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October 10, 2006
Petet Runyon
Tom Stone
Arn Menconi
Bruce Baumgartner
Bryan Treu
Robert Moms
Kathy Scriver
County Administrator
County Attorney
Assistant County Attorney
Deputy Clerk to the Board
This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were presented to the Board of County
Commissioners fot their consideration:
Executive Session
It wastrtoved, seconded and unanimously agreed to go into Executive Session for the purpose of receiving
legal advice6h matters that may be subject to negotiation pertaining to the Moser Open Space proposal which is an
appropriate topic for discussionpufsuant to CR.S. 24~6-402(4)(b) and (e), Colorado Revised Statutes. At the close
of the discussion it wa's moved, seconded, and unanimously agreed to adjourn from Executive Session.
'thank yOll to Eagle County ftom the City of Gulfport, Mississippi
Peter Runyon, Chairman
Commissioner Stone read a letter received from Brent Warr, Mayor of Gulfport Mississippi. He presented a
laque to volunteer Melissa Lally who coordinated the Eagle County community effort that delivered supplies to
Consent Agenda
Chairman Runyon stated the first item before the Board was the Consent Agenda as follows:
A. Approval of bill paying for the week of October 9,.2006 (subject to review by the Finance Director)
Mike Roeper, Finance
B. APPr6va.lofthe payroll for October 12, 2006 (subject to review by the Finance Director)
Mike Roeper, Finance
Co Copier Lease Agreement between Xerox Corporation and the office of the Eagle County Treasurer and
Public Trustee
Karen Sheaffer, Public Trustee
D. Memorandum of Understanding between Eagle County, Pitkin and Garfield Counties for the Tri~County
Child Care Licensing Program
Kathleen Forinash, Health & Human Services
E. Proposal for work program between Eagle County and Eagle County School District for teen parent
Kathleen Forinash, Health & Human Services
10/1 0/06
F. Assignment of Wells Fargo Certificate of Deposit from Gwen A. Rogers to Eagle County for Road Cut
Permit No. 3569
County Attorney's Office Representative
G. First Amendment between Eagle County, Colorado and RiverRestoration.org L.L.C.
County Attorney's Office Representative
H. ResolntiOI12006..102 in opposition to Amendment 38 ~ The Petition Rights Amendment
County Attorney's Office Representative
I. Agreement between Eagle County and Ewing Trucking and Construction, LLC for construction of the
Eagle to Gypsum Ttail
Ellie Caryl, Eco Trails
J. Agreement between Eagle County and Bryan Miller Company, Inc. for construction of the Eagle to
GyPsum Trail
Ellie Caryl, Eco Trails
](. Software license agreement between Roam Secure, Inc. and Eagle County
Barry Smith, Emergency Management
L. ReSoltitiofi 2006-103 to amend the Eagle-Vail PUD to allow a detached garage on single-family Lots;
(and) in the matter of amending the Eagle County Land Use Regulations to remove the Eagle-Vail PUD as
appendix B of the ECLuRs (Eagle County File No. ZS-00140)
Adam Palmer, Community Development
J\1.ReSolutiol1 2006...104 for the approval of a zone change and subdivision preliminary plan for the E1nnl.a
Farms Subdivision (Eagle County File Nos. ZC-00083 and SUP-00009)
Joe Forinash, Community Development
N. 5MB-0040t, Red Sky Ranch PUD Lot 30. A final plat, the purpose of which is to modify the building
envelope on lot 30 in order to increase its size by 544.67 square feet. This plat is accompanied by 5MB-
00402 which proposes to reduce the building envelope on the adjacent Lot 25 by 725 square feet in order to
minimize the impact of the modification to Lot 30.
Jde Forinash, Community Development
O. 5MB-00402, Red Sky Ranch PUD Lot 25. A final plat, the purpose of which is to modify the building
envelope on Lot 25 in order to decrease its size by 725 square feet. This plat is accompanied by 5MB-
00401 which proposes to increase the building envelope on the adjacent Lot 30 by 544.67 square feet.
