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HomeMy WebLinkAboutR25-010 Approval of an Amended Final Plat for Cordillera Subdivision File No. AFP-009430-2024 Docusign Envelope ID:5B71 DC9D-9F88-4B80-A03D-BD16F1142B42 0, N g < tO N Commissioner scherr moved adoption N N of the following Resolution: NNo BOARD OF EAGLE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO 0 c RESOLUTION NO.2025- 010 # a� 0 0 00 po2o RESOLUTION FOR THE APPROVAL OF AN AMENDED FINAL PLAT FOR m c u' LOT 5,BLOCK 5,FILING 34, CORDILLERA SUBDIVISION w O c o� w �a o Eagle County File No.AFP-009430-2024 WHEREAS,on or about March 25, 2024,the County of Eagle, State of Colorado,accepted for filing Eagle County File No.AFP-009430-2024(the"Application") submitted by property owners Steve &Lischen Pinado(collectively,the"Applicant"); and WHEREAS,the Application requests an amendment to the plat for property located at 700 Granite Springs Trail in the Edwards area and also known as Assessor's Parcel#2107-153-03-002 (the "Property"). The Property is legally described in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS,the intent of the Application is to amend/relocate the platted building envelope on the Property approximately 66.5 feet to the west; and WHEREAS,the Property is located within the Cordillera Planned Unit Development and is governed by the Cordillera Subdivision Eleventh Amended and Restated Planned Unit Development Control Document,December 21,2009,recorded at reception number 202100248 in the Office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder(the"PUD Guide"); and WHEREAS,pursuant to Section 5-290.B.3 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations (the "ECLUR") and Section 1.05.3 of the PUD Guide, an Amended Final Plat(AFP)is the appropriate process to amend the building envelope for the Property; and WHEREAS,in accordance with ECLUR Section 5-210.E.1 -Notice in Newspaper and Section 1.05.3.vii of the PUD Guide,notice was published in the Eagle Valley Enterprise and Vail Daily newspapers on November 14, 2024. Per ECLUR Section 5-210.E.2. -Mailed Notice and Section 1.05.3.vii of the PUD Guide, as amended, adjacent property owner notifications were mailed on November 15,2024. Per ECLUR Section 5-210.E.3 -Posted Notice, and Section 1.05.3.vii of the PUD Guide, as amended,the Applicant posted a hearing sign on November 15, 2024; and WHEREAS,at its public hearing held on December 17,2024,the Board considered the Application and associated plans and the statements and concerns of the Applicant,the Eagle County Community Development Department,Engineering staff,and other interested persons, and; WHEREAS,based on the evidence,testimony,exhibits,the comments of the Eagle County 1 of 5 Docusign Envelope ID:5B71DC9D-9F88-4B80-A03D-BD16F1142B42 Community Development Department, comments of public officials and agencies,and comments from all interested parties,the Board finds as follows: THAT,the Application complies with the standards in ECLUR Section 5-290.G.3 as set forth below: 1. Adjacent Property.Pursuant to Section 5-290.G.3.a,the Application will not have an adverse impact on adjacent property owners as the proposed move of the building envelope modification will place future home construction on the Property in a more consistent alignment with that of existing homes on neighboring lots on the same side of Granite Springs Trail. The moderately forested nature, combined with the easterly sloping topography of the neighborhood effectively mitigates potential impacts to neighbors. Predominate views in the neighborhood are up valley to the east. There is no evidence of any adverse impact on adjacent property owners. 2. Final Plat Consistency.Pursuant to Section 5-290.G.3.b,the Application is consistent with the original final plat for the Property as it maintains existing plat notes,retains necessary easements, and is in accordance with the overall intent of the single-family use of the Property as designated within the PUD Guide. 3. Conformance with Final Plat Requirements. Pursuant to Section 5-290.G.3.c,the Application conforms to the final plat parameters and applicable regulations,policies, and guidelines pursuant to ECLUR Sections 5-280.B.5.a.(1) &(2)and state statute. The Application includes all encumbrances on the Property and has incorporated the applicable plat notes from the originating Final Plat and previously approved Amended Final Plat. Water service is provided by the Upper Eagle River Water Authority via the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District,and an On-Site Wastewater Treatment System(OWTS)will be constructed to treat wastewater. The Property is currently vacant and proposed uses of the Property will be in compliance with the PUD Guide. Access to the Property is adequate, fire protection is provided by Eagle River Fire Protection District, and there are no identified natural hazards on the Property. A Site Plan has been submitted with the Application which includes a proposed landscaping plan. No Subdivision Improvements Agreement is necessary, all relevant restrictions and plat notes have been carried forward on the plat, and no school land dedications are required. 4. Improvements Agreement.Pursuant to Section 5-290.G.3.d, this standard is not applicable because no public improvements or infrastructure are proposed or required by the Application. 5. Restrictive Plat Note Alteration.Pursuant to Section 5-290.G.3.e, this standard is not applicable because all original plats notes have been carried forward with the Application. THAT, the Application also complies with the standards of Section 1.05.3.vii of the PUD Guide as the Application presents architectural designs and a visual impact analysis which demonstrates that the proposed building envelope will not create substantial adverse impacts to view corridors if the included architectural plans are implemented,nor have any geologic or other known hazards been identified. Because the Application does not include approval of the architectural building plans, condition of approval#2 is intended to ensure that the final architectural plans are in compliance at the time of future building permit issuance. 2 of 5 Docusign Envelope ID:5B71 DC9D-9F88-4B80-A03D-BD16F1142B42 NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED bythe Board of CountyCommissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado: THAT,this application for an Amended Final Plat is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1. At the time of building permit application the owner of Lot 5 shall submit a visual analysis, similar to this AFP Application's visual analysis,which demonstrates compliance to the standards of Section 4-450.E,ECLUR. 2. Except as otherwise modified by this development permit, all material representations made by the Applicant in this application and in public meetings shall be adhered to and considered conditions of approval. THAT,the Board directs the Community Development Department to provide a copy of this Resolution to the Applicant. THAT,the Board hereby finds,determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary for the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Eagle County. [Remainder of page left intentionally blank] 3 of 5 Docusign Envelope ID:5B71 DC9D-9F88-4B80-A03D-BD16F1142B42 • MOVED,READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, on 28th day of January,2025, nunc pro tunc December 17, 2024. Signed by: aT COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF ,bLoapo° COLORADO, By and Through Its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: Signed by: DocuSigned by: ,jests A2549A8CB60427 By' CA4AC1281-8M47A. Stacey Jones, Chief Deputy Jeanne McQueeney Clerk and Recorder Chair Abstain Tom Boyd Commissioner AugSignedig byy:'',. e^ 81 E7g2B748c9173... Matt Scherr Commissioner Commissioner McQueeney seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called,the vote was as follows: Commissioner McQueeney Aye Commissioner Boyd Abstain Commissioner Scherr Aye This resolution passed by 2/0 vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. 4 of 5 Docusign Envelope ID:5B71DC9D-9F88-4B80-A03D-BD16F1142B42 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 5, Block 5,Filing 34,Cordillera Subdivision 5 of 5