HomeMy WebLinkAboutR16-065 Dotsero Landing Transfer Commissioner 12-'1 It—t moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO.2016- 005 APPROVING THE CONVEYANCE OF THE DOTSERO LANDING PROPERTY FROM EAGLE COUNTY TO THE CONSERVATION FUND FOR THE PURPOSE OF TRANSFERRING THE DOTERO LANDING PROPERTY TO THE U.S DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR—BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT(BLM) WHEREAS,the BLM sought for many years to acquire several properties along the Colorado River for the purpose of increasing public recreational access to the river; and WHEREAS,the BLM was unable to secure funds for the acquisition of these parcels; and WHEREAS,Eagle County had Open Space funds available in 2011,and successfully purchased the real property located at 3575 Highway 6, Gypsum, Colorado, known as the Dotsero Landing property (Dotsero Landing); and WHEREAS,in 2012,Eagle County made major improvements to Dotsero Landing and opened the property to public use; and WHEREAS,in 2012,Eagle County and BLM signed a Memorandum of Understanding that recognized the mutual interest in managing Dotsero Landing and other properties along the Colorado River for public recreational access and agreed to work collaboratively to manage these properties and to share equally in any user fees collected; and WHEREAS,Eagle County and BLM agreed that if funds became available to BLM,that Eagle County could choose to transfer ownership of Dotsero Landing to The Conservation Fund,in further 'ance of a conveyance of said property to BLM; and WHEREAS,BLM has been awarded Land&Water Conservation Funds to purchase Dotsero Landing from Eagle County; and WHEREAS,BLM's use of Land&Water Conservation Funds eliminates the possibility of a future sale,transfer, lease,or exchange of Dotsero Landing out of federal ownership; and WHEREAS,The Conservation Fund will operate as a third-party intermediary to facilitate the conveyance of Dotsero Landing from Eagle County to BLM; and WHEREAS,Eagle County will receive approximately$430,000 from the sale of Dotsero Landing,which will to be deposited into the Eagle County Open Space Fund; and • •R of . AS �i fl By: , i E gie County Attorney's Office By: Eagle County Commissioners' Office WHEREAS: BLM and Eagle County will still work collaboratively to manage Dotsero Landing for safe and functional public access to the Colorado River. THEREFORE,NOW BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado(the"Board"): THAT the Dotsero Landing property shall be conveyed to The Conservation Fund in furtherance of a conveyance of said property to the US Department of the Interior—Bureau of Land Management; and THAT,the proceeds of approximately$430,00 received by Eagle County from the sale of Dotsero Landing will be deposited into the Eagle County Open Space Fund for use in acquiring additional open space lands in Eagle County; and THAT,the Board authorizes any of the County Commissioners to execute on its behalf any and all necessary documents, instruments,papers or other forms necessary for the consummation of the sale of the Dostero Landing property. Such documents may include,but shall not be limited to, closing authorization and instructions, settlement statements, as well as any other necessary documents which in the opinion of staff are required or desirable; and THAT,the Board of County Commissioners finds, determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Eagle County, State of Colorado; MOVED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the 1,2) day of Asuasusr , 2016. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ( 1..4/31 ATTEST: * 0ir.. Tu, L ' . 5 • 6 a `' nao* By: Clerk to t - Board of J McQueen y County Commission Cha' Al Kathy I andler-Henry • Comm'ssi o ner 'mil. +• Ian H. Ryan /Commissioner 2 II Commissioner seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called,the vote was as follows: Commissioner McQueeney I�L� • Commissioner Chandler-Henry Commissioner Ryan A-L.- ( 0 This resolution passed by vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado 3