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HomeMy WebLinkAboutR25-005 Amendment to the Eagle County Building Resolution Docusign Envelope ID:DB90860E-759E-4343-9F9A-D2D5F8F7A41 B
Commissioner Scherr moved adoption
of the following Resolution:
RESOLUTION NO. 2025 - 005
WHEREAS, C.R.S. § 30-28-201 et seq. authorizes the Board of County Commissioners
of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado (the "Board")to adopt and amend a building resolution
consistent with the uniform building code and in accordance with the public health, safety,morals,
and general welfare and the safety, protection, and sanitation of dwellings, buildings, and
structures for all property located within unincorporated Eagle County; and
WHEREAS, C.R.S. § 30-28-101 et seq. authorizes the Board to plan for and regulate the
use and development of land in unincorporated Eagle County for the purpose of promoting the
health, safety, convenience, order, prosperity, and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of
the County of Eagle; and
WHEREAS, C.R.S. § 30-28-201 authorizes the Board to rely on the expertise of qualified
technical experts in the amendment to any building resolution; and
WHEREAS, the Board initially adopted the existing Eagle County Building Resolution
(the"Building Resolution") on October 8, 1985, which Building Resolution has been amended by
the Board from time to time; and
WHEREAS, the Building Resolution was subsequently incorporated into the Eagle
County Land Use Regulations (the"ECLUR"); and
WHEREAS, the Board most recently amended the Building Resolution in conjunction
with an amendment to the ECLUR in 2020; and
WHEREAS, in 2020, the Board, with the input of qualified technical experts, adopted an
updated Climate Action Plan for Eagle County which calls for the reduction of carbon and
greenhouse gas emissions throughout unincorporated Eagle County through improved energy
efficiency, the increased electrification of buildings, and use of renewable energy; and
WHEREAS, in 2022, the Colorado General Assembly passed HB22-1362 which requires
local jurisdictions to adopt and enforce the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (the
"2021 IECC") and the Colorado Model Electric Ready and Solar Ready code; and
Eagle County, Co 202501299
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DOC: $0.00
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WHEREAS,HB22-1362 also amended C.R.S. § 30-28-211 to further authorize the Board
to adopt and enforce an energy code that achieves equivalent or better energy performance than
the 2021 IECC and the Colorado Model Electric Ready and Solar Ready Code and to authorize
the Board to amend the 2021 IECC in any manner that the Board deems appropriate for local
conditions so long as the amendments do not decrease the effectiveness or energy efficiency of the
energy code; and
WHEREAS, the multi jurisdictional Eagle County Building Code Cohort convened in
2022 and 2023 and has recommended the Board adopt the 2021 IECC with "electric preferred"
amendments for the purpose of establishing a regionally-consistent base energy code that supports
county-wide sustainability, climate, and resiliency goals; and
WHEREAS, in 2023, the County contracted with Resource Engineering Group to
calculate energy uses specific to local conditions; specifically,those uses related to exterior energy
consumption; and
WHEREAS, the Board, Eagle County staff, and technical experts held public work
sessions on June 7, 2022,January 9,2023, October 2,2023,February 8,2024, September 3,2024,
and October 7,2024 to present and receive advice and recommendations on proposed amendments
to the Building Resolution; and
WHEREAS, in its hearing held on October 7, 2024, and in conjunction with separate
amendments to the ECLUR,the Board approved an amendment to remove the Building Resolution
from the ECLUR to establish the Building Resolution as an independent standalone document,
effective as of January 1, 2025; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with C.R.S. § 30-28-204, notice of the proposed amendments
to the Building Resolution described above and setting forth the date and time of the hearing for
consideration thereof by the Board was published in a newspaper of general circulation within the
County on January 6, 2025; and
WHEREAS, based on the advice of technical experts, including the Eagle County
Building Code Cohort,Resource Engineering Group,and Mozingo Code Group,LLC,and County
staff and input from the public at the aforementioned public work sessions,the Board,at its hearing
held on January 21,2025,unanimously voted to approve the proposed amendments to the Building
Resolution further identified in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein, finding that the
proposed amendments were necessary and proper for the protection of the public health, safety,
welfare, and best interest of the inhabitants of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado and include
provisions that are intended to achieve better energy performance than the 2021 IECC.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of
the County of Eagle, State of Colorado:
THAT,the Building Resolution is hereby amended,effective January 21,2025,as set forth
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in Exhibit A.
THAT, this amendment of the Building Resolution shall not constitute nor be construed
as a waiver of any violations of the Building Resolution existing at the time of adoption of this
THAT, should any section, clause, provision, sentence or word of the attached Building
Resolution be declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not
affect the validity of the Building Resolution as a whole or any parts thereof, other than the part
so declared to be invalid. For this purpose, the Building Resolution is declared to be severable.
THAT, this Resolution and the attached Building Resolution are necessary for the public
health, safety, and welfare of the inhabitants of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado.
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MOVED,READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County
of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the 28th day of January, 2025, nunc pro
tunc to the 21st day of January, 2025.
of FA.LE'Q< COLORADO, By and Through Its
Signed by: DocuSigned by:
ATTEST: ,,blA.t,S �
2A2549 8CB00427... By: CeenC128c8nne7n
Stacey Jones, Chief Deputy Jeanne McQueeney
Clerk and Recorder Chair
Tom Boyd
"—Signed by:'dr
y�,y" l J
Mal Jt1P718E0473...
Commissioner McQueeney seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll
having been called, the vote was as follows:
Commissioner McQueeney Aye
Commissioner Boyd Absent
Commissioner Scherr Aye
This resolution passed by 2/0 vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the
County of Eagle, State of Colorado.
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Docusign Envelope ID:DB90860E-759E-4343-9F9A-D2D5F8F7A41B
Adopted October 8, 1985
Amended December 30, 1985
Amended March 11, 1986
Amended February 14, 1989
Amended June 23, 1992
Amended January 4, 1994
Amended December 10, 1996
Amended January 1, 1997
Amended January 11, 1999
Amended March 13,2000
Amended March 12,2002
Amended December 17,2002
Amended January 1,2004
Amended January 4,2005
Amended March 28,2006
Amended August 29,2006
Amended May 1,2007
Amended January 1,2009
Amended January 1,2010
Amended May, 1,2012
Amended July 29, 2014
Amended August 23, 2016
Amended July 28,2020
Amended January 21, 2025
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Eagle County Building Resolution
1.1 TITLE 5
1.17 PERMITS 67
1.18 FEES 69
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1.20 APPEALS 70
1.21 PENALTY 72
1.22 WAIVER 74
1.23 REPEAL 74
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Table#1 Project Classifications and Permit Requirements 75
Table#2 Building Permit Fees 78
Table#3 Wildfire Fees 79
Table#4 Factory Built,Manufactured Housing/Mobile Home Fees 79
Table#5 Mechanical Permit Fees 79
Table#6 Plumbing Permit Fees 79
Table#7 Electrical Permit Fees 80
Table#8 Grading Permit Fees 81
Table#9 Address Sign Requirements 82
Table#10 Factory Built Chimney Enclosure 83
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This Resolution may be cited for all purposes as the Building Resolution of the
County of Eagle, Colorado, 2021, as amended and adopted herein,because the Board
of County Commissioners(the "Board") determines and finds that this Resolution is
necessary for the health, safety and welfare of the persons of Eagle County. Eagle
County encompasses mountain terrain located at moderate to high altitudes and
subject to extreme weather conditions. The application and interpretation of the
International Building Code requirements are subject to,but not limited to,the
consideration of such factors. Fees in the previous version of the Building
Resolution are no longer in effect. The current fee schedule is in the individual
codes and amended in the individual sections of the Building Resolution.
Eagle County hereby adopts the following codes, except as such codes are amended
as set forth in Sections 1.5 - 1.12.2 of this Building Resolution:
The 2021 edition of the International Building Code(IBC) and Appendix C: Group
U-Agricultural Buildings; Appendix E: Supplementary Accessibility Requirements;
Appendix I: Patio Covers; and Appendix J: Grading.
The 2021 edition of the International Fire Code(IFC), as amended and adopted by
Vail Fire and Emergency Services,the Eagle River Fire Protection District, the
Greater Eagle Fire Protection District,the Rock Creek Volunteer Fire Department,
the Gypsum Fire Protection District, and the Roaring Fork Fire Rescue Authority.
The 2021 edition of the International Residential Code(IRC)including Appendix
AF-Radon Control Methods, Appendix AQ-Tiny Houses, and Appendix AT-Solar-
Ready Provisions-Detached One-and Two-Family Dwellings and Townhouses
The 2021 edition of the International Plumbing Code(IPC),including current
amendments adopted by the State of Colorado, including Appendix B-Rates of
Rainfall for Various Cities, Appendix C-Structural Safety, Appendix D-Degree Day
and Design Temperatures, and Appendix E-Sizing of Water Piping System.
The 2021 edition of the International Mechanical Code(IMC).
The 2021 edition of the International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC). The edition of the
National Electrical Code currently adopted by the State of Colorado (NEC).
The 2021 edition of the International Energy Conservation Code(IECC), Including
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Appendix CB —Solar Ready Zone-Commercial and Appendix RB— Solar Ready
Provisions-Detached One- and Two-Family Dwellings and Townhouses. The IECC
is amended with the additions of newly created Appendices CD and RD- EV
Readiness, and Appendices CE and RE—Exterior Energy Offset Program
The 2021 edition of the International Existing Building Code (IEBC).
The 2021 edition of the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (ISPSC).
1.3.1 Table 1 of this Building Resolution, entitled"Eagle County Permit
Requirements"sets forth the projects which may require permit(s),if any, and
identifies the specific type of permit(s)required and the site inclusion
requirements. Additional permits not identified in Table 1 may also be
1.3.2 It shall be the duty of the person and/or entity of a proposed project which is
not specifically set forth in Table 1 to contact the Building Official of the
Department of Community Development, County of Eagle, Colorado, for a
determination of the type of permit(s)required, if any, and the site inclusion
1.3.3 Where a permit application is submitted for a space, unit, dwelling unit or
other such attached construction that shares a common wall, ceiling or floor
unit separation, each separate space, unit or dwelling unit shall be held to all
of the code requirements as if they were separate buildings.
1.3.4 Proof of Water: Proof of adequate,potable water supply is required with
building permit application for all new habitable construction containing
plumbing fixtures. By descending order of preference,building permit
applicants shall verify a legal source of potable water as follows: A written commitment to serve from a public or private water service
provider, or a copy of receipt for payment of public water tap specific
to the lot, parcel or tract of land that is the subject of the building
permit application; or
a) A copy of a current valid well permit issued by the Colorado State
Division of Water Resources specific to the lot,parcel or tract of land
that is the subject of the building permit application; or
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b) If the parcel or tract of land that is the subject of the building
permit application is legally and properly subdivided except that a
public water supply system is not available or that the individual well
water source is not viably potable,then an alternative water supply
system such as holding tanks or cisterns may be utilized upon
approval of Eagle County Government as the Authority Having
1.4.1 COUNTY shall mean the area of Eagle County outside of incorporated Towns,
hereinabove referred to as the"regulated area".
department designated by the Eagle County Public Health Agency to
implement the Eagle County Public Health Agency On-site Wastewater
Treatment System(OWTS) Regulations on behalf of the Eagle County Board
of Health.
1.4.3 LOT shall mean any legal parcel of land created in compliance with the Eagle
County Land Use Regulations on record in the office of the Eagle County Clerk
and Recorder.
1.4.4 ROAD OR STREET shall mean a way or right-of-way reserved for public or private use
(other than an alley)that also provides primary vehicular and pedestrian access to adjacent
properties; it may also be used for drainage or utility access to adjacent properties. Road
or street may include the terms: avenue, drive, highway, lane,place, road or other similar
Dwellings covered by the IRC shall mean a Temporary Certificate of
Occupancy that may be issued when the following components of a project
are complete and approved by the Eagle County Building Official:
1. Kitchen operative as per the approved plans.
2. One bathroom operative as per the approved plans.
3.All smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors installed and passed final
inspection per Eagle County Building Resolution IRC Chapter 3.
4. The following items are complete:
a) Address Numbers.
b) Handrails at stairways.
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c) Guards.
d) Decks/landings.
e) Separation between the garage and house complete,with an
approved door per IRC.
f) Exterior wall covering and roofing.
5. Heat source for dwelling is operable.
6. Final Electrical, Fire Alarms, Fire Sprinklers, Wildfire final if required,
OWTS if required,Mechanical and Plumbing approvals.
7. Culvert under the driveway installed per Eagle County specifications
(located on the approved drawing).
8. Positive drainage provided away from the structure at all locations.
9. Sufficient roadway access for emergency vehicles is provided.
The permit applicant and the owner/buyer/occupant shall enter into a
Temporary Certificate of Occupancy agreement wherein the corrections
required for a Certificate of Occupancy, as stated by the Building Official,
shall be completed within 90 days from the date the Temporary Certificate of
Occupancy is issued. The Temporary Certificate of Occupancy shall be
posted in a conspicuous place on the premises until final approval for
occupancy is complete and a final Certificate of Occupancy is issued.
All Eagle County fees,bonds, and penalties shall be paid prior to
Occupancy prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or
Temporary Certificate of Occupancy shall be subject to Eagle County
penalties per 4.13.
Multi-Family buildings covered by the International Building Code shall mean
a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy that may be issued when the following
components of a project are complete and approved by the Eagle County
Building Official.
1. The following items are complete:
a) Address Numbers.
b) Handrails at stairways/ramps.
c) Guards.
d) Landings.
e) Fire resistive separations.
f) Exit signs/lighting.
g) Exterior wall covering and roofing.
h) Bathrooms.
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2. Heat source is operable.
3. Final Electrical,Fire Alarms,Fire Sprinklers(if required),OWTS if
required, Plumbing and Mechanical approvals and Wildfire final approval
if required.
4. Fire department review and approval of project.
5. All site improvements/parking and access roads are complete.
6. Site drainage complete as per grading plans.
7. All accessible parking, signage,walkways,ramps and other items are
8. Where the landscaping, re-vegetation, drainage or culvert installation,
required under Eagle County Land Use Regulations for the purposes of
preventing land erosion, improper drainage, damage to properties and
unsightliness in residential zones containing multifamily dwellings and in
all portions of lots in CL, CG, I, and PUD Zone Districts, is not complete,
or where Public Improvements are required under Eagle County Land Use
Regulations, a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be issued upon
submittal and approval of a properly executed Construction Improvement
Agreement. If the improvements required for issuance of a final
Certificate of Occupancy have not been completed within one year of the
date of issuance of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, the County
may arrange such completion using the collateral provided in connection
with the Construction Improvement Agreement. Should compliance be
attained any time prior to the expiration of one year,the collateral will be
returned to the applicant upon issuance of the Final Certificate of
9. Sufficient roadway access is provided for emergency vehicles.
Required improvements collateralized under a subdivision
improvements agreement to which the County is a party may not be
required to be further collateralized under this sub-section.
The Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for Commercial or Multi-Family
Dwellings are valid up to,but not more than,one year from date of
issuance,where a project does not have a Construction Improvement
The Temporary Certificate shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the
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premises until final approval for occupancy is complete and a final
Certificate of Occupancy is issued.
All Eagle County fees,bonds, and penalties shall be paid prior to
Occupancy prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or
Temporary Certificate of Occupancy shall be subject to Eagle
County penalties per 4.13.
1.4.7 WORK shall mean the construction,demolition,alteration,repair,moving
or change in the class of occupancy of any building, equipment or
structure, and shall include the installation, construction, alteration or
repair of any private or subsurface sewage-disposal system, and the
placement and use of a mobile home as a living unit in a location other
than in an approved mobile-home park as defined in the Eagle County
Land Use Regulations.
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Section 101.1 Title. Section 101.1 Title is amended to read as follows: These
regulations shall be known as the Building Code of Eagle County, hereinafter referred to
as "this Code".
Section 101.4 Referenced Codes: Section 101.4 Referenced Codes is amended
to read as follows: The other codes listed in 101.4.1 through 101.4. 7 and referenced
elsewhere in this code shall not be considered part of this code, unless specifically
Section 101.4.8 Electrical: Section 101.4.8 is added as follows: All NFPA 70
code references within the 2021 International Building Code shall refer to the National
Electrical Code as adopted by the State of Colorado.
103.1 Creation of enforcement agency. The Eagle County Building Division is
hereby created and the official in charge thereof shall be known as the building official.
The function of the agency shall be the implementation, administration and enforcement
of the provisions of this code.
Section 105.1.1 Annual Permit: Entire section is hereby deleted.
Section 105.1.2 Annual Permit Records: Entire section is hereby deleted.
Section 105.2 Work Exempt from Permit: Section 105.2 Work Exempt from
Permit is amended by adding the following: Item 6: Platforms, sidewalks and driveways
not more than 30 inches above grade and not over any basement or storage below and
which is not part of an accessible route. Item 11 is amended to read as follows: Swings
and other playground equipment. Add a new subsection entitled Item 14 to read as
follows: Private use agricultural buildings as defined in Section 202 placed on a lot over
2 acres in size.
Section 109.2 Schedule of Permit Fees: Section 109.2 Schedule of Permit Fees
is amended to read as follows: The fee for each permit shall be as set forth in Table 2 of
the Eagle County Building Resolution. The fee for each permit will be paid at time of
application submittal.
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Section 109.2.1 Plan Review Fee: Section 109.2.1 Plan Review Fee is added as
follows: When submittal documents are required by Section 107.1, a plan review fee
shall be paid at the time of submitting the submittal documents for plan review. Said
plan review fee shall be 65 percent of the building permit fee as shown in Table 2 of the
Eagle County Building Resolution.
The plan review fees specified in this section are separate from and are in addition to the
permit fees specified in section 109.2.
When submittal documents are incomplete or changed so as to require additional plan
review or when the project involves deferred submittal items as defined in Section _
107.3.4. 1 an additional plan review fee shall be charged at the rate shown in Table 2 of
the Eagle County Building Resolution.
Section 109.3 Permit Valuations: Section 109.3 Permit Valuation is amended
by adding the following: The valuation for building permits shall be the value derived
from the cost figures per square foot set forth in the most recent Building Valuation Data
Table published by the International Code Council or the valuation provided by the
applicant,whichever yields the higher valuation.
The Eagle County Modifier is 1.4. The current Building Valuation Data Table may be
found at"" or at the Eagle County Community Development Office.
Section 109.4 Work Commencing before Permit Issuance: Section 109.4
Work Commencing before Permit Issuance is amended to read as follows: An
investigation fee, in addition to the permit fee, may be collected whether or not a permit
is then or subsequently issued. The minimum investigation fee shall be four times the
minimum fee set forth in Table 2 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. The payment
of such investigation fee shall not exempt any person from compliance with all other
provisions of this code nor from any penalty prescribed by law.
Section 109.6 Refunds: Section 109.6: Refunds is amended by adding the
following: The Building Official shall authorize the refunding of fees as follows:
1. The full amount of any fee paid hereunder which was erroneously paid or
2. Not more than 80 percent of the permit fee paid when no work has been done
under a permit issued in accordance with this code.
3. Not more than 80 percent of the plan review fee paid when an application for
a permit for which a plan review fee has been paid is withdrawn or canceled
before any plan review effort has been expended.
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The Building Official shall not authorize the refunding of any fee paid, except
upon written request filed by the original applicant not later than 180 days after the date
of fee payment.
Section 111.2 Certificate Issued: Section 111.2 Certificate Issued is amended to
read as follows: Final Certificate of Occupancy Inspection approval shall be the
Certificate of Occupancy
Section 113 Board of Appeals: Section 113 Board of Appeals is hereby deleted
and 315 of the Eagle County Building Resolution shall apply.
Section 114.4 Violation Penalties. Section 114.4 Violation Penalties is amended
to read as follows: Violation penalties shall be in accordance with section 3.16.2 of the
Eagle County Building Resolution
Section 306.2 Moderate-hazard Factory Industrial Group F-1: Section 306.2
Moderate-hazard Factory Industrial Group F-1. is amended to add marijuana cultivation.
Section 508.5.2 Occupancies: Section 508.5.2 Occupancies is amended to add
the following sentence: "Group F and I occupancies shall not be permitted in a live/work
Section 713.2 Construction: Section 713.2 Construction is amended to add the
following sentences: Chimney chase enclosures of A-vented fireplaces and solid fuel
(pellet, wood)burning staves (B-vented appliances excluded) shall be enclosed with
materials for one-hour fire-resistive construction on the interior side of the chase.
Requirements for enclosure of chimneys shall be as set forth in Table 10 of the Eagle
County Building Resolution.
Section 901.5 Acceptance tests: Section 901.5 Acceptance Tests is amended to
add the following sentence: All fire protection systems required by this code shall have
plan review and inspections in accordance with the governing fire district.
Section 907.2.11 Single- and multiple-station smoke alarms: Section 907.2.11
Single- and multiple-station smoke alarms is amended as follows: Listed single- and
multiple-station smoke alarms complying with UL 217 shall be installed in accordance
with Sections 907.2.11.1 through 907.2.11.7,NFPA 72 and the manufacturer's
published instructions.
Section 1511.2.4 Type of construction: Section 1511.2.4 Type of construction
is amended to read as follows: Penthouses shall be constructed of building element
materials as required for the type of construction of the building. Penthouse exterior
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walls and roof construction shall have a fire-resistance rating as required for the type of
construction of the building. Supporting construction of such exterior walls and roof
construction shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than required for the exterior
wall or roof supported.
Section 1608.2 Ground Snow Loads: Section 1608.2 Ground Snow Loads is
hereby deleted and replaced with the following: Design snow loads for roofs and decks
shall be determined by the"2016 Colorado Ground Snow Map"or 2016 Colorado Design
Snow Loads prepared by the Structural Engineers Association of Colorado. Mobile homes
built with a snow load design less than that specified by the"2016 Colorado Ground
Snow Map" or 2016 Colorado Design Snow Loads prepared by the Structural Engineers
Association of Colorado may be installed provided the owner agrees in writing to
maintain the snow accumulation on the mobile home so as not to exceed the designed
maximum snow load of the mobile home.
Ground snow load may also be determined in accordance with ASCE-7, the
Building Division shall require application of the most restrictive loads between the
ASCE-7 and the "2016 Colorado Ground Snow Map".
Section 1809.5 Frost Protection: Section 1809.5 Frost Protection is amended by
deleting Section 1809.5 entirely and replacing it with the following: Foundation walls,
piers and other permanent supports of buildings and structures shall be protected from
frost by the following method; Footings subject to frost shall have a minimum depth of
48"measured from finish grade to the bottom of the footing or the depth specified by the
soils engineer of record.
Section 1809.12 Timber Footings: Section 1809.12 Timber Footings: Entire
section is hereby deleted.
Chapter 30 Elevators and Conveying Systems Section 3001.5 Fees: A fee for
each permit and plan review shall be paid to the Northwest Colorado Council of
Governments. The annual certificate of inspection will be administered by the certified
elevator inspection agency. For permit applications and inspections contact Elevator
Inspection Program at(970) 468-0295 Ext. 108.
Section 3102.2 Amend last sentence to end with"including yurts and other
similar structures".
Appendix C Section C101.1 Scope: Section C101.1 Scope, first paragraph is
amended by adding the following: Plumbing, Mechanical and Electrical permits shall be
required for all agricultural buildings regardless of whether a Building Permit is required.
Appendix J Section J101.1 Scope: Section J101.1 Scope is amended by adding
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the following sentence: Grading permits shall be permitted, regulated and enforced by
the Eagle County Engineer.
Appendix J Section J101.2 Flood Hazard areas. Section J1.1.2 Flood Hazard
areas is amended by adding the following sentence: All work proposed in a Flood
Hazard area requires a Floodplain Development Permit and shall meet the standards for
the Floodplain Overlay Zone District set forth by Eagle County.
Appendix J Section J103.2 Exemptions: Section J103.2 Exemptions is
amended by adding the following sentence: Grading of roads in zone districts R,RL,AR
and AL which are in an isolated, self-contained area and there is no danger to private or
public property that will be used for ranching and agricultural uses only.
Appendix J Section J103.2 Exemptions. Section J103.2 Exemptions is amended by adding the
following sentence: Work consisting of 10 cubic yards or less (combined cut and fill).
Appendix J Section J103.2 Exemptions. Section J103.2 Exemptions is amended by adding the
following sentence: Work as determined by the County Engineer.
Appendix J Section J103.2 Exemptions,Item#2: Section J103.2 Exemptions,
Item#2 is amended to read as follows: An excavation below finished grade for
basements and footings of a building, retaining wall or other structure authorized by a
valid building permit. This shall not exempt any fill made with the material from such
excavation if it is not part of the plans submitted for the building permit.
Appendix J, Section J104.1.1 Grading Designation: Section J104.1.1 Grading
Designation is added as follows: Grading in excess of one thousand(1,000) cubic yards
in volume or one-half(1/2) acre of surface disturbance shall be performed in accordance
with the approved grading plan prepared by a civil engineer, and shall be designated as
"engineered grading." Grading involving less than one thousand(1,000) cubic yards in
volume or one-half(1/2) acre of surface disturbance shall be designated"regular
grading"unless the permittee chooses to have the grading performed as engineered
grading, or the Eagle County Engineer determines that special conditions or unusual
hazards exists, in which case grading shall conform to the requirements for engineered
Appendix J, Section J104.1.2 Regular Grading Requirements: Section
J104.1.2 Regular Grading Requirements is added as follows: Each application for a
grading permit shall be accompanied by a plan in sufficient clarity to indicate the nature
and extent of the work. The plans shall give the location of the work, the name of the
owner and the name of the person who prepared the plan. The plan shall include the
following information:
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1. General vicinity of proposed site.
2. Existing and proposed topography of the site.
3. Limiting dimensions and depth of cut and fill.
4. Calculations supporting the reported cut and fill volumes.
5. Location of any buildings or structures where work is to be performed and
the location of any building or structures within 15 feet of the proposed
6. Temporary erosion and sediment control.
7. Permanent site stabilization and/or revegetation.
Appendix J, Section J104.5 Other Permits. Section J104.5 Other Permits is
added as follows: Additional permits may be required in accordance with the Eagle
County Land Use Regulations, Eagle County Engineering Criteria Manual, or by State
or Federal Agencies. Proof of all necessary permits is required prior to issuance of a
Grading Permit.
Appendix J, Section J105.3 Final Reports: Section J105.3 Final Reports is
added as follows: Where drainage improvements are required, the work is to be
completed per approved plans and ready for inspection at the time of the Temporary
Certificate of Occupancy inspection. It will be the general contractor's responsibility to
maintain positive drainage on the site during all phases of construction, including
protection of any drainage along the Public Roadway.
Appendix J, Section J112 Collateral: Section J112 Collateral is added as
follows: The Eagle County Engineer may require collateral in a form acceptable to
Eagle County in such amounts as may be deemed necessary to ensure that the work, if
not completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications,will be corrected
to eliminate hazardous conditions. If final revegetation is not accomplished to the
Erosion Control Standards and the applicant is not responsive to requests to complete the
work, the County will enter the property and perform the work necessary to complete the
restoration and revegetation. If provided, the collateral will be drawn upon to cover the
cost of revegetation, and all excess costs incurred by the County for this work will be
billed to the applicant.
Appendix J, Section J113 Work Commencing before Permit Issuance:
Section J113 Work Commencing before Permit Issuance is added as follows: An
investigation fee, in addition to the permit fee, may be collected whether or not a permit
is then or subsequently issued. The minimum investigation fee shall be four times the
minimum fee set forth in Table 8 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. The
payment of such investigation fee shall not exempt any person from compliance with all
other provisions of this code nor from any penalty prescribed by law.
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Section R101.1 Title: Section R101.1 Title is replaced as follows:
These provisions shall be known as the Residential Code for One- and Two-
Family Dwellings of Eagle County and shall be cited as such and will be
referred to herein as "this Code".
Section R101.2 Scope,Exception: R101.2 Scope, Exception is
amended to read as follows: The following shall be permitted to be
constructed in accordance tithe this code where provided with an
automatic sprinkler system complying with all applicable provisions of
the governing fire district codes.
1. Live/work units located in townhouses and complying
with the requirements of section 508.5 of the International
Building Code.
2. Owner-occupied lodging houses with five or fewer
3. A care facility with five or fewer persons receiving custodial
care within a dwelling unit.
4. A care facility with five or fewer persons receiving medical
care within a dwelling unit.
5. A care facility with five or fewer persons receiving care
within a dwelling unit.
Section R102.4 Referenced Codes and Standards: R102.4
Referenced Codes and Standards is amended by adding the following:
Reference to other codes such as Plumbing,Mechanical,Fuel Gas,
NFPA 13D,International Energy Conservation and Electrical shall refer only
to the currently adopted code of that type.
Section R102.7 Existing Structures: Section R102.7 Existing
structures is amended to delete the reference to the International Property
Maintenance Code.
Section R104.4 Inspections: Section R104.4 Inspections is amended
to add the following paragraphs:
A third-party inspection by a certified log inspection agency shall be
required of all structural members in log framed buildings. A letter from the
log grading agency certifying log grades are in accordance with the plan
specifications shall be required at, or prior to frame inspection.
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Elevators installed in all structures shall require a third-party plan
review and inspection by Northwest Colorado Council of Governments.
Section R105.1 Required. Is amended to add the following
Where a permit application is submitted for a space,unit,
dwelling unit or other such attached construction that shares a
common wall, ceiling or floor unit separation, each separate space,
unit or dwelling unit shall be held to all of the code requirements as
if they were separate buildings.
Section R105.2 Work Exempt from Permit: Section R105.2 Work
Exempt from Permit is amended to read as follows (Remainder of section
Item 1: One-story detached accessory structures used as tool and
storage sheds,playhouses and similar uses provided the floor area
does not exceed 120 square feet.
Item 5: Platforms, sidewalks and driveways not more than 30 inches
above grade and not over any basement or storage below and which
are not part of an accessible route.
Section R108.2 Schedule of Permit Fees: Section R108.2 Schedule
of Permit Fees is amended by adding the following: The fee for each permit
shall be as set forth in Table 2 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. The
fee for each permit will be paid at time of application submittal.
Section R108.2.1 Plan Review Fees: Section R108.2.1 Plan Review
Fees is added as follows: When submittal documents are required by Section
106.1, a plan review fee shall be paid at the time of submission of the
submittal documents for plan review. Said plan review fee shall be 65
percent of the building permit fee as shown in Table 2 of the Eagle County
Building Resolution.
The Plan review fees specified in this section are separate from and are in
addition to the permit fees specified in Section 108.2.
When submittal documents are incomplete or changed so as to require
additional plan review or when the project involves deferred submittal items
as defined in Section 106.1, an additional plan review fee shall be charged at
the rate shown in Table 2 of the Eagle County Building Resolution.
Section R108.3 Building Permit Valuations: Section R108.3
Building Permit Data Valuations is amended to read as follows: The
valuation for building permits shall be the value derived from the cost
figures per square foot set forth in the most recent Building Valuation Data
Table published by the International Code Council or the valuation
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provided by the applicant, whichever yields the higher valuation.
The Eagle County Modifier is 1.4. The current Building Valuation Data
Table may be found at""or at the Eagle County Community
Development Office.
Section R108.6 Work Commencing before Permit Issuance:
Section R108.6 Work Commencing before Permit Issuance is amended to
read as follows: An investigation fee, in addition to the permit fee, may be
collected whether or not a permit is then or subsequently issued. The
minimum investigation fee shall be four times the minimum fee set forth in
Table 2 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. The payment of such
investigation fee shall not exempt any person from compliance with all other
provisions of this code nor from any penalty prescribed by law.
Section R108.5 Refunds: Section R108.5 Refunds is amended
to read as follows: The Building Official shall authorize the refunding of
fees as follows:
1. The full amount of any fee paid hereunder which was
erroneously paid or collected.
2. Not more than 80 percent of the permit fee paid when no work
has been done under a permit issued in accordance with this
3. Not more than 80 percent of the plan review fee paid when an
application for a permit for which a plan review fee has been
paid is withdrawn or canceled before any plan review effort has
been expended.
The Building Official shall not authorize the refunding of any fee paid,
except upon written request filed by the original applicant not later than 180
days after the date of fee payment.
Section R112 Board of Appeals: Section R112 Board of Appeals is
hereby deleted and 315 of the Eagle County Building Resolution shall apply.
Section R113.4 Violation Penalties. Section R113.4 Violation
Penalties is amended to read as follows: Violation penalties shall be in
accordance with section 3.16.2 of the Eagle County Building Resolution.
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Section R301.2.3 Snow Loads: Section R301.2.3 Snow Loads is hereby deleted
and replaced with the following: Design snow loads for roofs and decks shall be
determined by the"2016 Colorado Ground Snow Map"or 2016 Colorado Design Snow Loads
prepared by the Structural Engineers Association of Colorado..
Mobile homes built with a snow load design less than that specified by the "2016
Colorado Ground Snow Map" or 2016 Colorado Design Snow Loads prepared by the
Structural Engineers Association of Colorado may be installed provided the owner agrees
in writing to maintain the snow accumulation on the mobile home so as not to exceed the
designed maximum snow load of the mobile home.
Section R302.1 Exterior Walls: Section R302.1 Exterior Walls is amended to
read as follows: Construction,projections,openings and penetrations of exterior walls of
dwellings and accessory buildings shall comply with Table R302.1(1); or dwellings
equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with all
applicable provisions of the governing Fire Districts' Codes shall comply with Table
Table R302.1(2) Footnote 'a': Table R302.1(2) Footnote "a" is amended to
read as follows: For residential subdivision where all dwellings are equipped throughout
with an automatic sprinkler system installed,permitted and inspected to show compliance
with all applicable requirements of the governing Fire District Codes, the fire separation
for nonrated exterior walls and rated projections shall be permitted to be reduced to 0
(zero) feet, and unlimited unprotected openings and penetrations shall be permitted,
where the adjoining lot provides and open setback yard that is 6 feet or more in width on
the opposite side of the property line.
Section R302.2.2 Common Walls: Section R302.2. Common walls is amended
to read as follows: Common walls separating townhouse units shall be assigned a fire
resistance rating in accordance with Item 1 or 2 and be rated for fire exposure from both
sides. Common walls shall extend to and be tight against the exterior sheathing of the
exterior walls, or to the inside face of exterior walls without stud cavities, and the
underside of the roof sheathing. The common wall two townhouse units shall
be constructed without plumbing or mechanical equipment, ducts or vents, other than
water-filled sprinkler piping, in the cavity of the common wall. Electrical installations
shall be in accordance with the current NEC. Penetrations of the membrane of common
walls for electrical outlet boxes shall be in accordance with Section R302.4.
1. Where a fire sprinkler system in accordance with all applicable provisions of
the governing Fire Districts' Codes is provided,the common wall shall be not
less than a 1-hour fire resistance-rated wall assembly tested in accordance
with ASTM E 119, UL 263 or Section 703.2.2 of the International Building
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2. Where a fire sprinkler system in accordance with all applicable provisions of
the governing Fire Districts' Codes is not provided,the common wall shall not
be less than a 2-hour fire resistance-rated wall assembly tested in accordance
with ASTM E 119, UL 263 or Section 703.2.2 of the International Building
Section R303. 10 Required Heating: Section R303.10 Required Heating is
amended by adding the following: Minimum winter design temperature is -20. Heat loss
calculations shall be required for all dwelling units.
Section R303.11 Heating Equipment Room Occupancy Separation: Section
R303.11 Heating equipment room occupancy separation is added as follows: In
dwellings and townhouses, rooms containing a boiler, central heating plant or hot water
supply boiler in excess of 400,000 but per hour input shall be separated from the rest of
the building by not less than 1-hour fire-resistance-rated construction on the room side of
the heating equipment, with a 20-minute fire-resistance-rated, smoke-sealed, and self-
closing door.
Section R305.1.2 Habitable attics and basements in existing buildings:
Section R305.1.2 Habitable attics and basements in existing buildings is added as
follows: Where a habitable attic or habitable space in a basement is created in an
existing building, ceiling height shall be not less than 6 feet 8 inches. Bathrooms, toilet
rooms and laundry rooms shall have a ceiling height of not less than 6 feet 4 inches.
1. For rooms with sloped ceilings, the required floor area of the room shall
have a ceiling height of not less than 5 feet(1524 mm) and not less than
50 percent of the required floor area shall have a ceiling height of not less
than 6 feet 8 inches (2134 mm).
2. At beams, girders, ducts or other obstructions, the ceiling height shall be
not less than 6 feet 4 inches (1931 mm) from the finished floor.
Section R309.6 Electric vehicle charging systems: Section R309.6 Electric
vehicle charging systems is added as follows: Where provided, electric vehicle
charging systems shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 70. Electric vehicle
charging system equipment shall be listed and labeled in accordance with UL 2202.
Electric vehicle supply equipment shall be listed and labeled in accordance with UL
Section R311.7.13 Stairways in existing buildings: Section R311.7.13
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Stairways in existing buildings is added as follows: Alterations to existing stairs shall
not be required to comply with the requirements of this code where the existing space
and construction does not allow a reduction in pitch or slope.
Section R313.1.1 Design and Installation: Section R313.1.1 Design and
Installation is amended to read as follows: Automatic residential fire sprinkler systems
for townhouses shall be designed and installed in accordance with all applicable
provisions of the Governing Fire Districts' Codes.
Section R313.2 One and two-family Dwelling Automatic Fire Systems: Entire
section is hereby deleted.
Section R313.2.1 Design and Installation: Entire section is hereby deleted.
Section R314.1.2 Installation: Section R314.1.2 Installation is added as
follows: Smoke alarms and combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarms shall be
installed in accordance with their listing and the manufacturer's instructions.
Section R314.3.1 Installation near cooking appliances: Section R314.3.1
Installation near cooking appliances is amended to read as follows: Smoke alarms shall
net be installed a minimum of 10 ft. (3.0 m)horizontally from a permanently installed
cooking appliance.
Exception: Smoke alarms shall be permitted to be installed a minimum of 6 ft.
(1.8 m) horizontally from a permanently installed cooking appliance where necessary to
comply with Section R314.3
Section R315.1.2 Installation: Section R315.1.2 Installation is added as
follows: Carbon monoxide alarms shall be installed in accordance with their listing and
the manufacturer's instructions.
Section R320.1 Scope: Section R320.1 Scope is amended by adding the
following sentences: In addition to the requirements of this section,the provisions of
the Colorado Revised Statute 9-5 shall be applicable.
Section R403.1.4.1 Frost Protection: Section R403.1.4.1 Frost Protection is
amended by deleting Section R403.1.4.1 entirely and replacing it with the following:
Foundation walls, piers, and other permanent supports of buildings shall be protected
from frost by the following method; footings subject to frost shall have a minimum depth
of 48"measured from finish grade to the bottom of the footing or the depth specified by
the soils engineer of record.
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Section R403.2 Footings for Wood Foundations: Section R403.2 Footings for
Wood Foundations is amended by adding the following: Foundations shall be designed
by a registered Colorado Engineer or Architect.
Section R403.3 Frost Protected Shallow Foundations: Section R403.3 Frost
Protected Shallow Foundations is amended by adding the following: Foundations shall
be designed by a registered Colorado Engineer or Architect.
Section R404.2 Wood Foundation Walls: Section R404.2 Wood Foundation
Walls is amended by adding the following: Foundations shall be designed by a registered
Colorado Engineer or Architect.
Section R506.2.3 Vapor retarder: Section R506.2.3 Vapor retarder is amended
to read as follows: A minimum 6 mil (0.006 inch; 152 um)polyethylene or approved
vapor retarder with joints lapped not less than 6 inches (152 mm) shall be placed
between the concrete floor slab and the base course or the prepared subgrade where a
base course does not exist.
[Exceptions remain unchanged]
Section R1004.1 General: Section R1004.1 General is amended by adding the
following: No building or mechanical permits will be issued for the installation of a
wood burning device unless the device is a new technology device as defined in Eagle
County Land Use Regulations or is otherwise exempt.
Chimney chase enclosures of A-vented fireplaces and solid-fuel (pellet, wood) stoves
(B-vented appliances excluded) shall be enclosed with materials for one-hour fire
resistive construction on the interior side of the chase. Requirements for enclosure of
chimneys shall be as set forth in Table 10 of the Eagle County Building Resolution.
Chapter 11 [RE] ENERGY EFFICIENCY is hereby deleted in its entirety and all
provisions for energy efficiency shall comply with the currently adopted International
Energy Conservation Code, residential provisions, and its local amendments because the
language of this chapter is duplicated therein.
Section M1801.1 Venting required: Section M1801.1 Venting required is
amended to read as follows: Fuel-burning appliances shall be vented to the outdoors in
accordance with their listing and label and manufacturer's installation instructions.
Venting systems shall consist of approved chimneys or vents, or venting assemblies
that are integral parts of labeled appliances. Gas-fired appliances shall be vented in
accordance with Chapter 24.
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Section G2406.2 (303.3)Prohibited Locations: Section G2406.2 Prohibited
Locations is amended to delete Items 3 and 4.
Section G2420.5.1 (409.5.1) Located within same room: Section G2420.5.1
Located within same room is amended to add the following sentence: If a gas shut off
valve is located inside a firebox or accesses through a firebox, an additional gas shut off
valve shall be required outside of the firebox.
Section G2425.8 (501.8) Equipment not Required to be Vented: Section
G2425.8 (501.8)Equipment not Required to be Vented is amended to delete item#7.
Section G2445(621)Unvented room heaters: Entire section is hereby deleted.
Section G2427.6.6 (503.6.7) Roof Terminations: Section G2427.6.6 Roof
Terminations is amended to add the following sentence: Gas vent termination on roofs
shall be within 3 feet of a ridge or be provided with an alternate means of protection.
Section P2503.6 Shower liner test: Entire section is hereby deleted.
Section P2603.5.1 Sewer depth: Section P2603.5.1 Sewer depth is amended
to read as follows: Building sewers shall be installed in accordance with the standards
and subject to the approval of the governing Sanitation Districts.
Section P2904 Dwelling Unit Fire Sprinkler: Entire section is hereby deleted.
Section P3103.1.1 Roof extension. Section P3103.1.1 Roof extension is
amended to read as follows: Open vent pipes that extend through a roof that do not
meet the conditions of Section P3103.1.2 or P3103.1.3 shall terminate not less than 12
inches above the roof.
Chapters 34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42, and 43 of the IRC are hereby
deleted in their entirety.
Appendix AT Solar-Ready Provisions—Detached one- and two-family dwellings
and townhouses is adopted in its entirety.
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Add leading paragraph:
1.7.1 PLUMBING LICENSE REQUIRED Pursuant to Section 12-58-115,C.R.S.,
only qualified licensed plumbers may install"Plumbing Systems"as defined in 202 of
the International Plumbing Code, 2021 Edition. This will include all gas piping of the
International Fuel and Gas Code, 2021 Edition.
Section 101.1 Title: Section 101.1 title is amended to read as follows: These
regulations shall be known as the Plumbing Code of Eagle County, hereinafter referred
to as "this Code".
Section 103.1 Creation of Agency: Section 103.1 Creation of agency is
amended to read as follows: The Building Division is hereby created and the official in
charge thereof shall be known as the building official. The function of the agency shall
be the implementation, administration and enforcement of the provisions of this code.
Section 106.1.1 Annual permit: Entire section is hereby deleted.
Section 106.1.2 Annual permit records: Entire section is hereby deleted.
Section 106.5.3 Expiration: Section 106.5.3 Expiration is amended to read as
follows: Every permit issued shall become invalid unless the work on the site
authorized by such permit is commenced within 180 days after its issuance, or if the
work authorized on the site by such permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of
180 days after the time the work is commenced. The building official is authorized to
grant, in writing, one or more extensions of time, for periods not more than 180 days
each. The extension shall be requested in writing and justifiable cause demonstrated.
Section 106.5.4 Extensions: Entire section is hereby deleted.
Section 109.3 Work Commencing Before Permit Issuance: Section 109.3
Work Commencing Before Permit Issuance is amended to read as follows: An
investigation fee, in addition to the permit fee, may be collected whether or not a permit
is then or subsequently issued. The minimum investigation fee shall be four times the
minimum fee set forth in Table 6 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. The payment
of such investigation fee shall not exempt any person from compliance with all other
provisions of this code nor from any penalty prescribed by law.
Section 109.2 Schedule of Permit Fees: Section 109.2 Schedule of Permit Fees
is amended to read as follows: The schedule of Plumbing Permit Fees is set forth in
Table 6 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. The fee for each permit will be paid
at time of application submittal.
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Section 109.2.1 Plan Review Fees: Section 109.2.1 Plan Review Fees is added
as follows: When plan or other data is required to be submitted by 107.1, a plan review
fee shall be paid at the time of submitting plans and specifications for review. The plan
review fees for plumbing work shall be equal to sixty-five (65)percent of the total
permit fee as set forth in Table 6 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. When plans
are incomplete or changed so as to require additional review, a fee shall be charged at the
rate shown in Table 6 of the Eagle County Building Resolution.
Section 109.5 Refunds: Section R109.5 Refunds is amended to read as follows:
The Building Official shall authorize the refunding of fees as follows:
1. The full amount of any fee paid hereunder which was erroneously paid or
2. Not more than 80 percent of the permit fee paid when no work has been done
under a permit issued in accordance with this code.
3. Not more than 80 percent of the plan review fee paid when an application for
a permit for which a plan review fee has been paid is withdrawn or canceled
before any plan review effort has been expended.
The Building Official shall not authorize the refunding of any fee paid, except upon
written request filed by the original applicant not later than 180 days after the date of fee
Section 113 Means of Appeals: Section 113 Means of Appeals is hereby deleted
and 315 of the Eagle County Building Resolution shall apply.
Section 115.4 Violation Penalties. Section 115.4 Violation Penalties is amended
to read as follows: Violation penalties shall be in accordance with section 3.16.2 of the
Eagle County Building Resolution.
Section 305.4.1 Sewer Depth: Section 305.4.1 Sewer Depth is amended to read
as follows: Building sewers shall be installed in accordance with the standards and
subject to the approval of the governing Sanitation Districts.
Section 305.4 Freezing: Water, soil and waste pipes shall not be installed
outside of a building, in attics or crawl spaces, concealed in outside walls, or in any
other place subjected to freezing temperatures unless adequate provision is made to
protect such pipes from freezing by insulation or heat or both. Exterior water supply
system piping shall be installed not less than 54 inches below grade.
Section 312.6 Gravity Sewer Test: Section 312.6 Gravity Sewer Test is
amended to read as follows: Gravity sewer tests shall consist of plugging the end of the
building sewer at the point of connection with the exterior of the building, filling the
building sewer with water, testing with not less than a 10-foot head of water and
maintaining such pressure for 15 minutes.
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Section 312.9 Shower Liner Test: Entire section is hereby deleted.
Section 701.2 Connection to Sewer Required: Section 701.2 Connection to
Sewer Required is amended to read as follows: Every building in which plumbing
fixtures are installed and all premises having drainage piping shall be connected to a
public sewer, where available, or an approved OWTS in accordance with the Eagle
County Public Health Agency OWTS Regulations. (amended 07/29/14)
Section 903.1.1 Roof Extension: Section 903.1.1 Roof Extension is amended to
add 12 inches.
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Section 101.1 Title. Section 101.1 Title is amended to read as follows: These
provisions shall be known as the Fuel Gas Code of Eagle County and shall be cited as
such and will be referred to herein as "this Code".
Section 103.1 Creation of Agency: Section 103.1 Creation of agency is
amended to read as follows: The Building Division is hereby created and the official in
charge thereof shall be known as the code official. The function of the agency shall be
the implementation, administration and enforcement of the provisions of this code.
Section 106.1.1 Annual permit: Entire section is hereby deleted.
Section 106.1.2 Annual permit records: Entire section is hereby deleted.
Section 106.5.3 Expiration: Section 106.5.3 Expiration is amended to read as
follows: Every permit issued shall become invalid unless the work on the site authorized
by such permit is commenced within 180 days after its issuance, or if the work
authorized on the site by such permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days
after the time the work is commenced. The building official is authorized to grant, in
writing, one or more extensions of time, for periods not more than 180 days each. The
extension shall be requested in writing and justifiable cause demonstrated.
Section 106.5.4 Extensions: Entire section is hereby deleted.
Section 109.4 Work Commencing Before Permit Issuance: Section 109.4
Work Commencing Before Permit Issuance is amended to read as follows: An
investigation fee, in addition to the permit fee, may be collected whether or not a permit
is then or subsequently issued. The minimum investigation fee shall be four times the
minimum fee set forth in Table 6 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. The payment
of such investigation fee shall not exempt any person from compliance with all other
provisions of this code nor from any penalty prescribed by law.
Section 109.2 Schedule of Permit Fees: Section 109.2 Schedule of Permit Fees
is amended to read as follows: The schedule of fuel gas permit fees is set forth as
plumbing permit fees in Table 6 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. The fee for
each permit will be paid at time of application submittal.
Section.109.2.1 Plan Review Fees: Section 109.2.1 Plan Review Fees is added
as follows: When a plan or other data is required to be submitted by 106.3.1, a plan
review fee shall be paid at the time of submitting plans and specifications for review.
The plan review fees for plumbing work shall be equal to sixty-five(65)percent of the
total permit fee as set forth in Table 6 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. When
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plans are incomplete or changed so as to require additional review, a fee shall be charged
at the rate shown in Table 6 of the Eagle County Building Resolution.
Section 109.6 Refunds: Section R109.6 Refunds is amended to read as follows:
The Building Official shall authorize the refunding of fees as follows:
1. The full amount of any fee paid hereunder which was erroneously paid or
2. Not more than 80 percent of the permit fee paid when no work has been done
under a permit issued in accordance with this code.
3. Not more than 80 percent of the plan review fee paid when an application for
a permit for which a plan review fee has been paid is withdrawn or canceled
before any plan review effort has been expended.
The Building Official shall not authorize the refunding of any fee paid, except upon
written request filed by the original applicant not later than 180 days after the date of fee
Section 112.2 Final Inspection,Item#3: Section 107.2,Item#3 Final Inspection
is amended to read as follows: Final Gas Pressure Test to be performed prior to issuance
of the Final Gas Tag. The Final Gas Tag is to be issued prior to connection to the public
gas utilities or to a private gas system. The Final Gas Test shall consist of the following:
(1)pressure testing the gas pipe after wall coverings are complete; and(2)permanent
appliances are ready to fire, gas capped at appliances, flue pipe installed, combustion air
in place, electrical disconnect for appliances in place.
Section 113 Means of appeal: Section 113 Means of Appeal is hereby deleted
and 315 of the Eagle County Building Resolution shall apply.
Section 115.4 Violation Penalties. Section 115.4 Violation Penalties is amended
to read as follows: Violation penalties shall be in accordance with section 3.16.2 of the
Eagle County Building Resolution.
Section 303.3 Prohibited Locations: Section 303.3 Prohibited Locations is
amended to delete Exceptions number 3 and number 4.
Section 406.4.1 Test Pressure: Section 406.4.1 Test Pressure is amended to add
the following sentences: This inspection shall include air, CO2 or nitrogen pressure test,
at which time the gas piping shall stand a pressure of not less than 10 psi for threaded
pipe for not less than 15 minutes.
Section 409.5.1 Located within same room: Section 409.5.1 Located within
same room is amended to add the following sentence: If a gas shut off valve is located
inside a firebox or accesses through a firebox, an additional gas shut off valve shall be
required outside of the firebox.
Section 501.8 Equipment not Required to be Vented: Section 501.8 Equipment
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not Required to be Vented is amended to delete item No. 8.
Section 503.4.1 Plastic Piping: is amended to add"and any fuel-burning
device"after"water heater.
Section 503.6.7 Roof Terminations: Section 503.6.7 Roof Terminations is
amended to add the following sentence: Gas vent termination on roofs shall be within 3
feet of a ridge or be provided with an alternate means of protection.
Section 621 Unvented Room Heaters: Entire Section is hereby deleted.
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Section 101.1 Title. These provisions shall be known as the Mechanical Code
of Eagle County hereinafter referred to as "this Code".
Section 103.1 Creation of Agency: Section 103.1 Creation of Agency is
amended to read as follows: The Building Division is hereby created and the official in
charge thereof shall be known as the code official. The function of the agency shall be
the implementation, administration and enforcement of the provisions of this code.
Section 106.1.1 Annual Permit: Entire section is hereby deleted.
Section 106.1.2 Annual Permit Records: Entire section is hereby deleted.
Section 106.4.3 Expiration: Section 106.4.3 Expiration is amended to read as
follows: Every permit issued shall become invalid unless the work on the site authorized
by such permit is commenced within 180 days after its issuance, or if the work
authorized on the site by such permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days
after the time the work is commenced. The building official is authorized to grant, in
writing, one or more extensions of time, for periods not more than 180 days each. The
extension shall be requested in writing and justifiable cause demonstrated.
Section 106.4.4 Extensions: Entire section is hereby deleted.
Section 109.4 Work Commencing before Permit Issuance: Section 109.4
Work Commencing Before Permit Issuance is amended to read as follows: An
investigation fee, in addition to the permit fee, may be collected whether or not a permit
is then or subsequently issued. The minimum investigation fee shall be four times the
minimum fee set forth in Table 5 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. The payment
of such investigation fee shall not exempt any person from compliance with all other
provisions of this code nor from any penalty prescribed by law.
Section 109.2 Schedule of Permit Fees: Section 109.2 Schedule of Permit Fees
is amended to read as follows: The fee for each permit shall be as set forth in Table 5 of
the Eagle County Building Resolution. The fee for each permit will be paid at time of
application submittal.
Section 109.2.1 Plan Review Fees: Section 109.2.1 Plan Review Fees is added as
follows: When a plan or other data is required to be submitted by 106.3.1, a plan review fee
shall be paid at the time of submitting plans and specifications for review. The plan review
fees for mechanical work shall be equal to sixty-five(65)percent of the total permit fee as
set forth in Table 5 of the Eagle County Building Resolution. When plans are incomplete or
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changed so as to require additional review, a fee shall be charged at the rate shown in Table
5 of the Eagle County Building Resolution.
Section 109.6 Refunds: Section R109.6 Refunds is amended to read as follows:
The Building Official shall authorize the refunding of fees as follows:
1. The full amount of any fee paid hereunder which was erroneously paid or
2. Not more than 80 percent of the permit fee paid when no work has been done
under a permit issued in accordance with this code.
3. Not more than 80 percent of the plan review fee paid when an application for
a permit for which a plan review fee has been paid is withdrawn or canceled
before any plan review effort has been expended.
The Building Official shall not authorize the refunding of any fee paid, except upon
written request filed by the original applicant not later than 180 days after the date of fee
Section 115.4 Violation Penalties. Section 115.4 Violation Penalties is amended
to read as follows: Violation penalties shall be in accordance with section 3.16.2 of the
Eagle County Building Resolution.
Section 113 Means of Appeal: Section 113 Means of Appeal is hereby deleted
and 315 of the Eagle County Building Resolution shall apply.
Section 901.5 Wood Burning Devices: Section 901.5 Wood Burning Devices is
added as follows: All wood burning devices shall conform to the Colorado Department
of Public Health and Environment's approved indoor and outdoor burning devices.
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Add leading paragraphs:
Pursuant to Section 12-23-105, C.R.S., only qualified licensed electricians may
install"Electrical Work"as defined in Section 12-23-101 (1.7), C.R.S.,as required by the
Colorado State Electrical Board most current edition of the National Electric Code.
Notwithstanding the foregoing provision, an Electrical License will not be required
provided all conditions of Section 12-23-111(2) C.R.S. have been satisfied.
Pursuant to Section 12-23-111-24,C.R.S.,a separate permit is required for fire
alarm systems operating at fifty volts or less.
Table 3B-Fee Schedule is hereby deleted: The current schedule of Electrical
Permit fees is contained in Table 7 of the Eagle County Building Resolution.
Article 210.8 Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupter Protection for Personnel:
Article 210.8 Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupter Protection for Personnel is amended to
add the following sentence: All shall be re-settable in rooms where
protection is required including outside receptacles.
Article 210.11(C)(1)Branch Circuits Required—Dwelling Units-Small
Appliance Branch Circuits: Article 210.11(C) (1) Branch Circuits Required—Dwelling
Units- Small Appliance Branch Circuits is amended to add the following sentence to the
first paragraph: There shall be no more than four duplex receptacles on each small
appliance branch circuit.
Article 210.11(C)(3). Branch Circuits Required-Dwelling Units- Bathroom
Branch Circuits: Article 210.11(C) (3) Branch Circuits Required, Dwelling Units,
Bathroom Branch Circuits is amended to add the following sentence: No more than 4
duplex receptacles shall be installed on a 20-amp circuit.
Article 680.71 Protection: Article 680.71 Protection is amended to add the following
sentence: All G.F.C.I. protection shall be located with the same room. It is to be
installed at least 12 inches off of finished floor and 5 feet from hydro-massage bathtub.
The cord is not to exceed 3 feet from motor to receptacle installed near the access door
protected by the re-settable G.F.C.I. mounted on the wall. (The re-settable G.F.C.I. is not
to be installed under the tub). 220V tubs shall have GFCI breakers located in panels
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Section 105.1.1 Permit Required: Section 105.1.1 Permit Required is amended to add the
following sentence: All permitting and inspections shall be performed by the governing Fire
District or governing Fire Department. Permit fees shall be as adopted by the governing fire
district or fire department. IFC language and requirements shall be as amended and adopted by
Vail Fire and Emergency Services,the Eagle River Fire Protection District,the Greater Eagle Fire
Protection District, the Rock Creek Volunteer Fire Department, the Gypsum Fire Protection
District, and the Roaring Fork Fire Rescue Authority.
Section 111 Means of Appeals: Entire section is hereby deleted. Appeals
will be governed by the guidelines or regulations adopted by the governing Fire
District or Department.
Section C101.1 Title. Section C101.1 Title is amended to read as follows: This code
shall be known as the Energy Conservation Code of Eagle County, and shall be cited as such.
It is referred to herein as "this Code".
Sections C104, C109 and C110 shall be deleted and the applicable and corresponding
sections of Chapter 1 of the IBC shall apply.
Section C202 GENERAL DEFINITIONS is amended to add or revise the following
definitions in alphabetical order:
ALL-ELECTRIC BUILDING. A building and building site that contains no combustion
equipment, or plumbing for combustion equipment, and that uses heat pump technology as the
primary supply for heating, cooling, and service water heating loads.
COMBUSTION EQUIPMENT: Any equipment or appliances used for space heating,
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cooling, water heating(including pools and spas), cooking, clothes drying or lighting that uses
natural gas, propane, other fuel gas, or fuel oil.
feasibility of using an electric heat pump when certain appliances are proposed to be replaced
without an electric heat pump, and that also lists the following: the cost of the appliance with and
without an electric heat pump, and the annual energy cost of the appliance with,and without an
electric heat pump.
MIXED-FUEL BUILDING. A building and building site that contains combustion
equipment, or plumbing for combustion equipment, for space heating, cooling,water heating
(including pools and spas), cooking, or clothes drying.
Section C401.2.1,item#2, is amended to read:
C401.2.1 International Energy Conservation Code.
Commercial buildings shall comply with one of the following:
1. Prescriptive Compliance. The Prescriptive Compliance option requires
compliance with Sections C402 through C406 and Section C408. Dwelling units
and sleeping units in Group R-2 buildings without systems serving multiple units
shall be deemed to be in compliance with this chapter, provided that they comply
with Section R406.
2. Total Building Performance. The Total Building Performance option requires
compliance with Section C407 and, for mixed fuel buildings, 10 credits from Tables
C406.1(1) through C406.1(5).
Section C403.4.1.1 is amended as follows:
C403.4.1.1 Heat pump supplementary heat. Heat pumps having fuel burning
equipment or electric resistance equipment for supplementary space heating shall have
controls that are configured to prevent supplemental heat operation when the capacity of the
heat pump compressor can meet the heating load.- and limit supplemental heat operation to
only those times when one of the following applies:
1. For space heating systems, the vapor compression cycle cannot provide the
necessary heating energy to satisfy the thermostat setting.
Exception: For forced-air systems, the vapor compression cycle cannot provide
a supply air temperature of 85°F or greater
2. The heat pump is operating in defrost mode.
3. The vapor compression cycle malfunctions.
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4. For space heating systems, the thermostat malfunctions.
Section C403.13.3 Roof and gutter deicing controls is added as follows: •
C403.13.3 Roof and gutter deicing controls. Roof and gutter deicing systems,
including but not limited to self-regulating cable, shall include automatic controls
configured to shut off the system when the outdoor temperature is above 40°F(4.8°C)
maximum and shall include one of the following:
1. A moisture sensor configured to shut off the system in the absence of moisture; or
2. A programmable timer configured to shut off the system for 8 hours minimum at
C404.2.1 High input service water-heating systems, item 1 under exceptions, is amended
to read as follows:
3. Where not less than 50 percent of the annual service water heating requirement
is provided by on-site renewable energy or site-recovered energy not including
any capacity used for compliance with Section C406 of this code, the minimum
thermal efficiency requirements of this section shall not apply.
Section C404.10 is added as follows:
C404.10 Water heating equipment location. Water heaters with combustion
equipment shall be located in a space with the following characteristics:
1. Minimum dimensions of 3 feet by 3 feet by 7 feet high.
2. Minimum volume of 760 cubic feet, or the equivalent of one 16-inch by 24-inch
grill to a heated space and one 8-inch duct of no more than 10 feet in length for cool exhaust
3. Contains a condensate drain that is no more than 2 inches higher than the base of
the installed water heater and allows natural draining without pump assistance, installed
within 3 feet of the water heater.
1. Instantaneous water heaters located within 10 feet of the point of use.
2. Water heats with an input capacity of more than 300,000 Btu/h.
Section C405.5.3 Gas lighting is amended to read as follows:
Section C405.5.3. Gas lighting. Gas fired lighting appliances are not permitted.
Table C405.12.2 ENERGY USE CATEGORIES is amended to add a new line at the end:
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Electric vehicle charging Electric vehicle charging loads.
Section C406.1 Additional energy efficiency credit requirements, first sentence, is
amended to read as follows with the other parts of the paragraph and section to remain:
C406.1 Additional energy efficiency credit requirements.New all-electric buildings
shall achieve a total of 10 credits and new mixed-fuel buildings shall achieve a total of 20
credits from Tables C406.1(1)through C406.1(5) where the table is selected based on the
use group of the building and from credit calculations as specified in relevant subsections of
R AND I OCCUPANCIES is retained in its entirety, except Sections C406.7.3 and
C406.7.4 in Climate Zone 6B are amended to read as follows:
TABLE C406.1(2)
C406.7.3: Efficient fossil fuel water heater b 3
C406.7.4: Heat pump water heater b 9
E OCCUPANCIES is retained in its entirety, except Sections C406.7.3 and C406.7.4 in
Climate Zone 6B are amended to read as follows:
TABLE C406.1(3)
C406.7.3: Efficient fossil fuel water heater a N/A
C406.7.4: Heat pump water heater a 3
a. For schools with showers or full-service kitchens.
OCCUPANCIES is retained in its entirety, except Sections C406.7.3 and C406.7.4 in
Climate Zone 6B are amended to read as follows:
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TABLE C406.1(5)
C406.7.3: Efficient fossil fuel water heater b 3
C406.7.4: Heat pump water heater b 9
a. Other occupancies include all groups except Groups B, E, I, M, and R.
b. For occupancy groups listed in Section 406.7.1
Chapter C5 Existing Buildings is amended as follows:
Section C501.6 Energy audit is added as follows:
C501.6 Energy audit. An ASHRAE Level II energy audit shall be performed and
provided to the code official prior to a permit application for any alteration, addition, or
change of occupancy, in order to baseline the efficiency of the existing building and offer
opportunities for cost-effective energy upgrades. The audit must include a blower door test
and a thermographic scan.
Section C501.7 Thermostatic controls is added as follows:
Section C501.7 Thermostatic controls. Alterations, additions, and changes of
occupancy that involve replacing or expanding a heating or cooling system shall comply
with section C403.4.1 Thermostatic controls.
Section C501.8 Replacement of electric equipment is added as follows:
C501.8 Replacement of electric equipment. Combustion equipment shall not be
permitted to be installed to replace electric equipment.
Section C503.3.3 Electrification retrofit feasibility report is added as follows:
C503.3.3 Electrification retrofit feasibility report. Where a gas-fired warm-air
furnace is replaced with a gas-fired warm-air furnace, or when a unitary air conditioner or
condensing unit serving a heated space is replaced with another unitary air conditioner or
condensing unit, an Electrification Retrofit Feasibility Report is required.
Section C503.3.4 Mechanical system acceptance testing is added as.follows:
C503.3.4 Mechanical system acceptance testing. Where an alteration requires
compliance with Section C403 or any of its subsections, mechanical systems that serve the
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alteration shall comply with Sections C408.2.2, C408.2.3 and C408.2.5.
1. Mechanical systems and service water heater systems in buildings where
the total mechanical equipment capacity is less than 480,000 Btu/h(140.7 kW)
cooling capacity and 600,000 Btu/h (175.8 kW) combined service water-heating
and space-heating capacity.
2. Systems included in Section C403.5 that serve individual dwelling units
and sleeping units.
Section C503.4.1 Service hot water system acceptance testing is added as follows:
C503.4.1 Service hot water system acceptance testing. Where an alteration requires
compliance with Section C404 or any of its subsections, service hot water systems that serve
the alteration shall comply with Sections C408.2.3 and C408.2.5.
1. Service water heater systems in buildings where the total mechanical
equipment capacity is less than 600,000 Btu/h(175.8 kW) combined service
water-heating and space-heating capacity.
2. Systems included in Section C403.5 that serve individual dwelling units
and sleeping units.
Commercial Appendix Table is added as follows:
CA Board of Appeals Not adopted
CB Solar-Ready Zones Adopted
CC Zero Energy Commercial Building Not adopted
Provisions _
CD EV Readiness—Commercial Adopted
CE Exterior Energy Offset Program(EEOP) Adopted Appendix CB—Solar Ready Zones
Section CB103.1, first sentence, is amended to read as follows, with the exceptions to
CB103.1 General.A solar-ready zone shall be located on the roof of all new buildings
that are subject to the commercial provisions of the IECC and that are oriented between 110
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degrees and 270 degrees of true north or have low-slope roofs. Solar-ready zones shall
comply with Sections CB103.2 through CB 103.9. Appendix CD. A newly-created Appendix Chapter CD is hereby added and shall read
as follows:
CD101. Purpose and intent. The purpose and intent of this Appendix CD is to accommodate
the growing need for EV charging infrastructure. Including these measures during initial
commercial construction substantially reduces the costs and difficulty of installing EV
infrastructure at a later date.
CD102. Applicability. This Appendix CD shall apply to all new commercial construction to
which the current International Building Code applies.
Section CD103. Definitions.
AUTOMOBILE PARKING SPACE. A space within a building or private or public parking lot,
exclusive of driveways, ramps, columns, office, and work areas, for the parking of an
DIRECT CURRENT FAST CHARGING(DCFC) EVSE: EV power transfer infrastructure
capable of fast charging on a 100A or higher 480VAC three-phase branch circuit. AC power is
converted into a controlled DC voltage and current within the EVSE that will then directly charge
the electric vehicle.
EV LOAD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: A system designed to allocate charging capacity among
multiple EVSE and that complies with the current National Electric Code.
ELECTRIC VEHICLE (EV). An automotive-type vehicle for on-road use, such as passenger
automobiles,buses, trucks, vans, neighborhood electric vehicles, and electric motorcycles,
primarily powered by an electric motor that draws current from an electric source.
ELECTRIC VEHICLE SUPPLY EQUIPMENT (EVSE). Equipment for plug-in power transfer
including the ungrounded, grounded, and equipment grounding conductors, and the electric
vehicle connectors, attachment plugs, personal protection system and all other fittings, devices,
power outlets or apparatus installed specifically for the purpose of transferring energy between
the premises wiring and the electric vehicle.
automobile parking space that is provided with a dedicated EVSE connection.
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parking space that is provided with electrical infrastructure, such as, but not limited to, raceways,
cables, electrical capacity, and panelboard or other electrical distribution equipment space,
necessary for the future installation of an EVSE.
that is provided with a branch circuit and a ground fault circuit interrupter(GFCl/GFI) outlet,
junction box, or receptacle, that will support an installed EVSE.
UNIVERSAL VEHICLE CHARGING STATION. A charging station installed in a parking
space for a minimum vehicle width of 120 inches (3048 mm) with 36-inch access aisles (915
mm) on each side.
CD104 Electric vehicle power transfer infrastructure.New parking facilities shall be
provided with electric vehicle power transfer infrastructure in compliance with Sections
CD 104.1 through CD 104.6, CD 105, and CD106.
CD104.1 Quantity. The number of required EVSE spaces,EV ready spaces, and EV capable
spaces shall be determined in accordance with this Section and Table CD 104.1 based on the total
number of automobile parking spaces and shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number. For
multifamily buildings, the Table requirements shall be based on the total number of dwelling
units or the total number of automobile parking spaces, whichever is less.
1. Where more than one parking facility is provided on a building site, the number of
required automobile parking spaces required to have EV power transfer infrastructure
shall be calculated separately for each parking facility.
2. Where one shared parking facility serves multiple building occupancies, the required
number of spaces shall be determined proportionally based on the floor area of each
building occupancy.
3. Installed EVSE spaces that exceed the minimum requirements of this section may be used
to meet minimum requirements for EV ready spaces and EV capable spaces.
4. Installed EV ready spaces that exceed the minimum requirements of this section may be
used to meet minimum requirements for EV capable spaces.
5. Where the number of EV ready spaces allocated for multifamily occupancies is equal to
the number of dwelling units or to the number of automobile parking spaces, whichever
is less,requirements for EVSE spaces shall not apply.
6. In multifamily complexes that contain multiple buildings, required EV spaces shall be
dispersed throughout parking areas so that each building has access to a similar number
of spaces per dwelling unit.
7. Direct Current Fast Charging. The number of EVSE spaces may be reduced by up to ten
per DCFC EVSE provided that the building includes not less than one parking space
equipped with a DCFC EVSE and not less than one EV ready space. A maximum of fifty
spaces may be reduced from the total number of EVSE spaces.
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Exception: Parking facilities, serving occupancies other than multifamily, with fewer than
10 automobile parking spaces.
Multifamily a 5% 10% 40%
All Other 5% 0% 40%
a. Where all (100%)parking serving multifamily are EV ready spaces, requirements for EVSE
spaces shall not apply.
CD104.2 EV capable spaces. Each EV capable space used to meet the requirements of Section
CD 104.1 shall comply with all of the following:
1. A continuous raceway or cable assembly shall be installed between an enclosure or outlet
located within 3 feet (914 mm) of the EV capable space and a suitable panelboard or
other onsite electrical distribution equipment.
2. Installed raceway or cable assembly shall be sized and rated to supply a minimum circuit
capacity in accordance with CD 104.5
3. The electrical distribution equipment to which the raceway or cable assembly connects
shall have sufficient dedicated space and spare electrical capacity for a 2-pole circuit
breaker or set of fuses.
4. The electrical enclosure or outlet and the electrical distribution equipment directory shall
be marked: "For future electric vehicle supply equipment(EVSE)."
5. Reserved capacity shall be no less than 4.1 kVA (20A 208/240V) for each EV capable
CD104.3 EV ready spaces. Each branch circuit serving EV ready spaces used to meet the
requirements of Section CD104.1 shall comply with all of the following:
1. Terminate at an outlet or enclosure, located within 3 feet(914 mm) of each EV ready
space it serves. •
2. Have a minimum circuit capacity in accordance with CD 104.5.
3. Branch circuit on the panelboard or other electrical distribution equipment directory
designated as "For electric vehicle supply equipment(EVSE)" and the outlet or
enclosure marked "For electric vehicle supply equipment(EVSE)."
CD104.4 EVSE spaces. An installed EVSE with multiple output connections shall be permitted
to serve multiple EVSE spaces. Each EVSE installed to meet the requirements of Section
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CD 104.1, serving either a single EVSE space or multiple EVSE spaces, shall comply with all of
the following:
1. Have a minimum circuit capacity in accordance with CD 104.5.
2. Have a minimum charging rate in accordance with CD 104.4.1.
3. Be located within 3 feet(914 mm) of each EVSE space it serves.
4. Be installed in accordance with Section CD104.6 and CD104.7.
CD104.4.1 EVSE minimum charging rate. Each installed EVSE shall comply with one of the
1. Be capable of charging at a minimum rate of 6.2 kVA(or 30A at 208/240V).
2. When serving multiple EVSE spaces and controlled by an energy management system
providing load management,be capable of simultaneously charging each EVSE space at a
minimum rate of no less than 3.3 kVA.
3. When serving EVSE spaces allowed to have a minimum circuit capacity of 2.7 kVA in
accordance with CD 104.5.1 and controlled by an energy management system providing
load management,be capable of simultaneously charging each ESVE space at a minimum
rate of no less than 2.1 kVA.
CD104.5 Circuit capacity. The capacity of electrical infrastructure serving each EV capable
space,EV ready space, and EVSE space shall comply with one of the following:
1. A branch circuit with a rated capacity not less than 8.3 kVA (or 40A at 208/240V) for
each EV ready space or EVSE space it serves.
2. The requirements of CD 104.5.1.
CD104.5.1 Circuit capacity management. The capacity of each branch circuit serving multiple
EVSE spaces,EV ready spaces or EV capable spaces designed to be controlled by an energy
management system providing load management in accordance with NFPA 70, shall comply
with one of the following:
1. Have a minimum capacity of 4.1 kVA per space.
2. Have a minimum capacity of 2.7 kVA per space when serving EV ready spaces or EVSE
spaces for a building site where all (100%) of the automobile parking spaces are designed
to be EV ready or EVSE spaces.
CD104.6 EVSE installation.EVSE shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 70 and shall be
listed and labeled in accordance with UL 2202 or UL 2594.
CD104.7. EVSE ENERGY STAR. All EVSE shall be ENERGY STAR certified.
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CD105. Universal vehicle charging stations. Where electric vehicle charging stations are
provided for public use, or where electric vehicle charging stations are shared by multiple
multifamily dwelling units, the number of universal vehicle charging stations shall be provided
in accordance with Table CD 104.1. When multiple stalls are required, access aisles may be
1 or more 25%
CD106. Identification. Construction documents shall designate all EV capable spaces,EV ready
spaces, and EVSE spaces and indicate the locations of conduit and termination points serving
them. The circuit breakers or circuit breaker spaces reserved for the EV capable spaces,EV
ready spaces, and EVSE spaces shall be clearly identified in the panel board directory. The
conduit for EV capable spaces shall be clearly identified at both the panel board and the
termination point at the parking space. Appendix CE.A newly-created Appendix Chapter CE is hereby added and shall read
as follows:
Exterior Energy Offset Program(EEOP) - Commercial
User note: Exterior amenities are energy intensive and have an oversized environmental impact
when compared to other building energy uses. The intent of Eagle County's Exterior Energy
Offset Program is to encourage energy efficiency of exterior amenity energy uses and offset
them through the installation of on-site renewable energy systems and/or battery storage. The
amount of onsite renewable energy required for offset, or the amount of the fee to be paid, is
based on the type and size of exterior energy uses and the expected energy consumption per year.
Scope. Eagle County's Exterior Energy Offset Program(EEOP) applies to specific exterior
energy uses in residential and commercial building projects. The EEOP requires project owners
to offset 100% of these energy uses (with some exemptions)through onsite installation of
renewable energy and energy storage resources, or payment of a fee, or a combination of the
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Exterior Energy Uses Energy Use Exemptions I
Snowme*for driveways,patios and 82.863 BTU's/SF/yr No exemption
Spa*lot Tub 428,937 BTU I SF l yr first 641r2 are exempt
Exterior Pool 331,451 BTU I SF I yr No exemption
Heat Tape,Trace Cable,Matts 5,323 BTU(1 56 kWh)/wait No exemption
For comparison.the average residential budding energy use in Colorado is around 44.000 BTU/SF/Yr
Source:https.//wvw eta gov/consumphonfresidenhaV:ndex php
Project owners (or their representative) can document compliance with this section via the free
Public Domain tool "Eagle County EEOP Calculation Worksheet", in the most current version at
the time of permit application. Access to the calculation worksheet is through Eagle County's
website at www.EagleCounty.US. Project owners download a copy of the worksheet and enter
the specific information about their proposed exterior energy uses and equipment. Projected
energy use, associated energy offsets required, and requirements for fees are defined within this
tool.'Completed worksheets are submitted to the Building Division as a part of the permit
The EEOP applies to both new energy uses, and replacement of pre-existing energy uses. Pre-
existing systems, for which a prior EEOP fee was paid, shall receive a prorated credit, calculated
as a fraction of the number of years since prior EEOP payment for the system, divided by 20
years. For example, an EEOP payment made for a system permitted 10 years prior to the current
replacement permit submission, would receive credit for 50% of the prior EEOP payment. That
amount shall be deducted from the EEOP payment owed for the replacement system.
Replacement systems that were not previously offset through onsite renewable energy or fees are
considered to be new projects, and all requirements apply.
Upgrades to existing mechanical equipment, renewable energy systems, or other system
repairs that do not increase their pre-existing energy consumption, will not require a re-
submittal to the EEOP. However, additions or replacement of exterior energy uses (as listed
above) will require a submittal of the EEOP calculation worksheet with the permit
All EEOP fees must be paid prior to TCO or CO for new construction and prior to final
inspection for additions/remodels.
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Fees collected by Eagle County are used to facilitate additional energy efficiency,
electrification, and renewable energy within the community. For any questions, or assistance
with the EEOP Calculation Sheet to determine offsets and/or fees, please contact the
Building Division at(970) 328-8761 or email comdev@EagleCounty.US
Section R101.1 Title. Section R101.1 Title is amended to read as follows: This code shall be
known as the Energy Conservation Code of Eagle County, and shall be cited as such. It is
referred to herein as "this Code".
Sections R104, R109 and R110 shall be deleted and the applicable and corresponding sections of
Chapter 1 of the IBC and IRC shall apply.
Section R202 GENERAL DEFINITIONS is amended to add the following definitions in
alphabetical order:
ALL-ELECTRIC BUILDING. A building and building site that contains no combustion
equipment, or plumbing for combustion equipment, and that uses heat pump technology as
the primary supply for heating, cooling, and service water heating loads.
COMBUSTION EQUIPMENT: Any equipment or appliances used for space heating,
cooling, water heating (including pools and spas), cooking, clothes drying or lighting that
uses natural gas, propane, other fuel gas, or fuel oil.
ELECTRIFICATION RETROFIT BID means a contractor bid showing the cost of replacing
combustion equipment with an electric heat pump-based system.
MIXED-FUEL BUILDING. A building and building site that contains combustion
equipment, or plumbing for combustion equipment, for space heating, cooling, water heating
(including pools and spas), cooking, or clothes drying.
Section R303.2 is amended as follows:
R303.2 Installation. Materials, systems and equipment shall be installed in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and the International Building Code or the
International Residential Code, as applicable. Insulation shall meet the requirements of the
Grade I standard in ICC/RESNET 301 Normative Appendix A.
Section R401.2.4 Tropical Climate Region Option is deleted in its entirety.
Section R401.2.5 Additional energy efficiency is amended as follows:
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R401.2.5 Additional energy efficiency. This section establishes additional
requirements applicable to all compliance approaches to achieve additional energy
1. For buildings complying with Section R401.2.1, the building shall meet one of
the following:
1.1.For all-electric buildings, one of the additional efficiency package
options shall be installed according to Section R408.2.
2.2. For mixed fuel buildings, three of the additional efficiency packages
shall be installed, at least one of which addresses the envelope.
2. For buildings complying with Section R401.2.2, the building shall meet one of
the following:
2.1. For all-electric buildings, one of the additional efficiency package
options in Section R408.2 shall be installed without including such
measures in the proposed design under Section R405.
2.2. For mixed fuel buildings, three of the additional efficiency packages
shall be installed, at least one of which addresses the envelope, without
including such measures in the proposed design under Section R405.
2.3. For all-electric buildings, the proposed design of the building under
Section R405.3 shall have an annual energy cost that is less than or equal
to 95 percent of the annual energy cost of the standard reference design.
2.4. For mixed fuel buildings, the proposed design of the building under
Section R405.3 shall have an annual energy cost that is less than or equal
to 80 percent of the annual energy cost of the standard reference design.
3. For buildings complying with the Energy Rating Index alternative Section
R401.2.3, the Energy Rating Index value shall be at least 5 percent less than
the Energy Rating Index target specified in Table R406.5.
The options selected for compliance shall be identified in the certificate required by Section
Section R401.3 is amended as follows (remainder of section unchanged):
1. The types, sizes, fuel sources, and efficiencies of heating, cooling and service
water heating equipment. Where a gas-fired unvented room heater, electric furnace
or baseboard electric heater is installed in the residence, the certificate shall
indicate "gas-fired unvented room heater," "electric furnace"or"baseboard
electric heater," as appropriate. An efficiency shall not be indicated for gas-fired
unvented room heaters, electric furnaces and electric baseboard heaters.
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2. The code edition under which the structure was permitted, and the compliance path
used, and where applicable, the additional efficiency measures selected for
compliance with R408.
3. The fuel sources for cooking and clothes drying equipment.
4. Where combustion equipment is installed, the certificate shall indicate information
on the installation of additional electric infrastructure including which equipment
and/or appliances include additional electric infrastructure, capacity reserved on
the electrical service panel for replacement of each piece of combustion equipment
and/or appliance.
5. Where a solar-ready zone is provided, the certificate shall indicate the location, and
403.1.2 is amended as follows:
R403.1.2 Heat pump supplementary heat. Heat pumps having supplementary
electric resistance heat shall have controls that, are configured to prevent supplemental heat
operation when the capacity of the heat pump compressor can meet the heating load. Limit
supplemental heat operation to only those times when one of the following applies:
1. The vapor compression cycle cannot provide the necessary heating energy to
satisfy the thermostat setting.
2. The heat pump is operating in defrost mode.
3. The vapor compression cycle malfunctions.
4. The thermostat malfunctions.
Section R403.5 Service hot water systems is amended as follows:
R403.5 Service hot water systems. Energy conservation measures for service hot
water systems shall be in accordance with Sections R403.5.1 through R403.5.3 R403.5.4.
Section R403.5.4 Water heating equipment location is added as follows:
R403.5.4 Water heating equipment location. Water heaters with combustion
equipment shall be located in a space with the following characteristics:
1. Minimum dimensions of 3 feet by 3 feet by 7 feet high.
2. Minimum volume of 760 cubic feet, or the equivalent of one 16-inch by
24-inch grill to a heated space and one 8-inch duct of no more than 10 feet
in length for cool exhaust air.
3. Contains a condensate drain that is no more than 2 inches higher than the
base of the installed water heater and allows natural draining without
pump assistance, installed within 3 feet of the water heater.
Exception: Water heaters with an input capacity of greater than 300,000 Btu/h that serves
multiple dwelling units or sleeping units.
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Section R403.10 Roof and gutter deicing controls is added as follows:
R403.10 Roof and gutter deicing controls. Roof and gutter deicing systems,
including but not limited to self-regulating cable, shall include automatic controls
configured to shut off the system when the outdoor temperature is above 40°F (4.8°C)
maximum and shall include one of the following:
1. A moisture sensor configured to shut off the system in the absence of moisture, or
2. A programmable timer configured to shut off the system for 8 hours minimum at
Section R404.1.1 Fuel gas lighting is amended to read as follows:
Section R404.1.1. Fuel gas lighting. Fuel gas lighting systems are prohibited.
A new Section R404.4 Additional electric infrastructure is added as follows:
R404.4 Additional electric infrastructure. All combustion equipment shall be
installed in accordance with Section R403.5.4 and shall be provided with a junction box that
is connected to an electrical panel by continuous raceways and conductors that meet the
following requirements:
1. The junction box,raceway, and bus bar in the electric panel and conductors
serving the electric panel and future equipment shall be sized to
accommodate electric equipment sized to serve the same load as the
combustion equipment.
2. The panel shall have reserved physical space for a dual-pole circuit breaker.
3. The junction box and electrical panel directory entry for the dedicated circuit
breaker space shall have labels stating"For future electric equipment."
4. The junction box shall allow for the electric equipment to be installed within
the same place of the combustion equipment that it replaces.
1. Fossil fuel space heating equipment where a 208/240-volt electrical circuit
with a minimum capacity of 40 amps exists for space cooling equipment.
2. Water heating equipment with an input capacity greater than 300,000
Btu/h that serves multiple dwelling units or sleeping units.
Table R405.2 Requirements for Total Building Performance adds a new row under
Mechanical as follows:
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R403.5.4 Water heating equipment location
Table R406.2 Requirements for Energy Rating Index adds a new row under Mechanical
as follows:
R403.5.4 Water heating equipment
Section R406.5 ERI-based compliance is amended as follows:
R406.5 ERI-based compliance. Compliance based on an ERI analysis requires that
the rated proposed design and confirmed built dwelling be shown to have an ERI less than
or equal to the appropriate value for the proposed all-electric or mixed-fuel building as
indicated in Table R406.4 when compared to the ERI reference design.
5 55 52
Chapter R5 Existing Buildings is amended as follows:
Section R501.7 Energy audit is added as follows:
R501.7 Energy audit. A RESNET, Building Performance Institute, or other approved
energy audit shall be performed and provided to the code official prior to a permit application
for any addition or alteration, in order to baseline the efficiency of the existing building and
offer opportunities for cost-effective energy upgrades. The audit must include a blower door
test and a thermographic scan.
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Section R501.8 Programmable thermostat is added as follows:
Section R501.8 Programmable thermostat. Alterations, additions, and changes of
occupancy that involve replacing or expanding a heating or cooling system shall comply
with section R403.1.1 Programmable thermostat.
Section R501.9 Replacement of electric equipment is added as follows:
R501.9 Replacement of electric equipment. Combustion equipment shall not be
permitted to be installed to replace electric equipment.
Section R501.10 Electrification retrofit bid is added as follows:
R501.10 Electrification retrofit bid. Where a gas-fired warm-air furnace is replaced
with a gas-fired warm-air furnace, or when a unitary air conditioner or condensing unit
serving a heated space is replaced with another unitary air conditioner or condensing unit,
an Electrification Retrofit Bid shall be obtained and submitted.
Residential Appendix Table is added as follows:
RA Board of Appeals Not adopted
RB Solar-Ready Provisions Adopted
RC Zero Energy Residential Building Provisions Not adopted
RD EV Readiness—Residential Adopted
RE Exterior Energy Offset Program(EEOP) Adopted Appendix RB—Solar Ready Provisions—Detached One- and Two-Family
Dwellings and Townhouses
Section RB103.1 is amended to read as follows, with the exceptions to remain:
RB103.1 General.New detached one- and two-family dwellings, and townhouses
with not less than 600 square feet of roof area oriented between 110 degrees and 270
degrees of true north shall comply with Sections RB 103.2 through CB 103.10 Appendix RD. A newly-created Appendix Chapter RD is hereby added and shall read
as follows:
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RD101. Purpose and intent. The purpose and intent of this Appendix RD is to accommodate
the growing need for EV charging infrastructure, in particular meeting preferences for charging
at home. Including these measures during initial construction substantially reduces the costs and
difficulty of installing EV infrastructure at a later date.
RD102. Applicability. This Appendix RD shall apply to all new residential construction to
which the International Residential Code applies.
AUTOMOBILE PARKING SPACE. A space within a building or private or public parking lot,
exclusive of driveways, ramps, columns, office, and work areas, for the parking of an
DIRECT CURRENT FAST CHARGING(DCFC) EVSE: EV power transfer infrastructure
capable of fast charging on a 100A or higher 480VAC three-phase branch circuit. AC power is
converted into a controlled DC voltage and current within the EVSE that will then directly charge
the electric vehicle. •
EV LOAD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: A system designed to allocate charging capacity among
multiple EVSE and that complies with the current National Electric Code.
ELECTRIC VEHICLE (EV). An automotive-type vehicle for on-road use, such as passenger
automobiles,buses, trucks, vans, neighborhood electric vehicles, and electric motorcycles,
primarily powered by an electric motor that draws current from an electric source.
ELECTRIC VEHICLE SUPPLY EQUIPMENT (EVSE). Equipment for plug-in power transfer
including the ungrounded, grounded, and equipment grounding conductors, and the electric
vehicle connectors, attachment plugs, personal protection system and all other fittings, devices,
power outlets or apparatus installed specifically for the purpose of transferring energy between
the premises wiring and the electric vehicle.
automobile parking space that is provided with a dedicated EVSE connection.
parking space that is provided with electrical infrastructure, such as,but not limited to, raceways,
cables, electrical capacity, and panelboard or other electrical distribution equipment space,
necessary for the future installation of an EVSE.
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that is provided with a branch circuit and receptacle that will support an installed EVSE.
UNIVERSAL VEHICLE CHARGING STATION. A charging station installed in a parking
space for a minimum vehicle width of 120 inches (3048 mm)with 36-inch access aisles (915
mm) on each side.
RD104 One- and two-family dwellings and townhouses. One EV ready space shall be
provided for each dwelling unit. The branch circuit shall be identified as EV ready in the service
panel or subpanel directory, and the termination location shall be marked as EV ready.
Exception: Dwelling units where no parking spaces are either required or provided.
RD105 Residential multifamily dwellings, 3-stories or less.New dwelling units for residential
multifamily buildings, other than duplexes and townhomes, shall be provided with electric
vehicle power transfer infrastructure in compliance with Sections RD105.1 through RD105.6 and
Sections RD 106 through RD 107.
RD105.1 Quantity. The number of required EVSE spaces,EV ready spaces, and EV capable
spaces shall be determined in accordance with this Section and Table RD105.1 based on the total
number of automobile parking spaces and shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number. For
multifamily buildings, the Table requirements shall be based on the total number of dwelling
units or the total number of automobile parking spaces, whichever is less.
1. Where more than one parking facility is provided on a building site, the number of
required automobile parking spaces required to have EV power transfer infrastructure
shall be calculated separately for each parking facility.
2. Installed EVSE spaces that exceed the minimum requirements of this section may be used
to meet minimum requirements for EV ready spaces and EV capable spaces.
3. Installed EV ready spaces that exceed the minimum requirements of this section may be
used to meet minimum requirements for EV capable spaces.
4. Where the number of EV ready spaces allocated for multifamily occupancies is equal to
the number of dwelling units or to the number of automobile parking spaces allocated to
multifamily occupancies, whichever is less, requirements for EVSE spaces shall not
5. In multifamily complexes that contain multiple buildings,required EV spaces shall be
dispersed throughout parking areas so that each building has access to a similar number
of spaces per dwelling unit.
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Multifamily 5% 10% 40%
a. Where all (100%)parking serving multifamily occupancies are EV ready spaces,
requirements for EVSE spaces shall not apply.
RD105.2 EV capable spaces. Each EV capable space used to meet the requirements of Section
RD 105.1 shall comply with all of the following:
1. A continuous raceway or cable assembly shall be installed between an enclosure or outlet
located within 3 feet (914 mm) of the EV capable space and a suitable panelboard or
other onsite electrical distribution equipment.
2. Installed raceway or cable assembly shall be sized and rated to supply a minimum circuit
capacity in accordance with RD 105.5
3. The electrical distribution equipment to which the raceway or cable assembly connects
shall have sufficient dedicated space and spare electrical capacity for a 2-pole circuit
breaker or set of fuses.
4. The electrical enclosure or outlet and the electrical distribution equipment directory shall
be marked: "For future electric vehicle supply equipment(EVSE)."
5. Reserved capacity shall be no less than 4.1 kVA (20A 208/240V) for each EV capable
RD105.3 EV ready spaces. Each branch circuit serving EV ready spaces used to meet the
requirements of Section RD 105.1 shall comply with all of the following:
1. Terminate at a receptacle with overcurrent protection and GFCI protection as required by
NFPA 70, located within 3 feet(914 mm) of each EV ready space it serves.
2. Have a minimum circuit capacity in accordance with RD 105.5.
3. Have a branch circuit on the panelboard or other electrical distribution equipment
directory designated as "For electric vehicle supply equipment(EVSE)" and the outlet or
enclosure shall be marked"For electric vehicle supply equipment(EVSE)."
RD105.4 EVSE spaces. An installed EVSE with multiple output connections shall be permitted
to serve multiple EVSE spaces. Each EVSE installed to meet the requirements of Section
RD 105.1, serving either a single EVSE space or multiple EVSE spaces, shall comply with all of
the following:
1. Have a minimum circuit capacity in accordance with RD 105.5.
2. Have a minimum charging rate in accordance with RD 105.4.1.
3. Be located within 3 feet(914 mm) of each EVSE space it serves.
4. Be installed in accordance with Section RD 105.6 and RD 105.7
RD105.4.1 EVSE minimum charging rate. Each installed EVSE shall comply with one of the
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1. Be capable of charging at a minimum rate of 6.2 kVA (or 30A at 208/240V).
2. When serving multiple EVSE spaces and controlled by an energy management system
providing load management, be capable of simultaneously charging each EVSE space at a
minimum rate of no less than 3.3 kVA.
3. When serving EVSE spaces allowed to have a minimum circuit capacity of 2.7 kVA in
accordance with RD105.5.1 and controlled by an energy management system providing
load management,be capable of simultaneously charging each ESVE space at a minimum
rate of no less than 2.1 kVA.
RD105.5 Circuit capacity. The capacity of electrical infrastructure serving each EV capable
space,EV ready space, and EVSE space shall comply with one of the following:
1. A branch circuit with a rated capacity not less than 8.3 kVA(or 40A at 208/240V) for
each EV ready space or EVSE space it serves.
2. The requirements of RD105.5.1.
RD105.5.1 Circuit capacity management. The capacity of each branch circuit serving multiple
EVSE spaces,EV ready spaces or EV capable spaces designed to be controlled by an energy
management system providing load management in accordance with NFPA 70, shall comply
with one of the following:
1. Have a minimum capacity of 4.1 kVA per space.
2. Have a minimum capacity of 2.7 kVA per space when serving EV ready spaces or EVSE
spaces for a building site when all (100%) of the automobile parking spaces are designed
to be EV ready or EVSE spaces.
RD105.6 EVSE installation.EVSE shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 70 and shall be
listed and labeled in accordance with UL 2202 or UL 2594.
RD105.7. EVSE ENERGY STAR. All EVSE shall be ENERGY STAR certified.
RD106. Universal vehicle charging stations.Where electric vehicle charging stations are
provided for public use, or where electric vehicle charging stations are shared by multiple
multifamily dwelling units, the number of universal vehicle charging stations shall be provided
in accordance with Table RD 106.1. When multiple stalls are required, access aisles may be
1 or more 25%
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RD107. Identification. Construction documents shall designate all EV capable spaces,EV ready
spaces, and EVSE spaces and indicate the locations of conduit and termination points serving
them. The circuit breakers or circuit breaker spaces reserved for the EV capable spaces,EV
ready spaces, and EVSE spaces shall be clearly identified in the panel board directory. The
conduit for EV capable spaces shall be clearly identified at both the panel board and the
termination point at the parking space. Appendix RE. A newly-created Appendix Chapter RE is hereby added and shall read
as follows:
Exterior Energy Offset Program (EEOP) -Residential
User note: Exterior amenities are energy intensive and have an oversized environmental
impact when compared to other building energy uses. The intent of Eagle County's
Exterior Energy Offset Program is to encourage energy efficiency of exterior amenity
energy uses and offset them through the installation of on-site renewable energy systems
and/or battery storage. The amount of onsite renewable energy required for offset, or the
amount of the fee to be paid, is based on the type and size of exterior energy uses and the
expected energy consumption per year.
Scope. Eagle County's Exterior Energy Offset Program(EEOP) applies to specific
exterior energy uses in residential and commercial building projects. The EEOP requires
project owners to offset 100% of these energy uses (with some exemptions)through
onsite installation of renewable energy and energy storage resources, or payment of a fee,
or a combination of the two.
Exterior Energy Uses Energy Use Exemptions I
Snowmelt for driveways,patios and 82,863 BTU's/SF/yr No exemption
Spa/Hot,Tub 428,937 BTU/SF/yr first 64 tt2 are exempt
Exterior Pool 331,451 BTU/SF/yr No exemption
Heat Tape,Trace Cable,Matts 5,323 BTU(1.56 kWh)/watt No exemption
I yr
For comparison,the average residential building energy use in Colorado is around 44,000 BTU/SF/Yr
Source.https//www era go v/consumptaNresrdentiallindex php
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Project owners (or their representative) can document compliance with this section via
the free Public Domain tool"Eagle County EEOP Calculation Worksheet", in the most
current version at the time of permit application. Access to the calculation worksheet is
through Eagle County's website at . Project owners download a copy
of the worksheet and enter the specific information about their proposed exterior energy
uses and equipment. Projected energy use, associated energy offsets required, and
requirements for fees are defined within this tool. Completed worksheets are submitted to
the Building Division as a part of the permit application.
The EEOP applies to both new energy uses, and replacement of pre-existing energy uses.
Pre-existing systems, for which a prior EEOP fee was paid, shall receive a prorated
credit, calculated as a fraction of the number of years since prior EEOP payment for the
system, divided by 20 years. For example, an EEOP payment made for a system
permitted 10 years prior to the current replacement permit submission, would receive
credit for 50% of the prior EEOP payment. That amount shall be deducted from the
EEOP payment owed for the replacement system. Replacement systems that were not
previously offset through onsite renewable energy or fees are considered to be new
projects, and all requirements apply.
Upgrades to existing mechanical equipment, renewable energy systems, or other system
repairs that do not increase their pre-existing energy consumption,will not require a re-
submittal to the EEOP. However, additions or replacement of exterior energy uses (as
listed above) will require a submittal of the EEOP calculation worksheet with the permit
All EEOP fees must be paid prior to TCO or CO for new construction and prior to final
inspection for additions/remodels.
Fees collected by Eagle County are used to facilitate additional energy efficiency,
electrification, and renewable energy within the community. For any questions, or
assistance with the EEOP Calculation Sheet to determine offsets and/or fees, please
contact the Building Division at(970) 328-8761 or email
Section 101.1 Title. Section 101.1 Title is amended to read as follows: These
regulations shall be known as the Swimming Pool and Spa Code of Eagle County,
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hereinafter referred to as "this Code".
Section 101.1 Title. Section 101.1 Title is amended to read as follows: These
regulations shall be known as the Existing Building Code of Eagle County, hereinafter
referred to as "this Code".
1.15.1 No work shall commence or continue any on site work in respect to any building,
structure, factory-built housing unit, mobile home equipment, road cut permit,
grading permit, construction parking or storage of materials, without first obtaining
the necessary permits from Eagle County.
1.15.2 No person shall commence or continue any work in respect to any OWTS without
first obtaining an OWTS Permit from the Environmental Health Department.
1.15.3 Written approval of the Environmental Health Department shall be obtained before
the backfilling of any OWTS.
1.15.4 With respect to any work undertaken in violation of the provisions of subsection
3.12.03 of this Section,the Building Official or Environment Health Director or
their duly authorized representatives, may at any time require that such work, in
whole or in part, be exposed for inspection.
1.15.5 No person shall occupy any new building, factory-built housing unit, or mobile
home until sewage disposal facilities, meeting the minimum standards of the
regulations of the Colorado Water Quality Control Commission or any of the Eagle
County Public Health Agency OWTS Regulations, have been installed and have
been approved, in writing, by the Environmental Health Department.
1.15.6 Building and grading permit applications for new construction shall comply with all
site development standards delineated in the Eagle County Land Use Regulations
and Eagle County Engineering Criteria Manual.
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1.15.7 The General Contractor shall be required to provide adequate sanitary facilities
during construction of any project.
1.16.1 Purpose: The purpose of this regulation is to establish minimum design and
construction standards for the protection of life and property from fire within the
Wildland/Urban Interface. These provisions are meant to aid in the prevention and
suppression of fires, lessen the hazards to structures from wildland fires and lessen the
hazards to wildlands from structure fires.
1.16.2 Applicability: These wildfire regulations are applicable to all new construction in
the unincorporated,areas of Eagle County and shall supersede the provisions of any
previously approved Planned Unit Development,which may contain language contradictory
in nature to the intent of these regulations. In the event that a previously approved Planned
Unit Development contains language,which is more restrictive than the language found in
these regulations, then the more restrictive language shall apply.
1.16.3 All new building construction, exterior modification to existing buildings, and/or
additions that increase an existing building's footprint or number of stories in
moderate, high and extreme hazard zones shall cause the entire building to
comply with the provisions of this regulation with regard to the creation of
Defensible Space. Pursuant to Section Roofing or Siding of Existing
Buildings of this Resolution, re-roofing permits will not require Defensible
Space. Only exterior modifications to existing buildings shall comply with the
provisions of this regulation with regard to ignition-resistant construction.
