HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/25/13 PUBLIC HEARING June 25, 2013 Present: Jon Stavney Chairman Sara Fisher Commissioner Jill Ryan Commissioner Keith Montag County Manager Bryan Treu County Attorney Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing,the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Manager Update Keith Montag, County Manager Communications Update,Kris Friel Information Sharing Team Updates Meetings Attended/Future Meetings Discussion Items Interagency Referrals,Bob Narracci, Cliff Simonton 1. Health Assistance Network Award,Kathy Lyons Attorney Update Bryan Treu, County Attorney Open Session Executive Session Legal advice regarding Wolcott PUD Application Citizen Input Joe Walls spoke about the free electronic recycling event being held at the Eagle County landfill on Saturday June 29, 2013 between 10 am and 2 pm. As of Monday, state law will prohibit the landfill from accepting any electronic items for disposal. The fee to recycle electronics in the future will be .20 cents a pound. Consent Agenda Chairman Stavney stated the first item before the Board was the Consent Agenda as follows: 2. Approval of Bill Paying for the Week of June 24, 2013 (subject to review by the Finance Director) Finance Department Representative 3. Memorandum of Understanding between United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management, Colorado River Valley Field Office and Eagle County for Joint Management of the I)otsero Landing River Access Toby Sprunk, Open Space 1 06/25/2013 4. State of Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing Contract with Eagle County Department of Social and Human Services for Provision of Services under the Early Periodic Screening and Diagnostic Testing/Healthy Communities Program Megan Burch,Health&Human Services 5. Intergovernmental Agreement between Colorado Department of Transportation and Eagle County for Edwards Safe Routes to School Program Design and Construction Ben Gerdes, Engineering 6. Resolution 2013-058 Supporting the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Colorado Department of Transportation and Eagle County for Design and Construction of Safety Improvements for the Edwards Safe Routes to School Program Ben Gerdes, Engineering 7. Resolution 2013-059 for Final Release of Collateral and Termination of the Warranty Period for Kummer Development Company for Salt Creek Equestrian Center Grading Permit No. GRAD-5-08-1381 Taylor Ryan, Engineering 8. Intergovernmental Agreement between Eagle County and the Town of Red Cliff for Exchange of Road Maintenance Services Gordon Adams,Road&Bridge 9. Agreement between Eagle County and Community Health Services to Provide a .5 Full Time Employee Tobacco Program Coordinator Karen Koenemann,Health&Human Services Kris Valdez spoke about the management agreement and fee collection for the boat launch at the Dotsero Landing River Access. The restrooms were on a separate contract. Ben Gerdes spoke about the IGA with CDOT for improvements to the Edwards Safe Routes to School program. The program was funded by grant money. Gordon Adams spoke about the IGA between the county and Red Cliff. The IGA would allow for an exchange of services. Redcliff would plow the roads and the county would continue maintaining them. Megan Burch spoke about item 4. The contract would pay for a part time person to do outreach and engage with people on family Medicade and CHP Plus, as well as reach out to those eligible,but not yet enrolled. Karen Koenenmann spoke about the Tobacco Program partnership with Pitkin and Garfield County. Commissioner Fisher moved to approve the Consent Agenda for June 25,2013,as presented. Commissioner Ryan seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Fisher moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners and re- convene as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Commissioner Ryan seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Eagle County Liquor License Authority Kathy Scriver, Clerk and Recorder's Office 10. APPLICANT: Eagle County Government REQUEST: Special Events Permit EVENT: Eagle County Fair and Rodeo DATE OF EVENT: July 24-27, 2013 REPRESENTATIVE: Laurie Asmussen,Event Coordinator LOCATION: Eagle County Fairgrounds 2 06/25/2013 0426 Fairgrounds Road—Eagle DESCRIPTION: The applicant has requested 4 permit(s) for the 74th Annual Eagle County Fair and Rodeo. All buildings on the fairgrounds property will be included in the license premises. Citadel Security will be contracted to monitor the venue. Petals&Pours will provide the bartending services. The applicant hopes to attract 10,000 attendees. STAFF FINDINGS: 1. The applicant has submitted all the required documents and associated fees. 2. Public notice was given by posting a sign in a conspicuous place on the premises on June 14, 2013, at least 10 days prior to the hearing. 