Joe Forinash, Community Development
Chairman Runyon aSked the Attorney's Office if there were any changes to the Consent Agenda.
Bryan Treu, County Attorney stated recommended that Item K be pulled and Item L, although appropriate
for approval, there is a typo on the agenda. It's not ZS-140 it's actually PDA-00064 and LUR-00+65.
Commissioner Menconi moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Items A-O, omitting Item K.
Commissioner Stone seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Citizen Input
There was none
10/1 0/06
COm1l1issioner Menconi moved to adjourn as the Board of County COIllmissioners and re-convene as the
Eagle COllI1ty Liquor Licensing Authority.
Commissioner Stone seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Jagle COllnty Liquot License Authority
Kathy Scriver, Clerk and Recorder's Office
Consent Agenda
A. Sleepy Hollow Rest31lral1t LLC d/b/a Foxnut
This is a renewal for a Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License in Avon (Beaver Creek). There have been
no complaints or disturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees were paid.
B. Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc. d/b/a Spruce Saddle Restaurant
This is a rel1ewalfor a Hotel al1d Restaurant Liquor License with Optiol1al Premise in Avon (Beaver
Creek Mountain). There have been no complaints or disturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees
were paid.
C. Vail Food Services, Inc. d/b/a Two Elk Restaurant
This is a renewal for a Hotel and Resta.urant Liquor License with Optional Premise in Vail (Vail
Mountain). There have been no complaints or disturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees were
D. Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc. d/b/a Zach's Cabin (pvt)
This is a renewal for a Hotel and Restaurant Liq1lor License with Optiol1al Premise in Avon (Beaver
Creek Mountain). There have been no complaints or disturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees
were paid.
It. Beaver Creek FoodSer'vices, Il1c. d/b/a Toscanini
This is a fel1ewal for a Hotel and Restaural1t Liquor License with Optiol1al Premise in Avon (:Beaver
Creek). There have been no complaints or disturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees were paid.
F. Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc. d/b/a Allie's Cabin (pvt)
This is a renewal for a Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License with Optional Premise in Avon (:Beaver
Creek Mountain). There have been no complaints or disturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees
were paid.
G. Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc. d/b/a Arrowhead Alpine Club (pvt)
This is a rel1eWal for a Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License in Edwards (Arrowhead Mountain). There
have been no complaints or disturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees were paid.
H. Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc. d/b/a Beano's Cabin (pvt)
This is a renewal for a Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License with Optional Premise in Avon (Beaver
Creek Mountain). There have been no complaints or disturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees
were paid.
I. Beaver Creek Food SerVices, Inc. d/b/a Trapper's Cabin
This is a renewal for a Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License with Optional Premise in Avon (Beaver
Creek Mountain). There have been no complaints or disturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees
were paid.
J. MRT Wines, Inc d/b/a Beaver Creek Fine Wines
10/1 0/06
This is a renewal for a RetaIl Liquor License in Avon (Beaver Creek). There have been no complaints or
disturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees were paid.
K. 4 Eagle Ranch, Inc. d/b/a The 4 Eagle Ranch
This is arencwal for an Optiol1al Premises License (Stand alone) in Wolcott. There have been no
complaints or disturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees were paid.
L. Ritz;.;.Carton Hotel Compal1Y LLC d/b/a Ritz-Carlton, Bachelor Gulch
This is a renewa.l for a Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License in Avon (Bachelor Gulch). There have
been nO compla.ints or disturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees were paid.
Commissioner Menconi moved that the Board approve the Liquor Consent Agenda for October 10, 2006,
consisting of Items A-I.
Commissioner Stone seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Commissioner Menconi moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Liquor Licensing Authority and re-conVehe
as the Board of County Commissioners.
CommissionerStone seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
20D1 Budget Presentation
Michael Roeper, Finance
Mr. Roeper ptesented the preliminary draft for 2007.
Commissioner Stone wondered about the Community Development revenues for 2006 that were estimated
ttrbe 13% above budget. He would expect to gain additional revenues over and above the 13% with the added
ECO build fees irnplernented.
