HomeMy WebLinkAboutR16-096 El Jebel Mobile Home Park File No. 1041-6026 C.4.144sV D U(.t-, Commissioner A moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE,STATE OF COLORADO, SITTING AS THE EAGLE COUNTY PERMIT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO.2016- V i u 1041 PERMIT RESOLUTION OF APPROVAL FOR THE EL JEBEL MOBILE HOME PARK EXPANSION File Number 1041-6026 WHEREAS,on February 16,2016,the Crawford Properties, LLC ('Applicant') submitted an application for 1041 Permitting to allow extension of the Mid Valley Metropolitan District's public water and sewer infrastructure to serve 46 new single family residences. (the"Project"); and WHEREAS,the proposed expansion encompasses 13.6-acres of the overall 114.4-acres owned by the Crawford Properties, LLC and will serve the 46 new single family residences. The 46 new units in the Project are an expansion of the existing 298 units historically located in the El Jebel Mobile Home Park; and WHEREAS,the El Jebel Mobile Home Park Expansion area is located within the Mid Valley Metropolitan District's approved Service Plan Area;and WHEREAS, the El Jebel Mobile Home Park Expansion is proposed as an addition to the affordable community that already exists on the property,with access to the services that are currently provided in El Jebel,within 1/4 to Yz mile of the El Jebel RFTA Bus Rapid Transit Station, and within walking distance to a future RE-1 District Elementary School. The Project is also in close proximity to parks,opens space,commercial services and pedestrian paths; and WHEREAS,the Project has been developed with energy and water efficiency as a goal. The system for rating the efficiency of the manufactured homes shall be based on the Energy Star Certified Manufactured Home Program; and WHEREAS,raw water is proposed to be provided from a lateral of the Robinson Ditch located adjacent to the Project. The raw water irrigation system will be constructed throughout the Project and water rights for the raw water system are owned by the Crawford Properties, LLC;who will likewise own and maintain the raw water irrigation system; and WHEREAS,the landscape plan provides minimal grass areas that will require spray irrigation. Each residence will have a small 1,000 sq.ft. +/-lawn area and drip irrigated shrubs and trees. Care has been taken to specify plant materials that are hardy for the El Jebel area of the Roaring Fork Valley. Front yards will consist of river cobble with crushed granite planting beds for shrubs and street trees. The lawn, cobble and crushed granite areas also serve as pervious drainage areas for the Project; and 1 • By: 4_Ai, © r ftigIe C.unty Attorney's Office By: ' I WHEREAS,Crawford Properties, LLC will provide each household with the"Homeowner's Guide to Household Water Conservation (XCM-219)"; or the Colorado WaterWise Best Practices for guidance; and the"Homeowner's Guide to Protecting Water Quality and the Environment(XCM-223)"as published by the CSU Extension Agency. Crawford Properties, LLC and the residents will use these tools as guides for water conservation and water quality protection; and WHEREAS,the Board of County Commissioners,sitting as the Eagle County Permit Authority on July 19, 2016,has considered all the evidence, exhibits and arguments presented at the hearings; and makes the following findings with regard to this 1041 Permit Application as it to Chapter VI,Sections 6.04.01,and 6.04.02 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations: Pursuant to Eagle County Land Use Regulations,Section 6.04.01,Permit Application Approval Criteria for Matters of State Interest,and as more specifically described in the application materials: (1) Documentation HAS BEEN provided demonstrating that prior to site disturbance for the Project,the applicant will have obtained all necessary property rights, permits and approvals. (2) The Project WILL NOT impair property rights held by others. (3) The Project IS consistent with relevant provisions of applicable land use and water quality plans. (4) The applicant HAS the necessary expertise and financial capability to develop and operate the Project consistent with all the requirements and conditions. (5) The Project IS technically and financially feasible. (6) The Project IS NOT subject to significant risk from natural hazards. (7) The Project WILL NOT have a significant adverse effect on land use patterns. (8) The Project WILL NOT have a significant adverse effect on the capability of local governments affected by the Project to provide services,or exceed the capacity pf service delivery systems. (9) The Project WILL NOT create an undue financial burden on existing or future residents of the County. (10) The Project WILL NOT significantly degrade any current or foreseeable future sector of the local economy. (11) The Project WILL NOT have a significant adverse effect on the quality or quantity of recreational opportunities and experience. (12) The planning,design and operation of the Project WILL reflect principals of resource conservation,energy efficiency and recycling or reuse. 