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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/07/09 PUBLIC HEARING April 7, 2009 Present: Sara Fisher Peter Runyon Jon Stavney Keith Montag Bryan Treu Robert Morris Teak Simonton Kathy Scriver Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Acting County Manager County Attorney Deputy County Attorney Clerk to the Board Deputy Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: GENERAL FUND 3T SYSTEMS A 1 BAIL BONDS ABBOTT LABORATORIES ROSS ABC LEGAL SERVICES INC ACCESS ROARING FORK ADAM PALMER ADP ADP ADP ADP AFFILIATED CREDIT SERVICE ALL PHASE ELECTRIC SUPPLY ALL PHASE ELECTRIC SUPPLY ALL PHASE ELECTRIC SUPPLY ALL PHASE ELECTRIC SUPPLY ALMA VARELA ALPINE LUMBER COMPANY ALPINE LUMBER COMPANY ALPINE LUMBER COMPANY AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION AMERICAN HOTEL REGISTRY AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICAL AMERIGAS AMERIGAS ANN MUNCASTER ANN MUNCASTER ANNA POLlCASTRI ANNE ROBINSON APPLIED TRUST ENGINEERING ARAMARK ARAMARK COMPANY ARAMARK COMPANY ARAMARK COMPANY ARAMARK COMPANY ARCH ELECTRIC & LIGHTING INC ARMY FACTORY SURPLUS ARMY FACTORY SURPLUS ASPEN CAMP OF THE DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING 1 04/07/09 SERVICE REFUND SERVICE REFUND SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REFUND SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES REFUND SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE $237.50 $13.80 $214.08 $72.60 $5,000.00 $96.79 $2,704.10 $5,366.90 $6,762.75 $851.00 $20.00 $65.96 $126.46 $398.72 $438.77 $496.65 $15.38 $178.41 $179.59 $35.83 $727.78 $250.00 $444.36 $591.06 $30.00 $41.60 $24.00 $251.33 $219.16 $758.90 $102.83 $210.48 $348.12 $1,705.86 $10.40 $10.98 $84.98 $1,500.00 ASTRA RADIO COMMUNICATIONS AT&T AT&T ATM FRAME SERVICE AV TECH ELECTRONICS AVON CENTER AT BEAVER CREEK AVON CENTER AT BEAVER CREEK AVON COMMERCIAL OWNERS BALCOMB AND GREEN BARBARA WHITFORD BASALT SCHOOL HEALTH CENTER BATTLE MOUNTAIN HIGH SCHOOL BATTLE MOUNTAIN HIGH SCHOOL BC SERVICES INC BERENS, AMY BEST ACCESS SYSTEMS BEST ACCESS SYSTEMS BETHANY VANWYK BOB BARKER COMPANY BOB ENGELBRECHT BOB ENGELBRECHT BOSSOW, RITA R BRADLEY J HUGHES BRAVO VAIL VALLEY MUSIC BRAWN BERARDINI AND DUNNING PC BRAWN BERARDINI AND DUNNING PC BRIMAR INDUSTRIOS INC BUSCH PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS INK CO CAACO CAE4HA CANYON INSURANCE CANYON WATER RESOURCES LLC CARSE CASA OF THE CONTINENTAL DIVIDE CASFM CASTLE MEINHOLD & STAWIARSKI CASTLE PEAK VETERINARY CATA CATHOLIC CHARITIES CCTA CDW COMPUTER CENTERS CDW COMPUTER CENTERS CDW COMPUTER CENTERS CDW COMPUTERS CENTERS CEHA CENTRAL DISTRIBUTING CENTRAL DISTRIBUTING CENTRAL DISTRIBUTING CENTURYTEL CENTURYTEL CENTURYTEL OF EAGLE CENTURYTEL OF EAGLE CENTURYTEL OF EAGLE CENTURYTEL OF EAGLE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REFUND REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE REFUND SUPPLIES REFUND SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REFUND SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE $873.58 $33.35 $2,911.21 $472.56 $2,946.37 $110.14 $2,543.72 $1,832.25 $3,565.20 $57.60 $15,000.00 $250.00 $1,000.00 $10.50 $57.75 $27.95 $35.06 $36.30 $711.00 $1,475.00 $1,475.00 $3.98 $311.05 $6,000.00 $3.00 $16.00 $493.63 $88.60 $128.83 $180.00 $225.00 $340.00 $11,946.93 $150.00 $3,000.00 $30.00 $62.00 $20.00 $450.00 $27,300.00 $45.00 $316.67 $722.36 $849.79 $4,086.98 $120.00 $151.59 $391.28 $1,268.84 $344.90 $18,760.56 $72.87 $90.38 $160.74 $487.27 2 04/07/09 CHAFFEE COUNTY SHERIFF CHAMPLAIN PLANNING PRESS CHARLES B DARRAH CHARLES B DARRAH CHARM TEX CHARM TEX CITY OF ARVADA CLARK SHIVLEY CLAUDIA MONTES CLEAN DESIGNS CO DEPT OF REVENUE CO DEPT OF REVENUE CODEX COLORADO ALPINE INC COLORADO COUNTY CLERKS COLORADO DEPARTMENT COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF COLORADO DEPT OF COLORADO MOUNTAIN MEDICAL COLORADO MOUNTAIN NEWS COLORADO MOUNTAIN NEWS COLORADO MOUNTAIN NEWS COLORADO PATHOLOGY COLORADO PATHOLOGY COLORADO STATE ENGINEER COLORADO STATE FOREST COLORADO WEST MENTAL HEALTH COLORADO WEST MENTAL HEALTH COLUMBINE MARKET COMFORT DENTAL COMFORT DENTAL COMPUTER SITES INCORPORATED CONSERVE A WATT LIGHTING CONTRACT PHARMACY SERVICE CONTRACT PHARMACY SERVICE COPY PLUS COPY PLUS COpy PLUS CORPORATE EXPRESS CORPORATE EXPRESS CORPORATE EXPRESS CORPORATE EXPRESS CORPORATE EXPRESS CORPORATE EXPRESS CORPORATE EXPRESS CORPORATE EXPRESS CORPORATE EXPRESS CORPORATE EXPRESS CORPORATE EXPRESS CORPORATE EXPRESS CORPORATE EXPRESS COWBOY CATERING CSU EXTENSION DALY PROPERTY SERVICES DARREN ANDERSON SERVICE SERVICE REFUND REFUND SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES REFUND SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT $39,285.00 $253.00 $9.00 $17.60 $770.64 $857.84 $1,500.00 $269.45 $76.00 $122.84 $375.00 $610.00 $2,241.76 $19.00 $40.00 $408.25 $994.00 $818.75 $380.14 $47.84 $58.76 $5,185.22 $33.10 $66.20 $100.00 $53,271.00 $350.00 $1,161.40 $140.88 $355.00 $425.00 $16,618.00 $110.40 $5,138.21 $6,953.00 $2.06 $24.38 $1,767.08 $259.48 $14.24 $34.08 $60.55 $110.11 $177.40 $183.24 $228.62 $403.33 $465.53 $678.66 $1,624.57 $2,042.29 $2,160.90 $80.00 $833.50 $430.51 3 04/07/09 DAVID A BAUER DECATUR ELECTRONICS DELTA EXTENSION OFFICE DENISE MATTHEWS DENNIS WILLEY DIRECT TV DISTRICT 11 & 12 DISTRICT 11 & 12 RETREAT DL T SOLUTIONS DOCTORS ON CALL DOCTORS ON CALL DOLORES DEE GLEASON DOLPHIN CAPITAL CORPORATION DON OLSON DONALD J LAUGHLIN DONALD J LAUGHLIN DONNA SMITH EAGLE COUNTY REGIONAL EAGLE COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER REFUND SUPPLIES SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER - ADJUSTMENT SERVICE EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER - ADJUSTMENT EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER/SF EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER/SF EAGLE RIVER WATER EAGLE RIVER WATERSHED COUNCIL EAGLE VALLEY EVENTS EAGLE VALLEY EVENTS EAGLE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL EAGLE VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER EAGLE VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER EAGLE VALLEY PRINTING EAGLE VALLEY PRINTING EAGLE VALLEY PRINTING EAGLE VALLEY PRINTING EDWARDS ROTARY EKTRON INC EKTRON INC ELIZABETH HICKS EMPLOYERS COUNCIL SERVICE ENNOVATE CORPORATION EPS DESIGN AND PRINT ERIC CLEAVER ERIC FAULHAUBER ERIC T BOLEY EVA WILSON EVANS CHAFFEE EVERETT FAMILY FUNERAL HOME EVERETT FAMILY FUNERAL HOME FARM POLICE SUPPLY FARRELL AND SELDIN FEDERAL EXPRESS SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REBATE REBATE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REFUND SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES REFUND SERVICE 4 04/07/09 $19.00 $603.60 $170.00 $14.85 $179.00 $917.88 $770.00 $220.00 $9,781.16 $50.00 $1,300.00 $5.00 $146.38 $13.90 $66.00 $90.00 $100.00 $1,025.00 $260.85 $1,000,000.00 $1,020,000.00 -$378,634.36 -$364,078.22 $107,790.42 $108,062.78 $627.92 $100,000.00 $6,900.00 $6,900.00 $1,000.00 $134.00 $392.00 $85.00 $225.00 $310.00 $495.00 $265.00 $1,200.00 $6,000.00 $25.25 $483.75 $82,704.44 $227.48 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $99.00 $113.49 $412.40 $305.00 $1,315.00 $37.90 $57.00 $16.68 FEDERAL EXPRESS FEDERAL EXPRESS FEDERAL EXPRESS FERGUSON ENTERPRISES FERGUSON ENTERPRISES FERGUSON ENTERPRISES FIL TERFRESH DENVER FIL TERFRESH DENVER FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICES FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICES FIRKINS GARAGE DOORS FIRKINS GARAGE DOORS FLORIDA MICRO FRANK J BALL FRONT RANGE INTERNET INC G & S TOOL CLINIC LLC GA THOMPSON CO GAIL OLSON GAIL ZINK GARY MARSCHHAUSEN GEMPLERSINCORPORATED GLENN PADGETT GLOBALSTAR USA GOVCONNECTION INCORPORATED GOVERNMENT TECHNOLOGY GRAINGER INCORPORATED GRAINGER INCORPORATED GRAND JUNCITON PIPE GRAND JUNCITON PIPE GRAND JUNCTION PIPE GRANICUS INCORPORATED GRANICUS INCORPORATED GRAYBEAL, PEGGY GREAT AMERICAN LEASING GREENBERG AND ASSOCIATES GREG WINDERS GYPSUM CAPITAL PARTNERS LLC GYPSUM PRINTING HD SUPPLY FACILITIES HEART OF THE WEST COUNCIL HEATHER BURCHALL HENRY SCHEIN HENRY SCHEIN HIGH COUNTRY COPIERS HILLS PET NUTRITION SALES HILLS PET NUTRITION SALES HOLLL Y KASPER HOLY CROSS HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC HOWARD A RISK HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS HVAC SUPPLY SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES REFUND SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REFUND SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REFUND REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE $44.86 $49.05 $95.79 $21.50 $21.68 $36.87 $49.95 $1,757.50 $675.00 $4,681.82 $115.00 $297.50 $516.00 $33.00 $4,305.00 $308.22 $178.00 $81.75 $104.50 $3.00 $209.95 $143.00 $719.92 $579.25 $600.00 $30.14 $158.23 $4.78 $70.00 $76.47 $1,013.04 $2,026.08 $140.00 $1,294.28 $43.20 $815.92 $7,000.00 $478.12 $142.32 $450.00 $298.90 $713.01 $872.16 $581.28 $171.35 $285.33 $95.70 $8,606.25 $108.86 $3,811.00 $17,665.82 $29.20 $183.47 $1,374.35 $3.15 5 04/07/09 HVAC SUPPLY ICC ICON SYSTEMS LLC IDENTIX IN POWER SYSTEMS LLC INN AT RIVERWALK INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC INTERGRAL RECOVERIES IRRIGATION SPECIALISTS IRVIN BORENSTEIN IRVIN BORENSTEIN ISC INC JACK KENT MOTORS JARA DIVERSIFIED SERVICES JEAN KEARNS JENNIE WAHRER JENNIFER CUEVAS JENNY WOOD JENNY WOOD JILL HUNSAKER JOANIE HANLON JOANIE HANLON JOANIE HANLON JOANIE HANLON JOHN ANGLIN JOHN BADE JOHN FAY JOHN SILVA JON STAVNEY KANSAS CITY BARBEQUE SOCIETY KAPLAN KIRSCH AND ROCKWELL LLP KARA BETTIS CORONER KARA BETTIS CORONER KARA BETTIS CORONER KAREN SEPP KATHY DUNN LEWIS KEENAN COURT REPORTING KELLY MADRID KENDRA REJDA KERSTIN ANDERSON KIMBERLY WALLACH KINETICO WATER PROS KINETICO WATER PROS KIWANIS CLUB KNOICA MINOL TA BUSINESS KONICA MINOL TA BUSINESS KRISTEN AOKI KYLE HALL KYLE HALL KYLE WEBER LACHIE THOMAS LARSON,REBECCA LAURA HORSEY LEGACY COMMUNICATIONS LEXISNEXIS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE REBATE SERVICE SUPPLIES REFUND SERVICE REFUND REFUND SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REBATE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SUPPLIES SERVICE $31.75 $377.55 $117.42 $2,089.13 $4,000.00 $73.71 $340.80 $4.10 $88.00 $5.00 $15.80 $5,640.00 $1,120.00 $169.49 $12.00 $233.25 $50.82 $47.73 $68.36 $248.60 $225.00 $225.00 $237.50 $437.50 $194.42 $30.40 $97.11 $41 .22 $609.95 $300.00 $794.57 $95.09 $160.83 $220.53 $150.15 $124.96 $199.80 $96.12 $75.00 $4,000.00 $302.50 $151.28 $2,250.00 $145.00 $67.65 $150.15 $368.16 $78.76 $3,000.00 $66.00 $333.81 $23.10 $281.60 $167.00 $187.07 6 04/07/09 LEXISNEXIS COURTLlNK LEXIXNEXIS LIGHTS ON BROADWAY LINDA MAGGIORE LOCATE PLUS HOLDINGS CORP LOCATE PLUS HOLDINGS CORP LORI SIEFERS LOXOYA VELEZ, CARMEN LUZ AVILA LYNN KANAKIS LYNN KANAKIS MAIN AUTO PARTS MAIN AUTO PARTS MALCOM STRANGE DDS MARCELO REYES MARIRENZELMAN MARION F LAUGHLIN MARION F LAUGHLIN MARK CHAPIN MARKLE AUSTIN MARKS PLUMBING PARTS MARLENE MCCAFFERTY MARTHA SUTHERLAND MARY JANE HESS MARY JANE HESS MATTHEW BENDER AND COMPANY MBIA MISC MBIA MISC MCCAULLEY. REBECCA T MCI WORLDCOM MCMAHAN AND ASSOC LLC MEADOW MOUNTAIN PLUMBING MELISSA ZINTSMASTER MENENDEZ ARCHITECTS PC METRO PATHOLOGISTS METROPOLITAN PATHOLOGIST PC MID VALLEY METROPOLITAN MIKE KERST MODERN MARKETING INC MOFFET CONSULTING MOORE MEDICAL CORPORATION MOUNTAIN COMMUNICATIONS MOUNTAIN MUSIC MOUNTAIN VALLEY MWI VETERINARY SUPPLY MWI VETERINARY SUPPLY MX LOGIC INC NANCY MULLER NATIONAL SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION NATIONAL SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION NICOLETTI FLATER ASSOCIATES NORDIC REFRIGERATION NORDIC REFRIGERATION NORTHWEST ACOLORADO LEGAL NRC BROADCASTING SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE REFUND SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE REFUND SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE $791.00 $26.80 $5.00 $57.20 $104.94 $104.94 $51.90 $193.60 $54.67 $58.00 $66.00 $12.05 $17.79 $200.00 $10.40 $157.37 $4.50 $20.00 $156.30 $760.92 $28.23 $40.80 $34.00 $376.04 $560.00 $27.58 $5,396.90 $5,604.13 $99.02 $106.47 $17,310.00 $525.00 $184.80 $973.80 $94.00 $920.00 $377.64 $311.70 $343.12 $3,831.93 $1,144.19 $7.50 $21.60 $20,000.00 $237.82 $541.13 $900.00 $4.16 $35.00 $100.00 $3,490.00 $1,400.00 $1,444.50 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 7 04/07/09 NU CARE PHARMACEUTICALS OC TANNER OLGA WILKINS ORKIN EXTERMINATING OSM DELIVERY LLC OSM DELIVERY LLC PAINT BUCKET PAPER WISE PARAGARD DIRECT PAT NOLAN PATRICK JOHNSON PATRICK JOHNSON PATRICK JOHNSON PAULA A PALMATEER PAULA A PALMATEER PETER FRALLlCK PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING PHYLLIS ROUNDS PITNEY BOWES PITNEY BOWES PITNEY BOWES PORTABLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS PORTER HEATH MORGAN PRECINCT POLICE PRODUCTS PRECINCT POLICE PRODUCTS PRESTIGE PROMOTIONAL GROUP PROACTIVE NETWORK PROJECT GRADUATION BASALT PROPERTY BOSS LLC PSS INC PUBLIC SAFETY WAREHOUSE PUBLIC SAFETY WAREHOUSE PURCHASE POWER PURCHASE POWER QUEST DIAGNOSTIC QUEST DIAGNOSTICS QUEST DIAGNOSTICS QUEST DIAGNOSTICS QUILL CORPORATION QWEST QWEST QWEST QWEST QWEST RADER ENGINEERING INC RANGER JOES INTERNATIONAL RECOURCE CENTER OF EAGLE REGALIA MANUFACTURING RENEE DUUISSON RICK KANGAS ROARING FORK FAMILY RESOURCE ROBERT HUBELL ROBERT R GALLAGHER JR PC ROBERTA MITCH SUPPLIES SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES REFUND SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE REFUND SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REBATE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE REBATE REFUND REIMBURSEMENT 8 04/07/09 $59.86 $387.38 $211.75 $423.48 $237.60 $480.00 $66.22 $3,856.00 $976.08 $165.55 $21.10 $89.99 $332.00 $97.60 $20.80 $8.00 $240.50 $718.84 $64.00 $153.00 $210.00 $3,150.00 $7,337.00 $21.60 $217.80 $519.67 $37.60 $4,443.44 $1,000.00 $25.00 $90.70 $159.90 $246.27 $56.85 $600.00 $55.00 $8.22 $27.82 $57.23 $119.46 $4.68 $11.49 $3,799.90 $4,486.39 $6,952.00 $4,300.00 $176.95 $40,000.00 $301.26 $72.60 $348.70 $5,000.00 $4,000.00 $27.00 $121.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BBa ASSOCIATION ROCKY MOUNTAIN REPORGRAPHICS ROLLY ROUNDS ROLLY ROUNDS ROSIE MORENO ROWE B J RSC RENTAL SERVICE CORP SAMARITAN CENTER SAN ISABEL TELECOM SCHINDLER ELEVATOR SCHMIDT POLYGRAPH SCHNEIDER MAURER FOOT AND ANKLE SCHWAAB SCOT HUNN SCOTT THOMPSON SECURITY TRANSPORT SERVICES SENDER & WASSERMAN PC SERVICEMASTER CLEAN OF VAIL SERVICEMASTER CLEAN OF VAIL SHAINHOL TZ TODD H DDS SHAMROCK FOODS CORPORATION SHAMROCK FOODS CORPORATION SHAMROCK FOODS CORPORATION SHANNON CORDINGL Y SHAPINS ASSOCIATES SHAPINS ASSOCIATES SHEAFFER KAREN SHEAFFER KAREN SHERRI ALMOND SHIVELY AND HOLST LLP SILVER LEAF SUITES SILVERMAN LAW FIRM SIMON PROPERTY SERVICES SIMON PROPERTY SERVICES SINTON DAIRY COMPANY SINTON DAIRY COMPANY SINTON DAIRY COMPANY SNOWWHITE LINEN SNOWWHITE LINEN SNOWWHITE LINEN SONDRA MANSKE SOURCE GAS SOURCEGAS SPADES CONSULTING LLC SPIECKER HANLON AND GORMLEY STACIBRUCE STANEK, DAN STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO STEPHANIE GLENWRfGHT STERICYCLE INCORPORATED STERICYCLE INCORPORATED STEVE OAKSON DDS SERVICE SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE REFUND SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REFUND SERVICE REFUND SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE REFUND REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE $250.00 $897.25 $37.00 $67.40 $20.35 $48.40 $522.88 $10,000.00 $19.57 $483.50 $1,100.00 $180.00 $75.64 $512.13 $225.00 $3,328.80 $19.00 $4,760.00 $4,760.00 $106.00 $986.18 $3,326.12 $4,595.68 $783.75 $600.50 $3,427.50 $69.36 $299.53 $57.75 $24.60 $80.04 $4.40 $760.00 $1,400.00 $232.83 $467.58 $523.82 $56.25 $89.33 $101.D7 $67.65 $203.32 $17,587.26 $12,745.53 $36.40 $174.90 $80.00 $147.00 $472.56 $340.00 $28.80 $308.32 $308.32 $253.00 9 04/07/09 STUVER LEMOINE BURWELL PC SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY SUNSENSEINC SUSAN MOTT THE BUDDY PROGRAM TACTGEAR LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPLY TCC CONTRACTORS TENENZINC TENIE CHICOINE TENIE CHICOINE TERRI ALLENDER THE MASTERS TOUCH LLC THE OLD GYPSUM PRINTER INC THE OLD GYPSUM PRINTER INC THE OLD GYPSUM PRINTER INC THE PAHTOLOGY GROUP THE YOUTH FOUNDATION THERACOMINCORPORATED THERESA CAREY THOMAS CHERYL THOMPSON WEST GROUP TONI BERNS TONI BERNS TOTAL ACCESS GROUP TOWN OF AVON TOWN OF EAGLE TOWN OF GYPSUM TOWN OF VAIL TRI COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION TRI COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION TRI COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION TRI TECH INC TYLER TECHNOLOGIES UL TRAMAX UL TRAMAX UNDERGROUND VAULTS UNDERGROUND VAULTS UNITED PARCEL SERVICE UNITED PARCEL SERVICE UNITED PARCEL SERVICE UNITED PARCEL SERVICE UNITED PARCEL SERVICE UNITED REPROGRAPHIC UNITED REPROGRAPHIC UPPER EAGLE REGIONAL WATER US CLEANING PROFESSIONALS US CLEANING PROFESSIONALS US FOOD SERVICE INCORPORATED US FOOD SERVICE INCORPORATED US FOOD SERVICE INCORPORATED VAIL DAILY VAIL ELECTRONICS VAIL ELECTRONICS VAIL ELECTRONICS VAIL ELECTRONICS REFUND SERVICE REBATE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE 10 04/07/09 $1.60 $2,512.73 $4,000.00 $72.00 $7,000.00 $133.18 $3,568.00 $30.60 $100.00 $118.40 $280.00 $925.74 $71.50 $84.00 $500.25 $4,032.15 $132,300.00 $6,726.78 $161.70 $131.60 $2,434.89 $114.80 $116.40 $75.00 $16,000.00 $3,428.85 $1,798.67 $9,270.00 $80.00 $1,090.00 $2,889.50 $976.09 $15,912.00 $45.20 $492.00 $2.85 $10.25 $55.25 $57.39 $65.75 $78.41 $82.43 $87.70 $364.19 $1,800.00 $12,678.34 $13,171.94 $2,545.91 $533.51 $580.39 $227.24 $135.00 $245.00 $360.00 $1,035.00 VAIL ELECTRONICS VAIL LOCK AND KEY VAIL NET VAIL SIGN CORPORATION VAIL VALLEY CHARITABLE FUND VAIL VALLEY EAR AND NOSE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VALLEY LUMBER VALLEY LUMBER VALLEY LUMBER VALLEY LUMBER VALLEY LUMBER VALUE WEST INC VANCE GABOSSI VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VINCI LAW OFFICE VIRGINIA TRUJILLO VISA CARD SERVICES VISA CARD SERVICES VISA CARD SERVICES VISA CARD SERVICES WASTE MANAGEMENT WCAEHO WECMRD WELLS FARGO BANK WESTERN FIREPLACE SUPPLY WESTERN SLOPE SUPPLIES WESTERN SLOPE SUPPLIES WESTERN SLOPE SUPPLIES WESTERN SLOPE SUPPLIES WESTERN SLOPE SUPPLIES WESTERN SLOPE SUPPLIES WESTERN SLOPE SUPPLIES WESTERN SLOPE SUPPLIES WESTERN SLOPE SUPPLIES WILD WEST DAYS WILLIAM G HOLBECK PC WILLITS GENERAL STORE WIRTH, COLLEEN WRIGHT WATER ENGINEERS WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY WYL Y COMMUNITY ART CENTER XCELENERGY XEROX CORPORATION INC XEROX CORPORATION INC XEROX CORPORATION INC XEROX CORPORATION INC XEROX CORPORATION INC XEROX CORPORATION INC SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REFUND REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE $2,138.44 $162.25 $11.95 $65.00 $5,250.00 $155.00 $211.10 $422.20 $7,400.00 $27.50 $28.64 $35.24 $53.54 $96.00 $4,250.00 $179.00 $390.87 $392.99 $5,335.42 $1.60 $96.80 $573.14 $2,232.99 $4,229.23 $32,102.95 $3,224.57 $30.00 $301.30 $2,000.00 $76.78 $17.90 $15.00 $17.90 $34.10 $46.24 $51.65 $67.73 $111.20 $43.65 $2,700.00 $6,830.38 $116.00 $232.00 $1,017.64 $3.86 $26.98 $249.77 $2,000.00 $453.65 $32.18 $246.30 $258.35 $276.93 $645.46 $753.69 11 04/07/09 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND XEROX CORPORATION INC XEROX CORPORATION INC XEROX CORPORATION INC XEROX CORPORATION INC XEROX CORPORATION INC XEROX CORPORATION INC YAMPA VALLEY ELECTRIC YVONNE DE GONTER SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE MARCH 2009 PAYROLL PAYROLL 6&7 ACTIVE COMMUNICATIONS AMERIGAS BUD JACOX CENTRAL DISTRIBUTING CO DEPT OF LABOR COLORADO COUNTIES CASUALTY CRAWFORD PROPERTIES CRAWFORD PROPERTIES DENISE MATTHEWS EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER/SF EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER/SF FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICES GATEWAY CONSTRUCTION GRAND JUNCTION PIPE INTERWEST SAFETY SUPPL Y J & S CONTRACTORS SUPPLY CO LAWSON PRODUCTS MIKE OSTBERG NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NICOLE WASSON ORKIN EXTERMINATING PST ENTERPRISES INC PST ENTERPRISES INC RAZORS EDGE INCORPORATED SOPRIS ARCHITECTURE SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY TIMBERLINE STEEL TRI COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION VAIL DAILY VERIZON WIRELESS INCORPORATED VISA CARD SERVICES VISION SECURITY WESTERN SLOPE BAR WESTERN SLOPE BAR WESTERN SLOPE SUPPLIES WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY XEROX CORPORATION INC SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE 12 04/07/09 $252.66 $556.06 $745.15 $788.90 $1,832.56 $2,980.23 $140.41 $322.00 $2,716,171.74 $1,523,072.79 $138.00 $1,068.36 $75.00 $104.29 $375.00 $5,097.72 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $22.28 $52,945.77 $52,973.34 $8,992.65 $9,115.91 $452.20 $145,672.85 $146.23 $148.44 $865.00 $381.75 $83.00 $6.77 $4,908.23 $118.80 $128.69 $23.48 $24.62 $1,138.00 $6,603.55 $157.29 $244.90 $49.14 $1,053.69 $268.84 $374.74 $187.13 $17.90 $26.25 $7.50 $100.35 $176.92 $258.13 $515.13 $863.47 XEROX CORPORATION INC SERVICE $715.34 YAMPA VALLEY ELECTRIC SERVICE $179.95 $298,806.60 MARCH 2009 PAYROLL PAYROLL 6&7 $125,718.32 EARLY CHILDHOOD FUND AGNES HARAKAL SERVICE $200.00 ALANNA DENISE HART SERVICE $500.00 ALMA FLOR TOWER SERVICE $600.00 AMY DRUMMET SERVICE $1,300.00 AMY PRICE SERVICE $500.00 ANGELA MUELLER SERVICE $900.00 ANGELINA GONZALEZ SERVICE $200.00 ANNA WAGNER SERVICE $300.00 ATHENA MCCORMICK SERVICE $500.00 BAILEY M GATES SERVICE $100.00 BETH O'RILEY SERVICE $1,750.00 BETTY ANN NOBLES SERVICE $200.00 BRADLEY KUNTZ SERVICE $300.00 CARRIE FROMAN SERVICE $700.00 CHAD YOUNG SERVICE $1,100.00 CHANTELLE SESSA SERVICE $1,100.00 CHRISTINE A RUSSELL SERVICE $440.00 CINDY GOODWIN SERVICE $300.00 CLAUDIA MONTES REIMBURSEMENT $23.10 COLLEEN WIDLAK SERVICE $300.00 CORINA MEZA SERVICE $100.00 CYNTHIA LAGACE SERVICE $1,100.00 DAINAN HENSE SERVICE $800.00 DANIELLE GONZALES SERVICE $250.00 DANITA ENGLUND SERVICE $1,100.00 DARLA ALBERS SERVICE $700.00 DARLENE PRITCHARD SERVICE $100.00 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER SERVICE $3,151.21 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER SERVICE $3,151.21 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER/SF SERVICE $380.26 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER/SF SERVICE $380.26 EARL Y CHILDHOOD PARTNERS SERVICE $9,088.05 ELIZABETH ANN VANDERMEER SERVICE $600.00 ELIZABETH ELLIOTT SERVICE $250.00 ELIZABETH HINTON SERVICE $900.00 ELIZABETH ROBINSON SERVICE $700.00 ELIZABETH TESS HOEFT SERVICE $800.00 ELLIE CLAUSON SERVICE $1,750.00 ERIKA GILL SERVICE $1,750.00 ERIN A DRUMM SERVICE $500.00 FRANCESCA LETIZIA IANNACCONE SERVICE $300.00 GLORIA VASQUEZ SERVICE $200.00 HEATHER CHAUSSIGNAND SERVICE $500.00 HEATHER WEST SERVICE $500.00 HOLL Y K BERRY SERVICE $200.00 JACL YN C EISENMANN SERVICE $300.00 JACQUELINE M NEITHAMER SERVICE $500.00 JANE MERTEN SERVICE $800.00 13 04/07/09 JANE REICHMUTH JEAN C HARRISON JENNIE WAHRER JENNIFER MACH JENNIFER WADE JENNY HEJMANEK JESSICA DEERR JESSICA GARCIA JESSICA GOODING JOAN SEMLER JODY EJNES JUDY A EDEEN JULIE KIERAS JULIE LINGLE KARl CORBIN KASSANDRA GERBER KATHERINE GRULKE KATHY REED KATRINA J NORRIS LAURA TIL TZ LEARNING CURVE PRESCHOOL LEIA M SOBER LESLEY MICHELLE HALSTEAD L1L Y JEAN HATHORN L1NDSIE SCHFFNER LISA JEAN CHAPLE L1ZA MONTOYA LUCIA YEO MAGGIE SCANLON MARC THOMAS MARIA COM NEZ MARIE BARAJAS MARISSA ROMERO MARY I BAKER MATTHEW VAN TASSEL MAUREEN HENDERSON MCCAULLEY. REBECCA T MELISSA A GOODMAN MELISSA DICKEY MELISSA MARE MICHAEL ROWE MICHELLE GREGORY MICHELLE OGER NICOLE PIECHOCKI NURTURING WITH NATURE INC PAM MELOT PATRICIA ANDERSON HAND QUALlSTAR EARLY LEARNING RHONDA MEEKS RITA M OPPENHEIMER ROBIN 0 HENZLER RONDA LEE ROSIE MORENO SANDRA JENNINGS SARA RUTH ANDERSON SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE 14 04/07/09 $300.00 $800.00 $154.00 $700.00 $800.00 $300.00 $600.00 $100.00 $300.00 $500.00 $1,400.00 $800.00 $500.00 $300.00 $900.00 $100.00 $900.00 $500.00 $500.00 $300.00 $4,976.89 $200.00 $200.00 $300.00 $300.00 $1,000.00 $700.00 $700.00 $182.05 $500.00 $250.00 $100.00 $200.00 $100.00 $250.00 $700.00 $145.29 $300.00 $300.00 $200.00 $500.00 $100.00 $900.00 $1,750.00 $900.00 $800.00 $400.00 $10,000.00 $700.00 $900.00 $900.00 $900.00 $258.50 $1,100.00 $500.00 SHANNYN SULLIVAN SERVICE $300.00 SHARON THOMPSON SERVICE $1,750.00 SOFIA E OSORIO SERVICE $100.00 STATE FORMS CENTER SERVICE $213.00 SUSAN L ARBANEY SERVICE $500.00 TANYA VASQUEZ SERVICE $300.00 TANYA WELCH SERVICE $250.00 TARAL YN WALTERS SERVICE $200.00 TERESA WERNER SERVICE $400.00 THE BEAR'S DEN SERVICE $2,430.00 TONYA HILDEBRAND SERVICE $300.00 TRACY KURT SERVICE $250.00 VERIZON WIRELESS INCORPORATED SERVICE $124.99 VERIZON WIRELESS INCORPORATED SERVICE $123.46 VIRGINIA L MALLON SERVICE $700.00 VISA CARD SERVICES SERVICE $1,326.10 YVONNE DE GONTER SERVICE $300.00 $94,698.37 MARCH 2009 PAYROLL PAYROLL 6&7 $7,192.76 SOCIAL SERVICES FUND BUSINESS INK CO SUPPLIES $105.41 CARLSON,CARLSON&DUNKELMAN LLC SERVICE $446.50 CGHSFOA SERVICE $195.00 CHARLENE WHITNEY REIMBURSEMENT $282.37 COLORADO COUNSELING INC SERVICE $500.00 COLORADO COUNSELING INC SERVICE $515.00 CORPORATE EXPRESS SUPPLIES $224.52 CORPORATE EXPRESS SUPPLIES $278.35 CORPORATE EXPRESS SUPPLIES $347.71 CORPORATE EXPRESS SUPPLIES $477.54 CORPORATE EXPRESS SUPPLIES $511.81 CROWLEY COUNTY SERVICE $32.50 DAGALEIGH SHEEHAN REIMBURSEMENT $49.78 EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT SERVICE $455.00 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER SERVICE $61,076.55 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER SERVICE $61,417.97 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER/SF SERVICE $10,686.37 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER/SF SERVICE $10,697.27 EAGLE RIVER YOUTH COALITION SERVICE $5,000.00 ERIK MARTINEZ REIMBURSEMENT $2.64 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS SERVICE $211.20 JAMES DUMESNL MS SERVICE $494.58 JAN GOVREAU REIMBURSEMENT $2.97 JENNIFER CUEVAS REIMBURSEMENT $41 .58 JOHN C COLLINS PC SERVICE $2,020.00 KAREN KOUTSOUKOS SERVICE $20.00 KELLY PAULSEN REIMBURSEMENT $1,030.00 KNOICA MINOL TA BUSINESS SERVICE $55.35 KONICA MINOL TA BUSINESS SERVICE $122.85 LABORATORY CORPORATION SERVICE $276.00 LEXISNEXIS SERVICE $90.00 LYNN GOTTLIEB MA SERVICE $375.00 LYONS, KATHLEEN REIMBURSEMENT $344.40 15 04/07/09 MILDRED MICKEY HOHL SERVICE $360.00 MILDRED MICKEY HOHL SERVICE $630.00 NOLA NICHOLSON REIMBURSEMENT $78.10 OSM DELIVERY LLC SERVICE $194.40 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING REIMBURSEMENT $1,726.50 QUILL CORPORATION SUPPLIES $106.49 SARAH LEBLANC REIMBURSEMENT $376.75 SCREEN WORKS AND MORE INC SERVICE $110.00 SHERRI ALMOND REIMBURSEMENT $81.95 SHERRY A CALOIA LLC SERVICE $2,576.76 SHERRY A CALOIA LLC SERVICE $3,119.12 SIL VER LEAF SUITES SERVICE $69.99 STATE FORMS PUBLICATIONS SUPPLIES $101.30 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY SERVICE $9.99 SWEEP STAKES UNLIMITED SERVICE $35.00 THE OLD GYPSUM PRINTER INC SERVICE $58.50 VISA CARD SERVICES SERVICE $1,396.62 XEROX CORPORATION SUPPLIES $26.32 XEROX CORPORATION SERVICE $211.37 XEROX CORPORATION SUPPLIES $528.09 XEROX CORPORATION SUPPLIES $599.00 $170,782.47 MARCH 2009 PAYROLL PAYROLL 6&7 $146,838.33 WRAP FUND BEHAVIORAL INTERVENTIONS SERVICE $195.00 TREATMENT AND EVALUATION SERVICES SERVICE $1,200.00 VISA CARD SERVICES SERVICE $36.86 $1,431.86 EV TRANSPORTATION FUND AT&T SERVICE $183.06 AT&T SUPPLIES $221.60 BUFFALO RIDGE AFFORDABLE SERVICE $7,805.00 BUFFALO RIDGE AFFORDABLE HOUSING SERVICE $7,805.00 CASTA SERVICE $11,526.00 CENTRAL DISTRIBUTING SUPPLIES $1,779.00 COLLETTS SUPPLIES $3,533.10 COLORADO COUNTIES CASUALTY SERVICE $7,646.58 COLUMBINE MARKET SUPPLIES $18.95 COMPLIANCE ALLIANCE SERVICE $695.00 COpy PLUS SUPPLIES $30.46 COpy PLUS SERVICE $1,105.50 CORPORATE EXPRESS SUPPLIES $33.45 CORPORATE EXPRESS SUPPLIES $77.74 CORPORATE EXPRESS SUPPLIES $412.72 CUMMINS ROCKY MOUNTAIN SERVICE $3,160.21 DAVID JOHNSON REIMBURSEMENT $176.00 DOCTORS ON CALL SERVICE $210.00 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER SERVICE $130,543.00 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER SERVICE $136,222.26 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER/SF SERVICE $15,177.34 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER/SF SERVICE $15,236.14 EAGLE EMBROIDERY SUPPLIES $12.50 16 04/07/09 FEDERAL EXPRESS SERVICE $46.11 FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICES SERVICE $1,582.70 GFIGENFARE SUPPLIES $2,719.40 GLENWOOD MEDICAL ASSOCIATES SERVICE $83.00 GRAINGER INCORPORATED SUPPLIES $448.95 HARRY TAYLOR SERVICE $166.03 HASLER INCORPORATED SERVICE $275.40 INNOVATIVE ENERGY SERVICE $3,019.00 JANET FIELD REIMBURSEMENT $55.70 JEFF WETZEL REIMBURSEMENT $6.65 KINETICO WATER PROS SUPPLIES $35.00 KW CONSTRUCTION SERVICE $7,089.20 KZYR FM SERVICE $364.00 LUMINATOR SUPPLIES $1,275.68 MICHAEL TERRELL SERVICE $149.95 MILLENNIUM TOWING SERVICE $1,160.00 NRC BROADCASTING SERVICE $300.00 NRC BROADCASTING SERVICE $315.00 PARKVILLE WATER DISTRICT SERVICE $39.50 PUBLIC ACCESS 5 SERVICE $250.00 QUILL CORPORATION SUPPLIES $559.75 QWEST SERVICE $129.65 QWEST SERVICE $162.33 QWEST SERVICE $226.91 STEMCO LP SUPPLIES $36.00 STEMCO LP SUPPLIES $36.00 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY SERVICE $34.59 TALARIS INC SERVICE $374.71 TCD INC SERVICE $12,551.43 TOWN OF AVON SERVICE $3,500.00 TOWN OF AVON SERVICE $17,927.62 TOWN OF AVON SERVICE $18,186.80 TOWN OF VAIL SUPPLIES $724.00 TRI COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE $171.99 VAIL ELECTRONICS SERVICE $2,469.50 VALLEY LUMBER SUPPLIES $39.99 VERIZON WIRELESS INCORPORATED SUPPLIES $309.31 VISA CARD SERVICES SERVICE $2,333.69 WESTERN SLOPE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES $13.10 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY SUPPLIES $33.60 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY SUPPLIES $22.36 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY SUPPLIES $224.00 XCEL ENERGY SERVICE $181.30 XCEL ENERGY SERVICE $3,591.57 XEROX CORPORATION INC SERVICE $657.34 YOUR PERSONAL CHEF SERVICE $337.50 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE SUPPLIES $182.54 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE SUPPLIES $216.99 $428,226.45 MARCH 2009 PAYROLL PAYROLL 6&7 $305,596.40 EV TRAILS FUND ALPINE ENGINEERING SERVICE $5,383.55 ALPINE ENGINEERING SERVICE $7,135.00 BOBCAT OF THE ROCKIES SUPPLIES $32.48 17 04/07/09 COLORADO MOUNTAIN NEWS SERVICE $108.54 COPY PLUS SERVICE $22.79 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES SERVICE $567.20 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER SERVICE $1,587.56 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER SERVICE $1,587.56 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER/SF SERVICE $261.60 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER/SF SERVICE $261.60 GARY THORNTON REIMBURSEMENT $89.10 INTER-MOUNTAIN ENGINEERING SERVICE $31,702.50 MCGILL GOTSDINER WORKMAN SERVICE $69.00 NICOLA RIPLEY SERVICE $325.00 PROMOTIONAL SOURCE SUPPLIES $444.00 VALLEY LUMBER SUPPLIES $10.10 VISA CARD SERVICES SERVICE $607.54 WYLACO SUPPLIES $23.09 XEROX CORPORATION INC SERVICE $84.70 $50,302.91 MARCH 2009 PAYROLL PAYROLL 6&7 $3,714.46 AIRPORT FUND MYSLlK INCORPORATED SERVICE $2,548.58 AIRGAS INTERMOUNTAIN SUPPLIES $99.85 AIRGAS INTERMOUNTAIN SUPPLIES $352.28 AIRGAS INTERNATIONAL SERVICE $2,185.39 ALL PHASE ELECTRIC SUPPLY SERVICE $13.33 ALPINE GLASS AND MIRROR SUPPLIES $350.00 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION AIRPORT SERVICE $2,010.00 BLUEGLOBES LLC SUPPLIES $740.13 BLUEGLOBES LLC SUPPLIES $8,842.26 BOYZ TOYZ AND SONZ SUPPLIES $300.00 BUILDWORKS LLO SERVICE $100.00 CENTURYTEL SERVICE $1,600.07 CENTURYTEL SERVICE $1,649.35 COLLETTS SUPPLIES $3,970.15 COLLETTS SUPPLIES $5,676.01 COLLETTS SERVICE $7,744.94 COLORADO AIRPORT OPERATORS SERVICE $750.00 COLORADO COUNTIES CASUALTY SERVICE $5,947.34 COPY PLUS SERVICE $48.40 CORPORATE EXPRESS SUPPLIES $135.26 DISH NETWORK SERVICE $62.99 DISH NETWORK SERVICE $127.98 EAGLE COUNTY AIR TERMINAL SERVICE $55,157.43 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER SERVICE $49,925.55 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER SERVICE $52,568.78 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER/SF SERVICE $5,224.71 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER/SF SERVICE $5,260.09 EAGLE VALLEY PRINTING SUPPLIES $230.00 ECMSINCORPORATED SERVICE $16.18 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES SUPPLIES $28.11 FIRKINS GARAGE DOORS SERVICE $517.50 GATEKEEPER SYSTEM SERVICE $1,825.00 GRAINGER INCORPORATED SUPPLIES $66.33 HOL Y CROSS ELECTRIC SERVICE $2,102.98 18 04/07/09 HOL Y CROSS ELECTRIC SERVICE $2,662.45 JAY MAX SALES SUPPLIES $33.20 JVIATION INC SERVICE $82,440.00 KNOICA MINOL TA BUSINESS SERVICE $116.31 LAMINATION SERVICE SUPPLIES $112.49 LAWSON PRODUCTS SUPPLIES $223.61 LAWSON PRODUCTS SUPPLIES $465.57 LEGACY COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE $94.50 MCI COMMERCIAL SERVICE SERVICE $14.04 MCI COMMERCIAL SERVICE SUPPLIES $17.49 METEORLOGIX SERVICE $468.00 MOES ORIGINAL BBQ SERVICE $3,455.00 NOBLE WELDING SERVICE $630.50 OJ WATSON COMPANY SERVICE $82.51 OSHKOSH TRUCK CORPORATION SUPPLIES $173.26 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING REIMBURSEMENT $18.07 PST ENTERPRISES INC SUPPLIES $63.50 PST ENTERPRISES INC SUPPLIES $182.77 PST ENTERPRISES INC SUPPLIES $216.40 PST ENTERPRISES INC SUPPLIES $333.90 PST ENTERPRISES INC SUPPLIES $335.71 ROBERN RUSS SERVICE $41.69 SERVICEMASTER CLEAN OF VAIL SERVICE $2,095.00 SERVICEMASTER CLEAN OF VAIL SERVICE $2,095.00 SKYLINE MECHANICAL SERVICE $1,096.00 SKYLINE MECHANICAL SERVICE $1,096.00 SOURCE GAS SERVICE $704.65 SOURCE GAS SERVICE $2,067.04 SUMMITEX LLC SUPPLIES $85.62 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY SERVICE $93.90 THE PARENTS HANDBOOK SERVICE $650.00 TOWN OF GYPSUM SERVICE $455.05 TOWN OF VAIL SERVICE $6,390.64 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SERVICE $9.52 US CUSTOMS BORDER PROTECTION SERVICE $535.04 US CUSTOMS BORDER PROTECTION SERVICE $1,123.60 US CUSTOMS BORDER PROTECTION SERVICE $31,394.54 VAIL ELECTRONICS SERVICE $187.50 VALLEY LUMBER SUPPLIES $1.61 VALLEY LUMBER SUPPLIES $8.53 VISA CARD SERVICES SERVICE $5,998.10 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY SERVICE $19.15 WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICE $390.00 WESTERN SLOPE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES $265.70 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY SUPPLIES $72.49 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY SUPPLIES $256.20 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY SUPPLIES $808.30 XEROX CORPORATION SERVICE $404.50 ZEP SALES AND SERVICE SUPPLIES $167.59 $368,829.21 MARCH 2009 PAYROLL PAYROLL 6&7 $114,973.62 800 MHZ FUND HOLYCROSS SERVICE $5,251.96 HOL Y CROSS ELECTRIC SERVICE $385.25 19 04/07/09 QWEST CORPORATION SERVICE $289.62 QWEST CORPORATION SERVICE $1,450.00 VERIZON WIRELESS INCORPORATED SERVICE $3,257.77 $10,634.60 HOUSING AUTHORITY FUND FUND AARON FELDHEER SERVICE $60.00 ALEX POTENTE REIMBURSEMENT $302.10 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER SERVICE $23,880.06 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER SERVICE $24,185.18 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER/SF SERVICE $5,000.42 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER/SF SERVICE $5,036.25 ECONOMIC COUNCIL OF EAGLE SERVICE $8,333.00 GARFIELD COUNTY HOUSING SERVICE $912.00 KIM BELL WILLIAMS REIMBURSEMENT $336.40 LEONA PERKINS REIMBURSEMENT $208.18 SKY LEGEND LLC SERVICE $60,000.00 STEPHANIE MCKUNNERNEY SERVICE $120.00 STRATTON FLATS LLC SERVICE $37,500.00 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY SERVICE $11.58 UNITED WAY OF EAGLE RIVER SERVICE $10.00 VAIL DAILY SERVICE $540.29 VERIZON WIRELESS INCORPORATED SERVICE $167.27 VISA CARD SERVICES SERVICE $1,444.19 XEROX CORPORATION SERVICE $298.45 $168,345.37 MARCH 2009 PAYROLL PAYROLL 6&7 $58,912.11 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND FUND ALPINE LUMBER COMPANY SUPPLIES $13.98 AMERICAN CIVIL CONSTRUCTORS SERVICE $15,844.91 BEST ACCESS SYSTEMS SUPPLIES $58.72 BME CONSULTING SERVICE $547.35 BME CONSULTING SERVICE $820.00 CONTRACT ONE INCORPORATED SERVICE $22,089.45 CORPORATE EXPRESS SERVICE $341.39 GW HANNAWAY AND ASSOCIATES SUPPLIES $19,649.60 INTERMOUNTAIN LOCK SUPPLIES $194.39 MAVERICK FLOORING SUPPLIES $3,520.00 SOURCEGAS SERVICE $988.04 VAIL ELECTRONICS SERVICE $353.97 $64,421.80 LANDFILL FUND ACZlABORATORYINCORPORATED SERVICE $541.00 AMERIGAS SUPPLIES $1,935.60 AMERIGAS SUPPLIES $3,110.12 CAROLINA SOFTWARE SUPPLIES $190.08 COLORADO COUNTIES CASUALTY SERVICE $7,646.58 CO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE $1,319.89 DOWN VALLEY SEPTIC AND DRAIN SERVICE $825.00 DOWN VALLEY SEPTIC AND DRAIN SERVICE $855.00 20 04/07/09 DUANE L PENNEY INC SERVICE $735.00 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER SERVICE $19,562.66 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER SERVICE $19,642.39 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER/SF SERVICE $3,196.67 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER/SF SERVICE $3,196.67 FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICES SERVICE $600.00 HEPWORTH PAWLAK GEOTECHNI SERVICE $617.50 HOL Y CROSS ELECTRIC SERVICE $78.00 ICS - CO LLC SUPPLIES $613.00 KEW CONSULTING SERVICE $6,490.46 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING REIMBURSEMENT $152.90 POWER MOTIVE SERVICE $5,650.