HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 - Holy Cross Electrica HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATI N, INC. 3799 HIGHWAY 82 AREA CODs: 1'. O. DRAWER 250 303 GLEN\VOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81602 945 -5491 April 25, 1984 Eagle County Criminal Justice Center Attn: Mr. Dave Mott P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 RE: 30 Underground Criminal Justice Center Dear Dave: We have completed a design and cost estimate for providing electric service to the above mentioned project. Our facilities will be installed as shown on the attached sketch. Holy Cross Electric estimates that the cost of construction will be as follows: Total estimated cost of underground construction $ 19,100.00 Holy Cross Electric investment secured by enclosed guaranteed monthly minimum revenue contract (15,350.00) Contribution in aid of underground construction (non- recoverable) required before starting work .on the project $ 3,750.00 The above figures are only estimates. After the job has been completed, the actual cost of construction will be determined. Your monthly minimum revenue contractual amount will be adjusted to reflect Holy Cross Electric's actual investment. Your contri- bution will be adjusted to reflect actual costs by making a refund or further assessment. Execution of this document consti- tutes agreement to sign a new monthly minimum revenue contract with the adjusted amount and /or pay any further assessment in a timely manner. The adjusted monthly minimum revenue contract required for this job will be added to that monthly minimum revenue contract which the County previously signed for construction of the overhead power line. Our power facilities must be installed on an easement. Please execute and return the enclosed document. The following conditions are hereby noted: 1. Secondary voltage available will be 208Y/120, three - phase. 2. Secondary facilities shall be installed in accordance with National Electrical Code and Holy Cross Electric specifi- cations. All meter locations must be approved. Any service over 200 amps or 240 volts must have prior written approval from Holy Cross Electric. 3. It will be your responsibility to extend underground second- ary entrance conductors in CONDUIT from the pad- mounted transformer to points of power usage. 0 Mr. Dave Mott Page 2 April 25, 1984 4. The route of our proposed underground power line extension must be at final grade and free of obstructions before we can begin work on the project. 5. All water lines, sewer lines, or other excavations in conflict with our proposed facilities must be completed, backfilled and clearly marked before we can begin work on the project. 6. There is no provision in our estimate for revegetation. It- is preferred that revegetation, if required, be provided by parties other than Holy Cross Electric. - 7. We attempt to complete all projects in a timely manner. However, highest priority is given to maintaining service to our existing consumers. This fact, along with inevitable construction delays, will not allow us to guarantee a project completion date. 8. All Holy Cross Electric rules and regulations will be followed. 9. The above mentioned cost estimate does not include connect fees or meter deposits, if required. Arrangements for pay- ment of these items and for scheduling the actual meter installation should be made through the local Holy Cross Electric office. When Holy Cross Electric is in receipt of your check in the amount of $3,750.00, the signed monthly minimum revenue contract, all necessary executed easements, other permits, if required, and the signed original of this letter agreement (below), the job can be scheduled for construction. Sincerely, HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Buzz Quaco, Staking Engineer B,J:lsz Enclosure cc: Job; 84- 10363 :42 -33 : Criminal Justice Ctr The above terms and conditions are agreed to and accepted BY: TI'T'LE: DATE: 1�s,. i tl :� dl � � Z I ITM 14 W� Lid r� i 0 J C) v z z \x tU \ d c� cU Z I (1 u tl� c1 C (7) � HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. UNDERGROUND RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned, EAGLE'COUNTY (hereinafter called "Grantor "), for a good and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant unto HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC., a cooperative corporation whose post office address is P.O. Drawer 250, Glenwood Springs, Colorado (hereinafter