HomeMy WebLinkAboutR16-067 Taxpayer Generated Petitions for Abatement and Refund • • n I! Commissioner 1`y -^ moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO Resolution No. 2016 - O(.o RESOLUTION CONCERNING TAXPAYER GENERATED PETITIONS FOR ABATEMENT AND REFUND OF TAXES BEFORE THE EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners for Eagle County, Colorado (hereinafter referred to as the "Board") is responsible for hearing petitions for refund or abatement of property taxes pursuant to C.R.S. §§ 39-1-113 and 39-10-114; and WHEREAS, petitions for abatement for the real property with the schedule numbers identified in the attached Exhibit A have been submitted to the Board by taxpayers for the purposes of correcting alleged erroneous valuations for assessment, irregularity in levying, clerical errors and/or overvaluations (the "Petitions"); and WHEREAS, the Petitions have been previously submitted to the Eagle County Assessor (the "Assessor") for consideration and recommendation; and WHEREAS, the Petitioners, disagreeing with the recommendation of the Assessor have requested administrative denial of the Petitions in lieu of a hearing before the Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County, Colorado: THAT, the Board hereby approves the requested administrative denials for the schedule numbers and the tax years and enters orders with respect to the Petitions for abatement in accordance with such requests. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a petition denied, in whole or in part, by the Board can be appealed to the Board of Assessment Appeals within thirty (30) days pursuant to C.R.S. 39-2-125. The appeal forms and instructions for appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals may be obtained from the Board of Assessment Appeals, Department of Local Affairs, 1313 Sherman Street, Room 315, Denver, Colorado 80203. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado at its regular meeting held the day of , 2016. , • 4 1 1rlrilr/� RM B Eagle County Attorney's Office By: Eagle County Commissioners'Office �sotee COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF ivy o * COLORADO, By and Through Its Vikg BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS • ATTEST: 11.4 .4- c% t►r•ui— '► • • ,Re By: •r Clerk to t1 Board of J nne McQueeney County Commissioners hair,- ►- I/7•y•. Pc.�lv;. ` ran . Ryan - Kathy Ch.ildler-Henry Commissioner Commissioner e.41 -.OI,K.K-- `seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner McQueeney 164-14 Commissioner Ryan � M Commissioner Chandler-Henry yQti. " This resolution passed by 3/1 vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado • • 2 • OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ATTORNEY 1111 BRYAN R.TREU 970-328-8685 COUNTY ATTORNEY www.eaglecounty.us EAGLE COUNTY Attorney's Office July 25, 2016 Peter D. Behrendt Revocable Trust c/ o Travis Stuard VIA Email —Travis.Stuardfuluffandphelps.com RE: Abatement Petition for schedule#: R011770 Tax Year(s): 2014&2015 Dear Petitioner: The Eagle County Assessor's Office has reviewed the Petition for Abatement you filed for the above referenced property and is recommending Denial of the Petition for tax year(s) 2014 and 2015. The enclosed Assessor's Recommendation form provides details of the Assessor's decision. Please review the following options and indicate your choice by initialing on the appropriate line as well as signing and dating where indicated: I wish to withdraw my petition,thus ending any further appeal. x I wish to have a hearing*of my petition before a hearing officer appointed by the County Board of Commissioners. *next available hearing date is August 15.2016 at 9:00 a.m. 8/4/2016 Signature Date Travis Stuard Duff&Phelps,LLC Requesting an administrative Print Name denial Please return this form as soon as possible. You may mail your request to the Eagle County Attorney's Office at PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631 or you may email your request to Andrew.OwenAeaglecounty.us. If you wish to withdraw your petition, no further action is required by you. However, if you wish to continue with this appeal process, a hearing before an independent hearing officer will be scheduled for consideration of your tax abatement petition. A Notice of Hearing Eagle County Building,500 Broadway,P.O.Box 850,Eagle,Colorado 81631-0850 Exhibit A 8/9/20i6 Eagle County Government Mail-Abatement Petition/R060832 p,00,0 ktG0oSie ,,4 Andrew Owen <andrew.owen @eaglecounty.us> EAGLE 000 Abatement Petition / R060832 Stuard, Travis Tue, Aug 9, 2016 t 2:27 PM To: Andrew Owen c: Andrew, View attached signed letter. We would like to request an administrative denial on this abatement hearing. We'll be filing to the BAA. Thanks, Travis Stuard From: Andrew Owen [mailto:andrew.owen @eaglecounty.us] Sent:Tuesday,August 09, 2016 2:13 PM To: Stuard,Travis; Andrea Fontana; Elaine Wolf; Kevin Cassidy; Mary Kessler Subject: Abatement Petition/ R060832 [Quoted text hidden] This email is confidential and subject to important disclaimers and conditions, including those regarding confidentiality, legal privilege and certain legal entity disclaimers, available at http://www.duffandphelps.com/disclosure. Lannie Abatement Denial Letter 20148,2015.pdf 132K https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/?ui=2&ik=d8d07404e6&view=pt&search=inbox&msg=15670fd7620c54e7&sim1=15670fd7620c54e7 1/1 0, II OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ATTORNEY BRYAN R.TREU 970-328-8685 COUNTY ATTORNEY www.eaglecounty.us �, IP EAGLE COUNTY Attorney's Office August 9, 2016 Paul and Donna Lannie do Travis Stuard VIA Email—Travis.Stuard @duffandphelps.com RE: Abatement Petition for schedule#: R060832 Tax Year(s): 2014 &2015 Dear Petitioner: The Eagle County Assessor's Office has reviewed the Petition for Abatement you filed for the above referenced property and is recommending Denial of the Petition for tax year(s) 2014 and 2015. The enclosed Assessor's Recommendation form provides details of the Assessor's decision. Please review the following options and indicate your choice by initialing on the appropriate line as well as signing and dating where indicated: I wish to withdraw my petition, thus ending any further appeal. x I wish to have a hearing*of my petition before a hearing officer appointed by the County Board of Commissioners. *next available hearing date is September 12, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. 8/9/2016 Signature Date Travis Stuard Print Name Please return this form as soon as possible. You may mail your request to the Eagle County Attorney's Office at PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631 or you may email your request to Andrew.Owen @eaglecounty.us. Eagle County Building,500 Broadway,P.O. Box 850,Eagle,Colorado 81631-0850