Buildings or structures that do not require a building permit are exempt from this
regulation, although their proximity to a permitted structure may modify the
requirement for Defensible Space on the property.
1.16.4All communities and/or subdivisions in existence prior to the effective date of
these wildfire regulations may opt to prepare a Comprehensive Wildfire
Mitigation Plan, which includes all lands and buildings within a definitive
boundary delineated by said Plan. The Comprehensive Wildfire Mitigation Plan
will be evaluated and may be approved at the sole discretion of the Board of
County Commissioners through application for a Special Use Permit pursuant to
Chapter 2,Article 5 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. The Board will
render their decision based upon recommendations from the Planning
Commission,the Colorado State Forest Service,the local Fire Authority having
jurisdiction and any other applicable federal, state or local authority or agency.
If the Special Use Permit for the Comprehensive Wildfire Mitigation Plan is
approved and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners,then the land area
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defined within the Plan will not be required to conform to this Chapter III with
regard to wildfire mitigation. Rather, the land area defined within the Plan will be
bound via Board of County Commissioner Resolution for the Special Use Permit
to fully implement the elements of the Comprehensive Wildfire Mitigation Plan
within a time frame established by the Board of County Commissioners through
the Special Use Permit. The Comprehensive Wildfire Mitigation Plan shall remain
in full force and effect and all wildfire mitigation measures established within the
Plan shall be maintained in perpetuity, unless otherwise amended by the Board of
County Commissioners.
The County shall be authorized to set limits on the length of any Special Use
Permit that it issues and to obtain assurances that the ongoing operation of the use
will comply with all of the applicant's representations and all conditions of
approval, including, but not limited to,requiring an annual compliance review. All
conditions imposed in any Special Use Permit shall be expressly set forth in the
resolution approving the Special Use Permit.
Revocation or suspension of a Special Use Permit issued pursuant to the Eagle
County Land Use Regulations shall be made under the procedures and standards
of Article 7 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations,upon a finding that the
Special Use Permit was issued on the basis of erroneous or misleading
information or representation, the development violates the terms or conditions of
any permit issued pursuant to the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, the terms
or conditions of the Special Use Permit or the Eagle County Land Use
1.16.5 All communities and/or subdivisions in existence prior to the effective date of
these wildfire regulations opting to submit a Comprehensive Wildfire
Mitigation Plan must have the plan prepared by a natural resource professional
with expertise in the field of vegetation management and wildfire mitigation.
Variable topography, diverse natural vegetative cover, as well as unique access
and water supply characteristics typify each existing development in Eagle
County. It is therefore, imperative that a plan be designed specifically for the
community or subdivision seeking special consideration. The plan shall contain
strategies to implement wildfire mitigation measures that will provide equal, if not
superior, protection from the hazards inherent to wildfire. The plan may include
but not be limited to: Strategic vegetation management incorporating the
creation of strategic fire breaks in common areas, along access routes and
subdivision perimeter and on each privately owned property; creation of
Defensible Space around all existing structures within the boundaries of the
Comprehensive Wildfire Mitigation Plan; Removal of dead and diseased trees,
clean-up and maintenance of under-story growth and ground debris within
common areas and on each privately owned property; Provision of or
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improvement of an existing firefighting water supply; Community/subdivision
ingress/egress and individual driveway improvements designed to accommodate
adequate emergency vehicle access and turnaround areas; Create at least two
usable points of ingress/egress to the community/subdivision; Provision of
adequate road and address signage; Inclusion of new technology designed to
mitigate wildfire hazards such as fire-retardant foam or gel applications,
and/Retrofit existing structures with fire-resistive construction materials,
particularly, fire-resistive deck and roofing materials. The Board may also
consider preexisting Wildfire mitigation measures.
1.16.6 DEFINITIONS For the purpose of these Wildfire Regulation,certain terms
are defined as follows:
substantive compilation of commonly accepted practices designed to substantially
decrease the hazards to life, property and the natural environment caused by
DEFENSIBLE SPACE is a designated area surrounding a building or buildings
that will be subject to fuel modification measures intended to reduce fire-spread
potential between the structure and adjacent vegetation.
FIRE HYDRANT means a valve connection on a piped water supply system
having one or more outlets that is used to supply hose and fire pumpers with
water as approved by the Local Fire Authority Having Jurisdiction.
materials shall be one of the following types:
• Non-combustible materials(cement stucco,brick,stone,metal,cement
fiber board, etc.)
• Logs greater than 6 inches in diameter
• Exterior walls listed as a one-hour fire-resistive assembly(i.e. %"type X
gypsum board behind exterior wood walls)
• Fire-retardant treated wood materials,identified for exterior use and tested
to ASTME-84 standard
• Type IV(Heavy Timber)construction as defined in the International
Building Code
TREE CROWN is the needle or leaf bearing part of a tree. The crown edge is
the tree's drip edge.
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Docusign Envelope ID:DB90860E-759E-4343-9F9A-D2D5F8F7A41 B Hazard Rating Assignment Prior to the approval of a building permit
applicable to these regulations, a Wildfire Hazard Rating must be determined
for the subject property. The rating will determine the level of mitigation
required for construction. Wildfire Hazard Rating. Pursuant to the Eagle County Land Use
Regulations,plans for subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments or Special
Use Permits in Eagle County may be referred to the Colorado State Forest
Service, or reviewed by the county's Wildfire Mitigation Specialist. The
Wildfire Mitigation Specialist reviews the application and determines a
wildfire hazard rating of low, moderate, high or extreme for the project.
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Wildfire Hazard Rating,Not Assigned. A wildfire hazard rating must be
obtained on properties for which the owner is applying for a building permit.
Eagle County Wildfire Mitigation Staff,the Local Fire Authority Having
Jurisdiction or the Colorado State Forest Service, using identical criteria, will
determine site-specific wildfire hazard ratings.
Inspection. The level and type of Wildfire Hazard mitigation shall be
determined by Eagle County Wildfire Mitigation Staff at the time of building
permit plan check. During construction,the following site inspections shall be
Initial site inspections. Two (2) inspections shall be required prior to the
issuance of a building permit. A wildfire hazard rating for the property must
be available. Prior to the initial inspection being scheduled,the footprint of
the proposed structure must be staked out on the ground. The first inspection
shall establish the Defensible Space, identify trees and shrubs to be removed
or pruned and list other mitigation measures to be performed within the
Defensible Space. The second inspection shall be made to verify that
Defensible Space actions identified during the first inspection have been
Final Site Inspection. A final inspection to verify that all required mitigation
actions have been completed or property utilized shall be conducted prior to the
issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy(TCO) for the structure.
1.16.8 REQUIRED MITIGATION Defensible Space Vegetation Management Zones. Defensible Space
shall-extend the distances specified in Table A set forth below(a minimum 70 feet
for flat lots), or to the property lines, whichever is less. Defensible Space
measurements shall commence from the building plane, and follow all projections
and recessions on each side of the building. A Defensible Space required under
these provisions shall also encompass, and extend from, all buildings on the
property located within a 50-foot radius of the affected building. Within the
Defensible Space identified through application of Table A, the following
mitigation shall be provided(Reference Figure 1):
Zone 1: Is the area of maximum modification and treatment. The intent of Zone 1 is
to reduce fuels that are immediately adjacent to flammable elements of the structure
and to provide a clear access area for firefighting operations. Zone 1 is an area
measured 15-30 feet from the edges of the structure. Ideally, all trees within Zone 1
should be removed to reduce the fire hazard. If a tree or cluster of trees must remain,
it will be considered as an integral part of the structure and Defensible Space
pursuant to Table A will be measured from the drip line of the tree or tree cluster.
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This is particularly important if the building is sided with wood or other flammable
materials. Decorative rock or irrigated, mowed grass creates an attractive, easily
maintained nonflammable ground cover. If the house has noncombustible siding,
widely spaced foundation plantings of low growing shrubs or other fire-resistant
plants are acceptable (Reference CSFS Publication 6.305,Fire wise Plant Materials
or,the version of this publication currently in effect.).
Frequent pruning and maintenance of plants in this zone is necessary. All
dead branches, stems and leaves must be regularly removed. All trees
within Zone 1 must be pruned to at least 10 feet above the ground,but no
more than 1/3 the overall height of the tree(aspen trees,individual spruce,
fir and pine specimens are exempt). All branches that interfere with the
structure's roof or chimney must be removed. All ladder fuels (small
shrubs, trees, tree limbs and other materials that allow fire to climb into
the tree crown)must be removed from beneath the tree or tree cluster.
Zone 2: Is an area of fuel reduction. The size of Zone 2 depends on the slope of
the ground where the structure is built(Reference Table A). Within this zone,
the continuity and arrangement of vegetation is modified to reduce the intensity
of any fire approaching the structure. Trees and shrubs must be thinned so that
there is a minimum of 10 feet between crowns. Crown separation is measured
from the furthest branch of one tree to the nearest branch on the next tree. All
ladder fuels from under these trees must be removed. All trees must be pruned
to at least 10 feet above the ground, but no more than 1/3 the overall height of
the tree (aspen trees, individual spruce, fir and pine specimens are exempt).
Dead stems and shrubs must be removed. No more than 2 dead trees per acre
should remain for wildlife habitat. Dead trees, which can fall onto a structure or
block an access, must be removed.
Uphill(and side)
„5° 1111.11211 11/1.1
,o �■■■■■
70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 170 190 210
Distance to home
Table A: This chart indicates the minimum
dimensions for defensible space from the
home to the outer edge of Zone 2.
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ti I
• Zone1
—'-'Property Lines"♦
Y. )( X *` X X ?f X x
Figure 1: Property showing the three fire
defensible zones around a home or other
structure. Construction. The following construction specific requirements shall
be enforced based on a site's assigned Hazard Rating. The establishment of a
Defensible Space shall be required in moderate, high and extreme hazard
areas in accordance with the requirements of this regulation and Table A. Low Hazard Construction. No additional construction mitigation measures required. Moderate Hazard Construction. Structures located within a Moderate Wildfire
Hazard area shall be required to implement Defensible Space pursuant to Table A. All roof
assemblies shall be class A or class B as defined in the building code in effect at the time of
building permit application. Decks shall be of ignition-resistant construction. Decking
materials shall be tested to ASTM E-84 standards and given a flame-spread ratio less than or
equal to 75. Horizontal soffits greater than 48 inches shall be of ignition-resistant
construction. Vents for roof ventilation shall have a non-combustible cover, and metal
screening no greater 1/4". High Hazard Construction. Structures located within High
Wildfire Hazard areas shall be required to implement Defensible Space
pursuant to Table A and shall incorporate ignition-resistant construction as
defined in this regulation. All roofs shall be class A as defined in the
building code in effect at the time of building permit application. Decks,
eaves and soffits shall be of ignition-resistant construction. Decking
materials shall be tested to ASTM E-84 standards and given a flame-
spread ratio less than or equal to 25. Vents for roof ventilation shall have a
non-combustible cover, and metal screening no greater '/4". The creation
of an area of non-combustible landscaping surrounding the structure (i.e.
stone, gravel, concrete, etc.) extending 3-5 feet from the foundation walls,
may be acceptable in lieu of ignition-resistant exterior walls in some
circumstances depending on site-specific wildfire hazards determined by
the Wildfire Mitigation Specialist.
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Docusign Envelope ID:DB90860E-759E-4343-9F9A-D2D5F8F7A41B Extreme Hazard Construction. Site and construction-specific
requirements for structures proposed in areas that have been assigned an
Extreme Wildfire Hazard rating shall be determined by the Wildfire
Mitigation Specialist and the Local Fire Authority Having Jurisdiction on
a case by case basis. The extreme rating may be downgraded through
implementation of various vegetation management techniques designed to
mitigate the overall wildfire hazard present on the site and/or by providing
a reliable year-round source of water for firefighting purposes. Fire
hydrant(s)must conform to the requirements of the fire code in effect at
the time of application or, as otherwise determined by the Local Fire
Authority Having Jurisdiction. Water tanks, cisterns and/or dry hydrants
shall meet the requirements of the National Fire Protection Association
(NFPA)Bulletin Number 1142,Suburban and Rural Fire Fighting,2001
Edition or,the edition of the referenced publication currently in effect.
The Local Fire Authority Having Jurisdiction may approve an alternative
standard. Additions. Additions requiring a building permit in moderate,high
or extreme hazard areas will require that Defensible Space be developed
around the addition as well as the existing structure in accordance with the
requirements of this regulation and Table A. Construction of the addition
shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section of this
regulation. Exterior Decks. Exterior decks requiring a building permit will
require that Defensible Space be developed around the deck as well as the
existing structure in accordance with the requirements of this regulation and
Table A and shall also be constructed in a manner consistent with this
regulation per the fire hazard rating assigned to the property. Roofing or Siding of Existing Buildings. When re-siding or re-
roofing an existing building requires a building permit, materials and
construction shall comply with this regulation based on the fire hazard rating
assigned to the property.
1.17.1 The Building Division shall issue a permit where:
A.An application for a permit has been made in accordance with the
provisions of this Building Resolution.
B. The proposed work set out in the application conforms to this Building
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Resolution and all other laws,regulations, resolutions, or orders having
application in Eagle County.
C. All construction drawings,applications, and permit fees have been
submitted and approved.
D.A separate right of way construction permit for driveways will not be
required prior to building permit issuance, unless otherwise determined by
the County Engineer. This will apply to all driveways connected to Eagle
County Roads and in accordance with the Eagle County Land Use
Regulations and Engineering Criteria Manual. The right-of-way
construction, permit application, and permit fees will be enforced and
regulated by the Eagle County Engineer.
1.17.2 The Building Division shall not issue a permit where:
A. The proposed work, as set forth in the application, or the proposed use of the building or
structure when completed, does not comply with the provisions of the Eagle County Land
Use Regulations;
B. The owner or applicant, in relation to the proposed lot or site,has not
complied with the provisions of the Eagle County Land Use
Regulations controlling the subdivision, platting, partitioning, or other
division of land;
C. An OWTS is necessary, and the proposed site does not meet the
requirements, conditions, or imposed provisions of State law or regulation
of the Colorado Water Quality Control Commission, or of any Eagle
County Public Health Agency OWTS Regulations. Where an OWTS is
necessary and the proposed site meets the requirements or conditions
therefore imposed by a provision of the aforesaid laws, regulations, or
resolutions, the Building Official shall not issue a permit until an OWTS
permit has first been issued in writing by the Environmental Health
D. The proposed site is located, all or in part, within any area determined by
the Code Official to necessitate special building requirements as a result
of geological hazards or Flood Plain Hazard Area in any county
resolution; and the special permit required by such resolution has not
been obtained by the applicant. All special building requirements
included in any such special permit shall be incorporated into the permit
issued to the applicant under this Building Resolution;
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E. The proposed work is to be done within a subdivision(including a re-
subdivision) for which a final plat(including any relevant amended final
plat) has not been approved and for which a Subdivision Improvements
Agreement, if required by or for the final plat approval, has not been
entered into.
F. No Building Permit shall be issued until site plans are presented that
show an on- site area that is and will remain available for off-street
parking and storage of construction materials.
1.18 FEES
1.18.1 The schedule of fees to be charged for the issuance of a permit
under this Resolution shall be as set forth in Section 1.1 above.
1.18.2 The estimated value of the work shall be reviewed by the Building
Official. The Building Official shall account for all fees paid under this
Building Resolution for any building, mobile-home placement and all
fees shall be deposited in the County General Fund. (See 3.05, Section
109.3. of the ECBR).
Each application for a permit shall include a permit checklist that is available at or at any of the Eagle County Community Development Offices.
1.19.1 The person to whom the permit is issued shall, during construction,keep: Posted in a conspicuous place on the property in respect of
which the permit was issued; a copy of the building permit throughout
the construction process. The approved field set of construction drawings and
specifications including any plan addendums,modifications or other
documents required,by the Building Official.
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1.20.1 A Board of Review is hereby created pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes
Section 30-28-206, as amended. This Section 3.15 shall replace and
supersede the following code sections': IBC 113, IRC R112, IPC 109,IMC
109 and IFGC 109.
1.20.2 Appeals to the Board of Review may be taken by any person aggrieved by
that person's inability to obtain a building permit or by an officer,
department,board or bureau of the county affected by the grant or refusal of
a building permit. Any person, officer, department,board or bureau may
appeal to the Board of Review from the decision of any administrative officer
or agency based upon or made in the course of the administration or
enforcement of the provision of the Building Resolution.
1.20.3 Appeals to the Board of Review: Membership of the Board of Review: A Board of Review,
consisting of a minimum of three (3) and maximum of five (5)
members, shall be appointed by the Board of Commissioners to hear
and decide appeals as provided hereunder. The Board of Review
shall appoint from its membership, a Chairman and a Secretary who
shall keep a written record of all proceeding of the Board. Qualifications of Board Members: If any such persons are
available in the County, each member shall be a licensed professional
engineer or architect or a building contractor or superintendent of
building construction, or other person qualified by experience and
training to pass on matters pertaining to building construction and at
least one member shall, if possible,be a licensed architect and one.
member shall be a licensed structural or civil engineer. Terms of Office. The term of office of each member of the
Board of Review appointed under this Building Resolution shall be
for five(5) years. Said terms shall be so arranged that the terms of at
least one member will expire each year. When a person is appointed
to fill out the term of a departing member, that person's term shall
end at the time the departing member's term would have ended. Removal from Office. Any member of the Board of Review
may be removed for cause by the Board of County Commissioners
upon written charges and after a public hearing. Vacancies. Whenever a vacancy occurs on the Board of
Review,the member's position shall remain vacant until a new
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member can be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. Application for Appeal: The Board of Review shall have the
authority to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions, or
determinations made by the Building Official relative to the
application and interpretation of this Building Resolution. The Board
of Review shall have no authority relative to interpretation of the
administrative provisions of this Building Resolution nor shall the
Board be empowered to waive requirements of the building,
plumbing, mechanical, fuel gas, fire, energy conservation codes or
this Building Resolution. Fees: Fees for a Board of Review hearing shall be$100.00 payable
to the Eagle County Treasurer at the time of application for appeal. Time for Appeal: An appeal shall be commenced within 10 days
from the date of the decision appealed from by filing a written Notice
of Appeal with the Secretary of the Board of Review. The Notice of
Appeal shall set forth the decision appealed from. Board Action on Appeal: Upon receipt of a Notice of Appeal,
the Secretary shall schedule said appeal for hearing within 30 days
of receipt of said Notice, or if the Board has adopted a regular
schedule of meetings, not later than the third regular meeting
following receipt of the Notice. The Secretary shall there upon mail
written notice of the date, time, and place of the hearing to the
Building Official and to the appellant. Meetings. Meetings of the Board shall be held at the call of the
Chairman and at such other times as the Board in its rules of
procedure may specify. The Chairman, or in his absence, the acting
chairman, may administer oaths and compel the attendance of
witnesses. All meetings of the Board shall be open to the public.
The Board shall keep minutes of its proceedings showing the vote of
each member upon each question or, if absent or failing to vote,
indicating such fact, and it shall keep records of its examinations
and other official actions, all of which shall be filed in the office of
the Board and shall be a public record. The Board shall adopt
reasonable rules and regulations for the conduct of meetings. Rulings: The Board shall issue its findings and rulings thereon
in writing not later than 30 days after the hearing, or not later than the
second regular meeting following the hearing, if a regular schedule
of meetings has been adopted by the Board. The Secretary shall mail
copies of the findings and rulings to the Building Official and
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A. Grievances: Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Board of Review shall
have the right of appeal therefrom to the Board of County Commissioners. Such appeal
shall be made within thirty(30) days from the date of the decision of the Board of
Review, In the case of an appeal by the Building Official,the original appellant shall be
notified within five (5) days from the date of the decision that the Building Official
intends to appeal the decision.
B. Procedure: Appeals hereunder shall be commenced by filing a written Notice
of Appeal with the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners,who shall schedule
the appeal for hearing not later than the second regular meeting following receipt of
said Notice. The Clerk shall notify the Secretary of the Board of Review, the Building
Official and the appellant in writing of the date, time and place of the hearing.
C. Fees: The fee for appeals to the Board of County Commissioners shall be
$100.00 payable to the Eagle County Treasurer at the time of application for appeal.
D. Transmission of Files: Upon receipt of the Notice from the Clerk,the Secretary
of the Board of Review shall transmit the file containing all exhibits, testimony and
evidence of whatsoever kind to the Clerk not later than ten(10) days prior to the
scheduled hearing.
E. Hearing: At the hearing, the Board of County Commissioners shall examine the
file and consider any additional evidence which it deems appropriate. Strict rules of
evidence shall not apply.
F. Ruling: Within ten(10) days from the date of the hearing the Board of County
Commissioners shall issue its written ruling affirming,modifying,or reversing the ruling
of the Board of Appeals. Copies of the ruling shall be mailed to the Secretary of the
Board of Appeals, the Building Official, and the appellant. The Building Official shall
then take whatever action is indicated by the ruling of the Board of County
1.21.1 The Building Official, or authorized representative, is authorized to
administer and enforce this Building Resolution. It shall be unlawful to
erect, construct, reconstruct, alter or remodel any building, structure or
dwelling, except buildings or structures used for the sole purpose of
providing shelter for agricultural implements, farm products, livestock,
or poultry, without first obtaining a building permit from the County
Building Official. The County Building Official shall not issue any
permit unless the plans for the proposed erection, construction,
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reconstruction, alteration, or use fully conform to all County zoning and
general regulations then in effect. No person, firm, or corporation shall
occupy or use any building, structure, or dwelling or OWTS in
violation of the provisions of this Building Resolution.
1.21.2 The Building Official, or authorized representative, is authorized to
enter upon private property for the purpose of administering this
Building Resolution. The owner of the property shall give the Building
Official free access after Eagle County has given reasonable notice for
such survey or inspection. If access is denied, the Building Official may
apply to the District Court of Eagle County for an order authorizing
1.21.3 Whenever the Building Official, or authorized representative,has
personal knowledge of any violation of this Building Resolution, the
Building Official shall give written notice to the violator to correct the
violation within ten(10) calendar days after the date of the notice.
Where the violator fails to correct the violation within the ten(10) day
period, the County Building Inspector or Code Enforcement Officer
may request that the County Sheriff issue a summons and complaint to
the violator, stating the nature of the violation with sufficient
particularity to give notice of the charge to the violator. Any violation
of the County Building Code shall be deemed a nuisance.
1.21.4 Any person or entity who violates the provisions of this Building
Resolution commits a civil infraction and shall be subject to a fine of
not more than one hundred dollars ($100). Each day during which such
illegal erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, maintenance, or
use continues shall be deemed a separate offense.
1.21.5 In addition to the penalties set forth in Section 3.19.2 of this Building
Resolution, any person or entity violating the provisions of this
Building Resolution may also be subject to the imposition,by order of
the county court, of a civil penalty in an amount of not less than five
hundred dollars ($500), nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).
Each day after the issuance of the order of the county court during
which such unlawful activity continues shall be deemed a separate
violation and shall be the subject of a continuing penalty in an amount
not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100) for each such day. Until paid,
any civil penalty ordered by the county court and assessed under this
subsection shall, as of recording, be a lien against the property on which
the violation has been found to exist. In case the assessment is not paid
within thirty days, it may be certified by the county attorney to the
county treasurer, who shall collect the assessment, together with a ten
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percent penalty for the cost of collection, in the same manner as other
taxes are collected. The laws of this state for assessment and collection
of general taxes, including the laws for the sale and redemption of
property for taxes, shall apply to the collection of assessments pursuant
to this subsection. Any lien placed against the property pursuant to this
subsection shall be recorded with the clerk and recorder.
1.21.6 In case any building or structure is or is proposed to be erected,
constructed, reconstructed, altered, remodeled,used or maintained in
violation of the provisions of this Building Resolution, the Board of
County Commissioners, the Building Official, the County Attorney, or
the District Attorney of the District, in addition to other remedies
provided by law, may institute an appropriate action for injunction, a
lien, mandamus, or abatement to prevent, enjoin, abate, or to remove
such unlawful erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration,
remodeling, maintenance, or use.
The Building Official may waive any permit requirements set forth in this
Building Resolution only after a determination that the effect of such a waiver is minor
and will not affect the health, safety and welfare of the persons occupying buildings of
Eagle County.
Upon the approval and adoption of this Building Resolution by the Board of
County Commissioners,all existing or previously adopted Building Resolutions be and
the same are hereby repealed and superseded by this Resolution.
The Eagle County Board of Commissioners hereby declares that if any section,
subsection,clause or phrase of this Building Resolution or of the 2021 Codes adopted by
this Resolution, is for any reason held to be invalid by the decision of any court of
competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining
portions of this Building Resolution and/or the 2021 Codes.
This Building Resolution shall be effective as of January 21, 2025, the date of approval by the Board of County
Commissioners. Building permit applications submitted to the County prior to January 21, 2025, shall be reviewed
under the requirements of the previous version of the Building Resolution.
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Docusign Envelope ID:DB90860E-759E-4343-9F9A-D2D5F8F7A41 B
Eagle County Permit Requirements
(This Table is a Permit Requirement Guideline ONLY,and does not take precedence over the International Codes as adopted
by Eagle County)
New Structures Building of New Residential 1,2,3,4, 5,6,9, BD, EH, PD,EG X
Structures 10,11
& Building of New Non- 1,2,3,4,5,6,9, BD, EH, PD,EG X
Residential Commercial 10,11
Factory Built
Structures Moving of Existing 1,6,11 BD, EH, PD, EG X
Structure to New Location
& Moving of Manufactured 3,8 BD, PD X
Housing into a Mobile
Home Park
Manufactured on
Private Land Moving&Setting of Factory 1,2,3,4,5,6,11 BD, EH, PD, EG X
Built Structure on Building
Grading with No Other All Grading 5 EG X
One story detached X
buildings used as tool and
storage sheds playhouses
and similar uses provided
the projected roof area
does not exceed 120 s.f.
and the height of said
buildings does not exceed
10 feet at peak of roof.
Condemned Buildings Demolition of the Whole or 1 BD, PD
Part of Building, Factory
Built Structures,or
Manufactured Housing
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Additions& Additions&alterations
Alterations to Exterior involving bedroom, 1,2,3,4,6,9, 10 BD, EH, PD,EG X
Construction&On- bathroom,kitchen,living
Site Accessory room,or other accessory
Construction rooms
Additions & alterations
involving an attached or 1,2,3,4,5,6 BD, PD, EH,EG X
detached garage or shop
sidewalks/slabs X
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Decks and Patios not over
Additions & 30 inches above grade with X
Exterior Construction no permanent construction
& above the floor line 1, 3 BD, PD
On Site Accessory Decks,Entry Porches,Etc.
Retaining Walls,over 4 feet 1,11 BD, EG X
in height(Engineering
Fences over 6 feet in height 1,11 BD, PD,EG X
Fences used for Agricultural X
purposes only or those
fences under 6 feet in height
Erection of Exterior Signs 7,11 BD, PD,EG X
(Except as Exempt in
Zoning Resolutions)
All Non-Structural X
Exterior Repair& Replacement of Roof X 1 BD
Addition Repair or Replacement of
Exterior Siding
Replacement or Addition of 1 BD
Exterior Window
Repair of Existing Exterior 1
Addition of Exterior Door 1 BD, PD
Repair or Replacement of
Existing Exterior Door 1
Interior Repair& Repair or Replacement of X
Replacement&/or floor covering
Painting,Papering or Similar X
Finish Work-Exterior or
Installation of Wood burning 4 BD
Stove or Fireplace
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Docusign Envelope ID:DB90860E-759E-4343-9F9A-D2D5F8F7A41 B
Building Permit Fees
Each application shall include an additional plan review fee equal to 65%of Permit Fee.
Total Valuation Fee
$1.00 to $500.00 $27.50
$501.00 to 2,000.00 $27.50 for the first$500.00 plus $3.60 for each additional
$100.00,or fraction thereof,to and including$2,000.00
$2,001.00 to $25,000.00 $80.25 for the first$2,000.00 plus$16.30 for each
additional$1,000.00,or fraction thereof,to and including
$25,001.00 to$50,000.00 $456.75 for the first$25,000.00 plus $11.75 for each
additional$1,000.00,or fraction thereof,to and including
$50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $745.50 for the first$50,000.00 plus $8.15 for each
additional $1,000.00,or fraction thereof,to and
including $100,000.00
$100,001.00 to$500,000.00 $1150.00 for the first$100,000.00 plus$6.55 each
additional$1,000.00,or fraction thereof,to and including
$500,001.00 to $3738.00 for the first$500,000.00 plus $5.55 for each
$1,000,000.00 additional$1,000.00,or fraction thereof to and including
$1,000,001.00 and up $6480.00 for the first$1,000,000.00 plus$4.30 for each
additional$1,000.00,or fraction thereof
Other Inspections and Fees:
1. Inspections outside of normal business hours
$55.00 per hour(minimum charge 2 hours)
2. Re-inspection fees $100.00
3. Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated $55 per hour
4. Additional plan review required by changes,additions or revisions to plans ....
$55 per hour
5. For use of outside consultants for plan checking and inspections,or both
Actual costs
6. Requests for specialized reports will be charged(1/2 hour minimum)
$55 per hour
7. Moving or demolishing any building or structure $55 per inspection
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Wildfire Inspection and Review Fees
Inspections are not necessary for properties with a low hazard rating. Inspections: Three
(3)field inspections and one(1)hour plan review time $200.00
Additional inspections $55 per
Fees for Factory built,Manufactured Housing/Mobile Homes
Single Wide Unit(includes 2 inspections and 1-hour plan review) $140.25
Double Wide Unit(includes 3 field inspections and 2-hour plan review) $233.75
Mechanical Permit Fees
Total Valuation Fee
$1.00 to $2,000.00 $40.00
$2,001.00 to $25,000.00 $40.00 for the first$2,000.00 plus$20.00 for each
additional$1,000.00,or fraction thereof,to and
including $25,000.00
$25,001.00 and up $500.00 for the first$25,000.00 plus $10.00 for each
additional$1,000.00 or fraction thereof
Re-inspection fees $100.00
Total Valuation shall be actual value of work or calculated at a minimum 5% of the
building valuation. Fireplaces shall require a separate permit based on the valuation of
the work for the fireplaces.
Plumbing Permit Fees
Total Valuation Fee
$1.00 to$2,000.00 $40.00
$2,001.00 to$25,000.00 $40.00 for the first$2,000 plus$20.00 for each additional
$1,000.00,or fraction thereof,to and including$25,000.00
$25,001.00 and up $500.00 for the first$25,000.00 plus $10.00 for each
Additional$1,000.00,or fraction thereof
Re-inspection fees $100.00
Total Valuation shall be actual value of work or calculated at a minimum 5%of the
building valuation.
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Electrical and Fire
Alarm Permit Fees
A. Residential(Single Ownership Residence)
This fee(based on the enclosed living area only)includes construction of, or remodeling
or addition to a: single family home, duplex, condominium, town house. If you are
ONLY changing or providing a service and not wiring any portion on the above,.see
section B below for correct permit fee.
Not more than 1,000 square feet $ 120.00
Over 1,000 square feet and not more than 1,500 square feet $168.00
Over 1,500 square feet and not more than 2,000 square feet $216.00
Per 100 square feet in excess of 2,000 square feet $ 9.60
B. All Other Fees
All other fees, including service hookups to modular home and temporary construction
meters, shall be computed on the dollar value of the electrical installation, including time
and materials, whether they are provided by the contractor or the property owner. Such
fees shall be computed as follows: (See Section C for the fees for inspections in mobile
home and travel parks)
Valuation of work: (Actual cost to customer)Fee
$1.00 to$2,000.00 $ 120.00
$2,001.00 and above$ 9.60 per thousand or fraction thereof plus
C. Mobile home and travel trailer parks,per space $ 120.00
D. Re-inspection fee for all of the above $ 57.50
E. Temporary power permits $ 65.00
F. For issuing each transfer permit $20.00
G. Other Inspection fees
Inspections outside of normal business hours(minimum 2 hour) $55.00 per hour
Re-inspection fee $57.50
Inspections for which no fee is specifically'indicated(minimum 1 hour)....$55.00 per hour
Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans
(minimum 1 hour) $55.00 per hour
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Grading Permit Fees
A. Grading permit fees.
50 cubic yards or less $32.50
51 to 100 cubic yards $65
101 to 1,000 cubic yards $130
1,001 to 10,000 cubic yards $260
10,001 to 100,000 cubic yards $520
100,001 cubic yards or more $1,040
B. Grading plan review fees
50 cubic yards or less $50
51 to 100 cubic yards $100
101 to 1,000 cubic yards $200
1,001 to 10,000 cubic yards $400
10,001 to 100,000 cubic yards $800
100,001 cubic yards or more $1,600
Other inspections and fees
Inspections outside of,normal business hours(minimum 2 hours) $100.00 per hour**
Re-inspection fees $100.00 per hour**
Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated(minimum '/2 hour)
$100.00 per hour**
Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans ......
(minimum %hour) $100.00 per
1. The fee for a grading permit authorizing additional work to that
under a valid permit shall be the difference between the fee paid
for the original permit and the fee shown for the entire project.
**Or the total hourly cost to the jurisdiction,whichever is the greatest. This cost shall
include supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of the
employees involved.
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Docusign Envelope ID:DB90860E-759E-4343-9F9A-D2D5F8F7A41 B
Address Sign Requirements
An addressing sign board will be required at all building sites for construction permitted
through the Eagle County Building Division. A County Sign Permit is not required in
this case.
This requirement will help County Building Inspectors, as well as subcontractors and
suppliers, find the job site.
The dimensions shown are intended as guidelines only. Your sign must be legible and
visible from the road that serves your driveway.
PERMIT NO. RES(COM)00-00-0000
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Docusign Envelope ID:DB90860E-759E-4343-9F9A-D2D5F8F7A41 B
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