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R16-063 Petitions to the Board of Equalization
Commissioner 16--��z moved adoption of the following Resolution: COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO Resolution No. 2016- b19 3 REGARDING PETITIONS TO THE EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION WHEREAS, petitions appealing Eagle County Assessor's 2016 valuation submitted by the taxpayers identified on the list of CBOE docket numbers attached hereto as Exhibit"A"(hereinafter referred to as "Petitioners") were set for hearing before the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County, Colorado, organized and convened as the County Board of Equalization(hereinafter referred to as"Board") for the purposes of adjusting,equalizing,raising or lowering the valuation for assessment of real and personal property within this county, fixed and made by the County Assessor for the year 2016; and WHEREAS, said petitions have been previously submitted to the County Assessor for consideration; and WHEREAS, the Petitioners presented petitions of appeal to the County Assessor's valuation for the year 2016 claiming grounds for relief thereunder, stating the properties described in such petitions were improperly valued, as more specifically stated in said petitions; and WHEREAS, the Board has appointed independent Referees to conduct hearings and to make findings and submit recommendations to the County Board of Equalization for its final action, based upon testimony and evidence presented by the Petitioners and the Assessor's representatives with regard to said petitions; and WHEREAS,the Referees have recommended adjustments of value or no adjustment of value or the parties have stipulated to a value with respect to those petitions identified by CBOE docket numbers;and WHEREAS, the Board has considered the recommendations of the Referees. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County, Colorado, acting as the County Board of Equalization, •,•ROV F0'pi Eagle Coun Attorney's 0 ce By: Eagle County Commieslonars' Office 1 • THAT, the Board hereby enters orders with respect to the 2016 assessments of Petitioners'real and/or personal property in accordance with the determinations set forth in the letters of decision attached hereto as Exhibit"B" and made a part hereof by this reference. THAT,for each letter of decision(Exhibit`B")issued by the Board in which an adjustment to the respective Petitioners' valuation is indicated, the Board directs the Assessor to adjust the valuation as more particularly set forth in such letters of decision. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a petition denied, in whole or in part, by the Board of Equalization can be appealed to the Board of Assessment Appeals,or the Fifth Judicial District Court,Eagle County,Colorado,or submitted to the County for Arbitration,within thirty(30)days of the date said decision was mailed to the Petitioner,pursuant to C.R.S.39-8-108. The appeal forms and instructions for appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals may be obtained from the Board of Assessment Appeals,Department of Local Affairs, 1313 Sherman Street, Room 315, Denver, Colorado 80203. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, in its capacity as the County Board of Equalization, at its regular meeting held the ti day of AAA.-- , 2016. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO BY AND THROUGH ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS In its capacity as the "Yw TY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION ATTEST: ' �. -1101-1- _ St k^ce... tca 01 By: • ^is�� Clerk to the oard of or anne McQue ey Count Comm'ssioner ��. �. Air/ • ian '. Ryan Cr 'ssio : r A&1 Kathy C 6i 1er-Henry Commissioner Commissioner 0.A4,0s—iI0 tic,Yi. "a seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner McQueeney 14--N Commissioner Ryan " Commissioner Chandler-Henry " This resolution passed by 0 vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado 2 Exhibit B — Decision Letters EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 I 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 EAGLE COUNTY TAX APPEAL CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0025 PO BOX 266 Schedule No.: R010021 EDWARDS, CO 81632-0266 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization directed the Assessor to adjust the valuation for the subject property as follows: Classification: RESIDENTIAL Original Valuation Adjusted 2016 Valuation $ 5,333,110 $4,867,740 In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or to the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 J 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 0712612016 EAGLE COUNTY TAX APPEAL CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0023 PO BOX 266 Schedule No.: R009486 EDWARDS, CO 81632-0266 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization directed the Assessor to adjust the valuation for the subject property as follows: Classification: RESIDENTIAL Original Valuation Adjusted 2016 Valuation $ 3,920,840 $ 3,617,020 In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or to the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 I 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 GREGORY S. GORDON ESQ CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0034 133 PROSPECTOR RD STE 4102 Schedule No.: R028064 ASPEN, CO 81611-3393 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization directed the Assessor to adjust the valuation for the subject property as follows: Classification: VACANT LAND Original Valuation Adjusted 2016 Valuation $ 1,342,080 $ 1,197,400 In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or to the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 I 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 ZASTROW, RONALD G. & SUSAN - ETAL CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0031 PO BOX 5440 Schedule No.: R029890 AVON, CO 81620-5440 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization directed the Assessor to adjust the valuation for the subject property as follows: Classification: RESIDENTIAL Original Valuation Adjusted 2016 Valuation $ 381,320 $ 293,700 In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or to the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 I 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PROPERTY TAX CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0030 PO BOX 1592 Schedule No.: R039954 CARBONDALE, CO 81623-4592 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization directed the Assessor to adjust the valuation for the subject property as follows: Classification: RESIDENTIAL Original Valuation Adjusted 2016 Valuation $ 1,092,490 $ 1,020,250 In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or to the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 f 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 PROPERTY VALUATION SERVICES CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0044 14400 METCALF AVE Schedule No.: R064346 OVERLAND PARK, KS 66223-2989 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization directed the Assessor to adjust the valuation for the subject property as follows: Classification: COMMERCIAL Original Valuation Adjusted 2016 Valuation $ 464,340 $412,570 In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or to the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 I 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 STEVENS, RICHARD P. & DIANE E. CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0036 190 RIVERSIDE DR Schedule No.: R027029 BASALT, CO 81621-9260 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization directed the Assessor to adjust the valuation for the subject property as follows: Classification: RESIDENTIAL Original Valuation Adjusted 2016 Valuation $ 790,950 $ 770,950 In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAR) or to the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 1 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 MARVIN F. POER AND CO CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0039 410 17TH ST STE 1175 Schedule No.: R041705 DENVER, CO 80202-4439 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE The Eagle County Board of Equalization granted your request of an administrative denial on 08/02/2016. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8645 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 1 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 MARVIN F. POER AND CO CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0038 410 17TH ST STE 1175 Schedule No.: R034047 DENVER, CO 80202-4439 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE The Eagle County Board of Equalization granted your request of an administrative denial on 08/02/2016. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8645 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 1 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 MARVIN F. POER AND CO CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0042 410 17TH ST STE 1175 Schedule No.: R054456 DENVER, CO 80202-4439 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE The Eagle County Board of Equalization granted your request of an administrative denial on 08/02/2016. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8645 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 I 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 MARVIN F. POER AND CO CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0043 410 17TH ST STE 1175 Schedule No.: R054457 DENVER, CO 80202-4439 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE The Eagle County Board of Equalization granted your request of an administrative denial on 08/02/2016. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8645 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By:. Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850i 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 MARVIN F. POER AND CO CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0040 410 17TH ST STE 1175 Schedule No.: R054454 DENVER, CO 80202-4439 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE The Eagle County Board of Equalization granted your request of an administrative denial on 08/02/2016. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorneys Office at (970) 328-8645 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 1 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 MARVIN F. POER AND CO CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0037 410 17TH ST STE 1175 Schedule No.: R046266 DENVER, CO 80202-4439 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE The Eagle County Board of Equalization granted your request of an administrative denial on 08/02/2016. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8645 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 1 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 MARVIN F. POER AND CO CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0041 410 17TH ST STE 1175 Schedule No.: R054455 DENVER, CO 80202-4439 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE The Eagle County Board of Equalization granted your request of an administrative denial on 08/02/2016. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8645 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 1 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/2612016 ASSESSMENT TECHNOLOGIES LTD CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0045 Schedule No.: P006316 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE The Eagle County Board of Equalization granted your request of an administrative denial on 08/02/2016. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8645 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 I 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 DUFF & PHELPS, LLC CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0009 1200 17TH ST STE 990 Schedule No.: R041312 DENVER, CO 80202-7548 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization found that the valuation for the assessment of the subject property as determined by the Assessor was accurate and consistent with state law, and by reason thereof, denied your petition. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 I 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07126/2016 DUFF & PHELPS, LLC CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0004 1200 17TH ST STE 990 Schedule No.: R042479 DENVER, CO 80202-7548 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing 'officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization found that the valuation for the assessment of the subject property as determined by the Assessor was accurate and consistent with state law, and by reason thereof, denied your petition. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization • EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 1 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 EAGLE COUNTY TAX APPEAL CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0028' PO BOX 266 Schedule No.: R040398 EDWARDS, CO 81632-0266 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing,officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization found that the valuation for the assessment of the subject property as determined by the Assessor was accurate and consistent with state law, and by reason thereof, denied your petition. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization • EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 1 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 DUFF & PHELPS, LLC CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0012 1200 17TH ST STE 990 Schedule No.: 8011770 DENVER, CO 80202-7548 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization found that the valuation for the assessment of the subject property as determined by the Assessor was accurate and consistent with state law, and by reason thereof, denied your petition. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 I 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 DUFF & PHELPS, LLC CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0010 1200 17TH ST STE 990 Schedule No.: R041315 DENVER, CO 80202-7548 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization found that the valuation for the assessment of the subject property as determined by the Assessor was accurate and consistent with state law, and by reason thereof, denied your petition. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you',may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 1 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/2612016 DUFF & PHELPS, LLC CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0005 1200 17TH ST STE 990 Schedule No.: R008219 DENVER, CO 80202-7548 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization found that the valuation for the assessment of the subject property as determined by the Assessor was accurate and consistent with state law, and by reason thereof, denied your petition. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorneys Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 1 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 DUFF & PHELPS, LLC CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0008 1200 17TH ST STE 990 Schedule No.: R049822 DENVER, CO 80202-7548 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization found that the valuation for the assessment of the subject property as determined by the Assessor was accurate and consistent with state law, and by reason thereof, denied your petition. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 1 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 GREGORY S. GORDON ESQ CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0032 133 PROSPECTOR RD STE 4102 Schedule No.: R045980 ASPEN, CO 81611-3393 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing',officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization found that the valuation for the assessment of the subject property as determined by the Assessor was accurate and consistent with state law, and by reason thereof, denied your petition. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 l 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 DUFF & PHELPS, LLC CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0007 1200 17TH ST STE 990 Schedule No.: R059967 DENVER, CO 80202-7548 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization found that the valuation for the assessment of the subject property as determined by the Assessor was accurate and consistent with state law, and by reason thereof, denied your petition. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 1 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 TRUSCHEIT, ROBERT E, JR CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0002 451 THREE MEADOWS LN Schedule No.: R065409 EVERGREEN, CO 80439-7959 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization found that the valuation for the assessment of the subject property as determined by the Assessor was accurate and consistent with state law, and by reason thereof, denied your petition. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 1 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 DUFF & PHELPS, LLC CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0011 1200 17TH ST STE 990 Schedule No.: R060832 DENVER, CO 80202-7548 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization found that the valuation for the assessment of the subject property as determined by the Assessor was accurate and consistent with state law, and by reason thereof, denied your petition. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 I 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 EAGLE COUNTY TAX APPEAL CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0027 PO BOX 266 Schedule No.: R052730 EDWARDS, CO 81632-0266 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization found that the valuation for the assessment of the subject property as determined by the Assessor was accurate and consistent with state law, and by reason thereof, denied your petition. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 1 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 DUFF & PHELPS, LLC CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0006 1200 17TH ST STE 990 Schedule No.: R040266 DENVER, CO 80202-7548 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization found that the valuation for the assessment of the subject property as determined by the Assessor was accurate and consistent with state law, and by reason thereof, denied your petition. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on thel reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization • EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 1 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 STOVALL ASSOCIATES, P.C. CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0013 175 MAIN ST STE C-109 Schedule No.: R045921 EDWARDS, CO 81632-8117 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for thle property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization found that the valuation for the assessment of the subject property as determined by the Assessor was accurate and consistent with state law, and by reason thereof, denied your petition. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By; Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 1 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 QUAGLIANO, MICHAEL D. CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0018 307 N 36TH ST STE 110 Schedule No.: R045923 QUINCY, IL 62301-3760 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization found that the valuation for the assessment of the subject property as determined by the Assessor was accurate and consistent with state law, and by reason thereof, denied your petition. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagl‘ County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 1 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 QUAGLIANO, MICHAEL D. CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0017 307 N 36TH ST STE 110 Schedule No.: R045909 QUINCY, IL 62301-3760 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization found that the valuation for the assessment of the subject property as determined by the Assessor was accurate and consistent with state law, and by reason thereof, denied your petition. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 1 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 QUAGLIANO, MICHAEL D. CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0016 307 N 36TH ST STE 110 Schedule No.: R045910 QUINCY, IL 62301-3760 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization found that the valuation for the assessment of the subject property as determined by the Assessor was accurate and consistent with state law, and by reason thereof, denied your petition. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 j 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07126/2016 QUAGLIANO, MICHAEL D. CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0019 307 N 36TH ST STE 110 Schedule No.: R045918 QUINCY, IL 62301-3760 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing'officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization found that the valuation for the assessment of the subject property as determined by the Assessor wa$ accurate and consistent with state law, and by reason thereof, denied your petition. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 8501 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07126/2016 QUAGLIANO, MICHAEL D. CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0015 307 N 36TH ST STE 110 Schedule No.: R045922 QUINCY, IL 62301-3760 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization found that the valuation for the assessment of the subject property as determined by the Assessor was accurate and consistent with state law, and by reason thereof, denied your petition. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you Imay appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization II EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 J 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 EAGLE COUNTY TAX APPEAL CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0026 PO BOX 266 Schedule No.: R045053 EDWARDS, CO 81632-0266 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization found that the valuation for the assessment of the subject property as determined by the Assessor was accurate and consistent with state law, and by reason thereof, denied your petition. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 ( 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 EAGLE COUNTY TAX APPEAL CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0021 PO BOX 266 Schedule No.: R006369 EDWARDS, CO 81632-0266 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization found that the valuation for the assessment of the subject property as determined by the Assessor was accurate and consistent with state law, and by reason thereof, denied your petition. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorneys Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 1 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 B. SPENCER BLAIR IRREVOCABLE TRUST CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0003 232 W MEADOW DR Schedule No.: 8065798 VAIL, CO 81657-5079 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization found that the valuation for the assessment of the subject property as determined by the Assessor was accurate and consistent with state law, and by reason thereof, denied your petition. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you Imay appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 I 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 QUAGLIANO, MICHAEL CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0014 307 N 36TH ST STE 110 Schedule No.: R031523 QUINCY, IL 62301-3760 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing',officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization found that the valuation for the assessment of the subject property as determined by the Assessor was accurate and consistent with state law, and by reason thereof, denied your petition. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 l 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 GREGORY S. GORDON ESQ CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0033 133 PROSPECTOR RD STE 4102 Schedule No.: R025915 ASPEN, CO 81611-3393 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing',officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization found that the valuation for the assessment of the subject property as determined by the Assessor was accurate and consistent with state law, and by reason thereof, denied your petition. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 8501 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 EAGLE COUNTY TAX APPEAL CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0024 PO BOX 266 Schedule No.: R031388 EDWARDS, CO 81632-0266 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization found that the valuation for the assessment of the subject property as determined by the Assessor was accurate and consistent with state law, and by reason thereof, denied your petition. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 I 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 RHODEN, KURTIS SCHILLER & NATALIE CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0020 16040 N WINAN RD Schedule No.: R049823 PLATTE CITY, MO 64079-9133 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization found that the valuation for the assessment of the subject property as determined by the Assessor was accurate and consistent with state law, and by reason thereof, denied your petition. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 1 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 MILL CREEK PROPERTY LLC CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0035' PO BOX 13576 Schedule No.: R065231 DENVER, CO 80201-3576 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing,officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization found that the valuation for the assessment of the subject property as determined by the Assessor was accurate and consistent with state law, and by reason thereof, denied your petition. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a OaiI de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 1 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PROPERTY TAX CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0029 PO BOX 1592 Schedule No.: R039957 CARBONDALE, CO 81623-4592 Re: Notice of Decision Regarding Petition for Appeal to the Eagle County CBOE On 08/02/2016, the Eagle County County Board of Equalization considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment, as well as findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8, of the Colorado Revised Statutes, for the property listed by the above Schedule Number. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Eagle County Board of Equalization found that the valuation for the assessment of the subject property as determined by the Assessor was accurate and consistent with state law, and by reason thereof, denied your petition. In the event you wish to appeal the decision of the Eagle County Board of Equalization, you may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) or the Eagle County District Court for a trail de novo; or, submit the case to binding arbitration. The appeal processes are described on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at (970) 328-8685 or PO Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (CBOE) PO Box 850 1 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 07/26/2016 EAGLE COUNTY TAX APPEAL CBOE Docket No.: 2016-0022 PO BOX 266 Schedule No.: 8011791 EDWARDS, CO 81632-0266 Re: Order of Stipulation On 08/02/2016, and in accordance with the provisions of Title 39, Article 8 of the Colorado Revised Statutes, the Eagle County Board of Equalization (CBOE) considered your petition appealing the 2016 valuation for assessment of the property listed by the above Schedule Number. You and the Eagle County Assessor entered into a stipulation concerning said valuation, which stipulation is hereby approved by the CBOE. Based on the stipulation of the parties, the CBOE directed the Assessor to adjust the valuation for the subject property as follows: Classification: RESIDENTIAL Original Valuation Adjusted 2016 Valuation g Adjusted 1,093,200 $ 1,036,150 If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact the Eagle County Attorney's Office at 970-328-8685 or PO Box 850, 500 Broadway, Eagle, CO 81631. Eagle County Board of Equalization By: Teak J. Simonton, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and Clerk to the Eagle County Board of Equalization o -uD0 -0D - Do -0D - Do 'O Dn' 1) D �i -or 3 � � � � g8m `�` Z z •-. 0 Z c Z ^' C Z c Z 3• C Z ... C Z ...f C Z .-Pc C _c z3 C3 _c z3 s z3 C z3 = z3 = z3 = z3 3c 1 g 3 4 u- .S m 3 $ F 3 m g 3 Z Z g m Z :l ri O O N • -. 00 N A N N N N 0 N O N N.) 00 N j A N N N O) 0 0 43. 00 0) 0 0 C) 0 A. 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