP 1 ,847.45 FONES WEST PAGER/90019902 62.00 GAY JOHNSON DELTA/TIRES 688.32 HANSON EQUIPMENT TRIANGLE 137.70 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY HI-COUNT TOWELS 45.32 HONNEN EQUIPMENT COMPANY LOCK NUT 92.36 J I CASE CREDIT CORPORATION DRUM DRIVE ROLLER 2,020. 14 III • 244 Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 1st _Day October Tenn, 199° 19_ THE C.P.HOECEEL CO..DENVER 374331 MOTOR POOL FUND MP HEAVY/MP 1,19 .00 MOTOR POOL FUND MP/MP 62 .78 MOTOR POOL FUND MP/MP 8 .82 ONEILL KERRY TRAVEL 17 .50 PHILLIPS 68 SERVICE FREIGHT 3 .95 PHILLIPS 86 COMPANY FUEL/COUNTY VEHICLES .60 POWER MOTIVE BEARING 18 • .66 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING 3PART REPAIR ORDERS 22 '.90 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY CAT SCRAPER/PRINCIPAL 2,64 .55 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY MECH.SEAL 54 ' .63 PAYROLL FOR SEPTEMBER PAYROLL 0 18 b 199,41 .89 28,41 ) .67 SOCIAL SERVICES FUND' AMERICAN GUIDANCE SERVICE BOOKS/PERIODICALS 4 . .20 AT AND T 927-4404 2 .50 BOSSOW RITA R MILEAGE/TRAVEL 5 .20 BRODERICK KELLY A MILEAGE/TRAVEL 17 .61 CARLOW MARGARET RENT/9-90 861 .00 CCO AND ERA RET. ANN/SOCIAL SERV 7 ' .82 CENTRAL STORES SUPPLIES 4I• .20 ' COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/SOCIAL SERV 91 .47 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INSURANCE PREM 1 ,00 . .38 CONSTANCE COOPER MILEAGE/TRAVEL 1 . .60 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES SUPPLIES 51. 36 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES FOOD STAMP/AUTO FORMS 1 .88 DON WELCH MILEAGE/TRAVEL 1 . .20 EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING COPIER CHARGE 1 1= .78 EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RENT/9-90 27. .00 • FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/SOCIAL SERV 8,811 .28 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS PREM 2,7=1. .10 GATES GEORGE A MILEAGE/TRAVEL ' .00 GUSTAFSON RICHARD MILEAGE/TRAVEL 1 • .00 HORN SUSAN E MILEAGE/TRAVEL ! .40 IMMUNOLOGICAL ASSOC OF DENVER PATERNITY EXT. 3.; .00 IMMUNOLOGICAL ASSOC OF DENVER PATERNITY TESTING 3•; .00 MOTOR POOL FUND USE OF COUNTY CAR 5.. .40 MOTOR POOL FUND USE/COUNTY VEHICLE 41 = .88 OFFICE DISTRICT ATTORNEY LEGAL SERVICES 8 .38 PACIFIC TELECOM 328-8328 37: .02 POSTMASTER POSTAGE 51 .00 REMARKABLE PRODUCTS SUPPLIES • 1 • .95 ROSE SANDRA MILEAGE/TRAVEL c .40 SELIGMANN MOLLY MILEAGE/TRAVEL 4 .40 SHERATON HOTEL LODGE/MEALS 111 .00 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING SPEEDLETTERS/SUPPLIES 18=.50 SSTABS REGISTRATION 19. .00 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE SERVICE 17 +78 VISA .. GAS 2. .50 PAYROLL FOR SEPTEMBER MONTHLY PAYROLL 18,46=.43 36,13 .08 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES FUND EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS MONITOR/KEYBOARD 1,960 .00 INFORMATION SOLUTIONS TERMINAL 85. .00 LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT PRINTMASTER/JAIL 57. .00 MOTOROLA INCORPORATED RADIO EQUIPMENT 2,52. .00 SUMMIT LUMBER 15408/WHITE ROOFING • 470 .41 6,11 ; .41 RETIREMENT FUND CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 7:P .82 CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 4,4E :.70 CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 4,57 = .58 ' 9,7E0 .10 CONTINGENCY FUND GENERAL FUND TRANSFER/CNGF 21; .00 21x .00 • 0 24 Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 1st Day"--)ctober __Tenn, 19 90 19 INSURANCE FUND COLORADO COUNTIES INCORPORATED 90-91 CAPP CONT. 188,622.00 EAGLE CO. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE TRANSFER/INCE 1 ,250.00 GENERAL FUND TRANSFER/INGF 100,000.00 MOTOR POOL FUND TRANSFER/INMP 12,370.00 SEDGWICK JAMES OF COLORADO CONSULTING SERVICE 1 ,000.00 TRISH KRAMER REPLACEMENT LIGHT 53.38 281,295.38 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND - . COLORADO DIVISION OF WATER MONITOR/WELL PERMITS 380.00 . 360.00 CONSTRUCTION FUND AGRELL AND THORPE LTD BRICK SCULPTURE/BLDG 2,250.00 CABELL CHILDRESS ARCHITECTS ARCH SERV/SEPT 1-90 4,078.92 CHEN NORTHERN INCORPORATED CONST.OBSERVATION 3,327.40 CLERK PITKIN COUNTY CLERK GARNISHMENT/SHAW CONST 55,038.82 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICE 160.93 PACIFIC TELECOM PHONE SERVICE 1 ,244.98 SHAW CONSTRUCTION PAYMENT 5/CERT.PAYMT 418,650.00 TYREE AND ASSOCIATES PROF SERV/ARCH. 2,890.00 487,539.05 AIRPORT FUND AVIATION SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE 10316/MAINT CONT/OCT90 2,096.51 BRENT SERVICE REPAIR BEACON TOWER 137.73 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT 74.13 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT 74.13 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/AIRPORT 91 .82 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/AIRPORT 91 .62 i CRICH MICHAEL HANGAR RENT/OCT 90 600.00 DAILY JOURNAL THE REQUEST FOR BIOS/AD 384.00 EAGLE AUTO PARTS LITE BULB 0.52 - EAGLE AUTO PARTS GASKET/SNOW PLOW 8.16 EAGLE AUTO PARTS BRUSHES-TO CLEAN PARTS 11.07 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE INVITATION FOR BIDS 103.88 EXECUTIVE PROGRAM THE BOOKS 10.94 FEDERAL AVIATION CONSULTANT SEMINAR 20.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT 700.04 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/AIRPORT 1 ,017.78 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT 700.04 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 3801001 594.16 JP AVIONICS REPAIR DME MONITOR 217.31 MOTOR POOL FUND MP HEAVY/AIRPORT 747.25 PACIFIC TELECOM TELEPHONE SERVICE 218.14 REGISTRY HOTEL LODGE/REYNOLDS 84.91 PAYROLL FOR SEPTEMBER PAYROLL • 18 & 19 4,350.12 12,311 .86 LANDFILL FUND CCO AND ERA REfi ANN/LANDFILL 72.30 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL 80.08 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LANDFILL 110.83 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LANDFILL 138.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL 819.79 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/LANDFILL 604.68 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL 998.34 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY TRASH BAGS 37.90 MCGRUDER SEPTIC SERVICE SEPTIC SERVICE 30.00 MOTOR POOL FUND MP HEAVY/LANDFILL 11 ,348.97 MOTOR POOL FUND MP/LANDFILL 325.64 PACIFIC TELECOM PHONE/LANDFILL 894.00 PAYROLL FOR SEPTEMBER PAYROLL • 18 i 19 4,704.67 20,164.80 • • 246 Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 1st Day_october Term, 19 90 19_.__ TN1 C.F.HOECRR CO.,OtNVEN 171114 : .. _ LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FUND ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND , TRANSFER/LIRB 209,998.00 209,998.00 TRANSPORTATION FUND CCO AND ERA RET ANN/EC BUS SYSTEM 16.37 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/EC BUS SYS. 18.37 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/BUS SYSTEM 17.91 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/EC BUS SYS 17.91 DAVE TRANSPORTATION SERVICE TRANS.REF.CONTRACT 918. 13 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/EC BUS SYSTEM 136.17 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/EC BUS SYS. 136. 17 VAIL DAILY THE BUS SCHEDULE 277.00 PAYROLL FOR SEPTEMBER PAYROLL 9 18 & 19 1,638.03 TOTAL ALL FUNDS SEPTEMBER 2,059,340.38 The morning being spent paying bills, the following items were brought before the Board for their considfiratioo: Chairman Pro-ten Gates opened the Meeting with the first item on the agenda, a liquor license for Kennedy's at Singletree. Commissioner Gustafson moved to open the meeting as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Chairman Pro-ten Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Welch was not present as he was attending educational classes. Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, presented the first application for a Lig. Lic liquor license, Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. dba Kennedy's at Singletree. He stated Kennedy's this application should be treated as a new application. Fred Otto, attorney representing the applicant, explained the presentation he would make today. Johannes Fessler was sworn to testify by Johnnette Phillips, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Mr. Bigler advised the Board the neighborhood and the need for the license could be based on the existing establishment. Commissioner Gustafson moved to accept the neighborhood as being the same neighborhood that existed under the previous licenses, and it is the desire of the neighborhood for the need of the establishment. Chairman Pro-tea Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler stated the Sheriff's office report no adverse comments during the past year and the fees and application are on file In the Clerk and Recorder's office. He recommended approval. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the new hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours and optional premises for Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., dba Kennedy's at Singletree located at 1265 Berry Creek Road, Edwards, Colorado. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the notion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. . Johnnette Phillips, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, presented the minutes from Minutes August 20, 1990 through September 18, 1990. ' Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the minutes as presented for the dates of 8/220-9/18/90 August 20, 1990, August 21, 1990, August 27, 1990, August 28, 1990, September 4, 1990, September 5, 1990, September 10, 1990, September 11, 1990, September 17, 1990, and September 18, 1990. Chairman Pro-ten Gates seconded the notion. In discussion, Commissioner Gustafson stated the ballot question for the T.Y. Translator did not contain the sunset clause. He further stated that the motion in the minutes do include that clause and the sunset clause will be enforced after a reasonable time if the T.V. Translator system is not in place and working properly. Question was called for on the notion. The vote was declared unanimous of the two voting Commissioners. ismnimimisemomer 4 1111 41/1 l Chairman Pro-tea Gates stated the next item was a proposed resolution for a drug Res 90-99 free campaign. Red Ribbon Week Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and adopt Resolution 90-99 declaring October 20-28, 1990, 'Red Ribbon Week.' Chairman Pro-tea Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, presented an acceptance of an avigation easement Avigation for Gypsum Meadow Subdivision. He explained the easement and read portions of the Easement easement regarding flight patterns over the Town of Gypsum. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Acceptance of the Easement. Chairman Pro-tea Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve payroll for October 4, 1990,. subject to Payroll and the review and approval of the County Manager. Bill Paying Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the 1 vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve warrants for bill paying as presented. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Jody Caruthers, County Assessor, appeared for a petition for an abatement for DSM Abatement Realty Corporation. She recommended denial as is does not fall within area sales of DSM Realty the property. Debbie Duley, representing DSM Realty Corporation, stated she received a Notice of Determination which revalues this property at $2,100 per acre from $3,100 per acre. John Sternig, appraiser in the Assessor's office, explained the sales for the area market value for this property. Ms. Caruthers told the Board the taxpayer can appeal if the value changes through the Board of Equalization and new information. She stated she would change her recommendation if there is an error in the record. Further discussion was held on the change in appraisal. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve Schedule $39178 the abatement $3,865.62, based on the fact that new information has been brought to light, new sales within the time period, and based on the fact there has been a settlement at a lower valuation on the 1990 appeal period. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented a petition for abatement on Schedule $26099 from DSM Abatement Realty Corporation and stated the property has been reduced through the State DSM Realty process. She recommended approval of the abatement in the amount of $3,021.45. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the petition for abatement in the amount of $3,021.45 on Schedule $26099, based on the fact that new information has been brought to light, new sales within the time period, and based on the fact there has been a settlement at a lower valuation on the 1990 appeal period. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Keith Montag, Director of Community Development, presented a final plat for The Final Plat Summit at Oak Ridge III, Aspen Mountain View Filing $3. He stated all appropriate Oak Ridge III agencies have signed and the Board of County Commissioners previously approved the plat and all that is needed is the signature of the Board. Commissioner Gustafson moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat as presented by Mr. Montag. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl introduced the next item, a proposed resolution authorizing the Res 90-101 issuance of special assessment bonds for Bellyache Ridge. Bellyache Imp Kirk Rider, bond counsel for Bellyache Ridge Improvement District, presented the Dist 90-1 resolution and explained the issuance of the bonds. He stated that eleven property owners have elected to utilize the prepayment option. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve and sign Resolution 90-101 authorizing the issuance by Eagle County special assessment bonds in the principal amount of $247,000 for the Bellyache Ridge Local Improvements District Number 90-1 prescribing the form of the bonds, and providing for the payment of the bonds and the interest thereon and other detail in connection therewith. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. - • There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to October 1, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • i • RECEIVED OCT 2 9 1990 .23S EAGLE COUNTY September 24, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Present: Don Welch Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George 'Bud' Gates Commissioner James Fritze County Manager Dick Gustafson Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Keith Montag Dir Comm Dev Sid Fox Planner This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Welch called the meeting to order with File PD-293-90, Cordillera Sketch Cordillera Plan hearing. Sketch Plan Sid Fox, Planner, told the Board there are two letter not in the record, one from Larry Disher supporting the sketch plan, and one from Dr. and Mrs. Petty expressing • their concerns of water, health and safety regarding traffic, and right-of-way for access. Terrill Knight, Knight Planning Services representing Cordillera, made a presentation regarding goals of the complete Cordillera sketch plan and the refinements of the sketch plan that now exceed the presented sketch plan. He addressed questions brought up in prior meetings. He discussed issues of right-of-way, the pre-eminent issue of water and explained the water plan that is in effect. Wildlife was addressed, traffic count and road design, air quality study, timing and phasing of the development, community plan of development, visual quality, location of the village center and commercial services to be provided for the community. He pointed out on a map the proposed development considering the visual lines of units and mitigation plans for visual concern. Bill Clinkenbeard, applicant, gave his final comments regarding personal attacks, timing and need for the project. He mentioned local support and read quotes of local residents supporting the Cordillera development. He brought up the density question and explained the need for the proposed density. Commissioner Gates asked about employee housing. Mr. Knight stated this issue has been discussed with the Planning Staff and will address housing with some on-site housing and some units throughout the valley. Sid Fox, Planner, told the Board the Planning Commission included a housing condition in their recommendations. Commissioner Gates asked about the community center and visual impact. Mr. Knight said the applicant is willing to look at preliminary plan and will plan for visual impacts and site visibility adjustments. Chairman Welch asked about visibility from different directions. Mr. Knight said the sites are invisible from I-70 and if the Board wants the development invisible then the applicant can comply. Mr. Fox clarified the site impact position of the Planning Staff and is recommending the current sketch plan as submitted be redesigned with respect to the visual impact. He stated there are significant benefits by focusing the development toward Squaw Creek. Chairman Welch asked how the plan developed and evolved to the Land Use Plan. Mr. Knight explained the purchase of property for the golf courses and the need to make a plan so surrounding property could be controlled. Mr. Clinkenbeard told the Board golf was in mind first as he had received requests for a golf course supported by guests. He said the intent was to put golf on the original property but the property was not suitable. He explained cross country skiing was the original plan but golf was also planned. Discussion followed on a golf course in the development and how that idea evolved. Mr. Knight explained what he believed to be an appropriate density regarding the Sub-Area Plan for the proposed development and that each project should stand on its own merits. Mr. Fox addressed the perspective of Community Development regarding the rural character. He told the Board he feels Squaw Creek has lost its rural character and spoke of the open space retained by Cordillera. Mr. Knight stated that more than 60% of Cordillera is open space. Chairman Welch asked about the criteria for the need for golf courses and the density as planned. Mr. Clinkenbeard explained how the resort could be successful and needs to make the development successful. Mr. Knight pointed out the Master Plan says development and growth is important, and there is a benefit to provide second homes in the area. Further discussion on the Edwards Sub-Area Plan, density need, population and approved units in the area was held. Sale of the property was questioned. Mr. Knight stated that sales were well ahead of projections. Kevin Payne spoke to the needs of the community and sales of property. He stated he believes the needs should be put into perspective as a plan for fifteen years. Golf is a need and the density is the lowest in the area. Commissioner Gates acknowledged the Master Plan and Edwards Sub-Area Plan but questioned how to address 15-20 years into the future. Chairman Welch strongly stressed documents need to be adhered to. He questioned if these documents should be updated and changed before a critical issue is determined. Commissioner Gates spoke to personal biased opinions and stated if all regulations are adhered to he could not deny or approve on a personal opinion. Chairman Welch gave a personal perspective of the proposed development. Mr. Clinkenbeard stated the personal perspective is not totally correct Mr. Knight elaborated on plans for a golf course. Chairman Welch stated his belief of lack of sensitivity regarding helicopter and visual problems. Mr. Clinkenbeard argued that Cordillera is a sensitive development. • 4110 Commissioner Gustafson stated he had some issues that need to be answered in his own mind. He suggested the hearing be closed and take the decision under advisement and return at a later date with a decision. James Fritze, County Manager, told the Board that deliberation and the vote regarding the Cordillera Sketch Plan application shall be in public, and seeking legal advice can be done in executive session. Mr. Knight suggested technical questions should be asked today is the technical witnesses are available. Commissioner Gustafson moved to close the hearing for Cordillera Sketch Plan, and to close the time for receiving additional information, and to use the time until October 15, 1990, to prepare a notion and seek legal advice as needed, and schedule the presentation of a motion and deliberation to October 15, 1990 at 9:00 a.m. Commissioner Gates seconded the notion. In discussion, Mr. Fox read a letter from Carolyn Bevin opposed to the development. The letter was accepted into the record. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The Board reviewed the bills as submitted by the Accounting Department. Bill Paying Commissioner Gates moved to approve the warrants as submitted for bill paying. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the warrants for Social Services. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Dan Reynolds, Director of Transportation, appeared with a bid award for AIP *13, Bid Award Schedule VI, and a Notice of Award to Tarco, Inc. He stated Tarco was the low bidder Tarco, Inc. in the amount of $867,000 and the grant award was in the amount of $1,400,000. Mr. Reynolds asked the Board to approve the Notice of Award and the Notice to Proceed. Commissioner Gates moved the Board authorize the Chairman to sign the Notice of Award between Tarco, Inc. and Eagle County for Airport Improvement Project *13. commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board authorize the Chairman to sign the Notice to Proceed between Tarco, Inc. and Eagle County for Airport Improvement Project $13. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Reynolds asked the Board approve the contract with Tarco, Inc. Commissioner Gates moved the Board authorize the Chairman to sign the contract between Tarco, Inc. and Eagle County for Airport Improvement Project #13, after review by the County Attorney. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Tom Brown, Engineer, brought a Change Order for 16301 Bridge Rehabilitation which 5301 Bridge extends the completion date from September 30, 1990 to October 31, 1990. He reviewed Rehab Grant the change for the Board and stated the increase is by $4,488 to a new contract price of $15,572. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Change Order No. 1 for the 16301-Bridge Rehabilitation program. This change order increases the original contract price $4,488 and extends the completion date to October 31, 1990, subject to the signature of Don Fessler. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson was not in the room for this item. Mr. Brown asked the Board to approve the Certification of Project start in order Certification to get 50% of the grant funds from the State of Colorado. Project Start Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Certification of Project Start in order to release 50% of the special Bridge Account monies allocated to the Bridge Project No. EAG-301-08.2, EAG-301-15.6, and EAG-301-27.7. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze presented a request from Vail Associates to sign a document to allow Vail Assoc the Letter of Credit which is security behind the Sports Facility Bond be changed from Sports Bond the Bank of Boston to Continental National Bank. Mara Kleinschmidt, Assistant County Attorney, explained the document to the Board and said there would be no liability on the part of Eagle County, according to bond counsel. Commissioner Gates moved to sign the waiver of Letter of Credit for the Sports Facility Bond. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. . Jim Scholer, Director of Social Services, presented an agreement for donated Donated Foods foods. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the donated foods agreements as presented by Agreement Mr. Scholer. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Scholer 'presented the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program vendor agreement LEAP vendor with utility companies. Agreement Commissioner Gates moved to approve and sign the LEAP vendor agreement as presented by Mr. Scholer. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze presented a proposed resolution appointing Jack Johnson as the Eagle Res 90-97 County Veteran Services Officer. Jackson, J. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-97 appointing Jack Johnson as the Eagle County Veteran Services Officer. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. i i c23 "7 Mr. Fritze presented a proposed resolution commending and recognizing Dr. Thomas Res 90-98 I. Steinberg for his public service. Steinberg, T. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-98, a commendation and recognition of Public Service for Thomas I. Steinberg, M.D. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to October 1, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • • • • • • • • 1 • ,;2);;" September 11, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George 'Bud' Gates Commissioner James Frltze County Manager Dick Gustafson Commissioner dobnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Sid Fox Planner Keith Montag Dir. Comm. Dev. This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Sid Fox, Planner, presented File ZS-297-90, Shrine Mountain Cemetery, Chuck Ogilbe Zy S-297 90n 0 applicant, a request to establish a cemetery. Be gave the site data and cemetery locations. He stated the County Land Use Regulations do not provide pffor rsaiceteter . Cemetery He told the Board the applicant has agreed to submit site specific s application is approved. Chairman Welch asked the applicant if this is a viable project with the Town of Vail establishing a cemetery. Chuck Ogilby, applicant, told the Board there are already some graves on the site. He said the plan is for 1/4 acre to be platted with plots the size of 4'x5' being sold and the cemetery will be maintained. Discussion followed on grave markers- The Board determined size restrictions on grave markers will be necessary. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners conceptually approve for burial and spreading of cremation ashes the Special Use application for File No. ZS-297-90, Shrine Mountain Inn. He included the Staff's Major Concerns and Issues and Staff Findings, and limiting the size of the headstones or having flat markers. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. In discussion, Commissioner Gustafson stated he did not like the wording of the motion. The Board determined this is conceptual approval only and the project should be allowed to move, forward. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Keith Montag, Director of Community Development, asked that File SM-641-90, Cook/ HCC be tabled to later in the day. Commissioner Gustafson moved to table File SM-641-90 ACC/Cook to later in the day. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox gave the project description of File SM-651-90 and ZC-244-90, Soderberg odeff g EC-651-90 -651-90 Subdivision Filing 4. He read the site data, the chronology, findings. He told the Board the Roaring Fork Valley Planning ngeCo missriondiion recs on_ded Soderberg approval with conditions. Staff recommended approval of Zone Change. Commissioner Gustafson moved to The Board determined to table later in the day. table File SM-651-90 and ZC-244-90 until later in the day. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, presented an assignment of Certificate of Deposit, Vantex for Vantex, Enterprises assigning a $22,675 CD to Eagle County for collateral for the Assignment sig ent Blue Lake PUD Filing $2. He recommended approval. sit as Commissioner Gates moved to approve the assignment of Certificate of Depo presented by Mr. Lindahl. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl brought up the next item, a grant from the Colorado Department of Grant Ap Safety for the Sheriff's Department DARE program. He stated he has reviewed the grant for DARE and recommended approval. The Board signed the grant. The next item for the Board's consideration was File ZS-298-90, Global American ZC-298-90 Tower. Mr. Montag made the presentation and gave the project description. He read GlobaleAmerican from the Master Plan designation. The major concerns sandiiissues suesiar are: 2. Precedent; 3. 1. Visual impacts (skyline, lighting, and wildlife; 4. Drainage/erosion; 5. Interference; 6. Electromagnetic radiation; 7. Noise; 8. Alternatives (lower tower height, multiple towers, alternate locations); 9. Needs assessment. Staff findings are as follows: 1. The proposed use as submitted is not compatible with other existing uses in the area. 2. There are potential negative effects of the tower as submitted on the character of the neighborhood. 3. Access is adequate to the tower site if Engineering Department concerns are addressed. 4. Water and sanitation is not applicable. However, site 5. The physical arrangement of the site is appropriate. selection is questionable. 6. This proposal is not consistent with the applicable policies of the Master Plan. 7. The alternative solutions should be analyzed in the Environmental Impact Report. Staff and the Planning Commission recommended denial, however, tabling may be appropriate if the applicant is willing to address the issues identified. Chairman Welch asked if there is any historical data on the existing tower. Mr. Montag replied he could not find any data. • • o201� Ron Crider spoke and told the Board RILL Communications applied for the present tower. He made a presentation on types of towers he has built and mentioned environmental problems of the tower and mitigation. He stated he is the owner of KSKE radio station and addressed the need for a tower for the radio station. He spoke of changing the tower for antennas. He said that EEYR radio share the same tower and are willing to work with him and build an antenna together. He reviewed the chronology of the reason for the need of a tower. He mentioned Denver television stations requesting use of the tower for installing translators. He passed out confirmation letters of different entities requesting space on the tower and a diagram of spaces for use on the tower. He handed out pictures of the present tower and pointed out it is almost invisible from Vail Associates land and the insignificant difference of additional feet. He mentioned the change from strobe to red obstruction lights. Commissioner Gustafson, disclosed a possible conflict of interest as he has is working on a business venture with ESKE_ Mr. Crider stated that LIB rents space on this tower and he is not representing RSEE but Global American. Mr. Lindahl determined this is not a conflict of interest. Commissioner Gates asked about requesting additional space since the existing tower has enough space. Mr. Crider answered the tower in place can be used but he realizes that one tower is more acceptable than two towers. Tom Keefe, landscape architect and planner, made a presentation on the visual impacts. He pointed out on an enlarged picture a comparison of the existing tower and an additional 280 feet associated with the new tower. He gave a simulation of the 649 foot tower. Mr. Crider stated he believes he has answered all the issues and concerns set forth by Staff. He told the Board this will benefit the community and offered to take the Board and public on a field trip to observe the tower from various points. Chairman Welch asked what areas would be able to receive television signals. Mr. Crider stated that most television transmission signals are line of sight communication. Andy Enutson, planner from the Town of Vail, stated the primary concern is the need for justification. He stated U.S. West Cellular Phones has applied to the Town of Vail to put a 4' antenna on a building in Vail. He asked the Board to consider any alternatives. Greg Shapiro made statements that this community should not have to bear the responsibility for this tower. Craig Riegel, area resident, spoke to the number one problem in his opinion was the visual impact. He urged the Board to consider alternatives. Marilyn Bolterman, Wildridge homeowner, expressed her concerns about strobe lights on the tower. Mr_ Crider told the Board he did not know of a time the FAA required strobe lights. He explained the purpose of the horizontal height. Chairman Welch stated he did not believe he was presently capable of making a decision and he believes the nighttime impacts are significant. Commissioner Gates stated that in all fairness to the applicant and the community he would prefer to table this. Commissioner Gustafson expressed his opinion that he is violently opposed to publicly supported facilities competing with private enterprise. He stated he is struggling with the emotional side of this issue. Hr. Crider expressed his wishes to supply any information to point out to the community the need for this tower. Mr. Montag summarized letters from the Town of Avon supporting the tower, the Town of vail expressing concerns with the expansion of the tower and disturbed vegetation, Louis Angier and Tom Backhus both opposed, Bill Settmeyer objected to the tower as being visibly intrusive with strobe lights, Holy Cross Electric stating they assume no maintenance _ responsibility, Craig Riegel stating the plan is incomplete, and District Forest Service telling of his concerns with the visibility of the tower. Commissioner Gustafson made a statement that this needs further study. He moved to continue this application to Monday, October 2, 1990 at 9:00 a.m. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Sartin presented a proposed resolution authorizing expenditure from the Res 90-94 contingency fund for the payment of unanticipated contingencies. Contingency Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-94 as presented by Mr. pfd Sartin. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the notion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr_ Fritze brought before the Board a continued item from yesterday regarding the Res 90-95 appropriation of the budget. Supplementary Allen Sartin, Director of Budget and Information System, gave the amounts of Budget unanticipated revenues and transfer of various funds. Commissioner Gates elaborated on public questions regarding budgets and unanticipated revenues. Mr. Fritze explained that additional revenue usually generates additional expenditure. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-95 for a supplemental budget and appropriation of unanticipated revenues for the fiscal year 1990 and authorize the transfer of budgeted and appropriated monies between various spending agencies. Comwissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Montag made a presentation on File PD-105-90-A2, Streamside at Vail PUD PD-105-90-A2 Amendment. He gave the project description, site date and chronology. He read the Streamside at staff findings. He told the Board the Staff and Planning Commission recommended Vail PUD approval. • • Buff Arnold, architect representing applicant, explained the parking spaces being eliminated. He described the landscaping and improvement of the hte. and snow storage. Chairman Welch questioned the elimination of the parking spaces Mr. Montag stated the parking ratio will work and told the Board the sites for snow storage. Commissioner Gustafson moved on File PD-105-90-A2, Streamside at Vail POD Amendment, to approve the amendment as presented, incorporating the findings of Staff pursuant to. Section 2.06.13(11) and taking the recommendation of staff and the Planning Commission. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Arnold asked the Board address the woodburning fireplace issue. Mr. Montag stated the applicant would eliminate all woodburning devices on the site, but would like to allow a woodburning fireplace in the Evergreen lobby but use as a gas burning fireplace. The Board concurred. Hr. Fox introduced the next item, a completeness hearing for Basalt 1041 Basalt 1041 application. He requested the Board find the application incomplete and table to Completeness Hearing October 9, 190. Completeness hearing to October Commissioner Gates moved to table the Basalt 1041 Comp 9, 1990 Commissioner Gustafson seconded the notion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented Pilgrim Downs Phase II, File PD-153-90-F, an application for Final Plat final plat for three lots on 45 acres. He gave the project description and site PD-153-90-F data. Staff and the Planning Commission recommended approval. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the final plat for Pilgrim Downs Phase II, File PD-153-90-F, and incorporating Staff's findings. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Montag presented File PD-286-89-S, Tucker Subdivision, and stated the file has PD-286-89-S been reviewed several times by the Board. He reviewed the conditional approval of the Tucker Subdiv. Roaring Fork Valley Planning Commission. Steve Isom, I-Plan representing the applicant, showed the Board a site plan for the project. Location and linear configuration was discussed. The Board pointed out changes they believe necessary. Discussion continued on road placement in the project. Commissioner Gustafson moved to table File PD-286-89-S, Tucker Subdivision POD Sketch Plan until such time the Board of County Commissioners can see the overall El Jebel Plan and transportation site. Commissioner Gates seconded the notion. In discussion, the question was brought up on whether or not to deny the project. Question was called for on the motion. The motion failed by a vote of two to one. commissioner Gates voted yes. Commissioner Gustafson moved to deny File PD-286-89-S, Tucker Subdivision. Chairman Welch seconded the notion. The motion passed by a vote of two to one with Commissioner Gates voting against. Mr. Montag presented a final plat for Homestead Lot 19, Filing #3, File SM-677-90. Final plat Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman to sign as presented by Mr. File SM-677-90 Montag. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Montag presented a final plat for File PD-292-90-F, Eagle Meadows, Lot 7-6, FFinal al Plat latows hew York Mountain project. Mara Kleinschmidt, Assistant County Attorney, told the Board eretwas o saaiproblem ro the with the parcel. She stated the quit claim deeds signed yesterday title company and recommended the Board sign the supplemental quit claim deed that have netes and bounds description. Commissioner Gustafson moved on Tract 7-6 Eagle Meadows to authorize the chairman to sign the supplemental quit claim deeds which will clear up the title problem, and authorize the Chairman to sign to sign the final plat which vacates the road easements. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Montag presented a final plat for File SM-676-90, Berry Creek Ranch Lot 36, Final Plat Block 6, Filing 82. Berry Creek L36 Commissioner Gates noved to authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat as presented by Mr. Montag. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the notion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Montag presented a final plat for File SM-679-90, The Reserve, Building F Final ReserveBlat dgF Condominium Map. Commissioner Gustafson moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat as presented by Mr. Montag. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Montag presented a final plat for file SM-666-90, Cordillera Lots 35A, 35B and Final Plat 35C, Filings #1 and f2. Cordillera Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat as Lot 35A-C presented by Mr. Montag. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. t Mr. Montag presented the next final plat, File SM-680-90, Lot 12 Block 3, Berry FinalBerry Platk L12 Creek Ranch Filing #2. Cre Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat as presented by Mr. Montag. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Montag presented File SM-673-90, Pearl Peterson subdivision, a final plat for FinalPeal Plat the Chairman's signature. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat as subdivision presented by Mr. Montag. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Montag presented File 8C-245-90. Crawford Zone Change and reminded the Board ZC-245-90 this was tabled from an earlier meeting and reviewed the file_ Crawford Mr_ Isom explained the change in zone change request. Zone Change Commissioner Gustafson moved on File EC-245-90 to approve the zone change on .9878 acres adjacent to back of the proposed grocery store which received a special use permit. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented File SU-178-90-P, Summit Vista, preliminary plan for Lot 1. He sU-178-90-P gave the project description and pointed out the location on the sub-area master Summit Vista plan. He reviewed the location and site data. He addressed transportation and recreation, major - concerns and issues. He read Staff findings and Staff recommendations. The Roaring Fork Valley Planning Commission recommended denial of the file for the following reasons: 1. The existing Summit Vista Homeowners relied upon the final plat to limit density on Lot 1. 2. Need for additional recreational space and the location and size of the tot lot proposed. 3. The applicant did not demonstrate a need for the additional density and they did not show a change in the character of the neighborhood (zoning change criteria). 4. The 48 unit limit was an intentional act by the original developer and was a selling point for approval. 5. The preliminary plan is not in conformance with the sketch plan approved in 1981. 6. The bike path should be 6 feet wide. 7. The increased impacts on Highway 82 are unacceptable_ 8. There should be a larger buffer between the project and Highway 82. 9. The project would contribute to strip development'" along Highway 82. 10. The internal roads and parking lot should be subtracted from the developable land. Hr. Fox stated staff recommends tabling of this file as he has just received an amended site plan showing new access points and Staff would like time to critique the new plan. Mr. Isom stated he notified the property owners of the meeting. He reviewed their concerns and how the site plan has been revised. Norman Bacheldorf spoke up and told the Board homeowners were not present, one owner is deceased and one owner is out of state. The Board requested the tapes be reviewed to determine the intent of the number of units. Commissioner Gates moved on File SU-187-90 Summit Vista to table to October 9, 1990 in order to obtain further information. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion_ The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented File PD-297-90-F, HcGrady Acres and told the Board at the last pD-297-90-F hearing they expressed their concern regarding the deletion of Lot 7, estate of HcGrady Acres William R. Nottingham. He said his research found no record of that lot being platted or proof that it had been conveyed as a separate lot prior to 1964. Staff recommended this lot be considered a phased plat in which the current plat is considered Phase I and the remainder of the lot be considered Phase II. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, gave his legal opinion that the property is an illegal subdivision as it was never an approved lot. George, Petre assured the Board this is not an illegal lot. He stated this was deeded to Randy and Jeanette Nottingham. He explained why this lot was deleted as Jeanette did not want to be included in the subdivision. He stated District Court has approved the deletion of the lot from the subdivision. Terrill Knight, Knight Planning Services, interjected he had worked with HcGrady Acres and offered some suggestions for finding some background information. Discussion was held on if splitting of the lot from the subdivision created an illegal subdivision. Fred Otto, representing Jeanette Nottingham, stated the estate of Randy Nottingham is closed and the lot is owned by Jeanette Nottingham. He read a letter from Mr. Petre regarding the lot. Mr. Lindahl advised he cannot see any reason to legalize Ms. Nottingham's lot. Mr. Fox pointed out the reason may be to allow a building permit to be obtained. Mr. Petre told the Board he was not asking this lot be included in this subdivision. Discussion followed on the inclusion or exclusion of this lot into McGrady Acres Subdivision. Further discussion was held on the problems associated with this lot in the subdivision. Nr. Lindahl gave County regulations on approving the preliminary plan. Commissioner Gustafson moved the final plat as presented is not in conformance with the preliminary plan and further moved to deny the final plat. Commissioner Gates would not second the motion. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. 1111 1110 01,49 In discussion, Commissioner Gates stated he does not believe any problems will be solved with this action being taken. Mr. Otto gave reasons Ms. Nottingham was not included. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was passed by a vote of two to one with Commissioner Gates voting no. Mr. Montag presented File SM-641-90, Cook/HCC Subdivision and reviewed project description and site data. He read staff findings and stated major concerns and SH-641-90 issues are road impact fees. Cook/HCC Commissioner Gates moved on File SM-641-90,Cook/HCC subdivision to approve with the condition the road impact fee of $1000 on one lot be paid, and incorporate Staff's findings in the motion. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. ileinschmidt addressed Pilgrim Downs plats in which one deed indicates a Amended Plats private access and the plat indicates public access. She reviewed the history for the Pilgrim Downs Board. Mr. Isom explained why the road is labelled as access and not specified as public or private. Ms. Aleinschmidt stated she believes there should be a formal vacation of the parcel. Mr. Isom asked the Board to approve the amended plats. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the building envelope changes. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved authorize the Chairman to sign the amended final plat for Final Plat Pilgrim Downs, Lot 10, Filing f5. Pilgrim Downs Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 9r Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Final Plat final plat for Lot 7, Pilgrim Downs, Filing f4. Pilgrim Downs Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to September 17, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman j • c9o) September 10, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George *Bud' Gates Commissioner James Fritze County Manager Dick Gustafson Commissioner Mara Kleinschmidt Asst County Atty Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Welch opened the meeting with the announcement that the first item to be Eagle Meadow heard was the vacation of a public right-of-way in Eagle Meadow. Vacation of Mara Kleinschmidt, Assistant County Attorney, presented a resolution for the Right-of-Way vacation of the public rights-of-way for Eagle Meadow and quit claim deeds. She reviewed the resolution for the Board. Chairman . Welch asked if the applicant pays for legal fees for the work involved in the vacation. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, stated a fee was paid at the Planning Department. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and adopt Resolution 9Q-93 for vacation of public right-of-way for Eagle Meadows, with the condition the Attorney's office collect legal fees incurred by the applicant. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. Discussion was held on collecting fees for the attorney's office. Question was called for on the motion. The motion failed by a vote of two to one. Commissioner Gustafson voted for the motion. Chairman Welch and Commissioner Gates voted against. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and adopt Resolution 90-93 for vacation of public right-of-way for Eagle Meadows. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ken Heller, Road and Bridge Assistant Supervisor, appeared with a change order for C.O. Pitkin Iron Corporation that reduced the contract by the amount of $3,884.13. Pitkin Iron Commissioner Gates moved to approve the change order as presented by Mr. Heller which reduced the contract amount by $3,884.13, and puts the total contract in the amount of $31,190.87. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a final settlement for Pitkin Iron Corporation. He stated a Final Settlmnt notice of the hearing was published and no claims have been received against Pitkin Pitkin Iron Iron Corporation. He recommended approval of the final settlement. Commissioner Gates moved the Board authorize final settlement of the contract with Pitkin Iron Corporation for the provision of road base materials for work on Brush Creek Road. He further moved the Board approve the change order decreasing the price to $31,190.07. He noted that the published time for the final settlement has passed. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The next item on the agenda was abatements. Jody Caruthers. County Assessor, brought before the Board the first abatement to Abatement be heard, Wolfgang Lampe, Birgit Lampe and Peter Lampe, Schedule #13215. She Lampe, W. recommended denial of this request for abatement as the request is not within the statutory time frame. Mr. Lindahl advised the Board they can go back to 1988 to abate taxes. John Sternig, appraiser in the Assessor's office, read that the valuation was adjusted due to soil slippage but the soil problem has been repaired. Wolfgang Lampe, applicant, told the Board he is requesting only an abatement for 1989. Mr. Sternig said the neighborhood was adjusted and this property is equally valued as other properties in the area. Discussion was held on this request for abatement. Commissioner Gates moved to table this abatement for Schedule $13215, Wolfgang Lampe, to obtain further information. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented the next abatement for taxes from Rocky Mountain Natural Abatement Gas and stated the assessed valuation has been approved by the State. She recommended Rocky Mtn an abated value of $374,300 with a total abated tax of $19,462.37 for Rocky Mountain Hat. Gas Natural Gas. She recommended an abated value of $172,000 with a total abated tax of $10,019.07 for Gas Division of K N Energy, Inc. Brad Holmes, attorney for Rocky Mountain Natural Gas and Division of K N Energy, Inc, explained the two different entities and the valuations of the property. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the abatement for Rocky Mountain Natural Gas Division of K N Energy, Inc., in the amount of $8,656.37. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the abatement for Rocky Mountain Natural Gas in the amount of $20,677.87. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented a request for abatement, Schedule 925102, Travis S. Anderson family Trust. She recommended approval. Commissioner Gustafson moved the abatement be approved for Schedule 125012 in the amount of $574.74. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. c,2. 2 • • Ms. Caruthers presented Schedule #28142, Viviane Thomas Trimble. She recommended Abatement approval of the request for abatement in the amount of $707.27. Trimble, V. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the request for abatement for Schedule #28142 in the amount of $676.65 for the tax year 1989. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. In discussion, the amount for abatement was clarified to be $707.27. Commissioner Gates withdrew the motion. Commissioner Gustafson withdrew the second to the motion. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the request for abatement for Schedule #28142 in the amount of $707.27 for the taxable year of 1989. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented a request for abatement from Randall Guerriero, Schedule Abatement 125082. She recommended partial approval . Guerriero, R. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the abatement for Randall Guerriero, Schedule #25082, in the amount of $321.85 as requested. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented a request for abatement on Schedule #19348, A. Barry Abatement Hirschfeld, Trustee. She recommended approval due to a clerical error in the amount Hirschfeld, A. of $66.43. Commissioner Gates moved to approve abatement on Schedule #19348, A. Barry Hirschfeld, Trustee, in the amount of $66.43 for the tax year 1989. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ns. Caruthers presented a request for abatement for Schedule 116706, Dexil C. Abatement fold. She recommended approval in the amount of $1,046.37. Rold, Dexil Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the abatement for Schedule $16706, Dexil C. Rold in the amount of $1,046.37 as recommended by the Assessor's office. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented a request for abatement for Schedule 1P5248, Richard L. Abatement Schmidt . She recommended approval in the amount of 1340.43. Schmidt, R. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the abatement for Schedule 1P5248, Richard Schmidt in the amount of $340.43 based on the Assessor's recommendation to correct an error. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ns. Caruthers presented the next request for abatement, Schedule 15500, Shapiro Abatement Construction Company. She recommended partial approval in the amount of $928.39 due Shapiro Const. to an error in the size. Discussion followed on the request by Shapiro for the tax years 1987 and 1988. Ms. Caruthers agreed that the request 1988 should be considered. Commissioner Gustafson moved to table this request until further information is brought forth. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented a request for abatement for Schedule #26217, William B. Abatement Lucksinger. She recommended approval since the property was placed in a residential Lucksinger, W. and should have been in a commercial neighborhood. The abated amount is $1,328.16. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the request for abatement for Schedule 126217, William B. Lucksinger, in the amount of $1,328.16 for the tax year 1989. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented requests for abatement from Dimension Investments, Inc. Abatement and John D. Appleby. She explained the reason for recommending partial approval . The Dimension Tiny. following are schedule numbers and recommended abate amounts. Appleby, J. Schedule $26271 $754.34 Schedule $26272 $754.34 Schedule $26253 $754.34 Schedule $26269 $754.34 Schedule $26252 $268.49 Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the following abatements: Schedule #26252 $268.49 Schedule 126271 $754.34 Schedule #26272 $754.34 Schedule #26253 $754.34 Schedule #26269 $754.34 Schedule #26252 $268.49 Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented Schedule $P011521, Balloon America, and recommended denial Abatement of this petition. She referenced C.R.S. 39-5-1(10) for reason for denial . Balloon Aeric Commissioner Gates moved to deny Schedule $P011521, Balloon America based on the Assessor's recommendation. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented Schedule #9570, Margretta B. Parks and recommended denial Abatement of this petition for abatement as an appraisal cannot be considered for the time frame Parks, N. required. Commissioner Gustafson moved to deny Schedule 19570, Margretta B. Parks, based on the Assessor's recommendation. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. • 4111 Ns. Caruthers presented Schedule 119246, Marlene McCafferty, and recommended Abatement approval of the petition for abatement due to an erroneous assessment. McCafferty, M. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the abatement for Schedule 119246, Marlene McCafferty, in the amount of $14.76 based on an error. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented Schedule 129506, First Assembly of God, and recommended Abatement approval of the abatement due to a clerical error, First Assembly Commissioner Gates moved to approve the petition for abatement for Schedule of God 129506, First Assembly of God, in the amount of $1,477.99, for the tax year 11989. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented Schedule 1600155, Kenneth D. Campbell , and recommended Abatement partial approval of the petition for abatement for the tax year 1989 in the amount of Campbell, K. 1170.54, and recommended denial of the taxes for 1988. Commissioner Gustafson moved on Schedule 1600155, Kenneth D. Campbell, to approve the petition for abatement for 1989 in the amount of $170.54 and to deny the abatement request for 1988. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Caruthers presented another petition for Kenneth D. Campbell, Schedule Abatement, 1602170, and recommended denial of this petition. Campbell , K. Commissioner Gustafson moved to deny the petition for abatement from Kenneth D. Campbell, Schedule 1602170. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Allen Sartin, Director of Budget and Information System, appeared with a Supplementary resolution adopting a supplementary budget and appropriation of unanticipated revenue Budget for fiscal year 1990 and requested authorization of the transfer of budgeted and appropriated monies between various spending agencies. He explained reasons for the appropriation and reviewed for the Board the appropriation to the Insurance Fund from the General Fund, and the Bellyache Ridge Local Improvements District, equipment and software and bills for the recreation election. Discussion followed this resolution and appropriation of the unanticipated revenue and the authorized projected expenditures. The Board directed Mr. Sartin to analyze the projected expenditures and unanticipated revenues. Commissioner Gustafson moved to table this item to 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 11, 1990. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Dan Reynolds, Director of Transportation, appeared with an application for Federal Fed. Assistanc, Assistance on AIP Project 13-08-0020-13. He explained the project entails on AIP Project improvements to the runway and taxway, safety area improvements. He told the Board that the grant of 13,800,000 will be used in the construction which will start around October 1, 1990. Commissioner Gustafson asked that no early morning construction take place. He moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the application for federal assistance. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze suggested the Board adopt a motion allowing the Chairman to sign the grant when it is approved. Commissioner Gustafson moved the authorize the Chairman to sign the grant after it arrives and is approved. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The next item was a Statement of Grant Award from the Colorado Department of Statement of Safety. Mr. Fritze explained the request. Grant Award Commissioner Gustafson moved to sign the Statement of Grant Award from the Colorado Department of Public Safety after review by the County Attorney and inclusive dates of the grant. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a final draft of an intergovernmental agreement between Agreement Eagle County and the Town of Avon for the County's portion of the railroad separation Town of Avon project. He reviewed the work schedule and $384,000 in kind services to be provided RR Grade by Eagle County. He stated this agreement excludes any provisions for materials. Don Fessler, Road and Bridge Supervisor, discussed the schedule for the agreement and questioned the signing and striping of the area. Mr. Lindahl told Mr. Fessler any problem with the agreement should be addressed to Mr. James of the Town of Avon. Chairman Welch asked about initialing changes to the agreement. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve the intergovernmental agreement with the Town of Avon for the railroad grade separation project with modification of the portions regarding the signing and striping. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze presented the next item, the T.V. Translator tax increase discussion T.V. Translate and possible resolution adoption. He mentioned a study made and a county plan for Tax Question pros and cons, problems both regulatory and transmitting. He spoke of some letters and concerns of the area. Mr. Sartin reviewed the tax increase amount and mill levy and funds needed for a T.V. Translator system. Commissioner Gustafson asked questions regarding the service plan and a two-part system. Jerry Davis answered the satellite feed from Garfield County would be better than an additional dish. Commissioner Gustafson asked about "net link" and availability. 411 Mr. Davis explained the number of translators needed and the frequencies available. Commissioner Gustafson related a conversation with the FCC office regarding the number of frequencies that can be applied for. Hike Rice told the Board how he felt the system could be planned and made to work. Further discussion on the type of service and the number of people who can receive service in the proposed T.V. Translator System area. Chairman Welch asked about antennas and the regulations from the Town of Avon regarding outdoor antennas. Mr. Davis told the Board the regulations have been local ordinances and are handled as screened. Commissioner Gustafson asked about the concerns Red Cliff had concerning the proposed tower and the dish size., Mr. Davis explained the translator for Red Cliff and replacement of existing facilities. Jay Peterson, attorney for Heritage Cablevision, mentioned the study and pointed out it acknowledges the possible poor reception, and grade B contours will need an outdoor antenna. He stated his belief that additional studies need to be done and the County should rely on their study. He believes the Board of County Commissioners are charged with making a decision. Glen Ewing, Town of Eagle Board Member, stated the citizens of Eagle are behind the proposal for a T.V. Translator System. John Martinez, representing the Town of Red Cliff, stated the people in Red Cliff are in favor of the T.V. Translator System and asked that it be put on the General Election ballot. Mr. Davis stated the longer the question of the T.V. Translator is delayed, the longer , the problem will continue. He added if this issue is put on the ballot and it is defeated, then it will be the end of the question. Commissioner Gustafson stated he believes the voters need to know what they are voting on and the reports do not have that information. Mike Metcalf spoke on the central fact to how the Eagle Valley System works. He added it ,should be reasonably simple to word the ballot to convey the fact that if you can see the translator from your home, then you can pick up the signal . Chairman Welch expressed hiis concern of the outside antennas and other questions that needs to be answered. Commissioner Gustafson stated his opinion that if he voted in favor this item on the ballothe would have the condition that no money should be spent on construction until every aspect of the Translator System is in place. Commissioner Gates made statements at this time as he is uncomfortable with the ballot but he would vote to put the T.V. Translator System on the ballot. Rob Levine spoke of the problems of expensive cable T.V. rates and trying to keep employees and need affordable television. Chairman Welch reiterated he would like to be assured the voters will know what they are voting on. Mr. Peterson stated the County should take a more active role in finding answers to their questions. Mr. Metcalf suggested a study after the vote to determine if the T.V. Translator System is feasible. Commissioner Gustafson moved that a ballot question be constructed for the purpose of having the people of Eagle County vote on a T.V. Translator System with the following conditions included in the statement: 1. The County will conduct every effort to find as much information about the system as°possible before starting construction. 2. Mo construction will be started prior to site locations for towers and frequencies for those locations and/or a contract with net link, if in fact they are the only supplier of satellite services. 3. If these conditions cannot be satisfied within a reasonable period of time, then there will be a '"sunset° on the tax and it will cease 6. There will be a note on the ballot saying that there is an obligation of the voter to determine whether or not he will receive adequate services as to what they will be paying for. 5. The limit on the mill levy will up to .75 mills. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. In discussion, Commissioner Gates expressed his concerns with the motion. Further discussion was held on the motion and the wording of the ballot. Question was called for on the motion. The vote passed by a vote of two to one with Chairman Welch voting against the motion. Further discussion was held on the wording of the ballot. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve bill paying submitted to the Board for Bill Paying Eagle County and Social Services. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Welch was out of the room. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to September 11, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • 1111 X19 September 5, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George •Bud• Gates Commissioner James Fritze County Manager Dick Gustafson Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Welch opened the meeting with the first item, a resolution concerning the Enterprise Zont enterprise zone tax incentives for Eagle-Gypsum Products. Eagle-Gypsum Commissioner Gustafson stated he felt the County should refund the 1990 taxes in Products the amount of $39,395.78. He proposed to waive half of the 1991-1992 taxes of 149,238.04, and the other half of those taxes be put on a payback schedule, as well as half of the 1992-1993 taxes. He discussed his suggestion in detail . Bob Lickus, representing Eagle-Gypsum Products, commented if the plant can remain open there will be a good payroll generated. He stated a competitor in Florence, Colorado has just closed and laid off 86 employees. He stated the company needs help from every source it can find. Commissioner Gates asked if the company is financially sound enough to stay in business it their taxes are paid or waived. Mr. Lickus replied their profit margin is so thin at this time a refund of taxes would be very beneficial. Chairman Welch suggested that the 1990 taxes be refunded and reviewed on an annual basis. Discussion on the refund of taxes was held. Commissioner Gustafson moved to rebate the 1990-1991 taxes of $39,395.78 to Eagle- Gypsum Products and review the situation for the 1991-1992 with the proper financial statements. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, recommended that the Board agree on the formula for rebate of taxes as the valuation is under appeal. He advised which portion of taxes could be rebated. Commissioner Gustafson modified the motion to state the Board rebate all of the taxes the County as an entity collects minus $216.51 which was collected last year on this property. The rest of the original motion stands. Commissioner Gates seconded the modification to the motion. Question was called for on the motion. The motion passed two to one with Commissioner Gates voting against the motion. Johnnette Phillips, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, presented the minutes from Minutes July 30, 1990, July 31, 1990, August 6, 1990, August 7, 1990 and August 13, 1990. 7/30-8/14/90 Commissioner Gates moved to approve the minutes as submitted by Johnnette Phillips. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. James Fritze, County Manager, presented a resolution appointing Dr. Ross Armour as Res 90-90 the Eagle County Health Officer. Armour, Ross Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and adopt Resolution 90-90 as the Eagle County Public Health Officer. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The Board reviewed the warrants. Bill Paying Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the bills as submitted and the payroll for and Payroll September 6, 1990 subject to the review of the County Manager. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Dan Reynolds, Director of Transportation, presented a lease agreement with Joyce Agreement Communication dba KLI1E and Eagle County. He explainedthe agreement and stated the KLITE rate has been increased from $600 to $800 per year. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of CountyCommissioners n rand roIeEnTranslator ethe Chairman to sign the lease agreement between Eagle on the Airport Light Beacon Approach. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented and reviewed an intergovernmental agreement between Eagle Agreement County and the Town of Avon. He reviewed the contract. Town of Avon Discussion was held on the agreement. The Board determined to postpone this item. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, stated the liquor license for Rancho Del Lig. Lie Rio be tabled to September 17, 1990. Rancho Del R Commissioner Gustafson moved to table this item at the applicant's request. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. • ,2J� Don Fessler, Road and Bridge Supervisor, presented a contract to relocate the Contract scale at the Landfill. He stated Western Slope Scale Service presented a bid in the Western Slope amount of $3,750. He stated the County would perform some work related to the scale Scale Service relocation in the amount of approximately $5,000. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the contract with Western Slope Scale Service to move the scale at the Landfill. The contract is in the amount of $3,750 and the County's contribution is approximately $5,000. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a proposed resolution concerning the enterprise zone tax Res 90-91 incentives for Eagle-Gypsum Products. He stated the resolution reflects the decision Enterprrisetsse Zone made earlier in the day. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-91 as presented by Mr. Lindahl . Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of two to one with Commissioner Gates voting against the motion. Mr. Lindahl presented a resolution reflecting the schedule for the Vail Valley Res 90-92 Consolidated Water District for a 101,1 Permit for Black Lakes. He reviewed the dates Blackulakes as set forth in the resolution: September 27, 1990, close of business, for the Cities to file a rebuttal. October 11, 1990, close of business, for the applicants to file a surrebuttal . October 12, 1990, record shall close. October 25, 1990, close of business, Cities may submit a closing statement and proposed findings of fact, and conclusions of law. October 26, 1990, ,hearing shall be closed. November 7, 1990, Planning Commission deliberations begin November 20, 1990, Board of County Commissioners deliberations begin. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-92 as presented by Mr. t indahl. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a letter to Allan Nottingham which extends the lease Lease regarding his lease at the airport for five years. He requested the Board approve the Nottingham, A. letter. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the letter as presented by Mr. Lindahl. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. fritze presented an assessment roll for the Board of County Commissioners to Certification of on certify. Allen Black, Chief Appraiser, appeared to tell the Board the assessment roll is an accurate record. Commissioner Gustafson moved to certify the Abstract Assessment for Eagle County to the Division of Property Tax in the amount of $607,702,110. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to September 10, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman r 90 Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners_ 4th Day hep Term, 19 --19- PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman James Fritze County Manager Dick Gustafson Commissioner Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board GENERAL FUND A 1 CUSTOM TROPHIES PLAQUES 211 .63 A AND H GRAPHICS ENGRAVING/TROPHY 215.10 AETNA JUDICIAL SERVICE SERVICE OF PROCESS 10.00 ALAN ECHTLER FAIR ENTERTAINER 125.00 ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL PROF.VET SERVICES 76.50 ALPINE BANK CASH BANK/FAIR SALES 300.00 ALPINE BANK PREMIUMS 7,909.00 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION AIRPORT MEMBERSHIP 75.00 AMERICAN CREDIT COMP SERVICE OF PROCESS 7.20 AMSTERDAM PRINTING LITHO LABELS 26.33 ANDERSON CAMPBELL AND LANGESEN SERVICE OF PROCESS 2.00 ANDERSON GOODWIN SERVICE OF PROCESS 2.00 ANIMAL HOSPITAL OF VAIL VALLEY PROF.VET SERVICES 67.00 ARIEL COMMUNICATIONS CADENCE MAGAZINE 17.50 ASPEN DAILY NEWS PUBLIC NOTICE 67.50 ASPEN TIMES THE ADV/EMPLOYMENT 33.60 ASPEN VALLEY VET HOSPITAL VACCINATION REIM, . 12.00 ASSOCIATED BUSINESS PRODUCTS BOND PAPER 160.00 AT AND T TELEPHONE SERVICE 145.64 AV TECH ELECTRONICS INSTALL LIGHT BAR 561 .98 AVERT INCORPORATED EMPLOYMENMT SCREENING 83.50 AVERY LABEL BUSINESS SYSTEMS INVOICE LABELS 749.94 AVON BEAVER CREEK TIMES AD/SHERIFF AUXILIARY 52.50 B & M CHEMICAL COMPANY RAM1K GREEN 69.12 BABCOCK BARBARA J SERVICE OF PROCESS 1 .60 BAR W SLASH ROUGHSTOCK RODEO ADDED MONEY 13,450.00 BARBARA REHBORG JUDGE/ART 50.00 BARNES SUSAN DVM VACCINATION REIM. 272.00 BASALT 66 VEHICLE TOW/INVEST. 290.00 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS OPERATING SUPPLIES 7.02 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS INMATE SUPPLIES 5.43 BEAVER FRAMING INCORPORATED FRAMING SERVICE 80.10 BEEP WEST INCORPORATED PAGER/EL JEBEL 30.00 BELL SYSTEMS INCORPORATED RECORDER/REPAIR 169.55 BERGLUND RUTH FILM 8.04 BERTHOD MOTORS CADENCE MAGAZINE 17.50 BEST GERALD MEMBERSHIP FEES 159.94 BEVERIDGE RICK LUNCH/DINNER MEETINGS 146.45 BILLY PARKER FAIR ENTERTAINER 200.00 BLACK ALLEN FILM 18.61 BLUE RIVER ROUNDERS FAIR ENTERTAINMENT 400.00 BOARD OF ASSESSMENT APPEALS DEPOSIT/TRANSCRIPTS 88.75 BOB BARKER COMPANY INMATE SUPPLIES 87.93 BRAGG, BAKER, AND CEDERBERG SERVICE OF PROCESS 0. 10 BROWNLEE SANDY KEY REPLACEMENT 8.21 BRYANT ELECTRIC ELEC.PERMIT REFUND 30.00 BUFFALOS BAUER/TRAINING SEMINAR 94.65 BUSINESS RECORDS CORPORATION BALLOT TABULATION SYS. 8,450.58 BUSINESS RECORDS CORPORATION ABSENTEE VOTE 673.94 BUTLER LANGFORD EWART SERVICE OF PROCESS 10.00 C & S PRODUCTIONS BAL/FREE STAGESOUND 750.00 CAACO CAACO FALL TRAINING 270.00 CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS FILM PUSHER/CHEM PACKS 138.88 CARIBOU ENTERPRISES MECH.PERMIT REFUND 44.00 CARLS ELECTRIC COMPANY ELEC.PERMIT REFUND 138.00 CARVER NORMA JUDGE/FOODS 50.00 CCO AND ERA RETIREMENT ANN/GEN 4,453.98 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/GENERAL 6,066.75 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/GENERAL 4,640.25 CENTER DRUGS BATTERIES/FILM 74.91 CENTRAL BAG AND BURLAP COMPANY 12 ROLLS BURLAP 2,130.00 CF HOECKEL COMPANY SUPPLIES 22.72 CF HOECKEL COMPANY OPERATING SUPPLIES 339.89 CHAMBERS FLINT L REIM/MEALS 35.90 CHRIS DOERING FIDDLE CONTEST/MC 1 ,250.00 CHRIS PORTER SERVICE OF PROCESS 18.20 CITY MARKET FILM PROCESSING 48.24 CLAUDE WOOD PONY RIDES-FAIR 200.00 CLEVER LARRY REIM/TRAINING 276.00 CLICK HORNING FAIR ENTERTAINER 125.00 CO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE CALIBRATE 2 SCALES 12.00 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY BOTTLED WATER SERVICE 66.70 11. S • • )ceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 4th Day September Tenn, 19 90 19__- 1Nt C.P.NOCCKtL CO..btNvtA 111!!4 --- ..'_.. CODEL AUGUST RENT/1990 2,652.00 COGBURN RAY JUDGE/GARDENING 50.00 COLLECTION CENTER INCORPORATED SERVICE OF PROCESS 9.90 COLLETT ENTERPRISES OIL 37.50 COLLINS AND COCKRELL PC SERVICE OF PROCESS 10.00 COLORADO ASSESSORS ASSOCIATION REGISTRATIONS/CONF. 1 ,130.00 0.00 COLORADO ASSESSORS ASSOCIATION IAA() COURSE FEE 20.00 COLORADO ASSESSORS ASSOCIATION REGISTRATION/SCHOOL 65.00 COLORADO COUNTRY CONNECTION ADV/AUGUST 90 23.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT HIGHWAYS ADMIN.SYSTEM MAPS COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF LABOR UNEMPLOYMENT INS PREM. 604.34 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL 5,603.26 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ST TAX/GEN/WELCH 5,826.97 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL 5,728.42 COLORADO SOCIETY CERTIFIED LOTUS CL/WHITE HOUSE 200.00 COLORADO STATE FOREST SERVICE FIRE FUND 6,435.77 COLORADO WEST INSURANCE GROUP USEFUL PUBLIC SERVICE 393.25 COLORADO WEST PROFESSIONAL INMATE COUNSELING 1 ,195.60 COLORADO SPEECH MASTERS TRAINING 495.00 COMFORT INN LODGE/7 PPL/6 MITES 1 ,075.00 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MECHANICAL CODE BOOK 25.00 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INSURANCE 8-90 14,871 .33 COORS WESTERN SLOPE COORS RODEO JACKET 68.95 CORDILLERA MEETING FINANCIAL RET. 130.95 CORDILLERA BLDG PERMIT REFUND 331 .60 CREDIT BUREAU GRAND JUNCTION SERVICE OF PROCESS 10.00 CREDIT BUREAU OF LEADVILLE SERVICE OF PROCESS 11 .50 CREDIT BUREAU OF LEADVILLE SERVICE OF PROCESS 3.60 CSU LIVESTOCK TEAM JUDGE/LIVESTOCK 450.00 CURNUTTE JIM PLAN CHECK SERVICES 180.00 DANIEL LEVIN SERVICE OF PROCESS 10.00 DARRAH CHARLES SERVICE OF PROCESS 10.10 DATA DOCUMENTS GREEN BAR PAPER 401 .63 DAVID A HOLMGREN CONTRACT PROGRAMMING 4,287.50 DAVID BILLIE GREINER HOST HOME CONTRACT 300.00 DAVID WALCK LODGE 48.55 DAVID WALCK FAIR/MEALS STAFF&VOL. 34.41 DEBBIE SWARTZ VACCINATION REIM. 12.00 DEEP ROCK WATER WATER/RENT 57.50 DENVER SURGICAL SUPPLY COMPANY MICRO TUBE 25.03 DENVER SURGICAL SUPPLY COMPANY SPECULAS 17.70 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCHING COSTS/JUNE 2,423.42 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES SERVICE OF PROCESS 10. 10 DIAGNOSTIC MARKETING MEDICAL SUPPLIES 30.55 DOCTORS OFFICE THE PRE-EMP. PHYSICALS 30.00 DORIO DISTRIBUTING KEROSENE 6.80 DRAKE BETH JUDGE/FLORAL 50.00 DRAPHIX INCORPORATED DRAFTING SUPPLIES 87.99 DUANE REHBORG JUDGE/PHOTOGRAPHY 50.00 DUROUX ALMEDA COORDINATOR REIM 15.00 EAGLE AUTO PARTS GAS CAN 33.72 EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER REIM/POSTAGE PAID 1 ,526.12 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS COMPUTER SUPPORT 962. 10 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS PRINTER REPORT FORMS 1 ,084.60 EAGLE COUNTY NURSING SERVICE POST OFFICE BOX RENT 29.40 EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC TRUSTEE REIM/PUBLIC NOTICE 191 .52 EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING DESK TRAY 33.97 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CREDIT UNION/GENERAL 1 ,824.09 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CREDIT UNION PAYMENT 1 ,564.09 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CREDIT UNION/GENERAL 2,774.09 EAGLE COUNTY WEED AND PEST PAIL 139.55 EAGLE PHARMACY TAPES 12.38 EAGLE PHARMACY 35/SUPPLIES 43.81 EAGLE PHARMACY FILM 107.67 EAGLE PHARMACY INMATE PRESCRIPTIONS 399.22 EAGLE TOWN OF PAYMENT/1/2 DUMPSTER 147.50 EAGLE TOWN OF UTILITIES 1 ,579.75 EAGLE TOWN OF UTILITIES 63.00 EAGLE TOWN OF UTILITIES 3,048.75 EAGLE VAIL ANIMAL HOSPITAL VACCINATION REIM. 9.00 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE FORMS 9.00 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE PUBLIC NOTICE/ADVERT 1 , 152.01 EAGLE VALLEY HOME BUILDERS JUNE MEETNG 247.50 EASTMAN INCORPORATED OFFICE SUPPLIES 594.00 EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY MAINTENANCE/MODEL 60 955.48 EATON DEENA MEALS 3.53 EDS LEATHER HORSE SHOW PRIZES 2,800.00 EDWARD CHIPMAN SERVICE OF PROCESS 11 .60 ELECTION CENTER THE SUBSCRIPTION 150.00 ERICK GLANZ SERVICE OF PROCESS 8.00 ESIMOL MERRIT JUDGE/RABBITS 125.00 wVP S Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 4th Day septex. ber Term, 19 90 19_ EZ WAY RENTAL RENTAL/BBQ PIT 60.00 EZ WAY RENTAL INCORPORATED GENERATOR/PARKING LITE 188.00 FARMER BROTHERS COFFEE 180.68 FEATHER LEGAL SERVICES SERVICE OF PROCESS 8.90 FEDERAL EXPRESS EXPRESS MAIL 15.50 FEDRIZZI GERALD J DMD PC INMATE DENTAL 40.00 FERRELLGAS GAS SERVICE 84.74 FIDELITY CREDIT SERVICES SERVICE OF PROCESS 63.80 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 41 ,937.49 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 43,910.94 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY DEPOSIT ERROR-PR15 62.90 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/GENERAL 31 ,624.76 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 42,868.00 FITZSIMMONS MOTOR COMPANY TOWING/INVESTIGATION 150.00 FONES WEST PAGER RENTAL 30.00 FOODS OF VAIL SEARCH/RESCUE MEALS 92.20 FOOLS GOLD FAIR ENTERTAINER 375.00 FORTUNE BOOK CLUB BOOKS 16.89 FORTUNES RESTAURANT MEALS 31 .85 FORTUNES RESTAURANT ELECTED OFFICIAL LUNCH 29.55 FRAZER, RYAN GOLDBERG SERVICE OF PROCESS 10.00 FRENCH WEST WOOD AND BROWN PC SERVICE OF PROCESS 1 .60 FRITZ WAMPFLER HORSE SHOW JUDGE 500.00 GALLOWAY BEN MD PROFESSIONAL FEE 1 ,030.00 GANN RONALD F SERVICE OF PROCESS 10.00 GATES GEORGE A TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 200.65 GEORGE T. SANDERS COMPANY FIXTURE CARTRIDGES 504.31 GILDEMEISTER BRYAN JUDGE/CARCASS 100.00 GLENWOOD SHOE SERVICE UNIFORM BOOTS 135.00 GLENWOOD VET CLINIC VACCINATION REIM 12.00 GRAND COUNTY ZONING REGULATIONS 8.00 GREATER EAGLE FIRE PROTECTION 911 BILLING/AUGUST 18.00 GREEN CLAIRE H SERVICE OF PROCESS 25.00 GREEN CLAIRE H SERVICE OF PROCESS 9.60 GREEN KIMBER JUDGE/QUEENS CONTEST 50.00 GUSTAFSON RICHARD TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 86.80 HEIDI MUSSMAN TRAVEL 37.77 HEIDI MUSSMAN REIM/PIES 21 .77 HEIDI MUSSMAN TRAVEL 54.12 HOLME ROBERT AND OWEN LEGAL SERVICES 35.20 HOLME ROBERT AND OWEN LEGAL SERV/BLACK LK 41 .11 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICE 264.63 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY ELEC.MACH/SUPPLIES 1 ,479.65 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY TABLE COVER 8.00 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE LODGE/MEALS 29.73 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE ADV/EMPLOYMENT 18.80 INMAC TAPES 1 ,579.41 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CODE DEV/CONFERENCE 290.00 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE MEMBERSHIP DUES 150.00 J I CASE CREDIT CORPORATION SERVICE OF PROCESS 10.00 JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY TRIAL-SUPPLEMENTS 40.99 JAMES STOVALL SERVICE OF PROCESS 7.50 JANET BLAIR SERVICE OF PROCESS 10.00 JAPA 1 YR SUBSCRIPTION 23.00 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION AUTOPSY FACILITIES 25.00 JERRY MUSSMEN ROUND ROBIN/JUDGE 50.00 JIM DENVIR SERVICE OF PROCESS 4.00 JOHNSON CONTROLS BOOSTER RELAY 91 .50 JOHNSON JACK W PICTURES/MUDSLIDE 6.69 JOHNSON KUNKEL AND ASSOCIATES 90/183/PLAT CHECK 785.00 JOWELL PLUMBING AND HEATING PLUMBING PERM REFUND 87.00 JOY OF WINNING THE RIBBONS/TROPHIES 1 ,328.25 JUDIE PANKRATZ PUPPET SHOW 200.00 JULIE HUNTER PETTING ZOO/FEE 250.00 JULIE HUNTER SPAY/NEUTER REIM 86.00 K SKI RADIO ADVERTISING 576.00 KAMEN SUPPLY COMPANY WALL HYDRANT 24.98 KARI JO GRAY SERVICE OF PROCESS 11 .60 KAROL MIKE NEWS SUBSCRIPTION 29.00 KING AND ASSOCIATES SERVICE OF PROCESS 0.40 KOGOVSEK ASSOCIATES PROFESSIONAL FEES 2,085.06 KOMES, EUGENE AND JANICE SERVICE OF PROCESS 0.10 LAWYERS COOPERATIVE PUBLISHING LEGAL FORM SUPPLEMENTS 114.50 LAWYERS COOPERATIVE PUBLISHING INDEX UPDATE 22.50 LEMBKE, STEWART AND COATES SERVICE OF PROCESS 0.80 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES TONER 178.56 LINDAHL KEVIN MEALS 26.90 LK SURVEY INSTRUMENTS GUINEAS/10 BUNDLES 204.45 LOTUS SUBSCRIPTION DEPARTMENT LOTUS SUBSCRIPTION 24.00 LOWEN COMPANY INCORPORATED VEHICLE STRIPING 619.91 LYONS BETTY JUDGE/FOODS 50.00 ' )s3 • III so Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 4th Day SepteMber Term, 19_!°._ 19_ MACHOL AND MACHOL SERVICE OF PROCESS 25.00 MACHOL AND MACHOL SERVICE OF PROCESS 2.50 MACHOL AND MACHOL SERVICE OF PROCESS 2.50 MACKOWN SURVEYING AND 90/088/PLAT CHECK 217.00 MARTA THOMPSON JUDGE/HOBBIES-CRAFTS 75.00 MARTIN CAROL S CORONER INQUEST REPORT 432.00 MARTIN MEHAFFY SERVICE OF PROCESS 9.60 MARTINEZ JANITORIAL JULY/JANITORIAL SERV. 6,970.00 MARTINEZ JANITORIAL JANITORIAL SERV/AUG 6,970.00 MCHUGH JAN PLASTIC SLEEVES/CARDS 4.06 MCHUGH JAN TRAINING CONFERENCE 80.00 MCHUGH JAN DEVELOPMENT OF PHOTOS 42.93 MCN THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION 20.00 MEINEKE DONNA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 40.00 MEINSTER BROWN SERVICE OF PROCESS 10.00 MERRICK ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS MYLAR/AERIAL PHOTOS 280.00 METTERNICK LARRY MEALS 15.50 MICHAEL MCNAMARA FAIR ENTERTAINER 100.00 MID VALLEY KENNELS KENNEL CONTRACT/JULY 700.00 MILLAR ELEVATOR SERVICE CONTRACT MAINT/JC 110.00 MONROE SYSTEMS FOR BUSINESS MAINT/CALCULATOR 39.00 MORRATO BIEGING BURROS SERVICE OF PROCESS 12.50 MOTOR POOL FUND MP/ADMIN 6,858.66 MOTOR POOL FUND MP/ENV.HEALTH 28,039.59 MOTOROLA INCORPORATED TELEPHONE SERVICE 345.50 MOUNTAIN MICROFILM MAP/PLAT FICHE 174.50 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION 2-WAY RADIOS 75.00 MOUNTAIN RADIOLOGY PC X-RAY/ORGISH 17.00 MOUNTAIN TOP MANAGEMENT RADIO SITE RENT/AUG 250.00 MURRAY V HEMINGER SERVICE OF PROCESS 10.00 MUSIC BOX SERVICE OF PROCESS 10.00 MUTUAL GRAPHICS BROCHURES/MOBILE HOMES 242.74 MY FLOWERS INCORPORATED CONGRADULATIONS/KESSLER 29.00 NASHUA CORPORATION TONER 171 .00 NATIONAL 4H COUNCIL 4-H SUPPLIES/FAIR 83.52 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 63.00 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER PRINTER RIBBONS 103.11 NATIONWIDE CREDIT SERVICE OF PROCESS 7.50 NEBS BUSINESS FORMS RECEIPTS 86.73 NOLAN NINA COORDINATOR REIM 15.00 OFFICE CLUB ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEES 30.00 OUR HOUSE FAIR QUEENS LUNCHEON 79.40 PACIFIC TELECOM EAGLE AC PAGER 35.01 PACIFIC TELECOM TELEPHONE SERVICE 15,443.53 PAT HAMILTON FAIR ENTERTAINER 100.00 PAUL CLARKSON MOVING EXP/CLARKSON 500.00 PENNY SAVER MEDICAL SUPPLY SYRINGES 21 .95 PEPSI COLA PEPSI 47.75 PETE SHERWOOD 7-13/DRIVING POSTS 136.00 PETTY CASH EC NURSING SERVICE POSTAGE 30.38 PHIL GLASSER FAIR ENTERTAINMENT 325.00 PITNEY BOWES POSTAGE METER RENT 117.00 PITNEY BOWES PRINTPOWDER 1 ,090.73 PLANNERS BOOKSTORE BOOK 77.45 POSTMASTER EAGLE BRANCH EXPRESS MAIL/CORP ACCT. 103.34 POSTMASTER EAGLE BRANCH POSTAGE/METER 4,000.00 PRECISION DYNAMICS CORPORATION WRISTBANDS 110.10 PRENTICE HALL INCORPORATED NEWSLETTER 121 .55 PRIME COMPUTER INCORPORATED PRIME MAINT/JULY 90 3,197.40 PRIME COMPUTER INCORPORATED REPLACE DISK DRIVE 1 ,740.00 PRO JUDGING DEPARTMENT JUDGING FEES/FAIR 600.00 PTL ELECTRIC MATERIAL/BALLASTS 173.84 PUBLIC RECORD CORPORATION ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION 450.00 JUDGE/CLOTHING 75.00 PURTOUWSHIRLEY PTRAVEL OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 ,573.80 QUINN JACKLYN P QUINNLCORPORATIONREIMBURSEMENT 50.20 RED BIRD AIRCRAFT INCORPORATED MEALS TRAVEL 3 .00 5050 REUBENS RESTAURANT IEALSE MEALS 14,256.70 REVAVA MILLER 1 .00 REUBENS RESTAURANT 82DR30/5521803850 161 .55 REVA MILLER 521803850/82DR30 161 .55 REVA MILLER 82DR30/521803850 161 .55 REYNOLDS NETTIE TRAVEL/JUNE-JULY 90 34.80 RICHARD YOUNG PRODUCTS OF 34063/DISKETTES 317.15 RITA HEROLD JUDGE/GENERAL 4-H PROJ 75.00 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND TANK 2/JULY GAS USAGE 17.17 ROBERT J TAYLOR SETTLEMENT/CIVIL 22,750.00 ROCCO LORIE TRAVEL/ELECTIONS 10.00 ROCHE BIOMEDICAL LABORATORIES LAB/LEE/CHAVEZ/GAINES 289.50 89.50 ROCHE BIOMEDICAL LABORATORIES BAC TESTS 243.50 ROCKY MOUNTAIN EMBROIDERY UNIFORM EMBLEMS c4'Jf i 0 • Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 4th Day_ September Tenn, t99° _ -19__._ ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS GAS SERVICE 3,489.02 ROCKY MOUNTAIN RECORDS TAPE CLEANER18.008.10 ROCKY MOUNTAIN REPROGRAPHICS BONBONDPAPER RPAPIR 0.18 ROPES FRANK CABLE TV SERVICE 31 .45 ROROUTE CABLEVISION FAIR/FREESTAGE BAND 400.00 8ATTE 66 MILEAGE/FAIR 12.40 SCHLEGEIEKD LACY MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 93.76 SCHMIDTL KARENIE K COORDINATOR REIM 15.00 SCHMIDT ELOISE 113.47 SCHUTZMAN NBS INCORPORATED TRANS SLIPS/DAY SHEETS 105.9513 SCOTT GREEN BLDG PERMIT REFUND 155.00 SCULLYS ART OFFICE AND OPERATING SUPPLIES 155.00 SINCLAIR FLYING SERVICE AIR SEARCH/SEARCH&RES 192.80 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING ADVERTISING/TYPESET 1047.40 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING BALLOTS 6, 209 BLANK SECOND SHEETS 2,427.40 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING 4939/LETTERHEAD 4,352.80 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING SKI COUNTRY PRINTING POSTER BOARD 2,189.708.30680 1 SKYLINE SIX AREA AGENCY ON THE SUPPLEMENTAL SALARY0 SNELLBAKER WILLIAM RECRUITING EXPENSE 2250.005 . 43 SODA CREEK INDUSTRIES CLOTHING/FAIR BD/SUPTS .7 STANLEY MAYHEW SERVICE OF PROCESS 430. 000 STATE OF COLORADO CORRECTIONS SIGNS 346.50 STEPHENS NURSERY FLOWERS 6.50 STEVE ARMSTRONG BLDG PERMIT REFUND 847 .80 STEWART A KISSEL SERVICE OF PROCESS 15.00 STOKES ALLEN W JR SERVICE OF PROCESS 27.00 STRAWBERRY PATCH FLOWERS/SMITH 43.00 STRAWBERRY PATCH ROYALTY FLOWERS/FAIR 650.47 SUMMIT LUMBER BLDG MATERIALS/SUPPLIE'S11 .68 TATTERED COVER BOOK STORE GAINESBOOK SERVICE OF PROCESS 9.60 TERRILL M TERRI S DIEMSERVICE OF PROCESS 12.40 TERRY THOMPSON PLUMBING PERMIT REFUND 75.00 THINGS REMEMBERED INCORPORATED ENGRAVING/GIFTS 164.73 THOMAS GRAHAM SERVICE OF PROCESS 25.00 21 THURMAN T B SERVICE OF PROCESS 12.00 TICKET CRAFT TICKETS 39 .000.00 TIM PRICE FAIR ENTERTAINMENT 100.00 TINA ANDERSON JUDGE/4-H HORSE00.00 TONE PRODUCTIONS DANCE/ENTERTAINMENT 200.00 2 TOP DRAWER OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 21 TRAVEL VAIL TRAVEL REIM 270.00. 2 TUXALL UNIFORM COMPANY UNIFORMS 562.72 2 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SHIPPING CHARGE 10 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE SERVICE 1 ,938.83 VAIL DAILY THE CLASSIFIED/ADVERT 291 .90 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC INMATE EXAMS 1 ,877.00UNIFORM NAME TAGS 9.00 VAIL SIGN CORPORATION OF UONAOIMN 50.00 VAIL TOWN O VAIL SYMPOSIUMCONT SERV/ANIMAL CONT. 868.48 3.80 VAIL TRAIL THE PUBLIC NOTICE 1773.80 VAIL TRAIL THE ADV/DARE PROGRAM 103.90 VAIL VALLEY REPORTING TRANSCRIPTS/CASE INV. VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY MISC.SUPPLIES 2888.0.04 50 VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY PEATMOSS/REPEL 5.00 VALLEY GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY REGULATOR/OXYGIN UNIT 182.00 12 VALLEY VIEW HOSPITAL LODGING/MEALS/TRAVEL 2,202.24 VISVISA SERVICE OF PROCESS 42.50 WALCK LO LINDA CFRANK W TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 22.00 ALFILM 204.72 WALMART /AVON WESTLAW WEST CHARGE/JUNE 90 PUBLISHING190.13 COMPANY WESTERN SLOPE UNIFORM COMPANY LAUNDRY SERVICE 73.40 225.00 WESTERN STATE COLLEGE REGISTRATION/WORKSHOP 25.00 WHEATLEY MANDY 4-H HORSE JUDGE 100.00 WILSON KEN PROFESSIONAL FEE 4.05 WITT MARY PAT POSTAGE REIMBURSEMENT 40.00 WOMENS PROFESSIONAL RODEO APP.FEE/BARREL RACE 140.00 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY HOMELITE MIX 04.42 12 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY VINYL COAT 20.00 XEROX CORPORATION MAINTENANCE/FAX 7020 1061 .25 XEROX CORPORATION MAINTENANCE/COPIER PAYROLL FOR AUGUST PAYROLL 1E 16 & 17 229,609.31 694,340.85 4 i • • Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 4th Day September term, 19 90 19__.- THl C./.HOECKIL CO..DINV[K 7711111 _ ......... .. .-.... .. - ROAD & BRIDGE FUND AMERICAN TRAFFIC SAFETY MEMBERSHIP DUES 25.00 ASPEN DAILY NEWS PUBLIC NOTICE/WEED SP. 18.75 BASALT WATER CONSERVANCY FEE/7-9 - 3-31-91 72.58 BEST WESTERN LODGE/2 PPL 152.00 BIG R MANUFACTURING STEEL DRAINAGE 1 ,328,04 CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS COPY USAGE 42.59 CCO AND ERA RETIREMENT ANN/RD&BR 937.75 COO AND ERA RET. ANN/RD&BR 1 ,259.46 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/RD&BR 926.49 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/RD&BR 904.90 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/RD&BR 825.35 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/RD&BR 825.66 DAILY JOURNAL THE BID ADV/GUARDRAIL PROJ 48.00 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CREDIT UNION/RD&BR 818.40 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CREDIT UNION/RD&BR 618.40 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CREDIT UNION/RD&BR 643.40 EAGLE COUNTY WEED AND PEST PESTICIDES 2,272. 16 EAGLE PHARMACY PHOTOS 21 .71 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE DISPLAY AD 110.50 ELAM CONSTRUCTION INCORPORATED TACK OIL 732.50 FIRST';BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/RD&BR 6,623.57 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/RD&BR 6,071 . 16 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/RD&BR 8,268.08 FIRST;BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/RD&BR 6,029.04 FONES WEST 4/PAGER RENTAL 120.00 GRAND JUNCTION PIPE AND SUPPLY CURB/STOP VALVE 15.74 JAY MAX SALES MARKING PAINT 70.80 MCGRUDER SEPTIC SERVICE 11589/SEPTIC SERVICE 150.00 MOTOR POOL FUND MP/RD&BR MAINT. 57,840.89 MOTOR POOL FUND MP/RD&BR 2,927.28 PETTYCASH ROAD AND BRIDGE POSTAGE 74.25 PITKIN IRON CORPORATION GRAVEL/GRAVEL HAULING 18,993.28 RESPOND FIRST AID SYSTEMS FIRST AID SUPPLIES 121 .85 ROCKY. MOUNTAIN SAFETY SERVICE SIGN STANDS 152.43 ROCKY MOUNTAIN SAFETY SERVICE AMBER REFLECTORS 110.62 ROYAL STRACENER TRAVEL/SEMINAR 44.00 SUMMIT LUMBER LATH 38.83 VALLEY LUMBER PLASTIC PAIL 67.09 VISA MEALS 48.00 WESTERN MOBILE MOUNTAIN PIT RUN 245.10 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY OPERATING SUPPLIES 525.70 PAYROLL FOR AUGUST PAYROLL 11 18 & 17 33,218.04 154,135.38 LIBRARY FUND AMERICAN ECONO CLAD SERVICES BOOKS/MV 98.33 ARDVAC VAC BAGS 17.00 BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY AACJC/DIR 101 .55 BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY BOOKS 318.72 BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY VIDEO 18.29 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS PAPER TOWEL 20.70 BOOK OF THE ROAD CASSETTES 333.90 CCO AND ERA RETIREMENT ANN/LIB 157.55 CCO AND ERA RETIREMENT ANN/LIBRARY 225.04 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LIBRARY 178.49 CLA 1989 CONVENTION CONFERENCE/AN 480.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LIBRARY 161 .00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LIBRARY 183.11 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LIBRARY 175.70 COLORADO MUNICIPAL LEAGUE BOOK/MUN.TAX 11 .00 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS PREM/9-1 517.27 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS PREMIUM 482.11 COUNCIL OF STATE GOVERNMENTS BOOK/STATES 42.00 DEMCO CASSETTE ALBUMS 43.89 DENVER POST THE SUBSCRIPTION/MI 78.00 DURKIN HAYES CASSETTE BINDERS 122.73 EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING INTERDEPT/POSTAGE CHG 426.21 EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING INTERDEPT.COPIER CHG. 39.86 EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RENT/MV 300.00 EAGLE PHARMACY PHOTOS 41 .81 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE AD300790/ADV/RACE 247.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LIBRARY 1 ,445.83 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS PREM/AUG 1 ,294.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LIBRARY 1 ,581 .59 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LIBRARY 1 ,512.47 Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 4th Day September Tenn, 19 80 19-_ FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS PREM/LIB 1 ,415.40 FRANKLIN WATTS INCORPORATED BOOKS/J 172.50 GORDONS 10175433/BOOKS/PB/H 736. 19 GORDONS 10214506/BOOKS/PB 94.05 GRAY SUPPLY COMPANY BULBS/PROJECT 31 .52 GROLIER EDUCATIONAL NEW BOOK/ENGY 593.50 HASLEE LORRAINE MALL TRAVEL 12.00 KEYE PRODUCTIVITY, CENTER TUITION/SEC 98.00 MIDVALLEY BRANCH LIBRARY SR70290/RIBBON/PC/SR 31 .04 MINTURN BRANCH LIBRARY POSTAGE/PC 7.19 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/JUNE 123.48 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY BOOK/VIDEO 34.75 NISWANGER AMY LODGE/MEALS 192.80 PACIFIC TELECOM 328-6273 297.42 PBS VIDEO VIDEO 104.00 PECA PRODUCTS INCORPORATED TRIGGER 12.51 READ WELL MEDIA INCORPORATED BOOKS 14.95 REGENT BOOK COMPANY BOOK 9.12 RENAISSANCE HOUSE BOOKS 111 .25 SARA GREGG CLA WORKSHOP 30.00 SIMON AND SCHUSTER 5167211/INSIGHT 52.08 SMITHSONIAN SERIES BOOK 19.65 STRAWBERRY PATCH GIFTS 30.85 THE STATIONERY TRAVELER TONER/7700 112.25 U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS 827-4240-1308 73.65 WALMART #1199 SUMMER READING SUPPLY 91 .36 PAYROLL FOR AUGUST PAYROLL # 16 & 17 10,384.02 25,514.28 MOTOR POOL FUND AMERICAN EAGLE TIRE BRAKE ROTORS TURNED 42.00 AMERICAN WINDSHIELD REPAIR WINDSHIELD REPAIR 100.00 APPROVED OIL SERVICE REMOVAL-OIL 104.50 BERTHOD MOTORS WHEEL 58.59 BERTHOD MOTORS CODANT TANKS 18.44 BERTHOD MOTORS CODANT TANKS 18.44 BERTHOD MOTORS COVER 412.48 BEST GERALD GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE 6.18 BIG SKY EQUIPMENT GASKET 17.01 CARBONDALE AUTO SUPPLY RAGS 46.37 CARBONDALE AUTO SUPPLY COPPER TUBING 10.88 CCO AND ERA RETIREMENT ANN/MP 135.60 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/MP 135.60 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/MP 135.60 CENTURY EQUIPMENT COMPANY CYLINDER/GAS INDICATOR 166.16 COLLETT ENTERPRISES FUEL/LUBRICANTS 923.44 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/MP 133.37 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/MP 145.13 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/MP 143.48 COLORADO SUPPLY CO INC ELIMATE 134.75 DARIEN SHIRLEY FUEL/COUNTY VEHICLE 49.17 DESIGN GLASS INCORPORATED WINDSHIELD 125.83 DORIO DISTRIBUTING FUEL 8,644.23 DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES SUPPLIES 151 .55 EAGLE AUTO PARTS PARTS/SUPPLIES 2,567.77 EAGLE PHARMACY FILM 32.34 EAGLE VALLEY GLASS AND MIRROR SAFETY GLASS 73.52 1 FACTORY SURPLUS COVERALLS 47.96 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/MP 1 ,084.96 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/MP 1 ,238.53 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/MP 2, 141 .81 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/MP 1 ,226.52 FITZSIMMONS MOTOR COMPANY TOKENS/CAR WASH 35.00 FONES WEST 1/PAGER RENTAL 52.00 GAY JOHNSON REPAIR SECTIONS ' 410.28 GAY JOHNSON TIRE 151 .95 GAY JOHNSON TRAIL MAKER TIRES 1 ,583.06 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD 31212/HOOD LATCH 67.65 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD HOOD/LATCHES 598.82 HANSON EQUIPMENT DUMP TRUCK W/PLOW 115,949.70 HANSON EQUIPMENT FERRULE 330.66 HANSON EQUIPMENT FREIGHT 30.15 HARRY SAIRS GAS/SENIOR JAMBOREE 7.00 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY HI-COUNT ROLL TOWELS ' 61 .46 HONNEN EQUIPMENT COMPANY 0-RING 1 .90 INCENTIVE MARKETING INC HIGH KISSCUT 43.92 J AND S CONTRACTORS SUPPLY CUTTING EDGES 1 ,204.60 mint ____ I 410 Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 4th Day September Term, 19 00 19_____ • J I CASE CREDIT CORPORATION DRUM ROLLER PAYMENTS 4,040.28 JAY MAX SALES SPRING PIN ASSORTMENT 12.28 KAR PRODUCTS INCORPORATED MISC SHOP SUPPLIES 443.83 MESA MACK BOLT 38.39 MID AMERICAN WRECKER AMBER DOME 81 .40 MOTOR POOL FUND MP/MP 849.11 MOTOR POOL FUND MP/MOTOR POOL 253.20 MOTOROLA INCORPORATED MAXTRAC HI-BAND RADIO 399.00 9.00 MOUNTAIN HIGH AUTO SUPPLY REPAIR KIT NIMON JIM FUEL/COUNTY VEHICLE 19.40 NOVUS MOBILE WINDSHIELD REPAIR WINDSHIELD REPAIR 15.00 PETTY CASH MOTOR POOL FREIGHT 50.192 PETTY CASH MOTOR POOL TITLE FEES PITKIN IRON CORPORATION HYDRAULIC HOSE/FITTING 4.62 POWER MOTIVE KNIFE 45.32 POWER MOTIVE FLANGE BEARING 176,89 QUALITY MOBILE WINDSHIELD REPAIR WINDSHIELD 25.00 REY MOTORS INCORPORATED EMERGENCY BRAKE LEVER 42.00 REY MOTORS INCORPORATED RELEASE HANDLE/DOOR 2.30 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND LABOR/BRAD HIGGINS 15.00 SUMMIT LUMBER 12842/BOILER DRAIN 5.69 TRI COUNTY FIRE EXTINGUISHERS RECHARGE 9.50 VISA FUEL/COUNTY VEHICLE 243.96 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY H. EQUIP PARTS SUPPLIES 3,410.34 WESTERN MOBILE MOUNTAIN CONCRETE GRAVEL 27.49 WESTERN ROAD MACHINERY CO. WASHER 181 .77 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY PARTS/SUPPLIES 351 .93 PAYROLL FOR AUGUST PAYROLL 11 16 & 17 8,188.70 159,752.57 SOCIAL SERVICE FUND ABC PEDIATRICS CLINIC DRAWING FEE 50.00 AT AND T 927-4404 24.50 ATTORNEYS OFFICE LEGAL/COUNTY ATTORNEY 2,031 .50 BAKER NANCI K LODGE/MEALS 84.70 BOSSOW RITA R MILEAGE/TRAVEL 30.95 CARLOW MARGARET RENT 850.00 CCO AND ERA RETIREMENT ANN/SS 809.92 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/SOCIAL SERV 980.89 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS PREMIUM 1 ,000.84 CONSTANCE COOPER MILEAGE/TRAVEL 28.80 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES REFUND FOOD STAMPS/FNS 134.13 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES AUTO-FORMS/FOOD STAMPS 26.34 DUGGAN GARRY MILEAGE/TRAVEL 30.00 EAGLE COUNTY MOTOR POOL MP USE/JUNE 90 484.40 EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RENT 275.00 EAGLE COUNTY SHERIFFS LEGAL SERVICES 15.40 FAULKNER LAVERLE MEALS/CLIENT 12.73 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/SS 7,401 .91 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS PREMIUM 2,786.10 FOX WESTERN DISTRIBUTION FREIGHT CHARGE 18.70 GLENWOOD MEDICAL ASSOCIATES DRAWING FEE 20.00 HORN SUSAN E MILEAGE/TRAVEL 25,60 OFFICE DISTRICT ATTORNEY IV-D CONTRACT 2,144.90 PACIFIC TELECOM TELEPHONE SERVICE 2. 10 RHONDA PARKER SUPPLIES 3.38 SCHOLER JIM MILEAGE/TRAVEL 216.80 SHERIFFS OFFICE CITY AND LEGAL SERVICES 17.80 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE SERVICE 155.81 VISA MEMBERSHIP FEES 13 XEROGRAPHIC SUPPLY COMPANY OF SUPPLIES 48.50 PAYROLL FOR AUGUST PAYROLL MONTHLY AUGUST 18,675.71 38,438.94 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE FUND CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS COPIER 8,924.00 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS CABLES 155.00 HALLMARK ELECTRONICS ORDER COMPLETE 84.60 INFORMATION SOLUTIONS PT 250 TERMINAL 652.13 SUMMIT LUMBER BLDG MATERIALS 763.95 10,559.88 h/.+,V • • Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 4th Day September Term, 19_9_9_ -19-_ RETIREMENT FUND CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 809.92 CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 4,378.46 CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 3,426.74 CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 4,480.58 13,073.70 CONTINGENT FUND GENERAL FUND SUPPLEMENTAL 22,750.00 22,750.00 SALES TAX CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND M AND M LUMBER LUMBER/FAIRGROUND SHED 315.83 PETTY CASH MOTOR POOL WATER PERMIT/LANDFILL 80.00 375.83 CONSTRUCTION FUND CHEN NORTHERN INCORPORATED CONST.OBS/TESTING SERV 2,179.80 PACIFIC TELECOM 328-1011/SHAW CONST. 734.69 SHAW CONSTRUCTION APPLICATION 114/PAYMENT 210,057.18 212,971 .87 AIRPORT FUND AMERICAN ASSOCIATION AIRPORT CFR TRAIN/MEMBERSHIP 75.00 AVIATION SYSTEMS INCORPORATED FINAL SETTLEMENT 9,007.50 AVIATION SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 1 ,850.00 CCO AND ERA RETIREMENT ANN/AIRPORT 74.13 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT 75.13 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT 74.13 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY WATER DISPENSER RENT 12.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/AIRPORT 93.18 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/AIRPORT 94.81 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/AIRPORT 91 .62 CRICH MICHAEL HANGAR RENT/SEPT 90 600.00 DAVE TRANSPORTATION SERVICE TRANSPORTATION SERV. 2,287.69 EAGLE PHARMACY 33/FILM 14.27 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE ADV/FINAL SETTLEMENT 31 .96 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT 713.59 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT 725.18 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/AIRPORT 1 ,017.78 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIPORT 700.06 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICE 327.32 HURD HARRY TRAINING/MEALS 43.84 INSIGHT MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 22.95 JP AVIONICS REPAIR DME MONITOR 217.31 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES NEW SCREEN/IBM PC 279.00 MOTOR POOL FUND MP/AIRPORT 289.32 NATIONAL AIRPORT EQUIPMENT WIND CONE/FRAME 988.00 PACIFIC TELECOM TELEPHONE SERVICE 222.97 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT INS. AAEE SEMINAR 795.00 RED BIRD AIRCRAFT INCORPORATED ASPEN RADAR SITE PHOTO 200.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS GAS/HANGAR 4/JULY 90 SEPCO AVIATION LIGHTING HEATSINK KIT/LIGHTS 170.00 VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY HUDSON KIT/PUMP 15.73 VISA MEALS 45.03 PAYROLL FOR AUGUST PAYROLL 11 16 & 17 3,579.85 24,722.15 LANDFILL FUND CCO AND ERA RET. ANN/LANDFILL 71.95 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL 72.30 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL 72.30 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LANDFILL 104.17 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LANDFILL 104.20 Zl% 0411, 90 Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 4th Day September Term, 19 . 19- THC C.F.HOCCNCL CO.,DENVER s7/014 ..-.-_........ -_ COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LANDFILL 107.83 DEEP ROCK WATER BOTTLED WATER 26.25 EASTMAN INCORPORATED OFFICE SUPPLIES 105.21 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL 780.33 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL 781 .01 FIRST',BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/LANDFILL 603.88 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL 803.02 GRCDA MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 105.00 MCGRUDER SEPTIC SERVICE SEPTIC SERVICE 30.00 MOTOR POOL FUND MP/LANDFILL 12,762.22 MOTOR POOL FUND MP/LANDFILL 293.72 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND WEED SPRAY/LANDFILL 251 .59 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING INVOICE TICKETS 832.60 VALLEY GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY OXYGEN 24.00 PAYROLL FOR AUGUST PAYROLL 1« 16 & 17 4,728.42 22,659.90 TRANSPORTATION FUND CCO AND ERA RET.ANN/EC BUS SYS. 16.37 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/EC BUS SYSTEM 15.37 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/EC BUS SYSTEM 16.37 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/EC BUS SYS. 17.91 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/EC BUS SYS 16.87 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/EC BUS SYS 17.91 DAVE TRANSPORTATION SERVICE HOURLY BILLING/JUNE 90 6,324.07 DAVE TRANSPORTATION SERVICE FIXED BILLING/SEPT. 49,381 .58 DAVE TRANSPORTATION SERVICE JULY/SERVICE BILLING 9,852.12 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/EC BUS SYS. 136. 15 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/EC BUS SYSTEM 127.95 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/EC BUS SYSTEM 136.15 RED BIRD AIRCRAFT INCORPORATED TRAVEL 130.00 VAIL DAILY THE BUS SCHEDULE PRINTING 692.50 VAIL TRAIL THE 20934/PRINT BUS.SCH. 381 .60 VAIL TRAIL THE ADV/SCHEDULE ECE 84.00 PAYROLL FOR AUGUST PAYROLL M 16 & 17 793.47 68,140.39 1 ,447,433.34 This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Welch opened the meeting with the first item, File ZS-295-90, Floyd Arawford, F. Crawford SUP. 80-295-90 Keith Montag, Director of Community Development, presented this file and gave the location of the project. He reviewed the site data and chronology. He read applicable excerpts from the Eagle County land Use Regulations. He stated the major concerns and issues are: 1. Buffering along Highway 82 needs to be increased to accomplish the parkway concept. Germing and landscaping will create a commercial environment which has local community orientation rather than 'strip development.' 2. Adequate proof of water, sewer and fire protection must be demonstrated. Any use that requires major water/sewer expansion will require either Mid-Valley District service or an amendment to the Crawford 10411 permit. 3. The applicant currently owns the subject parcel and a 5 acre parcel to the west . If subdivision occurs in the future, setback requirements must be met. 4. Numerous irrigation ditches traverse the property. Ditch access and safety must be addressed, 5. The public improvements (streets, drainage, landscaping) need to be identified and guaranteed. Paving of streets and parking areas need to be addressed. 8. On-site detention of additional runoff needs to be addressed. Mr. Montag reviewed Staff findings and recommendations. He stated the Roaring Fork Valley Planning Commission recommended approval with conditions. Chairman Welch asked if access for a major commercial development off the El Jebel interchange. Steve Isom, I-Plan, explained the plan for access to the planned development and the land use plan. Commissioner Gustafson asked about delivery to commercial and if the area is the right place for a town center. Mr. Isom pointed out the delivery and trash areas and told the Board the town center is developing correctly. • • 2 IcT Discussion followed on the water and sewer. Commissioner Gustafson moved on File Z5-295-90, Floyd Crawford Special Use Permit, to approve the application with the following conditions: 1. Additional buffering landscaping along Highway 0? and the ditch is installed in the areas indicated on the map. 2. The applicant demonstrate to the County adequate proof of water, sewer, and fire protection through appropriate documentation. 3. All parking areas and access roads be hard surfaced, with designated traffic lanes and parking. 4. All public improvemaents be identified and guaranteed in an amount acceptable to the County. S. The Environmental Impact Report requirements be waived. B. Pedestrian walkways detached from the road surface be provided. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, Commissioner Gates expressed for the record his concerns with the irrigation ditches disappearing in the future. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Crawford, F. ZC-245-90 Mr. Montag presented the next item, File ZC-245-90, Floyd Crawford zone change. He gave the project description, site data, background and master plan designation. He reviewed the major concerns and issues and Staff findings. He read the Staff 's recommendation and the recommendations of the Planning Commission. Discussion was held on special permit uses, concerns of the Board of inappropriate uses, buffering and landscaping. Additional discussion followed on the expansion of the changes on the special use with the zone and lot line change. Commissioner Gustafson moved to table File 20-245-90, Floyd Crawford to September 11, 1990. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Agreement Kevin Lindahl , County Attorney. explained the proposed intergovernmental agreement Town of Avon with the Town of Avon regarding the railroad grade separation project. He told the Board the construction schedule should be discussed and the County's obligation. Larry Metternick, County Engineer, explained the proposed schedule and county costs of the railroad crossing in Avon. Don Fessler, Road and Bridge Supervisor. stated there are some right-of-way issues that are still unresolved and addressed the issue of purchasing gravel and culverts. Chairman Welch asked how could this agreement be approved with no amounts in the contract. Commissioner Gustafson expressed his concerns regarding the intent of the Town of Avon. Mr. Lindahl explained the contract provides for certain amounts. He stated he would not recommend the Board sign the contract as there are needs for modifications to the County's ability to consent to the project schedule. Commissioner Gustafson moved to table this item to September 5, 1990 until certain items are dealt with. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Cordillera The next item for the Board's consideration was File PD-294-90, Cordillera Sketch PD-294-90 Plan. Chairman Welch outlined the agenda for this file. He made a statement regarding a possible conflict of interest as he is an independent contractor with Vail Associates in the real estate department and Mail Associates has entered into a co-listing agreement with Cordillera for marketing and sales of this project. He stated he receives no income from the general success of Vail Associates real estate. He disclosed that he has no intention of participating in or receiving income from the sales or the marketing of the Cordillera development. He requested an opinion from the County Attorney who advised Chairman Welch there is not a conflict of interest. He added the State Attorney General has agreed with Mr. Lind,ahl 's opinion. Sid Fox, Planner, presented File PD-293-90, Cordillera Sketch Plan and gave the project description, site data, and chronology. He read the Master Plan designation policies, goals and objectives. He continued his presentation by discussing open space, environment, recreation, water use and diversion, public services, and the Edwards Sub-Area Master Plan. He identified major concerns and issues and Staff's findings- Staff recommended tabling with the following condition: 1. the applicant should take into consideration the comments of the public, Planning Commission, Staff and the Board of County Commissioners, revise the sketch plan and present a revised sketch plan to the Board of County Comamissioners within 45 days. He stated the Planning Commission recommended approved with the following conditions: 1. The recommendations of the Division of Wildlife should be integrated into the project including mitigation of winter range, calving grounds and migration corridors. 2. The development should be focused or directed towards Squaw Creek Road and integrated visually with forested or other natural features. The ridge line must be preserved as open space to minimize visual impact on Lake Creek and the Eagle River valley. Photo imaging should be used to evaluate the visual impact of the northern and southern parcels. 3. Architectural restrictions must be developed to minimize visual impact, to include, but not limited to, building envelopes, height limitations, roof pitch, color and non-reflective materials. The architectural review process shall include input from adjacent property owners. 4. Wood burning fireplaces should be eliminated from all residential units. 5. A feasibility analysis is needed to evaluate alternatives to on-site sewage disposal systems. Sewage collected from clustered development must meet secondary water quality standards prior to discharge. 6. The Preliminary Plan must address the employee housing needs of the development. • i 7. The Preliminary Plan must evaluate public vehicular access through the western parcel that leads to Bellyache Ridge Road that connects to USFS land. 8. The applicant should include the 112 acre 'Beatty Tract in the PUD Sketch Plan. 9. An emergency secondary access should be considered for the western parcel. 10. The Planning Commission has serious reservations about the visual impact, density and appropriateness of the northern parcel village. 11. At preliminary plan, provide an adequate fire protection plan. 12. A phasing plan should be developed with the preliminary plan. Mr. Fox stated that based on the current information there is adequate quantity of water in the Squaw Creek area. He read a letter from James Hall, Supervising Water Resource Engineer, who stated the water is adequate. He read a letter from Jeff Hines of the ColoradoGeological Survey who felt this proposal does not have as many problems as Cordiilera Phase I, however he urged site visits. He mentioned a letter from Patricia Conrad, School Superintendent, reminding this Board of a School Land Dedication Fee; a State Forest Service concurring with the wildfire hazard assessment. He summarized letters from the Division of Wildlife, State of Colorado Division of Air Pollution Control Division, BIM, and Colorado Department of Highways. He submitted public input in letter form. Ann Senn, adjacent property owner, asked why one unit in ten acres was not good planning. Mr. Fox replied that type of planning loses the rural character. Burt Calhoon, take Creek resident, asked why this project is being given a bonus density. Mr. Fox stated the economic investments could not be justified without density bonus. The Board determined it would be appropriate to hold questions until later in the hearing after the applicant has presented their presentation. Bud Palmer, Lake Creek resident, asked about the minimizing the ridge line. Hr. Fox explained the Staff's interpretation of minimizing the ridge line. Bill Clinkenbeard, applicant, was sworn to testify by Johnnette Phillips. He pointed out that Cordillera is in the sketch plan phase but some issues are already in the preliminary phase for the purpose of addressing these items. He reviewed the plan and letters of support. He outlined changes in lighting, the rebuilding of the road, placement of units to reduce visibility, water and density. Kevin Conway, attorney for Cordillera, was sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips. He explained the development, addressed legal issues of the Edwards Sub-Area Plan stating Cordillera is not subject to the plan as it is not in the sub-area but the development was planned as it it were in the sub-area. Terrill Knight, Knight Planning Services, was sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips. He explained the proposal and told the Board of plans to meet standards of a 1990 project. He mentioned various points on master plan issues. 1. Principal guide for the design of Cordillera is the Eagle County Master Plan not the Edwards Sub-Area Plan 2. Substantial amount of the urban development should be in Edwards 3. Visual corridors should be reserved 4. Keep the river area restricted from development 5. Level of density 6. Strength and diversity of economic base 7. Environment, wildlife, water quality, air quality, road pavement, open space and cluster concept 8. Meed for recreation 9. Public needs, school impacts and fire department 10. Access to public lands 11. Convenient services Mr. Knight continued with his presentation and pointed out the location of the project, open space, streets and density of lots in -the subdivision. He introduced the development team for Cordillera. Nle discussed the Planned Unit Development and spoke with assurance the capability of being able to meet County requirements. Vince Cooper, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, spoke regarding the visual quality and impacts. He made a slide presentation showing examples of visual contrast of buildings in different areas. Craig Schriver, a landscape architect, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, continued the slide presentation pointing out areas with building envelopes that cannot be seen and lots that use land forms as screens and view shadows. Scott McCormick, H0H Landscape Architecture and Planning, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, spoke regarding the terrain and placement of buildings and slopes. He mentioned visual impacts as projected by computer imaging. Jerry Ingel, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, addressed the surrounding land uses. He reviewed a handout of surrounding developments and compared density. He discussed the world class amenities, economic viability, and environmental sensitivity. Bill Heicher, Colorado Division of Wildlife, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, testified regarding deer and elk habitat and movement corridors in the subdivision. He mentioned elk calving area with the possibility of mitigation by Cordillera. He asked that dog control be invoked. Gary Bemis, area resident and plumber, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, spoke in favor of the project Chuck Malloy, area contractor, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, spoke against Cordillera and read letters from James and Martha Henderson, Hessie and John Hammon, Irene Gillespie, and Frank and Karen Vanderwater, all in opposition of Cordillera project. Bill Williams, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, testified for the Upper Eagle Consolidated Sanitation District with concerns for sanitation and drinking water, augmentation plan. He spoke as an Eagle resident in favor of a well planned project. 4 c / 7 Kirk Van Hee, Lake Creek resident, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, testified for Bob Dorth and Bud Palmer. He stated he is for quality growth and would like the Board of County Commissioners to focus on imagery and problems he has with density, water and wild animal control . Tom D'Agostino, area resident, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, spoke in favor of the project. John Rolland, area resident, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, spoke regarding Cordillera project assuring his company will execute and manage the development as planned in a positive way. Buck Elliot, area resident, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, told the Board this project is a commendable project but he has problems with the density. Debbie Miley, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, read a letter from Penti Tofferi who spoke in favor of the Cordillera Golf Course and development. Ann Sinton, area resident, 'sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, made a plea to the Board of County Commissioners to not make a decision in haste as she has major concerns with the wildlife in the area. Andy Kaufman, Edwards resident, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, spoke regarding his concerns with adequate water for two golf courses and the traffic through Lake Creek. Les Shapiro, area resident, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, addressed the density as inappropriate because of the water, wildlife, visual impacts, sewer. He asked for justification for expansion of Cordillera. Robert Barker, president of Colorow Homeowners Association, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, read a letter from Colorow Homeowners Association opposing the density and complained of the possible lack of water and road improvements. He submitted this letter to the Board of County Commissioners. Dick Craig, Squaw Creek resident, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, expressed his concern with the quantity of water that Cordillera would required. Don Pressley, area resident, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, testified of his concerns of density, water, and the elk calving area. lie stated that since a well was drilled above his property, his well has not been the same. Harvey Curtis, water lawyer, testified regarding wellheads in relation to Mr. Pressley"s property. Bob Braden, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, stated he would check on Mr. Pressley's >wells. He explained the wells at Cordillera were not interfering with each other. Bill Clinkenbeard explained that Danny Williams had trouble with one of his wells and had drilled a new well and the water is OK now. Burt Calhoun, area resident, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, requested the Board to assist in getting a continuous equestrian trail. He questioned the density of Cordillera but added there are 360 acres of open space bordering the development. He spoke of his concerns with the water and sewer systems. Bambi Kuehn, area resident, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, read a letter from Jeff Forbes. She asked Mr. Conway if Cordillera is considered a part of Squaw Creek valley. Mr. Conway replied he would have to look at a map. Ms. Kuehn continued her testimony of her concern of the Planned Unit Development, the density, water and her well water problems. She urged the Board to deny this project. Jim Kunkel, president of Johnson Kunkel A Associates, Inc., was sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips. He told the Board that Cordillera is a very professional group. He spoke of the need for jobs and how the developers have done everything to help area residents on Squaw Creek Road. He urged the Board to approve the project. Morrie Shepard, area resident, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, spoke to urge the Board to deny Cordillera Sketch Plan as it does not comply with the Master Plan or the Edwards Sub-Area Plan. Suzanne Shepard, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, read letters of opposition from Elizabeth King and Mary O'connell . She asked about a wildlife overlay and water problems. She complained about the road being close to the homes. She continued testify about the golf course, roads, water, traffic and wildlife. She mentioned a campaign contribution to Commissioner Gates. Mr. lindahl read from State statutes regarding campaign contributions which shall not be considered gifts of substantial value. He gave his opinion that a campaign contribution properly reported would not constitute a conflict of interest. Kirk Chenault, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, reiterated his concern for the water issue. He reviewed the County Master Plan and spoke of the need for accel/decel lanes, the wildlife issue and air quality. He stated he believed that Cordillera should not be allowed to develop without following the Master Plan. Jan Chenault, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, spoke regarding the lack of police patrol and the need for accell/decel lanes. She stated her concern about density. Jim Wear, attorney representing Steve and Sue Ellen Kline who are residents of Squaw Creek, was sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips. He addressed road cuts on Squaw Creek Road and open space buffers. Bob Robinson, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, testified regarding possible problems that will be caused by the development of Cordillera. Oran Palmateer, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, told the Board this development shows good planning but urged the developer to listen and respond to points made regarding air quality, water and sewer. Fritze Schmidt was sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips. He told the Board that developments should not be only along the I-70 corridor. He complained of property tax increases and spoke in favor of the Cordillera development. f,' d"tr^63e' • 4110 C;VP John Railton, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, spoke in favor of the project and believes the density is correct for this development. Brad Foster, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, stated he is in favor of the project but would like to see the density of Cordillera decreased. Larry fisher, sworn to testify, spoke regarding the need for a rural environment but also sees the need for services in the community. Betsy Robinson, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, asked who will maintain the road. Chairman Welch replied the question would be answered when and if the plan is approved. Ns. Robinson asked how the water is protected. Mr. Knight stated if the water is affected then the applicant is required to correct the problem. Ms, Robinson stated her concerns of water not being put back into the area. She mentioned the short cuts into the hunting area may hurt business in Eagle County. She asked the project be scaled down. Debbie Duley read letters from Harlan and Victoria Gamber and Harry Daum, both in favor of the project. Chairman Welch declared this hearing was closed to public comment. Commissioner Gustafson mentioned he believed this hearing will continue much longer. He moved to continue the hearing to September 18, 1990 at 9:00 a.m. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to September 5, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman doot August 28, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George "'Bud• Gates Commissioner James Fritze County Manager Dick Gustafson Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Keith Montag Dir Comm Dev Sid Fox Planner Hank Ipsom Special Counsel Gary Blando Court Reporter Planning Commission Members Present: Kathy Reicher Don Price Chairman Welch opened the meeting announcing the first item on the agenda, an Agreement agreement with Vail Valley Consolidated Water District. Vail Valley Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, presented an agreement for the inclusion in the Water Cons. Vail Valley Consolidated Water District which provides for the construction of a water District system for the airport and for construction of Phase I, a 100,000 gallon tank. He reviewed the agreement for the Board. Bill torah mentioned the water rights and suggested the Board may not want to give all water rights to the Water District. Mr. Lindahl explained the water rights owned by the County. Ed Dreager, Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District. told the Board the first order of business was to continue present water rights. He spoke of water service to the airport. Linda Becerra, area resident, asked for a copy of the inclusion agreement. Chairmman Welch agreed that she would receive one. Commissioner Gates commented on problems with trying to develop a water system with the Towns of Eagle and Gypsum. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve the inclusion agreement. between Eagle County and Vail Valley Consolidated Water District to provide water service to the Eagle County Regional Airport. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. In discussion, James Fritze, County Manager, asked about the water rights and water to supply the system. Commissioner Gates stated the receipt of water plan is implied in his motion. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Keith Montag, Director of . Community Development, presented the next item, File SU-289-90-F SU-289-90-F, Castleview Subdivision. He reviewed the project description, chronology. Castleview He addressed the major concerns and issues, staff findings and recommendations. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve File SO-289-90-F, Castleview Subdivision final plat making note of Staff's findings: The final plat conforms to the approved preliminary plan; the final plat conforms to the Eagle County Land Use Regulations and other applicable regulations; and the SIA has been prepared by the County and signed by the applicant. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The final plat was signed. Mara Kleinschmidt, Assistant County Attorney, presented a grant application of the Grant Ap. Title III of the Older Americans Act. She explained the grant. Older America Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the grant application for the Older Act Americans Act. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the warrants for bill paying for Social Bill Paying Services. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The next item was the continuation of the hearing for the Black Lakes 1041 Permit. Black Lakes Mr. Weaver opened the hearing with 1985 figures on the peak population numbers. 1041 Hearing tee Rozaklis. sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, testified regarding the analysis of impacts under existing demands and future buildout demand levels. He described the methods used in the analysis and points of analysis. Commissioner Gustafson asked if a change in the vegetation would decrease the cleansing effect of the chemical reaction in the stream. David Cooper stressed the importance of the point of the change in vegetation. Hr. Rozaklis stated his belief that the change in the flow could or could not necessarily change the vegetation. He said that hydrology changes would have to be significant with respect to stream morphology to show any differences. Commissioner Gates asked about the standards used for this analysis. Mr. Rozaklis explained the standards used to apply to the analysis and reviewed the results. He passed out a Summary of Water Quality Impact Assessment and reviewed it for the Board of County Commmissioners and the Planning Commission. He concluded his presentation by stating that. Black Lakes would cause no violation of water standards and would not result in significant degradation of the water, or would not interfere with uses on the Eagle River. Hr. Cooper asked about the response of fish in the streams. Mr. Rozaklis pointed out there are no cases where changes are a threat to the fish with respect to changes in Gore Creek and Black Gore Creek. Mr. Cooper asked if loss of wetlands would affect the movement of metals in the water. Hr. Rozaklis replied he would leave that question to the experts. Mr. Weaver submitted Exhibit 5-37 for acceptance by the Board. Chairman Welch accepted it. S• 43 Wayne Schroeder, attorney for the applicant, brought up ex parte communications should not be relied upon by the Board, referring to David Cooper. Mr. Lindahl responded that Mr. Cooper is employed by the County Attorney's office to provide technical assistance in evaluating the evidence. Mr. Ipsom reiterated Mr. Cooper is only assisting in technical questions. Robert Owen, Water Resource Specialist with the Colorado Department of Health, was sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips. Mr. Owen stated his responsibility is to implement basic standards and methodologies for surface water in Colorado in conjunction with the County's 1041 permitting authority. Commissioner Gustafson asked about the increments of degradation. Mr. Owen stated the increments are cumulative from the baseline data. Chairman Welch asked if the Eagle River was studied regarding the level of dissolved oxygen. Kr. Owen stated there is a decrease of some metals but there are not enough studies to evaluate this. Mr. Ipsom answered questions posed by Mr. Ipsom. Mr. Weaver asked that Exhibit S-40 be entered into the record. After hearing no objections, Chairman Welch accepted this exhibit. Mr. Weaver gave background information on wetland impacts and wetland mitigation and stated a new plan for mitigation is to be presented. He stated the concerns of the Cities of Colorado Springs and Aurora will be addressed as well as the presence of sphagnum. He submitted Exhibit S-41. He stated there were several sites on Gore Creek evaluated. Commissioner Gustafson asked if expanding Lower Black Lake was considered. Mr. Weaver replied it was considered but there is a landslide hazard at Lower Black Lake. He asked that Exhibit 5-41 be admitted into the record and Chairman Welch did so. Oliver Grah, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, gave his credentials and made a slide presentation on the proposed mitigation measures of wetlands associates with Black Lakes 1041 Permit project. After the lunch break, Mr. Montag brought a plat for the Board's signature, Highlands Slopeside Condo Map. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat as presented by Sr. Montag. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson was out of the room. Hr. Grab continued with his slide presentation showing sources of wetland hydrology and ground water as a source of wetlands hydrology. He summarized the sources of groundwater and gave functional values of the wetlands of Black Lake $1. He finished with a wetland water quality analysis and general trends. Chairman Welch asked for objections regarding acceptance of Mr. Grah's slides into the record. Hearing none, he accepted them. Catherine Kraeger-Rover, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, gave her credentials and explained the reason she was present. She gave a slide presentation on the analysis based on channel hydrology. She identified potentially impacted areas, results of analysis and overall conclusion regarding the potential for downstream impacts. She compared Cross Creek at Homestake and Black Gore Creek. Cole Emmons, attorney for the Cities of Colorado Springs and Aurora, asked Ms. Kraeger-Rover for the dates of her research. Mr. Kraeger-Rover answered mid-1980. She told Mr. Emmons she would date the slides. Mr. Cooper asked about the heights of ground water. Ms. Kraeger-Rover stated that certain conditions can occur and need not be associated with ground water. Mr. Weaver made a point of clarification regarding the observations and calculation on streamflow changes on the project. Ms. Kraeger-Rover stated her conclusions was the changes calculated would not impact a large percentage of the areas identified. Mr. Weaver asked that the slides marked Exhibits S-137 through 5-160 be admitted into the record. Chairman Welch admitted then after hearing no objections. The next witness, Daniel Merriman of the Colorado Water Conservation Board, was sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips. He gave his credentials and spoke in behalf of the Colorado Water Conservation Board with emphasis on instrean flow water rights in the Vail Valley, including Black Gore and Gore Creeks and replacing depletion to the stream system by releasing water from Green Mountain Reservoir. Chairman Welch accepted Exhibit 5-23 into the record after hearing no objections to accepting it. Mr. Weaver stated he received a message from Jay Skinner- regarding information on aquatic habitat on Cross Creek compared to Gore Creek and could not find any documentation. Hr. Grab continued with a slide presentation of stream flow reduction in Black Gore Creek due to reservoir release scheduled at different acreage of water level modification. John Donovan, area resident, was sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips. He spoke in favor of the Black Lakes project. Dennis Gelvin, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, appeared in support of the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District for a 1041 Permit in connection of the Black Lakes. Mr. Grab continued with his testimony and commented on streamflows that are generally at normal flow during growing season. He continued with mitigation impact analysis based on the Federal 404. He gave guidelines, process for monitoring results and contingency plans to guarantee success of mitigation. Chairman Welch asked about drop structures in the stream to direct water to the present parking lot. Mr. Grah stated he would find the plan less preferable to grading and removing fill to maintain wetland hydrology. He presented more slides of the area point out loss of hydrology and some slides where drop structures would discharge water and store hydrology to area. 410 .26 Ms. Heicher asked who would judge the mitigation. Mr. Fox told Ms. Heicher the Planning Department would review after the mitigation report is submitted. Commissioner Gates asked Mr. Grab that with or without additional wetlands the water quality would remain the same and if the mitigation is for the wetlands only. Hr. Grab stated the primary objective is to restore existing wetlands and improve their quality and improve wildlife habitat. Discussion was held on the finalization of the hearing. Hr. Schroeder objected to Hr. Emmons and the Cities of Colorado Springs and Aurora to make a rebuttal statement. Mr. Emmons argued in favor of presenting a rebuttal . Executive session was called for to determine finalization of the hearing. After returning from executive session, Chairman Welch requested the conclusion and closing statements at a later date in writing, 30 days for rebuttal by the parties, 14 days after that for surrebuttal by the applicant, closing statements and proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law 14 days after the record closes, deliberation by the Planning Coeroxission on November 7, 1990, and deliberation by the Board of County Commissioners on November 20, 1990. Hr. Lindahi requested direction from the Board to draft a resolution stating such dates. Commissioner Gustafson moved to direct Hr. Lindahl the draft a resolution outlining particular steps for closing the hearing. Coe+nissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Weaver addressed Exhibits 5-42 through S-136 and requested these exhibits into the records. He stated the Exhibit S-135, a slide, was not presented and withdrew his request to accept that exhibit. Chairman Welch asked for objections to the admittance of these exhibits. After hearing none, he accepted these exhibits into the record. Jerry Bender was sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips. He testified on the efficiency of water usage and °unaccounted for water.'" He described the efforts by the District to reduce the unaccounted for water and offered presentation of the District's water conservation plan, Exhibit S-Il. He stated the District wants to get all unmetered units metered and get the unaccounted water down to 10%. Hr. Weaver stated there is no further testimony at this time. Mr. Lind•ahl asked about Exhibit S-18. Hr. Weaver stated that Exhibit S-18 was not tendered and that it is identical to the snap in Exhibit 5-3. Chairman Welch declared this hearing closed. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to September 4, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 14 • August 27, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George •Bud1° Gates Commissioner James Fritze County Manager Dick Gustafson Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Keith Montag Dir Comm Dem Sid Fox Planner Hank Ipso. Spec Counsel Gary Blando Court Reporter Planning;Commission Members Present: Kathy Melchor Don Price This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Bus System Chairman Welch opened the meeting with a discussion of the bus system election Election question. Election Commissioner Gates asked for a report on the meeting Chairman Welch attended on behalf of the Board regarding continuation of the bus system. Chairman Welch reported the Board received no support from the Town of Vail for a county wide bus system. He stated that without the support of the Town of Vail the County shall not put this item on a ballot. Commissioner Gates stated his frustration with the lack of support from the Town of Vail, Janes Fritze, County Manager, gave his ideas on the mmeeting. Commissioner Gustafson expanded on the problems of the lack of support from the towns and that a private enterprise may be the solution for the bus system. Discussion on when to stop the bus system was held. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, expressed some points regarding the study of the effectiveness of the transportation system. Beth Harris, Gypsum resident, appealed to the Board of County Commissioners to continue the bus system. Further discussion was held on the reasons to continue or discontinue the funding for the bus system. Commissioner Gates moved to terminate the bus system after the Labor Day weekend. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote vas declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to not put the question of the bus system on the General Election ballot. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. In discussion, Dan Reynolds commented on the statements that the Towns of Avon and Vail were not involved in the planning process of the bus system. Iyuestion was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Reynolds presented the next item, the bid acceptance for the airport Airport improvement Project $13. He reviewed the schedules for the Board of County Contract Commissioners and presented bids. He stated Western Northern Mobile was the low Western North. bidder in the amount of $2,471,170,75. He noted this amount is in excess of the FAA Mobile grant and County matching funds. He stated the FAA recommended to award this bid with the expectation of additional FAA funds or a reduction in project scope. Discussion was held on the bids. Commissioner Gustafson moved to accept the bid of Western Northern Mobile in the amount of $2,471,170.75 with the condition the FAA increase the grant or the scope of work is reduced to match the available funds. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. James Fritze, County Manager, stressed that the money used in the airport projects comes from capital improvements fund generated from sales tax. Jody Caruthers, County Assessor, presented the State Abstract of Assessment in the State Abstract of Assessmentamount of $560,000,000. Commissioner Gustafson moved to accept the State Abstract of Assessment from the County Assessor with the condition that a cover letter is attached that there is a possible error. After discussion, Commissioner Gustafson withdrew the notion. Ms. Caruthers agreed to research the possible error problem and write a letter to the State requesting an extension of the abstract. Mike Bradley, Building and Grounds Supervisor, appeared with two change orders c-0- pertaining to the County Administration Building, a renegotiating of the glass and Admin Bldg. glazing reducing the contract by the amount of $5,264; metal studs reduced the contract by $21,786; deletion of stairways and handrails reducing the contract by $403; removal of a piece of the McDonald Building foundation adding $604; deletion of a mail slot reducing the contract by $150: addition of the radiant heat in the floor adding $16,500; framing Building E reducing the amount by $10,113. Change Orders 1 and 2 reduce the amount of the contract by $20,612 bringing the total new contract amount to $5,297,758. He requested the Board approve the change orders. commissioner Gates moved to approve Change Order $1 reducing the amount of the contract by $27,050, and Change Order $2 increasing the contract amount of $6,638, for a total savings of $20,612. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve warrants for bill paying as submitted. Bill Paying Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. • • 6 The next item was the Black Lakes 1041 Hearing. Black Lakes Sid Fox, Planner, introduced this item and reviewed the chronology, and the prior 1041 Hearing recommendation of denial of the permit application as the applicant had not net burden of proof and effectiveness of proposed mitigation measures. He summarized the wetlands mitigation. Staff recommended approval with the following conditions: 1. The specific design, location and procedures for controlling non-point source runoff during construction of the dam shall be submitted to the County staff for review prior to issuance of a grading permit for the actual construction of the dam. This plan should be in accordance with the Upper Eagle Valley Mon-Point Control plan. 2. An annual review should occur. An annual review should include an updated report on the monitoring plan for wetland mitigation to assure the mitigation plan is successful. 3. A report should be submitted on the winter low-flows on Gore Creek to assure that minimum stream flows are being in compliance. In conclusion, he summarized the entire project for the Board. Chairman Welch asked if the wetland issue of tno net loss"' was changed to ~no overall loss in value and function." Mr. Fox answered these terms are the same. Commissioner Gates asked where the wetland mitigation sites are located. Mr. Fox explained the sites are located in the drainage area. Commissioner Gustafson questioned the change in the terminology of °significant deterioration.'" Mr. Fox stated this would be explained during the course of the hearing. Cole Emmons stated he is present on the behalf of the Cities of Colorado Springs and Aurora. Bob Weaver introduced himself and stated he is with the firm of Resource Associates on behalf of Vail Valley Consolidated Water District. After being sworn to testify by Johnnette Phillips, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, Mr. Weaver outlined his presentation for the hearing. He introduced Exhibit 5-12, an outline of the presentation. He presented Exhibits 11 through 1115. Chairman Welch accepted Exhibits /1 through 1115. He mentioned that the absent member of the Planning Commission will review the record in detail and will vote on this hearing. Kevin Lindahl , County Attorney, explained that Mr. Ridgway could review the transcript and exhibits and sign an affidavit prior to deliberation of the Planning Commission. Mr. Schroeder asked that the absent member review the tapes as the transcript may not be available for some time. Some discussion was held regarding why only two Planning Commission members are present. Mr. Weaver mentioned Resolution 88-1 of the Eagle County Planning Commission and addressed the description of the proposed project and mentioned wetlands and wetland mitigation, aquatic habitat, geologic hazards, and a water conservation plan. He introduced the witnesses: Jerry Bender, Water Operating Director for VVWCD Ed Draeger, Board of the VVWCD, Chairman Byron Brown, Member of the Board of the VVWCD Paul Testwuide, Member of the Board of the VVWCD Chuck Oqilby, Member of the Board of the VVWCD Bob Ruder, Member of the Board of the VVWCD Paul Holden, aquatic biologist with BIO/WEST Dan Merriman, Colorado Water Conservation Board Bob Owen, Water Quality Control Division Lee Rozaklis, environmental scientist with Hydrosphere Resource Consultants Wayne Schroeder, Calkins Kramer Grinshaw and Herring attorneys Jay Skinner, Colorado Division of Wildlife, water resource specialist Tim Steele, Advanced Sciences Tom Williamsen, Tipton and Kalmback, project engineer Bob Ruder was sworn in to testify by Mrs. Phillips. He made comments regarding the project and the purpose of Black Lakes enlargement. He made statements regarding future needs for water in the Vail Valley and modifications of the project. Don Price, Planning Commission member, asked if the quote of 85% of employment and 90% of the retail trade for Eagle County. Mr. Ruder replied yes. Cole Emmons, attorney for the Cities of Aurora and Colorado Springs, asked if the purpose of the enlargement was to sustain fish. Mr. Ruder replied yes. Tom Williamsen was sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips. He gave a description of the proposed projects. He discussed Exhibits A-27, a plan of the dam and spillway. He introduced Exhibit S-16 and read letters from Dennis Miller and the Colorado Geologic Survey. Mr. Schroeder asked that Exhibit S-16 be accepted into the record. Chairman Welch accepted the exhibit. Mr. Weaver made comments on the geotechnical aspects of the project and were reviewed by the State Engineer and the Colorado Geologic Survey for slope stability. Questions were asked by the Board of County Commissioners concerning the construction of the dam and wetland areas surrounding the construction site. Kathy Neither, Planning Commission member, mentioned downstream impacts and if snowmaking and ski slope stability will be addressed. Mr. Weaver stated the applicant has not addressed that issue but Vail Associates should address that issue. He mentioned that Attachment H has been added. He continued the presentation regarding project operation and hydrologic impacts. he submitted a map of a portion of Gore Creek watershed. He pointed out the existing line of the Town of Vail and service area of Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Water District. He discussed various points of impacts on Gore Creek. He introduced and discussed Exhibits S-2 and S-19 and a map from 1972. 111. 041 I Chairman Welch asked that at buildout, what would the stream flow be and where the flow levelwould be at Forrest Road. Mr. Weaver explained the Vail gauge is at the opposite end of the well field. He continued to explain the background information. , He submitted Exhibit 5-19-1972 and Chairman Welch accepted it into the record. He continued to point out stream flow on the map and discussed a map from 1967. He asked the Board to accept Exhibit 5-19-1967. It was accepted by Chairman Welch. He presented and discussed Exhibits S-20-1967 and 5-20-1972. Chairman Welch accepted these exhibits into the record. Paul Holden was sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips. He gave his credentials and testified on aquatic habitat impacts and mitigation. He reviewed background information for the trout habitat. He made a slide presentation of aquatic habitat conditions on Gore Creek for trout and discussed the existing aquatic habitat conditions. Commissioner Gustafson asked if more drop structures would increase the fish population. Mr. Holden replied, in Gore Creek, yes. Discussion on streamflows and fish populations was held. Jay Skinner, Colorado Division of Wildlife, was sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips. tie testified on the stream condition and water quality. He discussed Exhibit k24. He stated the Division of Wildlife wishes to go on record as stating that the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District's proposed enlargement of Black Lake and the operating criteria that has been described to you by the District's officials and consultants are sufficient to maintain the existing fish population in Gore Creek and Black Gore Creek. He further stated the Vail Valley District has been an example by which other ski areas and water providers should be measured. They have understood from the very start that the water that will be stored in Black Lake is intended to augment low stream flows during the winter months and they have consistently acted toward that end. As a final comment he stated that the Vail Valley District is the only entity that requested Green Mountain water who agreed to provide wet water to the stream when instream flow impact were identified in the EIS. Commissioner Gustafson asked what yardstick the Division of Wildlife uses. Mr. Skinner answered the same criteria used is the sane as the aquatic biologist but done in a simpler form. Commissioner Gustafson asked for comparative information between Homestake and Black Lakes from Mr. Skinner. Mr. Weaver asked the Chairman to accept Exhibit #24 into the record. Chairman Welch accepted. Don Hamberg, attorney for the Colorado River Water Conservation District, was sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips. He spoke to water conservation of Green Mountain Reservoir. He endorsed the Black Lakes 1041 enlargement project. Dr. Tom Steinberg, Mayor Pro-Tem of Vail , after being sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, read a resolution in favor of the Black Lakes 1041 project and spoke to the Vail Town Council support of the project. Larry Lichlighter, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, spoke to the creation of wet water storage and his support of Vail Associates. He pointed out problems of mitigation in terms of a 2 to 1 replacement of wetlands as a precedent setting condition. Mr. Warner asked if Paul Holden could be released from the hearing. Chairman Welch stated there might be somewhat of a risk if a question for Mr. Holden arose, but he, the Board of County Commissioners and the Planning Commission have no objection.. Jebby Brown, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, addressed the hope to conserve water with project assistance and the need for conservation enforcement. Joe Stauffer, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, spoke in favor of the project. Fitzhugh Scott, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, added his support to the project. Chairman Welch closed the hearing to public comment. Mr. Weaver continued the hearing with testimony regarding water quality and gave additional background information. Tim Steele, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, gave his credentials and testified on the monitoring program results. He submitted a handout of the overview and summary of the results of the water quality monitoring program. He reviewed the handout. Chairman Welch asked about metal concentrations in the streams. Mr. Steele gave the Board survey results of the presence of metals for an 18 month period. He continued to review the handout. Questions were posed on silver nitrate used in cloud seeding. Mr. Steele explained the analysis of water and testing for metals in the water. Mr. Ipsom asked for a summary of hardness and flow of metals. Mr. Steele pointed out an example in the report and explained the chart. Mr. Weaver stated Mr. Steele referred to Exhibits 5-24 through 5-36, Exhibits 5-36A. 5-368, and S-36C. He stated these exhibits are contained in Exhibits 5-3 and 5-4. He asked that Exhibits 5-25 through S-36C be admitted into the record. After hearing no objections, Chairman Welch accepted these into the record. Mr. Weaver asked that Exhibit 5-22 be accepted into the record, 14 slides numbered I through 14 and a list of what the slides are. Chairman Welch asked for objections to the Exhibit. Receiving none, he accepted this exhibit into the record. He adjourned the meeting to August 28, 1990. ` Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman ilinl....I...7 "!'r.'"7"r7.7crlRrr"w"---""""'---'x-i F15.r7, fr`' :,,,iz:. ',, '' '''..lf!.1'717741 i_.. ' ' 0 „, , - ..„., ,, . , August 21,•..1990 ` PUBLIC REARING Present: Don Welch Cliairian Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George "Bud” Gates Comnisiiouer Janes Fritze County manager Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Absent: Dick Gustafson Commissioner :r g .. ` }'J } , This being a scheduled Public,Heariitg, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: SSsS Chairman Welch opened the Meeting with the firstitem on the agenda, File PD-293-90-S FD-293-90-S, Cordillera. ;Y" • Cordillera Sid Fox, Planner, advised the Board the applicant is requesting tabling to September 4, 1990 at 10:00 a_a. , .:r Commissioner Gates noved to Mable File PD-293-90-S, Cordillera to September 4, 1990 at 10:00 a.m. at the applicant'isrequest. Chairman Welch seconded the notion: Of the two voting' conmissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gu tafson was not present for this neetiug. The next item presented by'Leith Montag, Director of community Development, was 'PD-286-89-S File PD-296-89-S, Tucker Subdivision. He stated the applicant requested this file be • Tucker Subdiv tabled to September 11, 1990 to allow revisions to the site plan to occur_ Commissioner Gates moved to-Stable File PD-285-89-S, Tucker Subdivision, to Septaeber 11S 1990, at the applicant's request. Chairuan Welch seconded the notion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Montag presented File ZS-295-90, Floyd Crawford Special Use and stated the ; ZS-295-90 applicant requested tabling to September 11, 1990 at 8:30 a.n. ,Crawford SUP Commissioner Gates noved to table File ZS-295-90, Floyd Crawford. Special Use, to i. September 11, 1990 at 8:30 a.n. atthe applicant's request. Chairman Welch seconded the Motion. Of the two vet^ng Cnaaeissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented the next sten , ,,,' File PD-292-90-F, Eagle Meadow, and stated , PD-292-90-F applicant is requesting ' final platapproval for Lot 7, Eagle Meadow, Thomas A. Eagle Meadow Backhus. He reviewed the site data °and chronology. Chairvan Welch disclosed that�,sthe ' applicant .4r. Backhus in'assisting him in seeking an appointment for his'son:to:the Air Force Academy but Chairman Welsh does apt believe this would affect his ability to make a decision. Mr. Fox outlined the Staff recommendations as follows: 1. Paynent of $144.95 in liedsbf school land dedication. , 2. Payment of $2,000 off-site road impact fee.. 3. Dedication of a private access easearent through the lot. 4. Dedication of a public acctss•easenent to the USFS trailhead.. Mr. Fox stated the road vacation approved in July musthave a quit claim deed. Mr. Backhus explained his position on the ongoing school land dedication, private access and road vacation. He asked for relief of the off-site road improvearent as the road is now utilized and not maintained. Fe stated he is trying to legalize his lots. Discussion followed on road`''aiepacts and offsite road impact fees. The Board determined to waive road impact feet. Commissioner Gates moved on FilePD-292-90-F, Eagle Meadow, to approve the final plat but not to sign the plat'`until after the fees are paid and all conditions are net. . Chairman Welch seconded the notion, in discussion, Hr. Lindahl cliftfied the Plat Bust be reviewed to' make sure it is in conn/lance with the conditions. s ` .Y !,ss,, , vestion was called. for on the; atotion. Of the two voting Connissioners, the vote , as declared unanimous. Yr. Montag presented File SU 289 -9O F, Cantleview Subdivision, and asked that it,be. • SU-289-90-F t'a'bled t " August 28, 1990at 8:55 a i t4 at.theapplicant's request Castelview Ccar^rissione.r Gates moved on•File SU-2P9 -90-F, Castleview subdivision, to table' to • `Subdivision August 28, 1990 at 8:55 a.m_ at the applicant's ;request. a; ' Chairman Welch seconded the motion:., Of the two;•voting Commissioners,. the vote was ,-4..,!; }' declared unanimous. O ,`. i ;p mr. Montag advised the appliant•As requesting to table File S!4 641-40, Cook/HCC SN-641-90 Subdivision, in order to complete a'final•aylar. i .,' Cook/HCC Connissioner Gates moved ' to "Stable, File.= 514-641-90 to September±ll, 1990 at the applicant's request. , Chairman Welch seconded the notion,; Of• the'two` voting Connissioners,�" the vote'was declared unanimous. k ? rSS . ` The item presented by Mr. FOIL inA File PD-274 90-Fw'-McGrady Arran. '' PD-274-90 Discussion was held on the :;legal description of the lotthe-legality of the lMcGrady Acres parcel, and the withdrawal of the lot 'from the subdivision_ '!he applicant agreed to seek clarification of 'thelot. S SsS,ssis ,',..r , >µ, -,,? :: •. .-r''';''''.- Commissioner ,P,r Commissioner Gates moved to '`table File PD-274-90-F, McGrady Acres, to September 11, 1990, at the applicant's request. ; Chairman Welch seconded the notion_ of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was .eclared unanimous.+ rata'"^;t SSS: ' 143/ • tor. Fox`, presented Fite PD 176-82, The'Terrace, .and stated the action requested is pD-176-82 an extension ' of the preliminary ''" plan. Mr.'.Fox reviewed theAhistory of this €ile_ The Terrace Staff recommended a three-year extension of the preliminary plan.;'`, Chairman Welch made a statement that changes in the area suggest that the plans should Vince r'Cook,eaapplicant, 'r ted that as owner obefore is is resubmitted. , f this project,' this is the first extension he has requested. The Board explained the review.is to eae sure, the plan would function in 1993 as it does at the present time. Commissioner Gates moved 'on File PD-176-82; The Terrace, to'Appro7e an extension of the , preliminary plan February 23,;1993, and the Board will review the preliminary plan to assure viability of the plan, ' Chairman Welch seconded the;lsotion. ; Of the two/voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. The Board asked the Planning Staff to clarify the extension policy in the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. Mr. Montag presented a final plat for the Board's signature for a Type A Minor Tuck subdiv. Subdivision, Tuck Subdivision. r Final Plat Commissioner Gates moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a final plat for the T'uck.Subdivision as presented by Mr. Montag. Chairman Welch seconded themotion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented File ZS-297-90, Shrine Mountain Cemetery and told the Board the zs-297-90 location of the project, the site data and chronology. He stated the major concerns Shrine Mtn and issues are adequacy of access roads, parking, maintenance of the site, and Cemetery potential conflicts with recreational use and funerals. He read a letter from the Town of Red Cliff expressing concerns regarding domestic water. He stated staff and the Planning Commission recommended conceptual approval of the site for cremation only with the following conditions: 1. Legal and physical access 2. Phasing to limit disturbance 3. Revegetation guidelines-':o 4. Months of operations (slimmer only) S. Parking 6. Specifications for fencing and signs, if applicable 7_ Provision for record keeping Chairman Welch remarked that he would like to see what plans the Town of Vail has for a cemetery. Commissioner Gates moved to - table File ZS-297-90, Shrine Mountain Cemetery to September 11, 1990. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Tom ':Brown, Engineer, presented File G-61-90, Hooks Lane, sarrequest to vacate a G-61-90 portion : of Hooks Lake located in the El Jebel area. He reviewed the project Hooks Lana description, sitedata and chronology. staff recommended approval and the Roaring Fork Valley Planning Commission recommended approval with the condition the County easement through the property include and delegate the right of public use of the drop structure, the easement be maintained as park land or green space, and that the zoning be Resource or "park land." • Mr. Brown updated the Board on what improvements Ed Lreager has done to the area. Discussion was held on the road vacation and concerns of Oscar Dimon. Commissioner Gates moved to approve File G-61-90, Hooks Lane, with the following conditions: 1. The County easement through the property include and delegate the right of the public as permitee of the uses of the drop structure. 2. The easement be maintained as Resource_ Chairman Welch secondedthe motion. In discussion, Chairman Welch stated he has a problem the property having public access. Discussion followed on public access by the bridge. Commissioner Gates withdrew the motion. Chairman Welch withdrew the second to the notion. Commissioner Gates roved on File G-61-90, Hooks,Lane, ' to approve the vacation of the right of way. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented File SU-178-90-AP, Summit Vista, and stated the applicant is SU-178-90-AP requesting tabling to September 11, 1990. Summit Vista Commissioner . Gates moved -'to table File SU-179-90-AP, Summit Vista, to September 11, 1990, at the applicant's request. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. • Hr. Lindahl presented a re-draft of an agreement betweenithe Town of Aron and Agreement Eagle County the grade separation for the railroad overpass. He reviewed the cost of Town of Avon the materials. He mentioned other items the County is including in overall in-kind costs to the railroad crossing construction. Larry Hetternick, County Engineer, spoke to the amount of the County's in-kind services amount as not being consistent with the figures of the Town of Avon. Don Fessler, Road and Bridge Supervisor, stated his concerns of being available when called on. - Discussion followed on providing the in-kind services. • .ff.v*•' st '�c },0t(i'OXO t►'t��YKi r`344•• P r% :' % • Commissioner Gates moved to table the agreement with the .Town of Avon regarding. the railroad crossing to September 4, 1990. Chairman Welch seconded the notion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. v, �1 R 1'Z l 1r i itta 1 .r �{f r:.'Y 11 41AF..!"411,4 �"K ,,,.. "4744t0/01141 ;Attorney, nt ced the ne ,w.Homestead Filing` 'Romestead Thom Bigler, Assistant County • *1 and $3. ,: He stated Staff ias, agreed to reduce the bike'path.requirement in the Filing 1 S Subdivision Improvements Agreement by.tbe amount. Of $39,543.50:to, $174,456.50. Bobby Warner, developer of Homestead, stated on Block 11 that all 13 blocks were on a single plat. He stated that no building permits could be issued until collateral was in place. He expressed ' his frustration with the Engineering Department using plans that should not be usedregarding drainage that has been in for six years. Hr. Brown pointed out on a map the drainage in question. He explained the need for a study to determine the effects of water flow. Hr. Warner told the Board the 100-year flow could cause problems but it is no longer on the property. There was discussion on. the 'drainage and engineering study:approving the drainage improvements with changes that are warranted. Mr. Brown and Hr. Warner argued the need for changes in the drainage. Mr_ Brown expressed the need for a study and evaluation. Hr. Warner maintained that the drainage has been in place for six years and there is not a need for a study. Chairman Welch stated he believed this is a legitimate concern. Mr_ Bigler asked that the developer collateralize $173,456.50 with a letter of credit, certificate of deposit or some other form of acceptable collateral. He also asked the Board to extend the SIA for one month to allow the developer to obtain collateral. Hr. Warner requested a 90-day extension on the SIA as he is working on paving and drainage. The Board directed the Planning Staff and Engineering to meet and resolve the drainage problem and allow 90-day extension of the SIA. Hr. Brown pointed out drainage plans are from years past and he believes there are problems of major concern. Commissioner Gates moved on Homestead Filing 11 and #3. the Board approve an extension of the SIA to December 1, 1990, and during that time the collateral of 5173,456.50 be presented, and the drainage be resolved. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to August 28, 1990. ; Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • c ,kk 4 • ,�..,q + ::{,k�+tr.Ad i+ L1 "� r ' f{4Lii-"n' I .)�. :— kk .a.,, ,,.j. , 1fi „,..1 £e �UC4pp�C .ci YY �.” ��p 1 q3 � � (August ,20, 1990, ' PUBLIC HEARING EAGLE COUNTY COMMt MTV DEVELOPMENT Present: Don Welch Chairman Kevin Lindahl ', County Attorney George 'Bud" Gates Commissioner James Fritze ,: County Hanager _ Johnnette Phillips '~.,Clerk to the, Board Absent: Dick Gustafson Commissioner 4:' This being a scheduled Public nearing, the following items were brought before the • Board for their consideration: . : Chairman Welch opened the meeting and stated the first item .�in the agenda was Orchard Inn. i.' Commissioner Gates moved to :open the meeting as the Eagle%County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Chairnan Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson was not present. Them Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, presented new hotel and restaurant liquor Liq. Lic. license and gave the location of the premises. Orchard Inn Johnnette Phillips, Eagle County:;Clerk and Recorder, swore 'in'Don Swells and Bill Keating to testify. I ' . . Hr. Bigler questioned Hr. Swells and Hr. Keating regarding theeestabl.ishenent. and , the neighborhood and other establishments in the area. The applicants presented a petition with -approximately 100 signatures to the Board. Commissioner Gates moved to-accept the petition into the records:; Chairnan . Welch seconded the Motion. , Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved on ,the evidence presented, and the fact there has been a 1. liquor license at this premise, to establish the area as the three-mile radius general known as El Jebel and Basalt. Chairman Welch seconded the notion. , Of the taro voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Bigler asked about further questions regarding the location, posting of the premises and if any license application was denied during the past year. He told the ' Board the proper application and fees are on file. He recommended approval. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the new hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours far the Orchard Inn Corporation dba The Orchard Inn located at 19150. State Highway 82, El Jebel, Colorado. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Bigler presented the next item, a renewal application for. Beaver Creek Food Liq Lic Services Inc., dba Beaver Creek^ Golf Club_ He reviewed the application and stated the Beaver Creek fees are on file. He recommended approval. Golf Club Chairman Welch disclosed he works as an independent contractorfor Vail Associates in the real estate department and he holds two leases from Vail Associates. He added this would not affect his ability to make a decision on this Board. Commissioner Gates coved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal hotel and restaurant liquor license with optional premises and extended hours for Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc., dba Beaver Creek Golf Club Bar and Grill located at Lot 9, Tract A, Block 4,:':Beaver Creek, Colorado. 4- Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Bigler presented a renewal application for Wilciwood Shelter. Re reviewed the Liq. 'Lic application for the Board and ',stated the application and fees are on file. He Wildwood re onnended approval. Shelter Ccnnissioner Gates moved the Eagle°County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal of a hotel and restaurant liquor license for Vail Food-Services, Inc. dba uildwo.od Shelter located at Tract $5, Row 80 West, Section 22, Vail, Colorado. Chairman Welch seconded the notion. Of the two voting Connissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. , Commissioner Gates moved to,, Commissioneradjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. , , . . : .. , - : ' Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of:the two voting Connissioners, the- vote was Y , declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, introduced the next..iten, a Public Hearing for Vail Assoc Vail Associates/Beaver Creek Associates Sports Facilities Revenue' Refunding Bonds. Sprots Facilit Hatt Hogan, representing the:applicant, explained the hearing'requireaents by the Revenue'Bonds I.R.S. He stated the applicant is looking to refinance five issues; ,:. 1. Issued in 1980, the issuer was Eagle County, the borrowing company was r Leaver Creek Associates, and tbe,aaount was $10.7 nillioa. s. issued in 1984, the . 'issuer was Eagle County, the borrowing company was , weaver Creek Associates, the outstanding principal amount is $10.6 Million_ 3. Issued in 1984, the issuer was the Town of Vail, 'the borrowing company was Vail Associates, the outstanding principal .aaount is $16.2 million, 4. Issued : in 1986, the „issuerwas the Town of`Avon, the borrowing company was Beaver Creek-Associates, the outstanding;'principal amount is $2_7 million. 5. Issued in 1986, the issuer was the Town of Vail, the borrowing company was • Vail Associates, the outstanding principal amount of $2.6 million.' ` Gerry Flynn, representing ,, VnilTAssociates,' gave the Board information concerning the issuing of the bonds and the reissuance of' the sports bonds. Discussion was held on the reiasuance of the bonds. 4 , I. f rl ' J n P ':,. .11‘Y.- p 2 � miss r .,n,.,/,. .:.- . Yes.. ? , , d .t a' r-, Ga' , t�a '�' S4 yr ,, �' }-' �Ct' �1'..fit, i r �� . `U Cosaissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Board of Health._ Chairman Welch seconded the motion_ Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Ray Merry, Environnental Health . Officer, opened the Board of Health meeting by Board of Hea'_t' discussing the Eagle Hine Cleanup. He reviewed ideas for the Eagle Ricer cleanup process by Eagle Hine and bio-monitoring of the Eagle River. His next. item of discussionwas declaring , a nuisance ordinance. He outlined possible items for regulations. '. Discussion ; was held on the .: "public nuisance ordinance." He mentioned air quality ' regarding•. woodburning fireplaces and Phase I outreach plan and progress. ` Commissioner Gates moved to':^adjourn as the Board of Health and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, asked the Board to approve an assignment of a Assignment of Certificate of Deposit for Blue:, Lake Filing #1 and authorize the Chairman to sign Cert. of Dep. same. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the assignment as presented by Mr. Lindahl. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. r Hr. Lindahl presented a resolution'appointing Allan HacRossie and Ken HcTaggart as Res 90-88 arbitrators for the appeals process of the County Board of Equalization. BOE Arbitrator. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-88 appointing Ken ,. HcTaggart and Allan HacRassie as arbitrators for the appeals process of the County , Board of Equalization. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was , declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the warrants as submitted for billing paying. Bili Paying Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Dan Reynolds, Director of .,Transportation, appeared to discuss a T-hangar lease Lease agreement with Jerry Kokes 'at"Eagle County Regional Airport. The-:lease is 13 cents Kokes, J. per square foot and utilities are provided by Hr. Kokes. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the lease:, agreement with Jerry Kokes for Ti-hangars lease agreenent at Eagle County Regional:Airport. Chairman Welch seconded the notion. In discussion, Hr. Kokes asked:the Board to submit a letter of subordination. Question was called for on the, notion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared'unanimous. s The next item was 'a lease :between Eagle County and 011ie Anderson/Thrills :Lease Spectacular. Thrills Ton Solawetz, Assistant Supervisor for Buildings and Grounds, explained the lease Spectacular and recommended approval for the truck show at the Fairgrounds. Commissioner Gates moved the. Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the lease agreement with Thrills Spectacular for a truck show at the Eagle County Fairgrounds. . Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was' ' , • declared unanimous. Hr. Lindahl presented a resolution appointing Theodore Reynolds to the Board of Res 90-87 Directors of the Cedar Hill Cemetery Association District. Cedar Hill Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and adopt Resolution 90-87 reappointing Cemetery Assc Theodore Reynolds to a 6-year tern as Director of Cedar Hill Cemetery Association. Chairman Welch seconded the motion; Of the two voting Commissioners. the vote was declared unanimous. Bellyache • Hr. Lindahl presented a Bellyache Ridge Improvements District No. 90-1 which IMP. Dist. apportions the amount each property owner will be paying. He reviewed the resolution and stated the cost per lot would be $1,108.04 and multiple shares would be assessed f against some lots. He mentioned comments received. He recommended one change be made to the resolution which would allow' a payment of the assessment within 20 days of the assessment date (August 20, 1990) to receive a 5% discount in the assessment: He . asked the Board to approve the resolution and direct Staff to amend the resolution to reflect the 5% discount. " . There was discussion on the amount held in contingency. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and adopt Resolution 90-89 approving the whole cost of the improvements made in the Bellyache Ridge Local Improvements District No. 90-1 in the County of Eagle, State of. Colorado, approving and confirming the apportionment of said cost to each lot or tract of land in the district, assessing a share of said cost against ;each lot or . tract of land` .in the district, and prescribing the manner for the ;'collection and payment of said.;assessaent, ,withone amendment to the Resolution that the owners Mho wish to pay•the full ,assessment'within ' 20 days will receive a 5% discount and the'•cost;of ;the assessment. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. r Kirk Ryder mentioned to the'- i•Board : an amendment to' the resolution regarding prep'ayuents. Question was called for on the motion. *`Of' the two voting Commissioners, the,vote was declared unanimous. • c Phil Scott, from the County Engineers Department, brought before the Board Change C.O. #1 Order 41 to extend the contract time to September 30, 1990. Centerline Commissioner Gates moved'the Board of County Commissioners approve Change Order *1 Harking for the 1990 Centerline Harking Program to extend the contract time to September 30, 1990, and this change order does not reflect a change in the total contract amount. - Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Sid Fox, Planner, presented''Files ZC-244-90 and SH-651-90, and recommended these ZC-244-90 files be tabled to September 11, 1/41990, as the applicants have not;•submitted the final SH-651-90 plat. Final Plats f;r Commissioner Gates moved .to table both. files to September ; 11, 1990, at the tabled applicants request. Chairman . Welch seconded the notion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Fox presented the next item, File SH-666-90, an amended final plat Cordillera SH-666-90 Filing 42, Lot 35, which would eliminate an internal lot line and a density of 25 Cordillera units would be placed on Lot 35. Staff recommended the Board sign the final plat. ,Final Plat Hr. Lindahl pointed out that this only eliminates the lot line. Terrill Knight, Knight Planning Services representing Cordillera, explained the request for design for right-of-way.'; The Board asked about the elevation of the lots. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the amended final plat for Cordillera Filing 3, Lot 35, and to create a no building area or open space. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was • declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to August 21, 1990 .r t, 4t Y,. rt: Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • • • Ir �� ro- ewe •r _ �- , 1 Y y ' �X�g`'��Sy�t,-6�4 • • d (,(1' July July tai, 1333 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George "Bend" Gates Commissioner James Fritze County Manager . _ .,_ th Foo �k aa:.-a�...7 ym��.s33i �yi,:auuul...aS�l� �� �u`t 3? ���17:n= ,:✓�c�. Clerky to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the fallowing items were braaght before the Eaaad for their conaide::etioru: Chairman Welch called the meeting to order with the first item on the agenda with a liquor license renewal for Champions" Tavern. C.niaissioner Gates coved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and ieco0 'enne as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Chairwan Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was dcal:rcuunanimous. Commissioner Gustara„_ was not in the room for t .Yiitem. Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, presented a renewal application for a Lig Lic hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours. He advised the necessary" Chanpion_e application and fees are on file. He stated the police reports are involving the Tavern a1plicant calling the police for assistance, but no complaints were filed against :Saupior's. He reconoended approval. Co.inissiooer Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for Hnets Tavern, Inc. dba Champions Tavern located at 3444 Highway 5 (Edwards Business CenterI , Edwards, Colorado. Chairoan Welch aeaauded'i the motion. Cf the two voting 'Cinnissi:.oers, tie vote was dealaaed uaanaimous. Cz:naissiaoner Gustafson was not in the room for this item. :oo :ssioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Ligoor Licensing A.atLor:ty and reconvene as the Board of Couty fonnissioners. � .�_......an Welch seconded the natio... ,f the t'w o v otiC.g C.::na iasione:a_ the . :te wa : de. lared ana iuous. CI:aireau Zustafscn returned to the Sweet=ng. Bellyache Fein Lindau,!, County Attorney, presented the first item for the Bellyar'he Ridge Ridge Ltr - -=' Inprcveuents District a Letter of Con,mitoent s.:t ,::tied by Kirchner Hoare. He of Cor..aitoent ap.lainad the bid far the purchase of the hoods to be issued and explained the terns of the Letter of Caroaitaeat. The -1 t. i..,-• :..l d occur <<1.^ i2Satelg ]cpt_ .M ca f 19SO the the i..s�uic would he dtc+'�. .._'t_..,.0 c.'.' 133D.?�. �''.e :.,lda R:.isrd t_:.. _.....vim Hoare 'dnaturity could be tetwee_. t ._l..-_ and f'-. -=n: years. stated `la � r_�_ the ti :-- _ the naturity% , to be tea years. tL. ...._ __ rate :o.:1d he between 7 1, aro! a. .�IL :.0 G.:.1.Cd the rr.[.Svald ttoGam.accept thetheis CI ♦_..-.. aY+~.~-r;......s s.:. +a clarify the ...Gt..._ty .._ presented a comparison proposal from Fid a' t of Avon with an irate• e t ante of 11%. Chairman Welch stated there is saah a .'a..l icer_t j in the interest rates he hal ie`.:el Fir.choar Moire is the best choice. Bi :cussion was held Leh the idaturit= of the Loads. Connissioner Gates moved to adlj urx as the Board of County C mYmu3asi ai.ers and .e....L:ven:e as the Board of Directors far the Bellyache Ridge anal Criaa veneatc Dfatria.t. Connissicoer Gustafson seconded the notion. The vote was declared unaximcus. Connissioner Gates aaved to accept the Nnccp osal f_oe Kirchner 11,a3/ with a change la the final maturity of between 10 and 12 years. Conmaesioner Gustafson . econLded the sotian. The vote w.as. declared unaanixc:.:s. C:. tract Lon Tessler, Road and Bridge Supervisor, told the Board he has a verbal contract Pithin bon wirh Pitkin Iron for gravel hauling for Bellyache Ridge improvements in the amount of r y'2,ei e.•u. "" l✓ C-3 He stated Pitkin Iron was tie �+ bidder orad W amld haul atsc,ut 8,6k..�, tans frac the Eagle Pit. Cn ac issioner Gustafson ;roved the Board approve and accept the addendum to the . ..a treat for gravel hauling with Pitkin Icon in the anouat not to exceed $.62,000 far Bellyache Ridge Road and Subdivision. Connissioner Gates seconded the notion. The vote was declared unaxinous. Contract Mr. Fessler stated the contract for chip and seal for Bellyache Ridge with GMC3 is C13cj la the amount of 6153,&CO. He stated this work was originally bid with the C'onnty"s, .:hip and seal contract, and should be treated as a change order. • Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and accept the chip seal change order with GMCG Corporation in the amount of (150,330 for prime and double chip seal far Bellyache Ridge Road and Subdivision. Ccnnissioner Gustafson seconded the notion. In discussion, Chairman Welch asked about the size cf the gravel used in paving. .._ . Feaster replied 3/4" gravel on the bcttam covered with 3/8"gravel. uesti. n was called for on the notion. The vote was declared unanimous. Contract Hr. Fessler stated Big R Manufacturing was the low bidder for cattle guard Big R materials in the amcuoat of 3$,159. Ccmaaissioner Gustafson moved the Board approve and accept the purchase of cattle guard material for Bellyache Ridge Road is the amount of $1,163. Connissic?mer Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanni.Zious. • • RI Hr. Fessier presented the next iter, pipe materials for Bellyache Subdivision in a Contract tentative aaount of $1,358. He stated same Lc14.ecwners want larger pipes and _eg:aeated Pipe . eriel . the Board approve a Laxiau a; up to $3,600. Discussion followed on the contingency fund in the district. The Board determined to approve only $1,458 and have any mosey in excess of that amount come through as a chs:age order. Cox issioner Gustafson moved the Board approve and accept the purchase of pipe nateriala far Bellyache Ridge Subdivision in the amount of $1,458. o;aoisaloner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Coaaais.sioner Gustafson moved to adjourn as the Board of Directors of the Bellyache Ridge Spezia/ Iepro✓eueots District and reconvene as the Ecard of County Con issioners. Ccnmissioner Gates seconded the Lotion. The vote was declared unanimous. Reit: Montag, Director of Community Development, presented the building appeal ;7ppeal Heariag tearing for Don Everett and Greg Amsden, pursuant to Section 1.17 of the Eagle County AnsdenjE- e_ett Land Use Regulations. He stated the appeal was for Lot 3 of Highland Meadows regarding an interpretation of site coverage of Section 1.17. Hr. Hontag told the zoard Coanunity Development interprets the definition as being the "bird's eye" view of the structure on the lot, which includes roof overhangs, eaves, parches, decks, etc. He recces ended denial of the appeal. Greg Ansden, applicant, made his presentation as to why he and Mr. Everett ahculd be issued a building permit for this lat. He read a letter written to the Board regarding the building appeal. He stated his interpretation of the section in ;uesticu is the foundation footprint of the structure and not the bird's eye view. He stated he spoke with a neater of the Planning staff in February and was told the size cf the building in relation to the lat. was acceptable. He requested the Ecard d.'ver=ule the denial of the building permit and allow kin to build on his lat. H-... . Hoatag stated that precise square footage was not calculated. .:: „Jam rssianer Gustafson stated the entire area is considered a hazard area and acne reaa.rts indicate that a breaking of the sail would cause a landslide. lir. Amsden stated he has had a soils and foundation investigation report done by veru lddhraidh Engineering. He stated he had ti he report conifir ed C other engineeriag fiaaa. onniss.icuer Gustafson spoke of the area being labelled on a stateZoning nap as a high hazard mudslide area. Chairman Welch asked about the County's liability if the County issues a building permit to build a structure on this site. Caissianaer Gustafson expressed his concerns for homeowners below the building site. He disclosed that he, as a private individual, would sue Eagle County if a building permit was issued there and a slide occurred onto his property. Chairman Welch asked if the County was liable if the applicant was not issued a ild.ag perm ..;: it if all regulations were net. Eevi:h Lia ahl, County Attorney, advised if the applicant caaalies with all regulations then the County is obligated to issue a building permit. Chairman Welch stated his belief that a precedence would be set if this appeal were granted as all other building permits were issued with the square footage calculated including eaves, overhangs, etc. Cil lSsioner Gustafson read a portion of the soils report from the applicant which references an earlier study indicating this lot as being a hazard area and the coils would not support heavy excavation equipment. He stated he would not vote for any hoildiog permit on this site even if the structure Beets County regulations. Cauaaissioner Gatesystated the regulat Lions as currently written Lust be followed. Chairman Welch stated he feels the Board has to support the interpretation of the iaaaaag Lepartnent. Mr. Ansden argued he has finite neasureueaits made by Jeremy McMahan. Discussion followed an the definition of rinpervious site coverage. Caiauhissicner Gates Loved to deny the building appeal for Dan Everett and Greg nnsden based on the following findings: 1. An undesirable arecedent would be established if the appeal were granted. . The connunity character of the area would be adversely affected if the SPpeal were granted. 3. Consistency of interpretation would be maintained. C:.a`:u1uissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. ia. discussion, Chairman Welch stated that the definition of site coverage needs t.o be clarified. Coaraisaicaer Gustafsau referred to the soil report that stated they .fifer no warranty regarding the soils, said at cue tine there was a ncr.:torini aa the lat. uestis:Ta was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unaaainaus. Mr. Sartin brought to the Board a hand check for Visa for their approval. Connissloner Gustafson moved to approve paying as sithna tted by Allen Sartin. Caanissioner Gates seconded the action. The vote was declared unaniu'unous. Connisaioner Gates moved to approve the hand check as submitted by Hr. Sartin. Ciaai=.sioner Gustafson seconded the notion. The vote was declared :::haniaii.:.us. Res 30-73 Mr. Lindahl presented a proposed resolution reducing the collateral for Vaahtex for Blue Lake Blue Lake PID Filing K2. He stated all inpravenents have been installed and the subdivider has requested the collateral be reduced to the warranty amounts required or $22,675. Coanissioner Gates moved the Board approve and adapt Resolution 30-75 autkarizindj a second reduction in collateral for Blue Lake PHD Filing 2 to $22,675. Ccaaisslo.-aer Gustafson seconded the ucti:.u. The vote was declared unaninaus. • • ( 7 6 Larry Hn:tternick, County Engineer, request from the Town of Red Cliff Bridges f_presenteda :. to utilize the old Avon Bridge. He stated he has spoken with the Highway Department Red Cliff and the Town of Avon and they have no objections to giving the bridge to Red Cliff. He told the Board the County has first rights to the bridge and Red Cliff has requested the first rights. He stated he could not see an foreseeable use for the Bridge. Calvi.: C. Thomas, clerk for the Town of Red Cliff, showed the Board an aerial photograph and drawings how the bridge would Le used. The Board questioned the length of various bridges and where the bridges could be utilized in Red Cliff and solve the bridge prcblem. _omnisaicner Gustafson moved the County waive the first rights to give the Avon bridge to Red Cliff, which will ;meet the 20% matching funds for the State for the replacement of the old railroad bridge in Red Cliff, and the old railroad bridge in Red Cliff be divided in half and solve the existing bridge problems at Turkey Creek and one at the south end of Red Cliff. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Letter for Mr. Lindahl brought up a letter addressed to David Shelton, Division Director of 'Hazardous Hazardous Materials and Waste Management, relaying the Board's com;aents on the Material,. a modifications of the remedial action plan for the Eagle Hine. Waste Egmt Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Board to sign the letter presented by Mo. doh lir.�IILnnn. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. be vote was declared unanimous. Res 90-83 Mr. Lindahl presented a proposed resolution which would repeal Resolution 33-SS Sala.. Tax setting the sales tax election. HE stated the rraptzed reaolutivnh iuld reEtt the natter for election at a future undetermined date. %.. .rSss:oner Gustafson moved to approve and adopt Resolution 33-50 repealing Resolution D-t5 regarding the sales tars r_f ..t_dud`s at the Prinary Ela t d n. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanio- s. Final Past Mr. Montag presented File SU-117-89, Aspen Mountain View Filing =3, final plat = pen ,.ttIi :yew approval. He reviewed the site data, chronology, and Staff findings. He stated Staff recc)ri.li.ernded approval with the following conditions: 1. The applicant obtaining right-of-way as shown on the ROW map submitted for upper Cattle Creek Road. The County agrees to vacate areas shown. -. The SIA befog signed by the applicant and reviewed and accepted by the County. 3. Approval of the County Attorney's office. 4. School fees paid to Eagle County in the amount of $1,884.35. Mr. Montag said the Planning Commission unanimously approved the final plat. Discussion followed the utility easement and possible health hazards caused by high power lines. Mr. Montag suggested placing a plat note stating the possible hazards involved with power lines. Commissioner Gates moved to approve File SU-117-89, Aspen Mountain View, Filing 3, the final plat for 26 lots in the Aa¢.ec1 Hm".ldltnrn View Subdivision with the following oonditions: 1. The final plat is in substantial conformance with the approved preliminary plaid. ?. The final plat conforms to the Eagle County Land Use Regulations and other applicable regulations, policies and guidelihes. 3. The SIA has not been signed by the applicant. 4. The applicant obtaining right-of-way as shown on the ROW nap s'uboitted for :.peer Cattle Creek Road. The County agrees to vacate areas shown. 5. The SIA being signed by the n;plicant sod reviewed and accepted by the ..1nnt1'. E. Approval of the County Attorney's office. 7. School fees paid tc Eagle County in the amount of 41,884.35. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the lotion. In discussion, Commissioner Gustafson stated he would like to see a phot note pointing out there nays or may not be health hazards involved in high power lines. Chairman Welch stated it should be noted the County takes no position on this issue. C mmissiorner Gates stated he has no objections to having the warning on the plat. Yuestion was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. G.A. Weatei o T321 Brown, Engineer, presented a Notice to Proceed for G.A. Western Construction Proceed ti.:= f:r E301 Bridge Rehabilitation Project. He stated he has received contracts and the _ounty Attorney has reviewed thew. He requested the Board sign the Notice to Proceed. Conissioner Gates moved the Board approve and the Chairman be authorized to sign the Notice to Proceed for the E301 Bridge Rehabilitation Project authorizing G.A. Western Construction Co. to commence work in accordance with the agreement dated July 2, 1S90. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the aoti.n. The vote was declared unanimous. Rea 90-81 :4r. Lindahl presented a proposed resolution appointing Sara Gregg to the Board of 4reg3, Sara Directors of the Eagle Cemetery Association District. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-81 appointing Sara Gregg to the Board of Directors of the Eagle Cemetery Association District for a term expiring on September 1, 1994. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Contract Commissioner Gates moved to approve a bid from Collins Drillings for well drilling Golfe:; services at the landfill at a price of 435./lineal foot cased and grouted. Drilling Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson was out of the room for this item. • II Ken Heller, Road and Bridge Assistant Supervisor, presented a contract for the Contract Basalt Water Conservancy District. He explained the contract for the Board's basalt : at information. Con ser.. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Basalt Water Conservancy District Water Allotment ooitract. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous, Notification Mr. Lindahl presented a notification for the prenatal care program for pre;-,ata: reimbursements. He recommended approval. Re::.*'iur. c:!.c:.' c Commissioner Gustafson roved the Board of County Commissioners approve and a.:tho_ioa the Chairman to sign the notification from the State of Colorado, Lepartment of _.c:1th regarding the laazil.a_Y.nm amount of reiWahursenent and the ian+::rease of the total uh.L_Ler of woien to he served for the prenatal program. .._iu...issioner Gates seconded the zoti.or.. The vote was 'de:lared unanimous. f Commissioner Gustafson moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and r.e z on:ene as the Board of Equalization. Commissioner Gates seconded the notic::. The vote was declared unan:iT...::.u: . ?•:... Lindahl presented a proposed resolution of the Board of Eili l ii`.a tioni. E-+. - � Res 3�-.. ..tate': and reviewed the specific adjust.r..e ots to variolas schedules as :eooai,.deoded Li BCE the BCE referee. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and adopt Resolution SO-E-1 s!:o ti .. ':arirus schedules as presented by Hr. Lindahl. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared :unanimous. There being no further business to he brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to July 30, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • • • • July 13, 1990 PUBLIC BLARING Present: George "Bud' Gates Commissioner James Fritze County Manager Dick Gustafson Commissioner Jchinette Phillips Clerk to the Board tsert: Don Welch Chairman This is a special meeting called for bill paying. Bill Paying James Fritze, County Manager, explained the special :meeting was called as computer problems delayed the bill paying. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the bills as submitted. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the . :te was declared unanimous. Chairman Welch was unable to atteiuid t hie meeting. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meetinc d3curned to .J.:ly i , 1D90. Attest: C Crk to the Board CI-airman • • t 4 Ir (1) Jt,ly 13, 1990 PUBLIC HEARINNG :resent: Con Welch Chairman Bevin Lindalil County Attorney' George "Laid" Gates Commissioner Jamas Fritze County ill Tager Li.:k Gnstafsen C:.iL'awissi..ner J'.:I.iiaette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearin, t.:, foll.,wi:.g items were Li:.:i ht before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Welch cpeued the m=eting with the first item on the agenda, File PE-176-62-P Pl.-17E-82-P, The Terrace. 7" T :: =_ t eL k Hont_g. Li:actor of Community Eevelopment, requested this file be table:. to :...; s. 21, 1393, to allow the Subdivision Improvements Agreement to be finalized. f Commissioner Gustafson moved to table File PL-176-c2-P, The Teitace, to Angnst 21, 1393, at the applicant's request. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. e vote was declared unaiii: ons. Hr. Uontag presented File SU-117-83, Aspen Hountain View, Filing 3, and stated the SU-117-89 app 1i::ant has requested tabling to 3iily 16, 153,3 at 3:25 p..:. to allow the S.:bdivisioo Aspen }lin 1.% ii..provemeats Agreement to be finalized. Commissioner Guatafsoia moved to table File SU-117-90 to July 16, 1950 at 3:25 p.m. a: the applicant's request. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared una:iinooa. The next item was plat signing. Hr. Hontag presented a final plat for Lot 22 in the Homestead Filing F3 whereby a Final Plat i:pie: was split, Type B Hinor Subdivision. Homestead _. commissioner Gustafson moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat for a resubdivision of Lot 22, Homestead Filing ;3. Commissioner Gates seconded the Laoticii. The vote was declared unanixous. Hr. Hontag presented a final plat for Berry Creek Ranch, Lots 32, 33 and 34, Berry Creek riling54, Block 3. Ranch 22,33, Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat for a resubdivisicn of Lots 32, 33 and 34, Bloc): 3, Berry Creak Ranch, Filing =i. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vete was declare: uiianinous. Hr. Hontag presented a final plat for a Type B Hinor Subdivision, Leeper. Final Plat Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman to sign a final plat for Leeper Leeper, Type B Hinor Subdivision. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to July 16, 1990. i Attest: clerk to the Board Chairman ha 4111 • Iv July 9, 1990 PUBLIC HEARIGG Preseat: Cala Welch Chairaen Kevin Lindahl County Attoraey Zaarge "Bad" Gates Coaaiaataaer 3e Tritze Cauaty Manager Llak Gastafaaa Caaaissiaaer Jahaaette Phillipa Clerk ta the Baari This being a scheduled Public Hearihg, the following iteaa were traahht before the Baard for their conaideratiaa: Chaiaaaa Pra-tea Gates opened the aeetiag as Chairaan Fra-tea as Chairaah Fahli HeaIt' has .:11E of the oci. for the first ital.E. KEVIAI Lindahl, Ccaaty Attaaaey, plE.I.ehtld a caatraat for a pahlic health s " -4— LIEAriail. HE reviewed the pCC'Ji.SIC115 of the contract. Ray Harry, Enviranaeatal Health Office:, eaplaihed the difference af the halgeted aaaaat sod the contract. Cissiewar Gilatafaaa aoved the Baaad of County Ceagissienars save aad the Chioraaa he authorized La mina the aaatract Letween the State of Zal.,1a2z4 rahr..1_aht of Health aad Eagle &Aunty for Public Health Saaitariah Services. Chairaan Pro-tea Gates seconded the natio .. GE the two vatiag Caaasaaiaaera; the ..Itra was dealer-a:1 anaaiaaaa. Caaaiasiaaer Gustafsoa aaved to adjaara as the Board of County Caaatasianiers and recaroteas- as the Bard of Equalization. Chairaaa Pro-tea Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Ccaaissicners, the vaze was declared thiaaiaaaa. Jody Caruthers, County Assesser, presented a copy of the appeal Easter log by APPe31 misti schedule nuaber showing the schedules protested aid action taken on each sztedale. Log The total anount of protests was 1,026. Coaaissianer Gustafson roved to accept the appeal aaster lag by schedule as aabaitted by the County Assessor. Chairnan Fro-tea Gates seconded the notion. Of the two voting Caaaisaicaers, the vote was declared unaniaaus. Hs. Caruthers presented an abstract of property evaluation. Caaaissioner Gustafson moved to adjourn as the Board of Equalization and reconvene as the Board of County Coaiasicners. Chairman Pro-tea Gates seconded the notion. Of the two voting Comaissioaera, the vate was declared aroaniaaua. Mr. Lindahl presented a proposed resolution appointing Edwin E. Schmale to sit as the Baerd of Equalizatian's referee far 1533 the session. Schaale, E. Caaaiaaioner Gustafscn aoved to approve and adopt Resolution 93-7Z appaiatiag Edwia E. Schaale as the hearing officer far the Board of Equalization. Chairaan Pro-tea Gates seconded the notion. Of the two voting Caaaissiohers, the aate inns declared unaniaaus. Hr. Liadahl Ipresented a proposed resolution regarding funds in the amount afFio.dr f=a- 4117, 4L5.E1 that has accuaalated fraa a priaaipal aaaaat left fraa the proceeds of the Sc.. of lead to the developer of the Golden Eagle Senior Housing Center. He reviewed hrevaaaa eahanditurea floe, this Livid halaaae. He ecplained the proposed resolution aatatlishes an assistance fund far the aealora liaiah expehaes. He farther eahlaiaed the assistance grant and the formation of a grant caaaittee. niscussion was held on the fund , the anoint to be used for grants, sod what the could be used far. Caaaissiaaer Gustafson uoved to table this iter to August 7, 1993 at 1133 .p.a. to deaeriiiae the original coaaitaeht of the Board. Chairaaa Pro-tea Ga/es seconded the aotian. Cf the two voting Ccaaisaiahers, the aate was declared uhaniuous. Chairaaa Welch returned to the meeting and resuaed the chair. Payroll E ME 'cleat itea was payroll for July 22, 1593. Bill Fayiaa Cazaiseiaaer Gates acved the Board of Canty Comaissionere approve payroll satject cc the review and approval of the County Mahager. Coaaissiaaer Guatafaan seconded the aatiaa. The vote was declared rahaaiaaaa. Liadahl brought up several contracts relating to the Bellyache Ridge R.:,-sd Bellyache Iapaareaeate Ciataiat. lie stated his office baa not received a Letter of Caaaitaeat. Ridge Sandi- Ha aaked the contracts be t5bled to July lf, 1993. Ccs:a.issiener Gates roved to table the contracts for gravel hauling with Pithin Iraa and chip seal with GIiCO, and the patahaie of eaterials for Bel/yache Li lhe Road and subdivision. caaaiesianer Gustafson seconded the nation. The vote was declared unaaiacae. Hr. Liadahl presented a request for traasfer of Letter of Credit for Blue Lake by Letter/ re Jaza.ex from Alpine Federal Savings and Loan to Alpine Bank Basalt iithe aacant of Blue Lake alC,LG3. He recaaxeaded to give Vafitex aatharizatian to transfer the Letter of Credit to Alpine Beak Basalt. Czaaiasiaaer Gustafson reoved the Board of County Coaaissicaers authorize the traaafer of collateral far Blue Lakes Filing no. 1 frog Alpine Federal Savings and to Alpine Bank Basalt. Caaaiaaicner Gates seconded the aotion. The vote was declared unanincus. . . 4110 • • 11,5 Hr. Lindahl requested the Board authorize the County Attorue; to sign the .._.:'.:.iei:to to complete the transfer of the Letter of Credit. Commissioner GataS roved to give Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, the ?; r Attorney to siga docuu.ents relating to the transfer of collateral. Commissioner `iiustafacn seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 1!:. Lli:3_hl presented and reviewed a proposed resolution regaldli.g . ild i iicss i s :e,�sL_tic,t. Wilderne�.: 3:e:o.lssloner Gates reminded the Board .:.f Lis strong feciiiigS ..::::!ernes Area:. 3_Ess. Further ther diiscussieo G:: additional wilderness area was held. Ccowii:i:. __es .i.. i. ▪ a:.atsfoon felt the oeed far a rasolutioa to protect County and State water w l amass areas aad Cciraisslciger mate:: .stated Le does not relieve the be helpful. Commissioner Gustafson =roved to approve and adapt Resolution 33-77 regar in.j i•fldeii ess legislation. Chairman Welch seconded the wat:On. The motion passed by a Vote of two to oae. Commissioner Gates voted against the notion. Hr. Lindahl presented a proposed resolution authorizing an expenditure f=ew the Res 90-73 ntingencj' fund for the payment of unauti..ij.ated contingencies, Settle .ei.II with Coatingen:y %:cert and Susan Taylor in the aaouiit of $23,70. Fund a:oamissioner Gates coved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-78 regarding payment frog the contingency fund. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Thera being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to July 10, 1990. Att_�t: Clerk to the Board Chairaan • S 0 , • • Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners ..21,, I '' Day 1� Term, 19 ' • " ..21,, 19- [----THE-c.r-nomcELco- Vns-»oeaa ,- 1 i PUBLIC HEARING 1 Present: Don Welch Chairman James Fritze County Manager Dick Gustafson Commissioner Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board GENERAL FUND ABBOTT LABORATORIES STREP SCREEN KIT 150.00 ABBOTT LABORATORIES STREP SCREEN KIT 160.00 AGENCY OF CREDIT CONTROL 17043/GRIFFIN 10.00 • AIRTIGHT HEATING BLDG.PERMIT FEE REFUND 37.50 t AJAX ELECTRIC BLDG PERMIT REFUND 40.00 ALL PRO FORMS INCORPORATED NOD FORMS 636.68 ALL PRO FORMS INCORPORATED ENVELOPES 252.54 ALLIED CARRIERS EXCHANGE FREIGHT FOR SHELVES 35.73 ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL VACCINATION REIM. 61.50 AMERICAN ARBORITS SUPPLIES BOOK/ARBOR CULTURE 64.28 AMERICAN INSTITUTE CERTIFIED DUES/CLEVER 70.00 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION LAND USE/ZONE DIGEST 175.00 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION RECRUITING EXPENSE 100.00 AMICH AND JENKS INCORPORATED PRE-EMP.POLYGRAPH 65.00 ANIMAL HOSPITAL OF VAIL VALLEY PROF VETERINARY SERV. 32.00 ANIMAL HOSPITAL OF VAIL VALLEY PROF VET SERVICES 52.00 ARROW GAS COMPANY LP GAS BILL 1 . 10 ASSOCIATED COLLECTION SERVICE 17026/SALAZAR 25.00 AT AND T PHONE SERVICE 101.70 AV TECH ELECTRONICS REPAIR LIGHT BAR 3 57.00 AVERT INCORPORATED EMPLOYMENT SCREENING 163.00 AVON BEAVER CREEK TIMES JOB ADVERTISEMENT 17.00 BALLARD SPAIIR ANDREWS PROF SERV/RECREATION 3, 124.39 BARNES SUSAN DVM SPAY/NEUTER/VACC REIM 74.00 BASALT TOWN OF MAR 90/RENT 856.00 BASALT TOWN OF UTILITIES LEASE PAYMT 800.00 1 BAUER RANDY M SEMINAR 910.00 BEARDSLEE HOLLAND ASSOCIATES MASTER PACK CELDEK 1 ,730.50 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS PLANNING MEETING/MEAL 12.79 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS DISTILLED WATER 59.88 BEEP WEST INCORPORATED PAGER/JUNE 90 30.00 BELL SYSTEMS INCORPORATED REPAIR/TRANSCRIBER 86. 10 BEST GERALD MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 5. 18 BEST WESTERN EAGLE LODGE RECRUITING EXPENSES 78.00 BISHOPS TRASH SERVICE COM0048/TRASH 34.00 BITTERMAN KATHY TRAVEL 6.00 BOB BARKER COMPANY INMATE SUPPLIES 895.47 BOYD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY DISCHARGE CHUTE 59.80 BRUSH CREEK CABINET SHOP COUNTERTOP REPAIR/JAIL 325.00 BRUSH CUEK CABINET SHOP LABOR/FORMICA REPAIR 715.00 BUFFALOS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS/QUIZ 15.00 BUFFALOS COOKIES/INS MEETING 10.50 BUFFALOS MEALS/ASSESSORS 10.50 BUTLER FREDRIC B 16993/RICI<STREW 19.20 CAPITAL BUS SYSTEMS COPIER USAGE 21 .64 CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS TONER/TONER BAGS 137.35 CASTLE PEAK VETERINARY SERVICE 5/SPAY/NEUTER REIM 204.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/GENERAL 4,205.07 . CCO AND ERA RETIREMENT ANN/GEN 4,265.82 CENTER DRUGS ♦ SUPPLIES 47.57 CENTER DRUGS FILM PROCESSING 9.65 CENTER DRUGS FILM PROCESSING 10. 17 CENTER DRUGS FILM PROCESSING 130.82 CENTRAL VALLEY PROFESSIONAL FLOAT RETREIVAL SHROUD 89.70 CF HOECKEL COMPANY ELECTION FORMS 59.57 CF HOECKEL COMPANY STAMPER 26.58 CF HOECKEL COMPANY ELECTION SUPPLIES 883.47 CHARLES D JONES CO STAT 59.84 CIIENAULT JAN REFUND/ZONE CHANGE FEE 200.00 CtIE YL L TORPEY 17085/OSBURN 3.20 CLETK OF TILE ARAPAHOE COUNTY 90C1455/GOWAN 188.99 CLETA BOOKSTORE AMMUNITION/CLETA 135.00 CO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SCALE CERT. FEE 44.00 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY BOTTLED WATER SERV 102. 15 CODEL JUNE RENT/1990 2,652.00 COLORADO AIRPORT OPERATORS REGISTRATION FEE 55.00 COLORADO ASSOCIATION HEALTH MEMBERSHIP DUES 250.00 COLORADO ASSOCIATION OF' HOME SEMINAR/WAHRER 75.00 COLORADO COUNTIES INCORPORATED WORKER COMP/SHERIFF 64, 100.00 COLORADO COUNTY ATTORNEYS REGISTRATION FEE 60.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL 5,297.05 • • I • 0 , I. c Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners r Day • ' ' Term, 19' COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL 5,480.68 COLORADO MUNICIPAL LEAGUE EMP.COMP/REPORT 20.00 COLORADO SOCIETY CERTIFIED . ANNUAL DUES/CLEVER 60.00 1 ' COLORADO STATE ASSOCIATION OF REGISTRATION/CONF 225.00 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY TRANSMITTAL SLIPS 78.33 L... COLORADO WEST PROFESSIONAL MENTAL HEALTH/APRIL 1 ,592.50 COLORADO WEST PROFESSIONAL INMATE MENTAL HEALTH'". 1 ,506.90 COMPUTERLAND WORDPERFECT BOOK .- 21 .95 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE INSURANCE PREM/6-90 • : 15,873.64 CONSOLIDATED FINANCE 17048/NOENNING , i 2.40 CONSUMER REPORT BOOK BOOKS 59.85 COOK DENNIS 16994/BAIN . 10. 10 • CORDILLERA MEALS/ASSESSORS MTG , • 91 .00 CPS DISTRIBUTORS INCORPORATED SPRINKLER • / 12.63 CREDIT BUREAU OF GUNNISON SERVICE OF PROCESS : , • 15.00 CREDIT BUREAU OF GUNNISON ' • SERVICE OF PROCESS • 2.00 CREDIT BUREAU OF GUNNISON SERVICE OF PROCESS 2.00 • CREDIT BUREAU OF GUNNISON SERVICE OF PROCESS 5.60 CRYSTAL EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED NUT 6.29 CRYSTAL SAW SERVICE HARDWARE/POSTAGE 6.29 DAJOY ENTERPRISES INC 17013/ADLER 10.00 DARRAH CHARLES 17059/HU[1BERT 10.00 • DATA DOCUMENTS FORMS 401 .63 DAVID A IIOLMGREN CONTRACT PROGRAMMING 1 ,400.00 DEEP ROCK WATER DRINKING WATER/COOLER 31 .73 DEFENSIVE TRAINING PRODUCTIONS TRAINING TAPE 68.00 • DENVER POST THE ADV/EMPLOYMENT 425.52 DENVER SURGICAL SUPPLY COMPANY SPECULA SETS 19.33 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY DISPAT1.HING COSTS 2,280.88 DIAMOND MICRO SOLUTIONS SMART MODEM 349.00 DIVISION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT WORKSHOP/CLEVER/SARTIN 30.00 DLC LEGAL SERVICE 17041/BAIN 10. 10 DOCTORS OFFICE THE PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYS 155.00 ' DODSON ENGINEERED PRODUCTS BODY SIDE INLET 165.55 DOW BRANDS VIDEO/FREEZING FOODS 10.00 DRAPIIIX INCORPORATED SUPPLIES/DRAFTING 42.99 DUGGAN GARRY PURCHASED SERVICE 6-90 100.00 DUROUX ALMEDA COORDINATOR REIM 15.00 EADS TONI L LODGE/CONFERENCE 225.00 EADS TONI L MEALS/DISTRICT MTG 10.92 EAGLE AUTO PARTS SUPPLIES 185.98 EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER REIM/POSTAGE PAID 20.00 EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER EMPLOYEE WORK LUNCH • 25. 10 i EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS DP SERVICE 46.88 i EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS PC REPAIRS 919.60 EAGLE COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER SHELTER CONTRACT/JULY 3,886.61 EAGLE PHARMACY 2/FILM 10. 15 EAGLE PHARMACY OPERATING SUPPLIES 457 . 14 * EAGLE PHARMACY 37/PRESCRIPTIONS . • 27.43 EAGLE TOWN OF WATER AND TRASH 2,073.00 EAGLE TOWN OF WATER AND TRASH . 446.25 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE PUBLIC NOTICE/LEGAL ADV 1 ,444.49 EAGLE VALLEY GLASS AND MIRROR GLASS/COURT HOUSE 67.47 EASTMAN INCORPORATED OPERATING SUPPLIES 923.53 EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY APRIL MAINTENANCE 972. 17 EVES PRINT SHOP ID CARDS 75.00 EZ WAY RENTAL RENT/AERATOR-LAWN 65.00 FARMER BROTHERS COFFEE/TEA 382.23 FFJERAL EXPRESS FEDERAL EXPRESS CHG 24.25 FEDERAL EXPRESS FEDERAL EXPRESS..: ,::: , 81 .50 FEDERAL EXPRESS FED EXPRESS/GRANT f ? . • 24.25 FEDRIZZI GERALD J DMD PC INMATE DENTALS/2 , ,.• 42.00 • FERRELLGAS i - • GAS SERVICE Hil. • . 775.75 FIDELITY CREDIT SERVICES • 16997/EC ASSESSOR 42.20 FIDELITY CREDIT SERVICES 17038/BAKER r y 22.20 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 40,596.03 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY • INS PREM/GENERAL„ • 31 ,760.82 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 41 ,362.06 FONES WEST . . . PAGER RENTAL 129.80 •f • FORTUNES RESTAURANT MEALS/PLANNING MEETING 60.13 FORTUNES RESTAURANT MEALS/5-22-90 62.75 GALLOWAY BEN MD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES . . 1 ,030.00 GATES GEORGE A 721 MILES/GATES 144.20 GE SUPPLY , - , : LITHIUM BATTERYS/JC .. 105.76 GEORGE T. SANDERS COMPANY: , , • •. 210047/THERMOSTAT if :i 199.22 . GIRARD THOMAS A .n',•+,; : . . . TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT;t; 148.80 GLENWOOD MEDICAL ,ASSOCIATES : ,'. BLOOD TYPING 21 .00 GLYNN KATHLEEN ,,, , •c.:. REG FEE/WORKSHOP 85.00 . • GRANGER ASSOCIATES fli. "' SUMP PUMP , >,'. h 1.7 174.42 GREEN CLAIRE H ' 16958/DANAHER , '..1?: nt, 10.00 [....* 1:ak. .i L t•c.' • • a;. 4111 • . . . .._ ., ,i . , 1 5b .,•.• ,:....._:. „..,,,,...,,,,rt,,,,,,...„,,... . .. . . . 'roceedings of the Board of County Commissioners d Day ., 1 Terri;19 ' '` '' ` �'F •` 19_ =H_rc-rflommrea,-oc an=s GREEN CLAIRE H 16901/ANSELL 37.00 GREENGARD SENTER GOLDFARB RICE LEGAL SERV/APRIL 90 ; • . • 1 ,617.41 GREG LEE INQUEST FEE 5.65 GS EDWARDS • • TEST FIRE ALARM SAFETY 939.60 GUMAS JEAN CLASS/ANIMAL CONTROL 15.00 GUSTAFSON RICHARD TRAVEL 84.41 GWN SYSTEMS INCORPORATED SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 300.00 HANSEN STEVE R TRAINING/HANSEN 93.50 HIGGINS HAZEL HEALTH FAIR/HIGGINS 20.00 HINTON JOHN A 16946/SMITH 6.80 HOLME ROBERT AND OWEN GENERAL LEGAL SERVICE 1 ,258.27 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ELEC. SERVICES . 864.26 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY OP. SUPPLIES 2,276.31 f HOUSE JUDITH WHITE REIM . 110.66 HOWARD GARDNER BLDG PERMIT FEE REFUND • 108.00 HUFFMAN LISA HEALTH FAIR/HUFFMAN 20.00 HURD HARRY HEALTH FAIR/HURD 20.00 ICMA CITIZEN CUSTOMER/BOOK 98.95 INMAC CONNECTOR PAK 510.39 . INTERNATIONAL TELECHARGE TELECHARGES/CO SPGS 4.72 JAMES COWSAR REFUND BLDG PERMIT FEE • 75.00 JANET JACKSON TRAINING/LOTUS 123 35.00 JEMS MAGAZINE SUBS 19.97 JOHNSON AJ • REIM/CLEANING . . 5.50 JOHNSON AJ UNIFORM CLEANING 2.00 JOHNSON KUNKEL AND ASSOCIATES 90/102/PLAT CHECK 770.00 JOSSEY BASS INCORPORATED BOOKS 27.55 KAMEN SUPPLY COMPANY MARCO POWER SEWER MACH A . 448.86 KELLER CURT 17050/KOHL 7.50 KEMP AND COMPANY INCORPORATED PVC PIPE 47.28 KIRBY ANABELL J 110 MILES/KIRBY 22.00 KOHRMANN BOB REIMBURSEMENT 193.91 LAURA LARSON JUROR FEE/INQUEST 50.00 LAW AND ORDER SUBSCRIPTION 17.00 LETN LAW ENF.TRAINING 388.00 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES TONER 220.00 LISA PITTMAN TRAVEL 20.40 LK SURVEY INSTRUMENTS TELESCOPING RANGPOLE 135.00 • LK SURVEY INSTRUMENTS REPAIR/AUTO LEVEL 67.63 LOUIS M ATLAS 17005/SAUNDERS 3.20 LYNN MITCHELL BRGOCH DENTAL SCREEN/PRE-SCH. 80.00 MACHOL AND MACHOL 17061/HOLDWOLTH 10.00 MACKOWN SURVEYING AND ' 90/032/PLAT CHECK 375.50 MAILER EDUCATION CENTER SEMINAR 125.00 MANAGERS EDGE TRAINING TAPES 99.00 MANUPPELLA TIMOTHY SCOTT BLDG PERMIT FEE REFUND- 108.00 MARCHEK EQUIPMENT LINT SCREEN • 28.90 MARTINEZ JA ITORIAL , • MAY/JANITORIAL SERV. .' . 6,545.00 MATSUNAKA B1UMMET BEYERS 16791/HOUSTON 10.00 MAURI NOTTINGHAM 'INQUEST FEE 5.65 . MCCAULLEY REBECCA T TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT • 116.20 MCHUGH JAN SHIP/RABIES SPECIMEN r 4.90 MCLAUGHLIN WATER ENGINEERS LTD ENGINEERING FEES • . . . . 1 ,052.37 MCMAHAN ARMSTRONG & ASSOCIATES AUDIT • . 10,000.00 MCMAHAN JEREMY INQUEST/WITNESS FEE , 3.55 MEGHAN MACDONALD CORONER INQUEST FEE . 3.55 MEINEKE DONNA i PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ' 290.04 MERRICK LYN • MEAL REIMBURSEMENT • .23.04 METRO DENVER BUSINESS FORMS SUMMONS/COMPLAINT FORMS' 98.74 METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE .' • SHERIFF SALE PROCEEDS • 203,020.00 METTERNICK LARRY MEAL REIMBURSEMENT" :,: , c . 14.00 MID VALLEY KENNELS • APRIL/KENNEL CONTRACT 1 ,400.00 MILLAR ELEVATOR SERVICE CONTRACT h1AINT/JC 110.00 MONARCH OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY 17062/DUDDY-VIELE i :• ' 11 .70 MONTAG KEITH P TRAVEL . .82.01 MOORE MEDICAL CORPORATION1 , . INMATE SUPPLIES ° •+ t . .? ' .155.26 MOTOR POOL FUND „ i :.'' TOWING CHARGES , • , , ': ',% h•iA tai 'i• '-4 80.00 MOTOROLA INCORPORATED ' •'I ? a .. iz:,•. RADIO AIRTIME CHARGE . i /14 ; 61 .51 MOTORALA INCORPORATED • ''. ' 't: AIRTIME ,..? ' ';, • :i ', 9.82 MOUNTAIN BELL ' ' • .a' SUB-STATION . .+. t1;',.i:,s : : ';•30.00 MOUNrfAIN BELL • .i $ ,•:1 '1 SHERIFF SUB-STATION' a'3''!" • 1 . '30.00 MOUNTAIN MEND BOLDER ADESIGNS 1 i ti: UNIFORM PATROL JACKETS•::yi i•'. .. :1710.96 MOUNTAIN STATES.EMPLOYERS 1,0310.1 ' MEMBERSHIP DUES ;'i.,1i103,000.00 MOUNTAIN TOP MANAGEMENT : ••.t,!:' :' RADIO SITE RENT +.{'0a.,.;% ;. ' ,c i,:250.00 MY FLOWERS INCORPORATED ' , :•1', ' ., FLOWERS/BRUBAKER , ' .) l 0 , ,i29.00 ' NACRC . •i i ' { 1 REGISTRATION/CONE:' 0 ,s ;;'a.s+'1 135.00 NASCO WEST ' • • 4 ..i' i t 1 HORMEL JUDGE COMP. 1 10 Ax i 21 .02 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER ''e.►1'.4 `r SOFTWARE .MAINTENANCE:,..,, .',.k' >' ,•14i63.00% NATIONAL CHEMSEARCH ' ,,'• ,,1\t.1,0k.+1 SEWER COMPOUND s". -.'i' ','. :';. 11; 160.70 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION 90 NATIONAL FIRE CODES 381 .20 y • • • • Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 1 L(9 Day ' ''' • TenvJ9 ' 19 NATIONAL GRAPHICS COMPANY NOVS . 663.30 NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE BINDERS/RECEIPTS 96.76 NISWANGER AMY HEALTH FAIR/NISWANGER 4;. 20.00 NOLAN NINA COORDINATOR REIM 3_4 . 15.00 NUNN JEAN TRAVEL REIM 37.20 OATES HUGHES KNEZEVICH SERVICE OF PROCESS 7.50 OLIPHANT JARCHOW YOUNG SERVICE OF PROCESS , 15. 10 OREILLY BRIAN SERVICE OF PROCESS 0.80 ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY PEST CONTROL/JC 98.00 PACIFIC TELECOM TELEPHONE SERVICE 7,870.26 PAINT BUCKET THE STRIPPING 21 .87 PAINT BUCKET THE STRIPPING , 21 .87 PALETTA HEDRICH BERNDT 17077/DICKSON 25.00 PARKS DOCTOR SPAY/NEUTER REIM 1 84.00 PENNY SAVER MEDICAL SUPPLY MED. SUPPLIES/VACCINES 1 ,335.31 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY PEPSI PRODUCTS 28.65 PETER JAMAR ASSOCIATES PROF SERV/REC.CENTER 7 , 135.05 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING HARDWARE 82.56 PETTY CASH COMMUNITY ENVELOPES 7.00 PHILLIPS 66 SERVICE FREIGHT , 7.50 PHILLIPS JOHNNETTE REGISTRATION „; 741 .66 PHILLIPS JOHNNETTE NACO CONF 510.00 PITNEY BOWES MAINT/POSTAGE SCALE 135.00 PITNEY BOWES MAINT AG/POSTAL SCALES 135.00 POSTMASTER AVON BRANCH P.O. BOX RENT 2146.50 POSTMASTER EAGLE BRANCH POSTAGE/NOV'S 1 ,899.80 ' POSTMASTER EAGLE BRANCH EXPRESS MAIL/CORP ACCT . 249.56 PRIME COMPUTER INCORPORATED PRIME MAINTENANCE/JUNE 1 ,566.40 PROTECTIVE COATINGS PAINT/JAIAL 55.35 PTL ELECTRIC INSTALL FLOOD LIGHTS 414.59 PTL ELECTRIC CUTLER HAMMER/JC 376.53 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPLY COMPANY BATONS/SCABBARDS 305.67 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPLY COMPANY MARC VESTS 3 ,761 .00 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPLY COMPANY TRUNK ORGANIZER 199.50 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 6062576310710018 199.22 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 6068576610400017 44.22 PUEBLO COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PURCHASED SERV/HABERL 257.50 QUILL CORPORATION OPERATING SUPPLIES 709.96 QUINN TERRANCE 16969/QUINN 71 .62 REMINGTON SQUARE VET CLINIC SPAY/NEUTER/VACC REIM 37.00 REUBENS RESTAURANT HEARING/CRAWFORD 1041 54.40 REUBENS RESTAURANT INMATE MEALS 14,074.30 REVA MILLER 82DR30/521803850 161 .55 REYNOLDS NETTIE TRAVEL REIM. t • 58.80 RICHARD B BUAER 17027/DUDDY-VIELE 4.00 ROARING FORK VALLEY COOP FERTILIZER 348.35 ROCHE BIOMEDICAL LABORATORIES PROF SERVICES/LAB FEE . 96.50 ROCKY MOUNTAIN EMBROIDERY UNIFORM EMBLEMS 120.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS GAS SERVICE ( 5,254.64 ROCKY MOUNTAIN RECORDS LEGAL FOLDERS 25.68 RON STRUBE 17029/ARMSTRONG 2.50 ROPIR CABLEVISION CABLE TV SERVICE 31 .45 ,SCHIESSL TERRY ILEEN TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 20.00 SCHMIDT ELOISE COORDINATOR REIM. 15.00 SCOTT MAARAL BLDG PERMIT FEE REFUND 240.00 SCOTT VET CLINIC SPAY/NEUTER REIM. 25.00 SECURUS TRAVEL 242.50 SECURUS VIDEO EQUIP REP/JC 96.00 SHEAMFER KAREN TRAINING 35.00 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING 1000/3 PART RECEIPTS. . •. 187 .30 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING REPORT FORMS 278.70 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING H4794/REPORT FORMS 377 .50 SKYLINE SIX AREA AGENCY ON THE SUPPLEMENTAL SALARY 1 ,372.20 SPENCER DONNA G TRANSCRIPT FEES 60.00 STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTANCY RENEWAL FEE/CLEVER 96.00 STEINBERG THOMAS I CTY HEALTH OFFICER/MAY..: 272.00 STRAWBERRY PATCH 1CONDOLENCES/DUNCAN ;p" ,', 25.00 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 1' STRUCTURAL SURVEY q' :4 , 20.00 j SUMMIT LUMBER . • '.J BUILDING -SUPPLIES!;c .a • 1 , 190.64 TAMPER PRUF SCREWS .. ALLOW SCREWS . 43. 16 TAYLOR WYN T 16956/B&B EXCAVATING 14.90 TAYLOR WYN T 16839/SALAZAR i 2.70 TED SEIPEL BLDG PERMIT FEE REFUND;tC. 721 .05 'TELECOM USA , ,'i. '• ' 328-6611 1 , , i ,a1 , . 4.23 .. TELEMART 40 ' V COMPUTER SOFTWARE 444‘0.0e!,1 1 ,342.00 1 + . t' TESSCO COMPANY:A+J4 tip?, w;1,+ ':. MANUAL:SWITCH4 1M°4 r ' t�t'+.4 . 104.04 L tTESSCO COMPANY )10 ,,A;. A' MANUAL SWITCH ;�•3 . k , fir+ . 125.67 i THREAD CONNECTION 12Y,40,SO '.s%s UNIFORM/LETTERING; •fir1,,i44, +, 36.50 • i ,"TOP• DRAWER OFFICE SUPPLIES Ery h<;•, FILE CABINETS j .4.,:% !' l'1 4"-, ,,s1 S.: ,597.00 ( • , TOP DRAWER OFFICEi4SUPPLIES �0`�1;'•+' OFFICE SUPPLIES j'; ' ,' ' 39.06 .14 J1« 1rry �,,rryy,e'I .t. r q�>'7tr ftwp1iii' ., it,f,,+{F MY, �,.14TH, - i.iii1v,;S,�f�,{�'t,y f4tl,i•{ i omm` .4 trO ,v,;:. ' • • 158 . "-•,,-,...,•,,,•••••t•„,••:4,-,- A..., , orifi l '•.,". ' a 1.•••• .ff11,14 '':', • "• . ._.ter F'1 Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 1c1441 Day .,• ;,,.q* Term, 19 ., 19-_ WESTERN MOBILE ROAD BASE 13 ,655.96 WESTERN MOBILE 1 CRUSHER TAILINGS .. 1 ,314.61 WESTERN MOBILE MOUNTAIN' ' t' t ,. 1. 83813/PEA GRAVEL . 186.75 WESTERN MOBILE MOUNTAIN ' ` 84187/ROAD BASE 621 .00 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY ALL THREAD 107.00 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY 17335/RENT/GENERATOR . 106. 11 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY ' i ' TRASH BAGS , 14.36 PAYROLL FOR JUNE • ': ' PAYROLL #12 & 13 $37,637. 12 '1 142,877.59 . I LIBRARY FUND • AMERICAN BINDERY MIDWEST BOOK BINDING 118.81 BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY CHILTON/BOOK 50.37 BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY . BOOKS 203.36 BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY VIDEOS 316.33 • BOUND TO STAY BOUND - . BOOKS . 315.25 BRODART INCORPORATED BOOKS , 378.08 CCO AND ERA RETIREMENT ANN/LIB 179.49 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LIBRARY 177.54 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LIBRARY 136.43 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LIBRARY 139.42 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS PREM/JUNE 481 .54 EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT ' MV0790/RENT OFFICE . 300.00 EAGLE VALLEY FLIGHT DAYS CHILDRENS PERFORMER 1 125.00 EARLE GREG WORKSHOP/REIM 20.00 EBSCO SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE . MAGAZINES/MI 3,788.99 ECONOCLAD BOOKS BOOKS/J 166.37 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LIBRARY 1 ,276.52 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS PREM/JUNE 1 ,294.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LIBRARY 1 ,277.40 GAYLORD BROTHERS INCORPORATED LAMINATE 102. 15 GORDONS 10047923/BOOKS H 1 ,520.95 HASLEE LORRAINE MALL TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 12.00 IIIGHSMITH COMPANY INCORPORATED VISTAFOIL 114.23 HIDVALLEY BRANCH LIBRARY STAMPS/PC 36.84 MINTURN BRANCH LIBRARY POSTAGE/PC 8. 14 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/APRIL 183.06 NISWANGER AMY ALA BREAKFAST PROGRAM .65.70 PETTY CASH LIBRARY MV SUPPLIES 37 .06 POOL AND CREW COMM INC VIDEO/CAR 41 .95 REGENT BOOK COMPANY BOOKS/MV 28.94 SACHS LAWLOR • RUBBER STAMPS/MB 12.40 STEINFORT JO ANN CRAFT SUPPLIES . 14.42 U S WEST *t:OMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE SERVICE 62.27 PAYROLL FOR JUNE PAYROLL # 12 & 13 . : 19001 .97 • .'22,086.98 .'1 3 r i1 .1 I i I MOTOR POOL FUND },'; AJ SALES AND SERVICE ..l1t ?+: ' WATER PUMP ASSEMBLY01 ,,•.•i , : :1_674.66 AMERICAN AMERICAN EAGLE TIRE r.1 1 *:,.i+ ' INSTALL DRAG LINK/q)+ ,• . ! 155.85 B AND B EXCAVATING ,' ' . 1 1.H+... INSTALL ANTENNA - , ,'..70.35 BERTHOD MOTORS 10,,,,t ,: ..., FREIGHT/BRAKE PARTSi . , . ' 1 10.00 CARBONDALE AUTO SUPPLY -11 N' •• 169723/TRANSOIL.,n1,1 .; .( i. 11. i +57.99 CCO AND ERA : `i i.'...: , RET ANN/MOTOR P001..ii:;4.00 .: ..;ti:; 135.60 CCO AND ERA ;;,tv , . ' 1 ..' r 111. , RET ANN/MP ,. ',? I:1F•� 1'. ,' ,' .l 41135.60 COLLETT ENTERPRISES 1 "1 ISI -1•i '1 + OIL k, e:g1aY..i1t ' 411 ., 946.02 COLORADO DEPARTMENT' OF REVENUE ` STATE TAX/MP ',;i ,t •';. : .1r..,.140. 19 COLORADO DEPARTMENT'OF REVENUE.Ii STATE TAX/MP .4..t' �44yf 1 1:+•.a•'1 ; .148.24 ' Cul1MINS POWER INCORPORATED'•',tbi+ ' PUMP i1Wh! ; { i::-$102.85 • CLfTIS INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED WELDER PLATE COVER-1 • '!'1'4.: :1 :44,29.00 DENVER TRUCK SALES' ' > ! 'A•}:i's;0.�-'•t i VALVE HEADS ,',',.,1. Mo ,44,A'i 130.40 DORIO DISTRIBUTING ,', 1••0, 1A •d !t'!r1 DIESEL } ilii• ; ,„/ 1,955.23 DORIO DISTRIBUTING 111i.:.J% .+; st1 UNLEADED ; .. ;,:1i 17,1938. 12 EAGLE AUTO PARTS VF-}xti IP ,.t.' PARTS/SUPPLIES i.u.f1, ,+,.. ?2,966,51 • EAGLE PHARMACY •+ ' .f: ,"3:x{1fi!'i`•.'-/ 6/VELCRO . . ! 31.4,1.::;'2. 10 • EAGLE VALLEY GLASS AND MIRRORttAtc REPLACE SAFETY GLASS -.. . .5'+, :;;143.75 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY .t ;i,' FED TAX/MP •Iii'• i.6:i !''i1 131 .06 ' FIRST BANK OF EAGLEICOUNTY , INS PREM/MP '1i'•f i •;. •• • ;., 2,•I41 .81 • 'FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY'; ` '1,e' ! ,, - FED TAX/MP "f' t 7'; .i?W,f 01',.175. 1 1 FONES WEST MONTHLY. PAGE;RENT/2i :,44 %,;, .:41452.00 GAY JOHNSONLIFESAVER TIRES . 55.30 3 / ; f . i V 1.. 1 �{• 1 _ . .'J.,.. . ! a i,•‘.4.0,..frYY I4MY;t;J.+,,6.f 1,,Y',F j.G,aS.I. (.� 1 .v,.Y, _'? t .. + ,,,4!;,.0,4,:!,4;, r �� �.,1� , • • • ...... «..• .rw: t.fnr•w+rM`N!�'9t3 :sY ! 1."1,�,y.}I,v+.►'p k ..qsa w+Wj"•iylyW+N ,� t ,. ' t ,. l�b • . Proceedings of the Board of County,Commissioners 'i�� Day * .,r . 1 is Tenn ,191 ; ,+�:.19_ GAY JOHNSON TIRES 787.83 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD 90 FORD TAURAS • ; , 19,086.00 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD FORD PU-WITH SHELL ' 14, 193. 15 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD GRABHANDLES : 15. 18 GOODYEAR TIRE INVICTA TIRE ,, .. . . 381 .45 HANSON EQUIPMENT 90 MECHANICS TRUCK .,; r 53 ,377.00 HANSON EQUIPMENT HOOD LATCH HINGE 29.07 HOLLAND AUTO PARTS OIL FILTER 9.80 , HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY PAPER TOWELS 39.90 IMPERIAL INCORPORATED WINDSHIELD REPAIR KIT 62.63 INCENTIVE MARKETING INC CORDUROY CAPS 116.88 J I CASE CREDIT CORPORATION DRIVE DRUM ROLLER ...0,..J: , 2,020. 14 JAY MAX SALES MISC SHOP SUPPLIES 48.26 JAY MAX SALES53781/SHOP SUPPLIES , •. t 172. 12 JOHN HAINES CHEVROLET, .,, CAR COVER �, „ . 39.38 KOHRMANN BOB1. GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE ,. .. , 19.00 , , KOIS BROTHERS, ,,t �„ r . . AUTO CRANE1,,. 12, 144.00 MILE HIGH FIRE ,EQUIPMNT CASTING YOKE 90. 13 MOTOROLA INCORPORATED REPAIR RADIO/ANTENNA 382.36 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING SHOP SUPPLIES 173.48 PETTY CASH MOTOR POOL TITLE FEES 56.03 PITKIN IRON CORPORATION HYDRAULIC HOSE/FITTINGS 11 .30 POWER MOTIVE HEAVY EQUIP PARTS 483.30 RESPOND FIRST AID SYSTEMS MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES 194.00 REYNOLDS NETTIE GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE 9.00 SUMMIT LUMBER 31609/ACID CRYSTALS 62. 13 'VALLEY GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY OXYGEN 320.60 VALLEY LUMBER KEYS 7 .92 VISA GAS 1 221 . 72 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY CAT SCRAPER/PRINCIPAL 2,546.55 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY HEAVY EQUIP PARTS 1 ,488.40 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY HEAVY EQUIP PARTS 1 ,241 .55 PAYROLL FOR JUNE PAYROLL #12 & 13 $7 ,277.47 137,405.75 SOCIAL SERVICE FUND . BRODERICI< KELLY A REGISTRATION/CONF. 92.40 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/SOCIAL SERV 610. 17 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/SOCIAL SERV . ;•-. 915. 18 EAGLE COUNTY GOVERNMENT CORRECTED 88 COST ALL ••, 15,339. 10 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE, COUNTY FED TAX/SOCIAL SERV 6,945.29 HORN SUSAN E MEAL REIMBURSEMENT Y.. 109.74 PAYROLL FOR JUNE PAYROLL #6 . }. $19,866.40 43 ,878.28 CAPITAL FUND BUFFALO MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES NOVELL NETWORK UPGRADE 250.00 CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS COPIER/96051657 2, 194.73 HALLPkARK ELECTRONICS COMPUTER CASE 4,095. 16 INFORMATION SOLUTIONS PRIME/FIN REPLACEMENT 1 ,266.85 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES COMPUTER DISK. DRIVE 3,567 .95 MICROSOFT WORD MICROSOFT UPDATE 55.50 NEC134743/COMP.HARDWARE 8,914.20 PILOT OFFICE SUPPLY • COMPUTER HARDWARE „1 1 423.00 • . PRIME COMPUTER INCORPORATED . . TERMINAL REPLACEMENT 595.00 ' . SOUTH COAST ELECTRONICS . COMPUTER HARDWARE . 286.50 r .4. � 1, - 1 '4., .� i.ri• ..,j .t 1 t'7 i' 1'1:.1 1i0'tj$i, tt 4'..' .:0 ::+ . . . .,:0: 1 •• 'i. . t•„ • '- • .Y, i t '1'`1 , i1 :ai,{)�,"1?';, S .t ! • ' "u:,.1, I • •i., , i ;., •. 21 ,648.89 ,u' ,-.1J►y14 , RETIREMENT FUND ;f.` ( , i �yi i L i 1...i;;01. +C{:,, ' • CCO AND ERA EMPLOYER/RETIREMENT 610. 17 „(i:.i CCO AND ERA I.1I`'.6P„1 •'l 4'.' 4!t:;!ti t;t ; EMPLOYERS41 PORTION a�yr:4I,! M�lt, li. ; 4,214.05 11 S1• ;-OCO, AND ERA:. t� ,ry,»"p,.,, .,,,•••(,0!,!t.4..2 ; 0 • 160 • `x.r.r.•-..,r. r ....»h 4 K''1A!M.f AMP W s r a+iw•r+•fw,.e +r r ,ff"4 1,, • Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners • --�t 1 Dayr "A.' ' -�.►a�+'Tenn .19_:�� y�` rft 19 SALES TAX CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND ti 11 • 0 ,( ;. ALEXANDER AND ALEXANDER AVIATION INSURANCE ' - •'5,500.00 DESIGN GLASS INCORPORATED REPLACE WINDSHIELD ''`'' ',• 381 .25 JAMES FRED S AND COMPANY OF CONSULT SERV/MAY 90 'x ' ' `' 1,000.00 6,881 .25 CONSTRUCTION FUND ` f ) )"'••, • , ""• t J ,. t :A; WESTERN MOBILE COMM ROAD BASE " {''" "fl "112.50 CABELL CHILDRESS ARCHITECTS ' ARCHITECTURAL SERVICE 4,076.92 PACIFIC TELECOM • SHAW CONST/328-1011 ' ' 488.25 SHAW CONSTRUCTION APP.CERT. OF PAYMNET '77,261 .00 TYRES AND ASSOCIATES ' REV/FOUNDATION PERMIT 760.00 82,698.67 AIRPORT FUND ' " 1"1 '"- ; �:�.,,.; '• ! AMERICAN ASSOCIATION AIRPORT ``' REGISTRATION/HURD • " '� ' "''','210.00 AVIATION SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE/JULY 90 2, 150.00 BUREAU OF RECLAMATION-GREAT WATER RELEASE PAYMENT 500.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT 92.94 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT 73. 18 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY WATER DISPENSER RENT 12.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/AIRPORT 113.37 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/AIRPORT 93.24 CRICH MICHAEL HANGAR RENT/JULY 90 600.00 DENVER MARRIOTT CITY CENTER LODGE/HURD 92.88 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT 694.20 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY INS PREM/AIRPORT 1 ,015.68 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT 725.22 FRONT RANGE FIRE APPARATUS CFR/SUCTION HOSE 385.25 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY LIGHFBULBS FOR HANGAR 46.65 LEAVENWORTH LOCHHEAD AND WATER SUPPLY DEV/MAY 138.50 MACKOWN SURVEYING AND SURVEYING/2ND PAYMENT 200.00 MOTOR POOL FUND LABOR/EQUIP HELP 24.50 PACIFIC TELECOM TELEPHONE SERVICE' 569.33 RAC TRANSPORT COMPANY FRT.CHG/HALON TANKS 194.04 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND LABOR/EQUIPMENT HELP 24.50 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS GAS SERVICE 13.05 SEPCO AVIATION LIGHTING HEATSINK KIT/PAPA LITE 331 .57 VALLEY FE6 AND SUPPLY DRY LAND SEED 108.99 VISA MEAL 179.61 WRIGHT WATER ENGINEERS WATER SYSTEM DESIGN 1 , 132.95 PAYROLL FOR JUNE PAYROLL # 12 & 13 $4,318.91 14,040.56 LANDFILL FUND ANDERSON SEED COMPANY GRASS SEED "491 .43 AVON BEAVER CREEK TIMES DISPLAY AD " 101 .00 BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT LEASE CONT/LANDFILL 200.00 CARBONDALE TOWN OF LANDFILL/CARBONDALE 5,500.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL 72.30 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL' 72.09 CO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE LICENSE APPLICATION 75.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LANDFILL 109.82 CO.IfORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LANDFILL 121 . 12 EAGLE PHARMACY 24/BATTERIES 16.38 EACGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE 14807/DISPLAY AD 247.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL 815.07 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY INS PREM/LANDFILL 603.88 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL 883.49 G E JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION REFUND/PRE-PD-LANDFILL - 233.94 GMCO CORPORATION DUST CONTROL MATERIALS 332.50 INCENTIVE MARKETING INC1�' • ' CORDUROY CAPS 77.92 MCGRUDER SEPTIC SERVICE SEPTIC SERVICE 30.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN SAFETY SERVICE SIGNS/PLUS FREIGHT 296.67 VAIL DAILY THE DISPLAY AD 118.80 VALLEY GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY OXYGEN 24.00 VISA FUEL 26.51 PAYROLL FOR JUNE PAYROLL #12 & 13 $4,486.61 • 15,937.53 III • • :.,i. .. - ;...1.m r rio,'{o$`,:vii '01 rid trot pi 5..vi, ( ez,i.. J I" t.1''4. L .`y7i .ty,: :. r •2 � + t S1 1 t rl .Aa e '• h f h r .bt. +, 1 , .+ t R ... t':F��y�r�c'� �}1 .rst�� I'��}��1 I,s�vr'1 >j '7 . s•1�f ,s .^Y1 t+{I�N a •r .t �V.yiti1 �{• • i .�� • •• =1 pp'4 .•:It a �e)t` {`'1 a4;'. .411, t �'1.:.n ,'.t;• i•,s s .<` , 1�''r .i0;,'j(�'�r.} Itl J •.l'.J- r4V.iiNVI X71 f1N '!i: (11 •$ FY :A1 t Y1 ryd ii i, '. 4 1 i i r. '•;.•t 4 ;t tK'v ."1A. F ;•4'.'',.!7; '; t}�'}� 'S VtF Proceedings of the Board of County_'Commissioners '��• � ' ` Day' . � erm,� . r ,. BUS SYSTEM FUND <a` ; C.': CCO AND ERA N .'. • RET ANN/EC .BUS SYSTEM 22.98 CCO AND ERA + RET,ANN/EC BUS' SYS. ,? i ;•' 16.36 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE. STATE; TAX/EC BUS'iSYS , �•4l,j • 25.68 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/EC BUCSYS34s,, .; , 18.97 ...:. 1 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY - FED TAX/EC BUS SYS ': -. „_ ; 216. 12 - FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/EC BUS SYSTEM .i,. 144.94 k.. , ••'1,A44;' iLr: �'..'••• 445.03 !�a L t 4> . �siaasaaaaaxaxaav GRAND TOTAL ..`ry'' ; rI ;� F•,1,302,499.08 1 , • • This 'being';'.a'sheduled Public Hearing,` the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration:. Chairman Welch was not present as he was attending a water meeting. Commissioner Hinutes Gates became Chairman Pro-tea. Chairman Pro-tea Gates opened the meeting with the 5/29-6/18, first item on the agenda, the minutes from Hay 29, 1990 through June 18, 1990. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the minutes of Hay 29; 1990, Hay 30, 1990, June 4, 1990, June 5, 1990, June 11, 1990, and June 18, 1990, as submitted. Chairman Pro-ten Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Chairman Pro-tea Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, presented a 3.2% beer retail liquor license Liq Lic renewal for Robert J. & Sherry A. Dellerrera dba Buss's Place. He stated the Buss's P1. application is complete and the Sheriff has had no contact during the past year. Based on his review of the application, he recommended approval. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal application for 3.2% beer retail license for Robert J. and Sherry A. DeHerrera dba Buss's Place located at 1179 Sweetwater Road, Gypsum, Colorado.': Chairman Pro-tea Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting. Coaaissionersq the vote was declared unanimous. • Hr. Lindahl presented a change in corporate structure for Beaver Creek Corporate Liq Lic Center. He added the application has been properly completed and filed with the Clerk B/C Corp I and Recorder's office, and individual histories have been submitted. He recommended approval of the change in corporate structure. Comnissioner Gustafson moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the change in corporate structure naming Rolf G. Wetjen, Robert F. Dauer, William McNamara and Haureen Boyan as new officers and directors of Beaver Creek Corporate Center, Inc. located at 44 Meadow Lane, Beaver Creek , Colorado. Chairman Pro-tea Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Coanissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Chairman Pro-tea Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. • Hr. Lindahl presented a contract with G.A. Western Company for bridge Contract rehabilitation which was approved on June 4, 1990 and authorization for the Chairman G.A. West( to sign was also given. Bill Raying was brought to the Board. - ��' Bill Payii After review, Commissioner Gustafson moved to approvei bill paying for County Warrants-end Social Services. ` Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of. the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. . . Mr_ Lindahl presented a proposed resolution regarding 'Grindlay and Soderberg Res 90-72 Subdivisions. He explained the required improvements are complete and recommended Soderberg release of collateral He advised the Engineering Departaent' recoaaended not to hold Grindlay any collateral during the warranty period. He added that collateral should be retained for remaining landscaping and extend the agreement in Filing 3 in order to install the landscaping. Commissioner Gustafson` moved the Board adopt Resolution 90-72 authorizing the reduction of the collateral for Grindlay'Subdivision, Soderberg Subdivision aka as Soderberg Subdivision Filing 11. ,. ;:, 'in:+ Chairman Pro-tem. Gates ser 'gid the eotion. :Of the two,voting 'Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. , , 3 4111 • t Coz iasicner Gustafson Leaved the Board adopt Reooluticri 90-73 ai:thoriair-g the Res 90-73 i:ed'u.:tS:.il of the collateral for GriLdls'y SiaLdi'Jlsioii, Soderberg Subdivis:o:: aka as `o,ilateral -a3artery Subdivision Filing -3. Soderberg C_Lairn n Pro-tea Gates seconded the notiari. Of the two voting Ccuaiasioliers, the Grindla v ::te was declared 11raaniious. C:::.missioner Gustafson coved the Board approve and authorize the CLair7.ia; t:. e'- :: Irl+t1 the ameiiLdueat to the Su.:di iaion Iuaiar:i"vencuts Aijreenent for Soderberg Sa.bsall'iai:•:a, 5:.del':.ei-:J Filing no. 3. Chairman Pro-tea Gates seconded the action. Of the two voting .:off+iZAi:.Sl alae�s, the .ate was declared unaniiaacaus. Lindahl presented an agreeii.eat between Eagle County and Dave 4Tra►raY.:.rtatl oa: Agraeuant :..... .Lioh provides for in! rnatxo.1 cervices to the public regardiaag the Dave T- a... . -.n=partati:aa and the sales tax ir:crease Conway question ova: an the prinary electich . :he coat shall not exceed 413,100. Can aissl'ca:ar Goatafaaia roved the .:.ard of County C:,ewaissioners approve and the .Caiman he authorized to sign the c.:ara+.ltiag agreaaent between Eagle C:aaa.tj a:ad La':e Taaae sortation Services., Inc. C1-aairivan Pro-tea Gates seconded the n.ti..n. Of the two voting Caanisai-ncr ., the to was :e::larad unan►luicus.. L.n Fesaler, Road and Bridge Super-Ji. .r, apaeared to discuss a Letter of AJreca edit Agreement ..:.r Eagle County i.Siidfill electric c::tc:iLiV.ie with Holy :.: 3 in the ebtidi.c.:c.. :.u._aL:1 ilcl}( :i.:.:. : :.f 46,300. Camaisaioner Gustafson iaioved the Board of County Connissioners approve and airtra=ize the Chairaan to sign the Letter of Agreeaent for aiil-Jle phase =.riaaiy electric entciasion at the Eagle Cot ty Landfill. Chalrnao Pro-ten Gates seconded the 1::aticn. Of the two voting C aniasioners, the vote was declared unaniuons. Mr. Fessler brought up the next iten, a bid for two bridge panels for four Bids a• bids. :I:i..cas. He aYplaliicd the Bridge Girder, Commissioner Guatafsoan roved the B.:>ard of County Coaaissianers accept the bid for two bridge panels of four girders each at 41,G00 per panel for a total of $2,000. Chairman Pro-tea Gates seconded the notion. In discussion, Hr. Lindahl brought up the need for County Auction or at least bid on County owned iters. Coaaissioner Gustafson withdrew the i,otion. Chairman Pro-tea Gates withdrew the second to the motion. Any Hiewanger, Library Director, appeared to discuss an agreement concerning the Agreenest ;:tragi facility at Battle Hauntain High school. She discussed caving the library Library* facilities frac Battle Hcuntaiil High to a location at City Market after an addition is raci:lty c:oplete. Connissioner Gustafsoai saved the Board of County Comaissioners approve and a......lcize the Charman to sign an♦ aaea::ivaent to the agreement for nail.tain.i a library facility at Battle I4cuntaial High Meat on a nooth ta north basis. Chairisan Pro-ten Gates seconded the a action. of the two voting Conoiasinnera_ the vote was declared unanimous. Fen I-Fe=ler, *Road and Bridge Assistant Supervisor, told the Board there is a Cihar]e vl der redocticn in the contract with .HCO for dist control in the amount cf 45,736.57. He Fi:]al .Settle stated the retainage is 41,955.23. • G11CO Connissioner Gustafson roved the Board of County Commissioners authcr:ize the Chairaan to sign the change order far a reduction of $5,736.57 for a new contract a:.ount of $39,104.33 with GHCO. ' Chairman Pro-tea Gates seconded the notion. Of the two voting Ccsnissioaers, the vote was declared unanimous. Canaisaioner Gustafson the Board of County Coanissioners approve the final aettlemerat for GHCO Corporation for the dost control nateriala Hayneainia Chloride and release the $1,955.23 wh!ch has been held as retainage. In discussion, Hr. Lindahl advised the Board that notice of final :.ettlenent was published and he received no claims against GHCO. Question was called for on the lotion. Of the two voting Cos.aissioners the vote was declared unanlanus. Hr. Lindahi presented a proposed resolution directing the Treasurer to transfer ,c„,4 of the 'Raney received for the Forest Reserve Fund to the Cciaaty Road and Eridse �_ __.. �'. and E5. to the Schaal EagleY. Faris% coca ::istricts i.'. Coui:L F i:1:3 Canaissioner Gustafson Loved the Board approve and adopt Fesoluticn 9v-7+ tY ansferring and distributing 1550 revenaiea frau the County Forest Reserve Toad t c the .surto Road and Bridge and to the respective school districts within the County. Chairnar. Pro-tea Gates secoi:ded the a.oticn. Of the two voting Commissioners, the .ace gins declared ui.ania.cus. Hr. Liadahl presented a proposed resolution appointing Dr. Rasa W. Am our- as Res 9a-75 acting Eagle County Public Health Officer. } Lr. Cannisaioncr Gustafson a raved the Board of County Connnissioners approve and cd-y`-`_ Resolution S3-7S appointing Cr. Rasa Arbour as acting Public Health Officer. Chairman Pro-tea Gates seconded the notion. Of the two voting Cor:airi.::sio:aers, the vote was declared unaniaaus. 4 • I • lb• s =id Fox, Planr.er, tr:.sight up the next itea, File PL-153-90-P, Pilgrims ?'=.... i4:a a PL-153-90-P II. He explained the file was tabled from Jane 26, 1993, and Staff 'aLi 2ir: :t=_' t :, Pilgrim Dosis: etersrine wildlife impacts frog' the location of the building envelopes. Bill Heicher, Division of Wildlife, agreed the building envelope relocations will luprove the wildlife migration route. Discussion was held an the possibility of future problems with bears. Discussion was also held on the location of the lots of the stubdiViSi011 with the surru'nnling approved subdivision. Ccaaissioner Gustafson moved the board approve the PUD preliminary plan application, File no. FL-153-90-P, Pilgrim Downs, Prase II, with the f:.11:.r.i:, conditions; 1. The final plat shall have a note stating that the interior roads are all private roads, not subject to County raintenance. 2. A retaining structure for the access driveway must be designed and submitted to the Eagle County Engineer for review. 3. The access road should be collateralized to assure construction of the t retaining structure and revegetation. 4. The FUD Guide shall put homeowners on notice regarding potential conflict with wildlife. Chairman Pro-tea Gates seconded the notion. In discussion, Hr. Isom questioned collateral for the private roads. Further disoussicn followed on the collateralization of the roads. Question was called for on the notion. The Vote was declared unanimous. Janes Fritze, County Manager, presented the next item regarding Fairgrounds Rules FairJrzn::d and Regnlatiolis and a proposed agreement with Eagle County Little Britches Rodeo. Rules a Ton Solawetz, Assistant Supervisor for Buildings and Grounds, brought to the Board rules and regulations for the Eagle County Fairgrounds. The Board asked questions about the rules subeitted. Discussion followed on the use of alcohol at the facilities and the fees charged for use of the Fairgrounds. Commissioner Gustafson roved, subject to the Eagle County Fairgrounds Rules and Regulations being acceptable, to execute the lease with Little Britches Rodeo and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. Chairman Pro-tea Gates seconded the ''lotion. Of the two voting Coaeissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Hike Bradley, Building and Grounds Supervisor, appeared to discuss a contract with Contract Caen Northern for testing services at the County construction site at the rate of 430 Chen Norther per hour. He reviewed the contract for the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gustafson coved the Board of County Coclaissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the contract with Chen Northern for testing services at the construction site. Chairman Pro-tea Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to July 9, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • • 4111 � I 16.:1 June 26, 1990 PUBLIC HEARIUG Present: Don Welch Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George "Bud' Gates Commissioner James Fritze County Manager Dick Gustafson Commissioner Johanette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Bnari for their consideration: Chairman Welch opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, File ZC-246-90 EC-246-90, Robert P. Gillman. Gillman, Robe Sid Fox, Planner, made a presentation on the zone change application. He pointed • out on a map the location of the development and mentioned zones of surrounding j properties. He reviewed project description, master plan designation. He gave the Board major concerns and issues. 1. General conformance with the El Jebel sub-area plan. 2. "Strip Development" 3. Increased traffic on Highway 32, lack of locally available commercial mer ices. 4. Wildlife impacts Staff and the Planning Commission recommended denial of the file. bob Terry, applicant's representative, told the Board of a project he was building and pointed out the needs of the community. He reviewed the development and the goad. He spoke to the wildlife concerns. Hr. Fo:: adireased the need issue. He gave the number of units currently approved in the area. tisoussicn was held on the projects. Ur. Fc.: read some letters from adjacent property owners and area residents. Rick Adams, Division of Wildlife, spoke to the wildlife ccncerns. He stated he believes four units are compatible with wildlife but seven units would not be. Discussion on affordable housing, rent costs and salary ranges was held. Commissioner Gates moved the Board deny File ZC-246-90, Robert P. Gillman, due to evidence presented and based on the recommendation of the Roaring Fork Valley Planning Commission. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. In discussion, Commissioner Gustafann stated his frustration with the need for employee housing but the because of the density and traffic involved he could not approve this file. Commissioner Gates and Chairman Welch concurred. Question was called for on the notion. The vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Fox presented File PD-153-90-P, Pilgrim Downs Phase II. He reviewed the Pc- -90-p project description and chronology. He reminded the Board the sketch plan was Piigrin, Down, approved in 1986 and stated the applicant has asked it be waived. He reviewed the :.:nater plan designation and major concerns and issues. Staff recommended approval with the following conditions: 1. The final plat shall have a note stating that the interior roads are all private roads, not subject to County maintenance. 2. A retaining structure for the access driveway must be designed and submitted to the Eagle Comity Engineer for review. 3. The access road should be collateralized to assure construction of the retaining structure and revegetation. 4. An offsite road impact fee of 51,000 per lot is recommended. The Eagle and Colorado Valley Planning Commission recommended approval with conditions 1 and 2 of staff recommendations. Steve Isom, i-plan representing the applicant, reminded the Board the applicant has paid $6,800 per unit and over $150,000 to improve Lake Creek Road. He brcu;Lt up Erne Creek projects. He mentioned the building site location of each unit. A length discussion followed cn the pr ,ject. and development of the project. Bill Heicher, Divisl`oa of Wildlife. , spokes to concerns cf the wildlife and sensitive wildlife habitat. He mentioned the building envelopes in correlation with other developments in the area. Hr. Isom answered with details of a study of the wildlife impacts and migration routes in the development and wildlife corridors. The Board asked about maps which show the wildlife migration routes and habitat in the area of the project and developments in the area. Commissioner Gustafson, moved on File PD-291-90-S, Pilgrim Downs Phase II, to table nutil Staff can check on the migration corridors and if there are any calving grounds .n the area. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, Hr. Isom pointed out they have been working on this project since 1981, and reiterated his belief this is not a major corridor. Commissioner Gustafson stated he needs information as questions have Leen raised by Chairman Welch. Chairman Welch asked the applicant to have a sediment control plan at preliminary plan approval. The Board asked if the Division of Wildlife would check on the corridor. Question was called for on the motion. The motion passed by a vote of two to one with Commissioner Gates voting against. Keith Montag, Director of Community Development, presented the next item, File PD-291-90-s PO-291-90-s, Riverwalk as Edwards. He reviewed the project description, chronology Riverwalk and major concerns and issues. Staff recommended approval with the fallowing _nnditinns: • • 1. The preliminary plan shall detail buffering/screening along property boundaries. 2. A bike path linkage to Highway 6 shall be provided. 3. • Maintenance of common open space shall be addressed at preliminary plan review. 4. Drainage concerns need to be addressed at preliminary plan review. S. Permits for access onto Highway 6 and onto the I-70 access road must be submitted. E. A market study shall be submitted at the time of preliminary plan. Bill Williams, project developer, told the Board he had not received notice of the meeting. He continued with discussion on the development and open space. Commissioner Gustafson asked if his intent was for this to be the center of the community. Hr. Williams answered the development will probably be the village center as the area has evolved. Discussion was held on the development and building sites. Chairman Welch told Hr. Williams he opposed a portion of the development and believed it should be left as open space. Hr. Williams tried to justify development. Discussion continued on the density and tyre of development in the project. Hr. William questioned if he should continued with the present zoning and eliminate the PUD request. Hr. Fox reviewed for the Board the present zoning and said that sortie areas would he special use. Hr. Montag suggested that to allow flexibility the Board has the opportunity to look at preliminary plan and determine where the development should be. Hr. Lir.datil suggested to approve sketch plan in part and draft a resolution stating the portion not included. Commissioner Gustafson moved on File FD-251-90-S, Riverwalk at Edwards, to approve a PUD Sketch Plan application which incorporates and includes 30 comma. units, conceptual idea of a motel and restaurant and commercial space, taking into consideration the important amenity of the Eagle River, key open space and architectural design thio ► makes a pleasing and acceptable community center for the Town of Edwards. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discuss/au, Chairman Welch stated thatThe at preliminary plan the same design may J o: denied. Hr. Williams stated he aea nanew what to do about a bicycle path. The Board canal:rred they do not want to discuss the hicycle path at. this time. yussticu was called for on the matian. The vote was declared ananiaaus. Mike Bradley, Building and Grounds Supervisor, appeared and presented a contract Contract for Arkay Services for the tiUAC ccntiaat at the Justice Center. Arkay Servici Commissioner Gustafson moved to appro- e the addendum to the HVAC contract at the .,nstice Center. Co.misaioner Gate. seconded the mctic,n. The vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Montag presented the next item, File SH-66C-90, Wilson Subdivision. He SH-66a-93 reviewed the project description, site data, and chronology. He recommended approval Wilson Sudi% with the condition that there is payment 3f £1i4.95 for school fees and a payment of -,J33 for offsite road impacts. Steve Isom ofaun i-plan pled Er. Wilson's case regarding fees for legalizing the "� s no one knew ' He told the Board pr3perty era have paid taxes and V fl;.ts thefiel e ♦...t legal at the time of the purchase of the property. He recammended the road fees and school fees be paid through taxes. Liscussion on the fees and improving. Gypsum Creek Road and legalization of the ::.t:: followed. Commissioner Gates moved to approve File SA-CSC-90, Wilson Suhdiviaion, with the csniitian the school tax of 4144.95 Le waived. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. • In discussion, Commissioner Gustafson expressed the need to make clear if the school and land dedication fees are waived this does not change the policy. Question was called frit.- on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Fox presented the next item, File PD-292-90 S/P, Eagle Meadow. He reviewed pp-292-g0 S/i the :one change, project description, site data and chronology. He reviewed the major Eagle meadow concerns and issues. The Staff findings are: 1. The resulting development will not be inconsistent with the master plan objectives. 2 The area around the development can be planned to be in substantial harmony with the proposed PUD. 3. The adjacent and nearby communities will not be detrimentally affected by the proposed PUD. 4. The PUD can be completed within a reasonable period of time, which shall be determined prior to final approval. of the PUD. 5. The streets are adequate to support the anticipated traffic and the development will not overload the streets outside the planned area. 6. Proposed drainage and utility facilities are adequate for population densities and type of development opment proposed. 7. The employee housing plan is acceptable. S. A final environmental impact report is not applicable. 3. An application for a zone change has been submitted. 10. The PUD control document is acceptable. Staff recommended approval with the following conditions: 1. The Board of County Commissioners must approve Road Vacation File Ho. G-L2-9C to submittal of the final plat for this lot. 2. A public access easement must he provided to the U.S. Forest Service trailhead. 41/1 4110 } 153 The Eagle and Colorado Valley Planning Commission recommended approval of this file. Tom Backhus, applicant's representative, spoke concerning the project and the road location plan in the development Discussion followed on leaving the roads public or vacating the roads. Commissioner Gustafson moved on File PD-292-90 S/P, Eagle Meadow, Lot 7-6, to approve lot 7-6 in a new configuration including the public road to be extended to the proposed new trailhead, and approve the lot with the following condition: 1. This should not be interpreted as an intent to create smaller zoning in that area, but only to clean up the remaining portion of a previous problem. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Lindahl presented a proposed resolution for the second partial release of Res 90-71 collateral for Blue Lake PUD which would release $280,975, and retain $52,825 for the Blue Lake purpose of insuring the completion of landscaping. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and adopt i Resolution 90-71 as presented by Hr. Lindahl. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Lindahl asked the Board to appoint Hr. Lindahl and Mara Kleinschmidt as its Letter of attorney-in-fact to draw on the Letter of Credit Ho. 56 issued to Fitzsimmons Motor Credit from Company in the amount of $194.50 for landscaping improvements. Fitzsimmons Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board appoint Kevin Lindahl and Hara Kleinschmidt as attorneys-in-fact to draw on Letter of Credit Ho. 56 issued to Fitzsimmons Motor Company by Alpine Bank, Basalt, in the amount of ,$194,50, to warranty the landscaping improvements required by the Eagle County Building Permit #3442. He further moved the Board authorize the Chairman to sign the Power of Attorney and to sign the draft for 4193.50. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Lindahl brought to the Board's attention that Colorado Ute Electric Colo Ute Association has filed for bankruptcy. lie stated the first half of their taxes have Electric Ass Leen paid but the second half has not been paid which amounts to approximately 4125,000. He requested a court order to collect the taxes. He stated other creditors ..:tend to object to the payment of these taxes. He stated Eagle County and other .:....:::ties would like to jointly have representation in the courts for this bankruptcy. Commissioner Gustafson moved to ali..0 the County Attorney to spend lei to r4,3N) :. bankruptcy attorney, Carolyn night. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. Tne vote was declared unai: l o.n . The next item was the signing of final plats. Final Plats Commissioner Gustafson moved to a'ot i:.i""_e the Chairman to sign the Wilson Wilson Subdi SuLdivisicn plat as discussed earlier. Ccizissiorer Gates sec:.nded the motion. ...e vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat of Edwards Vili sl.Ldivi sion of parcels 4 and 5, Edwards Village Center. Center Cr.omissicoel Giistafson seconded the :notion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat Creamery Creamery Gul Gulch Townhouses f�Phase 1, part of Block 6, Homestead Filing 1. Co issioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat for The Pines a 31d supplemental condominium map for The Pirie Townhouses at Beaver Creek Condominium part of Lot 6, 6th Amendment to the 5th Filing, Beaver Creek Subdivision, Tract G. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the 3rd Greystone Cc supplemental condominium map for The Greystone Condominiums, Lot 5, 2nd Amendment to the 12th Filing, Beaver Creeky,, Subdivision, Block 2, Tract A. Commissioner Gates se&nded the notion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat for the wildflower a Wildflower of Arrowhead at Vail, a resubdivision Lot 17 through 20, Arrowhead at Vail, Arrowhead Filing 11, and part of Lot 1A, a resubdivision of Lot 1, Arrowhead at Vail, Filing 12. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to he brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to July 2 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • •CEVED JJL 30 1990 EAGLE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT )u June 25, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman Sevin Lindahl County Attorney George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Jones Fritre County Manager Dick Gustafson Commissioner Jehnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following itesas were brcueet hefcre the Board for their consideration: Chairman Welch opened the meeting as the Board of County Commissioners. Res 90-66 Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, presented a proposed resolution regarding the Sagewood reduction in collateral for Sagewcod Towehoaes Subdivisicn from $108,600 to 4x,570. ' He stated the Engineering Lepartmeet has reccunended approval. He also recoanended eepeeval. Ccmmissioner Gustafscn moved the Board adopt Resolution 90-66 authorizing the reduction of collateral for Sageweed Towuhones Subdivision to 49.570. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vete was declared unaniimeus. Hr. Lindahl presented the next resolution regarding the application for final plat Res 90-67 for Blue Lake Subdivision Filing e4. He reviewed the conditions set forth in the Blue Lake resolution. Ccazissiooer Gustafso:i roved the Board of County Commissioners approve Resolution 90-67 regarding the application for final plat for Blue Lake Subdivision Filing =1. Co nissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Lindahl presented a resolution issuing a peruit to Floyd Crawford to engage in Res 90-6a an area of state interest regarding his eeisting sewage treatment system. He reviewed F. Crawford the resolution for the Board and read the cor.ditioms set forth in the resolution. Commissioner Gates asked about the C.: diticeing requiring additional iciprevesents if the aquifers are polluted. Discussion was held on the approval of Crawford 1341 application, approval and use. Ccmaissioner Gates moved the Board of Count; Cosnissioners approve and adept Resolution 90-68 issuing a decision on Floyd Crawfords application for a permit to engage in an area or activity of state interest. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Coeaissioner Gustafeea was cut of the room. Y.r. Lindahl presented the ne::t resolution, Black Lakes 1041 application. He Res 90-69 reviewed the resolution. Black Lakes Commissioner Gates moved the Beard of County Cenmissioners approve and adopt. Reecluticn 90-69 regarding the hearing ea an application for a permit to engage in an area or activity of state interest, Black Lakes. Chairman Welch seconded the notion. rf the two voting Connissioisers, the vote was declared unanimous. Cemmiesioner Gustefaon was out of the The next item was a proposed resolution regarding establishing the Eagle County Res 93-70 Regional Airport Advisory Connission and etolishes the Eagle County Airyert Airport Adei. _ornission. He r viewed the resolution. eery Ceamieee Connissicner Guetafsee moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and adopt Resolution 93-70 establishing an Airport Advisory Committee. Cenmissieaer Gates seconded tl1e notion. The vote was declared unaniuoue . Hr. Lindahl presented an amended agreenent to a subdivision iwproveeeets agreenent Agreement for Grindley Subdivision and Soderberg Subdivision. Grindlay and Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve .and the Sodeet.erg Chairman be authorized to sign the an+endsent to the Subdivision Inprovenenta Agreement for Grindley Subdivision and Soderberg Su division, County of Eagle, State .:f Colorado. Connissioner Gates seconded the 0otion. The vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Lindahl reviewed the next iter, an intergovernmental agreement for Roaring sb 33 Fele Transit Agcacy for TreneiL. Service. He leviewed the agreement fer the B::ead. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and the Chairman be authorized to sign the Intergovernmental Agreement for Transit Services between Roaring Fork Transit Agency and Eagle County with the approval of the City Council of the City of Aspen, and the Beard of County Commissioners of Pitkin County. Connissicner Gustafson seconded the eetien. The vete was declared '.inaeiuons. Ceamissioner Gustafscu moved to ad;::::ren as the Board of County Cemeiasieeers and reconvene as the Board of Health. Ceeeissiofiee .latae seconded the metier. The vote was declared unanimous. Marge Gates, Director of Nursiee Services, introduced Larry Mcliatt from the State of Celorade, Eirecter of Hedical ..e:eiee , Lynn Merrick, and Ray Merry, who. were :esant to discuss Senate Lill 34. Mr. Hciiatt reviewed Senate Bill 34 ael discussed emergency ambulance services and :iezuesi:.n was held ee the enaeee::cies at the airport and hew they are Candled ie _o entice. Commissioner Gates Loved to adjourn as the Board cf Health and recceeeee as the Beard of County Commissioners. Cemaissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. • i The next item was bill paying. Bill Paying • Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board approve the warrants as submitted for bill paying. Connissioner Gates seconded the notion. The vote was declared unanimous. Contract Tom Solawetz, Assistant Supervisor for Buildings and Grounds, appeared to discuss Hartinez janitorial services between Eagle County and Hartinez Janitorial Services. The total Janitorial contract was for $83,640 per year, an increase of $5,100/year. Discussion was held on the possibility of bidding the janitorial services. Commissioner Gustafson Loved to accept the terms of the new contract offered by Hartinez Janitorial Services for the following reasons: 1. The contract did not go out for rebidding in September 1989 and he has been on a month to month basis. 2. A building has been added to the contract that was not in the original contract and the price was never adjusted. 3. The original contract included two buildings plus the Justice Center, new the County has approximately nine buildings. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. Commissioner Gustafson amended the Motion to place the condition of the contract Laing rebid and taking into consideration the new building at that time. Cosmissioner Gates seconded the amendment to the motion. The notion passed by a vote of two to one with Chairman Welch voting against the amendment. Question was called for on the notion. The action passed by a vote of two to one with Chairman Welch voting against. Commissioner Gustafson stated he is in favor of low bids but in this case he felt it was necessary to consider Hr. Haatinez' providing services for additional buildings. CordThe next item was Squaw Creek Road reconstruction request to use eminent domain. Squawllel'a & LarryHetternick, CountyEngineer, Creek F 3 painted out on a map the location of the road improvement for Squaw Creek R..ad re.:oaatruotion. The Board asked questions regarding the reconstruction. Terrill Knight, Knight Planwiog Seioices, explained what will be done on the vacated road alignment. Bill Clinkenbeard pointed cut Cordillera does not intend to landscape until the road is entirely vacated. Discussion continued with property owners and the road reconstruction trap on the plans for road construction and revegctation after reconstruction of the road. Hr. Hetternick told the Board he believes the present plan is the beet scheme. Hr. Clinkenbeard asked about road resurfacing and if it could be completed after two years as the road has to be guaranteed for two years. Hr. Hetternick brought up right-of-way. He gave the Board a list of property owners and that right-of-way was needed. Hr. Knight reviewed adjacent property and updated the Board on each parcel: State Land Board Section, Dodd parcel, Shepard parcel, Jan Chenault, Dr. Petty, Jack Zehren, Cline property, and Hr. Finkel. Hr. Zehren spoke to the road and stated with a 25 foot right-of-way they could reach an agreement. Hs. Chenault told the Board she did not believe she could give up any more land. Liscusaion followed on the right-of-way. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the design of the road as submitted to the fork between Squaw Creek and West Squaw Creek Roads, with the understanding that if the road is not visually acceptable the County will not pay for improvements, subject to the 401 permit being approved by the Corps of Engineers. Cor.missioner Gates secohided the notion. The vote was declared unanimous. The Board directed Staff to review the area where the alignment is taking an exorbitant amount of property from Hs. Chenault. Bill Winenan asked that the relocation of the utilities be included in the cost of the road and be paid by the developers. Hr. Knight reminded the Board their regulations are clear regarding the relocation of telephone lines. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and sign the 404 permit application,' Cooniss;oiler Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared ii lhaniaous. Hr. Lindahl asked if the current road is prescriptive or dedicated. The Board replied the right-of-way is dedicated. Contras :Gyle Bradley, Building and Grounds Supervisor, presented a construction contract t Letaeeu Eagle County and Shaw Construction. Shaw Constr .. Darryl Huskin, representing Shaw Construction, told the Board the contract is in the amount of $5,324,808. lie told the Board sub contractors that have been contacted and intend to reduce the amount of the contract. Chairman Welch questioned approving the contract without the changed amount in the contract. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, pointed out in Article 5.3 of the contract stated that if the contract hisses the date for subuittal on the schedule then it falls into tte next date. He mentioned contract delay costs. He reminded the Board of changes Le was not aware of and not comfortable with. Hr. Huskin asked the Board to consider radiant heat that was not in the contract and make a decision soon. Hr. Fritze brought up additional items that were discussed and decisions to be m.,de as items come on line. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and sign the contract with Shaw Construction Company in the amount of $5,321,808. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the notion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to June 25 1990. Attest: Clark to the-6aal;d �tat£iaFlti. 0110 • •June 18, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Dick Gustafson Commissioner This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Welch opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, the bid Atco Structures acceptance for the Landfill office trailer. Trailer for Don Fessler, Road and Bridge Supervisor, explained the specifications for the Landfill trailer, the purpose of the trailer. The amount of the bid was $23,268.00. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and accept the low bid of Atco Structures in the amount of $23,268 for a new landfill office. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The next item was a work session to discuss the transportation proposal. Abel, Bruce Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, asked for an executive session to discuss the Sales Tax proposal. Referendum After return from the executive session, Hr. Lindahl announced Bruce Abel would be the individual hired to provide assistance of management and implementation as part of the referendum process for Eagle County Transit System sales tax question to be on the primary election ballot. Mr. Lindahl introduced the next item, a resolution to create a special Bellyache Res 90-64 Ridge Local Improvements District 490-1. He reviewed the resolution and stated that Bellyache notice was given to property owners within the district and advised the Board they are Ridge Imp. to hear any objections to the creation of the district. District Commissioner Gates mentioned for the record the County contribution would be done for the re-alignment and not a contribution to the District. Discussion was held on the number of lots in the subdivision. Mr. Lindahl read letters of objection from William D'Orio, Paula Schuttle and Ronald McLaughlin. He mentioned a $90 increase per lot for road improvements as the number of lots have decreased. Art Abplanalp pointed out the costs are around $500 per lot with participation of all lot owners. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and adopt Resolution 90-64 creating the Bellyache Ridge Local Improvements District g90-1 within the County, ordering the construction and installation therein, certain street improvements; and providing for the issuance of bonds in payment for said improvements; and providing for other details in connection with the District. This motion is subject to the approval of the list of property owners and assessments to be attached to the Resolution. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared,unanimous. Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, presented a renewal application by Rancho Liq Lic Del Rio, Inc. dba Rancho Del Rio, for a 3.2% beer retail liquor license. He stated Rancho Del Rio the application and fees are complete and on file and there are no adverse reports from the Sheriff's office. He recommended approval. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal of 3.2% retail beer license for Rancho Del Rio, Inc. dba Rancho Del Rio. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson was not present for this item. Tom Solawetz, Assistant Supervisor for Buildings and Grounds, appeared to discuss Roofing at the bids for metal roof at the Eagle County Fairgrounds. He stated the total bid for Eagle Co. roofing material and roof structures was in the amount of $14,360.42, and the budgeted Fairgrounds amount was $16,000. Discussion was held on the need to insulate the buildings. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the bid from BHC West for metal roofing material in the amount of $2,729.58, and accept a bid from Big Valley for roof structures for 26 horse stalls in the amount of $11,630.84, subject to review by the County Engineer. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson was not present for this item. Keith Montag, Director of Community Development, presented File PD-105-90-A, PD-105-90-A Streamside at Vail PUD Amendment. He reviewed the project description, chronology, Streamside at master plan designation, and major concerns and issues. Staff recommended approval Vail PUD with the following conditions: Amendment 1. No woodburning devices will be allowed. 2. The outdoor firepit is limited to open fires between May 1 and November 1. 3. A filter fabric construction fence be in place between the construction area and the Gore Creek during construction activity. 4. Prior to • the issuance of any building permit, a geotechnical report with specific foundation recommendations must be submitted to the County for review. i . • 1(1-Y The Planning Commission recommended approval with the same conditions. Jeff Jacquart, applicant's representative, spoke regarding the project. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve File PD-105-90-A, Streamside at Vail PUD Amendment with the following conditions: 1. No woodburning devices will be allowed. 2. The outdoor firepit is limited to open fires between Hay 1 and November 1. 3. A filter fabric construction fence be in place between the construction area and Gore Creek during construction activity. 4. Prior to the issuance of any building permit, a geotechnical report with specific foundation recommendations must be submitted to the County for review. 5. The regrading of the stream bank will be landscaped. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates became Chairman Pro-tea as Chairman Welch was out of the room. Bill Paying Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve warrants submitted for County bill paying and Payroll and Social Services bill paying. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the payroll for June 28, 1990, subject to the review by the County Manager. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Welch returned to the meeting and assumed the Chair. Dan Reynolds, Director of Transportation, presented a revision of a Letter of Agreement concerning an airport ground vehicle coordination agreement between Eagle County and Eagle Flight Service Station. John Coffee appeared to discuss a Letter of Agreement regarding Flight Service Station at the Eagle County Regional Airport. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Airport Ground Vehicle Coordination Agreement between Eagle County and Eagle Flight Service Station. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Montag presented File PD-274-90-F, HcGrady Acres, and stated it had been Pd-274-90-F tabled on June 4, 1990. He stated the applicant is requesting this be tabled in order HcGrady Acres to work out an agreement with the Town of Avon. Chairman Welch mentioned Randy Nottingham estate property should be included in the file. Commissioner Gustafson moved to table File PD-274-90-F, HcGrady Acres to August 7, 1990, at the applicant's request. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, presented a proposed resolution regarding the bus Res 90-65 transportation system. 1/2% Sales Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-65 certifying the Tax Election establishment of a vote on the primary ballot of a 1/2 percent sales tax for the purpose of maintaining and operating a mass transit system for Eagle County. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to June 25 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman MMMMW • • y, A"ir I �SI June 11, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George "Bud" Gates Commissioner James Fritze County Manager Allen Sartin Budget Director Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Absent: Dick Gustafson Commissioner This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Res 90-64 Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, presented the first item, the issuance of Eagle Eagle Co. County Sales Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds. He introduced Hatt Hogan, David Bell and Sales Tax Jack Gardner who were present to submit a proposed resolution authorizing the issuance Bonds of the Eagle County Sales Tax Refunding Bond and underwriting agreement. David Bell and Matt Hogan appeared to explain the resolution, funds, and bonds for the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-64 authorizing the issuance of Eagle County Sales Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds Series 1990. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson was not present for the meeting. Agreement Mr. Lindahl presented a letter for the Chairman's signature authorizing Coughlin Coughlin & and Company to purchase state and local government securities on behalf of Eagle Company County for 5.6 million sales tax refunding bond issue. He recommended approval of the letter. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the letter as presented by Mr. Lindahl. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Cf the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Appeal Denial Mr. Lindahl mentioned to the Board a conference with the State regarding the of Sales Tax denial of refund of sales tax in the amount of $28,000 for fuel purchased for the bus Refund system. He requested the Board authorize Mr. Lindahl to act as attorney-in-fact at the settlement conference. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, to act as attorney-in-fact at the settlement conference regarding a refund of sales tax. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Appeal Mr. Lindahl asked for authority from the Board of County Commissioners to file BOE appeals in two Board of Assessment Appeals cases. The Board received the decision regarding the Craddack appeal and the Kuhl appeal, both cases the Board of Assessment Appeals awarded the decision to the taxpayer on the basis the Notice issued by the Board was insufficient due to the fact the Notice was not issued by the Clerk and. instead issued by the Assessor. He stated he believes the decision. was in error and advised the Board to appeal these decisions. , Commissioner Gates ' moved to authorize Mr. Lindahl to file appeals in the Craddack and Kuhl cases as discussed by Mr. Lindahl. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Warrants & The Board reviewed warrants and payroll submitted by the Accounting Department. payroll Commissioner Gates moved to approve the warrants as submitted. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the payroll subject to the review of the County Manager. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Replacement Kim Andree, from the Sheriff's Department, appeared to discuss a lost Sheriff's Check for sale check and requested that a replacement check be issued. She stated she has Sheriff's talked with the Treasurer's office and the original warrant has not been cashed. Sale The Eoard stated their concerns about having two checks issued in such a large amount. Commissioner Gates moved to not issue a check until all the Board's concerns are addressed, and authorize the County Manager to issue another check after all the concerns are met, and the County Treasurer is sure the Stop Payment order has been met. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to June 18 1990. Attest: clerk to the Board Chairman • • June 5, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George "Bud" Gates Commissioner James Fritze County Manager Dick Gustafson Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Welch opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, File PD-244-90-F3 PD-244-90-F3, Cordillera. He made a statement regarding a possible conflict of Cordillera interest as he is an independent contractor with Vail Associates and VA has entered into a property sales marketing agreement with Cordillera. He stepped down as Chairman for this item. Commissioner Gates became Chairman Pro-tem. Sid Fox, Planner, introduced the final plat proposal for Filing 3 for 35 single family lots and three multifamily lots, and one single family cluster. He told the Board the major concerns and issues is visual impacts. He discussed the location of the building envelopes. Debbie Duley, site coordinator for Cordillera, presented a map with amendments showing building envelopes. Hr. Fox discussed off-site road improvements, sign proposal, sewage disposal systems, and school land dedication fee. Hs. Duley made a presentation regarding the proposed development. -'She pointed out Cordillera has a Design Review Board. Terrill Knight, Knight Planning Services, mentioned their goal was to allow minor changes and adjustments as patios and decks are within the building envelope and adjustments are sometimes necessary. Commissioner Gustafson stated his concerns of Bellyache construction skyline visibility and does not want this mistake repeated. He said Lots 87, 86 and 83 were on the crest of the hill. Bill Clinkenbeard said there is a difference in skyline views and the crest of the hill. He stated he shares the opinion of the need to have design controls. Mr. Knight told the Board the applicant has instituted design controls but is it impossible to hide the development. Hr. Fox stated the development that has occurred in Cordillera has not violated any regulations. He reviewed a list of options to mitigate the visual impact: 1. Reduce the height of a structure 2. Reduce size and location of the building envelope 3. Use non-reflectivecolors and materials 4. Maximum elevation of lots Further discussion was held on site construction visibility. Kevin Conway, attorney for Cordillera, told the Board the applicant would be willing to continue to mitigate site view techniques. Hr. Fox suggested a plat note that would require a Special Use Permit to do a specific site plan. Hr. Knight agreed with that suggestion as Cordillera could work with individual architects. Mr. Montag reminded the Board they are approving final plat and the lots are being approved. He spoke of his concerns with the Special Use Permit. r Commissioner Gustafson asked what would happen if the final plat request were modified and eliminated from this request Lots 82 through 89, and do a follow-up file as a separate file. He offered to divide this into two separate plats, stake the building envelopes, and put a 35' high pole on the site to determine site views. The applicants agreed. Chairman Pro-tem Gates asked about the road improvements in the subdivision. Larry Metternick, County Engineer, stated there is no collateral on the roads and there should be collateralization for the construction of roads. He added traffic is heavy on the road and the road should be improved. Mr. Knight stated they are working on a road design, and the lower mile of the road is completed. He stated the road is to be done in a five-year plan and they are in year three which calls for total reconstruction of the road. He advised the applicant is proposing to pave the road when the design is finished. He stated he does not want to collateralize the paving but let the collateral for the basic work roll over for the second phase. Mr. Metternick reiterated the traffic is too heavy for a gravel road and it is time to pave the road. Hr. Clinkenbeard asked if an initial layer could be done the first year and complete the remainder after a year. Mr. Metternick said the remaining road work should be collateralized. Discussion was held on the school land dedication fee being split between the lots. Commissioner Gustafson moved on File PD-244-90-F3, Cordillera, to divide the file into two files, A and B, A being all lots not inclusive of 82 through 89, and B being Lots 82 through 89. This motion addresses only the portion covered by File A. He further moved to approve portion A of the File, location of the building envelopes with 10% proposed by the applicant for modification through coordination of the applicant's Design Review Board and Staff's concurrence that the offsite road improvements for Squaw Creek Road be collateralized to the extent of the initial paving phase, and the collateral be retained for the second paving phase after completion of the realignment, the sign proposal typographical error be corrected, all sewage disposal systems should be properly designed by a registered professional engineer, school land dedication fee should conform with File A. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Welch abstained from voting. • • {L t f tit Commissioner Gustafson further directed Staff and applicant regarding the 35' pole for determination of site view. Commissioner Gustafson moved on File PD-244-90-F3, Portion B, be tabled for further review. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Welch resumed the Chair. Ken Heller, Road and Bridge Assistant Supervisor, discussed the water allotment Basalt Water contract Basalt Water Conservancy District. He stated the application requires a one Conservancy time $200 fee, the charge for water usage is 2 acre feet at $50 per acre foot. District Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and the Agreement Chairman be authorized to sign the application for water allotment contract, Basalt Water Conservancy District. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, presented a request for waiver of collateral for John Hyrup the warranty period from John Hyrup road cut permit. He stated the bridge is Collateral completed to Road & Bridge's satisfaction. He advised the Letter of Credit is expiring and wants the warranty period waived. The Board stated they had a problem with changing the warranty regulation. Don Fessler, Road and Bridge Supervisor, told the Board the location of the road was out of heavy traffic. Hr. Lindahl reviewed the regulation which referred to the two year construction period. Commissioner Gates moved to deny the request to waive the collateral for the warranty period for John Hyrup for the road cut permit. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to authorize the County Attorney draw on the Letter of Credit should a substitute letter not be submitted. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Tom Brown, Engineer, presented a Notice of Award for the Rehabilitation of three Award Notice bridges on the Colorado Road. He stated the project has been partially funded by a Bridge Rehab State grant and is in the Road and Bridge budget. He advised the only bidder on the project was G.A. Western. The bid was in the amount of $111,084. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board approve and the Chairman be authorized to sign the Notice of Award for the E301 Bridge Rehabilitation Program awarding G.A. Western Construction Co. the contractor in the amount of $111,084. He further moved the Board authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement after it has been reviewed by the County Attorney's office. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Dan Reynolds, Director of Transportation, appeared to present the agreement Agreement between Eagle County and Federal Aviation Administration for an observation system FAA & Eagle land lease. He told the Board everything is in order. County Commissioner Gustafson asked if the FAA could be closing down the Flight Service Center. Mr. Reynolds replied no. It is part of the program for the elimination of the flight service station but it is not a step for the elimination of this one. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Airport Ground Lease between Eagle County and the Federal Aviation Administration for placement of the automated weather observation system. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. In discussion, Commissioner Gustafson emphasized that in no way does this motion imply the Board endorses automated weatherize systems as a replacement for the flight service center. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Don Fessler, Road and Bridge Supervisor, introduced the next item, Regional Solid Regional Solid Waste Master Plan. He turned the meeting over to Davis Farrar. Waste Master Hr. Farrar, Chairman of the Regional Solid Waste Management Committee, made a . Plan presentation regarding a regional solid waste management effort. He reviewed the request for the endorsement for support of the program, a commitment of reasonable staff time to the project, and allocation of funds on a population basis. He estimated the population of Eagle County in the Roaring Fork drainage is approximately 2,000 or slightly higher. He reviewed plans for a grant from the Office Manager Conservation for a solid waste implementation effort. Commissioner Gustafson asked when the study will be complete. Hr. Farrar replied he hoped to have it completed in 1990. Discussion was held on the area and transient population. Mauri Nottingham spoke in support of the project and agreed with the need for additional study for the area. Ray Merry, Environmental Health Officer, told the Board he has been working with area people on collecting and transporting waste. He added he is opposed to collecting hazardous waste and murf. Jerry Vanderbilt, BFI, stated BFI is committed to the program. Susan Scanlan stated she would like to see money spent in Eagle County for an expanded program. The Board determined to continue this discussion at a later date. Hr. Farrar stated the resolution would be amended to include all entities discussed and would like to have all signatures on the documents. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the resolution for participation in the study in the Roaring Fork drainage for Solid Waste Management. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. In discussion, Commissioner Gates stated he would like to see the collection sites addressed. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 4110 Fl!? • , " Keith Montag, Director of Community Development, presented a final plat for File Final Plat SM-662-90-D, Organ the Homestead, Lot 18, Filing 3. All appropriate entities have Homestead approved the final plat. Lot 18 Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the final plat as presented by Hr. Montag, a Type B Minor Subdivision. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Welch was not present for this item. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to June 11 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman S.; II •.. ,. , .,. . 4js„ , . . , , , : ,. ,, ., 4, . , ;.,H . , ,:.:, k..,' :3 133J • Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 4th Day June Term, 19 90 19 ' PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman James Fritze County Manager Dick Gustafson Commissioner Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board GENERAL FOND ' 4H HORSE LEADERS REIM/REG/MEALS 48.00 AAAA SEPTIC PUMPING PORTABLE JC/PUMP SAND TRAP 75.00 ADDISON DAVID C 16391/SERVICE OF PROCES 17 .60 ADVANCED FITNESS SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT REPAIR 52.03 ALL PRO FORMS INCORPORATED FORMS 37 .72 ALL PRO FORMS INCORPORATED WORKERS COMP CARDS 76.40 ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL VACCINATION REIM 119.00 AMERICAN BANCO 16832/SERVICE OF PROCES 10.00 AMERICAN DYNAMICS PROCESSOR MODULE 85.00 AMERICAN EXPRESS MLGE/TRAVEL/LODG/MEALS 2,572.71 AMERICAN HUMANE ASSOCIATION AHA ANNUAL MEMBERSHP 25.00 AMERICAN LOCKER SECURITY TOKENS/JAIL LOCKERS ' 20.54 AMERICAN MANAGEMENT SUBSCRIPTION 50.40 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION ROOK/PLANNING COMM. 287.61 AMICII AND JENKS INCORPORATED POLYGRAPH/S,ARA 65.00 ANDY KIRK 16493/SERVICE OF PROCES 10.00 ANIMAL HOSPITAL OF VAIL VALLEY SPAY/NEUTER REIM. ' 226.00 ARROW GAS COMPANY GAS/SERVICE 21 .50 ASPEN TIMES THE 1 YR SUBSCRTIPTION 25.00 ASPEN VALLEY VET HOSPITAL VACCINATION REIM . 12.00 ASPEN VALLEY VET HOSPITAL VACCINATION REIM .;' 49.00 ASPEN VALLEY VET HOSPITAL SPAY/NEUTER REIM. `- 72.00 ASSOCIATED BUSINESS PRODUCTS TONER/3M VQC .° 96.00 ASSOCIATED COLLECTION SERVICE 16759/SERVICE OF PROCES 23.90 ASSOCIATED COLLECTION SERVICE 16874/SERVICE OF PROCES 10.00 • AT AND T PHONE SERVICE ,,, 89.71 AVERT INCORPORATED EMP SCREEN/STRUBI 80.00 AVON TOWN OF XEROX COPIES 16.95 BACCIS GLENWOOD FLORAL GIFTS CONDOLENCES 26.50 BANCROFT. WHITNEY COMPANY REVISION VOLUMES" • 282.30 '' BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS GLADLOCK STORAGE BAGS 63.05 BECK AND CASSINIS 16796/SERVICE OF PROCES 2.00 BEEP WEST INCORPORATED PAGER CHARGES/MAY 90 30.00 BELL SYSTEMS INCORPORATED HEAD SETS/DICTATION . 64. 13 BEST WESTERN EAGLE LODGE LODG/RECRUITING EXPENSE 175.00 BIGLER THOM REIMBURSEMENT 70.91 BIRCH TREE ANIMAL HOSPITAL SPAY/NEUTER REIM. 25.00 BISHOPS TRASH SERVICE • TRASH SERVICE 34.00 BITTERMAN KATHY MEALS 19. 17 BLACK ALLEN HEALTH FAIR , 20.00 BLACK ALLEN REIMBURSEMENT �, L .. 134.80 BOARDROOM CLASSICS BOOK OF INSIDE •INFO. 29.95 BOB BARKER COMPANY INMATE SUPPLIES 46.99 BUFFALOS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 30.00 BUTLER FREDRIC B 16765/SERVICE OF PROCES 10.00 BUTLER FREDRIC B 16765/SERVICE OF PROCES 12.00 C & S PRODUCTIONS PARTIAL DEPOSIT/AUDIO 750.00 CALEY GREDIG TRAVEL/REIM 50.00 CALEY GREDIG TRAVEL 51 .80 CARTER LINDA REGISTRATION FEE 108.00 CASTLE PEAK VETERINARY SERVICE K-9 DOG FOOD 53 .05 CCO AND ERA REI ANN/GENERAL 4,303.22 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/GENERAL 4,272. 15 CENTER DRUGS FILM/FILM PROCESSING 848.27 CENTRAL STORES LIQUOR CODE BOOK 21 .50 CF HOECKEL COMPANY RELEASE BOOK 40.73 CF HOECKEL COMPANY CHAIN BINDER(RELEASES) 219.67 CHI CORPORATION MODEM/TERMINAL CABLES 265.25 CHICAGO CREEK CLINIC XRAY FEE 25.00 CLAUSEN ALAN 16791/SERVICE OF PROCES '10.90 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY 562814/SERVICE OF PROCE ' - 24.30 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY BOTTLED WATER SERVICE 39.60 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY SOFT DRINKS 62.58 CODEL MAY RENT 2,652.00 COLORADH ASSOCIATION HEALTH HIM REGISTRATION 5.00 COLORADO COUNTIES INCORPORATED CCI ANNUAL CONFERENCE -310.00 COLORADO COUNTY AGENTS CCA CUPS i 25.00 COLORADO COUNTY ATTORNEYS CCAA CONF DUES 180.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT HIGHWAYS STANDARD UPDATES 7.75 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL 5, 174.64 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL 5,044.70 COLORADO FEDERATION OF ANIMAL CFAWA/TRAINING PROG. 20.00 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY SOILS REPORT 45.00 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY SALARY/BENEFITS/EADS 5,990.01 COLORADO WEST INSURANCE GROUP PUBLIC SERV. POLICY 148.25 COLWELL SYSTEMS INCORPORATED 1ST CLASS MAIL LABELS 40.75 'COMFORT INN LODGE 431 .50 • • �, -gra �`1 is :ed'mgs of the Board of County Commissioners 4th Day June Term,19 90 ' 19 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS.PREMIUM 15,911 .91 CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION IN COURSE MANUAL/STATUTES 40.00 CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION IN REGISTRATION 240.00 CORNBELT CHEMICAL COMPANY ESCORT-WEED CHEMICAL 296.47 i CORRECTIONAL INDUSTRIES DESK TOP NAME PLATES 12.00 CPS DISTRIBUTORS INCORPORATED PLUMBING SUPPLIES 12.63 CREDIT BUREAU GRAND JUNCTION 16764/SERVICE OF PROCES 15.00 CREDIT BUREAU OF GUNNISON 16727/SERVICE OF PROCES 9.20 CREDIT BUREAU OF GUNNISON 16883/SERVICE OF PROCES 10.00 CREDIT BUREAU OF GUNNISON 15914/SERVICE OF PROCES 30.00 CW ELECTRONIC SALES CO DATATRACKER BOX 239.00 DATA DOCUMENTS CO CASES PAPER 469.20 DAVID A HOLMGREN CONTRACT PROGRAMMING 1 ,347 .50 DAVID A HOLMGREN CONTRACT PROGRAMMING 1 ,400.00 DAVID A HOLMGREN CONTRACT PROGRAMMING 2,852.50 DEEP ROCK WATER ARTESIAN WATER 62.50 DELTA COUNTY EXTENSION FUND VIDEO TAP/II.E.. JUDGE 6.00 DENVER POST THE ADV/EMPLOYMENT 274.00 DENVER WATER DEPARTMENT WATER CONSERVATION BK 47 .35 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCHING SERVICE 2,245.55 DISTRICT ATTORNEY 16654/SERVICE OF PROCES 7 .80 DIVISION PROPERTY TAXATION APPEALS SEMINAR 10.00 DOCTORS OFFICE THE PRE-EMP.PHYS.BENSON 35.00 DOCTORS OFFICE THE PRE-EMPLOYMENT PAYS. 120.00 DODSON ENGINEERED PRODUCTS SPRINKLER PARTS • 18.38 DONA BURK HEALTH FAIR/BURK 20.00 DORIO DISTRIBUTING DIESEL 228.61 DORIS E GOWAN MEAL REIM 71 .00 DREIER DOUGLAS REIM TRAVEL 13.00 DUGGAN GARRY SERVICES/5-90 100.00 DUROUX ALMEDA COORDINATOR REIM 15.00 EADS TONI L MEALS/DIST. MEETING 46.92 EADS TONI L MEAL REIM 28.80 EADS TONI L TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 44.20 EAGLE AUTO PARTS FAN BELTS 95. 15 EAGLE AUTO PARTS CLEANER 6.53 EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER POSTAGE PAID 22.35 EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER REIM/CHECK ORDER 310.96 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS REVIEW UPS SYSTEM 21 .25 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS PRINTER REP/REP.DRIVE 1 ,457.45 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS DP SERVICE 586.00 EAGLE COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER JUNE/SHELTER CONTRACT 3 ,886.61 EAGLE COUNTY CRIME STOPPERS REGISTRATION FORM 150.00 EAGLE COUNTY NURSING SERVICE POSTAGE 26.70 EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING CALCULATOR 90.00 EAGLE PHARMACY OPERATING SUPPLIES 474.00 EAGLE TOWN OF SERVICES 1 ,619.25 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE PUBLIC NOTICE/ADV 987.06 EASTMAN INCORPORATED OPERATING SUPPLIES c, 269. 13. ECONOI1ICS PRESS SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 19.73 EEDS BILL HEALTH FAIR/EEDS 20.00 ELECTION ADMINISTRATION REPORT SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 147.00 EQUUS EQUUS MAGAZINE 18.97 FARMER BROTHERS COFFEE 143 .00 FEDERAL EXPRESS FED EXPRESS CHARGE 15.50 FEDRIZZI GERALD J DMD PC INMATE DENTAL 44.00 FERRELLGAS PROPANE 110.63 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 39,043 .92 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/GENERAL 31 ,990.05 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL 30,394.56 FONES WEST MONTHLY PAGER/COMM 30.00 FORTUNES RESTAURANT MEALS/4-24-90 47.00 FREUND CAN COMPANY FIBER MAP TUBES 38.00 G NEIL COMPANIES LABOR LAW POSTERS 28. 10 GATES GEORGE A TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 93.80 GEORGE T. SANDERS COMPANY AUTO SHOWER VALVES 605. 10 GIRARD THOMAS A EPA TRAINING SESSION 17 . 10 GIRSH AND ROTTMAN 16862/SERVICE OF PROCES 10.00 GLENWOOD MEDICAL ASSOCIATES LAB FEE/PAPKE 18.00 GLENWOOD MEDICAL ASSOCIATION INMATE MEDICAL 84.00 GLENWOOD POST THE ADVERTISING/EMP. 33 .30 GLENWOOD SHOE SERVICE UNIFORM BOOTS 260.00 GLYNN KATHLEEN REIMBURSEMENT 228.42 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS GAAFR REVIEW 40.0(1 GRAND JUNCTION PIPE AND SUPPLY TUBING/POLY 320.07 GREATER EAGLE FIRE PROTECTION 911 BILLING/MAY 90 18.00 GREEN CLAIRE H 16903/SERVICE OF PROCES 17 .70 HAEFLIGER GLENN R JR HEALTH FAIR 20.00 HOLMAN JONES 16812/SERVICE OF PROCES 2. 10 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICE 7,581 .85 HOTEL WILDWOOD CCAA CONF. 300.00 HOUTCHENS HOUTCHENS DANIEL 16887/SERVICE OF PROCES 10.00 INMAC OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,055.25 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE FED TAX LIABILITY 88 3 ,546.00 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MAINT AGREEMENTS 2,328.00 JOHNSON AJ SPECIAL OPERATIONS 5,000.00 JOHNSON AJ UNIFORM CLEANING 8.00 ip:'fi i req. • • x ri k 1 r• ; 135' Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 4th Day June Term,199° 19- JOHNSON AND HELD LTD BUCKLES/ROUND ROBIN 164.75 JOHNSON JACK W TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 31 .00 JOST THOMAS DDS DENTAL MEDICAL 209.50 KAROL MIKE ROCKY MTN NEWS/SUBS 29.00 KEMP AND COMPANY INCORPORATED PLUMBING SUPPLIES 80.93 KENNETH A GADDIS MD INMATE MEDICAL 150.00 KOGOVSEK ASSOCIATES PROF SERVICES 3,583.52 LANDCHECK INCORPORATED OPERATING SUPPLIES 54.00 LAURA R VICK 16755/PROCESS OF SERVIC 12.40 LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT BINOCULARS 104.90 LETN TV NETWORK TRAINING 776.00 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES TONER/DEVELOPER 689.02 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES MAINT.CONT/TRANSCRIBER 150.00 LIFE LITE UNIFORM EQUIPMENT FINGERPRINT RETABS 28.25 LIFE LITE UNIFORM EQUIPMENT FINGERPRINT RETABS 56.95 LK SURVEY INSTRUMENTS SURVEY MATERIALS 9.20 LONGEVITY SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 9.47 LOWER LAMB LOWERY 16772/PROCESS OF SERVIC 10.00 LOWER LAMB LOWERY 16895/PROCESS OF SERVIC 12.40 HAGGARD INFORMATION ASSOCIATES 16742/PROCESS OF SERVIC 8.00 MARA KLEINSCHMIDT MEALS 65. 15 MARCHIONDO VIGIL VOEGLER 16848/PROCESS OF SERVIC 10.00 MARSHAL AND SWIFT RESIDENT COST HANDBOOK 111 .90 MARTIN MEHAFFY 16847/PROCESS OF SERVIC 9.60 MARTINEZ JANITORIAL APRIL 90/JANITORIAL 6,545.00 MARY ANN DOXLEY REIM/IMPOUND CHG. 27.00 MATERIALS HANDLING EQUIPMENT SHELVING 280.00 MC KINNON STEWART AND NALL 16638/PROCESS OF SERVIC 10.00 MCHUGH JAN STAFF MTG/LUNCH 25.86 MCHUGH JAN KENNEL CARD COVERS 3 .90 MCMAHAN ARMSTRONG & ASSOCIATES AIJDIE WORK IN PROG. 10,000.00 1.1CWILLIAM MIKE MEALS 152.27 MEINEKE DONNA PROFESSTONAL FEE 47.45 MERRICK LYN TRAVEL REIN. 40.91 MERRICK LYN MEAL 31 .80 METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE SHERIFF SALE PROCEEDS 203,020.00 METTERNICI< LARRY FILM 13.83 MILLAR ELEVATOR SERVICE CONTRACTED MAINT/JC 110.00 MOORE BUSINESS PRODUCTS PRINTER RIBBONS 27.71 MOORE BUSINESS PRODUCTS PRINTER RIBBONS 57.87 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USAGE 19,948.22 MOTOROLA INCORPORATED SUPPLIES/SERVICE 1 ,032.80 MOUNTAIN IRONWORKS GALLERY 16914/SERVICE OF PROCES 0.40 MOUNTAIN MICROFILM MAP/FICHE PROCESSING 159.50 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION TELEVISION REPAIR/JC 60.00 MOUNTAIN TOP MANAGEMENT RADIO SIZE RENT/MAY 250.00 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION COUNTIES REG/ANNUAL CONE 255.00 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 63.00 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER PRINTER RIBBON, 1. s. 41 .39 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 63.00 NATIONAL CENTER THE TRAINING 340.00 NATIONAL GRAPHICS COMPANY 90 NOVS 1 ,562.44 NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE RECEIPT BINDER 98.77 NIGHTINGALE CONANT LEAD THE FIELD-PYRAMID 44.71 NOLAN NINA COORDINATOR REIM 15.00 NORTHWEST COLORADO COUNCIL OF MEAL/LINDAHL 15.50 NORTHWEST COLORADO COUNCIL OF MEALS 31 .00 NUNN BRENDA HEALTH FAIR/LAB 20.00 NUNN JEAN TRAVEL 37 .20 OREILLY BRIAN 16705/SERVICE OF PROCES 9.00 ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY PEST CONTROL/JC 98.00 OSTROWITZ OSTROWITZ 16811/SERVICE OF PROLES 3.20 PACIFIC TELECOM TELEPHONE SERVICE 9,239.49 PAINT BUCKET THE SPAT REMOVER 1 .90 PENNY SAVER MEDICAL SUPPLY LANCETS 18.90 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY PEPSI-COLA 38.20 PERFORMANCE HORSEMAN 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION 19.95 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING MISCELLANEOUS 213.63 PETTY CASH EC NURSING SERVICE POSTAGE 22.50 PHILIP A KLEIN 16708/PROCESS OF SERVIC 1 .60 PITNEY BOWES COPIER MAINTENANCE 396.90 POLK RL MOTOR VEHICLE MANUALS 97.50 POSTMASTER EAGLE BRANCH EXPRESS MAIL/CORP.ACCT 150.00 POSTMASTER EAGLE BRANCH POSTAGE/METER 9,000.00 POSTMASTER EAGLE BRANCH NOV-POSTAGE 1 ,334.20 POSTMASTER EAGLE BRANCH PO BOX FEE 6.50 PRENTICE HALL BOOK/ARBORICULTURE 53.00 PRIME COMPUTER INCORPORATED MA1NT SERV 1 ,357.40 PRO EVENT TALENT/FREE STAGE/FAIR 1 ,250.00 PROFESSIONAL RODEO COWBOYS PRCA APPROVAL FEE 500.00 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPLY COMPANY MARC/VESTS 500.00 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPLY COMPANY CAR OPENING TOOL 22.64 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY GAS/ELEC 300.09 PUBLISH SUBSCRIPTION 29.95 QUILL CORPORATION OPERATING SUPPLIES 805.94 REUBENS RESTAURANT INMATE MEALS 15,442.50 . REVA MILLER . 02DR30/521003050 161 .55 • 0 3b oceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 4th Day June Term, 19 90 19 =Th HotTEWW::VEMAR. !M4 - - ---------------- --- REVA MILLER 02DR30/521003850 161 .55 REYNOLDS NETTIE TRAVEL 15.40 REYNOLDS NETTIE REGISTRATION/WORKSHOP 50.00 RIPPERGER AND CROSHAL 16793/SERVICE OF PROCES 7.50 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND TRANS/WORKERS COMP 51 ,233.00 ROBERT S MEANS COMPANY BOOK/CONSTRUCT CLAIMS 64.55 ROCKY MOUNTAIN EMBROIDERY UNIFORM EMBLEMS/JO 122.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS GAS SERVICE 5, 174.21 ROCKY MOUNTAIN REPROGRAPHICS PAPER 282.80 ROPIR CABLEVISION CABLE/TV SERVICE 31 .45 SATTERFIELD DEBBIE REIM/QUEENS APPAREL 75.00 SAWAY ROSE AND ROADS PC 16849/PROCESS OF SERVIC 26. 10 SAWAY ROSE AND ROADS PC 16850/PROCESS OF SERVIC 10.00 SCHMIDT CECELIA MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 26.6(1 SCHMIDT ELOISE COORDINATOR REIM 15.00 SCHOOL TECH INCORPORATED TENNIS TABLE 399.98 SCULLYS ART OFFICE AND TAX PAPER/FILM 165.00 SHEAFFER KAREN CMC ACCIG/SLIEAFFER 00.00 SHIRLEY RITLAND 16011/PROCESS OF SERVIC 25.00 SIMONSON ED 16916/SERVICE OF PROCES 7 .50 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING CUSTOM PRINTED FORMS 1 ,853 .95 SPARKMAN DAN PROF SERVICES 5.1 .60 SPECIALTY PROGRAM INSURORS RODEO LIABILITY INS. 912.00 STAN BERNSTEIN AND ASSOCIATES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 7 ,000.00 STEINBERG THOMAS I APRIL/CTY HEALTH OFF. 272.00 STERN1G JOHN P REIMBURSEMENT 171 .09 STOKES ALLEN W JR 16770/SERVICE OF PROCES 19.90 STONE SUSAN DR VACC/S/N REM 34 .00 STRAWBERRY PATCH SYMPATHY/CONDOLENCES 184.50 STRIJPE WRIGHT PK STENCIL/HIANDICAP 30.00 SUMMIT LUMBER BLDG. SUPPLIES 707.50 SUPERIOR SHARPENING SERVICE SHARPEN BLADES/B&G 31 .25 SUSAN M HYLAND 16790/SERVICE OF F'ROCFS 10.00 SWARTZ GRUSI<1N 16064/SERVICE OF PROCES 3 .20 TAYLOR WYN T 16792/SERVICE OF PROCES 7 .50 TERRI BIERSDORFER TRAVEL 200.00 THE CITY COUNTY RECRUITER ADV/EMPLOYMENT 75.60 THOMAS JANET HEALTH FAIR 20.00 TOP DRAWER OFFICE ,SUPPLIES 7063/OFFICE SUPPLIES 95.04 TRAVEL VAIL INMATE TRANSPORT 1 ,691 .00 TRIPLE H CONSTRUCTION CLEAN IRRIGATION DITCH 200.00 TUXALL UNIFORM COMPANY UNIFORMS 400.85 UNITED AGRI SERVICES BANVEL 4,761 .02 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SHIPPING CHARGE 10.63 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SHIPPING CHARGES 46.22 UNIVERSITY ASSOCIATES FILM RENTAL 35.00 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE SERVICES 1 ,393 . 15 US WEST MARKETING RESOURCES ZIP CODE DIRECTORIES 145.90 VAIL DAILY THE DISPLAY AD/FAIRBOARD . 115,,81 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC INMATE MEDICAL 156.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC PRE-NATAL PROGRAM 1 ,519.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC INMATE EXAMS 1 ,009.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC INMATE EXAMS 300.00 VAIL TOWN OF CONTRACT SERV/AN.CONT. 068.46 VAIL TOWN OF CONTRACT SERV/AN CONT. 068.46 VAIL TRAIL THE ADV/SPECIAL ELECTION 183.45 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER PRE-EMPLOYMENT EXAM 776.00 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER PRE/EMPLOYMENT PHYS. 385.00 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER INMATE MEDICAL 77.00 VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY MISC SUPPLIES 307.77 VALLEY JOURNAL ADV/EMPLOYMENT 42.00 VISA MLGE/TRAVEL/LODG/MEALS 2,546.32 WALMART /AVON BLINDS 17 .74 WALTER VALDEZ EPA TRAINING SESSION 8. 10 WARZON PAULA REIMBURSEMENT 79.83 WELLER FRIEDRICH WARD 16911/SERVICE OF PROCES 8.40 WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY WESTLAW SERV/MAR 90 113.80 WESTERN INSTITUTE POLICE TRAINING PROGRAM 1 ,650.00 WESTERN SLOPE UNIFORM COMPANY LAUNDRY SERVICE 73 .40 WILLIAMS SHELLEY MEALS 31 .01 WILSON KEN PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 80.00 WILSON KEN MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 15.00 WISZENBUARG AND LEFF 16809/SERVICE OF PROCES 4.60 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY MISC SUPPLIES 99.30 YAMPA VALLEY ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICE 48.30 ZEITLIN HELEN 16830/SERVICE OF PROCES 15.00 PAYROLL FOR MAY PAYROLL # 9, 10 AND 11 $327 ,500. 14 $914,774.56 ROAD & BRIDGE FUND AMERICAN TRAFFIC SAFETY CERT/TRAFFIC TECH. 60.00 AVON BEAVER CREEK TIMES PUBLIC NOTICE 98.00 • • a4n4" l Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 4th Day JuneTerm, 19 90 , . ' 19- BOOTH ROUSE EQUIPMENT COMPANY MONTH RENT/AMZ MACHINE 3 ,600.00 CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS COPY USAGE-3-90 79. 16 CCI 8TH ANNUAL CONF/CCI 105.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/RD&BR 916.62 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/RD&BR 905.58 COLORADO DEPARTMENT HIGHWAYS 6 SETS/EAGLE CO 60.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/RD&BR 006.24 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/RD&BR 873.04 CRYSTAL SAW SERVICE CHAIN SAW 399.95 DENVER RIO GRANDE RAIL ROAD PIT RUN/GRAVEL 450.00 DODSON ENGINEERED PRODUCTS V BOX RINGER 25.00 EAGLE AUTO PARTS HOSE 16.91 EAGLE AUTO PARTS OIL 6. 12 1 ELF ASPHALT OIL/AMZ MACHINE 123.20 ELF ASPHALT O1L/AMZ MACHINE 466. 15 ELF ASPHALT OIL FOR AMZ MACHINE 241 .20 ELLISON SERVICE FENCE REMOVAL 1 ,040.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/RD&BR 5,895.25 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/RD&BR 7 ,723 .48 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/RD&BR 6,333.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FICA/RD&BR EMPLOYEE 13.38 FONES WEST MONTHLY PAGER RENT/4 120.00 GMCO CORPORATION CONTRACT/DUST CONTROL 4,662. 12 GMCO CORPORATION DUST CONTROL MATERIALS 12,978.00 GMCO CORPORATION DUST CONTROL MATERIALS 10,519. 11 INCENTIVE MARKETING INC UNIFORM 362.87 KEMP AND COMPANY INCORPORATED 6556/SEALERS 165.00 MOTOR POOL FUND LIP/RD&BR MAINT 55,299.58 MOTOR POOL FUND MP/RD&BR CONST 624. 12 MOUNTAIN TOP MANAGEMENT 1 YR SITE, RENT/RADIO 1 ,080.00 OHEILL KERRY MEAL REIM. 16.01 ROARING FORK SAND AND GRAVEL WASHED ROCK 925.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BIO PRODUCTS HYDROSEEDING 9,651 .50 ROCKY MOUNTAIN SAFETY SERVICE ORANGE MESH FLAG 77 .57 SAFETY & CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY REFLECTIVE CONE COLLAR 148. 10 SUMMIT LUMBER 41779/QUICK PLUS 100.53 TAMARRON LODGE_/CCI CONFERENCE 225.00 VAIL TOWN OF SNOW REMOVAL/JAN-MAR 12,640.00 VALLEY LUMBER CONCRETE MIX 24.88 VISA LODG/MEALS/MLGE/TRAVEL 280.33 VULCAN SIGNS TRIPOD/MESH SIGNS 146.40 WESTERN MOBILE PIT RUN/GYPSUM RK 100. 10 WESTERN MOBILE ROAD BASE/BRUSH CREEK 1 ,240.20 WESTERN MOBILE ROAD BASE 224.86 WESTERN MOBILE ROAD BASE 5,397 .26 WESTERN UNION TELE/CUT RD PERMITS 45.22 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY MISC SUPPLIES 338.29 PAYROLL FOR MAY PAYROLL # 9, 10 AND 11 $54,350. 15 201 ,996.08 LIBRARY FUND , AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION POSTERS 178.71 BAKER AND TAYLOR BOOK 1 ,588.04 BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY BOOK/ATLAS 8.89 BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY VIDEOS 662.99 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS PAPER TOWELS 34.44 BOOK GROUP BOOK 7 .05 BRYANT ROBYN TRAVEL 64.00 CCO AND ERA RETIREMENT ANN/LIB 181 .55 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LIBRARY 181 .55 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LIBRARY. 148.59 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LIBRARY 139.76 COLORADO STATE LIBRARY SUMMER READING/MI { 139.00 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS PREM/LIB 481 .54 DURA CLAD BOOKS 1300I(5 16.96 EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING POSTAGE CHARGE 404.87 EAGLE PHARMACY 34/CANDY/J 8.02 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE DISPLAY/NLW 116.00 EBSCO SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE SUBSCRIPTION/PC 45.00 ECONOCLAD BOOKS BOOKS/MV '758.46 EDUCATIONAL EQUIPMENT REPAIR DUKANE REPAIR/MAINT 28.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LIBRARY 1 ,342. 19 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS PREM/LIB 1 ,294.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LIBRARY 1 ,264.44 GORDONS BOOKS/H/PB 821 .08 HIGH PLAINS REGIONAL LIBRARY BROCHURES/NLW 50.00 HOW TO VIDEO LIBRARY VIDEO . 66. 10 HW WILSON COMPANY READERS GUIDE 150.00 KIZ VON ROBIN BOOKS/WESTERN 24.00 •LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES TONER/COUPON PLAN 76.50 LIBRARY BOOK COMPANY BOOKS 376.97 MIDVALLEY BRANCH LIBRARY POSTAGE/PC 18.90 • 0 • eedings of the Board of County Commissioners 4th June Day Term, 1990 19 HE C_I • • . . : .., ,.,i,:ii•!, ,, : .. • ' } Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 4th Day June • Tenn, 199° : • ' • • 19- SOCIAL SERVICE FUND ARVIN PUBLIATIONS PAMPHLETS 16.00 , AT AND T PHONE SERVICES 24.50 BAKER NANCI K MEALS 6.00 BEAUMONT MARY REGISTRATION 20.00 BOSSOW RITA R LODGE/MEALS 52.00 BOSSOW RITA R MEALS 22.00 CARLOW GEORGE RENT/5-90 850.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/SOCIAL SERV 607.41 CENTRAL STORES SUPPLIES 78. 14 CF HOECKEL COMPANY SUPPLIES 10.23 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/SOCIAL SERV 910.72 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS/MAY 90 1 , 105.38 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS PREMIUM 1 , 106. 18 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES FOOD STAMP AUTO-FORMS 28.59 DON WELCH TRAVEL 7 .60 DUGGAN GARRY TRAVEL 18.80 EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING POSTAGE/LEAP/1ST QTR 807.51 EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RENT 275.00 EAGLE COUNTY SHERIFFS LEGAL SERVICE 68.40 EAGLE COUNTY SHERIFFS LEGAL SERVICES 101 .60 FAULKNER LAVERLE MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 6.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/SOCIAL SERV 6,917.83 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS PREM/MAY90 3, 105.60 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INSURANCE 3, 105.60 GATES GEORGE A TRAVEL 16.00 JOYCE L REICHE LODGE/MEALS 112.00 1 JOYCE L REICHE MEAL. REIMBURSEMENT 67.00 ' MOTOR POOL FUND 390 MILES/COUNTY CAR 95.52 OFFICE DISTRICT ATTORNEY IV-D CONTRACT 1 , 161 .96 PACIFIC TELECOM TELEPHONE SERVICE 382.51 PAMELA A GIBSON MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 66.00 PLATT JANET MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 6.00 ROSE SANDRA REGISTRATION/PEDIATRIC 12.50 SCHOLER JIM TRAVEL 93.60 SELIGMANN MOLLY TRAVEL 246.58 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES .128.50 •. US WEST'COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE SERVICE 153.71 VISA MEMBERSHIP FEE 10.00 WESTERN COLORADO AREA HEALTH REGISTRATION 50.00 PAYROLL FOR MAY PAYROLL # 9, 10 AND 11 $19,770.87 41 ,623.84 CAPITAL FUND ;. COLORADO COMPUTER SYSTEMS PIN PRINTER/EPPSON 659.00 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT WAREHOUSE POWER SUPPLY 1 ,250.00 MOTOROLA INCORPORATED 2 HEADSETS 212.00 TELEPHONE, PRODUCTS CENTER COMPUTER 3 ,745.51 5,866.51 RETIREMENT FUND - CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 607.41 CCO AND ERA EMPLOYER PORTION 4, 195.64 CCO AND ERA EMPLOYER PORTION 4, 180.05 8,983. 10 CONTINGENT FUND AIRPORT FUND TRANS/LEGAL BILLS/RES. 22,285.00 • 22,285.00 INSURANCE RESERVE FUND DESIGN GLASS INCORPORATED REPLACE WINDOW 430.30 JAMES FRED S AND COMPANY OF CONSULTING SERVICE 1 ,000.00 MOTOR POOL FUND REIMBURSE/SHERIFF CAR 11 , 130.00 12,560.30 410 F i rtpS Sry 4 ;;j a i A a r 40 � 46,_711',;i ceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 4th Day June Term, 199° 19 :Tx4CJ.xot 'tr cauv ce_-a,0a4-- --- -------------------- --------------------------------------- SALES TAX CAPITAL IMPVROVEMENTS FUND PACIFIC TELECOM INSTALL DIST. CABLE 22,439.30 SUMMIT LUMBER 42439/LATHWOOD 88.89 22,528. 19 • CONSTRUCTION FUND • CABELL CHILDRESS ARCHITECTS ARCHITECT SERVICES 59,000.00 CAPITAL ASSET MANAGEMENT QUARTERLY MGT FEE 3 ,890.00 COLORADO NATIONAL BANK OF BOND MAINT FEES 134.75 JOHNSON KUNKEL AND ASSOCIATES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 138.00 PACIFIC TELECOM SHAW CONST/328- 1011 • 602.88 SHAW CONSTRUCTION AFP/CERTIFICATE PAY 12, 159.00 76,004.63 BOND FUND • FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY DEBT SERV/PRINCIPAL 596, 120.00 . 596, 120.00 • AIRPORT FUND • AVIATION SYSTEMS INCORPORATED 3RD PAYMT/LOCALIZER 9,407.50 AVIATION SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE CONT/JUNE 2, 150.00 BRENT SERVICE 1382/WATER SYS PUMP 267 .00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT 72.04 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT 71 . 73 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY WATER DISPENSER RENT 12.00 COLORADO AIRPORT OPERATORS REG.FEE/CAOA SEMINAR 55.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/AIRPORT 106.92 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/AIRPORT 90.92 CRICH MICHAEL HANGAR RENT/JUNE 410 600.00 EAGLE AUTO PARTS GREASE 93 .64 EAGLE PHARMACY FILM 15.21 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT 830.29 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/AP 1 ,014.99 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT 695.27 FRONT RANGE FIRE APPARATUS WATER STRAINER r, 149.'73 FRONT RANGE FIRE APPARATUS BARRELL STRAINER/CFR 159. 17 HOLME ROBERT AND OWEN LEGAL FEES 22,280.23 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 13 ,094.24 HURD HARRY TRAVEL •REIM 298.67 LEAVENWORTH LOCHHEAD AND LEGAL EXPENSE/WATER 10. 15 MACKOWN SURVEYING AND SURVEY/PIN SETTING 803.50 MOTOR POOL FUND MP/AIRPOIRT 241 .64 MOTOR POOL FUND MP/AIRPORT 599.97 NORTHERN HYDRAULICS HYDRAULIC WRENCH 211 .23 PACIFIC TELECOM TELEPHONE SERVICE 420.45 REUBENS RESTAURANT MEALS/CFR SCHOOL 748.84 REYNOLDS DANIEL MEAL REIM. 65.70 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND LABOR/WATER TRUCI( 120.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS GAS/HANGAR APRIL 90 68.55 SCULLYS ART OFFICE AND RING BINDERS 21 .20 VALLEY GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY NITROGEN/CFR EXT. 42.00 VALLEY RESTAURANT CFR MEALS 42.75 VISA AAAE REGISTRATION 518.75 WRIGHT WATER ENGINEERS WATER ENG.FEES/MAR 90 167.78 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY PAINT 1 , 138.53 • PAYROLL FOR MAY PAYROLL # 9, 10 AND 11 $7,313 . 15 64,079.54 LANDFILL FUND CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL 76.76 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL 77.40 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE . STATE TAX/LANDFILL 115.35 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LANDFILL 117.53 DEEP ROCK WATER BOTTLED WATER 45.00 EAGLE PHARMACY 15/ANTENNA 24.95 EAGLE RIVER MOBILE HOME PARK REF/PREPAID LANDFILL 265.21 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL 055.01 S • S t_ • 141 Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 4th Day June Term, 199° 19- • FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY (HEALTH [NS/LANDFILL G03.88 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL 869. 13 MCGRUDER SEPTIC SERVICE SEPTIC SERVICE 30.00 MOTOR POOL. FUND MP/LANDFILL 11 ,401 .76 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING CUSTOMER PRINTED FORMS 214.20 VALLEY GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY OXYGEN 24.00 VISA MILEAGE/MEALS/LODG 359.65 PAYROLL FOR MAY PAYROLL # 9, 10 AND 11 $6,655.45 21 ,735.28 • TRANSPORTATION FUND AVON BEAVER CREEK TIMES ADV/TDP HEARING 66.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/EC BUS SYS. 15.45 CCO AND ERA RE [ ANN/EC BUS SYS. 15.89 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/EC BUS SYS. 18.47 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/EC BUS SYS 18. 19 DAVE TRANSPORTATION SERVICE FIXED BILL/MAY 90 218,964.45 DAVE TRANSPORTATION SERVICE DEVELOPMENT TRANS. 14, 100.00 DAVE TRANSPORTATION SERVICE VARIABLE HOUR CHARGE 74,203.71 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/EC BUS SYSTEM 139.05 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/EC BUS SYSTEM 138. 15 VAIL ASSOCIATES BUS STOP SIGNS 19.50 307 ,690.86 2,474,507.39 • The morning being spent paying bills, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: • Chairman Welch opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, a proposed Res 90-61 resolution appointing Edward P. Ruder to the Board of Directory of the Hinturr� Hinturn Ceme- i tory Appt. Cemetery Association District. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board elopt I'.esol=.:tion ?0-61 reappointing Edward P. Ruder to a 6-year term on the Board of Direotcrs of the Hinturm Cemetery Association District. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was i:pd'_ared unanimous. presented F Res 90-62 James Fr'_tze, County Manager, pr_sente• the n_.:_ item, a oroposed reeolrltion for t' Seabry 5 nt the Board's consideration honoring Jim and Pat Seabry the occasion of their !nth _ anniversary. AnRlverSary. Commissioner Gates !loved the Board of County Commi s inners approve ani adopt Resolution 91-62 honoring Jin and Fat Seabry on their !nth anni•`ersery. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the notion. The Tote ta= leclared unenimoos. Commissioner Gates moved to adjocru es the E^e_"' of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Eagle County Local Liquor _'__-easing Authority. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the r',otirn. The 7ote was deotared tlrlanlmooF. Lig. Lice Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, presented a renewal application for the ri E1 Jpb.l Jebel Liquors. He stated the application and fees have teen .-acei'+ed, ani n^_ adverse LQJCti comments have been received from the Sheri 'c Dopa_t^c t. He reoomn=ne 'rrr- ;s1. Commissioner Gates roved the Eagle '_"linty Local Li7'_ior ••i^ere_: g A••th city eoprove the renewal application for a retail liquor store 1_'-=n1-e. mel`. , oinooe, end spirituous for Gloria J. reloquin dba El Jebel Liquors located at 1727 Highway 97 . El Jetel, Colorado. Ccrmissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The 'Vote was declared unanimous. Bigler a application3 +sretail Lig. L.ic Hr. Bigler presented a renewal for .2., teer retail lignor license for El Jebel El Jebel Gas and Tire. He stated the necessary application and feee cr Ciie . 770 Gas Tiro adverse comments werereported frcn the sheriff's Dcpa-knr• '. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Eagle County 1_^o3l �.". t?l^;'l ty approve the renewal eprlieetion for a 7._1. bee_ retail i censer¶' r '111 Octel Cac 3ad Tire located at 17SS Highway 82, El Jebel, Colorado. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared "nevi-ors. • ; • • Commissioner Gustafson moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The next item was approval of the minutes from April 30, Hay 7, Hay 8, Hay 14, Hay Minutes 15, May 21, and Hay 22, 1990. 4/30-5/22/90 Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the minutes as submitted. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, presented the next item regarding a lawsuit Stipulation against Eagle County by Dieter Sander and the Board of County Commissioners. He D. Sander stated there is a stipulation and settlement agreement. Hr. Bigler requested the Board approve the stipulation settlement agreement and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. He explained the agreement states the County waive the required payment of $5,000 maintenance fee for Hillcrest Drive located in Aspen Junction Subdivision used for five units in the Pinion Pines Subdivision as the main access road. He stated the Engineering Department informed him the fee was for $1,000 per lot for future maintenance of Hillcrest Drive only, and they foresee no need to improve Hillcrest Drive when the County accepted it. Hr. Lindahl stated the case will be dismissed and will not be brought against the County again. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Stipulation and Settlement Agreement between Dieter Sander and the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The Board cf County Commissioners reviewed all vouchers submitted for bill paying. Bill Paying Commissioner Gates moved to approve the warrants for bill paying. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the payroll 6/14 Payroll for June 14, 1990, subject to the review of the County Manager. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Tom Solawetz, Buildings and Grounds Assistant Supervisor, appeared to discuss a Sweeper sweeper for Buildings and Grounds. He stated the budgeted amount is $2,000 and the Purchase lowest bid was $2,403.68. He discussed where the remaining money will be transferred from in the budget. Commissioner Gates asked if the sweeper is needed this year. Mr. Solawetz replied it is needed at this time as they are behind on cinder cleanup at the Justice Center. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board accept the bid and authorize the Buildings and Grounds Department to purchase from Booth-Rouse Equipment one Sweepster Model RHFA in the amount of $2,408.68, as long as the amount in excess of the budgeted amount can be covered from other funds. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Lindahl presented a proposed resolution regarding the reduction in collateral from Blue Lake PUD Filing 3. He stated the improvements are complete based on a Res 90-63 memorandum from Tom Brown, project engineer. Mr. Brown recommended the collateral be Blue Lake reduced to 10% or $1,480 to be held for a two year period. Collateral Commissioner Gates moved the Board adopt Resolution 90-63 finding that the improvements are complete and authorizing a reduction in collateral for Blue Lake PUD Filing 3. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Fritze presented the next item, ambulance licenses. He stated that Dr. Western Eagle Steinberg and Marge Gates inspected the ambulances and they met the licensing Co. Ambulance requirements for Western Eagle County Ambulance Service. He requested the Board License approve the license. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and sign the approval for the ambulance license based on the recommendation of the County Manager. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze stated there was another ambulance license for Eagle County Ambulance Eagle Co. District. He recommended approval. Ambulance Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the permit for Eagle County Ambulance License District. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl stated the applicant is requesting tabling for HcRady Acres, File PD-274-90-F PD-274-90-F. HcRady Acres Commissioner Gustafson moved to table File PD-274-90-F, HcRady Acres, to June 18, 1990, at the applicant's request. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to June 5 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 4111 • 36 May 30, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Sid Fox Planner Dick Gustafson Commissioner Ray Merry Env. Health Officer Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Crawford 1041 Chairman Welch opened the meeting with the first item, the Crawford 1041 application for the El Jebel Wastewater Treatment Facility. Commissioner Gustafson made the statement of conflict of interest he has stated during prior hearings and withdrew from the hearing. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, presented exhibits for the Board to accept into the record. Four exhibits were submitted by the applicant or by a member of the applicant's family. The first item was a copy of portions of a deposition taken of Bruce Hatherly, the second item was the applicant's response to the Staff's recommendation of conditions, and the third item was a letter from the State Engineer regarding substitute water plan. Mr. Lindahl recommended the Board accept these three exhibits into the record. The fourth item was a newspaper article (this was received late) regarding election to the Mid Valley Board. Commissioner Gates moved to accept the first three items as exhibits into the record and deny the fourth item. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson abstained from voting. Mr. Lindahl stated another item submitted late was an outline of testimony by Louis Meyer with attached exhibits. He recommended the Board not accept this exhibit due to its arrival time. Commissioner Gates moved to deny admittance of the outline of Mr. Meyer's testimony into the record due to it being submitted late. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox summarized Staff's recommendation and findings: 1. The project is considered necessary, since it is an immediate correction to an existing problem and does not involve increased nominal capacity. The project is regarded as an interim solution having a life span in the range of 5 to 20 years. 2. The County encourages and will support eventual consolidation of the area's waste water treatment facilities. 3. The resulting plant capacity will be only marginally above existing reported loads. This approval does not relate to or commit the County in any way to approve possible future expansion plans above 136,000 gallons per day. Mr. Fox reiterated conditions of approval: 1. Groundwater monitoring systems must be installed and maintained as part of the proposed project. Monitoring must include, as a minimum, continuing influent flow monitoring and upstream and downstream ground water quality monitoring wells. 2. If groundwater monitoring demonstrates significant pollution of the aquifers, as determined by the Colorado Department of Health, Water Quality Control Division, additional improvements may be required. 3. Sufficient land application area must be permanently (or until the WWTF is abandoned) dedicated to agricultural use to accommodate the entire wastewater flow. 4. A water conservation plan for the El Jebel/Crawford property should be prepared to assure efficient utilization on the WWTF and associated resources. This plan should also include an inventory and assessment of non-domestic discharges to the WWTF. 5. No new individual sewage disposal systems shall be permitted or installed within the El Jebel WWTF service area (as identified on the Zone District Hap prepared by Doremus & Wells, 11/10/89). 6. A 100' setback to the south must be maintained from the boundary of the WWTF (as measured from the northern boundary line of the County road) for all new residential development. An additional landscape buffer is recommended to the south of the County road prior to approval of additional residential development to the south. The areas to the east, west, and north of the WWTF should remain in agricultural use or open space. 7. Payment of any remaining permit processing fees. 8. After a site inspection of the landscaping, the Staff shall make a recommendation to the permit authority concerning adequacy. If the landscaping is not adequate, additional landscaping shall be required and the necessary collateral required. 9. Sub-surface aerators must be used to minimize aerosol drift. Commissioner Gates asked who is responsible for monitoring wells. Kevin Patrick stated the applicant has installed monitoring wells in accordance with the approval of the State of Colorado Water Quality Control Division. Allan Schwartz asked if Staff has inspected the site as the landscaping is in place. Peter Bailo stated a landscaping plan was submitted along with the application. Mr. Schwartz spoke to condition #6. He asked the property to the north be defined. Mr. Fox determined that 50' north of Blue Creek or 700' from the treatment plant. Mr. Schwartz stated 780' was acceptable. Mr. Patrick asked that the life span of the plant be in the upper end of Staff's finding #1. Mr. Fox reviewed the findings of the Planning Commission. 31 Mr. Bailo told the Board the land was more than needed for application during the irrigation season, and additional land may be needed during the winter. Hr. Fox continued to review the Planning Commission's recommendations. Hr. Lindahl advised the Board to reviewed each criteria point and deliberate on a decision. Hr. Fox expressed the need for stringent guidelines for fence recommendations. Chairman Welch proceeded to review Section 6.04 of the Land Use Regulation for approval criteria for Water and sewage Treatment Plant. Hr. Lindahl clarified that Hr. Crawford's position on approval was that the plant should not exceed the design capacity of 136,000 gallons per day. Hr. Schwartz spoke regarding the expansion which they believe can be done if 136,000 gallons per day is not exceeded. Discussion followed on the criteria for the need of a 1041 hearing. The Board continued to review Section 6.04 of the Land Use Regulations for approval criteria for Water and sewage Treatment Plant. Chairman Welch stated that based on the evidence presented and based on the criteria defined in Section 6.04.15, the applicant has met the majority of the criteria that is applicable. He stated in his opinion the benefits of the proposed application outweigh the negative. Floyd Crawford, property owner and applicant, stated he had a meeting with the new Board members of Hid Valley Metro District where it was suggested to hire one operator for three plants. He added this is a great step toward cooperation. Chairman Welch reminded the applicant that in 1982 when public hearings were taking place regarding the expansion of the mobile home park, statements were made by the applicant's representative that the intention of the mobile home park extension would connect to the proposed sewer district. He stated he would like to see.a consolidated system in the El Jebel area. Mr. Crawford stated he believes the new Mid Valley Hetro District Board was more acceptable to the community and possible change. Hr. Schwartz made a statement regarding preservation of open space and the rural character. Mr. Fox stated that condition was to assure an open space buffer from the treatment plant and to use Blue Creek and the County road. Hr. Lindahl pointed out that it would be appropriate to review the Planning Commission's recommendation regarding the 500' setback versus the Staff's recommendation of 100' . Hr. Schwartz agreed to a 500' setback but the 400' difference could be put to a use. The applicant does not want to concede this area to open space and could use for commercial or industrial space. Discussion on the change of zone and use of the open space of 500' was held. Hr. Patrick spoke to the setbacks, aerators and landscaping. Mr. Bailo addressed the differences in the 100' and 500' setbacks and stated he believed that with aerators only a 100' setback is necessary. Further discussion was held on the 100' setbacks versus 500' setbacks. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve the application filed by Floyd Crawford for a permit to engage in development in a designated area of state interest related to the improvement of the El Jebel Waste Water Treatment Facilities subject to the following conditions: 1. The findings are the benefits outweigh any adverse impacts. 2. The permit be issued under the condition it is subject to 45 days delay, to attempt negotiation for consolidation with Hid Valley Metro District. 3. Staff's findings 1-3 as outlined by Hr. Fox are incorporated (see micro fiche) . 4. Staff's conditions 1-9 as outlined by Mr. Fox are incorporated (see micro fiche) . 5. The expansion of the system to serve additional units created is limited to nine or less units, and 136,000 gallons per day treatment capacity. 6. The fence must be maintained. 7. The southerly and westerly sides can have no commercial development within 200' of the high water line, and no residential development within 350' of the high water line. On the northerly side, the boundary is 50' north of the bank of Blue creek. On the easterly side, the boundary is the County road. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. In discussion, Chairman Welch clarified that if the development is producing 136,000 GPD, then no units could be added. If the applicant can add up to eight units if the capacity is less than 136,000 GPD, but it does not give the applicant approval to add additional units to get the capacity up to 136,000 GPD. Further discussion was held on the motion. Chairman Welch reiterated the 45 day waiting period is to negotiate with Mid Valley Metro District. Mr. Schwartz asked about the conditions on setbacks, the 45 day requirement, and the additional condition. Commissioner Gates explained the expansion of the system to serve additional units shall be limited to nine or less units or the equivalent thereof, or 136,000 gallons per day treatment capacity for the system. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox brought before the Board File ZS-43-90-A, El Jebel Mobile Home Park. He El Jebel MHP stated this was tabled on Hay 22 in order to obtain further information. Hr. Fox ZS-43-90-A advised his research found nothing in the record that would limit new development from connecting to El Jebel Sewer Treatment Facility. Commissioner Gustafson asked if this amendment was to replace the eight units being displaced by the Highway Department. Hr. Fox stated Staff did not review this file with replacement in mind. He reviewed Staff's recommendations from the previous hearing. • • 32 Commissioner Gustafson moved on File ZS-43-90-A, El Jebel Mobile Home Park, based on Staff's recommendations and the decision of the Crawford 1041 hearing, to approve this file. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented the next item, a license agreement between Eagle County and Agreement Castle Peak Rifle and Pistol Club. He reviewed the agreement for the Board. Castle Peak Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman the license Rifle Club agreement with the Castle Peak Rifle and Pistol Club, allowing their use of "The Eagle County Rifle Range" in Gypsum, Colorado. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Lindahl presented a proposed resolution regarding a land exchange between the Res 90-60 U.S. Forest Service and the Tennenbaums. Tennenbaums The Board reviewed the discussed the resolution. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board approve and adopt Resolution 90-60 concerning the proposed land exchange between the U.S. Forest Service and the Tennenbaums, and submit the resolution to the Colorado Congressmen and the Town of Vail. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a deed of Lots 29 and 30 in the Town of Gypsum to Billy Jean Deed to Estes. He stated the County has agreed to exchange this deed for a check in the Estes, B.J. amount of $7,000. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the sell of Lots 29 and 30 in the Town of Gypsum to Billy Jean Estes for $7,000. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to June 4 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • • .. May 29, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George "Bud" Gates Commissioner James Fritze County Manager Dick Gustafson Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Welch opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, approval of Bill Paying bill paying. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the warrants for Social Services and Eagle County for bill paying and payroll Hay 31, 1990 subject to the review of the County Manager. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, presented a proposed resolution to release Res 90-58 collateral for Basalt Industrial Park Filing #2. He stated the County holds a $6,000 Basalt Ind. Letter of Credit to secure the completion of subdivision improvements. He stated the Park Engineering Department has reviewed the improvements and advised they are complete. He recommended the collateral be reduced to 10% of the Letter of Credit for the warranty period, or $3,525. Tom Brown, Engineer, told the Board on inspection the improvements were completed to their satisfaction. Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-58, approving the release of collateral for the Basalt Industrial Park, retaining $3,525 for the 10% two-year warranty period. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a proposed resolution for release of collateral for Res 90-59 Ladybelle View Subdivision. He stated the Engineering Department is recommending the Ladybelle View collateral be released with no retainage for the warranty period. Subdivision Hr. Brown explained there is no pavement in this subdivision as the surface is gravel. He stated the retainage is usually held to repair pavement. He recommended release of the collateral. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board adopt Resolution 90-59 finding that the improvements have been satisfactorily completed, that collateralization of the warranty period is not necessary, and authorizing release of the collateral for the Ladybelle View Subdivision improvements. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. James Fritze, County Manager, presented two bids for elevator contractor, Dover in Bid Award the amount of $76,579, and Westinghouse in the amount of $78,930. Both serve the Dover Elevator Eagle area. He explained the budget amount for the elevator is $71,600 and the difference in the amounts. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board accept the bid from Dover Elevator in the amount of $76,569 since it includes the excavation of rock. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The next item introduced by Phil Scott, Engineering Technician, was bids for the Strijpe Wright 1990 centerline marking program. He stated the low bid was $19,769.40 from Strijpe Center Line Wright, and ranged up to about $26,000. The budget amount is $20,000. Marking Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Notice of Award for the 1990 Eagle County Centerline Harking Program awarding Strijpe Wright the contract in the amount of $19,769.40, subject to the review by the County Attorney. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ken Heller, Road and Bridge Assistant Supervisor, appeared to present the award of Contract a contract for gravel and gravel hauling for Brush Creek Road. He stated the low bid Pitkin Iron was from Pitkin Iron Corporation in the amount of $35,075. Corp. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board approve and accept the low bid for gravel and gravel hauling submitted by Pitkin Iron Corporation in the amount of $35,075, and, further that the Chairman be authorized to execute the agreements covering this project. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Fritze presented a proposed Letter of Commitment from Financial Guaranty Letter of Insurance Company whereby they agree to insure the refunding of revenue bond issue. Commitment He stated the premium of .6 of 1% of the total debt service on the bonds insured, and Financial a rating fee of $5,500. He continued to review the Letter. Guaranty Hr. Lindahl advised the Board had to accept the letter by May 30, 1990. Commissioner Gates moved the Board accept and authorize the Chairman to sign the Letter of Commitment for municipal bond insurance from Financial Guaranty Insurance Company. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Board of Health. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. • , 1,4 Dr. Thomas Steinberg, County Health physician, tendered his resignation as the Dr. Steinberg County Health physician. He submitted a resume for his replacement and made his Resignation recommendation to the Board. Commissioner Gates moved the Board accept the resignation of Dr. Steinberg effective July 1, 1990, as County Health physician. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of Health and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze explained to the Board of County Commissioners research he had done on Credit Unions credit unions for County Employees. His choice would be to apply to the Belco Credit Union in Denver. He stated the Colorado Central Credit Union is his second choice but he felt Belco is best. The Board asked questions regarding the credit unions. Mr. Fritze determined to get back with the answers later in the day. Keith Montag, Director of Community Development, brought before the Board a final Final Plat plat for Aspen Mountain View. He stated the applicant has requested a month's Aspen Mtn View continuance. Commissioner Gates moved to table to July 10, 1990, the final plat for Aspen Mountain View at the applicant's request. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Sid Fox, Planner, presented the next item, File PD-209-90-F3, Blue Lake Filing Blue Lake IV. He discussed the issue of land application of waste water. He spoke of the pD-209-90-F3 Colorado Department of Health citing their policy on setback separation from land application sites and new development. Staff recommended approval of the final plat with the condition of the Letter of Credit. Ron Listen, applicant's representative, spoke of heavy shrubbery along the fence to cover it. He discussed the setbacks as being 60' on Crawford's side of the fence and 20' on the Blue Lake side of the fence and he felt that is appropriate. Chairman Welch asked about the State regulation for setbacks from land application. Discussion followed on setbacks and the land application of waste water. Gene Jebico spoke to the odor and stated that during a homeowner meeting no one complained of odor. He pointed out on a plat the location of the waste water application and placement of various units. Commissioner Gates asked about the 122 units on 23.38 acres. Mr. Fox answered this is consistent with the preliminary plan previously approved. Commissioner Gustafson mentioned the visit to some ponds downstream that were damaged because of the lack of sediment control. Mr. Fox stated the gravel pit is part of the Special Use Permit. Commissioner Gustafson moved on File PD-209-90-F3, Blue Lake Filing 4, to approve the final plat application with the following conditions: 1. A Letter of Credit is established for the improvements. 2. The approval is subject to the Special Use Permit for multi family development. 3. There shall be a specific plat note pointing out there is a sewer operation nearby and there is land application of treatment water. 4. The impact of this will not be changed regardless of the results of the 1041 application regarding the sewer plant. , 5. Any construction that is done in the area which will effect water runoff into the ditches or creeks will have erosion control facilities established to prevent further damage to downstream ponds. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Fritze returned with information for the Board regarding credit unions and Credit Unions requested authorization from the Board of County Commissioners to join the Belco Unicn. He answered questions about the credit unions. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the County Manager to apply for membership in Belco Credit Union. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Another issue Mr. Fritze brought up was a final draft of the preliminary official Prelim. statement for refinancing bonds for the Justice Center. He stated he reviewed the Statement change which requires him, pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, to for Justice send a letter certifying this is in the final form except for the offering, price, Center Bonds interest rate, selling compensation, aggregate principal amounts, principal amount per maturity delivery dates, ratings, and other terms of the bond. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the preliminary official statement for the refinance of the Justice Center bond subject to a letter of opening up those conditions of the bonds which are subject to the timing and interest rates. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to May 30, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman i Commissioner Gates asxea about the cost or the system. Mr. Davis stated the proposal would cost the taxpayer about $9 per year on a $100,000 home. He continued to explain the plan for the system. Chairman Welch asked about using antennas. Hr. Davis cited other areas and how they deal with the antennas. He stated that five miles is the farthest an antenna can receive signals. Commissioner Gustafson asked Mr. Davis if he felt a conflict of interest since he is in the radio business. Mr. Davis stated he does not have a conflict of interest as he is not in the T.V. business. He stated he has been in the cable business and was asked to serve on this committee because of his expertise. Commissioner Gustafson gave his opinion that the T.V. Translator system could benefit Mr. Davis. Lynn Weiss, manager of Christy Lodge, spoke regarding the need for a T.V. Translator system because cable television is too expensive for most people. Commissioner Gustafson reiterated his opinion that if all the taxpayers are paying for the service then all taxpayers should benefit. Commissioner Gates stated he was for putting the issue on a ballot and let the people vote on it. John Martinez spoke in favor of the translator system. Willie Powell, manager of the Town of Eagle, spoke in favor of the translator system. He stated that 50% of the people do not subscribe to cable and he believes they are willing to vote for the T.V. system. Chairman Welch stated that the Board's philosophy has been they will support whatever the taxpayers want. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners call for an election on November 7, 1990 to support and operate the television translator system with an increase in the county mill levy. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. In discussion, Commissioner Gustafson stated there should be a mill levy limit, there should a standard of quality as to the type of equipment and service provided, there should be a time limit when 100% of the Eagle County citizens have the right to receive the signal, there should be financial questions answered, and a clarification of the studies. Further discussion followed on the cost and need for a translator system, specifics on the ballot, and a reasonable mill levy. Commissioner Gates amended his motion to include the conditions: 1. To receive a financial report by July 1, 1990 as a deadline to submit the report. 2. There should be a mill levy limit. 3. There should be a standard quality as to the type of equipment and service provided. 4. There should be a time limit when 100% of Eagle County citizens have the right to receive the signal. 5. There should be a clarification of the two studies received. Chairman Welch seconded the amendment to the motion. Additional discussion was held on studies provided to the Board. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the warrants submitted for bill paying. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to May 22, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 4111 ! 97 Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 30th Day April Tenn, 19 90 . —19_ PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George "Bud" Gates Commissioner James Fritze County Manager Dick Gustafson Commissioner Jchnnett.e Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Ler Hill Chairman Welch opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, a proposed e_--y 7T7t7 re solution concerning an appointment to the Cedar Hill Cemetery Association District . revin Lindahl, County Attorney, advised the Board of County Commissioners the _eenIntion was advertised and Josephine Morris indicated an interest_ in Nein- appointed to the Board of Directors. Commissioner Gates moved the Board adopt Pesolutinn 90-46 appointing Josephine Morris to the Board of Directors of the Cedar Hill Cemetery Association District f the term expiring September 2, 1994. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared nranimous. nnim of The next item was an application for the Victirs of Crime Act. p,ct A.J. Johnson, Eagle County Sheriff, appeared before the Board and explained the __ ,rni. ap=li-ation and noted this is a Federal grant application. Cormissioner Gustafson asked if the grant is 1101: funded. Sheriff Johnson explained there would be an in kind match of i8,321 but the: would be no cash contribution. James Fritze, County Manager, asked if this is a duplication of the function provided by the District Attorney. Sheriff Johnson replied no and explained the differences. ?!r. Fritze asked about a shelter or safe house, and budget and financial ratters. Sheriff Johnson explained a safe house would not be created, and the funds will be c'd by the County Treasurer. • '_'_sous=ion followed on the funding and p--os hle budget coo erns. Cermissicner Gustafson moved the Board of County Co-nissioners app:n c -_. authorize the Chairman to sign the application for the Eagle County `*ictims Assistance Fro gram. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. as_o�_S The next item was File PD-283-89-S, El Jebel Junction. Jebel F,_ Chairman Welch withdrew from the hearing as he was not present for the prior J_..:_l Jnc... _ting. He turned the meeting over to Chairman Pro-ten Gates. reith ?!cnteg, Director of Community Development, reviewed the past hearing for Yn y. .and and p _ that •� _ the t 1 'a -.i eo _. _ _ _. t _ ^!:t _.e..... ._.Q acres, or .. of _..I. t'_'1_a_ ?"r- _'T�', will bespace of the p:-_j_-t. He reminded the audience the Board of County Corr_esioners het only new test_.. _ny will be heard today. He reviewed the letters received sSr- e the ? - he-ring. Terrill Enight, applicant's representative, told the Board several meetings . __ _ held previously in the El Jebel area and the plan has been adjusted to meet public c^_ncerns. He stated the applicant has proposed to cut the commercial development by 21%, and requested a possible increase at a later date. He reiterated the proposed project is a good plan. Commissioner Gates asked about proposed changes in Highway 82. Mr. Enight replied the final design of the highway is not completed, and the highway will be along the same route as it currently is. He stated the applicant's plan has taken the highway changes into consideration. Michael Lipkin, applicant, explained the meet recent meeting on the right of way. Commissioner Gustafson asked about the size of residential lots. Mr. Lipkin replied single family lots are 60'x90' , and some corner lots are 99'x9'0' . He discussed architectural style. Chairman Welch mentioned a prior development with a western there at the time of approval and currently does not have the same theme as proposed. Victoria Caras, applicant and attorney, explained the proposed development and plans for the development. Mr. Montag summarized the letters received since the last hearing: George McQueeney initially urged a no vote but now encourages approval. Brian Gaddas has concerns of impacts on Highway 82 and is totally opposed. Attorney for Richard Fitzgerald with concerns of Willits Lane relocation. Wayne Ethridge, Pitkin County Commissioner, stating he thinks the project is _orly designee and will have negative impacts. Richard Fitzgerald opposed the new commercial develcprect and realignment cf r'illits Lane. Beverly Kiefer encouraged public hearing in the El Jebel area. John Starr favors the project. Jerry Smith stated a desperate need for employee housing. John and Denise Rapenski believes the project should be scaled down. Stephen Kuhrts states approval of the phasing and the build out of the project. Peter Delaney stated in a follow up letter reiterating his position. Mr. Lipkin explained he is attempting a workable plan with Mr. Fitzgerald and his plans for access to his property as opposed to a realignment of Willits,Lane. Discussion was held on the realignment of Willits Lane and values of surrounding operties. Commissioner Gustafson brought up concerns of irrigation ditches and potential liability to residents in the area. Mr. Lipkin explained the plan and assured the Board he realized the concerns of the public. Sid Fox, Planner, pointed out this hearing is a sketch plan hearing and the applicants can address such problems at preliminary plan. Commissioner Gustafson asked about wildlife. • • Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 30th Day April • Term, 19 9 ___19_ THE C.F.HOECKEL CO.,DENVER 37.594 Mr. Lipkin discussed the wildlife and stated he is trying to accommodate the people in the valley. Discussion was held on the issues of wood burning facilities and air quality, trash management and phasing the project. Chairman welch asked questions and made comments regarding setbacks for lots from hil!its Lane and Highway 82, internal and entrance roads. He stated he felt strongly abcct vegetation and landscaping. Commissioner Gates asked about access availability to surrounding property owners. Lipkin told the Board the Highway Department plans to acquire property for the • Commissioner Gates mentioned. the water table around the lake. Ms. Cares gave a tally of proponents and opponents as of March 30, 1990, there ere 34 in favor and 22 against, .for the project, and as of today there are 39 in favor and 23 against the El Jebel Junction Subdivision. Further discussion was held on fireplaces, size of lots and affordable housing. Commissioner Gustafson moved en File PD-283-89-5, El Jebel Junction, PUD Sketch Plan for mixed development on 151.8 acres, be approved with the following conditions: 1 . Commercial area be reduced at the applicant's request by 20t. to ultimate location and the number of access points on Highway 82 should _. ,.___t_=.te the development of a limited access highway and the final configuration shall he re-scl-ed at preliminary plan, pending final design by the Colorado Department of Highways. 3. A complete Environmental Impact Report be prepared in conformance with __ __r 3.10 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations and shall accompany the _ _ sliminar1 Plan submittal. 4 . The preliminary plan shall detail buffering along Highway 82 taking into __crount future highway expansions, and the Basalt Industrial Park and Sopris Village. 5. If wetlands are created, then customary Army Corps of Engineers 404 Permit will he required. E. The situation involving irrigation ditch safety on the property and the property on the opposite side of the road needs to be addressed at preliminary plan in order to relieve the concerns of ditch owners and potential liability. 7. The applicant is taking into consideration County services, such as bus stations, fire stations, schools, churches, etc. , at preliminary plan. 8. An acceptable agreement is worked out with Dick Fitzgerald in regards to the commercial corner. 9. Animal migration be worked into the plan along the irrigation ditches, and that animal (dog) control be instituted within the plan to avoid conflict between migrating deer and loose dogs. 10. Mitigation regarding off-site impacts on Highway 82 and Willits Lane. 11 . The project is subject to the County's plan regarding fireplaces. 12. The project will include a recycling center as agreed to by the applicants. 13. Consideration of boulevarding the main streets into the area be addressed at preliminary plan. 14. Phasing will include a schedule and guarantees of deposit or letter of credit for the appropriate amenities at the time the phasing goes in. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the bill paying. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the pays^1 for May 3, 1990, subject to the review and approval of the County Manager. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Board of Health. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ray Merry, Environmental Health Officer, appeared to discuss a water problem at the mine tailings site of Gulf + Western property. EaglehMine Dick Parachini explained how the water was being cleaned up. His opinion was that na contaminated water flowed into Cross Creek, and if the State can prove there is runoff into Cross Creek, the State will take action. Discussion continued on the tailings clean-up by Gulf + western in the Maloit Park area. Marge Gates, Director of Nursing, stated there is a human services group meeting end requested Eagle County be included at this meeting. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Board of Health and reconvene as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Jan McHugh, Animal Control Officer, discussed the amendment to the resolution regarding animal adoption contracts. Pes 90-47 Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners adopt and sign Animal P.dcpti resolution 90-47 amending the resolution authorizing Animal Shelter Staff to sign .cntracts ?Animal Adoption Contracts. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. • Ms. McHugh presented a proposed resolution regarding control and licensing of dogs and impoundment and disposition of animals. Pas 90-48 Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners adopt and sign Animal Pes.,l„tion 90-48 amending Resolution 85-65 for the control and licensing of dogs, and Licensing impoundment and disposition of animals. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 7911 • • Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 'nth Day gin, tI Term, 19 -° 19___ stern Mobile Mr. Fritze presented bids for aggregate base materials for a project in the gregate Base southern part of Eagle County. He reviewed the bids received and stated Road and £ridge accept the bid from Western Mobile in the amount of $19,875. Conmissioner Gates moved to accept the lowest bid for aggregate for general use on the south side of the County prom Western Mobile in the amount of $19,875. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. T,rroh ead PUD Mr. Merry presented the next item, File PD-139-90-A5, Arrowhead PUD Amendment. He passed out Staff recommendations regarding Arrowhead fireplace issue. He reviewed the handout regarding options and impacts of each option. Chairman Welch gave his opinion that an overall County-wide program should be studied. Discussion was held on a County-wide program to eliminate or control woodburning fireplaces. jl Bob Knowles spoke regarding the Arrowhead request for woodburning fireplaces, and he introduced John Splene who has been working on some of the same issues. Mr. Splene spoke to the Board on implementing a county-wide system on gas burning fireplaces. He stated he wanted the area in questions to be permitted same as single family in other parts of the development. Discussion followed on changing regulations for fireplaces. Mr. Splene clarified by saying the Board allow 45 units having the right to have . fireplaces and when the County implements a plan, and if a plan is not adopted then Arrowhead could have up to 126. The Board directed Staff to start the process to put together a policy on wood burning policies. Commissioner Gustafson moved on File PD-139-90-A5, to approve the PUD Amendment to the extent to allow the developer not more than 25 units subject to further review in �• the event there is no County-wide fireplace policy set, either through building permits or otherwise, and in the event there is, then the remaining fireplaces requested under the application would fall under the regulations the County adopts. j! Chairman welch seconded the motion. In discussion, further debate was held on the number of wood burning units. Question was called for on the motion. The motion passed by a vote of two for and one against. Commissioner Gates voted against the motion as he felt this might be a harassment. Staff shall have a policy by December 31, 1990. It was determined if no policy is adopted by the County, then Arrowhead will not have to debate the number of fireplaces a second time. Mr. Fritze clarified the bid for aggregate in the southern part of the county as not the low bidder cost-wise but the haul is 16 miles longer per load and this was calculated at $1.00 per ton. The price difference was based on the difference in hauling. The Board concurred. a_7 Energency Mr. Fritze presented the next item, the County participation and implementation of 3ical .Svc Local Emergency Medical Services Grant Program. He reviewed Senate Bill 34 in which agencies must provide copies of grant application for emergency medical services. Requests were made by Minturn Volunteer Fire Department, Western Eagle County Ambulance District, Gypsum Fire Department, Town of Avon, and the Eagle County Ambulance District, in addition to Eagle County Emergency Planning Commission. He stated the purpose is to make the Board aware of the situation and determine what procedure to prioritize requests. Mr. Fritze reviewed the requests. The Board determined to make a decision at the meeting of May 7, 1990. -^17_91_r3 Mr. Fox presented the next item, File FD-207-90-F3 Blue Lake Filing 4. He asked Lake this be tabled to May 29, 1990, at the applicant's request, to allow time to receive from the Board of Health. Commissioner Gates moved to table File PD-207-90-F3 to May 29, 1990, at the applicant's request. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. n -4? Mr. Lindahl presented a proposed resolution re-appointing Peter Monroe to the lding Boar,3 1 Building Board of Appeals. preals Aprt Jerry Best asked that Fred Kessler be appointed and in order to have the req=wire*' number of members to hold a meeting on May 2, 1990. �) Discussion followed on whether or not there would be a conflict of interest if Fred Kessler was appointed. It was determined Mr. Kessler could maintain an objective opinion. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners adopt and sign Resolution 90-49 appointing Peter Monroe and Fred Kessler to the Building Board of Appeals. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. -d Stamp Jim Scholer, Director of Social Services, appeared to discuss a Cooperative +icir,rion Agreement between Eagle County and Pitkin County for a Food Stamp Participation -serene Agreement. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement as presented by Mr. Scholer. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. '*.r_57?-9, Mr. Fox presented a final plat for Soderberg Subdivision, Filing 1, File SM-592-89 d_rherg and the Subdivision Improvements Agreement. Mr. Lindahl discussed the SIA as signed by the applicants. He advised he has reviewed the Letter of Credit and the agreement and he recommended approval. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the Subdivision Improvements Agreement for the Soderberg subdivision. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. loo • • • Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 30th. Day April Term, 19 9�, ____19— THE C. F.HOECKEL CO., DENVER 370208 t!r. Lindahl asked the Board to approve an amendment to the Soderberg Subdivision Soderberg Improvements Agreement that changes the bank for the Letter of Credit from World Letter/Credit Savings and Loan to Alpine Bank of Snowmass. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the amendment as presented by Hr. Lindahl. Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 7cm7issioner Gates moved to approve the final plat and authorize the Chairman to Final Plat =igr the plat for Soderberg Subdivision Filing 1. Sodertor., c7n'issioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. • Tab Childress, architect for the County Administration Building, requested a :^' ti ildr_- _ increase in their contract fee due to an increase in scope of wort. Amendment !!r. Fri`ce stated to the extent space was added in the Assessor's office that I there was a change in scope. Hr. Lindell] reviewed the contract and pointed out the portion of the contract requ.iril3 adjustment. He pointed out team insurance should be acquired and it cannot • he obtained at this time. Mr. Childress discussed having team insurance for the period of three years. Discussion followed on how to get money for the 50,000 square feet. The Board determined to review the budget and determine where the money can come from. The Board of County Commissioners directed Staff to amend the contract to reflect F'.! increase in the sire of the building and an increase of S59,000, and to accept the proposal on insurance and to bill the County when it is done. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to !cay 8, 1990. Attet! / / / 3L erk to the Boar. Chair'.n • • (1z April 24, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney Present: Don Welch County Manager George "Bud" Gates Commissioner James Fritze Budget & info Dir. Dick Gustafson Commissioner Allen in JohnnettePhillipsClerk to the Board Planning Commission: Don Price Charles Ridgway Dave Mott Chairman tBWelchi opened pared he meeting inform the Board regaCounty rding bond refunding.Commissioners. He passed Stan Bernstein app_ out a handout for the Board to review. This is to refinance bonds of the Justice Center to revise the debt service for addition an to the Justice Center. The Board Bond Refunding questioned the County Treasurer on the money that was invested and if it could become readily available for use. Mary Walker, County Treasurer, stated it may be possible to make the money available. The Board continued to discuss the structure of the bonds, savings to the County, and expenditures for restructuring of same. The Board directed Mr. Sartin to review the concepts and return with a recommendation on a plan and return at noon for a discussion. The next item was the continued hearing on Floyd Crawford's 1041 Permit application. Commissioner Gustafson mentioned he felt he has a conflict regarding this hearing Crawford 1041 as mentioned at the prior hearing. He excused himself from the hearing. Joe Wells, sworn to testify by Johnnette Phillips, Eagle County Clerk and Permit Appl. Recorder, discussed compatibility issues and consistency with the Eagle County Master Plan. He pointed out the location of the project on the Sub-Area Master Plan of El Jebel. Kevin Patrick and Allen Schwartz, attorneys for Mr. Crawford, answered questions regarding the expansion. Sid Fox, Planner, reiterated this 1041 permit would allow an extension up to capacity including improvements. Peter Balo, engineer for Mr. Crawford, told the Board this 1041 permit would include approval for 10 additional lines up to the facility capacity. Nicholas Goluba, attorney for Mid Valley Metro District, asked about the improved construction of additional exfiltration ponds and 25 acres instead of 15 acres for land treatment. Mr. Wells answered he did not consider this as an expansion as the current treatment plant can treat up to 136,000 gallons of waste and they are not exceeding that amount. Mr. Goluba continued to question Mr. Wells regarding the land use codes and the facility. Judy Neilson asked if Mr. Crawford intends to run the improved plant. Mr. Wells stated his belief Mr. Crawford would be running plant. Ms. Neilson told the Board she believed the plant should be run by a certified sanitarian. Mr. Schwartz stated Mr. Crawford has retained an operator to assist him in the operation of the plant and he is licensed. Mr. Patrick stated they registered their objection to Mid valley having more than the 15 minutes for their presentation, however, they agreed to giving Mid Valley 45 minutes. Mr. Goluba reviewed exhibits presented Mid Valley Metropolitan District. Mr. Patrick objected to testimony of Mr. Goluba and requested that Mr. Goluba be sworn to testify is he continued the same line of testimony. Mr. Patrick asked the Board consider Mr. Goluba's testimony as hearsay. Mr. Goluba continued reviewing the exhibits. He reviewed the brief to be submitted. Mr. Patrick questioned Mr. Goluba on the letter of June 17, 1988. Mr. Goluba read the portion of the letter regarding proper land application. Mr. Patrick submitted a letter dated October 6, 1988, a rebuttal letter. He continued to question Mr. Goluba on Mid Valley's exhibits. Ms. Neilson asked Mr. Goluba if he knew that polio virus tests were done on her property. Mr. Goluba replied no. Paul Adams was sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips. He testified on water tests on the property and quality of the water. He spoke to the results of the test wells and why the well was plugged. He discussed improvements made to Crawford waste water Treatment Plant. He reviewed negotiations with Mr. Crawford to join the Mid Valley District. Mr. Patrick cross examined Mr. Adams regarding test wells being plugged and why Mid Valley is opposing Hr. Crawford's upgrades. He also questioned his testimony on negotiations with Hid Valley and Mr. Crawford and plant upgrades. He presented exhibits regarding negotiations. Mr. Schwartz questioned Mr. Adams on offers from Mid Valley to Mr. Crawford. He asked if he knew Jim Vanderver, and he submitted a letter written to Mr. Vanderver from Mr. Adams. Ms. Neilson asked if she had been hired to take pictures of the Crawford Treatment Plant and if water was flowing into Blue Creek. Mr. Adams replied yes to both questions. • • ( 3 Louis Meyer was sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips. He gave his professional background and stated health concerns. He asked to submit information regarding his concerns. He testified to some problems he had with the Crawford sewage treatment plant. He mentioned land applications. He stated his opinion the facility should be consolidated with Hid Valley Metro District. Mr. Mott asked about the difference between Hid Valley and Crawford's Plant. Mr. Meyer explained the treatment of sewage for both plants and mentioned problems with gasses. Commissioner Gates asked what the probable pollution source is and asked if dye has been injected to determine the source. Mr. Meyer stated all sources are probable. Mr. Patrick questioned Mr. Meyer on his deposition indicating water was in compliance. Mr. Meyer answered he has concerns since his deposition. Mr. Patrick further questioned Mr. Meyer on the type of casing used in wells and type of construction of production wells D and E. He extensively questioned Mr. Meyer on his testimony. Chairman Welch asked about amenity ponds. Mr. Meyer pointed out on a map the location of the amenity ponds. Ms. Neilson asked questions on pesticides and effects on her ponds. Mr. Adams asked what improvements should be made with future growth. Mr. Meyer related his concerns of the need for improvement. Mr. Goluba had re-direct questions regarding ground water pollution and improvements to the wells. Mr. Patrick re-cross examined Mr. Meyer regarding sanitary surveying and sampling of fecal choloform. Hr. Meyer responded about some tests performed. Mr. Goluba questioned Mr. Meyer regarding test results to the Crawford wells. Ms. Neilson, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, testified regarding water test results of fecal choloform and problems with her fish ponds. Commissioner Gates questioned Ms. Neilson about her ponds. Ms. Neilson stated he wanted to go on record saying the land application causes pollution in her ponds. Further questions and answers followed on water tests and results, land application and discharges into Blue Creek. Mr. Schwartz gave final testimony and pointed out the application is an upgrade and not an expansion of the treatment plant. He stated the plant will continue to operate in an environmentally responsible manner. He capsulized some testimony of various individuals. Commissioner Gates moved to accept the applicant's exhibits, exhibits from'Mid Valley, and photographs presented by Ms. Neilson, into the record. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Welch declared the Crawford 1041 Permit hearing closed. Allen Sartin, Director of Budget and Information System, and Stan Bernstein appeared again to discuss the restructure of bonds. He reviewed changes and amounts Bond to be realized by the County. Restructure Commissioner Gustafson clarified this would not increase the debt. Mr. Sartin explained he was looking to free up some funds to the Justice Center. Further discussion was held on how the debt would be restructured to help the debt service payments. Discussion followed on the dollar amount needed for motor pool, road and bridge, and social services, and how deficit spending and fund balances can be resolved. Mr. Sartin advised to cash fund as much as practical $100,000 items. He stated the S1.5 million option and possibly cut some projects over the next three to five years. Mr. Lindahl asked the Board to make a decision on who to turn over bond company. Mr. Sartin and Mr. Bernstein reviewed the proposals for the Board. Commissioner Gates moved the bond restructuring be done by Coughlin and Company, and Kevin, Ballard, Spahr. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mary Walker, County Treasurer, stated her concern that the money for the Justice Center be reserved. Ray Merry, Environmental Health Officer, appeared to discuss the next item of sludge containment structure expansion design report. Sludge Bill Owen introduced himself, Ed Barenberg, Mike Poeckes, and Dick Lindow. He Containment reviewed the handout submitted and discussed the construction of the expansion of the Structure structure. Mr. Barenberg pointed out on a drawing how the structure will be constructed and materials to be used for the construction of the sludge containment structure expansion. Don Fessler and Commissioner Gustafson asked questions regarding the materials the road will be constructed with and the width of the road. The Board asked questions on the monitoring wells and what would be done if pollution is found in the ground water. Mr. Poeckes spoke to sludge sampling and reports made to health agencies. Questions from the Board were asked regarding odor and how sludge is handled. The next item on the agenda was File PD-139-90-A5, Arrowhead PUD Amendment. Keith Montag. Director of Community Development, reviewed the file and pointed out PD-139-90-A5 the changes on the PUD. Arrowhead Bill Jennings, Arrowhead representative, asked the third phase to be allowed to use wood burning fireplaces in single family and duplex structures. He reviewed the PUD amendment dated July 3, 1989 regarding wood burning fireplaces. Discussion on the number of woodburning units approved in other subdivisions and how to enforce the ban on woodburning was held. • • CIL( Staff recommended approval of the Arrowhead PUD and the Planning Commission recommended approval. Mr. Jennings asked if Beaver Creek changed their fireplace regulations since July of 1989. He spoke regarding the reason for the change and why they are attempting to change to allow woodburning in units in multifamily units. Discussion followed on approval of the amendment and the air pollution problems caused by woodburning devices and reaching an equitable decision for all subdivisions. Commissioner Gustafson moved to table File PD-139-90-A5, Arrowhead PUD Amendment, to May 1, 1990 at 2:50. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of two to one. Commissioner Gates voted against the motion. Sid Fox, Planner, presented File PD-209-90-F4, Blue Lake Filing IV, a request for pD-209-90-F4 final plat approval. He pointed out on a map the location of the project. Blue Lake F4 Commissioner Gustafson reminded the Board the hearing was tabled as state standards requirements be clarified regarding how far houses must be from sewage treatment plant. Mr. Fox stated staff identified potential conflict of land application as no regulations apply only to setbacks from treatment plants. Ron Lister spoke to setbacks to treatment plants and land application. Mr. Lindahl reviewed the State Division of Health policy with regard to land treatment plant and land application setbacks. Further Board discussion on the relationship of the sewage treatment plant and land application to Blue Lake Subdivision. Mr. Montag asked the Board to consider mitigation of the potential impact. He suggested berms, fencing and landscaping. He questioned if the Board of County with safety were more concernedY or health issues. regarding re Peter Craven, representing the developer, spoke g g the policy being reviewed and stated this was not a regulation and advised a fence could mitigate the problem. He suggested a plat restriction be added to the plat. Chairman Welch suggested a plat note be used and suggested Staff call the Colorado Department of Health so the Board of County Commissioners may hear the answer to this question. Keith Montag, Community Development Director, presented file number ZS-283-89, ZS-283-89 Beaver Valley Golf Academy. He informed the Board of County Commissioners the Beaver Valley applicant was requesting this matter be tabled to May 15, 1990 to allow their attorney Golf Academy to attend the hearing. Commissioner Gustafson moved to table file number ZS-283-90, Beaver Valley Golf Academy to May 15, 1990 at 9:00 am, at the applicants request. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Keith Montag informed the Board file number ZS-195-90-A, Eagle-Gypsum Products was ZS-195-90-A advertised to May 8, 1990 and that hearing date has been cancelled. Eagle/Gypsum Commissioner Gustafson moved to table ZS-195-90-A, Eagle-Gypsum Products to May Products 15, 1990 at 2:30 pm. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, asked the Board to authorize the Chairman and UMPTA Grant County Manager to sign the U.M.P.T.A. Grant for the County bus system requesting federal funds. Commissioner Gustafson moved to authorize the Chairman and County Manager to sign the U.M.P.T.A. Grant requesting federal funds for the County bus system. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved, regarding a telephone conversation with the PD-209-90-F3 Department of Health, file PD-209-90-F3, Blue Lake Subdivision, Filing be tabled Blue Lake F4 to April 30, 1990. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. At this time Chairman Welch left the hearing to attend another meeting. Chairman Pro-tem Gates asked Mr. Montag to continue with his presentation. Jim Citta, Summit View, Inc. , gave background information regarding Aspen Mountain Summit View View Subdivision, also known as Oak Ridge III. Keith Montag stated Staff recommends this matter be tabled until the Subdivision Improvements Agreement is finalized. He stated the final plat does conform to the approved Preliminary Plan and the County Land Use Regulations. Mr. Citta addressed the issues regarding finalization of the Subdivision Improvements Agreement. Larry Metternick, County Engineer, informed the Board of County Commissioners there is approximately three quarters of a mile of roadway to be fixed at S50.00 per foot or S190,000.00. Commissioner Gustafson stated the taxpayers do not want to pay for up-grading the road and he does not want to hold up the current application for the negligence of the previous applicant. Mr. Citta discussed the problems with the road. Discussion continued on the roads and necessary road improvements. Tom Brown, County Project Engineer, explained to the Board the upcoming projects in the Engineering Department. Mr. Citta asked for a time frame on road improvements. Commissioner Gustafson asked about re-designing the subdivision. Mr. Citta asked the Board to consider the road in two sections rather than one. Tom Brown spoke of County right-of-way. Jim Kunkel, Johnson, Kunkel and Associates, spoke of design speed for this development. Tom Brown mentioned County standards for certain roads. • • Mr. Citta disputed making the road then the County not amend the regulations. Commissioner Gustafson suggested the County Engineering Department, Planning Department and applicant try to resolve the problems in one of the following ways. 1. Restructure the subdivision 2. Reasonable estimate of the upgrade of the road and what the applicant should pay. Commissioner Gustafson moved to table Aspen Mountain View Subdivision to May 22, 1990. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Welch was not present at the afternoon session of this hearing. Sid Fox, Environmental Health Officer, presented file number SU-121-90-A, Old SU-121-90-A Edwards Estates, Filing 52. He informed the Board this application was a proposal to Old Edwards amend the Preliminary Plan to resubdivide lots 7 through 15 to create fourteen lots. Estates He pointed out on a plat the location of the property. Mr. Fox submitted petitions in agreement with the proposal. He read letters from the following individuals: 1. Mr. & Mrs. Rothman, opposing the proposal 2. Gerald Schmidt, one letter in opposition, one letter of support after speaking with the applicant 3. Mr. & Mrs. Trtanj, one letter opposing, one letter in support after questions were answered 4. John Grobecker, against the proposal 5. Mr. & Mrs. Oronato, expressing concern with additional traffic 6. Thomas Sera, opposed to the proposal 7. Mr. & Mrs. Goode, in opposition to the proposal Mr. Fox gave the history of the subdivision. He stated Staff recommends approval with the following conditions: 1. Payment of off-site road impacts. 2. Fisherman's access easement. 3. Open space to the middle of the river. Jim Fritze, County Manager, stated it sounds like a taking. Bill Williams, applicant, explained the bike path and bridge, pedestrian easements and road easements. He thought the County was changing their attitude new toward the subdivision. He stated the County could have a potential problem with giving the river bottom to the fisherman as there would be no one to maintain that parcel of land. Jim Fritze stated the property should remain in private hands and the County require an easement. Mr. Williams stated he would agree if the easement were a condition but is concerned about trespassing and liability. Mr. Fritze stated it appears that extraction would be a taking without confrontation on a resubdivision. He recommended the subdivision remain the same. The County would be adding a burden on the existing Homeowners Association. Bill Williams questioned payment of off-site road impact fees and what the money was to be used for as the roads are finished. Mr. Fox stated the off-site road impacts refer to the new lots. Mr. Williams stated he is reducing the density and does not agree with the off-site road fees. Mr. Fox stated the density of the entire subdivision will be reduced but he did not agree to the density being reduced for these particular lots. He informed the Board the Staff believes these lots are single family lots as they currently exist. Tom Brown, County Engineering Department, stated there will be additional traffic and informed the Board Staff is asking 51,000.00 extra per lot for a total of S5,000.00. Further discussion followed on the off-site road impacts. Commissioner Gustafson moved file number SU-121-90-A, Old Edwards Estates, the resubdivision of lots be approved with the following conditions: 1. There shall be a road site improvement of 5500.00 per lot for the additional lots. That money shall be ear-marked for additional maintenance for that subdivision. 2. The building envelope shall be adjusted to reflect set-backs from the Eagle River which are reflected in the Preliminary Plat. 3. There shall be no further subdivision of these lots. 4. An easement shall be granted from the floodplain to the center of the river on lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 & 14, for an access to the river. Chairman Pro-tem seconded the motion. In discussion, Sid Fox questioned the 5500.00 per lot for off-site road improvements. Commissioner Gustafson stated he felt 51,000.00 per lot was too high and preferred to see it set at 5500.00 per lot. Bill Williams questioned the 100 year floodplain or the high water mark. Commissioner Gustafson amended his motion, condition i4, to read an easement shall be granted from the high water mark to the center of the river on lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the amendment. Of the two voting Commissioners the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Pro-tem Gates called for the question on the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the vote was declared unanimous. Sid Fox stated the next item on the agenda was an amendment to the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. He stated the amendment concerns accessory structure. Mr. Fox Land Use peas stated the proposal is to add to the existing definition, "less than 850 square feet, Amendment and which does not contain habitable space." He related the concern was the abuse of existing structures as out-buildings and constructing new units on lots that were not necessarily zoned for two units. Commissioner Gustafson questioned publication. Mr. Fox informed the Board this matter was published and there has been no comment from the public. He stated the Planning Commission approved this amendment at their last meeting. s • Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board approve the presented Eagle County Land Use Regulation as presented. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the Final Plat vote was declared unanimous. BC Condos Keith Montag presented a final plat for the Pines Townhomes at Beaver Creek Condominiums, file number SM-654-90. He requested the Board approve the final plat. Commissioner Gustafson moved to authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the final plat for Pines Townhomes at Beaver Creek Condominiums. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the vote was declared unanimous. Keith Montag presented the final plat for Lot 26A, Basalt Industrial Park, Filing Final Plat a2, SU-190-90-AF. He stated the County Attorney and County Surveyor have approved Basalt Ind Park this plat. Commissioner Gustafson moved to authorize the Chairman Pro-tem to sign the final plat for Lot 26A, Basalt Industrial Park, Filing 42. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the vote was declared unanimous. Jim Fritze mentioned a telephone call from the County Attorney requesting the Tannabaum Land Board of County Commissioners to take action authorizing the signing of a Resolution Exchange in opposition to the Tannabaum Land Exchange. Discussion followed on the proposed land exchange. Commissioner Gustafson moved to direct staff to prepare a resolution in opposition to the Tannabaum Land Exchange. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the vote was declared unanimous. Jim Fritze stated the next matter is a continued hearing regarding to the proposed Bond Refunding refunding of the Sales Tax Revenue Bonds. The Board had decided previously on an underwriter or counsel. He stated Staff needs direction as to the size of the refund structure. Allen Sartin, Director of Budget & Information Systems, informed the Board the figures were based on the previously submitted information which may change slightly based on interest rate changes. He informed the Board the back-end costs will be between $400,000.00 and $500,000.00 taking from 1988 and extending the debt to the year 2001. Further discussion followed on the refunding of the Sales Tax Revenue Bonds. Commissioner Gustafson moved to accept the recommendation of the finance department and county manager to approve the refunding of the sales tax revenue bonds for the purpose of raising between $1,500,000.00 and $1,600,000.00 depending upon interest rates. This shall be done before June 1, 1990 to take advantage of the up-coming payment. This is for the benefit of taking advantage of lower interest rates which will ultimately help the taxpayers. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to April 30, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • • • 121 April 23, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George "Bud" Gates Commissioner James Fritze County Manager Dick Gustafson Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Welch opened the meeting and announced the first item as stipulations Stipulation Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, presented a stipulation for Lynn T. Weiss, Docket Weiss, Lynn »12348. He stated the stipulation reduces the total amount from S208,730 to 3170,000. Commissioner Gustafson asked why this property was reduced. Mr. Lindahl stated sales were brought to the Assessor which would make an adjustment necessary. Ruth Bergland, appraiser in the Assessor's office, gave the Board justification of the reduction in value. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the stipulation with Lynn T. Weiss for settlement of the BAA appeal for the 1989 tax year. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Allen Sartin, Director of Budget and Information System, presented a resolution Res 90-44 adopting budget and appropriation of unanticipated revenues for fiscal year 1990. Supplementary Commissioner Gates moved the Board adopt Resolution 90-44 adopting a supplementary Budget budget and appropriation of unanticipated revenues for fiscal year 1990, and authorizing the transfer of budgeted and appropriated monies between various spending agencies. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. James Fritze, County Manager, presented a resolution authorizing expenditure from Res 90-45 the contingency fund for payment of legal services for airport litigation. Legal Services Commissioner Gustafson moved to adopt Resolution 90-45 authorizing expenditure from the contingency fund for the payment of the legal services bill for airport litigation. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented the next stipulation from Writer-Vail & Co. , Schedule 8887. Stipulation He stated the original total valuation was $577,540 and should be adjusted to Writer-Vail $409,460. Discussion followed on the change of valuation. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and the Chairman be authorized to sign the stipulation and agreement for settlement and motion for dismissal with prejudice between Writer-Vail & Co. and Eagle County Board of Equalization. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. The motion passed with two votes for and one vote against. Commissioner Gustafson voted against and explained he believes this stipulation is inequitable with other area values. The next abatement was from Janet Dunn and Georgene Burton. Mr. Lindahl stated Abatement the original value as adjusted by the Board of Equalization on the property was Dunn & Burton $17,890. He stated the unit is obsolete and the total value should further be adjusted to $13,660. Ms. Bergland explained the unit is extremely small. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the stipulation with Janet Dunn and Georgene Burton, Docket »1183, for settlement of the Board of Assessment Appeals. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented the next item, Basalt Trade Associates, Schedule Numbers Stipulation 27872, 27874 and 27875. He reviewed the stipulation for the Board. Basalt Trade Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the Associates stipulation with Basalt Trade Associates, for settlement of the Board of Assessment Appeals for the 1989 tax year on Schedule Numbers 27872, 27874 and 27875. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. The motion passed with two votes for and one vote against. Commissioner Gates stated he voted no because he felt it made an undue burden on the taxpayers. The next item was Basalt Trade Associates, Schedule Numbers 29421, 29422, 29423, Stipulation 29424, 29425, 29435, 29435, 29436, 29433, 29432, 29431, 29429, 32338, and 32339. He Basalt Trade stated the adjustment is similar to the previous stipulation heard. Associates Bob Haefliger, appraiser, explained the cost per square foot. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the stipulation as presented by Mr. Lindahl with Basalt Trade Associates for settlement of the Board of Assessment Appeals for 1989 tax year for the various schedules read by Hr. Lindahl. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion Commissioner Gates stated he was not comfortable with the stipulation even though it is a state statute. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. • • G�'6 Mr. Lindahl presented the next stipulation for Doyle M. and Ludwig Ritsch, Stipulation Schedule Number 27351, original actual value was $117,600 and should be reduced to Ritsch, Dorel $49,000. Mr. Haefliger explained the erroneous value on the property and believed that $49,00 is a better market value. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the stipulation on Schedule Number 27351, Doyle H. and Ludwig Ritsch. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The next stipulation was for Cynthia Fowler Jacobson & Thomas Jacobson, Schedule Stipulation 10230, and Clinton G. Ames, Jr. & Doris M. Ames, Schedule No. 21134. He explained the Jacobson Assessor believed the value placed on the land was too high for certain units on Forrest Road. He recommended that the value on Schedule 410230 be reduced from $603,930 to $403,930, and on Schedule f21123 from $350,780 to $250,780. John Sternig, appraiser in the Assessor's office, explained the new value is based on other area values. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the stipulation settlement for Cynthia Fowler Jacobson and Thomas Jacobson, Schedule 110230, and for Clinton G. Ames, Jr. & Doris M. Ames, Schedule 421123, for the 1989 tax year. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Lindahl presented the first liquor license for Snowshoe, Inc. , dba Hole Eleven Liq Lic at the Eagle/Vail Golf Course. Hole 11 Brian O'Reilley, representing the applicant David Smith, stated the application was tabled about two weeks ago in order to allow the applicants file an updated personal history. Hr. Lindahl stated the appropriate documents are filed with the Clerk and Recorder's office. He recommended approval. He added the neighborhood and the need for this license has been established since there was a previous license at this location. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the new hotel and restaurant liquor license with optional premises for Snowshoe, Inc. dba Hole Eleven at 16 Eagle Vail Road, Eagle/Vail, Colorado. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Lindahl presented an application for a new tavern license for Yarmony, Inc. Liq Lic dba State Bridge Lodge in Bond, Colorado. He stated this was a previously licensed State Bridge premise. He reviewed the file and recommended approval. Lodge @ Bond Vicki Dively, applicant, was present for the hearing. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the application for a new tavern license for Yarmony, Inc. dba State Bridge Lodge located 0127 Trough Road, Bond, Colorado. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Lindahl presented a renewal application for a retail liquor store license for Liq Lic Wolcott Partners, Inc. dba Wolcott Liquor Store in Wolcott, Colorado. He stated the Wolcott Liquor application is complete and recommended approval. Store Commissioner Gustafson moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal of a retail liquor store license for malt, vinous and spiritous liquor for Wolcott Partners, inc. dba Wolcott Liquor Store located at 27190 Highway 76, Unit A, Wolcott, Colorado. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a renewal application for a 3.2% beer retail license for Liq Lic Wolcott Corner Store. He recommended approval. Wolcott Corner Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve Store the renewal of a 3.2% beer retail license for Wolcott Partners, Inc. dba Wolcott Corner Store located at 27190 Highway 6, Unit B, Wolcott, Colorado. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a renewal application for a hotel and restaurant liquor Lick Lic license for Eagle Vail Restaurant Group, Ltd. , dba Paddy's in Eagle/Vail, Colorado. Paddy's He stated there was one incident reported by the Sheriff's office due to unwanted patrons. He reviewed the application and recommended approval. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal of a hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours for Eagle Vail Restaurant Group, Ltd. , dba Paddy's located at 40801 Highway 6 & 24 in Eagle/Vail, Colorado. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to table Shrine Mountain Inn, Lodge at Cordillera and Fireside Lodge to 2:00 p.m. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. After reconvening at 2:00 p.m. , Mr. Lindahl presented an application for the Liq Lic transfer of ownership for Shrine Mountain Inn. He advised the license is a hotel and Shrine Mtn restaurant liquor license with extended hours. He reviewed the transfer for the Board's information. He recommended approval. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the application for transfer of ownership for Shrine Mountain Inn, inc. , dba Shrine Mountain Inn for a hotel and restaurant liquor license with extended hours located at the South 1/2 Tract 37 located in unincorporated Eagle County. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 1 9/ Mr. Lindahl presented an application for a manager registration for Kensington Liq Lic Management Corporation dba the Lodge at Cordillera. He stated the new manager is Cordillera Harry N. Goldstein as the registered manager. He advised a background check has been completed and there was no record found. He recommended approval. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the manager registration naming and approving Henry N. Goldstein as the registered manager for Kensington Management Corporation dba The Lodge at Cordillera located at 2205 Cordillera Way, Edwards, Colorado. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented the next liquor license renewal application from The Liq Lic Fireside Lodge. He stated the application and fees have been submitted. He Fireside Lodge recommended approval. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the renewal of a tavern liquor license with extended hours for Gwendolyn J. Braatz, dba the Fireside Lodge located at 17021 Highway 131, Bond, Colorado. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a retainer agreement between Eagle County Board of County Retainer Commissioners and the Eagle County Board of Social Services that directs the County Agreement Attorney to perform certain legal requirements for the benefit of the Department of w/BSS Social Services and the Board of Social Services. He explained the retainer agreement and stated the old retainer agreement had not been or upgraded renewed since 1985. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and the Chairman be authorized to sign the retainer agreement between the Eagle County Board of Social Services and the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Board of Social Services. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of Social Services approve and the Chairman Retainer be authorized to sign the retainer agreement between Eagle County Board of Social Agreement Services and the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of w/BCC Colorado. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to adjourn as the Board of Social Services and reconvene as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Jim Scholer, Director of Social Services, presented to the Board of County FY 91 Alter- Commissioners a County FY 91 Alternative Placement Plan. He reviewed the placement native Place- plan regarding children that have been placed in foster homes. He requested the Board went Plan approve the plan although the State may not approve the plan. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and the Chairman be authorized to sign the County FY 91 Alternative Placement Plan. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Larry Metternick, County Engineer, presented bids for the 1990 chip seal program GMCO and stated the low bidder was GMCO in the amount of S312,423,67. 90 Chip Seal Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign, after review by the County Attorney, the Notice of Award for the 1990 Eagle County Chip Seal Program awarding GMCO Corporation the contract. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. James Fritze, County Manager, presented an amendment to the Articles of NWCCOG Association of the NWCCOG. He asked the Board to ratify the amendments and reviewed Articles the amendments for the Board. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Ratification of Articles of Association of the Northwest Colorado Council of Governments, as adopted by the Council's Board of Directors on March 22, 1990 by Resolution 1990-1. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve warrants of April 23, 1990 as presented. Warrants Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to approve warrants for payments of April 24, 1990. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to approve warrants submitted by Social Services. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to April 24, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 4 ! 3 April 10, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Kevin Lindahl County Attorney Dick Gustafson Commissioner Sid Fox Planner James Fritze County Manager Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Absent: Don Welch Chairman This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Pro-tem Gates opened the meeting with the first item and stated Chairman G-57-89 Welch was out of town. Chapin Sid Fox, Planner, introduced the first item, File G-57-89, Chapin/Easement Vacation. He reviewed the project description, site data, and discussed the concerns and issues. He stated Staff recommended approval and advised the Board all adjacent property owners have been notified, and the Eagle Vail Metropolitan District have signed off. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve File G-57-89, the vacation of the utility easement as recommended by Staff and approved by the Planning Commission. He further stated there are no objections from any utility companies involved in the easement. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. The next item was File ZS-284-89, Cunningham/Turgeon SUP. Mr. Fox stated this is ZS-284-89 a request for an extension of water line in the Townsite of Fulford. He reviewed the Turgeon project description, site data, chronology, and staff findings. He stated Staff recommended approval with the following conditions: 1. When the water system is operating and available to the public, monthly bacteriological water samples must be submitted to the Eagle County Environmental Health Office. 2. Eagle County shall not be held liable for the quality and quantity of the water supplied from the Fulford water supply. 3. An as-built site plan must be submitted to the Department of Community Development within 30 days after construction. The Planning Commission recommended approval. Commissioner Gustafson questioned the second condition and stated Eagle County has never guaranteed a water system. Mr. Fox stated he wanted to avoid implication the County would guarantee the water system. Mr. Turgeon stated he would like to avoid returning for future extensions and asked if they could rely on the Board of Directors to extend water lines to other places in the Townsite of Fulford with the same provisions in this request. Mr. Fox read from the regulations regarding future expansions. Chairman Pro-tem Gates asked about pipelines being on private property. Mr. Turgeon explained the pipeline was on Steve Smith's property and stated Mr. Smith gave an easement for the water line, and the water line is on one foot of Mr. Smith's property. The Board concurred there would be no problem. Commissioner Gustafson moved on File ZS-284-89, Cunningham/Turgeon SUP, to approve the Staff's and Planning Commission's recommendation for the Special Use Permit to allow the extension of the water line for fire protection and domestic use in Fulford with the following conditions: 1. When the water system is operating and available to the public, monthly bacteriological water samples must be submitted to the Eagle County Environmental Health Office. 2. Eagle County shall not be held liable for the quality and quantity of the water supplied from the Fulford water supply. 3. An as-built site plan must be submitted to the Department of Community Development within 30 days after construction. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Keith Montag, Director of Community Development, presented File PD-139-90-A5, PD-139-90-A5 Arrowhead PUD Amendment. He reviewed the background information, proposal, chronology Arrowhead and master plan designation. He discussed Staff findings and stated Staff and the Eagle and Colorado Valley Planning Commission recommended approval. Bill Jennings, representative of Arrowhead, stated his agreement with Staff recommendations. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, reviewed for the Board the PUD Amendment of July 3, 1989. He told the Board 1543 units converted to gas fireplaces and to rid Arrowhead of all units of woodburning fireplaces. Mr. Montag stated his belief as there are no other subdivision restrictions on fireplaces, it would unjust to impose restrictions on Arrowhead. Tom Brown, Engineer, related to the Board restrictions of other subdivisions of wood and gas fireplaces. Mr. Jennings questioned Mr. Brown's statement regarding the restrictions. Discussion followed on the consistency of County standards for requiring gas fireplaces and restricting woodburning fireplaces. Commissioner Gustafson moved to table File PD-139-90-A5 until later in order to obtain additional information regarding County standards. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. • • Mr. Fox presented File PD-207-90-F3, Blue Lake, Filing IV, Final Plat. He PD-207-90-F3 reviewed the project description, site data, chronology. He pointed out the location Blue Lake on a map. He discussed major concerns and issues. Commissioner Gustafson raised the issue concerning setbacks from sewer treatment plants and possible problems if regulations are not adhered to. Discussion was held on the setbacks for waste water treatment plants from developments. Mr. Lindahl gave his opinion of responsible parties if harm is caused by the waste treatment plant. Commissioner Gustafson asked if the Board would be making a decision that would affect one party or the other before the El Jebel 1041 hearing is concluded. He stressed the decision to approve the final plat for Blue Lake should not be used as an argument for or against regarding the El Jebel/Crawford Waste Water Treatment Plant. Blue Lake applicants stated they did not believe it was a concern. Commissioner Gustafson called for executive session. Upon return, Chairman Pro-tem Gates stated he would accept a motion. Commissioner Gustafson stated in light of the fact any decision made regarding this file could have an effect on the applicant or the opponent of the 1041 Hearing for El Jebel Waste Water Treatment Plant, and since there was an extensive discussion in the Hearing regarding the appropriateness of setback from the sewer plant, either existing or otherwise, and where the setback should start and who is responsible, he moved on File No. PD-207-90-F4 to submit this application to the Health Department for determination. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Mr. Lister asked if the Health Department is made aware of land use applications. Mr. Fox replied the Health Department is aware of the applications at preliminary plan. Mr. Lister stated the applicant has followed appropriate procedures and the applicant is not a party to the prior hearing and that hearing should not be considered. Commissioner Gustafson explained any decision made today will affect one of the parties of the 1041 Hearing. Mr. Lister requested this file be tabled for a time until the State Health Department responds. Mr. Lindahl advised that would not be a problem. Paul Adams suggested the Board approve this file subject to approval by the Health Department. Mr. Lindahl stated that action would oversimplify responses from the State Health Department. Commissioner Gustafson withdrew the motion. Chairman Pro-tem Gates withdrew the second to the motion. Commissioner Gustafson moved to table the application to April 24, 1990 at 1:30 p.m. , at the applicant's request. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented the next item, File PD-288-90, Basalt Industrial Park. He PD-288-90 reviewed the project description, site data and chronology. He discussed major Basalt Ind Park concerns and issues. Staff recommended denial based on the following items: 1. Resultant development will be inconsistent with Master Plan objectives. . 2. The area around the development can not be planned to be in substantial harmony with the proposed PUD. 3. Adjacent and nearby communities will be detrimentally affected by the proposed PUD. 4. The PUD can be completed within a reasonable period of time. 5. Proposed commercial development can be justified. 6. The streets are adequate to support the anticipated traffic and the development will not overload streets outside the planned area. 7. Proposed utility and drainage facilities are adequate. 8. The employee housing plan as provided is not acceptable. 9. The rezoning for residential use is not consistent with the Master Plan. 10. The disadvantages of the uses requested outweigh the advantages. Susan Vaughn, representing the applicant, reminded the Board of approval of other projects. She stated she believes the PUD is appropriate. She gave examples and the stated employee housing need mandates the project. She pointed out on a map the location of the project. She stated her belief the project will reduce the industrial use in the area. Mr. Fox related the Staff does not feel this project was what the Board intended. Clay Crossland explained past discussions to eliminate some uses considered offensive and now the applicant is back with a plan addressing that concern. Ms. Vaughn elaborated on past approval of employee housing and pointed out the need for this project. Discussion was held regarding appropriate uses of the site. Chairman Gustafson moved to approve File PD-288-90, Basalt Industrial Park, with the limitation of six living units above the commercial area with the intent this is an attempt to make a buffer between an industrial location. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Terrill Knight requested that File PD-290-90-S be heard first. PD-290-90-S Mr. Montag introduced File PD-290-90-S, Overlook Estates. He review the project Overlook Est. description, site data and chronology of the project. He reviewed major concerns and issues and submitted Staff findings for the record. Staff recommended denial for the following reasons: 1. Resulting development will be inconsistent with the Master Plan and Sub-Area Plan objectives. • 2. The area around the development can not be planned to be in substantial harmony with the proposed PUD. 3. Adjacent and nearby communities will be detrimentally affected by the proposed PUD. 4. The streets within the development are not adequate to support the anticipated traffic. Eleven new access points will overload streets outside the development. 5. The density is too high. 6. There is not enough variety in the site plan layout. 7. The visual impacts would be detrimental. Mr. Knight, of Knight Planning representing the applicant, introduced Peter Kaltman and reviewed the plan for the project. He spoke to the potential problems with employee housing projects. Mr. Kaltman made a presentation and addressed the type of units to be built, the viability and density of the project. Commissioner Gustafson asked about the 50' setback. Mr. Knight told the Board the 50' setback did not make sense and elaborated on the reasons. He stated he did believe drainage and foundations of the units were important and needed to be addressed. Chairman Pro-tem Gates expressed his concerns with the number of issues the Staff presented. Mr. Kaltman stated he believes the Staff unjustly made decisions without walking the property and elaborated on the proposed project. Discussion followed on employee housing in the area. Peter Jamar, representing Vail Associates, stated he is not opposed to the project but would like to see the Board table this file until the concerns are answered regarding access, design and landscape plan. He mentioned that pressure sometimes warrants approval and urged the Board to consider the problems before approving the project. Mr. Knight summarized the presentation. Mr. Montag read a letter from Northstar Condominium Association asking denial and mentioned the petition signed by 38 individuals requesting denial. Commissioner Gustafson made a statement regarding his concerns for heavy traffic use. He asked if the applicant wanted to table this request. He pointed out he is concerned with the needs of employee housing but did not want to approve the request. Mr. Kaltman made a final statement requesting approval of the proposal as presented. Commissioner Gustafson moved on File PD-290-90-S, Overlook Estates, be denied because of the same concerns stated by the Planning Commission and the Planning Staff. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Knight, representing applicant, asked that File PD-291-90-S, Riverwalk at PD-291-90-S Edwards, be tabled. Riverwalk Commissioner Gustafson moved to table File PD-291-90-S, Riverwalk at Edwards, at the applicant's request, to Hay 8, 1990. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Knight requested that File ZS-283-89, Beaver Valley Golf Academy, for two Zs-283-89 weeks. Beaver Valley Commissioner Gustafson moved to table File ZS-283-89 to April 24, 1990, at the Golf Academy applicant's request. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the warrants as presented for payment with Bill Paying the exception of the ASI to make sure the contract is fulfilled. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the warrants for Social Services as Soc Sery presented. Bill Paying Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the payroll subject to the review and Payroll approval of the County Manager. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a letter for approval by the Board to Shaw Construction to Letter to agree to abide by until the contract is ready to be signed, and authorize Jim Fritze Shaw Constr. to sign the letter. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the letter and authorize Hr. Fritze to sign the letter as presented. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a Development Permit Improvements Agreement for the Eagle Agreement w/ County Building with the Town of Eagle for the vacation of Broadway and the Town of Eagle construction of the circular drive around the new building, the provision of the recreation facility site. He reviewed the agreement. Commissioner Gustafson moved to authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign the agreement with the Town of Eagle as presented by Mr. Lindahl. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. • . l `P Mr. Lindahl presented a letter to the Mayor of Gypsum acknowledging the receipt of Town of Gypsum the annexation impact report addressing concerns of the Board regarding compatibility Annexation with the Eagle County Regional Airport. Commissioner Gustafson moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the letter to the Town of Gypsum regarding the annexation. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Montag presented the next item, determination of the completeness hearing on Vail Valley the 1041 Application for Vail Valley Consolidated Water District. He reviewed the Completeness project description and staff findings. Hearing/1041 Bob Weaver, applicant's representative, discussed the fiber optic cable and submittal of the application. Commissioner Gustafson moved on the submittal of the application for a 1041 by the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District for the Dowd Junction water line extension, to accept, based on Staff's recommendation, the application's completeness for Stage I of the entire project. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl asked about a waiver hearing and the hearing on the permit at the same time. Mr. Weaver stated he believes the information he would request be waived is not applicable in Stage I. Mr. Lindahl stated he will be more comfortable if the Board held a hearing on the waiver requirements at the same time the hearing on the application. The Board determined the hearing for the 1041 Application will be May 22, 1990. Mr. Weaver asked about a joint hearing with the Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gustafson moved to set the meeting for May 22, 1990, 8:00 a.m. , for Stage I of the 1041 Hearing. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented the next item, PD-283-89-S, El Jebel Junction, sketch plan. He PD-283-89-S pointed out the location of the project on a map. He reviewed the project El Jebel description, land use summary, proposed phasing plan and chronology. Junction Mr. Montag presented staff findings for the Board of County Commissioners. Mr. Fox reviewed the staff recommendations as follows: 1. Reduction in scale of the commercial area: The applicants have not justified 312,000 square feet of commercial development. 2. The ultimate location and number of access points onto Highway 82 should facilitate the development of a limited access highway. Final configurations shall be resolved at preliminary plan pending final design by the Colorado Department of Highways. 3. A complete EIR prepared in conformance with Section 2.10 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, shall accompany the preliminary plan submittal. 4. The preliminary plan shall detail buffering along Highway 82 (taking into account future highway expansion), and the Basalt Industrial Park. 5. If jurisdictional wetlands do exist on the site, an Army Corps of Engineers 404 Permit shall be obtained prior to preliminary plan approval. Mr. Fox stated the Eagle County Planning Commission approved this sketch plan with the five conditions set by Staff plus the following three conditions: 1. Irrigation ditch safety shall be addressed at preliminary plan. 2. A plan for creating sufficient numbers of affordable, long-term rental housing units shall be furnished at preliminary plan. 3. The applicant shall address the need for additional County services resulting from this project, with regard to a future fire station and school facilities, at preliminary plan. Terrill Knight, from Knight Planning representing the applicant, introduced the development and planning team: Michael Lipkin, Victoria Caras, Julia Marshall, Dean Gordon and David Warner. He reviewed for the Board the meeting of the Planning Commission and another meeting with the public. He pointed out on a map the location of the development and on another map of the surrounding developments. Michael Lipkin, applicant, described the proposed project and sketch plan. He reviewed the plans for the development. Victoria Caras, applicant, spoke regarding the type of units to be built in the project and the use for same. Julie Marshall made a presentation regarding the open space, promotion of wildlife, and recreational facilities. Chairman Pro-tem Gates asked about acreage and access to the irrigation ditches. Mr. Lipkin answered they are working on a 120' corridor to service the ditches. Dean Gorgon, engineer, discussed drainage and runoff, aquifers and water table in the area, and safety in the irrigation ditches. The area public spoke regarding the proposed development. Dick Fitzgerald pointed out his concerns of the project regarding commercial property and his access to Willits Lane. Floyd Crawford spoke regarding the ditches, problems of irrigating land, and problems of increased population. Commissioner Gustafson asked Mr. Floyd if his concern was being eliminated from farming and if his concern with the ditches is mitigated, would the mitigation reverse his opinion of the development. Mr. Crawford replied mitigation would change his view of the proposal. Ed Booher spoke in favor of building the center but he is concerned with traffic problems. Bill Roberts spoke of impacts of the development and in favor of the project as there is a need for employee housing. Bob Meneno addressed the project as a positive one. John Starr spoke in favor of the proposed project. • 2.7 Dawn Keating stated her concerns of environmental impacts and recommended amendments to the plan and spoke to the deer population. Pat Harlow stated her support for Ms. Keating's statements. She expressed opposition to the development. David Parker spoke in opposition of the project although he believed it is a well planned development. Peter Delaney objected to the project as too big and too dense. He mentioned other problems he had with the development. He requested a reduction in housing by 30o and commercial by 50%. Tony Poppich spoke against the size and scope of the development. Don Boyer complained about the realignment of Willits Lane and added his opposition to the size of the project. Mark Hughes stated he was impressed with the developers and the Planning staff. He stated he preferred a planned development as there will be growth. Glen Ault spoke in favor of the project. Gary Wheeler stated the definite need for commercial and added he would like to keep income in Eagle County. Pat Kilgarde stated she wants the development to be sensitive to wildlife and does not want to lose the beauty of the area, and any growth needs to be planned. Adele Hubbel stated her concerns about irrigation ditches and air quality. Arlen Hemphill stated for the record he is opposed to the development. Don Stubber expressed the need for affordable housing and stated his support for the project. Mark Kwiecienski complimented the project and stated there is a need for it. He favored the size of the development and requested the Board to give their approval. Mary Murphy spoke in favor of the project and hoped the Board will approve it. David Flora stated his concerns are environmental and air quality. He favors supply and demand and is in support of the project. Linda Johnson related she had received between 30 and 60 contacts regarding the project. She questioned how much impact fees will be generated from this development and what they might be used for. Sandy Grossman complained about the lack of law enforcement and additional pollution if the proposal is approved. She stated the existing units should be considered before approving more, and asked for a 50o reduction. Don Piper spoke in favor of the project and stated it is a well conceived and sensitive project. Herbert Weisbard spoke of his concerns of the project. He stated he is not against the project but does not want to negatively impact the local people. Mr. Montag presented a petition of 134 names against the project, a petition with 59 signatures requesting a moratorium be placed on approving new subdivisions until 70% of currently approved units are built and sold, and a petition containing questions from 64 people recommending changes. He presented the applicant's exhibit requesting comments from area residents. Mr. Fox requested exhibits presented to the Planning Commission consisting of approximately 100 letter from the public. He read letters into the record received since the Planning Commission hearing. Mr. Knight answered public comments on wildlife, ditches, road issues, ban of wood stoves, and efforts to eliminate air pollution. Mr. Lipkin mentioned an energy code available, affordable housing, density, open space, phasing plan, and commercial area. Commissioner Gustafson summed up his opinion of the hearing and stated there is a number of conflicts in the area regarding planned growth. He asked if this Board could send the file back to the Roaring Fork Valley Planning Commission. Mr. Lindahl advised that he sees no grounds to return the file to the Planning Commission. He stated the Board of County Commissioners has received the comments and advice of the Planning Commission and should act on that. Mr. Knight commented there were three hearings in El Jebel and two in Eagle. He stated the applicant has no objections to Board of County Commissioners to taking the file under advisement. Commissioner Gustafson moved on File PD-283-89-S, El Jebel Junction, the hearing be continued to April 30, 1990 to 11:00 a.m. ; all previous testimony will have been closed and no additional public testimony will be taken. The applicant will have an opportunity to modify the plan and address comments made up to that point. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. The hearing for Arrowhead PUD reconvened. Tom Brown gave a short summary on Arrowhead PUD Beaver Creek and Arrowhead regulations on fireplaces. Commissioner Gustafson asked about the feasibility of limiting woodburning fireplaces. Discussion followed on the number of woodburning fireplaces allowed. Commissioner Gustafson suggested the Board adopt Beaver Creek regulations for Arrowhead. Commissioner Gustafson moved to table File P0-129-90-A5, Arrowhead P'JD, to April 24, 1990, with direction to Staff to contact the applicant. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Montagpresented a resolution for File T-12-90 grantinga special Res 90-42 p_ permit for T-12-90 temporary housing for Richard Cooper, Chambers Ranch Subdivision. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-42 granting a special permit for Richard Cooper. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. S • Mr. Montag presented a resolution regarding amending the Eagle County Land Use Res 90-43 Regulations 1982 as amended. Land Use Regs Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-43 for the matter amending the Eagle County Land Use Regulations for 1982 as amended. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Montag presented a final plat for the Larkspur Villa, a resubdivision of Lot 4 Final Plat 12th Amendment to the 5th Filing, Beaver Creek. Larkspur Commissioner Gustafson moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat as presented by Mr. Montag. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Montag presented a final plat on Lot 14 Block 1 Eagle/Vail Filing 2, or 0361 Final Plat Deer Blvd. E/V Flg 2 Commissioner Gustafson move to authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat as presented by Mr. Montag. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Montag presented a final plat for Silverado Estates, Filing 1, a supplement Final Plat plat subdivision all family parcels into townhouse lots situated on Tract 59, Section Silverado 11 and 12, Township 8 South Range 87 West of the 6th PM, Eagle County. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the final plat and authorize the Chairman to sign as presented by Mr. Montag. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to April 23, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • • • April 9, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George "Bud" Gates Commissioner James Fritze County Manager Dick Gustafson Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Ron McLaughlin Engineer Planning Commission: Don Price Charles Ridgway Dave Mott John Benton (Alternate) This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Welch opened the hearing with the announcement of the first item to be El Jebel 1041 heard, a 1041 Application by El Jebel Wastewater Treatment Facility, Floyd Crawford. Hearing He stated this hearing was a joint hearing of the Board of County Commissioners and the Planning Commission. He asked Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, to give the order of proceedings. Mr. Lindahl reviewed the order of proceedings for the applicant, Community Development, public testimony, and rebuttal. Commissioner Gustafson explained there was an attempt to reach an agreement for consolidation between the applicant and Mid Valley Metro District. He stated he and James Fritze were mediators in the attempt to reach that agreement. He disqualified himself believing it would not be possible to make an unbiased judgement on the information presented at today's hearing. Dave Mott, Planning Commission member, advised he was involved in the Black Lake 1041 application and asked if there is a conflict. Mr. Lindahl stated any person can give notice if they have a problem with Mr. Mott hearing this application. He advised he did not feel there is a conflict. Sid Fox, from Community Development, started the hearing with introduction of the file and background of the application. He continued with the approval criteria regarding approval of the permit application, development, housing, environment, open space, water use and diversion, public services, and a management plan of the areawide water quality management of NWCCOG. He stated Staff recommends approval with the following conditions: 1. This approval does not relate to or commit the County to approve possible future expansions. 2. Ground water monitoring systems must be installed and maintained as part of the proposed project. Monitoring must include, as a minimum, continuous influent flow monitoring and upstream and downstream ground water quality monitoring,wells. 3. If ground water monitoring demonstrates significant pollution of the aquifers, remediation will be required. 4. Sufficient land area must be dedicated to permanent (or until WWTF is abandoned) agricultural use so that, if required, the entire treated waste flow can be land applied. 5. A water conservation plan for the El Jebel/Crawford property should be prepared to assure efficient utilization of the WWTF and associated resources. This plan should include an inventory of nondomestic discharges to the wwTF. The water conservation plan should include a plan for minimizing these non domestic discharges that are not easily treated in a biological based WWTF. 6. All individual sewage disposal systems existing within the El Jebel WWTF service area (as identified on the Zone District Boundary Map prepared by Doremus & Wells, 11-10-89) must be terminated and the existing units connected to the El Jebel WWTF or the Mid Valley Metro District WWTF. This should be accomplished as part of the improvements plan for the El Jebel WWTF. 7. A 500 foot setback must be maintained from the boundary of the WWTF for all new development within the El Jebel WWTF service area. 8. Payment of any remaining permit processing fees. 9. After a site inspection of the landscaping, the staff shall make a recommendation to the Permit Authority concerning adequacy. If the landscaping is not adequate, additional landscaping shall be required and the necessary collateral. 10. If the Permit Authority decides to deny the permit, MVMD and Crawford should enter into binding arbitration in order to achieve a consolidation agreement. The Boards questioned Mr. Fox about capacity, the redundancy of the State's review and the County's review of the application, well monitoring, setbacks. Mr. Fox explained the reason for the open area as there could be noise but he believed there would not be odors. Don Price questioned the meaning of significant pollution. Ray Merry, Health Officer, stated the State Health Department would determine the standards. Mr. Fox continued with his presentation. Mr. Mott asked for clarification on the reason for the application and not for the expansion. Mr. Fox replied the idea is to utilize the capacity of the plant and the proposed upgrades. Mr. Mott asked if the applicant has the right to increase the development without an additional 1041 permit. Mr. Fox explained the Planning Department would review criteria at the time of request for increased development. He read the regulations regarding the extension of a treatment facility. Discussion on the units of existing flows from sewage treatment facility. • S 1 Nicholas Goluba, attorney representing Mid Valley Metro District, questioned whether or not this application is an expansion. He stated he believes it is an expansion. He requested a ruling on the application as being an expansion or an improvement. Mr. Fox clarified the staff's position as the applicant is not requesting an expansion of the 136,000 gallons per day, as a result, Staff does not feel this is an expansion. Mr. Lindahl gave his opinion this could be an extension of existing sewage treatment but it is not an expansion of the plant. Judy Nelson stated she applied for party status and questioned the expansion. Dieter Sander elaborated on a letter on the use of the treatment facility and the requirement of the Health Department. Mr. Fox answered more recent discussions are being considered. Gene Grange asked why something has not been done before now. Mr. Fox stated the County has no regulatory stance until Mr. Crawford chooses to enter into a construction or upgrade plan. Commissioner Gates moved to accept into the record Staff's recommendation. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson previously excused himself from voting. Kevin Patrick, attorney for the applicant, reviewed the applicant's case and turned the presentation over to Alan Schwartz to discuss monitoring wells. He pointed out the location of the wells on a plat. Alan Schwartz, attorney for applicant, spoke in behalf of the applicant and explained improvements of the treatment plant and the enhancements proposed. He read a letter written to Mr. Crawford from the Division of Water Quality, J. David Holmes. Jim Collins, sworn to testify by Johnnette Phillips, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, related to the Board the findings of a feasibility study regarding the expansion of Crawford Treatment Plant and the Mid Valley Metro District. He discussed the negotiations with Mid Valley Metro District for consolidation with Crawford Sewer Treatment Plant. Chairman Welch asked for a recap of the amount of money for consolidation. Hr. Collins stated Mr. Crawford thought the amount to consolidate was $165,00, Mr. Lora thought the amount was $278,000, and Mid Valley was going to charge approximately $1,000,000 plus winter storage. Mr. Mott asked if the $11.90 monthly service fee was standard for Mid Valley Metro District. Mr. Collins said the standard fee was around $20. The $11.90 was to give additional money over time toward the capital investment. Mr. Goluba pointed out the $1,000,000 to join Mid Valley did not include winter storage. Mr. Collins told Mr. Goluba Mr. Lora's report was to not include winter storage. Further questions and answers on winter storage of the Crawford Sewage Treatment Facility followed. Mr. McLaughlin asked if the improvements were to get the capacity to 136,000 gallons per day or the equivalent of the plant capacity at 3278,000. He asked about taps. Mr. Collins stated 364 existing units at the time but he did not know the number of expansion of development. Paul Adams asked if the proposal of Mr. Crawford would not come into the District and asked about the rate differences for an out of district uses. Mr. Collins stated out of district would be about 1 1/2 times the regular amount. Further cross examination by Mr. Goluba continued. Peter Belau, engineer for the applicant, was sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips. He spoke regarding the sewer treatment facility operation and improvements to system. He presented a handout to be accepted into the record Applicants Exhibit 41. Chairman Welch accepted the exhibit into the record. Mr. Belau continued his testimony on the handout regarding sewer treatment plant operation. Chairman Welch asked about treatment numbers. Mr. Belau explained the system and continued his presentation on the proposal of improvements from the handout. He reviewed test results reported in the handout. He finalized his presentation with EPA policy. Mr. Mott asked about the 80,000 gallons per day use and the direction the ground water flows. Hr. Belau answered the use is less than 100,000 per day, and ground water flows west. Mr. Ridgway asked why the existing plant is being improved if the plant is acceptable. Mr. Belau replied Mr. Crawford wanted to do the improvements to the system. Kevin Patrick presented a complaint to limit cross examination as the public notice states only 10 minutes are given for anyone not of party status. He requested as there was only one declared party status to waive the 10 minute time restriction. Chairman Welch determined he believes anyone should be able to ask questions limited to approximately 10 minutes and no longer than 15 minutes. Mr. Goluba cross examined Mr. Belau on the discharge permit required by Mr. Crawford's treatment plant. Mr. Belau read the policy regulating the implementation of basis standards of ground water. Mr. Goluba continued to cross examine Mr. Belau. Paul Adams asked Mr. Belau questions regarding his testimony. Michael Watts asked questions of Mr. Belau regarding his testimony. Joel Azulay asked about consolidating with Mid Valley Metro District. Judy Nelson asked about the water samples taken. Peter Fitzsimmons asked about the location of the monitoring wells. Scott Fifer was sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips. He testified on hydrology of the area, pollution and fecal contamination in the aquifers, and ground water level. • • Mr. Mott asked about ground water elevation and water movement. Commissioner Gates asked about trading water samples with Mid Valley Metro District. Mr. Fifer explained the monitoring of well samples. Chairman Welch asked about animal fecal testing. Mr. Fifer stated he does not believe the results are conclusive enough to warrant testing. Mr. Goluba cross examined Mr. Fifer on testimony given regarding test results of the monitoring wells. Mr. Schwartz objected regarding the scope of the cross examination. Chairman Welch agreed the questioning was not in the scope of Mr. Fifer's testimony. Mr. Fifer was questioned by Paul Adams, George Grange, Judy Nelson and Peter Fitzsimmons. Tim Decker, hydrologist, was sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips. He gave his educational background and testified regarding monitoring wells, soils, and construction of the wells. Mr. Goluba questioned Mr. Decker on ground water table levels. Louis Meyer, engineering representing Mid Valley Metro District asked technical questions on ground water movement and the pumping rate of wells and settling ponds. Questions were asked of Mr. Decker regarding wells. Paul Adams asked questions about monitoring wells. John Blair, sworn to testify by Mrs. Phillips, gave his professional and educational background. He gave testimony regarding design for wells, guidelines and policies for projects. Mr. Mott asked about preliminary engineering design. Chairman Welch asked if the Water Quality Control Commission reviews all permit applications. Mr. Blair replied the Commission must review all appeals filed of the Division's decision. Mr. Ridgway asked about lining ponds. Mr. Blair explained the process for constructing linings for ponds. Chairman Welch asked if the engineering is complete. Mr. Fox replied the engineering is complete enough to evaluate the approval criteria. Mr. Goluba cross examined Hr. Blair on his testimony, the plant expansion, approval of construction of a new treatment plant, and ground water permits. Mr. Grange pointed out a 1041 is not needed if this is not a new sewage treatment plant. Mr. Blair stated this is to upgrade the current system. Mr. Mott asked questions about aeration of ponds. Mr. Blair explained different types of aeration and the type being used. At the conclusion of Mr. Blair's testimony, Chairman Welch stated the hearing would resume on Tuesday, April 24, 1990, at 9:00 a.m. Commissioner Gates moved to table the El Jebel Water Treatment Plant to April 24, 1990 at 9:00 a.m. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze brought up a request by Cab Childress regarding an advance in funds of S25,000. Advance of Funds to Commissioner Gates moved to approve the 525,000 advance of funds to Cabell Architect Childress, Architect. Chairman welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to table Bellyache Ridge request to chip and seal the Bellyache road to May 7, 1990, at the applicant's request. Chip/Seal Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to April 10, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • t1) Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 2nd Day April Term, 19 90 19- PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman James Fritze County Manager Dick Gustafson Commissioner Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board GENERAL FUND ABBOTT LABORATORIES STREP SCREEN KIT $160.00 ACSM/ASPRS REGISTRATION/CONV. $90.00 ADJUSTMENT BUREAU INC 16554/REVENUE REFUND $9.50 ADVANCED FITNESS SYSTEMS REPAIR BICYCLE/JAIL $156.00 AIR FILTER SALES SERVICE AIR FILTERS/JC $164.16 ALL PRO FORMS INCORPORATED CERT TAX DUE FORMS $529.45 ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL PROF VET SERVICES $163.00 AMERICAN ARBORIST SUPPLY BOOKS $100.30 AMERICAN CREDIT COMP 16452/REVENUE REFUND $19.20 AMERICAN EXPRESS MILEAGE/TRAY/LODGE/MEAL $1,981.05 AMERICAN PAYROLL ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS $165.00 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION DEV IMPACT FEES $54.45 AMICH AND JENKS INCORPORATED POLYGRAPH $520.00 ANIMAL HOSPITAL OF VAIL VALLEY SPAY/NEUTER/VACC REIM $258.00 ANIMAL HOSPITAL OF VAIL VALLEY PROF.VET SERVICE $14.00 ARMSTEC INCORPORATED BATTERY TESTER $21.50 ARROW GAS COMPANY GAS/LANDFILL $42.30 ARTHUR AND PERLMUTTER 16411/REVENUE REFUND $10.00 ASPEN TIMES THE LEGAL NOTICES/ADVERTISE $173.41 ASSOCIATED BUSINESS PRODUCTS 8.5X11 BOND PAPER $5,975.00 ASSOCIATED COLLECTION SERVICE 16560/REVENUE REFUND $1.60 AT AND T PHONE SERVICE $114.73 ATD AMERICAN COMPANY PRINT OUT RACKS $951.85 AUTOMATED COMMUNICATIONS PHONE SERVICE/EC. DEV $60.68 AVERT INCORPORATED EMPLOYMENT SCREEN SERV $80.00 AVON BEAVER CREEK TIMES PUBLIC NOTICE/REC. $44.00 BALLARD SPAHR LEGAL SERV RENDERED $1,396.94 BARBARA BOOM EMPLOYEE INCENTIVE $12.00 BARNES SUSAN DVM VACCINATION REIM $37.00 BARNES SUSAN DVM S/N/VACC REIM $37.00 BEASLEYS SUPER FOODS OPERATING SUPPLIES $149.04 BEAVER FRAMING INCORPORATED PICTURE FRAMING $114.85 BECCIS GLENWOOD FLORAL GIFTS FLOWERS $25.97 BEEP WEST INCORPORATED PAGER/EL JEBEL $30.00 BEST GERALD MEALS $51.07 BEST WESTERN EAGLE LODGE RECRUITING EXP $159.00 BISHOPS TRASH SERVICE COM0048 $34.00 BLACK ALLEN TRAVEL/REIM $93.14 BLYTHE LEWIS 16538/REVENUE REFUND $10.00 BOB BARKER COMPANY INMATE SUPPLIES $920.32 BOULDER POLICE DEPARTMENT INVESTIGATION SCHOOL $475.00 BRANDONS BOOKEEPING CONSULTATION FEES $350.00 BROWNLEE SANDY REIM POSTAGE $13.00 BUFFALOS DONUTS/REC DIST. $7.25 BUFFALOS EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION $96.80 CAMERA SHOP AT CROSSROADS THE REPRINTS $1.80 CANNING JOHN DOCTOR VET SERVICES $90.00 CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS SUPPLIES FOR CAMERA $994.20 CARTER LINDA TRAVEL REIM. $15.88 CARUTHERS GENNY JO TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT $52.00 CASHIERS OFFICE CERT COPIES/FILES $5.00 CASTLE PEAK VETERINARY SERVICE K-9 MEDICAL $103.05 • CASTLE PEAK VETERINARY SERVICE S/N REIM $135.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/GENERAL $4,135.87 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/GENERAL $4,258.13 CENTER DRUGS FILM PROCESSING $87.01 CF HOECKEL COMPANY 2 NEW BANDS/DATERS $17.30 CHENAULT JAN REFUND/PLAN CHECK FEE $357. 18 CLARK BOARDMAN COMPANY LTD ZONING/PLAN DESK BOOK $63.75 CLETA BOOKSTORE AMMUNITION/CLETA $235.00 CLUB TWENTY MEALS REIMBURSEMENT $30.00 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY BOTTLED WATER SERVICE $34.02 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY SOFT DRINKS $183.70 CODEL 89COM COST BK CHG $3,530.00 COLORADO ASSOCIATION OF CHIEFS SEMINAR $515.00 COLORADO ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY 1990 MEMBERSHIP $65.00 COLORADO BADGE AND TROPHY PLAQUE $64.51 COLORADO CITY MANAGEMENT MEMBERSHIP DUES/CCMA $30.00 COLORADO COMMERCIAL THERMOSTAT/JC $39.85 COLORADO COMMERCIAL REFRIG PARTS/JC $49.40 COLORADO COUNTY NURSES CCNA DUES 1990 $250.00 COLORADO COUNTY TREASURERS ANNUAL DUES $350.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AM. BANKNOTE PAPER $5.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH BANK NOTEPAPER $50.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL $5,273.07 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/GENERAL $5,791.93 COLORADO DISTRICT ATTORNEYS CO REVISED STATUTES $30.10 COLORADO GOVERNMENT FINANCE MEMBERSHIP FEES $10.00 i-tf • • Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners °d Day April Term, 199° 19- TME-L 6 tl4[GnEy GDu WOO; 4783➢4 _____ ._.-.___.__.....___ _ - COLORADO MUNICIPAL LEAGUE COL JOB FINDER $570.00 COLORADO STATE ASSOCIATION OF ANNUAL DUES $250.00 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY BEEKEEPING $5.25 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY HORSEBACK-DISABLED $6.20 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY SALARY/EADS THRU 3-31- $6,036.76 COLORADO WATER CONGRESS MEMBERSHIP DUES $64.00 COLORADO WEST PROFESSIONAL COUNSELING/JAN 90 $1,382.50 COLUMBIA SPORTSWEAR COMPANY UNIFORMS $2,229.31 COMPILATION COMMUNICATIONS IN 16521/REVENUE REFUND $23.40 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS PREM/3-90 $15,830.96 COOPER CHARLIE MEALS $9.22 CPHA MEMBERSHIP CPHA DUES/1990 $120.00 CRABS PEGGY 16464/REVENUE REFUND $5.60 CRAIN AND SHEPPARD 16476/REVENUE REFUND $34.60 CRAWFORD FLOYD 1ST QTR OFFICE RENT $849.48 CREDIT BUREAU GRAND JUNCTION 16460/REVENUE REFUND $11.60 CREDIT BUREAU OF GUNNISON 16561/REVENUE REFUND $22.50 CREDIT COLLECTION SERVICES 16133/REVENUE REFUND $10.00 CURNUTTE JIM MEAL/REIM $14.00 CUSTOM FRAMERS PRINTS FRAMED $468.00 CUSTOM WINDOW CO HARDWARE $26.44 DAKOTA COMMUNICATION SERVICE ANTENNA MOUNTING KIT $30.50 DARRAH CHARLES 16592/REVENUE REFUND $7.10 DAVID A HOLMGREN CONTRACT PROGRAM/TRAINI $3,648.75 DAY TIMERS INCORPORATED CALENDAR SUPPLIES $110.98 DEEP ROCK WATER WATER AND COOLER $23.00 DEEP ROCK WATER DEPOSIT/WATER-COOLER $52.86 DENVER POST CORPORATION THE LEGA/ADV/EMPLOYMENT $68.12 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCH SERV/JAN $2,271.45 DESCO REPAIR DOOR/JC $166.62 DIAMOND MICRO SOLUTIONS 2/WORD PERFECT $1,406.23 DR RALPH P ECCLES PHYSICALS/DAHLBERG $70.00 DRAWING BOARD MAILING LABELS/ENG. $64.79 DUROUX ALMEDA COORDINATOR REIM $15.00 EADS TONI L MEAL REIM $160.23 EAGLE AUTO PARTS BR SPRAY $27.86 EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER REIMBURSE POSTAGE PAID $520.08 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS REPAIR IBM PROPRINTER $160.00 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS INSTALL MODEM $1,873.10 EAGLE COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER APRIL/SHELTER CONTRACT $3,713.08 EAGLE COUNTY NURSING SERVICE C BATTERIES $12.37 EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING 2 FLOOR MATS $94.50 EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING RECONDITIONED CALC. $25.00 EAGLE PHARMACY 0305467802 $99.66 EAGLE PHARMACY INMATE PRESCRIPTION $379.60 EAGLE PHARMACY 1FILM/FLASHCUBES $36.52 EAGLE TOWN OF 0107135373 $600.00 EAGLE TOWN OF 0305467805-0955 $95.07 EAGLE TOWN OF 0205476801 $272.00 EAGLE VALLEY CHAMBER COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP/DUES $280.00 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE 2 YR SUBSCRIPTION $32.50 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE 14457/PUBLIC NOTICE $1,288.07 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE ELECTION NOTICE PUB. $486.24 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE AFF1445/DISPLAY $718.25 EAGLE VALLEY GLASS AND MIRROR REPLACE WINDOW/RD&BR $44.07 EAGLE VALLEY GLASS AND MIRROR REPLACE/GLASS/LT BOX $28.53 EASTMAN INCORPORATED OFFICE SUPPLIES $1,299.79 EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY JAN/MAINT/60 $812.09 EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY FEBRUARY MAINT/MDL 60 $878.28 ENLISTED ASSOCIATION NATIONAL SPONSORSHIP AD $199.00 ERICKSON DAVID V - RECRUITING EXP $33.23 FAHRENHOLTZ JAMES 16419/REVENUE REFUND $12.00 FAMILY CIRCLE SUBSCRIPTION $15.97 FARMER BROTHERS COFFEE $149.35 FEDERAL EXPRESS FED EXPRESS CHARGE $22.00 FEDRIZZI GERALD J DMD PC INMATE DENTAL $58.00 FERRELLGAS GAS/FAIRGROUNDS $323.00 FERRELLGAS GAS/CASTLE PK BLDG $300.91 FIDELITY CREDIT SERVICES 16518/REVENUE REFUND $22.20 FIRESTONE JUDITH M 16474/REVENUE REFUND $2.60 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL $39,420.74 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY SAFE DEPOSIT BOX RENT $12.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL $39,863.01 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/GEN $31,902.78 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/GENERAL $37,843.19 FONES WEST PAGER PURCHASE $295.00 FORMS GROUP MITA TONER $276.22 FORTUNES RESTAURANT MEALS/3/6/90 $22.22 FRED OTTO SHERIFF SALE PROCEEDS $21,500.00 FRITZE JAMES R PARKING $24.25 GATES GEORGE A MEALS $112.92 GATES GEORGE A TRAVEL/REIM $81.15 GENERAL INFORMATION NATIONAL DIRECTORY 90 $53.95 GENERAL INFORMATION 90 NATIONAL DIRECTORY $49.95 GEORGE T. SANDERS COMPANY GAS REGULATOR/HEATER $101.49 GLENWOOD VET CLINIC SPAY/NEUTER REIM $25.00 ; v r R . III Ii Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 2nd Day April Tenn, 19 90 19__ GLYNN KATHLEEN MEAL REIM $226.11 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS MEMBERSHIP $160.00 GOVERNMENT INFORMATION SERVICE 90 FEDERAL FUND GUIDE $197.45 GREAT DIVIDE CONSTRUCTION CONCRETE SAWING/WETBAR $225.00 GREATER EAGLE FIRE PROTECTION 911 BILL/FEB 90 $18.00 GREENGARD SENTER GOLDFARB RICE LEGAL SERVICES $2,647.73 GS EDWARDS MAINT/JC $999.00 GYPSUM CREEK SHEETMETAL AND 6X6X6 TEE $35.00 HAFFNER RICHARD 16576/REVENUE REFUND $3.60 HERMANNS JEFF EQUIP TO FIX DESKS $15.60 HL MOORE INMATE SUPPLIES $125.62 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICE $9,538.41 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY SWEEPING COMPOUND $683.76 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY STYRO CUPS $20.80 HOPKINS MEDICAL PRODUCTS BLOOS PRESSURE MONITOR $133.95 HOPKINS MEDICAL PRODUCTS 2 STETHSCOPES $60.40 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE MEMBERSHIP/DUES $37.44 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE MEALS $290.44 ICREOT 90 MEMBERSHIP DUES $80.00 INMAC CABLE $34.96 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE TAX INQUIRY $15. 19 JACKSON HIRCH INCORPORATED OFFICE SUPPLIES $130.72 JOHNSON AJ REIM PETTY CASH $6.75 JOHNSON AJ REIM FEE $4.00 JOHNSON KUNKEL AND ASSOCIATES OVERSIZE BLUE PRINT $8.23 JOHNSON KUNKEL AND ASSOCIATES 90011/PLAT CHECK $1,850.00 JOHNSON KUNKEL AND ASSOCIATES PLAT CHECK 90/044 $360.00 KAROL MIKE SUBSCRIPTION FEE/FEB $29.00 KAROL MIKE NEWS SUBSCRIPTION $29.00 KELLEY BLUE BOOK USED CAR GUIDES $79.00 KISS MANUFACTURING COMPANY 100 DOG LEASHES $35.00 KNIGHT PLANNING SERVICES REFUND/ZONE CHG APP. $500.00 LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY EBY CREEK MESA $578.00 LANDMARK INN LODGING $198.08 LAU CHOI 16535/REVENUE REFUND $2.40 LAW ENFORCEMENT SECRETARIES LAW ENF SECRETARY CONF $130.00 LAWTON PRINTING INCORPORATED BOOK TABS $25.80 LEGAL DIRECTORIES PUBLISHING LEGAL DIRECTORIES $27.83 LELAND LECHNER 16480/REVENUE REFUND $5.60 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES REPAIR DICTATING EQ. $435.00 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES REPAIR OF RECORDER $347.38 LINDAHL KEVIN MEAL REIMBURSEMENT $16.81 LIRTZMAN AND NEHLS PC 16555/REVENUE REFUND $12.10 LK SURVEY INSTRUMENTS BOND PAPER/ROLLS $34.24 LK SURVEY INSTRUMENTS PK NAILS $55.24 M AND M EQUIPMENT SALES INK ROLLERS $24.50 MAGNUM FORCE PATROL BAGS $250.00 MARGARET PINEDA LIVESTOCK ENT-BUDGET $4.00 MARGARET PINEDA LIVESTOCK INFO/RESALE $17.00 MARTINEZ JANITORIAL FEB/JANITORIAL SERV $6,545.00 MATERIALS HANDLING EQUIPMENT SHELVING $190.00 MATERIALS HANDLING EQUIPMENT FREIGHT-SHELVING $29.56 MCLAUGHLIN WATER ENGINEERS LTD ENGINEERING SERV $55.05 MERRICK LYN MEALS $53.48 MERRICK MARGARET HORSE BOWL SHIRTS $57.50 METTERNICK LARRY MEALS $38.91 MID VALLEY KENNELS JAN/KENNEL CONTRACT $1,400.00 MIKE KOEHN 16510/REVENUE REFUND $10.00 MILE HIGH OFFICE SUPPLY LABELS/COLORED $8.54 MILLAR ELEVATOR SERVICE CONT MAINT/MAR 90 $110.00 MONROE ENGINEERING ROOF/HORSE BARN/F GRD $580.00 MONROE ENGINEERING EC JUSTICE CENTER $130.00 MOORE BUSINESS PRODUCTS COMPUTER PAPER $220.64 MOORE BUSINESS PRODUCTS VACUUM SWEEPER $48.18 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/ADMIN $4,923.08 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/EXTENSION $13,326.90 MOTOROLA INCORPORATED EARPHONE/RADIO $13.13 MOTOROLA INCORPORATED QUARTERLY BILLING $472.39 MOTOROLA INCORPORATED BATTERIES $61.86 MOTOROLA INCORPORATED AIRTIME CHG/RADIO SYS $8.95 MOUNTAIN MICROFILM MAP/PLAT FICHE $101.50 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION RADIO $25.00 MOUNTAIN STEEL AND WELDING 1 BOX 4X4 ANGLE IRON $55.00 MOUNTAIN TOP MANAGEMENT RADIO/CASTLE/BELLYACHE $250.00 MOUNTAIN TYPEWRITER CLINIC RECONDITION CALCULATOR $50.00 NACO WIR CONFERENCE CONF/MAY 90 $195.00 NACTFO/AP LOMELI MEMBERSHIP DUES $25.00 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER MAINT/SOFTWRE $63.00 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER MAINT AG/FIXED DISK $377.65 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER PRINT OUT PAPER $686.00 NATIONAL DOG REGISTRY REG FEE/TATTO I.D.# $35.00 NATIONAL ENVIROMENTAL HEALTH ANNUAL DUES 1990 $79.95 NATIONAL GRAPHICS COMPANY SOCIAL SERV WARRANTS $532.81 NATIONAL SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION NSA MEMBERSHIP DUES $50.00 NATIONAL SPEAKER AND SOUND PHONE SYSTEM/SPEAKER $265.60 NEBS BUSINESS FORMS RECEIPTS/JOURNAL PAGES $40.96 III • 74 'roceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 2nd Day April Term, 19 90 19- TNS.-F.]IOECK[l CO.,DENVER 37E153,1 -'- -- ---_ _--- - NESTOR LINDA TRAVEL $19.14 NOLAN NINA COORDINATOR REIM $15.00 NORTHWEST COLORADO COUNCIL OF MEALS $32.50 NORTHWEST COLORADO COUNCIL OF ANNUAL DUES $48,892.00 NUNN JEAN TRAVEL $37.20 OREILLY BRIAN 16507/REVENUE REFUND $8.00 OREILLY BRIAN 16542/REVENUE REFUND $4.00 ORGANIC GARDENING 1 YR SUBSCRIPTION $14.97 ORTEN HINDMAN 16519/REVENUE REFUND $25.00 PACIFIC TELECOM TELEPHONE SERVICE $11,981.06 PACIFIC TELECOM PAGER/EAGLE MAR 90 $32.76 PATRICIA TAYLOR 16506/REVENUE REFUND $12.60 PENNY SAVER MEDICAL SUPPLY OPERATING SUPPLIES $172.65 PERFORMANCE HORSEMAN 1 YR SUBSCRIPTION $19.95 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING OFFICE SUPPLIES/PURCH $127.72 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING MEALS $102.47 PHILLIPS JOHNNETTE ADVANCE/LODGE/MEALS $755.00 PITNEY BOWES PRINTPOWDER-COPIER $210.00 POSTMASTER EAGLE BRANCH REFILL POSTAGE MACH $9,000.00 POTENTIAL UNLIMITED PHOTO LAB 8 SLIDE COPIES/REC. $56.00 POWERS LLOYD CASH ADV/ACSM/ASPRS $100.00 POWERS LLOYD ADVANCE $43.73 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATES 16541/REVENUE REFUND $6.40 PROFESSIONAL RECOVERY 16550/REVENUE REFUND $10.00 PTL ELECTRIC WIRING/JAIL/COFFEE $166.69 PTL ELECTRIC REPLACE THERMOSTAT $284.56 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPLY COMPANY FLASHLIGHT HOLDER $23.60 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 6062576310710018 $243.99 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 6067576610410017 $72.97 PUBLIC TRUSTEES ASSOC OF CO TRUSTEE MEMBERSHIP $75.00 QDI 20"COLOR TV/VCR $605.15 QUILL CORPORATION DATA BINDERS $773.43 QUINN TERRANCE 16583/REVENUE REFUND $7.50 R AND B FRAMING PICTURE FRAMING $50.90 REGIS COLLEGE 0148108/TRAINING/AJ $1,260.00 REMINGTON SQUARE VET CLINIC SPAY/NEUTER REUM $47.00 RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF AMERICA MASTER FED. TAX MANUAL $19.50 REUBENS RESTAURANT PLANNING COMM MTG $414.99 REUBENS RESTAURANT INMATE MEALS $10,668.00 REVA MILLER 82DR30/521803850 $161.55 REVA MILLER 82DR30/521803850 $161.55 REYNOLDS NETTIE TRAVEL/REIM $38.80 RICHARD YOUNG PRODUCTS OF CABLE/GENDER CHARGER $22.98 RIPPERGER AND CROSHAL 16485/REVENUE REFUND $7.50 ROACH EARLENE TRAVEL $20.60 ROBILLARD AND ASSOCIATES RESEARCH/ENG MTG $240.00 ROCHE BIOMEDICAL LABORATORIES BLOOD ALCOHOL TESTS $52.86 ROCKY MOUNTAIN GOVERNMENTAL 1990 DUES $25.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS GAS SERVICE $7,824.82 ROCKY MOUNTAIN REPROGRAPHICS MAPS $1,415.95 ROPIR CABLEVISION CABLE TV SERVICE $31.45 SATTERFIELD RHODORA TRAVEL $19.20 SCHIPPER SARAH PHN MEALS $128.58 SCHMIDT CECELIA TRAVEL $16.40 SCHMIDT ELOISE COORDINATOR REIM $15.00 SCHUTZMAN NBS INCORPORATED RECEIPTS $66.00 SHERATON COLORADO SPRINGS LODGE/APRIL 90 $86.00 SHIELDS GARY P APPRAISAL $150.00 SHIELDS GARY P APPRAISAL SERVICES $200.00 SIMON AND SCHUSTER BOOK $52.92 SIMON AND SCHUSTER BOOKS $26.58 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING ENVELOPES $666.80 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING BUSINESS CARDS $42.50 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING 2160/FORMS $2,286.70 SKYLINE SIX AREA AGENCY ON THE SUPP SALARY/COOK/COORD $11.70 SMITH EDWARD MEAL REIMBURSEMENT $71.47 SNOWMASS SUN NOTICE PUBLIC MTG/REC $11.89 STAN BERNSTEIN AND ASSOCIATES PROFESSIONAL SERV $1,500.00 STEINBERG THOMAS I CTY HEALTH OFFICER $272.00 STERNIG JOHN P MEAL REIMBURSEMENT $127.94 STRAWBERRY PATCH FLOWERS $25.00 STUART G BARR 16526/REVENUE REFUND $10.00 STUTZ DYER MILLER 16567/REVENUE REFUND $22.40 SUMMIT LUMBER BUILDING MATERIALS $692.92 SUSPENSE FUND NOTICE MAILINGS $4,733.92 SWEDENBORG CHERYL 16469/REVENUE REFUND $3.40 TAYLOR WYN T 16544/REVENUE REFUND $6.60 TAYLOR WYN T 16486/REVENUE REFUND $0.20 TERRILL M GAINES 16569/REVENUE REFUND $10.00 THOMAS J MILLER 16589/REVENUE REFUND $10.00 THOMPSON PUBLISHING GROUP FAIR LABOR STD/BOOK $192.00 TONNER TOBIN KING 16543/REVENUE REFUND $3.60 TOP DRAWER OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES $242.36 TRAVEL VAIL INMATE TRANSPORT $1,001.00 TRIGG INDUSTRIES WEST SUPPLIES $189.23 TRINIDAD STATE JUNIOR COLLEGE TRAIN ACADEMY/THOMPSON $435.00 III III 13 Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 2nd Day April Term, 19 90 fig_ TUXALL UNIFORM COMPANY UNIFORMS $251.65 TUXALL UNIFORM COMPANY UNIFORMS $110.25 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SHIPPING CHARGES $197.61 UNIVERSITY CALIFORNIA BERKLEY SUBS/WELLNESS LETTER $20.00 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 476-3627/SEARCH/RESCUE $1,083.64 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 949-5257-7668 $467.79 VAIL BOARD OF REALTORS SOLD BOOK/MLS $15.00 VAIL DAILY THE NOTICE PUBLIC MTG. $39.40 VAIL ELECTRONICS FIRE ALARM MONITOR/SR $45.00 VAIL METROPOLITAN RECREATION FAIR SPONSORSHIP $1,000.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC INMATE MEDICAL $1,656.00 VAIL TOWN OF CONT SERV/ANIMAL CONT $868.46 VAIL TRAIL THE NOTICE OF MGT/REC. $21.45 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER PRE-EMP/PHYSICALS $624.00 VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY SURGE PROTECTOR $201.39 VALLEY JOURNAL PUBLIC MEETING $47.07 VALLEY JOURNAL PUBLIC NOTICE $35.69 VALLEY VET SERVICES S/N/VACCINATION REIM $34.00 VISA TRAVEL $2,423.41 WALBERG DAGNER LOYD 16525/REVENUE REFUND $10.00 WALCK LINDA LODGE/MEALS $209.38 WALMART /AVON OPERATING SUPPLIES $167.27 WALMART /GLENWOOD FILM $176.70 WARZON PAULA TRAVEL/REIM $20.00 WEARGUARD JACKET $51.06 WELD COUNTY DEPARTMENT C.A.S.P MEMBERSHIP $20.00 WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY WESTLAW CHARGES/JAN 90 $174.28 WEST SLOPE SURPLUS STORE COVERALLS $29.95 WESTERN COLORADO CREDIT BUREAU 16557/REVENUE REFUND $10.00 WESTERN SLOPE UNIFORM COMPANY LAUNDRY SERVICE $60.40 WILLIAMS CHRIS LIGHT BULBS $3.63 WORD PERFECT CORPORATION WORDPERFECT UPGRADE $85.00 WORD PERFECT PUBLISHING SUBSCRIPTION $26.00 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY KLEIN PLYERS $25.93 XEROX CORPORATION METER USE/-1-22-90 $296.01 YAMPA VALLEY ELECTRIC 0050010001 $147.19 YATES ASSOCIATES 16483/REVENUE REFUND $7.50 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE MEDICAL SUPPLIES $105.35 PAYROLL FOR MARCH PAYROLL # 5 & 6 $214,521.07 $652,160.66 ROAD & BRIDGE FUND AMERICAN TRAFFIC SAFETY TRAFFIC EXPO REG. $200.00 AMSTERDAM PRINTING LITHO MAIL LABELS $23.90 APWA COPIES/THE HOLE STORY $12.50 ARROW GAS COMPANY PROPANE $63.50 BIG R MANUFACTURING GUARDRAIL DELINEATOR $569.69 BUREAU OF BUSINESS PRACTICE CONST.SAFETY LETTER $398.88 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/RD&BR $860.14 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/RD&BR $870.02 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/RD&BR $800.89 DATATEXT PUBLISHING CO CONST DIRECTORY $42.00 DODSON ENGINEERED PRODUCTS SPIRAL CMP $137.71 EAGLE AUTO PARTS TOOLS AND PARTS $18.14 EAGLE PHARMACY 4/CARDS $9.63 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE AFF14459/ADV/BID $78.00 FESSLER DON MEAL/REIM $13.