HomeMy WebLinkAboutR16-090 4th Supplementary Budget Commissioner a---y�--‘ moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 2016- Oct RESOLUTION ADOPTING A 4th SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGET AND APPROPRIATION OF UNANTICIPATED REVENUES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016,AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF BUDGETED AND APPROPRIATED MONIES BETWEEN VARIOUS SPENDING AGENCIES WHEREAS, the County has received certain unanticipated revenues, hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, said revenues were not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the 2016 budget and/or such revenues were not assured at the time of the adoption of the 2016 budget and therefore were not appropriated; and WHEREAS, in view of the needs of the va Q offices, departments, boards, commissions, and other spending agencies, it is also plictiAgitry,N transfer certain previously budgeted and appropriated monies; and 4 4. WHEREAS, the Board has the authority to expend 'such/unanticipated or unassured revenues by enacting a supplementary budget and a pp ro Pa " �and to transfer budgeted and appropriated revenues from one county fund to another county fund, pursuant to C.R.S. 29-1-109 and C.R.S. 29-1-111; and WHEREAS, Eagle County's Finance Director has determined that such budget appropriations are in compliance with the provisions of the Colorado Constitution, Article X, Section 20, also known as "Amendment One: The Taxpayer's Bill of Rights"; and WHEREAS, notice of this proposed supplementary budget has been published in a newspaper having general circulation within the territorial limits of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, as required by the terms of C.R.S. §29-1-106. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, the Board hereby authorizes a supplementary budget and appropriation of unanticipated revenues, unassured funds, and transfers from fund balance as described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Eagle County Attorney's Offlc- By: Eagle County Commissioners' •face THAT, the Treasurer of the County of Eagle is hereby requested and directed to take all action necessary to effectuate the intent of this Resolution. THAT, the Eagle County Budget Officer is hereby requested and directed to immediately transmit an original or certified copy of this Resolution to the affected spending agencies and the officer or employee of the County of Eagle whose duty it is to draw warrants or orders for the payment of money. THAT, the Eagle County Budget Officer is hereby further requested and directed to file an original or certified copy of this Resolution with the Division of Local Governments in the Department of Local Affairs. THAT, this resolution is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Eagle County, Colorado. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the 0 day of AAV ICiA`p, c-t¢ , 2016. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its ATTEST: of its, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RUC Clerk to tlBoard of nne McQue n County Commissioners air 147`1•• �.pys. Jill' H. Ryan C•mmi.sioner ''f/ Kathy Chit dler-Henry 6 Commissioner 2 Commissioner e d."JD .a_. A s conded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner McQueeney I ti Commissioner Ryan V1414 Commissioner Chandler-Henry " This Resolution passed by / U vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. 