3. No protests have been received in the Clerk's Office. 4. The applicant has provided an alcohol management plan,proof of server training and properly not:i lied the Eagle County Sheriff's Department per the requirements of the Eagle County Local Licensing Authority. DISCUSSION: Laurie Asmussen and Signe Jones were present. Ms. Asmussen stated that there was a good team in place. They would be partnering with Brown-Forman and their Jack Daniels brand,Mountain Beverage and the Coors brand. Commissioner Fisher expressed her appreciation for the management of safe alcohol service. Commissioner Ryan moved that the Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the permit(s) for the Eagle County Fair and Rodeo being held at the Eagle County Fairgrounds,July 24, 25,26, 27,2013 from*12:00 pm- 12:00 am daily. Commissioner Stavney seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. *The hours approved in the motion are the hours requested on the application and are not necessarily the hours of the event. 11. APPLICANT: Roaring Fork Conservancy REQUEST: Special Events Permit EVENT: River Rendezvous DATE OF EVENT: July 10, 2013 REPRESENTATIVE: Rick Lofaro, Event Coordinator LOCATION: Dallenbach's Wooden Handle Ranch 2561 Frying Pan Road-Basalt DESCRIPTION: The applicant has requested a permit for their annual fundraiser being held on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 from 4-11 pm at the Dallenbach's Wooden Handle Ranch. This year the entire event will take place along the Frying Pan River. Unlike past events that were on both sides of the road. The Conservancy will post signs at both • ends of the property—notifying drivers of the event and will have a cross walk marked with orange traffic cones. The event will be catered by Bravo Catering of Carbondale. Beer, wine and mixed drinks will be available. The applicant anticipates 300-350 attendees. STAFF FINDINGS: 1. The applicant has submitted all the required documents and associated fees. 3 06/25/2013 2. Public notice was given by posting a sign in a conspicuous place on the premises on June 14, 2013, at least 10 days prior to the hearing. 3. No protests have been received in the Clerk's Office. 4. The applicant has provided an alcohol management plan,proof of server training and properly notified the Eagle County Sheriff's Department per the requirements of the Eagle County Local Licensing Authority. DISCUSSION: Rick Lofaro was present. This was the 14th annual gala fundraiser. They made about 40%of their annual budget in this one evening. The event would be held on one side of the road this year to avoid event delays. They were close to being sold out. Commissioner Fisher moved that the Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the special event permit for the Roaring Fork Conservancy event being held at the Dallenbach's Wooden Handle Ranch on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 from*4:00— 11:00 p.m. Commissioner Ryan seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. *The hours approved in the motion are the hours requested on the application and are not necessarily the hours of the event. 12. APPLICANT: Vail Valley Arts League,Inc. REQUEST: Special Events Permit EVENT: "Art on the Rockies" DATE OF EVENT: July 12- 14, 2013 REPRESENTATIVE: Colleen Everett,Event Coordinator LOCATION: Colorado Mountain College 150 Miller Ranch Road—Edwards DESCRIPTION: The applicant has requested 3 permit(s) for the "Art on the Rockies" Festival being held at the CMC campus in Edwards. The event will feature over 100 artists from around the country, a silent auction and children's discovery tent. Alcohol (beer and wine) will be available on a donation basis. Lone Star Security will provide the event security. Signage will be posted at all egress points. The event is free and open to the public. The applicant hopes to attract 5,000 attendees. STAFF FINDINGS: 1. The applicant has submitted all the required documents and associated fees. 2. Public notice was given by posting a sign in a conspicuous place on the premises on June 14,2013, at least 10 days prior to the hearing. 