HomeMy WebLinkAboutR16-101 Climate Action Plan Commissioner moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE,STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 2016- 1G RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE CLIMATE ACTION PLAN FOR THE EAGLE COUNTY COMMUNITY WHEREAS,Eagle County has adopted an environmental policy which deems preservation and enhancement of the natural environment a top priority to ensure the health, safety, welfare, and economic well-being of its citizens; and WHEREAS,the Board of County Commissioners for the County of Eagle, Colorado (the "Board") recognizes that a clear scientific consensus indicates that man-made greenhouse gas emissions have caused the planet-and consequently Colorado-to warm in recent decades; that combustion of fossil fuels is increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases(GHG) in the atmosphere,pushing average global temperatures higher and changing Eagle County's climate and ecosystems,making winters warmer and shorter, summers longer and hotter, and increasing the risks of wildfires, droughts and floods; and WHEREAS,the Board recognizes that our local tourism economy and Colorado's ski industry is dependent on healthy and thriving ecosystems, consistent winter snowfall and spring runoff, all of which are threatened by climate change; and WHEREAS, Eagle County's Strategic Plan includes a vision to provide regional leadership on environmental issues including climate protection and reduction of community greenhouse gas(GHG) emissions; and WHEREAS, Eagle County contracted with CLEER(Clean Energy Economy for the Region) in 2015 to conduct an Eagle County Energy Inventory to identify energy sources,uses, and related emissions by sector. According to the study, GHG emissions in baseline year 2014 were 1.4 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e)with 60%of the emissions from commercial and residential building sectors, 27% from vehicles, 10% from landfill, and 3% from airport. Community-wide energy cost for the year 2014 was$243 million; and WHEREAS,actions taken as result of a community climate action plan have the potential to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, improve the health and quality of lives and ecosystems, and support local economies by reducing energy expenses for residents, all while supporting state,national and global climate protection efforts; and P ,R0"-th ' KAM '74.0 B W." Eag!"?.Cotinty Attorney's Office By; Eagle Cniinty CDrnniissioners' Office WHEREAS,Eagle County contracted with Walking Mountains Science Center in 2016 to engage over 30 stakeholders representing local governments,businesses, schools, and nonprofits from throughout Eagle County in the creation of a community-wide Climate Action Plan to help guide greenhouse gas emission reductions into the future; and WHEREAS,the first Climate Action Plan for the Eagle County Community dated December, 2016, attached hereto as Exhibit A, (the"Climate Action Plan") sets a shared community goal to reduce GHG emissions 25%by 2025, and 80%reduction by 2050 (baseline 2014).The Plan provides recommendations for climate actions by sector for community leaders and decision makers to consider in creating positive solutions for future generations. WHEREAS,adoption and successful implementation of the Climate Action Plan requires leadership, coordination, and ongoing investment by community members, local governments, businesses, and non-governmental organizations, and to the extent possible, the integration of climate action goals with county and community plans. NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT,the Board adopts the Climate Action Plan and endeavors to meet the goals of the plan through ongoing county initiatives,integration with County and community plans, and through promotion of and participation in community actions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. THAT,nothing contained herein shall be construed as approval by Eagle County or the Board in its governmental capacity with respect to any particular project or funding request; all actions of the Board are subject to applicable statutory limitations and authority for counties and local governments, including but not limited to the Local Government Land Use Control Enabling Act, as well as the Board's discretion and budgeting authority in compliance with the provisions of Article 25,Title 30 of the Colorado Revised Statues,the Local Government Budget Law(C.R.S. § 29-1-101, et. seq.,) and the TABOR Amendment(Colo. Constitution,Article X, Sec. 20). THAT,the Board hereby finds, determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. MOVED,READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held this 13th day of December, 2016. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF c4�Gc COLORADO, By and Through Its * ° BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: r? 12.1.0-t—lW O I�JVL-N,t-�, c°toRA9° By: 1�i • A 1_.6,., -Ehitif1 putyClerk to the Board of J le McQ -e•ey� County Commissioners r ■/ / Ih H', �� ,- Tilie d, A/� 1 At y C 4•ler-Henry ■ Co • ; •n %' / J/'n H. Ryan ommissioner Commissioner Uh*i D "— - seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner McQueeney 44-i-.w Commissioner Chandler-Henry vk .t AI Commissioner Ryan " This resolution passed by vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado