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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/04/2021 SPECIAL MEETING August 4, 2021 Present: Jeanne McQueeney Chairman Pro-Tern Chandler-Henry Commissioner Steve Mallory Assistant County Attorney Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board Absent: Matt Scherr Chairman This being a scheduled Public Hearing,the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: A. On The Record - Virtual B. Constituent Input -Any member of the public may address the Board on matters which are within the jurisdiction of the Board. If you are addressing the Board regarding a matter listed on the agenda, you are requested to hold your comments until the Board takes up that matter. Please limit your comments to three(3)minutes. There were no members of the public in attendance. C. County Board of Equalization 1. Resolution 2021-054 Regarding Petitions to the Eagle County Board of Equalization 8-4-21 (special meeting) Rhea Silverkorn, Administration • • Executive Summary: Taxpayers who chose to appeal Eagle County Assessor's 2021 valuation(identified on the list of CBOE appeals attached hereto as Exhibit"A")were set for hearing before the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County, organized and convened as the County Board of Equalization for the purposes of adjusting, equalizing, raising or lowering the valuation for assessment of real and personal property within this county, fixed and made by the County Assessor for the year 2021. The Board appointed independent Referees to conduct hearings and to make findings and submit recommendations to the County Board of Equalization for its final action, based upon testimony and evidence presented by the Petitioners and the Assessor's representatives with regard to said petitions. The Referees have recommended adjustments of value or no adjustment of value or the parties have stipulated to a value with respect to those petitions identified. The signatures of the Board are requested upon consideration and approval of the recommendations of the referees. Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the resolution regarding petitions to the Eagle County Board of Equalization 8-4-21 Chairman Pro-Tem McQueeeney seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. 1 08/04/2021 2. Resolution 2021-055 to Correct and Equalize Property Valuation in Eagle County Rhea Silverkorn,Administration Executive Summary: The Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County,Colorado organized and convened as the Eagle County Board of Equalization(the "Board") for the purposes of adjusting, equalizing, raising, or lowering the valuation for assessment of real and personal property within the county, fixed and made by the County Assessor for the year 2021. The Board shall review the valuations for assessment of all taxable property appearing in the assessment roll of the county, correct and errors made by the County Assessor, and,whenever in its judgment justice and right so require, it shall raise, lower, or adjust any valuation for assessment appearing in the assessment roll to the end that all valuations for assessment of property are just and equalized within the county. The Assessor desires that the Board adjust certain real and personal property that has not been previously appealed, for the purpose of correcting errors and equalizing the neighboring lands,more specifically desciibed in the attached Exhibit A. Steve Mallory,Assistant Eagle County Attorney, stated that there were a couple of properties that were deed restricted. This resolution would correct the glitch in the system. Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the resolution to con-ect and equalize property valuation in Eagle County. Chairman Pro-Tern McQueeney seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was declared unanimous. OF EAG(E 4�� COG N a i There being no further business be o : /: . f , he meeting was adjourned until August 10,2021. .0 R 00 Attest: lerk to the Board Chairman 2 08/04/2021