3. No protests have been received in the Clerk's Office. 4. The applicant has provided an alcohol management plan,proof of server training and properly notified the Eagle County Sheriff's Department per the requirements of the Eagle County Local Licensing Authority. DISCUSSION: 4 06/25/2013 Colleen Everett was present. This was the 3rd year for the festival. The focus this year was the children's discovery art tent. Commissioner Fisher moved that the Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the permit(s) for the Vail Valley Arts League event being held at the CMC campus in Edwards, July 12th *5-10 pm, and July 13th and 14`h, 2013 from*9 am-4 pm. Commissioner Ryan seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. *The hours approved in the motion are the hours requested on the application and are not necessarily the hours of the event. 13. APPLICANT: Eagle River Watershed Council, Inc. REQUEST: Special Events Permit EVENT: RiverFest 2013 DATE OF EVENT: August 17, 2013 REPRESENTATIVE: Tambi Katieb, Event Coordinator LOCATION: Colorado River Ranch 12799 Colorado River Ranch Road-Gypsum DESCRIPTION: The applicant has requested a permit for an event being held on Saturday, August 17, 2013 at Colorado River Ranch. The RiverFest is a ticketed event and alcohol is included in the ticket price. The event is open to all ages. Fencing and tape will mark the event boundary. The entrance and exits will be manned by staff at all times. Those 21 and over will be provided a wristband. The event will feature live music from 5-8 pm and Moe's BBQ. The applicant anticipates 125 attendees. STAFF FINDINGS: 1. The applicant has submitted all the required documents and associated fees. 2. Public notice was given by posting a sign in a conspicuous place on the premises on June 14,2013, at least 10 days prior to the hearing. 3. No protests have been received in the Clerk's Office. 4. The applicant has provided an alcohol management plan,proof of server training and properly notified the Eagle County Sheriff's Department per the requirements of the Eagle County Local Licensing Authority. DISCUSSION: Tambi Katieb was present. This was the 4th River Fest event. Last year the event was held at State Bridge. There would be live music and food would be catered by Moe's BBQ. Beer and wine would be served by TIPs certified trainers. Chairman Stavney thanked Mr.Katieb and the Watershed Council for the highlighting some of the county's open space programs. Commissioner Ryan moved that the Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the special event permit for the Eagle River Watershed Council event being held at the Colorado River Ranch on Saturday,August 17, 2013 from*3:00—9:00 p.m. Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 5 06/25/2013 *The hours approved in the motion are the hours requested on the application and are not necessarily the hours of the event. 14. APPLICANT: Ti Amo, Inc. TRADE NAME: Ristorante Ti Amo LICENSE TYPE: Hotel and Restaurant REPRESENTATIVE: Steve Negler, Owner LOCATION: 40928 US Hwy 6,Avon(Eagle-Vail) REQUEST: Permit to Modify DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting a permit to modify the licensed premises,which would allow the addition of a new patio area. The patio area will provide additional seating during the summer months and double as a waiting area during popular dinner hours. Access to the patio would be via the front door. CONSIDERATIONS: 1. The reasonable requirements and desires of the neighborhood. 2. Possession of the changed premises by ownership, lease,rental or other arrangement. 3. Compliance with the applicable zoning laws of the county. 4. Compliance with the distance prohibition in regard to any public or parochial school or the principal campus of any college,university, or seminary. STAFF FINDINGS: 1. Public notice was given by posting a notice in a conspicuous place on the premises,June 14,2013, at least 10 prior to the hearing. 