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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/09/2021 PUBLIC HEARING
November 09, 2021
Present: Matt Scherr Chairman
Jeanne McQueeney Commissioner
Kathy Chandler-Henry Commissioner
Jeff Shroll County Manager
Regina O'Brien Clerk&Recorder
This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were presented to the Board of County
Commissioners for their consideration:
Commissioner Updates
Commissioner McQueeney did not have an update.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry thanked the County Clerk's team and election judges for their time
conducting a secure and successful election.
Commissioner Scherr recognized the Vail Symposium for two upcoming programs,the"State of the
Valley"with the Vail Valley Partnership and the last program of the season, a"Comprehensive Look at U.S.
County Manager Updates
County Manager Jeff Shroll spoke about attending an airport conference last week and the goal to get low
cost air carriers into the airport. He also reminded everyone that county offices would be closed on Thursday,
November 11 in honor of Veteran's Day, and he thanked all of the veterans who served.
Consent Agenda
1.Agreement for Services between Eagle County and D&D Manzanares, Inc. d/b/a ServiceMaster Commercial
Cleaning Solutions for services at Eagle County Facilities
Ron Siebert,Facilities Management
2. Resolution 2021-087 Authorizing the Removal of the Eagle County Sales Tax and Mass Transit Sales Tax
Vendor Fee
Jill Klosterman,Finance
3.Agreement between Eagle County and Vail Honeywagon Enterprises LLC for the Transportation of Recyclable
Material from Drop-off Collection Sites
Mandi Nolan, Solid Waste&Recycling
4. Resolution 2021-088 Approval for Amended Final Plat for 362 Redtail Ridge,AFP-9167-2021
Michael Sylvester, Planning
5. Intergovernmental Agreement with Eagle River Water and Sanitation District for the Minturn Interceptor Aerial
Crossing and Pedestrian Bridge
Kevin Sharkey, ECO Trails
6. Encroachment Easement Agreement between Eagle County and Frying Pan Rendezvous for Work on Frying
Pan Road
Julie Pranger,Engineering
7. First Amendment to Subdivision and Off-Site Improvement Agreement for the Edwards Riverfront Estates
Final Plat-Collateral Amount Correction
Nicole Mosby, Engineering
8. Final Collateral Release for Public Improvements -6 West PUD
Rickie Davies,Engineering
Jill Klosterman spoke about the removal of the vendor fee which had been in place since 1981. The State
recently updated its system and technically made it much easier to receive payments. The resolution eliminated
the sales tax vendor fee(service fee) for Eagle County sales and mass transit taxes. For most of the 5000 different
retailers, this had limited impacts. The State increased its fee to 4%from 3.33% and capped large retailers at
$1,000 a month. She believed it was in the best interest to eliminate the fee from the county collected sales tax.
Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the Consent Agenda for November 9, 2021, as presented.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Constituent Input
Brenda Wyatt, Eagle resident, spoke. She thanked the BoCC for all the work they did. It was appreciated
especially during these tumultuous times. She expressed confusion about the term limits on the ballot because the
2010 verbiage was very clear, and she felt the 2021 verbiage was not. She wondered what was going to be done
about it. She questioned why it was changed and who changed it. She believed it had a hint of impropriety.
Commissioner Scherr stated that the Board of County Commissioners approved that ballot language.
Buddy Doll spoke. He read an article from the November 8,2021 issue of Vail Daily. He recognized the
Resolution that included the ballot language. He felt it was"city slicker"talk the way the ballot language was
written. He also believed that the Vail Daily article implicated County Attorney Bryan Treu.
Kelly Ricka,resident of Avon, spoke. She referenced a Vail Daily article which stated that the board was
surprised to see such a large margin of support for Ballot Issue 1A. She also referenced the 2010 ballot language
and the fact that it was voted down. She also read the 2021 ballot language. She agreed that whether it was
intentional or not,people felt deceived.
Celena Olden, Eagle resident, spoke. She expressed frustration for the 1A ballot language as well. She
attended the meeting when the attorney presented the argument for making the case for extending the term limits.
She believed the board and the county attorney were working together on something that would benefit them to
extend the terms. The way it was written implied cooperation. Another term would amount to almost a half million
dollars for each of them. The way it was done was suspect, and she was very disappointed. It was misleading.
Amy Susargent,Eagle resident, spoke. The word"limited"was deceitful. The language should have been
"extended." It mislead many people.
Bob Good, Eagle resident, spoke. He also thought the 1A language was misleading. He spoke about the
mask mandate and wanted hard evidence that masking kids was helping reduce the spread of COVID and that it
was safe for children to wear masks.
Heather Bergquist, Gypsum resident, spoke. She also believed that ballot question 1A was misleading. If a
county attorney was paid with tax dollars to craft the ballot measure, it wasn't accidentally chosen. It was
intentionally deceptive. If the board approved the language, they were complicit. How can the constituents be
assured that the board's primary goal was to serve and represent the best interest of the community? Should the
public assume that vaccinating kids is in their best interest or the board's? She suggested the ballot language be
simple and direct.
Jan Rosenthal, Eagle resident, spoke. She was a communications major,albeit many years ago. She voted
the right way but had to decipher what the language was. She read emails from people who were working and
could not attend this meeting. One email said that the language was extremely confusing and was shameful;new
and fresh ideas were needed. A re-vote was needed. The average voter would hardly be in the position to decipher
this question. A ballot question should not send voters on a quest to Colorado law. The measure should be clear for
voters. There were over 146 comments on the Eagle County Classified post, and only one thought that the
language was not misleading. Without a re-vote,there was no integrity.
Susie Huxford,Edwards resident, spoke. This vote lost by 2200 votes while the last one lost by 5200 votes.
Per Eagle County Clerk and Recorder Regina O'Brien,the ballot language comes from the board and the County
Claire Nobel,Edwards resident, spoke on behalf of the Vail Symposium. She shared that the State of the
County presentation would take place at 8:30 a.m. at Colorado Mountain College in collaboration with the Vail
Valley Partnership. It will be airing live on Channel 18. Folks who weren't able to attend in person could watch
Terrie Fischer,Eagle resident, spoke. She expressed frustration for 1A, the vaccinate mandate,the mask
mandate. She asked the board how they sleep at night.
Kris Miller, Edwards resident, spoke virtually. Joanna Kerwin gave her time to Ms. Miller. During the
board meeting on November 4,2021,members of the public were able to speak. At that time,members of the
audience were allowed to speak and questions were answered. This is how it should go. It is unacceptable that
emails sent to the board directly were answered by staff. They do not respond to the public who pay their salary.
Ms. Miller read the 2010 ballot language. The language was very clear and concise and was defeated. She read the
2021 ballot question; she said that this ballot question passed, and this language was crafted by the attorney.
Commissioner Scherr and Chandler-Henry said they were surprised it passed. She had received emails and spoken
with people who thought they were voting for term limits. They felt ashamed or hoodwinked. She was doing her
research on what the recourse was. She stated she always trusted the process and the integrity of leadership in this
valley. She was in disbelief and shock, and she believed the community had lost trust. She implored the board for
answers to these questions: 1. What will you do to rectify the passage of 1A? 2. When can we expect this action
to be taken? 3. When can we expect the return of"Ask Me Anything?' She said everyone deserved answers.
Commissioner Scherr closed public comment.
Commissioner Sherr said that they heard from voters on both sides who were confused. They submitted a
response to the Vail Daily which would be published on November 10, 2021. This public comment had been very
helpful, and he needed to dig in to figure out whether there was an issue. He was uncertain how to address this
right away. He also addressed the Public Health conversation as a smaller setting. From his perspective,the Vail
Daily article was not the end of the conversation. They were trying to make this about limits. He said they do have
a question on revote. He stated this was a big conversation to have, and it was complicated.
