HomeMy WebLinkAboutR16-084 Creation of Housing and Development Authority Advisory Committee Commissioner 14-'11=3.-e-. moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS EAGLE COUNTY HOUSING AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 2016- (Alt RESOLUTION CREATING THE EAGLE COUNTY HOUSING AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND PROVIDING FOR ITS DUTIES AND POWERS WHEREAS,on August 30, 2016, the Eagle County Board of Commissioners submitted to the registered, qualified electors of Eagle County, at the general election to be held on November 8, 2016 (the"Election"), a question authorizing a tax increase of three tenths of one percent for the purpose of providing and improving the quality, availability, and affordability of housing opportunities; and WHEREAS,Eagle County leaders and other stakeholders in the community have long recognized the need for and value of affordable housing. In its current Strategic Plan, Eagle County identifies"encourage more affordable housing choices, including types and price levels" as a critical objective under the identified goal of making Eagle County a"great place to live for all"; and WHEREAS, families who pay more than thirty percent(30%)of their income for housing are considered cost burdened and may have difficulty affording necessities such as food, clothing, transportation and medical care. Based on 2010-2014 averages, over fifty percent (50%)of owners with a mortgage and over forty-six percent(46%) of renters in Eagle County are cost burdened; and WHEREAS,in the 2016 Workforce Survey, sixty-nine(69%) of employers indicated that the lack of affordable housing was negatively affecting their ability to hire employees. This is the highest response to this question in the 8 years the survey has been completed; and WHEREAS, recent polling shows that ninety-five percent(95%) of voters polled thought finding an affordable place to live is a problem and seventy-four percent(74%)believe it to be a big problem. Sixty-four percent(64%)of voters polled indicated they would support a sales tax increase to fund affordable housing purposes; and WHEREAS,the additional revenue attributable to the increased sales tax levy, including interest and other earnings, if approved by the electors of the County, would be credited to a special fund in the County treasury to be known as the Affordable Housing Fund. This Fund, when created, shall be used only for the approved purposes of providing and improving the quality, availability, and affordability of housing opportunities; and WHEREAS,the Eagle County has experienced great success and places significant value on the contributions of other Eagle County advisory committees in creating a better Eagle County for all. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF THE EAGLE COUNTY HOUSING AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY: THAT, the Board of Commissioners of the Eagle County Housing and Development Authority(the "Board")hereby establishes the Eagle County Housing and Development Authority Advisory Committee(the"Committee")to make recommendations to the Board on policies,practices,programs and priorities in affordable housing; and THAT, one member each shall be selected upon the nomination of each of the following: Town of Avon, Town of Basalt, Town of Eagle,Town of Gypsum, Town of Minturn, Town of Red Cliff, and Town of Vail, and two members shall be selected upon the nomination of Eagle County one of which will be selected from the unincorporated area of the Eagle River Valley portion of the County and the other from the unincorporated area of the Roaring Fork Valley portion of the County, for a total of nine members; and THAT, the Committee shall be made up of a mix of individuals 1)with experience in different aspects of the housing market, including but not limited to: lending,property or association management, real estate sales, or real estate development, or 2)representing business or citizen interests throughout the community, or 3) representing large employers within the community; and THAT, the Advisory Committee shall have the following powers and duties: 1. To adopt such bylaws and other policies as it deems appropriate,which are consistent with this Resolution and subject to approval by the Board; 2. To develop long and short-term plans for the provision of housing throughout Eagle County using the revenues of existing affordable housing projects and programs and the Affordable Housing Tax Fund or such other revenue sources as may become available. In developing such plans, the Committee shall consider plans for new construction of deed restricted housing for owners and renters(which may include infrastructure costs and land purchase),better utilization of the current stock of developed real estate throughout Eagle County, down payment assistance loans, and education. 3. To review and make recommendations for investment in proposed developments or redevelopments of residential real estate; and 4. To present plans,policies, budgets and changes thereto, together with a report of the Eagle County Housing and Development Authority's efforts to develop and/or meet such plans, to the Board for its approval not less frequently than semi-annually. THAT, all recommendations of the Eagle County Housing and Development Authority Advisory Committee will be placed on the agenda of a regular or special meeting of the Board for approval, disapproval, or approval with conditions; and • THAT, this resolution is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. MOVED,READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of Commissioners of the Ea le County Housing and Development Authority, at its regular meeting held the t t day of 0 . , 2016. EAGLE COUNTY HOUSING AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY p! gAra4c, By and Through its BOARD OF 0, COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: w. -(° ORA9O By: 4rc'c Clerk anne McQuee I• %-• '. � , hair J i / H. Ryan "ommissioner Kathy Chandler-Henry Commissioner Commissioner Nye c )µ,wL1t seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner McQueeney 444 " Commissioner Ryan Commissioner Chandler-Henry 1047$14-4 i v / This Resolution passed by vote of the Board of Commissioners of the Eagle County Housing and Development Authority