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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/14/09 PUBLIC HEARING April 14, 2009 Present: Sara Fisher Peter Runyon Jon Stavney Keith Montag Bryan Treu Robert Morris Kathy Scriver Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Acting County Manager County Attorney Deputy County Attorney Deputy Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Executive Session There was none. Consent Agenda Chairman Fisher stated the first item before the Board was the Consent Agenda as follows: A. Approval of bill paying for the week of April 6, 2009 (subject to review by the Finance Director) Finance Department Representative B. Approval of Payroll for April 23, 2009 (subject to review by the Finance Director) Finance Department Representative C. Approval of the minutes of the Eagle County Board of Commissioners Meeting for March 31, 2009 Teak Simonton, Clerk & Recorder D. State of Colorado Department of Local Affairs Community Services Block Grant Agreement for the Healthy Babies and Families Program Jennie Wahrer, Children & Family Services E. Resolution 2009-032 Concerning Appointments to the Eagle County Regional Transportation Authority Harry Taylor, ECO Transit F. Memorandum of Understanding between Eagle County and Berry Creek Metropolitan District for the Edwards Interchange Upgrade Project Ben Gerdes, Engineering G. Encroachment Easement for Road Embankment Agreement between Eagle County and Colorado Mountain College for Edwards Interchange Upgrade Project Ben Gerdes, Engineering H. Resolution 2009-033 Describing Property to be Acquired by Eagle County for the I-70 Edwards Interchange Upgrade Project Ben Gerdes, Engineering I. Encroachment Easement for Road Embankment Agreement between Eagle County and the Partnership for Education Ben Gerdes, Engineering 1 04/14/09 Chairman Fisher asked the Attorney's Office if there were any changes to the Consent Agenda. Bryan Treu, County Attorney had no concerns or comments. Commissioner Runyon moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Items A-I. Commissioner Stavney seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. First Quarter Interest Report Treasurer's Office Representative Karen Sheaffer stated that she took advantage of the interest rates a couple years ago and that was why the county was able to earn substantial interest in this economic environment. Mr. Stavney asked Ms. Sheaffer to speak about the percentage of interest received on the funds. Ms. Sheaffer hoped to hang on until there was another up turn. She believed that the biggest drawback was that short-term money paid so little interest. Chairman Fisher thanked Ms. Sheaffer for her hard work in managing the money for the county. Commissioner Runyon thanked Ms. Sheaffer for doing so much for the citizens of Eagle County. Ms. Sheaffer stated that she would rather enjoy the benefits of steady interest rather than taking huge risks. Resolution 2009-034 designating the week of April 19 - 25, 2009 as Earth Awareness Week and Memorializing the Eagle County Environmental Policy Yuri Kostick, Adam Palmer, Ray Merry Ray Merry and Andy Jessen were present. Mr. Merry stated that Eagle County was committed to environmental excellence. Each year for the last many there had been a resolution declaring the week in which Earth Awareness Week fell. He spoke about the poster contest and stated that the winner would be chosen on April 25 during the celebration in downtown Eagle. Included in the resolution was a list of policies that Eagle County would commit to in order to memorialize its environmental commitment to environmental excellence. Commissioner Stavney moved to approve resolution 2009-034 designating the week of April 19 - 25,2009 as Earth Awareness Week and memorializing the Eagle County Environmental Policy. Commissioner Runyon seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Fisher spoke about the ECO-Green Initiative Strategic Plan and thanked Mr. Merry for leading the way. Mr. Merry stated that over the last two years there had been many participants in the program and he thanked the Eagle Green Team. Commissioner Runyon moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Board of Commissioners and reconvene as the Eagle County Housing & Development Authority Commissioner Stavney seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 2 04/14/09 Eagle County Housing & Development Authority Alex Potente, Housing Development Department Intergovernmental Agreement Regarding Management of Town of Eagle Local Employee Residency Program Mr. Potente spoke about the agreement. The agreement would allow the county to administer the deed- restricted properties in the Town of Eagle's housing program. He believed it was a good step in the right direction, which was a recommendation by the Urban Land Institute. It provides consistency in administration and gives the town the benefit of the county's experience in managing deed-restricted properties. Commissioner Stavney applauded the housing staff for taking on the legal work required to take it on administratively. Commissioner Runyon wondered what was being done to keep the inventory available throughout the entire county. Mr. Potente stated that the Eagle Valley Home Store would manage the sale of deed-restricted properties and manage the affordable rental properties in the valley. This entity had the expertise and understanding of the market place to provide a good in person and virtual source for buyers. Commissioner Stavney believed it made sense to combine resources. Mr. Potente stated that ultimately the entity would retain control of the shape of their program. Mark Haugen, Town Planner was present. He spoke about his inexperience in deed-restricted housing. He believed it made good sense for the county to have one consolidated organization to deal with deed-restricted housing. Chairman Fisher stated that the program works efficiently to provide counseling and up front knowledge. She believed the collaboration would bare good fruit. Commissioner Stavney moved to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement Regarding Management of Town of Eagle Local Employee Residency Program. Commissioner Runyon seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Runyon moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Housing & Development Authority and reconvene as the Eagle County Board County Commissioners. Commissioner Stavney seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Citizen Input Chairman Fisher opened and closed citizen Input, as there was none. Economic Stimulus Projects Update Tom Johnson, Public Works Mr. Johnson stated that there were six projects that would be funded in Eagle County. These projects included a grant of$31,595, a grant of$70,892 to HHS, Edwards Interchange, and Minturn pedestrian/bike path from I-70, I-70 resurfacing, and 1-70 truck parking improvements. He spoke about the projects listed on the "high activity" list. These projects included the conversion to digital project, Red Cliff collection system, Airport Interchange, Hi-Speed exit, and airport asphalt replacement. He believed the airport projects would have a minimal impact to the airport. Commissioner Stavney added that Commissioner Runyon had made two trips to Washington and the board would be meeting with Congressman Polis on Friday to push for funding. He wondered about the timeline for requesting stimulus money. Mr. Johnson stated that he had been able to meet most of the deadlines. He spoke about a letter received from Senator Udall's office. The letter requested that each agency to prioritize their top five projects. He believed 3 04/14/09 that Senator Udall's strongest impact would be at the federal level. He provided a list of 13 projects for the commissioner to consider. Commissioner Runyon stated that CDOT would decide how the transportation money was spent. He suggested that Mr. Johnson provide an additional column to help prioritize the list. He believed that requesting stimulus money for projects that the county already had a funding mechanism for was slim. Commissioner Stavney concurred. Chairman Fisher believed there should be more explanation and detail would be wise before presenting the list to Mr. Udall. She agreed with Mr. Runyon's earlier comments regarding projects that the county had already funded. Commissioner Stavney thought that the renewable funding should be set at a lower priority. He would like to target the projects that would have a larger impact. Commissioner Runyon asked ifMr. Johnson to keep track of what some of the towns were doing. He wondered if the Town of Vail was applying for some stimulus funding. Mr. Johnson stated that he was not aware of any requests by Vail. However, he'djust heard that the Town of Eagle had requested money for an east Eagle interchange. Chairman Fisher stated that she didn't what there to be duplicate requests. Mr. Johnson stated that at the board's request he would switch the Wildfire Hazard Mitigation funding request with the Avon/Swift Gulch Bus Maintenance Depot line item and switch the two Justice Center line items. Chairman Fisher believed the priorities should be as follows; the Airfield improvements, the Red Cliff wastewater system, the 800 MHz conversion, the airport interchange, the renewable energy projects, and the wildfire mitigation project. Commissioner Stavney did not believe that the county should not be appealing to Senator Udall for renewable energy funding. He encouraged that Avon and Vail to put the 800 MHz project on their list. Commissioner Runyon stated that there were several pots of money over and above stimulus dollars. He believed that it was hard to prioritize the list when the entire list is desired. Chairman Fisher thought the board had provided enough information for Mr. Johnson to put together a preliminary list. She asked that the board have a final opportunity to review the list before sending it off. Attorney Update Bryan Treu, County Attorney Planning Files There were none. Attest: 4 04/14/09 ARRA FUNDED PROJECTS IN EAGLE COUNTY D E F G H I ECG Match Application e Dept.lContact Partners Project cost Required Due Date NOTES $31,595 0% 17 -May-09 Essentially guaranteed - need to apply for a specific project HHS - Kathy Lyons $70,892 0% 15-Jun-09 Essentially guaranteed - need to apply for a specific project lange Eng., Eva Wilson CDOT, Edwards $l1M 0% Complete CDOT has awarded full amount for project :>ath Trails, Ellie Caryl CDOT $375,000 0% Complete CDOT has awarded full amount for project CDOT $8,000,000 o Complete Eastbound right lane from MM 180, all MM190 to MM 204 :lgem CDOT $1,900,000 o Complete Truck parking and communications improvements 4/9/2009 ARRA PROJECTS HIGH ACTIVITY D E F G H I Application Name ECG Dept./Contact Partners Project cost Contacts Due Date NOTES , digital - EM/Barry Smith user group $8,000,000 NWCCOG TBD Pursuing options. ection Town of $2,200,000 NWCCOG Red Cliff Dolores Sanchez Eng/Greg Schroeder ERWSD Maes TBD Communicating with EPA, DOLA, USDA hange Eng., Eva Wilson, CDOT, $80,000,000 Gypsum Weldon E Allen TBD Through $1.5B transportation special fund, no impact to COOT funds FAA phone update 08 APRIL 09 still under consideration, working on as well t, A4 & AS Airport, Ovid Seifers $2,800,000 Craig Sparks TBD in D.C. 3 FAA phone update 08 APRIL 09 still under consideration, working on as well (Asphalt) Airport, Ovid Seifers $5,000,000 Craig Sparks TBD in D.C. 4/9/2009 EAGLE COUNTY GOVERNMENT ARRA "A" LIST C 0 E F G H I Application ECG Dept./Contact Partners Project cost Contacts Due Date NOTES PMlRick Ullom $4,540,900 PMlRick Ullom $10,000,000 local agencies & igation WFMlEric Lovgren HOA's $600,000 NWCCOG tice Center ComDev/ Adam Palmer $75,000 GEO GEO expects to have details soon roject at the Justice ComDev/ Adam Palmer $560,000 GEO GEO expects to have details soon Fleet/Gusty Kanakis $120K GEO GEO expects to have details soon ect at Miller Ranch )r EI Jebel ComDev/Adam Palmer $70,000 GEO GEO expects to have details soon system $2.2M NWCCOG Town of Red Cliff Dolores Sanchez- $800,000 STAG grant awarded (not ARRA related), USDA and current fund EOJ~/Greg Schroeder ERWSD Maes balance may cover project PM, Rick Ullom $3,200,000 us Maintenance Depot ECO, Harry Taylor Town of Avon $5M (ECO share) Avon pursuing heavily )Iacement (Style 2) FAA Airport, Ovid Seifers $250,000 Craig Sparks r school Eng., Eva Wilson, $400,000 Eng., Eva Wilson, COOT $3M Weldon E Allen