HomeMy WebLinkAboutR16-068 Amendment Eagle County Building Resolution e b GAwvl S S to s.-4 M1_ 04-44 1)tX.v- - 444_4 tz.-`-t /t^ J st n X4.0 a in o 4-4 op 144... 1-o t-t-o w t,v b IR-LA 6 t...%)1 o s—+ BOARD OF EAGLE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS • COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 2016- V W V APPROVING AMENDMENT OF THE EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING RESOLUTION FILE NO. LUR-5979 and LUR-6298 WHEREAS,the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado (hereinafter the "Board"), is authorized,pursuant to State enabling legislation including,but not limited to, C.R.S. 30-28-101, et seq., to plan for and regulate the use and development of land in the unincorporated territory of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado (the"County"), for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, convenience, order,prosperity, and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of the County; and WHEREAS,pursuant to such authority,the Board has adopted zoning, subdivision, and building regulations, which regulations have been incorporated into one comprehensive document entitled "Eagle County Land Use Regulations" (hereinafter the "ECLUR"), pursuant to Resolution No. 82-26, and as subsequently amended; and WHEREAS, Section 5-230 of the ECLUR provides for amendments to the text of the ECLUR by the Board; and • WHEREAS,based on the evidence and testimony submitted by persons in the unincorporated areas of Eagle County and comments of Eagle County staff, the Board hereby determines that the proposed amendments to Chapter III of the ECLUR,known as the Eagle County Building Resolution, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein, are necessary and proper for the protection of the public health, safety, welfare and best interest of the inhabitants of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado; and WHEREAS, at a public hearing held on August 23, 2016, the Board considered the proposed amendments to Chapter III of the ECLUR, attached hereto as Exhibit A, statements of Eagle County staff and other interested parties. The Board voted unanimously to approve said amendments to Chapter III of the ECLUR and authorized the Chair to sign on its behalf the foregoing Resolution evidencing such approval. NOW, THEREFORE,based on the evidence, submitted materials, testimony, exhibits, comments of the Eagle County staff, comments of public officials, and comments from all interested parties and the Staff Report, the Board finds as follows: 1. That proper publication and public notice was provided as required by law for the hearings before the Board. 2. That all standards required for approval of the proposed amendments to C:apterII`of the 1 As 1 By: IfJ/s� Eagle County, CO 202013660 E.gle Coup y Attorney's Offic:, Regina O'Brien 08/19/2020 By: Pgs: 65 09:57:30 AM Eagle County Commissioners' Office REC: $0.00 DOC: $0.00 ECLUR have been met as required by the ECLUR. • NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado: THAT, File Nos. LUR-5979 and LUR-6298, relative to amendment of Chapter III of the ECLUR, known as the Eagle County Building Resolution, are hereby APPROVED. THAT, Chapter III of the ECLUR is hereby amended, as set forth in the attached Exhibit A. THAT,this amendment of Chapter III of the ECLUR shall not constitute nor be construed as a waiver of any violations of the Eagle County Building Resolution existing at the time of adoption of this Resolution. THAT, should any section, clause,provision, sentence or word of this Resolution, including the attached Exhibit A, be declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of this Resolution as a whole or any parts thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid. For this purpose, this Resolution is declared to be severable. THAT, except as expressly altered, modified and changed as set forth in the attached • Exhibit A, all terms and provisions of the ECLUR shall remain in full force and effect and hereby are ratified and confirmed in all respects as of the date hereof. THAT,this Resolution is necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare of the inhabitants of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. THAT,the amended Eagle County Building Resolution, as set forth in the attached Exhibit A, shall become effective on January 1, 2017. ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of fhe County of Eagle, State of Colorado on the day of October, 2016, nunc pro tunc to the 23rd day of August 2016. [remainder of page intentionally left blank] . 2 citCOUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF • ► �.fCOLORADO, By and Through Its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: i--u -_s I o (INR��� By: nil rQwj- Clerk to the'Board of J e McQuee e County Commissioners air Commissioner la•-`714z—,. seconded approval of the amendments to Chapter III of the ECLUR. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner McQueeney aye Commissioner Ryan aye Commissioner Chandler-Henry aye Approval of the amendments to Chapter III of the ECLUR passed by unanimous vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. • • 3 • EXHIBIT `A' EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING RESOLUTION Adopted October 8, 1985 Amended December 30, 1985 Amended March 11, 1986 Amended February 14, 1989 Amended June 23, 1992 Amended January 4, 1994 Amended December 10, 1996 Amended January 1, 1997 Amended January 11, 1999 Amended March 13, 2000 Amended March 12, 2002 Amended December 17, 2002 Amended January 1, 2004 • Amended January 4, 2005 Amended March 28, 2006 Amended August 29, 2006 Amended May 1, 2007 Amended January 1, 2009 Amended January 1, 2010 Amended May, 1, 2012 Amended July 29, 2014 Amended August XX, 2016 Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX, 2016 Page 1 • • Page numbers will change upon approval Chapter III—Eagle County Building Resolution TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 3.01 TITLE 4 3.02 APPLICATION 4 3.03 PERMIT REQUIREMENTS/REFERENCES 4 3.04 DEFINITIONS 5 3.05 2009 2015 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE AMENDMENTS 9 3.06 2009 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE AMENDMENTS 13 3.07 2009 2015 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE AMENDMENTS 17 • 3.075 2009 2015. INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE AMENDMENTS 19 3.08 2009 2015 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE AMENDMENTS 21 3.09 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE AMENDMENTS 22 3.10 2089 2015 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE AMENDMENTS 24 3.105 3.11 2009 2015 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE 25 2015 INTERNATIONAL SWIMMING POOL AND SPA CODE 3.11 NFPA 13D AMENDMENTS 25 3.12 GENERAL BUILDING PERMIT RESTRICTIONS 26 Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 2 • • 3.13 PERMIT AND FEES 32 3.14 DOCUMENTS ON THE SITE 33 3.15 APPEALS 33 3.16 PENALTY 35 3.17 WAIVER 35 3.18 REPEAL 35 3.19 SEVERABILITY 35 3.20 EFFECTIVE DATE 36 • Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 3 • INDEX OF TABLES PAGE Table#1 Project Classifications and Permit Requirements 37 Table#2 Building Permit Fees 39 Table#3 Wildfire Fees 40 Table#1 Fire Sprinkler Systems and Fire Alarm Systems Fees 10 Table#5 4 Factory Built, Manufactured Housing/Mobile Home Fees 40 Table#6 5 Mechanical Permit Fees 41 Table#7 6 Plumbing Permit Fees 41 • Table#g 7 Electrical Permit Fees 42 Table#9 8 Grading Permit Fees 42 Table#11 9 Address Sign Requirements 44 Table#10 Factory Built Chimney Enclosure 45 Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 4 • 3.01 TITLE This Resolution may be cited for all purposes as the Building Resolution • of the County of Eagle, Colorado,2009 2015, as amended and adopted per Section 3.20 of this Resolution. The Board of County Commissioners (the "Board" determines and finds that this Resolution is necessary for the health, safety and welfare of the persons of Eagle County. Eagle County encompasses mountain terrain located at moderate to high altitudes and subject to extreme weather conditions. The application and interpretation of the International Building Code requirements are subject to,but not limited to, the consideration of such factors. Fees in the previous adoption version of the Building Resolution are no longer in effect. The main current fee schedule is in the etiffent-adepted individual codes and amended in the individual sections of the Building Resolution. • 3.02 APPLICATION Eagle County hereby adopts the,following codes, except as such codes are amended as set,for'th in Sections 3.05 - 3.11 of this Building Resolution: 3.02.01 The 2009 2015 edition of the International Building Code(IBC),including the generic fire resistive assemblies listed in the Fire Resistance Design Manual published by the Gypsum Association as referenced in the specified International Building Code,by reference and Appendix Chapters C Agricultural Buildings; E Supplementary Accessibility Requirements; and I Patio Covers; and Appendix Chapter J Grading. The 2009 2015 edition of the International Fire Code(IFC). The 2009 2015 edition of the International Residential Code(IRC) including Appendix F.and G. The 2009 201 Sedition of the International Plumbing Code(IPC), including current amendments adopted by the State of Colorado, including Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 5 • Appendix B,Appendix C, Appendix D ,and Appendix E,Appendix F . and-Appendix-G. The 2009 2015 edition of the International Mechanical Code (IMC). The 209 2015 edition of the International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC). The edition of the National Electrical Code currently adopted by the State of Colorado (NEC). The 2015 edition of the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). The 2015 edition of the International Existing Building Code(IEBC). The 2015 edition of the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (ISPSC). 3.03 PERMIT REQUIREMENTS/REFERENCES 3.03.01 Table 1 o?f'this Building Resolution, entitled "Eagle County Permit Requirements", - - •- -- . . . .. - -- - -- • hereby incorporated herein by this reference. Table 1 sets forth the projects which may require permit(s), if any, and identifies the specific • type of permit(s)required and the site inclusion requirements. Additional permits not identified in Table 1 may also be required. 3.03.02 It shall be the duty of the person and/or entity of a proposed project which is not specifically set forth in Table 1 to contact the Building Official of the Department of Community Development, County of Eagle, Colorado, for a determination of the type of permit(s)required, if any, and the site inclusion requirements. 3.03.03 Proof of Water: Proof of adequate,potable water supply is required with building permit application for all new habitable construction containing plumbing fixtures. By descending order of preference,building permit applicants shall verify a legal source of potable water as follows: a) A written commitment to serve from a public or private water service Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX, 2016 Page 6 • • provider, or a copy of receipt for payment of public water tap specific to the lot,parcel or tract of land that is the subject of the building permit application; or b) A copy of a current valid well permit issued by the Colorado State Division of Water Resources specific to the lot,parcel or tract of land that is the subject of the building permit application; or c) If the parcel or tract of land that is the subject of the building permit application is legally and properly subdivided except that a public water supply system is not available or that the individual well water source is not viably potable,then an alternative water supply system such as holding tanks or cisterns may be utilized upon approval of the Director of the Eagle County Department of Environmental Health. 3.04 DEFINITIONS 3.04.01 COUNTY shall mean the area of Eagle County outside of incorporated Towns,hereinabove referred to as the"regulated area". 3.04.02 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT shall mean the department designated by the Eagle County Public Health Agency to implement the Eagle County Public Health Agency On-site Wastewater • Treatment System(OWTS)Regulations on behalf of the Eagle County Board of Health.(orig. 07/29/14) 3.04.03 FACTORY-BUILT HOUSING UNIT shall mean any structure or component thereof, designed primarily for residential occupancy, either permanent or temporary, which is wholly or in substantial part made, fabricated, formed or assembled in a manufacturing facility intended for assembly and installation, on a permanent foundation at a building site and which carries a Colorado Division of Housing"Factory-Built Unit Certification". 3.04.04 LOT shall mean any legal parcel of land created in compliance with the Eagle County Land Use Regulations on record in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. 3.04.05 MANUFACTURED HOUSING(MOBILE HOME)shall mean a factory-assembled structure or structures equipped with the necessary service connections and made so as to be readily moveable as a unit or Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 7 110 units on its (their)own running gear and designed to be used as a dwelling unit(s)without permanent foundation. ANSI A119-1:(1). (1) The phrase"without a permanent foundation"indicates that the support system is constructed with the intent that the mobile home placed thereon will be moved from time to time at the convenience of the owner. [American National Standards Institute(ANSI) Article A119.1: Standard for Mobile Homes, National Fire Protection Association(NFPA Edition No. 501A, 1990) Section 1-2.] 3.04.06 ROAD OR STREET shall mean a way or right-of-way reserved for (other than an alley,which also provides primary vehicular and pedestrian access to adjacent properties; it may also be used for drainage or utility access to adjacent properties, and may include the terms: avenue, drive, highway, lane,place,road or other similar designation. 3.04.08 SITE shall mean any parcel or area of land having an area sufficient to satisfy the provisions of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. 3.04.09 TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY for Residential Dwellings covered by the IRC - . • . - ': .:- shall mean a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy that may be issued when,but not limited to, the following components of a project are complete and approved by the Eagle County Building Official: • 1. Kitchen operative as per the approved plans. 2. One bathroom operative as per the approved plans. 3. All smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors installed and passed final inspection per Eagle County Building Resolution IRC Chapter 3. 4. The following items are complete: a) Address Numbers. b) Handrails at stairways. c) Guards. d) Decks/landings. e) Separation between the garage and house complete, with an approved door per IRC. f) Exterior wall covering and roofing. 5. Heat source for dwelling is operable. Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 8 • • 6. Final Electrical, Fire Alarms, Fire Sprinklers,Wildfire final or ECO if required,On Site Waste Water Treatment System OWTS if required, Mechanical and Plumbing approvals. 7. Culvert under the driveway installed per Eagle County specifications (located on the approved drawing). 8. Positive drainage provided away from the structure at all locations. 9. Sufficient roadway access for emergency vehicles is shall-be provided. 10. The permit applicant and the owner/buyer/occupant shall enter into a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy agreement wherein the corrections required for a Certificate of Occupancy, as stated by the Building Official, shall be completed within 30 days from the date the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is issued. The Temporary Certificate of Occupancy shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises until final approval for occupancy is complete and a final • certificate of Occupancy is issued, 3.04.10 TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY for Commercial or Multi-Family buildings covered by the IBC shall mean a Temporary • Certificate of Occupancy that may be issued when,but not limited to,the following components of a project are complete and approved by the Eagle County Building Official. 1. The following items are complete: a) Address Numbers. b) Handrails at stairways/ramps. c) Guards. d) Landings. e) Fire resistive separations. f) Exit signs/lighting. g) Exterior wall covering and roofing. h) Bathrooms. 2. Heat source is operable. 3. Final Electrical, Fire Alarms, Fire Sprinklers (if required),On Site . - . - _ _ -- OWTS if required, Plumbing and Mechanical approvals and Wildfire,final or ECO build if required. Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX, 2016 Page 9 4. Fire department review and approval of project. • 5. All site improvements/parking and access roads are complete. 6. Site drainage complete as per grading plans. 7. All accessible parking, signage, walkways,ramps and other items are installed. • 8. Where the landscaping,re-vegetation, drainage or culvert installation, required under Eagle County Land Use Regulations for the purposes of preventing land erosion, improper drainage, damage to properties and unsightliness in residential zones containing multifamily dwellings and in all portions of lots in CL, CG, I, and PUD Zone Districts, is not complete, or where Public Improvements are required under Eagle County Land Use Regulations, a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be issued upon submittal and approval of a properly executed Construction Improvement Agreement. If the improvements required for issuance of a final Certificate of Occupancy have not been completed within one year of the date of issuance of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy,the County may arrange such completion using the collateral provided in connection with the Constrution Improvement Agreement. Should compliance be attained any time • prior to the expiration of one year,the collateral will be returned to the applicant upon issuance of the Final Certificate of Occupancy. 9. Sufficient roadway access is provided for emergency vehicles. Required improvements collateralized under a subdivision improvements agreement to which the County is a party may not be required to be further collateralized under this sub-section. The Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for Commercial or Multi- Family Dwellings are valid up to,but not more than, one year from date of issuance,where a project does not have a Construction Improvement Agreement. The Temporary Certificate shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises until final approval for occupancy is complete and a final Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 10 • • 3.04.11 WORK shall mean the construction, demolition, alteration, repair, moving or change in the class of occupancy of any building, equipment or structure, and shall include the installation, construction, alteration or repair of any private or subsurface sewage-disposal system, and the placement and use of a mobile home as a living unit in a location other elsewhere than in an approved mobile-home park as defined in the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. I Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX, 2016 Page 11 I INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (IBC) AMENDMENTS 3.05 THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE,28812015 EDITION,IS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: Section 101.4 Referenced Codes: Section 101.4 Referenced Codes is amended to read as follows: The other codes listed in 101.4.1 through 101.4.6- 7 and referenced elsewhere in this code shall not be considered part of this code, unless specifically adopted. Section 105.1.1 Annual Permit: Section 105.1.1 Annual Permit: Delete Section. Entire section is hereby deleted. Section 105.1.2 Annual Permit Records. Entire section is hereby deleted. D Section 105.2 Work Exempt from Permit: Section 105.2 Work Exempt from Permit is amended by adding the following: Item 6: Platforms, sidewalks and driveways not more than 30 inches above grade and not over any basement or storage below and which is not part of an accessible route.Amend Item 11 is amended to read as follows: Swings and other playground equipment. Add a new subsection entitled Item 14 to read as fb/lo s: Private use agricultural buildings as defined in Section 202 placed on a lot over 2 acres in size. Ii Section 109.2 Schedule of Permit Fees. Section 109.2 Schedule of Permit Fees is amended to read as follows: The fee for each permit shall be as set forth in Table 2 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. The fee for each permit will be paid at time of application submittal. F- Section 109.2.1 Plan Review Fee. Add a new subsection entitled Section 109.2.1 Plan Review Fee to read us follows: When submittal documents are required by Section 107.1, a plan review fee shall be paid at the time of submitting the submittal documents for plan review. Said plan review fee shall be 65 percent of the building permit fee as shown in Table 2 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. The plan review fees specified in this section are separate fees,from and are in addition to the permit fees specified in section 109.2. and are in addition to the permit fees. Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 12 S • When submittal documents are incomplete or changed so as to require additional plan review or when the project involves deferred submittal items as defined in Section 1 an additional plan review fee shall be charged at the rate shown in Table 2 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. 6- Section 109.3 Building Permit Valuations. Section 109.3 Building Permit Valuation is amended to read as follows: The valuation for building permits shall be the value derived from the cost figures per square foot set forth in the most recent Building Valuation Data Table published by the International Code Council or the valuation provided by the applicant, whichever,yields the higher valuation. The valuation for building permits in Eagle County shall be based on the most recent cost figures per square foot as shown in International Building Code Valuation Table published by The Eagle County Modifier is 1.4. The current latest Building Valuation Data Table may be found at"iccsafe.org" or at the Eagle County Community Development Office. All applicant,whichever yields the higher. l Section 109.4 Work Commencing before Permit Issuance. Section 109.4 Work Commencing before Permit Issuance is amended to read as follows: An investigation fee, in addition to the permit fee,may be collected whether or not a permit • is then or subsequently issued. The minimum investigation fee shall be four times the minimum fee set forth in Table 2 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. The payment of such investigation fee shall not exempt any person from compliance with all other provisions of this code nor from any penalty prescribed by law. Section 109.6 Fee Refunds. Section 109.6: Fee Refund is amended by adding the following: The Building Official shall authorize the refunding of fees as follows: 1. The full amount of any fee paid hereunder which was erroneously paid or collected. 2. Not more than 80% of the permit fee paid when no work has been done under a permit issued in accordance with this code. 3. Not more than 80 percent of the plan review fee paid when an application for a permit for which a plan review fee has been paid is withdrawn or canceled before any plan review effort has been expended. The Building Official shall not authorize the refunding of any fee paid, except upon written request filed by the original applicant not later than 180 days after the date of fee payment. Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 13 • • Section 111.2 Certificate Issued. Section 111.2 Certificate Issued is shall-be • amended to read as follows: Final Certificate of Occupancy Inspection approval shall be the Certificate of Occupancy l Section 113 Board of Appeals. Section 113 Board of Appeals is hereby shall be deleted and 315 of the Building Resolution shall apply. Section 306.2 Moderate-hazard Factory Industrial Group F-1. Section 306.2 Moderate-hazard Factory Industrial Group F-1. is amended to add marijuana cultivation. L. Section 419.2 Occupancies. Section 419.2 Occupancies is amended to add the following sentence: "F and I occupancies shall not be permitted in a live/work unit." Section 713.2 Construction. Section 713.2 Construction is amended to add the following sentences: Chimney chase enclosures of A-vented fireplaces and solid fatel (pellet, wood) burning stoves(B-vented applicances excluded)shall be enclosed with materials for one-hour fire-resistive construction on the interior side of the chase. Requirements for enclosure of chimneys shall be as set forth in Table 10 of this Building Resolution. 4 . • = construction on the interior side of the chase. Requirements for enclosure of chimne • �1 s Y shall be as set forth in Table 10 of this text. S 2 enclosed parking garages: Amend to delete the exception. - Escapes and Rescue: Amend to delete Exception 1. Section 901.5 Acceptance tests. Section 901.5 Acceptance Tests is amended to add the following sentence:All fire protection systems required by this code shall have plan review and inspections in accordance with the governing fire district. g Section 1608.2 Ground Snow Loads. Section 1608.2 Ground Snow Loads is hereby deleted and replaced with the following: Snow loads for roofs and decks shall be determined by the March 1971 and reprinted May 1990 edition of the"Snow Load Design Data for Colorado"prepared by the Structural Engineers Association of Colorado. Mobile homes built with a snow load design less than that specified by the March 1971 Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 14 • and reprinted May 1990 edition of the"Snow Load Design Data for Colorado"prepared by the Structural Engineers Association of Colorado may be installed provided the owner agrees in writing to maintain the snow accumulation on the mobile home so as not to exceed the designed maximum snow load of the mobile home. Q Section 1809.5 Frost Protection. Section 1809.5 Frost Protection is amended by deleting Section 1809.5 entirely and replacing it with the following: Foundation walls, piers and other permanent supports of buildings and structures shall be protected from frost by the following method; Footings subject to frost shall have a minimum depth of 48"measured from finish grade to the bottom of the footing or the depth specified by the soils engineer of record. I� Section 1809.12 Timber Footings. Section 1809.12 Timber Footings: Entire section is hereby deleted Delete Section S. Section 2101.1 Seope. Section 2101.1 Scope is amended by adding the following T. Section 2111.13 Exterior Air Intake. Section 2111.13 Exterior Air Intake is -- • gauge sheet metal for the portion of duct extending through the building on the outside of the fire resistive shaft. Ducts extending from the fireplace and exiting directly to the Doors in front of fireplace openings are required. U-. Chapter 30 Elevators and Conveying Systems Section 3001.5 Fees. A fee for each permit and plan review shall be paid to the Northwest Colorado Council of Governments. The annual certificate of inspection will be administered by the certified elevator inspection agency. For permit applications and inspections contact Elevator Inspection Program at(970) 468-0295 Ext. 108. V Appendix C Section C101.1 Scope. Section 0101.1 Scope, first paragraph is amended by adding the following: Plumbing, Mechanical and Electrical permits shall be required for all agricultural buildings regardless of whether a Building Permit is required. Chapter IIl: Building Resolution:August XX, 2016 Page 15 • VA Appendix J Section J101.1 Scope. Section J101.1 Scope is amended by adding • the following sentence: Grading permits shall be permitted,regulated and enforced by the Eagle County Engineer. Appendix J Section J103.2 Exemptions. Section J103.2 Exemptions is