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN REPROGRAPH SERVICE $1,437.50 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY SERVICE $291.90 VERIZON WIRELESS INCORPORATED SERVICE $29.80 VISA CARD SERVICES SERVICE $255.64 WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICE $312.30 $79,285.66 MARCH 2009 PAYROLL PAYROLL 6&7 $46,386.27 MOTOR POOL FUND A& E TIRE INCORPORATED SUPPLIES $15,137.88 A& E TIRE INCORPORATED SUPPLIES $3,394.24 AIRGAS INTERMOUNTAIN SUPPLIES $334.03 AIRGAS INTERMOUNTAIN SUPPLIES $363.91 BERTHOD MOTORS SUPPLIES $335.24 BURT CHEVROLET SUPPLIES $152.23 BURT DODGE CHRYSLER JEEP SUPPLIES $792.86 BURT DODGE CHRYSLER JEEP SERVICE $1,473.75 BURT FORD ARAPAHOE INC SUPPLIES $256.74 BURT FORD ARAPAHOE INC SUPPLIES $59.21 CENTRAL DISTRIBUTING SUPPLIES $135.74 CENTRAL DISTRIBUTING SUPPLIES $174.21 CENTURYTEL SERVICE $75.28 CLAIMS SEVICES GROUP INC SERVICE $135.00 COLLETTS SUPPLIES $12,471.76 COLLETTS SUPPLIES $19,414.99 COLLETTS SUPPLIES $23,071.44 COLLETTS SUPPLIES $25,826.53 COLORADO COUNTIES CASUALTY SERVICE $8,496.20 COMPLIANCE ALLIANCE SERVICE $205.00 COMPUTER SITES INCORPORATED SERVICE $1,373.00 CORPORATE EXPRESS SUPPLIES $28.15 CORPORATE EXPRESS SUPPLIES $56.53 CORPORATE EXPRESS SUPPLIES $74.07 CUMMINS ROCKY MOUNTAIN SERVICE $3,193.87 DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES SUPPLIES $261.75 DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES SUPPLIES $299.71 DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES SUPPLIES $1,211.70 DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES SUPPLIES $1,470.46 DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES SUPPLIES $3,666.69 DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES SUPPLIES $5,822.79 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER SERVICE $33,208.95 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER SERVICE $34,086.90 21 04/07/09 INSURANCE RESERVE FUND EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER/SF EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER/SF FARIS MACHINERY COMPANY FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICES FORCE AMERICA FORCE AMERICA GILLIG LLC H H & H AUTOMOTIVE PAINT INC H H & H AUTOMOTIVE PAINT INC H H & H AUTOMOTIVE PAINT INC H H & H AUTOMOTIVE PAINT INC HANSON EQUIPMENT HANSON EQUIPMENT HANSON EQUIPMENT HENSLEY BATTERY LAWSON PRODUCTS LAYTON TRUCK EQUIPMENT LLC LIGHTHOUSE INCORPORATED M & M AUTO PARTS MID WEST TRUCK PARTS & SERVICE MOUNTAIN TOPPERS NAPA AUTO PARTS OJ WATSON POWER MOTIVE PREMIER TIRE TERMINAL PRESTIGE CHRYSLER DODGE INC PST ENTERPRISES INC SERCK SERVICES INCORPORATED SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY TIRE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS TIRE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS TRI COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION UNITED STATES WELDING VERIZON WIRELESS VISA CARD SERVICES VISTA AUTO GROUP WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY WESTERN IMPLEMENTS INC WESTERNIMPLEMENTSINC WESTERN SLOPE SUPPLIES WHITEALLS ALPINE DISTRIBUTING WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY XEROX CORPORATION ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE ZIEGLER TOOLS CORPORATION SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES MARCH 2009 PAYROLL PAYROLL 6&7 AV TECH ELECTRONICS SERVICE 22 04/07/09 $4,168.23 $4,223.73 $54.64 $1,195.10 $155.15 $2,574.93 $8,283.19 $376.77 $585.19 $722.10 $764.36 $87.71 $181.37 $625.08 $34.61 $252.13 $123.22 $85.00 $781.35 $292.66 $2,795.00 $25.37 $195.69 $407.76 $2,030.73 $957.26 $3,686.38 $981.55 $37.08 $412.44 $9,832.18 $129.87 $27.88 $200.08 $1,298.57 $266.56 $514.08 $528.05 $639.55 $659.99 $34.40 $4,960.05 $119.45 $211.20 $21.75 $356.85 $1,837.40 $100.68 $118.57 $194.00 $256,207.75 $77 ,404.23 $2,949.15 COLORADO COUNTIES CASUALTY SERVICE $50,127.58 DECATUR ELECTRONICS SERVICE $108.00 $53,184.73 HEALTH INSURANCE FUND DENMEN GREY AND COMPANY SERVICE $3,450.00 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER SERVICE $60,714.40 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER SERVICE $62,992.05 LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE SERVICE $40.74 OPTUM HEALTH CARE SOLUTIONS SERVICE $239.03 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY SERVICE $17,734.09 $145,170.31 911 FUND AT&T SERVICE $13.01 CENTURYTEL SERVICE $177.40 INTRADO INCORPORATED SERVICE $2,602.92 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES SERVICE $753.31 NOMAD TECHNOLOGIES SERVICE $850.00 NOMAD TECHNOLOGIES SERVICE $850.00 QWEST SERVICE $34.00 QWEST SERVICE $34.92 QWEST SERVICE $46.58 QWEST SERVICE $4,178.15 PITNEY BOWES SERVICE $15.00 $9,555.29 BILL PAYING $4,916,055.12 PAYROLL $2,409,809.29 TOTAL $7,325,864.41 Executive Session There was none. Consent Agenda Chairman Fisher stated the first item before the Board was the Consent Agenda as follows: A. Approval of bill paying for the week of April 6, 2009 (subject to review by the Finance Director) Finance Department Representative B. Approval of the minutes of the Eagle County Board of Commissioners Meetings for March 17 and March 24,2009 Teak Simonton, Clerk & Recorder C. Limited Amendment for Task Order No.3 to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment for Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Jill Hunsaker, Public Health D. Resolution 2009-029 Supporting the Amendment to the Agreement between Eagle County and the Colorado Department of Transportation for Funding and Design Services Related to the Eagle County Airport Interchange Project 23 04/07/09 Engineering Representative E. Contract Amendment between Eagle County and the Colorado Department of Transportation for Funding and Design Services Related to the Eagle County Airport Interchange Project Engineering Representative F. Second Amendment Approving the Guaranteed Maximum Price, Budget and Construction Schedule for the Eagle County Recycling Transfer Facility Ron Siebert, Project Management Chairman Fisher asked the Attorney's Office if there were any changes to the Consent Agenda. Bryan Treu, County Attorney stated that there were no issues or concerns. Commissioner Stavney moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Items A-F. Commissioner Runyon seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Resolution 2009-030 Designating April 2009 as Child Abuse Prevention Month Sherri Almond, Children & Family Services Ms. Almond spoke to the board. She hoped that the dedication would encourage the community to support children and families and recognized all the individuals that help protect children and counsel families. In Eagle County, there were about 350 referrals for child abuse and neglect. The objective was to prevent out of home placement and help the parents be more successful with their approach. Pinwheels would be placed around the county to represent children who had needed help. She introduced her staff. Chairman Fisher spoke about the foster care program. Commissioner Stavney read the resolution for the record. Commissioner Stavney moved to approve the resolution designating April 2009 as Child Abuse Prevention Month. Commissioner Runyon seconded the motion. Chairman Fisher thanked everyone involved for their hard work and spirit in a challenging environment. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Runyon moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and re-convene as the Eagle County Liquor Licensing Authority. Commissioner Stavney seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Eagle County Liquor License Authority Kathy Scriver, Clerk and Recorder's Office Consent Agenda Renewals A. Nastrovia, LLC d/b/a Woody's Full Belly Kitchen and Pub #42-59626-0000 This is a renewal of a Hotel and Restaurant License in Edwards. There have been no complaints or disturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees have been paid. An Alcohol Management Plan is on file in the Clerk's Office and proof of server training has been provided. B. The Boaters Bar, LLC d/b/a The Boaters Bar #25-22329-0000 24 04/07/09 This is a renewal of an Optional Premise License (Stand Alone) located in Bond. There have been no complaints or disturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees have been paid. An Alcohol Management Plan is on file in the Clerk's Office and proof of server training has been provided. C. Hansen Development Company, LLC d/b/a Piney River Ranch #26-66704-0000 This is a renewal of a Hotel and Restaurant License with one Optional Premise in Vail. There have been no complaints or disturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees have been paid. An Alcohol Management Plan is on file in the Clerk's Office and proof of server training has been provided. D. Daniel's Foods, Inc. d/b/a Mirabelle at Beaver Creek 07-59554-0000 This is a renewal of a Hotel and Restaurant License located in Beaver Creek. There have been no complaints or disturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees have been paid. An Alcohol Management Plan is on file in the Clerk's Office and proof of server training has been provided. Commissioner Stavney moved that the Board approve the Liquor Consent Agenda for April 7, 2009 consisting of Items A-D. Commissioner Runyon seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Runyon moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Liquor Licensing Authority and re-convene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Stavney seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Resolution 2009-031 Adopting the Second Supplementary Budget and Appropriation of Unanticipated Revenues for Fiscal Year 2009, and Authorizing the Transfer of Budgeted and Appropriated Moneys between Various Spending Agencies Finance Department Representative John Lewis provided some details of the budget. The appropriations totaled $849,950.00, but $495,717.00 was additional revenue. In addition, there was $150,000 transferred from other funds and $125,000 that was carried over. They were only looking at additional expenditures of$145,000 out of the contingency fund and only $32,861 out of un allocated fund balances of various funds. Almost all of the $145,000 coming out to the contingency fund would be used for the down payment assistance program. Items of note are the $25,787 for recording equipment that money came from the e-recording surcharge account. In addition expenditures for Health and Human Services are somewhat less than the new revenue coming into HHS. Some funds such as early childhood and RAP fund are corrections from the budget and represent clean up items. Social Services had additional revenues coming in. $150,000 was set aside for fall flight service. The Housing Loan Fund received a donation of $200,000 from Lake Creek for additional down payment assistance. Finally, there were a few accidents on some of the county buses; $15,000 was needed from the insurance reserve fund to cover un-insured expenses. Commissioner Runyon asked for clarification on the subsets within the General Fund and how many there were. Mr. Lewis stated that these are small funds and there were only two of these funds. Commissioner Stavney thanked Mr. Lewis for his work on this supplemental budget. The only notable item was the $145,000 being requested from the contingency fund, all of which was planned for down payment assistance. Mr. Lewis indicated that the contingency fund was currently 4.75 million; this request would bring it down to 4.6 million. Commissioner Stavney moved to approve the resolution 2009-031 Adopting the Second Supplementary Budget and Appropriation of Unanticipated Revenues for Fiscal Year 2009, and Authorizing the Transfer of Budgeted and Appropriated Moneys between Various Spending Agencies. Commissioner Runyon seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 25 04/07/09 Commissioner Stavney moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and re-convene as the Eagle County Housing Authority. Commissioner Runyon seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Eagle County Housing Authority Agreement Regarding Management of Eagle Ranch Locals Housing Program Alex Potente, Housing & Development Director spoke about the program. They intend to qualify buyers at a minimum and the seller of the property would have the option to use the Valley Home Store as the transaction broker in conveying the property. It is a self-sustaining service requiring no taxpayer dollars. Fees would vary based on the amount of work performed on the transaction. This would not require any additional staff and would take advantage of the resources already available. He sees it as a natural progression and a very efficient service available to the community. Phil Frank spoke to the board from the Eagle Ranch Housing program. The homeowner's association had been managing it but it had become very cumbersome. He agreed with consolidating the program with the county. Because of the slowdown in the market, properties are selling slowly. Comtnissioner Stavney stated that at the Town level it was managed by one planner. Previous discussions included having a consolidated one-stop shopping and this represented a step in that direction. It allows the Town and Eagle Ranch relief in administering this program. He commended Mr. Potente for his initiative in this regard. There were currently 80 units in this program. Commissioner Runyon agreed with Commissioner Stavney's comments. He wondered ifthe Eagle Ranch Housing Corporation was a non-profit organization and originally setup by East West Partners. Mr. Potente indicated that there were 6 board members; 3 of whom were appointed by the town and 3 from the homeowner's association. One issue with the initial structure of the program is in the declining market, there may be a need to help facilitate with buy downs and foreclosure situations. In the event of foreclosure the hope is that they may be some funds available to repurchase and resell at no cost to the county preserving the stock. In the Eagle Ranch scenario after a period on the market of 5 months the deed restriction requirement is no longer required. In Eagle Ranch the initial price was left to the developer and was quite high. This created units that are close to market value. This situation needs to be monitored closely. Commissioner Runyon stated that they were originally priced aggressively by the developer. Mr. Potente stated that there are some units just being built. Mr. Frank stated that they were having difficulty selling these units. Mr. Potente stated that Eagle County could purchase these units and resell them to stop the 5 month clock. There is also the possibility of changing the terms of the deed restrictions to remove the 5 month clock. Commissioner Runyon stated that unless the county steps up some of these units could be lost to the deed restricted program. Mr. Potente stated that the county could agree to buy the price down and as part of that agreement new deed restrictions could be placed. Commissioner Stavney stated that as the county is managing appropriately the committee is still left with the question of what to do with the transfer fees. Mr. Potente stated that the county would not be wholesale replacing the Eagle Ranch housing board of directors. They would only be replacing the management function. Chairman Fisher stated that this provided a solution to keeping the deed restrictions active. Commissioner Stavney added that this would prevent repetition of expertise and would steer people towards the same door throughout the county. Commissioner Stavney moved to approve agreement regarding management of Eagle Ranch Locals Housing Program. Commissioner Runyon seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Stavney moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Housing Authority and reconvene as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Runyon seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 26 04/07/09 Citizen Input Chairman Fisher opened and closed citizen Input, as there was none. Economic Stimulus Projects Update Tom Johnson, Public Works Mr. Johnson stated that he met yesterday with the Sheriffs office. He expected that over the next 5 or 6 weeks applications would be submitted regularly. They are determining the best method for receiving the $31,000 which had already been approved for the Justice Center. There appeared to be more funds available, but nothing was specific at this point. Commissioner Stavney asked when trying to get capital he wanted to be sensitive to the total costs involved in adding staff to any department. Mr. Johnson stated that the initial spreadsheet should include matches and associated costs. Chairman Fisher stated that this situation would be revisited next week and she asked that an authorization be allowed for the Chairman to sign the applications. Mr. Johnson stated that he had attempted to get in touch with Louis about the airport interchange, with no success. Discussion Regarding Proposal to Purchase Lake Creek Village by Morningstar Mountain Properties, LLC Housing & Development Representative Alex Potente and Jill Klosterman, Assistant to the Director presented the details of the proposal. The proposal was not a binding obligation to sell the property. If everything proceeded as planned, the closing would occur in the summer of2009. The property was built in 1993 as workforce rental housing