called "Grantee ") and to its successors and assigns, the right of ingress and egress across lands of Grantor, situate in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, described as follows: A parcel of land located in Tracts 68, 69 and 70, Section 33 Township 4 South, Range 84 W -est of the-6th P.M., Town of Eagle, Colorado, as recorded in Book 363,-Pages 212 -211 in the office - of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, Eagle, Colorado. And, to construct, reconstruct, repair, change, enlarge, re- phase, operate, and maintain an underground electric transmission or distribution line, or both; with the underground vaults, conduit, fixtures and equipment used or., useable in connection therewith, together with associated equipment required above ground, within the above mentioned lands, upon an easement described as follows: A ten (10) foot wide easement, being five (5) feet on each side of the following described centerline: Commencing from the last pole described on an easement recorded in Book 365, Page 763 in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, Eagle, Colorado; thence S34 °06'38 "E, a distance of 135 feet to the end of easement. Together with, the right to remove any and all trees, brush, vegetation and obstructions within said strip of land when such is reasonably necessary for the implementation and use of the rights hereinabove granted. After the exercise by Grantee of any of its rights hereunder, Grantee shall promptly restore the surface of the ground to its former condition, as nearly as is practicable, and shall promptly replace any and all trees, brush, and vege- tation removed or damaged by Grantee. Grantor agrees that all facilities installed by Grantee on the above de- scribed lands, shall remain the property of Grantee, and shall be removable at the option of Grantee. Grantor covenants that it is the owner of the above described lands and that the said lands are free and clear of encumbrances and liens of whatsoever character, except those held by the following: patent reservations of record and a ditch right -of -way recorded in Book 220 at Page 691 of the** TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, said right -of -way and easement, together with all and singular, the rights and privileges appertaining thereto, unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused these presents to be duly executed on this day of n t 1984. EAGLE COUNTY TITLE: �-' %fit `1! '9.x.4 ���, :.. if �'C °i• /1 ,i /:. �- /��; 1, .. is -a-d✓� STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) <inTY The fo7egoing instrument was acknowleTd .before me this X_ ``- day of / 1984 by( %� j, i� rI1! ;� as for EAGLE COUNTY. I' / WITNESS my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Address: (Job #84 - 10363:42- 33:Criminal Justice Center 3 :4- 2'6 -84) **real property records of Eagle County, Colorado, reserved to the Colorado Department of Highways. HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. SHARE SUBSCRIPTION AND APPLICATION FOR !`MEMBERSHIP The undersigned (hereinafter called the "Applicant ") hereby applies for membership in, and agrees to purchase electric energy from, HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. (hereinafter called the "Cooperative "), and hereby subscribes for one (1) share of the capital stock of the Cooperative and agrees to all of the following terms and conditions. 1. If this Application is accepted by the Cooperative, it will constitute the Applicant's membership and one (1) share of capital stock of the Cooperative. Z. The Applicant understands that if electric energy is made available to the Applicant by the Cooperative, said Cooperative is investing in construction of new lines because of reliance upon the terms of this application. If e lectrici gjrgy is made available to the premises described below an or before D ecem er, Applicant specifically covenants and agrees, and binds himself, his heirs,�cvi ses' an-d personal representatives, in consideration of such construction by the Coo{�er- ative as follows: A. The Applicant will, for the full period of ten (10) years from the -date such energy is made available to said premises, purchase from the Coop- erative all electric energy used on the premises described below and will pay therefore at rates to be determined from time to time in accordance with the Bylaws of the Cooperative, provided that the Cooperative may limit the amount of electric energy to be