amended by adding the following sentence: Grading of roads in zone districts R, RL,AR and AL which are in an isolated, self-contained area and there is no danger to private or public property that will be used for ranching and agricultural uses only. Y Appendix J Section J103.2.2 Exemptions. Section J103.2.2 Exemptions is amended by revising J103.2.2 to read as follows: An excavation below finished grade for basements and footings of a building,retaining wall or other structure authorized by a valid building permit. This shall not exempt any fill made with the material from such excavation if it is not part of the plans submitted for the building permit. Appendix J, Section J104.1.2 Grading Designation.Add a new subsection entitled Section J104.1.2 Grading Designation to read as follow: Grading in excess of 5,000 cubic yards shall be performed in accordance with the approved grading plan prepared by a civil engineer, and shall be designated as "engineered grading." Grading involving less than 5,000 cubic yards shall be designated "regular grading" unless the permittee chooses to have the grading performed as engineered grading, or the Eagle County Engineer determines that special conditions or unusual hazards exists, in which case grading shall conform to the requirements for engineered grading. AA. Appendix J, Section J104.1.3 Regular Grading Requirements. Add a new • subsection entitled Section J104.1.3 Regular Grading Requirements to read as,fnllows: Each application for a grading permit shall be accompanied by a plan in sufficient clarity to indicate the nature and extent of the work. The plans shall give the location of the work, the name of the owner and the name of the person who prepared the plan. The plan shall include the following information: 1. General vicinity of proposed site. 2. Limiting dimensions and depth of cut and fill. 3. Location of any buildings or structures where work is to be performed and the location of any building or structures within 15 feet of the proposed grading. Appendix J, Section J105.3 Final Reports. Add a new subsection entitled Section J105.3 Final Reports to read as follows: ' .. . _ -- .. -- • . Where drainage improvements are required,the work is to be completed per approved plans and ready for inspection at the time of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy inspection. It will be the general contractor's responsibility to maintain positive drainage Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 16 • . on the site during all phases of construction, including protection of any drainage along the Public Roadway. AC. Appendix J, Section J112 Bonds. . Add a new subsection entitled Section J112 Bonds to read as follows: . .. . . . . : The Eagle County Engineer may require collateral in a form acceptable to Eagle County in such amounts as may be deemed necessary to ensure that the work, if not completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, will be corrected to eliminate hazardous conditions. AD. Appendix J, Section J113 Work Commencing before Permit Issuance. Add a new subsection entitled Section J113 Work Commencing before Permit Issuance to read as follows: is added as follows: An investigation fee, in addition to the permit fee, may be collected whether or not a permit is then or subsequently issued. The minimum investigation fee shall be four times the minimum fee set forth in Table-9 8 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. The payment of such investigation fee shall not exempt any person from compliance with all other provisions of this code nor from any penalty prescribed by law. • Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 17 • INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE (IRC) • AMENDMENTS 3.06 THE INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE,2409 2015 EDITION,IS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: Section R101.2 Exceptions: Number 1 and 2 are amended to read as follows: 1. Live/work units located in townhouses and complying with the requirements of section 419 of the International Building Code shall be permitted to be constructed in accordance with the International Residential Code for one-and two-family dwellings. Fire suppression required by section 419.5 of the International Building Code where constructed under the International Residential Code for one-and two-family dwellings shall conform to all applicable provisions of the Governing Fire District Codes. 2, Owner-occupied lodging houses with five or fewer guestrooms shall be permitted to be constructed in accordance with the International Residential Code for one-and two family dwellings where equipped with fire sprinkler system in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Governing Fire Districts'Codes. A- R102.4 Referenced Codes and Standards. RI02.4 Referenced Codes and Standards is amended by adding the following: Reference to other codes such as • Plumbing, Mechanical, Fuel Gas,NFPAI3D, International Energy Conservation and Electrical shall refer only to the currently adopted code of that type. 13- Section R104.4 Inspections. Section R104.4 Inspections is amended to add the following paragraphs: A third party inspection by a certified log inspection agency shall be required of all structural members in log framed buildings. A letter from the log grading agency certifying log grades are in accordance with the plan specifications shall be required at, or prior to frame inspection. Elevators installed in all structures shall require a third party plan review and inspection by Northwest Colorado Council of Governments. Section R105.2 Work Exempt from Permit: Section R105.2 Work Exempt from Permit is amended by the f"^wing to read asfidIows: Item 1: One-story detached accessory structures used as tool and storage sheds,playhouses and similar uses provided the floor area does not exceed 120 square feet. Item 5: Platforms, sidewalks and driveways not more than 30 inches above grade and not over any basement or storage below and which are not part of an accessible route. Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 18 • • . 133 Section R108.2 Schedule of Permit Fees. Section R108.2 Schedule of Permit Fees is amended by adding the following: The fee for each permit shall be as set forth in Table 2 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. The fee for each permit will be paid at time of application submittal. £� Section R108.2.1 Plan Review Fees. Section R108.2.1 Plan Review Fees is amended to read as follows: When submittal documents are required by Section 106.1, a plan review fee shall be paid at the time of submitting submission of the submittal documents for plan review. Said plan review fee shall be 65 percent of the building permit fee as shown in Table 2 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. The Plan review fees specified in this section are separate fees from and are in addition to the permit fees specified in Section 108.2. and are in addition to the permit fees. When submittal documents are incomplete or changed so as to require additional plan review or when the project involves deferred submittal items as defined in Section 106.1, an additional plan review fee shall be charged at the rate shown in Table 2 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. € Section RI08.3 Building Permit Valuations. Section R108.3 Building Permit Data Valuations is amended to read as follows: The valuation for building permits shall be the value derived from the cost figures per square foot set forth in the most recent Building Valuation Data Table published by the Internantional Code Council or the • valuation provided by the applicant, whichever yields the higher valuation. The valuation for building permits in Eagle County shall be based on the most recent cost figures per International Code Council. The Eagle County Modifier is 1.4. The-latest current Building Valuation Data Table may be found at"iccsafe.org" or at the Eagle County Community Development Office. All applicant, whichever yields the higher. Q- Section R108.6 Work Commencing before Permit Issuance. Add a new subsection entitled Section R108.6 Work Commencing before Permit Issuance to read as follows: An investigation fee,in addition to the permit fee, may be collected whether or not a permit is then or subsequently issued. The minimum investigation fee shall be four times the minimum fee set forth in Table 2 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. The payment of such investigation fee shall not exempt any person from compliance with all other provisions of this code nor from any penalty prescribed by law. Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX, 2016 Page 19 } Section R108.5 Fee Refunds. Section R108.5: Fee Refund is amended by adding the following: The Building Official shall authorize the refunding of fees as follows: 1. The full amount of any fee paid hereunder which was erroneously paid or collected. 2. Not more than 80 percent of the permit fee paid when no work has been done under a permit issued in accordance with this code. 3. Not more than 80 percent of the plan review fee paid when an application for a permit for which a plan review fee has been paid is withdrawn or canceled before any plan review effort has been expended. The Building Official shall not authorize the refunding of any fee paid, except upon written request filed by the original applicant not later than 180 days after the date of fee payment. Section R112 Board of Appeals. Section R112 Board of Appeals-shall-be is hereby deleted and 315 of the Building Resolution shall apply. 3: Section R301.2.3 Snow Loads. Section R301.2.3 Snow Loads is amended by adding the following paragraph: Snow loads for roofs and decks shall be determined by the March 1971 and reprinted May 1990 edition of the"Snow Load Design Data for Colorado"prepared by the Structural Engineers Association of Colorado. Mobile homes built with a snow load design less than that specified by the March 1971 • and May 1990 edition of the"Snow Load Design Data for Colorado"prepared by the Structural Engineers Association of Colorado may be installed provided the owner agrees in writing to maintain the snow accumulation on the mobile home so as not to exceed the designed maximum snow load of the mobile home. Section 8302.1 Exterior Walls. Section R302.1 Exterior Walls is amended to read as follows: Construction,projections, openings and penetrations of exterior walls of dwellings and accessory buildings shall comply with Table R302.1(1): or dwellings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with all applicable provisions of the governing Fire Districts'Codes shall comply with Table R302.1(1). Table R302.1(2) Footnote 'a'. Table R302.1(2) Footnote "a"is amended to read as follows: For residential subdivision where all dwellings are equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed,permitted and inspected to show compliance with all applicable requirements of the governing Fire District Codes, the fire separation for nonrated exterior walls and rated projections shall be permitted Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX, 2016 Page 20 • • to be reduced to 0(zero)feet, and unlimited unprotected openings and penetrations shall be permitted, where the adjoining lot provides and open setback yard that is 6 feet or more in width on the opposite side of the property line. Section R302.2 Townhouses. Section R302.2 Townhouses is amended to read as follows: Common walls separating townhouses shall be assigned afire resistance rating in accordance with Section R302.2, Item 1 or 2. The common wall shared by two townhouses shall be constructed without plumbing or mechanical equipment, ducts or vents in the cavity of the common wall. The wall shall be rated for fire exposure from both sides and shall extend to and be tight against exterior walls and the underside of the roof sheathing. Electrical installations shall be in accordance with the current NEC. Penetrations of the membrane of common walls for electrical outlet boxes shall be in accordance with Section R302.4. 1. Where afire sprinkler system in accordance with all applicable provisions of the governing Fire Districts'Codes is provided, the common wall shall be not less than a 1-hour fire resistance-rated wall assembly tested in accordance with ASTM E 119 or UL 263. 2. Where afire sprinkler system in accordance with all applicable provisions of the governing Fire Districts'Codes is not provided, the common wall shall not be less than a 2-hour fire resistance-rated wall assembly tested in accordance with ASTM E 119 or UL 263. • K. Section R303.8 9 Required Heating. Section R303.8 Required Heating is amended by adding the following: Minimum winter design temperature is -20. Heat loss calculations shall be required for all dwelling units. • • •: • ! I - • : •• •* •• • • •• j • • . : • • • : : • • section R303.9 as follows: In R 3 occupancies rooms containing a boiler, central heating - • . - . ' - •- - • et !!! - - - -. - - - : .• :• • - -•-: - - • - -- : -- •: - : - M. Section R302.2.2 Townhouses. Section R302.2 Townhouses, add this sentence to - • ' ; ' : ;; ; ; ; " Section R313.1.1 Design and Installation. Section R313.1.1 Design and Installation is amended to read as follows: Automatic residential fire sprinkler systems for townhouses shall be designed and installed in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Governing Fire Districts'Codes. Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX, 2016 Page 21 • • Section R313.2 One and two-family Dwelling Automatic Fire Systems.Entire • section is hereby deleted. Section R313.2.1 Design and Installation. Section 8313.2.1 Design and Installation is amended to read as follows: Automatic residential fire sprinkler systems shall be designed and installed in accordance with all applicable provisions of the governing Fire Districts'Codes. O Section R403.1.4.1 Frost Protection. Section R403.1.4.1 Frost Protection is amended by deleting Section R403.1.4.1 entirely and replacing it with the following: Foundation walls, piers, and other permanent supports of buildings shall be protected from frost by the following method; footings subject to frost shall have a minimum depth of 48"measured from finish grade to the bottom of the footing or the depth specified by the soils engineer of record. Section R403.2 Footings for Wood Foundations. Section R403.2 Footings for Wood Foundations is amended by adding the following: Foundations shall be designed by a registered Colorado Engineer or Architect. Q- Section R403.3 Frost Protected Shallow Foundations. Section R403.3 Frost Protected Shallow Foundations is amended by adding the following: Foundations shall be designed by a registered Colorado Engineer or Architect. Section R404.2 Wood Foundation Walls. Section R404.2 Wood Foundation • Walls is amended by adding the following: Foundations shall be designed by a registered Colorado Engineer or Architect. Section R1004.1 General. Section R1004.1 General is amended by adding the following: No building or mechanical permits will be issued for the installation of a wood burning device unless the device is a new technology device as defined in Eagle County Land Use Regulations or is otherwise exempt. Chimney chase enclosures of A-vented fireplaces and solid-fuel (pellet, wood) stoves (B-vented appliances excluded) shall be enclosed with materials for one hour fire resistive construction on the interior side of the chase. Requirements for enclosure of chimneys shall be as set forth in Table-1-1 10 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. fireplaces and solid fuel wood stoves. Cestion air ducts shall be a minimum Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 22 • directly to the outside without passing through any other portion of the building International Mechanical Code whiches er is more stringent. Fireplaces: Where dampers are required to be removed, clamped or welded open. Doors in front of fireplace openings are required. Section G2406.2 (303.3) Prohibited Locations. Section G2406.2 Prohibited Locations is amended to delete Items 3 and 4. Section G2425.8 (501.8) Equipment not Required to be Vented. Section G2425.8 (501.8) Equipment not Required to be Vented is amended to delete item#7. .. • • •: • 6. • ! P • :'• • : • • : : : ••, - ' - 41 :.• ' :.." t; :" cc: - 110.26(F)(1)(b). The area above the required dedicated space shall be permitted to contain foreign systems, provided protection is installed to avoid damage to the electrical Section G2445 (621) (invented room heaters. Entire section is hereby deleted. Section P2503.6 Shower liner test. Entire section is hereby deleted. Section P2904 Dwelling Unit Fire Sprinkler. Entire section is hereby deleted. Chapters 34,35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, and 43 of the IRC are hereby deleted in their entirety. Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 23 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE (IPC) • AMENDMENTS 3.07 THE INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE,2009-2015 EDITION, IS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: 3.07.01 PLUMBING LICENSE REQUIRED Pursuant to Section 12-58-115, C.R.S., only qualified licensed plumbers may install "Plumbing Systems" as defined in 202 of the International Plumbing Code,2809 2015 Edition. This will include all gas piping of the International Fuel and Gas Code, 2015 Edition. Section 103.1 General. Section 103.1 General is amended to read: The Department of Inspection is hereby created and the Chief Building Official in charge shall be known as the Code Official. Section 106.1.1 Annual permit. Entire section is hereby deleted. Section 106.1.2 Annual permit records. Entire section is hereby deleted. Section 106.5.3 Expiration. Amended to read exactly as setfirth in the 2015 IBC section 105.5. Section 106.5.4 Extensions. Entire section is hereby deleted, • 13 Section 106.6.1 Work Commencing Before Permit Issuance. Section 106.6.1 II/work Commencing Befhre Permit Issuance is amended to read as follows: An investigation fee,in addition to the permit fee, may be collected whether or not a permit is then or subsequently issued. The minimum investigation fee shall be four times the minimum fee set forth in Table 7 6 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. The payment of such investigation fee shall not exempt any person from compliance with all other provisions of this code nor from any penalty prescribed by law. Section 106.6.2 Fee Schedule. Section 106.6.2 Permit Fees Fee Schedule is amended to read as follows: The schedule of Plumbing Permit Fees is set forth in Table 7 6 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. The fee for each permit will be paid at time of application submittal. 1} Section Plan Review Fees. Section Plan Review Fees is amended to read as follows: When plan or other data is required to be submitted by 106.3.1, a plan review fee shall be paid at the time of submitting plans and specifications for review. The plan review fees for plumbing work shall be equal to sixty-five (65) percent of the total permit fee as set forth in Table 7 6 of the Eagle County Building Chapter Ill: Building Resolution:August XX, 2016 Page 24 • • Resolution. When plans are incomplete or changed so as to require additional review, a fee shall be charged at the rate shown in Table 7 6 of the Eagle Counts,Building Resolution. €L Section 106.6.3 Fee Refunds: Section 106.6.3 Fee Refunds, number 2 and 3, is amended by adding "80" as the maximum refund percentage. 1 Section 109 Means of Appeals. Section 109 Means of Appeals shall be is hereby deleted and 315 of the Building Resolution shall apply. Section 305.4.1 Sewer Depth. Ssection 305.4.1 Sewer Depth is amended to read as follows: Building sewers shall be installed in accordance with the standards and subject to the approval of the governing Sanitation Districts. Section 312.3 Drainage and Vent Air Test. Section 312.3 Drainage and Vent Air Test is amended to delete the first sentence. • 1 . ♦ - minimum cover shall be seven(7) feet below finish grade. H. Section 305.6.1 Sewer depth. Delete this paragraph. • Section 312.6 Gravity Sewer Test. Amend the first sentence to read Section • 312.6 Gravity Sewer Test,first sentence, is amended to read as follows: Gravity sewer tests shall consist of plugging the end of the building sewer at the point of connection with the exterior of the building, filling the building sewer with water, testing with not less than a 10-foot head of water and maintaining such pressure for 15 minutes. • Section 312.9 Shower Liner Test. Entire section is hereby deleted. Delete this sec-tion.. l Section 701.2 Sewer Required. Section 701.2 Sewer Required is amended to read as follows: Every building in which plumbing fixtures are installed and all premises having drainage piping shall be connected to a public sewer, where available, or an approved On Site Wastewater Treatment System(OWTS)in accordance with the Eagle County Public Health Agency On Site Wastewater Treatment System(OWTS) Regulations. (wild 07/29/14) L. Section 904.1 Roof Extension. Section 901.1 is amended to r ad: All open vent pipes that extend through a roof shall be terminated at least 6 inches above the roof, vent extensions shall be run at least 7 feet above the roof. Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 25 • Section 903.1 Roof Extension. Section 903.1 Roof Extension is amended to add • 12 inches. NTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE (IFGC) AMENDMENTS 3.075 THE INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE,2889 2015 EDITION,IS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: A- Section 103.1 General. Section 103.1 General is amended to read aas,f.alloxs: The Department of Inspection is hereby created and the Chief Building Official in charge shall be known as the Code Official. Section 106.1.1 Annual permit. Entire section is hereby deleted. Section 106.1.2 Annual permit records. Entire section is hereby deleted. Section 106.5.3 Expiration. Section 106.5.3 Expiration is amended to read exactly as set forth in the 2015 IBC"Section 105.5. Section 106.5.4 Extensions. Entire section is hereby deleted. l Section 106.6.1 Work Commencing Before Permit Issuance. Section 106.6.1 • ---' Work Commencing BEfore Permit Issuance is amended to read as follows: An investigation fee, in addition to the permit fee, may be collected whether or not a permit is then or subsequently issued. The minimum investigation fee shall be four times the minimum fee set forth in Table 6 or Table 7 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. The payment of such investigation fee shall not exempt any person from compliance with all other provisions of this code nor from any penalty prescribed by law. Section 106.6.2 Fee Schedule. Section 106.6.2 Permit-Pees Fee Schedule is amended to read as follows: The schedule of fuel gas.fees is set forth as mechanical plumbing permit fees in Table 6, except Chapter 4 gas pipe installation is set forth as plumbing permit fees in Table 7 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. The fee for each permit will be paid at time of application submittal. • B Section Plan Review Fees. Add a new subsection entitled Section Plan Review Fees to read as follows: When a plan or other data is required to be submitted by 106.3.1, a plan review fee shall be paid at the time of submitting plans and specifications for review. The plan review fees for plumbing work shall be equal to sixty-five(65)percent of the total permit fee as set forth in Table 6 or Table 7 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. When plans are incomplete or changed so as to Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX, 2016 Page 26 • • require additional review, a fee shall be charged at the rate shown in Table 6 or Table 7 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. E- Section 106.6.3 Fee Refunds. Section 106.5.3 Fee Refunds,number 2 and 3, is amended by adding"80" as the maximum refund percentage. l Section 107.2#3 Final Inspection.Amend Section 107.2tt3 to read Section 107.2 #3 Final Inspection is amended to read as follows: Final Gas Pressure Test to be performed prior to issuance of the Final Gas Tag. The Final Gas Tag is to be issued prior to connection to the public gas utilities or to a private gas system. The Final Gas Test shall consist of the following: (1)pressure testing the gas pipe after wall coverings are complete; and(2) permanent appliances are ready to fire, gas capped at appliances, flue pipe installed, combustion air in place, electrical disconnect for appliances in place. 6- Section 109 (IFGC) Means of appeal. Section 109 (IFGC)Means of Appeal shape is hereby deleted and 315 of the Building Resolution shall apply. Section 303.3 Prohibited Locations. Section 303.3 Prohibited Locations is amended to delete Exceptions number 3 and number 4. Section 402.6.2 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Facilities and Piping. Section 402.6.2 Liquified Petroleum Gas Facilities and Piping is amended to add the following sentence: Liquefied petroleum gas facilities and equipment shall not be located in any pit • or basement,under show windows or interior stairways, in engine,boiler, heater, or electric meter rooms. Section 402.6.2 Liquified Petroleum Gas Facilities anti Piping is amended to add the following exception: Equipment may be installed with an approved means of detection and removal of unburned liquid petroleum gas. A minimum 3"drain pipe to the exterior of the building,propane sensor and automatic safety shutoff shall be installed. The drain shall not be trapped and shall be protected from snow closure and rodents. When the above listed means cannot be achieved, an engineered mechanical exhaust system with a propane sensor, and an automatic safety shut-off, shall be required. • Section 406.4.1 Test Pressure.Amend Section 406.4.1 Test Pressure is amended to add the following sentences: This inspection shall include air, CO2 or nitrogen pressure test, at which time the gas piping shall stand a pressure of not less than 10 psi for threaded pipe for not less than 15 minutes. i Section 409.5.1 Appliance Shutoff Valve. Section 409.5.1 Appliance Shutoff Valve is amended to add the following sentence: If a gas shut off valve is located inside a Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 27 S firebox or accesses through a firebox, an additional gas shut off valve shall be required • outside of the firebox. I✓. Section 501.8 Equipment not Required to be Vented. Section 501.8 Equipment not Required to be Vented is amended to delete item No. 8. 144, Section 503.6.6 Roof Termination. Section 503.6.6 Roof Termination is amended to include the following sentences: Gas vent termination on roofs shall be within 3 feet of the ridge or be provided with an alternate means of protection. Section 621 Unvented Room Heaters. Entire Section is hereby deleted. • • INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE (IMC) AMENDMENTS Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 28 • • 3.08 THE INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE,2809 2015 EDITION,IS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: Section 103.1 General. Section 103.1 General is amended to read as follows: The Department of Mechanical Inspection is hereby created and the Chief Building Official shall be known as the Code Official." Section 106.L1 Annual Permit. Entire section is hereby deleted. Section 106.1.2 Annual Permit Records. Entire section is hereby deleted. Section 106.4.3 Expiration. Section 106.4.3 Expirations is amended to read exactly as set forth in the 2015 IBC,section 105.5. Section 106.4.4 Extensions. Entire section is hereby deleted. Section 106.5.1 Work Commencing before Permit Issuance. Section 106.5.1 Work Commencing Before Permit Issuance is amended to read as followi: An investigation fee, in addition to the permit fee,may be collected whether or not a permit is then or subsequently issued. The minimum investigation fee shall be four times the minimum fee set forth in Table 6 5 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. The payment of such investigation fee shall not exempt any person from compliance with all other provisions of this code nor from any penalty prescribed by law. • B Section 106.5.2 Fee Schedule. Section 106.5.2 Fee Schedule is amended to read as follows: The fee for each permit shall be as set forth in Table 6 5 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. The fee for each permit will be paid at time of application submittal. Section Plan Review Fees.Add a new subsection entitled Section Plan Review Fees to read as fbllows: When a plan or other data is required to be submitted by 106.3.1, a plan review fee shall be paid at the time of submitting plans and specifications for review. The plan review fees for mechanical work shall be equal to sixty-five(65)percent of the total permit fee as set forth in Table 6 5 of the Eagle county Building Resolution. When plans are incomplete or changed so as to require additional review, a fee shall be charged at the rate shown in Table 6 5 of the Eagle county Building Resolution. Section 106.5.3 Fee Refunds: Section 106.5.3 Fee Refunds, number 2 and 3, is amended by adding"80" as the maximum refund percentage. Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 29 4110 E. Section 109 Means of Appeal. Section 109 Means of Appeal-shall-be is hereby • deleted and 315 of the Building Resolution shall apply. li Section 901.4 Listed Pilot Safety Device. Add a new subsection entitled Section 901.4 Listed Pilot Safety Device to read as:follows: All gas logs and gas-fired log lighters shall be equipped with a listed pilot safety device. Section 901.5 Wood Burning Devices. Add a new subsection entitled Section 901.5 Wood Burning Devices to read as fallaws: All wood burning devices shall conform to the Eagle County Land Use Regulations regarding wood burning control. • Chapter III: Building Resolution: August XX,2016 Page 30 • • NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (NEC) AMENDMENTS 3.09 THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE,EDITION AS ADOPTED BY THE STATE OF COLORADO,IS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: Pursuant to Section 12-23-105, C.R.S., only qualified licensed electricians may install "Electrical Work" as defined in Section 12-23-101 (1.7), C.R.S., as required by the Colorado State Electrical Board most current edition of the National Electric Code. Notwithstanding the foregoing provision, an Electrical License will not be required provided all conditions of Section 12-23-111(2) C.R.S.have been satisfied. B- Pursuant to Section 12-23-111-24, C.R.S., a separate permit is required for fire alarm systems operating at fifty volts or less. Table 3B-Fee Schedule is hereby amended deleted. A The current schedule of Electrical Permit fees is contained in Table 8. 7 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. O- Article 210.8 Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupter Protection for Personnel. Article 210.8 Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupter Protection,.for Personnel is amended to add the following sentence: All G.F.C.I. protection shall be re-settable in rooms where . protection is required including outside receptacles. • E. Article 210.11(C)(3). Branch Circuits Required for Dwelling Units. Article 210.11K)(3)Branch Circuits Required„for Dwelling Units is amended to add the following sentence: No more than 4 duplex receptacles shall be installed on a 20 amp circuit. F. rticic 210.3 Branch Circuits Required. Amendment of Article 210.3 to add installed on 15 amp circuits; or ten receptacle outlets on 20 amp circuits for lighting branch circuits including receptacles. F- Article 210.11(C)(1) Small Appliance Branch Circuits-Dwelling Unit. Amendment ofArticle 210.11(00)Small Applicance Branch Circuits-Dwelling Unit is amended to add the following sentence to the first paragraph: There shall be no more than four duplex receptacles on each small appliance branch circuit. H Article 406.8 (C) Bathtub and Shower Space. Article 406.8(C)Bathtub and Shower Space is amended to read as follows: Bathtub and shower space receptacles or switches shall not be installed within or directly over a bathtub enclosure or shower stall. Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 31 •410 Article 680.71 Hydro-massage Bathtubs. Article 680.71 Hydro-massage • Bathtubs is amended to add the following sentence: All G.F.C.I.protection shall be located with the same room. It is to be installed at least 12 inches off of finished floor and 5 feet from hydro-massage bathtub. The cord is not to exceed 3 feet from motor to receptacle installed near the access door protected by the re-settable G.F.C.I. mounted on the wall. (The re-settable G.F.C.I. is not to be installed under the tub). 220V tubs shall have GFCI breakers located in panels. 1 . _ • , , . • - ZS _-.. . . .. _. - ... - and two family dwellings. NFPA 13D 2007, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler - . _ .. . . _ • . . . . --- . - - .. . . . - •. . . • . Article 230.6(1)or(2). L. Article 695.6 Pier W ifxg. (B)Circuit Conductors. Article 695.6 is amended by adding the following: When located within the room where the pump is maybe in accordance with the manufacturer's listing. i Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX, 2016 Page 32 1110 • INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE (IFC) AMENDMENTS 3.10 THE INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE,2009 2015 EDITION,IS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: Section 104.11 is amended to include the following: Fire alarm panel trouble signals, maintenance signals, testing signals or as approved in writing by the Fire Chief shall not be construed as an emergency fire condition. B. Section 104.11.3 Systems and Devices. Section 104.11.3 Systems and Devices emergency fire condition. Section 105.1.1 Permit Required. Section 105.1.1 Permit Required is amended to add the following sentence: All permitting and inspections shall be performed by the governing Fire District or governing Fire Department. Section 108 Board of Appeals. Entire section is hereby deleted. Appeals will be governed by the governing Fire District, or governing Fire Department guidelines. • C. Section 105.1.1 Permits Required. Amend Section 105.1.1 Permits required by adding the following: The fee for each permit shall be as-set forth Table 1 of the Eagle The Building Official shall authorize the refunding of fees as follows: 1. - . :.*: •• •• . collected. 2. —4 --: :—"' •-• •: . ::•- under a permit issued in accordance with this code. Not more than 80 plan review effort has been expended. The Building Official shall not authorize the refunding of any fee paid, except upon written request filed by. the original applicant not later than 180 days after the date of fee payment. • • *: : ! : : • : : • : !!: z • - P ' Z: .::". '• '• - Districts jurisdiction, shall be under the Fire Districts guidelines) Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX, 2016 Page 33 E. Section 113.3 Werk Commencing befer-e Permit Issuance. Section 113.3 Work411 :- :_ . •. - : • ... : .• :" • . . •: : • . • ."-- -: fire or emergency actually exists. used shall be maintained with an effective means of arresting spark. . .. . . .. approved by the Fire Chief. INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE (IECC) AMENDMENTS 3.105 3,11 THE INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE 2015 • EDITION IS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: A. Chapter 1 Administration shall be deleted and Chapter 1 of the IBC and the IRC shall apply. B. Section 102.2.2 Ceilings without attic spaces. Delete section 102.2.2 ceilings shall also comply with Land Use Regulations Di\ision 1.8 or 4.9. /1. The following provision shall apply in addition to the IECC:Exterior energy uses listed below shall offset 50% of energy use through onsite renewable energy resources or pay fee-in-lieu option accordingly: Snowrnelt 34,425 BTL%ft2 $16.00 per ft2(first 200 ft2 exempt) Spa/Hot Tub 430,000 BTLU/ft2 $176.00 per ft`(first 64 ft2 exempt) Exterior Pool 83,000 BTLr/ft" $136.00 per ft2 Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX, 2016 Page 34 • • C. The following provision shall apply in addition to the IECC: IRC fenestration U factor 0.30 maximum value required. D. The following provision shall apply in addition to the IECC:Main heat source when applicable with the IRC to be a minimum of 92%efficient AFUE. NFPA 13D AMENDMENTS .__ ! " -- - - ' - • - - • ', ! . ! • - • . . . . . .. .. _ _ , required on all sprinkler systems and located within 6 feet of the knox box or in an approved location by the jurisdiction having authority. A 1 Y2 inch hose connection if; required. �. . . • ' . • . . . . , . .. -- . . . . - systems that require a fire pump shall be provided with a fire department connection (FDC)in a location approved by the jurisdiction having authority. C. Section 8.1.2 Number of Design Sprinklers. Section 8.1.2 Number of Design • *- - • '': ' : - - •- all sprinklers within a compartment,up to a maximum of two sprinklers,under a flat, smooth,horizontal ceiling. In occupancies with sloped, beamed, or pitched ceilings over specs and (note appendix A., A.8.1.2, A.8.2.5 NFPA 13 D) Structures greater than 3,500 square feet shall be calculated with a minimum of three heads operating. D. Section 8.6.4 Amend Section 8.6.1 as follows: Residential sprinklers shall be carports and similar structures. appliances to be protected with residential sprinklers and ceilings to be protected with drywall within a 3 foot are of the perimeter of the appliance. Attics with pull down Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX, 2016 Page 35 • • 3.12 GENERAL BUILDING PERMIT RESTRICTIONS 3.12.01 No person shall commence or continue any on site work in respect to any building, structure, factory-built housing unit,mobile home equipment,road cut permit, grading permit, construction parking or storage of materials,without first obtaining the necessary permits from Eagle County. 3.12.02 No person shall commence or continue any work in respect to any On Site Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS)without first obtaining an OWTS Permit from the Environmental Health Department. (amd. 07/29/14) 3.12.03 Written approval of the Environmental Health Department shall be obtained before the backfilling of any On Site Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS). (amd. 07/29/14) 3.12.04 With Ti respect to any work undertaken in violation of the provisions of subsection 3.12.03 of this Section, the Building Official or Environment Health Director or their duly authorized representatives, may at any time required that such work, in whole or in part, be exposed for inspection. (atm/ 07/29/14) 3.12.05 No person shall occupy any new building, factory-built housing unit or • mobile home until sewage disposal facilities,meeting the minimum standards of the regulations of the Colorado Water Quality Control Commission or any of the Eagle County Public Health Agency On Site Wastewater Treatment System(OWTS) Regulations,have been installed and have been approved, in writing, by the Environmental Health Department. (amd. 07/29/14) 3.12.06 Building and grading permit applications for new construction shall comply with all applicable Site Development Standards as delineated in Chapter 2, Article 4, Site Development Standards of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. 3.12.07 The General Contractor shall be required to provide adequate sanitary facilities during construction cif anv project. WILDFIRE REGULATIONS Purpose. The purpose of this regulation is to establish minimum design and construction standards for the protection of life and property from fire within the Wildland/Urban Interface. These provisions are meant to aid in the prevention and Chapter III: Building Resolution: August XX,2016 Page 36. • suppression of fires,lessen the hazards to structures from wildland fires and lessen the hazards to wildlands from structure fires. Applicability. These wildfire regulations are applicable to all new construction in the unincorporated areas* nepie3 of Eagle County and shall supersede. the provisions of any previously approved Planned Unit Development, which may contain language contradictory in nature to the intent of these regulations. In the event that a previously approved Planned Unit Development contains language,which is more restrictive than the language found in these regulations,then the more restrictive language shall apply. A. All new building construction, exterior modification to existing buildings, and/or additions that increase an existing building's footprint or number of stories in moderate, high and extreme hazard zones shall cause the entire building to comply with the provisions of this regulation with regard to the creation of Defensible Space. Pursuant to Section Roofing or Siding of Existing Buildings of this Resolution,re-roofing permits will not require Defensible Space. Only exterior modifications to existing buildings shall comply with the provisions of this regulation with regard to ignition- resistant construction. Buildings or structures that do not require a building permit are exempt from this regulation, although their proximity to a permitted structure may modify the requirement for Defensible Space on the property. B. All communities and/or subdivisions in existence prior to the effective date of • these wildfire regulations may opt to prepare a Comprehensive Wildfire Mitigation Plan, which includes all lands and buildings within a definitive boundary delineated by said Plan. The Comprehensive Wildfire Mitigation Plan will be evaluated and may be approved at the sole discretion of the Board of County Commissioners through application for a Special Use Permit pursuant to Chapter 2,Article 5 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. The Board will render their decision based upon recommendations from the Planning Commission, the Colorado State Forest Service,the local Fire Authority having jurisdiction and any other applicable federal, state or local authority or agency. If the Special Use Permit for the Comprehensive Wildfire Mitigation Plan is approved and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners,then the land area defined within the Plan will not be required to conform to this Chapter III with regard to wildfire mitigation. Rather, the land area defined within the Plan will