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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/17/2021 PUBLIC HEARING August 10, 2021 Present: Matt Scherr Chairman Jeanne McQueeney Commissioner Chandler-Henry Commissioner Jeff Shroll County Manager Beth Oliver Deputy County Attorney Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing,the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Commissioner Updates Commissioner Chandler-Henry reminded everyone about an Open Space celebration this Thursday,August 12th from 4 p.m. -6 p.m. The reason for the celebration was that the Brush Creek Valley Ranch and Eagle Open Space was a 2021 Starbursts Award recipient awarded from the Colorado Lottery. Commissioner McQueeney gave a shout out to the County Manager's Office for stepping up last week while the commissioners were on vacation and taking care of business. She also mentioned the passing of Michael Cacioppo. He was an interesting character, and it was interesting to read of his passing because just the week prior the board had been talking about not having seen him in a while. He was an asset to the community and would be missed. Commissioner Scherr also spoke about Mr. Cacioppo. He was a character and would be missed. County Manager Updates Jeff Shroll stated that he would also miss Michael Cacioppo. They went back 30 years with the Town of Gypsum. They'd had some good laughs and arguments. He was a good reminder of why the government needed to maintain its transparency and authenticity. He also gave a shout out to the ECO Transit team and drivers for transporting passengers of a Greyhound bus that had gotten stuck on Coffeepot Road. Lastly he wished Pam Boyd, a Vail Daily reporter, and her husband John the best as they were moving out of the area. He thanked Ms. Boyd for getting the news out and keeping the community informed over the years. Commissioner Scherr also recognized Ms. Boyd for,her amazing journalism. Commissioner McQueeney added her appreciation. She had really enjoyed the articles Ms. Boyd had written over the years and thanked her for her time and dedication. Commissioner Chandler-Henry added her thanks. Ms. Boyd was diligent and explained things clearing, which was a rare talent. She kept people on their toes, informed, and honest. Pam Boyd stated that her career began in the Eagle Valley at the Eagle Valley Enterprise and believed she was lucky to do what she enjoyed doing. She was leaving the area but would be doing some freelance work for the Vail Daily. She believed it had been a privilege. 1 08/10/2021 Consent Agenda 1.Agreement between Eagle County and Eagle County School District RE-50J for Early Childhood Supports Samantha Markovitz,Human Services 2. Third Amendment for Engineering Design of the Eagle Valley Trail in Eagle Vail and Dowd Junction Kevin Sharkey, ECO Trails 3. Ratification of Airport Rescue Grant David Reid,Airport 4. Memorandum of Understanding Between the Local Government Members of the Climate Action Collaborative for the Eagle County Community Rhea Silverkorn,Administration 5. Resolution 2021-056 Approving Final Plat for Edwards Riverfront Estates (Kudel PUD) Rhea Silverkorn,Administration 6. Resolution 2021-057 Approval of a Modification to Condition of Approval No. 3 of the Resolution of Approval for the Kudel Planned Unit Development Rhea Silverkorn, Administration 7. Approval of Final Public Improvements Drawings for Edwards Riverfront Estates(Kudel PUD) Nicole Mosby, Engineering 8. Eagle County approval of the First Amendment to Colorado River Ranch Deed of Conservation Easement Katherine King, Open Space 9. Approval of the Minutes for the Board of County Commissioner Meetings for June 1,June 15, June 22,June 29,2021 Kathy Scriver, Clerk&Recorder's Office 10. June 2021 Payment Report Jill Klosterman,Finance Beth Oliver,Deputy Eagle County Attorney,provided some background information for Items 5 and 6 related to the Kudel PUD. On January 21,2020,the board approved the Kudel PUD. On May 18,2021 the board approved a final plat for the Kudel PUD. At the time the final plat was approved,the name was changed to the Edwards Riverfront Estates. The resolutions document the approval of the final plat and would modify one of the conditions of approval from the prior preliminary plan approval. She wanted to make certain that the conditions from the preliminary plan matched the condition to the final plat. Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the Consent Agenda for August 10,2021, as presented. Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 2 08/10/2021 Constituent Input Chairmen Scherr opened public comment. Heather Bergquist of Gypsum spoke. She stated that she spoke here a few months ago concerned about the trajectory that she was observing regarding COVID restrictions for children and the harm being promoted against them in the name of health. The burden of proof was on the local government to show the actual risk,effectiveness of the intervention, and if the vaccine was the solution to the pandemic specifically for the children. She stated that the FDA had never approved an mRNA vaccine and Moderna had never had an approved vaccine. How could they call something safe and effective which had already taken 12,366 lives in the United States? She had been concerned about previous attempts at a coronavirus vaccine,none of which had successfully made it past the animal trials without injuring or killing the majority of animals in the trial. Andrew Osborne of Gypsum spoke. He believed that more people die from wearing masks and bacterial pneumonia than they did from the Spanish Flu. Masks didn't work and were dangerous. He noted that CDC had never isolationed any COVID-19 virus. The PCR tests were not accurate. He also believed something needed to be done with Cottonwood Pass. The road needed to be a viable alternative. Celina Olden of Eagle echoed the comments of the previous speakers. She believed that all the recommendations being followed by the commissioners did not fall on hard science. She believed that Dr. Anthony Fauci was involved in the patent of the virus. She believed there was involvement of the Centers for Disease Control and National Institute of Health by the direction of Anthony Fauci. People had a lot to gain by the manufacturing of the virus,to the vaccine, and all the rollouts affecting everyone. She believed we were headed towards an economic disaster. The mask mandates were creating division among citizens, families, friendships, and schools. The fallout of a mask mandate was horrific. The virus had not been