Mr. Roeper stated that the statement is misleading and should read "Community Development exclusive of
ECObuild fees". Those fees were not included but would be included in the final adopted budget letter. There
would be a public heating in mid November and the final budget adoption will be December 12.
Commissioner Menconi moved to accept the proposed 2007 County Budget.
Commissioner Stone seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Proclamatio:D No. 2006-105 Designation of October 10,2006 As Put The Btakes On
Fatalities Day
Chairma.n Runyon read the proclamation aloud.
Commissioner Stone moved to adopt Proclamation No. 2006-105 Designation of October 10, 2006 As Put
The Brakes On Fatalities Day
Commissioner Menconi seconded motion. The vote wad declared unanimous.
Southern Rockies Ecosystem Project program update and funding request
Michelle Zimmerman, SREP Executive Director
Ms. Zimmerman spoke. She explained the Ecosystem program. The group is a nonprofit conservation
science organization working to protect, restore and connect ecosystems throughout the Southern Rockies in
Colorado. She spoke primarily about the restoring landscape connection.
Julia Finch explained the goals of the citizen science wildlife-monitoring program. A map of the project
area was distributed that illustrated key camera locations used to collect photos of migrating animals. On June 31,
volll11teers wete trained in Vail at the nature center. The project is being conducted on Forest Service land and on
the Colorado Department of Transportation right away. The Citizen Science program plays a key role in
monitoring prior to the construction of a wildlife bride on West Vail Pass.
Chairman Runyon wondered if they had begun to narrow down the location of the bridge.
Ms. Zimmerman stated that the Colorado Department of Transportation is deciding on the location.
Chairman Runyon wondered if CDOT had provided any road kill data.
Ms. Finch stated that CDOT currently has their maintenance staff collecting data. There was a study
perf6rmed in Utah that suggested that the numbers be increased 50% to account for those animals that are hit and
die offthe road. Their ultimate goal is to have a Citizen Science Coordinator based in Eagle County to lead the
program locally.
Pla.nning Files
8D-:0031 Receipt of Bachelor Gulch Metropolitan District First Amendment to Consolidated
Servke :Plan for Smith Creek Metropolitan District and Bachelor Gulch Metropolitan District and
referraltb thl~Eagle County Plal1niilg Commission
Community Development Representative
C6mmissioner Stdhemoved that the Board of County Commissioners accept for filing the Bachelor Gulch
Meti'opolitan District's First Amendment to Consolidated Service plan for Smith Creek and Bachelor Gulch
Metropolitan Districts and refer it to the Eagle County Planning Commission for consideration on October 18,
Chairman Runyon secortdedthe motion. The vote Was declared unanimous.
pfiS..00050Tavaci PlJD
Joe Forinash, Planning Department
NOTE: Tabledfrolll8/15 al1d 9/19/06- Request to Table to 11/14/06 for site Visit and hearing to be
held in EI Jebel
ActION: Mixed use development consisting of 245 residential units (siIlgle family, duplex and multi-family)
and 93,854 square feet of commercial/retail on a 199.8 acre parcel.
LOCATION: 19355Hwy 82 (El Jebel, NE ofHwy 82, east ofEl Jebel MHP and Blue Ridge PUD)
Commissioner Stone moved that the Board of County Commissioners table File No. PDS-00050 Tavaci
PUD Until November 14, 2006, at the applicants request for site visit to begin at 3:00 p.m. and a hearing to begin at
4:30 p.m. in El Jebel.
Chairman Runyon seconded the rtlotion. The vote was declared unanimous.
PDS...00049 The West End :PUD
Jena Skinner-Markowitz, Planning Department
Tabled from 8/15/06 and 9/5/06
CTION: Proposal for mixed use development planned unit development which includes multi-family
sidential dwelling units; employee housing units; and commercial uses including office, restaurant and retail-
oriented business units.
LOCATION: 34019 Hwy 6; Edwards (Commonly known as the Havener Parcel)
CommisSioner Stone moved that the Board of County Commissioners table File No. PDS-00049 The West
End PUD until October 24, 2006 at the applicants request.
Chairman Runyon seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned until October 16, 2006.
Clerk to the Board
10/1 0/06
October 10, 2006
Peter Runyon
Tom Stone
Arn Menconi
Btllce Baumgartner
Bryan Treu
Robert Moms
Kathy Scriver
County Administrator
County Attorney
Assistant County Attorney
Deputy Clerk to the Board
This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were presented to the Board of County
Commissioners for their consideration:
Executive Session
It was moved, seconded and unanimously agreed to go into Executive Session for the purpose of receiving
legal advice on matters that may be subject to negotiation pertaining to the Moser Open Space proposal which is an
appropriate topic for discussion pursuant to C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(b) and (e), Colorado Revised Statutes., At the close
of the discussion it was moved, seconded, and unanimously agreed to adjourn ftom Executive Session.
Thank you to Eagle County from the City of Gulfport, Mississippi
Peter Runyon, Chairman
Commissioner StOne read a letter received from Brent Warr, Mayor of Gulfport Mississippi. He presented a
laqlle to volunteer Melissa Lally who coordinated the Eagle County community effort that delivered supplies to
Consent Agenda
Chairman Runyon stated the first item before the Board was the Consent Agenda as follows:
A. Approval of bill paying for the week of October 9, 2006 (subject to review by the Finance Director)
Mike Roeper, Finance
B. Approval of the payroll for October 12,2006 (subject to review by the Finance Director)
Mike Roeper, Finance
Co Copier Lease Agreement betWeen Xerox Corporation and the office of the Eagle County Treasuter and
Public Trustee
Karen Sheaffer, Public Trustee
D. Memorandum of Understanding between Eagle County, Pitkin and Garfield Counties for the Tri~County
Child Care Licensing Program
Kathleen Forinash, Health & Human Services
E. Proposal for work program between Eagle County and Eagle County School District for teen parent
Kathleen Forinash, Health & Human Services
10/1 0/06
F. Assignment of Wells Fargo Certificate of Deposit from Gwen A. Rogers to Eagle County for Road Cut
Permit No. 3569
County Attorney's Office Representative
G. First Amendment between Eagle County, Colorado and RiverRestoration.org L.L.c.
County Attorney's Office Representative
H. Resolution 2006-102 in opposition to Amendment 38 - The Petition Rights Amendment
County Attorney's Office Representative
I. Agreement between Eagle County and Ewing Trucking and Construction, LLC for construction of the
Eagle to Gypsum Trail
Ellie Caryl, Eco Trails
J. Agreement between Eagle County and Bryan Miller Company, Inc. for construction of the Eagle to
Gypsum Trail
Ellie Caryl, Eco Trails
K. Software license agreement between Roam Secure, Inc. and Eagle County
Barry Smith, Emergency Management
L Rescolution 2006-103 to arnend the Eagle-Vail PUD to allow a detached garage on single-family Lots;
(and) in the matter of amending the Eagle County Land Use Regulations to remove the Eagle-Vail PUD as
appendix B of the ECLURs (Eagle County File No. Z8-00l40)
Adam Palmer, Community Development
M. Resolution 2006-104 for the approval of a zone change and subdivision preliminary plan for the Emma
Farms Subdivision (Eagle County File Nos. ZC-00083 and SUP-00009)
Joe Forinash, Community Development
N. 5MB-00401, Red Sky Ranch PUD Lot 30. A final plat, the purpose of which is to modify the bUilding
envelope on lot 30 in order to increase its size by 544.67 square feet. This plat is accompanied by 5MB~
00402 which proposes to reduce the building envelope on the adjacent Lot 25 by 725 square feet in order to
minimize the impact of the modification to Lot 30.
Joe Forinash, Community Development
O. 5MB~00402, Red Sky Ranch PUD Lot 25. A final plat, the purpose of which isto modify the building
envelope on Lot 25 in order to decrease its size by 725 square feet. This plat is accompanied by 5MB-
00401 which proposes to increase the building envelope on the adjacent Lot 30 by 544.67 square feet.
Joe Forinash, Community Development
Chairman Runyon asked the Attorney's Office if there were any changes to the Consent Agenda.
Bryan Treu, County Attorney stated recommended that Item K be pulled and Item L, although appropriate
for approval, there is a typo on the agenda. It's not ZS-140 it's actually PDA-00064 and LUR-00+65.
Commissioner Menconi moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Items A-O, omitting Item K.
Commissioner Stone seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Citizen Input
There was none
10/1 0/06
Commissioner Menconi moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and re-convene as the
Eagle County Liquor Licensing Authority.
Commissioner Stone seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
.L.Iagle County Liquor License Authority
Kathy Scriver, Clerk and Recorder's Office
Consent Agenda
A. Sleepy lIo11ow Restaurant LLC d/b/a Foxnut
This is a renewal for a lIotel and Restaurant Liquor License in Avon (Beaver Creek). There have been
no complaints or diSturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees were paid.
B. Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc. d/b/a Spruce Saddle Restaurallt
This is a renewal for a lIotel and Restaurant Liquor License with Optional Premise in Avon (Beaver
Creek Mountain). There have been no complaints or disturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees
Wete paid.
C. Vail Food SerVices, Inc. d/b/a Two Elk Restaurant
This is a renewa.l fora Hotel al1d Restaurant Liquor License with Optional Premise in Vail (Vail
Mountain). There have been no complaints or disturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees were
D. Beaver Creek Food SerVices, Il1c. d/b/a Zach's Cabin (pvt)
This is a rel1ewal for a Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License with Optional Premise in Avon (Beaver
Creek Mountain). There have been no complaints or disturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees
Were paid.
E.Beaver Creek FOod Services, Inc. d/b/a Toscanini
This is a renewal for a lIotel and Restaurant Liquor License with Optional Premise in Avon (Beaver
Creek). There have been no complaints or disturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees were paid.
F. Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc. d/b/a Allie's Cabin (pvt)
This is a renewal for a Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License with Optional Premise in Avon (Beaver
Creek Mountain). There have been no complaints or disturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees
were paid.
G. Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc. d/b/a Arrowhead Alpine Club (pvt)
This is a renewal for a Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License in Edwards (Arrowhead Mountain). There
have been no complaints or disturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees were paid.
H. Bea.ver Creek Food Services, Inc. d/b/a Beano's Cabin (pvt)
This is a renewal fora Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License with Optional Premise in Avon (Beaver
Creek Mountain). There have been no complaints or disturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees
were paid.
I. Beaver Creek Food SerVices, Inc. d/b/a Trapper's Cabin
This is a renewal for a Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License with Optional Premise in Avon (Beaver
Creek Mountain). 'There have been no complaints or disturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees
were paid.
J. MRT Wines, Ine d/b/a Beaver Creek Fine Wines
10/1 0/06
This is a renewal for a Retail Liquor License in Avon (Beaver Creek). There have been no complaints or
disturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees were paid.
K. 4 Eagle Ranch, Inc. d/b/a The 4 Eagle Ranch
This is a renewal for an Optional Premises License (Stand alone) in Wolcott. There have been no
complaints or disturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees were paid.
L. Ritz-Carton Hotel Company LLC d/b/a Ritz-Carlton, Bachelor Gulch
This is a renewal for a Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License in Avon (Bachelor Gulch). There have
been no complaints or disturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees were paid.
Commissioner Menconi moved that the Board approve the Liquor Consent Agenda for October 10, 2006,
consisting of Items A-L.
Commissioner Stone seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Commissioner Menconi moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Liquor Licensing Authority and re-convene
as the Board of County Commissioners.
Commissioner Stone seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
2001 Budget PtesentatioIl
Michael Roeper, Finance
Mr. Roeper presented the preliminary draft for 2007.
Commissioner Stone wondered about the Community Development revenues for 2006 that were estimated
to be 13% above budget. He would expect to gain additional revenues over and abOve the 13% with the added
ECO build fees implemented.
