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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/05/2021 PUBLIC HEARING October 5, 2021 Present: Matt Scherr Chairman Jeanne McQueeney Commissioner Kathy Chandler-Henry Commissioner Jeff Shroll County Manager Mike Nugent Chief Strategy Officer Bryan Treu County Attorney Regina O'Brien Clerk&Recorder Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing,the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Commissioner Updates Commissioner McQueeney was pleased to announce that there was now a new Department of Early Childhood at the state level. They were designing programs and the funding streams would be routed into the new department. They will be in Edwards at the Early Learning Center in Miller Ranch on Monday, October 11th from 10:30 a.m. -12:00 p.m. She invited anyone interested in early childhood to attend. Commissioner Chandler-Henry gave an update on last week's seminar on the Colorado River. It was presented by the Colorado River District. All the presentations were available on the Colorado River District website. It was an interesting presentation on drought, climate,precipitation,temperature, and streamflow. Chairman Scherr stated that he also attended the presentation and believed the outlook was dire. The turbines at Lake Powell could stop spinning as early as next summer. On another note,he reminded everyone that today was World Teachers' Day 2021. It was a time to celebrate and say"thank you" for what the teachers did for the children everyday. He mentioned the upcoming election and that there was a school board election, and a candidate in the audience. He thanked those willing to serve. There was a school board forum being held this Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at Homestake Peak. For those unable to attend,the forum would be recorded and shared on the school's website. County Manager Updates Jeff Shroll stated that he had no updates to share. Constituent Input Chairman Scherr opened public comment. Joanne Rock from Eagle spoke. She gave a shout out to Commissioner Chandler-Henry for sharing information from the water seminar. She also attended the water seminar and believed it was well organized and informative. On another subject, she shared a preliminary map on a concept she had to help with affordable housing. She offered to have coffee and review her ideas with the commissioners. She elaborated briefly on the 1 10/05/2021 redistricting issue and asked that the board submit an article to the Vail Daily describing the redistricting impacts to Eagle County. Liz Jones,Mountain Recreation District Board President, introduced herself and shared some updates. Janet Bartnik, Mountain Recreation District board member, spoke about the ballot initiative that included $80 million dollars worth of projects. She was happy to share that with the help from partners,both public and private,they were able to reduce the request to $60 million. There would be no change in the amount or delivery of service that they anticipated in Eagle, Edwards, and Gypsum. Wendy Armstrong from Eagle spoke. She presented a binder full of documents that she said were from medical doctors proving the harm of masks and vaccines. She spoke about a young man that received a vaccine and was in the hospital with severe heart problems which was a side effect of the vaccine. He was pleading to all college athletes not to be vaccinated and stand firm against the tierny being prompted. She showed a picture of a newborn infant shaking as a result of the mother being required to be vaccinated prior to her c-section. She read Psalm 64 and stated that she would continue to pray for everyone that did not see the evil that surrounded us. Claire Nobel of Arrowhead and Director of Programming for the Vail Symposium spoke. She thanked the county for their support of the Symposium. The program on September 23 featured two people from the county, Commissioner Scherr and Peter Suneson, Open Space Outreach Specialist. Mr. Suneson presented a program on beavers and their value to the community. She presented Chairman Scherr with a book Saving Us written by Katharine Hayhoe. This Thursday they were hosting a program on"Eagle County Emergency Preparation." Christy Ball of Avon spoke as a mother of two young girls. She respectfully asked that the county remove the mask mandate in the Eagle County schools. She reminded the board that her children were hers and her burden, not the county's. The science behind the effectiveness of masks should be enough but it also came down to a basic right to choose what was right for her family. She believed that masks should be optional. She supported the right to choose. Chairman Scherr closed public comment. Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation. Commissioner McQueeney seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation 1. Agreement for Professional Services between Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation and Menendez Architects KoltinHoward-Talbott, Airport Executive Summary: This Agreement for Professional Services between Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation and Menendez Architects is for consulting services and preliminary site assessment and requirements; architectural design; civil engineering; structural engineering; mechanical and electrical engineering; cost estimating; facility equipment design and speciation to meet various needs at Eagle County Regional Airport Terminal. Mr. David Reid, Eagle County Aviation Director, stated that Menedez Architects had been used at the airport from time to time for various projects. They planned to use Mr. Menedez's skill as they continue to look at a possible customs facility at the airport. This agreement put in place an agreement for oncall services not to exceed$100,000. Commissioner Chandler-Henry asked about the flight numbers. Mr. Reid stated that there were eight flights a day at times this summer. The flights were up 81%for those summer months. He expected a strong fall and winter season. 2 10/05/2021 Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the agreement for professional services between Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation and Menendez Architects. Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation and reconvene as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner McQueeney seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Work Session - Eagle County Room 1. Redistricting Discussion Regina O'Brien, Clerk&Recorder Executive Summary: Discussion of 2020 census data and presentation of possible commissioner district line revisions. Leadership Offsite - Airport Conference Room 1. Strategic Priorities and Budget Planning Rhea Silverkorn,Administration Executive Summary: The Eagle County Commissioners will meet with the County Manager's Office to discuss strategic priorities and budgets. (;:i.:PGLE co There being no further busill- l'oard,the meeting was adjourned until October 12, 2021. Attest / / a„, 7-7 lerk to the Board Chairman 3 10/05/2021