furnished for industrial uses. B. During all of such full period described in "A" above, the Applicant will pay a bill of at least 5 384.00 per month, plus tax, regardless of the number of kilowatt hours used, and this shall-be an irreducible minimum. Payment of this minimum charge shall entitle the Applicant to the use of the number of kilowatt hours corresponding to the minimum charge in accordance with the applicable rate. 3. The Applicant will cause his premises to be wired in accordance with wiring_ specifications of the National Electrical Sode and the State of Colorado. The Applicant's premises are approximately 1' feet from the nearest distribution line of the Cooperative and are located in: Tracts 68, 69 and 70, Section 33, Township 4 South, Range 84 West of the 6th P.M., Eagle, Colorado. 4. The Applicant will comply with and be bound by the provisions of the Certificate of Incorporation-'and Byla -,js of the Cooperative, and such Rules and Re^,ulations as ma ,y from time to time be adopted by the Cooperative. 5. The Applicant, by paying a membership fee and becoming a member, assumes no personal liability or responsibility for any debts or, liabilities of the Cooperative, and it is expressly understood that under the law, his private property is exempt from execution for any such debts or liabilities. The acceptance of this application by the Cooperative shall constitute an agreement between the Applicant and the Cooperative. !4ITNESS', . �; .� f '=� �t /l'� APPLICANT DATE.r ADDRESS Consumer Account No. Membership No. For Office Use: Job Name Criminal Justice Ctr Job # 84 -10363 Consumer # 42 -33 Date 4 -26 -84 M r X N O "O rt C1 J. J• J J• C� Project: Subdivision ❑ Mobile Home Park ❑ Condo ❑ Apartment Building ❑ Small Commercial ❑ Large Power ❑ (Provide a detailed written description of project including any special power requirements, number and types of lots, additional utilities and their proposed location, total building square footage, total commercial square footage, units, amps /units, common area (housemeter) amps, etc.) 2. V f 5' jREQUEST FOR COMMERCIAL /SUBDIVISION ELECTRIC SERVICE *(Please Print)* * * * *, * * * * * * * * * * ,► Devei Gz►MI )uggmc,+b Cie'* opment me c Owner ���t.E Co Tel. Arc /Planner _o� °``' �"F""`T'`''s Contact _t;��-4m 7e 1 . _!L9 S -tSc S Elect. Cons u1tant4;;.,.Q• Co, 4AA4,ee-,1=r--,,,vex- Contact_c�o .joH+,,se., . 'dc-- t85'► _Tel Gen. Contractor k`{rA-,uzC= r=PwAocpsContact'D.�..� E,,�y Tel. Elect. Subcontr Co►�«,c.l L, '[D_,s_ve.<, Contact J„H S�..K,• Tel LOCATION: Within City Limits? No ❑ Yes X, City of Section TWP S, Range W, County Subdivision Lot Block Filing _ **************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Project: Subdivision ❑ Mobile Home Park ❑ Condo ❑ Apartment Building ❑ Small Commercial ❑ Large Power ❑ (Provide a detailed written description of project including any special power requirements, number and types of lots, additional utilities and their proposed location, total building square footage, total commercial square footage, units, amps /units, common area (housemeter) amps, etc.) 2. V 'Anti cipated Electric Service: Secondary Voltage: Date, Temp/Const . ` �] 72O/24U l0 3 wire -- ' [l 72D/2O8 [] 24O/4DO IN l2O/2O8 [� 277/480 Available [] l2O/24O - ' ]N 3 wire 10 3 wire 30 4 wire wywe 30 4 wire wye at HCEA discretion 30 4 wire delta W Page 2 Perm Meters (quantity, type, location, etc) x—� Size of entrance conduit(s) La. quantity ___ Size of entrance conductor(s) c=, ~�~��4��*x e�4' quantity --- per phase Main bus size �] amps'' ' -- Total Con--� (kw) [VmnOn Space Bus Size iZ& amps Estimated TUtal Demand kvO ELECTRIC LOAD SUH%YARY:-------' -- �-------� Initially/Future Initially/Future Lighting� / _^�L�� /kx) 10 Mlisc Motors \':5 /kw/hp\ Receptacles /��r� _/kw\ 30 MiSC Motors Y (kw/hp) CODki'ng / /kw\ Largest Motor —(kw/hp) Water Heater/s� kw\ Standby po,,-,,er+ VJJ /k,,-,\ Duct Air Heater(s) / /kw` (kw' � � Unit Air H2at2r/s\ ___-____� � /kw\ Air Cond (-�*/30) ^��/V-� / /2cn�*o/kw\ _---_'_--_ (kw) . � He�t Pumps/10/30\ _/_ (kw) /kw\ Aux Strip Heaters \^o /_ P:�).o/kw\ (kw) REMARKS*____ ------------------'--------------------------------------'----- I certifv that the above information is correct Of Service" and understand them' ] Date of Application A tu Signature icant *+(OFfice Usg)°*+�**�+a�+���°*++���**�*���,*�+°�+*�***+� �. HCEA LOcation � lnspeCtiOn: Temp Penn W/o# -- '- '�-----'---in l ASsigned: -- ---' --- ---' ---~ ---� Line Ex n