2 Commissioner A moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE,STATE OF COLORADO, SITTING AS THE EAGLE COUNTY PERMIT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO.2016- 0 e f 1041 PERMIT RESOLUTION OF APPROVAL FOR THE EL JEBEL MOBILE HOME PARK EXPANSION File Number 1041-6026 WHEREAS,on February 16,2016,the Crawford Properties, LLC ('Applicant') submitted an application for 1041 Permitting to allow extension of the Mid Valley Metropolitan District's public water and sewer infrastructure to serve 46 new single family residences. (the"Project"); and WHEREAS,the proposed expansion encompasses 13.6-acres of the overall 114.4-acres owned by the Crawford Properties, LLC and will serve the 46 new single family residences. The 46 new units in the Project are an expansion of the existing 298 units historically located in the El Jebel Mobile Home Park; and WHEREAS,the El Jebel Mobile Home Park Expansion area is located within the Mid Valley Metropolitan District's approved Service Plan Area; and WHEREAS, the El Jebel Mobile Home Park Expansion is proposed as an addition to the affordable community that already exists on the property,with access to the services that are currently provided in El Jebel,within 1/4 to ' mile of the El Jebel RFTA Bus Rapid Transit Station, and within walking distance to a future RE-1 District Elementary School. The Project is also in close proximity to parks,opens space, commercial services and pedestrian paths; and WHEREAS,the Project has been developed with energy and water efficiency as a goal. The system for rating the efficiency of the manufactured homes shall be based on the Energy Star Certified Manufactured Home Program; and WHEREAS,raw water is proposed to be provided from a lateral of the Robinson Ditch located adjacent to the Project. The raw water irrigation system will be constructed throughout the Project and water rights for the raw water system are owned by the Crawford Properties, LLC;who will likewise own and maintain the raw water irrigation system; and WHEREAS,the landscape plan provides minimal grass areas that will require spray irrigation. Each residence will have a small 1,000 sq.ft. +/-lawn area and drip irrigated shrubs and trees. Care has been taken to specify plant materials that are hardy for the El Jebel area of the Roaring Fork Valley. Front yards will consist of river cobble with crushed granite planting beds for shrubs and street trees. The lawn, cobble and crushed granite areas also serve as pervious drainage areas for the Project; and ! g, 1 0/41) ' . By: leo ..gfe County Attorney's Office — By: WHEREAS,Crawford Properties, LLC will provide each household with the"Homeowner's Guide to Household Water Conservation (XCM-219)"; or the Colorado WaterWise Best Practices Manual for guidance; and the"Homeowner's Guide to Protecting Water Quality and the Environment(XCM-223)"as published by the CSU Extension Agency. Crawford Properties, LLC and the residents will use these tools as guides for water conservation and water quality protection; and WHEREAS,the Board of County Commissioners,sitting as the Eagle County Permit Authority on July 19, 2016,has considered all the evidence, exhibits and arguments presented at the hearings; and makes the following findings with regard to this 1041 Permit Application as it pertains to Chapter VI,Sections 6.04.01,and 6.04.02 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations: Pursuant to Eagle County Land Use Regulations,Section 6.04.01,Permit Application Approval Criteria for Matters of State Interest,and as more specifically described in the application materials: (1) Documentation HAS BEEN provided demonstrating that prior to site disturbance for the Project,the applicant will have obtained all necessary property rights, permits and approvals. (2) The Project WILL NOT impair property rights held by others. (3) The Project IS consistent with relevant provisions of applicable land use and water quality plans. (4) The applicant HAS the necessary expertise and financial capability to develop and operate the Project consistent with all the requirements and conditions. (5) The Project IS technically and financially feasible. (6) The Project IS NOT subject to significant risk from natural hazards. (7) The Project WILL NOT have a significant adverse effect on land use patterns. (8) The Project WILL NOT have a significant adverse effect on the capability of locale governments affected by the Project to provide services,or exceed the capacity Of service delivery systems. (9) The Project WILL NOT create an undue financial burden on existing or future residents of the County. (10) The Project WILL NOT significantly degrade any current or foreseeable future sector of the local economy. (11) The Project WILL NOT have a significant adverse effect on the quality or quantity of recreational opportunities and experience. (12) The planning,design and operation of the Project WILL reflect principals of resource conservation,energy efficiency and recycling or reuse. 2 (13) The Project WILL NOT significantly degrade air quality. (14) The Project WILL NOT significantly degrade existing visual quality. (15) The Project WILL NOT significantly degrade surface water quality. (16) The Project WILL NOT significantly degrade groundwater quality. (17) The Project WILL NOT significantly degrade wetlands and riparian areas. (18) The Project WILL NOT significantly degrade terrestrial or aquatic animal life or its habitats. (19) The Project WILL NOT significantly deteriorate terrestrial plant life or plant habitat. (20) The Project WILL NOT significantly deteriorate soils and geologic conditions. (21) The Project WILL NOT cause a nuisance. (22) The Project WILL NOT significantly degrade areas of paleontological,historic,or archaeological importance. (23) The Project WILL NOT result in unreasonable risk of releases of hazardous materials. (24) The benefits accruing to the County and its citizens from the Project OUTWEIGI- the