HomeMy WebLinkAboutR16-025 Taxpayer Generated Petition for Abatement and Refund of Taxes • I-1-fC,,c..alQ..•, Commissioner 0. '4-'Ot.iltf►i- • moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO Resolution No. 2016 - 01") RESOLUTION CONCERNING TAXPAYER GENERATED PETITIONS FOR ABATEMENT AND REFUND OF TAXES BEFORE THE EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners for Eagle County, Colorado (hereinafter referred to as the "Board") is responsible for hearing petitions for,refund or abatement of property taxes pursuant to C.R.S. §§ 39-1-113 and 39-10-114; and WHEREAS,various petitions for abatement have been submitted to the Board by taxpayers for the purposes of correcting alleged erroneous valuations for assessment,irregularity in levying,clerical errors and/or overvaluations; and WHEREAS, said petitions have been previously submitted to the Eagle County Assessor (the "Assessor") for consideration and recommendation; and WHEREAS,the Assessor has recommended approval of certain petitions for abatement and such recommendations are attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County, Colorado, THAT,the Board hereby approves the recommendations of the Assessor for the schedule number, the tax years and for the reasons set forth in the Assessor's recommendation sheet attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and enters orders with respect to the petition for abatement in accordance with such recommendations. THAT, for each order issued by the Board in which an adjustment to the respective Petitioner's valuation is indicated, subject to approval by the State Property Tax Administrator where required by the terms of C.R.S. §39-1-113(3),the Board directs the Assessor to adjust the valuation or take such other action as more particularly set forth in the recommendations set forth and attached hereto as Exhibit "A." Alf Eagle Coi my Att•rney's Office By:, Eagle county commissioners' Office MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado at its regular meeting held the 11' day of A')Y2 4V , 2016. dF E C ' COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF •LORADO, By and Through Its * LARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: �'o t * �� 1(14 11- - l 1,v1 v i R By: Clerk to the Board of Je ne McQueeney County Commissioners r 1,0====ii --, vi 449 J Ryan ,�.�, �� :ione I I. I.Ali id vi l .l Kathy Child er-Henry Commissioner Commissioner —y seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner McQueeney 4—L4 " Commissioner Ryan .^ AAA Commissioner Chandler-Henry �3-1„ 2 I ABATEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS ASSESSOR GENERATED n TAXPAYER GENERATED X To: Mark Chapin, Eagle County Assessor From: Andie Noakes Date: 24-Mar-16 Owner: 1082 Riva Glen Road LLC c/o Roger Pack Schedule#: R040094 Tax Parcel#: 2101-053-01-003 The appraisal section has completed its review of the referenced property as of this date and here submits it's findings and recommendations as stated below: Denial Approval as Submitted X Abatement/Refund different than requested(Approval in part) Assessment Rate: 7.96% TAX YEAR 2013 TAX YEAR 2014 Tax Area: SC103 Mill Rate: 46.254 Tax Area: SC103 Mill Rate: 47.014 Actual Assessed Taxes Actual Assessed Taxes Orig: $14,329,150 $1,140,600 $52,757.32 Orig: $14,329,150 $1,140,600 $53,624.16 Corr: $11,000,000 $875,600 $40,500.00 Corr: $11,000,000 $875,600 $41,165.46 Abate: $3,329,150 $265,000 $12,257.32 Abate: $3,329,150 $265,000 $12,458.70 The basis of the recommendation is: The subject property is a large single family home located in the Spraddle Creek neighborhood in Vail. It was appealed for the 2015 tax year. I completed an inspection of the property at the agent's request for the appeal. I lowered the quality rating of the property from the inspection(from Mansion to Excellent). Now,the agent has requested that this quality change should be taken back to tax years 2013&2014. After making the quality change in the requested years inventory, I reviewed comparable sales to determine fair market value. The petitioner's agent and I have agreed to the corrected value of 11,000,000 prior to the hearing. Appraisal Manager Approval: � �''/ Assessor Approval: , 41111111, G:/DOCS/Abatements/2011/AbatementRealForm.xlsxEXHIBIT A Revised 4-20-11 MJK