and included 270 units consisting of two and three bedroom units. The rentals are currently affordable to families earning 80% of AMI, there are currently no restrictions on rents, and condominium conversion may be possible in the future. The property currently generated an operating surplus of $750,000 a year. Chairman Fisher stated that the county had maintained the restriction of 80% AMI. Mr. Potente agreed. He stated that there has been very little rental housing built up-valley. Holding on to this property carried some significant risks. As a county entity, the county was not exclusively in the property management business and the risks included increased vacancy and requirements for maintenance projects. He spoke about the reason the county was concerned about affordable housing. There was less pressure now than six months ago. Over the last fifteen years, the population had doubled and would do so again over the next 15-20 years. The same issues with housing would be present for the entry level/ mid level housing inventory. Employers felt that housing was still a major factor in attracting employees even after the downturn in the economy in the fourth quarter of2008. In 2008 there was a gap between what property would be affordable and the actual cost of housing. The problem was greatest in Vail. Even in Eagle, the price of housing was twice what a family could afford. Sales volume had slowed dramatically, yet housing prices had not declined. Even if there were a 25% reduction in price the cost of housing would still be out ofline with a family earning a median income. That said, this decrease has not yet happened. He highlighted the deal being presented and stated that it was a non-binding letter of intent for a land lease with a 45 million-purchase price. 22 million would represent net proceeds and 23 million in outstanding bond debt and net costs. The property would be pegged at 80% AMI and the developer would have the ability with the investment of 1.5 million in improvements to move this to 85%. The property would remain rental and affordable housing forever. The price was lower than last fall, but ECHDA can build 603 new housing units at $37,500 equity per unit. The reduction in price was only 15% and other indices have declined much more. There were opportunities available now that may not be available again for 30 years. Commissioner Stavney asked if the assumption was that the economy would slowly improve. Mr. Potente stated that this was assumed. Mr. Potente spoke about the benefits which included a perpetually funded housing endowment with no taxpayer money which could be used to build for rent, for sale and senior assisted living projects. There would be 27 04/07/09 the ability to partner with private developers. For perspective, only one rental property was built in the valley over the last five years. There would be a 22 million dollar fund available for affordable housing with a 6% return on this equity, providing local economy stimulus and allowing Lake Creek to remain well maintained and affordable forever. He noted that there were few federal subsidies available to build for sale housing units. Ms. Klosterman reviewed the property value and benefits of selling now. She compared the sale with the alternative of holding Lake Creek for the next five years. At the end of the five years, there would be some value in the investments and the assumption was that it would be approximately 23 million. They assume that they would only hold the new property for 5 years. In 2013, the value of the property would be 39.6 million. It becomes clear that with the models used it is preferable to sell the property sooner than later because ECHDA could use the proceeds to facilitate new housing units. The net present value of the transaction is the same in either scenario. Since mid 2007 capitalization rates had started rising again and were currently in the mid 7% range. Experts agreed that they would be near 8.5% relatively soon. The third option to be considered was refinancing the property. Jack Gardner with Hogan and Hartson as bond counsel spoke to the board. He provided some history of the firm's involvement with the project. Negotiations at that time resulted in covenants. To refinance on a tax- exempt bond basis the current bonds would have to be called, but they were not callable until 2013 without bondholder consent. The project is owned by a separate enterprise. When this structure was chosen an advance refunding could not be accomplished. The corporation without bond holder consent could also not incur additional debt nor fund new projects. Commissioner Runyon spoke about selling using a defeasing process - and he wondered if refinancing at a lower percent would make sense. Mr. Gardner indicated that very good credit could get 4-5%, but this the 16 year old project was currently in need of maintenance. The only option was to use cash to retire the old bonds within 90 days, but these bonds were not callable until 2013 because it was owned by a non-profit organization. Bond proceeds can't repay the old debt until 2013. Commissioner Runyon wondered about applying fund balances and simultaneous closings to re-finance. Chairman Fisher spoke about the fact that these restrictions only applied to the same ownership. Mr. Gardner indicated that the defeasement would be accomplished by money attained by the purchaser. The only way the project could be refinanced under the current ownership was with taxable bonds. Mr. Treu clarified that prior to 2013 the only way to defease the bonds would be with a third party or money that does not come from a tax-exempt bond sale. Mr. Gardner recommended that the county speak with its financial representatives. Commissioner Runyon stated that the bond market was recovering and wondered if within a year it might recover enough to make a refinance feasible. Mr. Gardner reminded the board that the county was not the owner and the county's credit rating would not apply. Mr. Potente indicated that the corporation was at 6.5%, which was a good rate. Ms. Klosterman stated that the county had spoken to RBC (county financial advisor) and they indicated that any refinance there would be some defeasment costs. Even if all the legal issues were figured out it would still not net very much current money. Commissioner Stavney clarified that public money was not used to purchase the property, but if it were sold, money would be available to benefit the county residents. He acknowledged that there were questions about the timing, but he spoke about how the new owners would make it work. He didn't understand the other side's benefit. Mr. Gardner stated that it would depend on the resources on the other side. There were many possible variables. Commissioner Stavney asked if there would be advantages as the purchaser. Mr. Gardner stated that there would be tax advantages. Mr. Potente summarized the proposal. Selling now would allow the building of 603 affordable units by the county over three to five years, compared with holding the property for five years and being able to build 69 units. The net present value of either scenario would be the same. Chairman Fisher stated that whether or not the money was spent by the county there would still be a return on the investment during the wait and see period. 28 04/07/09 Mr. Potente indicated that there was some risk either way. He did not believe it was a fire sale as the property could be worth less in five years. In terms of ability to go out and create new housing stock it's nine times greater with the sale of the property. Commissioner Runyon stated that the 603 units was a placeholder. The county would be diversifYing the portfolio to take advantage of other investment opportunities. Mr. Potente agreed, but stated that the 603 units assumed that the investments would be fee generating and cash flow which would not likely be spent in one year or even a couple of years. Sometimes the right opportunities are not immediately available. He hoped that the county would be in a better position once this project closed to acquire other properties. He provided some details about potential uses of the funds including senior housing, assisted living, workforce housing, for sale housing, rental housing and seasonal rental housing inventory. Money could also be directed to land acquisition and down-payment assistance. The projected timeline to close was July of 2009, but there were many variables remaining prior to closing. Commissioner Stavney asked Gerry Flynn to speak about his plans. Gerry Flynn from Polar Star properties stated that he had anticipated the question. They had already received a significant amount of their due diligence. They were well on their way to getting the financing secured with information they already had. Commissioner Stavney stated that the community would get Lake Creek to continue as it had been for the last 15 years. Mr. Flynn confirmed that this would be the case. There was no potential down the road for the property to exceed the maximum rental rates. Commissioner Stavney stated that currently there was a 97% occupancy rate and under the current debt and