3 EAGLE COUNTY GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT A Fourth Supplemental Appropriation to FY2016 Budget _ 10/31/2016 _ Line# Department Description Amount 1 GENERAL FUND 2 Revenues: 3 Finance Admin Forest Reserve Act $ 36,594.00 1001-149-4322.11 _' 4 Finance Admin Asset Sale-Co River Rd&5 Acre Parcel $ 150,000.00 1001-149-4921 5 Building Building Permits $ 176,586.00 1001-310-4209.51 6 Building Plan Check Fees $ 126,382.00 1001-310-4409.21 _ 7 Treasurer Treasurer's Commissions $ 44,880.00 1001-130-30-4404.11 8 Environmental Health State Grant-CO State Forest Service Grant $ 19,085.00 1001-290-4350.99 (20905) 9 Sheriff Operations Search and Rescue DOLA Grant Funds $ 13,418.00 1001-201-41-4355.13 10 Sheriff Victim Services Federal Grant $ 20,000.00 1001-201-42-4342.99 11 Detentions Prisoner Work Release Revenue $ 18,300.00 1001-201-48-4405.52 12 Supplemental Contingency _ 13 Unassigned Fund Balance(Previously Funded) $ 25,000.00 Carryforward 14 Unassigned Fund Balance $ (509,130.00) 15 Total Revenue $ 121,115.00 16 17 Expenditures: _' 18 Treasurer Treasurer's Commissions $ 43,564.00 1001-130-31-8910 _' 19 Environmental Health Big Pinon Wildfire Mitigation Project $ 19,085.00 1001-290-6596.99 (20905)_ 20 Sheriff Operations Search and Rescue DOLA Grant Funds _ $ 13,418.00 1001-201-41-8906.99 21 Sheriff Victim Services Audio Equipment/Radio's $ 5,852.00 1001-201-42-7101.99 (30803) 22 Sheriff Victim Services Mobile Data MiO-Fi and 1 yr Service $ 1,440.00 1001-201-42-6225.99 23 Sheriff Victim Services Outreach Items,Victim Booklets etc. $ 4,978.00 1001-201-42-7103.99 24 Sheriff Victim Services Civacore Customization and Support $ 5,500.00 1001-201-42-6596.99 25 Sheriff Victim Services Laptops and/or I-Pads $ 4,800.00 1001-201-42-7195.99 26 Detentions Inmate Restorative Justice Services $ 11,300.00 1001-201-48-6595 27 Detentions Work Release GPS Tracking Fee's $ 2,000.00 1001-201-48-6660.08 __ 28 Detentions Commissary $ 5,000.00 1001-201-48-6660.09 29 Sheriff Operations Department Training $ 12,000.00 1001-201-41-5430 30 Detentions Replacement of Camera&Recording System _ $ 13,500.00 1001-201-48-7192.98 31 Detentions Security Services $ 8,500.00 1001-201-48-6595 32 Detentions Prison Boarding $ 21,000.00 1001-201-48-6660.12 33 Facilities Management Eagle River Park IGA $ 25,000.00 1001-190-8905 Carryforward 34 Facilities Management Security Avon&El Jebel $ 36,792.00 1001-190-6596-98 _ 35 Facilities Management Radios for Security Guards $ 4,173.00 1001-190-7101.98 36 PH&HS Staff Realignment for PH&HS $ (121,039.00) 1001-see attached 37 Surveyor Telephone Services $ 752.00 1001-174-6225.11 38 IT Maintenance Contracts New World $ 3,500.00 1001-165-6439.11 39 Total Expenditures $ 121,115.00 40 41 Road and Bridge Fund 42 Revenues: _ 43 Assigned Fund Balance $ 80,343.00 44 Total Revenue $ 80,343.00 45 46 47 Expenditures: _ 48 Finance Admin Transfers to Towns-Avon $ 11,049.00 1100-149-6680.10 49 Finance Admin Transfers to Towns-Basalt $ 5,653.00 1100-149-6680.11 _ 50 Finance Admin Transfers to Towns-Eagle $ 8,904.00 1100-149-6680.13 _ 51 Finance Admin Transfers to Towns-Gypsum $ 3,240.00 1100-149-6680.17 _ 52 Finance Admin Transfers to Towns-Minturn $ 2,394.00 1100-149-6680.18 53 Finance Admin Transfers to Towns-Red Cliff $ 171.00 1100-149-6680.19 54 Finance Admin Transfers to Towns-Vail $ 19,699.00 1100-149-6680.20 __ 55 Engineering Red Dirt Bridge Add'I Expenses $ 29,233.00 1100-305-8316.99 (31412)_ 56 R&B Administration Wages $ 26,000.00 1100-350-50-5110 57 R&B Administration Overtime $ 5,500.00 1100-350-50-5130 _ 58 