isolated or proven. The government getting involved with shutting businesses down and telling businesses and people what to do was unacceptable. She believed a lot more was known now, and the community was looking at community leaders to not shut down business or impose mask mandates and to backoff of the vaccine mandates. Michelle Morgan of Gypsum spoke. She was pleased that the mask mandates had been lifted. The information being provided by the World Health Organization, CDC,NIH and others was all over the place and a task to understand the data. The voters of Eagle County have put their trust in the board to represent them and protect their constitutional rights,which included their right to choose whether they wanted to wear a mask,receive medical testing,take part in experimental vaccines, or to test medical therapies available for COVID. As the board navigated the public health policies being introduced, she asked them to consider the data with the strictest discernment. She trusted that the wellbeing of every member of the community was at the top of their mind when considering implementation of the policies. She and hundreds of people she knows support their efforts. Chairman Scherr closed constituent input and thanked everyone for taking their time to share their thoughts. He noted that the board had a work session today regarding Cottonwood Pass and would be meeting with the Garfield County Commissioners as well to discuss potential improvements. Business Item(s) 1. Resolution 2021-058 Concerning an Appointment to the Minturn Cemetery District Board of Directors Rhea Silverkorn, Administration Executive Summary: This Resolution reappoints Art Chavez to the Eagle Cemetery District Board of Directors. Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the resolution concerning an appointment to the Minturn Cemetery District Board of Directors. Commissioner McQueeney seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous 3 08/10/2021 2. Intergovernmental Agreement with Eagle Valley Library District for Installation of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations John Gitchell, Sustainable Communities Executive Summary: Eagle County's transition to electric vehicles(EVs)is underway, and four new charging stations are needed near the Eagle County Building to power the all-electric employee car-share program. The Eagle Valley Library District would like to provide EV charging as a service to their staff and visitors. A collaborative partnership with the Library District as described in this Intergovernmental Agreement allows the County to install four(4) charging stations in the Eagle Library parking area for use by County fleet vehicles,and two (2)charging stations for use by Library staff and visitors. Conduit will be provided north of the Library for addition of EV charging stations as public demand increases over time. Mr. Gitchell stated that there were currently 12 charging stations throughout the county, 8 - Level 2 stations and 4-Level 3 stations; the Level 3 stations provided a rapid charge. This agreement would allow for improvements to the charging infrastructure by adding six additional charging stations at the Eagle Valley Library. Eagle County Government had the largest network of charging stations, but they were starting to see the DC Fast Charging Stations pop up at every major exit along I-70 through-out the county. Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with Eagle Valley Library District for installation of electric vehicle charging stations. Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 3. Resolution 2021-059 for Eagle County Regional Transportation Authority(ECRTA)Board Appointments Executive Summary: Resolution for appointments to the ECRTA Board for the Towns of Avon and Minturn as well as Beaver Creek Resort Company. The appointments set for regular and alternate members for each entity as well as restate the existing members. Each of the appointments in this resolution expire in February 2024. Tanya Allen, ECO Transit Regional Transportation Director, stated that the board was voluntary. The board provided input, advice, and recommendations for the ECO Transit service. Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the resolution for Eagle County Regional Transportation Authority Board Appointments. Commissioner McQueeney seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Commissioner McQueeney moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Eagle County Housing and Development Authority. Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Eagle County Housing and Development Authority 1. Deed Restriction Agreement for Resident Occupied For Sale Housing at the Edwards Riverfront Estates Rhea Silverkorn, Administration 4 08/10/2021 Executive Summary: This is the Deed Restriction Agreement for Resident Occupied Housing that will be recorded against two of the Lots in the Edwards Riverfront Estates, in accordance with the Housing Plan approved as part of the Kudel PUD Preliminary Plan approval. Beth Oliver, Deputy Eagle County Attorney,provided some background information. Both of the deed restrictions would be recorded following the recording of the Final Plat. Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the deed restrictions agreement for residents occupied for sale housing at the Edward Riverfront Estates. Commissioner McQueeney seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. 2. Declaration of Restrictive Covenant for Real Estate Transfer Assessment Rhea Silverkorn,Administration Executive Summary: This is the Restrictive Covenant being imposed by the Developer of the Edwards Riverfront Estates PUD that imposes a two percent(2%) transfer fee on the transfer or conveyance of the two of the Lots in the Edwards Riverfront Estates, in accordance with the Housing Plan approved as part of the Kudel PUD Preliminary Plan approval. Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the Declaration of Restrictive Covenant for Real Estate Transfer Assessment. Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Housing and Development Authority and reconvene as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner McQueeney seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Work Session - Eagle County Room 1. Cottonwood Pass-potential improvements Garfield County Joint Meeting - Glenwood Springs 1. Garfield County Joint Meeting- Cottonwood Pass F O AGLECo WQy Goa There being no further business b oa d the meeting was adjourned until August 17,2021. ` \ cofORA4° Attest' / lerk to the Board Chairman 5 08/10/2021