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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/28/09 PUBLIC HEARING April 28, 2009 Present: Sara Fisher Jon Stavney Keith Montag Bryan Treu Robert Morris Teak Simonton Kathy Scriver Chairman Commissioner Acting County Manager County Attorney Deputy County Attorney Clerk to the Board Deputy Clerk to the Board Absent: Peter Runyon Commissioner This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Executive Session There was none. Consent Agenda Chairman Fisher stated the first item before the Board was the Consent Agenda as follows: A. Approval of bill paying for the week of April 27, 2009 (subject to review by the Finance Director) Finance Department Representative B. Approval of payroll for May 7,2009 (subject to review by the Finance Director) Finance Department Representative C. Adoption of the 2009 Eagle County Government Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account Diana Kafka, Human Resources D. Adoption ofthe 2009 Eagle County Government HeaIthcare Flexible Spending Account Diana Kafka, Human Resources E. Adoption of the 2009 Eagle County Government Benefit Plan Diana Kafka, Human Resources F. Minor Type B Subdivision /Final Condominium/Subdivision Plat of Willits Bend, are-subdivision of Lot I, Willits Bend P.U.D (Eagle County File No. 5MB-2207) Sean Hanagan, Community Development Chairman Fisher asked the Attorney's Office if there were any changes to the Consent Agenda. Bryan Treu, County Attorney stated that some clarification on items C, D and E were indicated. The language had been tightened up to better define acupuncture, physical therapy and certain dental implants. Commissioner Stavney moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Items A-F. Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unammous. 1 04/28/09 Citizen Input Chairman Fisher opened and closed citizen Input, as there was none. Economic Stimulus Projects Update Tom Johnson, Public Works spoke to the board. He indicated that DOLA was holding a mandatory series of meetings for those applying for community service block grants. Chairman Fisher spoke about some of the grants that had been submitted recently including the airport interchange. Abatement Hearings Assessor's office representatives Ed Smith and Ruth Berglund were present. Petitioner Kaylee Diane Jacobson Bernadine M. & Mark R. Kruse Thomas M. & Jean K. Paradis Rob Hall Dena Hastings Aydin TG- TF LLC Market Place Associates, Inc. Market Place Associates, Inc. Richard J. Bair Richard J. Bair Bethany West LLC Stephen Albert & Dennie Lynn Moore Suite 235 LLC Suite 240 LLC Elizabeth W. & Audrey R. Robinson Samuel A.W. Sterling ZwiebachlGuastella Accounting Inc Robert M. & Jacquelyne R. Ahern Market Place Associates Inc Schedule No. R046384 R046385 R046386 R046387 R046389 R046388 R056446 R056447 R046392 R046393 R046394 R046395 R046396 R046397 R046398 R046399 R04640 1 R046402 R046403 Commissioner Stavney moved that the Petitions for Abatement/Refund of Taxes for the following individuals and Schedule Numbers be approved for the tax years, in the amounts, and for the reasons as set forth in the Assessor's recommendation sheets, such recommendations being incorporated into this hearing by reference: Petitioner Kaylee Diane Jacobson Bernadine M. & Mark R. Kruse Thomas M. & Jean K. Paradis Rob Hall Dena Hastings Aydin TG- TF LLC Market Place Associates, Inc. Market Place Associates, Inc. Richard J. Bair Richard J. Bair Bethany West LLC Schedule No. R046384 R046385 R046386 R046387 R046389 R046388 R056446 R056447 R046392 R046393 R046394 2 04/28/09 Stephen Albert & Dennie Lynn Moore Suite 235 LLC Suite 240 LLC Elizabeth W. & Audrey R. Robinson Samuel A.W. Sterling ZwiebachlGuasteIla Accounting Inc Robert M. & Jacquelyne R. Ahern Market Place Associates Inc R046395 R046396 R046397 R046398 R046399 R046401 R046402 R046403 Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unammous. Planning Files There were none. There being no further business before the :Board, the meeting was adjourned until May 5,2009. lo>.i; Attest: 3 04/28/09 dnA- Q k~ Chairman