HomeMy WebLinkAboutR16-024 Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month Commissioner `-/k1.-t�4. moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 2016-11'4 Resolution Designating the Month of April as Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month WHEREAS, children have a right to thrive, learn, and grow to their full potential; and WHEREAS, the prevention of child abuse and neglect strengthens Colorado's families and communities and ensures the opportunity for children to develop in healthy, trusting families, schools, and neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, we must come together as partners to keep children safe, ensure that the voices of our children are heard by all, and extend a helping hand to children and families in need; and WHEREAS, we call upon those who live in Eagle County to observe this month with programs and activities that help prevent child abuse and provide for children's physical, emotional, and developmental needs; and WHEREAS, Eagle County Department of Human Services (DHS)works to further collaboration with local law enforcement agencies to agree upon a protocol regarding person(s)who become so intoxicated they are unable to care for their child(ren). DHS wants people who live in Eagle County and people who visit Eagle County to have a good time. If they have too much of a good time it is vital for everyone to know what to expect from law enforcement entities and DHS to prevent child abuse and neglect; and WHEREAS, in 2015, our child and adult protection hotline received 471 referrals about potential child abuse or neglect. Of these referrals, 160 were investigated. In addition, the child protection team provided ongoing case management to 35 families to support them to make positive changes in their lives and create safer environments for their children; and WHEREAS, every April, the child protection team plants Pinwheels as part of a nationwide public awareness campaign. Pinwheels for Prevention represents our efforts to ensure the healthy development of children. This year, the team will plant 471 pinwheels at our offices in Eagle and El Jebel because they received 471 referrals about potential child abuse or neglect in 2015. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners hereby recognizes and supports the efforts of Eagle County Department of Human Services and its partners and calls upon those who live in Eagle County to observe this month with programs and activities that help prevent child abuse and provide for children's physical, emotional, and developmental needs. THAT, community members who would like to learn more about how to get involved can visit the following website for additional information: www.preventchildabus-.•lorado.org. - 1 Ai agie eu, ty Attorney s Office By:--- r — Ea;ie County Commissioners'Office COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: 1\044" . Sl t0 By: . '• Clerk to the 13bard of J:,nne McQueenet County Commissioners rai 't O . Ryan o e Kat' y C / dler-Henry Commissioner Commissioner `) �` 44(Olbtio- - seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner McQueeney IQ-k Commissioner Ryan � s Commissioner Chandler-Henry v This resolution passed by 3 / vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado