HomeMy WebLinkAboutR16-034 Gypsum Fire Protection District Mill Levy Commissioner moved adoption of the fo owing Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE,STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO 2016- 0 3 V RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF AN INCREASE TO THE GYPSUM FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT'S OPERATING MILL LEVY WHEREAS,the elected Board of Directors of Gypsum Fire Protection District has chosen to put on the May 3, 2016 Special District General Election Ballot a request to increase the Fire District's operating mill levy to raise additional operating funds needed to continue operating the Fire District, and WHEREAS, Gypsum Fire Protection District provides fire protection to the greater Gypsum area including Dotsero and the Sweetwater area, and WHEREAS,the Gypsum Fire Protection District while located in Eagle County is separate and independent from Eagle County and is not funded through the County's budget, and WHEREAS, we, the elected members of the Eagle County Board of Commissioners (the "Board"), recognize the contributions of Gypsum Fire Protection District to our community's public safety and protection of property, and hold the Gypsum Fire Protection District in esteem, and WHEREAS,the Colorado Fair Campaign Practices Act expressly authorizes local governments to adopt and distribute in normal fashion a Resolution regarding any ballot issue of import to that local government. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO THAT,the Board supports the proposal of the Board of Directors of Gypsum Fire Protection District placed on the May 3, 2016 Special District General Election Ballot to increase the Fire District's operating mill levy to raise additional funds to continue operating the Fire District; and THAT,the Board hereby demonstrates its support of such proposal by approving this resolution APP- =' ■Ai•A� �� By: V4 y E:gle Co i' ty Att."ey's Offi'9 By: E. le County Commissioners'Office MOVED,READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado at its regular meeting held the 26th day of April 2016. ee COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF 1 7 COLORADO, By and Through Its 1 �e BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATT S / * * / 1 /� ': SIP By: Clerk to the Bout of nne McQueeney County Commissioners .j /�� J1 '. Rya o 01'. , i1 a Kathy Ch:Pdler-Henry Commissioner Commissioner ' .i seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as lows: Commissioner McQueeney Commissioner Ryan • i / Commissioner Chandler-Henry e■■ / This resolution passed by 3/0 vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado •