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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/14/2021 PUBLIC HEARING December 14, 2021 Present: Matt Scherr Chairman Jeanne McQueeney Commissioner Jeff Shroll County Manager Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board Absent: Kathy Chandler-Henry Commissioner This being a scheduled Public Hearing,the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Commissioner Updates Chairman Scherr opened the meeting. He shared that Commissioner Chandler-Henry was not in attendance because she was representing Eagle County and the region at a water conference being held out of state. Commissioner McQueeney was excited to share that last night was the unveiling of the community read. One Book One Valley was organized by Lori Barnes with the Vail Public Library. This was an event that encouraged all residents to read the same book. The book chosen this year was Tallgrass, by Sandra Dallas. Chairman Scherr mentioned a program at the Vail Symposium that was free and virtual. It was called "Crafting a Purpose Driven Life" featuring Bob and Gregg Vanourek. He also mentioned an article in the Vail Daily written by a local cross country coach called"Faith Restored." He believed it was uplifting and a lesson on how people get things done in the community. County Manager Updates Jeff Shroll stated that he had no updates. Consent Agenda 1. Second Amendment to Lease Agreement Between Eagle County and Gerard Brothers Partnership Peter Suneson,Open Space 2. Resolution 2021-103 Approval for Special Use Permit for Ajax Sleepaway Camp,Eagle County File No. ZS-9131-2021 Kris Valdez,Contract Planner Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the Consent Agenda for December 14, 2021, as presented. Chairman Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was unanimous. 1 12/14/2021 Constituent Input Chairman Scherr explained the primary purpose for County Commissioner meetings was to allow citizens to express their views on community interests. The decision to allow constituent input was at the discretion of the board. The board was allowed to impose reasonable limitations regarding the time,place, and manner. The board does not limit speech based on viewpoint but did limit the subject matter for comment. Comments may be submitted in writing in advance or alternatively during the public comment. He reminded everyone to be respectful and comments were limited to three minutes. Brenda Wyatt, licensed attorney and resident of Eagle, spoke. She expressed displeasure with regards to the treatment by the board to their constituents. She expressed support for freedom of speech and read from the 1st Amendment. She believed it was necessary to the system of self government that gave the American people a checking function against government excess and corruption. If the people were to be the masters of their fate and of their elected government, they must be well informed and have access to all information, ideas, and points of view. Mask ignorance was a breeding ground of oppression and tyranny. If the board did not allow people who opposed their views a forum to speak,they would not grow or understand the issues. If they only surrounded themselves with people who think like them,they would not understand the issues in front of them. She believed that the board had tremendous power and advised them to use their power wisely. Susie Kincade, a 42-year resident of Eagle County, spoke. She had been before the board many times and had not always agreed with the sitting board but had always had been treated fairly, openly, and with mutual trust. She believed the board was the foundation of democracy,public servants, friends, and leaders. She appreciated the way they had extended themselves in these unprecedented times to keep everyone safe. She thanked the board for coming in day after day and taking a hit at times with their personal health. She presented each commissioner with a small gift and thanked them for doing their very best on the behalf of the community. Pamela Chapman of Gypsum spoke. She stated that she attended the meeting in the spirit of freedom,not in the spirit of hate. She loved the county and her country and was not here to fight. She believed she had the right to choose whether to wear a mask or be vaccinated. Ryan Strubin spoke. He spoke about Cornerstone Christian School and how his children attended the school. He believed that Pastor Jim and his wife were doing a wonderful job. His number one concern was for the safety of his children. He believed masks were ineffective, and that as a parent, he had a choice whether to mask his children or not. He believed this was about control,not public health. He asked the board if they felt good about the decisions they made and whether they slept well at night. Pastor Jim Tarr of Cornerstone Christain School spoke. Since the beginning of the school year they had been living under a threat. A threat administered by the Public Health Department. They met with their families and staff and advised them of the risk of not wearing a mask. He spoke about the liberties granted to him by the Constitution of the United States. He expressed frustration with regards to silencing the voices of those who wished to speak. He had reason to believe that there were schools in this part of the valley that were not following the rules and held to the same standards. Nicole Herrle spoke. She loved the county and believed it was disheartening to see what's happening. She was opposed to tax payer dollars being used to sue a school that was not requiring that masks be worn. Anika Neal of Glenwood Springs spoke. She challenged the commissioners to spend three days in a public classroom with a mask on and communicating with children with masks on their faces. She believed that children learned to manage emotions through facial expressions. They were being denied the opportunity to learn. She was willing to stand for children as they did not have a voice. Heather Bergquist from Gypsum spoke. She did not agree with how her taxpayer dollars were being used. She asked that her tax dollars be returned to her so she could spend them where she thought fit. She spoke about the Public Health order and believed that due to recent changes,that the board should let the mask mandate expire on Friday. Becca Leeper spoke. She talked about the Vilar Center and Vail Valley Foundation vaccine requirements. She presented her religious exemption to the Vilar Center and was not permitted to enter. She felt discriminated against and stood behind her right as a parent to decide whether or not to vaccinate herself and her family. 2 12/14/2021 Robert Good spoke about the police officers in attendance. He knew the officers and believed they stood to protect his freedom not to protect the commissioners against him. He believed the emergency was over. The numbers were down,hospitalizations were down and he asked that the mask mandate end. Rebekah Zenor spoke. One of the greatest failures by Public Health was to talk about the effectiveness of the various types of masks. She heard a rumor that the current mask mandate would end and hoped it was true. Chairman Scherr closed public comment. Business Item(s) 1. Resolution 2021-104 Authorizing Revision of Commissioner Districts Regina O'Brien Executive Summary: This resolution finalizes the new Commissioner District lines based on the 2020 Census data. Regina O'Brien, Eagle County Clerk&Recorder, spoke about the resolution. There had been a public work session, a public hearing on the matter so the residents had an opportunity to weigh in and view the new boundaries. By law,the variation between commissioner districts must be no greater than 5%. The redrawing of commissioner district lines affected anyone interested in running for a certain commissioner district but did not affect voters' ability to vote on all of the commissioners as they ran"at large." Commissioner McQueeney believed the changes made sense. Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the resolution authorizing revision of Commissioner Districts. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. 2. Resolution 2021-105 Concerning the Appointment of Patricia Hammon as Eagle.County's Veterans Service Officer Kathleen Lyons,Human Services Executive Summary: Over 2,000 Veterans call Eagle County home. Our Veteran Services Officer's role is to help link these Veterans and their families to critical medical and financial support services. In 2020, Eagle County Veterans received $7,400,000 in compensation,pension, education and other benefits. These dollars not only help support our vulnerable Veteran population, but also our entire community's economy. This amount has more than doubled since Pat Hammon was first appointed as Eagle County's Veteran Services Officer in 2012. Pat does not stop her work with Veterans when the claim paperwork has been filed,but works with employers to support the hiring of Veterans, Colorado Mountain College to ensure a variety of educational opportunities, community partners to bring a weekly Coffee and Donuts for Veterans and their families to come together for comradery and support,weekly Comeback Yoga for Veterans, and bi-monthly availability of the Mobile Medical Unit from the VA hospital in Grand Junction to support accessible, quality care for our Veterans. This kind of passion and commitment to service is what earned Pat the Leadership Award from the Eagle County Rotary Clubs of Eagle,Edwards, and Vail, in conjunction with the Eagle County Public Safety Council in 2019. By re-appointing 3 12/14/2021 Pat Hammon as our Veterans Service Officer,we offer continuity to the customers she is serving and a higher level of program knowledge for Veterans and their families we have not yet had the opportunity to serve. Colorado Revised Statute § 28-5-801 mandates that the board of county commissioners of each county in the state appoint a veterans service officer for such county for a two-year term. The current appointment term is January 1, 2020—December 31, 2021. The proposed term is for January 1, 2022 -December 31,2023. Ms. Lyons stated that this was Ms. Hammons second 10-year term. Ms. Hammon believed it was an honor and appreciated the support by Megan Birch and Kathy Lyons. Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the resolution concerning the appointment of Patricia Hammon as Eagle County's Veterans Services. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 3. Resolution 2021-106 Adoption of the 2022 Budget Jill Klosterman, Finance Executive Summary: Public meeting for the 2022 budget presentation is scheduled for December 7th, 2021. Public notice will be completed on December 2nd, 2021 and again on December 9th, 2021. Appropriations will be made in the December 14th, 2021 public meeting. Ms. Klosterman stated that this was the final approval of the budget for 2022. The total appropriations for the all Eagle Count Funds equaled$167,003,303. Commissioner McQueeney believed the process was a good example of transparency. Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the resolution adopting the 2022 Budget. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. 4. Resolution 2021-107 to Certify Eagle County Government's 2022 Mill Levy Jill Klosterman,Finance Ms. Klosterman stated that the resolutions certified the mill levies. The mills were split amongst the various agencies. Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the resolution certifying the Eagle County Government's 2022 Mill Levy. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners, the vote was unanimous. Commissioner McQueeney moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Eagle County Housing and Development Authority. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was unanimous. Eagle County Housing and Development Authority 1. First Amendment to Agreement Between Riverview Apartments Preservation, LP and BluSky Restoration Contractors 4 12/14/2021 Daniel Murray,Housing Executive Summary: The requirements by HUD to complete the ADA repairs required Riverview to move four families for 3-4 months from their apartments. In addition,the updates were not fully ADA compliant and would only satisfy the minimum requirements,but would likely have to be updated at a later date. Being that Riverview has the funds available and has been working with an architect and a contractor,we have designed a fully ADA compliant units for our current and future residents which will be completed now. Since the units are currently vacant,this work will add minimal time to the process but provide a higher ease of living for the needs of Riverview's disabled families. Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the first amendment to the agreement between Riverview Apartments Preservation LP and BluSky Restoration Contractors. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners, the vote was unanimous. 2. Approval of the 2022 Eagle County Housing and Development Authority Budget Jill Klosterman,Finance Executive Summary: Approval of the 2022 Eagle County Housing and Development Authority Budget. Ms. Klosterman presented the highlights. Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the 2022 Eagle County Housing and Development Authority Budget. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner McQueeney moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Housing and Develop[ment Authority and reconvene as the Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation 1. Approval of the 2022 Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation Budget Jill Klosterman,Finance Executive Summary: Approval of the 2022 Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation Budget for approval by the board. Jeff Shroll moved to approve the 2022 Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation Budget. Commissioner McQueeney seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner McQueeney moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation and reconvene as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was unanimous. 5 12/14/2021 Work Session - Eagle County Room 1. Mental Health Fund Update and Mental Health Advisory Committee Funding Recommendations Mandy Ivanov and Joan Dieter, Eagle County Public Health&Environment Executive Summary: The Mental Health Advisory Committee, appointed by the BoCC,has made recommendations for how the Mental Health Funds from the marijuana tax could be spent in 2022. In addition to these recommendations,the public health team will share the revenue and funding trends since 2019 and vision for addressing behavioral health in the coming years with these dollars. 2. Airport Update David Reid,Airport Executive Summary: General airport update,to include information on the upcoming Winter Season, airline industry update,ongoing/existing airport projects, and staff changes. Board of Health - Eagle County Room 1. Eagle County Board of Health Meeting Heath Harmon, Public Health&Environment Executive Summary: The current public health order is set to expire on Dec 17. During this meeting,will present current trends,possible forecasts, and any proposed revisions to the order. Cf EAGie IONThere being no further business ,the meeting was adjourned until December 21,2021. RA00 Attest: _ . ryi erk the Board irman 6 12/14/2021