ion, OHD[]UG0N/Rr] �------ Transformer, OHDO Bldg Vau| t r] UG Pad Mount El Secondary, OHD 0 UG 0 � Contracts: Existing, No O Yes [] Revenue, $ /m�, Tran/ s Min, NO ] Yes F kva ---~ Con5t' Advance t Con�t Deposit-s----- Cnntrib in Aid of Cons ---------'---- Date Released Construction Co---te--' --- ---- / � '-- '' — Service Clas5ifi--io' -----'� Est [3 Ltr Agree [.' h� Mapped �� E ruen� F;/ul ti -0 (7) CONDITIONS OF SERVICE As the power supplier for this area, Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc. has an obligation to provide electric service promptly and economically, consistent with_ good engineering and construction practices. Good planning and follow- through are necessary to minimize delays and wasted efforts, particularly during the busy con- struction season and periods of rapid growth. Applications requiring additional distribution system shall comply with the "Extension Policy" on file with the Public Utilities Commission of the State or Colorado. Upon receipt of the Request f_or Commercial /Subdivision Electric Service, and all appropriate information, Noly Cross will field check, design, and prepare necessary layouts and staking sheets, estimate the costs, prepare appropriate contracts, procure easements and special permits as necessary,. schedule and construct the required electric facilities. An estimated construction schedule will be furnished upon request. However, Holy Cross Electric will assume no liability if unforeseen factors delay the completion date. Once the location of facilities has been agreed upon, any changes will be at the Applicant's expense. Final grade information must be supplied to Holy Cross Electric prior to installation of any facilities. Any change in grade or in- consistencies with final design following the installation of Holy Cross Electric facilities, which ;;ill create a violation of the Plational Electric Safety Coda requirements, shall be corrected by Holy Cross Electric at the expense of the Applicant or responsible party. Holy Cross Electric Will provide appropriate information on rates, rules, regulations and conditions for receiving electric service. The Applicant re- questing electric service shall apply for membership in and agrees to purchase electric energy from Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc. under the terms and conditions detailed in "Share Subscription and Application for Membership." Billing for electric service rendered will be as prescribed under the appropriate rate tariff as filed with the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Colorado. It shall be the responsibility of the Applicant to comply with all requirements of the appropriate electrical inspection authority and obtain their approval.' In addition, the Applicant shall comply with all Holy Cross Electric rules and specifications. These shall include, but are not limited to, the "Metering" and "Equipment Screening" specifications. Holy Cross Electric is permitted to install a meter for a new or revamped service when all of the followinq conditions are met. 1. The Applicant has received an approval from the appropriate electrical in- spection authority. 2. AT1 Holy Cross Electric requirements are in compliance. 3. All applicable nenbership, connect and corisurnet- deposit fees are paid. Processing the application w -ill not be possible until the required information is complete and is accompanied with the requirements of A and /or B below. It is the -Applicant's responsibility to update any and all revisions in the information provided Holy Cross Electric. Any revisions may require rescheduling of the project. A. Subdivision and Mobile Home Parks 1. A reproducible County approved Subdivision plat (with vicinity map at 1" = 200'). 2. Street profile and drainage. 3. Grading plan. 4. Overall development plans. 5. a. Location of all existing and proposed utilities. b. Associated easements. 6. Legal description (including Book and Page), 7. Other information as required. B. Commercial, Large Power, Condo, Apartment Comolexes 1. Site plan (showing proposed building(s), utilities, transformer and meter locations). 2. Profile of building and general area around transformer. 3. Electrical One -Line Diagram. 4. Grading plan. 5. a. Location of all existing and proposed utilities. b. Associated easements. 6. Legal description (including Book and Page). 7. Other information as required. Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc. ,6ichard D. Brinkley, Chief Engineer