HomeMy WebLinkAboutR16-103 Fiscal Budget Mill Levy 2017 Commissioner - i k .1 moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 2016- (0 • ti t. f RESOLUTION CONCERNING ADOPTION OF THE 2017 FISCAL BUDGET MILL LEVY,' WHEREAS, the Eagle County Assessor will certify to the Board of County Commissioners a total assessed valuation of$3,033,426,740; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has approved Resolution 2016- adopting the Eagle County Budget and making appropriations for the fiscal year 2017; and WHEREAS, the annual budget of Eagle County, Colorado, for fiscal year 2017 requires the generation of property tax revenue for the various County Funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: 1. That a property tax levy of Five and Two Hundred Eighty Five Thousandths mills (5.285 mills) for the General Fund is approved; 2. That a property tax levy of One and Three Hundred Fifty Nine Thousandths mills (1.359 mills) for the Road and Bridge Fund is approved; 3. That a property tax levy of Two Hundred and Forty Thousandths mills (0.240 mills) for the Social Services Fund is approved; 4. That a property tax levy of Sixty One Thousandths mills(0.061 mills) for the Capital Improvement Fund is approved; 5. That a property tax levy of One and Five Hundred Thousandths mills (1.500 mills) for the Open Space Fund is approved; 6. That a property tax levy of Fifty Four Thousandths mills (0.054 mills) for the Insurance Reserve Fund is approved; And that the total combined mill levy will be Eight and Four Hundred Ninety-nine Thousandths mills (8.499 mills) for fiscal year 2017. a al Via" ORM 1 Eag€e county A torney Tice By: Eagle County Commissioners' Office MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the i3 day of December, 2016. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO,by and Through Its ATTEST: Ot gJ►G(�0 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS VP * IQ-t140tl�14 v� %RAO° By: ^Qu Clerk to the Board of J e McQueen County Co issioners air //y� ian H. Ryan Commi:sioner Kathy C idler-Henry Commis oner Commissioner C.trb.t DuA_.4 - seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner McQuenney 1.,,, 4 Commissioner Ryan 4-14 Commissioner Chandler-Henry This Resolution passed by 5 1 0 vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. 2 gxIfi A- AMENDED CERTIFICATION.OF VALUES Name of Jurisdiction:EAGLE COUNTY GENERAL FUND, 001 New District: USE FOR STATUTORY PROPERTY TAX REVENUE LIMIT CALCULATIONS (5.5% LIMIT) ONLY • In accordance with 39-5-121(2)(a)and 39-5-128(1),C.R.S.The total Assessed Valuations for taxable year 2016 • In EAGLE COUNTY On 11/18/2016 Are: Previous Year's Net Total Assessed Valuation: $2,927,608,770 Current Year's Gross Total Assessed Valuation: $3,033,426,740 (-)Less TIF district increment,.if any: $96,110,050 Current Year's Net Total Assessed Valuation: $2,937,316,690 New Construction*: • $27,602,260 Increased Production of Producing Mines**: $0 ANNEXATIONS/INCLUSIONS: $0 Previously Exempt Federal Property**: $0 New Primary Oil or Gas production from any • Oil and Gas leasehold or land(29-1-301(1)(b)C.R.S.)***: $0 Taxes Received last year on omitted property as of August 1 (29-1-301(1)(a)C.R.S.)Includes all revenue $4,014.00 collected on valuation not previously certified. Taxes Abated or Refunded as of August 1 $46,498.23 (39-10-114(1)(a)(I)(B)C.R.S.): • This value reflects personal property exemptions IF enacted by the Jurisdiction as authorized by Art.X,Sec.20(8)(b),Colo.Constitution *New Construction Is defined as:Taxable real property structures and the personal property connected with the structure. **Jurisdiction must submit a certification to the Division of Local Government In order for a value to be accrued(DLG52&52A) ***Jurisdiction must submit an application to the Division of Local Government In order for a value to be accrued.(DLG 52B) USE FOR'TABOR' LOCAL GROWTH CALCULATIONS ONLY In accordance with.the Art.X,Sec.20,Colorado Constitution and 39-5-121(2)(b),C.R.S.The Actual Valuations for the taxable year 2016 In EAGLE COUNTY On 11/18/2016 Are: F' Current Year's Total Actual Value of All Real Property*: $29,543,344,480 ADDITIONS TO TAXABLE REAL PROPERTY: • Construction of taxable real property Improvements": $263,241,710 • ANNEXATIONS/INCLUSIONS: $0 • Increased Mining Production***: $0 Previously exempt property: $4,427,250 Oil or Gas production from a new well: $0 Taxable real property omitted from the previous year's tax $2,401,090 warrant.(Only the most current year value can be reported): DELETIONS FROM TAXABLE REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENTS: $5,276;680 Destruction of taxable property improvements. Disconnections/Exclusions: $0 Previously Taxable Property: $7,173,520 *This includes the actual value of all taxable real property plus the actual value of religious,private schools,and charitable real property. **Construction is defined as newly constructed taxable real property structures. ***Includes production from a new mine and Increase In production of a producing mine. NOTE:All levies must be certified to the Board of County Commissioners no later than December 152016 . EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 2017 BUDGET Property Tax History Percent 2017 Of Budget Total County Valuation: Base Value 3,005,824,480 102.33% %of Increase 2.28% New Construction 27,602,260 0.94% % of Increase 32.92% Less TIF district increment (96,110,050) -3.27% Total Valuation 2,937,316,690 100.00% 2016 Budget Mill Levy: General Fund 5.285 Road & Bridge Fund 1.359 Social Services Fund 0.240 Insurance Reserve Fund 0.054 Capital Improvement Fund 0.061 Open Space Fund 1.500 Total Mill Levy 8.499 %of Increase 0% Property Tax: General Fund 15,523,719 62.18% Road & Bridge Fund 3,991,813 15.99% Social Services Fund 704,956 2.82% Insurance Reserve Fund 158,615 0.64% Capital Improvement Fund 179,176 0.72% Open Space Fund 4,405,975 17.65% Total Property Tax 24,964,254 100.00%