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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/19/2021 PUBLIC HEARING October 19, 2021 Present: Matt Scherr Chairman Jeanne McQueeney Commissioner Jeff Shroll County Manager Beth Oliver Deputy County Attorney Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board Absent: Kathy Chandler-Henry Commissioner This being a scheduled Public Hearing,the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Commissioner Updates Chairman Scherr noted the absence of Commissioner Chandler-Henry who was attending a Colorado River District meeting. Commissioner McQueeney stated that she attended the Children's Campaign Fundraiser last week in Keystone. There were copies of the"Kids Count"report circulated and she picked up a few. The report was published each year and highlighted the State of Colorado in terms of children, early childhood,K-12, and health. She had the reports and more coming if anyone from the public was interested in reviewing one. Chairman Scherr reminded everyone that ballots had been mailed. If anyone in Eagle County had not received their ballot they could contact the Clerk's Office or go to to check their voter registration. He encouraged everyone to vote and thanked all the people running for office. County Manager Updates Jeff Shroll expressed appreciation for the law enforcement agencies around the valley. He just got back from"Coffee with a Cop"in Edwards, and he really appreciated that they were willing to meet with the public and be open and accessible. Constituent Input Chairman Scherr opened public comment. Joanne Rock,Eagle resident, spoke. She believed that people 0-12 years of age needed good parents, from 12-24, needed good grades, from 24-36 needed good looks, and from 36 on,needed cash. She believed that people 25-72 were in their earning years. She recently met with Representative Dylan Roberts about the Homestead Extension and doing things to expand it. She came up with the idea to cap school administration salaries and benefits at$120,000 and reallocate the money. She spoke about the possibility of putting some container homes on county owned property and making a competition with the school kids utilizing Habitat for Humanity materials. She suggested starting with two units, one for Battle Mountain and one for Eagle County High School. Lastly, she 1 10/19/2021 suggested that the three minute rule should be expanded to five when there were fewer people wanting to speak about important topics during public comment. Kim LaBore from Gypsum spoke. She believed the mask mandate was a deprivation of freedom and setting a bad example. Pamela Chapman of Gypsum read from the Constitution and expressed support for equal rights and the power of governments. She hoped that after hearing that 96%of the eligible community were vaccinated that the mask mandate would be lifted. She asked again why the kids were still being masked. Commissioner McQueeney clarified that the statistic she quoted was that almost 93%of those who were eligible for the vaccine had received at least one dose. Bob Good asked about Heath Harmon's presence and believed that he needed to work from his office where he was accessible. He did not believe the vaccine was FDA approved. He believed that someone should be held accountable. The schools refer to the mask as an intervention. He wondered if there was any medical evidence that masking worked. Lori Diversey from Eagle spoke. She believed it was all about control and money. She believed that the shot was just an injection that may or may not work. She was tired of the fear campaign. Masks were ridiculous and ineffective. Chairman Scherr closed public comment. Business Item 1. Resolution 2021-083 Supporting Ballot Issue 1A -Modifying Term Limits for the Office of County Commissioner Bryan Treu, County Attorney Executive Summary: The Board of County Commissioners for Eagle County is authorized by section 1-45-117(1)(b)(III)(A)to pass a resolution taking a position of advocacy on any local ballot issue. The Board desires to pass a resolution supporting Eagle County Ballot Issue 1A. Beth Oliver provided some background. The purpose of the resolution itself was in support of the passage of the Ballot Issue 1A. Chairman Scherr believed it took time for commissioners to create familiarity among their peers and represent the county on a state and federal level more capably. This would add a third term to Eagle County Commissioner term limits. Commissioner McQueeney believed it was about whether the voters saw the benefit of the work that could be done on housing, land use,transportation with the relationships at the state and federal level. Building relationships with state legislators took time. Chairman Scherr read a statement by Commissioner Chandler-Henry expressing support for the resolution. Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the resolution supporting Ballot Issue IA-Modify Term Limits for the Office of County Commissioner. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was unanimous. 2. Resolution 2021-084 Authorizing the Eagle County Good Deeds Program and the Purchase of Deed Restrictions Through the Eagle County Good Deeds Program and Authorizing the Eagle County Housing and Development Authority to Act as the Fiscal Agent for the County and to Administer Program and to Execute Documents Associated with the Same Kim Bell Williams, Housing 2 10/19/2021 Executive Summary: In July 2021, the Eagle County Housing and Development Authority team presented a series of new initiatives to address the housing challenges in today's market. The programs are called Bold Housing Moves,and include a program, called Eagle County Good Deeds,that would purchase deed restrictions on open market properties. For your approval today is the resolution to explain the program and provide fiscal agency for the $2,000,000. The Eagle County Good Deeds program will purchase a deed restriction on an open market property in exchange for a one time cash purchase, and shall be recorded against the property. The maximum program purchase price is $850,000 with a purchase of either 5%(up to$42,500)or 15%(up to $127,500) in exchange for a resident occupied or price capped deed restriction. The property will then be restricted to local buyers for future sales. More details on the Bold Housing Moves can be found at Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve resolution authorizing the Eagle County Good Deeds Program and the purchase of deed restrictions through the Eagle County Good Deeds Program and authorizing the Eagle County Housing and Development Authority to act as the Fiscal Agent for the County and to administer the program and to execute documents associated with the same. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. 3. Resolution 2021-085 Authorizing the Eagle County Rental Assistance Program and the Support of Rental Payments Through the Eagle County Housing Rental Assistance Program and Authorizing the Eagle County Housing and Development Authority to Act as the Fiscal Agent for the County and to Administer Program and to Execute Documents Associated with the Same Kim Bell Williams,Housing Executive Summary: In July 2021, the Eagle County Housing and Development Authority team presented a series of new initiatives to address the housing challenges in today's market. The programs are called Bold Housing Moves,and include a program, called the Rental Assistance program, that would provide rental assistance in the form of first and last month's rent at the start of a one-year lease agreement for year round employees in Eagle County. A portion of that payment or all of it may then be paid back into the program over the life of the lease. For your approval today is the resolution to explain the program and provide fiscal agency for the $125,000 dedicated to the program in 2021. More details on the Bold Housing Moves can be found at Kim Bell Williams reviewed some of the upcoming programs: cash buyer program,ADU loan program, long term rental program,and the homeless stability program. All the information could be found on the website under"Bold Moves". Commissioner McQueeney expressed excitement about the new programs. Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the resolution authorizing the Eagle County Rental Assistance Program and the support of rental payments through the Eagle County Housing Rental Assistance Program and authorizing the Eagle County Housing and Development Authority to act as the Fiscal Agent for the County and to administer the program and to execute documents associated with the same. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was declared unanimous. 3 10/19/2021 Commissioner McQueeney moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners, the vote was unanimous. Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation 1. Agreement for General On-Call Services Between Encore and ECAT Koltin Howard-Talbott,Airport Executive Summary: This on-call service agreement between Encore and ECAT is for work on the terminal roof drain project and misc. on-call services for the duration of the contract. Jeff Shroll stated that the agreement was cut and dry. An electrician was needed on a regular basis and this on-call agreement provides these services. Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the agreement for general on-call services between Encore and ECAT. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner McQueeney moved to adjourn as the Eagle Air Terminal Corporation and reconvene as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was unanimous Work Session - Eagle County Room 1. Black Bear Population Management Plan for the Roaring Fork and Eagle Valleys (DAU B-11) Event - Eagle Vail 1. Ribbon Cutting: Eagle Valley Trail in Eagle Vail Business Center 4t1`°F E4G1 There being no further business s= •��' d, the meeting was adjourned until October 26, 2021. Attest. s°AADO l l ' Clerk to the Board Chairman 4 10/19/2021