HomeMy WebLinkAboutR16-095 Colorado Gives Day . S Commissioner 4.1.1= pu JI- - .Vt=r"-i: moved adoption of the following Resohix: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 2016- 011,5 Resolution Designating December 6, 2016 as Colorado Gives Day WHEREAS, charitable giving in Eagle County, Colorado is critical to providing support that local nonprofit organizations need to make our community a desirable place to live; and WHEREAS, research shows an increase in online giving both locally and nationally, and many believe it is the future of philanthropy; and WHEREAS, Community First Foundation and First Bank have partnered in an effort to increase charitable giving in our community through the online giving initiative Colorado Gives Day; and WHEREAS, Colorado Gives Day in 2015 raised $28.5 million in a single 24-hour period via online donations, $822,580 to Eagle County nonprofits, at www.coloradogives.org, a website allowing donors to direct their contributions to one or more of the forty-one (41) local, Eagle County charities featured on the site, making it an ideal resource for facilitating charitable giving to our locally-based nonprofit organizations; and WHEREAS, Colorado Gives Day is December 6th this year, and all citizens are encouraged to participate because all donations, large or small, can make a difference to nonprofits in need. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners hereby designates Tuesday, December 6, 2016, as Colorado Gives Day in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the 15th day of November, 2016. I i it I^ By:\q ,/ � . ' ,j � ,A, a'ie County Attorneys 6 ice By: Eagle County Commissioners' Office Cod COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF a` 1 COLORADO, by and Through Its ATTEST: it COLORADO, OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 04, COLOO P.P. - , "%Jr.- By: f Teak J. Simonton J e McQueeney 0 Clerk to the Board of it County Commissioners // 7 /Ar Ji,%:n . Ryan o ission. i 1 , :