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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/15/09
September 15, 2009
Sara Fisher
Peter Runyon
Jon Stavney
Keith Montag
Robert Morris
Christina Hooper
Kathy Scriver
County Manager
Deputy County Attorney
Assistant County Attorney
Deputy Clerk to the Board
This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were presented to the Board of County
Commissioners for their consideration:
Executive Session
There was none.
Consent Agenda
Chairman Fisher stated the fIrst item before the Board was the Consent Agenda as follows:
A. Approval of bill paying for the weeks of September 14 and 21,2009 (subject to review by the Finance
Finance Department Representative
B. Approval of payroll for September 24, 2009 (subject to review by the Finance Director)
Finance Department Representative
C. Final Settlement of Agreement between Eagle County and Elam Construction for the 2009 Overlay Project
Brad Higgins, Road & Bridge
D. Final Settlement of Agreement between Eagle County and Ideal Fencing for the 2009 Guardrail Project
Brad Higgins, Road & Bridge
E. Final Settlement of Agreement between Eagle County and Ennovate Corporation for the Energy
Performance Improvements Contract
Tom Johnson, Public Works
F. Grant Application to EI Pomar Foundation for Home-based, Independent Services for Older Adults
Holly Kasper, Aging & Adult Services
G. Application for Federal Assistance for Early Head Start Continuation Funding
Jennie Wahrer, Children & Family Services
H. Agreement for Contractual Services between Eagle County Justice Center Financing Corporation and
Energy Services Associates
Rick Ullom, Project Management
I. Resolution 2009-097 Withdrawing the Submission to the Registered QualifIed Electors of Eagle County,
Colorado, of a Ballot Question which would Extend Term Limits for the OffIce of District Attorney
Imposed in Accordance with article XVIII, Section 11 of the Constitution of Colorado
County Attorney's OffIce Representative
J. Agreement to grant Road Right-of-Way Access between Eagle County and Levi F. and Amanda SchofIeld
County Attorney's OffIce Representative
K. Agreement to grant Road Right-of-Way Access between Eagle County and Mike W. Luark
County Attorney's OffIce Representative
L. Resolution 2009-098 Appointing Mildred "Jay" Raiola to the Minturn Cemetery Board of Directors
County Attorney's OffIce Representative
Chairman Fisher asked the Attorney's OffIce if there were any changes to the Consent Agenda.
Bob Morris, Deputy County Attorney requested that Items J and K be pulled from the consent agenda.
Commissioner Stavney moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Items A-L, excluding Items J and K.
Commissioner Runyon seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Resolution 2009-099 Conferring Power of Attorney Upon Bryan R. Treu, County
Attorney, Robert L. Morris, Deputy County Attorney, Christina C. Hooper, Assistant
County Attorney and Kyle L. Weber, Assistant County Attorney to Act as Attorney
in Fact for the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, with Respect to Colorado Capital
Bank Letter of Credit No. 96006518 in the Amount of $856,213.21 for the Account of
Blue Ridge Investments, Ltd. for Shadowrock
County Attorney's OffIce Representative
Mr. Morris stated that the item was standard procedure to protect the county in case the new letter of credit
was not received.
Commissioner Runyon moved to approve Resolution 2009-099 Conferring Power of Attorney Upon Bryan
R. Treu, County Attorney, Robert L. Morris, Deputy County Attorney, Christina C. Hooper, Assistant County
Attorney and Kyle L. Weber, Assistant County Attorney to Act as Attorney in Fact for the County of Eagle, State
of Colorado, with Respect to Colorado Capital Bank Letter of Credit No. 96006518 in the Amount of$856,213.21
for the Account of Blue Ridge Investments, Ltd. for Shadowrock
Commissioner Stavney seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Resolution 2009-100 Conferring Power of Attorney Upon Bryan R. Treu, County
Attorney, Robert L. Morris, Deputy County Attorney, Christina C. Hooper, Assistant
County Attorney and Kyle L. Weber, Assistant County Attorney to Act as Attorney
in Fact for the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, with Respect to 1st Bank of Vail
Letter of Credit No. 879-5231 in the Amount of $145,258.41 for the Account of
Village Walk, LLC
County Attorney's Office Representative
Commissioner Runyon moved to approve Resolution 2009-100 Conferring Power of Attorney Upon Bryan
R. Treu, County Attorney, Robert L. Morris, Deputy County Attorney, Christina C. Hooper, Assistant County
Attorney and Kyle L. Weber, Assistant County Attorney to Act as Attorney in Fact for the County of Eagle, State
of Colorado, with Respect to 151 Bank of Vail Letter of Credit No. 879-5231 in the Amount of$145,258.41 for the
Account of Village Walk, LLC
Commissioner Stavney seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Second Reading, Public Hearing and Adoption of an Ordinance for the Regulation of
Traffic by the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, Adopting by Reference the 2009
Edition of the "Model Traffic Code for Colorado" as Amended by this Ordinance
and Repealing all Resolutions or Ordinances in Conflict Therewith and Providing
Penalties for Violation Thereof
County Attorney's Office Representative
Christina Hooper stated that the second reading was an opportunity for public comment. The ordinance
was a 2009 traffIc ordinance repealing and restating the 2007 traffIc ordinance. The ordinance would adopt the
2009 State Model TraffIc Code for Colorado for local governments adopting all the rules that currently apply to
state highways.