management structure, 85% rate became a break-even point. The alternative seemed to be not keeping the property up well to make money. Mr. Flynn stated that this represented a shortsighted view, and he understood that deferring maintenance would become a problem in the future. There was more than a 3% vacancy rate and he anticipated a 15% vacancy rate within 30 days. Chairman Fisher stated that in previous analyses of rental properties the least number of properties available is in the 80% AMI range. Mr. Flynn stated that he manages many properties and believed that Lake Creek actually represents the high end of the rental market. Chairman Fisher spoke about the future value of a well maintained property. Mr. Flynn stated that any time a property changed hands the maintenance issues would always exist. Commissioner Runyon spoke about the price cap and wondered what the fair market value of the property would be without requirements for affordable rental units. Mr. Flynn stated that it was difficult to answer and the capital markets have changed dramatically. He believed people were paying market rents at Lake Creek. Kevin Brubeck spoke to the board as a member of the Lake Creek Affordable Housing Authority. His primary concern was whether the project would continue to be well maintained as affordable housing. He would expect that whoever owned the property would have replacement reserves in the same manner as the county. He was also concerned that the money received for the project would go back into affordable housing. He hoped that some of the money would be earmarked for assisted living. He hoped the 80% AMI was preferable to 85%. Average rent for the units was $1250, but a 5% increase was about $62.00 per unit, or about $202,000 over a year. He believed the market would dictate the rental rates. He hoped for a longer period with a cap of 80%. He believed that raw land had dropped more than 30% and there was some good math in the possibility of the county purchasing land. The re-deployment of the funds would be in the hands of the board. He also suggested some earnest money when the contract was signed. He hoped that the county would employ local contractors and subcontractors. Mr. Potente spoke about the timeline of the sale. In the summer of 2008, the property was listed in the Wall St. Journal and local papers and a number of responses were received as well as 9 firm offers. At that point the price was $53 million. The county cannot take a hard deposit. When the price reduction was accepted they felt the need to put the property out again for bid. Commissioner Fisher opened and closed public comment, as there was none. 29 04/07/09 Commissioner Runyon added that this would also add stimulation to the local economy and build affordable housing working collaboratively with private sources to do so. When you add to the equation the pool of community money to reinvest, he felt it was terrific. Chairman Fisher stated that she agreed and felt it was a great opportunity to reinvest in the community while retaining some sense of ownership in the facility. She believed the time was right and it gave the county an opportunity to look at partnerships in workforce housing and assisted living solutions. Commissioner Runyon moved to ratifY the approval and acceptance by Keith Montag. Commissioner Stavney seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Planning Files PDS-00048 Ute Creek Storae:e PUD Extension Bob Narracci, Planning Department ACTION: Pursuant to Section 5-240.2.eA of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, a request for extension of the Ute Creek Storage Planned Unit Development Expansion. The Sketch Plan was originally approved by the Board of County Commissioners on April 101\ 2007 LOCATION: 0220 Ute Creek Road! Accessed from Hwy 131 via the Eagle County Landfill Road (EC Road S- 49), approximately two miles northeast ofWoIcott. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Board of County Commissioners Bob N arracci, Planning Manager March 20, 2009 RE: Request for extension ofthe Ute Creek Storage Planned Unit Development Expansion Sketch Plan / Eagle County File No. PDS-00048 Pursuant to Section 5-240.2.eA of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, the applicant is requesting an extension of the Ute Creek Storage Planned Unit Development Expansion (Eagle County File No. PDS-00048). The Sketch Plan was originally approved by the Board of County Commissioners on April 101\ 2007 "(1) Extension. Upon written request, an extension of the Sketch Plan's life may be granted by the Board of County Commissioners, not to exceed two (2) years in length, if the applicant demonstrates that failure to obtain approval of the Preliminary Plan for PUD was beyond the applicant's control (allowing reasonable time for the review process), the Sketch Plan for PUD is not speculative in nature, the Sketch Plan for PUD still complies with these Land Use Regulations and the Comprehensive Plan, and there is a reasonable likelihood the Preliminary Plan for PUD will be developed in the next two (2) years. No request for an extension shall be considered unless a written application requesting the extension is submitted to the Community Development Director no later than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the date the Sketch Plan for PUD is to expire. The permit shall be deemed extended until the Board of County Commissioners has acted upon the request for extension. Failure to submit an application for an extension within the time limits established by this Section shall render the Sketch Plan for PUD null and void. (am. II /08/05) " On March 11,2009, a written request for extension was received by the Community Development Director; please reference the attached letter from Knight Planning Services, Inc. 30 04/07/09 When the Board approved the PUD Sketch Plan application in April of 2007, one of the conditions of approval necessitated that the Ute Creek Industrial Park be brought into compliance with the currently governing PUD Guide prior to making application for PUD Preliminary Plan. Over the last two years, Tom Boni with Knight Planning Services, Inc, as well as, Denise, Chris and Pete Jouflas have been working diligently with all of the Ute Creek Industrial Park tenants to achieve compliance with the currently governing PUD Guide. At least four site visits have been performed by Ray Merry and me to monitor progress and to ensure compliance. Consistent progress was made over the course of the inspections and during the last site visit on November 14, 2008 the development was determined to be in compliance with the existing PUD. The Ute Creek Industrial Park is in notably better condition now than it was two years ago. The process has been arduous for the Jouflas Family due to the number of tenants and diverse land uses. Also, because the Ute Creek Industrial Park does not have controlled access at this time a substantial amount of uninvited, un-permitted 'dumping' of refuse has occurred and must be repeatedly cleaned up. Please note that the proposed PUD Expansion includes a new gated access point and on-site caretakers home which should eliminate misuse of the Industrial Park. Further, the applicants have been assembling their PUD Preliminary Plan application since last fall and anticipate formal submittal to Eagle County in March or April of this year. Lastly, through the PUD Sketch Plan application process, after an examination of the existing PUD Guide, both staff and the applicant realized that the provisions of the guide must be strengthened to ensure a more orderly appearance within the Industrial Park. The draft revised PUD Guide will provide both the county and the owners greater enforcement capability. The Sketch Plan for PUD is not speculative in nature, it still complies with all applicable portions of the Land Use Regulations and the Comprehensive Plan, and there is a reasonable likelihood the Preliminary Plan for PUD will be developed in the next two (2) years. As such, staff supports this request for extension. DISCUSSION: Mr. Narracci stated that the board approved the application on April 1 0, 2007. PUD sketch plans per the county's regulations are good for two-years. One of the conditions of the approval was that the park be brought into compliance with the currently governing PUD guide. This had been a challenge. He stated that he and Ray Merry had been working closely with Tom Boni and the Jouflas Family to bring the park into compliance. He stated that an addition of the caretaker unit and a gated entry way should eliminate misuse of the property. Staff requested an extension for 24 months. Tom Boni stated that one of the conditions on the sketch plan caused the delay and they had been working to get it taken care of. The file was not speculative in nature and complied with the current regulations. Chairman Fisher opened and closed public comment, as there was none. Commissioner Stavney moved to approve file no. PDS-00048 Ute Creek Storage PUD Extension for 24 months from this date. Commissioner Runyon seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Attest: (j/l~ Q ~~ Chairman 31 04/07/09