Veterans Appreciation
1. Employees &Veteran of the Year Award
Pat Hammon will be presenting appreciation certificates to Eagle County employees who are veterans as
well as presenting the Veteran of the Year Award!
Pat Hammon spoke about the public veterans'ceremony at Freedom Park.Veterans'Day was when we
honored those veterans who were still living. Memorial Day was when we honor those veterans who had passed.
Ms. Hammon recognized the Eagle County veterans:
Trey Pruett,Road and Bridge
Grant Hollis, ECO Transit fleet supervisor
Phillip Kirman, Open space specialist and ranger
Lisa Lowe,Recording Manager
Carolyn Schneider,Assistant Veteran Service Officer
Pat Hammon,Veterans Service Officer
Michael Kelly,Airport Fire&Rescue
Georgiev Vihren, ECO Transit
Business Item(s)
1. Resolution 2021-089 in Support of Eagle County Veterans in Honor of Veterans'Day November 11, 2021
Pat Hammon, Human Services
Executive Summary: Eagle County is home to thousands of military veterans and Eagle County honors the
contributions that service members have made to the cause of peace and freedom around the world. The United
States Congress has designated(5 U.S.C. 6103(a))that November 11 of each year shall be set aside as a legal
public holiday to honor our Nation's veterans.
Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the resolution in support of Eagle County Veterans in
Honor of Veteran's Day November 11,2021.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion,the vote was declared unanimous.
2. Resolution 2021-090 ECO Transit Fares for 2021-2022 Winter Season
Tanya Allen, ECO Transit
Executive Summary: ECO Transit is requesting the BoCC lower the fare on ECO's Vail-Beaver Creek Express
service to a regular$4 one-way fare for the Winter 2021-2022 season.A$7 premium one-way fare was adopted
for this service in 2013,with mixed results. The ECRTA Board has expressed interest in seeing a more frequent
and affordable version of this service as a means to reduce congestion and encourage greater transit ridership
between these two destinations. Removing the premium fare designation is a step in this direction that will allow
us to better assess the viability of this service if offered at a lower price point. It will also encourage broader usage
by making this service available to all regular ECO Transit pass holders.
Ms.Allen spoke about reducing the fare. There was a cost to reducing this fare,but there was grant
funding to offset the cost.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the resolution approving the ECO Transit Fares for
2021-2022 Winter Season.
Commissioner McQueeney seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Commissioner McQueeney moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners and
reconvene as the Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.
Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation
1. Eagle County Airport Terminal(ECAT)Amendment to Agreement with Enterprise Leasing Company of
Denver, LLC
Jodi Doney,Airport
Executive Summary:Amendment to the original lease agreement to extend the terms for one year.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the ECAT Amendment to Agreement with the
Enterprise Leasing Company of Denver,LLC
Commissioner McQueeney seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.
2. Eagle County Airport Terminal (ECAT)Amendment to Agreement with Frontier Rental INC,DBA Dollar Rent
A Car
Jodi Doney,Airport
Executive Summary:Amendment to the original lease agreement to extend the terms for one year.
Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the ECAT Amendment to Agreement with Frontier Rental
INC,DBA Dollar Rent A Car.
Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Airport Terminal Corporation and
reconvene as the Eagle County Eagle County Board of County Commissioners.
Commissioner McQueeney seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.
Public Hearing - Eagle County Room
1. Redistricting Discussion
Regina O'Brien, Clerk&Recorder
Executive Summary: Discussion of 2020 census data and presentation of possible commissioner district line
Offsite Meeting -Airport Conference Room, Gypsum
1. Leadership Discussion
Executive Summary: The Commissioners, County Manager's Office and County Attorney will meet to discuss
streamlining decision making and other performance optimization efforts.
There being no further busines :P • - .. .,d,the meeting was adjourned until November 16,2021.
Attest'r` 0/ LAp° i I `C
Clerk to the Board airman tAl