2. The application is in order,all requirements have been met, and all fees are paid. 3. No complaints or concerns have been filed in the Clerk's Office. DISCUSSION: Steve Negler was present. The area used to be poorly landscaped. He got a lease to use the property and made some improvements. The area has been used as a waiting area during busy times. He believed they could capture more business in the summer months if the area was licensed. Chairman Stavney asked about the barriers to define the space. Commissioner Fisher suggested another flower container and/or signage. Mr.Negler stated that he was willing to put in additional barriers and signage. Commissioner Fisher moved that the Local Licensing Authority approve the permit application for Ti Amo, Inc. d/b/a Ristorante Ti Amo to modify the licensed premises. Commissioner Ryan seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 15. APPLICANT: Dusty Boot, LLC TRADE NAME: Dusty Boot Saloon LICENSE TYPE: Hotel and Restaurant REPRESENTATIVE: Cameron Douglas,Director of Operations 6 06/25/2013 LOCATION: 210 Offerson Road,Avon(Beaver Creek) REQUEST: Permit to Modify DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting a permit to modify the licensed premises -adding a patio seating area. CONSIDERATIONS: 1. The reasonable requirements and desires of the neighborhood. 2. Possession of the changed'premises by ownership, lease,rental or other arrangement. 3. Compliance with the applicable zoning laws of the county. 4. Compliance with the distance prohibition in regard to any public or parochial school or the principal campus of any college,university, or seminary. STAFF FINDINGS: 1. Public notice was given by posting a notice in a conspicuous place on the premises, June 14, 2013, at least 10 prior to the hearing. 2. The application is in order, all requirements have been met, and all fees are paid. 3. No complaints or concerns have been filed in the Clerk's Office. DISCUSSION: John Shipp was present. He spoke about the businesses in Beaver Creek and that people enjoyed being outside in the summertime. He would like to create an indoor outdoor space similar to the Metro improvements. Commissioner Fisher moved that the LocatLicensing Authority approve the permit application for Dusty Boot,LLC d/b/a Dusty Boot Saloon to modify the licensed premises. Commissioner Ryan seconded the motion, vote wasdeclared unanimous. Commissioner Fisher moved to adjourn as the Eagle county Liquor Licensing Authority and re-convene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Ryan seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 16. Northwest Loan Fund Public Meeting Liz Mullen and Anita Cameron,NWCCOG Liz Mullen,Executive Director of the Northwest Colorado Council of Government introduced Anita Cameron a new business loan officer. She spoke about a block grant in the amount of$580,000, $500,000 of that would be for business loans and$80,000 was the allowed administration amount. She explained the requirements of the grant. They asked that Eagle County serve as the lead county. There were 9 counties participating in the program. Ms. Cameron stated that the program had been in existence for about 30 years. She explained the loan requirements. Loans may be used for equipment, materials, inventory or working capital. Loans range from$5,000 7 06/25/2013 to $100,000. She spoke about some of the local business success stories. They hoped to start making loans as early as August. Applications were available online. Mr.Montag asked about the size of the fund they had to work with. Ms.Mullen stated that they had about$140,000 from previous grants and 9 loans that are repaying. Once all the money was loaned,they could request additional funding if they could show a need. Once the funds were received they belonged to the Northwest Loan Fund and no longer under the grant. Mr. Montag stated that Eagle County was essentially the pass-through agency. Once the agreements were in place,there would be very little staff time associated with the program. He wondered about the success of the loan fund. Ms. Mullen stated that success would depend on the success of the businesses loaned the funds and their ability to pay back the loans. They would have a loan advisory committee that would review all the applications and make recommendations. They stated would have to approve the application as well before any loan was made. Mr.Montag stated that Jill Klosterman would be the county representative on the board. Chairman Stavney opened and closed public comment, as there was none. Ms. Mullen stated that they needed the IGA signed. Commissioner Fisher moved to approve the IGA with the various communities and authorize the chairman to sign the IGA and grant application. Commissioner Ryan seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Work Sessions (recorded) Housing Guidelines Update Jill Klosterman,Housing There being no further business before the r .F'4.' .$ •eeting was adjourned until July 2, 2013. •• ��1: J1441j Attest: t r► Clerk to the Board CaionJo° Chairman 8 06/25/2013