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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/20/2021 PUBLIC HEARING
July 20, 2021
Present: Matt Scherr Chairman
Jeanne McQueeney Commissioner
Mike Nugent Chief Strategy Officer
Holly Strablizky Assistant County Attorney
Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board
Absent: Kathy Chandler-Henry Commissioner
This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were presented to the Board of County
Commissioners for their consideration:
Chairman Scherr shared that Chairman Chandler-Henry was attending the quarterly meeting of the
Colorado River Water and Conservation District.
Commissioner Updates
Commissioner McQueeney spoke about an affordable housing and childcare conference she attended put on
by Housing Colorado. She believed the conference provided some information. There was a lot of funding
available for both employer-based childcare,childcare expansion, and incentives for developers. She encouraged
people to contact her or Kim Bell Williams if they wished to see the presentation. She also gave a shout out to
Senator Bennet who participated in a conference called"Parenting through COVID." At times it was hard to listen
to the stories. It has been an incredibly hard year for parents and educators.
Chairman Scherr reminded folks that the Eagle County Fair and Rodeo would begin this week.
County Manager Updates
Mike Nugent, Eagle County Chief Strategy Officer, extended a heartfelt thank you to all the Eagle County
staff who had been preparing the county to host the rodeo tomorrow. He also stated that there were a number of
positions open with the county right now. If people were looking for work or excited about joining the team,they
could visit for more information about the open positions.
Consent Agenda
1. Memorandum of Understanding between Eagle County Colorado and the State of Colorado for the State of
Colorado Low Income Energy Assistance Program
Blanca Diaz,Human Services
2. Agreement for Procurement and Installation Services between Eagle County and Trane US, Inc for Cooling
Ron Siebert,Facilities Management
3. Subdivision and Off-Site Improvements Agreement Cordillera Valley Club Filing 10
Tylor Ryan,Engineering
4. First Amendment to Agreement Between Eagle County and Gillig,LLC for Transit Buses
Jaren Barnes,ECO Transit
5.Encroachment Easement Agreement Between Eagle County and Michael R.Dantas
Ben Gerdes,Engineering
6. Road Project Agreement Between Eagle County And The USDA,Forest Service,White River National Forest
for Dust Abatement
Nicole Trujillo,Road&Bridge
7. Modification of Grant or Agreement with the Forest Service and Eagle County Extending the Time for Road
Project Agreements
8. Approval of the Minutes for the Board of County Commissioner Meetings for April 6, April 13, and April 27,
Kathy Scriver, Clerk&Recorder's Office
Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the Consent Agenda for July 20, 2021, as presented.
Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was declared
Business Item(s)
1. Resolution 2021-045 Supporting the June 2021 Updates to the Colorado Communities for Climate Action
Policy Statement
Rhea Silverkorn,Administration
Executive Summary: The Eagle County Board of Commissioners recognize the significant impacts to our
community and many others that are already taking place,and the likelihood that these impacts will continue to
intensify in the coming years, including additional infrastructure costs,health impacts to community members,
economic impacts to businesses, water supply and water quality challenges, and others. Eagle County, along with
thirty-eight other municipalities and counties in Colorado,have joined Colorado Communities for Climate Action
("CC4CA"), a coalition of local governments across the state which advocates for state and federal policies which
support clean air,clean water,reduction of fossil fuel consumption and other contributors associated with
greenhouse gas emissions and support the updates to the CC4CA policy statement.
Jacob Smith, Executive Director of the Colorado Communities for Climate Action(CC4CA), introduced
the annual resolution to support the policy statement. Mr. Smith spoke about the coalition of local governments
across the state. The group provided training, workshops,and other resources. He stated that the coalition
engaged on 44 bills during the 2021 session. The changes to the policy statement were minor changes, word
choices, or clarifications.
Chairman Scherr believed the process was through and had a tremendous amount of support from and
engagement with the member communities.
Commissioner McQueeney expressed her appreciation for the work. She believed the members had a
stronger voice together.
Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the resolution supporting the June 2021 Updates to the
Colorado Communities for Climate Action Policy Statement.
Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was declared
2. Resolution 2021-046 Regarding the Eagle Valley Trail: Authorizing and Approving a Site and Improvement
Lease, Lease Purchase Agreement, Certificate Purchase Agreement, Continuing Disclosure Agreement,Tax
Certificate, Official Statement and Related Documents and Transactions in Connection with the Execution and
Delivery by UMB Bank N.A. of the Hereinafter Described Certificates of Participation Series 2021;Authorizing
Incidental Action; Ratifying Action Previously Taken, Repealing Prior Inconsistent Actions; and Providing for
Other Matters Relating Thereto
Brian Treu, Eagle County Attorney,presented the resolution. The trail construction began in 1998. The
goal was to come up with some financing options to complete the trail in the next three to five years. He
introduced the trail committee, Pedro Campos,Dick Clevland,Teak Simonton,Jill Klosterman,Jeff Shroll, and
Kevin Sharkey. The Eagle Valley Trail was a regional trail and would go from the top of Vail Pass to Glenwood
Canyon, about 63 miles long. Of that, 51 miles had been completed. The trail was a huge economic driver and a
win-win across the board. The most recent construction numbers show a cost of$26.5 million dollars to finish the
remaining 12 miles of trail. The goal was to take advantage of historically low interest rates to get it done. What
was before the board for signing was a certificate of participation. He was confident that a majority of the money
would be repaid through ECO sales tax and trail impact fees by the middle of August and the remaining funding
would come from GOCO funding and fundraising efforts.
Kevin Sharkey,ECO Trails Manager, stated that he was excited to get started.
Dick Clevland spoke. He stated that this was his 25th year on the trails committee. Funding for the trails
caused him sleepless nights. He believed the money was obtainable and the trail could be finished in three to five
Commissioner McQueeney expressed excitement and was impressed with the work by the committee.
Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the resolution regarding the Eagle Valley Trail.
Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was declared
Commissioner McQueeney moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners and
reconvene as the Eagle County Board of Equalization.
Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was unanimous.
County Board of Equalization
1. Resolution 2021-047 Regarding Petitions to the Eagle County Board of Equalization 7-20-21
Executive Summary: Taxpayers who chose to appeal Eagle County Assessor's 2021 valuation(identified on the
list of CBOE appeals attached hereto as Exhibit"A") were set for hearing before the Board of County
Commissioners of Eagle County, organized and convened as the County Board of Equalization for the purposes of
adjusting, equalizing,raising or lowering the valuation for assessment of real and personal property within this
county,fixed and made by the County Assessor for the year 2020. The Board appointed independent Referees to
conduct hearings and to make findings and submit recommendations to the County Board of Equalization for its
final action, based upon testimony and evidence presented by the Petitioners and the Assessor's representatives
with regard to said petitions. The Referees have recommended adjustments of value or no adjustment of value or
the parties have stipulated to a value with respect to those petitions identified. The signatures of the Board are
requested upon consideration and approval of the recommendations of the referees.
Rhea Silverkorn,Administration Team Leader for the County Board of Equalization, stated that this was
the second round of property tax appeals. The resolution before the board approved the decisions made by the
hearing officers on the files from last week.
Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the petitions to the Eagle County Board of Equalization,
July 20, 2021.
Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was declared
Commissioner McQueeney moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Board of Equalization and reconvene
as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners.
Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was unanimous.
Planning File - Eagle County Room
1. Tabling: 10 Acre PUD Final Plat-PDF-9129-2020
Tez Hawkins, Community Development
Executive Summary: The Public hearing for the 10 Acre PUD Final Plat is tabled to a date certain on July 27,
Tez Hawkins, Eagle County Staff Planner, stated that staff recommended that the file be tabled to a date
certain of July 27th. The applicant and staff were still working on the application for final submission prior to the
public hearing.
Brian Rose,the applicant, stated that he supported the tabling.
Mr. Hawkins reminded the public that the file would be heard in Eagle and anyone wanting to provide
public comment would need to register on the Eagle County Planning website. The applicant would be attending the
meeting virtually due to the road conditions in Glenwood Canyon.
Commissioner McQueeney moved to table file number PDF-9129-2020, 10 Acre PUD Final Plat, to a date
certain on July 27,2021
Chairman Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was unanimous.
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There being no further business\ e . = . d,the meeting was adjourned until July 27,2021.
Attest: \
Jerk to the Board Chairman