R&B Maintenance Wages $ (31,500.00) 1100-350-51-5110 _ 59 Total Expenditures $ 80,343.00 60 , EAGLE COUNTY GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT A Fourth Supplemental Appropriation to FY2016 Budget 10/31/2016 Line# Department Description Amount 61 Social Services Fund 62 Revenues: 63 Child Care Assist Program HB1291/Infant&Toddler Quality Improvements $ 28,500.00 1110-528-4362.99 (21247) 64 Assigned Fund Balance $ 24,479.00 65 Total Revenue $ 52,979.00 66 67 Expenditures: 68 Child Care Assist Program HB1291/Infant&Toddler Quality Improvements $ 28,500.00 1110-528-6650.99 (21247) 69 PH&HS Staff Realignment for PH&HS $ 24,479.00 1110-see attached 70 Total Expenditures $ 52,979.00 71 72 73 Public Health Fund 74 Revenues: 75 Disease Prevention Federal Grant-Emerging Infectious Disease $ 42,167.00 1209-505-71-4342.99 (21255) 76 Healthy Communities Federal Grant-Plan4Health $ 58,750.00 1209-505-70-4342.99 (21256) 77 WIC Federal Grant-WIC $ 7,954.00 1209-505-74-4342.10 78 Total Health Alliance State Grants-Total Health Alliance $ 41,245.00 1209-504-4362.99 (21259) 79 Unallocated Local Grants $ 1,000.00 1209-505-75-4370.11 80 Assigned Fund Balance $ 73,485.00 81 Total Revenue $ 224,601.00 82 83 Expenditures: 84 Disease Prevention Emerging Infectious Disease-Program Supplies $ 950.00 1209-505-71-7201.99 (21255) 85 Disease Prevention Emerging Infectious Disease-Business Trips $ 1,700.00 1209-505-71-6581.99 (21255) 86 Disease Prevention Emerging Infectious Disease-IT Purchases $ 4,350.00 1209-505-71-7195.99 (21255) Emerging Infectious Disease-Business Trips and 87 Disease Prevention Meetings $ 3,000.00 1209-505-71-7195.99 (21255) 88 Healthy Communities Plan4Health Grant-Tuition&Training $ 2,000.00 1209-505-70-5431.99(21256) 89 Healthy Communities Plan4Health Grant-Contractual Services $ 52,750.00 1209-505-70-6142.99(21256) 90 Healthy Communities Plan4Health Grant-Business Travel $ 2,000.00 1209-505-70-6581.99(21256) 91 Healthy Communities Plan4Health Grant-Other Purchased Services $ 2,000.00 1209-505-70-6596.99(21256) 92 WIC WIC-Tuition&Training $ 289.00 1209-505-74-5430 93 WIC WIC-Program Supplies $ 7,665.00 1209-505-74-7200 94 Total Health Alliance Part Time Wages&Benefits $ 3,057.00 1209-504 95 Total Health Alliance Business Travel $ 500.00 1209-504 96 Total Health Alliance Contractual Services $ 37,280.00 1209-504 97 Unallocated Events and Sponsorships $ 1,000.00 1209-505-75-6593.11 98 Total Health Alliance Denver Foundation Grant-Wages Regular $ (6,798.00) 1209-504-5110 99 Total Health Alliance Denver Foundation Grant-Wages Part Time $ (21,030.00) 1209-504-5115 100 Total Health Alliance FICA Taxes for Above Wages(.062) $ (1,728.00) 1209-504-5210 101 Total Health Alliance Medicare Taxes for Above Wages(.062) $ (404.00) 1209-504-5215 102 Total Health Alliance Other Purchased Services $ 29,960.00 1209-504-6595 103 Nurse Family Partnership Wages Regular $ (5,759.00) 1209-511-5110 104 Nurse Family Partnership Employee Tuition and Training $ 5,759.00 1209-511-5430 105 Disease Prevention Lab/Medical Supplies $ 3,500.00 1209-505-71-7200 106 Disease Prevention Travel Immunization Supplies $ 6,000.00 1209-505-71-7262 107 PH&HS Staff Realignment for PH&HS $ 96,560.00 1209-see attached 108 Total Expenditures $ 224,601.00 109 110 EAGLE COUNTY GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT A Fourth Supplemental Appropriation to FY2016 Budget _ 10/31/2016 Line# Department Description Amount 111 Housina Loan Fund 112 Revenues: 113 Nonspendable Fund Balance $ 350,000.00 114 Total Revenue $ 350,000.00 115 116 Expenditures: __ 117 ECLF Loan Program Fees $ 225,000.00 1400-590-86-6591 118 EHOP Loan Program Fees $ 125,000.00 1442-620-6595 119 Total Expenditures $ 350,000.00 120 121 122 Open Space Fund 123 Revenues: 124 Assigned Fund Balance $ 1,126,035.00 125 Total Revenue $ 1,126,035.00 126 127 Expenditures: 128 Walking Mountains _ $ 1,125,000.00 1442-620-8905.99 (80013,1 129 Treasurer Treasurer's Commissions _ $ 1,035.00 1442-130-31-8910 130 Total Expenditures $ 1,126,035.00 131 132 133 Capital Improvement Fund 134 Revenues: 135 _Transfer in from MSC Debt Service _ $ 47,940.00 2150-149-4910.65 _ 136 Assigned Fund Balance $ 50,735.00 137 Total Revenue $ 98,675.00 138 139 Expenditures: 140 Treasurer Treasurer's Commissions $ 175.00 2150-130-31-8910 141 Project Management Attorney's Office Remediation _ $ 85,000.00 2150-191-8150.99 142 IT Eagle Assessor Software Application $ 13,500.00 2150-165 143 Total Expenditures $ 98,675.00 144 145 146 MSC-COP Debt Service Fund 147 Revenues: _ 148 MSC County Property Rentals $ (1,267,475.00) 2201-149-4621 149 Assigned Fund Balance _ $ 40,898.00 150 Total Revenue $ (1,226,577.00) 151 152 Expenditures: _ 153 Move MSC Expense Budget $ (1,274,517.00) 2201-149 154 Transfer Cash to Closeout fund _ $ 47,940.00 2201-149-9100.65 155 Total Expenditures $ (1,226,577.00) _ 156 157 158 Justice Center COP Debt Service 159 Revenues: 160 MSC Debt Service $ 1,267,475.00 2202-149-4621 161 Assigned Fund Balance _ $ 42,041.00 162 Total Revenue $ 1,309,516.00 163 164 Expenditures: 165 Move MSC Expense Budget $ 1,309,516.00 2202-149 , EAGLE COUNTY GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT A Fourth Supplemental Appropriation to FY2016 Budget 10/31/2016 Line# Department Description Amount 167 168 169 Motor Pool Fund 170 Revenues: 171 Net Position $ 47,848.00 172 Total Revenue $ 47,848.00 173 174 Expenditures: 175 Parts for Bus 867&878 $ 40,408.00 3700-730-56-7236.11 176 Labor for Bus 867&878 $ 7,440.00 3700-730-56-6405 177 Total Expenditures $ 47,848.00 178 179 180 insurance Reserve Fund 181 Revenues: 182 Net Position $ 106.00 183 Total Revenue $ 106.00 184 185 Expenditures: 186 Treasurer Treasurer's Commissions $ 106.00 3730-130-31-8910 187 Total Expenditures $ 106.00 188 189 190 191 192 193 SUMMARY All Funds General Fund 194 Additional Revenue $ 784,861.00 $ 605,245.00 195 Revenue Carryforward from 2015 to 2016 $ - $.Unassigned and Assigned Fund Bal(incl.Net 196 Assets)-Previously Funded $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 197 Contingency Fund(Unassigned) $ - $ - Unassigned and Assigned Fund Balance used 198 for additional appropriations $ 928,886.00 $ (509,130.00) 199 Committed Fund Balance-Previously Funded Committed Fund Balance-used for additional 200 appropriations $ - 201 Restricted Fund Balance-Previously Funded $ - $ - Restricted Fund Balance-used for additional 202 appropriations $ - $ - 203 Restricted Net Position $ - $ - 204 Unrestricted Net Position-Previously Funded $ - $ - Unrestricted Net Position-Used for additional 205 appropriations $ 47,954.00 $ - 206 Nonspendable $ 350,000.00 $ - 207 Transfers $ 47,940.00 $ - 208 $ 2,184,641.00 $ 121,115.00 209 210 Revenue Carryforward $ - 211 Unassigned&Assigned(including Contingency) $ 953,886.00 212 Unrestricted Net Position $ 47,954.00 213 Restricted Fund Balance $ - 214 Committed Fund Balance 215 Nonspendable $ 350,000.00 216 Subtotal-New Approp $ 1,351,840.00 217 Transfers $ 47,940.00 218 New Revenue $ 784,861.00 219 Total $ 2,184,641.00