Chairman Fisher wondered if the ordinance would come back one more time for adoption. She requested
that a copy of the executive summary be available on the website.
Ms. Hooper stated that if the board was satisfIed with the ordinance as presented it could be adopted today.
Commissioner Stavney stated that the Eagle County Sheriff recommended the changes.
Ms. Hooper stated that some of the changes were carry over's from state to county roads.
Commissioner Runyon stated that the ordinance would be published in full September 24th and would take
effect November 1 st.
Commissioner Stavney asked Mr. Montag if the Sheriff's OffIce was still writing state tickets.
Mr. Montag stated that once the ordinance took effect the Sheriff's OffIce would no longer be required to
write both.
Commissioner Runyon moved to adopt the ordinance for the Regulation of TraffIc by the County of Eagle,
State of Colorado, Adopting by Reference the 2009 Edition of the "Model TraffIc Code for Colorado" as Amended
by this Ordinance and Repealing all Resolutions or Ordinances in Conflict Therewith and Providing Penalties for
Violation Thereof
Commissioner Stavney seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Citizen Input
Chairman Fisher opened and closed citizen Input, as there was none.
Commissioner Runyon moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and re-convene as the
Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation.
Commissioner Stavney seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation
County Attorney's OffIce Representative
1. Approval of minutes from August 4,2009 ECAT meeting;
Mr. Anderson pulled this item.
2. Consideration for execution: iFIDS Flight Information Display System (Software)
Mr. Anderson stated that a budget was approved in January for ECAT, which included the iFIDS
software. Letters were sent out and out of 5 responders, 2 met the main requirements. This system would
provide advertising opportunities, grow with the airport, and give airlines the opportunity to provide current
up to date travel information.
Mr. Stavney confIrmed his understanding of the system.
Chairman Fisher wondered how the airlines would update the correct information.
Mr. Anderson stated that it worked on an electronic feed and was a simple operation.
Mr. Montag asked if the system would show a display of flights in the air and weather information.
Mr. Anderson stated that the system was capable of doing this but there was a subscription fees.
Currently the airport paid $2500.00 annually for the subscription. The installation and fIrst year
subscription costs totaled $11,862.00. The hard costs totaled $10,362.00. The recurring costs were
$4,458.00 a year and the additional overlay could be added for another $2500.00 a year. Additional costs
included updating the screens and replacing the arrivals monitor. The total cost for 2009 was estimated at
$16,362.00, the amount budgeted was $20,000.00.
Commissioner Runyon wondered about the qualifIed applicants, the difference in the bids and what
were the determining factors.
Mr. Anderson stated that one of the major qualifIers was cost and whether it had a Windows
operating system.
Mr. Montag asked about adding the overlay system in the future.
Mr. Anderson stated that it would easy to add later.
Mr. Stavney believed that the overlay system was attractive and would make it easy for advertisers.
Mr. Anderson asked if he was receiving direction to add the overlay with the weather.
Mr. Runyon asked about the overall airport cash flow.
Mr. Anderson stated that they would need to bump the ECAT operation budget by $2500 next year.
He stated that the airport was in a good cash flow situation and the budget could absorb the additional
Mr. Runyon moved to approve the execution of the software agreement iFIDS Flight Information
Display System (Software) as proposed and continuing the information feed
Mr. Stavney seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
3. New Business;
No new business.
The board extended their thanks for the work on the remodel and job well done.
Commissioner Stavney moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation and re-convene as
the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners.
Commissioner Runyon seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Work Session - Residential Build-out Analysis
Kris Aoki, Community Development
Work Session - Facilities Management Budget
Tom Johnson, Public Works
Planning Files
There was none.