Mr. Roeper stated that the statement is misleading and should read "Community Development exclusive of
Eee> build fees". Those fees were not included but would be included in the final adopted budget letter. There
would be a public hearing in mid November and the final budget adoption will be December 12.
Commissioner Menconi moved to accept the proposed 2007 County Budget.
Commissioner Stone seconded the motion. The vote was declared u.nanimous.
Prodamation No. 2006..105 Designation of October 10, 2006 As Put The Brakes On
Fatalities Day
Chairman Runyon read the proclamation aloud.
Commissioner Stone moved to adopt Proclamation No. 2006-105 Designation of October 10,2006 As Put
The Brakes On Fatalities Day
Commissioner Menconi seconded motion. The vote wad declared unanimous.
Southern Rockies Ecosystem Project program update and funding request
Michelle Zimmerman, SREP Executive Director
Ms. Zimmerman spoke. She explained the Ecosystem program. The group is a nonprofit conservation
science organization working to protect, restore and connect ecosystems throughout the Southern Rockies in
Colorado. She spoke primarily about the restoring landscape connection.
Julia Finch explained the goals of the citizen science wildlife-monitoring program. A map of the project
area was distributed that illustrated key camera locations used to collect photos of migrating animals. On June 31,
10/1 0/06
volunteers were trained in Vail at the nature center. The project is being conducted on Forest Service land and on
the Colorado Departrrient of Transportation right away. The Citizen Science program plays a key role in
monitoring prior to the construction of a wildlife bride on West Vail Pass.
Chairman Runyon wondered if they had begun to narrow down the location of the bridge.
Ms. Zimmerman stated that the Colorado Department of Transportation is deciding on the location.
Chairman Runyon wondered if CDOT had provided any road kill data.
Ms. Finch stated that CDOT currently has their maintenance staff collecting data. There was a study
performed in Utah that suggested that the numbers be increased 50% to account for those animals that are hit and
die off the road. Their ultimate goal is to have a Citizen Science Coordinator based in Eagle County to lead the
program locally.
Planning Files
8))..0031 Receipt of Bachelor Gulch Metropolitan District First Amendment to Consolidated
Service Plan for Smith Creek Metropolitan District and Bachelor Gulch Metropolitan District and
referral to the Eagle County Planning Commission
Community Development Representative
Conunissioner Stone moved that the Board of County Comm.issioners accept for filing the Bachelor Gulch
Metropolitan District's First Amendment to Consolidated Service plan for Smith Creek and Bachelor Gulch
Metropolitan Districts and refer it to the Eagle County Planning Commission for consideration on October 18,
Chainnan Runyon seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
PDS..00050 Tavaci..PtJD
Joe Forinash, Planning Department
NOTE: Tabled frolD 8/15 and 9/19/06 - Request to Table to 11/14/06 for site visit and hearing to be
held in EI Jebel
ACTION: Mixed use development consisting of245 residential units (single family, duplex and multi-family)
and 93,854 square feet of commercial/retail on a 199.8 acre parcel.
LOCATION: 19355 Hwy 82 (El Jebel, NE ofHwy 82, east ofEl Jebel MHP and Blue Ridge PUI>)
Comm.issioner Stone moved that the Board of County Commissioners table File No. PDS-00050 Tavaci
PUD until November 14, 2006, at the applicants request for site visit to begin at 3:00 p.m. and a hearing to begin at
4:30 p.m. in El Jebel.
Chairman Runyon seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
PDS-00049The West EndPUD
Jena Skinner-Markowitz, Planning Department
Tabled from 8/15/06 and 9/5/06
. CTION: Proposal for mixed use development planned unit development which includes multi-family
sidential dwelling units; employee housing units; and commercial uses including office, restaurant and retail-
riented business units.
10/1 0/06
LOCATION: 34019 Hwy 6; Edwards (Commonly known as the Havener Parcel)
Commissioner Stone moved that the Board of County Commissioners table File No. PDS-00049 The Wes_
End PUD until October 24, 2006 at the applicants request.
Chairman Runyon seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
16, 2006.
_ ~~~*L
10/1 0/06