HomeMy WebLinkAboutR16-033 Edwards Metro District Sales Tax Ballot Question Commissioner moved adoption of the folio ing Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO RESOLUTION NO 2016- 0 li/ RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE EDWARDS METROPOLITAN DISTRICT'S SALES TAX BALLOT QUESTION WHEREAS, the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners (the "Board") has determined the need for street and pedestrian pathway improvements to facilitate safe flow of pedestrian and vehicular traffic within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Edwards Metropolitan District ("Regional Transportation Projects"), which boundaries are located within Eagle County, Colorado; and WHEREAS, the Edwards Metropolitan District (the "District") has determined to participate with the County in such Regional Transportation Projects within its jurisdictional boundaries; and WHEREAS, there are Colorado Department of Transportation ("CDOT") capital improvement funds available to Eagle County and the District to achieve these Regional Transportation Projects, but such CDOT funds are only available if local funds can be supplied to pay for the balance of the costs required to plan, design, bid and construct such Projects (the "local match"); and WHEREAS, the Edwards area constituents have considered multiple alternative mechanisms to provide the local match for the needed improvements, and have determined that a sales tax in the core Edwards Central Business area is the most reasonable and equitable method of supplying the District's share of the local match necessary to achieve these Regional Transportation Projects; and WHEREAS, the Edwards Metropolitan District has pledged formally that it will adjust the sales tax up and down in an amount not more than 1%, only as is necessary to pay for the required capital improvements and maintenance costs; and WHEREAS, the Colorado Fair Campaign Practices Act expressly authorizes local governments to adopt and distribute in normal fashion a Resolution regarding any b.not issue of import to that local government. A V../- APR; ` • „ By: KI Eagle C. my Attorney's Office By:. Eagle County Commissioners'Office NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners, THAT the Board supports the Sales Tax Ballot Issue placed before the Eligible Electors within the Edwards Metropolitan District on the May 3rd Ballot, for the purpose of raising only that amount of money necessary to annually pay the local match required to fund the construction and maintenance of the Regional Transportation Projects required to facilitate safely the flow of pedestrian and vehicular traffic in the Edwards area; and THAT the Board hereby demonstrates its support by approving this Resolution. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado at its regular meeting held the, day of 2016. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF $- COLORADO, By and Through Its fie- c `. v BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: * is, e 7(.60 \----) • ' o By: Clerk to the oard of J n1 1 'ne cQueeney County Commissioners .it ■ &//LA / --S athy Chi dler-Henry Commissioner Alp 40,F Z AA , On H. Ryan / ommissioner Commissione0a4A seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as ollows: Commissioner McQueeney l Commissioner Chandler-Henry Commissioner Ryan �l / This resolution passed by /s() vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. 2