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/RD&BR $5,669.79 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/RD&BR $5,673.07 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/RD&BR $7,687.03 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/RD&BR $5,657.46 FONES WEST MONTHLY PAGER RENTALS $120.00 GA WESTERN CONSTRUCTION FINAL/BRUSH CRK ROAD $7,470.97 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC REP/ELEC FAC/BR CR $911.23 MCGRUDER SEPTIC SERVICE SEPTIC SERVICE $130.00 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/RD&BR MAINT $46,395.78 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/RD&BR $3,253.40 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING UNIFORMS/RD&BR $600.00 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING UNIFORMS $300.00 REGISTRY HOTEL LODGE/APRIL 2-4-90. $174.00 ROARING FORK RENTALS AIRLESS PAINT SPRAYER $54.50 ROCKY MOUNTAIN REPROGRAPHICS MAPS $81.34 ROCKY MOUNTAIN SAFETY SERVICE 12X8' WHITE SHEETING $198.61 ROCKY MOUNTAIN SAFETY SERVICE REFLECTIVE SHEETING $19.77 SUCCESS BUILDERS SEMINAR/PROOF READING $118.00 VALLEY LUMBER PAINT THINNER $12.77 VERMEER SALES & SERVICE RENTAL/VERMEER CHIPPER $2,800.00 VISA MEALS $101.64 VULCAN SIGNS CARRIAGE BOLTS $168.30 WEAR GUARD CORPORATION WORKSHIRTS $831.74 WEST SLOPE BRANCH APWA MAINT WORKSHOP $123.00 • • 74 2nd April 90 'roceedings of the Board of County Commissioners Day Term, 19 19_ THE-f'.. F.HOECRf CO.,DENVER 370534 _ _.__....._----___..-_..__ _.__.__. WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY TINTED SAFETY GLASS $117.86 PAYROLL FOR MARCH PAYROLL # 5 & 6 $31,623.25 $124,391.51 LIBRARY FUND AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION POSTER/BOOKMARKS $130.79 AMERICAN LIBRARY PREVIEW BOOKS/J $86.92 BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY BOOKS $105.68 BANTAM DOUBLEDAY DELL SUBSCRIPTION/J/BOOKS $539.76 BATTLE MOUNTAIN HIGH SCHOOL COPIER/MV/MAINT CONT. $200.00 BETTER HOMES AND GARDENS BOOKS $116.98 BRODART INCORPORATED COVERS/BAGS $131.81 CATALOG CARD CORPORATION OF CATALOGING $36.96 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LIBRARY $177.11 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LIBRARY $186.03 CHILTON BOOK COMPANY BOOKS/MI $52.64 COLBORNS CRAFT SUPPLIES $100.75 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LIBRARY $134.11 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/WH $142.91 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS PREM $471.19 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS PREM 4-1 $471.96 DEMCO CS/CASES $11.93 EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RENT/MV/APRIL $900.00 EBSCO SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE BOTTOM LINE/SUB $45.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LIBRARY $1,239.12 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LIBRARY $1,236.29 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS PREM $1,294.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LIBRARY $1,308.11 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS PREM/4-1-90 $1,294.00 FRANKLIN WATTS INCORPORATED BOOKS/J $157.82 GENERAL INFORMATION BOOK/NATIONAL DIR. $53.95 GLENWOOD POST THE SUBSCRIPTION/MB $63.00 GORDONS BOOKS/PB $1,414.56 GORDONS BOOKS/H $111.84 GRAY SUPPLY COMPANY BULB/OV $15.79 HASLEE LORRAINE MALL TRAVEL $24.00 INFORMATION PUBLICATIONS ALMANAC $41.50 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES MAINTENANCE $285.00 LIBRARY OUTREACH REPORTER ON THE ROAD/SUBSC. $10.00 LISTEN FOR PLEASURE LIMITED CASSETTES/REPLACEMENTS $186.92 MIDVALLEY BRANCH LIBRARY PETTY CASH/POSTAGE $27.35 MOTOR POOL FUND MOTOR POOL USE/LIB $84.88 NISWANGER AMY TRAVEL $58.00 ORYX PRESS BOOKS $118.36 PACIFIC TELECOM 328-6901 $176.50 PETTY CASH LIBRARY CANDY/J/PC $23.89 POOL AND CREW COMM INC VIDEO $26.95 QUALITY BOOKS INCORPORATED BOOKS $69.27 READ WELL MEDIA INCORPORATED BOOKS $542.76 RENAISSANCE HOUSE BOOKS $95.15 SUNSHINE PREBOUND BOOKS BOOKS/J $58.94 THREE RIVERS LIBRARY SYSTEMS RETREAT $60.00 TOP DRAWER OFFICE SUPPLIES TAPE DISPENSER $16.53 U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS 827-4240-130B $61.29 UNIQUE BOOKS INCORPORAED BOOKS $24.29 UPSTART r VIDEO-J $242.90 PAYROLL FOR MARCH PAYROLL # 5 & 6 $8,870.58 $23,336.07 MOTOR POOL FUND AMERICAN EAGLE TIRE ALIGNMENT $159.95 BERTHOD MOTORS TANK $53.42 BERTHOD MOTORS REBUILD TRANSMISSION $1,900.13 BERTHOD MOTORS RESEVOIR $6.88 BEST GERALD GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE $5.00 CASTA MEMBERSHIP $25.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/MP $133.59 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/MP $133.59 CENTURY EQUIPMENT COMPANY CASE/KEYS $874.33 COLLETT ENTERPRISES OIL SAMPLE KITS/SHOP $42.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/MP $148.50 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/MP $147.97 DORIO DISTRIBUTING OIL $8,604.37 DORIO DISTRIBUTING WINTER DIESEL $6,908.39 DORIO DISTRIBUTING FILTERS $1,541.61 DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES CABLE $100.41 0 • L Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 2nd Day April Tenn, 19 90 19- DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES CABLE $41.51 DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES CREDIT/CABLE ($18.70) EAGLE AUTO PARTS TRANSMISSION JACK $1,529.21 EAGLE AUTO PARTS STEERING PART $199.54 EAGLE AUTO PARTS FUEL FILTER $130.37 ' EAGLE AUTO PARTS AIR FILTER $118.86 EAGLE AUTO PARTS FUEL MOIST ABSORBER $68.34 EAGLE AUTO PARTS CREDIT-CORE DEPOSIT $139.09 EAGLE AUTO PARTS VOLT METER $142.35 EAGLE AUTO PARTS DISTRIBUTOR $79.79 EAGLE AUTO PARTS FILTERS $82.26 EAGLE AUTO PARTS FILTER $111.99 EAGLE AUTO PARTS ROTOR ($4.36) EAGLE AUTO PARTS HEATER CORE $52.09 EAGLE PHARMACY 40/MASKING TAPE $8.57 EAGLE SALVAGE AND TOWING RADIATOR REPAIR $230.00 EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE THE DISPLAY ADS $525.10 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/MP $1,253.21 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/MP $1,220.54 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/MP $2,437.61 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/MP $1,217.33 FONES WEST MONTHLY PAGER RENTALS $52.00 GAY JOHNSON GRADER $735.69 GAY JOHNSON TIRES $542.04 GAY JOHNSON TRAC EDGE $312.49 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD SWITCH $17. 17 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD FORD RANGER PICKUP $11,567.00 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD 3/4 TON PICKUP $12,094.00 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD FORD RANGER 4X4 $10,567.00 GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD DIAPHRAM $707.65 HANSON EQUIPMENT BRACKET $141.01 HANSON EQUIPMENT DRUM $263.07 HANSON EQUIPMENT REPAIR/WEED SPRAY TANK $446.34 HANSON EQUIPMENT FREIGHT $32.44 HOMETOWN SUPPLY COMPANY CASE ROLL TOWELS/SHOP $20.29 HONNEN EQUIPMENT COMPANY CUTTING EDGE $220.69 HONNEN EQUIPMENT COMPANY WASHER $784.39 J AND S CONTRACTORS SUPPLY SNOWBLADES $733.90 J AND S CONTRACTORS SUPPLY SNOW BLADES $1,100.85 J I CASE CREDIT CORPORATION DRUM DRIVE ROLLER $2,020.14 JOHN HAINES CHEVROLET BLOCK HEATER $136.00 JW BREWER TIRE COMPANY TIRE/SERVICE CALL $6,298.65 KAR PRODUCTS INCORPORATED MISC. SHOP SUPPLIES $470.90 KAR PRODUCTS INCORPORATED MISC SHOP SUPPLIES $57.51 KEYE PRODUCTIVITY CENTER SEMINAR $125.00 LAYTON TRUCK EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC MOTOR $393.45 MACDONALD EQUIPMENT COMPANY RIM $635.94 MESA MACK CAP $133.71 MESA MACK FREIGHT $249.92 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/MP $2,086.73 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/MP $332.40 MOUNTAIN HIGH AUTO SUPPLY HYDRAULIC HOSE END $17.40 MOUNTAIN RADIATOR SERVICE RADIATOR REPAIR $399.10 NORTHERN HYDRA RAM SYSTEM $389.54 NORTHERN HYDRAULICS RATCHET WRENCH $61.92 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING UNIFORMS/MP $75.00 PETTY CASH MOTOR POOL MEALS $114.92 PITKIN IRON CORPORATION HYDRAULIC HOSE $78.54 PITKIN IRON CORPORATION HYDRAULIC HOSE/FITTINGS • $1.25 POWER MOTIVE TRASHMASTER COMPACTOR $98,595.00 QUALITY MOBILE WINDSHIELD REPAIR WINDSHIELD $80.00 SETINA MANUFACTURING COMPANY BODY GUARD CAGE $641.48 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING VEHICLE REVIEW FORMS $55.10 SOUTHWESTERN PETROLEUM GEAR LUBE $303.60 STERNIG JOHN P GAS/COUNTY VEHICLE $6.30 SUMMIT LUMBER CHAIN $3.64 VISA FUEL/COUNTY VEHICLE $138.69 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY FREIGHT $930.57 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY SHIM $431.99 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY FREIGHT $3,249.84 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY GASKET ($206.10) WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY SEAL $278.57 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY BOLT $827.78 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY CAT/TRACTOR SCRAPER $2,546.55 WALCK LINDA GAS/CO VEHICLE $16.00 WEAR GUARD CORPORATION WORKSHIRTS $213.48 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY PARTS $216.72 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY PARTS $11,261.29 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY PARTS $117.34 ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY WINDOW CLEANER $88.00 PAYROLL FOR MARCH PAYROLL # 5 & 6 $7,864.36 $212,426.08 • • 76 ?roceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 2nd Day April 90 Term, 19- - 19- _ _ -- ---- rw[3. t T'1o[c�CO.,GENVEII 11a104--- __...._. .. _--- SOCIAL SERVICE FUND AT AND T 927-4404/PHONE $24.50 BERG SUZANNE TRAVEL $44.00 BOSSOW RITA R 54 MILES $16.80 BRODERICK KELLY A TRAVEL $234.46 CARLOW GEORGE RENT/3-90 $850.00 _ CENTRAL STORES SUPPLIES $22.09 CFSC SSTABS SSTABS REGISTRATION $560.00 COLORADO DEPT SOCIAL SERVICES REIM/ALIVE E PROGRAM $3,000.00 COLORADO SPRINGS MARRIOTT LODGE/3-90 $147.00 COLORADO WELFARE FRAUD COUNCIL REGISTRATION/CWFC $85.00 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE 3-1/HEALTH INS PREM. $1,085.56 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE HEALTH INS PREM/4-1-90 $1,085.56 CONSTANCE COOPER TRAVEL $78.60 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES FOOD STAMPS/AUTOMATED $31.40 DOCTORS OFFICE THE MEDICAL EXAM $22.50 DON WELCH TRAVEL $7.60 EAGLE COUNTY MOTOR POOL MP USE/SOCIAL SERV. $201.36 EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RENT/MARCH 90 $275.00 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS PREM/3-90 $3, 105.60 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS PREM/4-1-90 $3,105.60 GATES GEORGE A TRAVEL $16.00 HORN SUSAN E TRAVEL $26.00 JOYCE L REICHE MEALS $19.20 KAREN MILNER DUES/8 PEOPLE $32.00 LEE JUDY STOWBRIDGE LEGAL SERVICE $150.00 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES SUPPLIES $126.96 MOTOR POOL FUND 1580 MI/COUNTY CAR $379.20 NCSEA ROSTER SUPPLIES $20.00 PACIFIC TELECOM 328-6328/PHONE $339.18 SELIGMANN MOLLY TRAVEL $55.20 SKI COUNTRY PRINTING ENVELOPES $252.90 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 927-4404 403 B/PHONE $129.88 VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC PHYSICAL EXAM $133.00 PAYROLL FOR MARCH PAYROLL i► 5 & 6 $15,662.15 CAPITAL FUND CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS CAMERA $21,000.00 DARRELL SAPP VACCUM/FOR JAIL $249.00 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS LEASE/PURCHASE/NCR $3,876.85 EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS WORKSTATION $1,650.00 HOUSE JUDITH WHITE MOUSE PAD/C.HARDWARE $7.27 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES TYPEWRITER $515.00 LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES COMPUTER MONITOR $632.00 MOTOROLA INCORPORATED RADIO REPLACEMENT $469.00 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER PRINTER/6421 $3,277.49 NYNEX BUSINESS CENTER IBM PC $3,075.80 $34,752.41 RETIREMENT FUND CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORT/PR 3 $4,157.80 CCO AND ERA EMPLOYER PORTION $4,139.56 CCO AND ERA EMPLOYER PORTION $4,118.34 $12,415.70 SALES TAX CAPTIAL IMPROVEMSNTS FUND FERRELLGAS PROPANE $354.00 GEORGE T. SANDERS COMPANY PARTS/GAS TO LP $22.03 PTL ELECTRIC RELOCATE UTILITIES $850.53 SMALLEY AND COMPANY SIKADUR/QUART KIT $152.37 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY NIPPLES/COUPLING $30.60 $1,409.53 CONSTRUCTION FUND JOHNSON KUNKEL AND ASSOCIATES PROF.SERVICES $147.00 WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY WESTLAW USE/DUN/BRAD $217.00 $364 .00 III • ll Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 2nd Day April Term, 19 90 19- BOND FUND SUSPENSE FUND REVENUE REFUND BD/PRIN $390,335.00 SUSPENSE FUND DEBT SERV PAYMT 89 $206,735.00 $597,070.00 AIRPORT FUND ALLIED CARRIERS EXCHANGE FRT/SNOW PLOW PARTS $38.58 AMERICAN EXPRESS LODGING $69.55 AVIATION SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE MAINT CONT/APRIL 90 $2,150.00 BRENT SERVICE POWER LOCALIZER $1,307.45 CAMERA SHOP AT CROSSROADS THE PHOTOS $9.78 CAMERA SHOP AT CROSSROADS THE PRINTS/BOOKLETS $508.80 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT $86.66 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/AIRPORT $86.66 CHARLES WILLIS AND ASSOCIATES REIM/CONSULTANT $895.20 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY MARCH RENT/WATER DISP $12.00 COLORADO DENVER DELIVERY FREIGHT/SNOW PLOW PTS $38.58 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/AIRPORT $136.04 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/AIRPORT $119.02 CRICH MICHAEL HANGAR RENTAL/APRIL 90 $600.00 EAGLE AUTO PARTS TOOL BOX $61.76 EAGLE AUTO PARTS BLOWGUN/COUPLINGS $14.17 EAGLE PHARMACY 26/REPRINTS $494.06 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT $1, 105.03 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT $1,061.80 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/AIRPORT $1,010. 10 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/AIRPORT $948.05 FOX VALLEY SYSTEMS PAINT $153.40 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 213511200 $627.64 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC SERVICE $49.98 INCENTIVE MARKETING INC PATCHES/C/F/R UNIFORMS $222.28 ISBILL ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED WIDEN RUNWAY PROJECT $38,734.08 ISL CORPORATION REP/FREQUENCY COUNTER $313.84 LEAVENWORTH LOCHHEAD AND LEG.SERV/WATER SUPPLY $95.33 MACKOWN SURVEYING AND SURVEYING WORK $318.50 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/AIRPORT $1,993.61 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION REPAIR OF RADIOS $70.00 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION RADIO REPAIR/2 RADIOS $57.50 MOUNTAIN RADIO AND TELEVISION RADIO PARTS $18.50 NATIONAL BUSINESS AIRCRAFT 1990 DUES $250.00 NON COMMISSIONED OFFICERS FUND ZIPPERS/C/F/R/BOOTS $31.68 NORTHERN TOOLS $1, 129.97 PACIFIC TELECOM INSTALL/PHONE LINES $1,632.00 REYNOLDS DANIEL TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT $81.60 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND R&B LABOR/LOCALIZER $975.00 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND LABOR/LOCALIZER $97.50 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS HANGAR/HEAT/FEB 90 $446.52 ROSENBLATT ASSOCIATES TEST KIT/CRACK-SEAL $101.40 SUMMIT LUMBER KEYS/ELECTRIC PLUG $16.95 TRIPLE H CONSTRUCTION SNOWPLOWING/VOR 1990 $300.00 VALLEY FEED AND SUPPLY UPS MAILINGS $9.88 VISA MEALS $835.80 WATSON OJ PARTS/EQUIP/SNOW PLOW $1,107.40 WESTERN MOBILE WEIGH SNOW PLOW $15.00 WRIGHT WATER ENGINEERS CONSULTING SERVICES $689.20 PAYROLL FOR MARCH PAYROLL # 5 & 6 $5,722.50 $66,850.35 LANDFILL FUND ARROW GAS COMPANY TANK RENT $48.00 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL $54. 15 CCO AND ERA RET ANN/LANDFILL $54.92 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LANDFILL $125.95 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE STATE TAX/LANDFILL $117.30 DEEP ROCK WATER BOTTLED WATER $15.75 EAGLE AUTO PARTS AIR HOSE $23.94 EAGLE AUTO PARTS BLOW GUN $14.94 EASTMAN INCORPORATED DBL/DBL ENTRY LEDG F $27.22 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL $885.25 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL $377.88 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FICA TAX/EMPLOYEE $506. 18 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INS/LANDFILL $598.09 FIRST BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY FED TAX/LANDFILL $832.73 MCGRUDER SEPTIC SERVICE SEPTIC SERVICE $30.00 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/LANDFILL $17,168. 19 MOTOR POOL FUND MP USE/LANDFILL $281.96 1111 • 715 rceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 2nd Day April Term, 19 90 19__ T lr L:.r,NOFCRg co.7 ocnvu 27.e34.. ..---'---- -- --------"----- -•-- PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING UNIFORMS/LANDFILL $75.00 VALLEY GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY OXYGEN $24.00 WEAR GUARD CORPORATION WORKSHIRTS $142.32 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY WELDER/LANDFILL $969.52 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY PORT. AIR COMPRESSOR $1,053.80 PAYROLL FOR MARCH PAYROLL # 5 & 6 $4,454.74 $27,881.83 BUS SYSTEM FUND DAVE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED MILES/NOV 89 $28,317.48 DAVE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED MONTHLY FIXED PAYMT $49,381.58 $77,699.06 GRAND TOTAL $1,846,419.35 The morning being spent paying bills, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Transportation Chairman Welch called the meeting to order and introduced the first item on the Plan agenda, Eagle County Transit Transportation Development Plan. Bruce Abel, from Dave Systems, pointed out on a sheet productivity indicators of the bus system. He reviewed the utilization of the riders on the bus system. He reviewed a handout of service alternatives, capital alternatives and levels of service. He presented funding alternatives and reviewed generating alternatives. He recommended the Board adopt TDP with Real/Add Slight Inc. with service increase as an alternative. He also recommended an intergovernmental agreement with seven Board of Directors members from the Board of County Commissioner, Eagle County, the Towns of Avon and Vail, Vail/Beaver Creek. Dan Reynolds, Director of Transportation, explained to the Board the need to approve the TDP. The Board expressed reluctance to approve at this time without further review. Mr. Abel summed up by saying Eagle County may pursue with other involved agencies formulation of an intergovernmental agreement to create a representative policy board to guide the transit for Eagle County. He requested approval of the transit system. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the Eagle County Express Transit Development Plan as developed by Dave Transportation System Inc. , and amended to include the formulation of an intergovernmental agreement to create a representative policy board, for submittal to the Colorado Department of Transportation. Chairman Pro-tea Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Welch had left the hearing as he had another Minutes of meeting. 3/5-3/19/90 Johnnette Phillips, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, presented the minutes of the proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners for the dates of March 5, 1990, March 6, 1990, March 12, 1990, March 13, 1990, and March 19, 1990. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the minutes as presented by Ms. Phillips. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the Bill Paying vote was declared unanimous. and Payroll Commissioner Gustafson moved to accept the warrants for bill paying as presented and approve payroll subject to review and approval by the County Manager. Chairman Pro=tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the Liq Lic vote was declared unanimous. Whiskey Creek Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, presented an application for Whiskey Creek Stockman's Club for a manager's change and a change or corporate structure. He stated the applicant has withdrawn the application for a manager's change. The change in corporate structure is to replace Richard Salturelli with Alice Smith as Secretary/ Treasurer of the corporation. He advised the application and fees are on file. The background check by the Sheriff's office indicates no record on Ms. Smith. Mr. Bigler recommended approval of the change in corporate structure. Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the change in corporate structure by Whiskey Creek Stockmans Club. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the Liq Lic vote was declared unanimous. BC Food Svcs Mr. Bigler presented an application by Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc. dba Beano's Cabin, for a manager change to Richard W. Seney replacing Katerine Luc. He stated the fees are paid and there are no adverse reports against Mr. Seney. 4111 -19 Sandy Davies, paralegal from Vail Associates, was present to answer any questions from the Board. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the application for a manager change for Richard W. Seney replacing Katerine Luc for Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc. dba Beano's Cabin located at Sections 25, 26, 35 and 36, Township 5 So. , range 82 West, Eagle County, Colorado. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler requested to table a new application for a hotel and restaurant liquor Liq Lic license with optional premises from Hole Eleven to April 23, 1990. Hole 11 Commissioner Gustafson moved to table the application to April 23, 1990. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. The next item was an application for a new hotel and restaurant liquor license Liq Lic with no extended hours and no optional premises for Linda's Kitchen. He stated Ms. LInda's Kitchen Little previously held a beer and wine liquor license. Johnnette Phillips, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, swore in Linda Little to testify. Mr. Bigler questioned Ms. Little regarding the new application, the location of the establishment and nearby establishments. Commissioner Gustafson moved to name El Jebel as the designated neighborhood for this liquor license. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler asked the Board to recognize the need for a liquor license as Linda's Kitchen is an ongoing business and has had a beer and wine license for several years. Commissioner Gustafson moved to recognize the need for this liquor license because this has been an ongoing business. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler continued to question Ms. Little regarding proximity of schools to this establishment and manager of the establishment. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority to approve the hotel and restaurant liquor license for Linda's Kitchen. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler mentioned the establishment' lease restricts Ms. Little to serving only magaritas, beer and wine, although the liquor license allows all alcoholic beverages. Commissioner Gustafson moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ray Merry, Health Officer, appeared to discuss a resolution proclaiming the week Res 90-41 of April 21-27, 1990 as Earth Awareness Week. Earth Week Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and adopt Resolution 90-41 proclaiming the week of April 21-27, 1990 as Earth Awareness Week. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ken Heller, Road and Bridge Assistant Supervisor, appeared to request an approval Hydro Seeding of hydro-seeding on the slopes as the north approach of Yarmony Bridge, at a cost not to exceed $10,000. He requested the seeding be done earlier than the usual time of October and November. The Board expressed problems with seeding at this time of year since seeding does not take. The Board directed Mr. Heller to contact Rocky Mountain Bio-Products convey their concerns about early seeding. Mr. Heller presented a request to purchase a storage van for the landfill for Storage Van $2,700. He stated the van would store tools, lubricants, oils, and possibly records. for Landfill Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board approve the purchase on one van trailer from Airdale Semi-trailer Sales, Inc. of Dupont, Colorado. The purchase amount is $2,700. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Welch introduced the next item, an agreement between Eagle County and Agreemnt Vail Valley Consolidated Water District. VVCwD Mr. Lindahl presented a letter regarding the authority confirming the agreement for water for Eagle County Regional Airport. Commission Gustafson moved to have the Chairman sign the letter of agreement between Eagle County and Vail Valley Consolidated Water District. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, Commissioner Gates asked about future developments of water in the area. Mr. Bill George, attorney for Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District, stated they will fully address any concerns prior to development. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to April 9, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • • March 27, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Kevin Lindahl County Attorney Dick Gustafson Commissioner Keith Montog Dir. Community Dev. Pat Magdziuk Dep. Clerk to the Board Absent: Don Welch Chairman This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Pro-tem Gates opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, File PD-276-82-P PD-176-82-P, The Terrace, Chairman Welch was on vacation. The Terrace Sid Fox presented File PD-176-82-P, The Terrace, a request for an extension of the preliminary PUD approval. He requested this file be tabled to May 8, 1990, since the applicant, Vincent Cook, was unable to be present, and there are details to be finalized on the off-site road improvements and subdivision improvements agreement. Willie Powell, Manager of the Town of Avon, voiced his support for the extension of the preliminary PUD. He said he believes this is an easily developable project. Commissioner Gustafson moved to table File PD-176-82-P, The Terrace, to May 8, 1990, in order to obtain additional information. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented File ZS-283-89, Beaver Valley Golf Academy, and stated the ZS-583-89 applicant has requested tabling. Beaver Valley Commissioner Gustafson moved to table File ZS-283-89, Beaver Valley Golf Academy, Golf Academy to April 10, 1990, at the applicant's request. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented a resolution regarding approval of the Special Use Permit Res 90-36 Amendment, File ZS-42-89-A. This file was previously heard and approved. SUP Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-36 as presented by Mr. Fox. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented a resolution regarding approval of the Special Use Permit for Res 90-37 Vail Bible Church, File ZS-287-89. This file was previously heard and approved. Vail Bible Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-37 as presented by Church Mr. Fox. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented a resolution regarding the approval of an Eagle/Vail PUD Res 90-38 Amendment, File G-56-89, Vail Bible Church. This file was previously heard and Vail Bible approved. Church Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-38 as presented by Mr. Fox. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented a resolution regarding a zone district amendment, File Res 90-39 ZC-238-89, Dillon/Edwards Interchange. This file was previously heard and approved. Dillon/Edwards Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-39 as presented by Interchange Mr. Fox. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented a resolution regarding a zone change previously approved for Res 90-40 File ZC-239-89, Cap K Ranch. Cap K Ranch Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-40 as presented by Mr. Fox. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Jeremy McMahan, Planner, presented File G-38-89, Jack D Beals, Easement Vacation. G-38-89 This file is accompanied by a proposed zone change, File ZC-241-89, and a minor Beals, Jack D subdivision, File SM-630-89. He pointed out the location of the property on a map. Staff recommended approval. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the vacation application, File No. G-38-89, Jack D. Beals. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. McMahan discussed File ZC-241-89, Jack Beals, a zone change request from ZC-241-89 resource to resource limited. He indicated on a map the location of the property. He SM-630-89 reviewed the project description, site data and staff findings. He stated Staff and Beals, Jack D Planning Commission recommend approval. Mr. McMahan presented File SM-630-89, Beals Minor Subdivision. He reviewed staff findings. Staff and the Planning Commission recommend approval. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the zone change application, File ZC-241-89, Jack Beals, E.B. Subdivision, and the Type A Minor Subdivision application, File SM-630-89, Jack Beals, E.B. Subdivision. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. • • Town of Avon Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, advised the Board he prepared a letter to the Town re Avon Road of Avon regarding the Avon Road. He read the letter to the Board. The Board directed Mr. Lindahl to revise the letter to delete the portion which stated the project is a "first priority." SU-289-90 Mr. McMahan presented File SU-289-90-S, Castleview Subdivision Sketch Plan. He Castleview presented a sketch plan to the Board and a copy of the zone district maps. He stated the applicant is requesting eight dwelling units on 32.5 acres. He reviewed site date and chronology of the file. He discussed major concerns and staff findings. e stated the application is in conformance with submittal requirements and review criteria of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, and the applicants have agreed to provide the additional right-of-way along the Frying Pan Road as requested by the Eagle County Engineering Department. Staff and the Planning Commission recommend approval. Commissioner Gustafson asked about the division of the lots and possible future expansion of current density. Wayne Hyrup, applicant's representative, stated the applicant has agreed to subdivide the lots and deed restrict them to less than 4 acres with the exception of Lot 5, which is slightly larger than the other lots. Mr. Hyrup replied Lot 5 will also have a deed restriction. Mr. McMahan read one letter from John and Denise Rapenski who questioned the need for an additional subdivision, woodburning in the area, road access, water supply and the quality of the water due to an increase of septic systems. Mr. Hyrup replied all of Mr. Rapenski's concerns have been addressed. He stated he has a statement from Chen Northern Geological Engineers indicating there will not be an adverse impact on the water quality or supply as a result of the increased wells and septic systems. Discussion followed on the lot owners having access to the Frying Pan River and also access from the DOW property which adjoins Castleview. Commissioner Gustafson suggested Mr. Hyrup contact the Land Conservancy regarding dedicating easements and restricting growth on the property. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the Subdivision Sketch Plan application, File No. SU-289-90-S, Castleview. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, the Board directed Staff to remind them at the time of final plat any right-of-way that might be needed for the expansion of the Frying Pan Road. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. McMahan presented File PD-139-90-A5, Arrowhead PUD Amendment. He passed out a PD-139-90-A5 map of the area. He stated this request is a three-fold amendment: amendment to Arrowhead PUD Filing 20, creation of development area Al which would combine portions of the 11th and 12th filings, and amendment to fireplace/woodstove controls. Discussion followed on the PUD Amendment regarding woodburning units, what the intent was at the time the amendment was approved,and the area effected by the amendment. Bill Jennings, representing Arrowhead, disagreed with the Board regarding the affected area, as he believes the restricted area was the Village and not Area A. Further discussion followed on the intent of the PUD Amendment. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, read the portion of the PUD Guide regarding woodburning issue in which it discussed the area restricted. Mr. Jennings stated he did not believe proper public notice was provided on the woodburning amendment. There was additional discussion on woodburning restrictions for other Planned Unit Developments in Eagle County. Mr. McMahan stated Staff recommends approval of this file, and the Planning Commission approved the file by a vote of 4-1. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the PUD Amendment application, File No. PD-139-90-A5, with the exception of the issue on fireplaces. This exception is to allow the Planning Staff and County Attorney to research the PUD Amendment of 7/3/89. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. The Board determined to hear the fireplace issue on April 10, 1990. Mr. McMahan presented File PD-286-89-S, Tucker Subdivision, and gave a chronology pp-286-89-S of the file. He stated the original proposal has been substantially changed. Staff Tucker recommended the Board return the proposal to the Planning Commission. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners resubmit the PUD Sketch Plan proposal for File No. PD-286-89-S, Tucker Subdivision, to the Roaring Fork Planning Commission. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented a final plat for The Greens of Arrowhead at Vail, a resub- Final Plat division of Lots 1-25, Tracts 1, 3, 4, 8 and B, Arrowhead at Vail Filing 20. The Greens Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve the Chairman to sign the final plat as presented by Mr. Fox. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented a final plat for the E.B. Subdivision, Tract 60, Section 13, Final Plat Township 5, South Range 83 West of 6th Principal Meridian. E.B. Subdiv. Commissioner Gustafson moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the final plat as presented by Mr. Fox. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. 4110 Lrg Jim Scholer, Director of Social Services, brought to the Board a contract to be Child Support signed. The contract is with the District Attorney's office for child support Enforcement enforcement for Eagle County. Commissioner Gustafson moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the contract as presented by Mr. Scholer. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. The next item presented by Mr. Scholer was an agreement between the Colorado Rehab Services Department of Social Services and Eagle County Department of Social Services regarding rehabilitation services. Commissioner Gustafson moved to sign the agreement as presented by Mr. Scholer. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to April 2, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • • March 26, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Kevin Lindahl County Attorney Dick Gustafson Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board Absent: Don Welch Chairman This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Pro-tem Gates opened the meeting. Chairman Welch was out of town on vacation. Mike Bradley, Building and Grounds Supervisor, appeared to discuss radios for Purchase of Buildings and Grounds. He stated he received only one bid back from Motorola. He Radios asked the Board to approve the bid from Motorola to purchase six radios at $553, two hip phones and one ear piece. The total is 53,508 and the budgeted amount was $4,200. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board accept the bid from Motorola as it is below the budget and it is compatible with radios currently owned by Eagle County. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Welch is on vacation. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the Bill Paying warrants for Eagle County and Social Services and approve the payroll subject to and Payroll review by the County Manager. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Dick Parachini appeared to discuss the Eagle Mine cleanup. He introduced Dan Eagle Mine Sheppars, Super Fund Unit Leader from Hazardous Materials Waste Management. He Discussion discussed the meeting of the School Board and air monitoring of the Minturn Middle School. He stated Gulf + Western will begin work on the tailings pile after school is out for the summer. He spoke of dust control guidelines during the work on the tailings piles. He mentioned a geological study of the area and told the Board he would provide a copy to them. Discussion continued on grouting the mine and the maintenance of water seepage in the mine, and water treatment. Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, stated the final settlement for Tricon Kent was Final Settlmnt published as required by statutes. He advised he has received no claims against Tricon Kent Tricon Kent. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board approve final settlement of the contract dated September 20, 1989, with Tricon Kent Company for Airport Improvements under AIP Project No. 3-08-0020-12 as per contract. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Ken Heller, Road and Bridge Assistant Supervisor, brought before the Board an GMCO agreement for 1990 Dust Control project for County roads. He stated 10 packages Dust Control requesting bids were sent out and two bids were returned. He stated the low bidder Contract was GMCO Corporation of Carbondale. He stated the price for dust control materials has dropped from 47 cents per gallon to 32 1/2 cents per gallon. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and accept the low bid for dust control materials submitted by GMCO Corporation of Carbondale, Colorado, and, further, authorize the Chairman to execute the agreements covering this project. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, presented a Letter of Agreement between Agrmnt Eagle County and Vail Mountain Medical. He stated this is the same letter which the Vail Mtn County has agreed to in the past. Medical Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement with Vail Mountain Medical to provide prenatal and post-partum education and counseling. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a resolution authorizing release of collateral for F.J. Res 90-34 Glassier Type A Minor Subdivision. He stated the gates on the fences have been Glassier completely installed as per Community Development. He recommended the resolution be approved to release the collateral. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners adopt Resolution 90-34 authorizing the release of collateral for the F.J. Glassier Type A Minor Subdivision. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. 4111 • Mr. Bigler presented a transfer of ownership of Linda's Kitchen. He stated Liq Lic further advertising and posting is necessary, however, he requested the item be tabled Linda's Kitchen to April 2, 1990. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Local Liquor Licensing Authority table Linda's Kitchen to April 2, 1990, in order to complete the paperwork. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Hr. Bigler presented a Corporate Bond for signing for the Eagle County Landfill Corp Bond and a letter responding to the concerns the BLM regarding the landfill. He stated the for Landfill total amount of the bond is $70,000. He stated the BLM is willing to accept a corporate bond without sureties. He reviewed the bond for the Board. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and the Chairman be authorized to sign the Corporate Bond without Surety required by the Recreation or Public Purposes Lease, Serial Number C-36803, dated July 23, 1985. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, Mr. Lindahl stated the BLM was requiring a bond issued by someone other than the County to secure this. He stated Mr. Bigler negotiated the Corporate Bond without Surety. Question was called for on the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a letter to the Board responding to concerns of the ELM and requested they sign the letter. He stated the letter was April 1 since the Health Department has until the end of the month to object to the plans to mitigate the area. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Chairman to sign the letter and the legal department mail the letter on or after April 1, 1990 to allow the Health Department to respond. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented a proposed resolution making appointments to the Roaring Res 90-35 Ford Valley Planning Commission and the Eagle and Colorado Valley Planning Commission. PC Appts Commissioner Gustafson moved to adopt Resolution 90-35 making appointments to the Eagle and Colorado Valley Planning Commission and to the Roaring Fork Valley Planning Commission. Chairman Pro-tem Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to March 27, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • . :'n/ March 19, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George "Bud" Gates Commissioner James Fritze County Manager Pat Magdziuk Dep. Clerk to the Board Absent: Dick Gustafson Commissioner This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration. Commissioner Gates moved to convene the meeting as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gustafson was not present for this hearing. Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, presented a renewal application for a Liq Lic hotel and restaurant liquor license with optional premises. He stated the application Kennedy's is complete and the fees are on file. He reported the Sheriff had no adverse reports regarding this establishment. He recommended approval. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the application of Kennedy Corp. of Colorado for renewal of a hotel and restaurant liquor license with optional premise and extended hours for Kennedy's at Singletree, located at 1265 Berry Creek Road, Edwards, Colorado. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Bigler presented a renewal application for a hotel and restaurant liquor Liq Bic license for Bob & Alta's Diner. He stated the application is complete and the fees Bob & Altas have been paid. The Sheriff gave no adverse reports regarding this establishment. Commissioner Gates moved the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the application for renewal of a hotel and restaurant liquor license for Alta and Bob Alcorn, doing business as Bob & Alta's Diner located at 0034 El Jebel Road, El Jebel, Colorado. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Larry Metternick, County Engineer, presented a Certificate of Project Completion Cert of Proj for the bridge replacement on Brush Creek Road, and requested the Board sign the Completion certificate. He stated the total cost was $497,156.87. He stated the estimate on Brush Crk Rd which the grant request was based was $485,683. Discussion followed on the difference in the actual cost versus the estimated cost. The split between the grant and the County is 80% and 20% respectively. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Certification of Project Completion in order to release the remaining 10% of the Special Bridge Account monies allocated to the Bridge Project No. EAG-307-06.1 Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Metternick presented a request from Robillard Associates for an increase of Robillard Assoc $500 on their contract with Eagle County for the Brush Creek Road project. He stated Increase Req. the increase is due to the extra time needed to complete the project. The Board directed Mr. Fritze to review the request and made a recommendation to the Board. Mr. Metternick presented a proposed resolution for a reduction in collateral for Res 90-30 Valley Business Center. He stated some utilities are in and some paving is complete. Valley Bus Ctr Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, stated he has received a memo from Tom Brown indicating the water and sewer is in place. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners adopt Resolution 90-30 authorizing a reduction in collateral to S45,344 for Valley Business Center. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl advised the remaining work is asphalt, gravel, earthwork and accell/decel lanes in the amount of $45,344. Mr. Metternick presented a proposed resolution for a reduction in collateral for REs 90-31 River Ranch Subdivision by $144,375 to $382,614. River Ranch Mr. Lindahl advised he has received a letter from Paul Adams of the Mid Valley Subdivision Metro District indicating the District has taken responsibility for the line. He added he has received a memo from Tom Brown confirming this. Commissioner Gates moved the Board adopt Resolution 90-31 reducing the collateral for River Ranch Subdivision to $382,614. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. 4111 • §z Mr. Lindahl presented a proposed resolution notifying the State Treasurer to Res 90-32 distribute Federal Mineral Leasing Funds. He explained the distribution of the funds. Fed Mineral Commissioner Gates moved to approve and adopt Resolution 90-32 notifying the State Leasing Funds Treasurer to distribute Federal Mineral Leasing Funds in accordance with Colorado Statutes. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze presented a proposed resolution concerning a transfer of funds between Res 90-33 various spending agencies. Funds Trsfr Commissioner Gates moved the Board adopt Resolution 90-33 authorizing the transfer of $300,000 from the General Fund to the Airport Fund. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented an intergovernmental agreement between Eagle County, the Agreement Town of Avon and the Town of Vail for the purchase of Berry Creek 5th Filing and Berry Creek Miller Ranch. He stated this agreement was previously approved by the Board, however, 5th Filing minor changes were made. He reviewed the changes for the Board. Commissioner Gates moved the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement with the Town of Avon and the Town of Vail for the purchase of Berry Creek 5th Filing and the Miller Ranch. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. In discussion, George Jouflas advised the Board there is a change in the listing of the adjacent property. He stated he would provide the Board with a copy of the new listing. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Bob Tether, Director of Bellyache Ridge Homeowners Association, presented a Bellyache Ridge proposal to form a local improvements district to chip and seal 6.17 miles of Improvements Bellyache Ridge Road, Big Dipper and Little Dipper Roads. He stated letters and Dist. petitions were sent to homeowners explaining the intent of district. He stated the Discussion response was 39 in favor, 11 opposed and one neutral. He discussed proposed financing. Discussion followed on zoning and uses of lots in the subdivision. Mr. Tethers continued with his presentation and explained the boundaries of the proposed district. He reviewed the costs to chip and seal the road. He stated he would request $50,000 from Eagle County for assistance. Don Fessler, Road and Bridge Supervisor, stated the $50,000 would include gravel. He stated a portion of the road would need to be aligned. Discussion was held on the maintenance of this road by the County and additional time that would be required. Further discussion was held on scheduling and financing of the road improvement. Mr. Lindahl outlined the process to follow if the improvements district is formed. George Jouflas discussed 410 acres adjacent to the subdivision and stated it would not be in the district unless the land is improved. Mr. Abplanalp discussed a proposed agreement between Bellyache Ridge Homeowners Association and Mr. Jouflas which would reimbursement the homeowners association at a later date. Discussion followed on the equitable distribution of the cost of the improvements. Richard Mirick, property owner, spoke in opposition of the district due to the financial burden and distribution of cost. John Forier, owner of Lots 9 and 10, spoke in favor of the proposal. Kurt Feiler, owner of Lot 64, expressed his opposition of the road improvements. He stated he did not believe the majority was in favor since all the property owners did not respond to the petition. Discussion followed on the response ratio of the petition and whether it was a clear majority. The Board concurred they prefer to see a clear majority. Bonnie Carroll, owner of Lot 62, stated she is in favor of the proposed district. Waltruad Feiler, owner of Lots 64 and 61, expressed her concern about increased speed on a paved road. Commissioner Gates moved to set a hearing for April 23, 1990, at 10:30 a.m. and to direct Mr. Lindahl to work with Bellyache Ridge Homeowners Association to prepare for the hearing. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. In discussion, Chairman Welch stated he would like to see all beneficiaries of the road participate in the special improvements district. Further discussion followed on assessment variations. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Jeremy McMahan, Planner, introduced File SM-642-90, Chenault/Little Woody Farms SM-642-90 and briefly reviewed the file. Chenault Tom Brown, Engineer, showed the Board a drawing of the request for the right-of- way on Squaw Creek Road. He discussed where the right-of-way will be. Tom Frithe, applicant, stated he is opposed to the cut into the hill. He agreed to the 35' right-of-way from the center of the road. Discussion followed on existing trees and location of the road. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners allow the zone change application, File No. ZC-242-90 to be withdrawn and to approve the Type A Minor Subdivision application, File No. SM-642-90, with the condition the applicant dedicate a right of way, 35' to the east from the center line of the proposed road and all of their property west of the center line. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. r 411, Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the warrants Bill Paying for bill paying. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve payroll subject Payroll to the review and approval of the County Manager. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Bill James, Mayor of the Town of Avon, appeared to discuss proposed housing in Eagle Bend Eagle Bend. He discussed the location, utilities, access and private activity bonds. Proposed He asked the Board if Beaver Creek PUD and Arrowhead could transfer housing from their Housing PUD to this housing project. Chairman Welch stated a possible conflict of interest as he is a leaseholder with Vail Associates, and he is an independent real estate contractor in the real estate department with Vail Associates. He did not participate in the discussion. Discussion was held on Eagle Bend and the Beaver Creek and Arrowhead PUD requirements for housing. Mr. Fritze stated if the housing density in the PUD is changed, a public hearing must be held. Commissioner Gates stated he likes the location of Eagle Bend and asked about the noise level at the STOLport. Mr. James stated the clear zone was discussed with the FAA, but noise has not been considered at this point. The Board directed Staff to research the PUD and have a pre-application conference, then request a formal amendment. Mr. Fritze asked for authorization to purchase eight replacement vehicles for the 8 Vehicles motor pool from a rental fleet at no more than $11,000 each. Motor Pool Discussion followed on the mileage and cost of each vehicle. Mr. Lindahl expressed his concerns about buying rental cars. Mr. Fessler stated these cars will come with a factory warranty. He stated he has budgeted $13,000 for each replacement unit. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners authorize the acquisition of up to eight replacement vehicles for the Motor Pool, but not to exceed $11,000 each, or a total of $88,000. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented an amendment to the agreement with Pitkin County authorizing Agreement the hiring of a consultant, Kogosek and Associates, to lobby for legislation to allow Pitkin County a trade of certain Eagle County mining claims for the Mt. Sopris Tree Farm. He read the language from the agreement. He stated Eagle County would handle the finances of the contract, Eagle County would pay $5,000 retainer, Eagle County would pay the first $13,000, Pitkin County would pay the second $13,000, and the third $13,000 would be paid to Eagle County and Eagle County would pay the consultant that $13,000. The $5,000 is included in the $13,000. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the amendment to the agreement for the acquisition of the Mt. Sopris Tree Nursery. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Lindahl presented an agreement for services with Kogosek and Associates at a Agreement cost of 545,000 in fees and $7,000 in expenses. Kogosek Assoc Commissioner Gates moved to approve the agreement with Kogosek and Associates as discussed by Mr. Lindahl. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fritze presented a Certificate of Compliance and requested the Chairman be Compliance Cert authorized to sign, for the U.S. Department of Transportation FAA to comply with FAA recent legislation which stated Federal funds will not be paid on behalf of the County for lobbying efforts. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the Certificate of Compliance as presented by Mr. Fritze. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to March 26, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman 411/ 4111 March 13, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman Thomas Bigler Asst County Attorney George "Bud" Gates Commissioner Jim Curnutte Planner Dick Gustafson Commissioner Jeremy McMahan Planner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Welch opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda, File SU-117-89-F SU-117-89-F. Jeremy McMahan, Planner, stated the applicants for File SU-117-89-F have requested tabling to April 24, 1990. Commissioner Gates moved to table File SU-117-89-F to April 24, 1990, at the applicant's request. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Jim Curnutte, Planner, brought up File ZS-126-90-A4, Flatiron Special Use Permit, ZS-126-90-A4 requesting an amendment to the Special Use Permit to increase the building height to Flatirons 28 feet maximum. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the amendment to the Special Use Permit application, File No. ZS-126-90-A4, Flatiron Structures Company. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Curnutte presented the next item, File T-12-90, Richard and Kristina Cooper, a T-12-90 temporary housing permit approval. He pointed out the County regulations that allow Cooper for permits for temporary housing. Commissioner Gates moved on File T-12-90, Richard & Kristina Cooper, to allow a temporary housing permit. Chairman Welch seconded the motion. Commissioner Gustafson was out of the room. Discussion followed on the unit and dwelling unit. Commissioner Gates clarified the motion to include the address of 0150 Cactus, Lot 5, Chambers Ranch Parcel 2. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous of the two voting Commissioners. Chairman Welch stated the next item was File PD-100-90-A, Beaver Creek PUD PD-100-90-A Amendment. He declared a potential conflict of interest as he is a leaseholder from BC PUD Amend. Vail Associates and has an independent contract for VA's real estate department. He added he did not feel this would cause a conflict in his decisions. Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, advised there is no conflict of interest since Chairman Welch made the disclosure. Mr. McMahan made a presentation regarding the Beaver Creek PUD Guide Fireplace Regulations. He read the project description. He mentioned fireplaces and problems of air quality and stated gas fireplaces are being encouraged. He reviewed the regulations regarding fireplaces. Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the PUD Amendment application, File No. PD-100-90-A, Beaver Creek PUD Amendment. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. McMahan presented File ZC-242-90 and a companion File SM-642-90, ZC-242-90 Chenault/Little Woody Farms. He told the Board the property was illegally subdivided Chenault prior to 1970. He gave a background on the project. He mentioned the concerns of off-site road impacts. Tom Brown, Engineer, expressed the need for right-of-way and stated the exact impact is unknown. Discussion on the road and off-site impact, zoning and the subdivision of the lot. Sid Fox, Acting Director of Community Development, advised Staff is not recommending the zoning be changed. Stewart Frithe, applicant, spoke concerning the request and as a year has past and he has spent considerable money for planning fees. He requested the question of the lot be settled. He does not have a problemwith the right-of-way of the roads. Further discussion was held on the right-of-way. Mr. Frithe brought up fees of plan check and building permit and complained of recurring fees for the same documents. Commissioner Gustafson moved to table File ZC-242-90 and File SM-642-90 to March 19, 1990. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. McMahan presented File PD-287-90, Red Barn Garden Center, and reviewed the PD-287-90 project description and gave site data. He read the chronology and pointed out the Red Barn major concerns and issues. He related Staff findings and reviewed criteria for PUD Garden Ctr sketch plan and zone district amendment. He mentioned a call from Mike Mollica, Town of Vail, who questioned the project. Richard Matthews, applicant, pointed out on a plat the location and defined the surrounding areas. Mr. McMahan summarized correspondence received in favor of and opposed to the project. Mr. Matthews told the Board he spoke with some of the people who wrote letters and summarized the discussions he had with them. He made a presentation of the proposal for the Garden Center and pointed out the plan on a plat. Mike Blair, applicant, reviewed the project and discussed zoning and the use of a garden center being visually pleasing. • 59 Bob Ruder, property owner, made a presentation in favor regarding the proposed project for the garden center. He added since Mr. Matthews will be living on the property, it is an added advantage to the project. Commissioner Gates asked if this project would be considered spot zoning. Thom Bigler, Assistant County Attorney, pointed out his concern is the same as Staff's, this being an enclave of improper, temporary zoning of one parcel. Mr. Fox elaborated on the PUD question of the 14 units that are approved on the property now remain if the garden center is removed. Mr. Matthews spoke regarding the PUD and stated there are no plans to develop the 14 units along with the garden center. Chairman Welch stated he has problems with commercial on this site. Commissioner Gates stated his belief that other commercial sites in the area cause more traffic than the proposed garden center. He added he likes the idea of the garden center as there does not seem to be a demand for housing in this area. Commissioner Gustafson stated he likes the idea that the proposed project is less dense. Chairman Welch reiterated his concern regarding the incompatibility of this project on this site. Mr. Blair pointed the out PUD controls that can be put on the application and allow other uses that would serve the area. Mr. McMahan asked about firewood sales. Mr. Matthews stated he did not intend to split and sell firewood. Mr. Bigler advised the Board he was not concerned regarding spot zoning but has concerns on using the PUD zoning on this type of project. He stated the PUD concept is designed for a comprehensive development self-contained to a certain degree. Commissioner Gates moved on File PD-287-90, Red Barn Garden Center, to approve with the following conditions: 1. No additional residential units (other than one duplex as per PUD guide) shall be allowed until the Garden Center is moved from the site. 2. No storage of gas or diesel on the site. 3. No equipment shall be parked or stored on the south side of the property. He further moved to incorporate staff findings as follows: 1. Resulting development will not be inconsistent with Master Plan objectives. 2. The area around the development can be planned in substantial harmony with the proposed PUD. 3. Adjacent and nearby communities will not be detrimentally affected by the proposed PUD. 4. The PUD can be completed within a reasonable period of time. 5. Proposed commercial development can be justified. 6. The streets are adequate to support the anticipated traffic and the development will not overload the streets outside the planned area. 7. Utility and drainage facilities are adequate. 8. The employee housing plan is acceptable. 9. The rezoning is consistent with the Master Plan. 10. The area possesses the geological physical and other environmental conditions compatible with the characteristics of the use requested. 11. The advantages of the use requested outweigh the disadvantages. 12. The land has access and can be serviced with water and sewage disposal systems appropriate with the zone district being sought. 13. The area for which rezoning is requested has changed to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage a new use or density in the area. 14. The proposed rezoning is necessary in order to provide land for a demonstrated community need. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. In discussion, Commissioner Gustafson stated he does not agree the neighborhood has changed enough to warrant a PUD. Mr. McMahan pointed out that item 13 or 14 has to be met. Mr. McMahan explained the use approved would be a garden center and 14 units previously approved. Commissioner Gustafson moved to adjourn into executive session. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. The Board returned from executive session. Question was called for on the motion. Commissioner Gates voted yes. Commissioner Gustafson and Chairman Welch voted no. The motion failed. Commissioner Gustafson explained a precedent would be set for individual zoning along a residential road clearly established. Mr. Blair suggested another motion to approve a PUD as the Board has control to impose limitations. Chairman Welch stated he believes the Board must be consistent and could not approve the project without setting a precedence. Commissioner Gates stated he believes the County is remiss in not approving this project. Mr. Fox presented a final plat for Lot 43, Homestead Filing 3. omel Plat H Commissioner Gustafson moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Homestead final plat for Lot 43, Homestead 3, to amend the building envelope. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Fox presented a resubdivision of Lot 2, Block 3, Lot 1, Lot 5, Tract T, Tract Final Plat U, Homestead Filing rl, vacation of Freemont Road. Homestead Commissioner Gustafson moved to sign the final plat as presented by Mr. Fox. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 4111 • There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned to March 19, 1990. Attest: Clerk to the Board Chairman • S2 March 12, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING Present: Don Welch Chairman Kevin Lindahl County Attorney George "Bud" Gates Commissioner James Fritze County Manager Dick Gustafson Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were brought before the Board for their consideration: Chairman Welch opened the meeting with bill paying. Bill Paying Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve the warrants submitted for bill paying for Eagle County and Social Services. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Letter re James Fritze, County Manager, presented a letter to be sent to the Town of Avon as Avon Under- evidence of the County's participation regarding the Avon Underpass project. The Town pass of Avon needs the letter to present to the Highway Department. He reviewed the letter for the Board stating the County's contribution will be in kind services. Commissioner Gustafson moved to sign the letter as presented by Mr. Fritze. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, Commissioner Gates asked if the services provided by the County Engineer is included in the amount or if an additional amount to the original amount of in kind services. Mr. Fritze stated the $4,000 in kind completed by Engineering is additional services. Commissioner Gustafson made the point of assuring additional funds would not be forthcoming. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Res 90-27 Sid Fox, Acting Director of Community Development, brought before the Board the Planning establishment of the Roaring Fork Valley Planning Commission. Commissions Commissioner Gates moved the Board of County Commissioners approve Resolution - 90-27 establishing two separate Planning Commissions to serve specific geographic areas of Eagle County. Commissioner Gustafson seconded the motion. In discussion, Kevin Lindahl, County Attorney, stated applications submitted to the County after March 1, 1990, will be referred to the appropriate Planning Commission. Any applications filed on or before March 1, 1990 will be referred to the Eagle and Colorado Valley Commission. He reviewed scheduling items of the Planning Commissions. Mr. Fritze asked if proposed changes in the regulations should go to both commissions. Mr. Lindahl replied the changes should be reviewed by both Planning Commissions. Question was called for on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Res 90-28 Mr. Fox presented a proposed resolution amending the Eagle County Land Use Planning Regulations establishing the meeting schedule of the two Planning Commissions. Schedules Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board of County Commissioners approve and adopt Resolution 90-28 amending the Eagle County Land Use Regulations to provide for application deadlines and meeting days. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Census Salary Mr. Fritze asked the Board to consider paying census takers additional salary. Jim Curnutte, Planner, explained to the Board the wages for census workers. He stated hourly pay for some workers in Avon and Vail is being supplemented by the Towns of Avon and Vail. He stated he figured an additional amount of $36,000 in supplementary income would be the amount by Eagle County. Discussion followed on supplementary salary for census takers. The Board determined not to supplement the amount being paid to the census workers by the Census Bureau. Grant for Mr. Fritze brought before the Board a grant for the Eagle County Transportation Bus Mtnce System for a maintenance building. He advised he signed the letter because it had to Building be sent immediately. He requested the Board ratify his signature. Commissioner Gustafson moved the Board ratify the decision made by Mr. Fritze in requesting funds for the bus system. C