be bound via Board of County Commissioner Resolution for the Special Use Permit to fully implement the elements of the Comprehensive Wildfire Mitigation Plari within a time frame established by the Board of County Commissioners through.the Special Use Permit. The Comprehensive Wildfire Mitigation Plan shall remain in Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 37 full force and effect and all wildfire mitigation measures established • within the Plan shall be maintained in perpetuity, unless otherwise amended by the Board of County Commissioners. The County shall be authorized to set limits on the length of any Special Use Permit that it issues and to obtain assurances that the ongoing operation of the use will comply with all of the applicant's representations and all conditions of approval, including, but not limited to,requiring an annual compliance review. All conditions imposed in any Special Use Permit shall be expressly set forth in the resolution approving the Special Use Permit. Revocation or suspension of a Special Use Permit issued pursuant to these the Eagle County Land Use Regulations shall be made under the procedures and standards of Article 7 of these the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, upon a finding that the Special Use Permit was issued on the basis of erroneous or misleading information or representation, the development violates the terms or conditions of any permit issued pursuant to these the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, the terms or conditions of the Special Use Permit or these the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. C. All communities and/or subdivisions in existence prior to the effective date of these wildfire regulations opting to submit a Comprehensive Wildfire Mitigation Plan must have the plan prepared by a natural resource professional with expertise in the field of vegetation management and wildfire mitigation. Variable topography, diverse natural vegetative cover, as well as,unique access and water supply characteristics typify each existing development in Eagle County. It is therefore, imperative that a plan be designed specifically for the community or subdivision seeking special consideration. The plan shall contain strategies to implement wildfire mitigation measures that will provide equal, if not superior,protection from the hazards inherent to wildfire. The plan may include but not be limited to: Strategic vegetation management incorporating the creation of strategic fire breaks in common areas, along access routes and subdivision perimeter and on each privately owned property; creation of Defensible Space around all existing structures within the boundaries of the Comprehensive Wildfire Mitigation Plan; Removal of dead and diseased trees, clean-up and maintenance of under-story growth and ground debris within common areas and on each privately owned property; Provision of or improvement of an existing fire fighting water supply; Community/subdivision ingress/egress and individual driveway improvements designed to accommodate adequate emergency vehicle access and turnaround areas; Create at least two usable points of ingress/egress to the community/subdivision; Provision of adequate road and address signage; Inclusion of new technology designed to mitigate wildfire hazards such as fire- Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX, 2016 Page 38 410 retardant foam or gel applications, and/Retrofit existing structures with fire-resistive construction materials, particularly, fire-resistive deck and roofing materials. The Board may also consider preexisting Wildfire mitigation measures. 3.12.2 DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this these Wildfire Regulation, certain terms are defined as follows: COMPREHENSIVE WILDFIRE MITIGATION PLAN means an exhaustive, substantive compilation of commonly accepted practises designed to substantially decrease the hazards to life,property and the natural environment caused by wildfire. DEFENSIBLE SPACE is a designated area surrounding a building or buildings that will be subject to fuel modification measures intended to reduce fire-spread potential between the structure and adjacent vegetation. FIRE HYDRANT means a valved connection on a piped water supply system having one or more outlets that is used to supply hose and fire pumpers with water as approved by the Local Fire Authority Having Jurisdiction. • • T . . . e , - - - - • or nominal 2"x T&G wood interior ceiling. A non combustible exterior wall surface(cement stucco,brick, stone, cement fiber siding)may be used in lieu of resistive construction as defined in the building code in effect at the time of IGNITION RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION Ignition resistant building materials shall be one of the following types: • Non-combustible materials (cement stucco, brick, stone, metal, cement fiber board, etc.) • Logs greater than 6 inches in diameter • Exterior walls listed as a one-hour fire-resistive assembly(ie. %"type X gypsum board behind exterior wood walls) • Fire-retardant treated wood materials, identified for exterior use and tested to ASTM E-84 standard • Type IV(Heavy Timber) construction as defined in the International Building Code Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX, 2016 Page 39 • TREE CROWN is the needle or leaf bearing part of a tree. The crown edge is . the tree's drip edge. 3.12.3 PROCEDURE Hazard Rating Assignment Prior to the approval of a building permit applicable to these regulations,a Wildfire Hazard Rating must be determined for the subject property. The rating will determine the level of mitigation required for construction. A. Wildfire Hazard Rating. Pursuant to Section 4-430.D.1 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations,plans for subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments or Special Use Permits in Eagle County may be referred to the Colorado State Forest Service,or reviewed by the county's Wildfire Mitigation Specialist The Wildfire Mitigation Specialist reviews the application and determines a wildfire hazard rating of low, moderate,high or extreme for the project. • B. Wildfire Hazard Rating,Not Assigned. A wildfire hazard rating must be obtained on properties for which the owner is applying for a building permit. Eagle County Wildfire Mitigation Staff,the Local Fire Authority Having Jurisdiction or the Colorado State Forest Service,using identical criteria,will determine site-specific wildfire hazard ratings. Inspection. The level and type of Wildfire Hazard mitigation shall be1110 determined by Eagle County Wildfire Mitigation Staff at the time of building permit plan check. During construction,the following site inspections shall be required. A. Initial site inspections. Two (2)inspections shall be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. A wildfire hazard rating for the property must be available. Prior to the initial inspection being scheduled,the footprint of the proposed structure must be staked out on the ground. The first inspection shall establish the Defensible Space,identify trees and shrubs to be removed or pruned and list other mitigation measures to be performed within the Defensible Space. The second inspection shall be made to verify that Defensible Space actions identified during the first inspection have been completed. B. Final Site Inspection. A final inspection to verify that all required mitigation actions have been completed or property utilized shall be conducted prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy(TCO)for the structure. 3.12.4 REQUIRED MITIGATION Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 40 • Defensible Space Vegetation Management Zones. Defensible Space shall extend the distances specified in Table A set,forth below(a minimum 70 feet for flat lots), or to the property lines,whichever is less. Defensible Space measurements shall commence from the building plane, and follow all projections and recessions on each side of the building. A Defensible Space required under these provisions shall also encompass, and extend from, all buildings on the property located within a 50-foot radius of the affected building. Within the Defensible Space identified through application of Table A, the following mitigation shall be provided (Reference Figure 1): A. Zone 1: Is the area of maximum modification and treatment. The intent of Zone 1 is to reduce fuels that are immediately adjacent to flammable elements of the structure and to provide a clear access area for fire fighting operations. Zone 1 is an area measured 15-30 feet from the edges of the structure. Ideally, all trees within Zone 1 should be removed to reduce the fire hazard. If a tree or cluster of trees must remain, it will be considered as an integral part of the structure and Defensible Space pursuant to Table A will be measured from the drip line of the tree or tree cluster. This is particularly important if the building is sided with wood or other flammable materials. Decorative rock or irrigated, mowed grass creates an attractive, easily maintained nonflammable ground cover. If the house has noncombustible siding, widely spaced foundation plantings of low growing shrubs or other fire resistant plants are acceptable(Reference CSFS Publication 6.305,Firewise Plant.Materials or, the version of this publication currently in effect.). • Frequent pruning and maintenance of plants in this zone is necessary. All dead branches, stems and leaves must be regularly removed. All trees within Zone 1 must be pruned to at least 10 feet above the ground,but no more than 1/3 the overall height of the tree(aspen trees, individual spruce, fir and pine specimens are exempt). All branches that interfere with the structure's roof or chimney must be removed. All ladder fuels(small shrubs, trees,tree limbs and other materials that allow fire to climb into the tree crown)must be removed from beneath the tree or tree cluster. B. Zone 2: Is an area of fuel reduction. It is a transitional area between Zones 1 and 3- The size of Zone 2 depends on the slope of the ground where the structure is built (Reference Table A). Within this zone,the continuity and arrangement of vegetation is modified to reduce the intensity of any fire approaching the structure. Trees and shrubs must be thinned so that there is a minimum of 10 feet between crowns. Crown separation is measured from the furthest branch of one tree to the nearest branch on the next tree. All ladder fuels from under these trees must be removed. All trees must be pruned to at least 10 feet above the ground,but no more than 1/3 the overall height of the tree(aspen trees, individual spruce, fir and pine specimens are exempt). Zone 2 forms an aesthetic . Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX, 2016 Page 41 • • •..-- - • . , • - . , Dead stems and shrubs must be removed. No more than 2 dead trees per acre should remain for wildlife habitat. Dead trees,which can fall onto a structure or block an access must be removed. C. Zone 3-: Is an area of traditional forest management and is of no particular size. - . •, :, . . - -- : •- -- -, . -- -- - • - . _ . :.. _ Uphill(and side) :00 ■mmo ONE • 0 30 ■nr II X10 i'i■■■■ oid■�■■■■■ 70 90 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 170 190 210 Distance to home Zone3 i Zone2 1 IMF 1• � 1 •• Zone 1 —ProrertyLines ^<Y. 1 X x X' XXX x Table A: This chart indicates the minimum Figure 1: Property showing the three fire dimensions for defensible space from the defensible zones around a home or other Cl-alY 'f illi. 13aif8ffi g3TUtibn:Atm ustXX,2016 "r"^+•.^- Page 42 • • Construction. The following construction specific requirements shall be enforced based on a site's assigned Hazard Rating. The establishment of a Defensible Space shall be required in moderate,high and extreme hazard areas in accordance with the requirements of this regulation and Table A. A. Low Hazard Construction. No additional construction mitigation measures required. B. Moderate Hazard Construction. Structures located within a Moderate Wildfire Hazard area shall be required to implement Defensible Space pursuant to Table A. All roof assemblies shall be class A or class B as defined in the building code in effect at the time of building permit application. 9 -. - , •-: . - • -. -- • . • - all not be in the horizontal soffit. Decks shall be of ignition-resistant construction. Decking materials shall be tested to ASTM E-84 standards and given a flame-spread ratio less than or equal to 75. Horizontal soffits greater than 48 inches shall be of ignition-resistant construction. Vents for roof ventilation shall have a non-combustible cover, and metal screening no greater V. C. High Hazard Construction. Structures located within High Wildfire Hazard areas shall be required to implement Defensible Space pursuant to Table A and shall incorporate fire resistive ignition-resistant construction as defined in this regulation. All • roofs shall be class A as defined in the building code in effect at the time of building permit application. Decks, Eaves, and Soffits shall be of fire resistant construction. Vents for roof ventilation shall not be in the horizontal soffit. Decks, eaves and soffits shall be of ignition-resistant construction. Decking materials shall be tested to ASTM E-84 standards and given a flame-spread ratio less than or equal to 25. Vents for roof ventilation shall have a non-combustible cover, and metal screening no greater '4". The creation of an area of non-combustible landscaping surrounding the structure(i.e. stone, gravel, concrete, etc) extending 3-5 feet from the foundation walls, may be acceptable in lieu of ignition-resistant exterior walls in some circumstances depending on site-specific wildfire hazards determined by the Wildfire Mitigation Specialist. D. Extreme Hazard Construction. Site and construction-specific requirements for structures proposed in areas that have been assigned an Extreme Wildfire Hazard rating shall be determined by the Wildfire Mitigation Specialist and the Local Fire Authority Having Jurisdiction on a case by case basis. The extreme rating may be downgraded through implementation of various vegetation management techniques designed to mitigate the overall wildfire hazard present on the site and/or by providing a reliable year-round source of water for fire fighting purposes. Fire hydrant(s)must conform with the requirements of the fire code in effect at the time of application or, as otherwise Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 43 111 determined by the Local Fire Authority Having Jurisdiction. Water tanks, cisterns and/or • dry hydrants shall meet the requirements of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)Bulletin Number 1142,Suburban and Rural Fire Fighting, 2001 Edition or, the edition of the referenced publication currently in effect. The Local Fire Authority Having Jurisdiction may approve an alternative standard. Additions. Additions requiring a building permit in moderate,high or extreme hazard areas will require that Defensible Space be developed around the addition as well as the existing structure in accordance with the requirements of this regulation and Table A. Construction of the addition shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section of this regulation. Exterior Decks. Exterior decks requiring a building permit will require that Defensible Space be developed around the deck as well as the existing structure in accordance with the requirements of this regulation and Table A and shall also be constructed in a manner consistent with this regulation per the fire hazard rating assigned to the property. Roofing or Siding of Existing Buildings. When re-siding or re-roofing an existing building requires a building permit, materials and construction shall comply with this regulation based on the fire hazard rating assigned to the property. 3.13 PERMITS AND FEES 3.13.01 The Building Division shall issue a permit where: A. An application for a permit has been made in accordance with the provisions of this Building Resolution. B. The proposed work set out in the application conforms to this Building Resolution and all other laws,regulations,resolutions, or orders having application in Eagle County. C. All construction drawings, applications, and permit fees have been submitted and approved. D. A separate right of way construction permit for driveways will be required prior to building permit issuance. This will apply to all driveways connected to Eagle County Roads and in accordance with Chapter 5 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. The right-of-way construction,permit application, and permit fees will be enforced and regulated by the Eagle County Engineer. 3.13.02 The Building Division shall not issue a permit where: Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 44 • • A. The proposed work, as set forth in the application, or the proposed use of the building or structure when completed, does not comply with the provisions of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations; B. The owner or applicant,in relation to the proposed lot or site, has not complied with the provisions of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations controlling the subdivision, platting,partitioning, or other division of land; C. An On Site Wastewater Treatment System(OWTS)is necessary and the proposed site does not meet the requirements, conditions,or imposed provisions of State law or regulation of the Colorado Water Quality Control Commission, or of any Eagle County Public Health Agency On Site Wastewater Treatment System(OWTS)Regulations. Where an On Site Waste vater Treatment System (OWTS)is necessary and the proposed site meets the requirements or conditions therefore imposed by a provision of the aforesaid laws, regulations, or resolutions, the Building Official shall not issue a permit until ane- _' . - - . •-- _ --- OWTS;permit has first been issued in writing by the Environmental Health Department;(ansa. 07/X9/14) D. The proposed site is located, all or in part, within any area determined by the Building Official to necessitate special building requirements as a result of geological hazards or Flood Plain Hazard Area in any county resolution; and the special permit required by such resolution has not been obtained by the applicant. All special building requirements included in any such special permit shall be incorporated into the permit issued to the applicant under this Building Resolution; E. The proposed work is to be done within a subdivision (including a re-subdivision) for which a final plat(including any relevant amended final plat)has not been approved and for which a Subdivision Improvements Agreement, if required by or for the final plat approval,has not been entered into. F. No Building Permit shall be issued until site plans are presented that show an on- site area that is and will remain available for off-street parking and storage of construction materials. 3.13.03 FEES A. The schedule of fees to be charged for the issuance of a permit under this Resolution shall be as set forth in Section 3.01 above. of the Eagle County Building D e oluti rccsvrnrrarr. Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX, 2016 Page 45 • B. The estimated value of the work shall be reviewed by the Building Official. The • Building Official shall account for all fees paid under this Building Resolution for any building,mobile-home placement and all fees shall be deposited in the County General Fund. (See 3.05,Section 109.3.G. of the ECBR). C. The minimum mechanical permit fee for voluntarily replacing an existing wood D The permit fee for permits using the repetitive plan check will be$55.00 per hour with a minimum of 3 hours to be charged. An The applicant applying for a the repetitive plan check must will bring in the original field stamped approved plans to the Building Division. The original approved field set of plans will be re-stamped with the new Building Permit Number and date. The original office set of pans will also be stamped with the new Building Permit Number and the date • of approval. 3.13.04 Each application for a permit shall include a permit checklist that is available at www.eaglecounty.us or at any of the Eagle County Community Development Offices. 3.14 DOCUMENTS ON THE SITE 3.14.01 The person to whom the permit is issued shall, during construction,keep: • A. Posted in a conspicuous place on the property in respect of which the permit was issued, a copy of the building permit throughout the construction process. B. The approved field set of construction drawings and specifications including any plan addendums, modifications or other documents required by the Building Official. 3.15 APPEALS A. A Board of Appeals is hereby created. This Section 3.15 shall replace and supersede shall be created and in place of the following code sections: Section IBC 113, IRC R112, IPC 109, IMC 109, IFC 10S, and IFGC 109. 3.15.01 Appeals to the Board of Appeals: Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX, 2016 Page 46 • • A. Membership of the Board of Appeals: A Board of Appeals, consisting of five(5) members, shall be appointed by the Board of Commissioners to hear and decide appeals as provided hereunder. The Board of Appeals shall appoint from its membership, a Chairman and a Secretary who shall keep a written record of all proceeding of the Board. B. Qualifications of Board Members: If any such persons are available in the County, each member shall be a licensed professional engineer or architect or a building contractor or superintendent of building construction, or other person qualified by experience and training to pass on matters pertaining to building construction and at least one member shall, if possible,be a licensed architect and one member shall be a licensed structural or civil engineer. C'. Terms of Cf fice. The term of office of each member of the Board of Appeals appointed under these Land Use Regulations shall he for five (S) wars. Said terms shall he.so arranged that the terms of w least one member will expire each year. When a person is appointed to fill out the term of a departing member, that persons term shall end at the time the departing member's term would have ended. D. Removal from Office. Any member of the Board of,4ppeals may he removed,fOr cause (misconduct or nonperformance of duty) by the Board of County Commissioners upon written charges and after a public hearing. Vacancies. Whenever a vacancy occurs on the Board of Appeals, the member's • position shall remain vacant until a new member can be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. GE. Application for Appeal: The Board of Appeals shall have the authority Inn-order to hear and decide appeals or orders, decisions or determinations made by the Building Official relative to the application and interpretation ofd this Buiding Resolution. The Board of Appeals shall have no authority relative to interpretation of the administrative provisions of this Building Resolution cede nor shall the Board be empowered to waive requirements of the building, plumbing, mechanical, fuel gas, fire, energy conservation codes or this Eagle County Building Resolution. I3G. Fees: Fees for a Board of Appeals hearing shall be$100.00 payable to the Eagle County Treasurer at the time of applicationfor-appeal. €1!. Time for Appeal: An appeal shall be commenced within 10 days from the date of the decision appealed from by filing a written Notice of Appeal with the Secretary of the Board of Appeals. The Notice of-Appeal shall settift forth the decision appealed from. Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX, 2016 Page 47 i FI. Board Action on Appeal: Upon receipt of a Notice of Appeal,the Secretary shall • schedule said appeal for hearing within 30 days of receipt of said Notice, or if the Board has adopted a regular schedule of meetings,not later than the third regular meeting following receipt of the Notice. The Secretary shall there upon mail written notice of the date, time, and place of the hearing to the Building Official and to the appellant. J. Meetings. Meetings of the Board shall be held at the call of the Chairman and at such other times as the Board in its rules of procedure may speci f i%. The chairman, or in his absence, the acting chairman, may administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses. All meetings of the Board shall he open to the public and shall be conducted as nearly as possible in conformity with Section 24-4-105, CRS;, as amended. The Board shall keep minutes of its proceedings showing the vote of each member upon each question or, if absent or failing to vote, indicating such fact, and it shall keep records of its examinations and other official actions, all of which shall be filed in the office of the Board and shall be a public record. The Board shall adopt reasonable rules and regulations Ibr the conduct of meetings. G. Hearings: Hearing shall be public and shall be conducted as nearly as possible in conformity vith Section 21 1 105 C.R.S. 1-973, as amended. The Board shall adopt reasonable rules and regulations for the conduct of such hearings. H. Rulings: The Board shall issue its findings and rulings thereon in writing not later • than 30 days after the hearing, or not later than the second regular meeting following the hearing, if a the regular schedule of meetings has been adopted by the Board. The Secretary shall mail copies of the findings and rulings to the Building Official and appellant. 3.15.02 APPEALS TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. A. Grievances: Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Board of Appeals shall have the right of appeal therefrom to the Board of County Commissioners. Such appeal shall be made within thirty(30)days from the date of the decision of the Board of Appeals,and In the case of an appeal by the Building Official, the original appellant shall be notified within five (5)days from the date of the decision that the Building Official intends to appeal the decision. B. Procedure: Appeals hereunder shall be commenced by filing a written Notice of Appeal with the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners, who shall schedule the appeal for hearing not later than the second regular meeting following receipt of said Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX, 2016 Page 48 • • Notice. The Clerk shall notify the Secretary of the Board of Appeals,the Building Official and the appellant in writing of the date, time and place of the hearing. C. Fees: The fee for appeals to the Board of'C.ounty Commissioners shall be $100.00 payable to the Eagle County Treasurer at the time of application for appeal. D. Transmission of Files: Upon receipt of the Notice from the Clerk, the Secretary of the Board of Appeals shall transmit the file containing all exhibits,testimony and evidence of whatsoever kind to the Clerk not later than ten(10) days prior to the scheduled hearing. E. Hearing: At the hearing, the Board of County Commissioners shall examine the file and consider any additional evidence which it deems appropriate. Strict rules of evidence shall not apply,but all additional oral evidence shall be reduced to writing in summary form. F. Ruling: Within ten(10)days from the date of the hearing the Board of County Commissioners shall issue its written ruling affirming, modifying, or reversing the ruling of the Board of Appeals. Copies of the ruling shall be mailed to the Secretary of the Board of Appeals, the Building Official, and the appellant. The Building Official shall then take whatever action is indicated by the ruling of the Board of County Commissioners. • 3.16 PENALTY 3.16.01 No person, firm or corporation shall commence or continue any work with in respect to occupying or using any building, structure, or mobile home, or any On Site Wastewater Treatment System(OWTS)in violation of the provisions of this Building Resolution.