HomeMy WebLinkAbout1058-041— FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT 1 1/2" ALUMINUM CAP LS# 26967 N89' 54' 48'lf� t. 150.16 rAl,) LOT 40 FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT 1 1/2- ALUMINUM CAP IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT THEW 1/2 OF LOT 34, LOT 35 AND 36, C- SUBDIVISION Section 6, Twp. 5S, Range 85W, 6th P.M. Town of Gypsum, County of Eagle, State of Colorado EAGLE STREET 60' R.O.W. ,= (PLATTED REC.NO. 61752) CONCRETE CYLINDER WALL WATER SHUT FF VALVE SET SURVEY MONUMENT 1 1/2- ALUMINUM CAP ON #5 REBAR FOUND #5 REBAR _ 589 56' 21 "!Y LS #38079 N90900�00 *E 62.50 - OFF CORNER, NOT ACCEPTED 4,987 (M� 25.00' 25.00': 12.50' FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT FOUND 2" STEEL F 1 1/2" ALUMINUM CAP PIPE NEAR PROPERTY SET SURVEY MONUMENT LS# 26967, ACCEPTED CORNER, NOT ACCEPTED 1 1/2- ALUMINUM CAP ON #5 REBAR (NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 38 RR -TIE LS #38079 C SUBDIVISION) WALL WOOD POST WALL N LOT 36 WOOD GRAVEL FENCE DRIVE r _ _ RQOF QVERHANG 7.0' 19.5' } z I W I LOT 35 WEST 1/2 1 1 STORY I LOT 34 LOG BUILDING 1 I N I I I I I I I ELECTRIC ' GAS I_ METER W METER 19.5' _ 6. T O 0.4' 0.4' I 24.3' - i I O I I I 0 WIRE I � C= I I Z FENCE 1 p I I GARAGE LOT 39 LOT 38 LOT 37 tj C SUBDIVISION cV I 18.7' N REC.NO. 61752 — — — — — — �; -- - - -� LLOYDA M. MALLOW i3 I I j 3', I 14.9' 9.4' C7 L X ROOF OVERHANG 1 X j WIRE 1 ; o N i FENCE {� 1 SHED ° I 8.4' t 7812.5 sq.ft. 0.179 acres wooD (Platted) FENCE i; 1 is WOOD FENCE ON 8" CONCRETE WALL I � LS# 26967, ACCEPTED (SOUTHWEST CORNER LOT 40 C SUBDIVISION) N90' 00' 00 "E 100.16 (M� 100.00' (-0,) BASIS OF BEARINGS 1 ; a it SET SURVEY MONUMENT 1 1/2" ALUMINUM CAP ON #5 REBAR LS #38079 25.00' 25.00 12.50' N9(Y00'00" VIA 62.50' SET SURVEY MONUMENT a i 1 1/2" ALUMINUM CAP ON #5 REBAR 0t4'---- LS #38079 it 16 ALLEY (PLATTED REC.NO. 61752) O UTILITY POLE 0 N90' 00' 00 "E 212.50 �M &D% 0 5 10 20 1 inch = 10 ft LOT 31 A "C" SUBDIVISION RESUBDIVISION REC.NO. 742446 RENEE RUMRILL FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT 1 1/4" BLUE PLASTIC CAP ON #4 REBAR, LS# ILLEGIBLE ACCEPTED (NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 26A "C" SUBDIVISION, RESUBDIVISION REC.NO. 742446) LOT 30 PRIOR TO RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 26 -33 AND E1/2 OF LOT 34 N90. 00' 001W "C" SUBDIVISION, REC.NO. 742446) ' 7,00' 87.50 rAll&,0,) N90 000'00 "W 250.16' PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: THE WEST 1/2 OF LOT 34, AND ALL OF LOTS 35 AND 36, C— SUBDIVISION, THE TOWN OF GYPSUM, according to the Final Plat thereof recorded at Reception No. 61752 on October 4, 1932, in the Eagle County Clerk and Recorders Office, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. NOTES: 1. DATE OF SURVEY: APRIL 3, 2017 2. STREET ADDRESS: 207 Eagle Street (Posted) 3. Location of Improvements, lot lines, setback lines, and easements are based upon a Title Commitment provided by Title Company of the Rockies, Commitment Number: 2000199 —C, with an effective date of December 15, 2016 and the aforesaid Final Plat, and Survey Monuments found at the time of the survey as shown hereon. 4. U.S. Survey Feet was used for this survey. 5. BASIS OF BEARINGS: N90'00'00 "W between the southwest corner of Lot 40 (Found 1 1/2" Aluminum Cap, LS #26967) and the old southeast corner of Lot 31 (Found 1 1/2" Aluminum Cap, LS #26967) as shown hereon and all bearings relative hereto. 6. Notice; According to Colorado Law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect, in no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of certification shown hereon. COUNTY SURVEYOR CERTIFICATION Deposited this Day of �`— 2017, at in Book 1 of the Eagle County Surve or's Land Survey Plats/ Rights —of —Way Surveys at Page _Los S . This Land Survey Plat complies with Section 38 -51 -102, of the Colorado Revised Statutes. 31hiNli1160 I, Randall P. Kipp, a Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Colorado, do hereby certify that this Improvement Survey Plat was prepared for Carol Flogaus and Jay Gunter, and is the result of a survey performed by me or under my direct supervision, responsibility and checking. I further certify that this Land Survey Plat is in conformance with 38 -51 C.R.S. and standard survey methods practiced in the area at the time of this survey. r 38079 0 _LI-17 :,`F. DO��(.f {�••• •• Randall P. Kipp P.L.S. #38079 Colorado Professional Land Surveyor