HomeMy WebLinkAboutR16-027 Bylaws for the EC Regional Transportation Authority Commissioner Ca-1 t.i t7 WM— moved adoption
of the following Resolution:
WHEREAS,Eagle County maintains a county transportation authority pursuant to
C.R.S. §29-2-103.5, with oversight of operations and personnel as a function of the Eagle
County Board of Commissioners("Commissioners"); and
WHEREAS,by Eagle County Resolution No. 96-22 created an advisory group under the
name of the"Regional Transportation Authority"(hereinafter the"Authority Board")and
provided for the duties and powers of the Authority Board; and
WHEREAS,the mission of the Authority.Board is to provide recommendations to the
Commissioners regarding the provision of safe, reliable, efficient and convenient regional
transportation for everyone; and
WHEREAS,members of the Authority Board support the mission by representing and
communicating to their organizations and community; and
WHEREAS,during the Authority Board meeting on February 17th 2016,the Authority
Board reviewed and made a motion to recommend for approval the attached Bylaws (Exhibit A);
WHEREAS,the Commissioners would like to restate the Authority Board's purpose and
authority and approve the revised bylaws of the Authority Board.
THAT, this Resolution replaces in its entirety Resolution No. 96-22, and all amendments
THAT,the Board of County Commissioners hereby adopts the bylaws of the Eagle
County Regional Transportation Authority Board, attached hereto as Exhibit A.
THAT,recommendations of the Authority Board are advisory and any such
recommendation shall be presented to the Board of County Commissioners by staff on a
schedule to be determined by the Board of County Commissioners.
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Eagle County Attorney's Office
Eagle County Commissioners' Office
MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of
Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the (V- day of 1. , 20 ((p
COLORADO, By and Through Its
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Clerk to the Board of nne McQueen;
County Commissioners hai
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Kathy C j andler-Henry
Commissio er
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rn H. Ryan
Commissioner 11—x-f seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll
having been called, the vote was as follows:
Commissioner Chandler-Henry M
Commissioner McQueeney k
Commissioner Ryan
This resolution passed by l 0 vote of the Board of County Commissioners of
the County of Eagle, State of Colorado.
Revised 3/29/2016
The Eagle County Regional Transportation Authority ("Authority")was created as a county
transportation authority pursuant to C.R.S. §29-2-103.5. As such,the day-to-day oversight of
operations and personnel is a function of the Eagle County Board of Commissioners
("Commissioners"). However, as a regional service provider,the Authority benefits from the
collaboration of its municipal and private sector partners in the visioning and policy setting
functions of the multi-modal transportation systems in Eagle County. These bylaws are
intended to control the internal structure and operations of the advisory board assigned to the
Authority("Authority Board").
Section 1. Members. The Authority Board shall initially have eight(8)members
who serve at the pleasure of the Commissioners. The Commissioners have appointed and shall
continue to appoint one member to the Authority Board representing the communities of Avon,
Eagle, Gypsum, Minturn,Red Cliff,Vail, Beaver Creek Resort Company and Eagle County
Government. The Commissioners may in the future appoint a ninth member at large,which
appointment shall be accomplished by resolution of the Commissioners. Appointment(s)to the
Authority Board shall endure for three(3) years, and shall expire at the end of each three-year tenet.
Section 2. Alternate Members. At the time of appointing board members the
Commissioners may also approve one alternate member to represent each of the entities listed
above. Alternates will have the rights and duties of the regular members in the event the regular
member is absent or is otherwise unable to act in such capacity.
Section 3. Member Participation. Only those appointed members and alternates
may participate in deliberations of the Authority Board.Non-appointed individuals and members of
the general public may participate at those times designated for public input by the Authority Board
Section 4. Vacancies. A member's office shall become vacant whenever any
member dies,becomes incapacitated,resigns from the Authority Board or is removed from the
Authority Board by the Commissioners on its own initiative through discussion with the represented
entity or at the request of the represented entity. In the event of a vacancy,the Authority Board shall
request that an entity nominate a person to fill such vacancy. If said entity fails to make a
nomination within sixty(60) days of such request, the Commission may appoint a person, from said
entity, to fill such vacancy without such nomination.
Exhibit A,Page 1 of 5
Revised 3/29/2016
Section 1. Open Meetings. All meetings of the Authority Board are public
meetings and are subject to all open meetings laws, or any such amended or successor laws or
resolutions with respect to notice of public meetings. Except as qualified by these bylaws, all
procedural rules relating to the conduct of the Authority Board meetings shall be adopted by the
Authority Board or its chair.
Section 2. Place of Meetings. The Authority Board may designate any place, either
within or outside of Eagle County, Colorado, as the place of meeting for any meeting of the
Authority Board. If no designation is made,then the place of meeting shall be in the Eagle County
Room at 500 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado 81631.
Section 3. Regular Meetings. The Authority Board shall meet quarterly on a
schedule to be determined by the Authority Board. If meetings are to be rescheduled or cancelled,
notice will be posted online at www.eaglecounty.us and members will be notified via email seven
days prior to the scheduled meeting. When an emergency exists, as determined by the Authority
Board Chair,the seven day notice shall not be required. In addition to online posting,meetings
notices and available agendas will be posted twenty-four hours prior to the scheduled meeting at the
location designated by the Authority Board for the meeting.
Section 4. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called at the request of the
Chair, or any two (2)members of the Authority Board,with notice as set forth above. Additionally,
when an emergency exists, as determined by the Authority Board Chair, notice shall not be required
as set forth herein.
Section 5. Quorum. Although voting is not a required function of the Authority
Board,members may vote on certain issues as deemed appropriate by the Chair and it shall be the
responsibility of the Chair to determine if a quorum is present. Unless otherwise provided by law, a
majority of members present will constitute a quorum. If a quorum is present as determined by the
Chair, an affirmative majority vote shall constitute an act of the Authority Board.
1. To make recommendations to the Commissioners regarding regional transportation and
trails for the Authority in an advisory capacity.
2. To make recommendations to the Commissioners regarding long and short-term plans and
strategies for the provision of regional mass transportation and trails in Eagle County and
surrounding counties as deemed appropriate using the revenues of the mass transportation
and trails sales tax and other revenue sources as may become available. Such plans may
include,but are not limited to bus routes,bike paths,bikeways,rail, fixed guideways,rapid
Exhibit A,Page 2 of 5
Revised 3/29/2016
transit, and other means of conveyance, excluding air as provided for in the transportation
sales tax ballot issue of 1995.
3. To make periodic and as needed recommendations to the Commissioners regarding any
proposed revisions to the Authority Board mission,vision, and the Authority Board roles
and responsibilities.
4. To make recommendations to the Commissioners regarding the modes of mass
transportation and trails services to be provided,methods of providing such services, and the
appropriate procedure for implementing the current mass transportation and trails plan(s).
5. The Authority Board shall review financial reports as they deem necessary to make
recommendations to the Commissioners in regards to financial matters surrounding mass
transportation and trails.
6. To make recommendations to the Commissioners regarding the operating plans for the mass
transportation and trails systems including discussions on service hours, schedule
prioritization and project prioritization.
7. To provide community input to the Commissioners,Authority Staff and respective local
boards and councils on regional transportation and trails matters.
8. To do any and all things necessary to accomplish its duties as prescribed by the
Section 1. Chair. At the regular meeting on or around May of each year, the
Authority Board shall select a Chair and Vice-Chair. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the
Authority Board and shall exercise and perform such other powers and duties as may be assigned
time to time by the Commissioners,the Authority Board or these bylaws.
Section 2. Vice-Chair. The Vice-Chair shall, in the absence of the Chair,preside at
all meetings of the Authority Board and shall exercise and perform such other powers and duties as
set forth herein.
