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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/31/2021 • PUBLIC HEARING August 31, 2021 Present: Matt Scherr Chairman Chandler-Henry Commissioner Jeff Shroll County Manager Kelley Collier Deputy County Manager Matt Peterson Assistant County Attorney Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board Absent: Jeanne Mcueeney Commissioner This being a scheduled Public Hearing,the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Commissioner Updates Chairman Scherr mentioned that Commissioner McQueeney was not in attendance and on a well deserved vacation. Commissioner Chandler-Henry gave a shout out to Speak Up Reach Out, they had their annual event on Saturday as a remembrance for people who had died by suiside and the families and friends who had been affected by it. She reminded people that there were resources available in the county. She thanked everyone who participated. Chairman Scherr stated that he had no updates. County Manager Updates Jeff Shroll gave a heads up that there was heavy rain in the forecast for the next two days which meant Cottonwood Pass would be going into its normal protocol. The county was still working with Garfield County on securing state and federal money for the emergency repairs on Cottonwood Pass. The goal was to make the road safer in anticipation of future Glenwood Canyon closures. Consent Agenda 1.Assignment of Allocation by County for Multifamily Housing Facility Bonds/Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds to the Colorado Housing and Finance Authority Kim Bell Williams,Housing 2. Resolution 2021-066 Authorizing Assignment To The Colorado Housing and Finance Authority of a Private Activity Bond Allocation of Eagle County Pursuant to the Colorado Private Activity Bond Ceiling Allocation Act Kim Bell Williams, Housing 3. Agreement for Services between Eagle County, Colorado and Metropolitan State University Heath Harmon,Public Health&Environment 1 08/31/2021 4.Agreement for Services between Eagle County,Colorado and Colorado State University Health Harmon,Public Health&Environment 5. Memorandum of Understanding Between the Clerk&Recorder and the Board of County Commissioners Concerning the Administration of the Nov 2,2021 Coordinated Election Regina O'Brien, Clerk& Recorder 6. Resolution 2021-067 to Approve Format of the 2021 Coordinated Election IGA and Allow Clerk&Recorder to Sign IGA Regina O'Brien„ Clerk&Recorder 7. Treasurer and Public Trustee 2nd Qualrter Reports Teak Simonton and Anissa Berge,Treasurer&Public Trustee • Regina O'Brien,Eagle County Clerk&Recorder, elaborated on Items 5 and 6. Item 5,was the MOU between the county commissioners and the Clerk's office, outlining the responsibilities of each party. Item 6,was the IGA that the Clerk's office enters into with any entity that wishes to coordinate for this election. The election was November 2 and voters could check their voter registration information,update information, or register to vote at Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the Consent Agenda for August 31, 2021, as presented. Chairman Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was unanimous. Constituent Input Chairman Scherr opened public comment and stated that 45 minutes was being allocated for public comment today. He explained the board had received a lot of comments via phone calls and emails related to COVID and the mask mandates. He stated that Public Health was aware of the mountains of data and evaluated everything and took everything into account. Nedra Bonta, Eagle resident, spoke. She had grandchildren that attended school at Eagle Valley Elementary. She listened to everyone's comments last week and appreciated them. She agreed with the women who spoke about Vitamin D. She believed that putting the children in masks was the wrong thing to do and was detrimental to their health. She encouraged people to buy children Vitamin D gummies. Anna Roches,Gypsum resident, spoke. She spoke about the trust that was put in the elected officials and what was expected of them. Community members were a part of the community and should be participating in the decisions. The community elected representatives who had the experience and obligation to make decisions based on facts and truth. The officials were paid to follow the truth in matters, and as a constituent, she expected them to explain their decisions and base any decisions on evidence and the needs of the community. She understood the risk but wished to live life fully. Wendy Armstrong of Gypsum spoke. She believed the board did not have the expertise to care for the children in the community nor did the Public Health Director have the expertise to determine whether people should wear masks. She believed the government was taking the rights away from parents. Nicole Atencio, Gypsum resident and a registered nurse at Valley View Hospital, spoke. She believed that there was a lot of conflicting information on both sides. It was confusing and there was a state of fear. The choices she's made for her and her family were based on her personal research. She believed that children needed to be in 2 08/31/2021 school,able to communicate, socialize, and see one another smile. Masking them was a huge detriment to their mental health. Heather Berquest of Gypsum spoke. Over the last 18 months she found one question drifting through her mind,was this really about health? She believed that immunity mattered and the question was how to achieve herd immunity. She believed that natural immunity was the key. The vaccine was an attempt to replicate the natural process in the body. She wondered why children not at risk would be offered a vaccine if this was really about health. Her research showed that natural immunity showed more protection than vaccines. Andrew Osborne of Gypsum spoke. He wondered if the$10.7 million dollars that the county received from the state had strings attached. He wondered if the strings attached required masking children and requiring lockdowns. He believed it was not about health. It was about continuing the pandemic with the money. Chairman Scherr thanked everyone for their time and stated that anyone was welcome to comment or write to the board via email. Business Item(s) 1. Resolution 2021-068 Appointments to the Eagle County Planning Commission Rhea Silverkorn, Administration Executive Summary: Staff is recommending Planning Commission members for the Board of County Commissioners consideration for appointment. 1. Greg Moffet March 31,2024 2. Robert Warner March 31, 2022 3. Tim Carpenter March 31,2022 4. Vern Brock March 31,2022 5. Leah Mayer May 26, 2023 6. Dee Wisor May 26,2023 7. Patrick Scanlan Aug. 10, 2024 8. Christopher Erickson Aug. 10, 2022 9. Claire Noble Aug. 10, 2022 Kelley Collier, Chief Operating Officer spoke about the process. Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the resolution approving the Appointments to the Eagle County Planning Commission. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. 2. Resolution 2021-069 Appointments to the Roaring Fork Valley Regional Planning Commission Rhea Silverkorn, Administration Executive Summary: Staff is recommending Planning Commission members for the Board of County Commissioners consideration for appointment. 1. Phillip Ring Nov. 30, 2024 2. Bob Andre Nov. 30,2023 3. Laura Smith May 26,2023 4. JR Spung Nov. 30, 2024 3 08/31/2021 5. Catherine Maas Nov. 30,2024 6. Karen Barch Aug. 10, 2022 7. Temple Glassier Nov. 30,2022 Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the Appointments to the Roaring Fork Valley Regional Planning Commission. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was declared unanimous. Joanna Kerwin,Edwards resident, spoke in opposition regarding the appointment of Gregg Moffet to the Eagle County Planning Commission due to his offensive comments made during prior public meetings. Chris Neuswanger spore. He believed.Gregg Moffet had contempt for those who ofirer public comment and expressed that he opposed the election of Greg Moffet to the position of Planning Commission member. Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Eagle County Housing and Development Authority. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners. The vote was unanimous. Eagle County Housing and Development Authority 1. Property Management Agreement Between Eagle County Housing and Development Authority and Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Daniel Murray, Housing Executive Summary: ECHDA had agreed to perform property management maintenance services with ERW&SD starting in 2020. Unfortunately,the global pandemic delayed these services. We would like to begin providing these services on 9/1/2021. We are executing a new agreement with updated terms since some things have changed since 2019. Mr. Murray presented the agreement The agreement would allow the Eagle Count Housing and Development Authority to oversee the management of the Stillwater PUD and Cattails Flats property in Edwards. There were 30 units in total. Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the property management agreement between Eagle County Housing and Development Authority and Eagle River Water and Sanitation District. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Housing and Development Authority and reconvene as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was unanimous. 4 08/31/2021 Planning File - Eagle County Room 1.Planning File-PDA-9158-2021: Elliott Ranch Planned Unit Development(PUD)Amendment TJ Dlubac, Contracted County Planner Executive Summary: The applicant, OHP Vail Two, LLC, is requesting to allow a single-family residence on Lot 1 -Lodge Lot,update various sections of the PUD to reflect the new allowed use,and clarify PUD provisions related to applicable subdivision procedures and the required stream setback distance. Dominic Mauriello, Mauriell Panning Group, indicated that he did not have a presentation. He believed the information was outlined in the staff's presenttion. Mr. Dlubac presented a powerpoint. The purpose of the PUD amendment was to allow for a single-family residential use on Lot 1. Proper notice had been done, and no public comment had been received. The Town of Vail expressed concern for both the single family residential and lodge being allowed. The Town of Vail did support the 50 ft. setback from Gore Creek. The Eagle County Planning Commissioner recommended approval of the file with a condition that amended the definition of"lodge lot" to allow for duplex dwellings; primary/secondary lot uses, and Accessory Dwelling Units. He reviewed the standards and indicated that the request met the standards. Staff recommended approval of the file including the recommendation by the Eagle Valley Planning Commission. Commissioner Chandler-Henry asked about the operations of the lodge. Mr. Mauriello stated that for the last decade it had just been lived in by the owner. It was never a viable business. The owner would like to do modifications and make it more of a livable home environment. Commissioner Chandler-Henry asked about the flexibility for housing in the future. She wondered if it was appropriate to amend the PUD guide to allow the uses rather than conditioning the file. Matt Peterson, Assistant Eagle County Attorney,believed amending the PUD was a good way to handle it. Mr. Dlubac added that the goal was to amend the definition in the PUD guide and put both of the conditions in the PUD guide. Staff spent a lot of time refining the language. Nicole Mosly,Eagle County Engineer. stated that the second condition adds that if the lodge were to be a residential use, it could meet the land use code. Commissioner Chandler-Henry believed it was cleaner to amend the PUD guide. Chairman Scherr opened and closed public comment, as there was none. • Commissioner Chandler-Henry believed the proposed amendment met the standards. Commissioner Schen concuned. Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve File No. PDA-9158-2021 with no conditions finding the application meets the standards for approval of a PUD Amendment. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. �p�,OfE There being no further b .ir : a��'.. a Board,the meeting was adjourned until September 7,2021. ,o,uc, Attest: o:ADD , yyp �ti Cler to the Board Chairman 5 08/31/2021