(arnd.07/29/14) 3.16.02 Any person, firm or corporation who violates the provisions of this Building Resolution is liable upon conviction/in-.4)a fine of not more than one hundred dollars($100), or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than ten (10) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each day during which such illegal erection, construction reconstruction, alteration, maintenance, or use continues shall be deemed a separate offense. In addition to any criminal penalties, any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of the Eagle County Building Resolution may be subject to a civil penalty in an amount of not less than five hundred dollars ($500), nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000). Each day during which such unlawful activity continues shall be deemed a separate violation and shall be the subject of a continuing penalty in an amount not to exceed one hundred dollars $100) for each such day. Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 49 • 3.16.03 In case any building or structure is or is proposed to be erected, • constructed, reconstructed, altered, remodeled, used or maintained in violation of the provisions of this Building Resolution,the Board of County Commissioners,the Building Official, the District Attorney of the District, or any owner of real property estate within the area, in addition to other remedies provided by law,may institute an appropriate action for injunction,mandamus or abatement to prevent, enjoin, abate, or remove such unlawful erection, construction,reconstruction, alteration,remodeling,maintenance or use. 3.17 WAIVER The Building Official may waive any permit requirements set forth in withinthis Building Resolution only after a determination that the effect of such a waiver is minor and will not affect the health, safety and welfare of the persons occupying buildings of Eagle County. 3.18 REPEAL Upon the approval and adoption of this Building Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners, all existing or previously adopted Building Resolutions net - '- -: - -• • - - :- be and the same are hereby repealed and superseded by this Resolution. 3.19 SEVERABILITY • The Eagle County Board of Commissioners hereby declares that if any section, subsection, clause or phrase of this Building Resolution or of the 2003 2015 Codes adopted by this Resolution, is for any reason held to be invalid by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Building Resolution and/or the 2009 2015 Codes. 3.20 EFFECTIVE DATE This Building Resolution shall be inhill force and effect from and after the date of the Board's execution of this Building Resolution. Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX, 2016 Page 50 • • i Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 51 • TABLE 't • Eagle County Permit Requirements (1) BUILDING (2) PLUMBING (3) ELECTRICAL (4) MECHANICAL (5) GRADING (6) ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM (7) SIGN (8) MANUFACTURED HOUSING HOOKUP (9) FIRE ALARM SYSTEM (10) FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM (11) RIGHT OF WAY CONSTRUCTION PERMIT* ROUTING ABBREVIATIONS: BUILDING DIVISION=BD ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH=EH PLANNING DIVISION=PD ENGINEERING=EG (This Table is a Permit Requirement Guideline ONLY,and does not take precedence over the International Codes as adopted by Eagle County) CLASSIFICATION OF SPECIFIC PROJECTS NO PERMIT PERMIT(S) REVIEW SITE PLAN PROJECTS REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED New Structures Building of New Residential 1,2,3,4,5,6,9, BD,EH,PD, EG X Structures 10,11 & Building of New Non- 1,2,3,4, 5,6,9, BD, EH,PD,EG X Residential Commercial 10,11 Structure Factory Built Structures Moving of Existing 1,6,11 BD, EH, PD, EG X Structure to New Location & Moving of Manufactured 3,8 BD, PD X Housing into a Mobile Home Park111 Manufactured on Private Land Moving&Setting of Factory 1,2,3,4,5,6,11 BD, EH, PD, EG X Built Structure on Building Site Grading with No Other All Grading 5 EG X Construction One story detached X buildings used as tool and storage sheds playhouses and similar uses provided the projected roof area does not exceed 120 s.f. and the height of said buildings does not exceed 10 feet at peak of roof. Condemned Buildings Demolition of the Whole or 1 BD, PD Part of Building, Factory Built Structures,or Manufactured Housing Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 52 • • Additions& Additions&alterations 1,2,3,4,6,9,10 BD, EH,PD, EG X Alterations to Exterior involving bedroom, Construction&On bathroom, kitchen,living Site Accessory room,or other accessory Construction rooms Additions&alterations 1,2,3,4,5,6 BD,PD, EH, EG X involving an attached or detached garage or shop • • Non-structural X sidewalks/slabs • • • Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 53 410 • • CLASSIFICATION OF SPECIFIC PROJECTS NO PERMIT(S) REVIEW SITE PLAN PROJECTS PERMIT REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED Additions & Decks and Patios not over X Exterior Construction 30 inches above grade with & no permanent construction On Site Accessory above the floor line Construction Decks,Entry Porches, Etc. 1,3 BD, PD X Retaining Walls,over 4 feet 1,11 BD, EG X in height(Engineering Required) • Fences over 6 feet in height 1,11 BD,PD,EG X Fences used for Agricultural X purposes only or those fences under 6 feet in height Erection of Exterior Signs 7,11 BD, PD,EG X • (Except as Exempt in Zoning Resolutions) All Non-Structural X Landscaping Exterior Repair& Replacement of Roof 1 BD Replacement&/or Addition Repair or Replacement of X Exterior Siding Replacement or Addition of 1 BD Exterior Window Repair of Existing Exterior 1 Window Addition of Exterior Door 1 BD,PD Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 54 • • Repair or Replacement of 1 Existing Exterior Door Interior Repair& Repair or Replacement of X Replacement&/or floor covering Addition Painting, Papering or Similar X Finish Work-Exterior or Interior Installation of Wood burning 4 BD Stove or Fireplace TABLE 2 Building Permit Fees FEES • : - _ - .• . • : , • ••. • Each application shall include an additional plan • review fee equal to 65% of Permit Fee. Total Valuation Fee $1.00 to $500.00 $27.50 $501.00 to 2,000.00 $27.50 for the first $500.00 plus $3.60 for each additional $100.00, or fraction thereof,to and including$2,000.00 $2,001.00 to $25,000.00 $80.25 for the first$2,000.00 plus $16.30 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000.00 $25,001.00 to $50,000.00 $456.75 for the first$25,000.00 plus $11.75 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000.00 $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $745.50 for the first$50,000.00 plus $8.15 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof,to and including$100,000.00 $100,001.00 to$500,000.00 $1150.00 for the first$100,000.00 plus$6.55 each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000.00 $500,001.00 to $3738.00 for the first $500,000.00 plus $5.55 for each S1,000,000.00 additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof to and including Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 55 410 $1,000,000.00 • $1,000,001.00 and up $6480.00 for the first$1,000,000.00 plus$4.30 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof Other Inspections and Fees: 1. Inspections outside of normal business hours $55.00 per hour(minimum charge 2 hours) 2. Re-inspection fees . $100.00 3. Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated $55 per hour 4. Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to plans .... $55 per hour 5. For use of outside consultants for plan checking and inspections, or both Actual costs 6. Requests for specialized reports will be charged(1/2 hour minimum) .$55 per hour 7. Moving or demolishing any building or structure .$55 per inspection TABLE 3 Wildfire inspection and Review Fees TABLE 3 WILDFIRE FEES • Inspections are not necessary for properties with a low hazard rating. Inspections: Three (3)field inspections and one(1)hour plan review time $200.00 Additional inspections .$55 per inspection TABLE 54 Fees for Factory built, Manufactured Housing/Mobile Homes Single Wide Unit(includes 2 inspections and 1 hour plan review) $140.25 Double Wide Unit (includes 3 field inspections and 2 hour plan review) $233.75 TABLE 65 Mechanical Permit Fees Total Valuation Fee $1.00 to $2,000.00 $40.00 $2,001.00 to $25,000.00 $40.00 for the first$2,000.00 plus $20.00 for each Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX, 2016 Page 56 • • additional$1,000.00,or fraction thereof,to and including$25,000.00 $25,001.00 and up $500.00 for the first$25,000.00 plus$10.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof Re-inspection fees .$100.00 Total Valuation shall be actual value of work or calculated at a minimum 5%of the building valuation. Fireplaces shall require a separate permit based on the valuation of the work for the fireplaces. TABLE 7 6 Plumbing Permit Fees Total Valuation Fee $1.00 to $2,000.00 $40.00 $2,001.00 to$25,000.00 $40.00 for the first$2,000 plus $20.00 for each additional $1,000.00,or fraction thereof,to and including$25,000.00 $25,001.00 and up $500.00 for the first$25,000.00 plus$10.00 for each Additional$1,000.00, or fraction thereof Re-inspection fees $100.00 Total Valuation shall be actual value of work or calculated at a minimum 5%of the building valuation. • Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 57 TABLE 8 7 • Electrical Permit Fees A. Residential(Single Ownership Residence) This fee(based on the enclosed living area only)includes construction of, or remodeling or addition to a: single family home, duplex, condominium, town house. If you are ONLY changing or providing a sen'ice and not wiring any portion on the above, see section B below for correct permit fee. Not more than 1,000 square feet $115.00 Over 1,000 square feet and not more than 1,500 square feet $172.50 Over 1,500 square feet and not more than 2,000 square feet $230.00 Per 100 square feet in excess of 2,000 square feet $11.50 B. All Other Fees All other fees, including service hookups to modular home and temporary construction meters, shall be computed on the dollar value of the electrical installation, including time and materials, whether they are provided by the contractor or the property owner. Such fees shall be computed as follows: (See Section C for the fees for inspections in mobile home and travel parks) Valuation of work: (Actual cost to customer) Fee • 51.00 to $2,000.00 $115.00 $2,001.00 and above$11.50 per thousand or fraction thereof plus S 115.00 C. Mobile home and travel trailer parks,per space $115.00 D. Re-inspection fee for all of the above ....$55.00 E. Temporary power permits .... $57.50 F. For issuing each transfer permit ....520.00 G. Other Inspection fees Inspections outside of normal business hours(minimum 2 hour) ..555.00 per hour Re-inspection fee .$55.00 Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated (minimum 1 hour) ..555.00 per hour Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX, 2016 Page 58 • • • (minimum 1 hour) $55.00 per hour TABLE 98 Grading Permit Fees A. Grading permit fees. 50 cubic yards or less $26.00 51 to 100 cubic yards $41.00 101 to 1,000 cubic yards $41.00 for the first 100 cubic yards plus$19.25 for each additional 100 cubic yards or fraction thereof 1,001 to 10,000 cubic yards $214.00 for the first 1,000 cubic yards,plus$16.00 each additional 1,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof 10,001 to 100,000 cubic yards $358.00 for the first 10,000 cubic yards,plus$73.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof 100,001 cubic yards or more $1111.00 for the first 100,000 cubic yards,plus $40.25 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof B. Grading plan review fees 50 cubic yards or less No fee 51 to 100 cubic yards $26.00 101 to 1,000 cubic yards $41.00 • 1,001 to.10,000 cubic yards $54.25 10,001 to 100,000 cubic yards $54.25 for the first 10,000 cubic yards,plus $27.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof 100,001 to 200,000 cubic yards $297.00 for the first 100,000 cubic yards,plus $14.75 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof 200,001 cubic yards or more $442.50 for the first 200,000 cubic yards,plus $8.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction Thereof Other inspections and fees Inspections outside of normal business hours (minimum 2 hours) $55.00 per hour** Re-inspection fees ..$55.00 per hour** Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated(minimum %z hour) $55.00 per hour** Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans ...... (minimum'/z hour) ..$55.00 per hour** Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 59 • 1. The fee for a grading permit authorizing additional work to that under a valid permit . shall be the difference between the fee paid for the original permit and the fee shown for the entire project. **Or the total hourly cost to the jurisdiction,whichever is the greatest. This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipment,hourly wages and fringe benefits of the employees involved. TABLE 9 Address Sign Requirements An addressing sign hoard will be required at all building sites fib construction permitted through the Eagle County Building Division, A County Sign Permit is not required in this case. This requirement will help County Building Inspectors, as well as subcontractors and suppliers,find the,job site. The dimensions shown are intended as guidelines only. Your sign must he legible and visible}from the road that serves your driveway, PERMIT NO. RES(COM) 00-O0-000(1 OWNERS NAME • ADDRESS 1 231 YOUR STREET LOT# BLOCK#FILING # CONTRACTOR'S NAME Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX, 2016 Page 60 • 0 TABLE 10 A-VENT AND SOLID-FUEL BURNING STOVE CHIMNEY ENCLOSURE Alliiiir - ---. , ,D;i2LYWALL TO TilL[TITER MOE(')IT TILE TOP PLATE DL OUBLE I ROOF ITN!, ALI.WALI St 7REACIS ON Till: INITRIoR ENCLOSURE MUST 13!. • COVERED WITH 5S TYPE N (INTSI M BoARI)ANI)LIRE ...r.......... .IAPED OTHER ASSI:MBI.11.ti MAY 111 BE APPRoVED BY'THE BUILDING iNk OFFICIAL „........, I r---- , II rilliiif - . .... . i , --------- , 441 pf•-- FACTORY 131 Til I FIREPLACE.SToNT TNSTAITED PER NIANI frm:El'RLICS SPFCIFICATIONS ENCLOSURE AND GYPs1 M BOARD LX I EN!)TO THE FLA)oR Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX, 2016 Page 61 ID • this case. «liers fin 41,e ob site 7 - , e A` !! !! . ii OWNERS-NAME • ADDRESS 1231 YOUR STREET LOT it BLOCK it FILING it CONTRACTOR'S N A Adt; Chapter III: Building Resolution:August XX,2016 Page 62 •