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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/12/2021 PUBLIC HEARING October 12, 2021 Present: Jeanne McQueeney Chairman Pro-Tem Kathy Chandler-Henry Commissioner Mike Nugent Chief Strategy Officer Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board Absent: Matt Scherr Chairman This being a scheduled Public Hearing,the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Commissioner Updates Commissioner Chandler-Henry gave a shout out to the Eagle County Open Space crew. This week was the Colorado Open Space Alliance Conference in Vail. Land stewardship,open lands, and care of conservation easements would be discussed. Chairman Pro-Tem McQueeney gave a shout out to the Head Start Policy Council. Every year the Head Start Program elected new members. She applauded the folks who were willing to put their names in and those who were selected. County Manager Updates Mike Nugent stated that he had no updates. Consent Agenda 1.Agreement Between Eagle County and Eagle County School District RE-50J for Funding of Prevention Coordinators for Eagle County Schools Mandy Ivanov, Public Health&Environment 2. First Amendment to modify GOCO Generation Wild funding amount to the Eagle Valley Outdoor Movement and extension of project deadlines Peter Suneson, Open Space 3. Resolution 2021-081 Terminating Special Use Permit ZS-344-94-Tree Nursery Kwndi Brynestad,Attorney's Office 4. Resolution 2021-082 Terminating Special Use Permit ZS-315-91 Water Ski Lake and Wetlands Kaendi Brynestad,Attorney's Office • 5. Professional Services Agreement with Inter-Mountain Engineering for design of the Eagle Valley Trail from Edwards to the BLM Fishing Access 1 10/12/2021 Kevin Sharkey, ECO Trails 6. Final Settlement of Contract Between Frontier Paving Inc. for the 2021 Paving Project Nicole Trujillo,Road&Bridge 7. Approval of the Minutes for the Board of County Commissioner Meetings for August 24 and August 31, 2021 Kathy Scriver, Clerk&Recorder's Office 8. August 2021 Payment Report Jill Klosterman,Finance Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the Consent Agenda for October 12,2021, as presented. Chairman Pro-Tem McQueeney seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was declared unanimous. Constituent Input Chairman Pro-Tern McQueeney opened public comment. Joanne Rock,Eagle resident, stated that she'd been working on a housing plan and had 12 years experience in real estate. She presented a Lego model of a universal design, ranch style duplex. She believed that this type of housing would cater to older people and people with disabilities and could solve some housing issues. Becca Leeper of Eagle spoke about her 12 year old daughter's interest in ballet and the Vilar's vaccination policies as proof of vaccination was required for anyone over 12 years old entering the facility. Due to this policy she and her husband were no longer able to watch their daughter perform. She did not support the vaccine mandate and believed people were losing their freedom in this country. She asked that the board reconsider their mandates. Pamela Chapman of Gypsum spoke. She expressed an interest in history and the government and supported equal rights. She simply requested freedom of choice for Eagle County. She shared a collaboration of studies that detailed the negative effects of face coverings and masks. Celena Olden of Eagle spoke. She expressed concern for the expansion of local, state, and national government to a level pointing to a detriment to society. There had been a loss of jobs and a rush for companies to comply with mandates. She believed the negative effects needed to be addressed. She asked the board to choose to end the mandates. Chairman Pro-Tern McQueeny closed public comment and stated that the latest information about COVID-19 specific to Eagle County was at She was pleased to report that there had been a decrease in cases over the past three weeks. The vaccination rate was now 93%of those who were eligible and had received at least one dose. The county was expecting guidance in the next two or three weeks regarding boosters. She understood that this had not been easy,but it was helpful to remember our goals and bright spots. Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation. Chairman Pro-Tem McQueeney seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was unanimous. 2 10/12/2021 Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation 1. Agreement for Procurement and Installation Services and for On-Call Services Between ECAT and Five Star Airport Alliance Koltin Howard-Talbott,Airport Executive Summary: This Agreement for Procurement and Installation Services and for On-Call Services Between ECAT and Five-Star Airport Alliance is for the procurement and installation of Baggage Measuring Arrays and on-call services for the ECAT baggage handling system. The baggage measuring arrays currently in place have reached end of life and are in need of replacement. These arrays manage and ensure the smooth flow of baggage through the BHS and ensure passengers and baggage make it to their final destinations without delay. Koltin Howard-Talbott,Airport Operations Manager, stated that the agreement was for baggage measuring arrays at the airport for the baggage handling system. The current arrays were failing. There was also an on-call service agreement for the system. There were no other changes to the baggage handling. Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the agreement for procurement and installation services and on-call services between ECAT and Five Star Airport Alliance. Chairman Pro-Tem McQueeney seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was declared unanimous. 2. Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation Board Resolution RE: Federal Stimulus 2021 Jennifer Farineau,Airport Executive Summary: ECAT will irrevocably commit FAA CRRSAA grant funds to debt service via an escrow account managed by Trustee UMB Bank. Jennifer Farineau,Airport Administrative Manager, stated that the resolution addressed the second round of FAA funding for airports for COVID relief. The funds would be set aside and committed to debt service. Commissioner Chandler-Henry asked if the funds would benefit some of the vendors at the airport. Ms. Farineau stated that operation dollars were provided to the terminal tenants to provide relief. Commissioner Chandler Henry moved to approve Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation Board Resolution RE: Federal Stimulus 2021. Chairman Pro-Tem seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was declared unanimous. 3. Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation Escrow Account Agreement Jennifer Farineau,Airport Executive Summary: ECAT will irrevocably commit FAA CRRSAA grant funds to debt service via an escrow account managed by Trustee UMB Bank. Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation Escrow Account Agreement. Chairman Pro-Tern McQueeney seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was declared unanimous. 3 10/12/2021 Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation and reconvene as the Eagle County Housing and Development Authority. Chairman Pro-Tem McQueeney seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was unanimous. Eagle County Housing and Development Authority 1. Agreement for Procurement and Installation Services between Riverview Apartments Preservation LP and BluSky Restoration Contractors,LLC Daniel Murray,Housing Executive Summary: As a HUD requirement for approval of the 2021 refinance of the Riverview Apartments, Riverview must retrofit 4 units to complete UFAS/ADA compatibility. At that point,Riverview would meet the 5%rule of units that are UFAS/ADA accessible. This work must be completed within one year of our closing date which was in March 2021. The work is expected to take 6 weeks and we have budgeted to move out, rehouse and move residents back into the units upon completion. BluSky understands the urgency of a quick turnaround on these units and we believe a start date of 10/11/2021 can have all families fully moved back in by Thanksgiving. To complete the project,we will be utilizing escrow funds held at closing,as well as additional funds from our cash flow. Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the agreement for procurement and installation services between Riverview Apartments Preservation LP and BluSky Restoration Contractors,LLC. Chairman Pro-Tern McQueeney seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was declared unanimous. Patti Liermann,Real Estate Broker Associate with Eagle County Housing, stated that the contract total was $148,000 with a$15,000 contingency for change orders. This was part of Riverview's HUD refinance completed in March. Part of the refinance was that Riverview had to convert four of the apartments to comply with ADA. 2. Intergovernmental Agreement between Eagle County Housing and Development Authority and the Yampa Valley Housing Authority with services provided through The Valley Home Store Kim Bell Williams, Housing Executive Summary: The Eagle County Housing and Development Authority(ECHDA) is partnering through The Valley Home Store(TVHS)with the Yampa Valley Housing Authority(YVHA)to provide real estate brokerage services for their staff. TVHS will hold the real estate license for the property management staff of the YVHA, and act as the employing broker for said staff. Expenses associated with this partnership will be reimbursed by YVHA. The goals of the YVHA and ECHDA align in providing affordable housing and property management services for local housing inventory. Patti Liermann, Real Estate Broker Associate with Eagle County Housing, stated that the agreement allowed the ECHDA to partner and offer services to the Yampa Valley Housing Authority. This was a great opportunity to expand programming with other housing authorities. 4 10/12/2021 Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the intergovernmental agreement between Eagle County Housing and Development Authority and the Yampa Valley Housing Authority with services provided through The Valley Home Store. Chairman McQueeney seconded the motion. Of the two voting commississioners,the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Housing and Development Authority and reconvene as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners. Chairman Pro-Tern McQueeney seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was unanimous. Work Session - Eagle County Room 1. Colorado River District update and Community Funding Partnership Program Discussion y�p�QF EAG(ECGy O There being no further busine 9- : `ard, the meeting was adjourned until October 19, 2021. lloRA0° Attest: A la` ler to the Board C,Wairman 5 10/12/2021