losses of any natural,agricultural,recreational,grazing,commercial or industrial resources within the County,or the losses of opportunities to develop such resources. Pursuant to Eagle County Land Use Regulations Section 6.04.02 Additional Criteria Applicable to Municipal and Industrial Water Project. and as more specifically described in the application I materials: (1) The Project SHALL emphasize the most efficient use of water,including the recycling,reuse and conservation of water. (2) The Project WILL NOT result in excess capacity in existing water or wastewater treatment services or create duplicate services. (3) The Project SHALL be necessary to meet community development and population demands in the areas to be served by the Project. (4) Urban development,population densities,and site layout and design of storm water and sanitation systems SHALL be accomplished in a manner that will prevent the pollution of aquifer recharge areas. 3 SPECIAL USE PERMIT WAIVER: In accordance with Chapter II,Article 3,Section 3.310.I.2, Waiver Provision, of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations,the Special Review Use Permit application for water and sewer projects: 3.310.1.2.a A permit application pursuant to Chapter 6,Sections one through five of the Eagle County Guidelines and Regulations for Matters of State Interest has been submitted to the Eagle County Permit Authority relative to this land use which would be the subject of a special use permit application. 3.310.I.2.b Compliance with the Special Use Review Permit requirements would be unreasonably burdensome for the Applicant. The applicant has requested a waiver of the Special Use Review Permit requirements as such application would serve no further legitimate planning,zoning or other land use objective. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE,STATE OF COLORADO,SITTING AS THE EAGLE COUNTY PERMIT AUTHORITY: THAT,the Applicant's request for waiver of the Special Use Permit requirements in accordance with Section 3.310.I.2 of the Eagle County Land Use regulations is hereby granted. THAT,the Eagle County Permit Authority hereby directs the Planning Director to provide a copy of this Resolution to the Applicant. THAT, Permit Number 1041-6026 for: 1) for a Municipal and Industrial Water Project,#nd a Major Extension of Existing Domestic Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems be arifd is hereby APPROVED subject to the following conditions of approval: 1) That except as otherwise modified by the Permit,all material representations of the Applicant in this permit application,correspondence,and all public meetings shall be adhered to and considered conditions of approval,unless otherwise amended by othjer conditions. 2) If permanent foundations are proposed for the mobile homes in the Crawford Mobile Home Park Expansion,a site specific geologic assessment shall be provided and foundation systems shall incorporate the recommendations of the site specific geologic assessment. 3) Crawford Properties, LLC will provide each household with the"Homeowner's Guide to Household Water Conservation (XCM-219)"; or the Colorado WaterWise Best Practices Manual for guidance at http://coloradowaterwise.org/BestPractices; and the "Homeowner's Guide to Protecting Water Quality and the Environment(XCM-223)" as published by the CSU Extension Agency. Crawford Properties, LLC and the residents. will use these tools as guides for water conservation and water quality protection. 4) As represented by the applicant in the application,wood burning fireplaces are not allowed within the Project. 5) Prior to issuance of building permits,the applicant shall obtain approval from the Office of the Division Engineer,Water Division No. 5 and/or from the Water Court,for using water resources belonging to Applicant carried in the Robinson Ditch for outdoor 4 irrigation supply needs for the 46 unit expansion area.The Basalt Water Conservandy District must provide confirmation that the approved irrigation water supply does not impair or reduce the Basalt Water Conservancy's water rights under the decree entered in Case No.93CW319 in District Court,Water Division No. 5. 6) Water supply infrastructure associated with the Mid Valley Metropolitan District's system serving the expansion area must not be connected to the Crawford Properties, LLC's domestic water infrastructure operating pursuant to the decree entered in Case No.93CW319. Further,water supplied pursuant to the decree entered in Case No. 93CW319 must not be used to supply the additional 46 residences,associated irrigation or any other purposes within the project expansion area. THAT,the Board hereby finds,determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary for the health,safety and welfare of the citizens of Eagle County. MOVED,READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle,State of Colorado,at its regular meeting held the (91ifday of t d_ 44'v5 Ali—, 2016,nunc pro tunc to July 19, 2016 COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF Q COLORADO, By and Through Its O ' ) rg BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: ' 0 * ADO ,1 r� . � By: I'll Clerk to the Board of a McQueen County Commissioners Chair Jillian H. Ryan Co, issio - i Kathy C'dler-Henry Commissioner Commissioner ^ -GJC-It r-1.u seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner McQueeney Ain, it Commissioner Ryan 14-45$ T_ 5 Commissioner Chandler-Henry K This resolution passed by / vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado 6