Section 3. Director. The Authority Director shall have general supervision,
direction and control of the affairs and business of the Authority, subject to the powers and duties as
may be assigned to him or her from time to time by the Commissioners,the County Manager or the
Deputy County Manager. The Director shall be an ex-officio member of all standing committees of
the Authority Board.
Section 4. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep at the principal office of the
Authority a book of minutes of all meetings of the Authority Board and be employed by Eagle
Exhibit A,Page 3 of 5
Revised 3/29/2016
County. The Secretary shall also see that all notices are fully given in accordance with the
provisions of these bylaws or as required by law; be custodian of the Authority records and of the
seal of the Authority and see that the seal of the Authority is affixed to all documents,the execution
of which on behalf of the Authority under its seal, is duly authorized in accordance with the
provisions of these bylaws; keep a register of the mailing address of each member and committee
member; and in general perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties
as from time to time may be assigned by the Authority Director.
Section 1. Committees. Committees may be designated, appointed and dissolved
by a resolution adopted by the Authority Board. The qualifications of members, terms of office, and
manner of acting of such committees shall be as specified in the resolution creating such committee
or, if not so specified, shall be in accordance with operating procedures recommended by the
committee and adopted by the Authority Board. Meetings of all committees shall be held in
compliance with open meeting laws of the state of Colorado and notice shall be given as set forth
Section 2. Citizens' Eagle Valley Trails Committee.There shall be a Citizens'
Eagle Valley Trails Committee consisting of up to eighteen(18) Eagle County residents selected by
the Authority. There shall be up to four(4)members from each commissioner district for a
maximum of twelve(12); and one(1) alternate member shall be appointed for each district for a
maximum of three(3); and three(3) total at large members from any district. No members of the
Citizens' Eagle Valley Trails Committee shall reside in the Roaring Fork or Fryingpan Valleys
(Precincts seven& eight). Members of the Citizens' Eagle Valley Trails Committee shall be
appointed for terms of two years and shall serve at the pleasure of the Authority Board making
recommendations to the Authority Board in an advisory capacity. The Citizens' Eagle Valley Trails
Committee primary function is to:
• Consider requests for expenditures on trails projects and make funding recommendations to
the Authority Board, who shall in turn make funding recommendations to the
Commissioners; and
• Make other planning, construction and financial recommendations to the Authority Board,
who shall in turn make recommendations to the Commissioners, as necessary to accomplish
the regional transportation goals of the mass transportation tax ballot.
Section 3. Quorum. Although voting is not a required function of a committee
formed by the Authority Board,members may vote on certain issues as deemed appropriate by the
committee members. Unless otherwise provided by law, a majority of members present will
constitute a quorum. If a quorum is present, an affirmative majority vote shall constitute an act of
the committee.
Section 4. Minutes. The Committees shall keep regular minutes of their
proceedings and report the same to the Authority.
Exhibit A,Page 4 of 5
Revised 3/29/2016
Section 1. Execution of Documents. The Authority Board or any designated
officer, may be authorized from time to time by the Commissioners, to execute a budgeted
instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Authority, and such authority may be general or
confined to specific instances; and,unless so authorized by the Commissioners,no officer, agent or
other person shall have any power or authority to bind Eagle County or the Authority by any
contract or engagement or to pledge its credit or to render it liable for any purpose or for any
Section 2. Books and Records. The Secretary shall keep correct and complete
books and records of account and shall also keep minutes of the proceedings of its meetings and
Section 3. Construction and Definitions. Unless the context otherwise requires,
the general provisions,rules of construction, and definitions contained in the Colorado law shall
govern the construction of these Bylaws. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the
masculine gender includes the feminine and neutral, the singular number includes the plural and the
plural number includes the singular, and the term"person"includes a corporation as well as a
natural person.
Section 4. Seal. The Authority shall provide a corporate seal,which shall be in the
form of a circle and shall have inscribed thereon the name of the Authority, and the word"Seal".
Exhibit A,Page 5 of 5