HomeMy WebLinkAbout6581 Sheephorn Rd - 169316100010 (2)Work Classification:New 3955 MONTGOMERY RD CINCINNATI OH 45212-3733 AddressOwner Information Permit Status:Active Project Address 169316100010 Permit Type:OWTS Permit Permit NO.OWTS-7-15-12995 Expires:12/5/2015Issue Date:8/7/2015 Parcel No. 6581 SHEEPHORN RD BOND, CO 80423- Private Wastewater System Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970)328-8755 Fax: (970)328-8788 Phone: Cell: Inspection For Inspections call:(970) 328-8755 Inspections: IVR PhoneEngineer(s) (970)945-7988HP GEOTECH Contractor(s)Phone Primary ContractorLicense Number HIGHMARK BUILDERS LLC (970)390-2490 Yes38-15 ROBERT D. LINDNER FAMILY TRUST - ETAL ROBERT D. LINDNER FAMILY Permitted Construction / Details: Install the OWTS exactly as depicted on the HP Geotech design stamped, signed and dated July16, 2015. Project will consist of the installation of a1,000 gallon Valley Precast two compartment septic tank with effluent filter to serve a two bedroom cabin; and a 1,500 gallon Valley Precast two compartment septic tank with effluent filter to serve a5 bedroom residence; and 3500 square feet of soil treatment area(prior to adjustment for using chambers) via the installation of 207 Infiltrator Quick 4 chambers with23 chambers in each shallow, serially connected trench. Be sure to place inspection portals at both ends of each trench and add risers to the septic tanks to bring access to or above grade. Avoid placing the shallow trenches in areas where profile pits were excavated or contact the design engineer for appropriate compaction recommendations. Contact the design engineer to conduct all inspections necessary to certify the installation and to prepare the as-built drawings. System certification along with as-builts and photos are required to be submitted to and approved by Eagle County Environmental Health prior to the use of the system or occupancy of the two residential structures. Any existing septic system components currently serving any of the structures must be abandoned in accordance with WQCC Reg. 43.9 (C.). System is designed to serve a 5 bedroom main residence and a 2 bedroom cabin. One existing cabin is to be demolished. Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO August 07, 2015 Date Customer Copy Ray Merry CONDITIONS: 1. THIS PERMIT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT 2. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN C.R.S. 25-10-101,et seq., AS AMENDED 3. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED January 11, 2016 Robert Lindner 3955 Montgomery Rd Cincinnati, Ohio blindner@udfinc.com RE: Final approval of septic permit OWTS-7-15-12995; Tax parcel #169316100010; Property location: 6581 Sheephorn Rd. Bond area Robert: This letter is to inform you that the above-referenced septic permit has been inspected and finalized. This permit was approved and sized for a total capacity for 7 bedrooms. Additional information about the maintenance your septic system needs as well as information about private wells can be accessed through web site links provided on the Environmental Health Department’s home page at http://www.eaglecounty.us/envHealth/ Be aware that changes in the use of your property or alterations of your building may require commensurate changes to, or relocation of, your septic system. Landscape features, trees with tap roots, irrigation systems and parking areas above the drain field can cause premature system failure. It is equally important that you notice and immediately repair dripping faucets and hissing toilets as this will certainly cause the system to fail. By following a few simple guidelines, like avoiding grease or other additives down the drain and making sure your septic tank is on a pumping schedule, your system has been designed to last for many years. If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact us at (970) 328-8755 and reference the OWTS septic permit number. Sincerely, Terri Vroman Administrative Technician IV cc: OWTS electronic permit folder Energov electronic file DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970) 328-8755 FAX: (970) 328-8788 TOLL FREE: 800-225-6136 www.eaglecounty.us RAYMOND P. MERRY, REHS Director